Wangfu Chongqie 80

Wangfu Chongqie

Chapter 80   :    Su Yao Niang, you don't have to take a shot!

Jin-Wang looked at the broken bamboo thorns in his hand, threw them, and picked up one more.
Cut it three times and two times, took the rope from her hand, tied it to the end, and tried it twice. Just between the two fingers, shot quickly and accurately into the stream, like a broken arrow.
Speaking, as Jin-Wang’s wrists were slightly moved, they were back again, and they were nailed with a fish that was still alive and kicking.
Yao-Niang was nervously waiting for Jin-Wang to talk, but he didn't seem to hear it.
Is her voice too small?
Let her say it again, but she can't afford courage.
See Jin-Wang, I can't catch the fish. She is busy putting Xiao bao on the big stone and going up to pick it up.
Jin-Wang put the fish in her hand, the red eyes are dull, and there is no wave. Her heart pounded, avoiding his eyes, bending over and placing the fish in the bucket on the side.
On the big stone, Xiao Bao sat on the chubby leg.
In fact, he already realized in his heart that he was the original sin of her niang.
The reason why the niang in the last life would die is that he has a great relationship with him. If Fu Huang has no suspicion in his heart, if Fu Huang loves to be a niang pro, how can he not protect her by his means.
 Xiao Bao back is very straight, but his eyes are slowly sad.
"What's in the ink, not coming soon!"
There was a voice from Jin-Wang over there, and it seemed that nothing happened.
Yao-Niang hurriedly took the bucket to pick it up, but Jin-Wang was too fast, and suddenly came up one by one, and suddenly came another one. Yao-Niang was in a hurry, his face splashed with many drops of water, and he called Don't worry too much.
It seems that nothing really happened, but who knows?
After catching the fish in half a bucket, Jin-Wang stopped...
So many fish, but they are all dead, can not let go, but can not finish.
Yao-Niang looked at the fish and his head was big.
"What should I do?"
Jin-Wang gave her a look: "Throw it when you can't finish it."
"A good fish, how to throw it, waste more."
"You look at bringing a few back, and the rest is thrown here, it won't be wasted." Jin-Wang said, and he went back. A blue shirt, full of ups and downs, no dust, except the bamboo thorn that tied the rope in his hand.
This bamboo thorn Yao-Niang said that such a good thing can be used next time, so it can't be thrown.
"Why don't you waste it, it's not wasted."
Yao-Niang looked at the fish in the bucket tangled, and wanted to get it all back. I couldn’t help it. I hope that Jin-Wang couldn’t hope it, she had to hold a child. I can only pick and pick a few from the inside and throw it on the big rock next to it. She tried to lift the bucket and felt that she could lift it. She first picked up Xiao Bao and let him ring his neck with his hand and went to pick up the bucket with one hand.
The hand has not yet reached, and the eyes are covered with a shadow.
"give me!"
Before she could react to what Jin-Wang said, she felt that her arms were light and Xiao bao was taken away by Jin-Wang.
"How can this little scorpion eat so fat?" Jin-Wang dismissed Xiao bao and looked left and right, and finally placed him on his uninjured shoulder.
Yao-Niang bowed his eyes and did not speak, went to the bucket.
"Not fast enough to keep up."
She took the fog in her eyes and lifted the bucket, and it followed suit.
"This little bitch is really heavy! It's fat and heavy."
The little shi-zi looked at the back of Jin-Wang and thought about giving him a look.
"The little milk baby is like this. After a while, it will take a long time and slowly slim down." The niang of the little sister explained.
Jin-Wang snorted and accepted this statement.
After the three men left, they jumped down from the treetops, and he was a black shirt. He was strong and light, like a big cat running in the dark. He came to the stone and looked at the fish on the stone with distress.
How do you eat so much? He pointed to the fish belly in the stream on the past two days. He did not expect that His Royal Highness only came for a while, and he gave these fish to Huo Huo, and said that he could not waste.
Since you can't waste it, then eat it?
Back at the log house, Yao-Niang began to think about how to make these fish.
Steamed, boiled, fried, grilled? Finally, it was ordered by Jin-Wang to be roasted.
This Yao-Niang is not good at it, and Jin-Wang said calmly that he would.
The three did not enter the house, and Yao-Niang went in and found a sheet that had been stained with blood and took it out on the lawn.
 Xiao bao will not go, Jin-Wang, the main child was injured, and there must be local placement. After the two settled down, she went to find a small shovel to dig a pit. According to Jin-Wang, the grilled fish had to dig a fire pit first. Where did Yao-Niang get this, and was directed by Jin-Wang, she started and dug a crooked pit.
After digging the pit, I went to get the firewood.
Yao-Niang piled up the firewood like a burning stove, leaving only a small hole in the middle. Jin-Wang said that this is not the case, you have to build it up. Disliked her clumsy, took her away, and personally.
Yao-Niang went to wash the fish and pick it up. Here Jin-Wang has already ignited.
The fish was shredded with the bamboo strips he had cut before, grilled on a wooden stand, and turned over while roasting. Yao-Niang didn't do anything right now, just sit next to Jin-Wang grilled fish and think he is very familiar, so he doesn't look like a Wangye at all.
"I didn't expect my Royal Highness to roast fish."
“Benwang is not as stupid as you are!”
You can't chat with this person, Yao-Niang turned to play with Xiao bao.
The first fish is baked, the skin is golden, the outside is crisp and tender, and the fragrance is overflowing.
Jin-Wang handed the fish to Yao-Niang, Yao-Niang, and said, "Let your Highness eat it."
Jin-Wang ignored her and went to the next one. Yao-Niang could only take the fish and came to Xiao bao to sit down.
She carefully tore the skin of the fish, very hot. She blew cold, and she tasted it first, only to tear the tender meat on the fish belly and feed it.
 Xiao bao ate very fragrant, and he had a feeling of tears.
God knows how long he has not eaten salt. Although the fish is not too salty, it is extremely delicious for him.
 Xiao bao ate a whole fish belly, and the other parts of the fish did not dare to give him food, fearing that there would be a thorn in it. Xiao Bao still wants to eat, and the eyeballs can't be pulled out when they stare at the fish. Just Jin-Wang, the second fish was also baked, sneer and handed over, "No wonder it will eat so fat!"
 Xiao bao can't talk, but he has niang, and the niang of the little shi-zi is a little shy: " Xiao bao is not fat, and the little baby is like this."
Jin-Wang baked a total of seven fish, he ate four, and Xiao bao ate two fish belly, and the rest were eaten by Yao-Niang.
In fact, Xiao bao still wants to eat, but Yao-Niang does not give it, afraid that he will not be able to.
The key is that he can't talk, and he can't do it. I can only watch the two Darens eat, Jin-Wang eats extra fragrant, Yao-Niang also appease his son while eating a little bit: "You can't eat any more, you are still small."
Still small Xiao bao is so sorrowful and angry that such a small baby has even sent his temper to take the grass and vent his anger. He gave him niang to misinterpret it as ' Xiao bao really naughty', and then looked at him with love.
A sweet and delicious fish belly was handed to him in front of him. Xiao bao looked up and saw the face that Jin-Wang didn't want to see.
"You niang won't let you eat right, you lick you fat!"
 Xiao bao raised his small hand and looked at it. It was really fat, and there were several meat nests on the back of his hand.
But the problem is that he is still small. He has a poor bone in his life. He can't eat anything.
The spicy stimulation is not good.
The fried fried and the body are not harmful. It is all that is not odorless, so He is not greedy, he has never eaten.
The Master does not eat the food, but he is not a Master! Xiao bao took the fish and took it, put it in his mouth and took a bite.
"He can't eat any more."
"Look at him like that, like a piglet." Jin-Wang sneered.
You are a piglet, your whole family is a pig!
After eating, it was all over the place.
Yao-Niang can only accept his life and pack it up. He cleans up and boils water to bathe Xiao bao. He eats his mouth full of oil and his clothes are also shiny.
Fortunately, this family has a lot of clothes for children, and there is no need to change clothes for him.
After washing the small, washing big, the big wash is over and there is myself. After the busy work, Yao-Niang was exhausted and didn't want to move when he lay down.
The sky is gradually getting darker.
Yao-Niang doesn't know where it is, but the life here is full of peace, no disputes, no contradictions, no swindles, only sunrise and sunset.
Yao-Niang finds that he likes this kind of life. It seems that he doesn't have to think about anything, and he doesn't have to think about anything.
No lights, but there are months in the sky. This bedroom has a window on the side, and the bright moonlight shines through the window sash, shining a silver light in the house.
 Xiao bao has already slept, breathing is steady, but Yao-Niang is not stable.
Because Jin-Wang is touching her.
Originally she thought that he accidentally touched himself, and then his hand began to consciously slide, she did not know. Xiao bao was lying next to her, she didn't dare to speak out, but she could breathe but it was chaotic.
Feeling that he was more and more arrogant, she couldn't help but grab his hand and pleaded: "Don't..."
Jin-Wang didn't talk, but took her hand to the unspeakable place. Yao-Niang remembered the poison on his body, remembering that he had to help him once in the palace every day.
She thought about it and sneaked into his ear: "Where is it better to go elsewhere?"
Just such a bed, or a wooden bed, squeaked, not to mention Xiao bao still lying next to it.
Jin-Wang seemed to be excited at once, and there was no sign of any sickness and injury. He took Yao-Niang up and went outside.
There was nothing in the hall, not even a table, but a window. Jin-Wang walked over and pushed the half-open window away, and began to apply it arbitrarily.
When the moon is empty, the night wind is cool.
Obviously, there are no people around, but Yao-Niang is still nervous.
All of them were nervous, and Jin-Wang bit her ear and said that she was loose, she still couldn't relax.
Because the surrounding is too quiet, so a little bit of sound, it seems more clear. In the distance, there seems to be an unknown bird cry, there is a sound of a stream of water, a stream of water, a wonderful paradise on earth.
Yao-Niang is so unbearable, I don’t know how to think about it before.
The night gave her courage. She also knew that Jin-Wang was very good at this time. She couldn’t help but say: "Your Highness, let’s leave me after you go back, okay?"
Jin-Wang paused, and a slap in the hands of the soft meat on his hands, even more urgent.
For a long while, I said: "I tell you, don't even think about it!"
Seeing to think of something, he was particularly angry and his movements were rough, turning her over and biting her ear. In the extreme of each other, he whispered and said: "Su Yao-Niang, you don't have to take a step!"
In the distance, the dark eleven squats on the treetops and looks up at the bright moon in the sky.
He suddenly thought about the Yatou, and he always said that he had hidden Yatto who didn't practice well.
The dark guard of His Royal Highness can be retired at twenty-five, and the Yatou is Su-Madam. If Su-Madam is really gone, isn't that Yatou going to take it away?

Chapter 81   :    It's because you're right, it's your opinion.

From this night, it seems that something has changed.
Jin-Wang still looks like that face, but it seems to have changed a lot. At least he is good at Xiao Bao, and his eyes are visible.
I used to have no right eyes, and now I am willing to give it a positive eye. Yao-Niang When he is busy with laundry and cooking, he can also help watch children.
Although Xiao bao is very embarrassed, Yao-Niang is always afraid that he will have any accidents. This month's baby is the most lively and naughty, and the curiosity is heavy. I don't know what it means to be afraid. When it is time to fall, I bumped.
At least once, Yao-Niang saw that Xiao bao almost fell off the bed and was caught by Jin-Wang. It’s just that it’s not very good-looking, but at least it’s squatting?
"I am looking at the face of your niang. Give me something honest, don't deliberately swear with me, be careful BenWangyell at you!" After Yao-Niang left, Jin-Wang sneered at Xiao baodao sitting on the bed. .
 Xiao bao has been practicing and moving, but unfortunately no one is helping him now. He niang alone to take care of two people, Xiao bao is also embarrassed to trouble her, will come by himself.
Unfortunately, all this has been destroyed by this person!
Every time he wants to move out of bed, he will be picked up by him, carrying the kind of shackles of the collar, let Xiao bao illusion that he is a cloth bag.
"The pig scorpion is a pig scorpion. Just eat, drink, sleep, and so on. How come so much!" He never sneered at him.
 Xiao bao is very angry. In order to do the right thing with the other side, he has done a lot of efforts, such as pretending to innocently spray him a slobber, and for example sitting next to him peeing.
The latter is so tired that he is niang, and some are too ruined, and Xiao bao gave up.
The former is a bit stupid, but he is so stupid to care about a baby, and he still can't open.
 Xiao bao snorted and helped the gang, only to hear two ‘Calls, and the saliva sprayed out.
The others are still small, the control is not very precise, so the spray on Jin-Wang's face is only a little bit of a star, but it is a chin on his chin.
After the spray, he took the opportunity to sip on the Jin-Wang clothes and saw that Jin-Wang disliked the disgusting appearance. He was happy to laugh, and Yao-Niang stood in the stove and could hear the movement.
She walked in with the food she had just cooked, with a smile in her eyes. " Xiao bao, don't be too naughty." He also apologized to Jin-Wang: "His Royal Highness, he is not intentional."
Jin-Wang did not speak, and a pair of benwang would not look after him.
 Xiao bao smiled and kissed Jin-Wang's leg very close, and Jin-Wang also let him.
When Yao-Niang left, Xiao bao suddenly rolled away, and Jin-Wang was very disgusted with the saliva on his legs.
It was a late night, Jin-Wang saw Yao-Niang sleeping, and quietly went down.
Going outside the house, just standing, there is a black shadow coming to him.
"...the drawings have been retaken, and the general manager asked you when to go back. In addition, the people who caught Yongwang, no one knows why to catch Xiao bao and Madam, just listen to the above instructions. Hu  Ceefei before the Maid family died In a big fire, our people went and didn't find a living. Taohong took the poison and killed himself, only Hu  Ceefei, and the Fu manager said that you will go back to dispose of..."
Jin-Wang is a handsome eyebrow, especially those who hear Lianyong Wang do not know why they want to catch Xiao bao and Yao-Niang, and those who are familiar with the situation have died one after another, which makes people realize the difference. ordinary.
At first, it was only the backyard to fight for favor, but when the people of Yongwang came in and entered, the taste changed a bit. In particular, Yong Wang seems to be bright and straightforward, and he likes to use some unspeakable means.
Taohong 怂恿 Hu Mingyu steals Xiao bao, but in her back she sends Xiao bao to the hands of Yongwang, and Xiao bao leads Yao-Niang, Jin-Wang, thinking that the ultimate goal is herself, but now various The display seems to have nothing to do with it, but it is like hiding something.
The black shadow clenched his fist and he quickly left. Jin-Wang stood outside for a while before he entered.
Deeper, Hu  Ceefei has no idea of ​​wanting to sleep.
After the death of Taohong, she fell into a panic.
She couldn't help but recall the words that Taohong said to her before she died.
"Now there are only you and me who know the truth in this world. You don't have to worry so much about me, when I die, that is when you are damn."
Taohong is indeed telling the truth. Feng Heizi and Tao Fan are all knowing one another.
They only know that Jin-Wang is not her, but another person; but this person 'It’s still Su-Madam, but they don’t know it; they don’t even know that Jin-Wang never touched her even if she brought her back to the government.
There are very few people who know this, and Taohong is one of them. Taohong not only knows this, but also knows what Feng Heizi and Tao Fan know.
The two compartments are a complete story...
The only thing in the world that knew this whole thing was Taohong, so Hu  Ceefei moved the heart after Taohong made the little sister-in-law out of the house.
This is the case of killing people, one is to kill, the other is to kill.
Unfortunately, Hu  Ceefei had a good plan, but I didn't think that Taohong was not just the 'Taohong' on the surface. Instead of killing each other, she was restrained by the other party and warned her about this passage. She even told her that the peach fan family was dead.
Since then, Hu  Ceefei heart has finally begun to panic, until that day Taohong died.
Hu  Ceefei couldn't help but licked a pill in the palm of her hand. This pill was given to her by Taohong. She said that she was poisoned with blood and throat, saying that she would use it one day.
At that time, Hu  Ceefei wanted to throw the drug away, but somehow it was left behind. In the past two days, the medicine was placed in the palm of my hand, and I tried to sneak it from time to time. It seems that only this is the peace of mind.
Hu  Ceefei went to see the small County Owner today.
The little County Owner has eaten some fat in recent days and looks even more cute. Every time I saw the Little County Owner, Hu  Ceefei heart turned into a pool of water, and I wanted to give her the best things in the world.
Her daughter did have the best things in the world, a QQ of Qinwang, because it was the first son of Jin-Wang, and was born to be the County Owner. It is expected that she will marry a handsome man in the future and enjoy life forever.
None of this can be destroyed.
No one can! include-
The door was knocked and a Yatou voice sounded outside: "Niang-Niang, it's time to rest."
After the death of Taohong, the people in the Spring Pavilion were changed. Hu  Ceefei was noisy, but it was useless. Jin-Wang was not in the house. Wangfei ignored her. It was only after this time that Hu  Ceefei knew that she was nothing about Ceefei.
Yao-Niang was cooking in the kitchen early in the morning and suddenly heard a hoof outside.
Looking through the window sash, there are many people coming out, and from the perspective of clothes, I can't see who it is.
She didn't care much, and she rushed to the room.
On the bed, Jin-Wang leaned there, and Xiao bao climbed around him and didn't know what to do.
"His Royal Highness, a lot of people have come."
Jin-Wang nodded and stood up from the couch.
"It's time to come."
When I heard this, Yao-Niang breathed a sigh of relief...
In this case, the person should be a Jin-Wang person.
The person who came is indeed a Jin-Wang, and the jade has come, but she is in the car, and Yao-Niang has not seen her.
There is nothing to clean up, take the carriage, and the pedestrians will go out slowly.
After a long walk, Yao-Niang knew that they were in a canyon.
The geomorphological features of this place are rare, and the surrounding mountains block the cold airflow, which will make the seasons like spring.
This is Jin-Wang's explanation of Yao-Niang. Yao-Niang came back and looked at the window before going out of the canyon.
The majestic grandeur of nature made her look surprised for a long time. .
"If you want to come, next time benwang will come with you again."
When I heard this, Yao-Niang went to see Jin-Wang.
He is still a cold face, and even when he says this, he is not even surprised. Looking at him like this, Yao-Niang has some sighs in his heart, and he still can't go away. This is a deep door.
Look at the small treasure next to it. In recent days, this child seems to be very interested in Jin-Wang and likes to touch him. Jin-Wang is disgusting, but it is tolerant of him.
Maybe it will get better and better in the future...
All the way and stopped, and walked for almost two days, finally arrived at Jin-Wang.
The carriage was entered from the gate, and this was the first time Yao-Niang entered the gate of the palace. After the carriage stopped, there was a group of Maid Pozi coming up.
The jade helped Yao-Niang get on the warm sedan and the group went to the Rongxi Courtyard.
The weather is too cold. Today, the fine snow flakes come out of the valley, and it feels like two worlds compared with the outside.
The Rongxi Courtyard is no different from the past.
The red silk has a pair of red eyes and a red bow.
The A-Xia is behind the crowd. Until everyone was gone, she came to Xiao bao and reached out.
 Xiao bao glanced at her and turned her back to the jade.
A-Xia is crying in the mouth: "You don't know that you lost it during this time, and the nubi are upset at night..."
The sound will never continue, and after the embarrassing embarrassment on the white face, it is the whiteness of the creation.
She still wants to cry any more, the red butterfly pulls her and says: "Hey, this happy day, Madam finally came back, crying..." and said that she took her away.
Yao-Niang was surrounded by people. After a while, Red Butterfly seemed to be back. Outside, several small Yatou said: "How to get her in, how good the master is, and there is no way to get in the way."
Red silk to see Yao-Niang, Yao-Niang is like not heard.
He milk niang also came. When I saw Xiao bao, I reached out and touched him with red eyes. I was distressed and said: "My little Young Master, this is suffering."
He milk niang is a child who has been married for two months, and since he came to wait for Xiao bao, it is like treating him as a biological child.
Red silk asked: "A-Xia she..."
"Take her ten Silver Taels and return her to the  Little Jao Courtyard. She can't let her wait around Xiao bao."
Sitting on the road all the way, Yao-Niang is also very tired, and rested after bathing.
I slept for a while and was awakened by the noise outside.
She made a noise, and the red silk came in, with some annoyance on her face.
"what happened?"
Red silk hesitated: "A-Xia cried and said that she would like to see Madam, and the nubi would let her go, she would not leave..."
Yao-Niang thought for a moment, "Let her come in."
A-Xia was quickly brought in.
The face that has always been innocent has been eroded by tears, the eyes are red and swollen, and the face is sad and unbelievable. Yao-Niang thought about what she was like when she first saw A-Xia, but she actually found out that she couldn't think of it.
"Madam, don't leave the nubi , the nubi know that they are wrong, the nubi are hard at night, and the nubi are not intentional..."
"Do you know where you are wrong?" Yao-Niang soft voice, no sorrow, no anger, no joy, just soft, except this, nothing.
A-Xia stunned and wanted to say something, interrupted by Yao-Niang: "You are really right, you just do exactly what I want to do. I think Xiao bao, you put that note Give it to me; I want to leave the house, even if you are more difficult, but you still help me find Zhou Sheng; I don't want them to know the red silk, you will help me to slap them, even cover me...
"You are really right, no one can pick your fault. Even Xiao bao lost, can also explain that you are young and ignorant, winter is your fellow countryman, you are very reassured to her, you did not expect This kind of thing happened. But you know it, because you are right, it seems that you are ill-conceived. Forgot to tell you, before I came back, my Highness told me, you went to find him. I am afraid that I will leave the house. You will go to Zhaohui Hall after the foot!"
The author has something to say:
Regarding the truth of Xiao Bao recognition of Father, there are many pros who say why there are so many clues before that they can’t recognize it. Why are you blind, what is the secret guard?
Explain it in detail:
1 I really didn't think there was still a person hiding behind this Yatou. It’s too late to find out, and Hu  Ceefei is there to tell you not to”
Therefore, I only know the cause and I don’t know the situation. At first it was only after the house was private, until the individual died, and then Taohong revealed his tail, only to understand that things are not that simple. (This paragraph should be able to explain that at first Jin-Wang was placed next to Hu  Ceefei.
The words -Actually, still' indicate that Taohong is that person, but Taohong is a double-sided. And not only Taohong, but only There should be a dark guard, just because Hu  Ceefei did something, let Jin-Wang resent and withdraw the person.)
2. In Jin-Wang, as mentioned in this chapter, at first it was thought that it was a post- private, Hu  Ceefei would steal Xiao bao in order to deal with Yao-Niang. Until the people of Yongwang led Yao-Niang through Xiao bao, Jin-Wang naturally summed up what he wanted to do with him. Until Taohong's self-destruction, the peach fan family died, and Jin-Wang knew that things were not that simple.
(The people in the text are not omnipotent and omnipotent, nor are we like God's perspective. Only with clues can we touch it.)
3. In Feng Hezi, he knew that Jin-Wang didn't sleep Hu  Ceefei, but he didn't know that Jin-Wang had never touched Hu  Ceefei because of rickets.
The peach fan does not know. But Hu  Ceefei knew that she knew that the small County Owner was not Jin-Wang, so she moved her heart. I know that Yao-Niang is the Lord, so I stole the small treasure. I am afraid that Xiao bao will grow longer and longer. I will not be able to pass it. As for Yao-Niang, Xiao bao is missing, and then slowly deal with her. Not too late.
One of the two things is known, that is, Taohong, the master behind Taohong knows that he wants to get rid of Xiao bao. (Why is it not killing, it will be explained later)
4. About Hung Hom: I said it in the previous article.
There are very few people who know this. Mu-Mama knows that it was because it was once in the first place. Hongjing Emperor sent people to check Jin-Wang. , identification of identity. Why do you know that there are very few people, because everyone knows, it will be fake. So Jin-Wang didn't know, he was too small at the time.
The things behind the earlobe, I don’t think anyone knows, this place can’t be seen.
Therefore, it was previously suggested why Jin-Wang could not see this embarrassment, and did not say whether he had looked at Xiao bao with care, even if he saw him, he would not question.

Chapter 82   :    When the king knows you, you do not have a little bitch.

Yao-Niang looked at A-Xia face, and the other's face became pale in an instant.
A-Xia didn't think that Jin-Wang would even tell Yao-Niang, Yao-Niang to go abroad, or a driver who had been involved.
At the beginning, vanilla did not talk to the coachman from the middle. At first glance, I wanted to match the two. At that time, she thought to herself that Su Yao-Niang was really hypocritical. She clearly had such a relationship with her Highness, and she was involved with the driver.
Before she went to Zhaohui Hall, she thought about it. Regardless of whether Su Yao-Niang is secretly going out of the house for Xiao Bao, I am afraid that if any man knows this, he will not bear it.
Jin-Wang not only endured, but also brought her back! From A-Xia, knowing that Madam is coming back, she is in a panic. But she is not afraid of it. Jin-Wang is indifferent to nature. Even if he is really different from Madam, a man will not be as clear as the other person’s complaints.
She is just a little Yatou, not eye-catching.
Jin-Wang is just saying, and maybe even said something else, so that the gentle Yao-Niang has changed greatly, and she has to marry her.
What did your Highness say? Said she is a bad heart?
She just didn't want her to be deceived!
In fact, Jin-Wang did not say anything, just mentioned this matter. After returning, Yao-Niang saw A-Xia still in the Rongxi Courtyard and understood the meaning of Jin-Wang.
This person should solve it herself.
"Let's go." Yao-Niang is a natural way.
The red butterfly went up to pull A-Xia and wanted to pull her out. A-Xia suddenly struggled.
"Do you have anything worthy of looking down on me? If you think about it, you should be yourself, a woman who has been smeared, and who is in the back of the ground and his grandfather, and on the surface is involved with a driver.
The driver is also It’s really infatuation for you. If you don’t ask, you will wait for you... Su Yao-Niang ah Su-Yao-Niang, a woman who is as mean and dirty as you, should be hidden in a mouse hole like a mouse. what……"
For the rest, A-Xia did not have time to export, and was heard by a few jade from the movement and dragged it out. Originally, Yao-Niang said that she would return her to Xue Pozi. Now I am afraid that even the palace can't wait. Jin-Wang made a speech before, who would dare to discuss who died.
Yu Xi looked at Yao-Niang with some concern. "Madam, don't listen to her indiscriminately..."
Yao-Niang's face was a little pale, and she shook her head with a smile. "I'm fine."
She is really okay, being smothered and seduce the name of Jin-Wang. She has been carrying her for two lifetimes, and she has been stunned by the people. It may be that there are more fleas than itch, and she feels nothing. She is in a low mood, and once again, she came to the palace again. Her nerves are tight every day.
The lively and lovely A-Xia really adds a lot of joy to her, but I don’t know when the heart has changed.
It has become unrecognizable.
Jin-Wang came in from the outside, and his eyebrows were very slight. It was probably when he came in and saw the A-Xia being towed away.
He also seems to know what happened before. After the jade goes down, he pulls Yao-Niang to his side and sits down. "Benwang makes people pull her tongue."
"No, the mouth grows on others."
Jin-Wang snorted. In him, there is no such thing as a mouth growing on someone else. Who dares to say who has pulled out his tongue, and naturally no one dares to say it later.
Only in this case, he will not say to Yao-Niang.
"His Royal Highness..." Yao-Niang suddenly said.
Jin-Wang looked at her.
She smiled. "Nothing, I just want to ask you what to eat at noon, but I think that I am going back to the house today, naturally I don't have to worry about what I eat."
Jin-Wang didn't talk, but his eyes were soft and soft.
The two used lunch and went back to the room. Nothing dares, just lying quietly.
Jin-Wang didn't fall asleep, and Yao-Niang didn't fall asleep. She quietly crouched in Jin-Wang's arms and suddenly said, "Your Highness, would you care?"
Will you care? This sentence Yao-Niang has been married for two lifetimes. Although Jin-Wang did not know the last time, this matter has been lingering in her heart. This life has been smashed out, Jin-Wang never mentions, and Yao-Niang is pretending to be fine.
Ultimately, it is not nothing.
Don't care?
This question Jin-Wang waited for a long time, he waited for her to ask, he would tell her that he didn't care at all, although he didn't think so.
"What do you care about? Benwang knows you, you don't have a little bitch. Sleep!"
Then Yao-Niang fell asleep.
When Yao-Niang woke up, Jin-Wang had already left.
Only when Shen-Shen, Hong Silk asked Yao-Niang whether or not to start, Yao-Niang did not want to, but people brought Xiao bao over.
In the bedroom, there are two mothers and sons, and Yao-Niang is halfway there. Xiao bao sits next to her and plays nine links.
The little finger fiddled with the hoop, which seemed to be the same. People who didn't know thought he would play.
"Niang said that you are leaving with you, but now it is awkward." Yao-Niang's expression is a bit complicated. "He is so cold and overbearing, but he can't say anything... niang, don't ask... just begging……"
 Xiao bao didn't even lift his head, and he couldn't understand it. He continued to play his nine-link. In fact, he did not understand where he was, but he was not willing to Jin-Wang, and he felt sorry for him, afraid that he would be wronged.
In fact, that person is not bad, at least he is willing to make changes for niang.
Isn't change a good one?
Red Butterfly came in and reported that Hu  Ceefei was coming.
Yao-Niang didn't feel like seeing people at all. I didn't want to see Hu  Ceefei. I said that I had just come back and didn't settle down. I said that I would go to visit the door personally and let Red Butterfly block it.
It turned out that it was Yao-Niang's decisiveness that prevented her from a disaster because Hu  Ceefei died shortly after returning from the Rongxi Courtyard.
Hu  Ceefei was poisoned and died.
The troubles were a bit too big. It was also that the people who had just changed in the Spring Pavilion were not safe enough. When they went out, they rushed to the Siyiyuan to report. After her grand rush, the government has known both.
Jin-Wangfei went in person.
Yao-Niang was called the past because Hu  Ceefei had been to the Rongxi Courtyard before he died.
When Yao-Niang arrived, several Ceefei and Shiqie were there. Jin-Wang In the front yard, Wangfei has ordered someone to send him a letter, but he hasn't come yet, apparently being caught by something.
Hu  Ceefei was the master after all, and was carried to the bed after the accident. Yao-Niang only looked away from the distance and dared not look again.
Hu  Ceefei bleeds and describes horrible.
Yao-Niang is a little uncomfortable in my heart. I don't know how to think of myself in my life.
She was poisoned to death in her life. Although she did not see what it was, she must not be better than Hu  Ceefei.
Wangfei led the people to sit down in the hall, and Yao-Niang followed.
At first she still did not understand why Hu  Ceefei died, so many people have come, shouldn't it be avoided? I heard Xu Ceefei say a few words, and immediately understand the meaning of Bai Wangfei.
This is a suspicion.
Jin-Wang is not there. If Jin-Wangfei comes forward alone, it will be inevitable that he will be jealous in the future. Nowadays, so many people are present, Xu Ceefei is just a few words, it is inevitable that Hu  Ceefei death will be linked to Wangfei.
"Xu Ceefei, if you can't talk, close your mouth."

Chapter 83   :    His Royal Highness

The staying spring pavilion was covered with clouds, and the people were crying and mourning. Several Yatous who were close to the room whispered.
This happened. No matter how the master died, these people could not get rid of the relationship.
The lightest thing was the guilt of improper service. In particular, Hu  Ceefei died too much, which inevitably caused people to associate.
Wangfei ‘Called, Xu Ceefei some grievances: " sister you misunderstood, Mei-mei is just curious, Hu  sister is Ceefei, and gave birth to a small County Owner, never want to find a short-sighted I have been talking to her before, and I haven’t seen anything wrong with her."
“Against –” her voice turned, “Mei-mei remembers to hear that Hu  Ceefei is coming back from the Rongxi Courtyard, but she went to the brothel, isn’t it? The sister didn’t see anything wrong at the time. ?"
Yao-Niang sitting at the end is a bit strange, but she has never heard of it. It seems that before she came, someone asked the next person.
“Hu  Ceefei is going to live in a hustle and bustle, but I just came back, I haven’t settled yet, and I’m not allowed to ask her to go in. I just wanted to wait for the settled, I’ll go to Wangfei, please go to stay in the spring.
The museum personally went to the door to pay for the crime, and never expected that this would happen." Yao-Niang whispered, it was also clear that he had cleared himself.
Xu Ceefei smiled at her and said: "Su-Mei-mei, you don't say this. We also know that you and your Highness have just returned from the outside, and you can't do this."
This 'this' is somewhat confusing. What is it like? What? A pair of Hu  Ceefei is really like a poisonous hand. However, Hu  Ceefei did eat the closed door at the Rongxi Courtyard and then went to the thought house. Wangfei did not see her, but she ate a cup of tea in the courtyard.
Yao-Niang is also not sure how Xu Ceefei knows so clearly, but Wangfei does not deny it, it is the truth. At this point, she finally knows why Bai Wangfei face is so ugly.
Hu  Ceefei went to the brothel before he died.
The people in the courtyard are Wangfei, and the people who make tea and tea are naturally. After Hu  Ceefei left, the tea must have fallen, the samovar was washed, and no one had any evidence.
There is not much that can be used, that is, you can clear yourself, and you can create unlimited associations.
In particular, Wangfei has always been brilliant, and does not like Hu  Ceefei.
Yao-Niang, who wanted to understand all of this, was glad that he did not get in the way and asked Hu  Ceefei to come in. If you really want her to come in, you must have tea. When you come back, you will not be clean.
Hey, Wangfei is not an example.
Anyway, Yao-Niang is the first time I saw Wangfei being squeezed into this. And this Xu Ceefei is really capable, obviously Wangfei reprimanded, but still able to pretend to be a set of grievances, the needles in the back, not forgetting the run.
At the same time, Yao-Niang can't help but think of his own life.
Before she died in her life, the only thing she had ever eaten was the dish that Wangfei enjoyed. She had never thought of Wangfei before, because she felt that Wangfei was a very intelligent person. Where smart people would poison their own dishes, but now it is somewhat uncertain.
Is it really Wangfei ——
The good doctor came, Jin-Wang did not come back, but Liu Liang doctor came.
After Liu Liang’s doctor arrived, he was invited to enter, and Xu Ceefei took the lead and followed the mighty.
Seeing this, Wangfei face ugly also followed.
Everyone has gone in, and Yao-Niang can't be excused, naturally following. She deliberately found a place to stay far away, where Liu Liang was looking at the body of Hu  Ceefei.
"Good poison, as for what poison, it can't be distinguished for a while, many poisons that are smothered are seven bloody and dead." Liu Liangyi first looked at Hu  Ceefei eyes, ears, nose and nose, and then After revealing the hands and face outside, Wangfei said: "You need someone to help, check if there are other wounds on Ceefei Niang-Niang."
Needless to say, naturally, Jin-Wang told me that it seems that Jin-Wang has doubts in his heart, fearing that someone is secretly starting. Otherwise, Liu Liangyi is a good doctor and a man. He has never made such a request.
Upon hearing this, Xu Ceefei showed a sad and pity look: "I have a good relationship with Liu-Sister, but I can't let her die like this. If you are a month, you give Liu Liang a helper, in order to avoid being accused, Mei-mei suggested that Wangfei should also be a person, and find a few more to supervise each other, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."
In fact, it is blunt, Xu Ceefei is afraid that Wangfei will do it from the middle, and also do not forget to run against her.
Liu Ceefei and Tao-Madam Li-Madam, although they do not want to be infected with this kind of thing, in the end Hu  Ceefei sudden death, this is the way to die, it really makes people feel worried. Even if they know that Xu Ceefei is provocative, the key issue is that Xu Ceefei is not irrational.
It’s about the death of a rabbit, and the end result is that everyone has a Yatou. Yao-Niang was implicated, but she could only send the jade out.
The next person moved in a screen, separated from the middle, a few Yatou in the jade, inside with Wangfei and Liu Liang doctor as the first crowd to wait and wait.
Jin-Wang is coming.
When he came in, he looked at Yao-Niang first, and saw her standing there in good health. Apart from the whiteness of the face and the other things, she only put her eyes on the screen.
He came to the circle chair and sat down, and someone immediately came to the tea.
Xu Ceefei diligently leaned to the side and said it in the future. Naturally, there was no shortage of dirty water for Wangfei.
Jin-Wangfei face has always been cold, she straightened the spine, and did not humble with the chin: "I still want to see the temple, do not be challenged by the villain, there is no need to go to this poisonous hand. ”
In fact, without Xu Ceefei, Jin-Wang also knows what happened. However, for the explanation of Jin-Wangfei, he only slightly decapitated and did not say anything.
Jin-Wangfei can't help but look a bit ugly.
The room was so intimidating that it was only faintly audible to hear the snoring of the clothes.
Yao-Niang is small and courageous, and she can't help but feel a bit creepy. She can't help but see the jade in her mind. She took off all the clothes of Hu  Ceefei and looked at her body.
Her face was whiter, and she couldn't help but get sour water in her mouth, because she thought that after she died in her life, she was also looked at.
Obviously died once, but that death was too urgent, Yao-Niang did not feel anything at all, but this time she really felt a sense of death. She couldn't help but wonder if Hu  Ceefei is watching them now.
The ghostly theory has never been illusory, but after a heavy life, Yao-Niang has some faith.
She felt a chill, her eyes black, and she fainted.
Jin-Wang looked dull, and the left hand unconsciously turned the sapphire ring on the ring finger of his right hand. After seeing her face, she couldn’t shake her face twice. It’s too late to think about it.
Everyone only felt a flash in front of him, and he saw Jin-Wang holding the fainted Su-Madam.
"Still stand there and do it! Come and see!" The sound is cold like ice, but no one will ignore the concerns.
This is the difference!
It is clear that there is a dead inside, but still gave birth to a small County Owner's Ceefei, Jin-Wang, but it is not shocking. And this one, but it is dizzy, it is eager to do this.
With Jin-Wangfei as the head of a group of wives, the minds are different, but it is not a taste.
It is not convenient here, Jin-Wang will take Yao-Niang to the second time and put it on the bed of Arhat.
Liu Liang doctor is busy with the pulse.
He sat on the little scorpion, his hand on his beard and his hand on the Yao-Niang wrist.
This is his usual pulse posture, but this time he did not care for his beard as he used to. On the surface, he was first suspicious, then joy, and he was suspicious. His few goats were thin, and this time he was cut off by several others.
In the past, Liu Liang doctor has long been distressed. But this time he did not want to go to distress, he was not good for the whole person, incoherent: "Your Highness has, have! Have!"
Jin-Wang is annoying. When he hears this, he subconsciously asks: "What is there!"
Liu Liang doctor took a deep breath, and the thin face showed a nearly funny smile: "Su-Madam has it, there is a joy!"
Suddenly, I was shocked by the chin of the crowd, and the dust in Fu Cheng’s hands was scared.
With a bang, Jin-Wang crushed the armrest of the circle chair.

Chapter 84   :    You can rest assured that after this little bitch, the king can not help him.

Yao-Niang woke up in a groggy way, and when he blinked, he saw a small face.
It is Xiao bao.
He sat next to Yao-Niang, twisting his brow, and the look of what he thought was serious, seemed to make people laugh.
Yao-Niang also realized that she seemed to be fainting. She thought she was scared of the child. She said: " Xiao bao, niang is fine, niang is..."
A series of rushing footsteps sounded, and several Yatou, such as Yu Xi, came over.
Yu Xi gently pressed her shoulder. "Madam, don't move."
"What to do, nubi are coming."
A few Yatou looks like this, so Yao-Niang still thinks what happened to him. Is there any incurable disease? Suddenly pale, I couldn't help but look at Xiao Bao.
"What happened to you? Or, what happened to me?"
"Niang-Niang, you don't have a problem, the nubi are not so good, you have it, it has been almost three months."
It is not the first time when niang, Yao-Niang naturally know what it means. I vaguely remembered that when she was pregnant with Xiao bao, she was ignorant, and she didn’t know what was going on when she was too big. She thought she was eating fat.
I still think like this in my heart, she can still eat fat.
Until she niang asked her how long she had not come to the moon, she replied honestly. She niang cried at the time, crying and hitting her with her hand, saying that she was shameful and said what to do next.
At that time, she felt that the sky had collapsed.
It’s not that you don’t hate it, why are you pregnant? No matter how many days, the child in the stomach has a movement. Especially when the night is quiet, he makes a turn inside, makes another turn, and even fights inside, like a small fish spitting bubbles inside, and unconsciously has expectations.
When she was born, she was born very fast.
 Sister took her to her home in order to cover her. I am afraid that people will not go out and dare to leave the house.
They stay in the house every day.
But sister said that this is not the case, do not move slowly, what if it is difficult to produce. So she circled the square in the square every day, and turned around innumerable circles. Every step went to the real thing. Unconsciously, she went to the day of production, and she spent more than an hour to be born.
 Sister said that her life is good, the child knows that it hurts, and when she was exhausted, she saw the crumpled treasure, but her heart was full of sorrow. Is this called life?
However, she did have a good life. When her sister gave birth to Hong Geer, she was born a day and a night.
Obviously it should be a long time ago. After all, she lived for two lifetimes, but it was like yesterday. Yao-Niang’s tears came out and I couldn’t tell the joys and sorrows in my heart.
I don't know when Jin-Wang came, and Yu Xi retired.
Feeling someone sitting down beside him, Yao-Niang raised his head subconsciously and saw Jin-Wang's tight face.
"What are you crying, don't you want to give Benwang a baby?"
Yao-Niang couldn't speak for a while.
Jin-Wang's face is stretched tighter: "Or are you afraid of being born small, and have wronged this little bitch? You can rest assured that Benwang can't treat him after this little bitch."
This promise, Jin-Wang, has not said that there is still a gap in my heart. I also feel that everything is only used, so I don’t have to understand it. But now
She was so wronged, her eyes and eyes were crying red, and her tears could not stop. Think about what Liu Liang doctor said, saying that pregnant women should avoid thinking and worrying, avoiding great sadness...
Just Jin-Wang is not here, just looking for Liu Liang to ask these things, Liu Liang doctors have written three big Zhang Xuan papers, which are full of all kinds of stress and taboos. Jin-Wang was sitting outside and watching, and several Yatou inside heard her panic asking her what happened.
He immediately panicked, knowing that she could not have something, but her heartbeat stopped. When she came in, she saw nothing, just sitting in bed crying, and several Yatou around her, only to realize her wolverine.
Fortunately no one saw it.
 Xiao zi Xiao bao sat next to him and looked at Fu Huang, who had a cold face. He had a face and he was niang.
Yes, after the analysis of the talent, Xiao bao has determined that niang is the second treasure, so he is still a small treasure, not the kind of dead man.
The reason why this is so determined, because the last year niang is carrying the two treasures, Wang Fuli out of the poisoning incident, but this life has changed from niang to that Hu  Ceefei.
Of course, all this is speculation, but there is such a feeling in Xiao bao.
"I didn't, I was a little surprised. I still have milk, how come I am pregnant..." Yao-Niang blushes.
Jin-Wang coughed a little, "Benwang asked Liu Liang, and the woman who is breastfeeding is not incapable of being pregnant."
When he mentioned this, Jin-Wang was flustered. He clearly sang a lot of seeds in the belly of the little milk niang, but he could not see the seedlings. Liu Liangyi once said to him privately that the poison in his body may affect his son, so he has not deliberately paid attention to these. If he knew that the woman during the feeding period was not prone to pregnancy, he had already given it a weaning.
When I heard Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang whispered a little.
I didn't expect her to have been conscious for so long. She also gave birth to Xiao bao.
The moon has never come. Many women have come to the child after they have been weaned, so she has never been in the heart.
Yao-Niang couldn't help but stare at his stomach, this is there, there is a little treasure inside?
"You are resting, Benwang has something to do, and I will see you when I finish."
Yao-Niang This reminds her that she seemed to be fainting in the Spring Pavilion, what about Hu  Ceefei?
"Is it clear how Hu  Ceefei sister is poisoned?"
Jin-Wang flashed a faint sigh in his eyes and said: "This is not something you care about, you have a rest." After that, Jin-Wang left.
Left the mother and son, Yao-Niang is a little silly to Xiao Baodao: " Xiao bao, you have a younger brother."
She still has some slowness to the present.
 Xiao bao simply wants to lick his face, and does not say who can say that this child is a man or a woman. Besides, he was unclear at this time, and his father was still unclear on his shoulders. How did he become his brother Sao?
But indeed, he stretched out his little finger and poked Yao-Niang's stomach.
Inside is the second treasure.
There is an expectation in my heart.
In the study room of Zhaohuitang, Jin-Wang sat in the book case, in front of Liu Liang and Fu Cheng.
"You speak first."
Before Yao-Niang suddenly fainted and was diagnosed with pregnancy, interrupted the investigation of Hu  Ceefei death. Jin-Wang took Yao-Niang back to the Rongxi Courtyard, leaving only the words that let Wangfei and others disperse.
Jin-Wang Since Liu Liang’s doctors have been sent over, it is bound to be born with the mind to be traced.
The people under Jin-Wang will check it out. Naturally, there is no such thing as a matter of hands and feet. Xu Ceefei will certainly not continue to bite. put.
"According to the old man to go back and verify, Hu  Ceefei should be in the poison mixed with Tripterygium wilfordii. This tripterygium can lurk for more than an hour, the symptoms of junior high school are not obvious, once the poison is broken down like a mountain. But because of the medicine There are other ingredients, but it is not easy to see what poison is in the end. In addition, the old man asked the several Yatou, Hu  Ceefei there is no special trace, so the exclusion of suspected forced poisoning."
"Where was she before more than one hour?" This question was asked by Fu Cheng.
Fu Chengdao: "It should be to Su-Madam..." See Jin-Wang, his eyes stunned, and he changed his mind: "It should be Hu  Ceefei when he thinks about the brothel."
"But this time is based on the amount of the dose, not sure." Liu Liang added.
Jin-Wang looked at Fucheng again, Fu Cheng continued: "The old slave has been staring at Hu  Ceefei. Before the poisoning, she did not have any contact with outsiders and there was no abnormality. She also played today. I took two Yatou and licked a few words of Madam and Wangfei. I really don’t see any signs of poisoning myself."
The latter two Fu Cheng said that they are hesitant, but it is precisely this kind of action that proves that Hu  Ceefei is no different from the past.
Investigating his character, Hu  Ceefei is not really a person who can't think of self-sufficiency, so Jin-Wang will be inspected.
Inexplicably, Ceefei died in the house, or Ceefei on the jade, which is an insult and provocation for Jin-Wang.
"Where did this poison come from?" This poison is not something Hu  Ceefei can get.
"This " Fu Cheng lowered his head.
Jin-Wang sneered, and said: "The man is watching Xu Yanru."
At the same time, the atmosphere in the courtyard was stagnant.
Unprovoked, a Ceefei died. Nothing, this Hu  Ceefei came to the Courtyard before he died. Unprovoked, Jin-Wangfei was wearing a hat suspected of poisoning Concubine.
Although Jin-Wang did not say anything, it was precisely that nothing was said. Jin-Wangfei knew that he was suspicious of himself.
This suspicion that nature is not unwarranted, Jin-Wangfei also has a number.
It is necessary to mention a secret thing many years ago. This is something that Jin-Wangfei has been reluctant to show, and because of this, Jin-Wang dislikes her and hates her.
I don't know that she has never been in contact with that person for many years. His suspicion has caused her heart to suffer, but she cannot explain it.
Zhou-Mama advised him: "Wangfei, don't think too much. If you haven't done it before, you haven't done it. Your Highness will not believe the hoof."
When you mention this, Zhou-Mama will be jealous.
She felt that since Guinang and Madam seemed to be unable to take off the curse called Magnolia, Madam had eaten the hardships of Magnolia Madam for a lifetime. Now it is the turn of Gunian, and it is the bitterness of eating the daughter of the monk.
"Let the nubi say that they are poisoned and poisoned Xu Yueru, let her run out of pus, can't wait to pull you down, sit on this Wangfei position, don't look at yourself enough! Not a slave complain, Duke Ye It’s too heart-wrenching, send this little monk, this is not your heart...”
Jin-Wangfei smiles in my heart.
Oh, yes, her Father has always been guilty. Waiting for her niang heart for a lifetime, because Di-out of her daughter is her, she is very valued, so she married Jin-Wang, sit on this Jin-Wangfei position.
But all this is not based on the feelings of the father and the daughter, but for the sake of profit. Seeing that she couldn't give birth to the Di-elf son of Jin-Wang, she sent another daughter to come, fearing that the king of Jin-Wang House would be next to others.
Without his support from Father, Xu Yueru would never dare to do so. Jin-Wangfei even knows that he must not make mistakes, because once he makes a mistake, Xu Yueru will take advantage of the situation. It is time for Jin-Wangfei to be replaced.
Anyway, it is the daughter of Xu family. He will not care about Father, and his Highness will not care.
Jin-Wangfei can't help but think of Su-shi. If Hu  Ceefei is going to the Rongxi Courtyard today, but she is poisoned and died, I am afraid that His Royal Highness will never be like that.
Inexplicable, she had a hint of embarrassment.
Zhou-Mama is still groaning: "...Nasu-shi is really a good life, so the government has let her be pregnant, if this is a male-" she paused and hurried : "If it's a man, Niang-Niang can hold it up."
Jin-Wangfei has some headaches. Her milk niang is getting old and confused, now is the time to care about this? She made a look at Zi Yan, and some people came to fight and let Zhou-Mama go out.
After Zhou-Mama left, the room fell into silence.
Jin-Wangfei sat alone and quietly thinking, suddenly she seemed to think of something, the voice tightened: "Go and call the jade."
Purple stunned, busy.
Everyone in Wangfu knows that there are four Big Maid around Wangfei, named after purple.
As everyone knows, it is not four purple, but five.
There is also a purple jade.
This purple jade pipe is in the private library of Jin-Wangfei. It can be said that this person has Jin-Wangfei to trust, but this person is rarely seen in front of people.
Ziyu came, and respectfully Jin-Wangfei was given a courtesy, and he stood at the bottom.
Jin-Wangfei screened back and forth, and even the purple smoke and purple scorpion let out.
When the purple smoke retreated, he looked at Wangfei and flashed a worries in his eyes.
Jin-Wangfei Looked at the person in front of me, there are many things flashing in my eyes, stunned, memories, oh...
For a long time, everything goes to silence.
Jin-Wangfei asked: "What about today can be related to you?"

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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