Wangfu Chongqie 45

Wangfu Chongqie

     Woke up the next day, leaving a quiet room, except for the strange fragrance that still lingers on the nose for a long time.
     Yao-Niang's head hurts, it hurts all over, and it feels like it has been run over by a carriage.
     Thinking about the value, she held it up and washed it, and went to the small building. When it arrived, Yucui was on fire.
     Wang Milkmaid was taken away by Fu, and Qian-Milkmaid was sent to the Spring Pavilion.
     The small County Owner woke up and clashed for milk. Yucui had long planned to call Yao-Niang. It was stopped by Yuyan. Yuyan went to the kitchen to get the rice soup, and the two men joined hands to feed the small County Owner. Komi soup is not hungry, this is not, the small County Owner is in trouble again.
     Yao-Niang was busy feeding in the small County Owner, and then learned that the game was actually Hu  Ceefei directed by Wang Milkmaid.
     Yao-Niang is not surprised that Hu  Ceefei can do this. She just didn't expect Wang Milkmaid to be in it.
     Because Wang Milkmaid has always been a person who is quite honest.
     It seems that Qian-Milkmaid liked to jump up and down, and this Wang Milkmaid didn't work harder. Yao-Niang has a lot of feelings in his heart.
     Wang Milkmaid and Qian-Milkmaid are gone.
     The little County Owner is surrounded by Yao-Niang, a milk niang. Yao-Niang is worrying about this. Before she changed, she would never be like this. But during this time, her milk is getting less and less. If it is a light day, it will be enough. It can be directed at her alone. I am afraid that it is not enough.
     Regarding the fact that his milk is getting less and less, Yao-Niang is a person who has been squatting in a  Little Jao Courtyard. After all, she is a milk niang, a milk niang has no milk, and can be a milk niang. But now I am afraid I will never go any further. When Yao-Niang intends to be honest, Yuyan looks back from the outside.
     From her mouth, Yao-Niang knows why her milk is getting less.
     It turned out that Wang Milkmaid secretly sautéed the water of the malt in her food.
     The smell of the water was not obvious, and it could not be eaten in the food.
     Malt water has the effect of returning milk. Generally speaking, the so-called back milk medicine uses it as a raw material. Wang Milkmaid bought a Pozi in the kitchen and put some of it in her food every day, because that Pozi was afraid of being discovered, not much, but it couldn’t stand the accumulation of time. This is why Yao-Niang is getting less and less milk. the reason.
     Asked when it was time to start, it was Yao-Niang who took the lead around the small County Owner and Wang Milkmaid began to move to deal with her.
     Yao-Niang was shocked after listening.
     At the same time, there is a sense of sorrow. She has encountered a lot of bullets and arrows in her life. It is not unseen, but she did not expect to have someone to target her.
     And she is now just a milk niang.
     If something between her and Jin-Wang is known
     Yao-Niang couldn’t imagine the situation.
     To know that her life has been able to live for so long, a large part is because Jin-Wangfei is holding her behind her. In this life, she only came to the palace for less than four months, or she witnessed it or heard it. I heard so many about the machine front of Jin-Wang, and I can see the leopard in the tube.
     Yao-Niang feels that this decision was correct. It is so safe and stable for a year. When Jin-Wang is tired of herself, she can go home.
     Just that hawk
     Yao-Niang couldn't help but think of what Jin-Wang said last night. She really couldn't understand why he asked so. She even wondered if she had got it wrong. After all, she was not clear at the time, maybe she was wrong.
     But between a turn, Yao-Niang suddenly remembered why Jin-Wang asked this question.
     In the life she had made up for her brother-in-law, she married a hawker who walked the streets and walked the street, but the franc was a short-lived one. An accident occurred when she went out to sell goods, and she lost her newly married. .
     Jin-Wang Why do you ask this? Can you say Jin-Wang vinegar?
     "Su-Milkmaid ......"
     Yao-Niang couldn't help but shudder. She didn't dare to equate jealousy with Jin-Wang. Maybe Jin-Wang secretly sent her to check her bottom line.
     Thinking of this, Yao-Niang felt that he should find a time to go home.
     For the sake of Yao-Niang's lack of milk, Mu-Mama deliberately asked Yucui to ask Liu Liang.
     Liu Liangyi said that there may be an impact, but if it is reminded, it is not impossible to return to it. So when Yucui came back, she not only took a few packs of medicine, but also brought a list back.
     This list contains some ingredients for milking and milking, so that the kitchen can be used to nurse Yao-Niang.
     However, it takes a few days to nurse, but the small County Owner can't wait here. Just as Mu-Mama intends to let Yuyan go to stay in the Spring Hall, Qian-Milkmaid will come back first, and there will be people in the courtyard. .
     It was Wangfei who sent the purple smoke and sent the newly found two milk niang to the Little Jao Courtyard .
     I have to say that Wangfei work is really vigorous, and Mu-Mama took the two people without asking.
     It is not Mu-Mama who trusts Jin-Wangfei, but Jin-Wangfei is actually a very smart person. It is precisely that she took the initiative to send someone to the door, indicating that she will not start to harm the small Count Owner, which is equal to one. Kind of name, put your handle under the human eye.
     Mu-Mama naturally did not want to harm Jin-Wangfei heart through the milk niang. For her, as long as it is not a harmful Little Owner, she can ignore it. This is why Yao-Niang and Cui-zhu can come to the  Little Jao Courtyard. This is also the case of the small County Owner rash, Mu-Mama and Jin-Wang are subconsciously feel that Hu  Ceefei is self-directed, and Jin-Wangfei suspicion is not big.
     Unfortunately, Hu  Ceefei can't understand this.
     But no matter whether she can understand this truth, obviously in this matter, Hu  Ceefei is stealing chicken and not eclipsing rice.
     The small County Owner’s murdered thing seems to be dead, but it also clearly declares Jin-Wang’s attitude.
     Jin-Wangfei status in the government is still supreme, and no one can be invaded, even if this person is a spoiled Hu  Ceefei, even a small County Owner. Especially when Qian Wang's two milk niang were sent away, Su-Milkmaid was left alone, which made the following people understand the fact.
     Therefore, since Hu  Ceefei entered the government, Jin-Wangfei has been shaken and once again rock solid.
     Some of the people who used to look at the limelight on the wall earlier changed their attitudes.
     The clever point to Hu  Ceefei is still respected as usual, but this respect just illustrates some problems. Respect represents the incompatibility and represents a rejection. If you are not smart, you will not be able to step on the water dog.
     The treatment of the people in the Spring Hall will be overwhelmed, and it will often linger with other people.
     Originally thinking that Ceefei will help to get back, but this time Hu  Ceefei is very quiet.
     Not only that, Jin-Wangfei began to liquidate Hu  Ceefei.
     Wang Fuli has provisions on what kind of identity to use and how many people around him serve. For example, Wangfei can have four first-class Maids, eight second-class Maids, and several other Maid Pozis. Ceefei is inferior according to the system, but Hu  Ceefei is taking advantage of Jin-Wang's favor, plus she was pregnant in the past, not only the people around her, but also the use of things and others. Jin-Wangfei is the liquidation of this matter.
     Almost overnight, there are fewer than half of the people in the Spring Pavilion. Many of these people are Hu  Ceefei confidants. When Jin-Wangfei sent people to liquidate on the same day, the Spring Pavilion cried, and even the people in the small courtyard were alarmed.
     This time, Hu  Ceefei naturally couldn't stand it. Unfortunately, she went to Zhaohuitang several times and couldn't see Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang’s attitude is clear.
     As a result, the backyard of the Wangfu entered a rare period of peace and returned to the Wangfei family.
     In this regard, Jin-Wangfei is happy to see it, and even finally raised his eyebrows.
     Whether you like it or not, you can't admit that in this house, only in the meaning of Jin-Wang, the days can be enjoyed. In the past, Jin-Wangfei didn't understand the meaning of Jin-Wang. Unfortunately, she was too proud and too embarrassed. Even if she was obedient on the face, she still had a hidden disdain.
     But this disdain for arrogance but under the temper of reality, was finally crushed into powder, so when Jin-Wang took the initiative to hand over, Jin-Wangfei took it without hesitation.
     The next step is to yield, and she has to give in because she has reasons to give in.
     Because Yao-Niang has suffered a lot of grievances, he has to raise his body now.
     Seeing these two new milk niang did a good job, Mu-Mama simply let Yao-Niang idle, and every day is to guide the new milk niang how to serve the small County Owner.
     Seeing two new milk niang can finally be alone, Yao-Niang went to find Mu-Mama to sue.
     She wants to go home.
     Mu-Mama was ready, and told him to let the house take a carriage and send Yao-Niang home.
     The sky is still not bright, and Yao-Niang is ready to go.
     She has a lot to bring back, there is Mu-Mama, and Jin-Wangfei rewards, even Hu  Ceefei knows that she first came home to visit relatives since she entered the country. I meant something to appreciate.
     It was Jin-Wang that didn't move at all.
     Of course, this is only superficial. It seems that Jin-Wang didn't come to the small courtyard during this time. In fact, he didn't come to the empty door at night. And this person has not known what awkward things have happened recently. It used to come early, but now it will not come in the middle of the night. Yao-Niang often wakes up in the middle of the night and is waking up.
     And this person said nothing, just do it, toss her all night, and the next day, Yao-Niang woke up, and even her personal shadow could not be seen.
     Yao-Niang feels like she has returned to her life, and Jin-Wang of her last life is like this.
     However, she did not want to study the inside, because she never succeeded in guessing the incomprehensible heart through Jin-Wang.
     Yao-Niang took the baggage and said hello to the small building, and left the small courtyard.
     All the way to the side gate of the palace, a carriage of black and blue lacquered flat head is waiting at the door. Sitting in the car is a familiar person, it is Zhou Sheng.
     Seeing Yao-Niang came over, and carrying such a heavy burden in his hand, Zhou Sheng jumped out of the car and walked to her in three steps and two steps.
     Yao-Niang is a little surprised: "I didn't expect it to be Zhou Da Ji."
     Zhou Shengxi smiled and licked his head. "Just I have to go home, I took this errand."
     He did not say that in order to grab this errand, he deliberately spent money to invite several people in the same room to have a drink. That is to say, he wants to cover the show, let everyone know who Zhou Zhi 'that Yao' is, is Su-Milkmaid next to the small County Owner.
     Everyone said that Zhou Sheng’s kid should be developed. Don’t look at Su-Milkmaid is a widow, but also with a child, can not stand people in front of the master. According to this battle, the nail on the board is the milk niang of the small County Owner. If Zhou Sheng can really catch Su-Milkmaid, he will not be able to talk about it in the future.
     Zhou Shengcai didn't bother to care about it. He thought it was very simple, but he finally found the opportunity to be alone with Yao-Niang.
     He rushed to pick up the bag of Yao-Niang, took it to the car and put it in front of Yao-Niang.
     "Su-Milkmaid, get on the bus."
     Yao-Niang feels a little embarrassed because the other person is too considerate.
     "Thank you, Big Brother Zhou."
     "I don't appreciate, thank you, let's get on the bus. Let's go early, run faster on the road, maybe we can get there before night."
     Fu Cheng licked Jin-Wang's gloomy face, and he couldn't understand what was going on under his Royal Highness.
     Su-Milkmaid went home and went home. He knew it when he was a few days in advance. If he didn't want to go home, he would say it, but he wouldn't say it, but he would tell people to report to the small courtyard.
     Knowing that Wangfei had rewarded things, Hu  Ceefei also rewarded things. Even Feng-Shiqie and Li-Madam Tao-Madam had a lot of things to appreciate in order to please Wangfei.
     Mu-Mama is also rewarded.
     It stands to reason that Jin-Wang is the owner of a house. If you don't know it, you know it. Just to reward Su-Milkmaid's hard work, especially before that people suffered another grievance, and privately and Jin-Wang is this relationship.
     Jin-Wang is not, and there is nothing to be rewarded for those who reward Su-Milkmaid. It is their turn but they are not moving.
     According to Fu Cheng’s many years of experience, I guessed that my Highness was on my own.
     However, Jin-Wang and Yao-Niang are not on the same day or two. From the time he recently went to the  Little Jao Courtyard, it can be seen that every day is going to the night when the people are quiet, or they are all resting.
     Then suddenly changed his mind.
     Let Fu Cheng see, this is why it is, if you want to go, why bother to blame yourself.
     However, Fu Cheng did not dare to say that he still wants to live two more years.
     瞧瞧This is not the case. It is obvious that the following people came to report that Su-Milkmaid is collecting things and preparing to leave the house. If they want to see people, they will not go.
     They have to wait for people to go to the door, and then find an excuse to go out and walk. I came to the side door, but I know that I hit this scene.
     Fu Cheng looked at the young driver who was talking to Su-Milkmaid, and decided in his heart that this person was not smiling normally.
     This kid is not thinking about Su-Milkmaid?
     This idea makes the blessing achievement a spirit, and then go to see Jin-Wang's face, it is colder, and it is exuding the chill of the forest.
     Fu Cheng couldn't help but compare it in his heart. Instead, he was Su-Milkmaid, and he would rather face the smile on the other side than the big cold face.
     It seems that someone is chilling, and Fu Cheng turns to see Jin-Wang.
     And a couple of people over there did not find anything that happened in the dark.
     Yao-Niang got on the bus, and Zhou Sheng drove the carriage away from the side door of the palace.
     His driving skills are very good, the carriage runs fast and steady, and Yao-Niang can't feel the bumps when sitting inside.
     In fact, it is also a good carriage of the palace. That is, Mu-Mama made a speech, and Zhou Sheng specially selected a good car, which was specially prepared for the masters to go out.
     The carriages are wide and large, and there are several couches inside, which are very comfortable to sit on.
     Yao-Niang also knew this after he was curiously asked.
     “Does this cause trouble for Zhou Da Ji?” Seriously, Yao-Niang has always been a relatively incumbent, and not so much. If it is because of yourself, it adds trouble to the other party, then it is not good.
     "Nothing, the female masters in our house barely go out, these carriages are painted over and over again, but unfortunately they are free to be there." Zhou Shengyi said not to care.
     When he paused, he said again: "I am not afraid to tell you that these cars have not been borrowed by some of the people in the house. In order to not sin people, there is also one eye closed, Su- Milkmaid, this is what you commanded above, and no one can pick any thorns."
     Seeing this, Yao-Niang just let go of his heart.
     Zhou Sheng seems to be running this road often. He didn't even fight on the road, and went straight.
     The weather is sultry, and Yao-Niang deliberately opens the door to breathe.
     Zhou Sheng is happy to see this, he can not say a few words with Yao-Niang. All the way, all the way, the time flies, the two have a more detailed understanding of each other.
     At the very least, Yao-Niang knows the birth of Zhou Sheng and some of his family's situation. Zhou Sheng also knows about Yao-Niang's situation. Yao-Niang still used the excuse of the outside.
     The man in front of her was a hawker. When she went out to sell goods, she had an accident on the road, leaving her and her child in the stomach. It is.
     "Su-Milkmaid, don't be too sad, you can always go on, and you are not going to be good now." Zhou Sheng is not too good at persuading people to temper, comforting people to say dry.
     Yao-Niang saw him like that, and some laughed: "Thank you for your concern of Zhou Da Ji. I am very good now. I want to make more money in the Wangfu. I will go home and raise Xiao bao to raise an Daren."
     Zhou Sheng, who was driving the car, looked at her with the corner of his eye. He couldn’t help but ask: "Su-Milkmaid has no plans to marry again?"
     The Dagan Family can not help the widow to marry again, especially in the place of Jinju, because the folk customs here are relatively open because of the border.
     Upon hearing this, Yao-Niang couldn't help but squint and couldn't help but bow his head: "Like me, the dead man dragged a baby, and there are men who are willing to marry me."
     Zhou Sheng wants to say a word, I am willing.
     Unfortunately, he did not dare.
     He dreamed of her dreaming all night, just like a demon, can't wait to rush to her, telling her that he really wants to marry her as a nang. When the real person came to her and looked at her white face, he was afraid.
     Zhou Sheng’s heart was very nervous and his heart pounded. He resisted the tension and said something to praise Yao-Niang.
     It was the first time to do it, and it was very unskilled. Instead, Yao-Niang was amused.
     "Dr. Zhou, thank you very much."
     This thanks is sincere. Yao-Niang can see that Zhou Sheng wants to comfort her to encourage her. She can see that this guy is a kind person.
     At noon, Zhou Sheng parked a car on a roadside.
     It seems that I have been there many times, and Zhou Sheng has taken the Yao-Niang and walked in.
     The samovar is very simple, only simple tea and ‘maidens are sold.
     Zhou Sheng was a little annoyed. He had a good time. He was afraid that he would starve Su-Milkmaid at noon, but he forgot that the food here was not delicious.
     Yao-Niang smiled and took a cloth bag from the carry-on bag, which contained several patties in oil paper.
     “This is what Pozi in the kitchen has done to help, and I am afraid that it is not convenient to use rice on the road.”
     "Or you eat it yourself, I just eat it." Zhou Sheng refused.
     "There are so many people who have finished eating it. Now the weather is hot. If you let go for a long time, you will get rid of it. You should be welcome if you are a big brother."
     In this way, the two called two bowls of tea, and they ate patties with tea.
     Zhou Sheng was very sweet, and he felt that Yao-Niang was better.
     After eating the meatloaf and drinking tea, the two men found a place to clean their hands, and went to the latrine next to the tea pot to solve the problem of Gong.
     This is not the place where the village is not in the store. Zhou Sheng is afraid that Yao-Niang will be out of the toilet.
     Yao-Niang went in for a while and blushed. This is the first time she has faced such a situation. She is going to the toilet and guarding a big man outside.
     There is a large water tank outside the tea door, and a water basin and a scoop are placed next to it.
     Yao-Niang went to the net, and Zhou Sheng was diligently holding a scoop of water to help her wash.
     "Dr. Zhou, it’s really troublesome for you. It’s a lot of trouble to take me on the road."
     "how come……"
     As he spoke, a carriage drove in from the side of the official road and stopped in the open space in front of the samovar.
     Four people came down from the car, the first one was a young man, and the other three were short-brown scorpions. Although young men are dressed up ordinary, they are not eye-catching, but at first glance they know the head of this group.
     “Young Master, there is only one tea shop in front of the village without a shop.”
     The man who was called Young Master was full of disgust and impatience. "What can be eaten in such a place..."
     Seeing someone coming, Yao-Niang subconsciously leaned over and hurriedly put his hand on the skirt to dry.
     "Dr. Zhou, let's go."
     Zhou Sheng nodded, and his hands could not be taken care of. He took Yao-Niang and decided to get on the bus.
     When passing through the four people, it was already passed, but I was told to be stopped from behind.
     "Hey, the little woman in front..."
     Yao-Niang lowered her head, did not hear it, and wanted to go forward. Unfortunately, the action was not as fast as the other party, and was stopped in front of him.
     "Talk to you, didn't you hear?" The Young Master's eyes didn't stare at Yao-Niang's face, and the heart didn't even think of this backcountry place, and these wonderful people.
     This Young Master is the only son of a merchant. Because of the three-generation single pass of the family, it is such a unique child. Coupled with the fact that there is still some money in the county town, this Young Master is indispensable to visit the kiln bag, and the young body is hollowed out.
     This is not the case. Seeing that the only child is not too young, there is nothing left. Only one day knows that the cock is running. This merchant has made a heartfelt heart. When his son came out to start doing goods, he wanted his son to suffer hardships, and he did not want his son to know the hardships of Laozi and ruin his family business.
     Young Master is pampered on most days, where he has suffered this kind of suffering and is suffering. This is not the case, the key is that he no longer has the opportunity to visit the Qing lou hook fence to find beautiful people.
     Their group had already rushed for two days. On the road, except for the limestone, they were trees.
     They could see people, and they were all rough men. It’s hard to meet such a small flower, and I don’t blame Young Master for being straight.
     He is a veteran of the battle, naturally knows what kind of woman is the most delicious. He used to be a happy woman, not like those big yellow nieces, because they know that women know how to be fun, and those who do not go through the house, once on the couch, are like dead fish.
     The woman who has been tasted by various means does not know how many things, such as Yao-Niang, in his eyes, is no less than a peerless thing. Although it is tightly packed, you can lick the buttocks, the twitching milk, walk the road to shake the hips and shake your hips. At first glance, you know that it is a man who is very moisturized.
     Young Master licked his mouth while stroking his chin and looking back and forth on Yao-Niang.
     The three followers who saw this were all smiling, but they did not stop.
     Yao-Niang really has the illusion that she has no film. She can't help but stretch her hand to go to the side to hide. Zhou Sheng stepped forward and stopped in front of her.
     "I don't know if this is the way to stop us. What do you want?"
     Young Master looked up and looked at Zhou Sheng. "Let's go up and stop the good things of this Young Master!"
     When he reached out, he went to dial Zhou Sheng, and Zhou Sheng did not guard it. He was pushed by him.
     "Dr. Zhou..." Yao-Niang hurriedly helped him.
     "Hey, you are such a small couple. But the young couple doesn't matter, Young Master, I just like to farm the fields that have been cultivated." Young Master said while going to Yao-Niang, Zhou Sheng did not let This Young Master seems to be impatient, scolding: "Are you dead? Don't hurry up and help!"
     The three followers were helpless, but they went up without ambiguity and saw that it was not the first time they did this.
     Zhou Shengxin called it bad, and once again gave Yao-Niang eyes to let her run, and said: "Where are you from? Who knows which person we are in!"
     "I am in charge of who you are, please give me a go."
     The mouth said no hurry, Zhou Sheng took a fist, and Zhou Sheng also refused to cover up, and strove to push these people away, ‘calling to Yao-Niang: "Yao-Niang, you run! ”
     "Dr. Zhou..."
     Yao-Niang all cried, ran two steps and suddenly ran back.
     "I don't run, run anything." She blinked red and angered: "Oh, your dog's eyes, we are Jin-Wang, who have sinned Jin-Wang in Jinju, you are Not a family doesn't want to live!"
     She tried to make herself learn Hu  Ceefei on the most days, but she was so soft and thin, where to do it.
     However, in the end, the movement of these people was subconsciously stopped.
     "Jin-Wang House? Just you!" The Young Master squinted as if he had heard a joke.
     Yao-Niang looked around in a hurry and suddenly saw the carriage parked in the woods not far away.
     "We are sitting in the car of Wangfu!"
     The carriage ran fast again, and before this time, the hoof was very fast.
     The two people in the car face each other and have a lingering heart.
     I don't know if the Jin-Wang House is too big in Jinzhou. Anyway, the Young Master was scared away, and it was a misunderstanding when he ran. This pedestrian was supposed to rest on the samovar, and now the feet are not resting, for fear that it will be late when there is a tiger chasing.
     Zhou Sheng looked blank and peeked at Yao-Niang next to him: "Su-Milkmaid, or you are in danger, I was only worried about it."
     "How come, Zhou Da Ji is also afraid that I will be hurt."
     Seriously, Yao-Niang is actually very moving. In that case, Zhou Sheng did not choose to run by himself. He would rather stay behind to drag those people. Yao-Niang has fewer men to contact, except for the two sons of Su and his son. Su-County-Graduate is an old-fashioned acid rot, Su Yucheng is a lazy, but it is brother-in-law Yao Cheng is more like Yao-Niang's brother.
     Then there is Jin-Wang, but Jin-Wang can't be counted as an ordinary person, so Zhou Sheng is the first man surnamed Ya-Niang.
     "It’s also stupid. I just think that it’s too bad to be outside, especially when it’s on the official road. I parked the carriage on the back, and if I stopped at the door, I gave them a bear and a leopard. I didn’t dare to commit it, but it hurts Su-Milkmaid to be frightened."
     There is a emblem of Jin-Wang House on the carriage. This is equivalent to a pass, but in Jinju, there are no taboos in the county.
     "Dr. Zhou is also very thoughtful. No one expected this kind of accident..."
     Just as the two men spoke in the car, in the woods on the side of the tea pot, a black man riding a high horse suddenly whistled. This whistle sounded like a bird, not attracting attention, but blinking. In the meantime, a black eagle flew down from the sky and fell on his shoulder.
     He took a bamboo tube from his arms and poured a slender special charcoal pen from the bamboo tube and a small roll of paper.
     Did not dismount, he wrote the pen in one hand, and wrote on the small note that was spread out on his hand: the road encounters the bully and the drama, the driver's hero saves the beauty, Su-Milkmaid is safe.
     He paused and thought about whether or not to add another sentence, and finally to the name of His Royal Highness, the wicked talents fled. If you think about it, you still don't add it.
     The paper size is limited, but it is still concise and better. Put the small note into the silver tube tied to the black eagle paw and fly it to the sky.
     After doing all this, he grabbed his stomach and chased it.
     Before the darkness, the two finally arrived in Linyun County.
     The carriage stopped in front of Yaojiamen, and Yao-Niang had a feeling of being close to home. Or Zhou Sheng took the initiative to get off the bus and helped knock on the door. "Is there anyone in the house?"
     After a short while, there was a footstep inside and the door was opened.
     It is Yao Cheng.
     Seeing Yao-Niang coming down from the carriage, Yao Cheng had some surprises: "Yao-Niang, you are back."
     As he greeted him, he wanted to go back and yell in the yard, but he did not know why, suddenly changed his mind, but said: "Come in, come in and say."
     Yao-Niang walked into the courtyard, and Zhou Sheng also took the carriage and was pulled in by Yao Cheng.
     Yao Cheng said that Zhou Sheng had a hard time running, how to eat and then go. Zhou Shengjun refused to repeat, and finally agreed to it. He was not a greedy meal of Yao family. He just didn't want to let go of any opportunity to get along with Yao-Niang.
     When Yao-Niang just entered the yard, he was rushed up and embraced in his arms.
     "You are dead Yatou, don't come back to see it for a long time."
     Hui niang licked his tears and Yao-Niang was sobbing. When the two women just entered the door, they cried together and Yao Cheng subconsciously and Zhou Sheng had a look. Seeing Zhou Sheng and his own tacit understanding, Yao Cheng and the little sister-in-law there, and then look at the eyes of Zhou Sheng silently, can not help but move some thoughts.
     Yao-Niang thought that this time, I would like to say a few words about Li Shi. I know that Li-shi has changed her attitude earlier and she is very enthusiastic.
     Not only for Yao-Niang, but also for Zhou Sheng, his face is full of chilling enthusiasm. Even greeted Yao Cheng to go out and buy some wines to come back and entertain Zhou Xing for a drink. After all, the visitors are guests.
     Yao Cheng listened to go out and bought the wine, and just finished dinner with Hui niang and Yao-Niang. This ordinary people have no rules for the table. Everyone sitting at the table is very lively.
     There is one person missing from the table, Yan-Jie.
     Yao-Niang doesn't know what happened to the Yao family recently, but she doesn't pay much attention to it. After all, a lot of her experience was attributed to Yan-Jie. She didn't retaliate. It's good. How could it still be? Go care about each other.
     On the table, Li-shi asked about Zhou Sheng again and again.
     Asked in great detail, where is the family, and who is in the family, asked everything in the palace. Yao-Niang doesn't understand what it means, but it doesn't mean that Yao Cheng doesn't understand either. In the constant snoring of these two, Li-shi has been arrogant, but she has already mastered the general situation of Zhou Sheng.
     After the meal, Yao Cheng stayed at home for a night and then left, Zhou Sheng did not refuse. After all, everyone knows that it is not safe.
     After Zhou Xin was settled, Yao Cheng went to talk to Yao-Niang.
     Yao-Niang is holding a small treasure and is not willing to let go.
     The half-year-old baby is a favorite.
     The little hand is chubby, the small arm and the calf are like a chastity. It is really a bit of a hate. Xiao bao is not like the small County Owner, but there is also a hailstorm in the house. This kind of civilian home can put basin water in the room is already very good.
     Therefore, Xiao bao wears very little, and a big red little belly pocket wraps the small body, which is even more white and lovely.
     After these days of conditioning, Yao-Niang's milk gradually increased. She spent a day in this day, just waiting to come back and feed her son. So Xiao bao took a small face on her chest and she took her son to hide in the room to feed.
      Xiao bao seems to recognize the taste of niang, and there is no contradiction to her.
     The half-year-old milk baby is just when the food is getting longer. It can be sucked up to make people feel a sweet feeling that is hollowed out.
     Yao-Niang inexplicably saw a man's face from this little face.
     She looked at it and found that Xiao Bao eye shape is very similar to that of Jin-Wang. It is a narrow eye contour. It’s just that Xiao bao is still small and can’t be seen clearly.
     Yao-Niang is not this kind of eye shape, she is the kind of apricot eye, round, and the eye tip slightly touches the arc, giving a very gentle and feminine feeling.
     In other words, Xiao bao looks like Father?
     At the thought of this, Yao-Niang raised a sense of resentment in his heart.
     She was not willing to recall the past that was unbearable. Seriously, Yao-Niang had never seen the face of the wicked who had strengthened her.
     Yao-Niang didn't want to think again, and changed Xiao bao for a while. Xiao bao fell asleep while eating and eating.
     She distressedly caressed her son's small head melon seeds. I didn't see enough to see it. Ming Xiao bao grew up and grew up. But the feeling of being connected in the arms is the same, but it is separated by thousands of mountains and waters. Can't erase it.
     "Yao Yao." Outside, there was a knock on the door of Hui niang.
     Yao-Niang was busy with his hands and put Xiao bao on the bed and got up to open the door.
     See brother-in-law is also busy, the two people ushered in.
     Yao-Niang has something in his heart, and Yao Cheng also has something in his heart.
     When the two of them spoke, they also asked Jin-Wang to send people to inquire about the details of Yao-Niang.
     For a long while, Yao Chengcai said: "Yao-Niang, don't be afraid, I guess if the above person intends to reuse you, will send someone to check your life. After all, the small County Owner is different from her, but it is the top of the gold. People, the milk that I have to use around me Mama can't be ignored."
     If there is no such thing, this statement is also true. Yao-Niang and Jin-Wang have such a relationship, so she always feels that things are not that simple.
     Can let her say how not a simple method, she can not say up, can only temporarily put it down.
     "-Sister-in-law, can you say that this kind of statement can be overtaken? Will the people of Wangfu send people to inquire about it, do I have to marry a child?"
     Yao Cheng looked at her with a puzzled look and asked: "Why does the palace want to send people down to inquire about such a small matter? The investigation is not that your life is innocent, the father-in-law is a County-Graduate, and your brother-in-law is a class. If such a person comes out The daughter is not considered to be innocent, and the brother-in-law does not know what kind of person is innocent."
     "Not..." Yao-Niang immediately wanted to say something, but he sang again. To say more, I was afraid that I would miss my mouth. She didn't want to let her sister know that she was going to the palace to be a niang, but she sneaked into the place with the child Father. That would make her feel that she has no face to face. After all, she is a daughter of a good family.
     Like the last generation, the sister-in-law knows that he is also a member of his own name, and he has become a boat.
     Hui niang See Mei-mei, this entangled, was teased, "When you do, you know that you will worry about this. You are this time sister and you brother-in-law is at home idle?"
     Yao-Niang cast doubts on her eyes, Hui niang smiled and said: "I went back to my home after you left, and said to Father Niang and my older brother ZHu  shi, let them say to the outside, you are so 趟It was married and married to a hawker who was living outside, because the other family was not in the local area, so the marriage was very hasty."
     "If you marry, neighbors in the neighborhood may not know."
     Hui niang proudly smiled: "I let them say that you are married at the Yao family." After all, Sujia 1st-Sao is thinking about the little girl, and the neighbors of the Su family can all know. At that time, Niang came home to pick up Mei-mei to live in Yao, but when he was at home, he took Yao-Niang out.
     Yao-Niang is stupid on the spot.
     Hui niang again said: "As for the neighborhood neighbors of the Yao family, I went out to send some joyful fruit a while ago. It is to please you.
     The wedding is naturally done at the Sujia side. ""
     That is to say, Hui niang asked for a cleverness from the middle, no one would be too upset about this matter, Yao neighbors could not go to the neighborhood neighbors of Su family to discuss the marriage of Yao-Niang, after all, The home is quite far apart, spanning more than half of the county.
     Looking at the light, the color is a bit awkward sister, Yao-Niang couldn't help but red-eyed, pulling her hand: " sister-"
     "Well, all of them are niang people, don't be the kind of little girl's family." Hui niang caressed Mei-mei horns, saying that she couldn't help but blink.
     Her life-stricken Mei-mei, she can only do this for her, so that she will come back later without leaving Xiao bao to leave her hometown, but can appear in front of people.
     Yao-Niang took a nose and took the bag that she brought back from the cupboard.
     "These are all when I came back.
     The masters of the house enjoyed it, there were fabrics and jewelry..." Yao-Niang turned things out and said: "I looked at it, clothes and jewelry sisters should wear them.
     These fabrics are kept, for Ming Geer Hong Geer and brother-in-law to make clothes..."
     "We want to do what you want, you keep it. Since it is for people to appreciate you, you will keep it. You and Xiao bao will wear it in the future, or you can change your money."
     "-Sister, if you and your brother-in-law say this, let me face you. I have added so much trouble to you, Xiao bao is still fostered by you..."
     When this is said, it is the same as the old words. Apart from being sad, there is no use. Hui niang can only interrupt her, and she is soft on Mei-mei, picking up those things brought back by Yao-Niang.
     At the same time, on the other side of the West Chamber, Li-shi is also holding Yan-Jie to speak, but all about Zhou Sheng.
     "I think this is a good life. People are honest and poor in the Wangfu.
     The age is not too big."
     Yan-Jie just glanced at the window and didn't even see what Zhou Sheng looked like. He couldn't help but whisper: "How much can you make, not a person to be a man."
     Li-shi took a slap on her body: "What happened to the next man? It depends on the next person! The long-term work of the small landlord can compare with the people of the palace?! Again, Zhou Sheng is only this year. How big, who dares to say how the future is going. Do you think that you are the golden phoenix king Nuang-Niang and the former virgin? If you miss this, you will go to the country to marry the old widower and give it to the niang!"
     Yan-Jie didn't want to give her a niang. She wrinkled her face and hesitated to look at Li Shi. "So, this?"
     Li-shi nodded hard. "Just this! I can try to stay in the house for a day, and let your brother help you to join us."
     "Nasu-Niang will not be bad at the side?" Yan-Jie eyes turned.
     "She dares!" Li-shi shot his thigh. "You don't forget that Xiao bao is still at our house."
     Yan-Jie nodded and squatted at Li Shi: "Niang, I see that Su-Yao-Niang seems to be developed. This time I brought a lot of good things.
     The things in Wangfu are definitely not bad. You help me. Both, I can use it as a dowry."
     Not to mention this, Li-shi still did not think about it, she did see Suao-Niang came back with two bags of things, but at that time Zhou Sheng followed, she did not mean to face her.
     However, in front of her daughter, she must not reveal this kind of mind. She poked her finger to poke Yan-Jie forehead. "You can't kill your eye-catching Yatou. If you want a dowry, someone will ask you to say it!"
     She said, she left the West Chamber, passing through the East Chamber, seeing the lights inside, she hesitated, and endured the past.
     The morning light is awkward, and the heavens are dawning.
     Lin Yun County is like a giant beast that gradually wakes up from a deep sleep, and the streets and alleys begin to have human voices.
     Eucalyptus Hutong, here is still quiet, from time to time can hear the sound of a door, followed by the sound of the wooden wheel over the bluestone. This is a manure truck that collects manure water and collects manure from house to house every morning.
     Yao-Niang woke up a long time, but could not bear to rise. She was lying next to her, and Xiao bao slept sweetly.
     I faintly heard the sound of the sand-sweeping yard outside, and Yao-Niang kissed her son with a small head and got up and dressed. When she almost packed up, there was movement outside.
     Until I heard a bang, and outside the voice of Yao Cheng, Yao-Niang pushed the door out.
     Hui niang also got up and was packing up.
     Ming Geer lives in the main room with Li Shi, and Hong Geer lives with Father niang.
     At this moment, Hong Geer was still awake and was sleeping in a small bed he was alone. This bed is under the window, two meters square, surrounded by a tall wooden fence.
     Hui niang turned back to Mei-mei. "Isn't I still awake? I didn't wake up and put him over, so I didn't let the Darens turn around.
     The child woke up and fell off the bed."
     When the baby of more than six months was naughty, I woke up and rolled over the bed. If there was no railing, I couldn’t figure it out. Hui niang One person sees three children. Although Li-shi usually helps to see the big Geer, she and Yan-Jie are both lazy and do not want to do anything. Hui niang saw three children and had to do housework.
     There was no way to find a bed for the carpenter. When she had a job in her hand, she placed Hong Geer and Xiao bao in the bed.
     When I saw such a bed, Yao-Niang was so sad that she nodded with a whimper and went in and took Xiao bao out to Hong Geer.
     "Okay, if there are more children, it's all over here." Seeing that Mei-mei is a little uncomfortable, Hui niang is so comforting.
     Yao-Niang nodded and said: "-Sister, I want you to hire someone to come back for help, or buy a small Yatou, why didn't you buy it?"
     Hui niang sighed. "Do you think that buying a small Yatou is a matter of light and silver? When you are young, you will be able to take care of your child. If you are too young to buy it, you will buy another daughter, I will be with you." My brother-in-law can't do things that let the little Yatou help. As for hiring people to come back and help, let alone knowing that it is hard to find the roots, I don't know if I don't know how to use it. I have to steal the children from the family."
     Yao-Niang thought about it too, said: "I will come back after half a year. But I think it is better to hire someone to come back, even if I can't help with the children, help with doing housework. That two days. I don’t do anything in it, I’m pointing at you, I’m not tired of you.”
     As he said, Yao Cheng smiled and walked inwardly: "This week, the brothers are really polite.
     They got up early in the morning to help the family sweep the yard."
     Yao-Niang This is the person who knows that the yard was swept outside in the early morning.
     "I think the brothers are very good this week, Yaoyao do you think?"
     "The big brother of Zhou is very good..."
     Yao-Niang said what he had met on the way back, and he could stun the Hui niang. "These people are too lawless, and they dare to rob the women in the broad daylight."
     "It is not estimated that this is the first time, but there is a brand of Jin-Wang, and there is no one in this land that dares not to be interested."
     "It seems that Yaoyao is not good for going to the Wangfu."
     The three were talking, and Hong Geer and Xiao Bao were awake. Put the clothes on the children and wash their faces. Yao-Niang and Hui niang went to the kitchen to make breakfast, leaving Yao Cheng to look at the children in the house. During this period, Yao-Niang stood in the kitchen and could hear the warmth of Li-shi and Zhou Sheng talking outside.
     "-Sister, she wants to do this?" Li Shi, this person should have a word, nothing to be diligent, but there is nothing good to offer.
     "What else can you..."
     Hui niang told Yao-Niang what happened to Yan-Jie.
     Yao-Niang was so surprised that she was too surprised, which was too much for her surprise. Have you ever had such a thing in your life? However, Yao-Niang did not return home in the past, and naturally did not know the news of Yan-Jie.
     At this time, I thought it would be a bad report. Yao-Niang’s sigh of relief in my heart suddenly disappeared. I feel that the whole person is a lot easier.
     "So she wants to make a big brother and Yan-Jie together?"
     Hui niang looked at Mei-mei, not that her sister is stupid.
     "That can't be done, Zhou Da Ji is a good person, can't hurt him." Yao-Niang immediately wanted to go out and was dragged by Hui niang. "Okay, you are the fool of your big brother that week, people are not I will be at the mother and daughter."
     Yao-Niang heard a voice and said: "-Sister, what is my big brother, Zhou big brother?”
     Hui niang looked at Mei-mei with great interest: "You can hold you in this week's eyes, don't tell your sister that you didn't see it."
     Yao-Niang did not see it. She just thought that Zhou Sheng was too diligent, and he never thought that he had moved this kind of mind. When I remembered coming back, he asked if he wanted to remarriage...
     "I feel that this week's promotion is good, and I know your situation. Since I am willing to be with you, I am not willing to care about your identity as a married person. I have also dragged a child."
     Yao-Niang said: "He hasn't married a daughter-in-law, how can I be someone like me?"
     Hui niang would not like to hear this, and looked at Mei-mei: "Who is such a person, my family Yaoyao is the best woman in the world and deserves to be treated by any man."
     Hui niang patted her. "Well, my sister said that you have a good heart. This is a woman who is not easy to live with a child. Since someone is willing to share it with you, why not consider it?-Sister also hopes that you will be able to Looking for a man, someone is asking for help, knowing the cold and knowing the heat."
     Looking for a man?
     Yao-Niang fell into silence. She glanced at Zhou Sheng, who was washing the car in the courtyard. It happened that Zhou Sheng also looked over and they both looked at each other. She saw the joy in the other's eyes, subconsciously lowered her head, and I remembered Jin-Wang in my mind.
     Jin-Wang House, Zhaohuitang, Jin-Wang received the third secret letter from the Dark Eleven.
     A small piece of paper on a narrow strip of paper
     The driver has left another day, and the family has the meaning.
     Fu Cheng stood on the side, and wished to stretch his neck to see.
     But he didn't dare to be the key. He couldn't wait to put his head in his pants.
     After receiving the first secret letter of Dark Eleven from His Royal Highness, he was chilly, and it was already frozen. Fu Cheng didn’t want to go out and ask for fun.
     Jin-Wang stood up and walked out: "Prepare the horse!"
     Fu Cheng was stunned. Where is this going? Then he reacted, and shouldn't he be looking for Su-Milkmaid?
     Li-shi hardly took Zhou Sheng to let him live in the Yao family for a day. For this reason, even his elders were moved out, and Zhou Sheng could only agree.
     Li Shi, who got a satisfactory answer, went to find his son with joy, but whoever thought that he had hit a nail in Yao Cheng.
     "Niang, I advise you to dismiss this idea. People family is not bad, and why is it like Yan-Jie? Besides, I am not afraid of you knowing that this week, I and Hui niang are used as brother-in-law. People are coming for Yaoyao, but not for Yan-Jie. Don't tell me that Yan-Jie has taken a fancy to Zhou Sheng, but all the men who like Yaoyao, Yan-Jie have to put aside Don't say that I didn't warn her. If this time she made another moth, I will send her to the Guzi Temple and let her be aunt!"
     It is really impossible to complain that Yao Cheng is ugly, but he has now been bored by his niang, Mei-mei. Li-shi is nothing more than his niang, he can't be heavy, but he doesn't like Yan-Jie.
     Although it is pro-Mei-mei, but Yao Cheng is not close to Yan-Jie, Yan-Jie is a thief from a young age, swindling and swindling black, not less harm to Yao Chengyu Li Shi.
     Then Yao-Niang's event also made Yao Cheng know that this Mei-mei was raised by his own niang, and his heart was poisoned like that, and people thought about it and shuddered.
     Especially after the accident of Feng Heizi, Yan-Jie made this out, let Yao Cheng see, since the life is not good, he will accept his life, as long as he knows how to bless, how can he live the day. However, he has found a few people for Yan-Jie. She is not abandoning the poor, or is abandoning the old age, or she is not willing to be a niang.
     The problem is that Yan-Jie is like this now. Whoever has no son is willing to marry her back without breaking her incense.
     Li-shi didn't expect his son to talk so slyly, and he took two shots on him. He said, "Who is your sister?" Su-Yao-Niang is not, how have you gone to him? You have lost your shi-zi's wolf scorpion, and you have thrown your sister for your wife."
     "You just want me to marry my wife and forget about niang, Hui niang, I am waiting for you on most days, you and Yan-Jie clothes to reach out and open your mouth, what have you done at home?Hui niang one, you can pick out her fault! If you want your son to be good and want to slap the old Yao family, you dont want to provoke Yaoyao. She is now waiting for the small County Owner, for this layer. Relationship, Qianxian order is going to raise me to catch the head. If you want me to catch up, you will continue to do it!"
     Therefore, it is still the son who knows niang. Li-shi really loves Yan-Jie. It is obviously a step back from his son's future, his wife dream and the old Yao family's threshold.
     After Yao Cheng left, Li-shi still pouted: "How come this is going to go back to the palace, people are different? There is no gold inlaid!"
     Oh, it’s really gold!
     Said to return, Li-shi still changed his attitude.
     In order to please Yao-Niang, in fact, Yao-Niang gave her a satin to bring her back. She immediately made Yan-Jie out of the West Chamber, went to the main room to live with her, and moved the West Chamber to Yao-Niang.
     She said that she would come back for a few days, but she couldn’t live hard, and the west of the main room was still empty.
     Yao-Niang wanted to push, but she didn't let her push, but she could only clean up her own cover and moved back to Xixiang to live.
     I lived in the room where she lived.
     It is something that Zhou Sheng helped to move. Because of the previous Hui niang, Yao-Niang saw that Zhou Sheng always felt that there was an inexplicable embarrassment. However, Zhou Sheng mixed and disapproved, his face smiled.
     A pozi who was familiar with Li-shi came to Li-shi to talk. He happened to meet Zhou Sheng and Yao-Niang to work, and asked if this was a man of Yao-Niang. Before Hui niang went out to send a happy fruit, but I did not bother to say that the house-to House had said that Yao-Niang had been married.
     Li-shi got the command of his son and naturally nodded. That Pozi said that she was really a girl, and she went into the house with Li Shi. Let Yao-Niang make a big red face, next to no one, quietly said to Zhou Sheng: "Many people here don't know that my man is dead."
     It is also an explanation of why people say this, they are misunderstandings.
     Originally, Zhou Sheng was also a big red face. When I heard this, I felt a pity on my heart. I looked at Yao-Niang and said, "It’s really awkward for you."
     Yao-Niang consciously avoided the obvious affection in his eyes, pretending to be busy with his hand, and then smashed it.
     As soon as I was about to make dinner, Hui niang let Yao-Niang go out and help buy the vinegar back.
     I am afraid that Yao-Niang can't take it. She specially asked Zhou Sheng to go with Yao-Niang. In fact, Hui niang is also to create a chance to get along with Mei-mei Zhou Sheng.
     Zhou Shengba could not do this. He took the vinegar jar and Yao-Niang together.
     Most of the people in the neighborhood know Yao-Niang. When she sees her, she can’t help but greet her. She sees her next to a man. It’s inevitable that some people will talk about it. It’s a good feeling for the young couple.
     They also go shopping together. .
     This is what other people think of Zhou Sheng as a Yao-Niang man.
     Yao-Niang can't explain, Zhou Sheng is in the middle of his mind, and everyone can say that Yao-Niang is his wife, maybe he can really hold the beauty.
     There are too many things happening here. Although the road hits such a scene, Zhou Sheng is still happy. Even he did not think that Yao-Niang had progressed so fast. Although Zhou Shengren is honest, but not stupid, I can see that Yao-Niang's sister-in-law has the meaning of matching him and Yao-Niang.
     Near the evening, at the time of the night market, there were many food stalls selling vegetables on both sides of the street.
     There are all things to sell, and the sound of selling is one after another.
     Yao-Niang bought vinegar, and the vinegar jar made Zhou Sheng carry. She walked down and looked down at the dishes on the food stall. She wanted to add a few fresh mouthfuls to the dinner table at night.
     Yao-Niang chooses the dishes, so that the food sellers are tied with straw ropes, and they take the money from the purse to pay for the food. I know that her hand has not yet reached, Zhou Sheng first paid for the food.
     "Which can make you pay for Zhou Da Ji." Yao-Niang pipe dealers have to return to the money given by Zhou, one face him.
     "What's the matter? I have a lot of food at Yao Jiabai for a day, and I don't have to pay for some food."
     The two were arguing about this, and suddenly they heard an exclamation.
     Yao-Niang turned to look at it and saw a black object hitting himself.
     She couldn't respond at all, and she was robbed by volley, but the blink of an eye, the horse that robbed her was gone.
     Until then, someone responded and called: "Grab people..."
     Some people ‘called to Zhou Sheng: "Your daughter-in-law has been robbed, and I am not going to report to the official!"
     Zhou Sheng is on the spot, and he will not return to God for a long time.
     He saw the face of the immediate person.
     It is not an exaggeration to say that the wind is too fast, and Yao-Niang only feels the wind.
     There was a blank space in her mind, and now she has some reactions. When she reacted, she also realized who was behind her.
     This faint aroma is too familiar, it is Jin-Wang.
     How did Jin-Wang come?
     She wanted to talk, but she was shattered by the wind and could only close her mouth tightly.
     It’s hard to wait for the horse to slow down a bit. She turned and said, “His Royal Highness, how are you...”
     The rest of the time was to see the face of Jin-Wang cold and frosty, and completely snorted. And the slow speed of the horse speed, and speed up, Yao-Niang can only hold Jin-Wang's sleeves tightly and shrink it there.
     The horse has already run out of the county, but can still run forward without stopping.
     Yao-Niang was a little bit uncomfortable. He tried to courageously talk a few times and was seeing Jin-Wang's tight face.
     Jin-Wang This is angry.
     But what is he angry about?
     Just as Yao-Niang was in a state of chaos, he suddenly felt a little different under his body.
     She naturally knows what it is, and what makes her surprised is that Jin-Wang can also be emotional at this time.
     The clothes in the summer were originally dressed thinly, and they were touched by such a big, hot thing, and in the broad daylight, there was a sense of shame coming from nowhere.
     Yao-Niang is red-faced and wants to say something and dare not say it. It can only be so hard. But the horse is still running, her body is bumping up and down with the horse running, and suddenly the thing has changed position, from the back to the bottom.
     She groaned and tried to move away, but was held down by a big hand.
     "Don't move, sit down and fall, benwang no matter what."
     There is no ambiguity in this statement, but Yao-Niang is a bit of an unusual taste.
     The horse ran so fast, his strong arms wrapped around his waist. It is obviously warm, but Yao-Niang has the illusion of being smashed by hot iron.
     The naughty thing was not obedient at all. As the impulse went to the place and drilled, Yao-Niang softened.
     I don't know when the horse speed slowed down.
     Yao-Niang didn't notice it, and unconsciously asked the question in his heart: "How come your Highness?"
     Jin-Wang behind him did not speak, clenching the horse hand and slamming her by the undulating action, the rough horse, the rhythm of the melody, and the two small flowers hidden under the clothes quietly bloomed. .
     Heavy and bulging, Liu Liang’s medicine is really amazing, and Yao-Niang has not risen milk for a long time. As a niang, when feeling the milk, the subconscious feels that it should be given to the child.
     "His Highness, you send me back. When Xiao bao arrives to eat, I have to go back and feed my child..."
     Halfway through the words, I suddenly felt a little cold, and she couldn’t stop tightening, but she was slammed into it.
     The’servants that have never been seen before, with a smashing momentum, let Yao-Niang hang up and hang up. Looking at the height of the dangling, she was really afraid that she would fall. She subconsciously stepped back, but it made her deeper, and there was a squeaking noise from Jin-Wang.
     Yao-Niang clung to Jin-Wang's arm, for the first time in history, he forgot the humble, and the ‘Calls were hidden in the eyes of the blind man.
     The whole body was stiff and trembling, and the tears couldn’t help but fall down.
     The red lips shook: "His Royal Highness, I really have to go back, let me go back..."
     Her voice was very small, and she didn't even dare to breathe in the air, for fear that something would slip out of her throat.
     Jin-Wang casually said, "When Benwang will send you back..."
     Then Yao-Niang found that the horse was running faster.
     Yao-Niang got off the horse and almost fell to the ground without legs.
     Although Jin-Wang didn't say what he was doing from beginning to end, she was inexplicably a feeling that he was warning her.
     Is it because of Big Brother Zhou?
     Jin-Wang subconsciously reached out and grabbed her. When she saw her standing still, she snorted, and the horse turned and fell into the thick night. Just as he came, the dragon would not see the end.
     The sky was completely dark, and Yao-Niang did not dare to delay, and hurriedly walked toward the door.
     She didn't dare to think too much. She was confused in her mind at this moment. She didn't know how to explain to her family where she was missing. I don't know if Zhou Da Ji saw someone who didn't see it right away. He must have told the family about his looting. How can she explain after she goes back?
     At home, this is definitely a mess...
     I know that Yao-Niang arrived at the entrance of Yaojia, but he saw a silence. It was faint to see that there was light inside, and the courtyard door was not tight, but it was only half-squatting.
     Yao-Niang reached out and opened the door.
     There was a light in the main room, and she walked over in her heart.
     Open the bamboo curtains, the people in the hall, who are sitting at the table, look back at her with amazement.
     "You finally came back.
     The son said that you met a Yatou who was in poor condition with your colleague. You went to the house to recognize the door. I am planning to eat, let you-sister, find you." Hui niang said.
     Yao Cheng asked: "Did you eat? Don't eat and sit down and eat."
     After listening to the sister's words, Yao-Niang subconsciously looked at Zhou Sheng, who was sitting next to Li Shi.
     The eyes of the two men only hurriedly touched it, and they avoided it.
     Yao-Niang knows that Zhou Sheng must have recognized the person right away, and his excuse is to cover up for himself.
     "I have eaten sister, because I stayed at someone else house for dinner, I will come back so late." Yao-Niang said that he didn't want to be suspicious, but I don't know why but thought that Jin-Wang said to feed. She, lest she should be hungry. When she was a serious man, Guniang heard this kind of rumor, but I didn’t know why. At this time, I suddenly realized what it meant.
     Suddenly, the whole person burned up. She didn't dare to stay any longer. She was afraid of being seen. She said, "You eat, I go into the house to see the children." Then he hurried away.
     "You Yatou, Xiao bao and Hong Geer are all sleeping..."
     Hui niangs cry didnt stop her.
     Yao-Niang always felt that there was a pair of eyes behind him. It was Zhou Sheng’s eyes.
     The eyes made her subconsciously want to escape.
     After returning to the house, the house was quiet.
      Xiao Bao and Hong Geer are quietly lying in the small bed, sleeping well.
     Yao-Niang is now uncomfortable, and it seems that there is still a tidal wave in the bones.
     There are several places where there are hot pains, not to mention the place.
     She went to the basin and went to the kitchen to get some hot water to go back to the room to scrub. After careful observation, I realized that I was really tossed by Jin-Wang, which was traced and shameful.
     Yao-Niang didn't dare to delay, hurriedly changed his clothes, and poured out the water, and his heart finally settled.
     This night is destined to be long, and Yao-Niang didn't close his eyes all night.
     Early the next morning, Zhou Sheng left.
     No one said, and quietly left. Hui niang is still complaining about how to go so urgently. Yao-Niang knows why Zhou Sheng didn't leave his meal and left, not only him, but she now has no face to face each other.
     In fact, when Zhou Sheng went, Yao-Niang knew that she was still hesitant to go out and send him. That's it, she never had the intention of marrying herself, which completely ruined the last trace of her heart.
     Waiting for niang to tell her that she must consider thinking about herself and Zhou Sheng, Yao-Niang should be on her mouth, but she knows that she and Zhou Sheng are no longer possible.
     No one dares to provoke a woman of Jin-Wang.
     small theater:
     Jin-Wang :<( ̄) ̄)>Feeling that you are sprouting, sprouting...
     Yao-Niang :o(╯□╰)o feels that he is hollowed out and is hollowed out...

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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