Married Di Daughter 230-234

Novels      »     Married Di Daughter    »      Chapter 230 :  Retreat      

     Yin Zhan didn't say anything, picked up the wine jar and paid a respectful respect to Ji-Heng, raised his head and drank the wine cleanly.
     Ji-Heng Toasting with a smile, Ying Ying's movements are elegant and calm, which is completely different from Yin Zhan's rough heroes. The two very different styles have a strange connection.
     "Yin Zhili should be ready to start a troop." Ji-Heng put down his glass and asked casually :  "Let me think, except you tonight, Empress Dowager is in the palace. The emperor seems to have pulled his teeth. Tiger, at your mercy, Yin Zhili starts his army from Qingzhou and uses the Changhe River as a boundary. Even if he can't capture Yanjing for the time being, he can set up a new dynasty as Nanyan. Just don't know what the title of Xia-Junwang is. This emperor is from Xia-Junwang, or Yin Zhili? "
     Yin Zhan's face remained unchanged, and he smiled, "If I live, I will do it. If I die, I will do it!"
     "Then you might as well guess, are you dead or alive tonight?"
     His epilogue is still gentle, and in the stern atmosphere, only he is at ease. Yin Zhan said :  "Su Duke thought?"
     "Before I left, I said a divination. Gua Xiang said that there is no need to be blessed if you don't die." Ji-Heng wrote lightly :  "I see, at least tonight I don't need to die."
     Yin Zhan said with a smile :  "Su Duke used to believe."
     In this red building tonight, there are many killers. I don't know how many ambushes will be staged. However, even if they knew it was a trap, both of them would come willingly. Because only when the other party is a bait for each other and they are in danger, can they approach the other party. And the reason why you have to come at any risk is only one purpose, that is to put the other side to death. As long as the other party is alive, they cannot rest at ease.
     The nails in the eyes are stabbed in the flesh. If you can't pull out and die here, you can be considered dead. The worst is to lose both.
     Yu Ji walked out of the account and sang up :  "Look at Big-Wang is sleeping in his account and sleeping well. I'm out of the account here and sorrowful. I stepped towards the former wasteland to stand still, and looked up to see the blue sky Qingming. Look, the clouds are clear, the ice wheels are rushing, it is a beautiful autumn scene! "
     Ji-Heng raised his glass, looked at the wine glass in his hand, and said indifferently :  "I'm not dead, I will kill Xia-Junwang tonight, and then threaten Yin Zhili with Empress Dowager's life, Yin Zhili throws himself in, and then kill Yin Zhili. Your Yin family Soldiers and horses, those who descend will return, those who do not descend will kill. "
     "Su Duke is too young to think too simple. I have opened my own life for my son, and my son will not throw himself in because of Empress Dowager. Moreover, you may be too underestimated Roujia." He sighed. As if a kind elder listened to the juniors who did not know the depth, it was half funny and half an explanation. "As for the soldiers and horses of my Yin family, no one descended."
     "It will be easier." Ji-Heng smiled slightly. "I will kill you first, then Empress Dowager, then Yin Zhili, and finally 100 thousand Yin family soldiers."
     "Duke Duke beware the killing is too heavy."
     Ji-Heng raised an eyebrow. "So what? I'm a tough guy."
     Just silent.
     Yin Zhan opened another new wine and poured it up.
     That Yu Ji sings long :  "I am here to think and think about myself, I heard the sound of the Chu national anthem in the enemy camp. Oh, and live! Why is there the sound of the Chu anthem in the enemy's village? There must be something wrong with it, and it's unavoidable to report it to Big-Wang. "
     Ji-Heng just at the fingertips, without looking, a few pearls on the fan flew off the second floor and continued to fall in the emerald porcelain bowl. The pearls lined the jasper, and the flow was bright.
     Yin Zhan smiled, he said, "Don't say, drink!"
     Ji-Heng picked up the jug.
     One is elegant, one is bold, one is calm, and one is wanton. It was also a good sight. The full house was quiet, as if there were no sound in the world. Only the people on the stage played tirelessly.
     This is an ambush assassination that has been known for a long time, and each other knows that the other has a backhand, but they do not know when to start and when to end.
     Until Yin Zhan drank the last wine, he held the wine with one hand, his smile was bright and handsome, as if he was the heroic General Zhao De who was so brave on the battlefield, but at that moment
     He hurriedly rushed to Ji-Heng!
     Ji-Heng seems to have been aware of it for a long time. He did not move the action of playing a folding fan at all, and even backed up with a chair, just avoiding Yin Zhanmang!
     Suddenly, full of guests, they rushed to the scene, and they slammed each other. In the middle are Yin Zhan and Ji-Heng-2, one with a rough coat and one with a red coat. No one can do nothing.
     Yin Zhan's weapon was a knife. The knife looked extremely heavy. The handle of the knife carved a wolf head, but when he waved it, it was as light as a hair. He didn't look at the gold folding fan of Ji-Heng, and laughed aloud :  "Nie, your weapon is too thick with fat powder!"
     Ji-Heng chuckled :  "Easy to use." The fan opened and closed over Yin Zhan's side, and Yin Zhan's face suddenly had a little blood on her face.
     He carelessly wiped away the bloodstain and said, "This hidden weapon is so wicked!"
     "After all, Uncle Shi despicable, Father, Niang has been taught, who dare to be zhi-zi dare not take it lightly." Ji-Heng replied lazily.
     The sword is like silver snow, and the wolf's head is also very murderous, probably because it is a sword that has followed the battlefield of Yin Zhan. There are countless dead souls under the sword. However, entangled with the sword is a gorgeous fan, the blade is hurting, the fan wind is also hurting, fighting several rounds, both of them are hanging colors.
     The audience is singing "Fae, you know there! In the former, the heroes of each road fight for themselves, and the orphans can fight one place and occupy another place. Nowadays, people from all walks of life come together to attack this soldier." Don’t run out of food, you can’t keep the eight thousand soldiers. Although they are brave and strong, how can they disperse and send troops to fight with the thief? ! "
     Pearls go into the jade bowl, and gold falls on the silver plate. Yin Zhan sighed, and then saw a few beaded soldiers jumping out of the red building after several bead curtains. Ji-Heng laughed :  "Uncle Shi is despicable, and he won't bully me."
     "The rear waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves," Yin Zhan also said, "The soldiers don't tire of cheating, watch the sword!"
     Ji-Heng also smiled. He smiled, as if ridiculous, and saw the young people in the jade clothes appearing on the floor and inside the bead curtain.
     He has a killing trick, why isn't he?
     Yin Zhan's face did not look too unexpected, as if this moment had been expected. The two of them really knew what the other party wanted to do, but they had better luck and who had a harder life. Ji-Heng is fierce, but Yin Zhan is not. He is a soft-hearted man who has succeeded in killing his own brothers and friends because of his own biological flesh.
     Above the red building, the sound of the sword suddenly filled. Those blooming hibiscus red candles were all dumped to the ground, and the white wool rug was already covered with human blood. The corpse flew freely. And the two people in the middle were dead, endlessly.
     "After all, the Shi-zi lived for decades less than me." Yin Zhan laughed. "Even if you are extremely clever, you are softened."
     "Everyone another," Ji-Heng smiled softly. "It seems like you have more weaknesses than me."
     Yin Zhan's smile was stiff, and his soft underbelly was Lin Roujia. Yin Zhili is also his weakness. He has a lot of weaknesses. Compared to Ji-Heng, he is ruthless and meaningless, and he really has no close people. Even though it is his only’Grandfather', he is not affectionate. Maybe there is a Jiang-Li now, but this is also a gamble, and no one knows how much Jiang-Li is worth.
     He hopes to kill Ji-Heng, the existence of Ji-Heng, the threat to Yin Zhili is too great. As long as Ji-Heng is killed, Hong Xiao di is not afraid, and the world is in his grasp. But today he saw Ji-Heng, and he knew that he could not go out alive. The child was dormant for decades, his patience was frightening, and he was inevitable to collect debts.
     However, even if he died, he would clear all the way for Rou Jia and Yin Zhili! He will take Ji-Heng to hell together, and he will end up with Ji-Heng!
     Yu Ji softly sang on the stage, "Encourage Junwang to drink and listen to Yu Ji, and to dispel the sorrowful dancers. Qin Wudao broke the river and mountains, and heroes started to fight all the way. Since ancient times, the saying goes, don't deceive me, the moment of success or failure. sit."
     Yin Zhan, who was fighting Ji-Heng, showed a strange smile and yelled, "Burn!"
     That torch, the torch used for the heart, was carefully made into the appearance of a strange beast, but it was thrown onto the hanging red tent without seeing it, so the fire broke out into the sky. That pavilion was a wooden pavilion, and the second floor was in flames.
     "You really don't plan to go back alive," Ji-Heng said with a smirk. "Even my own path is burned out."
     "As long as I can kill you," Yin Zhan answered, "even if I die, it's worth it." His knife flew at Ji-Heng. Those fighting men can escape, but on the second floor, Yin Zhan stumbling Ji-Heng's footsteps, leaving him unable to escape. But in other words, Ji-Heng didn't want to escape at all. His fan in the sea of fire meandered a wonderful arc, like the light dance of a beautiful woman, and it was like the legendary assassination of the king. see.
     The children of Liyuan on the stage were unaware of it, as if they had not seen the blazing fire, nor did they see Mars falling from the second floor. Is singing the most wonderful scene in the drama, Yu Ji said :  "Oh, Big-Wang! Qieshi is willing to take part in Big-Wang. This time, if there is any disadvantage, return to Jiangdong, and then try again. I would like Big-Wang's sword in the waist, to confide in front of you, so as not to worry about Qieshi! "
     The hero pained :  "You can't find this short-sighted Fae."
     "Ah! Big-Wang! The Han soldiers have been singing slightly, surrounded by sings. The king is full of energy, and the cheap Qieshi is so happy!"
     Singing everywhere, singing everywhere! The road to the downstairs was almost burned by fire. Where they stood, there was a gas fire under their feet. In the sea of fire wrestling desperately, the rest of his men struggled with each other, unable to help him. Both were scarred, but it seemed as if they had not noticed the pain, and they continued to tremble so tirelessly until the whole red building burned to ashes.
     At this moment, from outside the red building, suddenly rushed in again. This man was carrying snow and snow all over his body. He was holding a three-foot Qingfeng sword and went straight to the second floor. He was not as neat as the young soldiers, but he was particularly agile. It was as if he didn't see the glare of the sky at all, and his back resolutely, without hesitation.
     In the sea of fire, Ji-Heng's fan cut off Yin Zhan's neck, blood was flowing, and Yin Zhan's knife also cut his back, and his red coat was soaked. They both refused to give up, Yin Zhanxi smiled :  "Good Shi-zi, if you and I never die, it would be better to go to hell with me, Bay Yan's great mountains and mountains, leave it to my children for their own enjoyment!" He said At that time, Ji-Heng's fan just stabbed him in the chest and hadn't been pulled out, but he didn't care at all, but while the fan was not pulled out, he stabbed the knife back to Ji-Heng's back. .
     However, he did not succeed.
     At that moment, a figure was running up to the second floor. He was already old and looked at how fierce on most days. In the end, it was easy to get tired. Seeing this at the moment, I had no choice but to push Ji-Heng away, and the sword in his hand went straight towards the other side.
     Yin Zhan's sword penetrated his back, and his sword penetrated Yin Zhan's throat.
     Yin Zhan fell down.
     "'Grandfather!" Ji-Heng cried out.
     The play on the stage pretending to be Yu Ji has already boasted that he has reached the final scene where the overlord came to Wujiang. The hero who sang the world sang :  "The orphan was defeated. How can he face his elder Jiang Dong. Send the lone warhorse across the river and let it go."
     General Ji Ji fell to the ground, Yin Zhan's mouth bleeds, and when he had no time to make a "chuckling" sound, he turned his head out of breath, and still had a weird smile on his face.
     Ji-Heng held General Ji and came downstairs. Downstairs is also a tragic death, all dead are dead. He hugged General Ji Ji, placed it lightly on the blood-stained wool rug, and ‘called, "'Grandfather."
     His voice was shaking.
     The blood of General Ji Old kept flowing from the wound, and the white carpet was stained red by the blood. When he was young, he fought on the battlefield and suffered countless injuries. He walked from the palace of Yan Wang several times and returned unscathed. He is always energetic and smiles, even if the Ji family has suffered so many inexplicable disasters, even if he guards the deserted Duke House for the rest of his life, he is always not attentive.
     He should yell at the man in a spirited way :  "Get the doctor for the old man!" It seems that he is determined not to die. As long as the doctor comes to heal him, he will definitely be able to stand up soon, and he can be the Duke House An upbeat old puck.
     However, his wound was so deep that the cave was shocking, as if he wanted to shed all the blood. The target of Yin Zhan's reunification is Ji-Heng. He did not give Ji-Heng a different path. He strove to make a stab and used his own life to get a stab.
     "Ah. Grandma" General Ji-Heng's name.
     Ji-Heng shook his hand.
     "I know, when you blame me when I was young, I knew who this matter was, and I knew who killed the Han and Hongye, but I didn’t want to avenge them. You are the only seedling of the Ji family, I can’t It puts you in danger. I have endured it for more than 20 years, until you grow up, Yin Zhan himself is back, and I can finally avenge the cold winter. "He spit out a lot of blood.
     Ji-Heng looked at him, a tear dripped on General Ji face.
     No one has seen Ji-Heng crying. This child doesn't seem to be born sad, scared, or cry. It seems that he will never cry again, except when he was totally ignorant. Even General Ji Ji hasn't seen Ji-Heng cry.
     "What are you crying?" General Ji smiled. "Not like a man."
     After the death of Yu Hongye, General Ji old had also checked it. The reason why he did not let Ji Hanhan continue to investigate, only that after Yu Hongye entered the palace at that time, the body appeared inexplicably outside his house, at the moment it was in the palace. for. He was afraid of Ji Yihan's impulse and was following others’way, but he did not know that Ji Yihan could not tolerate his wife being killed and insulted. He wanted to find the true murderer even if he broke up with the whole family.
     In the night of Hongshan Temple, in addition to his own journey, Ji Yunhan also took his seventy-two red sky ride. The archer of Yin Zhan ambushed, and the 72-year-old QiXiao rode the entire army. The last person who lived took Ji Jihan back to hide. One year later, he tried to contact General Ji Lao and tell General Ji Lao the truth. In 1949, the man died and entrusted his son to General Ji Lao. That man was Wen Ji father.
     General Ji Ji knew the truth, but he could do nothing. Lin Roujia has given birth to a child and he has no evidence. The important thing is that Ji-Heng is young. Once Lin Roujia becomes aware, she will only take the lead in dealing with Ji-Heng.
     In the future, the Ji family will be left with Ji-Heng alone. He couldn't make Ji-Heng go wrong.
     Ji-Heng grew up day by day. He was smarter than General Ji thought. He has been investigating since his parents’strange disappearance. He must have found something, General Ji Ji could feel it. He became gloomy and unwilling to talk day by day, moody, and since he was a teenager, he no longer gets close to anyone, he gets what he likes, and he doesn’t cherish it. wide awake.
     "You blame my grandma, sorry," General Ji Ji said. If it wasn't for his tolerance, Ji-Heng wouldn't have known the truth prematurely. He walked into hell in an absolutely brutal way, and the child was caused by him.
     "I didn't blame you." Ji-Heng whispered softly, "If it were me, I would do the same."
     General Ji Ji looked at Ji-Heng for a long time. He had never seen this child when he was so gentle without any sharp edges. He looked at himself with an eye that could forgive everything.
     "This sword" he tried to touch the sword beside him, "Qing Ming, this is my sword and your Father's sword, you have to protect it."
     Yin Zhan's men have all been resolved, and there are many gongzis in Jinyi who can never wake up. Zhao Yan and Wen Ji stood beside Ji-Heng. They were also scarred, but they refused to speak and stared at General Ji Ji sadly.
     The old general is about to die.
     Ji-Heng held the sword, his voice sounded as if he was scared, "OK,’Grandfather."
     "This play is very good, very good." General Ji Ji said, his eyes fell on the sky, as if there was something there, he laboriously stretched out a hand, pointed to the sky, smiled, You Han, Hongye, Fu-ren, you guys come to pick me up. "
     The hand suddenly dropped, and General Ji Ji closed his eyes.
     The corner of his mouth was still smiling, his expression was very peaceful, as if he was very happy, and it seemed like he had relieved the burden for many years, and finally he was relieved at this moment.
     Ji-Heng fell to his knees, facing General Ji Ji, and gave his head a deep slump. He didn't get up again, but fell to the ground and never got up. I don't know if he is crying or unable to make a sound because of grief.
     Xiang Yu sang, "Oh! General! The eight thousand children are all gone, and Wujiang can't live alone. How can you see elder Jiang Dong and so on. It's better to die for the rest!"
     He died on his own, by the Wujiang River, and he has since disappeared. The victorious man sang, "Where is the troop!" The spectator did not rejoice in the victory, no one applauded, sitting silent.
     The play is gone.
     On the table in the first row, gold ingots are neatly arranged on the silver plate, which is exactly a plate full of white pearls in the middle of the green bowl, which is just a bowl. This is the reward for this play.
     Two more lives.
     The fire in the sky was burning. The burning red building was like a cloud of clouds over nine days. The actors dispersed. The play opened with a lot of fun, but few people heard the end of the song.
     The general on the stage stayed by the Wujiang River, while the general outside the stage fell into the red building, with the green surroundings and no one remembering the pride of that year.
     The general died on the battlefield and stood on the top of the ground. It was a good show. The beauty was righteous and righteous.
     But there was only one person in the rest of the life.

     Chapter 231 :  Death News      

     Qingzhou snow continued for three days. Jiang-Li is in an unfamiliar room, and everyone follows wherever she goes. Even when she went to Jingfang, there was a martial arts maid next to it.
     She couldn't escape, but it was a small courtyard and guarded by layers of soldiers. She became the most important bargaining chip and could not afford to miss it. Since meeting Yin-Zhiqing last time, Jiang-Li has never seen her again. Jiang-Li counts the days. I don’t know what’s going on outside, nor do Ye and Situ people in September are okay now, let alone where Ji-Heng is and what happened. She can only sit hopelessly. In these days, she even changed her quietness and calmness, and did not hesitate to protest with hunger strikes, or to quarrel, or to ‘call, but it had no effect. Apart from these silent guards, she could not see anyone.
     That same night.
     Late at night, only the sound of wind and snow could be heard outside. Jiang-Li was sitting at the table, she couldn't sleep, just thinking about how to escape. The dimness of the room by the oil lamp also reflected the shadow on the ground. It was winter that leaves were withered, and only the bare trunk was outside, so the swaying figures were particularly noticeable.
     The figure fell to the ground, hesitating, as if it were just Jiang-Li illusion. Jiang-Li stared at the shadow on the ground for a long time before saying :  "Since Yin Gongzi is here, why not enter?"
     The figure outside moved slightly, and then a sigh sounded, "squeak", the door was opened, and someone came in from the outside.
     It's Yin Zhili.
     Jiang-Li also hadn't seen Yin Zhili for a while. Under the lights, his face was extremely dim, as if he had become personal. His eyes were clear and gentle at first sight, and replaced by countless complex and unwilling looks. He stood in front of Jiang-Li and said, "Jiang-Miss,"
     In the past, the handsome and graceful gongzi, who was as gentle as jade, was gone, and the Yin Zhili in front of him was extremely strange. Jiang-Li stared at him and said, "Sit down, Yin Gongzi."
     Yin Zhili sits down.
     Jiang-Li said, "Would you like a cup of tea?" She lifted the teapot on the table, poured a cup for Yin Zhili, and passed it to Yin Zhili. Yin Zhili looked at the tea cup in front of him and did not reach out to pick it up, nor did he want to drink it.
     Jiang-Li smiled sweetly and said with some regrets :  "Not fooled."
     All the tea here is mixed with medicine, which makes the body unable to exert too much strength and cannot do other things. Someone who knows her also knows that she is very cunning, for fear that she ran away with a scheme, she came up with such a method. Yin Zhili seems to have known for a long time that he is not connected.
     Sure enough, he looked at Jiang-Li and whispered, "I'm sorry."
     Yin Zhili face showed a little guilt. This made him look like he finally had a little shadow of Jiang-Li. Jiang-Li sighed and said, "I just ask you, where is Miss who came with me that day, where are you now? And the Ye family, Xue Teacher, how do you handle it? Begonia little finger ... ... "
     "You can rest assured," Yin Zhili replied, "They are all right. Now that you are here, those people are useless to keep them, they are sent back. As for Begonia fingers ... sorry ..."
     "You did it, Father." Jiang-Li stared at his eyes.
     Yin Zhili is silent, which is the default. Jiang-Li had already guessed this. Yin Zhili is not bad by nature. Such cruel means can only be made by Yin Zhan. I'm afraid that all of this is for Yin Zhan to lay the way for Yin Zhili. No matter what results of Yin Zhan and Ji-Heng in the fight, Yin Zhili can use his whole body to retreat.
     "Where are you Father now?" Jiang-Li asked.
     "I don't know," Yin Zhan answered, "he didn't tell me."
     Yin Zhili locked himself here, the more he felt guilty, the more Jiang-Li knew he couldn't let himself go. In other words, Yin Zhili could not let himself go at all. This is Yin Zhan's arrangement, and Yin Zhan's arrangement cannot be changed. Yin Zhili himself is also a chess piece of Yin Zhan, this game is manipulated by his one hand.
     "Where is this?" Jiang-Li asked.
     "One hundred miles away from Qingzhou."
     "When are you going to shut me up?" Jiang-Li asked.
     Yin Zhili looked up, and Jiang-Li eyes were calm. There was no trace of resentment or blame on him. The more so, the more he didn't know how to deal with it, so he had to avoid the eyes of Jiang-Li.
     Everything was arranged by Yin Zhan, and he was the son of Yin Zhan and had to obey. He still had Empress Dowager's blood on him, and even if he didn't want to, he was already on board and couldn't turn back. Those who stayed at Yin Zhan told him that if Yin Zhan could come back alive, everything would be said after Yin Zhan returned. If Yin Zhan can't come back alive, he will bring Jiang-Li from Qingzhou to the army, with Changhe as the boundary. There are 100 thousand in the Yin family, and 100 thousand are hidden in Qingzhou. If not only Yin Zhan can't come back, Ji-Heng is still alive, then he will use Jiang-Li as a bait to seduce Ji-Heng, and then he will never suffer.
     In these matters, Yin Zhili has no right to refuse. Because when he learned, Yin Zhan had disappeared. All of the Yin family’s temper lives are tied to Yin Zhili. If Yin Zhili does not do this, the Yin family’s people, Yin-Zhiqing, Yin Fu-ren, all the descendants of the Yin family, those uncles Bo-bo he knows The master who called him martial arts, as well as the soldiers who accompanied Yin Zhan to the battlefield, will all be wiped out. With so many lives tied to him, Yin Zhili couldn't resist, he couldn't help it.
     After a long time, Yin Zhili looked at Jiang-Li, and he asked softly, "Jiang-Miss, ... like Su Duke?"
     As soon as Jiang-Li heart was cold, this was the sentence, and she could see Yin Zhili voice. She paused and said, "Yes."
     Hearing Jiang-Li answer, Yin Zhili felt a pain in his heart. A dark and obscure emotion rose from his heart, and he was restrained by him. He said, "How about Duke to Jiang-Miss?"
     "If you want to use me as a bait to seduce Ji-Heng, you better give up this thought." Jiang-Li said coldly, "Yin Zhili, don't make me look down on you."
     Yin Zhili heard the words and smiled bitterly. He said, "Jiang-Miss, look down on me, just leave me alone. I don't even look down on myself, how can I care about others?"
     His expression was astonished, there was a rogue with a broken pot. If someone else sees it, he will be surprised. It is really hard to imagine that this man who is in the light of the moon will now look like this.
     "However, I also hope that this day does not have to be, killing the person you love with your own hands, you will inevitably hate my life, I do not want you to have resentment against me," he said.
     Jiang-Li is silent. If it is not necessary to have this day, it is Ji-Heng who has died before this. What this said will not make Jiang-Li happy, it will only make her more worried.
     "What do you want, Yin Gongzi?" Jiang-Li asked, "You tied me up and tried to beat Ji-Heng, but the soldiers and horses outside didn't look easy. You also want to rise up and rebel like a king. Are you aiming for the throne? "
     Yin Zhili suddenly got excited. He slammed the tea cups on the table, and the hot tea poured onto the ground, exuding white gas, and the fragments were scattered. The soldiers outside heard the sound and rushed into the room to take a look. Yin Zhili let them get out, and then they went out.
     Yin Zhili smirked :  "Who is the rare throne!"
     "Your father is rare." Jiang-Li answered.
     It seems that Yin Zhili did not want to rebel, but Yin Zhan's attitude was so resolute. This made Jiang-Li even more confused, but looking at Yin Zhili appearance, he didn't intend to say anything. Jiang-Li said :  "I remember when playing chess with Yin Gongzi before, you said that war would cause people to suffer. It can be seen that once your soldiers of the Yin family start their troops, hundreds of people will be displaced, and countless people will lose their wives. This Is that what you want to see? "
     Yin Zhili groaned in pain. His appearance made Jiang-Li look unbearable. He seemed to be grilled on a fire. He could not please each other, but he could not take a walk contrary to his original intention. See the fate of the ending.
     He said, "I don't want ... I don't want ... either, but I can't help it."
     "You have a way." Jiang-Li said softly :  "You are the son of Xia-Junwang. It's too late to stop now. Don't let things go until there is no turning point, think of a way now, isn't it? "
     She tried to talk about Yin Zhili. Yin Zhili paused for a moment, but suddenly stood up, his eyes became firm, looking at Jiang-Li eyes were no longer the warmth of the past, with a break of indifference and fate, he said  :  "No need to say anymore, Jiang-Miss, you are not me and don't understand that I have no other way to go. Since I was born in the Yin family, it is destined to be today. This is my destiny, and I do not intend to resist That’s why you, too. ”After that, he stopped looking at Jiang-Li and turned away.
     The door was closed again, and silence was restored in the room. Only the remnants of the tea cup on the ground showed what had happened before. Jiang-Li looked at the door and sighed deeply.
     Yin Zhili also couldn't go this way. Fortunately, Ye Family and September were all right. Yin Zhili is not ready to attack them. For Yin Zhan, he thinks that only Ji-Heng can be threatened by himself, and other people are also burdensome, so don't worry too much. But ... what about Ji-Heng?
     In Yin Zhili words, I haven't seen Yin Zhan yet, I don't know what's going on outside. Jiang-Li can only pray silently in his heart, hoping Ji-Heng will be fine.
     Qingzhou and Yanjing are too far apart. Qingzhou is still snowy and the streets of Yanjing City are almost empty at night.
     Where the Royal Palace stands firmly in the snow, as if it will never be shaken. However, it is not as good as the golden glory of the past, and it looks just like an ordinary house. It even looks like a gloomy and magnificent underground palace.
     In Cining Palace, the lights are swaying and the earth dragon is burning very hot, so it is not as cold as outside. The scriptures were randomly placed on the desk, and no one had written them for a long time. Only the incense in the censer, in this quiet night, Wu Wu self-burning, like the legendary slap beast with two red eyes, fierce hiding under the mild.
     Empress Dowager leaned on the soft couch and was babbling. Recently, she always likes to be in a daze, sitting in the temple, and trying to copy a few verses calmly. Nothing can be done when the scriptures are not copied. When Liu Tai-Fae was in the past, Liu Tai-Fae could be heard as a demon trouble. After Liu Tai-Fae left, the harem became more deserted, but some rabbits died. stand up. Hong Xiao di Fae didn't like to come to her. She, Empress Dowager, had long ignored the world. The harem is also low and high. Fae are busy uniting and fighting for favors, but there is no time to deal with an old woman.
     Empress Dowager missed the old days. It seems that in the harem when he was young, he and Liu Shu-Fae and Xia-Noble-Fae were jealous, and they became cute. Of course, the most memorable time is still related to Yin Zhan. She dreamed more than once of the scene when Yin Zhan first met. Yin Zhan was riding a horse. The young man was tall and handsome, with a bright smile on his face. After she was rescued from the Tatars, she bandaged him, and Yin Zhan sits on the stone and looked at her with a smile, but she looked blushed, but still dared to ask Yin Zhan's name. She was addicted to this dream and did not want to wake up. Every time she opened her eyes, it was just a big dream. She was still the Young-Lady of the Lin family, and she had the opportunity to change.
     But not after all. Today, she dreamed of Yin Zhan again, but this time Yin Zhan, but not Yin Zhan when she first met. She was at the Hongshan Temple. On that day, hundreds of archers besieged Ji Jihan, who disappeared. She returned to the room and found that Yin Zhan was also injured. She knew that Yin Zhan had killed many people, Ji Jihan was his good brother. Yin Zhan was silent, and she asked, "Do you hate me?"
     "No," Yin Zhan replied, "I never complained to you. I just hate not meeting you earlier."
     The next moment, Yin Zhan's figure was suddenly devoured by the blazing fire, and his expression was painful, calling his name :  "Rou Jia ..."
     Empress Dowager opened his eyes sharply, waking up from his dream sweating. Mei Xiang came forward and said, "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, are you all right?"
     "It's okay." Empress Dowager wiped the sweat on his forehead with a papa, "It turned out to be a nightmare."
     As soon as she had finished speaking, she heard the voice of a man from outside. "What nightmare did the mother-zi have, so scared like this?"
     Empress Dowager raised his eyes and looked forward. Emperor Hong Xiao appeared at the gate of the main hall. Behind him, the eunuch palace man knelt down. It was about when he came in that people should not be notified. Empress Dowager didn't hear the voice. Emperor Hong Xiao came in with a smile, Empress Dowager stood up and smiled :  "How did the emperor think of it today?"
     Her heart was beating fast, I wonder if it was just a dream that scared her, and she always felt that the dream was very unknown. Even the smile was reluctant. Emperor Hong Xiao rarely came to Cining Palace on most days. Most of them were in the Royal Garden when talking with her.
     "It's snowy outside today. I came to see my mother specially." Hong Xiao di beckoned to Su Gonggong, and Su Gonggong let the people around him step down.
     Empress Dowager vaguely noticed something wrong, but couldn't say anything wrong. Let Mei Xiang tea Hong Xiao di, walked to the tea table, and let Hong Xiao di sit down.
     Emperor Hong Xiao looked at the incense in Empress Dowager's incense case and asked with a smile :  "Who is this mother praying for?"
     Empress Dowager replied :  "Naturally it is for the world to be born. There are snow disasters in all parts of the country. The people who freeze to death are not a minority. The family listened to it, they felt sad, and could not do anything.
     "The mother is pregnant with the world," Hong Xiao di admired.
     Empress Dowager looked up at the emperor, and when she didn't know when, Prince, who had made her look unsightly, had grown up like this. She remembers that shortly after Crown Prince death, in order to secure her position, she had to pretend to be the mother, son, and filial piety of this Prince. She still remembers that Hong Xiao di was very weak and cowardly when she was a teenager. She was very relieved and proud, and disgusted and disdainful at the same time. But she underestimated Prince. Every Prince has the blood of the previous emperor, plundering and pretending are their instincts from birth. It can be seen from the incident of Emperor Wang that Emperor Hong Xiao is the same, even before he awakened, when he was a teenager, he knew how to use himself to get what he wanted.
     If you think about it, the deep palace is like a jungle. How can a beast that grew up in the jungle not eat people? Empress Dowager thought of Yin Zhili, the young man she saw at the palace feast, and she saw her son for the first time more than twenty years later. Yin Zhili gentleness and warmth, such as jade, was her favorite pride, but now she is worried that her son will have a chance of winning when facing the terrible emperor.
     She can't let Yin Zhili fail, or let that happen, so she has to clear all the obstacles for Yin Zhili. Including the emperor in front. She must not be able to do it alone, and she still has the radiance. No matter what kind of difficulties she encounters, only this man will not abandon her and will always stand behind her to solve all the problems for her.
     "Actually, I'm here today, and there is one more thing I want to tell my mother-zi." Emperor Hong Xiao took up the tea cup on the table and took a sip before he said, "Xia-Junwang is dead."
     Empress Dowager originally took the tea cup with a smile, and when he heard the words shake, the tea splashed out a bit, and Mei Xiang quickly took a pad to wipe the stain on the table. Then Empress Dowager held the tea cup tightly, as if trying hard to hold it, her smile was a little stiff, and she said, "What is your nonsense talking about, Her Majesty, how could Xia-Junwang die?"
     "It's true." Hong Xiao di answer was taken for granted, "On the Qingzhou Red Mansion, General Jiu of Duke House killed Xia-Junwang, and Xia-Junwang also killed General Ji. It's a pity."
     It's a pity that it's "light and fluttering". I can't hear any tone. It makes people unable to guess the emperor's thoughts, and makes people wonder what he means. Mei Xiang stood behind Empress Dowager, her face changed slightly, and she couldn't help looking at Emperor Hong Xiao , where two guards with swords stood as if they were rock. As if knowing all her mind.
     "How is that?" Empress Dowager laughed. She didn't go to see Emperor Hong Xiao , she just looked at the armor on her hand, as if she wanted to take a hard look at the gems on the armor, she said :  "How did General Ji Lai kill Xia-Junwang, and how did Xia-Junwang kill General Lai? Ai family is very old. Your majesty should not make fun of these things, and Ai family won't take it seriously. It was the kid who lied, and Daren forgave him forgivingly.
     "I have no intention to make such jokes with people." Emperor Hong Xiao smiled with laughter. "Just don't believe my mother. Not long after, the bodies of General Ji Lao and Xia-Junwang will be returned to Capital City for burial. "
     Empress Dowager's face finally changed. She looked up at Emperor Hong Xiao , the emperor who had grown up under her eyelids, and finally revealed a vicious look like a beast. At this glance, Empress Dowager knew that he couldn't know nothing, he knew it.
     But she still had to struggle, as if she could get over it, Empress Dowager laughed, and said, "The family of Ai doesn't understand. The emperor is so relaxed, isn't he planning to confess?"
     "Aggrieved? My mother didn't know. This is something that goes back to a long time ago. Speaking of it, I have only recently known about it." The emperor smiled. "Sui Duke father, General Jinwu, disappeared many years ago. Xia-Junwang designed the frame and died. It is understandable that Ji-Heng killed Xia-Junwang, but the veteran general felt sorry for his grandson and helped Ji-Heng accomplish this. After the mother, Killing lives is so righteous, even if you can’t say anything, who does your mother want you to favor? ”
     Empress Dowager looked at Emperor Hong Xiao and didn't speak for a long time.
     Emperor Hong Xiao laughed again, and he said, "I almost forgot that when the ambush besieged General Jinwu, my mother-zi was also present, so I naturally favored Xia-Junwang."
     At this time, Empress Dowager calmed down. She looked at Emperor Hong Xiao and smiled, and said, "Your Majesty, for so many years, the mourning family has not treated you thinly. .Do you have any evidence to stigmatize the family like this? "
     "Evidence?" Emperor Hong Xiao smiled, and he said, "Yin Zhili is evidence."
     Mei Xiang's hands tightened tightly at the corners of the skirt, Empress Dowager's complexion changed greatly. This was her biggest weakness. If Hong Xiao di threatened her with this, she would have no chance!
     "The mother-zi has forgotten so quickly. Not long ago, did Xia-Junwang come to her mother-zi before leaving Yanjing to Qingzhou?"
     He already knew! Empress Dowager's heart could not help shaking, she looked at Hong Xiao di like a monster. She had thought many times that one day the truth would be discovered, but it was not like this. She didn't have any chips in her hands, and Yin Zhan was not around. She seemed to be a piece of fish and could be slaughtered by anyone.
     It is not her weakness and omnipotence, but whether she or Yin Zhan underestimated the emperor.
     "The mother-zi pinched the puppet in the palace, Xia-Junwang pinned Su Duke in Qingzhou, Yin Zhili led the soldiers of the Yin family with soldiers south of the Changhe River, and I had to admire Xia-Junwang's patience. For so many years, I have settled a bureau for years. Emperor Xiao Xiao laughed :  "It is really exhausting for Yin Zhili."
     Empress Dowager said :  "Does the emperor want to kill the mourning family?"
     "How could it be?" Hong Xiao di smiled. "Isn't Yin Zhili alive?"
     "The emperor wants to threaten Yin Lili with his mourning family?" Empress Dowager smirked.
     "No." Emperor Hong Xiao said gently :  "The mother-zi knows that I do not like to do such a thing. Just as Cheng Wang does not risk life for Liu Tai-Fae, Yin Zhili may not act for his mother-zi. lucky."
     What he said was extremely mean, Empress Dowager stared at Emperor Hong Xiao for a long time, and suddenly smiled. She shook her head while laughing, almost laughing, and she said, "Lao-San, the original family always underestimated you. The Ai family said, Xia Liulan's son, how can such a virtue be, it is not that you are not good, but the Ai family looked away! "
     Xia Liulan is the name of Xia-Noble-Fae. When Emperor Hong Xiao heard this name, he gave a look, put a smile on his face, and said, "The death of the old Mufei was related to you!"
     Xia-Noble-Fae died shortly after the birth of Emperor Hong Xiao , and everyone said he died of illness. Emperor Hong Xiao searched for so many years, and found the old man in the palace, but said that Xia-Noble-Fae was healthy before that, and there was no trace of illness.
     "Well, in places like the palace, the number of people who want Xia Liulan to die is not the grief's family!" Empress Dowager dismissed.
     Emperor Hong Xiao looked pale and indifferent, and did not seem to believe the answer. Sure enough, Empress Dowager's next sentence immediately made him furious. She said, "But after Xia Liulan gave birth to you that year, the mourning family was really unwilling. In the palace, wanting a person's life, sometimes and There is no need to do anything. Just say one thing to the Ai family, Your Majesty intends to make you Crown Prince, and there are countless people going to do this for the Ai family. "
     "You!" Emperor Hong Xiao was extremely angry. Empress Dowager made a sentence out of nothing, making Xia-Noble-Fae a bright target in the palace. Unfortunately, at that time, Xia-Noble-Fae had just had a child, and his heart was all on his child. Where? Will pay attention to others.
     "The family of Ai just hate, those people did not kill you together, leaving a curse." Empress Dowager's eyes are full of resentment. "If I knew that today, the family of Ai would take you away even if I shot it myself. Eliminate in this world! "
     "It's a pity that you don't have this chance." Emperor Hong Xiao calmed down again, he said, "Although Mufei didn't kill it with your own hands, he died because of you. He wrote down this debt for you first. It was said that debts were paid to repay money, killing people to pay for their lives, and the injustice you and Yin Zhan did, of course, God will punish them. Now Yin Zhan is dead, the next turn should be Yin Zhili. When Yin Zhili is dead, I will personally Take you on the road. No, I changed my mind, I won’t let you die, I will keep you alive and imprison you in the palace, worse than Pinfei in the cold palace, let you watch the people around you die one by one To live in hopelessness forever. This is the best punishment for you. I want to show you and the scandals that Yin Zhan did, and make Yin Zhili like a mouse crossing the street, even if he rebels, the people who follow him will Shame on him, he won't be able to get rid of the stigma when he dies, and he will be poked at the backbone! "
     "No-" Empress Dowager burst into exclamation. She was about to grab Hong Xiao di face. The guard beside Hong Xiao di pulled out her sheath to protect Hong Xiao di and push her. Empress Dowager fell on On the ground, the buns were completely scattered.
     "No ..." she murmured.
     Emperor Hong Xiao glanced at her coldly, turned and walked out, and said, "Come, lock her up! No one is allowed to see Empress Dowager without permission, and," he smiled coldly, "look good Don't let her die. "
     Empress Dowager fell to the ground, and Mei Xiang came to help her, but she stretched out her hand in vain, looked at Mei Xiang, and said, "He is lying to me, Yin Zhan is not dead, right?"
     Her tears shed.

     Chapter 232 :  Lone Army      

     In the land of Qingzhou, the red building by the river burned to ashes overnight, but thankfully there were no casualties inside. Mama in the Red House was also missing, and the women with the fireworks disappeared into the city overnight as if they had never appeared. Guests with good things remembered passing by the Red Mansion by accident that night, and they seemed to see the beautiful man in red. They were amazed by the heavens. The suspicion was that the beauty and charm came out of the forest in the mountains. When he found the trace, he simply burned the red building with no fire.
     Rumors have made the fire mysterious and fragrant.
     The beautiful Qionglou Yuyu set torch, annihilated the love and hatred, and no one knew what kind of drama had been sung that night, and what kind of clutch he had seen. Late in the evening, someone watched the chariot with the coffin go by at the gate of Qingzhou city.
     "Daren," Wen Ji said, "are you really going to meet Yin Zhili?"
     Both Ji Ji and Yin Zhan were lost. Ji-Heng wanted to return General Ji Ji to Yanjing, but he could not escort him in the first place, because Jiang-Li was still in their hands. When Situ wore a letter from Yanjing City in September, he knew what had happened in the past.
     Yin Zhili did not hurt Situ in September, except that Begonia was cut off with a little finger, which was also ordered by Yin Zhan. In fact, Yin Zhan also ordered that as long as Jiang-Li was still there, he would send someone to kill the Ye family and others, and the provincial night long dreams were many. However, Yin Zhili tried hard to oppose it and killed him with his life, and finally he was sent back to Ye family.
     Just then, Ji-Heng understood why Zhan Zhan was dead, with a strange smile on his face. It was because he paved the way for Yin Zhili early in the morning. Regardless of whether Yin Zhan died in the Red Mansion, Yin Zhili could use Jiang-Li temper to kill himself.
     "Daren, Yin Zhilian's bastard, definitely set a trap, knowing that you will go for Jiang-2-Young-Lady, intending to kill your life, you can't act lightly!" Zhao Yan also said.
     "Sooner or later, there will be a battle between me and Yin Zhili." Ji-Heng smirked, "Since I promised Xue Huaiyuan, I will protect Aju."
     Both Zhao Kun and Wen Ji were a little puzzled. Why did protecting Jiang-Li promise Xue Huaiyuan? Does Xue Huaiyuan look at Jiang-Li like this? But why did Xue Huaiyuan listen to Ji-Heng? Xue Huaiyuan is important to Ji-Heng?
     "But Yin Zhili is camping in Luye, a few hundred miles away, and there are hundreds of people in the camp. How can our people break through? Those Yin family soldiers do not know where they are now. Still disagree.
     "He has Yin family soldiers, and Jin Wujun hasn't died all these years." Ji-Heng said indifferently, he looked to the distance, where the shadow of the carriage and horse had disappeared completely. His’Grandfather said goodbye to him this winter, and since then, no one has been related to him in the world.
     How could he lose Jiang-Li? In the end of his life, in fact, no one is protected.
     He turned around, the red robe was as bright as blood in the snow, the whiter the snow, the redder the clothes, his lips were red and white, and his posture was magnificent.
     He said, "Let's go."
     Zhao Yan and Wen Ji stopped talking. Ji-Heng's attitude was so determined that they couldn't change it. As a subordinate, you should advance and retreat with the master.
     Jiang-Li is not Yu Ji, nor Ji-Heng is overlord. This drama of Farewell My Concubine is too tragic. He has seen all the tragedies, and he has never hoped so once. This time she can accompany him to the end, and the story is reunion at the end, and they are all happy.
     The snow covered his tracks.
     Above Luye, outside of the account, Yin-Zhiqing was shocked, and tears burst into her eyes, as if she had received a huge blow. She shuttled in front of the account, and those soldiers did not stop her. Until she found the drunk Yin Zhili hiding behind the fire behind the tent.
     "Yin Zhili!" Yin-Zhiqing called his name, her voice trembling, "They, they said Father was dead, what's going on?"
     Yin Zhili opened her eyes stupidly and glanced at her. He still held the wine jar in his hand, and the wine was so smoky. He didn't like drinking, but Yin Zhan always let him drink, saying that as a man, how could he not drink. He still didn't like it, but now Yin Zhan is dead, but as Yin Zhan wished, he was drunk with the wine jar, but unfortunately he couldn't see it anymore.
     "Father is dead." He gave a strange smile to Yin-Zhiqing, and whispered, "Father was killed by Ji-Heng, a sword." He pointed to his throat, "Poke it through! "He laughed oddly.
     "Impossible!" Yin-Zhiqing grabbed his collar and said, "It's all fake. Is it nonsense? Why did Su Duke kill Father? Our didn't even see Father"
     "He dead." Yin Zhili sighed heavily at the altar, "Father's men have seen it with their own eyes. It may not be long before Yanjing announces the world."
     "Why, why?"
     "Because Father killed Ji-Heng's Father, Niang, Ji-Heng is going to avenge his Father, Niang, hee hee, wrongdoer and owner, Zhiqing, you have to remember this sentence." Yin Zhili smirked.
     If he was crazy, his clothes were soaked with the spilled wine, and he didn't even notice it. His hair was disheveled, and his smile was strange. Where is the gesture of past gongzi like jade? Yin-Zhiqing was grieving, and was so angry with Yin Zhili, she said, "Brother! What the hell is going on? Since Father talked to you that day, you're not right. What did you want me to go back to the cloud? What did you say? What's the grudge between Our family and Su Duke, tell me! "
     On that day, Yin Zhili asked Yin-Zhiqing and Yin Fu-ren to return to the cloud. Yin-Zhiqing refused, but then suddenly one day, Yin Zhili took them out of the city. Yin Zhili walked too fast, as if fleeing, Yin-Zhiqing thought they were back in the cloud, but did not expect to be in Qingzhou. After that, it became impossible for Yin-Zhiqing to understand. Their siblings used to talk about everything, but now, Yin Zhili refuses to say anything. There was no explanation for what he did, including bringing Jiang-Li here. Before that, Yin-Zhiqing knew nothing. She didn't know what had happened, but only knew that life was beyond recognition. She lived in anxiety every day and always felt that what the Yin family would do next was something she couldn't accept.
     But this brother Yin Lili also became unfamiliar.
     Yin Zhili looked at the anxious look of Yin-Zhiqing in front of him, and suddenly smiled, he said, "Zhiqing, don't you call our brother, who knows, is there a blood relationship between Our?"
     As soon as this word came out, Yin-Zhiqing changed his face and said, "What do you mean?"
     "Father for the man in the palace, even his own son Fu-ren can be killed, and he hasn't asked his mother for so many years, maybe you are not Father's son at all." Yin Zhili said.
     "Yin Zhili!" Yin-Zhiqing ‘Called, and her voice drew the soldiers in the distance to look at it. She was miracled and said, "How can you say that! You scorn my mother, you asshole!" "
     "You want to be Father's daughter that way?" Yin Zhili Hun didn't care, lying on the ground like a muddy beach, drunkenly said, "What's so good about Father's son? Look at me, now people are not people No ghost, forced to accept the fate I don't like. Go to his mother's fate! "He became excited, and his voice became mean," Don't you want to know what I want to do? Well, I tell you, I If you want to kill Ji-Heng, you will have to fight against the army, take the occasion as the boundary, stand alone as the king, or occupy half of the country, or force the palace to dominate, all of which I want to do! Is it what I want to do myself? Why do I To do this, it's his mother because I'm Yin Zhan's son, and my mother-zi is the one in the palace! "
     He finished speaking, Yin-Zhiqing was stunned, and even forgot to cry. She asked tremblingly, "You say"
     "I'm the son of Empress Dowager." Yin Zhili looked at her and laughed. "Now you know why Father is going to do these things in Capital City? Because he had already thought about it, that place in the world is our Yin family. Zhiqing , How good you are to be a daughter of an ordinary person. Unlike now, as long as your surname is Yin, you will carry the charge of a chaotic thief and never be washed away. "
     Yin-Zhiqing covered her mouth, and she thought about what Jiang-Li said to her that day. She said that Su Duke and Yin's family had endless revenge. She also believed that Jiang-Li had deliberately lied to her in order to get revenge. Now it seems that Jiang-Li said all the facts, but the fact is too difficult. Acceptable.
     She didn't know what to say, and couldn't face Yin Zhili like this, she turned and ran out.
     Yin Zhili didn't even look at her, drinking himself. Yin-Zhiqing ran out in tears. She thought of her mother. This picture cannot be seen by Yin Fu-ren. If Yin Fu-ren knew everything, how sad she should be. For so many years, Yin Fu-ren has always attributed Yin Zhan's sudden neglect to her because she didn't do well, but she didn't know that this matter had nothing to do with her, but it was because she was a shame that Yin Zhan had sought to cover up her ambitions. Including himself is also used chips.
     Yin-Zhiqing was in deep grief, but he didn't know who to find. He unknowingly walked outside Jiang-Li account.
     Someone in the account sits quietly, Yin-Zhiqing went in, and the soldiers guarding outside were not blocked.
     Jiang-Li was sitting in the tent with the lamp on the table. She was holding her head in one hand, wondering what she was thinking. He heard the movement, turned her head, and stared at Yin-Zhiqing's face.
     Yin-Zhiqing is full of tears.
     Jiang-Li frowns :  "Pingyang Junior County Owner? What's wrong with you?"
     It was just a common question, Yin-Zhiqing was panic and helpless these days, all grievances and unwillingness poured out. She took a few steps forward and looked at Jiang-Li :  "Are you I knew it already! "
     "Know what?" Jiang-Li looked at her puzzledly.
     In Yin-Zhiqing's heart, a huge sorrow erupted suddenly, she said :  "I know it is Father who killed Su Duke Father, Niang. Now it is Su Duke turn to avenge his parents."
     Jiang-Li was surprised. She knew that Ji Family and Yin Family had resentment, but there were various origins. Ji-Heng did not tell her. She did not know that Ji-Heng’s Father, Niang was killed by Yin Zhan. It looks like Yin-Zhiqing already knows.
     "How do you know?" Jiang-Li asked.
     "Yin Zhili told me." Yin-Zhiqing slumped on the chair, as if losing all strength.
     "Why should Yin Zhili tell you these things?" Jiang-Li asked. "Is it Yin Zhan."
     Yin-Zhiqing burst into tears, and Jiang-Li saw her like this, knowing that she was afraid she might have guessed it. Yin Zhan is dead? That means Ji-Heng is safe, and the hearts that have been hanging one after another finally let go. She is being held here these days, and she has no way of knowing the news from outside. The news brought by Yin-Zhiqing is regarded as good news.
     But it wasn't about Yin-Zhiqing. She cried and cried, and kept muttering, "Why is it like this?"
     This is actually not the fault of Yin-Zhiqing. This decision of Yin Zhan ruined Yin Zhili and Yin-Zhiqing. Looking at them, they didn't know it. Just because of their ambitious ambitions, they had to bear great pain.
     Jiang-Li whispered :  "It's not your fault, and you don't have to blame yourself."
     Yin-Zhiqing didn't stop crying because of it, Jiang-Li said, "Can you help me get out of here?"
     Yin-Zhiqing's cry stopped suddenly, and she looked at Jiang-Li in doubt.
     "Yin Zhili intends to use me to stab Ji-Heng. You know that. I know you like Ji-Heng and don't want Ji-Heng to be hurt. If Ji-Heng is hurt because of me, I will also It will be painful, and you will not feel completely. I know that you are not happy to stay here. If you save me, I will go with you and leave here, you don't have to fulfill your destiny that should not belong to you. "
     Yin-Zhiqing stared at Jiang-Li, Jiang-Li pointed her to a completely different path. At this moment, the road was so clear, so bright, and so longing for the smoky, barren and chaotic situation. , So that she almost could not help but immediately nodded, and immediately escaped with Jiang-Li.
     However, she did not answer. It was only a long time before she said, "I can't do it."
     Jiang-Li looked at her quietly.
     "The soldiers don't listen to my instructions. Although I have martial arts, I can't fight so many people. You are the one who is focused on, and I can't take you from under their eyes. And my mother I can’t take two people away at the same time. If I and you run away, they will anger my mother. Yin Zhili may not do this, but other people, and therefore those who have suffered the disaster, will vent all their anger. On my mother. "
     Her words were clear, and there were still tears on her face, but she no longer cried. Instead, she seemed to be thinking clearly, and she said, "And I can't leave. My surname Yin, it is impossible to escape this fate. Where can you let me go? No one except the Yin family will protect me , The world will only treat me as a chaotic thief, anxious to kill and then quickly. "
     Jiang-Li sighed softly, each person has their own position, and Yin-Zhiqing's words are actually correct. If Jiang-Li stood in the position of Yin-Zhiqing, she would struggle as hard as her. Besides, the mistake was made by Yin-Zhiqing's father, Yin Zhan. In a sense, Yin-Zhiqing would not accept.
     However, there was one thing Jiang-Li did not understand. She asked :  "You know what the hatred between Ji-Heng and the Yin family is. If you killed Father Ji-Heng's Father, Niang, and Why did you kill them? "
     Yin-Zhiqing took a deep breath and shook her head :  "I don't know, I don't want to know anymore." She stood up and looked sadly at Jiang-Li, she said :  "I have heard you suffer in Qingcheng Mountain For a time, I sympathized with you. Now it seems that you are much better than me. The crimes you carry are false, and one day you will be washed away, and you deserve it. But the crimes that I carry are true Will never be cut off. "
     "You are you, Yin Zhan is Yin Zhan." Jiang-Li reminded.
     "If I can, I also hope that I don't surname Yin. Sorry, Jiang-Li," Yin-Zhiqing said, "I can't help you and can't take you out of here. But you think that Su Duke will really be alone for you Going deeper, there are all Yin family soldiers above Luye. He will definitely die when he comes. "
     Jiang-Li heart jumped fiercely. She had an instinct that Ji-Heng would definitely come, but she said, "If the wish comes true, I hope he never comes."
     Yin-Zhiqing looked at her steadily before saying, "I hope too."
     Jiang-Li didn't know what she meant by "I also hope". I hope that Ji-Heng didn't so deeply root Jiang-Li that he was willing to trade for his life? Still hope that Ji-Heng will not be injured.
     "One more thing, I want to ask the Pingyang Junior County Owner." Jiang-Li said.
     "I can't help you."
     "Not to help me, it's Ji-Heng."
     Yin-Zhiqing frowned :  "What do you mean?"
     "I don't know how your brother is going to deal with Ji-Heng, but I think he won't be softened. Ji-Heng is the last thing I want to see if I'm behind bars. You like Ji-Heng, I definitely don’t want him to die. If you can, please help Ji-Heng at that time, please help him. As for you, you don’t need to care. In fact, I’m the same for life or death, even if I really It’s good to be dead without involving others. "
     Yin-Zhiqing didn't speak any more, but stood still, thinking quietly for a while before she said, "I know." She stepped out of the account.
     Jiang-Li didn't chase it out, and it seemed that the talented Yin-Zhiqing cried out in his account. She knew that there was no time. Since Yin Zhan is dead, Yin Zhili will immediately start the second plan, and he will use himself to lure Ji-Heng.
     Jiang-Li prayed silently in your heart, mother, if you have a spirit in heaven and you are looking at your daughter, please help Ji-Heng and let him be safe and sound.
     This night, the snowstorm was so great that in the morning of the next day, the snow did not stop. The snow last night had not melted, and the new snow was added. The blood on the ground can be stepped on without a knee, and it looks blank.
     Jiang-Li stood in the tent, and the soldier at the door guarded her. She looked out. As far as she could see, there was only a long and distant plain, and there was a white jungle in the distance.
     It is said that many years ago, Luye was a dense forest, near the long river, where many white deer lived. White deer drank water in the Changhe River, hence the name "Luye". Hundreds of years later, the forest disappeared and it became a plain. There were no white deer traces, but the name Luye was preserved.
     The long river is not far from here. The long river can't see the end in most days, and now it has been blocked by ice. People can walk on it without breaking the ice. Snow and goose feathers are rising. In this plain, there seems to be nothing but white and black armor.
     Someone came over, the soldiers gave way, Jiang-Li saw Yin Zhili.
     Yin Zhili is very different from the past. He always wears white clothes and looks like a gentle jade. In a tone that says he is the son of a general, it is better to say which house is Pian Pian Jia Gongzi. Jiang-Li has never seen him look like wearing armor, but today he wears armor and has long hair. His face is indifferent and cold. He went into the account.
     Jiang-Li turned to look at him.
     "Tell you good news, Ji-Heng killed me Father, he survived."
     Jiang-Li didn't cheer because of this, Yin Zhili probably didn't know about it, and Yin-Zhiqing told himself about it last night. And Yin Zhili didn't care, he just continued :  "My father is dead, and he told me what I want to do, I must do it. Do you understand what I mean, Jiang-2-Young-Lady?"
     "I understand." Jiang-Li replied, "You will use me to surround Ji-Heng."
     Yin Zhili hand on the side clenched slightly, he said :  "I originally thought that as long as my Father wasn't dead, Ji-Heng died one step earlier, you could avoid this ending. Although you would hate me for this, but At least I don’t have to kill him personally in front of you, but also use you. This is the worst choice for me. But now it seems that God is not on my side, I still have to go this way, Struggling is pointless, and this is how you and I end. "
     Jiang-Li didn't speak, the expression on Yin Zhili face at this moment was really terrible. Without his tenderness, even the indecision of the past has become kind at this moment. His expression was like going to do something terrible, full of sharpness and determination.
     "The world says that Su Duke is moody, savvy and fierce, and I think maybe he won't come to save you. In this way, although it is a shame not to kill him, it will let you see his true face. A good thing. Since I'm already wicked in Jiang-2-Young-Lady's mind, it's better that he doesn't get better in Jiang-2-Young-Lady's mind. "
     He was very guilty of that. If he didn’t look at his expression, Jiang-Li would still feel childish and ridiculous, but unfortunately, Yin Zhili has become very paranoid today, and he insists that everything is the fault of others. , And he must go this way, no one can persuade him.
     "Why do you have to kill Ji-Heng?" Jiang-Li said. "The grievances of the previous generation have ended."
     "There is no end!" Yin Zhili interrupted Jiang-Li, he said :  "I Father killed his Father, Niang, and in turn he killed me Father, Niang. In order to avenge me on Father, I must kill He. The Yin family and the Ji family are destined to be deadly enemies, or I die, or he will die until one side is dead, and there will be no posterity. Why I left the scourge of Father, because when he killed the Ji family, he left alive. This mistake will not be made to me. "
     Jiang-Li looked at Yin Zhili coldly, and her last sympathy for Yin Zhili disappeared. Hatred can blind one eyes and become another. And now Yin Zhili is completely different from the past Yin Zhili. He wanted to kill Ji-Heng, no matter whether Yin Zhan had made mistakes or not, regardless of how many creatures in the world were painted.
     "You will regret it," Jiang-Li said.
     "I only regret that I didn't kill him earlier." Yin Zhili laughed, and said, "Also gave him the imperial edict, and got you! But," he laughed again, and said, "As long as he is dead, you are still mine."
     "But I can never fall in love with you."
     "Then why do you fall in love with Ji-Heng?" Yin Zhili stopped smiling, staring at her, pressing harder, "How many lives in his hand, killing like a hemp! Just because you like him, so his sin is not Sin? Just because you don’t like me, so I’m a wicked person in your eyes? The biggest difference between Ji and Heng is that his Father didn’t let him bear insults, and I was born in Yin’s house, I was destined to be Yin Home sacrificed! "
     "No." Jiang-Li looked at him coldly, and replied, "Ji-Heng is the wicked man feared by people all over the world, but he has never hurt me. And you are the flash people praised by people all over the world, But you use me. Of course you and him are different people, but you have nothing to do with your parents. "
     Yin Zhili stopped talking, but stared at her viciously, as if she could not wait to kill her but could not bear to start. He turned his head sharply and snorted, "Whatever you say. Anyway, today Ji-Heng is here, he can't live today! "
     "What do you want to do?" Jiang-Li asked sharply.
     "It didn't do anything." Yin Zhili said casually :  "The upper and lower Luye are all my people. The archers outside are already ready. The Luye is a plain above, there is nowhere to cover, Ji-Heng dares Come here, you must be prepared to be penetrated by Wan Jian. Of course, he can bring soldiers, but you are always in my hands, he has to watch out for some. I heard that I was besieged by Ji Fenghan by Father At that time, there were hundreds of archers in the Red Mountain Temple ambushing Ji Jihan, and Ji Jihan could not escape. Jiang-2-Young-Lady, I let Ji-Heng die the same way as his Father. His greatest respect. "
     Jiang-Li scolded, "Despicable!"
     "He not a bright person!" Yin Zhili seemed to be stimulated by this sentence, and said angrily, "Of course I can be mean!"
     Jiang-Li is extremely angry, such a Yin Zhili is a lunatic and can't talk to him at all. When I was still deadlocked, I suddenly heard a whistle outside. The whistle was sharp and sharp, and the sound was rapid. Yin Zhili froze, grabbing Jiang-Li and flung it out.
     Jiang-Li also wanted to go out, but he was stopped by the soldiers and could only stand in front of the account. I saw the wilderness only white and vast, and a red figure appeared between heaven and earth. The red figure was riding on the horse, and the steed was covered with red armor, one person and one ride. In the snow, it was as if returning to the people.
     Jiang-Li eyes were hot, and she almost burst into tears and called "Ji-Heng"!
     Yin Zhili outside was also stunned. For a long while, he smirked :  "It seems that he is very brave and has deep affection for you. Unfortunately, Hui will be hurt, and love will never die." He drank :  "Archers prepare ! "
     The archers of Jiayi aimed at the man all together, Jiang-Li wanted to rush out, but couldn't do anything, watching the red spotlight more and more bright.
     It was him alone.

     Chapter 233 :  Escape      

     The horse stopped outside the archer's range, not knowing if it was intentional or coincidental. Immediately people wore red robes, but they were not wide, wide sleeves, and their cuffs were tight. It was not so much a red robe as a red armor. Jiang-Li has never seen Ji-Heng like this, faded away that layer of frivolity, he looks like a natural general. For a moment, Jiang-Li thought of rumors about Ji Yuhan. Although everyone rumored that Ji-Heng's appearance resembled Yu Hongye and was not very similar to Ji Yihan, at this moment, Jiang-Li started from He saw the shadow of General Jin Go in his youth.
     The same pride was extraordinary, as if nothing could hurt him.
     Yin Zhili was standing in the snow, his black armor was cold and his eyes were colder, he said, "Su Duke courage is very big."
     "Is that so?" Ji-Heng smiled wryly. "That's what I want to tell you. Even my Fu-ren dare to take it away. It seems Junwang Heir is dead."
     "Your Fu-ren?" Yin Zhili was irritated by the word, he said :  "I'm afraid you don't have the opportunity to let her be your Fu-ren."
     The words were so murderous, Jiang-Li ‘called in his account :  "Ji-Heng! Don't come here, there are archers ambushing on all sides, they want your life! Don't count, leave quickly, Yin Zhili Will not kill me, but will kill you! "
     Yin Zhili did not stop Jiang-Li from speaking, instead he looked at Ji-Heng and smiled :  "You see, Jiang-Miss, all know the truth. Are you planning to come over or leave?"
     Come over, Ji-Heng will surely die, and leave. In Jiang-Li mind, Ji-Heng just abandoned her. For Ji-Heng, neither is a good choice. The young man who rode on the horse laughed. The smile was full of sarcasm. He said :  "Yin Zhili, compared to your Father, you are too indecisive. Even your mother has more decisiveness than you. If it is you No matter what price my mother pays here, it won't give me a chance to live. "
     Yin Zhili complexion suddenly sank. His parents are his disgrace. He is burdened with fate imposed on him by Yin Zhan and Empress Dowager. He has never complained for a moment since he knew his life. He brought up all of his shame, but Ji-Heng spoke out in front of so many people, no doubt showing what he feared most.
     He hated Ji-Heng so much.
     Jiang-Li was puzzled, not to mention Yin Zhili Father, what happened to Yin Zhili mother? Yin Zhili biological mother is not dead, what is her resentment with Ji-Heng? No one can answer Jiang-Li with these doubts. She still has a guard with a knife in front of her. She is the best bait. Even if she doesn't have to do anything, Ji-Heng will obediently step into the trap.
     At the other end, Yin-Zhiqing was trying to rush out, Yin Fu-ren grabbed her arm and persuaded :  "Zhiqing, don't go!"
     "Mother!" Yin-Zhiqing red eyes.
     Yin Fu-ren’s eye circles were also red, "Now you Father has gone, your mother has only your daughter. I know you like Su Duke, but he is now the enemy of your brother, he wants to kill your brother, how can he I've let you off, and then, what can you do when you go? It's not a waste of effort. "
     "Just because I can't do anything, I have to do it even more!" Yin-Zhiqing broke away from Yin Fu-ren's hand and said, "Mother, you don't understand!"
     Yin Fu-ren didn't know the past of Ji Family and Yin Family, she didn't even know about Yin Zhan and Empress Dowager. Yin-Zhiqing didn't tell her these things. She always felt that once she told Yin Fu-ren, Yin Fu-ren would collapse completely. Instead, she would be wrong as she is now. Maybe she didn't know the truth, but it was a relief for her.
     She ran outside the account and was also stopped by the soldiers. She couldn't get nearer and could only look at Ji-Heng from a distance.
     For a moment, Yin-Zhiqing couldn't help but envy Jiang-Li. She has such a magnificent fiance, and the ruthless and wicked villain in the eyes of the world is willing to risk her for the sake of her, regardless of the consequences to save her in the fire. How could there be such a person in the world?
     "Su Duke," Yin Zhili said, "Since you are here today, don't leave."
     Ji-Heng raised an eyebrow :  "It depends on whether you can keep me or not."
     "My Yin family soldier ..."
     "Yin Jiabing, who is in the northern boundary of Qingzhou, is now studying with my Jin Wujun." Ji-Heng chuckled :  "In a few hours, it may not be here."
     Yin Zhili face changed :  "Jin Wujun?"
     The rumored Jin Wujun has not seen it for years. Since the disappearance of General Jin Wu Ji Jihan, Jin Wujun’s tiger charms have also disappeared, and it seems that the middle and upper levels have also acquiesced to the fact that Jin Wujun has already disarmed and returned to the field, and there is no longer any Jin Wujun in the world. Even after searching for a long time, Yin Zhan was sure that Jin Wujun would not appear again, so Yin Zhan was so relieved to think that by removing Ji-Heng, he could sit back and relax. The soldiers of Yanjing, Yulin Jun, are nothing but fame, and they are no better than the resolute men they killed from the sea of blood.
     If Yin Zhan knew that Jin Wujun was still there, he would definitely not make such arrangements, and would not rashly choose the same path as Ji-Heng, but plan again. Now Yin Zhan is dead, but Jin Wujun suddenly emerges. For Yin Zhili, it is tantamount to a great blow. Sure enough, Yin Zhili looked at Ji-Heng, looking surprised and angry :  "You deceived him!"
     "The soldiers don't tire of cheating." Ji-Heng smiled lightly. "The stupidest way in the world is to change your life."
     He did it on purpose! People say that Su Duke is smart and hot, and it really is rumor. He really used his calculations to the extreme, that is, in the confrontation of the Red House on that day, it seemed like he was desperate, but he also hidden his hands. He has seen so many plays, and his ability to play in every scene is also a fascination, coaxing everyone into the past. He wouldn't take out the biggest chip first, but he would entice the enemy to go deep and then devour the other bit by bit.
     Yin Zhili suddenly laughed. He didn't know if it was self-deprecating or sarcastic. He said :  "I have done my calculations in the Father's office, but I have lost it to you. It seems that you are also a capable person, enough to be my opponent. Today is Your death! "He waved, and the archer pointed sharply at Ji-Heng.
     Even though Jin Wujun trapped Yin Jiabing, there were hundreds of archers and soldiers above Luye at the moment, and Ji-Heng was only one, outnumbered, and his two fists were difficult to defeat. Four hands, how did he fight in it? To take away Jiang-Li.
     Jiang-Li was anxious.
     Ji-Heng smiled coldly, and only listened to Yin Zhili said, "Let the arrows go!" In the sky, he suddenly burst into dense arrows and headed straight for Ji-Heng. Ji-Heng stooped down on the horse back and picked up a shield from behind. The shield blocked part of the arrows, and he pulled out the sword on his waist.
     From the beginning to the acquaintance to the intersection, when Jiang-Li had seen Ji-Heng killing people, he had only used that gorgeous fan. For the first time, she saw Ji-Heng use a sword. The sword was glowing with cyan light. When it was drawn from the scabbard inch by inch, she could feel the chill from a long distance, and he held a shield, With a sword in his hand, he was like a young, heroic general, straddling arrows and blades in an unstoppable posture, rushing all the way from the mountains and the sea of fire, all overwhelming.
     Yin Zhili frowned, it seemed that Ji-Heng would be so bold, but he came straight in spite of the arrow rain. On the snowy field, the man ran from distance and approached. At this moment, suddenly, an ambush archer called out and fell down while covering his neck. A ghostly shadow appeared next to him, and the shadow moved very quickly, and soon spread to other Around people.
     "Dead! It's dead!" Someone exclaimed.
     Yin Zhili said :  "You brought someone else?"
     "Not much." Ji-Heng was on horseback, lazily :  "I used to lose all of the 72 dragons back then, and now the total number of dragons re-established is less than half of the past. Fortunately, it is more than enough to deal with you." He ‘called, "How about Yin Big-gongzi?"
     He smiled, as if the snow in the sky was also vivid, in those amber-colored eyes, there was only coolness and ruthlessness. Those flying dragons were out of nowhere, and they didn't know where to come out, wiping off the archer's neck with one stroke. The archers had to focus on Ji-Heng again, so more and more people fell down. But even so, Ji-Heng alone can't beat so many arrows, some of them still hurt him, but he was still undecided, until the horse was almost in front of Jiang-Li account, Yin Zhili face became more condensed Even from his voice, there was a burst of anger, and he said, "Give me everything!"
     He wanted Ji-Heng to die in front of Jiang-Li account, watching Jiang-Li openly, but he couldn't take her away. He had to be separated by lovers and heavens, and Ji-Heng wouldn't stare at death!
     The arrow suddenly encrypted, and it was almost impossible to see the figure of Ji-Heng. It makes people feel like they are under a white blizzard or black arrow rain. Under such circumstances, Ji-Heng is almost impossible to steal a living, Jiang-Li ‘Called, and Yin-Zhiqing on the side finally ran over without any care and rushed over, she said, "Brother, please Let Duke go! "
     "Yin-Zhiqing!" Yin Zhili snarled, "Go back!"
     He never talked to Yin-Zhiqing like this, but Yin-Zhiqing didn't care, just looked at Ji-Heng in a panic, "Brother, let him go!"
     "Yin-Zhiqing, don't forget your surname Yin, even you should stand on his side!" Yin Zhili said :  "You are crazy!"
     "Crazy person is you!" Yin-Zhiqing relentlessly, "Do you know what you are doing? You will regret it. If you kill Jiang-Li, you will regret it!"
     "If she wasn't destined to belong to me, why not kill me? I won't regret it, because I'm different from you!" His tone went completely crazy.
     At this moment, Yin Zhili heart suddenly gave birth to a killing intention for Jiang-Li. He loves Jiang-Li, and he has loved her since he hasn't seen Jiang-Li and only heard about her. For the first time in his life, he admired a girl so much. Unfortunately, she was gentle on the surface, but she didn't have herself in her eyes.
     No matter what he did, her heart was as hard as a rock, unshakable. Yin Zhili thought that since he couldn't stop Jiang-Li feelings for Ji-Heng, then Jiang-Li was ruined. At least what he couldn't get, neither Ji-Heng. That is, at this time, Yin Zhili suddenly discovered that his bones were indeed the same blood as Yin Zhan Empress Dowager. They are just as selfless and ruthless. They would rather take me down than others.
     Those dark and obscure instincts have always been hidden in his bones. His light wind is full of moonlight, and his heart is in the world. In fact, it is not worth mentioning in front of reality. When someone is destined to sacrifice, Yin Zhili will still sacrifice for the first time. Others keep themselves, he obeys his own intentions. For example, this imposed fate, in the final analysis, does he really have no right to choose? Even if Yin Zhan pushes him and his fate forces him, if Yin Zhili is willing to give up everything, he won't actually come to the end of this step.
     But it came from the unwillingness in his heart, because he was unwilling to accept this ending. He knew that going down this road might ruin his reputation, but at the same time he might be able to get everything and wait for the world to get her.
     Yin Zhili thoughts, Jiang-Li didn't care, she just saw the people near him getting closer and closer to herself. His three-foot sword is cold and snowy, as if he can cut everything off. He rushes through the vast snowy field, as the same fire, getting closer and closer to himself. Jiang-Li exhausted his whole body strength, trying to get two soldiers Break away. The next moment, she saw Ji-Heng's sword wiped the soldier's neck. He reached out to Jiang-Li immediately, and the horse was almost breaking into the account. Jiang-Li strove to reach out to him. He held Jiang-Li hand and pulled Jiang-Li right away. At the same time, Jiang-Li heard Yin-Zhiqing in his ear. ‘Calling :  "Don't!"
     Then there was the ‘Call of Yin Fu-ren :  "Zhiqing!"
     The horse didn't stop, and turned very quickly. Jiang-Li turned his head to see, and saw that the knife in Yin Zhili hand pierced Yin-Zhiqing's chest, and he was stunned, and didn't seem to think so.
     No wonder when Ji-Heng just rushed over, Yin Zhili didn't stop. He wanted to stab him from behind, but never thought Yin-Zhiqing blocked Ji-Heng.
     Jiang-Li couldn't help looking back, she felt sad for a while. She didn't dare to say that Ji-Heng was distracted here, but she couldn't let Yin-Zhiqing down. Yin-Zhiqing's injury is unknown, but she really likes Ji-Heng. If she dies like this ... Jiang-Li can't say what it feels like.
     Yin Fu-ren snorted and ran quickly, Yin Zhili hand loosened and took a step back. Yin-Zhiqing's mouth was constantly spitting blood, and she panted, laboriously :  "Yin Zhili, you ... let them go ... let alone yourself ..."
     "Why?" Yin Zhili asked numbly.
     "I ... I don't want him ... injured ..." Yin-Zhiqing spit out a big blood, and the undulations in her chest stopped gradually, and she stopped breathing, her eyes were still wide, her head tilted aside, Not moving.
     This beautiful Miss, like a fire, was lying in the snow like this, without the original anger and tenderness, the falling snowflakes quickly covered her cheeks, so her body seemed to be cold soon Similarly, from life to death, it was such an instant.
     Yin Fu-ren's sad cry echoed in the heavens and the earth, Yin Zhili suddenly laughed, his eyes were cold, he turned around and ordered all the living people, pointing at Ji-Heng's back, and said :  "Kill him ! "
     He himself, standing high, took a bow from his hands, put an arrow on it, and pointed his arrow at Ji-Heng, his hand suddenly turned to one side and re-pointed at Jiang-Li.
     He slowly pulled the longbow.
     Jiang-Li was held by Ji-Heng, Ji-Heng was sitting behind her, and the horse ran fast. She could only see the arrows flying around in the rain, and those arrows fell in the snow. The snow seemed to be covered. Some of the dead men brought by Ji-Heng died, and more of them were archers. The corpse lay lying in the plain, and the snow beneath it gradually became red.
     It is clearly not a battlefield, but it is even worse than the battlefield. The disparity in strength made this war destined to sacrifice the struggle for life. The ridicule Ji-Heng said was so relaxed, he didn't care about Yin Zhili, but only Jiang-Li beside Ji-Heng could clearly perceive that he really did his best. Protecting her.
     He is also uncertain. He can't be completely sure that he can be safe, but he is trying not to hurt Jiang-Li a little.
     At this moment, she suddenly felt that Ji-Heng behind him slammed forward, as if something had rushed behind him. As soon as Jiang-Li heart was tight, he had to turn back, Ji-Heng's voice sounded in his ear, his voice was gentle, and now with a reassuring smile, he said, "Don't look back."
     "Ji ..." Jiang-Li voice trembled.
     "Huh?" He smiled. "It's all right, Our is out."
     His horse passed the bows and arrows fired by the archers, and the dead behind him were no longer in love, as if they were a surprise attack, after killing people, after leaving the grass, they walked away. It is a pity that the surprise attack is when people are not prepared, and they know that there are dead men and traps on the opposite side, but they are still in danger.
     How could this happen?
     Behind the white plain is a jungle stained with snow. Ji-Heng's horse pierced in, and there seemed to be someone following him, and Jiang-Li heart was pounding. She couldn't say anything. At this time, let Ji-Heng's distraction distract him. But also at this moment, she suddenly hated her weakness. Regrets that even when Xue Zhao learned Wushu, he was not so passive and was regarded as a bargaining chip for Ji-Heng.
     She didn't do anything good, but she hurt her counterpart.
     His head was knocked suddenly, as if he could see Jiang-Li heart, smiling :  "Don't think about it, you're not sorry for me."
     Jiang-Li barely squeezed a smile :  "Our ... got rid of those people?"
     "Not for the time being." Ji-Heng smiled slightly. "Yin Zhili is not as vicious as his old man, but he has more brains than Yin Zhan. In order to be foolproof, he walked in again. When Wen Ji contacted me, It's safe. "
     Jiang-Li stopped talking.
     On the other end, Yin Zhili looked in front of him. Some of the dead had no time to retreat. They were shot by the archers, and the others swarmed up and killed them. Some are moving fast. They are not war-fighting. They are not real soldiers, as if they are just weapons for killing. It is also a fierce move to start, tricky and weird. He had also heard rumors of 72 flying dragons in the hands of General Jinwu, but the 72 flying dragons had been annihilated as early as the siege of Hongshan Temple, and Ji-Heng actually rebuilt another. This dragon is not as brave as his father's, but more vicious and ferocious than that.
     They have fewer than forty people and horses, and these hundreds of people have suffered heavy losses. On the ground were corpses. And he could only watch Ji-Heng take Jiang-Li away and fly high, disappearing into that jungle. Yin Zhanlin estimated everything before he died, but he did not estimate that Ji-Heng had such a terrible man or horse, let alone that Jin Wujun did not fall, and the tiger charm did not disappear, Ji-Heng secretly grasped The soldiers and horses are for today.
     In this game, who is more patient and who is the buffalo of the blessing mantis?
     Yin Zhili waved a handful of people to chase him. He also wanted to follow him himself, but was comforted by Yin Zhan's confidant. If he pursued at this time, Ji-Heng's trick was caught. Once Yin Zhili had an accident, Yin Jiabing was true The group of dragons without heads was soon turned into a mass of scattered sand, not to mention that Emperor Hong Xiao sent people to fight, but Yin Jiabing himself had to fight first.
     For the sake of the bigger picture, he must not give up.
     Yin Zhili returned to the edge of his account, and his eyes fell on the ground. There were a few buns and jewellery scattered there, and there was a large pool of blood. On top of the blood, Yin-Zhiqing was here, and he was stabbed into the heart. He stared at the blood on the ground, and the madness in his eyes gradually faded, as if he finally understood what he had done, and took two steps back.
     Yin Fu-ren took Yin-Zhiqing's body back to her account. It was too cold outside, and she was afraid to freeze her daughter. Yin Zhili stood in the tent, without the courage to step in, he killed his Mei-mei. It doesn’t matter whether Yin-Zhiqing and him are related or not, it’s not important. They were together at Parent Yin and shared joy and anger. Now, he killed her by himself, even if he didn’t do it on purpose. .
     He stood outside the account for a long time, and finally opened the curtain and walked in.
     In the account, it seemed that the snow and ice were not so warm because of the separation of the wind, and the stove had long gone, only the ashes of coldness. Yin-Zhiqing was lying on the ground, beside her, Yin Fu-ren fell on her, like a fainting stun.
     Yin Zhili walked over, he trembled :  "Mother."
     Yin Fu-ren didn't answer him. Yin Zhili crouched down. Suddenly, his hands trembled and a ‘Call came from his throat. He reached out and turned Yin Fu-ren over Yin-Zhiqing.
     Yin Fu-ren still had tears on her face, her body was still warm, and there was a line of blood on her neck. The knife fell to the ground, and the new blood had not dried up. Yin Fu-ren hanged herself in front of her daughter and used Yin Zhili to kill Yin-Zhiqing's knife.
     "No-" Yin Zhili cried in despair.
     Yin Fu-ren is dead. What else can Yin Fu-ren do? For her, her husband was dead, even if he hadn't kept an eye on himself before, but it was her top pillar, and she thought it was her fault, and Yin Zhan ignored her. Now that her daughter has died tragically in front of her, she cannot kill Yin Zhili, because Yin Zhili is not intentional, and Yin Zhili is the hope of the Yin family in the future, but she can never accept it, so she chose to commit suicide with such a decided attitude Expressing his anger and sadness.
     Yin Zhili burst into tears.
     He missed and killed his own Mei-mei, it was his fault, and now Yin Fu-ren committed himself. Before coming to Yunzhong, he thought that he was no different from everyone else, but overnight, everything changed. The people around him left one by one, as if the debt owed by a previous life was inaugurated, and when he looked back, Yin Jiajia was left alone.
     It seems that he is the only one left in this world.
     Ji-Heng still has Jiang-Li, but what does he have? He has nothing. He picked up the knife on the ground, and his expression became choked for a moment, and he crumblingly held the knife and placed it on his neck.
     With just one click, you can be relieved. Whatever the fate of fate, what responsibilities must be fulfilled, all disappear!
     Yin Zhili closed her eyes. The sound of the wind and snow outside seemed to be crying, and she wanted to rush in at any time, like the devil's bewitching, and bewitched him into the dark vortex together. Eternal life could not see the light.
     With a snap, the knife in his hand fell to his feet, and Yin Zhili opened his eyes again.
     Not the same, not the same.
     Now that you have sacrificed so much, it would be too kind if you don't pull back a game. Ji-Heng has a soft underbelly since Jiang-Li, but he is just the opposite. He lost everything. The death of Yin-Zhiqing and Yin Fu-ren made his last softness disappear. After that, since then, his heart was as hard as iron, and he became the true Yin family.
     Perhaps this is what Yin Zhan hopes to see.
     As he wished, Yin Zhili slowly stood up, no longer looking at the two corpses on the ground, his expression gradually became cold and distorted. He will take back everything that belonged to him, no matter what, unless he dies, he will never look back.
     It was getting dark, and in the wilderness, the road was difficult to discern, and Jiang-Li and Ji-Heng-2 stopped in front of a cave.
     "Our take a break here." Jiang-Li whispered :  "Those people seem to have gotten rid of, the clouds are deserts, Yin Zhili must be unfamiliar with the jungle and dare not go into it easily. Our break is here Wait for Wen Ji news. "
     There was no answer from Ji-Heng for a long time. Jiang-Li looked back and felt that Ji-Heng's head was resting on his shoulder. His hand was still holding his own hand, holding it tightly, but the person did not feel it. Already.
     "Ji-Heng!" Her heart tightened, and she couldn't care about anything else. Lema stopped and pulled Ji-Heng's hand away. She wanted to get off the horse and check Ji-Heng's situation first, but Ji-Heng's His hands were tight, Jiang-Li managed to break free of his hands, but Ji-Heng fell down immediately.
     Jiang-Li was stunned.
     On Ji-Heng's back, there was also a black arrow that pierced into his back, and a little bit down, the blood was almost solidified. He didn't enter half a branch, shocking, bloody. Along the way, he didn't say a word, but responded with a smile.
     It turned out to be strong.

     Chapter 234 :  Past      

     That arrow was the one that Yin Zhili shot when Ji-Heng took Jiang-Li away. He wanted to aim at Jiang-Li because killing Jiang-Li would make Ji-Heng painful, but at the last moment, he gave birth to a bit of perseverance, and still aimed his bow and arrow at Ji Heng.
     Twenty-three years ago, the scene of Hongshan Temple is repeating itself, the same lone army goes deep, and the same ten faces ambush. If there is any difference, when Ji Jihan went, Yu Hongye was already dead, and when Ji-Heng went, Jiang-Li was still alive. Perhaps because the beloved was still alive, he could rely on Supported for so long, trying to protect her heart.
     Jiang-Li couldn't care about anything. She was emaciated at the moment, and she was so anxious that she burst out of huge energy and dragged Ji-Heng into the cave. She tied the horse to the rock in the cave again, and touched the black to find water and firewood. She had to burn the water to bandage the wound for Ji-Heng. She was unfamiliar with the jungle, but in the woods of Tongxiang at that time, she still had some experience, but it was not easy to find dead branches in snowy days. Jiang-Li went a long way to find some. Carrying the firewood and the kettle full of water, she ran back to the cave.
     Fortunately, Ji-Heng's horse armor bag, there are still flames, Jiang-Li also found some medicinal powder from Ji-Heng, about Situ prepared for him in September before leaving. Jiang-Li set the fire on fire and found a stone bowl to boil water. She took off her robe and laid it on the ground, letting Ji-Heng lie on it. Ji-Heng's eyes were closed tightly, unconsciously, and Jiang-Li tears shed instantly.
     She used to think that Ji-Heng was nothing to stump him, because he was too powerful, and it naturally caused an illusion. He would not be injured, he would not bleed, let alone At the meeting. In fact, Ji-Heng is just an ordinary person. He is about the same size as Yin Zhili. When he is injured, he is also very vulnerable and may leave forever.
     Jiang-Li shivered and tried to calm himself. She could only clean the swords of Ji-Heng as she had seen the doctors before, took off his armor, cut off the clothes that were stuck to the flesh with the sword, and saw the bruises on him.
     He ran in the arrow rain today, blocking the arrow rain with a shield, but there were also some injuries to his body, as well as stab wounds, sword injuries, and scaly wounds. His skin was actually fair and his body was very graceful, as if he was full of strength. Leopard, but at this moment, these scars and blood are like cracks in a porcelain white vase, which makes people want to cry.
     Jiang-Li wants to pull this arrow out.
     She held the quiver.
     For a moment in my head, the words that Wen Renyao had spoken suddenly emerged. He said that when Ji-Heng was 14 years old, he used his divination, and Gua Xiang said that ten years later, Ji-Heng will eventually be robbed of a female misfortune, a wild corpse, and a hawk-peak. Look now, she is indeed the disaster of Ji-Heng. If it was not to save her, Ji-Heng would not have to go into danger, let alone wounds and endanger her life.
     She pulled out the arrow.
     The body under his hand shook violently, and it seemed that Ji-Heng could hear a painful groan. Jiang-Li quickly turned to look at Ji-Heng's look. He frowned, and seemed very uncomfortable. Jiang-Li whispered to him, and he didn't move or answer.
     Jiang-Li held back tears, took the ripped skirt and dipped it in hot water, and cleaned the wound a little for him. Those medicinal powders came in handy at this time. It was then that Jiang-Li discovered that Ji-Heng had many old injuries on his body. It was not an arrow injury, and it seemed that many thoughts had passed. The new wound was old and the wound was scarred. It looked terrible.
     He has walked on the edge of life and death many times, just looking at the startling wounds, and imagining how dangerous his past is. To live to this day is indeed a hard life, but behind the hard life, what people pay is beyond the ordinary people mind. He is only 24 years old now. How many years ago did he begin to get used to this kind of life of licking blood at the knife-edge? Twenty years old? Fourteen? Even earlier?
     Jiang-Li couldn't think of it anymore, her heart seemed to be blocked with cotton, and she couldn't breathe. The tears in the eyes fell little by little on the ground. No one saw it. In her mind, she remembered that the day was outside the account, in the snow, on the plain, watching the red coat running towards herself. He used to be a person who cares about appearance. He likes to do everything in a hurry, elegant and good-looking, but now just to see her, just let him be in a hurry.
     How can He Dehe? Jiang-Li thought sadly that she didn't pay much for Ji-Heng. Her power was so slim that in these tit-for-tat situations, she became a drag on his existence, but Ji-Heng paid him The most precious thing, his sincerity.
     Jiang-Li thought that in her life, she was afraid that she would no longer be able to tolerate others and could not fall in love with others. Sometimes, a moment is eternal. No matter what happens in the future, she will never forget everything today.
     She carefully wiped the wound for Ji-Heng and carefully wrapped each wound of Ji-Heng. At this time, there was still no news of Wen Ji. Jiang-Li was afraid that the firewood in the night would be burned out. When he met the beast, he went out again, took the firebox to find some firewood, and made a few traps to see if he could catch a hare or two. Ji-Heng is seriously injured now. If Wen Ji never comes, Ji-Heng wakes up to eat, otherwise he will be weak and his body will only get better and slower.
     At this time, she exerted all her previous bravery and strength, knowing that just sitting beside Ji-Heng and crying could not do anything. We should try our best to recover what can be recovered. She and Xue Zhao used traps to trap prey in the jungle. After many years, it is not difficult to do it again.
     She ran back and forth many times in a row, and did not dare to go too far. Seeing that the firewood in the cave had been picked up enough for a whole night, she even really caught a gray hair hare. She was overjoyed and used Ji-Heng's sword cleaned the hare, covered it with snow, and waited for Ji-Heng to wake up and bake it for him.
     She had done everything and wanted to do more, as if to do more, she felt at ease. Until there was really nothing to do, she put all her clothes on Ji-Heng, dressed in singles, hugging Ji-Heng, and kept guarding him. The fire was burning quietly by the side, and Jiang-Li suddenly had an illusion. It seemed like a quiet day like this. Even if there is nothing, there is no need to wear brocade, as long as this person is with her, there is nothing else in this life.
     She kept holding Ji-Heng like this, but I didn’t know how long it had passed. The fire in the cave gradually became smaller. She got up, added some new firewood, and it was here that Ji-Heng moved. She hurried forward, ran to Ji-Heng, and called his name nervously :  "Ji-Heng!"
     Ji-Heng's eyes opened. He seemed to want to move his body, but his whole body was hurt. With this movement, his brows couldn't help but frown, Jiang-Li said, "You don't move, you want to drink water. I'll get it for you. "She went to get the kettle full of hot water and sits on the ground, letting Ji-Heng's head rest on her leg, and feed him a little bit.
     His lips were moistened with water, and he was red again, only asking, "Where is this?"
     "Our came into the jungle and I don't know where it was. You passed out and I took you to the cave. All the medicine on your body was used up and the wound was bandaged. Are you hungry? "I hunted a rabbit and grilled it for you."
     Jiang-Li is not a talkative person, but now he keeps talking, as if this can dispel some fears in his heart. Ji-Heng smiled, held her hand, and said, "Good job, little Miss."
     Jiang-Li tears fell instantly.
     Her tears were hot, and she almost burned the tip of her heart. Ji-Heng said, "Don't cry, I used to look at you, I seldom shed tears, I like to laugh most, but now I don't like to laugh, I like crying nose. You Father See you, blame me again for making you cry. "
     When he first met Jiang-Li, Jiang-Li did always smile, the kind of calm, gentle smile that didn't reach his eyes. Even if she laughs, it makes people feel that something is hidden in her heart. At that time, he desperately wanted to see her disgusting appearance, panic or fear, and peeled off her mask. Now that she was covering everything in front of her, showing the most vulnerable side, he began to bear the pain, preferring that she never be sad.
     He reached out and gently wiped Jiang-Li tears, and said, "Don't cry, beaver."
     "You ... you shouldn't do this," Jiang-Li choked. "Anytime, your own temper is the most important thing."
     "You are the most important thing," he answered warmly.
     Jiang-Li shook his head :  "Wenren gongzi gave you a divination that year. After I knew it, I was always afraid that I would kill you. Ji-Heng, if I killed you, I would not be happy in my life , That doesn't make any sense to me. "
     "Silly Miss," He touched her head and smiled. Jiang-Li had never seen him smile so calmly, as if relieved, and unloaded many things, he said, "How can you kill me? You saved me. "
     Jiang-Li frowned.
     "When I was unhappy last time, you sang a song for me, this time you cried, I sing for you, okay?" He was like a man who coaxed his beloved little Miss, who was extremely petting and gentle. Yes, what you want.
     Jiang-Li looked at him, and before he could talk, he slid Jiang-Li legs slowly and slowly.
     "In a moment, I had lost all my feelings, and wept through the tears and wet clothes."
     His voice is soft, ringing in the cave, unlike the stage performers, he is not very excited, but gentle, shy words, like telling a story. It also seems that the people who watched the show got into the show last. Sad and happy clutches are scattered in the night.
     Jiang-Li wanted to see what Ji-Heng looked like, but he closed his eyes and could no longer see his heart. The corners of his lips are slightly hooked, and his voice is also full of memories. In the mountains and wild forests, the sound of singing seduces visitors into the abyss, and the song is full of wind and sky.
     "I'm only destined to be rich and rich, and no one knows how many lives will be clear in a moment. I thought that I would have coquettishly, even now I don't believe in the past."
     Jiang-Li gaze is so dignified, why does this play sound so familiar, as if I have heard of it somewhere. In memory, there seems to be a person who once sang. It was a bright and smiling female voice. On a drunk spring night, by the wall, in the courtyard, on the swing, the female voice and Ji-Heng's voice gradually coincided .
     "This is also a lesson from God :  He taught me to take care of my hatred, to avoid being jealous, to be renewed, to change my feelings, to fall asleep, to return to the bitter sea, and to realize Lan Yin early."
     Jiang-Li lips gradually squirmed, her voice and Ji-Heng's voice were together, tenderly and sadly.
     "He taught me to take away the hatred, to avoid being jealous, to be renewed, to change my feelings, to fall in love with the dead, to turn back to the bitter sea, and to realize the Lan Yin early." It seems that the bitterness of the character can also be thought of. Ji-Heng was resting on her legs, her eyes closed slightly, and she seemed to have fallen asleep. On a night deep in memory, the city was red and green, and the night of the moonlight and spring breeze was like a dusty painting, which was suddenly peeled off and slowly spread out in front of Jiang-Li.
     In spring, the flowers will be red and green, and even the night breeze will flutter over the face with gentle gentleness. The night of Duke House was cold and cold. There was no talking voice in the courtyard. In the back room, the person lying on the couch was pale and his eyes were closed. A previously handsome face became skinny because of weight loss. They are sunken, terrible.
     Situ stood beside the bed in September and whispered, "Sorry, I can't save him. The refined poison ... useless."
     On hearing that, General Ji Ji on the side staggered and almost fell. Situ helped him in September so that he did not fall to the ground. He pointed at the man who collapsed, and his eyes were full of grief. But he still had to squeeze a smile, and said, "It's ... Yeah, to Han Han, he finally relieved. Grandma," he patted the young man standing next to him, and said, "Don't be sad ,this is not your fault."
     Lying on the floor is General Jin Wu Ji Jihan. Since Wen Ji father took his death more than 20 years ago to bring Ji Jihan back, General Ji Lao has been looking for a divine doctor to detoxify. Later Ji-Heng rescued Mo Lan-Princess from Molan. The poisonous Ji Situ was in September, and the world was searching for strange poisons in the world. Situ used poison to attack the virus in September to restrain the poison from spreading. Beat.
     Ji-Heng's choice was to fight together, but unfortunately, God did not care for Ji family, and Situ painstaking efforts to develop the poison he had failed to save Ji Jihan, Ji Jihan died like this. From Ji-Heng's birth to the present, and since Ji-Heng saw him, he is such a dying look. Nowadays he is indeed liberated, but he failed to open his eyes to look at his son, I couldn't talk to Ji-Heng.
     So left mercilessly.
     The young man in red stood before the collapse, and he bowed his head, seeing his beautiful silhouette, but could not see the light in his eyes. He has been here for many years. From a young child who has never been more serious, he has gradually grown into a handsome and handsome young man, and now he is a beautiful young man. He grew up day by day and grew taller every day. Han Han never opened his eyes and looked at him. The young Ji-Heng felt aggrieved for this, thinking that he did something badly, and his father was unwilling to open his eyes and look at himself. But when he grew up, he was personally in the dark, knowing the terrible and ugly truth, he no longer expected in vain, but instead plunged himself into hell and traded with the devil in order to exchange for Duke House. Liveliness.
     This vitality is now annihilated by him. General Ji Ji was worried that Ji-Heng would feel guilty at one time, and even though his own heart was distressed, he still had to smile.
     Ji-Heng lifted his head, his face, even in this kind of bleak atmosphere, even showed a kind of glamorous appearance. However, he just hooked his lips, his expression was flat, and his tone was undetermined, so he used the tone he used to watch the theater on the most days. Ashes are scattered in the mother's grave. "
     When Ji Yunhan was taken away by Wen Ji father, he was still conscious, and the last word he ordered was that if he died, he would burn his bones to ashes and bury him with Yu Hongye. Don't be known by anyone. Ji Yanhan himself understood that his opponents were Empress Dowager and Yin Zhan, and now in Duke Mansion, there are only his young son and father. If Empress Dowager wants to kill people, it is likely that even the grandchildren will not let go. Without perfect preparations, you must not act lightly, but you can only act silly.
     The act of pretending to be stupid was originally a resolution made by General Ji Old himself. In the case of Yu Hongye, he pretended to be stupid, but his own son became the same. Later, pretending to be stupid, it was General Ji Ji who had to do this. He also wanted to hide Ji-Heng from the beginning and wanted to wait for Ji-Heng to tell him when he was older, but I don’t know when it will start, long The older Ji-Heng became impertinent, and even his’Grandfather’sometimes did not know what he was thinking. Until the boy Ji-Heng brought Situ back from Molan in September, and in the study, he asked General Ji Ji who did not know who killed Yu Hongye and Ji Yihan at that time. At that moment, General Ji old understood Now, this grandson has been growing unknowingly at a rapid speed. He had already found out the truth himself and was preparing to get revenge.
     General Ji Ji can't control Ji-Heng's decision. He doesn't even know what Ji-Heng wants to do. Ji-Heng refuses to talk with him and push his knees. As long as General Ji asks, he smiles and perfunctory. In the past, the absent-mindedness could be seen by the gardeners in the house.
     But tonight's Ji-Heng, General Ji feels that although he is smiling, his heart is crying. Although he smiled, as if he didn't care about anything, General Ji Ji thought of Ji—Heng, who was young, crying and shaking Ji Jihan, who was crying and ‘called why his father was not up. Look at yourself.
     After a lapse of many years, the young Ji-Heng and the Ji-Heng in front of him reunited again, which made General Ji Ji feel awkward for a moment.
     Ji-Heng didn't look at the fallen people any more. He turned and walked away. General Ji Ji stopped him and asked, "Where are you going?"
     "Go out for a walk."
     General Ji Ji still had to talk. Situ pulled General Laji sleeve in September, shook his head at him, and said quietly, "Let him stay alone."
     When General Ji looked at the door again, Ji-Heng had already left.
     Today is the Spring Festival. At night, the temple fair is getting more and more lively. On the lake in the city, all the lanterns are floating. Young-Lady Fu-ren are wearing carefully selected clothes and setting up light boats by the lake. From the street, juggling crowds burst out from time to time, as well as pinching people, sugar blowing people, children holding their parents’hands, and there are too many gadgets in their hands. Poetry talents are endless, showing their skills, and there is a good scene everywhere.
     Ji-Heng walked slowly along the lake. He was holding a magnificent gold folding fan, red robes and the ground. His appearance looked like the words upside down beings. Walking here, everyone couldn't help but set their sights on him, with love and fear, for fear that this moody Su Duke would be furious for a moment, and let go of the killing. Only the young Young-Lady, who went out for the first time, dared to stare at Ji-Heng daringly, but lost his head for this rare beauty in the world, and bowed his head in shame.
     In the boat bow in the lake, there was a faint voice of singing and dancing, and there was a stage nearby. Someone was singing on top, and the audience was surrounded by the audience. He didn’t know what to sing. While walking in this bustling lively, he is even more prosperous than the bustling here, but he is not in touch with the lively Jiji, as if a beautiful woman turned into a ghost, walking on the bazaar of the world, the world is soft and red Seeing and seeing is disdain.
     Ji-Heng's mouth was grinning with smiles, and there were countless frivolity in the amber eyes, but his heart was cooled to ice in the warm days of the world.
     His father is dead. If he hadn't let Situ try to rescue Ji Jihan in September, Ji Jihan could live another year. In this year, there may be other vitality. Because he chose to try, Ji Jihan had to take on such a risk, so Ji Jihan died and died in the lively night of this spring, and he didn't even shed a tear.
     Perhaps he was really heartless and heartless, as rumored by the world, so indifferent to his father's death. But Ji-Heng felt that his heart had been cut through a huge crack, and the fierce wind blew in from the outside, leaving him empty.
     Duke house is full of flowers and power, but from his memory, it has been deserted like a gorgeous tomb. He grew up here, he didn't seem to be extraordinarily naive, and he was terribly precocious. Now think about it, he seems to be preparing for revenge long time ago.
     The object of his revenge, the Queen Queen, is now Empress Dowager. One is Junwang far in the clouds. The soldiers under his opponent are fierce and fierce, but what does he have? There is only one empty Duke House, and there is Jin Wujun who does not obey his orders.
     It is a long process from scratch. During this long process, Ji-Heng didn't have any expectation. Revenge is not the same as other wishes. Some people want to be an official, they are desperately studying to plan to win the first place, some people want to get rich, they are doing business with others, they are diligent and brainstorming. Four Seas. Everyone has everyone wishes. After they work hard, they can realize their wishes and they will get what they want.
     But what can he get?
     He knew from the beginning that this revenge was nothing but a life debt owed years ago. Even debts cannot be discussed by ordinary means. What axioms and justice are nothing but mere sight. Where is there such a thing in the world? It would be better for him to find a way out of darkness. And at the end of the road, he won't get anything, Ji Yanhan and Yu Hongye will not come back to life, and what he passed away should not be as carefree as the children of your door.
     The end of darkness is still darkness, and he never seems to find what light should be chased. Once Ji Jihan was alive, Ji-Heng had a hint of innocent hope. Maybe Ji Jihan could wake up one day, he looked at himself and praised proudly that his son had grown so tall and so powerful.
     But the ending was nothing. God seemed to punish him for not having such a trace of innocence, so he even cut off that innocence. He was completely in the dark and could not come out again.
     That's it, that's not bad. Simply living in the world, this is a walk in the bitter sea, sooner or later, sooner or later.
     He looked up and smiled more and more.
     He followed the excitement, followed the crowd's cheers, slowly walked over, and gradually, the lights were left behind him, the bustling was also left behind him, he gradually walked into the street. It was like a place where the poor lived. No one walked in the alley at night. He walked slowly, merged with the night, and walked into the darkness.
     A clear breeze was blowing in the distance, and the wind was intoxicating in the spring night. Ji-Heng looked up and looked at the sky. The stars and stars in the sky were bright, like the gentle eyes of a person. He leaned against the wall and slowly and slowly sits down.
     He is really tired.
     Just go like this, keep going, I don't know when it will end. In the past years, Ji-Heng has never thought of being unable to continue. He was young, cunning, insidious, fierce, and extremely versatile, and had nothing to do. He does not hesitate to use any person or thing, as long as he can achieve his purpose.
     But this resolute collapse suddenly tonight, and the death of Ji Minhan made him really tired. He wasn't afraid. He just was at a loss. He didn't know how long it would take for such a day, and he didn't know if everything he did was meaningful. Yu Hongye has died for many years, Ji Jihan has died, and he can't see all these things that he has done. The enemy is jealous. What can he do?
     He was desperate to die.
     Just then, the voice of a woman was ringing across the wall from him. Someone said, "Fu-ren, they're all out. Are you sad to stay in the house alone?"
     Immediately afterwards, he heard a clear voice, with a smile :  "What can be sad."


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