Married Di Daughter 245-246 [End]

Novels      »     Married Di Daughter    »   Chapter 245  Finale [6] Outside the Zhaoyue Fan: Pearl (middle)

 These are the last chapters for this novel. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did..

Ver 1:       Chapter 245 Finale [6] Outside the Zhaoyue Fan :  Pearl (middle)     
     Suo Jing Darens in the middle of the temple with Situ Jiu-Yue.
     Situ went back in Jiu-Yue.
     In fact, her surname is not the surname Situ, but it was the last name used in order to avoid the pursuit of killing, walking in the rivers and lakes, and hiding under the name. It can be a long time, accompanied by the past, even the name has become a habit. Now she has become a "Jiu-Yue Princess", but sometimes, she will remember the time when someone called her "Stuart Doctor" in Yanjing City.
     Suo Jing and her salute :  "Chen Soo has seen the Princess of the Princess."
     "Sit." Situ Jiu-Yue said.
     She looked indifferent, and she looked at her heart. This Princess's next life is moving, but the temperament is really not like. No wonder even the people are afraid of it. He thanked Situ for giving him a seat in Jiu-Yue. He sits down and said :  "His Royal Highness ... The matter of the Grand Ceremony is ready." In the royal family, now only Situ is alone in Jiu-Yue. There is also the Yanguo emperor supporting the waist, this world, Naturally it should be Situ Jiu-Yue. It is the grand seal of the Wangye daughter, and the queen of the city of Molan in the future is Situ Jiu-Yue.
     Suo Jing is not the person left by the new Wangye. On the contrary, he has been suppressed by the new Wangye. After Situ returned to the palace in Jiu-Yue, he would promote Soo. Suo Jing wants to keep his position, and he has to firmly grasp the life-saving straw of Situ Jiu-Yue. So these days, Suo Jing is really sincerely running for Situ in Jiu-Yue.
     "Good." Situ answered in Jiu-Yue.
     "In these few days, Zong Daren and his minister mentioned one thing ... It was the matter of His Majesty's choice of husband." The voice just fell, and Situ looked at Soo Jing coldly in Jiu-Yue, and Soo was scared by her eyes. Sound, don't dare to continue.
     Situ Jiu-Yue is the Wangye daughter. When the Wangye daughter is enshrined in the grand ceremony, Wang Fu should be registered. But Situ was still unmarried in Jiu-Yue, so the ministers underneath began to urge. After all, Stuart is a woman in Jiu-Yue. In the past history of Molan, there was actually no woman who was the Wangye. Even if there is an emperor of the Yan State supporting the back, Jin Wujun will not stay in Molan for the rest of his life In the end, Situ will always deal with the next troubles in Jiu-Yue. And in all the troubles, this one is completely evasive. Even if Sohon does not say it now, there will be others in the future. If Situ has not chosen Wang Fu in Jiu-Yue and gave birth to his own son, then this throne may have to choose another person.
     This is the rule that has been in the past, and Situ has to follow the rules in Jiu-Yue.
     Seeing Situ silence in Jiu-Yue, Suo Jing asked with great courage :  “His Royal Highness, if His Highness does not make a resolution, I am afraid that the palace will be selected.” The selection of Molan is also related to Beiyan. The draft is fair to women. However, choosing a man as Wang Fu is also the first time in the world. Among the Prince of the Molan, the princes of the princess were very early in their family. When Situ was in his youth, he suddenly became a teenager, and later he had been displaced, so he had not set a marriage.
     "It's not good, just pick it." Finally, Situ Jiu-Yue said.
     Suo Jing's awkwardness could not help but look at Situ Jiu-Yue, but she saw this cold-looking Miss showing a smile like a smile. She said :  "The so-called Wang Fu is just a sly, since it's all right, it's not as good as the last. Choosing an obedient is a good thing. You don't have to tell me about these trivial things. Let's do it, ask the grown-up. "
     She said that the words "Suo Daren" really made a spirit in Suo Jing's heart.
     Suo Jing did not know what Situ was thinking about in Jiu-Yue. This is the lifelong event of Stuart in Jiu-Yue. Why does she not care about this? Ordinary daughter's family, there is still a expectation for the pillow-side person who lives with him for the rest of his life. Can you listen to what Stuart said just now in Jiu-Yue, eh? Obedient to listen to? If this is passed to the ears of the people of Molan, I don't know how many attacks the Princess of the Princess has to suffer.
     Suo Jing sighed, really do not know how to be good.
     In the busy schedule of the preparations for the ceremony, the day after the day, Haishu discovered that Situ Jiu-Yue became more and more cold.
     Although Situ was not innocent when he was in the Estate in Jiu-Yue, but for the Xue family, Situ can help in Jiu-Yue, Xue Zhao also said that Situ Jiu-Yue is a cold outside heat. People. But now I am back to Molan, as if she had evaporated her last enthusiasm. From the inside out, she really turned into a passionate person. The selection for Situ Jiu-Yue was gradually started. In the son of Molan, in addition to Suo Jing, the other courtiers forced Hong Xidi power to choose to support Situ in Jiu-Yue, but the heart was not convinced. It is difficult for So Jing to be able to counter the power of other courtiers. However, the selection of the matter itself has gradually caused some problems.
     Situ appearance in Jiu-Yue is beautiful, but unfortunately means poisonous and good at poisoning. Although it is a Wangye Miss, even if she is elected as Wang Fu, she does not have much power. I am afraid that it will be controlled by Situ in Jiu-Yue. Not good, annoyed Situ in Jiu-Yue, even the small life must be finished.
     Therefore, those who have a good reputation, but the good son of the young master, also learned about the election. The aristocratic children who were similar to Situ Jiu-Yue age had already booked a relative, and they had no relatives. The two days were immediately given by the family.
     So the only thing left to pick up at the end is either the infatuation that has been favored at home, and the lack of any skill. The deaf children who are fancy, or the family is not as good as before, expect to find a Wangye Miss to mix and drink. Help a family of old and small want to take advantage of the broken.
     All in all, at first glance, all of them are melons and dates. It's really like the kind of obedient that Situ Jiu-Yue told Sohon's need to be obedient. It's also very weak, not to mention the responsibility, it seems like a servant, or the humblest servant.. If Situ really chose such a person as his own husband in Jiu-Yue, I was afraid to slip the world and become the most ridiculous Wangye in the history of Molan.
     Suo Jing is also helpless. When a few of his children heard that they were Situ in Jiu-Yue, they couldn't get too late, and they would take the initiative to nominate the election. It's really unbelievable to say it, and Situ birth in Jiu-Yue is not bad. How can it be degraded to the point where such a good person is not willing? The sea otter is also anxious.
     Stuart did not feel that she had anything in Jiu-Yue. Those who had seen it, and she did not feel angry, but she had already guessed that it would be like this, revealing a "surely so" look. If you want to choose Wangfu before the canonization of the ceremony, then it is this time, Situ will have to make a decision in Jiu-Yue. Can not be a reliable person, So Jing looked at those people can not bear to heart, next to the side of the attack, asked Situ Jiu-Yue to think which can be okay, Situ Jiu-Yue considered a long while, pointing to a writer's home The young master said :  "That's not bad." So Jing looked at it, almost fainted, that ... indeed looks pretty good, at least not good or bad, and there is no bad habit, but it is too flat. Whether it is appearance or temperament, or its own talent or temperament, throw him into the crowd and find it, such a person, the future is the Wangye of the mother of Molan? Suo Jing is hard to accept.
     "It looks very well-behaved, and the courage is small. There should be nothing to kill his wife." Situ said in Jiu-Yue.
     Killing a wife? Suo Jing's heart is a glimpse of what, the Royal Highness's request for the selection of Wang Fu is just “as long as he does not kill himself”. Furthermore, whoever will be inexplicable will kill his wife.
     Situ Jiu-Yue thought of something, suddenly smiled. She knows that Sohon is strange, can it be strange to kill a wife? At least she knows Xue Jia, Xue Zhao sister Xue Fangfay, but she is not dead in her husband's hand. When she is close to her husband and wife, the couple who can join hands with whiteheads are too rare. Most people have become grievances. She does not want to be a grievance, nor does she want to be able to make a whitehead. Then , to be a stranger who is respectful of ice, there is nothing wrong with it, at least peace of mind, peace of mind and body.
     Suo Jing still wants to say something, but when Situ wants to talk more about it in Jiu-Yue, he has to give up. Just saying, suddenly there was a palace man coming to report, saying that the guards outside the palace caught an assassin, but the assassin kept saying that he would see the Wangye.
     "There is no shortage of assassins in this palace." Suo Jing did not have a good spirit, but he knew it. There were no more than two in these three days. Fortunately, the Wangye is a powerful one herself, otherwise she does not know how many times she has died.
     "Don't see, kill it." Situ scorned in Jiu-Yue.
     The Nagiya people were hesitant, saying :  "Wang, the assassin ... I know you are in Beiyan. Although I don't know who it is, it is a shu-born. The guards have checked it, it is not a fake. It's an assassin ... a shu-born ... it doesn't seem to be a threat, is it wrong? "Wen Yan, Haishu and Situ Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qiu, Haishu excitedly said    :    " Young master, must be the young master! "
     Situ asked in Jiu-Yue :  "Where is he?"
     Soo Jing has never seen Situ Jiu The moon looked like this, and the palace man was shocked and hurriedly replied :  "In the garden in front of the Siyin Temple, the guards took him."
     Situ turned and left in Jiu-Yue, and Haishu quickly followed. The palace people are at a loss to look at So Jing, and Soo Jing is also a look of sorrow, Haishu called the man a young master? Was it a man? But how can Stuart's reaction in Jiu-Yue be so big? It seems that this person is very important to her.
     Suo Jing made up his mind and decided to go to see what this person can do to affect the mood of the Princess, is it sacred.
     Situ came to the garden in front of the Siyin Temple in Jiu-Yue. On the ground, he was being touched by the swords of the two guards. The boy sitting on the ground was not Xue Zhao.
     Haitang stated :  "Young Master!"
     Xue Zhao followed the sound and saw Situ Jiu-Yue and Haishu, immediately showing a smile, he said :  "Jiu-Yue Miss, Haishu." The surrounding guards and Suo Jing who followed behind were shocked. This boy actually called the princess " Jiu-Yue Miss. "If the Princess Princess walked in Beiyan before hiding his identity, to this present, as long as he is not a fool, he knows the true identity of the princess. How can he still call the princess? Situ angered the guard in Jiu-Yue :  "What are you doing? Don't let him go!" The guard quickly took the sword and leaned over to plead guilty. The sea otter ran over and lifted Xue Zhao. His wheelchair was thrown aside and dumped to the ground. Haishu put him in a wheelchair and said :  "Young master, when did you come over? How come you came to Molan?" At the time, Xue Zhao was still in Yanjing. The difference between Molan and Yanjing is not close. He is ... alone? Suo Jingben looked at the talents of this young boy. He was very good at it He was thinking about some thoughts. He saw Xue Zhao wheelchair, and he felt sorry for it. It's really a scorpion, or it's a bad way to go. Unfortunately, it's a pity.. Situ Jiu-Yue said :  "Come on "She said to Suo Jing    :    " You will retreat first, what will happen, I will call you again. "
     Soo Jing withdrew.
     Situ came to his palace with Xue Zhao in Jiu-Yue, and after all the people were opened, Haishu went to the tea. Situ sits at the table in Jiu-Yue and asked Xue Zhao, "How come you? Other people?"
     "I come alone." No one else. "Xue Zhao replied with a smile.
     His smile was as sloppy as ever, and he was there, as if the haze of these days had been scattered in an instant.
     "This is not the place you should come." After a long while, Situ said in Jiu-Yue :  "You are too risky, Xue Zhao." The young boy squinted, then shook his head gently, and said :  "I am coming for you. ""
     digression Ali said he was pleased :  the family raised pigs finally learned arch cabbage it!

     "I am coming for you."
     Situ looked at Xue Zhao in Jiu-Yue. For a moment, the Miss's face seemed to be red. This is incredible. For many years, she seems to have never had such a mood. Those who belong to the little Miss are ignorant and shy, and when they are at home, they are far away from her.
     She looked at Xue Zhao, the boy's gaze was clear, crossed her, like a beam of sunshine, unobstructed, direct to the human heart.
     Stuart paused in Jiu-Yue and said, "What do you mean?"
     "You are my friend and have a life-saving grace for me. When I was in the Estate, if you were not treating me for injury, I might not be able to Live down." Xue Zhao smiled and said :  "Now you need help, how can I put you here alone? No matter what my role is, I will try my best to help, even if it is not worth mentioning in your eyes. "
     Stuart in Jiu-Yue, suddenly passed a disappointment.
     It turned out to be a friend, it turned out to be because of the help of life. Yes, this boy has a clear love, and enmity will be reported. For himself, it is also such a mind. He is a bright person In any case, he should not be eager to live in such a dark life.
     There is a ginger pear in the world that can save Ji Yun, but there is not necessarily a Xue Zhao to save Situ in Jiu-Yue. Moreover, he can't save himself, he will only pull himself into the abyss.
     "You really can't help me." Stuart said coldly in Jiu-Yue :  "So your arrival is a mistake. Go back, I will find a way to send you away from Molan, and don't come back later. You and me, Ben. It is clear that I am the princess of Molan, and you can be your knight. "
     Her attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away immediately made Xue Zhao also live, Xue Zhao was overwhelmed, Situ Jiu The month did not give him another chance to speak. Instead, he ordered Haitang to take care of Xue Zhao and left.
     Xue Zhao sits in the same place and watched Situ figure of leaving in Jiu-Yue. A frustration filled his heart. He couldn't help but hammer the table, just like when he was a child, said :  "Xue Zhao, you are stupid ... "
     "Young Master." Haiyan cautiously said :  "The Princess of the Princess seems to be angry." "I know." Xue Zhaodao :  "I ..." He is not a stupid boy. On the contrary, when he was young , he was always in trouble in Tongxiang. His mouth was also awkward. Although he was honest, he was not stupid. But for Situ in Jiu-Yue, he always has no way to ask for it. He always feels that some words that can be easily said can't be said in front of Situ.
     His embarrassed appearance fell in the eyes of Haishu, Haishu "snap" and laughed, Xue Zhao asked :  "What are you laughing at?"
     "The young master likes the princess of the princess."
     Xue Zhao was shocked, and his face suddenly became red, and he stuttered :  "You, what are you talking about ..."
     "Is that young master not like the Princess of the Princess? Also, the Royal Highness Princess is always cold."
     "No," Xue Zhaoyi was anxious. "She is just outside the cold, I don't like her anywhere ..."
     "The young master just likes the princess of the princess." Haishu interrupted Xue Zhao words, "Isn't it?"
     Xue Zhao did not speak. He can't deny it. Haitang has been in Xuejia for so many years. In some ways, it is also like watching his growing up sister, Haishu can see what it is, indicating that he has already performed very clearly. It's not enough to conceal it.
     "I just like it," Xue Zhao wanted to confess. When he talked about it, he was somewhat guilty. "Can't you?"
     "It's not impossible. Since the young master likes it, why not explain the white to the Princess?" Haishu asked with a smile.
     "I ..." Xue Zhao hesitated to look at his own legs.
     If he is not such a shu-born ...
     "Don't the young master care about his own legs?" Haiyan asked.
     Xue Zhao face gradually gradually closed up, his look became serious, he said :  "No."
     Haishu puzzled. "Although my legs can't stand up, it doesn't make me feel inferior. This is the fault of Princess Yongning. It's not my fault. I don't have to blame myself. On the contrary, what I can do when I stand up, I am also trying to do it without standing up. For example, the whip method, such as protecting the people around me. I think that no matter who is physically disabled or not, the mood of a person is precious, not because of identity. "The reason why the young master is not willing to say it."
     Xue Zhao smiled and said, "Haicang, you have been with Jiu-Yue for so long, I think Jiu-Yue ... What will I see?"
     A sea bream.
     "Although I kept saying that I have a dream of the rivers and lakes, but in the world, I did not experience much. So I was able to easily walk the way of Princess Yongning, but in Jiu-Yue, she grew up in the rivers and lakes, she I have seen more things than I have. Maybe I am in her eyes, just an ignorant teenager who doesn't know how to be tall. If she doesn't like me, I will explain my mind to her, I'm afraid that even my friends will not be right, but I don't. I am willing to look at her from afar, at least not now. I hope to stay with her, and wait for her to settle down after the calming of the things, so that even if she wants to drive me away, I don't want to see me, at least I can safely leave. "
     Wen Yan, Hai Yan did not speak for a long time. She looked at Xue Zhao, and she felt mixed in her heart. At that time, the young Lang of the Yinglang Sunshine was finally grown up. His affectionate looks very simple and simple , but there is no doubt that it is sincere. Haiyan thought for a long time, only said :  "Young master, you are really not smart."
     "Ah?" Xue Zhaoqi said :  "Why do you say this?"
     "The young master himself guessed the princess's mind, the result can be guessed, it is It's the south and the north."
     Xue Zhao watched Haishu. He was not stupid. He also heard the meaning of Haishu words, but he still couldn't believe it. “You ... do you mean?”
     "The Princess's Highness is special for you. The young master did not feel as bad as he thought. If he likes it, he will say it. The young master's mind is precious. In fact, when the Miss and the country grandfather left Yanjing City, they once said something to the servant. Things. "
     "Sister?" Xue Zhaoyi. Jiang Li and Ji Yun, these days have long been around the world, Xue Zhao still does not know what Jiang Li said.
     "The Miss has already guessed it. After the Princess returned to Molan, the young master will follow. The Miss also guessed ... The young master will hesitate to confide with the Princess." Here, Haishu covers his mouth and smiles..
     Xue Zhao is a little embarrassed.
     "The Miss wants a servant to tell you, young master, you can explain your mind to the princess with no scruples. If the princess refuses to accept it, but you have to leave, you are not willing to leave, want to stay here to help her, then The dead skin is left behind. Just take your former Lai Kung Kung Fu in Tongxiang, and the Royal Highness Princess is also helpless to you. "Haishu mimicked Jiang Lipi tone, Xue Zhao face was redder, and his eyes lit up.
     For the first time, he likes a person, and he looks a little dull, but when he provokes it, he suddenly becomes more cheerful.
     "The Miss said, young master if want to do something, we will be able to make an end is to see the young master seeking mind, or the result."
     Mind? Result? But like a person's mood, it is not seeking results. It's also a pleasure to worry, miss, and be overwhelmed by oneself alone.
     "I know," Xue Zhao said :  "I will do it according to my own mind."
     For a few days, I can't see the figure of Stuart in Jiu-Yue.
     I heard that Soo Jing has prepared everything at the ceremony, and then I will announce Wang Fu. Situ was walking alone in the garden in Jiu-Yue. Things are about to settle. Everything she has prepared, but the moment she really wants to come, she is somewhat reluctant, as if waiting for a miracle. In order to curb his unrealistic thoughts, Situ deliberately avoided Xue Zhao in Jiu-Yue. She was afraid to see Xue Zhao, and her heart was shaken again. Sadly, this is still shameful and self-love.
     But the more I don't want anything, the more I come. She hasn't walked to the gazebo, and she is blocked by a person on the way.
     The person who came is actually Xue Zhao.
     Stuart frowned slightly in Jiu-Yue. "Jiu-Yue." This time, the boy even did not even call the word "Miss". The name of the relatives made Situ in Jiu-Yue. Not waiting for Situ to speak in Jiu Yue, Xue Zhao said :  "I heard the Darens say that your husband has already been selected."
     "Yes." Stuart slammed the waves in his heart in Jiu-Yue, and made a calm answer.
     "You have only met him for more than a month, and you don't have to mention it. It's just to block the minister's mouth. If so, can you choose me to be your husband?"
     Situ looked at him in surprise in Jiu-Yue..
     The boy's face is a little red, but his eyes are very firm. He said :  "Even if it is used, five years or ten years or a lifetime, I can accept it. Although I am a shu-born, I want to be more than that son. and you get along better. and I am not desert the Syrians, not covet your status and wealth ...... I'm doing this, what do not ask, you just let me stay by your side just fine. “
     Stuart The heartbeat in Jiu-Yue was extremely fast. She asked, "Why are you doing this?"
     "Because I like the Miss in Jiu-Yue." Xue Zhaodao.
     This is what she always hopes to hear, but at this time, she suddenly did not dare to accept it. She said :  "Impossible."
     "I have long liked the Miss in Jiu-Yue, from the first time in Jiu-Yue. The Miss started." Xue Zhao seemed to be more determined and brave, and put his mind out.
     When did you like it, he really didn't remember it. On that day, he escaped from the dungeon and was taken to the National Residence. He saw this Miss. In his life, he saw Xue Fangfay as warm and beautiful. He saw the enchanting style of Qiongzhi, so cold and cold. The Miss is still seeing for the first time. But she squinted and said nothing, but the movements of the hands were very gentle. She said that she was a poisonous singer, but she was rescued twice. Everyone thinks that the poisonous jade is a stinky and hard stone on the river beach, but he thinks that he is the jewel that he accidentally got three feet.
     He could see the soft heart under her armor, even if she didn't admit it at all. "I know what you are worried about and know what you are skeptical. It doesn't matter. If you can't come to my world, then I am coming to your place. "The teenager looked tender and he said    :    " We are always together. Until you are tired of me. "He is willing to be used by others, and, in the eyes of others, is it used in his eyes, and why is it not for the sweetheart to pay for it, is it a satisfying beauty? "This Miss, Her Royal Highness," he smiled warmly and brightly. "Can you give permission?"
     Situ didn't know how to answer in Jiu-Yue, until she saw Xue Zhao hand on her leg, clenched into a fist, and seemed to tremble slightly. The ears were very red, exposing his nervousness. Like a gentle beast, exposing his weakness, placing his furry head on the hunter's knee, even if it is a cold-hearted hunter, can't help but move.
     Teach people can't bear to refuse.
     Moreover, she did not want to refuse.
     This is not a very good idea. Maybe there will be countless troubles in the future, but she suddenly wants to be tempted. After spending more than a decade on it, there are people who share it and still like it.
     She does not shy away from her own mind, nor does she live up to the true heart of her sweetheart.
     "From now on, you must be loyal to me." She did not look over her head, like a proud princess, but the tone softened and the eyes could not hold back the smile.


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