Wangfu Chongqie 10

Wangfu Chongqie

     Yao-Niang is considering the way he should go in the future.
     After recognizing that Wangfei had not been concerned from the beginning, she was more certain that she should firmly grasp the errand of milk niang. As long as she is next to the Little County Owner, she doesn't have to worry about the backyard of this palace. In fact, if she didn't use her errands in her life, she wouldn't be swayed by Wangfei to Hu  Ceefei to give her a chance to start with her.
     A lot of things are caused by factors.
     At noon, Yatou sent lunch to Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu, and Yao-Niang's food box was significantly more than Cui-zhu.
     The milk niang's food is better than the next one, but Yao-Niang's food box is two more than Cui-zhu.
     Yao-Niang feels guilty about Wangfei means. Although she is stupid, she is not stupid. In particular, in the past more than a year in the palace, she understood many of the reasons she had never had a way to understand before.
     What surprised her was that Cui-zhu saw it as if she didn't see it. She only changed the - when the other party changed, but she could change her head and know why Cui-zhu is doing this. Because she was only placed on the two clothes on the case, she was given two points by Cui-zhu with unknown things.
     Yao-Niang is not a very smart person, but she still feels that Cui-zhu is so stupid that she has nothing to say.
     There are two of them in the house. How can she dare to break the clothes she has seen, she is not afraid of her troubles? In the past, Yao-Niang was noisy. Although she was a soft-skinned person, she was not a temper-free person. She was naturally treated to find someone to be the master.
     In the end, Cui-zhu slammed the reprimand, and Wangfei rewarded her with both clothes, which was better than the previous two materials and the color was more tender. She liked it very much, and she wore it on the next day, but she tied Hu  Ceefei eyes, and she was regarded as a stab in her eyes...
     Yao-Niang suddenly didn't want to think about it, Cui-zhu was stupid, she was not stupid. If she has not experienced a lifetime, she does not understand the machine front.
     Yao-Niang just turned over the broken clothes and went back to bed and lay down.
     Cui-zhu looked at it triumphantly and felt that this person was so weak and not difficult to deal with.
     The next day, Hu  Ceefei took the Yao-Niang back to the stay in the Spring Hall after he invited Jin-Wangfei.
     Along the way, Hu  Ceefei face was not good. She could see that she was angry with Jin-Wangfei when she was pleased.
     In the hall, Hu  Ceefei sat down in the first place, and Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu stood in front of her.
     Hu  Ceefei The beautiful phoenix eye squats on the two.
     The two milk niang are all good, and they are considered to be in the middle.
     One of them wore a blushing red shirt, the face of the melon seeds was Dan Fengyan, and there was a small pimple in the corner of his mouth. When he smiled, there was a fascinating face.
     The key to this person is a restless look, his eyes flashing and his smile is very flattering.
     Hu  Ceefei has seen such a person. This kind of person will give her a chance to climb up when she sees it.
     As for the other, hibiscus noodles, willow eyebrows, apricot eyes and lips, the bottom is not bad, it seems to be awkward, always squinting, it is a timid look.
     Wearing an old coat of autumn color, the clothes and cuffs were slightly whitened, and the clothes were too dark.
     The woman had a seven-point appearance and was reduced by only three or four points.
     Hu  Ceefei thought in his heart: It’s another one that won’t dress up. Hu  Ceefei is the most beautiful, always demeaning this woman who will not dress herself. It may also be that the body is so shabby that you will wear such a clothes.
     Of course, Hu  Ceefei is not only looking at these, but her eyes are more on the two.
     It is also the look of Cui-zhu.
     The willows are small and slender, and they are full of anger.
     The sweaty towel at the waist can’t be tied to death. I’m afraid I can’t show my body.
     The other one is old and loose, and it is not clear.
     Just a face-to-face, Hu  Ceefei also made a rough impression on these two people. Who should pay attention to it, who should deal with it first, and already have a few in mind.
     In particular, Cui-zhu looks are more glamorous, and Hu  Ceefei is also very flattering.
     Seeing Hu  Ceefei gaze back and forth on Cui-zhu, watching himself is just a few eyes to skip, Yao-Niang's high hanging heart finally settled a few points.
     And all this said for a long time, but in reality it was only a few breaths, and soon Hu  Ceefei took his eyes back, and looked pale: "Take them to the  Little Jao Courtyard."
     Until the two turned and left, Yao-Niang could still feel the sight of Hu  Ceefei spinning on their backs.
     She is glad that she has made the right decision.
     On the other side of the school, Honger took the clothes left by Yao-Niang to Zhou-Mama.
     Zhou-Mama tweeted her eyebrows and said, "I said that this little woman couldn't wear new clothes and wear it. It was worn out.
     The clothes were broken."
     Jin-Wangfei is also looking up.
     Seeing this, Zhou-Mama is busy saying things about it.
     "The one named Cui-zhu is the Cao Pozi family?"
     Zhou-Mama nodded: "Cui-zhu oldest son, niang, is a affair with Wangfei dowry, and this woman is also a bad life. She just died when she was pregnant with a man. This is not, I want to go to the government to make a job without a livelihood.
     The old slave looked at her like a high-spirited one, and the color was the same, she picked her. Who ever thought she was so sullen temper."
     She squinted, and apparently disliked what Cui-zhu did.
     Because in their eyes, Cui-zhu is a stupid home, and only stupid will make such a thankless thing to disgust.
     On the contrary, Jin-Wangfei does not take it for granted. This is to add people to it. As long as it is blocked, it will do. As for whether or not we can continue to add, it depends on the creation of the other party. If done well, she does not mind making the other party become the second Feng-Shiqie.
     Let Jin-Wangfei see it, but it is Cui-zhu better call, stupid enough to jump off, in order to make trouble.
     It is another, and I can't help but let Jin-Wangfei be disappointed...
     However, she did not pay attention to it, but it is a person who is not too important for the status of Jin-Wangfei. Don't look at Yao-Niang yesterday to make Jin-Wangfei satisfied, but this satisfaction is like seeing a chic style, or a favorite kitten and puppy, but it is a gadget.
     Only the picture won a smile, not happy, and discarded, because there will always be countless such people flocking.
     "I have a milk niang, but I am watching the show, so I don't have to be too careful."
     "Yes." Zhou-Mama nodded and smiled. "There is no need to be so cautious in staying at the Spring Hall."
     This is naturally a counter-talk, but the nobles are all face-to-face. Is it true that the think-house is very concerned about staying at the Spring Hall, so it will make the scorpion disgusting everywhere? It doesn't seem to be too small.
     Every time I add a block to the stay in the Spring Hall, I always think that the atmosphere of the Courtyard is the best. Everyone laughs and looks like a farce. Jin-Wangfei also smiled, but smiled and smiled casually and looked out the window, Liu Mei slightly squatted.
     She suddenly got bored with herself, and it seems that she just wants to fight with those women.
     The small County Owner lives in a  Little Jao Courtyard in the Spring Pavilion.
     It is said that it is a  Little Jao Courtyard, but in fact it is also not true.
     It is a courtyard adjacent to the Liuchun Pavilion. It has a corner door from the side to the Liuchun Pavilion, and the main entrance is free to enter and exit.
     Although the yard is not big, it looks extremely delicate. Three two-story small buildings, powder walls and slabs, window buildings and door fans are all vermilion.
     There are two large tanks in the courtyard.
     The lotus leaves float in the big tank, but they have raised bowls of lotus, but they have not yet reached the season of blooming. In addition, two pink apricot trees were planted on the open space in front of the veranda, and the whole scenery was surprisingly soft.
     In addition to the small building, there is also a back room and a back room, and there are left and right wing rooms, which is extremely spacious.
     Nowadays, in addition to the small County Owner, there are one Mama one, two Big Maid, two Maid four, a few Yato Pozi, and two milk niang, and a total of more than a dozen people wait for the small County Owner. Nowadays, Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu are added.
     This is just to serve a little baby, wait for the smaller County Owner to be bigger, and only wait for more people.
     Because she also has a child of the same size, Yao-Niang sighs, can not help but contrast, is also a milk doll, but she owes a lot to Xiao Bao.
     When I think about it, my mood will be dimmed.
     When Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu came to the  Little Jao Courtyard, they were first brought to Mu-Mama.
     This Mu-Mama is the manager of the  Little Jao Courtyard Mama.
     Why is it called Mama, not Mama? At first, Yao-Niang didn't understand it. It was only after the last life that I knew that it would be called Mama from the palace. And this Mu-Mama is from the head of the palace, is Jin-Wang placed next to the small County Owner.
     At first, Yao-Niang didn't know about it. When she entered the palace, she was found by Cui-zhu and Liuchunguan. She was not worried about it, and there was time to pay attention to this thing. Later, I stayed in the palace for a long time, only to know that the original Mu-Mama was not so ordinary.
     It is precisely because of the existence of Mu-Mama, even if Wangfei and Hu  Ceefei are fighting harder, they have never spread to the small County Owner. Until then, Yao-Niang realized the true meaning of this, or the true intention of Jin-Wang.
     Because of this cognition, Yao-Niang was a little nervous when he saw Mu-Mama.
     However, Mu-Mama did not say anything to them, just looked at them and let them take them to settle down.
     Nowadays, the master of the  Little Jao Courtyard is one, it is still a milk doll, and there are not many people, so the house is extremely spacious.
     The small County Owner lives in a small building, and Mu-Mama and Yucui Yuyan live in the East Chamber.
     The milk niangs are in the west wing, while others are in the inverted room and the back cover.
     Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu are arranged in the West wing, one room for one person, no different from the previous one.
     The room is large, at least not too small for the birth of Yao-Niang.
     The whole room was divided into two by a black lacquered four-season floral screen.
     The front was the hall, and a black lacquered Eight Immortals table and a stool of the same color pattern were placed. Under the window was an Arhat bed and two others. Pull the chair and spend a few items and items.
     Crossing the screen is the bedroom, and there is a canopy bed filled with paint on the corner of the wall, a robe on the bed, and a closet on the bed.
     There is a black lacquered dressing table under the window, and a screen is placed against the inner corner.
     The screen is followed by a kiosk and a tub.
     If such a bedroom is outside, the rich family Xiao -jie also live, but here is to live in a lower house, the wealth of the palace is really staggering.
     However, Yao-Niang had seen the wealth of the palace in his life, but he did not feel any surprise.
     Yao-Niang just put down his little bag, and Green Lank knocked on the door and walked in.
     The green dragonfly is the second-class Maid in the  Little Jao Courtyard.
     In addition to her, second-class Maid also has green silk, green waist, green radish. On the four greens are Yucui and Yuyan.
     The Maid, which starts with the two jade characters, is Big Maid next to the small County Owner.
     The status is higher than the other two milk niang. In this small courtyard, Mu-Mama is removed. It is them.
     The reason why the rare milk niang status is lower than Maid is because the small County Owner is still small, and the milk niang has no other role than breastfeeding, and it is not worth mentioning.
     There is a tray in the hand of the green dragonfly, and there are several clothes in the tray.
     Yao-Niang is busy welcoming, Green Road said: "In the life of Yuyan sister, give Su-Milkmaid clothes. Just in time for the season, there are four."
     “Thank you Green Guniang.” Yao-Niang.
     Green a little bit, put things down, and left.
     Yao-Niang looked at the clothes on the table, and the eyes were full of joy.
     She is wearing clothes.
     In fact, she came out from home, and she also brought a few clothes, but she used to like some pink and tender colors. Now she wants to not attract people eyes. She wants to wear dark clothes and send them four.
     The clothes are all dark.
     A stone cyan, a green color, the other two are autumn and sandalwood. From the color point of view, it may not be the age, but it is very consistent with the identity, milk niang is to come to the milk child, do not wear too fancy.
     In the past, Yao-Niang had just arrived at the  Little Jao Courtyard, and also had these clothes on the top, but she was too ugly to disguise her color. Obviously it is the same thing, but because of the different moods, the mentality is naturally different, and people have to sigh the impermanence.
     Yao-Niang took the clothes and went to the screen after the interview, because it was not tailor-made, it was a bit bigger, but what she just wanted was loose clothes.
     Yao-Niang simply put on the new clothes and went out.
     I first found a small Yatou. I asked where I could wash the laundry. I learned that the well in front of the back cover room could be used. She went back to the room to wash the clothes and took it to the back to wash.
     Going out from the corner door next to the small building, the front is a yard that is about the size of the front courtyard.
     The front is a row of rear hoods, with a number of utility rooms, kitchens and living houses on both sides.
     There are tubs, buckets, and saponins for laundry in the utility room.
     These are the green waists that tell Yao-Niang. In fact, all of these Yao-Niang know that it is just a sudden awkwardness without asking.
     When he got what he wanted to use, Yao-Niang went to the well and threw the bucket into the well and fetched it. She is not very strong and can only play half a bucket.
     With this half a bucket of water, she soaked her own clothes into the tub.
     Green waist has been watching her silently, seeing that she really puts on the posture of washing, and left without talking.
     At the same time as Yao-Niang laundry, Cui-zhu also received the clothes that the green dragonfly sent.
     Only she looked at it with disdain and threw it on the side.
     The material is not bad, it is the color is a little lighter. Although she is a widow, she did not want to be a widow for a lifetime.
     Since the arrival of today, Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu do not have to be valued, this half-day time is reserved for settlement. However, Cui-zhu couldn't sit temper, and he changed his clothes and went out to find someone to talk to.
     She used to be a lively temper, her mouth is sweet, and she was a bit of an Aunt girl. She was not familiar with the people in the small courtyard.
     Yuyan reported the matter, and Mu-Mama couldn’t see the waves on his old face.
     "No matter who they are, we only have to look at the small County Owner."
     Yuyan nodded.
     Yao-Niang Washed the clothes and dried them on the rope.
     She went back to the water and wiped it around in her house.
     The room seems to have been picked up in advance, but it is not careful, and some dust can be seen at the corners.
     Since Yao-Niang wants to stay in this yard, she poses, and what she is doing now seems to have nothing to do with it. In fact, it is to show her attitude.
     These truths are still the reason that Yao-Niang has been in the palace for a long time. She can only do this, and others will see the opportunity for others not to give themselves.
     In the next few days, the life in the  Little Jao Courtyard was dull and uninteresting.
     Like the previous generation, people in  Little Jao Courtyards seem to treat two people with kindness, but in reality they are alienated from goodness.
     Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu both went to the small County Owner to serve, but they could only look far away. Even if they started, they would be taken care of, not to mention the close-up wait for the small County Owner.
     In a few days, Cui-zhu was bored and began to run outside.
     The excuse is to find yourself Mu-aunt, and more often it is close to the people in the Spring Pavilion, but Yao-Niang is still as good as ever.
     The weather is getting hotter, but it is changing. It may be a big sun today, and the summer shirt can be worn. It starts to rain in the middle of the night, and the next day it has to be replaced with a jacket.
     It rained yesterday, and the sky was still cloudy in the morning. In the afternoon, the sun was shining, and it suddenly became hot, and it made people feel flustered.
     The twilight is four-in-one, and the  Little Jao Courtyard is usually quiet. At this time, it is quieter like a land.
     Not being reused, there is also the advantage of not being reused. That is, no one is doing anything. Yao-Niang went to the kitchen to have his own dinner. Because the heat is not appetizing, I put it there first, and I plan to take a bath and say .
     After tossing for a while, it was finished, it might be raining, the house was very stuffy, and the Yao-Niang hair was still not dry, and there was another sweat. She was wearing wet hair and coming out of the house. It was much cooler outside than the house.
     The breeze was blowing and it was very comfortable.
     Yao-Niang just stood outside, and heard a bang from the side, Cui-zhu also came out.
     Seeing her white face with a little bit of sweat, it seems that it is also hot.
     Recently, Cui-zhu changed the appearance of Yao-Niang, but it may have been the guidance of Yao-Niang.
     The two lived next to each other, and from time to time Cui-zhu would also sit in the Yao-Niang room and talk to her. Yao-Niang is clear in the heart, but on the surface is a soft one. Cui-zhu only when she was weak, but did not think much, and occasionally let Yao-Niang help her wash clothes or something.
     However, if Yao-Niang did her job, she would not have no return. From time to time, she brought a piece of cake and fruit and gave it to Yao-Niang.
     Cui-zhu pro-Mu-aunt Cao Pozi is a small thing in the big kitchen, and these things are all from Cui-zhu. Cui-zhu often takes some small snacks back and eats it for the Maid Pozi in the  Little Jao Courtyard. Some of them make the small Yatou and Pozi greedy, so Cui-zhu is comparable to Yao-Niang in the Little Jao Courtyard and even the descendants of the Spring Pavilion. Welcome more.
     When others see her, they all smile, but Yao-Niang looks a lot bleak, and there is almost no sense of existence.
     Cui-zhu See Yao-Niang standing outside the door and coming to her side to stand.
     "This day is too hot," she said as she fanned the fan.
     Yao-Niang said: "Yeah, I just bathed and sweated."
     Cui-zhu wiped the sweat and saw a white stamp on her hand. She immediately picked up her hand and pulled a sweat towel from her sleeve and pressed it on her face. At the same time, the eyes squinted at the face of Yao-Niang like a peeled egg, and his mouth groaned: "No, I have to wash it. It is too hot this day."
     She wants to call Yao-Niang to raise water for herself, but Yao-Niang has already sat down on the stone bench on the veranda, and the other hand has her long hair. She can only close her mouth and twist. I walked into the house.
     Yao-Niang looked at her back and repeated her eyes.
     The sky darkened without knowing it. At this time, it was somewhat mosquitoes. Yao-Niang's long hair was almost dry, and he planned to go back to the house for dinner.
     When she just came to the table and sat down, she heard a cries of milk dolls, her voice was sharp, and she subconsciously tightened her body.
     It is not scary, but a niang, born to be particularly sensitive to the child's crying.
     Yao-Niang realized that this was the little County Owner crying, and came to this  Little Jao Courtyard, every night the small County Owner would make such a noise. She took the rice bowl and planned to finish her dinner.
     Then she went to play some water to wipe her body and rest.
     The food is a little greasy, and the food of the milk niang is richer than that of the ordinary people. Most of the meat is big and big, because it is more than enough to eat milk. Yes, Yao-Niang is very dry and panic, and the rice is a bit cold. I always feel uncomfortable when I eat.
     She put down the chopsticks, packed the table, and took the dish to the small kitchen. When I came back, I brought in half a bucket of warm water.
     The hot water in the small kitchen is constant, because the small County Owner can be used all the time and burned too much.
     The following people can also use some.
     Yao-Niang wiped the body and dumped the water out.
     During this time, the cry of the small County Owner has not stopped, and even more and more sharp. Especially when the wind suddenly started, the sound of the wind blew the cry of the child, and under the quiet night, it was particularly infiltrating.
     Yao-Niang couldn't sit still, and couldn't help but go to the door and look out over the small building.
     At this time, the candlelight had already been ignited in the small building. From time to time, some people came in and out.
     They stayed at the Spring Hall and asked if they had left.
     Cui-zhu came out of the house and leaned against the door and said to Yao-Niang: "The two are not very capable, how can you not even have a child?" She smiled, with obvious gloating on her face:
     The two of her mouths refer to Wang Milkmaid and Qian-Milkmaid, which are now served by the small County Owner.
     The reason why Cui-zhu and Yao-Niang will be squeezed out is that there is no way to intervene around the small County Owner. It is a great gift for these two first-time milk niang.
     The two men joined forces to run Cui-zhu and Yao-Niang, and Yao-Niang was fine. Cui-zhu hated them in my heart.
     Unfortunately, Cui-zhu did not have any other way.
     The other party was deeper than her qualifications.
     The two of them stayed at the small County Owner very hard, and almost no one could pick anything wrong.
     The most important thing is that these two people are Hu  Ceefei people, she can not afford it, can only hold a stomach, only privately and Yao-Niang will be a few words.
     This does not see such a movement, Cui-zhu does not have to think about it, Qian Wang two milk niang will definitely be reprimanded by Hu  Ceefei tomorrow, the smile is particularly splendid.
     However, Yao-Niang is very silent and does not know what he is thinking.
     Suddenly Yao-Niang reached out and slammed the door and went outside.
     Cui-zhu sees this and asks: "Where are you going?"
     "I went to see."
     "Get it, don't get in the way, don't you have been there. How did you get rid of it last time?"
     Cui-zhu is not sympathetic to Yao-Niang, but it is a dissatisfaction in the venting of the heart, because the last time she went, but was run out.
     For the time being, she and Yao-Niang are still on the united front, which is one of the reasons why she is now waiting for Yao-Niang and Yan Yue.
     Yao-Niang ignored her and walked to the small building.
     "I don't think it's enough for you to lose money!" behind him, Cui-zhu raised his voice.
     Yao-Niang is thinking about things in my life.
     In the past, Cui-zhu didn't have five or six. He could still stay in the small courtyard as the milk of the small County Owner, not because of the other, but because she had great merits.
     At that time, the Little County Owner was crying like this, but Yao-Niang was not in the heart. She just left her son Xiao bao. When she heard this crying, she couldn’t help but think of Xiao bao departure from niang. Is it also so crying?
     So she became more and more sad.
     The little County Owner cried, she also cried, crying no day and night.
     Some people say that she is angry, she feels aggrieved, it is sad and sad.
     There were a lot of milk niang around the small County Owner, so it was inextricably excluded. It’s not normal for a small County Owner to cry like this, she can’t help but keep her heart.
     After observing for a few days, she almost knew what was going on.
     She volunteered to solve this problem, but was blocked out, not only the small County Owner, but even the small building could not enter. Her heart was anxious, and it really hurts the little County Owner so crying, how can it be. I found the only Cui-zhu who could speak, and wanted to tell the person who took care of the little County Owner by her.
     Cui-zhu took her method and cured the night cry of the small County Owner.
     But she didn't tell anyone that this method was her own, but she designed and provoked it when she was caught off guard, so that Mu-Mama, who was very dissatisfied with her, took her back.
     On the contrary, Cui-zhu has established a foothold in the  Little Jao Courtyard.
     The little County Owner can't leave her, her position is more stable, and even Hu  Ceefei is quite different from her.
     At this time, Yao-Niang didn't know what to do until he was taken out of the  Little Jao Courtyard, and after Jin-Wangfei arrangement, he came to stay at the Spring Hall. Seeing the people in the  Little Jao Courtyard courtyard is different from Cui-zhu, and it is clear that the truth is realized.
     But it was already late, no one would believe what she said, she could only eat this ‘mute loss.
     On these two days, Yao-Niang has been waiting for a suitable opportunity. Although this may cause the Little County Owner to suffer more crimes, she really has no choice. This is what she can think of at present.
     The only place to stand here.
     The way to stabilize the heel.
     Only when the small County Owner stood firm, she could save her life and not be dragged into the water, so that she could wait until the day she left the house and see her son Xiao bao.
     The last life was inexplicably dead, leaving the young treasure, and I don’t know how it would be better if Xiao bao didn’t have niang.
     Every time I think about it, Yao-Niang is like a knife.
     Under the premise of this, Yao-Niang threw away his conscience for the first time in his life, and everything was for the sake of personal benefit.
     Yao-Niang came to the small building and there was no guard outside the door.
     She walked in and walked in, and saw the bright lights in the East, Mu-Mama standing in a gloomy face, Yucui Yuyan and a few green eyes were full of anxiety.
     The two milk niang were sweating, and Qian-Milkmaid was walking around with the little County Owner.
     The atmosphere is very depressed, giving people the impression that there is a flame hidden in the air, which may blow up at any time.
     She went over. "Can I help?"
     Everyone eyes fell on her face.
     Seriously speaking, the appearance of Yao-Niang is not gorgeous, even a very well-behaved appearance.
     The white face and the two curved brows are like a lotus that is not stained with mud and quietly blooms. Because of his age, he still has a bit of tenderness and tenderness on his face.
     It can be such a clever appearance, but inadvertently exudes a kind of charm from the eyebrows.
     This kind of charm is embarrassing, and you don’t see it at first glance. You can look at it quietly, you can see some of the content, dense, like a net, inadvertently can charm people.
     If this is the case, it happens to have a bee waist and hips, full of anger and anger, coupled with a unique walking posture, so people look a little bit unremarkable.
     In order to prevent himself from being noticed, Yao-Niang used his large clothes to cover up his good body and deliberately changed his walking posture. But all this can only lie to ordinary people. For the discerning person, this kind of behavior will be mistaken for serious thoughts.
     Especially Mu-Mama, for her to see everything in her eyes, light knows that Cui-zhu is now in full swing, and this one called Yao-Niang does not attract anyone attention, it is enough for her to know a lot of things. It is.
     She looked at Yao-Niang.
     Yao-Niang under the light is undoubtedly beautiful and pure.
     The dim yellow light shines on her face, and the white skin looks like a layer of honey, giving a feeling of aroma and deliciousness.
     Mu-Mama couldn't help but frown. She didn't really have a good impression of these two new milk niangs, because people with eyes in the house can see what they are doing.
     In Mu-Mama, I think that well water does not make river water, and does not need them to do anything, as long as it does not cause trouble. But when Mu-Mama was in the worst mood, someone came to trouble.
     Yuyan was with Mu-Mama for many years. When the three did not come to the small courtyard, they had been waiting in the Zhaohui Hall. When Mu-Mama frowned, Yuyan stood up and said: "Su-Milkmaid, You still go back to the house, here you can't help."
     Yao-Niang snorted and said: "The Little County Owner seems uncomfortable, I think about it..."
     The little County Owner cried even harder and struggled in the arms of the milk niang. This kind of crying gives people a very uncomfortable feeling, as if something is heavy on the head and can't bear the weight.
     Mu-Mama glared at her with a sigh of relief: "What do you want to see? What can you watch? Don't go out!"
     She was born with a square face, and her edges and corners are distinct. This is the one that came out of the palace. It has a different sense of majesty than the ordinary people. At this point, a face was cold and it looked particularly scary.
     But Yao-Niang is not moving. She tries to persuade: "My child is bigger than the small County Owner. I have encountered such a situation.
     There are ways to ease some..."
     No one believes in her, because everyone knows why the Little County Owner is like this.
     Night Cry, as the name implies, is that after every dark day, the milk doll will be inexplicably crying.
     Sometimes I even cry for one or two hours, sometimes it is intermittent, and there are many noisy nights.
     Night crying is no way to heal in pathology.
     The doctor does not care.
     The folks also call the milk doll that suffers from this disease.
     If a child who has a night crying lang, will write on a piece of paper, 'The Emperor of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Earth, my family has a night crying lang, crossing the road to read the Master three times, and sleep to the big skylight', at night When you are in the dead of night, you can stick it on the street. When you see a pedestrian, you will inevitably read it again. Maybe you can heal it.
     However, this is a superstitious practice. In fact, the milk-wafer night is not clear, and there are too many reasons for it. It is not solved by writing on paper. But when you can't talk to a baby, he is neither sick nor hungry. It is so noisy every day, people can only hope for ghosts and gods.
     The Little County Owner is not the first time to cry like this. Seriously, the little County Owner has not stopped since the end of the month.
     The trial method has been tried, and the good doctors of the good doctors have also seen it. Finally, a very general conclusion has been drawn, that is, there is no way.
     So everyone has a cognition in mind, that is, when the little County Owner cries and doesn't cry, or when they arrive in a certain month, they naturally don't cry. It’s a big deal, it’s hard work for the next person, and it’s changed. This is nothing to the Wangfu, let alone two people change their arms, ten hundred are nothing.
     But all this is limited to the paper on the soldiers, who have never seen the milk doll crying, never know how terrible it is. She can cry and ‘Call, her face flushed, her eyes closed and crying, and sometimes she even cried. It can make people nervous and nervous, and even worry about whether she is sick or other reasons.
     Especially now, the children in Sui are not good to support, and the status of the small County Owner is different. Mu-Mama will be the enemy.
     In particular, Mu-Mama, she is under more pressure than she imagined, because Hu  Ceefei has wanted to bring the small County Owner back to her side more than once.
     For this reason, how can others believe that Yao-Niang's lightly floating phrase 'I have a way'.
     No one believes.
     No one believes that there is no good way to see this milk niang.
     There is no way to see Qian-Milkmaid and Wang Milkmaid.
     They are the best milk niang in Jinju. It is not the same as the half-hanger in front of you.
     In particular, Mu-Mama and Yucui Yuyan are even more unbelievers. Of these people, only they know what Yao-Niang is doing.
     Yao-Niang insisted that she even went to Wang Milkmaid, who was walking back and forth with the little County Owner, and reached out.
     She is stubborn.
     "Let me try it, try it doesn't hinder anything." At the same time, she looked back and looked at Mu-Mama: "Small County Owner can't cry like this, it's very likely to cry." This is precisely Mu-Mama is the most worried.
     Mu-Mama despised her.
     Wang Milkmaid also thinks that the purpose of Yao-Niang is not simple, and some impatient: "Su-Milkmaid, you still don't mess up, the small County Owner is so used to it, you just fine, you just fine."
     "Let me give it a try."
     "You guy..."
     "Give her!" Mu-Mama hoarse and scorpion.
     Anyone who knows his nature knows Mu-Mama. This is angry.
     Mu-Mama is really angry, she is not angry, but if she is angry...
     Anyway, even Yucui Yuyan has never seen Mu-Mama anger. Because Mu-Mama is too old, she came to the court, what kind of scenes have not been experienced, and she has been practicing for a long time. I can raise a small County Owner. For more than a month, she really hurt this child into the heart. I feel that this child is poor and shoulders the jealousy of Jin-Wang.
     She saw how important the little County Owner was, how annoy she was at this time.
     She even thought, if this milk niang is just to express herself, and deliberately make such a noise, she will definitely change the state of standing in front of her eyes and let her go where to go.
     Wang Milkmaid handed the small County Owner to Yao-Niang and Yao-Niang reached for it.
     The Little County Owner is a very beautiful milk doll, but it is a bit scary at this time. Her little face rose red, red like blood, tightly closed eyes, small mouth crying, the voice is already a little stunned, the small body is also very tight.
     Yao-Niang touched her’servants and probed her neck and back with her fingers. She sighed inexplicably.
     Although Yao-Niang is also a niang, she is very good at taking care of her baby. ZHu  shi has three sons, and her niang is not good. She is looking for it.
     There is also Ming Geer, not to mention Hong Geer Xiao bao.
     Seriously, there are no fewer than five children who have been photographed by Yao-Niang.
     Therefore, her experience with children is extremely rich, and even more than everyone knows the body language of the baby.
     It’s like the little County Owner is so sweaty, but still wrapped in such a thick’servant, she can comfortably blame.
     The milk baby can't talk, her only expression is to cry, not to mention that she is uncomfortable, and it is naturally more serious.
     She took the little County Owner and went to the side of the Arhat bed to solve her embarrassment.
     "What are you doing!" Qian-Milkmaid ran over to grab Yao-Niang's hand.
     “The little County Owner is sweaty, I let her cool and cool.”
     Yao-Niang feels that there is nothing strange about what he said, but it is very harsh in other people ears. In particular, Wang Milkmaid and Qian-Milkmaid can't be different, and even the face is not easy to detect.
     "This month's milk baby can't see the wind, it will catch cold." Wang Milkmaid said in a condescending manner, as if Yao-Niang didn't understand anything, but he had to understand it.
     Yao-Niang ignored her and still solved the embarrassment of the small County Owner.
     Wang Milkmaid's face was flushed and there was a feeling of being underestimated. Qian-Milkmaid even went to see Mu-Mama and Yucui Yuyan.
     They stayed in the Little Jao Courtyard for a long time, and naturally understand who is the owner of this  Little Jao Courtyard.
     In comparison, Yao-Niang is much calmer.
     She didn't even look at the two milk niangs, but her eyes focused on the small County Owner. She was distracted: "The little baby is also a human being. It would be uncomfortable for an Daren to sweat. Isn't the small County Owner uncomfortable?" Although I am not very old, I only have one child, but I have brought me three nephews, and my two nephews, I also helped."
     Mu-Mama stared at her with a deep look and did not speak.
     Since Mu-Mama didn't speak, Yucui Yuyan naturally couldn't talk. Seeing this, Wang Milkmaid and Qian-Milkmaid can only stop being stopped.
     Yao-Niang opened the small County Owner's’servant, and the small County Owner also wore a thick cotton trousers. Seeing this, she even sighed: "In fact, the milk doll is not afraid of cold.
     The so-called 'children without June' is just a rumor. Just like normal people, as long as there is no disease, no pain, how much clothes we wear, how much to wear for them? Ok, today is so hot, we are sweating in a single coat, not to mention the small County Owner wearing a cotton jacket..."
     “Which Guniang is going to make a pot of hot water?”
     Everyone listened to her words and listened to it. At this time, listening to her said that there was some reaction at the moment. Still green belt reaction is the fastest, busy: "I am going."
     Yao-Niang has already taken off the thick cotton trousers on the small County Owner.
     There is also a thin cotton coat inside the cotton trousers, and Yao-Niang simply doesn't know what to say. She even suspects that the small County Owner may have been criticized, not the reason she thought it was.
     “The clothes of the small County Owner also need to be changed, and they are all sweaty.”
     Looking at Mu-Mama, I haven’t talked, and Yao-Niang will make everyone call the group. Soon, not only did the hot water come, but the clothes of the small County Owner were also brought.
     The little County Owner has not been so badly crying, but still picks up. Yao-Niang took her clothes off, and ‘Called at her softly, took a cloth belt, and made a beautiful knot, stuffed into her small hand. She couldn't help but cry, and looked at the red tape in her head.
     The little County Owner was taken off, the fat body was fat, and the small arms and calves were like a chastity. It’s just a little red dot on the body that looks like a hot scorpion.
     "This is the one that came out. If we are a hot guy, it will be uncomfortable, let alone a baby."
     Seeing the little red dot on the small Count Owner, Mu-Mama sharp old eyes looked at Qian-Milkmaid and Wang Milkmaid. Although she did not say a word, but invisible between them gives people a very heavy pressure.
     Qian-Milkmaid panicked, Wang Milkmaid was calmer than her, and succumbed: "The small County Owner is still so small, and she doesn't dare to bathe her on most days. It's all rubbed.
     These scorpions will give her every day. I smashed the cold melon water and scrubbed it. It was already gone. Who knows how it happened again. When we scrubed the little County Owner at noon, Yuyan Guniang was also there. Yuyan Guniang, wasn't there?"
     Yuyan hesitated and nodded.
     Mu-Mama didn't talk anymore. Yao-Niang didn't talk, and it was definitely not a matter of others. But she didn't seem to understand it at all. She just silently and very carefully wiped the little County Owner with the soaked shovel.
     Her movements are soft and familiar, and I am used to it at first glance. Up to now, everyone knows that this Su-Milkmaid is not intended to express itself, but has a hand.
     Plus the little County Owner didn't cry at the moment, everyone was a little more convinced.
     Yucui stepped forward to Yao-Niang's helper, Yao-Niang did not refuse, let Yucui help to wear a jacket for the small County Owner, and she put the scorpion in the basin and smashed it, gently Lift the legs of the small County Owner and wipe her little ass.
     Yao-Niang saw a red around the valley of the Little County Owner, and couldn't help but frown. "How is this red?"
     She is not reprimanded, just to express the facts, but in the ears of the two milk niang who have experienced such a single, it is undoubtedly a thorn.
     Qian-Milkmaid is extraordinarily arrogant, and retorted: "This month's milk is pulled frequently, and red is normal."
     Yao-Niang is skeptical about where the two milk niangs were from, but I can think about them.
     They are not very old.
     They probably only have one or two children, and how can they understand this.
     She didn't say anything, but let the green cock go to find some sesame oil.
     I didn't know what to do with sesame oil at this time, and I couldn't help but look at Mu-Mama.
     Mu-Mama looked at Yao-Niang with a glance and nodded.
     Soon, the green dragonfly came with a bowl of sesame oil.
     There is a small kitchen in the Little Jao Courtyard  yard, so this kind of thing is not lacking.
     Yao-Niang didn't expect her to get so much. She couldn't help but say: "In fact, a little bit is enough."
     She dipped a little on her finger and applied it to the red area around the Little County Owner's Valley Road, then put on her pants and padded the diaper.
     At this time, the small County Owner seemed to be much more comfortable, and the big eyes looked at Yao-Niang in a glance, revealing an innocent smile.
     Yao-Niang is not only soft, but also like a heart.
     At this moment, she remembered Xiao bao, and her heart was full of sorrow and grief. However, she was not immersed in this kind of injury, she reached out and touched the little Country Owner's belly.
     In fact, when he was only able to wipe his body, Yao-Niang felt that the small County Owner had some bloating, but he was not sure. At this time, he touched it and tapped in the horrified eyes of everyone. Her heart already counted.
     “How many times can the small County Owner be out of the past two days?”
     Upon hearing this, Wang Milkmaid looked at Qian-Milkmaid, and Qian-Milkmaid looked at her again.
     The two faced each other, apparently even they did not deliberately observe the incident.
     Yao-Niang couldn't help but sigh in her heart and said: "This month's milk dolls are most prone to bloating, and bloating can cause physical discomfort, so they will cry."
     This Qian-Milkmaid finally found a way to refute the other party.
     She disagreed very much: "Su-Milkmaid This is questioning me and Wang-Sister's judgment? Not to mention that I am in accordance with the rules, the small County Owner is very normal, not as you say it is bloating. How can bloating be out?"
     This Yao-Niang didn't know how to explain it.
     The reason why she made this judgment was to ponder the wild method.
     When ZHu  shi gave birth to East Geer, East Geer was so noisy at night, the family was tossed and turned over, and could not sleep for one night.
     She niang was anxious to find a way to ask other people milk dolls. I don't know if I don't know. I asked a lot of people milk dolls like this. Some people even gave her niang a lot of remedies. I have tried all of the tests, and I have not tried it. I can't do anything at all, so I will return to the old way and hold it in my arms.
     In fact, she also pointed to her alone, her niang body is not good, ZHu  shi is lazy and bad, and does not worry about East Geer. I learned that many people milk dolls came here. It will be automatic in a certain month, and they will simply lose their hands. So she held East Geer in the night and night, sometimes she could fall asleep in her arms.
     Later, I really can't stand it, I will find a solution myself.
     After several days of observation, she came to a conclusion that is likely to be caused by bloating.
     She slowly tempted, carefully asked for evidence, and found a unique way. Although it may not be cured, it can be relieved to a large extent. Later, Yao-Niang tried again on the other two little nephews, which proved to be effective.
     After that, the young Geer Hong Geer of the sister's family, even Xiao Bao, never had a night out.
     Qian-Milkmaid is very proud to see that Yao-Niang can't be said. But all of this Yao-Niang didn't look in the eyes. She put some sesame oil on her fingertips and put it in her hands. It was until the hands were hot, and then she covered her hands on the belly of the small County Owner. Give her a gentle massage on her belly.
     "Small County Owner is still so small that it can't be so embarrassing, it will be bad." Qian-Milkmaid rushed up and grabbed her hand.
     Her movements were too sudden, her voice was sharp and thin, and she scared the little County Owner who was not crying. Yao-Niang had a painful moment, and Qian-Milkmaid’s hand was too heavy, so she got a pain.
     Wang Milkmaid was busy picking up the small County Owner and holding it far away, a pair of fears of being robbed by Yao-Niang.
     "-Mama, you think about it, believe that she still believes in us.
     The baby is small, the bones are not growing well, so it will be bad!"
     For a time, Mu-Mama also hesitated, not knowing who to trust.
     "Let her do it!"
     A low but very magnetic male voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and everyone couldn't help but look at the past.
     However, I don’t know when Jin-Wang came.
     Jin-Wang stood there quietly, and seemed to have stood for a while, followed by the governor of the palace, Fu Cheng.
     Only a light was lit in the hall, which seemed dimly lit. Jin-Wang has a dark purple uniform, cuffs and plackets are faintly patterned, and jade belts are worn around the waist.
     The whole person is immersed in the darkness, but the more they look like the crown.
     There is always a kind of person who just stands still and can attract everyone attention.
     Jin-Wang is one of the best.
     He is tall and tall, and his temperament is more noble.
     The skin is white, like the most superior white jade, the tall nose with a thin lip, and it is if the long eyebrows and a pair of dark and dark eyes can not see the depths.
     Needless to say, Jin-Wang is handsome.
     Because it is too handsome, even to the extent of beauty, Jin-Wang is clearly tall and strong, but temperament is elegant.
     But if you are familiar with his past experiences, you know that this is a lie to the world. In fact, Jin-Wang's reputation outside is not good, so good to kill, temper.
     In the private sector, his name has the effect of stopping children.
     The world even rumors that Jin-Wang is because the killing is too heavy, so there will be no children. It is even more rumored that Jin-Wang does not like women, only likes men...
     There are many rumors about Jin-Wang, other Yao-Niang is not clear, but does not like women, but likes men, she has the most say.
     Because she has seen him the least elegant look...
     Science time, do not want to see can skip, a little long, is about infants and toddlers
     →. →
     Night Cry is a long-standing statement, and even in the past few years. With the gradual development of science and technology medicine in recent years, some people have slowly explored the reasons why they cause night babies.
     There is generally a saying that the little baby in the day is prone to nightingale and is called the night crying lang.
     There are no solutions, many of them are adopting some superstitious methods, such as writing a word on the road, some holding a baby's little clothes to go out and ‘calling, and so on.
     Now there are two kinds of sayings in medicine, pediatric colic, or children in the evening. However, these two statements have not been clearly affirmed, which is the cause of childhood troubles. Colic and dusk are often combined into one category.
     The reason for the dusk is a bit complicated, the weather temperature is hot and cold, and the baby's nerve endings are not fully developed, causing him to sleep and sleep, very anxious, etc., which will cause him to hang around at dusk.
     Intestinal colic is after the baby is born, many places are not fully developed, such as intestinal function, causing him to defecate and deflate more difficult, his intestines can not effectively discharge excess gas, gathered in the intestines, it will Causes colic.
     Intestinal colic is light and heavy. If you use a bottle, buy a better one, you can discharge excess gas in the milk. When the baby is eating the bottle, pay attention to it. Don't let him suck in the air. In addition, do more exhaust surgery every day, can effectively prevent colic.
     Of course, if the colic is severe (the gas is too much), the simethicone has a miraculous effect. However, this thing has dependence, so it is still Mama is a little more diligent, doing three or four times a day of exhausting exercises, the average baby will not suffer from colic.
     There is also a saying that the baby does not sleep at night, is calcium deficiency, in fact, breast milk baby will not be calcium deficiency six months ago.
     The calcium he brought from his mother can last for about 5.6 months. In the later period, if the Mama diet is comprehensive, the baby will also add the complementary food correctly, and there will be no calcium deficiency.
     Yao-Niang feels that my heart beats very much, ‘Laughs’ ...
     The palms are all sweaty.
     Jin-Wang is clearly not in the house, how can it suddenly appear.
     With the sound of heartbeat, she seems to have reached a world of nothingness, nothing can not be heard, can only feel the hot male body behind him, and if there is a breath in the ear, if there is no breath...
     Yao-Niang suddenly a spirit, the whole person is awake.
     The situation in the house is also reflected in her eyes. Except for Mu-Mama, everyone has left, and she is still standing there.
     On the opposite side, Jin-Wang looked at her eyes inexplicably.
     Yao-Niang has a creepy feeling, and immediately the legs are soft, and they slammed into the ground.
     Jin-Wang looked around and saw her eyes soft for a moment when she saw the small County Owner in the arms of Wang Milkmaid. He emptied his hand and walked in: "Get up."
     He sat down next to the circle chair: "Don't worry about benwang, you continue, everything is first with a small County Owner."
     When the green’servants were too busy, they retired.
     They didn't come in for a long time, and then they didn't come in, but stood outside the door.
     The lights in the hall were also ignited, and they were bright.
     Yao-Niang hung her head and squatted there, and she didn't know what she was thinking until she was called by Yucui.
     "Su-Milkmaid, Your Highness told you to continue."
     Yao-Niang turned and took a few deep breaths to stabilize his mind.
     In order to cover the tension in her heart, she reached out and put a sesame oil in the bowl and put it in her palm. For a long time, she only slightly swayed the belly of the small County Owner, one after another.
     Because her action was really shocking, everyone couldn't help but stare at her hand, for fear that she would lose weight and press the small County Owner out. Who once thought that the small County Owner seemed to have nothing to look at, although it was a little uncomfortable to move the small body, but did not cry.
     Nowadays, Yao-Niang can persist and rely on perseverance.
     She tried to ignore the gaze behind her, and gave the little County Owner a belly in the way of memory, and helped her to kick her legs. A few times on the left, a few on the right, and then the two chubby legs are all lifted up on the abdomen, pressed, stayed a few moments before they were put down.
     This action is too embarrassing, Wang Milkmaid and Qian-Milkmaid are trying to ‘Call, but Jin-Wang is afraid to speak out.
     The room was so scary that Yao-Niang could even hear his breathing. She could feel a gaze on her back and make her nervous, while a familiar numbness came up from the tail vertebrae.
     Fortunately, this gaze quickly shifted off, and Yao-Niang was able to force a small set of County Owners to complete. At this time, she was sweating and panting.
     Yao-Niang didn't dare to look back, gently and gently helping the small County Owner to put on the jacket.
     “Well?” Mu-Mama came over and asked.
     At this moment, there were a few rumors, and the sound sounded a little indecent. Yao-Niang showed a relief expression.
     She refused to answer Mu-Mama words and opened the diaper of the small County Owner.
     The little County Owner is just a sham.
     "This can only be temporarily relieved. If you have any effect, you have to look at it again. In addition, these need to be done every day, and it will take a few more days to see the effect..."
     At this moment, a series of rushing footsteps rang, followed by a group of people stepping in.
     But Hu  Ceefei came with someone.
     She was surprised and surprised: "His Royal Highness, how come you are back?" Then she woke up to see the small County Owner: "How is the Little County Owner? You said that you want to use anything, even a child is not good. Live. Ben is sitting in the Spring Hall and can hear the cry of the Little County Owner... My poor girl, I really let niang feel bad..."
     She changed her face very quickly, the surprise of the moment before, and became a worry and anxiety at the last moment. In the face of the anger of Yao-Niang and others, in the face of Jin-Wang, I changed my mind to see me.
     Yao-Niang sighs, no wonder that Hu  Ceefei can still live well when she is dead.
     This is the skill!
     Think about how you got along with Jin-Wang in your life? There seems to be no extra words.
     The people in the house rumored that they were favored, and only Yao-Niang knew what the truth was. Don't look at her dare to run Hu  Ceefei in the think tank. That's because she knows that Wangfei is supporting her waist and changing to Yao-Niang herself. She obviously humiliates herself like Hu  Ceefei, but she never wants to retaliate. .
     I don’t want to, I don’t dare.
     Because Yao-Niang can feel the special significance of Hu  Ceefei to Jin-Wang, not to mention Hu  Ceefei and the small County Owner.
     Jin-Wang's only son, just this is enough for Jin-Wang to look at her differently.
     On the other side, Hu  Ceefei looked at Jin-Wang: "His Royal Highness, if you don't let the little County Owner hold back to the Spring House, even if you are working hard, you must keep a small County. Owner.
     The little County Owner is so angry that he wants to be niang, and the children are all niang. Your Highness, you promised to be good?"
     For any man in the world, such a beautiful person, such a kind of pity, I am afraid I will not be moved. Just Jin-Wang is like a stone man, not to mention that his face has not changed, and his eyes have not moved.
     The grandfather of his own family is too lazy to speak. As a close-fitting eunuch, Fu Cheng naturally wants to help the round.
     He smiled, half-bent, and respectfully said: "Let Ceefei worry, the little County Owner is fine. You see, this is not good?"
     The little County Owner is in the arms of Yao-Niang, and looks at her thumb safely. It looks very cute.
     "never mind?"
     Hu  Ceefei half of the red lips, seems to have some reaction.
     Fu Cheng had a trace of ripples in his eyes, and his face still smiled: "Yes, it's okay."
     His eyes were placed on Hu  Ceefei, Hu  Ceefei was wearing a rouge red cloud sash skirt, and his shirt was covered with a thin shirt. It seems that a bedclothes has rushed in, but in fact, you can see that it was specially dressed.
     The head was covered with a bun, and a red gold-plated Tauhong-colored tourmaline peony flower was inserted, and a few flowers were inserted next to it.
     The red lips were also coated with rouge.
     Who will dress like this when sleeping?
     However, Fu Cheng was an eunuch who had no roots, and did not seriously see what a woman was sleeping. He just instinctively judged that Hu  Ceefei had learned that the temple had come down and rushed over.
     What Fu Cheng can see, Jin-Wang may not see it.
     The expression on his face is not obvious: "Benwang feels that An Rong is here and makes Mu-Mama take care of it."
     "This is the old slave duty." Mu-Mama respectfully said.
     Jin-Wang nodded and stood up and went outside the door.
     Hu  Ceefei took a moment and looked at the small County Owner in Yao-Niang's arms. He went to see Jin-Wang's back, biting his teeth, or chasing it out.
     The room suddenly fell, and Yao-Niang finally breathed a sigh of relief.
     The glittering sweat dripped down her forehead and fell on her eyelashes. I didn't dare to blink, I wanted to wipe out the air, and I looked a little embarrassed.
     Yao-Niang was sweating all over the body.
     Mu-Mama looked at her low-browed and pleasing look, and glanced at the place where her chest was wet with sweat, indicating that Yucui took the small County Owner and said, "You go back and clean up, this evening. Just stay with the little County Owner."
     Yao-Niang stunned, is this allowed her to wait for the small County Owner?
     At the same time, she also noticed the look of Mu-Mama, squinting at it, and immediately reddened her face.
     She wore a stone-blue summer shirt today.
     The clothes of this cloth are not stained with water.
     The thin material sticks to the flesh because of the erosion of sweat. Because the color is dark, the color below appears more conspicuous.
     The big red is beautiful, and the towering white is under it...
     Yao-Niang thought of Jin-Wang and looked at his own eyes. He couldn't help but wonder if he saw this scene too. He suddenly looked like a fire and was ashamed to die.
     She remembered the last time she was in bed, Jin-Wang said a word, saying that she is a goblin, always like to seduce him.
     That was the most shy thing he said to her.
     Only once, but she still remembers.
     Will he think that he is not going to check, so he will let him see that he will think that he is seduce him? Not too late to think, Yao-Niang hurriedly nodded his head, not even dare to lift, ran on his chest.
     Mu-Mama was a dark-eyed man. Seeing this, he smiled and shook his head. He felt that he was really in the palace for a long time. Seeing everyone seems to have a heart.
     According to current observations, this Su-Milkmaid is not like a thoughtful person.
     Think of Jin-Wangfei, Mu-Mama is not sure about this idea. However, for her, as long as she can give birth to the Jin-Wang son, I have to worry about it or not.
     Desheng died early, so Jin-Wang is Mu-Mama. In her opinion, she never pays attention to the process, only the results. This is also the reason why Mu-Mama is willing to give Hu  Ceefei a good face. On the contrary, Jin-Wangfei is not allowed to see her.
     A woman who can't raise a child is Wangfei. In the heart of the old man Mu-Mama, he is deeply rooted in thinking that the child is big.
     Yao-Niang walked quickly to his house and stopped at the door.
     Cui-zhu stood in front of her own door. Apparently she also heard the movement of the party and knew that Jin-Wang was coming.
     Under the dim light, Cui-zhu bit his lower lip, his eyes were stunned and he looked at Yao-Niang with a few complexities.
     "I really yelled at you." The voice broke out from the eyes of the blind man, and it was so bad.
     Yao-Niang looked at her and pretended not to understand: "Cui-zhu, what do you say?" The heart is a bitter smile. If she knows that Jin-Wang will return tonight, she will definitely not choose to take the lead today.
     Cui-zhu eyes turned around and she snorted disdainfully and turned into the house and fell to the door.
     The action is very big, and the door frame is falling.
     In the dark, Yao-Niang stood outside for a while before pushing the door into the house.
     She was going to get some hot water back. Before she went, there was a thick one that made Pozi carry two barrels of hot water. She wanted to pick it up, and the other party did not let it. She smiled and poured the water into the bathtub, and said that it was not enough.
     In fact, people are so realistic, do not need you to do anything, as long as the above shows a little bit of your eyes, it is enough for the following people to change their attitude.
     For the rest of the life Jin-Wangfei to Yao-Niang, to Mu-Mama in this life.
     The small County Owner is still a milk doll that can't talk. Mu-Mama is the weather vane in this  Little Jao Courtyard. Jin-Wang had just left, and everyone on the hind legs knew that Su-Milkmaid had made a contribution before the temple. Mu-Mama allowed her to serve close to the small County Owner.
     What does this mean behind the meaning?
     Invisible, in fact everyone is measuring.
     Mu-Mama is old, it is impossible to make the milk of the small County Owner-Mama, no doubt the small County Owner's future milk-Mama will be selected among these milk niang. Wang Milkmaid and Qian-Milkmaid seem to be united fronts, but in fact they are more energetic, and Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu are not counted. Nowadays, Yao-Niang unexpectedly stands out from the crowd and has made such a great effort. As long as she can cure the night mourning of the small County Owner, everyone in the Little Jao Courtyardmust hold her.
     With these, there is no place next to the small County Owner?
     In the tub, Yao-Niang immersed himself in hot water and let his thoughts go empty.
     She seems to think a lot, but in fact she did not think about anything.
     Painful, embarrassed, uneasy, cramped, and anxious have already faded away, leaving only a full of embarrassment.
     She didn't know what she was doing.
     She remembered Hu  Ceefei who was chasing Jin-Wang and immersed herself in hot water.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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