Wangfu Chongqie 20

Wangfu Chongqie

     No one can answer this question, and it is impossible for Yao-Niang to ask others, but only in the heart.
     Just as she was immersed in thought, a little Yatou rushed in from the door: "There was something going wrong outside."
     "What happened?"
     "On the side of staying in the spring and staying in the spring, Hu  Ceefei wants to play Cui-zhu board..."
     "What happened, I have to play the Cui-zhu board?"
     Everyone looked at each other, but Yao-Niang couldn't help but feel tight, and had bad guesses.
     "It seems that Cui-zhu stole the jewelry of Hu  Ceefei, which was discovered by Qiao-er.
     The scorpion was given to Hu  Ceefei by the Highness, so she loved it so Ceefei was furious..."
     Someone couldn't help but interrupt: "This Cui-zhu is a  Little Jao Courtyard person, Hu  Ceefei can say that he can play..." He said, this person can't say it himself.
     Hu  Ceefei is the master, and Cui-zhu is just a milk niang. Milk niang is also the next person, not to mention that Cui-zhu is still a slave, even if it is a civilian body, as Hu  Ceefei, killing is also killed, and even no one ‘called.
     "Or, let's go see?"
     One or two can't help but curiosity, I want to see what it is. Don't look at it is to play a milk niang, but this milk niang is involved in a lot of things. First of all, she is the person who sent over the Si-Yu Courtyard. Cui-zhu pro-Mu-aunt Cao Pozi is in the government, and the Cui-zhu family are Wangfei. Accompanied the room, not to mention Cui-zhu or the milky niang of the small County Owner.
     This Hu  Ceefei is going to be against Wangfei. I have long thought that this Hu  Ceefei must have a moth, which is not a big deal.
     In the stay of the Spring Hall, Cui-zhu was pressed to the ground and was extremely embarrassed.
     The crimson shirt was full of dirty gray, his hair was messed up, his face was a mess, but his eyes were staring at a person in the crowd.
     This person is a plum branch.
     Cui-zhu never imagined that Mei Zhi would have harmed her so much. She didn't know how Hu  Ceefei shi-zi appeared on her. She had been talking with Mei Zhi all the time. No matter how she explained, no one believed her, even in addition to Mei Zhi, and stood up a few others who proved that she did sneak into the Hu  Ceefei room.
     Cui-zhu knows that this is a bureau that deliberately targets her.
     In fact, this game is very rough, how could she enter Hu  Ceefei room and steal her shi-zi! She is crazy and will do this!
     No one can pay attention to this, the master said that you did, you just did.
     There are many people standing around, most of them are the next ones in the Spring Pavilion, and some are in the small courtyard. Most of the people in the Little Jao Courtyard  are standing behind, looking at Cui-zhu who was pressed to the ground.
     In fact, Cui-zhu understands that everyone understands, but whoever lets you not go to the Spring Pavilion, this will not happen.
     Yao-Niang is also here.
     She knew she shouldn't come, but she still came, she wanted to see what the next thing would become. To know that she was punishable by Hu  Ceefei in the past, she also smashed the board several times.
     I didn't expect that I wouldn't take the lead in my life, but it was Cui-zhu turn.
     She has a sad feeling of rabbit fox sorrow.
     “Ceefei Niang-Niang said, reward her five boards and punish him.” Qiu-ju walked out of the house and stood on the steps.
     After all, Hu  Ceefei still dare not put Jin-Wangfei people to death.
     Someone should be, and in a few moments, there are two Pozis coming over with the stools and the board.
     Cui-zhu mouth was blocked because of the noise. Pozi tied her up on the stool and said, "It's just a five-board, not a dead person. It's a good lesson for you."
     The board hit Cui-zhu once and for a moment, only to hear the snoring sound.
     Yao-Niang didn't look again, and left quietly.
     Her mood is a bit bad, she remembered her own life.
     The five boards are really not heavy. After Cui-zhu has smashed the board, he can walk down.
     Without waiting for Hu  Ceefei to speak, Mu-Mama ordered Cui-zhu to be sent away.
     Until now, Cui-zhu is no longer suitable for staying in a  Little Jao Courtyard. Not to mention whether her hands and feet are clean, there are more milk niangs around the small County Owner, and one less Cui-zhu will save a lot of trouble.
     It is obvious that the current Cui-zhu is a trouble, and Mu-Mama will not be in trouble to stay with the small County Owner.
     Yao-Niang suddenly has a kind of enlightenment, maybe she was sent away in her life. Nothing is wrong when you make mistakes. If you are wronged, the above people will not take care of all this.
     They will only measure your going and staying at all, but don’t care what changes this will bring to the other’s life. .
     If Yao-Niang only used the lessons of her life to avoid this and she witnessed the experience of Cui-zhu, she had a deep understanding.
     A cognition of the mode of thinking of the superior.
     She thinks that Cui-zhu will definitely come back again, if Wangfei mind is as she guessed.
     Sure enough, the next day Cui-zhu came back, and was sent to the Spring Hall by Jin-Wangfei.
     Jin-Wangfei said that Hu  Ceefei taught that there is a square, and that this is not a good Yatou gave Hu  Ceefei training. Although it is completely different from the situation of Yao-Niang in the past, it is the same.
     What will Cui-zhu encounter?
     Yao-Niang feels chilling as soon as she thinks.
     How can she think that Wangfei is a good person in her life!
     When I saw that Cui-zhu came to the small courtyard to clean up her own things, let Yao-Niang bump into it, but she saw her smile.
     Cui-zhu saw Yao-Niang, his face was full of pride: "Su-Milkmaid spent the night yesterday, do not have to rest today?"
     Seeing such a Cui-zhu, Yao-Niang did not know what to say.
     "This person and person are different. Some people are born to be nubi . Some people are destined to be different." After leaving this, Cui-zhu took his own thing and left Yao-Niang. With her back, she couldn't help but come to God for a long time.
     At first Yao-Niang did not understand why Cui-zhu was so proud, and immediately realized. Perhaps everyone pursuit is not the same, she saw a kind of sweetness in Cui-zhu smile.
     She thought, Wangfei must have said something to Cui-zhu.
     The development of things has been completely different from the previous generation, and Yao-Niang finally has no need to worry about repeating the same mistakes. But all this did not let her relax her vigilance, but it was even more cautious, of course, this is a postscript.
     In the courtyard of the school, after people took Cui-zhu away, Zhou-Mama said to Jin-Wangfei: "Niang-Niang, this Cui-zhu has now been regarded as a nail in the side of the Spring Hall, and it is hoped that it will be born. Nothing works."
     Jin-Wangfei on Guifei couch is looking down at a book. After listening to this, she looked up at Zhou-Mama and said: "Milk niang, I didn't mean what she could do."
     Zhou-Mama soon understood that Jan-Wangfei was adding Hu  Ceefei.
     Can damage the Cui-zhu, the momentum of the stay in the Spring Hall is even more pressureless, equal to the chess they have arranged for a long time has been abandoned.
     "You forgot one more?" Jin-Wangfei smiled.
     In the sun, she had a rosy face on her face, but she still had a morbid beauty. Obviously, it is weak and invincible, but there is a wise light that can't be ignored.
     Jin-Wangfei is not born in Xu Duke House, the mental means are one-on-one, that is, being tired by this body. Every time I think about it, Zhou-Mama can't help but sigh.
     "You mean that the surname Su milk niang?" Zhou-Mama hesitated.
     Jin-Wangfei nodded: "Daddy niang Didn't find this woman extremely clever? By Cui-zhu escape, hiding himself, and quickly standing on the side of the small County Owner, it is much smarter than this Cui-zhu, I used to It was a small look at her."
     "I can see that she doesn't seem to want to climb the branch. I heard that this surnamed Su milk niang is very low-key on most days. He never takes a  Little Jao Courtyard half-step, and rarely goes out in the yard, not in the room, or Serve around the small County Owner."
     "You forgot your Highness? Your Highness is always going to see the Little County Owner."
     Zhou-Mama is still a bit worried, and Jin-Wangfei is again: "Which woman is not happy with his man under the Highness?" She said, her eyebrows squint, giving the illusion of a genius.
     This is not the case, Jin-Wang Longzhang Fengzi, jade metallography, instrumental hall, and born noble, is the natural Prince respect. When I was in Capital City, there were countless noble women competing for it, but they were taken over by Jin-Wangfei.
     In fact, Zhou-Mama has always had a question to ask but dare not ask: Wangfei, are you happy?
     If it is a pleasing heart, why never take the initiative to get close to the Highness, if you are not happy, why bother with the Hu  Ceefei.
     It’s just that Zhou-Mama didn’t dare to say that she remembered that Jin-Wangfei hadn’t married before, and that Wangfei almost died.
     It is Jin-Wangfei who is looking for his own death.
     Zhou-Mama always thought that Jin-Wangfei didn't want to marry Jin-Wang, maybe she had an Favorite person, but she was Jin-Wangfei milk niang, but she knew that since Wangfei was still in the pavilion, she never Any man has seen it differently.
     This doubt is buried in the heart of Zhou-Mama for more than a decade, and may be buried for a lifetime.
     In the Spring Pavilion, Hu  Ceefei looked gloomy as Cui-zhu walked in front of him.
     In fact, Cui-zhu attitude is very humble, but in Hu  Ceefei eyes, he can see the smug and sinister intentions hidden under him from the humble face.
     Hu  Ceefei even saw a face through her, that is the face of Jin-Wangfei.
     A cold and pale, the eyebrows are always filled with carelessness, but contain the most malicious face. She can even see Jin-Wangfei laughing at herself and laughing with ridicule and irony.
     How can you be pampered again? It’s not a matter of piety. Your so-called favors are all fake, fake... Without your Highness, you are nothing...
     Hu  Ceefei couldn't help but shudder, and her heart was more anxious.
     She can't go on like this anymore!
     Hu  Ceefei suddenly stood up.
     “ Niang-Niang !”
     Taohong hurriedly ‘Called and looked at her strangely. Apparently she was acting too suddenly, letting Taohong misunderstand anything.
     Hu  Ceefei looked at Taohong's eyes, even more angry, she is such an irrational person?
     However, she did not explain anything, but took a deep breath and said: "I am going to see the small County Owner."
     Taohong is relieved.
     Today, the Spring Pavilion can no longer afford anything.
     In the East Room, Mu-Mama sits on the bed of the rosewood inlaid with the Sapphire landscape, and Hu  Ceefei sits opposite her.
     Yuyan took two cups of tea and put it on the little one, but Hu  Ceefei just looked up and did not drink. I can see that Hu  Ceefei didn't sleep well in these days, and there were some faint black eyes under the beautiful phoenix eyes.
     Compared with Hu  Ceefei words, Mu-Mama is the old god drinking tea in the ground, and does not seem to care about why Hu  Ceefei came.
     At the end of the day, Hu  Ceefei couldn't help herself. She hesitated for a while and said her own intentions: "-Mama, I want some small County Owners, can I hold the small County Owner to stay in the spring. Has the museum been overnight?"
     Unlike Zhang Yang in the face of Jin-Wangfei, she is even humble in the face of Mu-Mama.
     Hu  Ceefei is not stupid. She knows who Mu-Mama stands for, and she knows the identity of Mu-Mama. Mama, the agent around Xiande, and the death of Deyi, just beside Jin-Wang. Serve, Jin-Wang respects him and treats her as an elder.
     It is enough for Hu  Ceefei to respect Mu-Mama.
     Unlike Jin-Wangfei, Mu-Mama is a Jin-Wang person.
     Mu-Mama looked at her Hu  Ceefei, with all the insights on her face.
     It is probably because of the birth of the court. This kind of insight is hidden under the cortex, and even people can't detect it. It only feels unpredictable.
     Just Hu  Ceefei has this feeling, and therefore she is exceptionally like a needle felt.
     "Your Highness agrees?"
     This made Hu  Ceefei a little embarrassed, but she also knew that she had to speak Mu-Mama to achieve her goal.
     Before she went to Zhaohui Hall, but did not even enter the door. All of this made her nervous, and she even wondered if Jin-Wangfei knew something, or why Cui-zhu was so concealed.
     She can't fall out of favor, absolutely not.
     Once out of favor, it is enough for Wangfei and Feng-Shiqie to tear her away.
     Thinking of this, Hu  Ceefei smashed the hand under the sleeve and cried. She cried so sadly that she couldn't even look down on her face, with a kind of embarrassment and uneasiness.
     She did not choose to cover up for the face, but picked and picked some, saying that she accidentally angered Jin-Wang that night, but the details did not say.
     This matter is not a secret to Mu-Mama. Although she was not in a small building at the time, she soon knew it.
     Sometimes even Mu-Mama can't understand what Jin-Wang is thinking, but not knowing how to do it doesn't hinder her. This Hu  Ceefei is even stupid, and often angers His Highness, but since His Royal Highness is willing to go, she has to do something for her, Mu-Mama should be behind her.
     Her eyes glanced at Hu  Ceefei stomach, and the voice slowly said: "If you think about it, just hold it for one night. I let Yuyan help me clean up and take Su-Milkmaid. ”
     Hu  Ceefei immediately broke into laughter: "Thank you Mama."
     In the east, Yao-Niang is giving a massage to the small County Owner, and naturally hears the outside.
     This is the first time she heard Hu  Ceefei crying. To tell the truth, she was surprised by Yao-Niang. This kind of surprise is not to see any monsters, because Hu  Ceefei has always been arrogant in her impressions, even if she was divided by most of her life, she never showed weakness.
     Yuyan walked in from the outside, whispering and Yao-Niang said that I would go to the Spring Hall this evening.
     Yao-Niang A milk niang, can say anything, can only listen.
     It is said that it is necessary to clean up, in fact, there is nothing to clean up. After the birth of the small County Owner, Hu  Ceefei deliberately picked up the west tip of the staying spring pavilion, opened a room for the small County Owner, and prepared the preparations, just want to put the daughter Raise around.
     After that, the small County Owner moved to the  Little Jao Courtyard, and the things used were re-stocked.
     The things on the other side were still moving, so it was only a matter of holding the small County Owner.
     However, Yuyan still helped Yao-Niang to clean up some of the diapers used by the small County Owner, and the usual gadgets. Waiting for it, Yao-Niang will hold the small County Owner and follow Hu  Ceefei to the Spring Hall.
     The West Peak is very clean and spotless, and the things of the small County Owner are also neatly arranged. In the cabinet of the rosewood in the corner, there are all kinds of small toys of the small County Owner.
     There are some on the market here, there is no one on the market, and there are also here.
     Here, Hu  Ceefei personally prepared it, and Wangfei sent it. Of course, Jin-Wang was ordered to collect it from all over the place.
     Seriously, Jin-Wang is extremely fond of this daughter.
     The Maid Pozis in the Spring Pavilion are also very attentive to Yao-Niang, a Su-Milkmaid, with a smile on his face. In the last year, Yao-Niang was always in the cold spring and suffered from cold eyes and fallen. I have not seen them like this, and I am shocked.
     But the horror is not surprising, in the end it is too different from the previous life.
     Yao-Niang didn't see Cui-zhu, but she knew why Cui-zhu didn't appear. Before Cui-zhu was punished for standing in the sun for more than an hour, people were suffering from heatstroke, and now they can't get out of bed.
     This incident is known to everyone in the courtyard. It has also been discussed that Yao-Niang naturally knows.
     The little County Owner has passed a hundred days.
     The baby's bones in this month have slowly hardened and they are beginning to feel uncomfortable. Let the Darens hold their arms, always want to look around and look forward to her, she also knows that she is rare, and a rattle can make her look old for a long time.
     Yao-Niang took a rattle in her hand.
     These days, she often exercised the grip of the small County Owner, so the small County Owner took it very well and could shake it in her hand.
     The sound of the sound.
     The little County Owner was not wary, was scared and couldn't help but blink, and then looked at the gadgets in his hand, and then laughed again, waving more excitedly, sending out a series of laughter of the only baby.
     The little County Owner smiled, and everyone in the Spring Pavilion laughed. Hu  Ceefei naturally laughed too.
     There was a laugh in the Spring Pavilion, and the low air pressure was swept away.
     Hu  Ceefei didn't stay for a long time, and hurriedly took people out.
     Yao-Niang thinks that she is going to Zhaohuitang.
     Jin-Wang will come?
     Jin-Wang will come naturally.
     Inexplicable, Yao-Niang has this perception.
     In Zhaohuitang, inside the study, Jin-Wang is watching a batch of newspapers and secret letters.
     Fu Cheng walked in with a light footstep and almost no sound.
     Jin-Wang looked up at him, Fu Chengdao: "His Royal Highness, Hu  Ceefei is coming, waiting outside the door."
     Jin-Wang raised his eyebrows.
     Fu Cheng bent over and continued: "Ceefei went to the  Little Jao Courtyard, and with the consent of Mama, she took the small County Owner to the Spring Hall and said that she would stay for one night."
     So naturally, Jin-Wang also understands the meaning of Hu  Ceefei.
     “Ceefei, please come to the Spring Hall for dinner in the evening.”
     The house was in a state of silence, and Jin-Wang still looked at the secret letter in his hand.
     For a long while, his eyebrows did not lift: "Let her go back, Benwang will go."
     When he got Jin-Wang, Hu  Ceefei left with a smile.
     Fu Cheng looked at her back, inexplicably a little lamented.
     You said she was stupid. She was really stupid. She said that she was smart and she was a little smart. At least this Hu  Ceefei can figure out one or two points of his Highness and understand what he is relying on.
     This man, living in this world, living well and not well, isn’t it relying on that point?
     Fu Cheng’s sleeves angled and looked at the distant sky.
     Twilight Si he, the Spring Pavilion is brightly lit.
     Maid Pozi were all dressed up with a very festive smile on their faces.
     In the house, Hu  Ceefei had already held the little County Owner in her hand. Today she was dressed very well. She was wearing a red shirt with a red silk and a silk dress.
     The makeup was also light, and the jewelry was taken. A simple jade.
     Such Hu  Ceefei is something that everyone has never seen before. It’s a little bit more glamorous and a bit more quiet and warm.
     The little County Owner in her arms wore a t-shirt top under the red cotton.
     The style is simple, the texture is soft, and the inside is wearing a belly pocket of the same color, which makes her look white and lovely.
     This clothes was made by Yao-Niang.
     It’s hot, and the little milk baby is not suitable for wearing clothes that embroider too many patterns. That kind of clothes looks gorgeous, but it is not suitable for wearing this month's milk baby, hurting the skin. Yao-Niang first tried it out and put it on the small County Owner. It was beautiful and breathable, and it would not scratch the delicate skin. Even if it was hot, the little County Owner didn't have any hot scorpions, and it didn't catch cold. Mu-Mama simply let her go.
     Hu  Ceefei smiled and praised Yao-Niang for a good time, and Maid Pozi on the side naturally followed the fun.
     Yao-Niang has a feeling of dreaming. People who have been mad at their lives in the past have changed their faces in this life. It is really an illusion that people have something to be human.
     A small Yatou hurried in and said that it was His Royal Highness.
     Hu  Ceefei immediately picked up the small Count Owner and led a large group of people to meet.
     In the courtyard, the porch of the veranda is lit by the glazed palace lanterns. It shines everywhere, and even the bright moon stars in the sky are bleak.
     Jin-Wang is a stone-blue embroidered dark-colored robes. After one hand, he walks here. Followed by Fu Cheng.
     Under the light, he is arrogant and handsome, like a god from the top of the throne.
     Yao-Niang saw Hu  Ceefei lose a few breaths of time, and immediately showed a touch of joy and greeted him.
     "His Royal Highness."
     Jin-Wang nodded, her eyes glanced over her face and placed on the little County Owner.
     Seeing this, Hu  Ceefei deliberately handed the small County Owner forward, softly speaking to Jin-Wang: "The Little County Owner is very happy today, and knows that the father is coming."
     The little County Owner was really happy today. I slept in the afternoon. After I woke up, so many people accompanied her to play. She is still excited. Her little body is still a little soft, she wants to straighten up, she has to find an Daren to borrow, Hu  Ceefei lifts her up, she loses support, and Hu  Ceefei moves too awkward, let her upper body suddenly Just go to the side.
     Scared everyone to jump.
     Not afraid of falling, but afraid that it will hurt the waist of the small County Owner.
     Yao-Niang is the fastest responder to Hu  Ceefei, and he is stepping forward and stepping forward to hold the small County Owner from the side.
     Hu  Ceefei has a lingering heart and pale face.
     She didn't expect it to be like this. It was also her own experience of not having a child. It was just to please Jin-Wang. For a moment, there was some negligence and forgot to hold the back of the small County Owner.
     Jin-Wang's face immediately cooled down.
     Fortunately, the small County Owner did not cry, this month's milk doll did not know what to fear, but also thought that Darens are playing with her, holding the hands of Yao-Niang, making a sound of oh oh.
     Such a cute little County Owner naturally makes Jin-Wang ease the look. Hu  Ceefei also breathed a sigh of relief. She also seemed to know that she was not doing this. She took the small County Owner into the arms of Yao-Niang and entered the house with Jin-Wang.
     After entering the second time, Hu  Ceefei first served Jin-Wang and sat down on the bed of Arhat before sitting down in the opposite position.
     Everyone left and went out, but Yao-Niang took care of Hongfu of the small County Owner and could stay there waiting.
     Yao-Niang is a bit like a needle, and I feel that the situation is very different now.
     The man she had served in her life sat with her opposite head in her life, and she held their child in her hand.
     Inexplicable, Yao-Niang has a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart.
     But she didn't have the time to think about it, because Hu  Ceefei talked to Jin-Wang, the main topic was to focus on the small County Owner, and the person holding the Little County Owner had to be careful.
     For example, Hu  Ceefei said that the small County Owner had recently eaten fat, and she had to follow the other person's eyes and show the fat-small County Owner to Jin-Wang. For example, Hu  Ceefei said that the small County Owner is now adjustable, and she has to make fun of some of the little County Owner's naughty things.
     It was probably because of the impact of the previous life, although Yao-Niang said, but the expression on his face was extremely stubborn.
     The small County Owner is also tired of playing, and is not willing to cooperate. More than once, he turned his face and squatted on Yao-Niang's chest.
     The action of the small County Owner made Yao-Niang extremely embarrassed, because everyone eyes were focused on the small County Owner, and the small County Owner naturally saw her place.
     If it is someone else, one of the key points is Jin-Wang.
     Yao-Niang's face rose red with the naked eye, and his neck was low. He wanted to bury his face in the arms of the small County Owner, trying to cover his ears.
     For all this, the little baby is ignorant.
     Because she couldn't eat milk, the little County Owner could see some anxiety. She struggled in Yao-Niang's arms, and kept squinting her face on Yao-Niang's chest, and even cried in a low voice.
     Nerve tension, coupled with the suggestive movement of the small County Owner, and her crying, let Yao-Niang reflect the reaction, but it is just a matter of interest, the fabric on her chest is all wet. Thorough.
     All this is slow to say, but it actually happened in an instant.
     The abnormality of my body can naturally feel that Yao-Niang's brain is blank and she is ashamed to die. However, she also knows that she can't continue this way. She is busy picking up the small County Owner and holding it on her chest.
     The period of Ai Dao said: "The Little County Owner seems to be hungry." During this period, he didn't even dare to carry it.
     Hu  Ceefei attention has always been on Jin-Wang, but she did not notice her clues. Upon hearing this, she said: "If you are hungry, hold her down."
     Yao-Niang is like a special order, hurriedly holding the small County Owner down.
     As soon as he entered the back room, Yao-Niang could still feel a gaze on his back.
     Yao-Niang remembers one thing in my life.
     Because of this, when she was feeding the little County Owner, she was still thinking about it.
     Looking at the little man in his arms who had a good taste, I don’t know how this little man’s face turned into an Daren face.
     She thought a lot...
     A lot of things in my last life.
     Yao-Niang has a sense of shame, even if she is the last generation to climb the bed to serve in Jin-Wang, she will eventually be the daughter of her family. Even if the experience of the previous life changed her a lot, she also understood that the woman’s body is actually a tool that understands the joy between the bed, but she still didn’t think that the legacy of her life was so deep, she just relied on these messy ideas. can……
     Yao-Niang licked her face with one hand and felt like she was going to burn. Fortunately, there was no one in the house, otherwise she should be ashamed to sew.
     The little County Owner was already asleep, and Yao-Niang stood up lightly and placed her in the car before sitting down on the soft couch near the window.
     The room is very quiet, and even the entire stay in the Spring Hall is quiet.
     This kind of quiet Yao-Niang is no stranger, because every time Jin-Wang went to the small courtyard, the small courtyard was so quiet.
     What are Jin-Wang and Hu  Ceefei doing now?
     Probably using dinner, after using dinner, naturally it is necessary to rest.
     Jin-Wang will be fortunate to Hu  Ceefei? Hu  Ceefei but can't stand it?
     after all-
     Yao-Niang suddenly felt that he should not think about it anymore. His last life was a lifetime, and he had nothing to do with his life. Since she didn't plan to go this route, she shouldn't think about these messes. What she has to do is to save her life, and then go home after two years of errands.
     She will always guard Xiao bao, raise him to Darenhood, maybe she can open a small grocery store, the investment of the shop should be enough for her to maintain the livelihood of the mother and son... She will send Xiao bao to study, as long as the child can Read, continue to let him read, maybe one day she can also be killed and enjoy the blessing of her son-in-law...
     Think about it this way, Yao-Niang's heart suddenly calmed down, and the former scorpion was like a small stone falling in the lake, just a burst of shackles, then it was no longer seen.
     Yao-Niang feels wet on the chest, but there is no clothes to change. She can't help but regret that she should bring a dress when she comes over. It was also because she was too messy when she was feeding the little County Owner and forgot to take a piece of pad.
     She found a piece of slap on the clothes on her chest, and it didn't work at all. Plus, the house was a little stuffy, and Yao-Niang simply came to the window and opened the window sash.
     The night is fascinating, but there is no wind.
     The lights in the courtyard are still so bright, but they are silent and silent. One of them is not seen, but it seems that there are many guards in the yard.
     Yao-Niang is no stranger to these people costumes. This is the personal guard around Jin-Wang.
     She just looked at it and didn't look at it again.
     She thought that this night will be a long time.
     There is already a place in the East.
     The treasures of a table were delicious, but only two people sat at the table.
     Hu  Ceefei did not serve as a mealmaker and personally served Jin-Wang.
     Seeing Jin-Wang looks cold, but he gave him a meal, and he did not refuse. Hu  Ceefei has a happy heart, but also is diligent, but also a dish, but also pouring wine, busy.
     Jin-Wang drank two glasses of wine and saw that the atmosphere was not bad. Hu  Ceefei finally got a courage. Some of them were wronged and brought some sighs: "Please don’t blame your Highness, and that day is also a moment. Confused..."
     I have to say that Hu  Ceefei is very good at pleasing people.
     Especially to please a man.
     It may be a gift of talent, or it may be a training. She knows very well what kind of gesture a woman should put in order to win the favor and love of a man.
     Her intentions are quite good and not bad. From the back of the small County Owner, to her dress and pie, they are carefully arranged, but unfortunately miscalculated the nature of Jin-Wang.
     Just Jin-Wang is seeing this more, only to understand how many deliberate Hu  Ceefei moves, and what kind of purpose is in this deliberate.
     In fact, Jin-Wang does not care about this purpose, but obviously the day's things made him too impressed. God knows that he can sit here, more of a kind of almost self-abuse.
     This kind of restraint followed Jin-Wang from an early age. He did not have the blessing of the mother, but grew up in the palace where people can eat. Although he is Prince, he is not qualified. In order to stand out from the crowd of Prince, in order to create more opportunities for himself, he must suppress the nature, restraint for a long time, this restraint is almost his innate instinct.
     Jin-Wang didn't talk, holding the wine cellar in his hand, but he didn't move the glass of wine.
     Hu  Ceefei bit his lower lip and wept and pleaded: "You don't look again, look at our daughter, the little County Owner is so cute..."
     Yeah, little County Owner.
     This is why Jin-Wang came tonight.
     What Jin-Wang did was not because of this woman, but because of the small County Owner, his only blood.
     So he can give Hu  Ceefei the position of the side room, give her a favor, give her everything that can be opposed to the Jin-Wangfei Chamber, but she is more and more disappointing, maybe he never took her hope.
     Jin-Wang looks at Hu  Ceefei.
     In front of this woman, the woman who has not applied the net fat powder is completely different from the previous Hu  Ceefei. Jin-Wang is a person with good memory. Now, Hu  Ceefei is so beautiful and quiet, and Jin-Wang remembers how profound she is about her stupid ignorance.
     Seriously, Jin-Wang can endure this year and it is extremely rare. He has never been a temper who will waste his energy for those who are not related.
     "Since you understand all this, it is necessary to be safe." Jin-Wang voice is cool and authentic.
     Hu  Ceefei face is white and secure? What is the security point?
     Jin-Wang left the wine cellar and stood up. "When your Ceefei is good, what to do, what not to do, Benwang will not say a second time."
     After that, Jin-Wang left, Hu  Ceefei wanted to chase the past, but was stopped by Fu Cheng.
     “Ceefei Niang-Niang, please stay.”
     Hu  Ceefei clenched her lower lip tightly. First, she took a look at Fu Cheng, and then the waves in her eyes looked at Jin-Wang's disappearing back.
     Fu Cheng’s contempt for her was innocent. When she saw that she had dispelled the idea of ​​chasing the past, she went to the West. After a short time, I saw Yao-Niang holding a small County Owner and coming out behind him.
     Hu  Ceefei face is whiter, and he can think of what Jin-Wang said, and he didn't have anything to do with it.
     It doesn't matter, as long as her Highness is willing to forgive her, she can always find an opportunity.
     The night wind is slowly, showing a chilly coolness.
     The string moon is hung in the night sky, and the silver glow is light.
     The courtyard is very quiet, and several guards are like statues standing in the dark, not moving.
     Jin-Wang is in the front, Yao-Niang is in the back, and Fu Cheng is next to the side.
     Yao-Niang clung to the little County Owner and looked at the man's back not far away.
     The shadow of Jin-Wang was pulled long, and even blocked the light in front of Yao-Niang. Her heart was chaotic, and she was dark and stumbled.
     How did he come out? Is this going to go to the  Little Jao Courtyard? Why don't you stay, why is it that Jin-Wang stays in the staying spring hall, but he appears in the small building?
     Yao-Niang has too many puzzles in her heart. She finds that she does not know the man in front of her. Even if the two of them had been in bed for the rest of their lives and had done the most intimate things, she did not know the man in front of her.
     Maybe I never understood it.
     Yao-Niang only looked at her head, but forgot to look at the road and slammed into Jin-Wang. Fortunately, Jin-Wang responded quickly enough to turn around and pull her, or I don't know what it would be like. In particular, Yao-Niang is still holding a small County Owner.
     Yao-Niang The whole person was paralyzed. Fortunately, the small County Owner slept heavily, and with her arms guarded, it didn't matter, and she still slept very sweetly.
     The opposite eyes were cold and ice-like, and Yao-Niang was not seen by Jin-Wang.
     She has seen him the most indifferent, and more often, she has no time to pay attention to what he looks like. After waking up, the room is quiet, except for the aromatherapy that he used to still have a hint of charm, no other.
     In addition to doing that, the two are too little and too little.
     "It’s all nubi neglected..." Yao-Niang said that he had a period of Ai Ai.
     Jin-Wang looked down at her.
     Her eyes are very dark, giving people a feeling of fog, like crying out at any time.
     The little mouth is very red, slightly trembling, seemingly scared. Jin-Wang eyes slipped and naturally saw the wetness of Yao-Niang's chest. Yao-Niang's clothes didn't dry, and they were still wet on the body. In the moonlight, it was deep, but it was tightly attached to it. It seemed that the towering circle was very obvious, and it was faintly revealing.
     I don't know why Jin-Wang suddenly remembered the small County Owner's face on her chest before, and at the same time, it was like a Lan Feilan, which seemed to be awkward, mixed with a hint of milky fragrance and drifted into his breath. Let's take a look, the familiar heat rises from the air.
     Jin-Wang couldn't help but tighten his eyebrows and looked up at the sky.
     The moon star is thin, and the lower string is hung in the air, but now it is only half late in April.
     Jin-Wang regained his head and restrained his eyes on Yao-Niang's face, turning his head and walking forward, saying nothing.
     Fu Cheng whispered to Yao-Niang next to him: "Su-Milkmaid, be careful."
     Yao-Niang nodded.
     The three men passed through an inconspicuous corner door to the  Little Jao Courtyard, which is just the side of the west wing.
     The return of the three did not cause anyone to notice, and there was no light in the small building. Fu Cheng first went to the West Chamber to call people. After a while, Yuyan Yucui greeted them.
     The two men were confused and apparently all just got up from the bed.
     They did not say anything, and the rate advanced the small building and ignited the candle.
     Jin-Wang went up to the second floor, and Fu Cheng followed suit.
     Yao-Niang suddenly couldn't see through Jin-Wang.
     Inexplicably, she suddenly had a kind of cognition. Perhaps Hu  Ceefei so-called favors are all fake, and all are the illusion that Jin-Wang deliberately created.
     Why can Jin-Wang do this?
     No one can answer her.
     The little County Owner is now eating a lot more fat, and his face is more smiling, not as sick as before, not at all lively.
     Mu-Mama said that Yao-Niang has made great contributions, and therefore Yao-Niang has become more and more high in the  Little Jao Courtyard. Even Qian-Milkmaid and Wang Milkmaid have to bow in front of her.
     However, Yao-Niang has always been soft, and he can't do anything that is deceptive. He didn't have the opportunity to run the 2nd Prince niang. But there is nothing to say to them, and there is a faint relationship between them.
     After this, Qian Wang and two milk niang also know that Yao-Niang is a good temper, unlike some people who are mad at it. What do you think in your heart? On the surface, you have to wait for Yao-Niang and Yan Yue.
     Yao-Niang's days in the  Little Jao Courtyard are getting more and more smooth, but Cui-zhu is frequently in the Spring Hall.
     In fact, it is not a big deal. Most of them are small things like sesame mung beans. But if you have a relationship with the master, it is not a trivial matter.
     For example, Cui-zhu combed Hu  Ceefei, and he was too careless and hurt Hu  Ceefei. Hu  Ceefei will of course punish her, and she will not be severely punished. It is a small punishment to let her stand outside.
     This outside is not under the gallery, nor in the shade, but under the sun. It won't let you stop, but one or two hours. But now is the beginning of summer, although the day is not too hot, but the sun is also very poisonous. Standing for one or two hours is enough to make people feel dizzy and painful, but they will not hurt their lives.
     For example, for Hu  Ceefei, the tea is too hot, or the water is too cold, and it will be dissatisfied. Generally, Hu  Ceefei is covered with a skull and face.
     Can you say that she is not right? After all, people are the masters, you are nubi , the master wants to find nubi , you can always find all kinds of reasons.
     Cui-zhu is embarrassed, not only let the people in the Spring Pavilion see the play, but also the people in the  Little Jao Courtyard.
     No one talked to Cui-zhu, everyone said she should.
     Why should I still use it?
     Yao-Niang finally understands why she was so acquainted with Hu  Ceefei in her life, but no one is willing to help herself.
     Because in its own right, if it is not self-seeking, it will not happen at all, so no one will sympathize with Cui-zhu, and naturally no one sympathizes with her.
     The only difference is that Cui-zhu own purpose is not pure, and she is hard-pressed by Wangfei. But if she said that she didn’t know anything at the time, she wouldn’t understand it.
     So, who told you to be stupid? You should bear it all!
     Even Yao-Niang himself has had the same bitterness in his life, but he is not in love with Cui-zhu at all. It is a strange and strange mood.
     In these days, Jin-Wang is not in the government. It is said that there are some things in the land. Jin-Wang took people to deal with them.
     During the period, the house was extraordinarily quiet, and even Hu  Ceefei tossed Cui-zhu was not as powerful as before, and it was very easy to go up and down.
     In the twinkling of an eye, the Dragon Boat Festival was started. Everywhere in the house, dust was removed, medicine was sprayed, and Aipu was inserted in the doors and windows.
     The Maid Pozi who had needlework had made five poison sachets. If you don't make a sachet, you will also buy a few five-color silk threads and wear them on your wrist.
     Of course, the scorpion to be eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival is already in the house.
     The house has been prepared for a long time. After all, Jin-Wang House has thousands of people in the upper and lower parts of the house. It is not a slap in the face of so many people. Can be done.
     This kind of scorpion refers to the big pot rice, and the Little Jao Courtyard  yard is also done separately.
     Because of the special status, the government did not dare to wait, so the materials in the small kitchen are very complete.
     There are five or six kinds of light hazelnuts, sweet and salty, red dates, pork, shrimp, and egg yolk.
     Other people in the  Little Jao Courtyard are busy packing bags, and Yao-Niang is busy embroidering the sachet.
     Yao-Niang needlework is good, the five poisonous embroidered on the five poison sachets are vivid, and the five-color silk braided pattern on the top is also beautiful. She was going to embroider one for Mu-Mama, which is filial piety, embroidering one for the small County Owner, which is a duty. I know that everyone looked at things and said that she embroidered well, and they all came to the door.
     Refused and refused, after all, the people in the  Little Jao Courtyard are very kind to her. So the light sachet, Yao-Niang took five or six, not to mention the colorful bracelets, silkworms and the like.
     In the end, Yuyan made a speech and everyone stopped.
     In fact, doing these things is not a hassle. I took the time to do it. Yao-Niang took five days to get these things done. In addition, she did one for herself. In fact, it should be two. After Yao-Niang found out that she was not Jin-Wang’s embarrassment.
     In the last life, she also gave Jin-Wang a five-poison sachet. Jin-Wang didn't say it in her mouth, but hung it around her waist. This is extremely unbelievable for Jin-Wang, who has always been introverted and indifferent, so let Yao-Niang always keep it in his heart, and he will give him another one.
     It is a pity that she did not live in her life and died in March.
     Yao-Niang looked at the extra sachet, thought about it and thought about it, but still didn't put it away, but the two sachets were tied together and tied around the waist.
     This sachet is not big, Yao-Niang has done extraordinarily fine for himself, and the whole is butterfly-like, so even if it is two, it will not make people feel awkward, but think it is a pair.
     Yao-Niang thinks that if you do more, don't waste it, wait until the next day to pick up things at home, drag people to bring it back, and Dangdang to do something for Xiao bao.
     On the Dragon Boat Festival, Jin-Wang still did not return.
     Jin-Wangfei has always been a quiet temper, see Jin-Wang did not return, simply banquets are not placed, accounted for the various festivals in each courtyard, and the section of the festival has been sent down.
     Every year, the Dragon Boat Festival is the most lively and busy time in Jin-Wang. It’s rare to have a leisurely trip this year. His Royal Highness has not returned to the government. Wangfei has spoken again. Everyone naturally wants to celebrate.
     In the  Little Jao Courtyard, the light banquet was placed on three tables.
     Anyway, the dishes are all ready, not enough to manage the big kitchen, but also do it yourself. Everyone joins hands and they are very rich.
     There are not many people in the  Little Jao Courtyard, and there are no urgent errands. When you close the courtyard, you will be happy with yourself.
     Even the small County Owner has participated, but she can't eat anything, she can only watch it. Fortunately, she still doesn't know the grain scent at this time, otherwise she might have to eat and eat.
     This side of the table has been eaten until the night is low, because drinking a lot of realgar wine, everyone is a woman, some are a little drunk.
     The lining of the hands and hands cleaned up the mess and went back to the house to rest.
     Yao-Niang has no way to rest, she has to be worth the night. But because she had to breastfeed at night, she didn't drink the realgar wine.
     Yufui is the same night, but Yucui is too strong, but only a few cups are drunk, Yuyan is better than her, and there is no strong place to go. Simply Yao-Niang is alone.
     Originally, the small County Owner is not busy at night, and there is nothing to be busy at night. It is enough for one person to look after. Mu-Mama was not at ease, pointing to a small Yatou who did not drink, and rested outside to give Yao-Niang a helping hand.
     As long as Yao-Niang can call her, she is not afraid of any unexpected situation.
     In the dead of night, I only ordered a dimly lit lamp in the corner.
     Yao-Niang sat in front of the petting bed and watched the small County Owner who slept soundly. Since the small County Owner will turn over, he will move from the car to the bed.
     The place is big enough for her to churn, and she is not afraid to fall.
     In this atmosphere, Yao-Niang is getting more and more sleepy, barely playing the spirit, but can't control the eyelids that fight up and down. She yawned and looked at the little County Owner on the bed. She saw that she didn't wake up and didn't urinate. She moved her inside, and she lay down on the bedside.
     The weather was a bit sultry, and Yao-Niang didn’t take off his clothes, sweating when he fell asleep.
     She was awakened by the heat, and she touched the small County Owner diaper. She felt a little moist and changed her diaper again. When he lie down again, Yao-Niang faded his shirt.
     In the room, she and the small County Owner are two.
     There is no man in the whole small courtyard. She is naturally not afraid of what others see.
     I took off my shirt and only wore a pair of underwear, and Yao-Niang finally felt much more comfortable.
     Stumbled, the small County Owner seems to wake up.
     Yao-Niang reached out and took her into her arms. She opened her clothes without looking at her eyes. She rubbed the apron to the side and stuffed it into the mouth of the small County Owner.
     With the things I wanted, the small County Owner suddenly stopped, the small mouth sucked and the eyes closed again.
     Both of them slept very sweetly.
     In the midst of it, Yao-Niang always feels that someone is watching himself.
     She opened her eyes and saw that the small County Owner slept heavily, and the source of the gaze was behind her, and she looked back and looked out.
     It happened to be a ruthless black scorpion on the last cold pool.
     The scorpions were cold and lonely, bright and bright, but there was no reflection. It seemed that no one was in the eye.
     This is the eyes of Jin-Wang, and Yao-Niang has only seen Jin-Wang's eyes like this.
     She reacted timidly, Jin-Wang? Jin-Wang is back home?
     Looking down, I saw an indifferent face, indifferent to no emotions, like a thousand years of icebergs.
     Yao-Niang suddenly sat up, because the chest jumped too much, and naturally found his embarrassment. She fed and fed the little County Owner, and even the clothes were not pulled. A white jade rabbit was bare outside.
     Yao-Niang wants to ‘Call, but she resists it. She hides her white jade rabbit in a panic and hurriedly pulls her clothes.
     She only had a pair of underwear, and the outer shirt and shoes and socks were taken off. At this time, she was like a little sheep who met a hungry wolf. She was curled up in her own body, and her posture was infinitely low, but it seemed to be very delicious.
     Yao-Niang holds her chest and two legs with thin silk trousers are tightly intertwined.
     The clothes were made in the house, not only with outer shirts, but also with inner shirts. Mu-Mama saw that Yao-Niang had a good wait, and then sent her two clothes, still as dark as ever, but the material was more than doubled.
     The thin panty is made of lake silk, the texture of the lake silk is light and thin, and the summer is the coolest. If you wear a few layers, it will be a layer, and it is under the light, so it looks a bit transparent.
     The blue-green wide-leg pants, the more and more the jade legs underneath are slender and slender, the jade feet are small, and the upper fingernails are transparent, with a little pink. Especially at this time, it is a state of contraction, and it is more attractive.
     Jin-Wang didn't expect this milk niang, which was rigid in his impressions, to have such a face! He looked at the towering and taller towering under her hug, and I wondered what happened to him.
     The blush is moist and lustrous, and the snow-like fat-like thing is next to an innocent baby face.
     Jin-Wang's body slammed into the air, and the pressure couldn't hold it, making him illusion that today is the full moon night.
     Yao-Niang was seen as shy and wanted to hide. She couldn’t hide it, but she couldn’t hide it, but she reacted quickly. She quickly grabbed the clothes on the foot of the bed and draped it over her body.
     "Please also ask the Lord to make atonement, and the nubi are not convenient at this time."
     Jin-Wang snorted, and the scorpion was dull as never before, "benwang came to see the small County Owner."
     “Little County Owner is very good...”
     Jin-Wang nodded, and after a pause, he left.
     Yao-Niang did not dare to delay, busy wearing clothes and shoes and socks, and went out.
     As soon as Jin-Wang disappeared, the back of Fucheng disappeared at the corner of the second floor, and the small Yatou fragrant was sleeping sweetly, and basically did not hear the movement.
     Yao-Niang couldn't help but shook his head. Little Yatou was a little Yatou.
     They were incomparable with Yuyan, and the light alertness was much worse.
     Then turn around and think about yourself, no better than the other side.
     At the same time, she sighed a little, stood in the hall and went back to the house.
     The room was very quiet, and the arrival of Jin-Wang did not awaken the small County Owner, she still slept sweetly.
     Yao-Niang is blushing like a drop of blood. When I think of a genius, there is an impulse to hide my face.
     She accidentally let him see such a picture, would he think that he deliberately seduce her? It is also that she is too negligent, such a leak occurs.
     At the same time, Yao-Niang has some doubts. How does Jin-Wang stay on the second floor today? Why not return to Zhaohui Hall?
     After this, Yao-Niang couldn't sleep, sitting on the edge of the bed and quietly stunned. Suddenly, a footstep sounded outside, and Yao-Niang just stood up and saw Fu Cheng coming in.
     “Su-Milkmaid, hot water is sent to the second floor.”
     Yao-Niang Hey, look at the small County Owner who is sleeping, and look at Fu Cheng, "Fu Nay, Little County Owner..."
     "The family will help you look at it." Fu Cheng waved his hand.
     Since the other party said so, Yao-Niang can only listen. Of course she wonders why Fu Cheng does not fight for herself, but instead wants her to go. I can think about it, and I have never done a rough job like boiling water in the days of Fucheng, and I am no longer confused.
     Yao-Niang first went to the tea room to burn the water. After the water was hot, the water was filled in a copper basin and the second floor was placed.
     On the second floor of the small building, Yao-Niang never came up, and the stairs were painted behind the Zhongtang of the main hall.
     Stepping onto the second floor, the front is a small hall with only one door leading to the inside.
     At this time the door was half-covered.
     Yao-Niang pushed the door with the basin and there was a dark brown floor between the eyes.
     The floor was very clean, and there was a mat of dark purple woven pattern in the middle. Anyway, in the eyes of Yao-Niang, I couldn't recognize the pattern above. I just thought it was very nice and it was very suitable for the room.
     On the opposite wall is a row of smashing windows, with a window under the window and a purple tulle curtain hanging on the window. At this time, there were two windows wide open, and the night wind blew in from the outside, stirring the tulle up and down.
     On the right hand side is a row of shelf and doffing hood, just like the night, you can see the bookshelf and the book case inside, there are several round chairs and flowers. On the left hand side is also a row of shelf and doffing hood, the lights are on, the lights are not bright, but you can see a table of eight cents, with a Zhang Guifei couch under the window.
     And Yao-Niang's gaze was not placed on these, but looked into the half-bricked door, and the light was revealed from there.
     Yao-Niang took a deep breath and walked over the basin.
     She couldn't handle the water basin with one hand and the door with the other hand. She could only put the copper basin on the ground and tap three times.
     "Enter." is the usual cold voice of Jin-Wang.
     Yao-Niang pushed open the door and walked in.
     The room was simple but elegant.
     There is a golden dragon dragon three-legged incense burner in the corner of the room. It seems to burn incense, and there is a unique and special taste in the air.
     This is the taste of Jin-Wang, and the most is the memory of Yao-Niang, because many times she used to wake up in the aftertaste of this taste.
     Inexplicable, she was a little guilty, and when she looked up and saw sitting on the bedside behind the curtain, the clothes were half-opened and the hair was scattered behind her shoulders.
     The narrow phoenix eyes glared at her Jin-Wang, and she felt a suffocation. sense.
     Heart, squatting, jumping very badly.
     This kind of nervous suffocation, Yao-Niang is no stranger, because she has this feeling every time she sees Jin-Wang in her lifetime.
     She has analyzed why this is so, there is only one conclusion Jin-Wang was born too handsome.
     Undoubtedly, Jin-Wang is Jun, the most handsome person Yao-Niang has ever seen.
     Jun did not dare to look at her more.
     Yao-Niang lowered his head, whispered: "His Royal Highness, the water is coming."
     "Serve Benwang."
     Yao-Niang stunned and did not dare to refute and walked over with the basin.
     Delayed for a while, the water temperature is just right. Jin-Wang has already faded his shoes and socks and stepped on his feet with bare feet. Yao-Niang held his sole in one hand and held his calf in one hand, putting Jin-Wang's foot into the basin.
     Jin-Wang's feet are very nice, white and strong, and the nails are often repaired, only the bottom of the foot is thin.
     These Yao-Niang are all cooked, and it is true that she used to love Jin-Wang in her life and left him in her own house. She once learned it.
     For example, how to wash Jin-Wang is comfortable, and which acupuncture points can be relieved, she is clear.
     Please he. It seems that she did it without knowing it.
     Yao-Niang poured water on Jin-Wang's legs and feet, and the other hand touched his calf. Jin-Wang's calf muscles are knotted, hard, and can't be pressed. It is the result of long riding.
     Yao-Niang sighed in his heart, gently stroked his calf with his hand, and when his muscles were a little weaker, he began to press his fingers.
     A little bit, from top to bottom, press back and forth.
     Press it carefully and densely.
     Yao-Niang didn't seem to find out that she was the first time to give Jin-Wang a good foot, but she was so familiar. People who didn't know thought she had done countless times.
     Jin-Wang has this feeling, but this does not prevent him from feeling very comfortable.
     Really very comfortable, it seems that all the discomfort on the legs and feet is missing. This time, Jin-Wang came back from the outside and was riding a horse all day. He came back. He used to ride without a car.
     At the same time, Jin-Wang looked at Yao-Niang.
     Seeing her cheeks white and curling her eyelashes, because the clothes are tightly packed, I can't see anything from his perspective.
     Jin-Wang can't help but frown. At this time, he no longer has the same thoughts before. He feels that this milk niang is deliberately seduce himself. If there is such an idea, it is impossible to be such a costume.
     Maybe she is changing the means, so specifically to be unusual? I have to deny that after seeing the beautiful scene, Jin-Wang always couldn't help but see the picture.
     This is the root cause of Jin-Wang's intention to call Yao-Niang because he did not spit.
     It may be that the scene is too shocking, or it may be too hasty, until the second floor Jin-Wang found this clue. In order to test whether it is true, he let Fu Cheng go down and wash him, and specifically mention the milk niang.
     Fu Cheng was born with a heart and soul, and he could understand his meaning.
     Sure enough, she is here.
     Downstairs, Fu Cheng kept pacing back and forth, and could not restrain the excitement.
     His Royal Highness took the initiative to find a woman?
     As soon as I think of these things, Fu achievements have a feeling of old tears.
     Will it be? Will not be formed?
     These two thoughts kept rolling in his head, like a pot with water.
     Fu Cheng's two ears are extremely high, for fear of missing a trace of movement, and even more afraid that the milk niang will cry down with a nose and tears, and his Highness is furious.
     I didn’t know how to wait for the left and the right, but when Fu Cheng was anxious, I suddenly heard a slight footstep. He immediately slammed the hem of the robes and flew out, and he was the head of the little eunuch. I took it out.
     Upstairs, Yao-Niang feels more and more cramped. Although she is head down, she can feel the look on her head.
     This kind of gaze is not strange to her, and can even be said to be familiar.
     Let her think about it, every time Jin-Wang looks at her with this kind of gaze, always...
     Yao-Niang The whole person was stunned, and at the same time, a sense of numbness was uncontrollable from the tail vertebrae, and suddenly there was a feeling of being in a stove.
     The bulging drum on the chest seemed to burst open, and with a slight tingling, Yao-Niang could even hear the sizzling sound.
     She stood up reflexively and licked her chest, but the legs were soft and weak and fell to the side.
     Jin-Wang was a little embarrassed by her move. She subconsciously tried to reach out and pull her, but she climbed up from the ground and blocked his hand.
     Under the light, her face was red, her arms were tightly holding her chest, her eyebrows were hanging down, and her eyelashes could not stop shaking: "Slaves and nubi seem to hear the little Count Owner crying, the nubi are going down..."
     She said that she did not give Jin-Wang a chance to respond and turned and ran away.
     Leaving Jin-Wang rested in the basin, his hands were stiff in the air, and he didn't react at all.
     When Fu Cheng just came out, he saw Yao-Niang coming downstairs.
     There are no tears, no nose, no clothes, and the eyes are watery, red and red, like a fresh face, and just like a pet.
     Fu Cheng couldn't help but clear his throat. Seeing Yao-Niang was scared of a spirit, and his heart was really timid.
     "Su-Milkmaid, but is it good?"
     Yao-Niang stunned, how does this sound so strange?
     Yao-Niang is no stranger to Fucheng. Although Fucheng hangs the name of the Wangfu general manager, in fact, he is personally waiting for Jin-Wang.
     The last time Jin-Wang comes to the small courtyard, she can see him. In her impression, from the point of view of the smile, in fact, Fu Cheng, who is not salty or not, has become such a face. To be honest, Yao-Niang can't accept it.
     I always feel that his seemingly serious expression reveals a strange.
     "His Royal Highness has already rested." Yao-Niang chose a less strange statement.
     Upon hearing this, Fu Cheng’s eyes immediately lit up, nodding his head and smiling on his face: “Su-Milkmaid is working hard, go to rest.”
     My heart is thinking, this Su-Milkmaid is really an honest person, and all of them can still be down on duty, it is really boneless. At the same time, I feel that time is too hasty, is it not enough for his family to be a dragon.
     All in all, this time Fu Cheng is full of strange ideas, and I can't wait to fly to see his family's clothes.
     However, he was still sensible, and nodded to Yao-Niang, and took the relatively gentle steps to the stairs.
     Yao-Niang has something in her heart. Even if she has some doubts, she has no time to think about it and hastily entered the house.
     In the west, the small County Owner on the couch was still asleep, and Yao-Niang took a sigh of relief and went behind the screen.
     After the screen, there was a washbasin shelf.
     There was water in the basin. She didn't care if the water was cold, so she immersed her face in the basin.
     Yao-Niang grew well and was famous near her home.
     Su one son and two daughters, Yao-Niang was less able to treat at home than the big brother Su Yucheng, but it didn't fall much. Yao-Niang gave her niang Wu-shi from a young age. .
     But whenever you go out to visit relatives, which households say that Yao-Niang is born well, it will be long. On the most days, the neighbors of the neighborhood, who do not envy Wu-shi will be born, gave birth to such a beautiful daughter.
     Yao-Niang came early, and eleven came. Since the drowning of the drowning, Yao-Niang has undergone earth-shaking changes.
     The small breasts are taller than the day, the little buttocks are getting more and more warped, and the little faces that are so long are more than one.
     The beauty of the day, gradually the outside eyes began to change.
     Yao-Niang heard Big-Aunt in the same alley more than once and said to her niang, saying that she would have a good blessing in the future, and she would point her to her good days.
     It’s all about once or twice, but everyone can say that, plus some of them like to talk sour, and gradually the taste of it changes.
     What is Su family? It’s good to say that it’s a scholarly book.
     The family also has a County-Graduate. In fact, it’s so poor that it’s so poor.
     This kind of family's daughter is destined to marry a good family, and there is money and status to dislike Sujiahan. If you don't have money, you want to ask for Yao-Niang, let alone Su-County-Graduate. Even Wu-shi can't promise.
     After all, Yao-Niang is said to be a good life when he is young, and he is going to be the official Madam in the future.
     Especially the daughter was born well, Wu-shi himself also knows that it is a night mingzhu in the rock pile, how can he reluctant to let mingzhu dust. Of course, all this is just the internal considerations of the Su family. It is not known to outsiders.
     What do you mean by outsiders in this situation?
     It’s not obvious that Yao-Niang will marry into a rich family to make a fuss, and then turn back and fill up the niang home!
     Su-County-Graduate is most concerned about his face and identity, otherwise the Su family will not fall into a poor and sour. This poor acid means not only poor, but also acid, acid in the false high and false. Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, the Su family are more or less somewhat elevated, and therefore Wu-shi is particularly unacceptable to the outsiders who say that her daughter is going to give people a swearing statement.
     What's more, when Niang is also reluctant to let her daughter give people a trick.
     For this matter, Wu-shi cried more than once.
     At that time, Yao-Niang was still young. I didn't understand this. I only knew that outsiders always talked about the family because of their appearance, and they looked at themselves with the blink of an eye. Gradually, she went out less and less, and began to pay more attention to her dress. Ordinary like her little Guniang, she couldn't help but smear a flower or a flower, but she never loved it.
     And Yao-Niang is even more determined in her heart. Even if she does not marry, she will not be as jealous as others say.
     Unfortunately, there have been too many things happening, so that she has to go on a path that she is very unwilling to live.
     Really awkward, Yao-Niang knows what it is, and that is a thing.
     She did not hear how the people in the house talked about her. It was not good to hear, she had heard it.
     It’s nothing more than a flattering statement. It’s not good to let her stagnate and not let go. And this is not good, and one of them said that she is a fox singer, and there is no man who can't live, so he is hungry and thirsty.
     At that time, Yao-Niang fought for Jin-Wangfei and Hu  Ceefei. She used to use no means, but she could only find the source at all, that is, to keep Jin-Wang in her room.
     In order to achieve this goal, she made all the stops, and Hu  Ceefei did not resist, and this rumor began to spread slowly in the house.
     Naturally, she entered her ear.
     At that time, she was ashamed and annoyed. She almost didn't give Hu  Ceefei a hateful death. Although she later learned that this was Hu  Ceefei intention to disgust her, she still kept her in her heart. Life.
     In the past, Yao-Niang never wanted to admit this swearword, but when she thought of it, she was annoyed, but now she can no longer lie to herself.
     Because this is not the first time, but this time it is more obvious, she was actually seen by Jin-Wang.
     She really is as people say...
     Yao-Niang raised his head until he reached the limit and his mind turned white. She picked up the slap on the washbasin, rubbed her face, and gasped vigorously.
     Until then, the feeling of being so shy to the ground in her heart was finally faded.
     She didn't want to think about Jin-Wang why she would look at her. In short, she would never go the old way in this life.
     She does not believe that she is the milk of the small County Owner, he can still make her strong. What's more, Yao-Niang is also aware of the Jin-Wang temper, and he is not a person who will force a woman.
     On the other side, Fu Cheng went up to the second floor. Seeing it was quiet and silent, slightly stunned, or went inside.
     He imagined that he might see any kind of picture, that is, he did not expect to see his temple trousers on his knees, his feet in the basin, and his face looked thoughtful.
     I don't know what I am thinking about.
     basin? Soaking feet?
     Is it that he thinks more?
     But if he wants more, why Su-Milkmaid will look like that.
     Fu Cheng had an illusion that he could not react. He was thinking about his own thoughts. He suddenly listened to Jin-Wang and asked, "An Rong woke up?"
     Fu Cheng did not know what to say, and subconsciously answered: "The small County Owner is very good and sleeps very well."
     Jin-Wang slightly narrowed his eyes, this little milk niang is really bold, even dare to lie to him!
     On this day, Yao-Niang and Yuyan are together.
     Before coming to Qian-Milkmaid and Wang Milkmaid, Yuyan suddenly said that Yao-Niang would go back to rest today, and not to use it in the evening.
     Yao-Niang looked at her strangely: "What happened? Why didn't Mu-Mama make me worth the night?"
     Yuyan, who is cleaning up the bed, does not lift his head. "Which always makes you one night, the little County Owner hasn’t had a big night, it’s always a person, but it’s not."
     Yuyan patted the soft pillow on the bed and placed it on the bed. She straightened up and looked at her helplessly: "I didn't say you, you are too honest, the two are not suffocating, you don't say anything.
     They two In the daytime, there are two people waiting for the small County Owner, and there are some other hands beside them. You are squatting all night, and you have to worry about giving the little County Owner a day, so that calling people is not such a call! So I discussed it with Mama, let you and Wang Milkmaid and Qian-Milkmaid turn around, then you are worthy of the day, let them both night."
     "Actually, I don't have anything. I like the value at night..."
     Yuyan smiled back at her, and she was clearly not convinced of her.
     Yeah, who would rather stay up late, can't sleep even at night.
     On the face of Yao-Niang, Yuyan sat on the edge of the bed and said to her: "In fact, it is not just because of you, the small County Owner has been in the night, and the people have tossed up. No way, everyone can only squat together. Now, if you are still alone, I and Yucui will have to share one with you. In this yard, it seems that there is such a small master in the upper and lower parts. In fact, there are quite a lot of things, but one person can’t control it-Mama is sitting in the town.-Mama is old and has been working for a long time. How can she make her old man so tired? So this is the most appropriate rotation. You three are changing to the night, just like me and Yucui can rest. Take a break."
     The words are said to be like this, and Yao-Niang is naturally not good to say anything.
     Can she say that she really didn't want to be on duty during the day?
     In these few days, Jin-Wang came to the Little Jao Courtyard -field very frequently. Even though Yao-Niang was sleeping in the room during the day, I heard more than one person saying that Jin-Wang came.
     Inexplicable, she has some guilty conscience.
     She remembered that she was in a hurry on that day, excusing the little County Owner crying and fleeing. At that time, Fu Cheng was below. Was it known to Jin-Wang that she actually lied to him?
     Yao-Niang thought about whether Jin-Wang was going to punish her, but this is totally unreasonable. Jin-Wang is the biggest person in the entire Jin-Wang House. She can punish her for her bullying. She can even take her out. It is really not so laborious.
     Thinking about the eyes of Jin-Wang on that day, Yao-Niang always felt that he had any intentions for himself.
     I can think about it again. As Jin-Wang, how could I remember the widow of a dead man?
     Not Yao-Niang is self-proclaimed, but the Madam and wife in the backyard of Jin-Wang. No one is not a national color, and there are many people who look far more than her.
     If you want to think about it, you can't think of the charter. Yao-Niang can only learn the ostrich and think about it. How do you know it?
     Things have been fixed, and Yao-Niang has been replaced with a bad day. Not to mention that although there are more things in the day, it is much easier than the night.
     On the first day of Yao-Niang's value, Jin-Wang did not appear.
     She decisively felt that she was thinking more.
     Can not come on the first day, the second day Jin-Wang is coming.
     The little County Owner just fell asleep. This point is when she should sleep, the white tender little hand just took a few eyes, Yao-Niang will see her sleepy. Holding her in her arms, she walked back and forth, but it was a blink of an eye, and the little County Owner fell asleep.
     Yucui is boasting that she is sleeping with her children. In exchange for Qian-Milkmaid and Wang Milkmaid, she has tossed for a long time and suddenly heard the voice of the house in the yard. Seeing that the movement seems to be Jin-Wang, the two are busy welcoming.
     Sure enough, Jin-Wang.
     Today's Jin-Wang looks strange and beautiful, and it is a golden robes with a silver-embroidered moiré at the end of the sky. Jin-Wang rarely wears this refreshing color, so it looks extraordinarily eye-catching, like a distant mountain of clouds, and like waves.
     Yao-Niang stunned God and was busy with Yucui.
     In the Jin-Wang stepping room, Fucheng is on the side.
     “The Little County Owner just fell asleep, -Mama is in the East Chamber.” Yucui respectfully points to Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang nodded and looked at the small County Owner on the bed. In fact, it is not so much a look at the small County Owner, Yao-Niang feels that he is watching himself. Inexplicable, she just felt that his eyes stayed on her for a moment.
     Yao-Niang sighed and narrowed his eyes.
     Jin-Wang looked pale and nodded to Yucui and went out.
     Instead of leaving, I went to the second floor.
     Yucui is not surprised about this.
     Because this second floor was originally empty for Jin-Wang, Jin-Wang will come from time to time, although at night it is mostly. She was hesitant to send tea to her Highness. No one on the second floor told me that she was not allowed to go up.
     Yucui and Yao-Niang said this, and Fu Cheng Shiran came in from the outside.
     "Su-Milkmaid, go to your temple to make a cup of tea, Junshan silver needle, don't make a mistake."
     Fu Cheng’s words not only made Yucui surprised, but also made Yao-Niang very wrong, because in the case of Yatou, there is no way to do a milk niang.
     Kefu Chengdu spoke, and Yao-Niang did not dare to refute, but only went to the tea and took the second floor.
     Looking at the seemingly no signs of going upstairs, Xiao Yu and Yucui talking to Fu Cheng, Yao-Niang has a bad feeling in his heart.
     Sure enough, when she went up, she saw Jin-Wang, who had a dark look after sitting in the book.
     I don't know if it is her illusion or not. It is obvious that Jin-Wang is a book, not her, but he always feels like he has eyes on his forehead.
     Yao-Niang is like a deer, can't help but want to touch his hair and clothes. It is a pity that both hands are occupied by the tea tray, and it can only be so stiff, and the tea will be passed.
     As Qi-Wang gets closer and closer, Yao-Niang has a thin, dense sweat on his forehead and nose. She panicked in her heart and put the tea pot on the table with a light hand.
     The closer to Jin-Wang, the more Yao-Niang thinks he is tall, she stands, he sits, but the two are flush.
     See Jin-Wang no action, Yao-Niang breathed a sigh of relief.
     Just wanting to step back, I heard Jin-Wang lightly cough.
     She shrank a little subconsciously, twisting her hands together and holding them tightly.
     Jin-Wang doesn't have to look up, he sees that the root is like a tiny white finger, and suddenly there is a picture in his mind
     On that day, in the water, she slammed the water in a moment, and made him look like a net.
     “Nothing to say to Ben Wang?”
     Yao-Niang's mouth is bitter and bitter, and my heart is really coming.
     However, this made her not so up in the heart, he really remembered to deceive him, not the other...
     Her voice was weak and weak: "I also asked His Royal Highness to redeem.
     The nubi were not deliberately deceiving. It was really listening. I always felt that the little County Owner seemed to be crying. I could wait until I found out that the Little County Owner did not cry. It’s all nubi wrong.”
     Is this not a trick?
     "What are you wrong?"
     "The nubi shouldn't help the temple to be half full, so you can leave it alone, and you shouldn't see the small County Owner not awake, afraid that you will not go up again."
     "So, is it justifiable?"
     Yao-Niang nodded busy.
     Jin-Wang looks at her.
     Today, this milk niang is dressed more old-fashioned, with sandalwood clothes, wide and wide, without a shape. With a slap in the face, the formerly bright forehead is now hidden under the bangs that she deliberately made.
     According to the customs and customs of the Dagan Family, married women do not leave Liu Hai.
     But she is good, in order to deliberately make a bangs, actually put the hair on the forehead in front of the forehead, and fixed it with the head oil. Perhaps because this kind of bangs is not easy to get out, she wiped a lot of oil on this layer of Liuhai, and it was oily and glaring.
     At first glance, I went to the Pozi in the kitchen. In fact, after seeing the beauty, how can I get through the Jin-Wang, which is like a torch.
     He only feels violent.
     Jin-Wang is somewhat surprised by his own thoughts, knowing that he has always felt that the woman's body is disgusting. Don't say sth, don't think in that direction at all, but he has repeatedly made an exception for this little milk niang.
     It is because of these anomalies that Jin-Wang is sure that he must figure out the truth of the matter.
     "If you want to let Benwang not blame you, you can..." Jin-Wang Xu Xudao.
     Yao-Niang stunned.
     "Take off your clothes."
     Yao-Niang is so surprised that even the hidden and even humble have forgotten, looking up at Jin-Wang, the white face is clear, the blushing little mouth is slightly open, like what I see view.
     Jin-Wang has never been an extensive person. Seriously speaking, he has very few words and is more decent. After all, it is the birth of Tianhuang Guiyu, rich and rich, and can not be rich again. Let him say the words of a woman who is a good-looking woman from the mouth, it is more terrible than seeing someone running naked in the street.
     Anyway, Yao-Niang had been with Jin-Wang for so many times, and he only said a few times, but it was also the misinformation between the bed and the bed. And when he got out of bed, it was a serious, cold, like a god without dust.
     "His Royal Highness, you can't do this..." The red mouth trembled for a long time, and Yao-Niang was hard to say: "How is this different from those bullies who bully men and women?"
     Wen Zhi, Jin-Wang smiled.
     It is the kind of arrogance, contempt, disdain, and mixed with a few highs, overlooking the smiles of all beings, unobtrusive, as if I heard a big joke.
     Jin-Wang did not do anything to bully a good woman's bully, but it does not mean that he did not do anything else that is similar to bullying. To know their identity and status, what they first understand after birth is what is called 'potential'. And the reason why these so-called dragons and grandsons are above the mortal beings, is not the 'potential'.
     In particular, Jin-Wang, when he was a child, he was stunned. Prince, who lost his pro-niang, was inferior to a slave. From a small Jin-Wang, I know how to use the 'potential' to know how to rely on the 'potential' to deter those nubi and how to get more 'potentials', so that one day can stand on the cloud.
     Therefore, Jin-Wang is not a bully. He is only a high-ranking bully, and he is the ancestor of the bullies.
     It really makes him feel like a bully in the city, he is really embarrassed.
     Jin-Wang thinks about how the bully in the market is bullying the good people. It is not that he loves associations, but the interesting little milk niang in front of her. Her performance is like this.
     It is a pity that Jin-Wang thought for a while and could not get through this skill. He decided to give up and follow his own method.
     "Take off your clothes, don't let Ben Wang say the second time!"
     small theater:
     Jin-Wang: Are you a widow of a dead man? Benwang is dead? It is only twenty-two 2nd-chapters that you count yourself. How many times have you died?
     Yao-Niang : (no face, no finger, just don't talk)
     Jin-Wang :benwang This will let you know if your man is dead... I will omit more than 10 thousand words...
     I have to say that Yao-Niang was really scared, and her face suddenly became pale.
     She subconsciously wants to kneel on the ground, and Jin-Wang gives her a request, but she also thinks of Xiao bao.
     She remembered that she had never had a pro-niang in her life, and she might be lonely and helpless. She was exposed to Li Shi little eyes at the Yao family. If the person who is most sorry for Yao-Niang in this world, it can only be the son that she had to throw down in both lives.
      Xiao bao can't be without pro-angang, she can't die, so she can't repeat the same mistakes to do Jin-Wang's embarrassment.
     At the same time, Yao-Niang has a clear mind in his mind, feeling that he seems to be caught in an unconscious obstacle. It is clear that she is the mother of the Zhengzhou Jingzheng who is doing the poor niang, her errands are doing very well, making people impeccable, and on what they feel that they must rely on Jin-Wang, can be considered right.
     She did not sell to Jin-Wang House, nor Jin-Wang! She is just a milk niang!
     Sure enough, the legacy of the last life was deeply affected, not only her body, but even her thoughts.
     Yao-Niang suddenly has a sense of soberness, and the waist is not consciously straight, nor is it guarded on his chest in a defensive posture, but his hands are naturally hanging down.
     Jin-Wang thought that Yao-Niang finally planned not to struggle. When he was satisfied, he could not help but be suspicious. Do you think that this milk niang is not intended to squat, deliberately hang his appetite?
     He has seen more than one such woman, a pair of people who would rather die than be unyielding, but in fact they are just superficial, they are all routines.
     There are so many routines in the palace, and Jin-Wang doesn't want to see it again.
     He suddenly had some sorrows. He didn't quite understand where his emotions came from, but he didn't want to understand.
     For him, a woman is never too good for him, but he wants it or not.
     I want it, I can do it.
     Jin-Wang even thought, if this Jurchen can make her sick and eliminate, how can he give her a lifetime?
     It’s like staying at the Spring Hall.
     Jin-Wang's face was cold and cold, but Yao-Niang, who seemed to be thinking about something half-dip, did not find it.
     For Jin-Wang, it is just one sentence, one thing.
     In the case of Yao-Niang, it is no less than a subversion of life.
     She was born with a soft personality. Many people once said that she is a fox, a fox, but in fact, Yao-Niang is a very honest Guniang, and there are not so many eyes.
     She grew up in Jinju and grew up in Jinju.
     In Jinju, Jin-Wang is the king, it is the sky.
     What he said is no less than a holy man to the people of Jinju.
     Because of this kind of thinking, she entered the Jin-Wang House from Yao-Niang, and she couldn't afford any thoughts of rebellion.
     In Jin-Wangfei, yes.
     In Jin-Wang, too.
     But this time, she didn't want to obey again. She was already dead, and she didn't want to die again.
     Yao-Niang looked up and looked at the man who was close at hand. When her eyes touched the other person's beautiful face, she couldn't help but burst into her pupils.
     The feeling that she couldn't breathe unexpectedly made her feel awkward.
     But there is still a clear line in her mind, not forgetting how to face the situation and what kind of choice.
     She squinted slightly, her head hangs low, her voice trembled, but she still forced herself to say it.
     "His Highness, please forgive your command.
     The woman can't listen.
     The woman is a married woman. Although the husband is dead, the woman still has a young child and does not intend to remarriage. To the king's house, it is also to raise the young child to grow up. You are wise, arrogant, and arrogant, and you will not force a poor and poor woman to flow..."
     Undoubtedly Jin-Wang is annoyed, but this kind of annoyance has nothing to do with others. It may also have the anger of male dignity and the status of being challenged, but more is an embarrassment and embarrassment.
     Prince, Qinwang's esteem in his grand Family, in his status, the woman in the world can get it, and now she is rejected by a milk niang.
     Still being rejected under such circumstances, I imitated the bullies who tried to 'cheat the male tyrants', while the other party would rather die than...
     Can look at the other side appearance, his annoyance is inexplicably missing, because he can see how scared she is, afraid that the whole person will fight.
     very pitiful.
     Yao-Niang looks really pitiful, seemingly calm, but in fact it is a layer of skin, you can see how nervous she is.
     The little face was pale, the hand was shaking, the lips were shaking, and even the thick eyelashes were shaking slightly, and the corners of the eyes were red, giving people the feeling that they would cry out in an instant.
     Therefore, she said these words, it is clear that it should be righteous words, rather than the staleness of death, but it gives people a illusion of pity. It's like a little rabbit in the face of a wolf who wants to eat himself, obviously resisting uselessness, or sticking out the claws without sharp nails to deter.
     It makes people feel funny and pity.
     Jin-Wang has a thin lips and wants to reprimand, but I don’t know where to start. Is it wrong to say that people don’t take off their clothes? Let Jin-Wang admit that he is wrong, how can he be temper?
     So he could only squint his face and cover up his’servants and even a slight sigh. He said: "Go down."
     Yao-Niang couldn't help but squat, and with his heart, his legs and legs went softly out.
     When I got outside the door, I couldn’t hold it anymore and slid on the floor.
     She angered him.
     fair enough.
     Yao-Niang slowly walked downstairs, afraid of being seen abnormally. She deliberately smashed two on her face and took a few deep breaths before she went to the east.
     The east is very quiet, Fu Cheng is not there, Yucui sits on the edge of the bed and looks at the sleeping little County Owner.
     Seeing that Yao-Niang came in, Yucui looked up and looked at her.
     "Hey, what about Fu Nay?" Yao-Niang is pretending to be nothing.
     Yucui A: "Fu Nay went to the net."
     Yao-Niang nodded, came to the bed, saw the small County Owner still sleeping, went to find some clothes replaced by the small County Owner, said to Yucui to wash, then hugged things with his head down and hurried out.
     Yucui looked at her back and sighed almost silently.
     Fu Cheng feels that he is a young man. It is a shame to make such a thing, but the life of the temple is a big event.
     He stayed in the clean room for a long time, even if the clean room is as clean and tidy as the bedroom, it makes people feel awkward. Estimating the time in my heart, I feel almost the same, he came out of the clean room. Just before I arrived at the small building, I saw Jin-Wang stepping out of the door with a cold face and busy picking it up.
     "His Royal Highness, but back to Zhaohui Hall?"
     Jin-Wang didn't talk, just striding forward.
     Fu Cheng licked his face, this is not done?
     Why didn't you get it? Could it be said that His Highness still can't get a little milk niang? Still have no experience under the Highness, messed up things?
     Fu Cheng feels that the latter possibility is bigger.
     He didn't dare to ask more, just bowed his head and walked behind Jin-Wang. Jin-Wang is very fast, and he has to fight for his life to keep up. After waiting for Jin-Wang to stop, he couldn’t help it. He whispered: "Would you like the old slave to let the dark ten stun the little milk niang and send it to the room?"
     Jin-Wang looked at him, his eyes were cold and cold.
     It is as cold as ice.
     Fu Cheng immediately snorted, and he was honest.
     That is the case, Jin-Wang did not let him go, and in the next half of the day, Fu Cheng was run by Jin-Wang. Obviously, this kind of small thing has made the following people do it, but Jin-Wang makes Fucheng go.
     Fu Cheng knows that he is on his own, but the key issue is that he is also very innocent.
     After a hard day, at night, Jin-Wang ‘Called that the torture of Fucheng was finally over.
     Fu Cheng is self-sustaining and weak, and he is handing over Jin-Wang to his son, Xiao Shunzi, and he is busy with a  Little Jao Courtyard.
     He went to the East Chamber, sat opposite Mu-Mama, sighed and sighed with Mu-Mama for a long time.
     "You mean that your Highness has a look at Su-Milkmaid?" It is not a question, not a mere statement. In fact, Mu-Mama is not surprised, she just did not expect it to be so fast.
     From the first day of Yao-Niang entering the yard, Mu-Mama noticed it.
     Compared with Cui-zhu, who is relatively free, but rather low-key Yao-Niang, she is more concerned about her. Mu-Mama stayed in the palace for most of her life, knowing what kind of woman can hurt.
     There are several more in the harem of the harem, which can really make the above? What can be remembered is that there are advantages such as superior appearance, such as temperament, and, for example, like Yao-Niang, born to be a stunner that men can't resist.
     Mu-Mama was originally thinking that this Genieg from Duke home is not an ordinary sight, and I don't know where to get such a stunner. For Jin-Wangfei and Hu  Ceefei, Mu-Mama understands, but never interferes, because she has seen too many such things, she does not think that this level of post-house dispute will be implicated Go to the man.
     Even if there is, it will never be Jin-Wang. Jin-Wang is Mu-Mama. She understands the nature and means of her own little master.
     And Mu-Mama subconsciousness is that the more Jin-Wang women are, the better. Only in this way can they prosper and flourish.
     "This little woman is a broken body, and there is a child, will not be disappointed?"
     I heard Mu-Mama say this, Fu Cheng’s eyes flashed and he smiled and said: “This kind of thing will be a blunt statement to us as a slave.”
     Mu-Mama nodded. "This is also true. His Highness has always been a self-assertion. In fact, there is nothing like this. It can only show that the field fertilizer is better than the choice of a barren land. No matter how hard it is, no matter how hard it is. It’s good for long crops."
     This Fu Fu did not meet, he understood that Mu-Mama said that the barren land is talking about who is not saying Jin-Wangfei.
     When he thinks that the other party is unclear, he is not blunt, but he is so upset in his heart that this is wrong. Some words he can't say clearly, can only be vague, but who Mu-Mama is, he has been in the palace for a long time, and he is deeper than him. He is afraid that she will see something through her words. That's not good.
     So Fu Cheng did not dare to complain again, but also forgot to come here to do what he wanted to do, and hurriedly bowed to Mu-Mama and left.
     Leaving Mu-Mama sitting cross-legged on the bed of Arhat, looking at his back, the eyebrows unconsciously screwed up.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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