Wangfu Chongqie 5

Wangfu Chongqie

     Because there was something in the door of the next day, after a day, Yao Chengcai took Yao-Niang to the Wang Aunt family.
     I am afraid that this will not happen, but also in order to let Wang Aunt son say good things from the middle, Yao Cheng deliberately prepared four kinds of fruit to bring to the royal family.
     These four fruits are the time-honored goods of Taoyuanzhai.
     The price is not cheap. Anyway, in the family of Yao, I have never bought such a precious fruit to eat. In order to find a good place for Xiao zizi, Yao Cheng is also a painstaking effort.
     Early in the morning, Yao Cheng rushed to the deaf car that was specially borrowed by someone, carrying Yao-Niang to the king's house.
     The Wang family is in the Liushu Hutong, and there is a distance from the Yao family. Yao Cheng knows that Yao-Niang wants to bring Xiao bao. When she can't sleep at night, she will let her close her eyes and wait for her.
     Yao-Niang closed her eyes obediently, but at this moment she could sleep, and her brains were all things that happened in Jin-Wang in her life.
     The Wang family was also a servant of generations. When Wang Lao was caught in the early years, he was injured. So when his son Big-Cattle became an Daren, he gave his position to his son.
     The Wang family has a son who is quick to catch, and Wang Aunt has a good craft to help people deliver the baby, so the days are very good.
     One and a half of the house, the brick and black tiled large tile house, cleaned up in front of the door, at a glance, the hostess of this family is a diligent.
     Just stepping into the door of the royal family, I saw a carriage parked in the yard.
     The carriage is a rare thing for the civilian population. Ordinary people even if they buy a car at home, they are also driving a car, and the horse is a very expensive thing. One has to be dozens of two. It has to be well-fed with good materials, and people can't afford it.
     Just look at this carriage and you will know that the pro-sister of Wang Aunt is in the Wang Fu.
     But Yao-Niang knows that Liu-Mama is actually just an inconspicuous Pozi in Jin-Wang.
     In the past life, because I was immersed in self-satisfaction and self-satisfaction, Yao-Niang couldn’t remember how he came to the royal family, how he was seen by Liu-Mama. This time, because of her different mentality, she was in a mood to observe the situation around her.
     It was her-sister Yao Cheng’s advanced house, and she was standing in the yard waiting.
     There is a feeling that inexplicable, someone is watching her.
     Liu-Mama didn't actually put what Madam Wang Aunt said.
     In her mind, this outstanding talent in Linyun County, a backcountry. To know the milk niang she is looking for, it is not the usual milk niang. It’s just that this is not a good thing to say sister said, see sister so heart to speak for each other, she just wants to just look at it, just take an excuse to perfuse the past.
     So when Yao Cheng came in and talked to Wang Aunt, she didn't even give her the right eye.
     Until she saw the Guniang standing in the yard
     It’s Guniang, it’s a bit different, but it’s dressed in Gunian.
     Liu-Mama is a person who comes over and naturally knows the difference between Huanghua big shi-nu and woman.
     The beautiful Gunian, also subtle, is restrained.
     The shoulders are closed, the eyebrows are unopened, the waist is thin but stiff, and the squats are tightened inward, and the two legs are squatting in one place, and they are tightly jointed.
     Even the pair of female sons, like the jade bamboo shoots in the early days, is a flower, is not open flowers, pretty, but half.
     But this Gunianang is like a juicy peach. Ming Mingying's little face is still a little tender and tender, but it also gives off a casual attitude.
     How do you feel that feeling? It's like just a little poke, you can get a lot of sweet juice.
     Liu-Mama thought for a long time before she came up with such an adjective.
     She refused to listen to it again the sister and the people went down and thought about what they had heard from the ear, and asked: "Want to go to the palace, it is the little woman standing in the yard? Let people come in me. Hey."
     After Yao Cheng’s death, he went out with a busy schedule.
     Seeing Gunianang slowly coming towards himself, Liu-Mama is like a treasure, and there is a clear joy in the eye.
     Wang Aunt looked at Mei-mei with some doubts, and some couldn’t figure out how happy she was.
     Is it true that you are looking at Yao-Niang?
     Thinking about this, she is very happy in her heart, this child is a bitter life, she also hopes to find a way to her, or how to go to this mouth.
     Yao-Niang feels more like a sharp back, how this Liu-Mama looks at her as if she saw gold.
     She remembers that she didn't feel this way in her life, but she didn't have time to think about it in the blink of an eye, because Liu-Mama had already pulled her hand and asked.
     "Just gave birth to a child? How do you want to be a milk niang? Are you willing to leave your own man?"
     These questions Yao-Niang had spoken to her sister-in-law at home, so it is not difficult to answer.
     "Just pregnant with a man, I left, I really can't take my life, I will think of the way to give my child a way to find a way." She half-headed, whispered.
     As soon as the man died, Liu-Mama eyes were even brighter, but no one noticed it.
     "It is a bitter child. In the Wangfu, there are other places, but the rules are strict, different at home."
     "This Yao-Niang knows that he will abide by the rules of the government and not be troubled."
     Liu-Mama took her hand and looked at her white face, like a peeled egg. It was pretty, tender and slippery. If the woman is more beautiful than this woman, Liu-Mama has not seen it before. She can see this little woman from the first sight. She knows that Li Mama is looking for someone like this.
     The inexplicable is that there is such a feeling.
     As she became more satisfied, she became more and more uncomfortable: "But the monthly money in the government is rich. If you can choose, don't mention the other, there will be a dozen or two moonlights. Of course, if the masters are happy, let go.
     The money you have won is enough for you to work for a year and a half."
     When she paused, she said again: "You probably don't know, this time we choose the milk niang in the palace, it is for the small County Owner. If you are milking well, you have to count the small Country Owner, staying as a milk Mama is not impossible. At that time, you were decent, and it was said that it was half a master. It was the day when the little County Owner grew up and married, followed by the dowry, the wind and the scenery, but for several lifetimes. It’s a good blessing that you can’t fix it.”
     This Liu-Mama is particularly diligent and seems to want Yao-Niang to agree to this. And these words last life Liu Mama did not say to Yao-Niang, Yao-Niang somewhat strange her intentions.
     Could it be said that Wangfu is very short of milk niang? So Liu, who has always been a force, will be like this?
     At the same time, she also thought about some of the experiences of her life, and she subconsciously said: "When a milk Mama is also a man, this is another blessing."
     When the words came out, she reacted to what she said, and her heart was tight, and she was afraid of annoying Liu-Mama.
     I don’t know if Liu-Mama is not annoyed at all. Instead, she looks at her like a child who can’t understand things. She said, “It’s really a stupid Yatou! But also, you are born in a small door, naturally don’t understand high.
     The rules of the big door. I told you that this is the difference between the next person and the next person. As the saying goes, the 7th-Grade officer in front of the prime minister, not to mention the milk of the Wangfu small County Owner Mama. This and the ordinary milk niang But it’s different, it’s the first half to raise niang.”
     Seeing everyone looking at themselves, Liu-Mama gave birth to a proud person, so he said it was extraordinarily careful: "The small County Owner is your big milk, not everything is listening to you, not only in the next person. On the face, there is also a decent face in front of the masters. It is time to rely on the Jin-Wang House, the whole mountain, and the whole Jinzhou can go. Take my old Pozi, if it is in this Linyun County When I went to the county, I reported the name of the Jin-Wang House, and even the county magistrate had to give the old Pozi a two-faced face."
     Yao-Niang heard a bitter smile.
     She naturally understands this truth, but she is more aware that the Wangfu people are not so good.
     It’s like her last life, it’s obviously going to be a niang in the government, but because she was designed, she almost didn’t get out. Wangfei was not easy to read her, and she was left to be the next person. Who had thought that she had been shackled by Hu  Ceefei, and she was forced to climb the bed.
     The fate of her last life began with her climbing the bed. Although Yao-Niang did not know why she died in her life, who killed her, but her heart was vague and there were objects. If the whole Jin-Wang House hates her most, it is Hu  Ceefei.
     Thinking about Hu  Ceefei means, Yao-Niang feels chilling and at the same time has some enthusiasm.
     But this is the case, she also knows that she has no other way to go.
     Of course, she can be cheeky and endure the insults of Li-shi from time to time and continue to stay at the Yao family. It is precisely Yao-Niang that it is not a long-term thing to stay in the Yao family My brother-in-law said yes, Yao can raise her and Xiao bao for a year or two. Can they raise them for a lifetime? Xiao bao always has a day to grow up. Does she want her son to live in this humiliating environment?
     Also sister, she can not only care about herself, broken sister's good days, so she has only one way to go.
     Liu-Mama said something again. Yao-Niang didn't listen to her ears because of her confusion.
     All in all, this is the case.
     Because Liu-Mama rushed back, the day after tomorrow, that is to say, Yao-Niang had only one day to leave Xiao bao to Jincheng.
     Jincheng is not far from Linyun County, that is, the distance of more than one day, it is not so easy to come out into the palace, that is to say, she will not see Xiao bao for a long time.
     After returning, there was no trace of joy on Yao-Niang. When she greeted her, she went into the small compartment to see Xiao bao.
     Hui niang stunned and thought that it was not done. I wanted to go in and advise Mei-mei not to think too much, and I was dragged by my husband.
     "The matter has become, the day after tomorrow is going to go, Yao-Niang is estimated to be reluctant to Xiao bao, you let her stay alone with the child for a while."
     Hui niang eyes sorrow and sighed heavily.
      Xiao bao just woke up, lying in bed, looking at the small head and looking around.
     When he saw that Niang appeared in front of his eyes, his eyes were exceptionally different. He seemed to know that this is niang.
     Yao-Niang was saddened and couldn’t help but cried with Xiao Bao.
     After crying for a while, she wiped her tears and opened her clothes to feed Xiao bao to eat milk.
      Xiao bao didn't eat for a while, and he ate very greedyly, so he could suck. Yao-Niang looked at him with affection, and gently stroked his little head with a little fluff.
     On the following day, Yao-Niang wouldn’t go there with Xiao Bao. He used to know how to help the family to do the work, but now he doesn’t do it.
     Li-shi was only trained by his son before.
     They have been very low-key for the past two days. Hui niang has to take care of Ming Geer and Hong Geer. Naturally, they have no time to do housework. Now Yao-Niang is also picking up the child.
     The housework of the day was so busy that I couldn’t help but groan in the yard.
     Yao Cheng is not here, and now Hui niang does not want to endure her, and slams the curtain and stands at the door and looks at her coldly.
     "Don't worry, Yao-Niang will leave tomorrow."
     small theater:
     Jin-Wang: "Uh-huh-benwang is dead?"
     Yao-Niang: QAQ At that time, I did when you died...
     Jin-Wang: What about now?
     Yao-Niang: You are alive, or a good one. (QAQ, on the finger, crying, sorrow and sorrow)
     Li-shi stunned, almost didn't get rid of her own saliva, holding her eyes and licking her for half a day, feeling that the other party did not seem to lie to her, could not help but curiosity.
     "Where is she going to be?"
     Hui niang Now I see Li Shi heart full of disgust. If it werent for her, why would Yao-Niang go to the palace to be a man, to wait for other children, but to drop his own children.
     But she didn't want to argue with Li Shi. She didn't want to break the Mei-mei rare cleanliness, and she fell into the curtain and entered the house again.
     When Li-shi got this kind of gas, he wanted to rush into the door and yell at the niang, but he was pulled by Yan-Jie from the West Chamber.
     Yan-Jie pulled Li-shi into the house.
     "Nang, why are you arguing with her, she is now annoying to send the fox away. You are having a fight with her, and when she comes back, she cries and ‘Calls, and when she wants to leave the fox, it will be Oh no."
     I heard Yan-Jie say this, Li-shi feels right, and glanced at her and said: "You said good before, take Yao-Niang away, and live in the home to do it. Where are these two days? What? If you don’t do anything in the day, you still want to marry, and be careful to marry, and people will return you."
     Li-shi said, pointing his finger to Yan-Jie forehead.
     Yan-Jie was poked and hurt, but he did not dare to resist. His face was reluctant: "You said that I will soon go out of the door. It is not good to care for myself. It is a joke to marry." Right to niang, did you mention the matter with the brother to go to the Chen family?"
     Li-shi is not angry. "I am not dying to make a small Yatou film. Can you mention this at this time? Say you Sao knows that it will be bothering me. After Yao-Niang is gone, I will talk to you again." Brother said."
     "Then you can do it as soon as possible."
     Li-shi gave her daughter a sigh of relief and went back to the house. Yan-Jie squatted at the door and looked out.
     There was no movement on the side of the main room.
     There was no one in the east, and he quietly left the house.
     All the way out of the alley, turned into a remote alley.
     Just walked to the door of a family, he was smashed into a figure that was pulled out from inside.
     It is a black and dark boy. He is not tall, but his body is very strong and looks like a hill.
     This person is the black boy Feng Heizi in Li Shi mouth.
     Yan-Jie was shocked by him, not very airy: "What do you want the egg to call me out?"
     Feng Heizi smiled. "I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you."
     Yan-Jie looked at him with a disappointment. "I didn't let me go out recently. My brother also looked at me and said that it was all you taught me bad."
     Feng Heizi said: "Then you let me help you, can't push the responsibility on my head..." See Yan-Jie, taking his eyes and licking himself, he quickly turned the tone: "Good, I see But she bullies you, so I am not mad at you? Right, you said it was good at the beginning, I will help you with this, you have to kiss me."
     He said, he smiled twice and put his face to Yan-Jie.
     Yan-Jie pushed him very impatiently. "Go and go, I will marry later, how can I come with you."
     "Who are you going to marry besides me?"
     "I won't be you anyway, I will leave if I have nothing, lest you wait for your niang to come back and meet." Feng Jia is now two people, Feng Heizi and his niang Feng widow. Feng Heizi Father died early, relying on Feng Widow to work hard to wash clothes outside to raise him.
     Yan-Jie hadn't walked two steps yet, and he was stunned back. He raised his eyes and looked at the big black face of Feng Heizi.
     "The egg said that you saw a kid, but the kid looked at your Sao Mei-mei, so you will..." Feng Heizi sullen, his eyes a little scary: "You honestly, is it?"
     Inexplicable, Yan-Jie is a little flustered.
     She remembered that Feng Heizi had done these things on most days, and gathered a group of small children on the street to be deceived everywhere. It was not a problem to interrupt people hands and feet. Recently, I went to a brothel in Liuxiang as a thug. Suddenly realized that seeing this person is not growing up, because he likes to let her take the black boy.
     "Don't listen to the egg," I don't usually go out, I know you and the egg, where do you go to see a kid?" She pretended to be impatient, and at the same time she was pleading: "I really can't Delayed, I secretly carried my niang out, let my brother know, I have to interrupt my leg, and I will come out to see you when I have time."
     This time, Feng Heiko did not stop her, she hurriedly stepped out of the Feng family door.
     And Feng Heizi is looking at her back in the eyes, and she doesn't know what to think about.
     Li-shi still did not resist curiosity and secretly asked Yao Cheng.
     Yao Cheng couldn't resist the grinding of his niang, and he told the story.
     Li-shi learned that Yao-Niang had spread such a good thing, went to the Wangfu for a bad time, and had so many months in a month. Immediately, he turned red and let Yao Cheng take Yan-Jie to the palace to be Yatou.
     Yao Cheng is very impatient: "Go to the palace to do Yatou, but you have to sign up to sell the deed, you are willing to let Yan-Jie do Yatou for a lifetime? And now she is old, and people are not willing to have such a big Yatou."
     "So how can Yao-Niang go?"
     Yao Chengman is patient: "Yao-Niang is going to be a milk niang."
     Li-shi said: "The union is not a big shi-nu, and there are these benefits..."
     In the next words, Yao Cheng left without listening. He was afraid that he would not be able to hold him a niang.
     Because of this, Li-shi was wandering in front of Hui niang and Yao-Niang early the next morning. People are also very diligent, and they have done breakfast early in the morning, saying that Yao-Niang is going to leave today, and she will give her a good trip.
     Yao-Niang couldn't help but glance at her, and there was nothing to be done. But today she is going to leave, and she doesn't want to make any troubles. She eats breakfast silently, only when she doesn't see Li Shi.
     "Yao-Niang, you said that if you enter the palace, it is different from ordinary people. With so much money, you put Xiao bao in your home, do you have to give it to your family?" Taking advantage of Yao Cheng to go out and see Liu Mama car did not come, Li-shi finally cut into the topic.
     When I heard this, Hui niang was annoyed: "Niang, Xiao bao is eating my milk, not yours, my sister's child, I am willing to milk him, you still have to subsidize!"
     Li-shi is not happy to say: "That is the ration of my Hong Geer. I am Hong Geer the Grandmother. You said that it doesn't matter to me?" She also knows that when the son comes in, it will not be said, nor will it follow.Hui niang smashed and went straight to Yao-Niang. She knows that Yao-Niang is honest and better than Hui niang.
     "Yao-Niang, let's just say, this money you give or not."
     Yao-Niang kept looking down. When she heard this, she raised her eyes and had no expression on her face.
     The hand resting under the table was close.
     "Give, Big-Aunt, you can rest assured that when I get the monthly money, I will pay back every month."
     Li-shi got a satisfactory reply, and turned away. It is estimated that he is afraid of Hui niang and his own troubles.
     Hui niang hurriedly said: "Yao-Niang, you care about her, Xiao bao is my shi-zi, can I still ask you for money?"
     Yao-Niang grabbed her hand, whispered: " sister, you listen to me, I have added too much trouble to you, she is your Popo after all, if she is not happy, Xiao bao lives here. I don’t want to be alive, I can’t help you to quarrel with her every day. You also know that if you go into the palace and pay more money, you don’t care about such a star or a bit. I’m leaving, I don’t know when I will come back, Xiao bao will have to eat and eat. Pointing at you, these are all exchanged with silver. I really let Xiao bao live here in white, and I am also uneasy."
     Hui niang is full of grief and doesn't know what to say.
     Mei-mei mind is that she understands that she does not want to fall into the tongue and is unwilling to be embarrassed with her. Mei-mei, who is so sensible and considerate, how can God not have long eyes?
     This question, Hui niang has asked himself countless times, and has not been able to get answers. He can only cry with Mei-mei.
     In fact, Yao-Niang did not do anything on this day. She told me that she should not cry any more times, crying does not solve the problem, she should try to make herself laugh. At this time, but some can not help but tears.
     Yao Cheng rushed in from the outside and saw such a picture.
     "How come you cry? Right, Liu-Mama car is coming."
     Yao-Niang hurriedly wiped his tears and wiped his face with Hui niang before he stood up and went inside the house to see Xiao bao. Xiao bao slept soundly, and his mouth was awkward. It seemed that he was still eating niang's milk in his sleep.
     Yao-Niang didn't dare to look again. He grabbed a small bag next to him and turned and ran out.
     When I got on the bus, Hui niang grabbed the car window and said, let Yao-Niang pay attention to the body, don't worry about the house, come back when you have time, if the errands are not good, come back, the family can't take her. .
     Yao-Niang nodded again and again, with tears in his eyes.
     Or Liu-Mama was really impatient, and interrupted that it was not early, and Hui niang let go of the hand that grabbed the window.
     The horse trots all the way, tapping the rhythm of the sound on the bluestone road.
     Yao-Niang got out of the window and looked at the Hui niang who was still standing outside the door. "-Sister, you can rest assured that I will take care of myself. Come into the house."
     Hui niang eyes with tears, nodded.
     Watching my sister's figure is getting smaller and smaller, until I can't see it, Yao-Niang just turned back and sat in the carriage. Liu-Mama smiled at her: "Okay, wipe the tears, this is If you ask for a good errand, you can't come back. If you do it in the house, you will have a day off every month. When you come back, you will see it."
     There is a row of houses at the back door of Jin-Wang House, which covers a wide area. Most of them live here in the Jin-Wang House.
     Liu-Mama home is also here.
     When she came back, she saw that the man Hulai was not there. First, she packed up the house that had become a pig's nest. She changed her new clothes and went out.
     Liu-Mama is in a good mood, with a smile on her face and a wind on her feet. Others are curious. "Hu Lai family, is this gold?"
     It’s really hard to be curious. Since Liu, the man of Mama, lost his errands and got a gamble. Her temper is getting bigger every day, and she rarely comes back. Every time she comes back, she will go with Hulai. An argument. This time, Liu-Mama returned to Niang’s house. Her man Hulai did not see the trail.
     The family who lived here had a family, and there was something happening next to them.
     The neighbors knew everything. Naturally, they knew Hulai. It’s a gamble, and it’s not going to lose a good light.
     I thought that when Hu Lai family came back, he would have to make a big fuss, but whoever thought that she was not only annoyed, but so happy, it would be strange.
     Liu-Mama squinted at Pozi, who was waiting to see her joke. She smiled and said: "There is no gold, but instead stole a stinky shit. You said that the shit is so annoying, sticking to it. People on the heels!"
     This Pozi is also a human fine, naturally listening to Liu-Mama. This is yelling at himself, suddenly angered and ‘Called: "If you are proud, you probably don't know, your home Hulai is on the Judezhuang!"
     Dropping the words, Pozi retracted his head back into the door.
     Liu-Mama face is ugly. In my heart, I have smashed my brain with countless voices. I can think of myself soon to get the appreciation of Wangfei, and suddenly wipe out the haze of my heart.
     She followed the back door into the palace, all the way along the trail through the back garden to the thought yard.
     When I arrived at the courtyard, I crossed the wall and faced seven seven-room houses.
     There are ear rooms and wing rooms on both sides, and the front and rear hoods are adorned with buildings, carved and painted, magnificent and magnificent.
     At the gallery of the main house, there are several Yatou wearing green dresses. She walked over the wall and squinted her face. "Gangang, Pozi has something to look for, Lee Mama, I don't know if she is there?"
     The Yatou, who called Honger, looked at her for a while before she recognized Liu Pozi, who was in charge of flowers and plants. Knowing that she and Li Mama knew, she also helped Wangfei to do errands and said: "You wait, I will go in and help you."
     Liu-Mama piled a smile, nodded and went to the side of the wall and stood up.
     After almost a quarter of an hour, Lee Mama came out from the inside and led her into the ear room next to it.
     There is a stove in the ear room with tables and chairs. It is a tea room.
     "How? Looking for me something?"
     Liu-Mama smiled very flatteringly and said: "No, I have stayed since the last time you mentioned it to me. This is not, before I went back to the niang home, in my niang-Mei Mei found a wonderful person."
     Li Mama was busy with everything, but he forgot what happened to Liu Mama.
     Until she saw Liu-Mama smile, she remembered that she was sitting in a place with a few Pozis in the house, and the last few Pozis were drunk, leaving her and Liu. Pozi two people. When she ate the wine and ate her head, she couldn't help but smack two troubles with her. She had forgotten this. She never thought that Liu Pozi was in the heart.
     Li Mama couldn't check her eyebrows.
     There was a kind of shackled intolerance, and her tone was cold. "What kind of wonderful person makes Liu-Mama, you are so treasured?"
     Liu-Mama just immersed herself in the joy, and did not notice Li Mama cold attitude. "It's a wonderful person. I took my life to protect the ticket. To be bold, I have never seen this big palace." People are better people."
     Li Mama wanted to send it freely. It was cursed by Liu Mama.
     “It’s very watery?”
     Liu-Mama smiled and said: "Not only that."
     "That is better than the Spring Pavilion "
     "No worse than her!" Liu-Mama patted her chest and said: "If you believe me anyway, you will see it. If you can't even see it, I won't appear in front of you next time." ”
     Liu-Mama This person is a little bit like this, but overall it is not a person who likes to brag. What can make her make such a gesture, is it really a strange person?
     Li Mama put her mind in her mind and said, "That line, since you said so, I haven't seen it anymore. Just pick a few milk mouths for the little County Owner. You will bring people into the house and get the house." Look inside."
     Liu-Mama is happy to slap a slap. "Yes, you can rest assured that I will do this properly. I have not received it, I am afraid that I have been caught by my hands and feet, and I have settled outside."
     Upon hearing this, Li Mama had a bit of appreciation for Liu Mama cautiousness, and gave her a few words and left.
     And Liu-Mama sneaked out of the courtyard, and from the back door, the palace was again.
     Just early in the morning, Liu-Mama came to the hotel to pick up Yao-Niang.
     I took her to eat first, and explained the matters and rules that I had to pay attention to after entering the government before I left, and led Yao-Niang to Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang House is as grand as Yao-Niang's memory.
     The two entered the government from the west side of the gate. After passing through the courtyard, Yao-Niang did not squint. Liu-Mama saw her heart and liked it. I felt that this little woman was really obedient.
     The above people like the following people to obey the words, such talents are at the mercy.
     I went to a flower hall where five or six young women were waiting.
     They all have fair skin and a full body, and it seems that it has not been produced for a long time.
     Yao-Niang is also just not produced for a long time, but it is not as round as these little women. She is a little fatter than before, but she is just fat, the fat place is fat, the thin place is still thin, and it looks like a full body of gourd.
     When Yao-Niang came in, the eyes of everyone ushered in because of her appearance, but also because her appearance is not like a niang, it looks like...
     I also know that this palace has a big rule.
     These little women just looked up and looked down, and then they lowered their heads. Liu-Mama gave Yao-Niang a look, and Yao-Niang went to stand among them.
     Jin-Wangfei has just started in the main room of Si-Shang Courtyard.
     A row of several Yatou hands in blue is holding a copper basin, a kettle, a face towel, a samovar, etc., standing outside the huanghuali carving Ganoderma lucidum Ruyi Yuedong door.
     Jin-Wangfei has dizziness. I have to sit up for a while before I wake up to get up. She used to be a very big ruler.
     The Maid Pozi of the House of Thoughts had excellent rules.
     They stood with such heavy things and did not tremble with their arms and feet.
     Purple smoke helped her, first put a soft pillow behind her, let her sit, and then came to a bowl of tea to serve her drink. Drinking some ginseng tea with red dates, Jin-Wangfei is finally much more comfortable, and the white to almost transparent face also has a little blood.
     "How old nubi always feel that Liu Liang’s prescription for this medicine seems to have no effect." Zhou-Mama is on the sidelines.
     Zhou-Mama looks like a fifty-something, with a round face and a white complexion. Wearing an indigo-colored scorpion and a blue-gray horse-faced skirt, a black-haired singer took a slap in the back and fixed it with a simple gold plaque. It was very clean and decent.
     She is the milk of Jin-Wangfei-Mama. She is waiting for Jin-Wangfei to stay at the time. When Jin-Wangfei is married, she is accompanied by a dowry, so she is alone in front of Jin-Wangfei. Decent.
     Jin-Wangfei glared at Liu Mei, the face was full of burnout. "Liu Liang's medicine is still useful, but I don't live up to it. This dizziness is always good."
     "When Wangfei was already much better, the old nubi were obstructed by the stay of the Spring Hall. Wangye, too, actually got such a fox and returned..."
     Jin-Wangfei put the tea pot in his hand in the tray next to Yatou, and spit it out in the saliva of another Yatou.
     The purple smoke picked up a white pan to help her wipe. When she wiped her mouth, she said, "Okay, don't talk about milk niang."
     Her tone was dull and there was no condemnation, but Zhou-Mama immediately snorted.
     Yatou sneaked up to serve Jin-Wangfei, and applied emollient facial fat, which was then retired.
     Purple smoke helped Jin-Wangfei from the bed.
     Jin-Wangfei came to sit in front of the dressing table, and Ziyan picked up the rhinoceros comb to give her a head. After a moment of combing, it is enough to comb a hundred times.
     Now there is only Jin-Wangfei confidant in this house, and some words can be said naturally.
     Jin-Wangfei This is the way: "Milk niang, you have to control some of your mouth in the future, where the master can be criticized. You are my milk niang, I have nothing, but don't forget the real master of this house. who is it."
     Nature is Jin-Wang.
     Can not allow a person to be criticized, even if this person is Wangfei milk Mama.
     Zhou-Mama, "The old slave knows. But the old slave is just for you. You said that there is something good about the stay in the Spring Hall. A woman who came out from the fireworks will even dare to do it right. ......"
     With this in mind, Zhou-Mama is somewhat indignant.
     Zhou-Mama This person is all right, it is too broken, in fact, she is not like this to others, that is, Jin-Wangfei is her big milk, she almost like Jin-Wangfei as her daughter, It is especially important for him.
     Jin-Wangfei was born noble, his aunt was Guifei, and he was Di- Xiao -jie of Xu Duke House. He grew up in Fuwo. She is very good-looking, playing the name of a small and talented woman. It is reasonable to say that such a birth is still so many talents.
     It is a pity that the monthly surplus is a loss, and the water is full. This Jin-Wangfei is all good, but the only thing that is not beautiful is that she has a weak body from a young age, and her body is slightly weaker.
     However, such a birth, what kind of Tai-yi can not come, what kind of rare medicine can not find, but she will also raise her Daren, until after marrying Jin-Wang made Wangfei.
     Although Jinju is a land of frontiers, it cannot be said that Jin-Wang is the respect of Qinwang. Jinju is the seal of Jin-Wang. All the good things in the seal are tightly attached to the palace. From time to time, the Duke House in Capital City is also sending things, not to mention the rewards from the palace, so Jin-Wangfei The days of pampering have never been discounted, even better than in Duke.
     However, Jin-Wangfei body has not improved, and she has been married to Jin-Wang for seven years.
     There has been no good news.
     In this regard, it was previously blamed for Jin-Wang when he was in the government. Most of the year was in the border town. After returning to the government, he was very busy and rarely stayed in the backyard. At the beginning of last spring, Jin-Wang actually brought a woman back from outside.
     This woman is Hu  Ceefei.
     Hu  Ceefei From the first entrance to the government is a splendid and unparalleled, Jin-Wang has followed the magical way to stay in the stay in the Spring Hall. And Hu  Ceefei stomach is also eager to compete, not long after entering the government, gave birth to the first son of Jin-Wang, which is the small County Owner.
     Hu  Ceefei was also married to Ceefei.
     The so-called not suffering from ignorance and suffering from inequality, there is no, there will be no. But you have, others are not, and Hu  Ceefei has always been a public temper, but it is not a person to hate.
     Zhou-Mama hated Hu  Ceefei, and she could not wait to eat her meat and drink her blood. I feel that because she is a fox, and she has Jin-Wang to go to her, Wangfei will never be able to make a Di-.
     Zhou-Mama said that he was gnashing his teeth, and Jin-Wangfei was not angry, but he laughed.
     Her phoenix eyebrows and her eyebrows are weak, and this is pale. When I look at it, I feel that I can't help but feel the wind. It is ridiculous, but it looks like the spring blooms in March, and it is beautiful.
     After laughing, seeing Zhou-Mama still looks like a sullen face, I can't help but smile and comfort her: "Well, milk niang. I know this body too, how can I suffer from production. If she has the ability Even though the son went to life, he gave birth to the servant and raised it."
     Zhou-Mama some disapprove of this attitude, said: "Wangfei, you don't want to be old nubi . You are the respect of Wangfei, the Di-elf son in this house is still from your stomach. After all, hold it." I am hugged, how can I compare with my own."
     These words Zhou-Mama have said no to Jin-Wangfei many times, but she seems to have never been in her heart.
     Jin-Wangfei looked at herself in the mirror, and she couldn't check her eyebrows in the mirror.
     "Milk niang, this is my own opinion in my heart, you should not worry about it."
     Zhou-Mama doesn't want to worry, but can it work? But she also saw that Wangfei dissatisfaction, thinking of Wangye coldness to Wangfei after the big marriage, did not dare to lick the knife in the heart of Jin-Wangfei, can only sigh in the heart. He added: "The milk mouth that I have found for the small County Owner has already arrived in the government. I am waiting in the flower hall of Yunge. Will Wangfei want to see it?"
     "I listened to Li Mama and said that it seems like I found a good person below. This is the case. I will go see it if I have used breakfast."
     "This Li-Pozi is also a quick mouth."
     Aside from the purple smoke, the interface is: "It’s a slave who talks with Wangfei.
     The nubi also want to worry about Niang-Niang, and they can’t help but have more words."
     Li Mama is the niang of purple smoke. Both of them are Jin-Wangfei confidants, but Li Mama is a manager of Mama. He manages many chores in the back house, and does not usually serve personally at Jin-Wangfei.
     "Know that you niang are loyal to Wangfei."
     After a gossip, Jin-Wangfei took the morning meal and took the person to Yunge.
     In the Yunge, Yao-Niang has been standing for more than half an hour.
     Her waist began to be sour, her legs began to tremble, and no one else was better than her.
     Seeing that there are only a few people in this flower hall, and no one is watching them, it is inevitable that some people will be lucky to sit down next to the chair and plan to rest. Going one, and then two and three went, leaving only Yao-Niang, who is still stupid.
     Yao-Niang Look at the few little women sitting on their knees and watching them stare at their own eyes. I also know that people are sitting, but they are standing too unsocial, and they have gone.
     The young little daughter-in-law had broken mouths and more words when they sat together. You replied with me, I will return with you, and see if no one is coming, I will not help but talk.
     Yao-Niang is used to a small number of words, just listen to them.
     Listening and listening, I know a lot of things.
     I know that they are all in a relationship with the government. Most of them are relatives who are turning around in the house. In fact, if you think about it, it is a good job in the Wangfu. You don't have to work hard, you have more money every month, and you don't have to sign a death contract. It's not only related to you.
     Instead, two little women did not speak, and Yao-Niang's attention was always on them.
     The correct statement should be placed on one of the people, because she was designed by this person in the last generation, and she lost the errand of the milk niang.
     The cool breeze in the Yunge Pavilion, the sun is shining outside, shining on the green glazed tiles, igniting a golden glow.
     It was only in April that the days in Jinju were somewhat hot, and the sun was shining.
     However, all this has nothing to do with Yunge.
     The Yunge Pavilion was built in the back garden of the Wangfu.
     The garden was lush and green, and it was next to the water. A breeze came, it was cool.
     The bird ‘Called on the branch, a good place for birds and flowers.
     Yao-Niang only sat half-pull, and he didn't know what to think about.
     And while she was thinking about her own thoughts, there was another person on her opposite who was looking at her.
     Cui-zhu eldest son, niang, was poor at Jin-Wangfei dowry, and she also married a Zhuangzi on Zhuangzi. Unfortunately, her life is not good, just pregnant, the man is dead.
     There is no one in the family, and there is a brother in the niang family. She can't rely on the niang family to have a meal. This will lead to the relationship with the palace, and I want to do the errand of this milk niang.
     Cui-zhu pro-Mu-aunt is a management of Mama under Wangfei. Mama and Jin-Wangfei, like this, have more than a dozen of them. But since I want to do something above, I can't help but know a little bit of content, and Cui-zhu knows something that others don't know.
     She is directed at this, will not want to do everything to do this errand.
     When she came to think about Cui-zhu, she actually wanted to go to the palace to do a bad job. However, her father niang is Jin-Wangfei accompanying room, knowing the personality of Wangfei, and she is not willing to let her daughter enter the house to climb this high branch, so as not to harm a whole family.
     Therefore, as long as the Xu family is accompanying the escort, if there is a beautiful Yatou like Cui-zhu in the family, the daughter will not be sent to Wangfei.
     For this matter, Cui-zhu blamed Father Niang more than once, feeling that if they didn't stop themselves, they wouldn't marry such a person, and eventually became a widow.
     This time, the above has revealed the tone, Cui-zhu will remember it, and the daughter who has been giving up her own for more than three months is coming.
     This is her only way out.
     But Cui-zhu also knows that at this time, only two people will be left at the top, and the other person is the enemy.
     From the person who came in, Cui-zhu knew that this person must hold the same purpose as her, or find a niang to find what kind of failure, not to find such a.
     This kind of person is here to add to the main children!
     Cui-zhu biting the blushing lower lip, couldn't help but tighten the cuffs of the clothes, and the phoenix eyes that went over there were full of’servants.
     For today, she deliberately put on the clothes at the bottom of her box, the hair was just washed, specially put on the head oil with sweet-scented osmanthus, the hair is to let her niang comb, but also wear the only one of her Roots are golden.
     Cui-zhu loves to be beautiful from a young age, and she likes to succumb to herself. After she gave birth to her daughter, she deliberately avoided her mouth, so her body has long since recovered. Looking at Cui-zhu own eyes, she is definitely more than she was before she was married, because only the married women know that the little Guniangs of the green are better than the ones. Woman.
     But she
     Cui-zhu again with envious eyes looked red man sitting opposite, was anxious to put her face to scratch it took to vent!
     Yao-Niang always felt that someone was licking himself. When he looked up, he saw the annoying look on the opposite side. Although the other person quickly dropped his eyes, she still looked at it.
     She has some heart.
     Because of the other's eyes. If this kind of eyes is not hateful and resentful, who will look at people like this.
     Yao-Niang smiled in her heart, and she suffered many times in her life. When she first entered the palace, she was not at all in her mind. She only cares about her own grievances and only knows the son she missed. Still, once she was almost killed, she finally got up and worked hard to save her life. So many things that happened when I first entered the palace were not clear in the memory of Yao-Niang. She couldn’t remember the last time Cui-zhu had seen herself like this.
     At the same time, she could not help but wonder why Cui-zhu would show such a look.
     After all, I have just entered the palace, and the milk niang who waited for the little County Owner was not fixed. She and Cui-zhu were not opponents, why should she hate herself so much.
     Could it be said that Cui-zhu is also alive again?
     Immediately, Yao-Niang felt that she was thinking more, because Cui-zhu was still fine when she died in her life, and she was doing her prestige milk niang by the small County Owner.
     That Cui-zhu is not born again, why is it so?
     There is only one explanation, that is what Cui-zhu knows. Or she is already a designated candidate, so she will be so hostile to her. But these don't make sense. After all, even if Cui-zhu is the default, she is not, why should the other party be so hostile to themselves?
     Yao-Niang is not a very smart person. I don’t think about it if I can’t figure it out, but it left a shadow in her heart.
     Suddenly someone outside the door cleared his throat.
     Suddenly, the people who were sitting were standing up, and looked at the Yatou with a sly look.
     This Yatou is not very old, about twelve or three years old, with a white face and a few eyes, and turned away.
     Just as everyone was uneasy, there were a few older Pozis coming in from outside.
     They are well-dressed, solemn and solemn, and they are very special. At first glance, they know that they are the governor of the house, Mama.
     The head of the one who is wearing a slick, slick, long face, looks very serious. Wearing a dark red silk shirt, the outer cover of the stone blue color, below is a blue-green horse skirt. Only one old silver scorpion was inserted in the head, and a pair of cat's eye scorpions were hung on the ear. And that pair of eyes is like the pair of opal eyes, the light and the light, the gods, it is a bad match.
     Yao-Niang knows this person. She is Li Mama around Wangfei. She is in charge of many things in the government. She is one of the best assistants of Wangfei.
     However, Yao-Niang also saw this person smile when welcoming people, that is, she just got a favor in Jin-Wang, Wangfei gave her face, and the next person around Wangfei also gave her face.
     Although Yao-Niang only stayed in the palace for more than a year, he also saw more people in the house turning their faces like flipping books.
     The moment before, the smile was greeted, and the last moment was full of disdain. In the same way, as long as there is potential, they are the masters in their eyes. Lost the momentum, it is not even a dog.
     Yao-Niang saw it in the house more than once. She was also greeted by her in front of her, and she called Yao Madam. She turned her head and said that she was a fox.
     She is angry, sad, but also interested.
     Fortunately, she never has to face it all in her life. Yao Niang before entering the House wanted a good reason for her previous life will die, but left hinder someone else eyes. As long as she is not designed by Cui-zhu, she can be safe and secure to be her own niang next to the small County Owner, no longer need to worry about the Jin-Wang backyard.
     She doesn't have to do it for a long time, she will be in a year or two, and she will leave the place with only enough money to raise the treasure.
     Thinking about it, Yao-Niang was calmed down and accepted the above-mentioned Pozi review.
     "The body can be healthy? Milk can be enough? In the government, the difference is different, the waiter is the little master, can not make any difference."
     A few quick-mouthed little women were busy talking back, and Li Mama squinted at her eyebrows, but she did not show impatience. She just ignored them and asked a small Yatou next to her: "People can Please come?"
     Little Yatou said crisply: "Back Mama, please come, waiting outside."
     Not long after, an old man who was over half a year went in, followed by a small donkey carrying a medicine box.
     "This is the doctor of our Wangfu Liangji clinic, giving you the pulse."
     So he went to the doctor in turn, and extended his wrist to let the other side diagnose the pulse. In fact, one person seems to have been diagnosed with a hidden illness and let the next person take it away. When the little woman was taken away, she was still ‘Calling in her mouth, saying that she was always healthy and never dared to bully.
     Because of this, everyone can't help but be a little scared. But what is the complexity of choosing a milk niang? But Yao-Niang knows that the complex is still behind.
     Lee Mama glanced at a few people and said, "Take them to look behind."
     Several Pozi bowed their heads and led Yao-Niang and others into the darkroom.
     This kind of experience has also been seen in my life, because it is too unforgettable, so Yao-Niang remembers very clearly.
     It was the first time she had exposed her body in front of an outsider, and she was turned over and looked at it.
     Therefore, after humiliation, the extra memory is still fresh.
     Responsible for checking her Pozi very carefully, not only to check for acne or the like, even sniffing the armpit, but also let her lie on a clothed case, check the unspeakable land.
     Pozi is also afraid that Yao-Niang will be in conflict with his heart. While checking, he said: "The small County Owner is the only daughter of Wangye, and is the granddaughter of the present day, the natural dragon and grandson. This is definitely different in Jinju. In Capital City, you can only find the milk outside. But the selection of this milk mouth is to be careful. Once the little County Owner has a bad pool, it is the brain..."
     Yao-Niang bit his lip, closed his eyes, did not speak. I feel that the other person licked his chest and listened to the other side: "You see this is a lot of milk. Well, it's all good, come down."
     She was busy turning down from the case and putting her head down to put on her clothes.
     After waiting to go out, see everyone looks different, obviously the same.
     Just as everyone waited for the follow-up, Li Mama did not speak, but went out. Several other Pozis remain in the flower hall.
     It seems that there is nothing to be surprised, but Yao-Niang can't help but stay.
     Lee Mama went out and went to the left.
     If she left and Yunge, she should go straight out. How did she get there?
     Where is that place?
     Yao-Niang tried his best and suddenly felt a tight heart.
     Oh, she remembered where it was.
     This and Yunge are the places where guests are usually entertained. When there was a banquet for the officials of the government, Wangfei also treated the son-in-law of the officials in the back house.
     At that time, Yao-Niang was already a person around Jin-Wang. In this way, she couldn’t come from this place. But on that day, she was enjoying the flowers in the garden, but she came to this place and near Yunge. .
     This and Yunge occupy a large area, one facing the water, and the other side is facing the flower house. At that time, she was greedy for the peony flower that was just right, and she walked. When I saw the flowers, I suddenly heard a voice, and she couldn't help but find it. It happened that the position she was standing at was just able to see the situation from the outside and the Yunge.
     She tried to figure out where she was at the beginning, but it was not this flower hall.
     At the corner of the corner, the three-legged smoker was so conspicuous that she saw it at first sight. At that time, only a few gorgeous ladies in the flower shop were sitting in the flower hall. Yao-Niang was always timid, and she was afraid to be found to have misunderstood what she wanted to peek.
     But because the impression is too deep, she has always remembered it.
     Yao-Niang subconsciously went to see an inconspicuous flower window on the side.
     The whole window was vermilion, with a variety of beautiful patterns on it, followed by large lush foliage. At first glance, it seems that there is no abnormality, but if you look closely, you can see that the lush foliage seems to tremble.
     Someone behind.
     who is it? Who is there to watch?
     Yao-Niang didn't dare to look at it again. He was too busy to turn his head, but his eyes were still staring at it.
     The lush foliage suddenly trembled a few times, and there was no other movement until the time when I saw a complicated pattern of clothes.
     Can fall in the eyes of Yao-Niang, but it is to make her as a lightning strike.
     Such a fabric, such a familiar pattern, Yao-Niang only seen in Jin-Wangfei.
     Jin-Wangfei prefers to face the face, and clothes and jewelry all like to use the face flower. Yao-Niang was not very high-spirited. It was inevitable to be curious when she saw it. She couldn’t help but say it privately, but she was ridiculed by Maid’s butterfly.
     Butterfly said, it is not called Cattle, called Yan Yanhua, don’t say so in the future, lest it be ridiculous to say it, maybe it will anger Wangfei.
     Since then, Yao-Niang has never dared to say anything more, but he has firmly remembered this thing.
     Why can Wanggfei stand there and look inside? As the hostess of the government, she can go to the entire palace, so there is no need to hide her head.
     Then there is only one possibility, Wangfei does not want people inside to know that she has been there.
     Yao-Niang suddenly remembered that she had been favored in her life, Hu  Ceefei was squeezed by her to gnash her teeth, and she was angry and angry at her.
     The other party said that she was a fool, but she was willing to hold Wangfei stinky feet. I don’t know who I am so blessed now, and I will die in the hands of Jin-Wangfei.
     At that time, she did not put this in her heart, because she felt that the other party was deliberately provocative because of her hateful grievances. At the beginning, she was tortured by Hu  Ceefei, and she was born to climb the bed to get rid of all this. After the incident, the border city sent an urgent report, Jin-Wang went directly to the border town, did not resettle her, but she is still under the clutch of Hu  Ceefei.
     Just as Hu  Ceefei used her lynching for her because of her hate, Wangfei sent someone to save her and gave her a righteous identity, instead of being mentioned, that is the Yatou who climbed the bed.
     Because of all this, Yao-Niang has always been grateful to Jin-Wangfei. Even after she knew that Jin-Wangfei was using her own and Hu  Ceefei to fight, she did not reverse the opposite. She always remembers that when she was most isolated and helpless, Jin-Wangfei took herself and kept her face in the house to give her honor to let her stand up.
     And the man who should have given himself all this is actually a bastard who sleeps alone. This is the idea that I have been buried in the heart of Yao-Niang for the rest of my life.
     At this point, every nerve of Yao-Niang is telling himself that things don't seem so simple.
     She remembered the abnormality of Liu-Mama in Linyun County, thinking of Cui-zhu looking at her eyes, thinking about the clothes that had just passed, thinking about the experiences of her life, and the words of Hu  Ceefei. ......
     Suddenly, there is a kind of cognition that makes her fall like an ice cave. Maybe her road has been arranged from the beginning, no matter how she walks, she can't escape the control of the other side.
     So everything has an explanation, why Liu-Mama will be so diligent, why Cui-zhu will hate her so much, why she went to stay in the Spring Hall, obviously did nothing, Hu  Ceefei people are always embarrassing her . Why Wangfei was very pity for her, but after returning herself to the Spring Hall, she still stuffed her into the Hu  Ceefei side. If you really pity her, you can leave her by your side...
     Yao-Niang remembered the eagle
     Jin-Wang has a Haidongqing, a very beautiful but ferocious and sultry bird, never letting outsiders get close, but is very docile to Jin-Wang.
     Once she saw it, she couldn't help but ask him. That was the first time he had said so much to himself. Although there were only a few sentences, Yao-Niang was still fresh in his memory.
     In fact, this description is not appropriate, but the meaning is inseparable.
     They use all means to polish the will of the other party, to destroy and oppress, until the other party has no way to go, until the other party loses his will, everything is in accordance with the owner's intention.
     Yao-Niang was cold and suddenly found that his world was completely subverted.
     And everything that happens next is like the last life.
     Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu were picked, and the rest of them got one or two silver medals and were led to leave the palace.
     Li Mama took Yao-Niang to the thought room. Jin-Wangfei didn't say much, just let them serve the small Count Owner with care, and let the two lead.
     After the two went down, Jin-Wangfei praised Li Mama and said that she had a good eye. Jin-Wangfei is cold and can say such things, which means she is very satisfied with this errand.
     And this satisfaction should naturally be in Yao-Niang.
     Even Jin-Wangfei is considered to be knowledgeable, but it is the first time I have seen such a wonderful person. She thought about it and thought that she could only use the word 'miao' to describe it. If it is not too close, it is too indecent.
     "Thank Wangfei for praise, and that Liu Pozi chance to find someone who can make Wangfei satisfied, but also Liu Pozi burned high incense."
     "Take her." Jin-Wangfei smiled. I don't know what I thought of, the wave of light in the eyes of the phoenix, and it took a while to make people feel a little more beautiful.
     "To the left side of the Spring Hall, Minger sent people over."
     In the Spring Hall, Hu  Ceefei heard the following people words and immediately licked the rouge box in his hand.
     She wore a gold-colored flower and a scorpion, and her lower body was a red dress with twelve red skirts. She wore a heart-shaped plaque on her head. She wore a full set of red gold and red jewellery, which was rich and powerful, and she was bright and unparalleled.
     A slim face of melon seeds is probably because the skin is extraordinarily white, and the deep black eyebrows and long eyelashes have a bright color that people dare not look at. At the moment, the charming eyes of the phoenix are full of anger and anger, and the fullness of the rasping chest is also ups and downs.
     Hu  Ceefei was shaking all over, and she didn't count the rouge box. She went to the makeup table again, but she was hugged by Maid Taohong from behind.
     "Okay, you all go down."
     The two Yatous waiting to be on the side, and the people who came to pass the story went down.
     Taohong This is what Hu  Ceefei said: "Niang-Niang, you must be angry, this is not the one on the side of the school."
     Hu  Ceefei was so angry that her fingers were shaking, her lips were shaking, but she was bitten by the white teeth, and it was full of blood, which proved her anger.
     "She doesn't do anything about her, how can she..." Hu  Ceefei said no more.
     On the contrary, Taohong sees himself-Ceefei, so inexplicably pitiful.
     She sighed and comforted: "According to the rules of the house, the small County Owner should be equipped with four milk outlets. Wangfei can't pick anything wrong with this, but Ceefei if you are..."
     In the following words, Taohong did not say anything, Hu  Ceefei also understood what it meant.
     If she is blamed, it is her fault.
     Yes, can that be the same?
     In fact, the reason why Hu  Ceefei will become angry is not only because Jin-Wangfei is swaying to her side, but also in another privacy.
     There are not many people in the government, and even if they know, no one dares to talk casually. Not afraid that Hu  Ceefei knows that he will be upset, but is afraid of stepping on the pain.
     To mention this, it is necessary to say that according to the custom of the Wangfu, if the son-in-law of the Fuzhong is born, he does not need to feed himself. This is true for the average wealthy family, not to mention the Jin-Wang House, which is born with gold and jade.
     The milky mouth of the small County Owner was prepared before Hu  Ceefei had not been produced yet. In order to fear that Wangfei had moved his hands and feet and harmed his life, Hu  Ceefei also specially invited Jin-Wang. If you find someone outside, you will have milk for the birth of the small County Owner.
     It is reasonable to say that under this circumstance, Hu  Ceefei should not even open the milk after production, and let the medicine doctors take some medicines to return to the milk, and press the milk back, so as not to be guilty. Generally, wealthy people are treated like this. Hu  Ceefei not only did not do this, but also ordered her to open her own milk, and even served a few drugs.
     At that time, it was not that no one had questioned it, but Hu  Ceefei insisted. I thought this Hu  Ceefei was born low, want to personally feed the small County Owner, who had thought that she did not, the small County Owner has been feeding two milk niang.
     There are dozens of people in the Spring Hall, and there are people who have leaked the wind.
     The person who knows the news can't help but wonder, Hu  Ceefei is so hard-working, not to eat for the small County Owner, what is it going to do? It is inevitable that some people think about some anecdotes under the furniture of the luxuries, and there are also legends in the house. Hu  Ceefei is a woman from that kind of place, and naturally people want to be embarrassed.
     The privately spread of the house was full of enthusiasm, and Hu  Ceefei couldn't help but desperately hide it. So many women in the backyard saw a lot of jokes.
     Hu  Ceefei was so upset about this matter, Jin-Wangfei suddenly sent people to send two milk niang, I heard that the two colors are outstanding, and if there is no accident to go out to inspect the seal of Jin-Wang Will return in the near future, who is it for, and also use it?
     Can't blame Hu  Ceefei for thinking about it, let her see, Wangfei is clearly coming to hit her face. Still tearing her face down, playing in front of the people in the government.
     How can Hu  Ceefei not be annoyed! Do not hate!
     "She has a cold face and no fireworks on the surface, but in fact it is a thoughtful person..."
     Hu  Ceefei ‘Called, and suddenly her eyebrows slammed, and she pressed her chest to her chest. I hurriedly pushed away Taohong and went inside.
     Even Taohong did not call the service.
     Taohong looked at her back and couldn't help but shook her head.
     Jin-Wangfei is in a good mood today.
     When she was in a good mood, the days of Si-Yu Courtyard were exceptionally brighter than usual.
     See Wangfei, the mood is good, the purple smoke is also more lively than usual, and the weather is good outside, so I will let Wangfei go to the garden to disperse, always so in the house.
     Jin-Wangfei readily agreed to take people to the garden.
     In the spring of April, the garden is full of lush green, and it makes people feel refreshed.
     Jin-Wangfei took a walk and went to the pool to feed the fish. Someone reported that Hu  Ceefei was in the back of the Spring Hall, and the anger was unstoppable. Jin-Wangfei suddenly smiled even more happily.
     Jin-Wangfei Happy, Zhou-Mama is happy.
     In her opinion, as long as she can make her Wangfei happy, it is the smoke of the other family's grave. Because of this, she specially sent people to Yao-Niang to send two clothes in the past, and also had special treatment on the food.
     This kind of small thing is not to be actively used by Jin-Wangfei, Zhou-Mama will do it himself. Those who can serve the masters for so many years, few are simple characters, and at least try to figure out one hand.
     Yao-Niang looked at the things in front of him, surrounded by Cui-zhu eyes like a knife.
     She sent away the little Yatou who sent the things, and she felt a sense of exhaustion in her heart.
     Yao-Niang feels that she has lived in her life for so many years.
     There are so many obvious clues that she has never felt the same thing in her life.
     She put her clothes on the bedside and went to bed and lay down.
     In a small room, two canopy beds were placed, and the accounts were hung on the bed. Yao-Niang put the account down after going to bed, but also blocked Cui-zhu eyes.
     Seeing the other side disdain to talk to themselves, Cui-zhu was angry and hate, fell and beat for a long time, only to stop.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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