Married Di Daughter 240-244

Novels      »     Married Di Daughter    »   Chapter 240 :  The Finale (Part 1)      

     On this day, Jiang-Li did not know how he returned to Jiangfu. Everyone seemed to be persuading her that Ji-Heng would definitely come back. Now I can’t find the whereabouts for the time being, but I don’t know why, Jiang-Li heart can't be settled. Those words of consolation passed in her ears, and could not comfort her at all.
     The people in the Jiang family did not know the news of Ji-Heng, nor did they know what happened to Jiang-Li, and thought everything was as usual. Tonger and Bai Xue knew the inside story. When they sent Jiang-Li back, Wen Renyao specifically instructed two Maids to take good care of Jiang-Li and accompany Jiang-Li to speak. Don’t let Jiang Li thinks alone.
     Tong Er and Bai Xue carefully serve Jiang-Li. They thought Jiang-Li would cry, be sad, or even get sick, but Jiang-Li became strong after returning from Jiangfu. She did what she would do on a daily basis, at least on the surface, she was no different from the past.
     But the anxiety and worry in my heart are getting worse day by day.
     One day passed, two days passed, ten days passed in January, and the wait became more and more hopeless. There was no news of Ji-Heng. At the beginning, Kong Liu still thought of comforting Jiang-Li. Later, every time Jiang-Li went to Duke to ask for news, Kong Liu didn't dare to look at Jiang-Li. Jiang-Li can see helplessness and sigh from Kong Liu eyes.
     Situ initially believed in September that Ji-Heng would definitely return, but the time was getting longer and longer, and the winter in Yanjing City began to snow, and the ground was covered with thick white snow. When there was still no news, Situ also began to silence in September.
     Jiang-Li once overheard Situ conversation with Kong Liu in September.
     Situ said in September :  "There is still no news of Ji-Heng. What is going on? Is Lu Ye really looking for his whereabouts?"
     "Really. Qimin has also arrived in winter. The mountains are covered by heavy snow and wild beasts infested. Lu Yan is constantly searching on the mountains these days." His voice went down, "Before Jiang-2-Young-Lady I can’t say it here. The captives of the Yin family soldiers said that Daren had been seriously injured when he fled, so that he could escape and not necessarily live. It was already very difficult to find someone in such a mountain. But if Daren is still alive, he will definitely think of meeting Lu Lu and them. There is no one in the mountains of Qimin, and he cannot hide. "
     Situ coldly in September :  "What do you mean? Mean Ji-Heng is more ferocious and less fertile?"
     "I don't want Daren to be in trouble." Kong Liu sounded angry, "If I was in the mountain at the time, even if I had killed my life, I would protect Daren's safety! But now it is the case, I just tell Your most likely situation. "
     There was a long, long silence there, and Situ voice came in September. "Life and death are life. People like you and me have long been used to life and death. Ji-Heng is no matter how strong it is, it is just an ordinary person. But if he really Can't come back, how about Jiang-Li? "
     "Yeah, she is following Ji-Heng with all her heart, and I see that if Ji-Heng really can't come back, she will always wait like this. Our can't help her, for her, for Ji-For Heng, this is where the tragedy is. "
     Jiang-Li stood behind the trees, listening to Situ cruel words in September, and a sorrow rose involuntarily in his heart. Even Situ thinks this is a tragedy? Her encounter with Ji-Heng is doomed to fail to reach a good ending?
     Ji-Heng really can't come back? She wondered, the news came so dim and so untrue. She remembered it in her mind, but it was all kinds of Ji-Heng. In the restaurant, Ji-Heng laughed and listened to Ji-Heng, and Ji-Heng, who showed her helplessness, showed Ji-Heng who was helpless, gentle Ji-Heng, and the night on the wall in the spring breeze. Bi, Ji-Heng when I first met.
     Their lives are entangled with each other, and they are deeply bound up to now. But at this joint, they say they need to be separated? Want to cut off the leading edge? Jiang-Li eyes firmed, she never agreed. Even if she is the only one, she has to maintain the relationship between the two. In the life of Jiang-Li, there will be no second Ji-Heng. Even if Ji-Heng is no longer, no one will replace it. His position.
     Jiang-Li didn't listen anymore and turned to leave.
     Yanjing City is extremely cold this winter. The wind blew in through the window and could almost pierce human bones. After Yin Jiabing's respite for a while, the remnants finally couldn't resist and surrendered as much as possible. Yin Zhili is dead, and the rest of the people can't have a climate. Jin Wujun won the victory, and his name, which had been silent for many years, regained its loudness.
     But this war is not as easy as people think, only the people who are really in it know the cruelty of war. This is the case for Yin Jiabing, and the Jin Wujun also suffered heavy casualties. The most important thing is that Ji-Heng, who led the Jin Wujun, was about to die on the battlefield.
     The people in Yanjing City got the news, and they all booed. The original rumor about Su Duke was also dissipated by his death. And his past personality and beauty have added a beautiful color to his life. The storyteller in the restaurant began to tell the story of Su Duke, and Ji-Heng in those words, changed the darkness of the past, became unselfish and heroic and generous.
     People always do this, knowing things by what they see. As if knowing the truth. At the same time as Ji-Heng was rumored in the streets, Jiang-Li was also mentioned. It only said that Jiang-2-Young-Lady had a lot of fate. He had previously contracted with Zhou Yanbang of Ning Yuan Houfu, but his relationship was occupied by Mei-mei. Now I have a relationship with Ji-Heng, but Ji-Heng has died in battle. Some people are sympathetic, some people are ridiculous, and some people are spreading rumors that Jiang-2-Young-Lady is doomed Only one person will be inconclusive in every relationship. If it is Coffman's life, it is still necessary to shave his hair as soon as possible.
     The rumors of Capital City were rumored and the Jiang family heard it. Jiang Yuanbai came to ask Jiang-Li, and asked Jiang-Li :  "Little pear, now you have heard the rumors outside, and stay in Yanjing City, I'm afraid it's not good for you. After all, I and you now The second uncle has resigned, and will soon take You Yao to Yongzhou for treatment. If you don't want to stay in Yanjing City, Our can start early and leave here. "
     In this remark he actually brought a bit of genuine concern. Jiang Yuanbai knew that Jiang-Li really liked Ji-Heng, and Ji-Heng's death was a huge blow to Jiang-Li. Others’remarks are almost worse. How much rumors have hurt a person. Jiang-Li has been taught many years ago. He has been sorry for Jiang-Li once. He really can’t bear to see Jiang-Li again because of his own fault. If escape is also a way, there is nothing shameful.
     "Many Thanks father," Jiang-Li said, "I don't plan to leave Yanjing City. I'm still waiting for Ji-Heng to come back here."
     Jiang Yuanbai frowned. "He is dead."
     "But didn't you see the corpse?" Jiang-Li smiled calmly and said, "It may not be dead, others don't want to continue looking for it, but I think he hasn't died yet, and he promised me that he hasn't finished his work. I'll wait here for him to come back until the agreement is fulfilled. "
     In Jiang-Li mind, Ji-Heng, from the beginning to the present, from bad to gentle, there is one thing in his temper that has never changed. Promise must be fulfilled, and promises must be fulfilled. This can be seen from the very beginning when she and Ji-Heng started their first transaction.
     She believes that Ji-Heng can also return this time. Everyone has heard the story of the end of the post, and everyone thinks she is stupid. She has been fooled once and for the second time. It was silly, but wasn't he willing to the last minute?
     She waited for Ji-Heng, too.
     Jiang Yuanbai looked at Jiang-Li for a long time, and finally sighed deeply. He seemed to have compromised and completely compromised, and said :  "Since so, then you stay in Yanjing City."
     He really couldn't take Jiang-Li, but Jiang-Li resoluteness and perseverance in the moment made him unable to resist. As if to persuade Jiang-Li to give up waiting, it is an unforgiving thing.
     He is helpless.
     The tenth day of December is the day when the Jin Wujun division returned to the dynasty. On the way back to Capital City, the people welcomed and cheered warmly. Those soldiers, many of whom died on the battlefield, remained forever under the loess, and those who returned alive became heroes, and deserve the glory they deserve.
     Jiang-Li is also standing among the people watching. She looks at the long line and looks forward to seeing a familiar red figure from the end of the line. Ji-Heng will still smile as before, Came indifferently. As always, the clouds were light and light.
     She waited from the first person to the last person in the team, but never saw Ji-Heng's figure, so her eyes finally dim. No miracle appeared, he did not return, at least for now, he did not return.
     Tonger looked at her worriedly and asked, "Miss, are you okay?"
     Jiang-Li shook his head and said, "It's all right, Our is going to Duke House."
     Lu Ye should also be back today. The news about Ji-Heng is the only one that Lu Ye knows best. Jiang-Li wants to see Lu Yan, at least knowing what happened that day.
     Tong Er and Bai Xue looked at each other and did not want Jiang-Li to go to Duke House at this moment, so as not to see Wusiren. But Jiang-Li was determined, and they had no choice but to accompany Jiang-Li.
     When I arrived at Duke House, the gate of Duke House was quiet. If Ji-Heng returns today, I would like to come here if I want to come here. Jiang-Li greeted the concierge, walked in, stayed in the house, walked to the yard, and saw Zhao Yan and Wen Ji for a long time.
     Zhao Min first saw Jiang-Li and said, "2-Young-Lady."
     Jiang-Li walked by, but I haven't seen it for almost a year. Zhao Yan and Wen Ji also seem to be a lot embarrassed. There were still a few scars on Wen Ji face, and it was obvious that the killing was very fierce on the battlefield. Zhao Xuan was afraid to look at Jiang-Li eyes and didn't speak, Jiang-Li said, "Ji-Heng really didn't come back?"
     Wen Ji shook his head slightly, with a hint of frustration in his tone, "I did not protect Daren."
     "What was going on that day?" Jiang-Li asked. "I only heard the truth from other people mouths, for fear it might not be the case. You are the ones who follow him, and you know the best."
     "When Daren and Yin Zhili fought back, the old injury recurred, and the Vice Admiral Yin Zhili injured Daren's original wound. Daren was defeated. At that time Daren went after Yin Zhili alone. Our was not aware of Daren's condition. Later, when Our found the prisoners They said that Daren had escaped, but also said that Daren was seriously injured and could not go far. Our searched around for a long time and couldn't find Daren's shadow. Later, Lu Teacher was searchable, and there was no whereabouts. Until "
     Wen Ji is not a shy person, but he seems to be unable to continue in the next, stubborn, Jiang-Li heart is tight, could not help asking :  "Until what?"
     Wen Ji glanced at Jiang-Li. He pulled something out of his sleeve and spread it out in the palm. Jiang-Li saw that it was a butterfly fan pendant, but only half of it was broken, about broken. Half of the butterfly wings were left bare, and the rubble on the ruby was clear.
     Jiang-Li trembled and stretched out his hand, took over the butterfly, the familiar fan pendant, and now no longer looks the same as in the past, and can not dance to the gorgeous fan.
     "Our was in the mountain and found this. Lu Teacher recognized this as Daren's fan pendant, and let Our look for it. Our found and found" Dignified man, Wen Ji voice choked at this moment, "Our found Daren It’s been a long time since his armor, clothing, and blood stains. The soldiers said that Daren might have been eaten by a wolf dog. "
     Jiang-Li eyes were dark and almost fainted, Tonger ‘Called, and quickly hugged her. There was nothing in front of Jiang-Li eyes, but only appeared in the deep mountains. The red armor was stained with blood and dreaded terrible marks on the ground. The prophecy, the curse-like prophecy resounded in her ears again :  robbed by a female misfortune, exposed the dead body, hawk pecked.
     All are fulfilled.
     Jiang-Li muttered, "I killed him."
     Tonger anxiously said, "Miss, it's not your business. Don't take any fault on yourself."
     "No, it's my fault. It's me that made him robbed. If Yin Zhili didn't seduce him into the game that day, he wouldn't be injured. I hurt him." She closed her eyes in pain, and tears rolled down .
     "Daren never thought that way," Zhao said. "Jiang-2-Young-Lady, for Daren, you are the most important thing. You must not torture yourself."
     They have followed Ji-Heng for many years. They are not like brothers and sisters, but rather like masters and servants. They are also distressed about Ji-Heng's departure, but they cannot be blamed on Jiang-Li. After all, it’s God to make fun of people, but at that time Ji-Heng’s old illness relapsed.
     "Daren mentioned before the expedition that if he can't return this time, Duke House will leave it to 2-Young-Lady in the future. 2-Young-Lady wants to sell or keep it, Or do other things, all are done by 2-Young-Lady. In Yanjing City, Daren has no relatives, 2-Young-Lady is Daren’s last concern, all the things he can stay, all will be To 2-Young-Lady. "
     Jiang-Li laughed miserably, what is this? Is this the arrangement of all the household belongings before dying? She should praise Ji-Heng for her visionary and pre-arranged things, so those in Yanjing City should start to envy her again. It was Ji-Heng who died and left her such a fortune. But God knows that she would rather use all her wealth in exchange for Ji-Heng returning safely. She hoped that Ji-Heng's arrangement would never be fulfilled, which meant that she still had the opportunity to wait for him to return and wait for the day when he fulfilled his promise.
     "2-Young-Lady's plans in the future?" Zhao Yan asked softly, "Daren said that if he was not there, 2-Young-Lady would be Our master. 2-Young-Lady What about Our? It's pretty big to make arrangements. "
     Jiang-Li settled down, and the grief in her heart would almost defeat him in a moment, but she knew that it was not enough time to be sad alone. Many things have not been resolved. Those enemies of Ji-Heng's past will take advantage of this time to devour Duke House cleanly. Regarding the title and other things, Emperor Hong Xiao may read Ji-Heng's loyalty to protect Ji-Heng, but how long can the king's trust be maintained? No one knows. And most importantly, those opponents will do everything they can to achieve their goals, including writing on Ji-Heng's death.
     She can't help Ji-Heng on the battlefield, but in Yanjing City, she must do her best to protect Duke House. Even though there are no relatives of Ji-Heng in this Duke mansion, but this mansion, Ji-Heng grew up here since she was a child, and she can't watch her being taken away.
     "I don't have any plans. I don't plan to go anywhere. The things you worry about won't happen." Jiang-Li clenched his fists tightly. Only in this way can she keep her tears from flowing down, In order not to let her completely collapse, she said :  "I will find a way to complete the big wedding, even if there is only one person, I stay and keep this place. Please also stay with me and keep Ji-Heng's home.
     She said sadly and resolutely :  "He only has this home."
     Wen Ji and Zhao Yan glanced at each other, kneeling down on one knee to salute Jiang-Li, this is the ceremony of the master and servant. They seemed to be completely at ease, trust Jiang-Li with all their heart, and respectfully said :  "Yes , Miss,. "
     In the palace, Emperor Hong Xiao walked to the cold palace where Empress Dowager lived.
     It was freezing cold, and there was not even a stove here. When I walked in, I felt like I was immersed in ice. The yard is becoming more and more lifeless, the eaves are long and only a little faint light is exposed. Walking here is like a prison.
     This was originally a prison.
     Su Gonggong stood aside and carefully instructed the guards to carry a mahogany box, opened the door for Hong Xiao di, and carried the box in.
     There was a bad smell in the room, and Su Gonggong couldn't help wrinkling his nose. Emperor Hong Xiao’s eyes moved slightly, making people light up. The room was dark and the curtains were pulled so tightly that nothing could be seen. After the faint light came on, everyone could see clearly.
     At the foot of the bed, there was a person curled up. She was wrapped in a quilt, and the ground was covered with stains, and maybe blood. She seemed to be very afraid of light and felt light, and quickly retracted her head. Until Emperor Hong Xiao said, "Lin Roujia."
     Lin Roujia looked up and looked at him in confusion, and Emperor Hong Xiao was slightly surprised.
     He knew that the woman's heart was vicious and firm, and she was thrown here at that time, even if the conditions were poor, she never wavered. He was also holding a pair of high-level Empress Dowager shelves, and even being meticulous in taking care of himself was still half proud. Emperor Hong Xiao was also annoyed, and even thought that there were other ways to torture Empress Dowager. Just to make Empress Dowager himself feel guilt and regret, Zhiqing, I was afraid that she would not be too selfish in this life.
     However, since Jiang-Li went to the palace last time to meet Lin Roujia, things have changed. For the gatekeepers outside, Empress Dowager suddenly fell into a slump, and on several occasions he even wanted to take the mirror fragments to death. Emperor Hong Xiao was optimistic about Empress Dowager and could not let her die immediately. Those people said that Empress Dowager was now judged as two people, as if something that had been worshipped in life had collapsed and could no longer support it. And every day looked very painful, when she was awake, she was only doing one thing, seeking death.
     Emperor Hong Xiao took away everything that might have been used by Empress Dowager to find death in her house, so she really wanted to survive and couldn't die.
     "Imperial" Lin Roujia murmured. She could hardly recognize the emperor's face. Under the dim light, she was weak, but she still needed to please her teenager who had grown into a tall emperor. Unpredictable and strong wrist, she would imprison her decisively here.
     The royals can live in this position, and sure enough, they have no mercy.
     Lin Roujia woke up briefly, no matter how, in the face of Emperor Hong Xiao , she was unwilling to stay short. Just a few satires, suddenly her eyes fell on the huge mahogany box. For some reason, her eyes were attracted by the box and could not be removed, as if there were any treasures in it, making her unable to remove her eyes.
     Emperor Hong Xiao followed her eyes and smiled, and said, "I am here today to give you a gift." He waved, "Come, open the box."
     Two guards approached, pushed the box in front of Lin Roujia, and opened it.
     Lin Roujia looked inside.
     The mahogany box was also lined with golden velvet cloth, as if it was a heavy gift. However, two human heads were placed side by side on velvet, and blood was dripping from the neck, but the dirt on the face was wiped away, so the eyebrows could clearly recognize it. One is Yin Zhan and the other is Yin Zhili.
     Empress Dowager saw the two in front of her clearly, and ‘Called "No". She rushed over, held her head out, and held her in her arms. They were separated from each other, so it was impossible for them to live. But she seemed to still hope to rescue these two people, and she burst into tears and said, "Azhan! Li Li!"
     Unfortunately, both Yin Zhan and Yin Zhili closed their eyes and could no longer respond to her crying.
     "The Yin family was defeated, and the Jin Wujun division returned to the country. This is the result. I thought that since you were a Empress Dowager of a country, you should share the happy events of this country with you. I just brought it to you. Hong Xiao di laughed, gritted his teeth.
     He finally saw Empress Dowager crying and regretful. This woman's heart is as hard as iron, no matter what happens, she is always indifferent. Emperor Hong Xiao di is also an individual. He also has revenge. Empress Dowager's premature death of Xia-Noble-Fae has caused his youth to be covered with haze. He also hopes that Empress Dowager can taste the pain.
     And Lin Roujia, probably really loved Yin Zhan. I saw her holding Yin Zhan's head in her arms. She did not dislike the smell above her, nor did she feel horrified. She hugged her arms tightly, afraid of being snatched away. She also kissed Yin Zhan's cold lips, crying, "Azhan, Azhan, don't leave me"
     This terrible scene fell in the eyes of everyone, and everyone felt a little timid. Lin Roujia cried and cried suddenly :  "Emperor, kill me!"
     "Oh?" Emperor Hong Xiao raised his eyebrows. "Why did you kill you?"
     "I killed your Mufei that year. I also killed Yu Hongye and Ji Yanhan. I have deep hatred against you. Please, let me die!" Empress Dowager kept crying, sizzling, and no more In the buddhist temple, the clouds looked light and light. She is truly ashamed, Yin Zhan is dead, and Yin Zhili is dead. In this world, the only two people she loves and have affection are dead. What's the point of her being alive? There will be no day to stand up, only in this dark hell, enduring torment day by day.
     How can she be separated from Yin Zhan, even if she is dead?
     Empress Dowager kept ‘maidening the emperor. If it hadn't happened in the past years, please. She would only be high above her, and torture the young emperor with sentences, sentence by sentence.
     Emperor Hong Xiao looked at her coldly, and suddenly said :  "The 2-Young-Lady on Jiangfu also gave you a gift."
     Su Gonggong took something out of his arms, walked in front of Lin Roujia with a smile, and put the things in front of Lin Roujia. Lin Roujia ‘Called, and then burst out laughing and crying.
     What Su Gonggong has is a bronze mirror. The bronze mirror very clearly reflects Lin Roujia unkempt, unrecognizable appearance. Emperor Hong Xiao said lightly :  "Lin Roujia, you are so ugly. How could Yin Zhan be willing to recognize you under Huang Quan? Look at you, you are still alive and let Yin Zhan live."
     This sarcastic remark was so vicious that Lin Roujia suddenly reached out and grabbed his face. These days, no one cut her nails. Her nails have grown long and sharp. With such a scratch, she suddenly developed a lot of bloodstains, and she didn't feel it, as if she didn't know the pain, and soon became flesh. blurry.
     Emperor Hong Xiao turned around, as if he didn't want to look at her again, with a disgusting command :  "Take care of her, don't die." He walked out of the door.
     Su Gonggong followed closely, and the door was closed, from which vaguely howling the woman seemed to cry and laugh.
     It wasn't until after walking a long way to the Royal Garden that the voices behind him disappeared. Emperor Hong Xiao looked at the distance and exhaled softly.
     His knot was finally solved. Even if the emperor did this, it might not seem grand enough, but if he was puzzled from his youth, he would trouble him for a lifetime. Since then, he can be the master of the North Yanjiang Mountain with peace of mind. As for the cowardly young man who needed to be greeted, he disappeared into the memory and never appeared again.
     Su Gonggong handed the heater to the emperor, and the warmth came from the palm of his hand. Emperor Hong Xiao thought of the sentence that Jiang-Li Tu Ye Shijie came to the palace with him, and couldn't help laughing. People in the world say that Jiang-2-Young-Lady has a soft and kind temperament, and when he does not know how to face his enemies, he does not show weakness. She knew Lin Ruojia weaknesses, and she hit Lin Ruojia sore spot. The mirror became the last straw that crushed the camel, and Lin Ruojia would never be relieved from the pain.
     Thinking of Jiang-Li, Emperor Hong Xiao thought of Ji-Heng again, he sighed, his eyes deeply regretted.
     This war, although hard, also won beautifully. Ji-Heng led the army for the first time, and he achieved such a result, and he really lived up to his father's reputation. Bay Yan first went through the throne and then through Yin Zhan, and the hearts and minds of the people and the hearts of the people, although he can use the means to buy people hearts, but if Ji-Heng is present, it would be better, and now he still trusts Ji-Heng .
     But Ji-Heng couldn't return.
     The wind in the garden is cold and the flowerbeds are no longer flourishing in the spring. Everyone understands that the prosperity is bound to decline. How can it be so difficult to face it?
     Su Gonggong put on a cloak for Emperor Hong Xiao , and said softly, "The wind is strong outside, and your Majesty takes care of the dragon body."
     There are ups and downs in life. For Ji-Heng, his ups and downs are too difficult, and the ups and downs are very beautiful, which makes people feel very sorry. In the eyes of Emperor Hong Xiao , there was a bit of sadness, but the way of the emperor has always been lonely, and even if it is not now, it will be the future. He must face the next blood and rain alone. Keep the situation under control. Otherwise, it is failing to do everything for the past.
     He turned around and said, "Go back."
     The figure of the two men gradually disappeared into the Royal Garden.
     Everyone in the world knows Ji-Heng's death on the battlefield. But no cemetery was left. Just because the dead body is not seen now, and now Li Guanzhuang, Jiang-Li is not willing. As if she had destroyed the last thought in her heart.
     General Jin Go Ji Han disappeared for many years, but actually died in Duke House three years ago. Ji-Heng seemed to have followed his father's old path and had a similar fate. But I don't know if he can still live. Jiang-Li knows that Ji-Heng's hope of living is very slim, and everyone is hinting at her and accepting the facts.
     Lu Yan and Wen Renyao hoped that Ji-Heng would be alive. Qimin came and searched many times, but nothing but this broken butterfly fan pendant.
     He seemed to come out of the dark night. He was not a fairy in the world, but now he is going to return to nothingness. It only leaves a stunning back to those who have seen him, making people doubt that they have just dreamed of a colorful dream.
     In the middle of the winter season, when the Jinwu Army class teacher returned to the country and achieved a great victory, when Emperor Hong Xiao began to clean up the court, the Jiang family planned to leave Yanjing City.
     Since the two brothers of the Jiang family have resigned, it doesn't make much sense to stay in Yanjing City. Instead, it will cause doubts in the young emperor. Jiang Yuanbai was also free and easy, and the trustee bought a house in Yongzhou early and planned to relocate with his family. Yongzhou also has good divine doctors to see if Jiang Youyao can be cured.
     Naturally, Jiang Jingyou didn't say much. Jiang Jingrui heard that Yongzhou has a lot of fun, and he longed for it. But the only one in the Jiang family who did not want to follow Yongzhou was Jiang-Li.
     In the late Fengtang, only Jiang-Lao-Furen and Jiang Yuanbai were present. Jiang-Lao-Furen looked at Jiang-Li for a long time, and she didn't know how long, she said :  "2-Yatou, you really want to stay in Yanjing City?"
     "Yes, Grandmother." Actually, Jiang-Li had already hinted at Jiang Yuanbai many times about this matter, but the Jiang family always felt like she was making a noise. Perhaps sooner or later, he will change his mind. Jiang-Li can only answer patiently over and over again.
     "2-Yatou, you used to say that, I have no objection. As long as Su Duke returns to Capital City, you will naturally enter Su Duke door. But now, Su Duke can't come back." She looked at Jiang with pity Li, "You have been obsessed like this, and it is you who will be involved in the future."
     "What does Grandmother mean by leprosy?"
     Jiang-Lao-Furen sighed :  "If you stay in Yanjing City, you're afraid you won't be able to marry for a lifetime. You are young now and don't think you are young. You will wait for old age in the future, and look at the younger next to you -Lady is a wife and mother early. Is it still necessary to keep Duke alone? Our Jiang family is not an ingratitude, but this world is hard for women. You have to choose this path. In this life, maybe It’s going to be very hard and lonely. 2-Yatou, you are the descendant of my Jiang family, and Young-Lady of the Jiang family. Now the Jiang family has nothing, but you don’t have to worry about anything. Even if you carry an injustice on your back As long as you can make your life easier, Our doesn't care. "
     Jiang-Li has been returning to Jiangfu House for so long, knowing that Jiang-Lao-Furen is a stern, shrewd and reputation-conscious person. In some aspects, she has the style of Jiang Lao-Da, but in other aspects, she wants Jiang Yuanbai to be more prone to avoid harm. This time too, Jiang-Li knows that Jiang-Lao-Furen said these words with a bit of sincerity in mind. It is probably that Jiang-Li is not too difficult to remarry at this age. No one is in Duke House, and no one will protect her in the future. Those gold and silver treasures about Duke House, like children's possession of gold, are tempting. If you use them, Jiang-Li will be difficult to keep alone.
     But Jiang-Li just smiled and said, "I understand everything Grandmother said. But there was an agreement between me and Su Duke. I should wait for him to come back. If he can't come back, I should hold him back. The things that can’t be snatched by others. Ji-Heng In this world, there are no loved ones anymore. If I don’t guard him, no one will guard him. I know Grandmother is worried about me, but Yu Gonglai Said that I am a descendant of the Jiang family, I should not let the Jiang family be ashamed. If I really did such negative things, how many years later would I face the ancestors of the Jiang family under Jiuquan, and I’m sorry, I’m sorry to Duke Trust and sincerity. "
     "Furthermore," she turned to Jiang Yuanbai, "the emperor's meaning in this matter is really intriguing."
     Jiang Yuanbai froze.
     "The emperor values Su Duke. Su Duke cannot return now, but it is the regret and trust that the Emperor can do. If the Jiang family does this kind of thing in this mouth, I'm afraid the emperor's heart is not happy. The father resigns now, leaving the Jiang family all Retreating, but after many years, a hundred years later? The descendants of the Jiang family may not be able to return to the Yanjing City. At that time, if the Jiang family's descendants were made difficult because of my relationship, it would really be worth the loss. The Jiang family may have a smooth journey in the future. It has achieved a good reputation, at least Yanjing City mentioned the Jiang family, and it did not insult the Jiang family's doorkeeper. The Jiang family is still the Qingliu family in the past, isn't it? "
     Jiang-Li speaks magnificently, but she herself knows that these are just reasons. The reasons are naturally false, and the only reason is that she herself wants to wait for Ji-Heng here.
     This life is long and long, and you may encounter countless people, but this life is also very short. After seeing Ji-Heng, she will know that in the future, she will not encounter another person like Ji-Heng. Yes, she likes people.
     But she will not go to death either. Xue Fangfei or Jiang-Li will not go to death. Ji-Heng knows herself. In any case, there is no reason to give up her life. She here, guarding everything at Duke House, and never being the one who misses her appointment.
     Jiang-Lao-Furen no longer speaks, not because she was reminded by Jiang-Li words, although Jiang-Li words make sense, but more importantly, Jiang-Li is not a willingness to fight for herself There are a lot of things for the person who justified it. She has heard it, and it's okay if she agrees. It was just like Yin Zhili original case, likes and dislikes went straight, but today, she said a lot about staying in Yanjing City for herself. She really wanted to stay in Yanjing City, not because of the situation.
     "Forget it," Jiang Yuanbai said, slowly he said, "Since you want to stay in Yanjing City, stay in Yanjing City. Little pear, you are a smart Miss," Lao-Furen said, presumably you are early Just think of it. But you still do so, it means that you are determined, whether it is me or Lao-Furen, I can't help you. I was ashamed of your mother and daughter at the beginning, and now, whatever you want to do, let it go. However, if you change your mind one day and don't want to stick with it, you can come to Yongzhou. You are still the Young-Lady of the Jiang family. "
     Maybe when people leave, everything will be taken lightly. Jiang Yuanbai rarely said such a thing. Jiang-Li smiled, and she said, "I know, father. I also hope my father is fine in Yongzhou, and the Jiang family is prosperous."
     Jiang Yuanbai face was not happy, only a sad look appeared. He has three daughters, and now one is dead and the other is left. The only one left besides is only one crazy Jiang Youyao. He used to think that he was proud of the spring breeze and that his career was smooth. He would only go on like this in his life, but in the end, nothing was left.
     For a moment, he really believed in the word "karma". He did that to Ye Zhenzhen and Jiang-Li back then, and it's his turn now. Even if he wants to make up for it, the past is past and cannot be repeated. Some things can't be simply a day or two.
     It is the bitter fruit of both.
     Jiang Yuanbai said nothing, but only said, "Our will leave after half a month, and Jiang’s house is about to be sold. If you want to move to Ye house, or Duke House, preparations will start in the next few days."
     Jiang-Li nodded :  "Okay, father."
     After Jiang Yuanbai talked about leaving that day, Jiang-Li really started to plan to “move”. It's just that you don't clean up, and when you clean up, you find that her stuff at Jiang's is really poor. In addition to some clothes and jewelry, it is books. After Jiang-Li lived in Fangfei Court, unlike Jiang Youyao and Ji Shuran, they liked to buy some vase ornaments in the yard and house, so they were put together, just a few simple boxes. Bai Xuetonger, Qingfeng Mingyue followed Jiang-Li. In addition, the Jiang family did not want to follow Jiang-Li. Except for the servants whom Jiang Yuanbai has followed for many years, most of his subordinates went home. Jiang Jingrui knew Jiang-Li didn't go with him, and he was very sorry. He told Jiang-Li unwillingly that one day, Jiang-Li would regret it. Don’t cry to Yongzhou Come to them.
     Jiang-Li smiled and didn't answer.
     However, the Jiang family's departure from Capital City really caused a storm in Yanjing City. Many people want to see Jiang-Li reaction. If Jiang-Li followed the Jiang family, they would cross the river and tear down the bridge, which is not very moral. And Jiang-Li will not go with him, but will stay. When some news comes out, some people think that Jiang-Li is really the daughter of the Jiang family, which is quite strong. Some people think that Jiang-Li is a good name. By the way, more people regret Jiang-Li and feel sympathy for Jiang-Li future destiny. A magnificent Miss, since then, he has to live alone, and he must be widow at a young age. Not to mention the money of the Shoufu family, which is placed in ordinary people. .
     No matter what Jiang-Li chooses, there is always a lot of people talking about it. Every time Tonger went out to hear these rumors, he had to be angry and talk about people. Jiang-Li himself didn't care much. Since you can't control everyone vision, just control yourself.
     After half a month, the Jiang family was leaving.
     Early in the morning, Jiang-Li got up early. Because it was the last day of staying in Yanjing, the Jiang family used breakfast together. Since Jiang-Li returned to Jiangfu, it is the first time to eat breakfast with a large family. Mama asked Maid to hold Jiang Youyao aside and sit to feed her. Jiang Youyao still stared blankly at her eyes. Weirdly swallowed the food in her mouth, she now looks much more adorable than she used to be.
     This was the last meal, but everyone was quiet. For the Jiang family, leaving here means leaving their hometown. At such an old age, he has to leave his hometown. Although it is not forced by life, it is not his own initiative. If so much hasn't happened, who wants to leave?
     This early meal was also extremely long. Everyone is slow, even Jiang Jingrui, who has always been careless, becomes gentle. As if hoping that this meal would last forever, it would never be scattered.
     But all the banquets in the world, this meal, after all, it is time to leave. With premature food, Jiang-Li wants to send Jiang's family to the city gate. On the carriage, the Jiang-Lao-Furen girl broke the ground with Jiang-Li when she was a kid. Of course, it was all about Jiang-Li before she was sent to Qingcheng Mountain. Jiang-Lao-Furen was also pregnant Some emotions, but unfortunately, today Jiang-Li is not the real Jiang-2-Young-Lady, and there is no memory of Jiang-2-Young-Lady in the mind. Those past are not Belongs to her, Jiang-Li listens, just feel sorry, if the real Jiang-2-Young-Lady is here, it is a pity that those who leave will not come back again, so you should cherish the front people.
     At the gate of the city, Jiang-Li got off the carriage. Jiang's family also came down, Jiang Jingrui looked at Jiang-Li, and still said, "Do you really think about it? It's too late to regret it now. As long as you say you want to go to Yongzhou, go with Our, don’t have those things Just don't. You stay in Yanjing City by yourself, but nothing fun. "
     Lu-shi stopped talking and seemed to want to follow a few words of persuasion, but wanted to come to Jiang Yuanping to say hello to her before, but in the end did not say anything.
     "You have fun in Yongzhou," Jiang-Li said to him with a smile :  "Maybe in the future, I will come to Yongzhou, and I want you to lead the way in Yongzhou."
     Jiang Jingrui snorted and whispered, "It's stubborn."
     Jiang-Li But without a word, she remembers the first time she saw Jiang Jingrui. When Jiang's family was full of indifference and hostility towards Jiang-2-Young-Lady, the teenager was grinning, but did not look at her with strange eyes like others. She looked at Jiang Jingrui and always thought of Xue Zhao, Jiang-2-Young-Lady and Jiang Jingrui were the same age, but Xue Fangfei was older than Jiang Jingrui.
     Jiang Yuanbai looked at Jiang-Li, and his face was complicated. He just patted Jiang-Li on the shoulder and said, "Take care of yourself."
     "So is my father." Jiang-Li said earnestly :  "It's cold, so get extra clothes, it's better to be cold."
     Jiang Yuanbai is not a bad person, but he is too confused about Jiang-2-Young-Lady. Jiang-2-Young-Lady would not be young if he did not discern right from wrong. Lightly eliminate the jade. Because of this, Jiang-Li could never be as close to Jiang Yuanbai as he was to the Ye family. As if she did this, I'm sorry Jiang-2-Young-Lady, who died early. But when it came to an end, at this moment, I suddenly felt that the past had been exhausted, and the grudges and hatred had been written off.
     That's it.
     Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang-Lao-Furen re-entered the carriage. Lu-shi waved goodbye to Jiang-Li on the carriage. Jiang-Li stood at the gate of the city and watched a line of carriages drift away.
     Tonger and Bai Xue were standing behind her, and both Maid were a little sad. Jiang-Li suddenly felt a bit sloppy. In any case, her nominal family has since been so different. In this life, I wonder if there is any chance to see you again.
     After all, the separation is unsatisfactory. At this moment, she understood the feeling of Ji-Heng. Seeing away family members one after another, until the last one left.
     Jiang-Li turned around and immediately froze. In the snowy day of December, in the snowstorm, Xue Huaiyuan stood not far away. Situ pushed Xue Zhao in September, holding an umbrella, and they looked at her worriedly. Behind her, she turned around and saw it.
     Jiang-Li first froze, then slowly, and slowly laughed.
     Perhaps she was never alone. It was so good to have someone waiting behind, so how could she let Ji-Heng look back and find that there was no one behind him?
     She also wants to be the one waiting behind her back.

     After the Jiang family moved out of Yanjing City, Jiang-Li actually lived in Duke House.
     Jiang-Li attitude was seen by many people in Yanjing City. Over the past few months, Emperor Hong Xiao has dealt with the former and disinterested courtiers in the court and replaced them with newcomers of trust. The pattern of North Han and China has completely reverted, and the northern mountains and rivers have begun a new situation.
     But even so, as Jiang-Li originally expected. The death of Ji-Heng made some of Ji-Heng's enemies start to move. In this case, some people who waited to see if Ji-Heng would be killed halfway were completely relieved and started to deal with Ji-Heng.
     Jiang-Li lives in Duke House and has been guarding Duke House. Some courtiers played Hong Xiao di to deprive him of the title of the Ji family, because in the future, if Jiang-Li remarried to another person, the title would fall on others. Jiang-Li went to the palace and asked for his life, saying that he would never marry for life. On the other hand, Xue Huaiyuan also ordered Ye Shijie to make Ye Shijie use his strength in the country to protect Duke House.
     Over the past few months, several storms have come, and in the end everything is fine. Later, those people looked at Jiang-Li attitude very stubbornly. Ye Shijie also climbed higher and higher. The most important thing was that Hong Xiao di attitude was already obvious. It seemed that he did not intend to reclaim the title of Duke House. Interest fanfare. More people are watching the excitement. Jiang-Li vowed not to marry for life, but he is a young Miss, and his life is long. Now I think so, but I will look at it a few years later. If you can't swallow the bitter fruits you have brought, you will not be able to provoke some affair and become the talk of the streets.
     Jiang-Li knows that those people are watching the lively mind, and she doesn't care. She is practicing the whip method with Xue Zhao every day. She is not as good as Xue Zhao who has martial arts skills. She simply concentrates on learning to use various poisonous hidden weapon. Now in Yanjing City, it is not to sit back and relax, and dangers will appear all the time, and now, no more Ji-Heng will appear. She has to find a way to protect others.
     In Jiang-Li mind, there was another thought, she didn't know how to get along with Xue Huaiyuan. She wanted to spend a few more days and went to Qimin herself. Now that the snow is closing the mountain, she can't go into the mountain. When the spring day comes, she can enter the mountain. In any case, she has to go there. Ji-Heng hasn't seen a corpse till now, everyone is eaten by beasts. It seemed that the words in that prophecy were fulfilled, but Jiang-Li always felt that he would not be so ruthless. Even if he really can't come back, she has to confirm this herself, not in Yanjing City, waiting for news from others.
     Time seems to pass slowly, but it also seems to pass quickly, and it is the turn of the year.
     This year is still in Yanjing City. Jiang-Li years ago, under the witness of Ye Mingyu, recognized Xue Huaiyuan as his righteous father, and then he has always called Xue Huaiyuan as Father. Ye Mingyu felt nothing, in Ye Mingyu opinion, Xue Huaiyuan was much better than Jiang Yuanbai. At least now with Jiang-Li, Xue Huaiyuan and Xue Zhao. And Ye Mingyu also likes Xue Zhao free-hearted spirit very much. If it was not for this generation, he would have to worship Xue Zhao with his brother.
     During the New Year in Duke House, Kong Liu and Lu Yan did not show up. Since the Jinwu Army division returned to the dynasty, Lu Yan also returned to his hometown. Wen Renyao, originally Lu Ji followed Ji-Heng because Ji-Heng had the knowledge to know him. At that time, Lu Yan's family was chased and killed by the enemies. It was Ji-Heng who took the landing puppets to find those enemies, and when the landing puppets faced them, they killed them one by one. Since then, Lu Yan has decided to follow Ji-Heng. He was known as a "child prodigy" many years ago when he was a child, and he did not become mediocre because of his age. At first, I followed Ji-Heng for gratitude, but later I really wanted to follow Ji-Heng. Now Ji-Heng is not there, and it is not meaningful for Lu Yan to stay in Yanjing City. He didn't need to be a grandson of Guanyin, so he simply went home to farm.
     Kong Liu was still in Yanjing City, but he was busy with the affairs of the year, but it was too late. Wen Renyao was thrown in as always, and Situ was also in September, but fortunately for this reason, Duke House did not become a deserted house, and there were no people.
     During the festival, Jiang-Li will also replace Ji-Heng to worship his parents Ji Yanhan and Yu Hongye. It was a pity that the two people who were shocked and brilliant in the past can never see each other again. Jiang-Li does it very carefully.
     When the New Year arrives, everyone will eat New Year's Eve in the house.
     The cook Ye Mingyu invited was very good at cooking. But when Jiang-Li sits at the table, he always remembered how Ji-Heng himself cooks. Want to come to Wen Renyao and Situ in September also thought of this, their looks are a bit unnatural. Ye Mingyu did not know what the reason was, only complained about the strange atmosphere, and finally had no choice. However, Xue Huaiyuan guessed that he was nothing, just looking at Jiang-Li eyes, with some worries in the end.
     Lan had grown very tall, and became a handsome BMW, and his temper was getting bigger and bigger. Red liked to pecking his mane on his head, and Lan ran in the yard and knocked people over. Ye Mingyu complained a few times. It was Jiang-Li. They really loved blue and red. Jiang-Li but didn't smile. Blue and red were left by Ji-Heng. Ji-Heng was not there, and they would do it again. Without fear, act arrogantly, but ... Jiang-Li sometimes thinks, I don’t know blue and red, sometimes I think of their master, and I feel that the red in Duke house is lost, it’s like it’s gone. Soul, no longer look bright and bright.
     In the evening, everyone was observing the age together, and Wen Renyao suddenly lost his head. "Last year, Our was also observing the age with the second sister."
     Everyone froze, Ye Mingyu narrowed his eyes and asked, "What do you mean? How could A Li stay with you for years, can Jiang Yuanbai promise it? Are you dreaming, or are you sleepy? But don’t mess around, it’s broken Our house Ali reputation. "He furiously drew a knife from his waist and dropped it to the ground." Huh! "
     Xue Zhao and Xue Huaiyuan realized what they were, and they looked at Jiang-Li inquiringly.
     Jiang-Li couldn't help but laughed at the "å™—å—¤", thinking that it was even deeper in the middle of the night, Zhao Yan guarded her from running out of Jiangfu and baba went to roast the venison for Ji Ji General. With a ridiculous smile, the smile faded, and I just felt very embarrassed.
     That arrogant, joyful, and direct feast turned out to be the first and last time they spent the Chinese New Year together. She still remembers every clear picture, every sentence of General Ji Ji and Ji-Heng, but people are gone. I originally thought that there would be countless such days in the future, but I did not expect that it would suddenly stop like this.
     In September, Situ stared at Wen Renyao, and Wen Renyao saw Jiang—Li face, as if he had come to understand that he was wrong, and immediately covered up the wine glass in front of him, saying, "I see Our still have a drink Happy new year everyone! "
     Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate each other. When no one saw Jiang-Li lifted the wine glass to his lips, he said softly.
     She :  "Good New Year, Ji-Heng."
     When the guard was over, everyone felt tired and went back to bed to sleep. Jiang-Li also feels tired, but more often, he feels that everything is in his heart and he can't sleep. The more so, the more she thought of Ji-Heng. I always feel that if Ji-Heng is still alive and back, what is the situation tonight, at least this night, it will not make her feel so cold.
     She felt a fan falling from her close neck. The butterfly fan pendant made her repair it carefully, and it finally looked as good as ever. She made a fan pendant into a necklace and put it on her neck, so that it was close to her chest, and felt the warmth of her heartbeat, as if Ji-Heng could stay with her at any time.
     Under the lights, the red butterfly exuded a gorgeous brilliance. Jiang-Li pinched the fan pendant and saw the magic.
     I don’t know how long, the sound of the snow outside seems to be, in silence, there seems to be a “knock” knock on the door, and the knock is not slow or slow, like someone standing at the door with a smile, Braving the snow, Huayan in red, knocked on the door of the old man.
     Jiang-Li trembled suddenly, and then, a burst of ecstasy came out of his heart. She didn't even put on her clothes, so she rushed out of the door and immediately opened it. But there was nothing outside the door.
     She was reconciled and took a few more steps outside, Duke House was so large, she went down her yard and even went outside. Under the promenade, the lanterns were shaken slightly by the wind, and the lights seemed to be blown out. The bottom was covered with thick snow, but the snow above did not come down.
     But nothing.
     As if she had become the person who dreamed about the garden in the play, everything was just a dream of flying wild. The knock on the door was just a joke made by the wind with her, but she took it seriously under the utmost miss.
     Jiang-Li couldn't help but slowly squat down, covering her face and crying.
     She was crying very restrained, more like the young beast could not find the direction, confused, and afraid of being fragile, sobbing. In these days, she smiled as usual to everyone, and she seemed to have nothing in her heart. She could go well without Ji-Heng, but was completely destroyed by this cruel dream today. She couldn't disguise, no matter how she could disguise, there would be a tired day. Especially living here, there are memories everywhere, his shadow is everywhere, how can she pretend to be nothing. She was neither a fairy nor a heart of stone.
     Jiang-Li cried for a long time. She didn't like to cry in front of people. There were only a few crying. It seemed that Ji-Heng was there. Now, when he cries, whether it is coldly watching Ji-Heng, Ji-Heng, who gently wiped her tears for her, will not appear again.
     Until the wind was quiet, Jiang-Li raised her face from the arm bend. She saw Ye Shijie standing not far from her, looking at her with a complex look.
     He didn't know how long he had been standing here, or how long he just listened to her crying. In short, Ye Shijie didn't come to bother her, so quietly as an onlooker, just like he did in the past.
     "Cousin Ye?" Jiang-Li stood up, and she rubbed her numb knee, her grief had not been put away on her face, and she had a new shock. "Why are you here?"
     Ye Shijie said, "I can't sleep. I walk out and see you."
     "Make my cousin a joke." Jiang-Li whispered softly.
     Ye Shijie walked in two steps. He stared at Jiang-Li face. Jiang-Li eyes were slightly swollen, but his eyes were as clear as ever. This made him think of Jiang-Li, who had just grown up in Yanjing City. At that time, Jiang-Li suddenly appeared from the street, showing her identity, smiling at the corner of her mouth, calm and calm, eyes There is a slight pride and alienation.
     Now Jiang-Li, without those alienation, her temper is more and more peaceful, as if this is her nature. She is not shaken by outside events, no matter what happens, she looks calm. It turned out that all her enthusiasm and emotions were given to another person and would not be known to outsiders.
     "Why are you crying?" Ye Shijie heard his voice, "Is it for Ji-Heng?"
     As soon as the words came out, Ye Shijie also hesitated for a moment. He didn't understand why he asked such a stupid question, which was obviously obvious, but the unwillingness in his heart made him suddenly want to ask it.
     "Yes." Jiang-Li replied frankly, "I seemed to dream of him before. I woke up from the dream and felt very uncomfortable. My cousin must think I was naive, crying for a dream, it was a child. Things to do. "
     So? Ye Shijie thought silently that Jiang-Li could show all his joy and sorrow before Ji-Heng, and she was mature and decent in front of others. In front of Ji-Heng, she was a Willful Miss, this is the side that others can't see, only Ji-Heng can see.
     Suddenly a jealousy came from his heart. This jealousy was so violent that he made himself unguarded, and said, "Cousin, Su Duke will not return. If you want to live a little easier, you better forget him."
     Jiang-Li heard the words, looked at Ye Shijie in surprise, as if surprised Ye Shijie would be so. Ye Shijie was looked at by her gaze and suddenly felt hot. He knew his words were too selfish, but he couldn't control himself.
     Yin Zhili likes Jiang-Li, at least he has won. However, he liked Jiang-Li, but he couldn't even export it. Ye Shijie also has his own pride. He does not feel that he is from a merchant, so he is not worthy of the sister-zi of Shoufu Jiang's family. Moreover, Jiang Yuanbai is not the first assistant now, and he has entered the career path. The reason Ye Shijie couldn't export was because he knew very well that Jiang-Li only had Ji-Heng in his eyes. In Jiang-Li eyes, he was only his cousin, his elder brother, but there was no male or female Zhiqing.
     When he learned that Ji-Heng would never return, Ye Shijie was worried about Jiang-Li future, but at the same time, he couldn't help asking himself, would this be an opportunity to test him? Maybe he has been taking care of Jiang-Li, and one day, they can produce other results.
     But no one expected that Jiang-Li would block all his own back roads without waiting for others to come. He vowed not to marry for life, so Ye Shijie last humble wish was broken. He knew that he no longer had a chance, and in this life, he could only be the elder brother of Jiang-Li.
     But he still didn't understand why Jiang-Li liked Ji-Heng so much. Is it because of Ji-Heng's beauty? There are countless beautiful people, and Jiang-Li is not so superficial? Is it because of Ji-Heng's status? The Yin family's original status is not low. As for the character, Ji-Heng is even worse. Ye Shijie can only be sure that there are some pasts between Jiang-Li and Ji-Heng that belong only to their counterparts. It is because of those pasts that Jiang-Li heart will not shift anyway.
     Although he really thought about Jiang-Li for his words to Jiang-Li, he also had his own selfishness. When he saw the eyes of Jiang-Li, Ye Shijie thought that his thoughts might be Jiang-Li already knew.
     "Cousin, do you think Ji-Heng will not be back again?" Jiang-Li asked softly.
     Ye Shijie was silent, and silence represented his answer.
     "But I always think he will come back. Just a delay on the road." Jiang-Li smiled slightly. "Although the wait is long, I will wait for him until he doesn't stop. As for the future It’s easy or not, I just know that if I forget him, I really don’t have a happy day. "
     A long sigh in Ye Shijie heart, Jiang-Li stubbornness, all of them have been taught, he should have known this already, everyone took turns to persuade, Jiang-Li did not take it for granted, if he changed it, what would be wrong? Is it the same? of course not.
     "My cousin hasn't met that person yet," laughed Jiang-Li. "When my cousin meets the most important woman in life, he will understand that sometimes, waiting for a lifetime is actually a very difficult thing. The good thing. In other words, my cousin will face the same situation as me, and my cousin will make such a choice. Of course, I hope that my cousin will never encounter such a situation.
     Ye Shijie looked at Jiang-Li with a complex expression. The girl looked at him with a smile. In her eyes, she returned to the calmness and calmness she usually used to, and no longer collapsed and fragile as she had just discovered. When she first met, she never changed, but he went from the initial hostile taunt to slowly admiring.
     When did you fall in love with it? Maybe it was when she spoke for Tongxiang Xue Huaiyuan, or when she was smiling and smiling at Ye Mingyu, even earlier, when he was entangled in a lawsuit on the street, and a strange girl came out of the crowd and blocked him. When he was in front of him, he was aware of her when he had the help to resolve his dilemma.
     Yin and Yang were wrong and lost to time.
     And Jiang-Li was really hearty, and she understood all her thoughts. The words just now were also a polite rejection, and she hoped that he would pursue his own happiness.
     It's just ... Ye Shijie thought bitterly. If Jiang-Li was really waiting for Ji-Heng's life, would he also be waiting for Jiang-Li so hopelessly? It's really like Jiang-Li. This is just an infatuation from a young age. When one day he meets a woman he really loves in his life, these will become the past, not to mention. Still, as time goes on, infatuation becomes obsessive, and like Jiang-Li, no one can see in his life a shadow of nothingness that will never look back.
     No one can predict the future, and he and Jiang-Li are no exception. No one can control his emotions, and he gives up.
     That's it, and walk and see, at least he should feel satisfied, but also have the opportunity to see the lively Jiang-Li on this night, and talk to her here.
     "Cousin should go back to rest earlier." Jiang-Li laughed. "It is a new year."
     "Yeah," Ye Shijie looked away, dreamily. "It's a new year."
     There is still new hope in everything.
     Early the next morning, Jiang-Li got up late.
     Last night, after meeting Ye Shijie and talking outside for a while, Jiang-Li was very late when he fell asleep. But it's the New Year, so Bai Xue and Tong Er didn't wake her up. In the New Year, everything is worthy of tolerance.
     Jiang-Li ate something casually, walked out of the door, and it snowed a lot late last night. Qingfeng and Mingyue are sweeping the snow in the yard. Rao is so. When you walk out of the yard and step in, the snow can almost reach half of the knees.
     Jiang-Li heard the sound coming from the flower garden, and went over there. As soon as he approached, he froze, and saw Zhao Yan and Wen Jili over there, and he was working with Situ in September. Situ turned his back to Jiang-Li in September, but Zhao Yan first saw the shadow of Jiang-Li and called out :  "Second sister."
     Jiang-Li didn't answer him, looked at the flowerbed, and completely silenced.
     In the entire flower garden, it was about last night's heavy snow, and almost all the flowers could not bear the raging and were completely destroyed. Some were buried in the snow, and some were exposed outside, but they were also turned upside down, and looked very miserable.
     The flowers in Duke Mansion, or the cherished poison herb, were already delicate, and were originally brought to Duke Mansion by Ji-Heng Qianli. It's gratifying to have flowers. The flowers in it are also more and more year after year. Because of this, Situ was able to find the ingredients for refining poison in the flower garden in September.
     The Jin Wujun class returned to the dynasty. After Ji-Heng died on the battlefield, according to Ji-Heng's previous instructions, the entire Duke House was given to Jiang-Li. Naturally, Jiang-Li was asked to take care of the flower garden. Jiang-Li is not a gardener. He used to serve flowers and plants in Tongxiang, and how to take care of poisonous herbs is really ignorant. Fortunately, the original gardener is still there and has been helping. Jiang-Li also often goes to help in the flower garden. It seems that this is the only way to dilute the nagging in her heart and find some things for herself to do.
     However, this year's winter in Yanjing City is extremely cold and the snowstorm is extremely large. In the middle of the night last night, the snow was very rapid, and everyone didn't notice it. The snow almost buried the entire flowerbed. Situ September and others discovered this early in the morning and immediately asked people to remove the snow immediately. This is so, it seems to be weak, and they can only watch the prosperity and barrenness.
     Jiang-Li squatted down and reached out to pick up a flower on the soil. The petals were still frosted with snow, which had been crushed into a shape, and the original beautiful peach pink could be clearly seen. Jiang-Li held the petal and looked at Situ September :  "Isn't this ... saved?"
     Situ shook his head in September.
     "These herbs are not easy to find, and the growth environment is very harsh. The climate of Yanjing City is not suitable for them to grow here. It is Ji-Heng who has spent a lot of money to find ways to create the environment for many years. But this year it is not working, Yan Capital City is getting colder year by year, and these herbs can't survive. The roots are broken. "Situ voice in September was also very sorry.
     Although Ji Huanhan's death, this flower garden also seems to have lost its meaning, but with this flower garden, Situ refining poison in September is also much more convenient. And from a certain point of view, the flowerbed really added a lot to Duke House, making this mansion full of fairy spirit and desirable, and now a snowstorm is like the dream of last night was awakened and stayed Only the sober truth came down.
     Coming to those who love to dream is always cruel.
     Jiang-Li doesn't know anything, it seems that since Ji-Heng left, little by little here has been lost. Even though the Ye family and Xue Huaiyuan lived in, they were noisy every day, as if they were very lively, but they always felt that something was missing. As if this mansion knew that his master would not return, he was so frustrated.
     She looked at Wu Qing of the slow flower garden, only feeling that it was a very bad omen, so she stood up and said, "Since this is the case, bury this flower garden. Bury these flowers, wait for spring, and then plant "
     Situ looked at her in surprise in September :  "Replant?"
     "Ji-Heng only has two hobbies," Jiang-Li said slowly. "One is to enjoy the flowers, and the other is to watch the theater. He gave me the Duke House if I made it gray. , Such a discerning person, he must be displeased when he sees it. Besides, some colors can add a bit of liveliness. "
     Situ didn't say anything in September. Since Jiang-Li, she can't do anything more, let alone, now Duke House is all Jiang-Li. Jiang-Li wants to do it, and naturally can do it. do.
     "But," Situ pointed to the other side in September, "these flowers are dead, and the tree is alive."
     Jiang-Li followed her movements, and saw a tree growing in the flowerbed. This is a pear tree. That night, when she went from Jiangfu to Duke, she saw that Ji-Heng was planting, and went forward to plant it with Ji-Heng.
     She walked to the side of the tree, and the tree was much taller. From the young saplings, they stood tall and straight, and looked very slim. It may not be long before it can continue to grow and grow. In summer, its branches and leaves become lush and become a green shade. In the spring of the next year, white flowers will grow. It grew up slowly in Duke House, growing from when Ji-Heng was alive, until a long time later.
     Jiang-Li reached out and touched the trunk. The branches were also covered with snow, and the tree was crooked. Jiang-Li brushed away the snow, and it seemed to be relaxed, and it became higher. cut. At this moment, Jiang-Li men felt an uneven object, and she felt like it was carved by someone. Then she stared at it, and her eyes became red, and she almost burst into tears. Come.
     The handwriting on it is familiar. It is exactly Ji-Heng's handwriting. It is roughly engraved with the tip of a sword :  in spring and March of the 28th year, it is planted with a raccoon hand.
     She seemed to be able to see through this line of writing, seeing the young man in red kneeling on the ground half-heartedly, holding the sword tip in a word, his expression was serious, his amber eyes were focused by Moonlight, and the corner of his mouth was smiling Beautiful.
     The arrival of Jiang-Li at that time was just one thing, but he was in his heart, and he commemorated it seriously, as if in his life, it was a big thing worth remembering.
     He ... why?
     Jiang-Li turned around, tears fell for a moment, and fell into the soil. The tree trembled slightly in the wind, gentle and incomprehensible, her heart was surprisingly sour.
     After calming down for a while, Jiang-Li turned and walked out. She thought maybe this was what Ji-Heng left to her. This pear tree that they planted together will replace Ji-Heng, stay with her and spend countless springs and autumns.
     After Jiang-Li came out, I saw Xue Huaiyuan outside the courtyard. Xue Huaiyuan looked at her look, and there seemed to be something to ask, Jiang-Li held back and asked, "Father, what happened?"
     Xue Huaiyuan quickly waved his hand :  "Nothing, just have something to discuss with you."
     "Father, please." Jiang-Li said.
     Xue Huaiyuan pulled Jiang-Li to sit down at the stone table outside and said, "I think, the New Year has passed. Since you will stay in Yanjing City in the future, Our will return to Tongxiang first. The old man over there The house was dealt with, and then said hello to the folks, saying goodbye, and won't go back in the future. You see ... "He looked intently at Jiang-Li.
     Jiang-Li wasn't surprised. Xue Huaiyuan had planned this with her before, and Jiang-Li agreed. I also plan to go back to Tongxiang after I return to Tongxiang. Anyway, I have to pass Tongxiang to Qimin anyway. Immediately said :  "OK."
     Xue Huaiyuan seemed to be relieved and hesitated for a while before he said, "A raccoon, Father knows what you are thinking, and if others are persuading you, Father will not, you know. But where are you, Father and A Zhao Where is it? Our family will never be separated in the future. No matter if you stay in Yanjing City or go somewhere else, Father will not leave anyone alone. So do what you want to do, Don't worry about other people perspectives and methods, both Father and A Zhao will understand you. "
     Jiang-Li smiled, "I know, Father."
     "Then, let's plan for when it's time to set off." Xue Huaiyuan said :  "It's not too late, let's leave early and return early."
     "Father," Jiang-Li interrupted Xue Huaiyuan, "I also have one thing and want to discuss it with Father."
     "what's up?"
     "After returning to Tongxiang, I don't want to return to Yanjing City immediately. I want to go to Qimin."
     Xue Huaiyuan heard the words and did not answer for a long time.
     "Father, no matter how I think, I can’t accept it. I just have to wait in Yanjing City. I can’t wait, but I always think I can do something else. I only went to find it myself. Hope, I will die. Otherwise, I will live with this regret throughout my life. Shouldn't I live by my heart? This is what Father taught me and A Zhao. "
     Xue Huaiyuan sighed with a smile and shook his head :  "A Zhao told me before that you would definitely go to Qimin once. I didn't believe it. Now it seems that the stink knows you very well. Ah Tan, Father, What are you going to do, Father won't stop you, but Father and A Zhao will accompany you. "
     "But your body ..."
     "Our's body is not good, is it just a weak woman? Just like that, Aju, Ji-Heng is your obsession, and you are also obsessed with Father. I have lost you once and don’t want to lose it again. "
     Jiang-Li clearly saw the pain in Xue Huaiyuan's eyes. She suddenly felt that she was too selfish. Since Ji-Heng's accident, she has been immersed in grief, but has forgotten how she looks like this, and how worried should be in the eyes of relatives around her. Xue Huaiyuan watched himself die last time, he couldn't bear such pain again.
     Jiang-Li nodded and said, "Okay, Father, Our will find more guards and go to Qimin together."
     Xue Huaiyuan was satisfied. When the two started again, when they were going, who happened to be, Ye Mingyu passed by and heard a word, saying, "What are you doing, what is the distance? Where are you going?"
     Jiang-Li turned around, Ye Mingyu was carrying his sword and was coming back from the outside, Jiang-Li replied :  "Our intends to return to Tongxiang."
     "Back to Tongxiang?" Ye Mingyu looked at Xue Huaiyuan, "Well? Xue Teacher, is this going back home?"
     "No." Xue Huaiyuan explained :  "This time I return to Tongxiang, I am dealing with the old house in Tongxiang. I bid farewell to my blind date, and then I will not return to Tongxiang and stay in Yanjing City with Aju."
     "That's it." Ye Mingyu grinned broadly :  "Let's go together, I'll go back to Xiangyang."
     This time, Jiang-Li turn was surprised. Jiang-Li asked :  "Mu-Uncle, going back to Xiangyang?"
     "Yes, I received a letter from my elder brother yesterday. The elder brother Taoshuiwen is selling very well in Yanjing City now. Now Shijie officials are doing a good job. I can’t always separate the two places like this. The Ye family was in Yanjing many years ago, and now I plan to kill Yanjing from Xiangyang. This time I went back, I took all of my mother and brother. ”Ye Mingyu laughed :  "A raccoon, they will all be there when your cousin arrives. You will not be so lonely in Yanjing City. Forbidden things in Ye shop, you have to help."
     This was unexpected by Jiang-Li, but she was really happy. She really hasn't seen Ye-Lao-Furen for a long time, and she said, "This is better."
     "So, when do you plan to leave, also hit me." Ye Mingyu patted his chest. "With me, the bandits will detour. All the way is very safe. Let's sail smoothly and safely, and arrive earlier than you think. ! "
     Jiang-Li and Xue Huaiyuan looked at each other, and Jiang-Li said, "Then, let Mu-Uncle go with Our."
     "Okay." Ye Mingyu replied lightly.
     The return from Yanjing City to Tongxiang is the second time since Jiang-Li was reborn. The last time, she had no one around her, and now Xue Zhao and Xue Huaiyuan are around, about old tolerance. But the old man was unwilling to give a peaceful and fulfilling life, and took away her precious things again.
     Jiang-Li set out at the tenth year after that. When leaving, nobody knew about Yanjing City. Duke House also left some people to look after him, and Zhao Yan and Wen Ji followed. Situ is also in September, so you can see if you can find the precious poison herb on the way. Along the way, as Ye Mingyu promised before, he did not encounter any bandits blocking the road, but maybe because they were too crowded, the guards escorting the carriage did not seem to be vegetarian. Some of you are stubborn and have retired early.
     After all, the journey to Xiangyang was safe and sound.
     The crowd first went to Xiangyang and met the Ye family. Ye-Lao-Furen has heard about Jiang-Li in Xiangyang, and has been pulling Jiang-Li hand to tears. I feel that Jiang-Li, at a young age, will never marry again in the future. The other members of the Ye family also felt sorry for Jiang-Li, and Ye Jiaer was very sad for the death of Jiang-Li future husband. Because of this, the Ye family treats Jiang-Li more seriously, and hopes that Jiang-Li will be as happy as possible in Xiangyang these days, and temporarily forget those sad things.
     Because Ye-Lao-Furen's body is not good, the Ye family has to wait for the air to warm up before leaving for Capital City. At the same time, it will take a little time to deal with things like shops and houses in Xiangyang. This time the Ye family moved to Yanjing City and did not plan to return.
     Jiang-Li stayed in Ye house for the time being. After waiting for more than ten days, Xue Huaiyuan and Xue Zhao will go to Tongxiang first, Jiang-Li said to Ye-Lao-Furen :  I also want to go to Tongxiang to see, after all, I was here last time. To deal with Feng Yutang, but did not take a good look at what Tongxiang looks like.
     Now Ye-Lao-Furen is afraid that Jiang-Li can't think of it. As long as Jiang-Li is happy, he can do anything. Immediately agreed, but she was afraid that Jiang-Li and Miss would be tedious to follow, so Ye Jiaer and Ye Rufeng followed. Three young people, Xue Zhao, Xue Huaiyuan, and Situ in September, just returned to Tongxiang.
     Tongxiang is still the same. After the fall of Feng Yutang, he came to a new county. This county is not very old, not yet in its infancy, but it is probably because of its youth that it is quite talented. Several major events have been done in Tongxiang, and the people are very satisfied with this county. It was heard that Xue Huaiyuan was back, all the people in Tongxiang rushed to the door of Xue Zhai house and gave them eggs and grain.
     Before Jiang-Li rescued Xue Huaiyuan from Feng Yutang, Xue Huaiyuan was crazy, and the people in Tongxiang knew this, and sighed. Now Xue Huaiyuan stood in front of him with a clear voice, except that he looked better than before A little old and a little bit old, clearly and indistinguishable from the past. The people had to thank the curtain. Zhang Tufu laughed :  "I knew Xue Daren would get better! In this world, there are still good people with good rewards!"
     The crowd echoed, and the people saw Jiang-Li again, and even kneeled down to thank Jiang-Li Bun. If Jiang-Li hadn’t taken them to the Yanjing City to play the Shi Shiming drums and deal with Feng Yutang, Otherwise, Feng Yutang has been doing great things in Tongxiang, and they don't know how long they will suffer.
     Jiang-Li, where dare to let them really kneel, busy sideways avoid, and lifted them up, only the way does not interfere. Those people saw Xue Zhao in a wheelchair again, booing.
     It was easy to send away these enthusiastic people, clean up Xue Zhai, and the people really lived in.
     Xue Huaiyuan said to Ye Jiaer, "Han She is humble, Ye-Miss.
     "It doesn't matter, Xue Bo-bo." Ye Jiaer laughed. "The Xue family is very loved in Tongxiang."
     Xue Huaiyuan laughed and said nothing. Probably, but this time I came back with a lot of emotion. In Xue ancestral hall, Xue Fu-ren's tablets were all ashes. Xue Huaiyuan asked Jiang-Li to come in and give Xue Fu-ren some fragrance.
     When it was night, Jiang-Li lived in the yard where he lived before leaving the court, and fell asleep in his bed. At first Feng Yutang sealed Xue house, but because the Xue family was poor, and there was no valuable money in the house, no one moved in the room. Sitting on the boudoir in the past, Jiang-Li could not calm for a long time. It seems that in these years, she got married, was killed, reborn, and was given a marriage. Until now, Ji-Heng has nowhere to go. It is just a dream she had, or people who watched the show off the stage indifferently. It is unclear whether it is a game or a reality.
     But in the end, the days passed. She felt the butterfly around her neck warm, crystal, like flowing blood, bright and eye-catching, so that her memory could not fade.
     She closed her eyes.
     It's like ... take Ji-Heng back to your hometown.
     The first day of April is the Spring Festival.
     There is a long river in Tongxiang. On the day of the Spring Festival, many Miss, Fu-ren will put down their own lanterns by the river embankment. The lanterns are filled with candles, and they look far away. Illuminated and shimmering, as if in Dragon Palace Wonderland.
     In the evening, a few young people have to travel to experience the lively Spring Festival. Xue Huaiyuan's legs and feet were inconvenient and he didn't follow them. He just let the guards take care of them.
     Except for Xue Zhao and Xue Huaiyuan, everyone else saw this scene for the first time. Tongxiang is not as prosperous as the Yanjing City, but the folk customs are simple, probably because the Spring Festival is also very important for them to come, so this night, it is as lively as the temple fair in Yanjing City. On the streets are all people who come to see the lively people, there are sisters gongzi, ordinary teenagers and girls, and there are also fun children. Many people on the street are wearing masks. The masks are painted idol faces, and they have everything in colorful. At first glance, they seem to sing a big show. Just because the people of Tongxiang think that the Spring Festival Lantern Festival will be transformed into a mortal to play in the ordinary, wherever the gods go, they will bless the place with good weather and great harvest this year. Therefore, the people of Tongxiang are used to playing with the idol mask during the Spring Festival.
     Situ bought a black-faced idol in September, while Ye Jiaer bought a kind-looking bodhisattva bodhisattva with a smile on his eyes. The mask worn by Ye Rufeng seemed to be staring with a beard, very fierce. Xue Zhao and Jiang-Li bought a pair of twin boys’masks to wear.
     Lanterns are everywhere, and there are lively voices everywhere. People who pinch clay can be seen everywhere. In September, Situ was also stuffed with a candied fruit. The jugglers, the sugar-blowers, and the hustle and bustle of Tongxiang are very different from the capital city, but there is a kind of prosperity outside the world, like the paradise in the book, everyone feels comfortable.
     Situ came to Tongxiang for the first time in September, and his expression was full of surprise. Xue Zhao explained these things to her, unknowingly, and they both left behind. Jiang-Li didn't rush when he saw this, and it was better to leave them alone for a while. It was rare for Situ in September to be so relaxed. When Jiang-Li turned around, he could still see the smile on Situ face.
     She is really happy.
     Jiang-Li was also happy for her. Ye Jiaer and Ye Rufeng stopped at this moment in front of a juggler. The juggler had a stack of plates in his hand, and a stack on his head. The overlapping old highs did not fall off, and the crowd made applause. Ye Jia Er looked fascinated, Jiang-Li stopped and waited patiently.
     Just then, Jiang-Li turned his head by accident, and his eyes suddenly fixed. She seemed to see a familiar figure flashing from the crowd, the bright red that overshadowed the flourishing and lively surroundings. Jiang-Li was shocked in her heart, her body was faster than her thinking, and she almost ran towards the person over there without thinking, trying to see who the person was.
     Everyone was around, Jiang-Li bumped into many people, she apologized and apologized, but then looked for it. I couldn't find it, it seemed like she had lost her eyes or her hallucinations, but it was truly incredible. Jiang-Li caught up with the masked red man in front of her. For a moment, she almost thought that she had found it. She shook her hand and took off the other's mask. Then her smile was frozen on her face, which was a stranger. Middle-aged man looked at her suspiciously.
     Jiang-Li choked and said, "I'm sorry, I recognize the wrong person."
     The man wanted to blame a few words, and saw Jiang-Li eyes were red, thinking she was scared, and said :  "It's all right, I know the wrong person and cry." Awkwardly left.
     Jiang-Li stayed where she was, many people came and went, and she was trying to find the red figure in the crowd. But the lights were on and she couldn't see anything. People coming and going wore all kinds of masks on their faces, but there was no face under the mask that she wanted to see.
     She lost Ji-Heng and couldn't find it.
     Peach trees are planted on the streets on both sides of Tongxiang. This year's spring is particularly strong, and the layers above the trees are full of romantic. It was a rare beauty in the world, and it was in the excitement among these people, that Jiang-Li felt sad and clear.
     She searched over and over again, it seemed to be the same person in the eyes, and finally, she was tired and stopped.
     Ye Jiaer and Ye Rufeng were long gone. She walked too fast and didn't say hello to the sister and brother. But she went around and left nothing.
     The April wind seemed to be warm, and it felt itchy. Jiang-Li walked slowly along the river. There were many Misses on the river. The lanterns were being lit. The water surface was lit. Some lovers wrote acacia with ripples and lively singing and dancing. Jiang-Li walked slowly, as if Back to the spring night that was intoxicated many years ago, Ji-Heng did the same, walked slowly, the excitement had nothing to do with him, and Jiji was out of the bustling city, as if a stranger broke into it.
     Some people will have a curious look at Jiang-Li, and when they see this beautiful young girl, she is completely lost in her face, she doesn’t know what she is thinking, and she walks very slowly, like life.
     The lights seemed to never go out. Jiang-Li walked for a long time. She reached the end of the river embankment. At this moment, she heard Ye Jiaer's voice :  "Cousin!"
     Jiang-Li turned around, Ye Jiaer ran over panting, grabbed Jiang-Li hand, looked left and right, and said, "Cousin, where have you been? I couldn't find you, I thought you were missing It’s almost time to report to the officer. "
     "I'm fine." Jiang-Li smiled at her reluctantly, without seeing Ye Rufeng, he asked, "What about the wind?"
     Hearing that Ye Jiaer's face became more and more ugly, Jiang-Li asked :  "But what happened?"
     "I and Rufeng didn't know you were missing at first, thinking that you were going to wait for Xue Shaoye them. Someone was setting up a show not far from the front. Rufeng had never seen such a good performance, but there were people around the stage Fu, gongzi, who did not know where they came from, wrapped up the show and showed it to him alone. It was young and vigorous, but angry, and quarreled with that person. Later Xue Shaoye came and went The siege was not clear yet. "
     Jiang-Li frowned :  "How can this be?"
     "I just want to persuade, but nothing." Ye Jiaer's face was anxious.
     "Sister, don't worry, I'll see what's going on. Since A Zhao is here, I won't let Rufeng get into trouble." Jiang-Li comforted her. All the people in Tongxiang, Jiang-Li, are familiar. Unless they are foreigners, as long as they are here, Jiang-Li knows them. It's about a misunderstanding.
     Ye Jiaer nodded :  "I'll take you there."
     The two hurried to Ye Jiaer's place, and they saw Tongxiang East Street downstairs. In the Qinglian Square, they were far apart, and they heard the melody of opera, singing "Peony Pavilion".
     "The dream returns to Yingying, and the years are gone, people are standing in the deep courtyard. Putting down all the smoke and throwing the residual embroidery thread, is it like last year's customs?"
     The female voice of the opera was long and lazy. In a split second, the spring was full of light, and the people around him didn't enter the room, but just looked outside. On both sides of the road, there are peach blossoms, just like the spring in the drama, tourists walk into it and break into a shocking dream.
     "You say that Cuisheng gave birth to a blouse, Qianjing, and Yanjingjinghua filled it with eight treasures. You know what my hobby is like in my life? No one sees the benefits of Sanchun. Don’t beware of sinking fish and geese and birds, but you’re afraid of shame. Flowers tremble. "
     "It turned out to be beautiful and colorful, and it seemed like this gave the broken well, the beautiful scenery, and the house of joy and pleasure. Chaofei twilight, Yun Xia Cui Xuan, Yusi wind film, smoke wave painting boat, Jinping people opened This is shameless. "
     Rao is Jiang-Li knows why he came, and at this moment can't help but be amazed by the theater, and can't help slowing down. She walked forward, and at the entrance of Qinglianfang, she really set up a huge stage, and the people on the stage sang the spring love, faint and resentful, and the spring light lingered secretly.
     There was a row of chairs under the stage, but only one person was sitting, and he could only see his cloak. Jiang-Li never saw Xue Zhao and Ye Rufeng. When he looked back, there was only the crowd, even Ye Jiaer. No more.
     She didn't know why, and was about to step forward, and suddenly stopped.
     The man turned his back to her. She couldn't see the other person, but she could see the folding fan in his hand.
     The folding fan is unfolded little by little. The peony on it is embroidered with gold thread. It is exquisite and gorgeous, beautiful and moving, just like Jiang-Li memory, it will never fade. She couldn't help but touch her neck, where the butterfly pendant seemed to have life in an instant, almost wanting to spread its wings. Her heart also flew high, not in the world, her footsteps could not step on the ground, and emptied.
     "But for you as a beautiful family, like a stream of water. It is a matter of searching around, self-pity in the young lady. Before turning over this peony bar, it is close to the lake and stones.
     There was lingering in that theater, Jiang-Li stared at the man's back without moving, how could he not move.
     The man seemed to know that Jiang-Li was here too, and the movement of the folding fan stopped for a while. He held the fan handle with his slender hands, stood up, and let the swaying drama move and turned around.
     The lights were lingering, and the light passed by at a moment, and the stunning people were still stunning, standing in the boundless spring night. The peach blossoms bloomed open for him. The young man was wearing a red shirt, holding a folding fan, red lips and white teeth, and beautiful. His amber eyes reflected the stars and lights at night, and she was clearly reflected across the crowd.
     Jiang-Li hands were loose, and the butterfly fan fell suddenly to the ground, hitting the ground, making a crisp sound, and was suddenly drowned in the excitement. But she didn't care, she just stared at the young man in red tightly, step by step, towards herself.
     There seemed to be no sound of everything on the earth, as if he was sitting on the other side of the wall many years ago, and she was singing on a swing on the wall. It was like the roof of the Buddhist temple, the moon was dim, and she lifted her eyes with a candle and shocked the world.
     Those sadness, sadness, solitude, and despair have gone. In the peach blossoms, he walked towards him unhurriedly, and people in the world came and went without blocking his footsteps. Hongyan is green, red beans are born in the southern country, there are thousands of acacias, but there is only one lover. It's him, he alone, and no one else.
     He walked in front of Jiang-Li, and bent down to pick up the butterfly fan pendant that fell from her feet. The eyebrows were as frivolous and ecstatic as possible, and handed it back to her with a smile, "Miss, you seem to have found my things."
     Jiang-Li chuckled.
     She used to think that meeting was the best. It turned out that it was a rare reunion in the world.
     "Then how are you going to repay me?" She turned her head, her eyes filled with smiles. "What about being physically fit?"
     ——End of the full text——

Ver 1:       Chapter 242 Finale [3] Fanwai :  Follow      

     On the night of the Spring Lantern Festival, Jiang Li met at the entrance of Qinglianfang in Tongxiang, and saw the long-lost Ji Yun.
     Throughout the whole year, I experienced a spring, autumn, winter and summer. I cried and laughed, and I was so sad. Ben had no chance to see each other for this life, but he was fortunate to have pity and give him a chance.
     The words "recovering and recovering" are just listening, and they have a kind of happiness from the bottom of my heart.
     It was only from the beginning of the lingering and excitement of the past, it was time to settle the account.
     In Xue Zhaili, in the squatting room of Jiang Li, Jiang Li is unceremoniously driving out all the crowds who are watching the crowd. Throwing Ji Yun into his room.
     Ji Yun is not annoyed, so I will flatten the folds on my sleeves, and then I will look at the furnishings in the room without hesitation. I sigh :  "A raccoon, your boudoir is not like a woman. The place where the child lives. "
     Although Jiang Li can not be called the daughter of the door, she loves the sword and the gun, but the embroidery of the ordinary daughter's house or the delicate gadgets are not there. It's not that Xue Huaiyuan refuses to buy her, but Jiang Li prefers Xue Zhao to take her to see the novelty. It is not her habit to lick some beautiful things around her. This is exactly the opposite of Ji Wei.
     "No more nonsense." Jiang Li did not feel good, she sits down at the table, even the tea did not give Ji Yu down, went straight to the theme, said :  "In a year, you are not dead, why not Where are you in a year? You are not allowed to come out, at least you can find someone to tell me, you are so silent, everyone thinks that you are really dead, I ... "She can't say it .
     She was calm and calm on the surface, but her inner fear could not be vented. There is still a glimmer of hope, but this hope is so embarrassing that people dare not expect to succeed. Such a day is really sad and hard to marry .
     "I'm sorry, A raccoon." He sighed and reached out, licking the tears in the corner of Jiang Li eyes. Jiang Li discovered that, unconsciously, she actually shed tears. This is really frustrating, and now it seems that she can easily tear her tears. The hateful thing is that what he does is not as abhorrent as Shen Yurong, and people can't hate it, but they are more and more worried. "I didn't mean to stare at you. In fact, after I woke up, I tried to return to Yanjing City. I was going to see you. Just ... "He paused, whispered," The emperor took you. "I made a bet with me. I don't want you to lose, so I can't see you for a while. "
     Jiang Li is surprised :  "Imperial?"
     Ji Wei touched her hair and said :  "Yes."
     It turned out to be on Mount Qiqi., Ji Yun is really a recurrence of old diseases, the arrow injury in the time when he was killed by Yin-Li, it is very deep. Those days were supported by Ji Weiqiang, who couldn’t hold on to the day, and was counted by Yin-Li deputy, and fell from the immediately. He was chased and strayed into the trap of the Hunter on the mountain. With the last strength to kill the traps of the tigers outside the trap, they lost consciousness and passed out.
     At that moment, Ji Yun did think that it was impossible for him to go back alive this time. His heart is full of reluctance and nostalgia, not to be in love with the world, but to reluctantly his Miss. For this person, his relatives went away from him one by one, and only Jiang Li could not let him down. If Jiang Li knows that he is dead, the stupid Miss will be very upset.
     It may be because of this concern that Ji Wei desperately wants to let himself survive, and the hunter who has been on the mountain to search for prey has found him.
     The Hunter is a native of the Seven Miles. He lives on the mountain on most days and is a middle-aged man. No one around him knows him. He saw that Ji Yun was also shocked. Hesitated for a while, or he took back Ji Ji back and found some herbs for Ji Ji. He is not a real doctor. He doesn't even know about the confrontation between the two armies on the Seven Mile Mountains. He is about a person who lives outside the world. Ji Yun can survive, relying on his tenacity and a little luck.
     In short, in that cold winter, in the cave, he woke up after a few days and nights. When he woke up, he found himself blind.
     He can't see anything. I can't see the person who saved him, nor can I see what is going on outside. The hunter has never spoken to Ji Yun. I don't know if it's a natural mute or a person living in the mountains for a long time. Later it became like this. Ji Yun groped for a rough situation. But his eyes are so, and he does not dare to trust the hunters easily, and he can't go around indiscriminately. If he finds the remnant power of Yin Jiabing, it will only be more troublesome. He can only stay in the cave for the time being.
     This cave was very hidden. Lu Yan sent people to look for it, but he did not find it several times. However, it is also because this place is already a dangerous place for no one in the mountains. Others will never think that there will still be living people here. In short, when Ji Yun can explore it himself, the war between Jin Wujun and Yin Jiabing has completely ended.
     From Qilu to Yanjing, it is a long journey. The loss of light, Ji Yun, is no different from ordinary people. The terrible thing is that everyone in the world thinks he is dead and will not come back. He can't show his identity. If he can't save himself, he can show that he is a singer. It is tantamount to telling his opponent and let the other person start to get started.
     Ji Yun returned to Yanjing from the Seven Miles. On this road, his difficulties can be imagined. He even learned to make himself look like a normal person, not blind. Can take things normally, talk to people, drip is not leaking. It's not easy to do this play. After Ji Darenhood, it seems that he rarely encountered such awkward time. But he still does it all the time, even if it is very dangerous, he has to make it, just because he has to safely return to Jiang Pear.
     Ji Yun is not as good as the one written in the play. Because she is blind, she feels that she can no longer be worthy of her heart and stay away from her. His feelings and his appearance are generally fascinating, vigorous and vigorous, and he has identified a person who has fallen into the blue water and is this person. No matter how he becomes, no matter what the ginger pear becomes, they will be together and will not be separated.
     When he returned to Yanjing, Jin Wujun had already returned to the X. Hong Saodi sent him to him in the Yanjing City. He met with Hong Saodi.
     The relationship between Hong Saodi and Ji Yu is about a very complicated one. On the one hand, because of the past experience of the little emperor, he has doubts about anyone, and Rao is the same as his most important and trusting minister. On the other hand, Hong Saodi always felt that Ji Yun had the same illness as himself, and he had a common enemy. He was more sincere to Ji Yun than to a loyal minister. It was this complexity that made Ji Yun realize early that after the big hatred was reported, he could not stay on the court. Of course, he can do the same, even if he has the heart of the position, he can continue to do it. In the past, Ji Yun did not have this idea, but now, with Jiang Li, this thing is meaningless to him. Jiang Li will not like the life of the court. This has been a long time ago.
     Hong Saodi told Ji Wei that he would find a way to heal the blindness of Ji Yun, but Ji Yun could not reveal the fact that he was still alive, especially if he could not tell Jiang Li.
     "Why?" Jiang Li heard this and couldn't help but ask.
     "If I am dead, the rebel party will think that the emperor has lost his reliance and will be tempted. For the emperor, it is a good opportunity to see that people are ghosts. You can take this opportunity to completely eliminate the ruling and opposition. The people were eradicated and ushered in a clean court. "
     Jiang Li can understand that "Ji Yu is dead", this sentence can lead to some hidden ghosts in the dark. Do not say anything else, when some people wanted to use this to deprive the Ji family of the title, Jiang Li has already seen it.
     "But why can't you tell me?" Jiang Li asked. "I won't tell anyone else. The meaning of the emperor doesn't seem to mean me, but deliberately?"
     Ji Sao smiled and said :  "Maybe he is trusting." I. "
     At that time, Hong Saodi told Ji Wei that he could not tell Jiang Pear about this. Because of the ginger pear from beginning to end, I know too much. She knows about Lin Roujia and Yin Cham, knows the royal scandal, and knows the true cause of death of the red leaves and Ji Han. This is because Ji Yun does not have any concealment of Jiang Li, Hong Saodi is afraid that Jiang Li will become the 2nd Lin Roujia, a red face. He believes that Jiang Li , even once because of the fact that Jiang Li knows too much, gives birth to killing.
     "Hey, bet you, don't tell Jiang Li that you are still alive. See if she can keep you for one year. If you win, you will promise you, and you will never care about your business again. If you lose Now, if you want the life of Jiang Li, you should not have this person. "Hong Saodi words, once again echoed in the ears of Ji Yun." He believes me but I think I will remarriage? With these secrets to marry someone else? "Jiang Li was surprised," But I said, I will not marry forever. "
     "That is just a verbal agreement," Ji Wei Yang Lip smiled. "Many people in the world can't even remember what they said. The emperor thinks you are the same."
     "I don't want to make a bet with him. It is a waste of time. I know what the result is. You are so dead-headed and stupid, how can you see the wind and the rudder so difficult." Ji Sao smiled. "But I promised him, because only then, will save time in the future, he will not ask this question again. It's good to be patient."
     Jiang Li is silent, the truth is like this. She really couldn't find a reason to blame Ji Yun. Ji Ji can certainly resist the purpose, but in that case, it will give Xue Jia, and even bring trouble to Ye Jia and even Jiang. After all, Hong Saodi is the emperor, Jinkou Yuyan, the words that have been said will not change, and Ji decision is indeed the safest choice.
     "There was a doctor in the palace who cured my eyes. It was not a serious illness. I can see people." Ji Yu said :  "In fact, I have been following you in the dark, afraid that you are too sad to have an accident. On the night of New Year, I actually came, and in front of you, I was almost discovered by Zhao Wei. "
     New Year? Jiang Li thought about it. That night, she seemed to hear someone knocking on her door. After she rushed out, she didn't have anything. When she was crying sadly on the floor, she met Ye Shijie. I thought it was the illusion that I was too missed by Ji Yun. It was not an illusion.
     Jiang pear face suddenly a red heart, while angry, they know their original Ji Heng know clearly embarrassed look, then angrily said :  "You sit there watching me cry, You're OK!"
     Ji Heng I raised my eyebrows :  "You are close to Ye Shijie kid. I haven't said anything yet. Why do you have a fight?" He looked at the corner of his mouth. It seemed to be uncomfortable and ridiculous. " Our little Miss, the sly person is really A lot. Going one, and coming one more, you are really long-term. "He held the chin of Jiang Pear and acted wickedly, but the hand was light.
     "What are you talking about," Jiang Li said unnaturally. "What does this have to do with Yep." "I don't care what cousin," Ji Yun snorted. "You are my wife, my life is my person, death is my ghost, I am also your person, you want to abandon me, God will not agree. ""
     ginger pear simply to be angry with him laughed, I never found Ji Heng is such a naive person. She asked :  "What happened to Azhao and his cousin?" After they met with Ji Yun, they suddenly disappeared and they did not see Ye Rufeng and Ye Jia. Xue Zhao and Situ appeared in Jiu-Yue. Jiang Li also understands that this matter is only one of her, she does not know, and others have already known.
     "The time for my appointment with the emperor arrived. I knew that you planned to go back to Tongxiang and follow it all the way. That night, I wanted to come out and see you, and I saw it by Xue Zhao." Ji Wei said here, some uncomfortable. I thought that he had been cautious, but he was caught by Xue Zhao. It was obvious that there was some loss at the time.
     After Xue Zhao discovered Ji Yun, the first difference was that Ji Yun was still alive and very happy. Ji Yun also planned to find Jiang Pear and told her that she was alive. However, he was stopped by Xue Zhao, Xue Zhao said, anyway, tomorrow is the Spring Festival, it is better to give a surprise to Jiang Li. Let Ji Yu make a play, Ye Rufeng and Ji Yu have a dispute, and let Ye Jia lead Jiang Pear.
     After knowing the whole story, Jiang Li was quite speechless. She said :  "What is the mess of Xue Zhao, do you actually agree?"
     "I think he is your brother, of course, I know you very well. Xue Zhao said that if I appear directly, you will be very angry, according to him. Do, you will attend to get angry, but now it seems, "he muses    :    " .. knew how angry you are, I should come to see you last night do not have to suffer for a day "
     ginger pear speechless Xue Zhao thought that he was naughty again, and he was more and more courageous, and even dared to tease him. However, Jiang Li guessed that Xue Zhao is also trying to give himself a vent, but this method of venting is really not very clever.
     "So you did this? I told them they knew it in advance?" Jiang Li did not hesitate, "Are you alone so alone?" She does not like the temperament of such a thorough question. She also knows that Ji Yun is really suffering, but it is a bit mad. It is strange to say that she can be tolerant of anyone, even if she is slightly wronged. But in front of Ji Yun, you can always be a little Miss with unbridled words, say what you want to say, do what you want to do.
     Because she knows, in any case, Ji Yun will accommodate her.
     "I'm sorry." He leaned slightly and took a sip on the lips of Jiang Li. "I will not stare at you in all the future. The Estate is yours, me," he smiled seductively. Yours. "
     "After?" Jiang Li raised his eyebrows. "The future things, no one can say." "What do you want to do?"
     "How do you treat me, how can I treat you?" He, "Where am I going, don't follow."
     "Jiang pear Miss," he called her name, bowed his head and kissed him. "You can't start to mess up."
     in Tongxiang in April Jiang pear and Ji Yun reunited. Xue Zhao and Xue Huaiyuan have already seen Ji Yun, and naturally do not have to say. The Ye family saw it for the first time. They were amazed at the beauty and elegance of Ji Yun. They also knew that he had defeated Yin Jiabing with Jin Wujun. The difference between appearance and appearance was the wrist temperament. Although Ye Minghui and Ye Mingxuan thought that Ji Yun's life experience was too complicated, it may not be a good thing for Jiang Li. However, Madam Ye is very satisfied with Ji Yun. When Jiang Pear returned to Fuyang, Madam Yehs wife saw that Jiang Pear had no surface, but her heart was very sad. More than once, Madam Ye prayed to Ye Jialie Zuzong, praying that miracles can happen. Perhaps Ji Ji is still alive, and this life will one day appear, letting his granddaughter live happily.
     Now that she has got what she wants, she naturally sees where Ji Ji is. Moreover, Ji Yun is not deliberately pleasing who, just standing there and laughing, will also cause people to unconsciously cast their eyes on him. If you grow up well , you will take advantage of it. Anyone will be tolerant of him.
     While Madam Ye took the hand of Jiang Pear and asked Ji Yun :  "Auntie, you have been given a marriage by the emperor before. Now that you are back, have you ever thought about when you will become a relative?" Jiang pears, cheeks reddish. Madam Yehs wife temper is not as straightforward as the big family's family. Moreover, in the view of Madam Ye, Jiang Li had previously said that he would not marry for life, and he did not consider other plans in his heart In this case, it is better to do this sooner or later.
     "If A raccoon is willing," Ji Wei said :  "Whenever I can. I just don't want to grieve the raccoon, so when I return to Yanjing City, I will greet me. I don't know if A racco is willing or not? "
     He deliberately The other person's face asked Jiang Li, his eyes were full of smiles, and the tone brought a hint of ambiguity. Jiang Li didn't go too far and saw Xue Zhaozhen couldn't help but want to laugh. She glanced at Xue Zhao and said, "Why ask me what to do."
     Xue Huaiyuan saw her embarrassedness and said :  "Nothing, just do what Auntie said. It just happened to be good. I have to write to Jiang Shoufu." Jiang Yuanbai has now arrived in Yongzhou and lived there. If Jiang Li really wants to be a relative, perhaps the Jiang family will come. They did not expect that Ji Yun would still be alive.
     "If Jiang Daren can't come, there is nothing." Xue Zhaodao :  "I am also a sister's family, and Madam Ye Lao, Ye Ye. They are sisters, although they are no longer the first assistant's lady, but they are also everyone In the palm of your hand, brother-like, do you say it? "He kissed Ji Hong with a warm kiss.
     Ji Wei said with a smile :  "Of course."
     Knowing that they are making fun of themselves, Jiang Li does not say anything, lest he be caught by Ji Yun. The man is now more and more embarrassed, and there is almost no fear. Then he will look at the face and be murderous No one will take him.
     In the evening, Ji Yun was drinking tea in the house of Jiang Li. He didn't mind whether it was good tea or bad tea. Anyway, he was drunk and looked very expensive. Jiang Li asked what he said in the day, and said :  "You said to your grandmother this morning, is it true or false to return to Yanjing City?"
     "When did I fool you?" "Why, are you afraid that I will not marry you?"
     Jiang Li snorted :  "Who is afraid? You are not the only one in the world." She was also a provocation, and she glanced at Ji, grabbed her and hugged her legs. Jiang Li sits on his leg and shrunk in his arms This position was too close. She struggled twice. Ji Yun snorted and whispered her ear. The tone was swearing. Intimacy :  "A raccoon, don't move."
     Jiang Li vaguely noticed something, did not dare to move. He satisfied with his hand and stroked the long hair of Jiang Pear, and said slowly :  "You can't wait to get you into the door."
     "Even if you return to Yanjing City, there are still many places to prepare." Jiang Lidao said :  My wedding dress is not ready yet, the dowry is not prepared, and nothing is prepared. How can I get married as soon as I go back? "When Ji Yun left, he was fighting, and no one knows what the outcome will be. After the beating was over, there was news of Ji Yun's death in the battlefield. Not to mention that he was married, and he did not know how long this marriage could last. Jiang Li is not prepared for anything. How can he do a good job with him in such a short period of time? "Don't worry." His voice was gentle. "I’m ready. "
     Jiang pear looked at him strangely. His amber eyes were like drunken smiles, like drinking drunk. But clearly and awake. He said :  "Before you asked for it, I will marry you when I return to Yanjing. I think so too. Before leaving, everything is ready. "
     Jiang Limei, they both kissed at Qingzhou Pier. Jiang Li did say that after Ji Yun returned to Capital City, she would marry her. But before leaving ... Is it just before he took Jinwujun to Qingzhou, did he manage everything? " Your wedding dress, your dowry, your bride price, I am ready. Everything is ready for this affair, the difference is just you. You are welcome to enter the door at any time, I will always wait. "His voice is low. If you say something, you can almost let any woman sink into it and don't want to wake up. "Whatever you want, I can help you. Little Miss, you can't escape my palm."
     This is really a strong and overbearing announcement. Ownership, but in the ginger pear ear, there is no discomfort, but feels full of overflow from the bottom of my heart. She snorted and said, "If I don't marry? Are you prepared for so many things, isn't it wasted? "" You are not willing to marry me? "He raised his eyebrows." I remember someone said that even if I am dead, I must be widowed for me and I will not marry forever. "
     Jiang Liqi did not know :  "This is not what I said. It's your listening, I'm thinking about it on my head."
     Ji Sao laughed and said nothing, just holding ginger pear. He still remembers watching the Miss standing in front of the person and saying this in a loud voice. Seeing her in the Estate, and the people who are ill-intentioned, trying to protect his things, at that moment, he suddenly realized that the pains of the past are worthwhile because he met her. This sincere heart makes Emperor Hong Sao heart come down, and don't even mention him. He was a man of iron and stone , but she was pulled out of the darkness by her, and she was angry and warm.
     She is the salvation of his life, so he will never let go, never.
     "We have been together, A raccoon." He whispered.
     Jiang Lidun paused and opened a smile. "Okay."
     ... When I went to Fuyang, it was a group of people. When I went back to Yanjing City, there were a lot more people around me.
     Ye Jia handled the business in Fuyang, but in the end, Xue Zhai and Ye Zhai did not sell it. In the end, it was a place that has lived for many years. Some are reluctant, and it is also a thought. Maybe one day, if you want to go home and see it again, there is nowhere to go.
     But this time I went back to Capital City, and everyone had one more thing, that is, to prepare for the marriage of Jiang Li.
     After spending some time in Fuyang, everyone set off for Yanjing City. On the way back, they would not hurry. They walked slowly, and all the way up the mountain to play with water, it was not fun. Madam Yehs body is much better, and when she is with Jiang Li, they are full of spirit. When I walked and played, when I returned to Yanjing City, it was already August.
     Because August is the summer, everyone is negotiating, the day of the marriage is scheduled for the eighth day of Jiu-Yue, the autumn is crisp and the weather is pleasant. However, in this way, the time left for the preparation of Jiang Li is less than a month. The people of the Duke are not in a hurry because there is really nothing to prepare. Ji Yun was ready for everything in the morning, and even Feng Guan Xia was not required to do it himself. Although the daughter's family often makes their own wedding dresses, the reason for Ji Yun is that the needlework is really very tired. Jiang Li does not seem to like this kind of thing, so he can find it.
     Jiang House is gone, and the unmarried bride can't live directly in the Estate. These days, Jiang Li lived in Yefu. This morning, in the early morning, Zhao Wei came to the door and frightened the little bedroom-servant at the gate of Yefu. I saw Zhao Yu car and horse team behind him. The carriage was actually a red wooden box. It looks very heavy.
     Ye Mingqi rushed in and asked :  "This is ..."
     "This is the dowry and wedding dress that the Daren prepared for the lady." Zhao Wei still holds one in his hand. "You must personally send it to 2nd Miss."
     Ye Mingxi was a little unhappy, saying :  "A raccoon is the Miss of our family. How can the dowry be prepared by others? No such statement. You Darens think that we have no silver in Ye Family? Ye Family has money!" He said The rough tycoon, looks like a nouveau riche, Zhao Yu silently stunned for a moment, only said :  "This is the Daren's mind, Ye Ye still ask the 2nd lady to look at it."
     "Three uncles, let the cousin see it, It is impossible to say that the cousin has already agreed to the matter." Ye Jia also helped.
     Ye Ming said :  "Well, Ah Shun, you are going to tell Miss Miss, Su Guogong gave a gift." When the ginger pear came out, the boxes of the mahogany had already moved to the yard. Yefu yard was very spacious, but it was full of a lot, and some were placed in the house. Jiang Li strange saying :  "This is ..."
     Zhao Wei handed the list in his hand to Jiang Li hand and said :  "This is a dowry list, please ask me." Looking at the ginger pear, she was somewhat uncomfortable, the Miss was married, and she had not heard that the dowry was prepared by the husband. However, this matter was done by Ji Yun, but it felt very natural, as if it should be, she could not figure out if she was a little confused. The wealth on those lists is also shocked by the Ye family. However, after thinking about it again, it was relieved. When Ji was leaving, he was still literary. If he couldn't come back, he would give everything he had to Jiang Li. Now it seems that even if he returns, he will still take him. Everything I have given is given to myself.
     Jiang Li opens the box with the wedding dress. In that box, the big red wedding dress was lying quietly, and the phoenix crown was beautiful. It is touched, as if it has become awkward. Zhao Weidao :  "In fact, this wedding dress, when the old generals were alive, began to prepare clothing and jewelry. The old general hopes that one day the grown-ups will be able to marry and have children, and live the days of ordinary people. After the Darens ask the emperor to give birth, At the beginning, the embroidered mother cuts and sews the wedding dress. These jewels are made by him personally. "
     “Create it personally?” Xue Zhao surprised. “He is one?”
     Zhao said :  "Not bad."
     Jiang Li heart can't tell what it feels like. She could hardly imagine that such a proud person like Ji Yun would sit under the lamp and carefully engrave her jewelry, but she hoped that when she was married, she would have a red makeup and a beautiful scenery.
     In fact, Jiang Li is not concerned about these forms of people. When Shen Yurong married Jiang Li, he did not have a red makeup. After he married, he would return to Yanjing City and travel long distances. She didn't feel anything wrong at the time. She thought that when she was young, she was full of water, and now Jiang Li still thinks so. But in the eyes of Ji Wei, this is about the heinous, and it is impossible. He is going to tell the world, Jiang Li is his wife, he will spend a lifetime to love the ginger pear. His love is so vigorous and gorgeous to the extreme.
     Xue Huaiyuan looked at Jiang Li with a smile, and his own pearl can be treated like such a precious and serious person. As a father, what else is he dissatisfied with? In this way, Jiang Li will just wait for the peace of mind to wait for the marriage at home. Because time is coming very quickly, Jiang Yuanbai could not immediately return to Yanjing City. On the day of marriage, Jiang Yuanbai may not be present. However, Ye Mingzhen patted his chest to ensure that Jiang Yuanbai was not present. Jiang Li big happy day was also decided not to be underestimated. Their Ye Family would definitely make Jiang Li the most beautiful lady married in Yanjing City.
     This month, Jiang Li has almost nothing to do. Take Ye Jia and Ye Rufeng around Yanjing City every day. It is easier than ever. Now think about her before and after the two, married twice, the first time to marry Shen Yurong, when married is full of expectations, but also very busy. Shen Yurong's family is poor, Xue family is not rich, and Jiang Li has to think about how to save. Today, this marriage, married to Ji Yun, is a very different publicity , she does not have to consider whether the dowry is too small will be looked down on, and do not have to worry about the other party to give too many gifts will make the other's family more difficult. Like is pure love, nothing to do with anything else.
     Ji Yun was still alive, and returned to the Yanjing City, and immediately set off a storm. Many people want to see the warmth of Jiang at first, and think that she will be very miserable in this life, and then she will start to look red. There are even some official homes, who have moved their minds and deliberately went close to Ji Yun, hoping to put their daughter into the Estate. In their view, Ji Wei had the right to be powerful, and now he has made great contributions. Hong Saodi current position of the throne is so stable, and Ji Yu work is indispensable. Yan's official residence, such as Ji Yun, is young and The person who is the future, he is the only one. It is to take their own daughter into the Residence to do a trick, as long as they can climb up with the National Residence, it is not a loss.
     When Tonger talked about these things to Jiang Pear, he was quite disdainful. He said :  "Those people are too shameless. What high officials are there? When the original aunt did not have an audio message, they all came to advise the girls. Give up. Now I have to look into the door with my face open, and I don't look in the mirror to see what I look like. "
     Jiang Li shook his head and smiled. In fact, there are even more ugly words, but Tonger did not tell Jiang Li. Those people think that Jiang Yuanbai is no longer the first assistant, and Jiang Li is not a high-priced one. At most, there is a cousin who is an official. But Ye Jiaben is still a merchant. Jiang pear is not the birthplace of the country. Sooner or later, I will be tired of Ji Wei. There will always be something to be done .
     "The Miss is not worried at all?" Tonger asked. Jiang Li raised his eyebrows :  "What are you worried about? If he really gave birth to a dissent, I couldn't prevent it." Shen Shengrong told her that people are easy to change, like a person, can sacrifice for him, but can't lose yourself. She can't always find herself uncomfortable for what might happen in the future.
     As he said, Xue Zhao pushed the wheelchair out of the house and Tonger left the room.
     "Sister," Xue Zhao looked at her. "You will be married tomorrow, afraid of not being afraid?"
     Jiang Lidao said :  "What is terrible."
     "It seems that you really like him." Xue Zhao exclaimed.
     Since the beginning of this month, Jiang Li has not seen Ji Wei. To put it bluntly, Ji Yun is so unscrupulous, and anyone who does not care about his heart is very strict with the custom of not seeing the bride before marriage. Xue Zhao asked why Ji Xi was so. Ji Yun's answer was also unexpected. He said that customs are so. If they have customs, what is the reason for their marriage? Actually so nervous this marriage, Xue Zhao is completely relieved. In fact, unlike Xue Huaiyuan's family, Xue Zhao is very reassured by Ji Wei. He always feels that people like Ji Yun are different from Shen Yurong. It is a sultry treatment for outsiders, but as long as they have weaknesses, they will have the opportunity to live their lives for the rest of their lives. Just because he needs to guard very few people, so the person who can be guarded by him is especially lucky and can get all his love.
     "Sister," Xue Zhao said seriously :  "We will always be with you, I hope you can be happy."
     "Good." Jiang Li smiled and looked at him. "I don't know when I can hear your good news." "
     My? "Xue Zhao suddenly stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said    :    " I will not bother you. I will wait for another ten or eight years. "After that, regardless of the expression of Jiang Li, push the wheelchair Escape.
     Jiang Li shook his head helplessly.
     ... On the day of the marriage, it was a very good weather. In the autumn, the sun became golden yellow. Jiang Li sits in front of the mirror and looks at herself in the mirror. The young Miss's eyebrows are warm and touching, her eyes are like streams, and the flow is happiness. Madam Yehs lady stood behind her and gently brushed her hair with a wooden comb. The long blue silk was like a waterfall, and she was turned into a bride hair. Jewelry, Feng Guan Xia, she licked rouge, very beautiful.
     Madam Yehs wife looked at her eyes and her eyes were wet. She thought about the early death of Ye Zhenzhen. She said :  "Our family, Saoli, really grew up."
     Ye Rufeng sneaked into the head from the outside and called :  "-Lao, no, no, the team that welcomes the family is coming." Madam Ye quickly responded with a cry, called Xi Po came in, gave Jiang Li a hijab and pulled her out.
     Jiang Li was pulled, stumbled, covered her head and covered her head, she could not see anything. I only heard the loud noises outside, and the laughter from far and near. It seems that a lot of people are around her, and Xi Po pulls her to the door, and then let go of her hand. Jiang Li stands quietly, and the sound of drumming and drumming is gradually clear.
     It is a grand, complete and unforgettable welcome. Although I can't see it, I just feel very busy when I listen to the sound. She has never felt the wonderful.
     She heard some people stop at Lema and someone went to herself. Jiang Li was inexplicably nervous, and she couldn't hear anything except the laughter around her. She only heard her heartbeat, powerful, and then, like a naughty little deer, almost jumped out.
     Jiang Li hand was sweating, and when she felt confused and tried to keep calm, suddenly, someone gently took his hand. His hands are long and warm, and they can just put her hands in the palm of her hand.
     Then, the hijab in front of her eyes was suddenly picked up. She fell into a beautiful pair of phoenixes. Jiang pear looked at him strangely. This extraordinary move, he made the incomparably natural, elegant and gentle.
     The beauty of the red dress stood in front of her, with a smile on her mouth and a promise of a lifetime. He said, "Go with me, little Miss."
     Then she did, hesitated, firm The ground keeps up with his pace. "It is good."

Ver 1:       Chapter 243 Finale [4] Fanwai :  Magic Night      

     Dingyuan City is not far from the desert, but it is also surprisingly cold in winter.
     Early in the morning, Jiang Li came out of the inn and couldn't help but sneez.
     Tonger was busy putting a cloak on the ginger pear and said :  "Madam Don't catch cold. When you are on the road, catch cold, but it's really uncomfortable."
     Even though they have been married for a year, every time they hear Tonger call themselves "At the time of the lady, Jiang Li was somewhat devoid of God. About this is different from the previous life. After she became a relative, she did not stay in the back house with ordinary women. Instead, she traveled through the famous mountains and rivers. The dream that she had not completed in her childhood was actually completed after she became a relative. Then I felt that I was free, or a Miss who was not married, and of course I could not understand the name of "Madam"
     "What about Ji Ji?" Asked Jiang Li. When she woke up, Ji Yun was no longer in the house. Bai Xue came over and said :  "The grown-up knows that you like to eat the red bean cake bought on the road last night. I bought it in the early morning. The red bean cake in Hongfu Restaurant only sells ten copies a day. The Darens are afraid of going late. Left, when the servants get up today, the Darens must go out. "
     Tonger ate a smile :  "The Darens are really good for the lady."
     Jiang Li is also speechless, if anyone knows that Ji Yun is actually for her early morning. Going to line up with the people to buy a red bean cake, I am afraid that she is lying. However, Jiang Li also knows Ji Yun's acting style. If he wants to come to him, he will buy ten red bean cakes in one go and send them all. This kind of thing can actually let the next person go, but Ji Wei has to go by himself. It is not that he deliberately. In the past many years, Ji Wei has not tried such a calm life of ordinary people, so this year, when they were on the road, he always tried many new things. Those trivial things that are ordinary in the eyes of others are special to him.
     This is good.
     After becoming a relative, Jiang Li once talked with Xue Zhao, which was just heard by Ji Yun. Xue Zhao talked about the dream of Jiang Li and his childhood. Xue Zhao hopes to travel all over the world, and he wants to go out and find out the numerous possibilities of life.
     After hearing it, Ji Yun made a decision on the 2nd day and went out to play with Jiang Li. This is very strange to others, and Madam Yehs wife thought that Jiang Li was staying with Ye Mingyu for a long time and was affected by Ye Mingqi. Ye Ming smashed a dog's blood, Ye Mingqi was very wronged, or Xue Huaiyuan came out to explain, saying that this is the meaning of ginger pear.
     Xue Huaiyuan is understanding the desire of Jiang Pear from small to large, and in this year, it is still difficult for a common husband to accompany his wife to complete his wife dream, but Ji Wei did it. Even if this decision is ridiculous in the eyes of others, he thought it was natural. Husband should support her wife and accompany her to do what she wants.
     Her predecessor, as a wife, has been "paying", but now she has been "paid." Sometimes, when Jiang Pear wakes up, he will feel that this is a dream. There are such good people in the world, but she has met. The two are very incomparable, and he seems to have no bottom line for her favor.
     When I was talking, some people footsteps came from outside. Jiang Li looked up and saw that his red clothes were particularly conspicuous. He came in from the outside, and there was a snowflake that had never melted on the big scorpion. He took out a large string of oil and paper bags from his arms. This was a bit funny, but Jiang Li heart was only moved. She picked up her feet and went to the snowflake on the shoulders of Ji Yun. She said, "How come you go out so early, don't know how to hit the umbrella. "
     "You like it." He put the oil paper bag on the cheek of ginger pear. Jiang pear feels a warm feeling on his face, still hot. I want to come and go in a hurry, and put it in my arms, I am afraid that after returning to the inn, the red bean cake is cold.
     "I want to eat red bean cake in the future, I will buy it myself." Jiang Lidao said :  "You are like this, I can't say that I like to eat." After she finished this, she heard a noisy voice coming from outside :  "Red Bean Cake? Where is it? Sao Yan, do you want to eat red bean cake?" The two looked back and saw the people on the stairs of the inn, and they walked down and yawned while walking He walked to the side of Jiang Pear, and he was going to take the oil-and-paper bag in the hands of Jiang Pear. He said in his mouth :  "Hey, how do you know that I am hungry, thank you , thank you very much. "
     Ji took a look at him. :  "Smell people away." Hearing a man, he was excited, and he reached out and acted in a well-behaved manner. He squeezed an elegant smile :  "What? Auntie."
     He used to be stupid, and Jiang Li shook his head and smiled. A red bean cake stuffed into the hands of Lin Yao, Lin Yao politely said     :    . "Thank you, sister"
     ? "celebrity," the ginger pear celebrity look away, "Gok here to Yangshan, but also how long"
     famous person away some Yao Lin looked at the hands of greedy cakes, ginger pear hear the words look back only reluctantly, said :  "soon, we then catch of the day such as road, before noon tomorrow, will be able to Gok Yangshan. "
     "finally It's coming." Jiang Li muttered.
     She and Ji Yun, every year, go to a new place. This winter, I went to Mount Xiangyang in Dingyuan City. Why do you want to go to Mount Yangyang? It's because you just have to go back to the teacher's door and give it to Lin Bao. Mount Fuyang is the hill where Fusui Gate is located. Wen Renyao has not returned for many years.
     Jiang's teacher's door, Jiang Pear is not going to visit it. After all, there are so many beautiful scenery in the world, I can't see it, and I still have the time to see where people live from childhood. The reason why I want to go is because Wen Renyao said that when Ji Sao was a child, he lived in Fusui for a long time. It can be said that it was also the place where Ji Yun lived when he was a child. Because of this, Jiang Lii wanted to see it. She missed a lot of places in the past of Ji Yun. Just as Ji Yun knows her, she also wants to know Ji Ji, trying to fill the time when she did not appear.
     "Those masters of our divisions, perhaps have not seen aunts for many years." Wen people said :  "The shu-born did not know, the aunt looked very good, my masters, I like him very much. I almost want to Recognize him as a disciple, but this aunt is never a believer. It is really not suitable for helping the door. Otherwise, if you really want to enter the division, I will see him now, and I have to call him a master. " When he gets up, he always does this. Give him a little sunshine and it will be splendid. If he doesn't know how to get it, he will accept it. Now he has forgotten the glance of Ji Wei and warned about things when he was a child.
     "When you look good, you will accept the apprentice?" Jiang Pui snorted. "On this point, your masters and Ji Yun are really like." They are all the same beautiful and ugly. "Oh, isn't it," Wen said, "Because the masters are biased by his outsiders, they are not good at their aunts. My brothers and sisters are very dissatisfied and often find Aunt's trouble, once ..."
     "Smell people away." Ji Wei interrupted his words. "You seem to be very busy." The smell of people was stunned and shut up, looking at Ji Yun, blinking his eyes, "Cough, in fact, I am not very busy, SaoSao, go, pick up the luggage with the master, let's wait for the departure. "
     He actually has some luggage to pack, and all the clothes on the way are the money of the è¹­ 姬 蘅 to the clothing store. Bought in. It's nothing more than finding an excuse to slip away. But Jiang Li looked at Ji Yun, Ji Yan raised his eyebrows and said :  "Why don't you eat red bean cake?"
     Jiang Li picked up the red bean cake and tasted it. Sweet, handed it to Ji Yu mouth, Ji Wei was Her hand took a bite and almost reached her finger. Tonger and Bai Xue were shy and flushed. Turning their heads, Jiang Li gave him a look.
     He seems to have nothing to do with it, and he has the heart to tease her here. However, Jiang Li remembers very clearly that Fang Jiji interrupted the words of Wen Renyao, what was interrupted? What does he want to let himself know? At that moment, he was clearly not awkward.
     Is he not willing to be known by the past? Jiang Li is deeply pondered.
     ... After using the early food, everyone will go to Mount Fuyang before leaving. The mountain road in Fuyang is difficult, and the carriage is particularly slow. Jiang Li is sitting in the carriage, and he hears people talking about the interesting things in the teacher's door when he was a child. He also feels quite vivid. Only she noticed that there was hardly any mention of Ji Yun in the story of Wen's talk. It stands to reason that Ji Yun has lived here for a long time, and they are all children. In any case, there will be a shadow of Ji Yun. Jiang Li did not know if it was forgotten or for other reasons, and he asked.
     The people swayed and waved their hands :  "Auntie was not in a group at that time, except for me, those brothers and sisters, he did not take care of it. The sisters and sisters really liked him, and he did not give people a good face. Time For a long time, everyone is no longer calling him. "Is that the case? Jiang Li always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where it was wrong. Ji Wei seems to be lacking in the things of childhood. He does not follow the words of the people, but talks about other words. Jiang Li understands what he means. Since he doesn't want to say it, he doesn't ask.
     When I arrived on the 2nd day, it was as if I heard it before, and before noon, I arrived at the Fusui Gate of Mount Fuyang.
     Fusuimen looks like a place where the world's high-ranking people live. It is located at the peak of the mountain. Because of the high terrain, the clouds are steamed and foggy, like a paradise. When Jiang Pear arrived, two children were sweeping the floor at the door, and the people walked away. The two children stated and asked, "Who are you?"
     Wen people smiled and showed their waist. A colorful spike is about the mark of their teacher's door. The child saw it and said :  "Shizu, Shizu, Saoshishu is back!"
     Saoshishu, I heard the name of Wenren, Jiangli Some are not used to it. After a while, the two children helped the old man with white hair to come out. The old man looked kind and eye-catching, and the fairy sorrowed his bones. When he saw the smell of people, he said, "A Yao, it is you, You are back."
     "Isn't it?" Wensheng said with amazement :  "I just came back to see you, Master, I also received a little apprentice, hey, this is Lin Bao, this time bringing him back is to give him Appreciation. Apprentice, but also to see the ancestors. "
     Lin Bao came forward and looked at the old man, said :  "Zhuzu." The old man touched Lin Bao head and smiled. "Okay, Ok, hey." He looked at Lin Bao for a while, his eyes fell on Jiang Li and Ji Yun, and when he saw Ji Yun, his eyes narrowed.
     "Master, this time Auntie is back. You don't know, Auntie is now a daughter-like. This is the Madam of Auntie, Jiang Li, the 2nd lady of the original first assistant Jiang family. Xunzi, this is my master , Jing Xuan is a real person. "
     Jiang Li will go forward to the ceremony :  "Master Jing Xuan."
     Jing Xuan real people looked at Jiang Li, very excited, said :  "Good, all good." His eyes fell on Ji Yun for a longer time., Said :  "Auntie, after so many years, you have grown up." "" Xunzi, the one who told you before that you look at the aunt who looks good and wants to get him into our division is my master. Master can value the aunt in the past and protect him, everything, aunt and master. The feelings are also very good. At that time, because of this incident, I almost left home. I felt that Auntie was going to grab my job and didn't want to play with him. "
     Jiang Li noticed that Ji look was seeing Jing Xuan. When I was a real person, I also eased a lot. It can be seen that if the people are talking about it, when Ji Wei was in Fusui, he was more closely taken care of by Jing Xuan, but he was closer than others.
     "Hey, Master, we have been hungry for a long time. It is really hungry. You still have nothing to eat. Let's go in and eat while talking." Wen people whispered. He was a little childish, and now in front of Jing Xuanzhen, more and more like a child, even Lin Bao looks more stable than him.
     Jing Xuan is also a real sincere love junior, did not rebuke famous person away, just smiled and said :  "Well, we are also use rice, Ah Heng, Jiang Miss, you have a right to come in, the food is simple , do not hold anything against as well, "
     Jiang Pears only say no.
     Several people approached the Fusui Gate together. Fusui Gate looks more like a Taoist temple. The temple is dedicated to the gods, but the entire division is cold and empty. A black buffalo lay on the doorway, looked up at the group of people, lazy and licked the tail, and did not move. In addition to the two children who had just started to sweep the floor at the door, there were no other people in the whole door.
     Jiang Li asked :  "Master Jing Xuan, where did the other people in Fushun go?"
     "Other people?" Jing Xuanzhen was first stunned and then smiled. He said :  "There is no other person. Zhenyi and Shuiying are me. The last two disciples. The Fushun door will be exhausted, my apprentices will either die, or go down the mountain to travel. Now, there are only three of us. "He looked at the look of Jiang Li, smiled and explained," Jiang Yan You don't have to be sad for the old man, and you will be weak The truth has been since ancient times. When Fuyumen had flourished, it was natural to fall to me. It will be accepted by Ayao in the future, and one day will return to the former grand scene. This is the law of reincarnation. "The master, I thought it was very open, and Jiang Li could not help but admire. A few people went to the dining hall, and the meals were all light dishes. I heard that they were all food and vegetables grown by Jing Xuanzhen and two small children. On the way to dinner, Jing Xuanzhen asked many things that happened in the past few years. It's okay to smell people, and I'll be back in a couple of years. Ji Yun is actually a different one from many years later, and never saw it again. After learning that General Ji was dead, Jing Xuan lived a long sigh.
     "When your grandfather gave you to me, it seems to be yesterday's business. Now the old people have left," Jing Xuan really sighed :  "I see you today, I don't know if there is any chance in this life, see you again.
     "Master, have a good meal and say what these unlucky things are." Smell people are dissatisfied. "I don't know if you cursed aunt for you." "Bad boy," Jing Xuan real people are angry, "You are all day Nonsense, how to be a master! "
     "Oh, my apprentice can be more obedient than your apprentice." The smell is smug.
     Ji Wei looked at the scenes in front of them, just laughing, but Jiang Li could see that he was more happy than usual, and finally let go of his heart.
     I also said something, and I heard that people are going to take Lin Bao famous name. Jing Xuan's real person will let Ji Yu take ginger pear around here.
     Jiang Li went out with Ji Yun, and there is only one such division at the peak of Fuyang Mountain. There is no one in the whole mountain. It is because of the inaccessible scenery that the scenery is exceptionally beautiful. The jungle is steep and the peaks are steep. Jiang Li asked him when he walked, and Ji Yun answered them one by one. The little masters of Fushunmen were studying here. The students who study are the abbots and the sorcerers, and the martial arts doctors have their own emphasis.
     When General Ji was at the age of four or five, he took Ji Ji here and let Ji Wei stay here for three years. At that time, Lin Roujia most devastating years, in order to prevent them from starting with Ji Yun, General Ji general thought of hiding Ji Yun here. There are Qimen armor at the foot of Mount Fuyang. Ordinary people will get lost when they go up the mountain. Others can't find it. The trace of Ji Yun.
     "Then you are here, what is it?" Asked Jiang Li.
     "The politician's power, the way of employing people." Ji Yun replied. When Jiang Li thought about it, he was relieved. Later, Ji Yun was among them, balancing the forces of Wang, Jiang and Hong Saodi, and they have been doing very well. It was originally at such a small time that I started to learn this.
     Jiang Li walked to the edge of the lake. The lake on the mountain had already frozen, and there was a white one. Occasionally, the bird with white feathers stood in the grass on the shore and made a slang word. Jiang Lidao said :  "When I just woke up, it was because Miss Jiang II knew that her family had been robbed and went to the lake. Now think about it, it's really a dream."
     Miss Jiang two, because of the lake, the soul is unknown, but it is overcast. Misplaced, let Jiang Li become Miss Jiang.
     "When I was a child, I almost died in the lake." Ji Wei said :  "So, we really have a fate."
     Jiang Liyi said :  "You? Didn't accidentally fall over the lake?"
     "Is it?" There was a hook in his mouth, and he smiled and said :  "This is the lake."
     "What is’Is it'?" Jiang Pear frowned. "Yes, it is not."
     "In my opinion, no, In the eyes of others, yes." Ji Wei said :  "So it is called’calculation'."
     Jiang Li carefully pondered what he said in his words, and said :  "You were framed? Someone pushed you into the lake, but everyone Do not admit, say that you fell into the lake?"
     Ji Sao smiled :  "very smart, little Miss." After becoming a relative, he still likes to call Jiang Li "little Miss", it is a special favor And relatives.
     Jiang Li heard the words, but he did not have such a good attitude. He said with anger :  "Who will do this? Too much!" Because Ji Yun has been very strong, it is particularly distressing to know that Ji Yun's heavy past Nowadays, I know that someone is so bully of Ji Wei, who was a child, and Jiang Li is even more mad.
     Ji Wei smiled and said :  "Nothing, it's all in the past."
     Jiang Li frowns, she thinks of the words that people have heard, and hesitatedly asked :  "Will not be the brothers and sisters?"
     Ji Yun did not deny. Children are the most innocent, so when they are malicious, they are the most terrible. Because in many cases, they don't understand what they are doing, and they don't understand how much damage they will do to another person.
     Jiang Li grabbed Ji hand, and Ji Yan raised his eyebrows and said :  "It's okay, A raccoon." He in turn comforted him. Jiang Li is really reluctant to ask him for the details, and then let Ji Yun recall a past injury , which is too cruel to him.
     "You should be jealous of me, after all, they are really ugly." Ji Wei is not slow, "If you think about it, would you be happy?"
     Just like this? Jiang Li does not think so, Ji Yun will show that he is unwilling to talk when he hears the past, and he is not willing to recall. I am afraid that the harm of this incident to Ji Yun is lower than the understatement he has shown. It is much more serious.
     It is not clear which brothers and brothers are bullying this, but perhaps it is because of their injury that in the formation of Ji Yu character in the future, it will become extraordinarily hot and ruthless. I heard that people are far away and will return to Fusongmen every few years, but Ji Yun does not like to come back. I am afraid that apart from not wanting to see the brothers and sisters, I am not willing to see the weak and arrogant person in the past.
     Jiang Li didn't know what to say. She held Ji arm and said :  "If I was there, I would definitely protect you."
     Ji Wei laughed. “You are there? A raccoon, you were still alive. The little doll that can't walk.”
     Jiang Li thought about it at that time, it was a bit ridiculous to say this. But she is still stubborn :  "If you can go back to the past, I will help you drive them away, and then let you go with me, no longer let you be bullied. "
     She certainly knows that this is just a joke, this kind of thing It won't happen, but she just said it, it seems that she only has to say it, and her heart is better. Ji Weidao :  "Well, it is said that there are gods on the hills that can satisfy people wishes. If you can't hear your words, I will let you go back to my childhood and help me out. "
     Jiang Liyang raised his fist :  "I am looking for Azhao slingshot to run them all!"
     Ji Sao smiled and licked her hair :  "Oh, it's a terrible wife." She said that Ji Yun said, as if she had completely walked out of that dark emotion, she was relieved a little. However, in the end it was not comfortable, like a breath in the chest, and even when I went to bed with Ji Yun at night, I thought about it.
     The terrain of Mount Fuyang is high, and it is particularly cold at night. Jiang Li slept halfway, stumbled, I don't know how long it was, suddenly I heard the sound of the children's playfulness outside, and there were a few buzzing sounds. Jiang Li opened his eyes and looked back. There is no figure of Ji Yun, the bed is neat, like she is alone from beginning to end.
     She bowed, and she should have gone to look for Ji Yun, but I don't know why, when I heard the sound outside, I made a ghost, put on my clothes, and walked out of the house.
     The moonlight outside the door is like water, but the thick snow in the day is gone, more like the early autumn and winter season, there is chill, but it is not frozen. The surroundings are very quiet, only the wind, but the sound of the children's laughter is so clearly passed into her ears.
     Jiang Li did not hesitate to go forward in the place where the voice was sent, and he did not feel afraid in his heart. He only felt that there was someone in the middle of the road who was holding himself. As she walked around, she felt that this road seemed to be very familiar, as if she had walked with Ji Yun in the daytime.
     I didn't know how long it took to see a huge lake. The lake was dripping with coolness and I didn't want to condense into ice in the day. On the edge of the lake, stood a group of children.
     These children are all six or seven years old. The biggest one is over ten years old. They are dressed in white and white trousers. The hair is unified with a blue belt, like a teacher's dress. Among them, stood a five or six-year-old boy, the boy is very beautiful and beautiful, and his lips are almost like human beings. It's hard to imagine that such a small five-year-old facial is so deep. Unlike other boys, he doesn't wear white trousers. Instead, he wears a red narrow-sleeved robe, which is whiter in color and looks like moonlight. Which fairy mountain to play with the fairy child, it is like a flower and grass became fine, gave birth to a beautiful flower spirit.
     The boy who is headed said :  "His mother is a woman in the brothel, not a good person, he is not a good person! Ji Yun, get out of the Fusui door!" Ji Wei? The giant earthquake in the heart of Jiang Li, how could this be Ji Wei? She carefully looked at the red-eyed boy's eyebrows in front of him, his amber scorpion, now has a beautiful shape, the red scorpion under the eyes, as always, this is indeed Ji Wei , but it looks like it is five Six-year-old Sao Ji.
     How could she see the five or six-year-old Sao Ji? Jiang Li also stated the name of Ji Yun, but Ji Wei did not answer him. The boys also don't see ginger pears.
     At this moment, Sao Ji smirked, and he stood still, saying :  "My mother is not a bad person, you are a bad person. I want to roll, go and talk to Jing Xuanzhen, I don't want to stay here anyway., a group of waste! "
     He was a young man, his face was like a frost, his body stood straight, but Jiang Li seemed to be able to see his sadness hidden in the dark through his stubborn eyes.
     He is only a child, but seems to have been accustomed to it, and has experienced a lot. These teachers and brothers can't understand Nicholas for whatever reason, but it is very abominable to secretly bully the Masters at night.
     The rest of the people heard the words, naturally angered, and there is a younger teenager, they will go straight one step forward, push Ji Yi one, Sao Ji is still young, and the strength is not big, "噗通", Dropped into the lake.
     The boys laughed on the shore and watched him look like a wolverine. Only Sao Ji was struggling in the lake. Jiang Li couldn't do anything. He rushed to the lake and she reached for the water. The lake was icy and bitter, and Ji Yun struggled to swim to the shore. Jiang Li eagerness reached out and pulled him. At this moment, she suddenly found that she could catch Ji Wei, and when she was happy, she grabbed Ji sleeve., pulled him up.
     Sao Jizhen climbed to the shore. He was wet and drizzled on his body. He shivered coldly. However, he was still alert and glared at Jiang Pear. He asked, "Who are you? How did you come in?"
     "I ..." She didn't expect Ji Yun to see her, but she couldn't figure out what it was all about. At this time, Ji Wei didn't know her. Before she even had time to speak, she heard Ji Yun ask :  "Are you a person who smells people?" Jiang Li was a little surprised at a moment, and this was remembered. In the crowd of the talented person, there was no trace of the smell of people. I thought that only the people in the week would have to take care of Ji Yun. This time I thought she was looking for someone. People coming.
     "Yes." Jiang Lidao said :  "He asked me to come over and see you, how are you?" After saying this, she took off her outer skirt and put it on Sao Ji. Ji Yan was a stiff man, looking at her, suspicious and strange.
     "What's the matter with you?" Jiang Liwen asked :  "Why are those people doing this to you?"
     Ji Yan snorted :  "A group of idiots, jealous of heart."
     He is just a child, but like Jiang Li asked :  "Isn't that telling Jing Xuan real people?"
     "No need." Ji Yun interrupted her words. "I am used to it." He got up from the ground, ginger pear Helped him. It feels a bit strange, so the tall man is now a child of pink and jade. At this time, Ji Yun and later Ji Wei are not the same. If it is the current Ji Yun, whoever dares to insult him like this, he will pay back a hundred times. But Sao Ji, in front of him, is different He probably considered Jing Xuan real people. After all, the palms of his hands were all fleshy, and he could not let Jing Xuan be a real person.
     He is young and young, but he is very deep.
     Jiang Li couldn't bear it. He reached out and took his hand. The hand of Ji Yun was very cold. He looked at Jiang Li and asked, "Who are you?"
     The child is really strange. He is not called Jiang Li sister. "You", but does not make Jiang Li feel annoyed. Jiang Lii said :  "Who do you think I am?"
     "You don't seem to be the person who smells people," Sao Ji said. "Are you a god?"
     Such a lovely question is only a child's ability to be a child. Ask it out. Jiang Lii said :  "Yeah, I am a god. I saw someone bullying you in the sky. It is really mad, but this came to help you "
     Sao Ji stated over :  "I don't need people to help, I have enough for myself." "" Your side, not only yourself, I am also the person around you. "Jiang Li voice is softer, as if the child is a child, she said :  "For example, today, those children hurt you, you just let go They, I am really uncomfortable."
     Ji Yun turned his head and asked :  "What do you want?"
     "You are soaked, we are going to ignite and warm your body. I heard that you help the door to get up in the morning. If you can't finish your homework, you will be punished by Master. If you can't teach them, let Master teach them. Let's steal all their lessons and use them to make a fire. "
     Sao Ji looked stunned. She, this method, is the trick that Xue Zhao used to make bad every time. In those years, Xue Fangfay did not know how many times he had been jealous. Unexpectedly, but now I have to take the initiative to do this, she does not know whether this is a dream or a reality, but those children can not fight, so that they are unscrupulous and make Jiang Li very angry, they can only use the child's method solve.
     Jiang Li saw the appearance of Ji Wei, and he smiled. He said, "Let's go."
     Sao Jiyu was almost dragged by Jiang Li to do these things. I don't know what the reason is. The brothers and sisters of the brothers and sisters have never appeared since they were only. Jiang Li took Ji Ji and stole all their homework in the study room. They went to Jiang Li own house and burned a fire. A fine light, ginger pear even dug two sweet potatoes, cooked in the fire and handed it to Ji Yun.
     Ji Wei stared at everything that Jiang Li did, as if he was shocked. Half a sigh can't say anything else. Apart from the masters of Wen Renyao and Jing Xuanzhen, he and his peers have never had anything to do. Those sisters and sisters do not want to take care of them. They are not people of the same world. But today, with the strange woman of Jiang Li, inexplicable, he did not have much conflict, it seems to be evil.
     "Why are you helping me?" Sao Ji took over the hot sweet potato that ginger pear handed over, did not immediately bite, but hesitated to ask.
     "I am a god, I like you." Jiang Lidao.
     Sao Ji face is slightly red, and she doesn't seem to know what to say. After a while, he asked again :  "Are you really a god? Did you go back later?" A glimpse of Jiang Li, Ji Wei looked at her eyes, there was a faint expectation, and her heart suddenly felt a little unbearable. She said softly :  "I am going back."
     Sao Jiyu immediately disappointed.
     "But don't worry, we will meet again in the future." Jiang Li whispered :  "After that meeting, I will stay with you and never leave."
     "After?" Sao Ji asked :  "How long is that?"
     "In the future, you will be a very big official. You will look very good and look good. You will fight a famous war. You will be respected by the people. What you want to do will be Finished. Anyone you want to meet, you will see it. "Jiang Li smiled and said    :    " You are not good now, very sad, it doesn't matter. In the future, everything will be fine. I will come to you and wait. On that day , you will find that all the sufferings of the past are worthwhile. Please be patient. "In this remark, I don't know if Ji Yun understood it. He looked at Jiang Li ignorantly and finally said    :    " Is it better in the future? "
     Jiang Lidao said :  "It will be fine."
     After saying this, she felt that her body was light and fluttering, and some of her face became blurred. Sao Ji figure gradually became very clear. She heard the young child's tender voice, and it was like an Daren man's low and attractive scorpion. The two scorpions were stacked together to distinguish the real or the illusion. Sao Ji asked :  "What is your name?"
     She said :  "Jiang Pear."
     ... The cockerel outside is still in the ear, ginger pear blinks, the sky is bright, last night, but it is a dream.
     She lay in the arms of Ji Yun and looked up to see the beautiful silhouette of the other side. She reached out and traced the eyebrows of Ji Yun. When she was a child, was it a long-formed look? With one hand grabbing her finger, the man smiled and said, "Wake up?"
     He opened his eyes, and with a lazy waking in his eyes, Jiang Li was anxious to share the wonderful dream with him. He said :  "II just had a dream ..."
     "I had a dream last night ..." The two were in unison, and they immediately stopped.
     "I dreamed that I saw you when I was a child ..."
     Ji Yu said, "You took me to do bad things, A raccoon."
     They made the same dream? Jiang Li was shocked and couldn't speak. He said, "What's the matter?" "I said it," said Ji Yun. "There are gods on the hills of Fuyang. What you said yesterday, maybe it was The fairy hears, deliberately dreams, let you get what you want. "
     "If you can go back to the past, I will help you to drive them away, and then let you go with me, no longer let you be bullied." Yesterday's words emerged again In the ear, Jiang Lizheng, "But, you didn't go with me. "
     "How come?" Ji Wei said :  "I am not always walking."
     Perhaps in the midst of it, that is the case, from that In a real or illusory dream, she appeared like a fairy, giving him a moment of warmth. Then he was like this, step by step, and one day, one day , and came to her.
     Maybe from that time on, everything is starting to get better.

     Molan City is the only oasis city in the desert.
     For the innocent desert, there is such a bustling city, like a shining pearl. For thousands of years, the people of Molan have lived here for generations. The Molan people are hardworking, brave and brave. More than a decade ago, there was a turmoil in the Molan royal family. The Wangye and queen of Molan, and the princess prince were killed in this turmoil. Wang's younger brother succeeded the throne and reorganized it, saving the entire city at a critical juncture. The people are grateful and love the new Wangye, so they have been in the past for more than a decade.
     More than a decade ago, everything was calm and the old Wangye was gradually forgotten. It was accidentally mentioned. It was nothing more than just sighing and sighing.
     However, after more than ten years, the Princess of Moulin, who had already lost her life, the Princess of Jiu-Yue suddenly reappeared in Molan. Not only that, but she also revealed a terrible conspiracy. When the Molan was turbulent, it was not a rogue chaos. For the sake of, but the new Wangye in order to seize the throne, and ruin the hands and feet, is the new Wangye killed the Wangye and the queen, the young prince, and the young princess, fortunately escaped.
     Over the years, Princess Dong has been hiding in Tibet, and he has to go to Yanguo, in order to avoid chasing and killing, and to accumulate strength, waiting for one day to compete with the enemy, and then to return to this land , the original truth will be made public.
     It is reasonable to say that when the Princess of Jiu-Yue returns to the land of Molan, it is bound to be chased by people. The new Wangye has not given up looking for the whereabouts of the Jiu-Yue Princess for so many years , so self-investing in the net, the new Wangye will inevitably be in Jiu-Yue Princess. When the Taolan City Pool has not really set foot, the Princess of Jiu-Yue will be wiped out. But this time, the new Wangye not only failed to do so, but even allowed the Jiu-Yue Princess to enter the city, to tell the secret to the world, for no reason, the Jiu-Yue Princess is not alone. She did have the power to compete with the enemy because she had the support of the Yan State Emperor.
     Molan and Dayanguo, well water does not make river water, and peace has nothing to do for so many years, but on the national strength, the big Yan country of Molan is too far. Every year, the tribute, the Molan messenger will even send a tribute to the Great Yan State, and the Princess of Jiu-Yue won the support of the Emperor Yan Guo. In other words, Yan Guo intervened in the political affairs of Molan, and the people chosen by the Emperor Yan Guo, It is the Jiu-Yue Princess. Of course, the new Wangye will not be outdone. For so many years, how can she make a wedding dress for others? The Princess of Jiu-Yue, which is now emerging, is fake. The Yanguo emperor did not talk about it. He even loaned a horse to the Jiu-Yue Princess. This horse is very brave and kills numerous people. It is called Jinwujun. The army of the new Wangye is not the enemy.
     And the Jiu-Yue Princess also showed the sizzling sizzling, she did not hesitate to order to kill all the people associated with the new Wangye, including the young Wangye young woman, the servant at home, and the loyalty to his courtiers. The entire city of Molan was cleaned and the blood flowed into the river.
     Although knowing the inspiration of the Emperor Yan, the Princess of Jiu-Yue should be true. However, her actions immediately caused an uproar in the city of Molan. The Baixins don't say anything in their mouths, but they are intimate with each other in private. This Jiu-Yue Princess is very cold-hearted, even if there is blood and sea enmity, it is really too murderous to blink. After all, the new Wangye has been in office for so many years, and he has never done anything to hurt the world. Moreover, he used to disguise himself and was deeply loved by the people. In the hearts of the people, the turmoil and slaughter within the royal family is far away, and it is heard in the ears, and there is also an unreal feeling. For them, the new Wangye is a good Wangye, this strange princess, but they worry about their future.
     I also heard that the Princess of Jiu-Yue was good at using poison, and it was harsh in the palace. But if anyone had any eye-catching eyes, they would poison them and then live in the palace. However, they have already killed many palace people.
     Then the name of "Poison Ji" was quietly spread in the city square.
     "His Royal Highness, those outside are too awkward to say."
     Haishu followed Situ in Jiu-Yue to go to Molan. In the past, during the period of the National Residence, Haishu followed Situ in Jiu-Yue and learned a lot of drug-making skills. Situ saw her talent in Jiu-Yue. Willing to teach her a few words. Haishu thinks, learns more days, and in the future is also a skill. If others come to harm Xue Zhao and Xue Huaiyuan, they will not be able to get rid of them. In the area of Molan, there are many poisons that Beiyan does not have. The sea otter will follow Situ in Jiu-Yue and learn more by the way. It is precisely because he has been with Situ in Jiu-Yue that Haishu has clearly seen the situation of Situ in Jiu-Yue. She said :  "Those people don't know anything. It's clear that those who want to harm you are seen by you. Turning around, he said that you are so guilty."
     Situ snarled in Jiu-Yue :  "My good uncle, used to buy people hearts, so many years, the palace also raised a lot of death loyalty. Now he is dead, want to be him There are not a few people who avenge their vengeance. Many people come to take my life. This is just the beginning, and there is still going to be spent in the future. "
     Haishu heard the words, and the heart sighed silently. Indeed, this palace has hidden murder everywhere. Fortunately, Situ was lucky in Jiu-Yue. After so many years of walking north and south, he also cultivated some intuitions about danger. Once he felt the danger, he immediately reminded him in his heart, and he was relieved of many innocent disasters.
     It's just ... She has been away from Molan for a long time. The people of Molan are full of doubts and strangeness to this sudden appearance of the princess, so that the bad rumors about her will soon be believed, which is also caused by the new Wang Yu The consequences, but Stuart Jiu-Yue itself is not without reason.
     First, she didn't grow up in the palace, and she didn't trust the people in the palace. So she used to be alone, and she was indifferent. She liked to make drugs. The pets that I raised were poisons. How can I dare to come close? She has created a cold image.
     Haishu said :  "In this case, you are too hard, Princess, there are many enemies. After Jin Wujun left, I really have to face the danger. Only you are alone."
     Haitang is just a hand-free force. Sao jies, more often, can't help, what Situ can believe in Jiu-Yue, there is really no.
     "If the young master is just fine." Haishu muttered. Xue Zhao used to have a solution, and Situ temperament in Jiu-Yue was cold, and the people did not believe her. She was too lazy to cope with anything, and even worsened herself to make her even more notorious. Xue Zhao method of acting is mild, and he may persuade Situ to make a few sentences in Jiu-Yue, and it will make the situation in front better.
     Situ heard the name of Xue Zhao in Jiu-Yue and looked awkward. When she left, she did not tell Xue Zhao. She only said that she had planned with her, and Ji Yun arranged for her to return to the people after the rain Situ did not tell Xue Zhao in Jiu-Yue because she knew that she was going to go back to Molan. She did not return to her hometown. She said that she would go to rehabilitate and say that it is not good to listen to it.
     Although she has said many times with Xue Zhao, she has a life in her hands, but Xue Zhao has not really seen her killing after all. She understands that the hot and cold in her bones may scare Xue Zhao, and she does not want Xue Zhao to see her face. Therefore, she would rather go back alone.
     What's more, although the preparation is sufficient, it is not foolproof and no danger. Those people can't take her, but Xue Zhao legs and feet are inconvenient. If you want to hurt Xue Zhao, it is easy. At the beginning, those people who used the ginger pear to threaten Ji Jin were vividly in sight. Situ did not want to repeat the same mistakes in Jiu-Yue.
     Most importantly, she did not know how to face Xue Zhao.
     Xue Zhao is a good boy. He is sunny, kind, and sincere. Many times, Situ will be attracted by Xue Zhao body in Jiu-Yue, and he can't help but approach him. But what to do after approaching, to what extent, in her heart, there is no answer.
     When she was going to return to Molan, she became more aware of this as a princess who inherited the entire city and became a prince. In the end, she and Xue Zhao said that they are actually people from two worlds. Once everyone was together , the boundaries were not very clear, so they could throw away those things for a while, but when things happened, they would have to think about it.
     So Stuart's decision in Jiu-Yue was to take a knife and cut off the water. So far, she returned to Molan to be her prince, and Xue Zhao was the same as before, to be his gentle boy. In the past, it was just a wonderful meeting, and the banquet in the world was the best.
     She looked at the sky in the distance.
     Maid out, said :  "Princess, Wangye cord Darens asked to see."
     Stuart look back in Jiu-Yue, flash, wistful look are all gone, she turned, looked calm and said :  "Let him wait, come to the palace."
     Begonia Worried about seeing Situ in Jiu-Yue, what is the purpose of coming, she knows well, this indifferent water is hot and scary, it is not easy to smash. Situ ... can you hold on? No one knows.


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