Married Di Daughter 235-239

Novels      »     Married Di Daughter    »   Chapter 235 :  Dream Night      

     The person who spoke was a woman, her voice was very gentle, and she didn't care about it, and it sounded very irony.
     Immediately afterwards, the person who seemed to be Maid in the yard said, "After my aunt got 1st-Imperial-Scholar, Fu-ren and Young-Lady became more and more aggressive towards Miss."
     "No matter, he just finished second today, naturally a lot of entertainment, Yu Rong is also a last resort, Du Juan must talk nonsense."
     1st-Imperial-Scholar? Shen Yurong? Ji-Heng heard the name and understood it instantly. He knew that Shen Yurong, a new section of 1st-Imperial-Scholar of a while ago, Emperor Hong Xiao told him before that he was preparing to give Shen Yurong a house. I heard that this Shen-1st-Imperial-Scholar came from a civilian home, his family was poor, and sure enough, he lived in such an alley.
     Ji-Heng didn't like to listen to the short corners of his parents, but today he didn't leave. It was about mental distress, too lazy to move, so he sits on the wall and quietly listened to the inside.
     "But today is the Spring Festival, and my aunt is just entertaining. Fu-ren and Young-Lady go to the temple fair by themselves, leaving Miss alone, is it in the house, isn't it deliberately making things difficult? Miss, that is good temper If Shaoye is here, it must be somewhere for Miss. "
     "Begonia, you're talking nonsense again." The woman's voice still didn't care, with a smile :  "They're not here, I just hide some cleanliness, I don't know I'm tired of pretending to act like usual, and can be relaxed for a while. You can't ask for it. "
     "They also have too many rules in the Shen family, and they are not big names. When they were in the Xue family, Miss, they didn't have to work so hard."
     Maid in that yard seemed to be particularly dissatisfied with the Shen family, and uttered a "Miss," clearly deeming the mistress as an outsider. Ji-Heng Listening and listening, I remembered that Shen Yurong’s person, he had actually seen it.
     Yanjing people know that he likes beauty and ugliness, but any beauty must let him glance over it, as if he has received his recognition, it has a great honor. As everyone knows, he doesn't have this hobby. Except for Yu Hongye, the women in the world are nothing but vulgar in his eyes. When Wen Renyao pointed Xue Fangfei to him above the restaurant, his heart was full of disdain.
     The Xue Fangfei, who was born in a superb city, is very proficient in ‘Guqin, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy, but unfortunately in the eyes of Ji-Heng, he is useless. Just watching her indulgence and docile attitude towards Popo aunt, Ji-Heng felt dazzling for the sake of the Shen family. Only said "beautiful is beautiful and has no soul". He didn't think about what kind of woman he would like in the future, but he was so rigid and cunning as all the puppets of Guan-Fu-ren. The women hiding under the smile would not look at it. How can such a person be called "the first beauty of Yanjing"?
     For Xue Fangfei impression, I just stay here, but I didn't expect to see a different Xue Fangfei across the wall today. Unlike Xue Fangfei, who was seen above the restaurant, she is not a fool, nor is she hopeless, at least knowing what she likes and what she does not like. Unfortunately, she likes Shen Yurong more than herself, so that she is willing to sacrifice her "like" for Shen Yurong.
     So love is the stupidest thing in the world, like someone, treat each other with all your heart and heart, what's the point? Might as well be a sober theater person, just laugh and applaud.
     "Miss, want to swing?" Maid asked.
     Xue Fangfei in the wall smiled and sighed :  "It's been a long time. So it's rare that they are not in the house, and I can be free." She seemed to be sitting on a swing, shaking.
     It seems that through the wall in front, a stunning woman with a hibiscus flower can be seen sitting on a swing with a smile on her face. This picture is even better than Chunguang. He can jump up to the wall to look at the beautiful color, but he does nothing, still leans against the wall, and a mocking smile evokes the corner of his mouth.
     Even though she is extremely clever, she has only two looks, but she can only be trapped in such a shabby house. Even swinging in the yard has become a luxury. Is there anything worse than this in the world? At least Ji-Heng feels that Shen-Fu-ren is a bit pitiful, and she is also stupid and pitiful. In such a hopeless and humble day, she can enjoy herself. Is that stupid person stupid?
     At least in Ji-Heng's eyes, after only seeing Shen Yurong a few times, he knows that Shen Yurong is by no means a person who can live in peace. The ambition and -ual desire in his eyes are stronger than his talents. He and the woman in this yard who can swing on a swing and become happy are by no means the same person. Not the same kind of person, it is destined to stay together for a long time, Xue Fangfei thought that the happiness is full, sooner or later it will be destroyed. Xue Fangfei couldn't see it because she was in the show, and he could see it because he was the showman.
     "We have been in Yanjing City for several years, and we haven't been able to see it at a temple fair." Maid muttered, "Fu-ren actually said it was Miss, his looks were too strong, and he was afraid to be seen by others. This is obviously an excuse. How can there be? In this way, aren’t all the ugly people going to the temple fair the next day? "
     Xue Fangfei laughed in the yard :  "Begonia, why do you care so much about it, isn't it just a temple fair? When you were in Tongxiang in the past, you were too late?"
     "It was because I was in a lot of time in Tongxiang, but I haven’t been to Yanjing City once. This is not as good as when I was in Tongxiang. There is nothing wrong with slavery, but I am aggrieved by Miss. Shaoye asks Miss every time he writes a letter, and it's hard to make up for Miss, only times. "
     Xue Fangfei laughed :  "A Zhao, stupid, I believe what I say, and now it is a few days new. When he really travels around in the future, Jiangjiang, where can I see a small temple fair? When the time comes, I wrote to ask him what he saw again, and told me this sister. "
     She didn't seem to be angry at all. Even in the face of such unfair harsh treatment, her mother-zi and aunt's meanness, she didn't take it seriously, and said everything was excellent and pleasant. So at this head, the irony of Ji-Heng's mouth was stronger. I've seen silly, never seen such a silly. There are even such silly women in the world. No wonder how many men always look forward to 1st-Imperial-Scholar Fu-ren when they talk about it. There are many beautiful women and many silly women. There are far fewer silly women. Especially this woman is not really stupid, but pretends to be stupid. The difficult thing is that she is so deceptive for so many years. Or does it feel good at all?
     Ji-Heng is not a woman. I don't know the woman's mind, and I don't want to know.
     However, he listened to this woman, but found it a bit funny, yes, not only is he a bad person in the world, but also a miserable past, the first beauty of Yanjing, Shen-Fu-ren It was silly to have been so miserable, and he faced the darkness prematurely, so I don’t know who was even worse.
     "Miss, don't you complain at all?" Maid inside was talking again, "Miss, wouldn't write back these things to tell Lao-ye, Lao-ye and Shaoye know, they will definitely Miss, somewhere in front of you. Miss, where you have been wronged before. "
     "Cuckoo, these are nothing." Xue Fangfei voice rang from the other end, and she said, "I was willing to do so because of Yu Rong. Yu Rong knew what I had done. If Yu Rong also took these things I did, Then I will be chilled. But the way of husband and wife is worth studying, who can do all the best in heaven? If you really carefree days, there are only a few younger ones. There is nothing to choose from. Regretfully, just go ahead and brace your teeth and bite your teeth. I can't help but find another way, but don't take it to heart now.
     What choices do you regret? Ji-Heng raised an eyebrow, Xue Fangfei said something, but he still regretted it? However, she was refreshed and had the courage to desperate. I want to come, from a strange place to marry the Yanjing City, before marrying a lot of good things, after marrying, I'm afraid she never thought about it. Ji-Heng is different. Since many years ago, he has gradually accepted the fact that "Ji Yihan will die someday". As for the changes in life, he doesn't seem to have done a stupid woman well.
     The lively Maid said, "I heard that there is a theater team at the temple fair tonight. We have been in Yanjing City for several years, and the nubi have never been to the theater again. It is a pity to think about it."
     Xue Fangfei voice was gentle, she said, "What's that? I can sing in operas, even if it's not good, you treat me as a actor, how about I sing a song to you?"
     At this moment, Ji-Heng under the other wall was slightly surprised. Young-Lady never voluntarily sang operas for his subordinates. The subordinates are the third-best among the three, six, nine, and so on. Young-Lady Fu-ren are happy to watch opera, but never take the initiative to sing. And when he was a kid, he sang opera only because of Master’s bad taste. He was young and didn’t know much, so he was deceived into learning to play. But I haven't sang for a long time, but I didn't expect that Shen-Fu-ren, who seemed generous and graceful, would also sing.
     She still sings,
     Fu-Young-Lady in Suo Lin's pocket happened to have the same name as Xue. In the play, Xue Xiangling first married a distant land, but was separated from his family during the escape due to the flood. Life is misguided, and great changes have taken place.
     Xue Fangfei voice is very clear, especially moving at night. It's already the time that Fu-Young-Lady got married.
     "After the wedding, I don't think that time is like an arrow, and staying young is still beautiful. I took Jiaoer to travel around the long street in the car, and I heard the number of people crying.
     She did not feel sad when she sang the sad words, but she was rather playful, as if she didn't take it seriously. Not like a sad woman, but like a young child from Jianghu, with a bit of novelty and a little surprise, but only a little bit of self-pity.
     She really doesn't look like a bad person.
     "The hunger in the belly called Lang Jun, he was not there, but why did he not see the pavilion in the deserted countryside? Could it be that the ruthless flood had been fulfilled? He and everyone carried the boat together. The old’Mother might be killed in a wave, and he was a hard-working man. Bury the belly of the fish. Can you see my husband and Xuantai? Follow me to my hometown to find the corpse. "
     Ji-Heng was a very fussy person. The world said that he loved watching movies, but he liked to watch the people in the scenes unable to extricate themselves, and burst into tears for the sorrows and joys that were not his own. And he will always be a theater person. Xue Fangfei sang very perfunctoryly. She didn't integrate into the play at all. She didn't see the sad words, but she was sung a little happily. She wasn’t really a Liyuan child, and she couldn’t sing much more wonderfully, but it was strange that Ji-Heng didn’t have any dislike, but instead sits on the other side of the wall, listening quietly, as if the voice With warmth, making him cold and cold like a heart fished out of the ice cellar, also softened and calmed down.
     She is singing    :   
     "In a moment, I had lost all my feelings, and wept through the tears and wet clothes."
     "I'm only destined to be rich and rich, and no one knows how many lives will be clear in a moment. I thought that I would have coquettishly, even now I don't believe in the past."
     "This is also a lesson from God :  He taught me to take care of my hatred, to avoid being jealous, to be renewed, to change my feelings, to fall asleep, to return to the bitter sea, and to realize Lan Yin early."
     In the drama, Xue Young-Lady's family changed drastically and they had to go to someone else house to be a substitute. It was at this time that the sense of being wrong was born. When Xue Fangfei sang here, he also brought a touch of tadpoles, which was very slight but captured by Ji-Heng. This beautiful young Fu-ren was probably not happy, but her sorrow may be very different from that of Xue Xiangling in the play. Xue Xiangling changed his status from rich to poor. Xue Fangfei clearly had better life, but he had no freedom.
     It was this embarrassment that made Ji-Heng realize that this woman is naturally not stupid, she knows everything, but just endures in silence. No matter what she was for, but he himself was a little bit similar to the disease. But Xue Fangfei and Ji-Heng are completely different. Her songs are all calm and calm, bright and quiet, as if even if the future is dark, she will not hesitate to walk in generously, without a trace fear.
     In the spring breeze of Yanjing City, in the night of Sheng Geman Wu, how many dirty deals were buried in the darkness, her singing sounded like a ray of light, lighting up the darkness for a moment, revealing the true look.
     But Ji-Heng also knows that such a frank and clear woman, who sees everything clearly and chooses a silly road, will sooner or later be buried in such a night. The person beside her pillow doesn't need light, and the same person in the dark, Ji-Heng understands what such a person wants more than anyone. Once Shen Yurong needs to sacrifice the Fu-ren, he will not hesitate to sacrifice the Fu-ren.
     The Fu-ren knew this, but her trust broke her cleverness and she was deceived.
     What to say?
     Ji-Heng didn't know what to say. She sang a lock-in pouch. The singing woman did not enter the drama. She was calm and enthusiastic, but he was a fan on the wall, but the original person who watched the movie seemed to be infatuated. This is really a strange experience. But there is no doubt that he was on one side of this wall, listening to the rough singing of a woman on the other side of the wall, and the mood of despair to die was gradually dissipated.
     He got peace from the play. What fears a woman without fear? Even if he had no one to rely on for the rest of his life, it wouldn't be a big deal.
     He slowly got up from the wall.
     At that end, Xue Fangfei was swinging on a swing, and a smile came from the yard. The beauty smiled, how many people would like to see Fang Rong. Ji-Heng stood under the wall, and for a moment, suddenly felt that Xue Fangfei might really be a beauty.
     The beauty is in the skin, but the beauty doesn't know it. Her gesture is soft and cute, and she looks like she has no temper, but it is like a wild flower that has not yet bloomed. Before it opens, she looks no different from other flowers. When she opened up enthusiastically, no one knew what kind of color it was.
     Unfortunately, she was planted in the yard of the Shen family, and in this life, she did not know if she had any chance to open it for herself.
     He ticked the corner of his mouth, his eyes filled with emotion, and walked along the wall to the door of Xue house. The door was made by Chai Jun, and it was not very tight. From the gap, you could see the appearance of the yard. He gave a slight glance, and saw that in the night, the young woman in a commoner's clothes was sitting on a swing, smiling brightly, in the courtyard.
     Under the Milky Way, her smile is softer than the spring breeze, her eyes are like stars, and she is extremely bright. She seemed to perceive someone eyes, turned her head to look at the door, and still had a smile on her face. The momentary picture was beautiful enough to keep the memory here for a lifetime.
     Xue Fangfei stopped the swing suspiciously, Begonia asked, "Miss, what's wrong?"
     She shook her head, walked to the door, thought about it, pushed the door open, and saw that there was nothing empty, except that the gentle wind blew on her face, as if an old man's greeting. She stepped out of the door and looked towards the end of the alley. It seemed that she could see a red streamer, like a charming figure, and nothing disappeared.
     Only a faint aftertaste.
     In the stormy night, I had a dream about spring night. There was an intoxicating spring breeze in the dream. Jiang-Li saw herself when she was still "Shen-Fu-ren". She was left in the house by Shen's mother and Shen Ruyun alone during the Spring Festival. She saw the red-haired The beautiful man went to the other side of the yard, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and heard her sing a lock.
     There was still a gurgling voice in the dream, but the voice gradually drifted far away. But she was weird. The memory stayed in the scene where someone walked across the door and looked at her through the gap of Chai Ying. Her smile didn't go away, the other side eyes smiled, and there were thousands of years apart.
     Until Jiang-Li wakes up from a dream.
     Wen Ji and Zhao Yan have arrived and are guarding outside the cave. When Jiang-Li got up, Ji-Heng was coming in from the outside. He handed the kettle to Jiang-Li, with a smile :  "Awake?"
     Jiang-Li looked at his face, for a while he could not tell if it was strange or familiar, and looked at him in a daze.
     "What's wrong?" He smiled puzzled.
     "Ji-Heng" Jiang-Li hesitantly asked, "Three years ago, on the night of Spring Festival, did you walk past the door of the Shen family?"
     The scene in the dream was so clear that everything seemed to have happened. The time was too long, she didn't know if it was true or false. But what she remembered last night, Ji-Heng sang the locket bag, she also sang it.
     Ji-Heng raised an eyebrow and sits down on the floor in front of her. He said, "It seems you remembered."
     "You and me" Jiang-Li was speechless.
     She used to think that the entanglement between her and Ji-Heng was just a phrase "beautiful and beautiful without soul". Although she thinks that Ji-Heng is right, it is not a friendship. But I didn't know that night, the night Ji Jihan died, he sits outside his own wall and listened to himself singing a song.
     Is this a fate of fate? Jiang-Li didn't understand, but if she was let back that night, she wouldn't let Ji-Heng go that way, at least talk to Ji-Heng again. When he was most desperate.
     "I will teach you opera in the future," he touched Jiang-Li head, and said, "you are not singing."
     Jiang-Li :  "" She suddenly thought of more important things, and then looked at Ji-Heng, eagerly asking, "What happened to your injury?"
     Yesterday, Ji-Heng was very injured. Today he can talk to Jiang-Li in such a refreshing manner, but Jiang-Li is still very worried and suspects that Ji-Heng is pretending.
     "It's okay, Situ medicine is very good." Ji-Heng said :  "For such minor injuries, you don't need to worry about it."
     "But you are badly hurt."
     "No," Ji-Heng said. "Did you get hurt?"
     Jiang-Li shook his head. She still wanted to see Ji-Heng's injury, but was hidden by Ji-Heng. Zhao Yan came over and said that Ji-Heng was okay. Jiang-Li asked Yin Zhan and Ji-Heng again. What happened in the meantime. She only knew Yin Zhan was dead.
     Ji-Heng looked at her and smiled slightly. "Do you really want to know?"
     Jiang-Li nodded.
     Having reached this point, it doesn't seem to make any sense to keep it hidden. Ji-Heng said, "Okay, let me tell you."
     Jiang-Li listened for a long time.
     Ji-Heng told her everything, from the entanglement between Yu Hongye Ji Jihan and Yin Zhan Lin Roujia, to what Yin Zhan did for Lin Roujia for so many years. Even earlier, Ji-Heng started investigating the truth as a kid, retrained the dragon rider, and ordered Jin Wujun. The worst battle in the Red Mansion was nothing but the end with Yin Zhan, but in the end General Ji Ji gave his life.
     Jiang-Li could hear the lowness in Ji-Heng's words. Although he didn't care about his expression, he felt pain in the death of General Ji Old. He talked about the past in a bland tone, but Jiang-Li imagined the bitterness of growing up from a young boy in those years. Noble children of other families, when working hard for a beautiful future, he devoted himself to hell. He gave up his future and bet on a gamble without knowing the outcome.
     He never sincerely, because a man like him is truly sinful.
     The darker a person is, the deeper they are, the more they yearn for light. The more lonely he is, the more he has to wear bright clothes and listen to lively drama. Walking through the bustling, as if it could not be discarded. But in fact, his relatives left one by one, and in the end, he was the only one left alone.
     He had a lot, just stopped, and looked at Jiang-Li with a smile, Wen said :  "I have nothing now, little Miss, do you want to repent?"
     Jiang-Li looked at him.
     His eyes were gentle, but Jiang-Li felt very sad. These days, the calculation of Yin Zhan is over, but there is another Yin Li. There are also the Yin family soldiers in Qingzhou, how Ji-Heng will be tired of this battle.
     She said, "Who says you have nothing?" Before Ji-Heng answered, she continued :  "Isn't there me?"
     He laughed and said, "You are exactly like the past."
     On the spring night of many years ago, after listening to her sing a play, he knew that this was a stupid woman. Once you fall in love with someone, you will be indifferent, like a moth. She clearly missed it once, but still dare to fall in love with someone again, and give up her true heart bravely.
     Her heartfelt simplicity and casualness made him unable to extricate himself, plunged into it, and willing to give everything to himself. So he also changed from a savvy hunter to a gentle beast, willing to be tamed by her.
     "I didn't think of it before." Ji-Heng said :  "I only let people protect Jiangfu, but I didn't expect Yin Zhan to use Ye family as a threat. I have asked Kong Liu to take people to Ye family. That happened. "
     Jiang-Li said :  "It has nothing to do with you, it is Yin Zhan too despicable."
     Actually, he can think of using this method, he is also a general anyway, even if the soldiers don't tire of cheating, but this should not be used in an unobtrusive way.
     "I will send you back to Capital City as soon as possible. After returning to Capital City, Kong Liu will send men and women to stay with you to protect your safety. Try not to leave. People of the Ye family live in Duke House." Ji-Heng Says :  "Duke House is always safer than outside."
     Jiang-Li heard the words, realized something was wrong, looked at him, and asked, "Aren't you going back with me?"
     "Yin Zhili started his troops in Qingzhou. The Yin family had many soldiers. Yin Zhan had planned for many years and intended to rebel. I promised the emperor that he would take the Jinwu Army to calm down the rebellion, and I couldn't leave." Ji-Heng laughed.
     "You and you have never been on the battlefield." Jiang-Li eagerly.
     He smiled, "You don't believe me, A Tan." He said, "Many things have no choice. I can only rest assured by killing Yin Zhili myself. I don't know how long this battle will last, etc. When I come back, I will marry you. "
     "You can't marry someone." He pulled Jiang-Li towards himself, and pecked her gently.
     "You really decided?" Jiang-Li was so sad that she didn't want to be separated from Ji-Heng, and knew that Ji-Heng was really dangerous. But she also knew that Ji-Heng had decided to go. In her case, she is Ji-Heng, and she will also go and learn about this indebtedness that has lasted for two generations. She has no reason to influence Ji-Heng's decision, like a person, not to imprison him, she respects his choice.
     "I'm leaving you, will you forgive me?" He smiled.
     Jiang-Li smiled, and she said, "If you promise me, you will come back to marry me, and I will forgive you."
     Her eyes were bright, frank and clean, and Ji-Heng felt a little stunned, feeling content and grateful from the bottom of her heart. She easily smoothed out all her violentness and darkness, making him calm.
     He solemnly answered :  "I promise you."

     Chapter 236 :  Parting      

     From before to now, Jiang-Li did not like to leave this thing very much. When she was in Tongxiang, she said she was very sad when she got married and said goodbye to her father and brother. She is sadder now than then, because she knows the danger of going to Ji-Heng. This is not a good fight. Yin Zhan is fighting for the strength of the fish to die, for many years of hard work and solitude, just for the arrival of this day.
     Empress Dowager even spared Emperor Cheng to deal with Emperor Hong Xiao , let Emperor Cheng and Emperor Hong Xiao compete with each other. If Ji-Heng interspersed in it, the current Yin family wants the benefit of the left-hand fisherman. easy.
     Jiang-Li also remembered the injury to Ji-Heng, she said, "Can't you go later?"
     "Yin Zhili will do it soon," Ji-Heng laughed. "You can't let people take the lead."
     Jiang-Li is silent, Yin Zhili has become another person, Yin Zhan’s death, his life experience, Yin-Zhiqing’s death, will make him a huge shock one after another, and ordinary people will still collapse under such circumstances. Jiang-Li thought that Yin Zhili would not collapse, but it was not the Yin Yinli in the past. When he decided to use himself to fight Ji-Heng, Yin Zhili, who would not bear the people because of the war, had disappeared.
     She thought of Yin-Zhiqing again. Yin-Zhiqing, for Ji-Heng to block Yin Zhili sword, I don't know if he is still alive. Jiang-Li hopes Yin-Zhiqing will get better. Yin-Zhiqing did nothing wrong. In some ways, she was born in the Yin family.
     Ji-Heng has already put on the armor, which is different from his laziness and grace in the past. Maybe Ji-Heng is very similar to Yu Hongye, but in his bones, it is exactly the same as Ji Yanhan. Jiang-Li hasn't seen Ji Minhan, but just looking at what Ji-Heng looks like at the moment, you can probably imagine how handsome General Wu was then.
     He patted Jiang-Li on the shoulder, and said, "What are you still doing? Let's go."
     Ji-Heng seemed to have completely recovered, but Jiang-Li bandaged for him last night. The scars were too deep and too deep, and it was impossible to recover in a very short time.
     "If you can't survive it, don't force it," Jiang-Li said seriously. "Ji-Heng, there is nothing more hopeful than survival, and everything is possible only if you survive."
     "Little Miss," he narrowed his eyes. "You haven't always been selfless? Why are you selfish today?"
     Jiang-Li reached out and hugged him, softly :  "I'm just afraid of losing you."
     In her life, she lost relatives, but fortunately she recovered. But God will not care for her again and again. Many people lose what they lose, and never return. For example Ji Jihan, such as Yu Hongye, and General Ji old.
     People can be strong or calm, but as long as they are mortal, they will not be so calm that they may lose their lover and remain indifferent.
     The smile on Ji-Heng's face faded. He was hugged by Jiang-Li, and he seemed to feel the uneasiness in Jiang-Li heart. He sighed and said, "Trust me, beaver."
     Zhao Yan walked out of the cave and came into the said :  "Daren, the cars and horses are ready."
     Jiang-Li let go, Ji-Heng said, "Let's go, I'll send you."
     Ji-Heng To stay in Qingzhou, Jiang-Li must return to Yanjing City. Yin Zhili can capture Jiang-Li once, and naturally he can also capture Jiang-Li twice. On the battlefield, Ji-Heng may not always be able to protect Jiang-Li, and the sword has no eyes. Jiang-Li does not perform martial arts. If he is injured, it only drags Ji-Heng.
     Jiang-Li also knows this reason, so even if he is worried, he still agrees with Ji-Heng's decision. Ji-Heng picked dozens of people to escort Jiang-Li back to Capital City, and they took the waterway, but it was hard to be noticed.
     It was just that the farewell path was extraordinarily short, as if it hadn't been long before reaching the pier.
     The ships were docked, and the water of the Changhe River was frozen, but the Yongding River was not. The passenger ships were floating on the river, and the world and the earth were almost connected, especially magnificent. Jiang-Li wore Ji-Heng to send her fox fur cock and looked up at Ji-Heng.
     She was reluctant to take the steps to get on board, and taught Ji-Heng to laugh. He said, "Why didn't you find out before, you're so sticky." He said this in a ridiculous tone, as if joking, Jiang-Li couldn't laugh at all. She is accustomed to smiling, and often uses smiles to cover up the emotions in her heart. Today, however, she can't squeeze a smile. It even gives birth to a kind of meaninglessness. If you really can't laugh, don't laugh.
     Jiang-Li stomped his feet, put his hands on Ji-Heng's face, closed his eyes, and gently kissed his lips.
     Someone said that she didn't know the shame, and she also recognized the bad style. She just didn't want to regret herself. She let go of her hand. The next moment, Ji-Heng held her back and pulled her towards herself, deepening the kiss.
     In the sky full of snow, the young man kissed the petite young girl. He kissed deeply and warmly, absolutely and tenderly, just like his contradictory heart with careful piety. Jiang-Li lifted his head to accept the kiss, only felt the enthusiasm in his eyes, as if to shed tears.
     The guards turned around and didn't go to see the lingering kiss farewell. The lone boat on the river was quietly moored, leaving the people on the pier, as if they had seen all the plays in the past, it was less than half a word at this moment.
     It was a long, long time before Ji-Heng let go of his hand, and Jiang-Li didn't look at him anymore. She turned, raised her skirt corner, and got on the boat.
     The escorts followed the ship, Zhao Yan and Wen Ji stayed beside Ji-Heng. They were Ji-Heng's left and right arms. This time they were going to the battlefield with Ji-Heng. Even when they saw this parting, they also felt sour, let alone mention Ji-Heng.
     Jiang-Li stood at the bow of the ship, and the ship was slowly moving forward. In the snow, Ji-Heng stood tall and straight. The bright red was especially bright in the snow and ice. It seemed to be so overbearing in her memory. Never fade. Jiang-Li suddenly remembered that spring night in the dream, the spring breeze swept through the lively crowd, and he stopped at her wall. She was still a woman. He had just despaired to death for his father's death, but it was a misguided affair, and in a play on the swing, he got his first love.
     I don't know when this war will stop. Jiang-Li hopes that he will be able to meet him again on the spring night, the birth of all things on the spring day, he reappears, and continues to write the story that has not ended from very early.
     The boat was getting farther and farther, and the snow was getting heavier. Soon, the red turned into a red dot. Jiang-Li stared at the place without blinking, until Feng Xue completely covered his figure, and there was no shadow of Ji-Heng in front of him. Only the wide river reminded them of their separation.
     I hope to meet again soon, I hope to see each other.
     From Qingzhou to Yanjing, it takes twenty days to travel by water. When Jiang-Li returned to Yanjing City, Ji-Heng should have told the people in Duke House in advance. Ye Mingyu and others did not live in Ye House now, but all lived in Duke House. So when Jiang-Li returned to Yanjing City, he first went to Duke House.
     There is a white lantern hanging outside Duke House. During the days when Jiang-Li was absent, General Ji old was buried. Originally, the only grandson of Duke Prefecture, Ji-Heng did not wear filial piety to the old general Ji. If it was Ji-Heng temper in the past, people in the city would say that Ji-Heng was indeed an unfilial king. But this time it didn't, because Xia-Junwang rebelled in Qingzhou, and Ji-Heng took Jin Wujun to vindication. For heroes, people are always tolerant. Although the hero reputation in the past was not good, and he did not necessarily have any exploits, but he did so, and found a reason for his failure to return to Capital City in time.
     After all these years, there are only Ji-Heng and General Ji in Duke. Ji-Heng has a temperamental temperament and is not good at people. General Ji Ji was no longer in the middle, so the court was deserted, and when the general of the Ying military fell down, few people came to pay homage. Duke Man Ding is rare, and the white lanterns and filial piety hung at the door only make people feel indifferent to being carved into the bones.
     When Jiang-Li returned to Duke House, everyone was shocked.
     Ji-Heng really let Ye Mingyu move everyone to Duke House, Jiang-Li went into the yard and saw Ye Mingyu and Xiao hong arguing. Because of these many people, it finally dilutes the cleansing spirit of Duke House. Xue Zhao first discovered Jiang-Li and called, "Sister!"
     The crowd then realized that Jiang-Li was back.
     In September Situ was holding a mortar for pounding herbs and came over. Everyone came around, Xue Zhao said :  "Sister, brother-zi wrote that you are coming back these days, you really are back these days!"
     Ye Mingyu didn't bother to correct Xue Zhao wrong name, just thinking that this boy was about to bring up relatives with Jiang-Li. He looked up and down Jiang-Li :  "How about, beaver, aren't you hurt?"
     Jiang-Li shook his head, Xue Huaiyuan said in a deep voice :  "A raccoon, this time you are too impulsive. You should not use your own risk to save Our. If you are in trouble, how will Our be with you?"
     His name was "A Beaver", and Ye Mingyu wondered why Xue Huaiyuan and Jiang-Li were so close. But now is not the time to investigate this, and besides Xue Huaiyuan is right, he nodded and echoed :  "Ali, Yin Zhili really wants to do something, Our will play with him, you little Miss, how can you Are you here to save Our? "
     Jiang-Li said :  "Xue Teacher, A Zhao, Mu-Uncle, cousin, September Miss, and Begonia, are you okay? Did Yin Zhili embarrass you and all the people in Ye family were killed, and Begonia Finger "
     Begonia retracted his hand slightly, and said, "It's nothing. The face was ruined in the past, and one finger was worth nothing. They knew Jiang-Miss, and they were soft-hearted, so they would make Jiang-Miss. , Concern is messy. It's because I'm tired of Jiang-Miss. "
     "Why do you say that, if it weren't for me, the Yin family wouldn't have taken you away." Jiang-Li replied and asked, "What happened that day? I only know Yin Zhili captured you, but I don't know what happened to you. "
     Ye Mingyu sighed and said, "At the time, the incident happened suddenly, and Our never thought of it."
     It turned out that before Jiang-Li went to the Ye family and the night before the Ye family's accident was discovered, someone sneaked into Ye house and took Ye Mingyu away. Those people are not the same as ordinary Jianghu assassins. They are like soldiers in a military camp. Ye Mingyu is on the other side. When they woke up, they were out of the city gate, and they didn't know where it was, but they should not be far from Yanjing City. They heard the voice of those people saying, "Junwang." They guessed that the person behind the instructions might be Yin Zhan, at which time Begonia was dragged out and cut off a finger.
     Xue Huaiyuan should be smarter, and soon guessed that these people took them away for fear that the purpose was not pure, but to threaten someone. With the Xue family father and son, Ye family uncle and Shi-zi at the same time, it seems that there is only Jiang-Li.
     "Xue Teacher guessed that maybe they were going to use Our in exchange for you, but also wanted to block it, but within a few days, Our was stunned and thrown at the gate of Yanjing City. Daren found in Kong Liukong of the cycling team Our, then brought Our back. "Ye Shijie explained.
     Jiang-Li heard Kong Liu name and knew that Kong Liu appearance was not accidental, but Ji-Heng had arranged it in advance. Xue Zhao said :  "Kong Daren came later and said it was her brother-zi to say hello. Now Yefu is not safe. Let Our live in Duke. Our only knew that General Ji Old had died."
     Xue Zhao voice was also a little murky. Ye Shijie frowned and asked, "Cousin, what's going on? What's wrong with Su Duke and the Yin family? The Yin family suddenly rebelled. Did you already know something?"
     Jiang-Li and Ji-Heng have a close relationship. If Jiang-Li knows nothing, I'm afraid it's impossible. But Jiang-Li didn't want to show Ji-Heng's past to others. That was too dark and too cruel for Ji-Heng. She did not want others to look at Ji-Heng with sympathy.
     Xue Huaiyuan seemed to understand Jiang-Li mind, saying :  "Jiang-Miss, in the end is just a daughter's house. These things are important. Su Duke may not tell her that the more he knows, the more he will The more dangerous I want to come to protect Duke, the more I will say nothing. "
     Ye Shijie looked at Jiang-Li, and when Jiang-Li didn't want to say more, he understood a bit in his heart. This cousin has always been stubborn about things she doesn't want to tell, and no one can shake her decision.
     "I think it's better for my sister to go back to rest first." Xue Zhao looked at Jiang-Li face and said, "As for the future things, come to Japan long, and slowly, it's not too late."
     This is Xue Zhao siege for her, Xue Huaiyuan also said, "Yes, Jiang-Daren is also waiting for Jiang-Miss in the house, go back, Jiang-Miss, go back, Jiang-Daren can be at ease "
     Although Ye Mingyu also had a question to ask Jiang-Li, those things were not important. He was concerned about the health and safety of Jiang-Li. Xue Huaiyuan and Xue Zhao both said so, Jiang-Li looked spiritual Not good, he said, "That's also A Li, then you go back to the house to rest. I'll see you in the house tomorrow. There are guards in the Duke house. You don't have to worry about Our. Although Su Duke is this person, he is right You are pretty good. I won't say anything. "
     Ye Mingyu has always felt that Ji-Heng's looks are too prosperous, which is not a good thing. Moreover, the rumors about Ji-Heng are really not very good. But three times, Jiang-Li was rescued by Ji-Heng. Moreover, Ji-Heng and their Ye family are not relatives, why bother to let them live in Duke House. The merchants who let the official family avoid can live in their own houses. If it is not for Jiang-Li sake, why is Ji-Heng so proud? Men know men best. Ji-Heng does nothing more than love the house and Wu. It is really hard to have Jiang-Li heart. At least compared to the former family relationship between Jiang-Li and Houfu who was far away from Houfu. In addition, Ji-Heng personally led a troop to march. It can be seen that he is a real man, not just a beautiful white face.
     By the time he returned from Yefu and returned to Jiang's house, it was already evening. Jiang-Li returned to Yanjing City without prior notice. When Ji-Heng's escorts brought Jiang-Li back to Jiangfu, the doorman was shocked when they saw Jiang-Li, and hurriedly notified Lao-ye Lao-Furen.
     In the evening breeze hall, it became crowded for a while.
     Lu-shi was as enthusiastic as ever, and shrewd in her most days, she was showing some real worries at this moment. She looked up and down Jiang-Li and said, "Little pear, where are you going? Is it? Where did you come back from? "She looked confused, apparently, Jiang Yuanping didn't tell her about Jiang-Li.
     Jiang-Lao-Furen was very calm. He just showed a little excitement about the sudden return of Jiang-Li, and it was as usual. She didn't ask Jiang-Li much, she only asked Jiang-Li if she was injured, and she didn't ask anything afterwards. Jiang-Li guessed that Jiang-Lao-Furen probably knew something, and the grudges of the Ji and Yin families did not say, at least Jiang-Lao-Furen should know that Jiang-Li has gone these days Where and why. Jiang Jingrui wanted to ask a few more words, and was interrupted by Jiang Yuanbai. Jiang Yuanbai looked at Jiang-Li and said, "Follow me."
     He used these words all the time, Jiang-Li was already used to it, and Jiang Yuanbai returned to the study. Jiang Yuanbai asked :  "Do you know that this time you are really impulsive! You went out to make chips for the Ye family, so where do you put the Jiang family?"
     "Sorry, father," Jiang-Li replied. "At that time, things were urgent, and I didn't think that much."
     "I'm afraid you will do it even if you think about it." Jiang Yuanbo snorted coldly. "You are closer to the Ye Family and Xue Huaiyuan Father and Son than the Jiang Family."
     Jiang-Li has nothing to say. In all fairness, Jiang Yuanbai is absolutely right. But people hearts are fleshy, Ye Mingyu treats her as if she had come out, and Xue Huaiyuan is her biological father and son. People have distant and close relatives. Even though Jiang-Li is not a person who remembers not to beat or to eat, some things that the Jiang family sometimes does are inevitably chilling. She won't hurt Jiang's family, but everything has come first, but she can't do it. Perhaps it was because she was selfish in her bones.
     Jiang Yuanbai couldn't speak when he saw Jiang-Li. Jiang-Li simply knew his mistake, but he didn't change it. This stubborn temperer didn't know who it was. Anyway, unlike him, not like Ye Zhenzhen.
     "I asked you, did Ji-Heng tell you about the origin of the Ji and Yin families?"
     Jiang-Li heart jumped, his face was normal, his eyebrows were raised, and he answered, "No."
     "Really?" Jiang Yuanbai looked at her suspiciously.
     It's strange that Jiang-Li lied to Ji-Heng, always revealing his feet, and his heart was very unnatural, but to Jiang Yuanbai, lying was like a fire, and he didn't think about it at all. Jiang Yuanbai sighed and said, "Never mind, these are not important."
     His sigh was long, but Jiang-Li heard something strange from his words and asked, "What happened to my father?"
     "Yin Zhan's reaction is tantamount to grilling me on the fire. Before he approached me several times, he went to Jiang's house several times and wanted to come to His Majesty and knew it. His Majesty let him and me do it, not Reminder, it can be seen that I have made a plan long ago and also have to deal with my Jiang family. There is no clarification now, but it is because of the friendship between the monarch and the minister for many years. Don't blame Your Majesty for being stupid. "He turned his head and shook his head." Jiang family, you can't stay in the center anymore. "
     Jiang-Li didn't say anything, in fact she had seen it for a long time. Emperor Hong Xiao was afraid that there was no purpose to keep the Jiang family in the country from the beginning. In the past, when King Cheng was still alive, the family of Jiang was still able to make checks and balances. Now King King has disappeared, and the family of Jiang is left to no avail. Not because Jiang Yuanbai has rebellion or what, but because most of the literary ministers in North Han are Jiang Yuanbai students. This is not a good thing for Emperor Hong Xiao .
     The emperor's art, Jiang Yuanbai, who was a prince, taught Hong Xiao the emperor. He should understand this better than anyone, but unfortunately, the people who are in it will inevitably be confused by the situation in front of them. The officer Jiang Yuanbai has done too much and is too smooth. If he wants to endure love, the more he can't bear it. The things that should have been done many years ago have been delayed for so many years.
     At that time, the Jiang Lao-Da people style was not retained by the Jiang family, so the decline of the Jiang family is sooner or later. It is not a bad thing that Jiang Yuanbai is able to make up for himself now. Cultivate future generations, such as Jiang Jingrui, Jiang Jingyou, and the Jiang family, not necessarily when they prosper again.
     It depends on how the individual chooses.
     "Little pear," Jiang Yuanbai said, "After I resign, you are no longer the first assistant Qianjin. A love affair with Ji-Heng"
     "Your Majesty's Jinkou Yuyan, is there a violation?" Jiang-Li interrupted what Jiang Yuanbai didn't finish.
     Jiang Yuanbai stared at her, as if she understood her mind for a moment, he slowly said :  "It seems that you like him very much."
     "Yes," Jiang-Li answered frankly. She said, "I really like it."
     "What if he died on the battlefield?" Jiang Yuanbai frowned. "You know, he has never been on the battlefield, but Yin Zhili is the son of Yin Zhan, and he has learned to win since childhood. If he loses, the emperor's Marriage is not counted. "
     "My father was wrong." Jiang-Li looked up at Jiang Yuanbai, her voice was clear. For a moment, Jiang Yuanbai seemed to see that one year ago, Jiang-Li was taken back from Qingcheng Mountain to Yanjing City. After eight years, she The look that appeared in front of me. Jiang Yuanbai was amazed by the resoluteness of her daughter's eyebrows. She had deep perseverance in her tenderness. Her voice was also gentle, but she was like an oath, she couldn't shake it.
     She said, "Ji-Heng will die, but he will not lose. He will come back alive, and I will marry. If he does not return, I will send him a widow for his whole life. However," the corner of her mouth slightly raised, it seemed With a smile, Suddenly, Jiang Yuanbai had a flower in front of her eyes, and only felt that Jiang-Li and Ji-Heng smiled very similarly at this moment. She said, "He promised me that he must return."

     Chapter 237 :  Request      

     Life in Yanjing City was quite peaceful. Xia-Junwang's rebellion caused a stir in Yanjing City. The people were just surprised that this brave general was actually a chaotic thief, booing in his heart, but it was only a few days of talking. Some wise men are worried and do not know when the war will end. More people have nothing to do with themselves. The Yanjing City in Qingzhou is still so far away. I heard that Yin Zhili mainly led troops to the south of Qingzhou, but Yanjing City was in the north. The heavenly emperor is far away, and the people naturally have no sense of crisis, and even feel that the threat of Yin Zhili is not as great as the king who originally became.
     However, the insider knew that it was not. Yin Zhan has been planning for this day for many years. To some extent, he actually has more chips than Cheng. His soldiers and horses have not slacked off for a day in the past few decades. Once released, it seems as if the beasts come out of the cage, unstoppable. Yin Zhili was trained by Yin Zhan from an early age. When he was polite, he looked like a harmless and flamboyant gongzi. When he was a general, he had superb tactics. And very thoughtful, first surrounded from south of Qingzhou. The people of Beiyan have spent so many years of peace, they have been neglected in tactics, but Yin Zhili has won several cities and lost their helmets and armors. However, after Yin Zhili entered the city, he did not let the soldiers burn and plunder, and did not bully the people. On the contrary, he was very reasonable and actually wanted to make some kind of benevolence. Therefore, the people in the city he subjugated did not violently resist.
     If Emperor Hong Xiao is a tyrant, I am afraid that the people in the past will open the gate to welcome the rebels into the city. Fortunately, Emperor Hong Xiao is still a prince, otherwise it is possible to win without fighting with Yin Zhili method.
     The south of Qingzhou has changed dynasties, and the people are not very clear, but the courtiers in the dynasty and the field can not be more clear. Many courtiers have a calculation in their minds. Although this young Prince has won the battle with He Cheng, Yin Zhili is not the king. Yin Zhili biggest reliance is on the invincible Yin family soldier. Under Emperor Hong Xiao , the new general is still young, but there is a Jinwu army. Unfortunately, it has not been used for many years, and General Jinwu was dead. Although Su Duke himself brought Fate, but he has never been on the battlefield, the odds of winning is not known.
     The courtiers are also miserable. This has always changed the dynasty. One emperor and one courtier, no one wants to be the one to be sacrificed. It was a headache just to go to a king and another Yin Zhili.
     Ye Shijie told Jiang-Li about the affairs of the Central China. The more such a juncture, the more it will be employed. Some modest ministers chose to protect themselves, but Wei Nuo Nuo didn't dare to get ahead, but Ye Shijie was a young man of good age, enthusiastic and outspoken, but he was increasingly leaned on by Hong Xiao di. Of course, he had to be so quick and important that he couldn't get rid of Xue Huaiyuan's instructions behind the scenes.
     Ye Shijie told Jiang-Li :  "You Father has recently referred me to several ministers whom he has made good. I think he looks as if he intends to give in."
     Jiang-Li smiled and said, "At this time, for the Jiang family, it is already the best choice to stay away."
     Ye Shijie heard the words and nodded, "So too."
     Jiang Yuanbai said since he and Jiang-Li said he was going to resign, he really started to make concessions. It was just that there were quite a lot of courtiers with him, and there were a lot of his disciples in North Han. But he always does it piece by piece. Especially, Jiang-Li sees Jiang Yuanbai meaning and intends to leave some connections to Ye Shijie. After the two Jiang Yuanbai brothers actually resigned, many years later, maybe Ye Shijie will have a place in the dynasty, and after a few years, when the children of the Jiang family re-enter the government, they may also get Ye Shijie care.
     This is the officialdom. Former people planted trees and enjoyed the coolness. Jiang Yuanbai didn't necessarily like Ye Shijie to do this, but also to give Jiang family another back road. But for Ye Shijie, this is not bad. These connections are in Jiang Yuanbai hands and are the lifeblood of the Jiang family, but in Ye Shijie hands, they can add icing on the cake, and a win-win situation is not bad.
     "If you resign from Father," Ye Shijie said, "The Jiang family should not stay in Yanjing City. Where are you going?"
     Jiang Yuanbai first assistant over the years has also blocked many people way. Although most of the people who became the king's right have been cleaned up, there are inevitably still missing fish. It's inevitable that he stayed in Yanjing City after he resigned. Jiang-Li shook his head :  "My father didn't tell me his intention."
     "Listen to you," Ye Shijie looked at her, "you don't plan to do this?"
     "Your Majesty has married," Jiang-Li smiled. "Sooner or later, I'm from Duke House. Where else can I go?"
     Ye Shijie stared at Jiang-Li :  "Have you thought of other options?"
     "I didn't think of other options." Jiang-Li laughed.
     She seemed to be serious and did not make a joke, but Ye Shijie understood it. He smiled and whispered, "Sometimes, I really envy him."
     His voice was too low, Jiang-Li didn't hear him clearly, and when Jiang-Li wanted to ask again, Ye Shijie had turned his back. After speaking with Ye Shijie for a while, Jiang-Li left, Xiao hong stood on the lantern and held Jiang-Li, Ji-Heng was not there. This noisy myna also looked a lot lonely, no longer Everyone enthusiastically went to speak, but it was quieter than before.
     In the large Duke Mansion, there was no longer the sound of General Ji Ji practicing swords. Jiang-Li walked into the flowerbed. I wonder if it was her illusion. I always felt that those bright flowers were also dim in color. I don't know if this year's snowstorm was particularly devastating, or Jiang-Li seeing things. She just felt that on that day, with Ji Ji Heng and Ji-Heng, they heard that roasting venison with everyone was still in sight, as if it was yesterday, but today it’s a human being. Not as busy as before.
     Xue Zhao was talking to Situ in the flowerbed in September.
     After Xue Zhao returned to Yanjing City, about he realized that he is no longer able to protect the people around him. Then he followed Ye Mingyu whip practice, and Situ gave him some poisons in September. Those poisons were applied to the whip. Although they would not cause people to lose their lives instantly, they would also make people suffer a lot. Xue Zhao whip method is not very sophisticated at the moment. He may hurt himself during practice. If he sees the blood poisoning the throat, it is also very dangerous for him.
     Situ and Xue Zhao got along very well in September. Ye Shijie didn't practice martial arts, and had no interest in killing. Xue Zhao said nothing about North Han, so even though the two were similar in age, they really couldn't play together. Jiang-Li went to the flowerbed and saw Xue Zhaohe shadow of Situ in September. He wanted to say hello to them. He heard Xue Zhao said, "September Miss, you said your brother-zi is in danger in Qingzhou "
     Situ voice in September was flat. "There is no place on the battlefield that is not dangerous."
     "I'm worried." Xue Zhao voice was a little stuffy. "It would be nice if my leg was not injured. I can follow along to Qingzhou."
     "You go?" Situ said in September :  "The enemies on the battlefield are not one or two. You have to face thousands of people. If it is not the situation, no one will take the initiative to fight. Don't It's easy to say. "
     Xue Zhao looked at her :  "Miss, in September, when the Molan was in turmoil, the war was terrible."
     Situ did it for a while in September, but he didn't say anything. Even if every time she talked about her past, she looked like a light cloud, as if those things had passed a long time, she didn't care. But in fact, whenever she thinks about it, she still feels palpitated. She can only work hard without thinking to make herself look indifferent. It was so tragic to see the familiar people including Maid, who had served her from an early age, to her parents, brothers and sisters.
     "Of course." After a long time, Situ answered in September, "you can't imagine."
     "So haven't you thought about revenge?" Xue Zhao asked.
     The outside Jiang-Li heard a little while hearing the news. Just as she became a Jiang-2-Young-Lady, the first thing to think about was how to avenge Yongning-Princess and Shen Yurong, that Situ How about September? Witnessing the death of the whole family, haven't you ever thought of revenge?
     "How?" Situ voice in September became a little cold, she said :  "Someday, I will return to Molan and get what should belong to me, but now I am weak and still want Depend on others. But for ten, twenty, or even thirty years, I can bear it. As long as I don't die, my revenge will never die. I came to Duke House and promised to work for Ji-Heng. But it was because he had made a deal with me, and it was a matter of time before, helping me kill Molan back. "
     Jiang-Li stunned, this time I really understand it, the relationship between Situ September and Ji-Heng. However, Jiang-Li always felt that Ji-Heng was willing to promise Situ September, not entirely for trading, but to use Situ September’s ability to poison Ji, but he saw his shadow from Situ September. Some are sympathetic to the disease. Ji-Heng, a man who is passionate and ruthless, really wants to say that he is ruthless, but at some point he is willing to pull people.
     "What's your expression?" While Jiang-Li was still thinking, Situ voice came in September. She said, "Do you think I'm ruthless, or do I think I'm vengeful and look down on me?"
     "How?" Xue Zhao said, "If someone hurts me or hurts the people around me, I will avenge the people around me at all costs. If I do wrong, I will pay the price. I think in September, Miss, I did it right, if I was in September, I would do the same. And in September, I could see the pros and cons, and judge the situation. On the day of Miss’s killing in Molan in September, I wanted to come to my whip practice well, and I went back with Miss’s in September. ”
     "You?" Situ smirked in September. "My family's hatred has nothing to do with you, what do you do?"
     "Miss is my friend in September." Xue Zhao said earnestly :  "My friend needs help, and I naturally want to take a shot."
     After a while, Situ voice came to mind in September, and she said, "Let's take care of yourself, I don't want to take you, but I'm afraid you're in danger."
     Although she could not see Situ face in September, she could hear her voice with a smile. Jiang-Li leaned over and smiled slightly. Anyway, something good has happened in Duke House these days, right? She is also Miss, and of course, she can see Situ mind in September, but she doesn’t know when A Zhao nerd will find out? But nothing more. Although these guessing and thinking processes are laborious, they will come to mind in the future, but it may be an interesting memory, so let them explore it by themselves.
     Jiang-Li turned and walked away.
     This war lasted very long. January and February have passed, the year has passed, and even Spring Day is almost over. The people of Beiyan finally realized that something was wrong. It seems that I can clearly see the real strength of Xia-Junwang. After losing several cities south of Qingzhou, Yin Zhili stood there as a king, calling himself Xia-Wang. Yin Jiabing is very brave, but no matter how brave, there is still no way to cross the Yongding River in Qingzhou.
     Ji-Heng learned that political power was not a war with soldiers, but the Jin Wujun he led was actually very good. Different from the rules of Yin Jiabing, I heard that Jin Wujun was hard-bone. After a long period of time, the young soldiers of that year are now also old, and the newly recruited soldiers are difficult to integrate into it for another half a year. It stands to reason, Such a Jinwu Army may have its own name, but it is not as good as it was then. Under the premise that it is very unfavorable in this way, Ji-Heng was able to do so, so that Yin Jiabing could not go any further, which was surprising.
     But because of this, it is very difficult for Jin Wujun to move forward and completely destroy all Yin family soldiers.
     As a result of the war ahead, someone was delivered to Jiang-Li every day. Sometimes the Yin family soldiers won, and sometimes Ji-Heng won. The battle report was only a few lines long. Jiang-Li could not guess what the situation of Ji-Heng was from those lines. He could only meditate on his own. Sometimes Ji-Heng got up and walked, sometimes he sits. Drink tea in the account. In such a day-by-day pass, Jiang Yuanbai also dealt with many things in North Han and planned to resign in a few days.
     On the day he was going to resign, Jiang-Li asked Jiang Yuanbai to take her into the palace.
     "What are you doing in the palace?" Jiang Yuanbai frowned. Jiang-Li is not a person who likes to enter the palace. In the palace, she does not know anyone now.
     "I want to see Your Majesty," Jiang-Li replied.
     "Father doesn't have to worry. I see His Majesty, not for the family of Jiang, but for the Duke House. At the time Ji-Heng explained to me one thing and asked me to explain it to His Majesty. I think it's almost there now. Time Father, I won't trouble the Jiang family. "
     Jiang Yuanbai looked at Jiang-Li for a while, and he felt more and more powerless. He is about to resign, but Ji-Heng is the most trusted courtier of Emperor Hong Xiao The imperial edict of marriage was almost a warning given by Hong Xiao di. Jiang Yuanbai could not control Jiang-Li family affairs, nor could he control Jiang-Li. Even in a way, Jiang-Li is now a Duke man, and even the people of the Ye family have lived in Duke mansion. What can he do, he can't intervene and dare not intervene in Duke House thing.
     Therefore, Jiang Yuanbai waved his hand and said fatefully, "Well, if you want to go, go."
     Jiang-Li laughed :  "Thank you father."
     Suddenly seeing Jiang-Li smile, Jiang Yuanbai also stunned. Since Ji-Heng was on standby, Jiang Yuanbai rarely saw Jiang-Li smile easily. Most of the time, she looked at the sky in the yard and didn't have to think about it. She also knew that Ji-Heng was thinking of Ji-Heng. This daughter looks independent and generous, but when she likes someone, she is really like all girls who have a sweetheart.
     Jiang Yuanbai couldn't help but test :  "Little pear, if we resign, Our will leave Yanjing"
     "Father, let me stay here and stay with Jiang's house," Jiang-Li replied.
     Her eyes were still as clear as that year, but Jiang Yuanbai saw her unshakable determination from this gentle discourse. He was silent for a while before he said, "You have to think about it."
     "I already thought about it."
     Jiang Yuanbai looked at Jiang-Li with certainty, suddenly a little confused. Jiang-Li temper made him think of Ye Zhenzhen, who died early. Ye Zhenzhen died early that year, and later he married Ji Shuran, thinking he was happy and happy. Few thoughts about Ye Zhenzhen. But looking at the appearance of Jiang-Li, he thought, it seems that Ye Zhenzhen many years ago is so stubborn.
     At that time, Jiang-Lao-Furen went to the Ye family to propose a family. Although the Jiang family was an official family, the Ye family was not very happy at first. The fear is that Ye Zhenzhen was marred in the past because she was a merchant. But Ye Zhenzhen herself saw Jiang Yuanbai in the backyard and turned back to tell Ye-Lao-Furen that she was going to marry.
     After Ye Zhenzhen passed through the door, he actively told the story to Jiang Yuanbai, and Jiang Yuanbai was still laughing at her. Every woman in the world takes Qiao, for fear that others will look down on herself. I like a man, and I have to say only three points, but Ye Zhenzhen never lied. She told Jiang Yuanbai directly that she really liked him so much.
     Jiang-Li and Ye Zhenzhen are nothing like her. She is much more sane and more cunning, but now she and Ye Zhenzhen are very similar. They are the same candid, and they don’t hide their minds. What they are Say what.
     Is this a good thing? Jiang Yuanbai wondered, the reason why Ye Zhenzhen could not die, was because Ji Shuran calculated, in the final analysis, it was because of himself, but Jiang Yuanbai also acknowledged that because of Ye Zhenzhen's unreserved love, he actually had Some don't look down on Ye Zhenzhen.
     What about Ji-Heng? Ji-Heng saw Jiang-Li express his mind so frankly, what would happen to him? Will he despise Jiang-Li like himself, and even live up to Jiang-Li?
     He looked at the daughter in front of him, the girl was slender, soft and moving, and the perseverance of his eyebrows could not shake a point.
     No more, Jiang Yuanbai sighed in his heart, this is all life. What's in his life, how can he understand the mortal.
     His back froze slightly and said, "Then just do what you think."
     Jiang-Li smiled :  "Thank you father."

     Chapter 238 :  Distortion      

     Two days later, Jiang Yuanbai took Jiang-Li into the palace.
     Jiang-Li had originally planned that Jiang Yuanbai and Hong Xiao di would rejoin when they resigned, but Jiang Yuanbai insisted that Jiang-Li deal with matters related to Duke House first. Jiang-Li didn't know how Jiang Yuanbai worked and told Hong Xiao di. When he went out, Jiang Yuanbai only told her that Su Gonggong would take her to see Hong Xiao di. As for how to say after meeting Hong Xiao di How to do it depends on Jiang-Li himself.
     Along the way, Jiang Yuanbai was silent, and Jiang-Li didn't speak. In her mind, she couldn't relax thinking about what she would say when facing Hong Xiao di. That day, she told Jiang Yuanbo that it was to deal with matters related to Duke House. This was true, but it was not entrusted by Ji-Heng, but Jiang-Li himself could not understand some questions. These days Ji-Heng is not in Yanjing City, she always thinks about what happened to Ji-Heng in the past. In the past years, Ji-Heng alone has undertaken many things that he should not admit. The past events are irreversible, but Jiang-Li still hopes to learn more about Ji-Heng's past. She heard about Ji-Heng's past from Situ September and Wen Renyao, and sometimes thought of the tragedy of Yu Hongye and General Jin Wu misfortune in the past. Thinking about it, she also came up with something wrong. Place.
     This is the secret of Duke House. She can't tell others that Ji-Heng is not in sight, so she has to find the answer herself. However, in the process of seeking answers, Hong Xiao di approval was also needed. Jiang-Li knows that Emperor Hong Xiao is an emperor who has tolerance and ambition and has ambitions and means. She does not dare to take it lightly. Even though Ji-Heng now seems to be Emperor Hong Xiao’s confidante, her companion is like a companion tiger Moreover, the past of Yu Hongye and Ji Yanhan was also involved in the royal scandal. Jiang-Li was not sure what Hong Xiao di attitude was about this matter, so she must see Hong Xiao di in person to determine what to do next.
     After entering the palace, Su Gonggong arranged for someone to pick up Jiang-Li. Jiang Yuanbai didn't keep up, only let Jiang-Li go by himself, waiting outside. Jiang-Li didn't quit, followed Su Gonggong to enter, along the way, the eunuchs along the way couldn't help looking at Jiang-Li, his eyes faintly sighed.
     Who would have thought that the Jiang family, the daughter of the infamous Di Daughter, who was almost forgotten in the back of his head, has now become the quasi Fu-ren of Duke House. Especially now that the Jiang family is not as good as before, Jiang-Li has become the most glorious one of the Jiang family. No wonder the world often says that Feng Shui takes turns, but the 2-Young-Lady of the Jiang family looks gentle and gentle, and can surrender Su Duke Ji-Heng. It can be seen that it is a powerful tool and should not be underestimated.
     Su Gonggong was very respectful to Jiang-Li, Jiang-Li didn't dare to neglect, Su Gonggong stood at the gate of Yang Xin Dian, and said :  "Jiang-2-Young-Lady, the emperor is in Yang Xin Dian, you Come in. "
     A little eunuch outside informed that Su Gonggong took Jiang-Li into it. In the temple, Emperor Hong Xiao was sitting at the table, Jiang-Li approached and found that he was practicing calligraphy. His words are also very imperial, boundless, like the dormancy of the past many years to this day, finally no longer need to disguise, showing the domineering of the Nine Five Years.
     Jiang-Li salutes :  "His daughter-zi has seen His Majesty."
     Emperor Hong Xiao put down his pen and said, "Get up." Look at Jiang-Li.
     Jiang-Li stood up and looked at the emperor.
     Her expression was as calm and calm as ever, reminding Emperor Xiao Xiao of the Mingyitang school exam, Jiang-Li won the top spot, he personally gave a gift, and saw the vicious and mischievous Jiang-2-Young-Lady is completely different from others. After a lapse of more than a year, she seemed to have not changed at all, still as gentle and calm as she remembers, even in the face of his emperor.
     He knew that Jiang-Li had always been courageous. This can be seen from the beginning when she took the Tongxiang people to play the Shi Shiming drums in front of Chang-An Gate. No wonder Ji-Heng treats her differently, and Emperor Hong Xiao thinks about Jiang-Li stepmother, looks at her, and finally relaxes.
     He said :  "Shoufu said that you want to see You because of something about Duke House. You have something to say to You. What do you have to say now?"
     Emperor Hong Xiao is actually less than ten years older than Jiang-Li, and his tone of speech is like the elders facing the younger ones. In some ways, Hong Xiao di, like Ji-Heng, was forced to grow up at a very young age, so their temperament seems to be completely free of the innocence of young children and the spirit of young people. Under intrigue, it quickly matures. This one seems to be called a treacherous giant, but only those who know the inside know the blood and tears represented by these four words.
     "Her Majesty, the courtiers came here today, indeed for the sake of Duke House. The courtiers asked her servant to show Empress Dowager Niang-Niang."
     Emperor Hong Xiao’s face changed slightly, and he looked carefully at Jiang-Li, and said, "He even told you this?"
     Jiang-Li was silent, Ji-Heng was in a cave that day, and told the entanglement between the Ji family and Yin Zhan for many years, and naturally also told Jiang-Li Empress Dowager's identity. Ji-Heng said that Emperor Hong Xiao should have placed Empress Dowager under house arrest. For Empress Dowager, Emperor Hong Xiao would not let her go.
     Jiang-Li knows that this matter involves royal secrets after all, and he is not the same as Ji-Heng. After all, Emperor Hong Xiao also uses Ji-Heng, but he has a woman who can be useful to Emperor Xiao Xiao no. If Hong Xiao di realizes that he is threatening, he will remove it without hesitation. The best way is to pretend that you don't know anything. The more you show, the more dangerous you are.
     But she couldn't, and she had to figure out one thing, even at the risk of being suspected by the emperor. What she can do for Ji-Heng is limited, at least helping Ji-Heng find the truth.
     "What do you want Empress Dowager to do?" Hong Xiao di asked.
     His voice was low and oppressive, but Jiang-Li didn't move, just lowered his head and whispered softly :  "There is something about Ji Fu-ren who wants to ask Empress Dowager Niang-Niang."
     "Don't you say it?" Emperor Hong Xiao said :  "Ji-Heng told you everything, he really wasn't going to die."
     "My daughter-zi is Duke," Jiang-Li replied, "Never betray Duke."
     She knew what Hong Xiao emperor was afraid of. An emperor who grew up like him would have been wary of those around him and would not easily believe others. About Ji-Heng's approach in the eyes of Emperor Hong Xiao , he was dazzled by women, ridiculous, and totally disapproved.
     Sure enough, Emperor Hong Xiao heard this, but just asked :  "Oh? Forever? Then I asked you, what if Ji-Heng can't come back to Qingzhou this time? What will you do for a lifetime? Forever Jiang-Li, you might look at yourself too high. "
     "Your Majesty underestimated the courtiers," Jiang-Li replied. "If Duke does not return to Qingzhou this time, the courtiers will remain in Yanjing City, waiting for him. If he is dead, the courtiers are willing. I had a bunch of hair, went to the door alone and stayed with him for a lifetime. It wasn't always so difficult, and it was passed overnight. "
     Her voice was mild, as if she was talking about a fact that was so small that Emperor Hong Xiao could not turn his head to look at her, as if to see her expression clearly and see if Jiang-Li was lie.
     Jiang-Li looked at him frankly, her eyes were firm, and people could not help but feel that it was unforgivable to doubt her determination.
     Emperor Hong Xiao snorted and said, "Fancy words."
     Jiang-Li laughed instead. From the words of Emperor Hong Xiao , she could see that Emperor Xiao Xiao had not only the gentleman Zhiqing but also a little sincerity for Ji-Heng. It is because of Ji-Heng's consideration that Hong Xiao di is so alert to himself.
     This is much better than she originally planned.
     "So, do you have to see Empress Dowager?" Hong Xiao di asked.
     "Please Your Majesty."
     "I can promise you that when Ji-Heng left, I begged you to take care of you. I didn't expect that I could take care of you before you came. You are in Duke house, and I don't want to intervene. Empress Dowager asks for the answer, but you have to ask yourself, but one thing, I must remind you that Empress Dowager is a lunatic. If you irritate her, you can bear the consequences, it depends on you. "
     Jiang-Li heard the words, but smiled. She knelt down respectfully again, and thanked Emperor Xiao Xiao , saying, "Your Majesty Many Thanks."
     She thought that Emperor Hong Xiao also knew about the revenge between Ji family and Empress Dowager, otherwise he wouldn't take it so lightly. But this way, it is convenient for her to act. When she worshiped this way, Emperor Hong Xiao became impatient and greeted Su Gonggong and asked Su Gonggong to take Jiang-Li to meet Empress Dowager.
     Everything went much smoother than Jiang-Li had expected.
     Su Gonggong said :  "Jiang-2-Young-Lady, come with our family."
     Jiang-Li exited the Yangxin Hall and followed Su Gonggong out. Su Gonggong's direction seems not to be Kunning Palace, but rather to be a cold palace, and there are no people along the way. Jiang-Li walked and understood a little in my heart. I am afraid, as Ji-Heng said, the emperor has placed Empress Dowager under house arrest. Also, Yin Zhan died and Yin Zhili rebelled. Emperor Xiao Xiao Hong had expected this day to come. He might even know that the evils committed by Empress Dowager had already come to this end. Naturally, he would not maintain the false mother-child relationship. friendship.
     Su Gonggong took Jiang-Li to an abandoned palace, saying it was abandoned because there was not even a sweeping Maid on the outside. The yard was small and empty, and a thick layer of dust had accumulated on the ground, as if no one had swept it. Jiang-Li guessed that I was afraid that the Leng Palace would not be so depressed. I did not expect that there was such a deserted place in the palace.
     The whole courtyard was quiet, as if no one lived here. Su Gonggong walked outside the door of the innermost room and said softly, "Jiang-2-Young-Lady, please come in. Our house is waiting outside. If you finish, or if there is anything Things told the miscellaneous family to come in again. "
     Jiang-Li thanked Gonggong, pushed the door and walked in.
     With a squeak, the door seemed to have passed for a long time, and finally it was pushed by someone, making a sour and obscure sound. By this push, the dust was flying in the air, it was clearly day, but the room was dark like a night. There seemed to be a sound in the dark, the woman snapped, "Who?"
     Jiang-Li paused and said, "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang." She said, and opened the curtain in the room.
     The room suddenly lighted up a bit.
     A woman is sitting in front of the dresser. She was so uncomfortable that she narrowed her eyes, Jiang-Li saw that the clothes on this woman didn't seem to be washed for a long time, and the white coat had become dirty and yellowish. Her hair was also greasy, not wearing any jewelry buns, but still holding a delicate bun, and her hair became more and more dirty. She looked at Jiang-Li side by side, her eyes sternly examined, her face was aging and stubborn, but she was eloquent, as if trying to swallow Jiang-Li alive.
     "Who are you? What are you doing here?" She repeated again.
     This is Lin Roujia, now Empress Dowager. Since being put under house arrest by Emperor Hong Xiao , she has become this virtue. Hong Xiao di will not support her deliciously and deliciously, especially among those who learned that Xia-Noble-Fae was killed. Although Hong Xiao di did not use Empress Dowager to punish him, but Roughness makes Pozi worse, which is tantamount to Empress Dowager's death.
     She has been pampered and treated for so many years, and even when she was the most disappointed in the asylum at Hongshan Temple, Yin Zhan was in front of her and she took care of her. Wherever she lived, it seemed as if she had trampled her pride on the ground. Even so, she maintains her dignity as Empress Dowager.
     Jiang-Li was unwilling to fulfill her pride, knowing that the woman in front of her was so poisonous that killed Yu Hongye and Ji Yunhan, and Ji-Heng’s life changed from then on. She couldn’t possibly give birth to Lin Roujia anyway. Half a sympathy.
     "I am Jiang-Li on Shoufu Mansion, and you can also call me Duke Fu-ren of Duke Mansion in the future."
     "Duke House?" Empress Dowager frowned, and seemed to think for a long time before she realized what Jiang-Li was. She looked at Jiang-Li and said, "It's you, you come here, what? thing?"
     Jiang-Li doesn't seem to have any reason to go to Empress Dowager.
     "I'm here to ask you about the fact that you and Yin Zhan conspired to kill Yu Hongye back then." Jiang-Li answered.
     As soon as this remark came out, Empress Dowager froze, and after a while, she suddenly smirked, "What is the matter with me? It was originally to help the idiot come to the teacher to ask for guilt. What qualifications do you have to ask the family about the past? , Jiang Yuanbai waste, it’s worth mentioning, you don’t think that climbing to Ji-Heng, you can really sit back and relax? Ji family could even kill Ji Jihan, and Ji-Heng will sooner or later die. Under Ai family! "
     Jiang-Li heart burst into anger. Even this anger was more prosperous than when she learned that it was Shen Yurong and Yongning-Princess. How could there be such a shameless person in the world, sitting down and doing harm to the truth? Not only did she not know how to regret it, she also felt complacent. From her eyes, there was only pure malice.
     She is too lazy to talk with Empress Dowager, go straight to the theme, and just said :  "Don’t say anything else, I just want to ask you a word, then you designed it because Ji Fu-ren broke you and Yin Zhan's private meeting. Killed Ji Fu-ren. But in the deep palace, why did Ji Fu-ren appear suddenly? It is up to you to arrange it. You deliberately seduced Ji Fu-ren to come and kill it with Yin Zhan’s hand She silent, right? "
     Empress Dowager's laughter came to an abrupt end, and she stared at Jiang-Li, like a wild beast with hair.
     Jiang-Li was cold. She had long felt that something was wrong. When Ji-Heng told Yu Hongye cause of death that year, Jiang-Li felt strange. Ji-Heng is in it, hard to see. But when she was outside, she could detect something wrong. It is rumored that Yuhong Hongye is clever and cunning, not a reckless person. Empress Dowager and Yin Zhan are in a private meeting, afraid that they will not find a place casually and start to complain. They want to guard it outside. Because in the palace, that person would only be Empress Dowager's confidant. Empress Dowager's confidant is so bad that he can't even stop a weak woman? Still let Yu Hongye break in?
     Nothing makes sense.
     Jiang-Li thinks about it, but they only think that the problem lies with Empress Dowager. I was afraid that it was not a tragedy caused by accident, but a carefully planned premeditation. Yu Hongye, unguarded, became the first pawn to be sacrificed.
     "You're asking the mourning family now, do you want the mourning family to admit it?" Empress Dowager stroked his own hemming edge. This action was made by a girl, which would be very pretty, but she did it now, only Feeling nondescript and creepy. She said, "Everyone is dead. What's the difference between Ai family not admitting it? Yes, it was the Ai family who deliberately let Yu Hongye break in. Who told that bastard always obstructed his eyes in front of Ai family, but he was The ‘Miss in the blue building are worthy of being held in the palm of their hands. What is it? Ai family came from a high gate, but the marriage can not be the master, Yu Hongye is a bastard, but can live like that? Isn't this very unfair? "She raised Raising her chin, a bright smile rose at the corner of her mouth. "The sad family made her die like a dog, without dignity!"
     This man is really desperate, Jiang-Li has only one thought in his mind.
     Empress Dowager said, as if happy, laughing, but his eyes fell into memories.
     Jiang-Li guessed it very well. It was indeed Lin Roujia who deliberately asked Mei Xiang's mother and her grandmother to seduce Yu Hongye to smash her and Yin Zhan's private affairs, and took the opportunity to kill Yu Hongye. Because she really hated Yu Hongye too much, but she was Empress Dowager and she was in the deep palace, but Yu Hongye was General Fu-ren. She could not find a way to kill it, only by Yin Zhan. In the end, she succeeded. Yu Hongye did die, miserable and painful, but she felt relieved and completely comfortable in her heart.
     But when asked, why did she hate Yu Hongye? Hate to kill her at any risk, in fact, there is no direct contradiction between Lin Roujia and Yu Hongye. Even in the early years, before Lin Ruojia got married, she had heard about the Yu family and knew that when the beauty of the glorious Capital City capital fell to the green house, she felt sympathy. At the same time, she was grateful for the fate of being in the Lin family without having to experience those terrible things.
     Since when it changed, Lin Roujia has no way of remembering it, but since she was married, she has become a Crown Princess. Lin Roujia has ceased to exist in the past. Later, in the palace, she married a person she didn’t love, and her husband didn’t love her. In the backyard, everyone was fighting for love. Her unhappy life began to hate her identity of the Lin family. Come.
     It was at this time that Yu Hongye was transformed, from the daughter of the criminal house in Qinglou, to Fang-Fu-ren, the general of Jinwu.
     Lin Roujia is envious of Yu Hongye. Ji Yuhan for Yu Hongye, he did not hesitate to oppose the entire family, he did not hesitate to go to the emperor, compromise for how long, and finally married Yu Hongye into the door. And he also took great care of Yu Hongye, which was jealous.
     Hate people have no laughing people, Lin Roujia has the status and status, originally Yu Hongye did not, but now has. What Lin Roujia didn't have, the right to guard her lover, a bright and happy marriage, Yu Hongye also had it. What she couldn't get, it turned out that she couldn't look down on her, even the sympathizers had it, just like a slap, hitting Lin Roujia face fiercely, hitting her dizzy and turning, hitting her hysterically.
     Sometimes Ji Honghan takes Yu Hongye into the palace, and every time he enters the palace, the satisfied smile on Yu Hongye face can always deeply hurt Lin Roujia heart. Even though she was cared for by Zhan Zhan, she was just like a mouse that couldn't see the light, and couldn't appear in front of people. However, Yu Hongye can, it is clear that Ji Yanhan and Yin Zhan are the same people, both are well-known generals. Her Lin-Young-Lady identity seems to hinder the daughter of a crime man who has not yet come. But why is she getting nothing?
     Her heart was twisted unknowingly. This kind of unwillingness and jealousy reached its peak after learning that Yu Hongye was pregnant.
     At that time, the emperor and Ji Jihan had a good relationship, often calling Ji Jihan into the palace, Yu Hongye naturally accompanied. Lin Roujia also had to say a few words to Yu Hongye. Looking at Yu Hongye belly rising, Lin Roujia can't wait to push Yu Hongye down every time, so that she can taste the pain of losing her son.
     Yin Zhan didn't know the secrets deep in Lin Roujia heart, and often talked about the happy events of her friends. He rejoices for his brother's joy, but has he ever thought that between himself and him, he will never be able to have a child.
     After Yu Hongye gave birth to Ji-Heng, he held Ji-Heng to the palace and showed it to the former emperor. Lin Roujia sits aside, looking at the baby's pink face, and at that moment, a very vicious plan appeared in her mind.
     She seduced Yu Hongye, and deliberately let Yu Hongye "hit" her and Yin Zhan's adultery. She successfully used Yin Zhan to remove the nails in her eyes. From then on, there was no obstacle to her and everything went smoothly. Even today, Lin Roujia does not have any regrets for what she did at first. If you regret anything, the only thing is that Ji-Heng didn't even go out at the time, leaving the evil and harm. I am in such trouble now.
     The woman's appearance is no longer young. She was sitting in front of the dresser, in the dark of the light, Jiang-Li looked at her coldly, and said, "You have done so many crazy things, and you hate Yu Hongye. Ji Jihan is used to it. In the final analysis, what you hate most is Yin Zhan and yourself. "
     Empress Dowager turned his head sharply, and said, "What did you say?"
     Jiang-Li was not scared by the look on her face, but just said coldly :  "What you hate is Ji Jihan and Yin Zhan's distinct status is not much, the same is the general. But Ji Jihan can Yu Hongye will marry her at all costs against her family. But Yin Zhan did not want to marry you because of you at all costs. You are jealous of Yu Hongye and hate Yin Zhan even more. You think Yin Zhan did not say Love you so much, you do so many things, in fact, to make Yin Zhan feel guilty and make him compensate. He did not give you a happy marriage, you have to demand you elsewhere. After all, you are still too selfish "
     Empress Dowager exclaimed :  "You shut up! Nonsense! You Han loves me! What do you know, he loves me!"
     Jiang-Li raised her lips. At this moment, her expression was very similar to that of Ji-Heng in the past. She said, "Do you know why Yin Zhan would not marry you at all costs?"
     Empress Dowager froze and asked, "Why?" She looked at Jiang-Li gaze a little nervous, as if she was very concerned about this answer. Yes, this question has troubled her for the past few decades, but her pride does not allow her to ask Yin Zhan, and nobody around her dares to answer her on this question.
     "Because you aren't worth it," Jiang-Li said word by word.
     "Yu Hongye Yan crowned the capital city, learned to be rich in five cars, and even though she fell into a green building, her character is high, but what do you have? You are just a boring woman who is careful, selfish, vicious, cowardly, and easily provoked to others. Do you know? When you designed to kill Yu Hongye, did you think that Yin Zhan didn't know the truth? I think maybe Yin Zhan just knew the truth. For so many years, I never thought of taking you away, but let You stay alone in Yanjing's palace. "
     Empress Dowager's body trembled violently. Her lips also turned pale and her face pale.
     Jiang-Li knows that since Lin Roujia chose to use a knife to kill people, instead of directly telling Yin Zhan to let Yin Zhan kill Yu Hongye, it can be seen that he still cares about his appearance in Yin Zhan's heart. Although I don’t know what is the past between Empress Dowager and Yin Zhan, it is conceivable that Empress Dowager's life, perhaps the most important, and the most grieving, is Yin Zhan, and even her own son Yin Zhili. Yin Zhan is important.
     Even for Ji-Heng, Jiang-Li didn't want Empress Dowager to be too good. It is harder to live with pain and remorse than to die. She lied and destroyed Empress Dowager's self-righteousness a little bit, so that Empress Dowager lived in pain.
     "Yin Zhan, no matter what, it used to be a hero, and it was a bright and decent thing. Since I was with you, see what he has done, kill his family, kill his wife and children, and be pointed at by the husband Tens of thousands of people scolded and strayed for thousands of years, you said, in the past years, has he regretted it for a moment and regretted that he knew you. If he repeats from the beginning, never meet you again? "
     Empress Dowager stared in amazement and murmured :  "No, he loves me, he loves me"
     "Wake up!" Jiang-Li snapped :  "Look at yourself in the mirror. You are just an old woman. When you grow old, you don't have any character worth remembering. You think you kill. If you have Yu Hongye, you will win? Wrong! Yu Hongye will always stay in her most beautiful time, she will have Ji Yihan's love and her son's trouble until she dies, but what about you? What do you have? Because of you, Yin Zhili became a chaotic thief, and his origins have never been seen. Yin Zhan didn't leave a word with you before he died, why? Because he was finally relieved! He can leave you here and never meet again and again! "
     "No" Lin Roujia exclaimed, turning her head and looking into the mirror. The woman Hua Fa in the mirror was born, and fine wrinkles appeared in the corners of her eyes. Her face was no longer flaky and it was not so easy to blush. In memory, Lin-Young-Lady, who met Yin Zhan on the mountain road, seemed to be another person. As if not her.
     Did Yin Zhan regret it? In Lin Ruojia heart, there was a trace of panic and helplessness. For a long time, she lived on the love of Yin Zhan. Even if Yin Zhan is dead, as long as she knows, Yin Zhan loves her to death, and her life is not a waste of life.
     But Jiang-Li tore her dreams apart, which made her look like a joke, and her dignity disappeared. She looks like an abandoned woman abandoned by Yin Zhan.
     Yin Zhan really doesn't love her anymore? Many years ago, she did not love her, because she was vicious, selfish, and killed Yu Hongye, so Yin Zhan was reluctant to take her away, and let her grow old here.
     She been here for a lifetime!
     Empress Dowager took the cup on the table in despair and threw it into the mirror in front of him. The mirror "cracked up" shattered, and the portrait of the woman above was also broken. Some pieces of the mirror scratched Lin Roujia hand, she didn't even notice it, and murmured in her mouth :  "Impossible, he loves me, he loves me"
     Outside the gate, Su Gonggong heard the movement inside and asked, "Jiang-2-Young-Lady?"
     Jiang-Li said :  "It's okay, Gonggong." She looked at Lin Roujia, Lin Roujia looked wildly, and did not look at Jiang-Li, but squatted down and hugged her head. From the beginning, she was completely meticulous and completely collapsed, as if everything to maintain her pride was shattered, showing pain.
     Jiang-Li gave her a cold look and turned and walked out the door. There is no need for her to say anything more. Lin Roujia still lives here. Just her fragility and unwillingness are enough to let her destroy herself. In her life, she lived to get a perfect love. Even if the love has been distorted and deteriorated, only one person needs to tell her that this love is false, and it has long ceased to exist because of her own viciousness. Lin Roujia will wake up from her fictional dream.
     And when waking up, it is always extra cruel.
     Jiang-Li could not let Emperor Hong Xiao kill Empress Dowager. This was too cheap for Lin Roujia. Sometimes the torture of the soul is 10 thousand times more painful than the torture on the **, and she is here, slowly atonement for the sins she committed in the first half of her life.
     Su Gonggong smiled outside the door and said, "Jiang-2-Young-Lady, are you finished?"
     Lin Roujia seemed to be crying in pain behind him. Su Gonggong looked as usual. Jiang-Li knew that after she left, Su Gonggong would tell Hong Xiao di everything that happened here. As for what Hong Xiao di thinks, will he feel something different about her? Jiang-Li doesn't care.
     She just didn't like Lin Roujia living comfort. She was unhappy with Ji-Heng. The pain that Ji-Heng had endured as a teenager should also make Lin Roujia grow long. Lin Roujia destroys what Ji-Heng cherishes, and Jiang-Li wants to destroy Lin Roujia cherished love.
     Is this vicious? Jiang-Li doesn't think she just wants a fair.

     Chapter 239 :  Missing      

     Ever since Jiang-Li met Empress Dowager in the palace last time, the days have been walking so slowly. Hong Xiao di did not ask what she had said to Empress Dowager, and Jiang-Li would not take the initiative to speak. Jiang Yuanbai did not ask, but Jiang-Lao-Furen. Hearing that there is a theologian in Yongzhou that can cure people stupidity, he thought of waiting for Jiang Yuanbai to resign and took Jiang Youyao to Yongzhou to see if he could let Jiang Youyao Restore consciousness.
     The Jiang family showed an unexpected calm about the resignation. Except for Jiang Jingrui, the others did not say much. Sheng is bound to decline, and the Jiang family can still withdraw from the whole body, which is not easy. And when there is no concern about power, people will care more about family. So Jiang Youyao affairs became a major event for the Jiang family.
     Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang-Lao-Furen asked each other whether Jiang-Li was willing to go to Yongzhou, which is north of Qingzhou and very safe. Jiang-Li can stay in Yongzhou for a while, and wait for Ji-Heng to return to Capital City and then to Yanjing. However, Jiang-Li refused as always, saying that no matter what, she would wait for Ji-Heng to return in Yanjing City.
     Her attitude was so resolute that Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang-Lao-Furen did not ask. In these days, Jiang Yuanbai has already passed Qi-Qi, the resignation memorial of Qi-Qi, which was handled by his contacts. Emperor Hong Xiao really didn't stop him, and he didn't even have the intention to stay. He answered quickly. So the two brothers Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Yuanping were grateful that they could not help but have a cold sweat. The original regrets suddenly disappeared. If they weren't willing to quit at this time, I'm afraid they won't know what kind of ending will come. As long as the emperor's eyes are blocked, no one in the world can die.
     Spring day is over, summer is here. In the hot summer, there are frequent good news from Qingzhou. The Jin Wujun led by Ji-Heng recovered several cities, and Yin Zhili retreated south. With a long insistence, the soldiers on both sides have been consumed. Yin Zhili focused on tactics, but Ji-Heng's Jin Wujun brought a little shadow of the dragon rider back then, and the sword walked away from the front. Under such circumstances, Ji-Heng has the advantage in the end, and it seems to be gradually getting used to the battlefield. Compared with the previous stalemate, the war has opened at least a new situation.
     The people of Yanjing were gradually diluted by frequent news reports, and the capital was leveled up by singing and dancing, as if there was no such thing. When Ye Shijie and Jiang-Li talked about this, he replied that although Yin Jiabing was very powerful and Yin Zhili tactics were very good, after all, Yin Zhili was young, and in many cases, he lacked a killing spirit as a general. In contrast, Jin Wujun was like a sword coming out of his sheath and killing him step by step. Ji-Heng was even softer. He himself captured the members of Yin Zhili team 1st-General and cut it down. The skull hangs behind the horse tail as a martial art.
     Ye Shijie feels very strange. Yin Zhili is about the same age as Ji-Heng, but Ji-Heng's murderousness cannot be learned by Yin Zhili. Yin Zhili still lives in the cloud and was cultivated from an early age. Why is the gap between people so large?
     Jiang-Li heard the words, but smiled, but felt sad for Ji-Heng. Although Yin Zili was personally taught how to use soldiers, Yin Zili spent the children and adolescents with ease without knowing the truth. There was no burden or darkness in his past life, and he did not have to face the bloody truth, nor did he need to avoid camouflage in order to survive. But Ji-Heng is different. From birth to now, Ji-Heng has not been living as easily as Yin Zhili.
     Therefore, although the two of them are similar in age, the achievement of temper is quite different. If you can return to Ji-Heng's childhood, Jiang-Li really wants to hug that poor little Ji-Heng and tell him that you have done a good job and will be better in the future.
     The Yanjing City is thousands of miles away from Qingzhou. Ji-Heng is busy with military affairs and cannot send home books to Jiang-Li, but the fighting is getting fiercer day by day. By the late autumn season, Ji-Heng has occupied all the Yin family soldiers. The cities were collected. There were casualties on both sides, but Yin Jiabing was even worse. Ji-Heng forced them into the mountains of Qimin. One hundred thousand soldiers, but at the end there are only ten thousand.
     Yin Zhili, Xia-Wang, did not last long.
     On this day, Jiang-Li felt his right eye beating in the morning, as if something was going to happen. There were some bad signs in her heart, but she couldn't tell why. When Shirayuki came to deliver breakfast, Jiang-Li was absent-minded.
     Tonger saw that she was wrong, and couldn't help but said, "Miss, isn't it uncomfortable? It looks like I'm not right today."
     Jiang-Li touched his face, and when he touched it, he noticed that his hands were too cold and shivered. When Tonger saw this, he hurriedly said, "Miss, is it cold? It's getting colder and colder this day, it's time to boil some pomegranate sugar water, and the nubi come with a small cape."
     Jiang-Li got the cloak and didn't feel how warm it was, but his heart became more and more uncomfortable. She didn't know what it was for, she always thought of Ji-Heng there. She warned herself not to think wildly. Ji-Heng is now in Qimin, and the battle is going very smoothly. As long as the last soldiers and horses of Yin Zhili are destroyed, this war will be over. When it's over, Ji-Heng will return to Capital City, and everything will be as they agreed.
     "Just, Our go to Duke House to see." Jiang-Li stood up. She really couldn't suppress the inexplicable thoughts in her heart, so she thought about going to Duke House to see Xue Zhao and distract him. Moreover, after Jiang Yuanbai resigned, he was not very clear about the war. Jiang-Li wanted to know something and had to go to Duke Prefecture to ask Ye Shijie and Situ September.
     Shirayuki :  "Miss, I miss Duke."
     Jiang-Li smiled reluctantly, and he asked Bai Xue to make a confession with Jiang-Lao-Furen branch, and the three got on the carriage and left Jiangfu.
     In the late autumn, it was a bit deserted. But still couldn't stop the prosperity of Yanjing City. The streets were still shoulder-to-shoulder, and the tension caused by the fighting was not felt at all. Jiang-Li Opening the curtain to see, as if you just open the curtain, you can see the restaurant high up, sitting in a red beauty with a smile and watching the theater. But as far as the eye can see, nothing is empty.
     I didn't think it was when I was there. After people left, I felt like Yanjing City became lively because of him. When Ji-Heng was absent, the capital was still prosperous, but it became overshadowed, and everything was not used to it.
     On the way to Duke House, you will also pass through Ye House. The gates of Yefu were closed, and now the Ye family had lived in Duke, so Yefu was left unattended and even the manservant moved away. The ground in front of the door was not swept for a long time, and dust and weeds were growing. Looking at it, it also made people feel sad.
     Jiang-Li no longer looked out. When the carriage arrived at the entrance of Duke House, the driver stopped, Bai Xueyi helped Jiang-Li jump off the carriage, and the guard at the porter saluted :  "2-Young-Lady." Opening the door to the side, Jiang-Li-3 entered.
     As soon as he entered, he heard the sound of a horseshoe. Jiang-Li followed the sound and saw Lin Yao sitting on Xiao Lan's back, and Wen Renyao was directing him, surprisingly happy. Jiang-Li was taken aback. Xiao Lan is not an ordinary horse. She has a strong temperament and Lin Yao may not be able to tame it. This is too dangerous.
     Jiang-Li called "Wenren gongzi", and Wenrenyao then turned to see him, immediately Lin Yao ‘called happily :  "Sister Jiang!"
     Wen Renyao took Lin Yao from his horse immediately.
     Lin Yao also grew taller, and already had the shadow of little Daren. Fortunately, when he was in Huangzhou, his family died tragically. Jiang-Li thought the child would become ‘mute, but under the teaching of Wen Renyao, the child was lively. Jiang-Li looked at Xiao Lan again, and the pony also seemed to realize that Jiang-Li was looking at himself, becoming more and more handsome. In less than a year, the horse also grew quickly, much taller than when Jiang-Li was first bought back. His fur is beautiful golden, and if General Ji Ji is here again, he will certainly praise him.
     Jiang-Li thinks about it, but can't help feeling a little sad. At first, he gave Xiao Lan as a birthday gift to General Ji Lao. General Ji Lao was very happy. He also thought that when Xiao Lan grew up, he would take it everywhere. Now that Xiao Lan is growing up, General Ji Ji is not there. In the end, destiny is a cruel thing. What I love most is regret.
     "2-Young-Lady, why did you come here suddenly?" Wen Renyao said, "Here is Situ?"
     Jiang-Li looks for Situ in September, most of the time asking about Ji-Heng. Regarding how the front is going, Situ people here will know the first time.
     Jiang-Li smiled and replied, "No, just fine in the house, just come and walk."
     "Oh, too, Our is quite lively here." Wen Renyao touched Lin Yao head, and he did not forget to say to Jiang-Li :  "I am very busy these days, but today Kong Liu may bring Come back a little news. I think Grandma battle is almost over. How do you say, unhappily, it’s much better than previously expected. Then Yin Zhili is not cruel enough, and he has never done this kind of chess for life. In the end, we still can't compare with Our family's grandma. "He said with complacency, like glory.
     Jiang-Li listened to his words, and the anxiety in her heart had also dissipated. She said, "But in the end, the battlefield is dangerous. Didn't you help with Ji-Heng before, and said that he was in trouble?"
     That prophecy kept Jiang-Li in awe, so much that she slayed Ji-Heng in Yin Zhili, and Ji-Heng was injured when her guilt reached its peak. After all, the prophecy sounded shocking, and it was hard to accept for a while.
     "That prophecy," Wenren thought for a long time, and then seemed to remember what Jiang-Li said, "In fact, I only told you half of that prophecy, and there was only half of it."
     Jiang-Li Yiyi :  "What's the other half?"
     "It is if you have passed this disaster that it will run from time to time for a lifetime."
     That complete prophecy was originally "Dongyuesheng, the prince of the prince, was robbed by a woman's calamity, exposed the dead body, and hawk-peaked. If this robberies pass, it will always work and go for life."
     "Really?" Jiang-Li heart was relieved, and his expression was a little brighter.
     "That's true. Although my master said that I'm not good, but at the moment, I'm not bad. This prediction is still accurate. You see, when you were in Qingzhou, you were set ambush by Yin Zhili Ji-Heng almost lost his life, isn’t this a robbery? Yin Zhili went away to threaten Ji-Heng, barely, just as if you were a female misfortune. Most importantly, this robber has passed In the future, the grandma will be in good luck, and it will run from time to time, everything is as expected, and everything is done. So, "Wen Renyao is concerned    :    " 2-Young-Lady need not worry about grandma, he will be safe Come back, this time in Qimin, everything must be going well. 2-Young-Lady may start preparing wedding dresses for myself. I guess it’s your turn to get married after the grandma returns. "
     He said so inexplicably during the wedding, Jiang-Li was a little bit surprised, but unconsciously, he had some expectations in his heart. Lin Yao pulled the corner of Wen Renyao clothes and looked at him eagerly. Wen Renyao waved his hand and said, "2-Young-Lady, Situ, they are all inside. You go talk to them first. , I'll be here with my apprentice on a horse. "
     Jiang-Li had a good detour, and instructed Wen Wenyao to be careful while Lin Yao was injured. When Wen Yuanyao responded, Jiang-Li went to Duke House.
     Ye Mingyu is not in the house today, and is about going to the flower shop with friends. He was happy every day. He heard that Ye-Lao-Furen sent a few words to him to return to Xiangyang to see Miss. Ye Mingyu simply stayed in Yanjing City to protect Ye Shijie. Don't bother to cope with the urge to get married at home.
     Ye Shijie is no longer in the house, he is more and more reused by Emperor Hong Xiao , and he has more official duties on most days. When Jiang-Li went to the garden, he saw Situ picking flowers in the garden in September. Xue Zhao pushed a wheelchair to sit aside and watched her picking flowers. He was afraid that Situ was bored in September, and he accompanied her to talk.
     Jiang-Li stood in the distance, watching silently, until a familiar voice came from behind him :  "A raccoon."
     Jiang-Li turned back and smiled suddenly, "Father."
     Xue Huaiyuan came over and saw Jiang-Li, he was also very happy, and asked, "Why don't you talk to A Zhao?"
     "I see A Zhao is busy right now." Jiang-Li blinked narrowly, "Don't bother him anymore."
     Xue Huaiyuan laughed, looking at the scene in the flowerbed, his eyes were very pleased. Jiang-Li looked at Xue Huaiyuan. As soon as his heart moved, he asked :  "Father-September Miss, it seems to like A Zhao very much, A Zhao also likes September Miss, and not to mention whether they know each other's wishes, Father. No idea for September Miss ,? "
     Xue Huaiyuan has a righteous temperament and behaves in a bright and honest way, and Situ did not mention her identity in September, and many people have died in her hands over the years. Jiang-Li likes Situ September very much, but fearing that Xue Huaiyuan has other thoughts about Situ September, he wants to secretly help Xue Zhao to make Xue Zhao prepare early.
     Xue Huaiyuan glanced at Jiang-Li and said, "Aju, I know what you mean, I'm old, whether you or A Zhao, Father won't intervene in your personal affairs. Father also believes in your vision. A Zhao is not a child, and what he believes naturally has his own reason. Miss in September is a good boy. If there is one day, I will also treat her as her own daughter. "
     Jiang-Li smiled, holding Xue Huaiyuan's arm, and said, "Father is as reasonable as before."
     Xue Huaiyuan looked at her cheerfully, and suddenly remembered something, and said to Jiang-Li :  "Aju, I almost forgot one thing."
     Jiang-Li asked, "What's up?"
     "At present, the Yin family soldiers are losing ground. It seems that Yin Zhili is doomed. I think that when this battle ends and Ji-Heng returns to Capital City, I will discuss when your big wedding will take place. I will take you after the date is determined. I went back to Tongxiang with A Zhao first. A raccoon, "Xue Huaiyuan said," After going to Tongxiang this time, I won't go back later. I thought about it and I put you alone in Yanjing. Father is really not assured. Although the Father is light-spoken and can't do anything, but by your side, if you are aggrieved, I will fight for this old life, and I will be fair to you. "
     Jiang-Li froze, then immediately. The incident of Shen Yurong has passed, but the injuries brought to the Xue family that year have not completely passed. Although Xue Huaiyuan believed in Ji-Heng, he was afraid that things would happen again. That's why I thought about staying in Yanjing City with Jiang-Li. This time I returned to Tongxiang, saying goodbye, and also dealt with all the land titles in Tongxiang.
     "Okay." She smiled like a flower, "Father can stay with me, I can't be happier. I also don't like to be separated from Father. Our future will buy a house in Yanjing City, and A Zhao will do whatever he wants. , Buy you a few Maid manservants, we live in Yanjing. "
     The picture painted is beautiful, Xue Huaiyuan couldn't help laughing.
     When they were laughing, they saw someone coming in, and Situ got up from the flowerbed in September and greeted the humane :  "Kong Liu."
     Kong Liu came in step by step, he was anxious, his brows froze, and he didn't see Jiang-Li, but went straight to Situ in September. Jiang-Li hesitated, and only heard Kong Liu walking to Situ September, who was faintly mixed with the word "Daren", and Situ heard his words in September, his face changed greatly.
     Jiang-Li heart "suddenly", and hurriedly said to Xue Huaiyuan, "Father, I'll see what Kong Daren did," and walked quickly to the flowerbed.
     When he walked to the flowerbed, before he approached, he heard Kong Liu voice saying, "I haven't found my whereabouts yet."
     "Who didn't find the whereabouts?" Jiang-Li asked.
     Several people in the flowerbed did not expect Jiang-Li to appear suddenly, startled, Xue Zhao looked at Jiang-Li and was surprised :  "Sister, why are you here?"
     Jiang-Li didn't bother with Xue Zhaoxu, she asked, "What the hell is going on here? Kong Daren, is it related to Ji-Heng?"
     Kong Liu was hard-pressed and seemed to want to perfuse the past, but he was clumsy, and he couldn't think of excellent words for a while. Xue Zhao also became silent, Jiang-Li looked at Situ September, and asked, "Miss, did something happen to Ji-Heng in September?"
     Although Situ did not smile at all in September, he rarely saw such an ugly face. He heard Jiang-Li asking himself that Situ seemed a little irritable in September, but Jiang-Li looked at her persistently, and she vomited a In a tone, he said, "Anyway you have to know this sooner or later, I won't hide it from you anymore, Ji-Heng is missing."
     "Missing?" Jiang-Li took a breath, "How could he disappear suddenly?"
     Situ nodded to Kong Liu in September. "I don't know the specifics. Kong Liu, let's talk about it."
     Kong Liu scratched his head and said, "I received information from Lu Yan this morning. Three days ago, Yin Zhili took the elite night attack of Yin Jiabing. Jin Wujun originally besieged Yin Yinli Jin Wujun. Daren slashed Yin Zhili mount. He killed Yin Zhili. But after he killed Yin Zhili, he suddenly fell down immediately. The Vice Admiral Yin Zhili chopped Daren stabbing, Yin family soldiers captured Daren, Daren fought hard and resisted, and when Lu Yan rushed over, Daren Daren was gone.
     "Is he taken away by Yin Jiabing's people?" Jiang-Li asked eagerly, her heart pounding, she became a captive, and there was at least one life left.
     "Yin Jiabing, who was not present at the time, was destroyed. The captured captives said that Daren had fled. Lu Ye was taking people to track down Daren's whereabouts, but the terrain of Qimin deep mountains was complicated, snakes, rats and ants were numerous, and there were wild animals I couldn't find Daren's whereabouts for a while and a half.
     Xue Zhao couldn't help but said :  "No news may be good news, at least now that my brother-zi is still alive, sister, my brother-zi will definitely retreat."
     "I'm just surprised, Ji-Heng will suddenly fall from the horse?" Situ wondered, "This is not his temper."
     "It was his injury," Jiang-Li mumbled. "Yin Zhili ambushed the archer. When he used me to lure him into the trance, he was injured. Those injuries were very serious. He said it was not important, but how could it not be important. It must be that the old disease has relapsed. Maybe he has relapsed long ago, but he has always endured it. He used to hide it. It must have been impossible to hide it at that time. "
     Jiang-Li tears fell down.
     For a moment, she felt like a knife, Ji-Heng, who loved stubbornness the most, although from the perspective of others, he was already very powerful. But when life and death were at stake, he still smiled lightly, but no one found the scar under the red armor. He always came to his head alone, or he himself was involved.
     How to do it? She said, "I'm going to Qimin, I'm looking for him."
     Kong Liu was startled and said :  "It must be, now that although Yin Zhili is dead and the Yin family has no heads, some shrimp soldiers and crabs will not be cleaned up. Lu Yan has made people look for Daren's whereabouts, Jiang-2-Young -Lady is gone and it doesn't help, but it's better to stay in Yanjing City. So when Daren returns to Capital City, you can see Jiang-2-Young-Lady in the first time. "
     "That's right," Situ also said stiffly in September. "Just rest assured, Ji-Heng won't die, his life is very hard, he will definitely come back."
     Will you come back? In Jiang-Li mind, the prophecy involuntarily emerged, and they all believed that the calamity in the prophecy was when Yin Zhili besieged Ji-Heng, so that calamity had passed.
     But in case they all think wrong, the calamity hasn't happened, referring to this time Ji-Heng disappeared?
     Lies exposed, hawk pecking. Jiang-Li closed her eyes and clenched her fists.
     It's creepy to think about it.


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