Wangfu Chongqie 30

Wangfu Chongqie

     Yao-Niang forced herself to calm down, and she also felt that the other side was not right.
     So hot, hot people can't help but want to get rid of at his temperature. It seems to be very painful, and the squirting squeezes out the shivering sound.
     Yao-Niang has been waiting for Jin-Wang many times, and she may be more aware of his reactions than he himself. Normally, he should not be like this. Even if he is very anxious, he will not be like this...
     “Benwang has a medicine, it’s hard to be...”
     Feeling that the little milk niang can relieve his pain, Jin-Wang did not want her to panic and yell, so she said so.
     "You let benwang stay for a while, wait a little while..."
     The problem is that this is good for a while?
     In the dark, Yao-Niang blushes like blood.
     She doesn't know what to do, she can't push it, she doesn't dare to call people... No, she can't call it, her tongue is still pressed, she can only speak vaguely...
     He took medicine? What medicine is in it? Will become like this, what kind of positivity should it be? Who is taking medicine for him, is it Hu  Ceefei?
     But why didn't he look for someone else, but he came to find himself.
     Yao-Niang has too many puzzles in his mind.
     Seeming to feel her fear, Jin-Wang caressed and caressed her tongue, but was attracted by the warm, tender touch, and could not help but stir it twice.
     The little thing left to hide right, he chased after him, once he caught up, he squatted under the finger.
     There are more and more things, obviously should be disgusting, Jin-Wang wants to eat...
     He wants to eat, wants to eat it, and eats it all.
     He turned over and saw her Xiafei cheeks, a pair of apricot eyes moist and soft, the shape of a good cherry mouth with his fingers, a transparent color uncontrollable from her mouth corner ......
     He took a bite in the past and sucked in wickedness, feeling that the fire in his heart had finally come down.
     Jin-Wang is also not completely inexperienced. In the border town military camp, a group of old and old people gathered together, what did not say that the scorpion did not say, what the scorpion has not heard, others are taboo his identity and majesty, do not dare to talk about this topic with him, but he has heard more than once ......
     Knowing that a woman's little mouth is a place where a man can be happy, it is a blissful situation, and he is ‘Calling and sucking.
     Sure enough, sweet and sweet, if it is more, it will be better.
     Yao-Niang feels that his soul is almost sucked away, and the whole person is confused and heart-wrenching.
     A little shy, a little scared, but more eager. All kinds of sweet and sour taste mixed with his breath, turned into a poison that she can't solve...
     Her mind was groggy and she felt that she had turned into a pool of water. However, some situations in her life had appeared in her mind, and she saw Xiao bao face.
     Yao-Niang suddenly wakes up if he is struck by lightning.
     Unlike before, Jin-Wang’s hands and feet have begun to feel restless, and the big palms have made her chest blunt and painful.
     She pushed him away, he might not be prepared at all, and was pushed away.
     Under the moonlight, Jin-Wang looks like a demon, with long hair and a loose dress.
     Jin-Wang, how majestic there is, no one knows better than Yao-Niang.
     She seemed to be burnt, and she took back her sight.
     "His Royal Highness, can't, can't..."
     As for what can't be done, she simply can't say it.
     Jin-Wang looked at her with a slight gaze, and the long and narrow eyes were flowing, which made people guess what he was thinking. But his arrogant momentum and rare wildness, but no one is telling Yao-Niang for him, nothing is impossible.
     His expression is faintly impatience, and it seems that he will be rushing in an instant.
     Yao-Niang was liked to hide, but she knew she couldn't hide. She had to find a way.
     There was a sudden flash of lightning in my mind. Yao-Niang's face was redder and her eyes were more hydrated. She clenched her palms and said with a deep heart: "His Royal Highness said that there is a medicine, and nubi have a way to solve it."
     Jin-Wang raised her eyebrows slightly, and the power of Jin-Wang House could not be solved. Can she solve it?
     Yao-Niang saw the doubts in the eyes of Jin-Wang. Her eyelashes could not stop shaking, and both hands clenched: "The nubi have a way, but please ask your lieutenant not to ask the nubi ... nubi , nubi still want Going home, the nubi have a young son at home..." She said, she wanted to cry again, but she tried hard.
     The crystal tears hang from the curled eyelashes, like the petals of the morning dew. Jin-Wang stared at the morning dew, there was an urge to get rid of it.
     Yao-Niang did not dare to delay, lowered his head, blushing, and pushed Jin-Wang down on the bed.
     A shadow floated over, but even the moon in the sky was ashamed to squint.
     The night is quiet, and there seems to be a ‘Calling sound.
     Fu Cheng shrank his neck and squatted under the stone bench in front of the balcony of Yao-Niang. I have never seen a more sad reminder than him. When the master came out to steal people, he also became unspeakable.
     I want to know that this is the Jin-Wang House. This is not the place where you can't enter, except where you can't go.
     I couldn’t hear the movement inside. Fu Cheng’s heart was restless, and I couldn’t wait to pick up my claws and scratch the door.
     I am afraid that my Royal Highness will attack the heart, and I am afraid that if the little milk niang is screwed up and does not agree, then the trouble will come out to make people laugh. Even more afraid is that even this can not be solved, it is really no way.
     Thinking of this, Fu Cheng is even more anxious.
     He couldn't help but step down and look at the roof.
     There is nothing on the roof, only the moonlight casts a faint radiance on the black tiles. Fu Cheng slammed two times against the roof, but it was just a black man in front of him in the blink of an eye. It was the Dark Ten.
     The dark ten has been lying on the roof, but his hidden effort is so good that people can't see it.
     "How is the movement inside?"
     The dark ten faces are expressionless: "I didn't reveal the tile."
     "Why not expose it?"
     Fu Cheng pressed the scorpion, and some hated the iron and went back and forth a few steps.
     Dark Ten did not care for him.
     "You should expose the corrugated, so if there is something happening under the Highness, we can know in advance." Fu Cheng is awkward.
     The dark ten will not be on the old tortoise. Of course, he will uncover the turmoil, and he will still feel the movement inside. But he would never say that because the old goods in front of him are really curious, he is not an opponent, let His Royal Highness know that he reveals his private affairs, and may decide how to pack him.
     So the face of the dark ten is more indifferent, and the cold is like a piece of ice.
     Who is Ke Fucheng? He is not stupid. He knows the dark ten temper lattice. As a personal guardian of Jin-Wang, he is unlikely to let Jin-Wang leave it.
     Then there is only one reason
     "Is it inside?"
     Dark Ten is going to leave.
     "You are going to say it, are you?"
     Just turned around and was stunned by Fu Cheng. "You don't say that today, don't expect to go."
     Dark ten is annoying. Think about the situation inside, it’s all the same, it should be done, nodded,
     Fu Cheng showed a smile that was invisible.
     Oh, I didn’t expect that the little milk niang had such a good blessing. This is a smoke from the grave.
     His family has finally got a man who can talk.
     The sky was numb, and only a slight faint light came into the room through the window sash.
     The room is still dark.
     On the bed, Jin-Wang leaned on the bed at half, and looked very stunned, and then handed down the long hair under the palm of his hand. Yao-Niang halfway down to him, close and close, seemingly asleep.
     Suddenly, she reached out and pushed Jin-Wang, but when people didn't get up, they still crouched there, and the sound seemed to come out from the eyes of the blind man.
     "His Royal Highness, you should leave, and people will see that it is not good."
     Jin-Wang did not speak.
     Yao-Niang is full of anger and can't wait to put him out and throw it out.
     She felt that she was completely looking for sin. She only thought that she could not let Jin-Wang want her body, but she simply forgot the Jin-Wang's fineness. She was tired all night, but only twice, but her hand was not at all, she was sour and painful, and she was numb.
     "Look, people can't be a slave, you promised to be good." Yao-Niang couldn't help but sit up.
     The question is, what can a man say in bed?
     Obviously, Yao-Niang didn't understand this. She also wanted to persuade Jin-Wang to let him go quickly, but Jin-Wang was like a big cat, lazily lying there, licking his paws from time to time. Mane, but I don’t mean to move.
     Yao-Niang is crying.
     Seeing her rushing into this, Jin-Wang thought that she was so hard last night, and she couldn’t bear to continue to embarrass her, sitting up straight. Turning her head and looking at her sitting there, wearing sandalwood color underwear, wrapped tightly, is a large red ribbon from the white jade neck, can not help but remind people of last night The beauty that I saw on my children.
     She squatted and refused to let him see, but her little strength, how can stop him, so Jin-Wang not only saw it, but also tasted it.
     No disgusting nausea, but it feels very delicious.
     Jin-Wang, who is both physically and mentally comfortable, is very easy to approach. He is refreshing and relaxing, and he puts his outer shirt on his body.
     Yao-Niang didn't come down, sitting half-headed.
     Originally, she was supposed to serve Jin-Wang to change clothes, but she was not Jin-Wang's Shiqie. Yao-Niang always kept this in mind, so she was brave enough to move.
     She waited for Jin-Wang to go by herself. I knew that Jin-Wang was standing in front of the bed and didn't move. Her eyes were on her and she was a little creepy.
     Yao-Niang ran a little dry mouth, and was about to say something, suddenly covered by a black shadow.
     The room was dark, she didn't respond, and she felt something on the ankle, and Jin-Wang left.
     When she heard the sound of the door being closed, she relaxed her tight body.
     The subconscious reached out and touched his foot, and was covered with a chain.
     She picked up her trousers and saw a chain of red gold on the slender foot of the snow. It is about one finger wide and has a five-clawed golden dragon on the plate.
     Yao-Niang was shocked.
     She has seen this chain, usually in the Jin-Wang does not leave the pocket.
     The lotus bag may contain very important things. Jin-Wang never touches people, even if she has served him personally for the rest of her life, she is not willing to touch it.
     Later, when it was unintentional, Yao-Niang knew that the seal contained Jin-Wang.
     But how can he ring this chain on her foot?
     Although Yao-Niang doesn't know much, he also knows that this five-clawed golden dragon is not randomly used. According to the rules of the Dagan Family, the Five-Claw Golden Dragon is only available to the Emperor and Qinwang.
     What does Jin-Wang mean? Is it because she is serving well, only to reward her, or for other reasons? Even if you want to reward her, this kind of thing should not be arrogant.
     Yao-Niang tried to solve the gold chain, and I don’t know if it’s wrong or not. She tried to sneak a bit, and the chain didn't know what the texture was as hard as a stone, and it didn't move.
     Therefore, she can only helplessly look at this chain that is particularly dazzling in the dark, and it will not come to God for a long time.
     I heard a bang, and I sat down on Fucheng, sitting under the stone bench on the veranda, and woke up.
     It may have been a long time. He was a little incompetent in his legs and feet. He almost fell off when he got up. Still Jin-Wang reached out and grabbed him, only to stand still.
     "His Royal Highness." Fu Cheng smiled a little embarrassedly.
     Jin-Wang nodded and quietly took him along the road that came in yesterday night and left the Little Jao Courtyard .
     Looking at the full spirit of the audience and the stretch of the eyebrows, Fu achievements know that Su-Milkmaid is sure to wait well yesterday, otherwise His Royal Highness will not be this way.
     Fu Cheng feels that as a good slave, he must be kind and sincere. He asked: "His Royal Highness, but should Su-Milkmaid be removed from the small courtyard?" After all, this waits for Father's can wait for his daughter. Confused into a group.
     Upon hearing this, Jin-Wang hesitated for a moment, and said: "No, no."
     The reaction of Jin-Wang made Fu Cheng somewhat surprised. Could it be said that His Royal Highness is not responsible for eating? He stared at the back of Jin-Wang with a very strange look, until he saw Jin-Wang.
     The rare good mood was destroyed at once, and Jin-Wang remembered that the little milk niang had asked him to wait for him last night.
     Yao-Niang's grievances made Jin-Wang very incomprehensible. In order to prevent him from being her body, she would rather use other methods to serve him than to let her touch her body.
     Is she on the festival? Is it for her dead man to be as jade?
     At the thought of this, Jin-Wang's mood is even worse, and therefore Fu Cheng is even less good-looking.
     However, he used to be a cold face, and Fu Cheng thought was not here, but he did not find any clues.
     The master and the servant stared at the dawn of the morning light, and returned silently to the Zhaohui Hall.
     After Jin-Wang left, Yao-Niang sat on the bed for a while and then got up.
     She changed all the bedding on the bed, and when she could see it outside, she quietly took the changed things and went to the well to wash.
     There is no one in the back hood here. It’s still early in the day, everyone hasn’t gotten up yet.
     Yao-Niang took water from the well, soaked the removed quilt, and there were two other trousers that were smashed by Jin-Wangyesterday. Until all these things were soaked into the water, the smell of the nose that she couldn’t tell was finally faded.
     Obviously no one, she was ashamed to be red-faced, soaked in the dirt-stained areas, and painted with saponins. Being washed, someone is up.
     It is Wang Pozi and Zhao-Pozi.
     The people in the small kitchen are the first to get up every day, because breakfast is to be done early, so that other people who come up later will have breakfast.
     Seeing that Yao-Niang was washing clothes at the well, both of them were very surprised.
     "Su-Milkmaid, why is it so early?"
     It is one of them, and the key things in the Yao-Niang basin will not be missed, which is quite strange. Which one will be very early in the morning, run up and wash it.
     Yao-Niang blushes and can't find an excuse.
     Resting in the eyes of the other party has turned into words and stops.
     They are all women's homes. Every month is so inconvenient for a few days. It is not a rare thing to occasionally stain the quilt. Everyone understands.
     Zhao-Pozi laughed and said: "You are really, when can't you wash, but choose this early."
     Wang Pozi interjected: "You can't wash it with cold water, wait for the stove to burn, I will give you some hot water."
     The two opened the kitchen door and soon got busy in it. In a short while, the vanilla and the fragrant incense were also up.
     The two men saw Yao-Niang, and it was a surprise to wash the bedding.
     Yao-Niang feels that he shouldn’t have to wash up and be shackled at this time. It’s just that there is no silver in this place. It can be said that it is too late, she can only look at everyone curious eyes, continue to wash there. A few small Yatou vanillas said that they wanted to help her, and she was rejected by her.
     Maybe others don't know, but she only has the feeling of letting others wash the ground.
     It was hard to wash, Zhao-Pozi came out to help her wring the water. This thing is too big, but there is no way to light Yao-Niang alone.
     "This weather is good, it will be done in the morning."
     Yao-Niang thanked Zhao-Pozi for returning to the room.
     At this time, when everyone used to get up, the  Little Jao Courtyard gradually became more and more lively.
     Throughout the morning, Yao-Niang was unsettled until the vanilla came to her.
     Because Vanilla looked for Yao-Niang, something was said, and Yao-Niang said to Yucui and took her to his room.
     "Su-Milkmaid, I will help you to find out what you want to do. I have a Xiao -jie sister's brother who is a horseman at the horse-drawn place in the palace. He will return home every two months, back Hongyuan County has to go through Linyun County, and there is not much problem in helping you to bring back things."
     Yao-Niang has some surprises: "Thank you, vanilla. Is it just too much trouble for others?"
     Vanilla squinted at the hand: "It's not a hassle, but it's a handy job. Besides, you are the milk of the small County Owner, and you just want to go out and say it, and it’s too much for people to do this. ""
     Vanilla doesn't take it for granted, but Yao-Niang can't get used to it.
     Because she had wanted to go to the house to pick up things in her life, but she could not find anyone who could help. This is due to her unfamiliarity with the situation in the government. It is also that she is not well-known in the government. Everyone avoids her as a snake, and naturally no one wants to deal with her. Later, she did Jin-Wang's embarrassment, Wangfei was willing to give her face, and there were more talents underneath.
     I didn't expect her to be just the milk of the small County Owner in this life.
     There are so many people rushing to do things for her, and having to let Yao-Niang sigh is really impermanent.
     While sighing, Yao-Niang also felt the difference. After all, it is because she has been erected in her life. Even if she is favored by herself, how can she get rid of her? In fact, she still feels that she is relying on the fox. She is contemptuous of her disgust.
     This is probably a shortcut to taking shortcuts and supporting yourself with your own hands.
     "Right, Su-Milkmaid, I forgot to tell you. Zhou Shengge will go back this afternoon. If you have something to bring back, you are ready to prepare." The voice of vanilla broke Yao-Niang's contemplation.
     Yao-Niang has come back to God.
     She didn't expect to be so anxious, but she was very happy to think that the family would be able to receive their own things two days later. She was busy preparing, and vanilla said that she had to eat at lunch and then went to the kitchen and went back to the kitchen.
     Yao-Niang packed up a pack of things, and then went back to the small building and thought about what to add to bring back.
     She only has fifteen or two left in silver. She plans to go back all her way.
     There are also some clothes from Jin-Wang. She and her sister are similar in size, she can wear them, and sisters can certainly wear them. Both clothes are of good texture, and the sister can go out and walk with others.
     There is also the two clothes she made for Xiao bao, which was made with the last cloth she made for the little County Owner, and Mu-Mama said that the rest of the fabric was given to her, she gave Xiao bao clothes.
     They are all wearing, she is already ready.
     But she still feels that she is not enough. She can't wait to take all the things she can take out, and her heart can be stable.
     Waiting for lunch at noon, see the little County Owner falling asleep, Yao-Niang and Yuyan went to find the vanilla, let her take her to find the person who helped to pick things up.
     Vanilla took Yao-Niang to the side gate of the palace, and Zhou Sheng had already been there.
     He is not very old, and he looks like a dark skin, tall and tall, and he is honest, and he is an honest afterlife.
     When the weather is hot and the sun is shining, this person does not know to find a place to hide from the sun. He is standing in the sun and basking in the sun. He can see him sweating from far away.
     Vanilla smiled at Yao-Niang and ran over: "Zhou Shengge, how do you stand here, have you waited for a long time?"
     Zhou Sheng wiped a sweat and smiled at the vanilla. He said: "It didn't take long to get here. I am afraid that you will not see me when you come. I will not move. Yes, this is Su-Milkmaid?" Looking at Yao-Niang who is coming to him, Zhou Sheng hesitated.
     There was a stun in his eyes.
     Under the sun, Yao-Niang's skin is white and clear, emitting a radiant glow under the illumination of the sun. Zhou Sheng used to roll in the pile of men.
     The women who can see, except for some Pozi, are the rough Yatou, where I have seen such a woman.
     Not to mention how the other person looks, the white skin of this body is enough to make Zhou Sheng feel amazing. It was soft and tender that he had never touched before.
     When the other party approached, and then went to see the other's face, it made Zhou Sheng face red and hanged his head. Fortunately, the weather was hot, and no one questioned the blush on his face.
     "Su-Milkmaid. This is Zhou Shengge."
     Yao-Niang smiled and said: "Dr. Zhou, it is really troublesome for you."
     "No trouble, no trouble, no trouble at all." Zhou Sheng smirked and laughed, holding his head. "What do you want to go home, drag it to me, I will send it back for you." He patted his chest to guarantee.
     Yao-Niang handed him the baggage in his hand and said, "There is nothing, just some silver, and a few clothes."
     She said the words to be brought up with the Yao detailed address twice, and determined that after Zhou Sheng's in mind, it was counted.
     "All in all, thank you Zhou Da Ji, this is a bit of money, just ask you to drink tea." Yao-Niang took out a piece of broken silver from his sleeve and stuffed it into Zhou Sheng's hand.
     Zhou Shengwan was like a hot person, and he refused. "This can be awkward. Su-Milkmaid is very polite. I really don't need it." He said that he was afraid that Yao-Niang would continue to stuff his money and run with his baggage. Far.
     "Su-Milkmaid, don't worry, if there is anything in your family, I will help you." Far away, he waved here.
     Yao-Niang watched him leave and turned back to vanilla and said, "This big brother is a very good person."
     "Zhou Shengge is really a very good person, you don't know him..."
     That time, Yao-Niang won the Jin-Wang reward, and he said that he would ask the people in the  Little Jao Courtyard to eat wine.
     She will not arrange the arrangement, she will give the money to Mo Pozi, let her help to see the arrangement, the time will be set today.
     In the afternoon, the kitchen was ready.
     Waiting for the evening meal, in addition to the poor Wang Milkmaid and Qian-Milkmaid, and the Mu-Mama who didn't like to join in the fun, the  Little Jao Courtyard can come.
     It was the moonlight that was just right, the moon-like moon was hung in the night sky.
     The yard in front of the back cover was brightly lit, and three round tables were placed on the open space.
     The dishes are very rich, most of them are made with dinner dishes. Only meat and wine are made from Yao-Niang.
     Therefore, although Yao-Niang gave 15 or 2, but only used 12 or less, the remaining Mo Pozi was given to her. It is not easy to say that she is going out to discuss life, there is no man, there is a child in the shackles, and some can be saved.
     Yao-Niang doesn't say anything, but he is moved.
     Most of these Pozis did not drink alcohol, and other small Yatous did not forget. Yao-Niang, the host of the money, let them hold a few cups.
     Yao-Niang is not good at drinking, but only a few drinks, it is a lot of energy.
     She was busy with the excuses, and she had eaten almost anyway.
     From the corner door back to the front, unlike the hustle and bustle of the back cover, it is very quiet. Yao-Niang wanted to bathe in the water, but I could think about the excitement in the back of the room. I am afraid I have to be interested in it. In addition, there was a large bowl of clean water in the basin, which she had just changed in the afternoon, so she wiped her body with cold water and lay down with her clothes.
     I slept for a while, and I was awakened by thirst. She stayed at the table and took the embroidered shoes, and went to the table to drink water.
     I just drank two, and I was suddenly caught by the back.
     She turned to see Jin-Wang's handsome face, and suddenly fell asleep.
     "His Royal Highness, Your Highness, how come you?"
     "Want to come, come."
     "Look at this night, you are still going back to rest..."
     In the following words, it was automatically scared by Jin-Wang's move.
     Jin-Wang went to the bedside and sat down, like a master.
     Yao-Niang hadn't resisted for a few times. "Your Highness, yesterday is a cause of things, nubi will... and, yesterday, I said it well, once, you can't talk, count..."
     In the end, she even cried in her voice.
     It is urgent. It is also the day that Yao-Niang thought about it for a day. She always felt that Jin-Wang had given her such a chain, and she certainly hadn’t let her go.
     Jin-Wang twisted his eyebrows, "Bengwang said this?"
     Yao-Niang, I thought about it, said: "You haven't said it, but I told you that you didn't speak at the time." Nothing is the default. This is the consistent nature of Jin-Wang. It is also Yao-Niang Cognition of inertia.
     Jin-Wang's eyes flashed. "Benwang didn't speak, that is, the representative did not agree."
     Yao-Niang is wrong.
     This is totally hooliganism, how can this be!
     Yao-Niang glared at Jin-Wang's face, and there was no way to believe that such a rogue would be what he said.
     But she looks at Jin-Wang again, it seems that she is not joking.
     She was anxious, and she also remembered the golden chain on the ankle. Some of them were arrogant: "His Royal Highness, you are wise, high above.
     The little woman is just a widow of a dead man, and a son. It is really impossible to commit." You are like this..."
     Jin-Wang glanced at her: "Do not commit crimes, Benwang said, it is not for you."
     Yao-Niang's face rose red.
     For a long while, I have the courage to say: "You can't be nubi ."
     Jin-Wang licked her narrow eyes and stared at her: "Why don't you, for your dead man?"
     Upon hearing this, Yao-Niang stunned and shook his head. "No matter what the nubi and nubi are, you can't force a good girl. I didn't sell it to the palace. I am the daughter of a good family."
     "His Royal Highness, you can't..."
     "You can't come over?"
     Jin-Wang's face is terrible, which is completely different from his usual cold face. Yao-Niang was almost scared and cried, and she waited for her reaction. She had already passed away.
     When she got to the front, Jin-Wang pulled her into her arms and let her sit on her lap. One hand wrapped around her slender waist, and the other hand was holding her hand in her hand and plunging under the hem.
     Yao-Niang is a hot one, and wants to take it back, but it is put to death.
     "Forgot to tell you that the medicine in Benwang is not able to be solved once." Jin-Wang is serious on the face, but it is not so honest in private, holding the small hand that is tender and tender, next time Grinding the ground.
     The smashed Yao-Niang scorpion trembled. "Where is that, how many times?"
     Jin-Wang squinted at this stupid little milk niang and said: "You need to find an antidote to solve it."
     "When can I find an antidote?"
     "This is uncertain, it will take a year and a half."
     Yao-Niang suddenly felt like a black cloud. For a long time, some hardships said: "You have a wife and a wife, you can go find it, you really can't do it..."
     “How does Benwang teach you to teach?”
     Yao-Niang suddenly did not speak without saying anything.
     Jin-Wang doesn't seem to be satisfied with the light. It's just like this. I took a look at Yao-Niang, but Yao-Niang didn't mind at all, and naturally didn't see his eyes.
     It seems that this matter has to be consensual, and Jin-Wang suddenly has such an understanding.
     He cleared his throat and said: "Don't you say you still want to go home? If you are waiting well, Benwang will let you go home a year later."
     “Really?” At this time, Yao-Niang is full of Jin-Wang and does not intend to let go of his own thoughts, naturally ignoring the traps in the other's speech.
     "Of course it is true." Jin-Wang nodded meaningfully, and glanced at her. "Not only that, but Ben Wang also rewards you with a large amount of money, enough for you to survive the rest of your life."
     Yao-Niang's head is spinning fast.
     In fact, she is not so embarrassed, although she is not smart, but not stupid, she is very clear that she has no way to refuse Jin-Wang. Now Jin-Wang is very good at her, and she still likes her a lot, so she is particularly tolerant. If she is too ignorant, he will definitely let her know what is called Thunder.
     Thinking of this, Yao-Niang is a bit blasphemous.
     Jin-Wang, how much do you like her? This is real?
     She couldn't help but look at Jin-Wang.
     In the darkness, his handsome face is like jade, and if he grows his eyebrows, he looks like a star, and Jun has to let her not look at her second eye. I couldn't help but have a small bubble to come up, but before she got up, she was all broken.
     Su Yao-Niang, you should never think too much. Jin-Wang likes you just because you like your body, not you.
     Color decays and loves Chi, love Chi is graceful, can you let him like a few years, or how long does it like to last?
     She also thought of the year that Jin-Wang said, this year must be the fresh period of Jin-Wang, and when this time passed, I would not have to put myself in my heart.
     That being the case
     "If that's the case, the slave promises you, but can you, can't?" She bit her teeth and said: "Don't let others know about it.
     The nubi just want to do their own errands, don't want people to know." ......"
     Jin-Wang is silent, and there is no wave on the face of the ancient well. His eyes are dark and the bottom is not seen.
     Seeing Yao-Niang's heart pounding, but this is her last step. If this thing makes people know that it is equal to her old road of the last life, she has not yet figured out who killed her in her life, she does not want to die any more.
     In fact, from yesterday's incident, Yao-Niang had a kind of enlightenment in her heart, she could not escape.
     Since it can't escape, what should be done simply, as long as she waits for Jin-Wang to lose interest in herself, it is not difficult to leave.
     But the premise is that she has no name.
     Yes, she can't have a name. She doesn't have a bond without a name. Hanging a Jin-Wang woman's name is in her body, she can only stay in this Jin-Wang house, even if she wants to see Xiao bao, she has to sneak a sneak peek.
     Perhaps such an idea has made the world's women look at it, and it has been a real shock to the world. Yao-Niang has lived for two generations and has long since left behind.
     Anyway, this body is not clean, who is not giving it? She only wants to stay safely in the Wangfu for a year, and go home to keep her son for the rest of his life.
     Jin-Wang did not speak, and Yao-Niang suddenly had a feeling of rising hair.
     I do not know why.
     Just as she was going to say something more, she saw Jin-Wang smirk and smiled: "Yes, Benwang promised you."
     This laugh is like a blossom of flowers, and it seems like a million birds are coming, and the beautiful and confusing people can't tell.
     Yao-Niang suddenly refused to think about why he was the kind of reaction, and why Jin-Wang promised so refreshed.
     Maybe she is also clear, but she does not want to think deeply.
     Yao-Niang feels like there is no end, she has helped Jin-Wang to understand once, but within a quarter of an hour, he took her hand again.
     Looking at his eyes closed, his forehead was full of sweat, and Yao-Niang couldn't help but move down.
     There, her hand has been grinding and hurting.
     This is actually only the second time. Yao-Niang is already ready for it, but Jin-Wang has no idea at all. It seems that she likes her hand more.
     Of course, not only her hand, he will also eat her little mouth, will make her blunt and painful, and even occasionally eat a few other things, eat greedy. He couldn't have eaten it in his life. Although Yao-Niang felt shy, it was not too shocking.
     But nothing more, but no more.
     Yao-Niang is deeply puzzled. She remembers that Jin-Wang was not like this in her life.
     His movement suddenly stopped, and Yao-Niang immediately put away the messy thoughts.
     In the dark, Jin-Wan stared at somewhere and looked at it. It seemed that there was nothing to understand. Yao-Niang looked down at his eyes and immediately became redder.
     Red, but still want to see, seriously said that she had not seen it a few times in her life, and also served Jin-Wang when bathing, hurriedly glanced.
     Really scary!
     "His Royal Highness..."
     Jin-Wang seems to have given up and pulled Yao-Niang over. Yao-Niang hadn't seen what was going on, and he saw his tall nose close to him, and she stuck her on her thin lips.
     Yao-Niang has always been a very supple temper, he wants to kiss him. Jin-Wang's kiss is strong and hurried, like he wants to swallow people, especially at this time he has a feeling of wickedness. It seems that there is something that is eager to understand but not available. Yao-Niang felt that his waist was almost broken by him, and he could only climb his wide shoulders weakly.
     Because of the closeness, he feels his majesty. Yao-Niang silently moved to the side, moved a little, and wanted to stay away from him. But just moved two times, he was arrested again. Jin-Wang seems to know that this is more interesting, but she is relying on the past to hold her.
     Both of them couldn't help but breathe in the air. Yao-Niang immediately reached out and tried to push him. He just refused, and he insisted on her. Yao-Niang is not as good as him, he can only let him do it, but he is burnt and straight. Jin-Wang seems to have fun, so it started to turn up, Yao-Niang's soul has been flying to the clouds.
     After two quarters of an hour, Yao-Niang was soft and boneless, tears came out, and the lower lip was bitten. Jin-Wang was a great force and finally stopped. Jin-Wang closed her eyes tightly and breathed heavily. After a while, she looked down at her. Seeing her cheeks blush, her face and jade neck are sweaty, a few smashed hair posted on it, extremely unsightly.
     The mouth is red and some are swollen.
     He reached out and shoved the broken hair, and touched his finger on the crimson little mouth before letting her fold down to clean herself up.
     Looking at his own figure, Yao-Niang also got up with a soft body. After going to the screen, he wiped his face with water, and then took off the silk pants and changed it to a clean one. Taking advantage of the silk trousers, she didn't even look at it and saw it behind the washbasin.
     When Yao-Niang came out, Jin-Wang was already lying on the couch.
     He waved at her and she passed. Just sitting down, he was pulled into his arms, Jin-Wang big palm caressed her back, said: "You are very good."
     Yao-Niang was almost not slobbered, and her mood was a bit strange.
     This is very good. Did Jin-Wang in her life praise her to the horizon?
     After thinking about it, Yao-Niang decided that he said it was good. Since Jin-Wang feels good, it means that she is good at serving, and she can go home after one year.
     The next day, the day was still not bright, and Jin-Wang quietly left with a slight morning light. As usual, this time, even Fucheng Chengdu did not bring.
     After Jin-Wang left, Yao-Niang saw that it was still early, and he planned to sleep for a while.
     She was so tired that she didn't sleep for two nights.
     This sleep has slept for a while until someone comes to shoot her door.
     When he heard the sound, Yao-Niang was dreaming.
     She dreamed that after a year, Jin-Wang really let her go home, and also rewarded her with a lot of money. She came home with silver and saw sister, brother-in-law, and Xiao bao.
      Xiao bao has already walked, and will be called niang. Yao-Niang is very happy, and his eyes are bent.
     At this moment, some people slammed the door. She opened the door with a voice, but saw Jin-Wang standing outside the yard, holding a little boy who looks like him.
     The boy was obviously bigger than Xiao bao, and he called himself niang. She was shocked and said that she was not his niang. She gave birth to Xiao bao a child.
     The little boy sat on the floor and cried. Jin-Wang was as black as a woman, saying that she had no conscience and even left their father and son to run.
     Yao-Niang felt very embarrassed, and I was still thinking about whether this was Jin-Wang’s intrigue, and at this moment, I heard the knocking of the door...
     Yao-Niang suddenly woke up from her sleep and gave a cold sweat. She still has some sorrows, but she looks out the window and the sky is bright.
     She suddenly refused to worry, and was busy opening the door.
     A-Xia stands outside the door.
     "Su-Milkmaid, I will call you when I see you are not up."
     Yao-Niang is busy asking: "What time is it?"
     A-Xia stunned and smiled: "When I haven't arrived on you, I just saw you didn't go to breakfast, come over and call you."
     Yao-Niang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "I slept late yesterday, but I forgot the time."
     A-Xia glanced at her: "No wonder, I see your eyes are red. Right, what's wrong with your mouth?"
     Yao-Niang touched the lips subconsciously, and the obvious touch was different from usual, with a slight tingling. She smiled and smiled and said: "You don't say that I haven't found it yet. Maybe it's a mosquito, it hurts a little." She said, she licked her lips. "I won't talk to you, I have to pack it up quickly." I don't have to wait late to go late."
     A-Xia nodded: "That line, I am going to bring you breakfast." Then, she did not give Yao-Niang a chance to refuse, and the man ran away.
     Yao-Niang smiled and shook his head and returned to the house.
     Before she went to the mirror, the woman in the mirror was lazy, and when she saw it, it didn't show up. Looking at it, I could see the spring color at the corner of my eye.
     The eye circles are slightly reddish, the lips are red and swollen, and the more and more appearing delicate, I can't wait for people to take a bite.
     Yao-Niang squinted and went behind the screen.
     Because of the hot weather and the inconvenience of water at night, Yao-Niang used to leave two barrels in the room. One covered wooden bucket is filled with water, and the other is filled with sewage, which is changed every day. Yao-Niang opened the wooden barrel, and there was still half a bucket of water in it, and it was washed into the washbasin with a scoop.
     Fortunately, there is water in the room. Otherwise, Yao-Niang didn’t know what to do on the night of the two days. He couldn’t go to the house to wash the room in the middle of the night, and it would make her die.
     Thinking of this, I don’t know how to think about what I found last night. Yao-Niang is red and red, and I can feel how hot my face is when I touch it.
     The net was smashed again, and Yao-Niang combed before the dressing table. A thick black hair let her take it in her hand, and finally took a slap in the back of the head and fixed it with a wooden raft. She still wanted to get bangs, and thought it was too much trouble. At that time, I didn't want to pay attention. Now it has happened. It seems that there is nothing to hide.
     Yao-Niang just combed his head, and A-Xia walked in with the tray.
     Breakfast is very simple, white rice porridge and mushrooms and greens buns, and a plate of pickles and stir-fried vegetables.
     Yao-Niang thanked A-Xia.
     A-Xia looked at her strangely: "Su-Milkmaid, didn't you find that you looked so good?"
     Yao-Niang subconsciously touched his face and smiled a little embarrassed: "Is there? I didn't find out."
     A-Xia nodded again and again: "Of course, I don't want to get bangs in the future, I really don't look good." Even some ugly, this A-Xia didn't mean to say.
     "It turned out to be like this. I didn't pay attention. I won't get it later."
     After that, A-Xia said a few words to her before leaving.
     Yao-Niang came to the table to have breakfast.
     She ate very fast because she didn't have much time, and she was too hungry to eat. She packed up the table and sent the bowl to the small kitchen before going to the small building.
     When I arrived, it was still late, but no one said anything. Yao-Niang has always been diligent. Everyone is watching these days. It’s not because she is late for a while, what is it for her? view.
     Qian-Milkmaid and Wang Milkmaid quickly left, leaving Yao-Niang and Yuyan Yucui, and Yuyan had something to go out, leaving her and Yucui.
     At this time, the green waist came in and said: "Fu is in charge."
     With her voice, Fu Cheng came in and he came to see the small County Owner for Jin-Wang.
     Yucui didn't think much, because His Highness didn't come over for a few days, only Yao-Niang was in his heart, and he was afraid of what Fu Cheng said. After all, the rest of the day before yesterday, she also listened to her ears, knowing that Jin-Wang came on that day, and Fu achievements have always been kept outside.
     Therefore, she was particularly guilty when she faced Fu Cheng.
     I know that Fucheng is really looking at the small County Owner. I asked some of the small Count Owners to eat more and more sleep, and Yao-Niang was relieved.
     Fu Cheng asked Yucui to pour him a cup of tea. After Yucui went out, he looked at Yao-Niang with a smile and said: "Su-Milkmaid, Your Highness asked me to give you something."
     Said, he pulled out a small porcelain pot from his sleeve.
     "This medicine is the best for treating trauma. It can also be applied on the mouth. It is fine if you eat it."
     Yao-Niang was red-faced, and didn't even bother to lift it. He picked it up and said, "Thank you for your help."
     Fu Cheng glared at her, and the more sorrowful and pleasing to the eye, the smile said: "I don't thank you, then the family will leave."
     Fu Cheng went outside and just met Yucui with tea.
     "Fu, your tea."
     "Don't drink, there are still things at home."
     Yucui came in with tea, and said to Yao-Niang: "This is also the general manager, how can you even leave the tea without drinking?"
     Yao-Niang blinked and unconsciously touched the small porcelain jar in the sleeve and did not speak.
     In the middle, Yao-Niang went back to the room and found the small porcelain jar from the sleeve.
     The small porcelain jar is pink and white overall, and the glazed surface of the bottle has a very thin opening.
     The texture is like jade, which is very beautiful. When opened, it is filled with a translucent paste. Yao-Niang rubbed some of his fingers and rubbed it on the back of his hand. It was cool and cool, and it was very comfortable.
     She untied her clothes and bit her lip. She endured shame and wiped it at two points. It was so hot and a little bit tingling. Yesterday he was too greedy, but he was all sucked.
     After rubbing some places in the body, Yao-Niang went to the skirt and looked at the red marks that were pulled out on both sides. Her face was red on the face. After painting, he hurriedly put on his clothes, and finally wiped some of his lips.
     I hope he will not come again this evening, otherwise she can't stand it.
     The Yao family in the Yushu Hutong of Linyun County is at this time.
     In the West Chamber, Li Shi snoring can be heard from time to time.
     Because Li-shi is pressing the sound, it sounds a bit confusing from the outside, but Hui niang doesn't have to listen to know what Popo is doing.
     The unmarried Yan-Jie turned out to be pregnant with a bead. As long as she thought of this, Hui niang would have an inexplicable pleasure.
     It wasn't her gloating, but she couldn't help but hate when she thought of going to Mei-mei in Jincheng. Hate Li Shi, hate Yan-Jie, especially Yao-Niang, Yan-Jie will take Li-shi to let Yao Cheng go to Chen Anjia to kiss, Hui niang finally understand why Popo is a good man to smash Mei-mei gone.
     So it’s all about it.
     Chen Anjia did not agree to the marriage, Yan-Jie was broken by the black boy, and Feng family also came to the door to raise the relatives, but Li-shi did not agree, suspected Feng Jia poor, suspected that Feng family had a widow niang, anyway, all kinds of dislike. Yan-Jie is not willing to marry, the mother and daughter are doing heaven and earth.
     Hui niang usually sit on the sidelines, but I can't help my heart, you can be disgusted, the key to your daughter can be disgusted? If you have the ability to dominate Yan-Jie, let her live at home and never marry.
     Thinking of this, Hui niang stood up and went out to the West Chamber.
     When I saw Hui niang, Li-shi was suddenly embarrassed. In fact, she is not ugly, she has always placed Popo shelf in front of her daughter-in-law, how can it make Hui niang belittle.
     Hui niang smiled and looked at Yan-Jie, who was sitting in a chair and was lifted by Li Shi.
     "Yan-Jie, don't say Sao said to you, you are now in a situation where you are not embarrassed, you are jealous of others' jealousy, are you still planning to marry Chen?" The key people are willing to ask you. This Hui niang did not say that in fact, she felt that Chen An was very good with her Mei-mei, but it was a bad thing for this poisonous Yatou.
     Hui niang This is undoubtedly a knife inserted in Yan-Jie heart, she suddenly cried and squinted.
     Li-shi has always been short-sighted, and how can I endure Hui niang to run on her daughter, one foot and three feet high: "Suhui-niang, I tell you, you give me less to swallow Yan-Jie..."
     Hui niang interrupted her: "Niang, you really think about it, I run against her, and no one gives me money."
     This is not the words of silver, it is Li Shi usual hang on his lips, Hui niang said at this time, quite ridiculous.
     However, I haven't waited for Li-shi to make a noise, and Hui niang said again: "Niang You always say that Yao-Niang doesn't know the shame, the bead is dark, and I don't know where to smash a wild donkey, which corrupts the door of the Yao family. Not to mention, this unmarried is awkward, and it’s really not very good to pass it out, so don’t worry about marrying Yan-Jie to Feng’s family. Don’t forget that although Cheng Ji is a small class, but in our The county is also a head and face. Ming Geer is not too small, and after two years, he has to go to private school.
     The threshold of the old Yao family can point to your two grandchildren, if you know that there is such a aunt... ”
     The rest of the words Hui niang did not finish, but Li-shi and Yan-Jie understood her meaning.
     Li-shi is a masterpiece, but the love of Geer and Hong Geer is not false. Here are two big grandchildren, and there is a daughter who is not a weapon, so I still use the choice?
     Maybe I can't choose it now, but Li-shi always wants to open.
     It is precisely Yan-Jie who understands this truth and suddenly cries out: "Niang, I am not married! You are not letting me marry, I really don't marry..."
     Li-shi messed up his mind and subconsciously said: "Old niang will not let you marry, it is to tell you about playing, it is to take the Feng family, you still can't be true. You don't marry, where do you want to go, you Dead Yatou..."
     Hui niang has already gone out from the West Chamber, listening to the snoring behind her, she could not help but smile.
     Yaoyao, sister can only help you here. You are good now, why don't you make a letter back?
     Hui niang decided to wait for the man to come back, and went to the kings house to see if he could find the status of Mei-mei. Mei-mei No one has returned to the letter for two months, and I dont know how it happened.
     Just then, the courtyard door was suddenly knocked.
     "anyone here?"
     "Who?" Hui niang answered.
     The movement on the other side of the West Chamber was gone, and Li-shi hurriedly smashed the curtain out of it.
     "Someone asked me to give you something to order, surname Su..."
     Hui niang had no time to delay, and he walked over to open the courtyard door.
     A carriage was parked outside the door, and the black car was a black car. At first glance, it was not the style of ordinary people.
     Sitting on the rut, a young afterlife, dark skin, tall, but looking at the face is a real person, a big smile.
     "This little brother, are you?"
     "I came from Jin-Wang, and I came back for something like Su-Milkmaid. In addition, Su-Milkmaid asked me a few words. You are Su-Milkmaid's Big-Sister?"
     Hui niang busy nodded and said: "I am Big Yao of Yaoyao. I am going to sit inside, I am really bothering you. I am Mei-mei, she is good now..."
     Zhou Sheng thought: It turned out that she has such a good name, Yaoyao. He rested in his heart for a few times, while walking with his niang, and distracted her.
     Zhou Sheng was greeted by the Courtyard. After a bowl of tea was drunk, Hui niang almost figured out the situation of Yao-Niang.
     I learned that Mei-mei has become a milky niang of the small County Owner. She did a good job in the house, and no one bullied. It is said that she was quite in front of the master. I couldn’t help but cry.
     Zhou Sheng did not understand how Hui niang would cry like this, his eyes could not help but be a little surprised.
     Hui niang reacted, and wiped his tears and said: "My sister is introverted and timid. This is the first time she has traveled far away, so I am worried."
     Zhou Sheng nodded in understanding.
     After that, Zhou Sheng handed the baggage to Hui niang. In particular, the silver was handed over to her, and she learned something from Hui niang: Su-Milkmaid said that she is very good in the palace, so that Big-sister does not have to worry about it. Su-Milkmaid also said that Big-Sister took the money to buy a small Yatou, or hired an individual to come back to help with the work, and not to be exhausted."
     In fact, the latter sentence is what Yao-Niang wants to say, Li-shi is a lazy, Hui niang alone with three baby, how could it be too busy to come over, still do not know what it is, she is in the palace day and night The worry is this.
     "Thank you Zhou Xiao Ji, I will ponder over this matter. You can help me to bring her words. Just let her be in the palace, don't worry about the home, Xiao bao is very good, now it will turn over, eat fat. Up..."
     Hui niang said a lot, only to send Zhou Sheng out of the house. She has left Zhou Sheng to eat at home, but Zhou Sheng still rushed back, only to say that there will be opportunities in the future. Hui niang heart, this life is really a heartfelt, thank you again, only to watch Zhou Sheng driving in a carriage.
     She stood at the door for a while before turning back to the house. When she entered the door, she saw that Popo was turning over the baggage that Yao-Niang sent back.
     Li-shi glared at a crimson scorpion, and the claw-like hand rubbed back and forth on the smooth cloth.
     Hui niang's eyebrows, there is always a feeling that she wants to give this clothes a bad feeling. At the same time, she was glad that Zhou Sheng gave her the money directly, otherwise she would fall in the hands of Li Shi, and she would definitely not come back.
     "Hey, this Su-Yao-Niang is really developed. Such a good material can be used for clothes to wear. Old Pozi I have lived so old, I have never seen such a good material." Li-shi repeatedly pouted She took the clothes on her body and said to Hui niang: "I see this dress is suitable for me to wear, so it is Su Yao-Niang honour me."
     Hui niang Look at the scorpion of the red flower, and then look at the old face of Li Shi, can't think of Li Shi, how can she get a proper dress.
     As he said, Yan-Jie, who was standing at the door with some jealousy, interjected. "Nang, I am going to marry, this clothes is for me."
     These two stinking faces! Hui niang gasped his lips and snored, what he was going to say, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside, like a person who was knocked open by the door.
     Still not waiting for the three to respond, I heard a cry outside the door: "Yao Yaner, you are the star of the fun, you lose my son "
     This voice is Feng Widow.
     Hui niang heart is not good, busy welcoming. Li-shi also hurried to go out, and saw Feng Widow standing in front of the door and yelling, followed by a lot of onlookers.
     Feng Widow is not a good one. A widow can bring a big son. I can imagine that it is not a good one.
     The reason why Li-shi is not willing to be a relative with Feng Widow is not only because of Feng Jiaqian, but also because of the famous ruined family nearby, and because of the fact that Feng Widow is too sultry. She had suffered losses more than once in the hands of Feng Widow, so when Feng Widow was eager to ask for help, how could she not take Qiao, she would not want to get back in the early years.
     Li-shi used to be a fierce one. Seeing that Feng Widow is so jealous of her baby daughter, how can she light her, and she will quarrel with each other at a height of three feet.
     "You have a virgin widow who has smothered a family, and you are a smashed shard of death. You are the star of mourning, and your family is a mourning star..."
     Feng Widow sat down on the floor and cried as she patted her thigh: "My God Master, you blink your eyes, what are you in this room? I love her shi-nu, I don’t want to be a person, I’m going to do it in the dead. I’m abandoning my family’s poorness, and I’m too bad to abandon my Feng Widow’s life. But can I choose this life? I’m a widow’s life, and whoever sees it’s not a erect Thumbs, only this family is devastated, and it’s me who has a family..."
     This von Widow is not the first time this is the case. It is a singer to do everything, crying and ‘Calling, swaying a hundred times, and the tail is long.
     The tears rushed down, it was so sad that the listeners were crying. Although the Dagan Family can not help the widow to marry again, but if a woman is out of a feast, it is quite different from others.
     The onlookers are very embarrassed, plus Li-shi is not a person on most days, so there is no one to talk to the Feng Widow.
     "Everyone is a neighborhood, why bother so ugly, one step back, it will be finished." Someone persuaded.
     Seeing this, Feng Widow is even more energetic. "It’s not that my family doesn’t want to give in. I used to be so angry and eager to ask for help. It’s this Yao family is not a thing, but forced me to go out and find money, which made me guilty. Things, being caught in the prison by the official... I don't care, you Yao family with my son! Yao Yaner, if my child has three long and two short, my von Widow will not let you go..."
     When this words came out, it was a stunned one, and even Li-shi did not swear.
     The black boy actually committed something. What happened in the end?
     Don't look at Li Shi, Qiao, and Yan-Jie, who can't get through the heart, has been clamoring for not marrying Feng Zizi. But when Feng Heizi had something wrong, the two couldn’t help but be anxious.
     If Feng Heizi has something to do, what can the child in Yan-Jie belly do? Is the child not a Father in the future?
     Feng Widow saw her death and only went to her head. She flashed a smug look in her eyes and continued to cry: "My poor grandson, still not born, Father has an accident, but I don't know if it is dead or alive... God, why are you so no? Long eyes..."
     The amount of information in this sentence is too large, so many people can't react at the moment, and they can't go to Yan-Jie stomach.
     Li Shi anger, I can’t wait to beat Feng’s widow. But I was afraid that the von Widow would say nothing about the five or six, and she also wanted to find out what happened to the black boy. She could only jump out and drive the people standing in her yard.
     "Go and go, see what's going on, what's beautiful."
     A look at Li Shi shrew-like appearance, the audience suddenly disappeared.
     It can be scattered, and the things about Feng Yao and the two have also been passed out from these people mouths, and the discussion is full of enthusiasm.
     Li-shi shut the courtyard door and only looked at Feng Widow: "If you don't make a clear statement today, I can't spare you from the old niang."
     Feng Widow shot the trousers and climbed up from the ground, not afraid of her.
     In fact, before she came, she thought about everything. Feng family was so clamed that she naturally did not have the money to fish Feng Heiko who was put under prison. But Feng family has no money, Yao family has, Yao family not only has money, Yao family is still in the county, so when he knows that his son has committed something, Feng Widow does not panic after the initial panic.
     Feng Widow will make such a game today, and it is not unmeasured. Although it is a shame, they are naturally not afraid of the man. Once things get out, Yao can only help her family, unless she wants her daughter with a big belly to be pointed at the spine for a lifetime. As long as the Yao family helped this, it is time for the son not only to come back, but also to have a grandmother, and the grandson has to be, and no longer need to be the face of Yao old shrew, everything is fine.
     Feng’s widow’s abacus is sizzling.
     She said what she knew, Li-shi heard her face blushing, and she turned her head and gave Yan-Jie two slaps: "You die Yatou, you will find something for the old niang, you will give the old niang look for a job!"
     Yan-Jie was beaten to cry, and Niang stood on the sidelines and looked at it without any dissuasion.
     "If you have a family, you will work harder for your family. If you don't look at other things, you should always look at the children in Yan-Jie stomach." Feng Widow smiled.
     This is Li Shi seven inches, and he will die.
     Li-shi has been so tempted, eyes ‘Calling at the von Widow, and chasing to fight Yan-Jie. Unfortunately, the widow of the phoenix did not even give her a look, not her shi-nu, how to fight how to fight.
     Li-shi is angry with niang: "Su-shi niang, still not looking for your man to come back." Only when asked Yao Cheng, they can know what is going on in the door.
     "Nang, Hong Geer cried, I went in and looked at it." Hui niang didn't pick up her words, and slammed the curtain into the east wing. After entering, it would not come out.
     Li-shi can be turned upside down and wants Yan-Jie to go. Now her daughter has a body and can only run for herself. But before she went out, Yao achievements came back, precisely for the sake of Feng Heiko.
     Feng Widow only knows that Feng Heizi is because the silver has committed something, and he does not know how it is. She also heard people say that her son was imprisoned.
     In fact, Feng Heizi sin is not small. He and a shi-nu in Yihongge have partnered to rob the traders. When the ‘Miss figured out the amount and whereabouts of the other party’s money, Feng Heizi took the man and robbed halfway.
     He doesn't seem to be doing this for the first time. He hates it and never stays alive, so things haven't been revealed. But this time maybe God opened his eyes.
     The dealer he robbed was slammed on his head by a stone, and he was thrown into the river, but he did not die. I got up from the river and went to the office. This is not to confuse Feng Heiko.
     On the spot, the official was caught in the gambling house, and even his so-called brothers did not escape one.
     Killing people and goods, this is a big sin, but exile for three thousand miles, but also beheading the public.
     And Feng Heizi is not the first time to do this kind of thing, he killed it, but the ‘Miss did not take it, spit a clean. It is known from this ‘Miss that Feng Heizi and others will not be able to kill three or four lives, not to mention other things that they do not know.
     In other words, Feng Heizi is a dead end this time.
     After listening to Yao Cheng’s remarks, Feng Widow sat down on the floor and cried.
     At this time, there was still the previous calm. She only used her son to beat people or steal people things. I never expected my son to be so daring. It was also Feng Zizi who got the money in the day, not to eat the sea, or to take a gamble, never took a point to the house. Feng Widow was busy working outside to earn money, and found no clues.
     Not only the Widow Widow, Li-shi and Yan-Jie were also scared.
     This is completely over, what should Yan-Jie do?
     Yao eyes were invisible on Yan-Jie belly.
     Before Li-shi and Yan-Jie mentioned Yao-Niang, a bit of a shameless, unmarried pregnancies, mentioning Xiao bao is also a wild donkey, even Father did not, now it is Yan-Jie also set foot on the footsteps of Yao-Niang It is also a current report.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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