Wangfu Chongqie 1

Wangfu Chongqie

     In the spring of March, the days in Jinju are warm and cold.
     Just before the rain, the patter was connected for two days, but I still did not stop.
     It was cold again, and it was wet everywhere. When the wind blew, the chill was sewed along the clothes of the people, and people could not help but make a chill.
     Jin-Wang went to the upper town before, not in the government. Yao-Niang asked the person to give a message to the sister-in-law, so that they would bring Xiao bao to show it to themselves.
     Since entering this Jin-Wang House, she has not seen Xiao bao for more than a year.
     Yao-Niang is favored in the palace, and Wangfei is especially good at his face, so Yao-Niang is looking for someone to go out and talk, so many people are willing to do this errand. On the day, brother-in-law Yao Chenghe and sister-in-law niang sat in a green car and came to the back door of Wangfu, and Yao-Niang, who was anxious and anxious in his heart, had been waiting here.
     “Madam still led the Madam to the house, and it’s not like standing here.” Maid said.
     After listening to this, Yao-Niang also realized that people here are coming and going, and it is inconvenient to talk, and she also wants to be fragrant and fragrant with Xiao bao, and then leads the Hui niang with Xiao bao. As for Yao Cheng, he is a foreign man, not suitable for entering the house, naturally there is a hot tea hot meal to say hello.
     Along the way, Yao-Niang's eyes are not staring at Xiao bao.
     This is her son, who has a son who has been born with hardships, but she cannot stay with her for many reasons. When she left, she was only a child in her shackles, but now she is so big.
     It seems that there is a natural blood connection between the mother and the child. Xiao bao initially saw Yao-Niang still looking strange, but staring at this beautiful look, he suddenly smiled and stretched out chubby. Let Yao-Niang hold it.
     Yao-Niang suddenly blinked, took Xiao bao and held it tightly in his arms. I want to cry, but I am afraid of scaring my child, I can only endure it.
     Finally, she waited for her to calm down, and the group continued to walk inside.
     Hui niang carefully followed Mei-mei, and from time to time looked at the surrounding landscape of all the luxuries. Even the Maid in this house looks extraordinarily superior.
     The one worn on the head and worn on the head is also a well-off home. However, niang can't wear such materials to wear such jewelry.
     "Yao Yao, you let me and you my brother-in-law brought Xiao bao, Wangye knows? Will it hinder you?" At the small courtyard where Yao-Niang lives, the butterfly goes down, Hui niang. I was worried about pulling Mei-mei.
     She looked at Mei-mei, who was more and more beautiful.
     Yao-Niang wore a Taohong-colored peony flower scorpion with a dozen-small Luo skirt in the shade of Hunan, and it was slashed with a red-golden silk-embedded red-breasted butterfly.
     This step is very delicate, and the small butterflies hanging down can see the slightly fluttering butterfly wings as if they were alive.
     There is a red treasure in the mouth of the butterfly.
     The head of the red treasure is not big, but the color is extremely beautiful, which makes people feel tremble.
     Mei-mei occasionally stretched out the white jade hand to help the step, the rich gold with the bright red color, the snowy skin, the red lips, a good figure.
     Hui niang is not a man, and the heart is gone.
     Going to see the layout and furnishings in this room, Hui niang knows that Mei-mei is also a good day.
     There are also a few faces in this house, otherwise they will not come here today.
     You can know that Mei-mei is different from other people, but you are waiting for Wangye. Although Wangye did not show his intentions at this time, who knows whether he will care about it in the future, or knows that this matter is born, Mei-mei is so cold, it is not good.
     Yao-Niang didn't think so much, she just missed Xiao bao too much.
     She can't leave the house, she can only let Xiao bao come to the house. For this matter, she began to arrange in advance many days in advance. Although she has a pet, she can't speak in this house. Everything can only look at Wangfei eyes. In order to let Wangfei agree to see her son, she returned to the government from Jin-Wang, and she tried her best to hang around him. She repeatedly gave Hu  Ceefei no face in the Courtyard. Wangfei agreed to this. .
     At this time, listening to the sister said that Yao-Niang is a bit guilty.
     I can think about it, she will be fought after being favored. If the cold-faced Jin-Wang is far away from her, she will not be precarious, for fear that Wangfei eyes will be obstructed by her. .
     In fact, there is still a Yao-Niang who doesn't bother to think more, that is, Jin-Wang is too strong, or it may have been in the border city for a long time. When he came back, he was particularly greedy. Upon returning to the house, she grabbed Hu Tianhu, who had no day and night, and her favor was also passed down.
     In fact, Jin-Wang asked her not to do anything but to say a few words to her.
     Yao-Niang is a small family Jasper, Father is a County-Graduate, but also know a few words, more than some women know some truth, know that Jin-Wang is actually a look like her. I had to bow my head under the eaves and hit her into the Jin-Wang House.
     But all this she will not tell sister, afraid of causing her worry, can only smile and tell her about it.
     Can you really do something?
     Hui niang does not say in the mouth, but my heart is heavy, I always feel that Mei-mei has not changed the past innocent.
     Here, Hui niang thought about it, and Yao-Niang picked up Xiao bao and teased it.
     One year old little baby, it is just a fun time, talking milk and milk, listening to this milk sound is enough to make people feel.
     At this time, Butterfly came in from the outside and said that Wangfei called Yao-Niang to talk in the past and bring Xiao bao with him.
      Sisters face each other, Yao-Niang presses the restlessness of the heart, holds Xiao bao and pulls up the sister will leave the door. On the way to comfort the Hui niang, she also comforted her that Wangfei was a kind person.
     Wangfei is indeed a kind-hearted person, although it looks like it is colder, but Xiao Bao and Hui niang are very different.
     Not only Hui niang a gold bracelet, but also a small treasure of a red gold inlaid treasure collar. It was also to give Yao-Niang a long face, and Wangfei also personally put the gold collar on Xiao bao.
     Since then, Yao-Niang has been uneasy, but has become completely grateful.
     She thinks a lot, I think if Xiao bao can get Wangfei like it, is it easier to see his son in the future? Of course, it must pay a price. For this reason, she even thought of waiting for Jin-Wang to come back from the border town, and what kind of means she used to keep him in her room.
     I remember that he liked it very much in the study. She always refused because of shame. She also attracted his dissatisfaction and even looked for her in the future. In those days, Wangfei treated her as a cold face, and Jin-Wang came to her again to have a good face.
     Otherwise, try this?
     Wangfei didn't stay in Yao-Niang for a long time, saying that let them-sisters talk together and talk about it, let them fall back.
     At noon, Wangfei had a meal, and the two sisters, together with Xiao bao, had a very happy meal.
     It was still early, Yao-Niang retired from the butterfly, and Hui niang sat on the big’servant under the window and slept with Xiao bao.
      Xiao bao leaned in the arms of niang and slept very sweetly.
     "You talked to the sister, it is not good to come to the palace to do the milk niang, how can you wait for Wangye? Wangye, are you waiting for you?" It is also Wangfei kindness that makes angniang fade away from the uneasiness of the heart, so dare to Mei-mei said something like this private.
     Yao-Niang first thought about how to explain to her sister, and then heard the phrase 'good', suddenly blushing.
     Is this good or bad? Let outsiders see that it is good to have a pet, so is he okay for her?
     Seeing Mei-mei, what else does Hui niang still understand? Some sighed with a sigh, said: "Since Wangye is waiting for you, you will serve him with care. I am not afraid that I will not be able to land in the future. Xiao bao, don't worry, there is me and you my brother-in-law looks at it, how can I not be ill-treated? This child."
     Upon hearing this, Yao-Niang couldn't help but look at Xiao Bao in his arms and caressed his little head.
     "You are finally looking forward to it Sister doesn't have to worry about you all the time. You have to be smart, fight for it, don't fight for it, don't fight... Wangfei, treat you, You are honestly obedient, people are big women, you are doing small, you can never move the mind that you shouldn’t have..."
     In fact, Hui niang does not understand the way of life in this palace. She can only tell Mei-mei about her own truth, and Yao-Niang listens carefully and nods.
     And time passed without knowing it.
     Butterfly came in from the outside. "Madam, it's not too late."
     Yao-Niang suddenly felt a tear-like pain in his heart, and wanted to hold it Sister Xiao bao refused to let them go, but on the face was a strong smile and stood up and went to the bedroom to collect things. When she entered the room, she secretly wiped her tears for a while, then wiped her face and took a bag of things and walked out.
     There are clothes she has made for Xiao bao in the past few months.
     There are a lot of things inside and out, all of which are Wangfei good materials, and the clothes that she made for her sister.
     There are also some silver, but it is the monthly money that she has spent for several months. It is the food that Xiao bao fosters in the sister's house.
     She reluctantly sent Hui niang and Xiao bao to the back door. Xiao bao was already awake at this moment, and looked at the Darens with some doubts. Hui niang sighed and comforted Mei-mei to let her not be upset. After she took the opportunity to bring Xiao bao to visit her.
     Yao Cheng has been waiting in the car, Hui niang holding a small treasure on the car.
     Yao-Niang didn't dare to look at this picture. She turned her back and bit her lower lip. She was determined to please Wangfei, and later she would pick up Xiao bao and her sister.
     Thinking about it, the uncomfortable feeling in my heart was finally faded, and she took the butterfly back to the small courtyard.
     For today, she is busy for many days. Every time Jin-Wang goes, she will have to rest for a few days to slow down. In order to meet Xiao Bao to meet these two days, I couldn’t even take a break. When the people left, the air in the heart was also leaked, and suddenly they felt sleepy.
     "Die, don't call me for dinner, I want to sleep for a while." She explained that she entered the bedroom.
     Butterfly behind her, some jealously looked at the other side like the wind and the willows of the back of the graceful eyes, in my heart swearing fox Meizi.
     The entire Jin-Wang House did not know that this Yao Madam was on the way by the fox Meizi, and the Japanese did not shamelessly pull Wangye to her room. Butterfly is serving next to Yao-Niang, so she will not be able to bump into various scenes that are unsuitable for seeing people. Thinking of that day, she is separated by a bill, seeing a graceful shadow on it, and she can’t help but red. At the same time as the face, I took a sip in my heart.
     She grinned and followed up to serve Yao-Niang to change clothes, but made a shrill ‘Call after entering the door.
     I saw Yao-Niang lying on the ground, with no sound, and a black blood on his lips.
     Yao-Niang clung tightly to Xiao Bao hand, and only then could she really feel that she was alive.
     Outside, Suhui-niang is talking to Popo Lishi.
     The two were largely asleep because Yao-Niang was asleep, but the sound was low, but there was no scruples.
     The quarrel between the two men followed the door and drilled in, and got into the heart of Yao-Niang.
     Yao-Niang smiled again and again.
     She died too fast and too eager, only to feel the pain of the internal organs, and people were unaware. Waiting to wake up again, it is not until she has just given birth to Xiao bao.
     When she woke up, she thought she was dreaming, until the one after another happened like a dream, she finally realized that she was not dreaming, but really returned to the original.
     Just why God is not letting her go, why not let her live again before everything has happened, but it is at this time!
     The baby in her arms moved and interrupted the thoughts of Yao-Niang. She gently patted him twice, and Xiao bao fell asleep again.
     The two-month-old baby girl was just opened.
     The five senses are clear, but it is a good appearance, a long narrow eye contour, long eyelashes, a tall nose, and a powdery lip. It really makes people think how they like it.
     If an uninformed person sees this child, I am afraid I will admire that the child Father is definitely a handsome.
     But the child, Father,
     I almost died and lived again. Yao-Niang was not so embarrassed about this matter in my life.
     If it is a heavy life, when nothing has happened, is it not a small treasure?
     I have been a niang for two generations. Although the child was not blessed, and even brought many hardships to her, Yao-Niang still hurt him into the bones. This is her child who worked hard in October to fight her baby, fight not to be famous, and fight for her life, but how can she be willing?
     So the fate is destined that she will give birth to Xiao bao, and the fate is destined to happen.
     It’s all destined!
     Thinking about it, Yao-Niang’s boiling heart finally calmed down.
     So when she heard the words that humiliated her outside, she was not as angry as she thought.
     Outside, Hui niang looked at Li-shi unbelievably, and couldn’t accept the sinful words that came out of her mouth.
     For Popo, she knew that she was not a good match. Anyone can say these words, but she is not qualified.
     Why does Yaoyao suffer from all this, why is she born out of wedlock, because of her good daughter, her good little girl. Her good-looking Mei-mei was just coming over to spend time with her and suffered such a terrible thing.
     The festival is gone, and the most important innocence of the daughter’s family is gone.
     Father is not sighing in sorrow, it is anger, and niang washes his face in tears all day. I was thinking about finding someone who could pass, and married Mei-mei. As long as people don't deny her, she doesn't have an innocent body, but whoever thought Mei-mei had a dark bead.
     Also family neglect, 1st Sao Chengri noisy endlessly, leaving the whole family no peace. Yaoyao suffered from this difficulty, and his heart was stunned. When he found out that he was pregnant with a child, the fetal month was too big and he could not flow.
     Unless it is not life.
     There is no way to stay at home, and she happens to be pregnant, and she will be taken to the side of Mei-mei. I have to cover myself, and when Mei-mei has given birth to a child, and then sends the child out, how can I mix it up?
     Everything is well calculated, but I have neglected a heart that is niang. Mei-mei is reluctant to give Xiao bao.
     They are all mothers, and Hui niang can understand the heart of Bai Mei-mei.
     That is the child who gave birth to a child in October, and stepped into the door of the ghost gate. Every day, if I look at the child who doesn’t see enough in my arms, how can I give it away?
     At the beginning, Popo was guilty of guilty conscience, or was a good face.
     There was something to eat in the family. If she had one, she would have a Yaoyao. But only half a year later, Popo changed his face, and he always said something in front of her.
     She is obsessed with Mei-mei and her shi-zi who lives in her husband's house. Everything is forbearing, but she never thought that Popo was getting worse and worse, and she was sang in front of Yaoyao. Even while she and Yao Yao were negligent, I almost took Xiao bao out and gave it away. If the husband didn't come back in time to stop it all, Hui niang couldn't imagine what would happen next.
     Yaoyao sees Xiao bao as life, no life, can her Mei-mei still live?
     Therefore, Hui niang was particularly angry. She had never talked to Popo for the first time, and she had a big quarrel with Li-shi for the first time.
     "Where am I doing this wrong? She is a clear-blood Big-Guniang family. If it wasn’t for her own unruly, how could this kind of shame happen! I have never seen any Huanghua big shi-nu who looks like her. Drums and sacs, buttocks are round and big. When I walked three shakes, which man can withstand her? Old niang I have never seen such a big yellow shi-nu when I lived so old, and I am not arrogant and private. Come, I can't cover it, I took my Yan-Jie to be a blind man!"
     Li-shi has a long face and a single eyelid. Because of her age, her skin is slack, and she is thin, and a layer of old skin is pulled down.
     The whole person looks very mean.
     It is also true that no one in the entire alley knows that Yao family has a powerful wife, and he has to convince his man that the man is dead. He is holding the house, and his son’s person is afraid to speak out in front of her.
     This old goods is also a hot thing, who dares to say that they will not listen, she dared to stand in front of people for three days. In particular, the Yao family has a son who is quick to catch, and others are afraid to provoke her. I can't afford to hide, and for a long time it is a home of the same alley, but no one wants to go to the door of Yao.
     "I will tell you again about Suhui-niang. I will come to climb my Yan-Jie. It doesn't matter to Yan-Jie. Yan-Jie is a Guniang family. How could you think of fooling your Mei-mei into Liuxiang? That kind of place. I Yan-Jie is going to marry. I will let you hear this next time, I will let you fall!" Li-shi squats.
     Hui niang was horrified by Popo shamelessness. He stood up and said: "You don't need to take me off, let me go!"
     Li-shi sneered: "Hurry up, Hong Geer left me. I will look at your poor and sour Father, to feed a family, and to feed your two daughters who have violated the woman's way. Right, There is also a wild species of unknown origin!"
     Hui niang was so angry that she could tremble, but she could not do anything from being beaten by a small person, let alone her Popo, her man’s niang.
     She wiped a tear, twisted and went to the cage to pack things, and planned to go back to Niang with Mei-mei Xiao bao and Hong Geer. If the man came to ask her again, she would never return, and she would not believe that she could not survive in this world with Mei-mei.
     Just then, a loud male voice suddenly sounded outside the door.
     "What's wrong with this? Niang, what are you doing?"
     But Yao Cheng, the man of Hui niang, is back.
     Yao Cheng is a catching fast in the county of Linyun County under the rule of Jinzhou. Lin’s generation is a servant, and the position of this catch is passed to him by Yao Lao. Although the identity is lower, but can not stand is a royal food, and the history of the gray income has been more, so the Yao family's family is not bad, otherwise Su-County-Graduate will not marry the eldest daughter to Yao Jialai.
     Although Su has a County-Graduate, but his family is not good, Su-County-Graduate teaches in a private school, only two Silver Taels per month, but he has to raise dozens of people at home. Earlier, the family had a small population, and the days were too tight, and it would be able to pass. Can be Suhui-niang's brother Su Yucheng became a pro, and even gave birth to three children, the life of the Su family became more and more stretched.
     The reason why Suhui-niang would marry the Yao family was because Yao gift was the most among the relatives, and these gifts were just enough to give Su Yucheng a marriage. Suhui-niang was not willing to marry Yao Jialai, but couldn't stand Father Niang's frowning face. Big brother is still not married, and he and Yao Cheng have a side. I feel that this man is not bad, but he married.
     After becoming a relative, Yao Cheng loves his wife and sticks to the human body.
     The young couple loves and loves, and life is happy.
     There is only one unbelievable thing, that is, Yao Cheng’s niang Li-shi is not a good match.
     However, everything happened to be in front of Yao Cheng, and the life of Suhui-niang was too good. Coupled with the belly is still arrogant, married to the birth of the Yao family's grandson, this year was pregnant with a baby, gave birth to a Geer, the status of the Yao family is more stable.
     Li-shi occasionally wants to make it, and when he looks at his son and grandson, he will bear it.
     It happened that the Sujia side, since 1st-Sao ZHu  shi entered the door, it became a day in the younger son Su Yao-Niang. Even after two incidents, more and more disappointing, Hui niang distressed Mei-mei, and thought that the niang family was not well-off, Mei-mei was received.
     The excuse is to let Mei-mei help out with a’servant. Anyway, in the family of Yao, it is not a big deal to eat more than one person.
     In this regard, Li-shi is happy to see it.
     She has always been a lazy, spoiled daughter, thinking that there are individuals to help her daughter-in-law work. Since Yao Cheng became the head of the class, Li-shi took up the shelf of the official wife. He couldn’t stand the eyelids. He was reluctant to pay for Yatou. Now there is a Yatou who doesn’t want money. It’s not just right.
     Yao-Niang came to Yao home, and he was very diligent. He could help the top leaders in both inside and outside, and actually shared a lot of housework with Hui niang.
     It stands to reason that this is the best of both worlds, but Yan-Jie is a bad thing.
     Yan-Jie is the young girl of Li Shi. She has always been loved.
     The 14-year-old Yatou has not done anything in the day, and her temper is very arrogant. Yao Cheng has been a fast-paced class. Inevitably, there are some people who come to see him at home because of his official business. One of them is Chen An’s catching fast, handsome and handsome, and a talent. If not, it’s a catch, others are only He is a scholar.
     This Chen An only came two miles, Yan-Jie sneaked into him.
     But whoever wanted to be interested, Lang is ruthless.
     The reason why Chen An will come to the Yao family repeatedly is precisely that he saw Yao-Niang in Yao family, and he will come to him with his heart.
     I don’t know how to be known by Yan-Jie.
     Yan-Jie people are careful about poison. When they are young, they are the ones who catch the fast, and the doorway of the three religions is clear.
     Then he gave birth to a plan and deceived Yao-Niang to Liu Lane, where the good woman would not get involved, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to break Yao-Niang's reputation.
     The tragedy occurred, and Yao-Niang was broken by an unknown strongman, and everything happened after that.
     The reason why the Yao family knew what was going on was that after Yao-Niang had happened, Yao Cheng asked Yan-Jie, she said it.
     However, she insisted that she just teased Yao-Niang and did not care about her.
     But who is the problem?
     Yan-Jie has a pro-niang Li-shi to do the backing, but it is a few times to smash the blame. Hui niang regenerative gas, can not eat Xiao guzi. She was too angry to go back to the niang home, but Yao Cheng came again and again, thinking that she would cry to Niang's Ming Geer, and Hui niang bite her teeth or come back.
     Because of the embarrassment of Mei-mei, plus 1st-Sao, she was arrogant at home, and she insisted on getting Yao-Niang to her side. Nowhere is the clean place, the Su family can't stay, this Yao family is not a good place.
     Originally, Li-shi was still guilty of guilty conscience. By default, Yao-Niang stayed at home, but I don’t know what Yan-Jie was provoking. She couldn’t resist Yao-Niang. She always said that she stayed at home. People broke the door of the Yao family.
     The question is, does the Yao family still have a hurricane?
     Yao-Niang in the room listened to the quarrel outside and thought of it with no expression.
     Since the occurrence of Yao-Niang, Yao Cheng has not been as obedient to Li-shi as before.
     When I came back from the door, I saw the woman’s anger and trembled, and my face was full of tears. He made a big fire and took Li-shi out.
     The problem is that the symptoms are not cured.
     But Fan Yan-Jie is still at home for a day, but where Yao-Niang is still at Yao, but where Li-shi is still, she always has to be noisy.
     Hui niang squatted on the bed and cried, crying his grievances, crying the meanpo Pop, crying poor Mei-mei.
     Yao Cheng stood by and was helpless. He was distressed by his wife and pity, but he could not take him out of his niang. Yao Jia was such an only son. Before his death, Father repeatedly asked him to filial niang and send Mei-mei to marry.
     "Hui niang, you beat me, beat me up, don't be so angry with yourself. It's all my fault, it's my fault..."
     A big man was kneeling there, holding his head and sighing. It’s also awesome in the outside, but now it’s like this. Seriously, Yao Cheng has been waiting for niang very well, otherwise Hui niang and his days can't go on.
     "You niang lost his conscience, your sister is also a black heart, how can they do this..." Hui niang crying heartbroken.
     Her Mei-mei, her obedient Mei-mei, who was young and savvy, followed her behind her and ‘called sister, who knew what was delicious, was brought to her first. In order for her to marry her to embroider a hijab, she secretly took a two-month purse at home and changed a piece of silk.
     Obviously 1st-Sao Mingli is always embarrassing her, she still squatting at home, she said, if not that day she went back to the niang home to listen to the next door of the Aunt who had two sighs, I still don't know 1st-Sao every day. Just look for ideas to sell Mei-mei for a good price.
     "Hui niang, its my fault, its my fault, dont cry...
     Outside the house, Hui niang weeping.
     In the house, Yao-Niang burst into tears.
     Yao Cheng has been stunned for a while before he will hold Hui niang.
     He diligently went to fetch water to wash the Hui niang, Hui niang cleaned the face, and combed his hair again. In addition to the redness and swelling of the eyes, the emotions have been calmed down a lot, that is, Liu Mei does not show up, obviously the thing of Yao-Niang still falls in her heart.
     Yao Cheng sighed and went outside.
     It’s not too early.
     The home is still a cold-cold stove. I have never felt that I have never been married before, and I have a gentle and virtuous Hui niang. I am waiting for him every day. Yao Cheng feels that this scene is particularly unbearable.
     Thinking about what happened, he was annoyed in his heart.
     Li-shi is his niang, and his son can’t be angry with niang, but Yan-Jie...
     Yao Cheng remembered that when he entered the Courtyard, he saw the curtain of the West Chamber move.
     At a young age, his mind was malicious, how did he spread such a good Mei-mei.
     He came to the window of the West Chamber in a few steps and patted the window: "You give me out, cook!"
     The room was very quiet. After a while, Yan-Jie grinded out from the door.
     "Brother, Sao is not idle."
     Yao Cheng sneered: "You Sao with Ming Geer, milk with Hong Geer, both children are pointing at her. If you are a little aunt, you have to wait for Sao to wait for you to use it." ”
     Yan-Jie face is not very good-looking: "There is not Yao-Niang..."
     Yao Cheng yelled: "You shut me up and let you cook to cook!"
     Seeing that the anger is like this, Yan-Jie doesn't dare to ‘Call again, and goes to the kitchen to cook.
     Li-shi was so angry that she slammed the window in the upper house.
     The son said that instead of talking to her daughter, it was better to say it to her.
     It’s useless, but Yao Cheng’s filial piety is really annoying. Li-shi doesn’t dare to provoke him.
     Yan-Jie took a look at the dish in a hand, and the good food was smashed by her. Yao went to see the house, Li-shi secretly went to the kitchen, a door to see her in-rattling dishes.
     "Your brother is really not wrong with you, a Big-Guniang family food is not good, you say what you can do!" Li-shi groaned as he walked over and drove her to the side.
     Yan-Jie threw away the rotten leaves in his hand and grievances: "Niang, your brother just said to me. I told you that I shouldn’t have that Suhui-niang. She entered the door, what the brother looks like.
     The fierce me will forget, he still yells you."
     Li-shi is also angry, and the son who is born is now facing the daughter-in-law. It’s just that she won’t talk to her daughter, it’s not that she doesn’t have a face.
     "The daughter of this Su family doesn't have a good thing. If you don't take the Suhui-niang back, give my brother another room wife. Anyway, the family doesn't miss the silver dowry. When you don't know how to filial you." It’s better to take you as an old Feng Jun, and it’s better than that Suhui-niang will not give you a good face.”
     Li-shi tilted her daughter and glanced at him: "You give me less of this thought. I don't even look at her Suhui-niang. I have to look at my two grandchildren. After I came back, I went back, I know Geer Hong Geer. Where are you still standing? You Yatou will be missing one after the niang to clean up you, not a day or five."
     Yan-Jie smirked: "This doesn't work either, it doesn't work.
     Then when do you get rid of Su Yao-Niang? Let these two people be at home, how many meals should they eat at home? The most important thing is that she has her. In this home, how can I let Chen Ange yell at me?"
     Li-shi dropped the dish in her hand and poked her head back. She said: "Zhangkou Chen An, closed Chen An, what evil medicine did he give you, and you are confused by this five fans." There is a lack of smog. I told you that there is less to be mixed with the black kid. A Big-Guniang family is mixed with a few kids in a day. Do you want to marry someone?"
     The children she said were living in the streets of several neighborhoods nearby, and Yan-Jie grew up together. This Yan-Jie is a temper, and no one cares. He doesn't like to play with girls of the same age. He likes to play with the kids.
     "Niang, I won't play with them in the future. When did you get this Su-Niang away? When I settled with Chen Ange, I wouldn't go where I am at home. ”
     “The Big-Guniang family said that this is not a bad thing!” Li-shi took a sip and immediately frowned: “I want to let her go, but you Sao and your brother—”
     Said, she paused and said: "I am going to the Su family."
     Yan-Jie suddenly slaps and smiles: "Niang, you are my good niang!"
     Yao-Niang always feels that everything that happened in the past is like a dream.
     She always had an unreal feeling until 1st-Sao ZHu  shi came to the Yao family like a dream.
     ZHu  shi went straight into the cubicle as soon as he entered the door.
     This small compartment is separated from the outside of the Chase. In the past, Yao-Niang did not live here, but lived in the West Chamber with Yan-Jie. After the incident happened, Hui niang and Yao made a special room from the room where the two lived, separated by a room for Yao-Niang to live.
     The light in the cubicle is not as good as the outside, but it is not bad.
     There is a small window.
     There was a table under the window, and a canopy bed was placed next to the wall.
     There was a dark blue account on the bed, and a cabinet and two cages were placed at the foot of the bed. Although it is simple, but it is very clean, Yao-Niang has always been a diligent temper.
     She just put Xiao bao to sleep and put him on the bed. He heard movement behind him. When he turned his head, he saw ZHu  shi coming in. Yao-Niang's face immediately stiffened.
     ZHu  shi Every time I see a little girl, there is an impulse that I can't help but sigh.
     Seriously speaking, there are no people in the Su family who are particularly outstanding. Even Suhui-niang is just a delicate show. It seems that this Su-Niang seems to have gathered the advantages of all the Su family. It’s not like the Su family.
     A pair of emotions sparkling, a pair of curved moon eyebrows are not depicted and sly, the nose of the nose, the delicate lips, plus the skin that wins the snow, ZHu  shi sees every time Redness.
     The appearance is second, the key is that the body is full of charm. At first glance, it’s not obvious, you can pick up the content, so that ZHu  shi can’t see the wealthy family as a Small Concubine. It’s really a good look.
     And ZHu  shi, this is exactly what happened.
     Thinking of the 50-year-old Silver Taels's thank-you media, the fat face of ZHu  shi is particularly bright.
     I also know that I have to say this up, Xiao guzi must be annoyed, so she is pretending to look at Xiao bao who is asleep, praised a few words that this child is really good, like niang, then get together Yao-Niang By the side.
     "Yao, you are always the daughter of the Su family. You don't always look like you are in the Yao family. Both Father and Niang miss you. If you don't want to go with the 1st-Sao family today?"
     Yao-Niang is disgusted with this 1st-Sao, but ZHu  shi. Since she entered the door of the Su family and gave her three grandchildren, she would have to be respectful. Even if she was disgusted, she could not show it. After all, long Sao is like a mother.
     This is the real idea of ​​Yao-Niang in the last generation, so she is particularly tolerant of ZHu  shi various bad behaviors, but she is too lazy to make this look in her life. Because she knows that no matter how low she is, she tries to ask for help. Her 1st-Sao will not give up the idea of ​​selling her for silver.
     At home, Father is sore and loves her face. Although niang hurts her but she is not a master, Big Brother is a soft-hearted wife, so ZHu  shi is almost half of the Su family.
     No one can save her, she can only save herself.
     I vaguely remember the last life because I still want to keep a kind of harmony with her. I listened to ZHu  shi words and went home with her, but almost did not harm Xiao bao to be sent away by them, and I was stunned and sent to Nahu. Master makes Small Concubine.
     Fortunately, the sister-in-law came in time to save her.
     Because of this, it was aroused at the time, and her unmarried child was also spread. Hu Master hated her and said that Su daughter had a daughter who had lost her wife, and she was going to soak her pig cage. Yes sister forced brother-in-law used the relationship in the door, and lied that she was already the next person in the palace, only to save her back from the pig cage.
     After that, Father felt that she had lost the face of the Su family and refused to recognize her Sister Popo also took the opportunity to attack, she fell to nowhere to live, can only go to the palace to do milk niang, will happen after that.
     Since God gave her a chance to resurrect once, she couldn't let the old thing repeat itself. At the very least, she couldn't be fooled by this ZHu  shi.
     "1st-Sao, Yao-Niang lost the face of Su family and didn't face back."
     "What a shame is not shameful, you always belong to the surname Su, Father and niang and me and your older brother are hurting you. 1st-Sao will attack those few games earlier, it is really anxious for you, you say that you are a Guniang family touch What can I do in this case? 1st-Sao is in a hurry, anxiously full of fire, but things have already happened, and you can’t ignore the flesh and blood family?
     ZHu  shi said that she was particularly emotional, but Yao-Niang had already been to her once, and how could she go on for a second time, no matter what she said, she would not want to go back with her, she would not want to be digested again. Pig cage.
     Seriously, ZHu  shi is not a patience person.
     The reason why I would like to say goodbye, but for the fifty Silver Taels. It seems that the little girl who has been so deceived is not willing to go back with herself, she suddenly becomes annoyed.
     "I tell you, you have to go back when you go back. You don't have to go back. You have to look back. Hu Master is looking at you. I want to lift you as his eighth room, Small Concubine. People don't want to abandon you.
     They are not finished, they are willing to ask you. It’s the smoke of Su grave. If you know each other, you will go back with me!”
     This is ZHu  shi original face, evil shape, rough, and she did not know how she looked at her, and she took her to the door to give her a big wife, so that she could not make a house. peaceful.
     "I know what Father knows?"
     ZHu  shi was a glimpse, and then looked at her with a smirk: "I never thought, you also learned to threaten people? Not afraid to tell you the truth, I came here, but after Father's consent. How? You really want to be a golden bodhisattva, the whole family has to supply you up and down?! As you are now, don't marry Hu Master to do Small Concubine, it is sent to the countryside to marry the mud legs."
     Yao-Niang didn't guard against the truth. It was like this.
     The whole person was like a thunder, and his face was pale.
     The pain in my heart was shocked, but it was even clearer. She said that when ZHu  shi stunned her to Hu, how could it be so smooth, after all, she was at home.
     Later, she was asked by her brother-in-law to come back. She said that this thing was done by ZHu  shi.
     The family did not know, and she believed. At this point of view, it is impossible for a woman to be stunned by ZHu  shi, and she will send her out with her family.
     It turns out that the family actually knows that there may be people who gave ZHu  shi a helper, and she was stupid and hated ZHu  shi for two generations.
     ZHu  shi proudly looked at the pale face of Xiao guzi and said: "You don't delay, hurry up and pack and follow me." She said, she reached out to pull Yao-Niang.
     Yao-Niang throws her hand away: "You don't pull me, I won't go back."
     "I said that you don't see the coffin, you don't cry, are you thinking that I can come here today, why isn't it so close to home, hurry to follow me?"
     The two of you pushed me to tear, and Xiao bao was scared to wake up in bed and wow.
     Such a big movement, no one came to visit, Yao-Niang knows that ZHu  shi did not lie to her, she-sister must have been paid by Li Shi.
     She was saddened by heart, and her heart was panicked and angry. Her fingers touched a hard thing, and when she grabbed her consciousness, she waved to ZHu  shi and tried to force her back.
     ZHu  shi only felt a pain, and saw a bloody light, suddenly called like a pig.
     "Killing, seeing blood..." It was the eyes that turned over and the people fainted.
     Suhui-niang heard a tragic sound from home, and her heart tightened and she accelerated her pace.
     She and Popo didn't talk for many days. Who had thought that Popo had a smile on her face today, and she took the money and told her to go to the east of the coffin shop to buy some paper money to come back, saying that the father-in-law’s jealousy is coming soon, to prepare for the sacrifice. Worship what to use.
     Suhui-niang is a doubt in my heart. I don’t doubt it when I see it. Only when Popo is lazy and unwilling to take a long way, she will deliberately please her and let her run.
     She can walk halfway, but the more she thinks, the more she feels wrong.
     The piece they live in is not without a coffin shop, why should they deliberately run to the east of the city. Popo said that she used to buy it there, and it was cheaper than others. At that time, angniang didn't think about it. When he was on the road, he wanted Popo to pay attention to his face. He wouldn't be lowering her head for a few dollars.
     She hurriedly turned her head and didn't expect to have an accident at home.
     When I entered the door, I saw a person lying on the ground, and her timid Mei-mei took a pair of scissors. Popo said something like a murder in the mouth.
     "Yao Yao."
     Yao-Niang threw the scissors and ran to her side. "-Sister, she pulled me hard to let me go to the Hu Master..."
     "so you……"
     Suhui-niang's face is as white as paper, and his mind is messy. All of them are Mei-mei killing people.
     Li-shi said to the side: "Suhui-niang, you have to send your Mei-mei to the office, she actually killed someone..."
     Suhui-niang is already chaotic, Popo is still adding chaos, she ‘Calls: "You shut up!" Just pull Yao-Niang and go to the bed. "You pack up and hurry to take Xiao bao away. I let you my brother-in-law sent you to the country, hiding first..."
     Yao-Niang wants to cry again and wants to laugh, can't help but pull sister, " sister, I didn't kill..."
     "The countryside must be suffering, but it is better than the next prison..." Suhui-niang suddenly reacted and asked, "What are you talking about? You didn't kill, then she..."
     "I just took her with a scissors and she seemed to be dizzy..."
     Yao-Niang never thought again, ZHu  shi was so fainting, no wonder that at home, but killing chicken and killing fish, she never personally fought, but they made others go.
     Suhui-niang came to ZHu  shi, stretched out her hand and tried it before her nose, and touched it in front of her chest, finally finally determined that people were not dead. She breathed a sigh of relief and remembered what Mei-mei had said. She suddenly got angry and took the tea from the table next to her and poured it on Zhu face.
     "ZHu  shi, you want to send Yaoyao to people, I tell you, as long as I am Suhui-niang in one day, you don't move this thought!"
     ZHu  shi thought that he was dead, and he never expected to live again. At this moment, she also knew that she was fainting, and she was very angry. She was thinking about what she said when she jumped. She suddenly saw Yao-Niang waving her scissors, and she suddenly got out of the house. .
     "Su Yao-Niang, I let you Father, your big brother to clean up, you give me waiting!"
     Putting down this swearword, ZHu  shi ran away.
     See ZHu  shi, Yu Yu fled, Li-shi did not dare to stay more, and went back to the house after the trouble The two sisters packed up the house and slept Xiao Bao before they sat down to talk.
     After listening to Mei-mei remarks, Suhui-niang is quite a bit of a taste: “It’s not too late to understand. How was the family at home? If it’s not me and your brother-in-law, you may have In what kind of days, in the eyes of Father and Niang, only the eldest brother is the top of the top. Now there are more ZHu  shi and East Geer.
     They don't have our position anyway. In fact, this is nothing, just want to open it. ”
     Hong Geer cried in the main room. Suhui-niang dropped these words and hurried past, leaving Yao-Niang sitting alone in the room, thinking silently.
     Although I have escaped ZHu  shi calculations this time, this is not over yet. Yao family can't stay here for a long time. When the Su family is on the door, when will she go to the door, can she say that she still has to go to Jin-Wang in the same way as her life?
     As long as I think that my life has been unclear, Yao-Niang is full of resistance.
     She really doesn't want to go to Jin-Wang, but where should she go?
     In the daytime, I heard the sound of the outside and the sister-in-law and Li Shi quarrel.
     In the past, my sister was not like this. It was a very gentle and virtuous temper, but now she has become like this. Li-shi is no longer good brother-in-law niang, brother-in-law can not be sister, even his own pro niang do not. But as long as she is still at home for one day, she will not be able to live a birthday.
     She can't selfishly care for herself, but she has mixed up her sister's life.
     Yao Chengyi stepped into the house and faced the quarrel between his wife and the old niang. His heart was filled with exhaustion.
     I can think about the things in my heart, but he also persuaded the two to persuade them, and pulled Hui niang into the room.
     "Hui niang, Big-Cattle niang Wang Aunt, do you still remember? It was the birth of Big-Aunt that was given to you and Yao-Niang." Yao Cheng suddenly said.
     Hui niang I don't know why he mentioned this, and looked at him doubtfully.
     "Wang Aunt's pro-Mei-mei was in the Wangfu. I came back a few days ago and said that it is the king's need for milk niang. Wang Aunt has left her heart, and she mentioned Yao-Niang with her sister. You have to see people before you can decide this."
     Hui niang This is quiet listening, listening to it will blow up.
     "Yao Cheng, are you trying to marry me Mei-mei?"
     Yao Cheng smiled again and again: "My aunt Madam, I dare to move this kind of mind. Just thinking that Yao-Niang is not willing to marry again, and dragging Xiao bao, we can raise them niang for two years, two years, I can't live forever. I know that you have nothing to do, let alone things, but now it is like this. Yao-Niang is not comfortable at Yao home, it is better to change the environment and earn a silver. She is no longer married, and after a few years of money, she can also set up a family business to raise Xiao bao and give him a wife in the future."
     Yao Cheng Wen Yan soft words, a detailed analysis of the pros and cons: "The king's palace is the top of the rich place, in the head when the poor face, the labor is also more. You niang home what situation, you do not know, you 1st-Sao today It’s annoying that it’s going to be two days for you, Father, and you’ll come to the door. It’s really that day, the family has no right to stop. It’s better to go to the palace than to go to the palace.
     Hui niang didn't say anything, obviously it was some that was said to have moved.
     At this time, the door inside was suddenly pushed open, and Yao-Niang came out. Her beautiful face is full of determination, " brother-in-law, I am willing to go." Apparently listening to it for a long time.
     Hui niang stood up and hurriedly said: "Yao Yao!"
     Yao-Niang raised his smile: "-Sister, Yaoyao is willing to go.-Sister-in-law is right, and instead of being sent to the landowner to do Small Concubine, I would rather go to the palace."
     "Yaoyao no longer want to marry, and Andy just want to raise, after guarding him live and now have the opportunity to earn money so well, I do niang milk a few years, out to be a small business to earn money after a What can be done without relying on others to raise Xiao bao."
     Said, she looked like Yao Cheng: "                  -
     Yao Cheng said: "-The brother-in-law has inquired about Wang Aunt, and the money is extremely high. One month, Silver Taels is not worth the money."
     "That's really a lot. One month is twelve or two, and one year is one hundred and twenty-two. Milk niang is not a long-term work, but if you can do it for a year, earning enough money is enough for me to buy a small yard and then do it. What a small business is living."
     Yao-Niang muttered to herself, and seemed to be more and more excited. She excitedly pulled forward the hand of Hui niang. "-Sister, you see such a good thing, but it is a rare event."
     All said that this is the case, Hui niang can only promise.
     In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, this is indeed the best choice. You don't have to look at the face of the Yao family. You don't have to worry about being sold to the big brother 1st-Sao as a Small Concubine, and you can make a lot of money.
     In addition to Xiao bao.
     If Yao-Niang is going to give people niang, what can Xiao bao do?
     Obviously, under the pressure of reality, some things have to be given up. Fortunately, Hui niang and Yao-Niang are front and rear foot production, Hui niang's milk is enough, and she helps to bring Xiao bao, but it doesn't mean that the child has no milk to eat.
     Since the matter has been fixed, it is necessary to go to the Wang Aunt family to show people a thousand and ten thousand. If people do not see it, it is no good.
     Yao-Niang knows this, and things will definitely happen.
     Because the last life has become.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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