I am Such a Woman 140 [end]

I am Such a Woman

These are the last chapters for this novel. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

   "Every time the imperial examinations take place, the people in this teahouse are most likely to take business and make fun of it. There are all gossips. It's most suitable for watching liveliness." Ban-Hua said to the humane in the carriage. come here."
   Rong-Xia stepped out of the carriage and glanced at this tea house. It is not a particularly high-end place, but it comes and goes very lively.
   "Come," Ban-Hua took his hand and went into the door. "Here you can hear what you can't hear in Chaotang."
   Entering the tea house, Rong-Xia found that there were many people dressed as scholars, many of whom had accents that were not like those of the capital city, they were put together in twos and threes, talking about the local customs and customs, or listening to the locals talking about some interesting things in Capital City. .
   Tang Yan saw Ban-Hua, and greeted him with a smile   :   "Yin Young-Lady. You finally arrived. You let the younger a seat reserved for you in the early morning. Please sit down. "
   "Good job." Ban-Hua threw Tang Yin a silver peanut and saw Tang Yan smile and lead them to two empty tables.
   "Is it still the old rule?" Don Juan got the reward, his spirits fluttered, looking at Ban-Hua eyes like a moving purse.
   Ban-Hua said   :   "I still have the old rules, this gongzi tea comes with it, and the other guards are the same rules."
   "Little understand," Tang Yan noticed the handsome gongzi next to Ban-Hua, and said with a sincere heartfelt emotion, "This gongzi is so good and good. Yin gongzi said that you have become a relative the other day. Lang Jun? "
   "It's him." Ban-Hua smiled.
   "Young-Lady is really a great match with this Lang Jun. Young doesn't speak beautiful words, so he feels that the two are standing together, no matter how good-looking they are, but no one else in the world can match them." If it sounds good, it's like not having money, so open your mouth.
   "That's a good word," Rong-Xia lips angled slightly, motioning for Du Jiu to give a reward.
   She didn't expect that she had just said a few good words, and got two golden beans. After a lot of thankfulness, she went back to prepare tea and fruits.
   Rong-Xia and Ban-Hua came out this time. Although they intended to dress more ordinary, they were noticed by some people as they entered the door. Now when I see the two of them arbitrarily receiving gold and silver rewards for the concubine, I know that these two people must be born to be rich and wealthy, and they only came here to make fun.
   Most people didn't dare to cause trouble, and they saw that Tang Ling and his husband had some familiar appearances, and they didn't dare to look at it anymore, because they were afraid to provoked the other party.
   When the readers were together, they mostly discussed poems and economics. Ban-Hua didn't know much about these, so he whispered in Rong-Xia ear, "Are there any good masterpieces?"
   Rong-Xia shook her head slightly with a smile, and said to Ban-Hua, "I prefer to listen to the haunting story at the table next to me."
   "It's just a ghost," Ban-Hua whispered in his ear. "In this folklore, monsters must be beautiful, scholars must be good, ghosts are half good and half bad, nothing new."
   "It seems I heard a lot." Rong-Xia took a sip of tea, but didn't want to drink a second sip. Although the tea leaves and tea sets are self-contained, the water is prepared in the tea house. This water is intended to be ordinary well water, and the brewed tea is a little worse.
   "To say that Zhizhou, our western state, is also an amazing figure. Although we have problems in our eyes, we have managed Xizhou in a well-organized manner, and within a few days of our arrival, we have won the support of many people." The students in the shirt said with gratitude, "We in Xizhou have two poor children from poor families. We know that the two were filial and talented. They actually sent them to Capital City to take the test at their own expense. Fortunate for the people of the state. "
   Xizhou is a famous place of bitter cold, and there are not many people who come to rush to take the test. Now I see some candidates coming from Xizhou, everyone is curious.
   "If you have an eye disease, you can still be an official in the middle of the country. His Majesty must value his talent, and he has this special case," a local Capital City examinee asked.
   "It's a coincidence that we know that Zhouzhou is also a person from Capital City. The surname is Xi, the name is Lin, and the word is Qilin."
   When the teahouse was quiet for a while, the candidate from Xizhou looked at the crowd inexplicably   :   "I wonder ... Is there something wrong with the niche?"
   "No, nothing," the Capital City examiner grinned, but didn't dare to ask any more questions.
   No one in the capital knew Xi Qilin's grievances with the Queen of the past. They did not expect that Her Majesty was so magnanimous and willing to let Xi Qilin enter the country as an official. This is indeed His Majesty.
   There are quite a few writers who admire Rong-Xia. When they brag about Rong-Xia on most days, they can always be as good as they can. Now Xi Qilin can make them toast again.
   Ban-Hua wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief and coughed dryly   :   "You really let Xi Qilin go to work in Xizhou?"
   Rong-Xia turned his head to Ban-Hua eyes   :   "What's wrong?"
   "I don’t know what is right about you," Ban-Hua blew tea foam and took a sip of tea. "I took you out to distract you, but not to keep you thinking. Another man. "
   Rong-Xia laughed, thinking of another man in his head?
   What is the reason for this?
   The two sits in the tea house for another half an hour. Ban-Hua glanced at the sky. "There is a 1st-Imperial-Scholar building next to it. Scholars love to connect in that poem. Are you interested in seeing it? Look?"
   Rong-Xia shook his head   :   "It's better to accompany you to sit with your father-zi and mother-zi."
   "That's fine," Ban-Hua promised immediately, "go."
   In Jingting Gongfu, Ban-Huai and Ban-Heng looked at a basket full of poems and paintings with headaches, and did not know what these candidates thought, but they only knew their family was prominent, but they didn't know that their family was not familiar with the writing. Poems, calligraphy and paintings were cast in their homes, and they did not see how good they were.
   "These students are not stupid. They sent them here, and they weren't for you," Yin-shi opened a letter and wrote a word with flashy words. Rong Xia, "They are looking forward to seeing their work in case they come down our house."
   "Your Majesty ..." Ban-Heng said, "Even if you walk down our house, you don't have time to look at these things."
   He called in the manservant and let them carry it down.
   "Lao-ye, Furen, Young-Lady and Grandpa are here." The steward face was inconceivable excitement, and his lips were trembling as he spoke. "Be prepared, they have entered the second door."
   "Hey back?" Ban-Huai rubbed his hands. "Get ready for lunch."
   Rong-Xia and Ban-Hua met Ban-jia people and received a warm reception from Ban-jia. After lunch, Ban-Huai mentioned the students sending poetry.
   "Don't worry about this," said Rong-Xia. "I used to be poetry, calligraphy, and painting, but there weren't many really talented people. If anyone still sends them here, my father-zi just refuses."
   "Well," Ban-Huai promised, "I'm most impatient to see these things."
   "I haven't seen candidates sending poems to our home in the past," Ban-Hua rolled his eyes. "Can it be that they think I'm married to a talented emperor, can we Ban-jia become able to paint poetry?" "
   Rong-Xia heard a laugh and reached out and tapped her eyebrows   :   "You, you."
   "Lao-ye, Furen, someone from Xizhou came and said that it was the original owner." The steward came in with a box. After saluting Rong-Xia and Ban-Hua, he put his hands in the box. Presented, "Let Lao-ye look."
   "Xizhou?" Ban-Huai frowned, turning to look at Yin-shi, "Furen, are people in our family familiar with Xizhou?"
   Yin-shi pondered for a long time, shaking his head slowly   :   "No."
   Ban-Heng took the wooden box and opened the lid to take a look. There was nothing but a yellowish poem collection.
   "What the hell is this?" Ban-Heng had a headache as soon as he saw the poems. "These people are all appointments today?"
   "What's in the box," Yin-shi asked his son with a pained expression, and asked with a smile, "to make you look like this?"
   "A book of poetry," Ban-Heng took the book of poetry out of the box, and handed it to Yin-shi. "Mother, please look over."
   Yin-shi took the collection of poems, and after looking at two pages, he brow lightly   :   "This collection of poems is indeed something from our family. But it was gone a few years ago. I thought it was your two siblings that were damaged, so I never asked, but it was borrowed? "
   Rong-Xia sitting next to her suddenly said, "Mother-zi, can you give me a look?"
   Yin-shi paused, and handed the poem to Rong-Xia   :   "Your Majesty, please feel free."
   Rong-Xia opened the anthology of poems. This anthology was also annotated. From the handwriting point of view, it should be the characters left in recent years. When he collected the poems, a title was dropped out.
   He stooped to pick up the inscription on the ground, which only wrote a few poems that have been used by the world for a long time.
   Since Xunchun was late for school, there is no need to sigh. The strong wind fell to the deep red, and the green leaves became full of branches.
   "What's on it?" Ban-Hua put his head to his chest. "Green leaves ... full of branches, is there anything special about this poem?"
   Rong-Xia looked down at the woman leaning against her. Her eyes were ignorant and clear, she didn't understand the meaning of the poem at all.
   "Nothing, presumably the poem reader thought the poem was good, and copied it again." Rong-Xia clipped the title back to the poem collection and placed it on the table. "Oh, it's not early, we should go back. "
   "Okay." Ban-Hua nodded, got up to say goodbye to her maiden family, and when they went out, they didn't even look at the poems on the table, apparently they were not interested in such craggy stuff.
   The three members of Ban-jia sent the couple to the outside of the door of Ban-jia. After they left, they returned to the inner court again.
   Yin-shi picked up the book of poetry forgotten on the table, took out the inscription pinched in the book, and put it on a lantern to light it.
   "Mother?" Ban-Heng looked at Yin-shi puzzled. "What are you doing to burn it?"
   "What's boring, what do you keep?" Yin-shi let go of her hand and let the burning question sign on the ground. She stroked her hair and handed him the poem collection, "Return to the library. "
   "Yes." Ban-Heng took the book into the library, found an open space in the corner, and tucked it in.
   In the dead of night.
   "Well." Rong-Xia embraced Ban-Hua, stroking her soft and smooth back gently, "You are the little Miss who tangled in my ice?"
   "Huh?" Ban-Hua slumbered into his arms, and said casually, "I don't remember."
   Rong-Xia smiled, and kissed her in the forehead. "It doesn't matter, I remember just fine."
   The original vague memory became clearer the day he took him to ice-cream. The little Miss combing her twins, her eyes wide, her eyebrows bent, and she looked exactly like her.
   Looking back now, who can be a little Miss who is like wanton in the palace and has the same age?
   It's a pity, if he had noticed him at that time, how good?
   The man in his arms had fallen asleep, but Rong-Xia had no sleepiness. He wanted to ask Xun whether the collection of poems from Xizhou Wangui Guizhao was the one that Xun gave Xi Qilin. But he couldn't ask, this kind of young daughter's mind, he didn't want to let me know.
   He wanted him to think that he was omnipotent, powerful, and able to tolerate his gentle man, rather than a petty man who cares about a small thing and has no measure.
   "Well, do you love me?" He asked softly in her ear.
   However, the sleeping man could not answer him.
   "If you don't speak, I'll assume you are the default."
   Rong-Xia surrounded the person in his arms and fell asleep.
   Fang Fae died in March, and in April we ushered in the Spring Festival that the literati of the dynasty looked forward to.
   After the Spring Festival, it was the palace test. On the day of the hall test, Rong-Xia got up early. This is his first imperial examination after he ascended the throne. He must be present all the time when the candidate answers the question.
   Ban-Hua was worried that he would be bored in the temple alone, so he asked the palace person to prepare a refreshing purse for him.
   When the rising sun rose, Ban-Hua, who was still in the harem, heard the bell ringing, which was the opening voice of the imperial examination. She leaned on the bed, watching the sun shining through the window, and suddenly said, "Come, wait for the dressing of this palace."
   Every now and then, Feng Jia came out of Suzakumen and went straight out of the palace to the palace in the western suburbs of Capital City.
   This other palace, known as the Golden Snow Palace, is said to have been built by an emperor of the Chiang family for his mother. Now the Empress Dowager and An-Le Princess in Fuping live here.
   Fuping the Empress Dowager was surprised when he heard that the Queen was here. "How did she come?"
   "The Empress Dowager, the nubi don't know," the palace Lady shook her head honestly, "the Queen Niang-Niang said, she didn't mean to disturb you, she just wanted to come and talk with His Highness Princess."
   The Empress Dowager did not feel relieved when he heard this, but was even more disturbed. Although he often sends people to deliver things, he never came in person. Now that she was suddenly approaching, and only saw An-Le, how could she rest assured?
   "I see." Since I didn't want to see her, she just assumed it was unknown.
   Today, people who know things are always more pleasing.
   In the main hall of the Golden Snow Palace, An-Le stepped into the gate and saluted Ban-Hua, who was sitting on top.
   Ban-Hua looked at her silently, but she did not forgive her. An-Le looked up at Ban-Hua in surprise, and met Ban-Hua big black and white eyes. Somehow, she felt a little guilty and turned her head to avoid Ban-Hua eyes.
   "Sister, get up," Ban-Hua sighed, and when An-Le got up, she lowered her eyelids and said, "Sister, have something to say to me?"
   An-Le was silent for a moment   :   "Hey, what's wrong with you?"
   Ban-Hua stood up and said, "I helped Rong-Xia win the Jiang family. You should hate me, I don't blame you."
   An-Le moved slightly, she turned to look at the vase in the corner, "I don't understand what you mean."
   "Either understand or not," Ban-Hua stood up. "Since my sister has nothing to say, I won't disturb you in the future. Please be assured, as long as I am on the day, no one will be in trouble. you guys."
   An-Le expression was even more ugly. She saw Ban-Hua walking outside the door, and couldn't help but yell at Ban-Hua   :   "Oh!"
   Ban-Hua looked back at her, but she was speechless with her mouth open.
   "My sister probably didn't know. Although I had a two-year marriage contract with Xi Qilin, I only gave him a collection of poems, and that collection of poems was not in his hands at all," Ban-Hua smiled, his tone was a bit cool, "He was so fond of Shi Feixian, so he gave her the poems."
   How could a book of poems already sent out be sent back from a remote place like Xizhou? No matter what tangles Xi Qilin had with her in the past, how can there be any contact nowadays, unless Xi Qilin does not want to be a family member and is crazy.
   An-Le eyelids trembled, she shouldn't start   :   "What do you tell me?"
   "His Royal Highness is like I was panicking idle and talked a few gossips with you," Ban-Hua chuckled, with a taunt in the laughter, "I just said so, you just listen. Anyway. After today, I will never come to disturb His Highness again. "
   An-Le Princess turned pale, tears appeared in her eyes, but she stiffly returned.
   Ban-Hua turned and walked. When she came to the door, she didn't turn back   :   "That day, when you said those things to Rong-Xia, I was behind the screen."
   An-Le turned back abruptly, watching Ban-Hua had stepped out of the door, chasing the door and crying, "Oh!"
   Ban-Hua paused without turning back.
   "I, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to make Rong-Xia unhappy, then ... only ..."
   "You just think that I will forgive you forever, so there is no trace," Ban-Hua looked up at the sky, the sun hurt her eyes for a while, "We have been in friendship for more than ten years, and sympathize with our sisters. To this point today, I can't blame you. "
   An-Le heard this, a look of joy on his face, "Well, don't you blame me?"
   Ban-Hua slowly shook his head and turned to look at An-Le. "His Royal Highness, I'm sorry. This is the end of our friendship when you send someone a poem today."
   The joy on An-Le face suddenly disappeared. She looked at Ban-Hua stupidly, and said for a moment   :   "For a man, do you want to get to this point with me? Are there any good things for men in the world that are worth your so Pull out your heart, even our friendship? "
   "His Royal Highness, I did not help Rong-Xia to rebel, not for him, but for myself," Ban-Hua said indifferently, "I know you don't believe in feelings, and even look down on the true heart of men. But the men in the world So many, isn't everyone a bearer? "
   An-Le opened her eyes wide, she couldn't believe that Ban-Hua would talk to her like this.
   "My Highness's heart I understand, but the human heart is so long, how can I give up a man who is good for me wholeheartedly and sad."
   "So you are here today, just want me not to count Rong-Xia?" An-Le wiped her tears and laughed, "You think Rong-Xia is really affectionate to you? Have you thought about it, He may be for the three-armed tiger rune in your hands, in order to get the support of the army, have you never thought about it? "
   An-Le Princess suffered an emotional injury and never believed in all the men in the world. Even if she raised a bunch of beautiful faces, she just wanted to play with them.
   Ban-Hua shook her head calmly, looking at the eyes of An-Le Princess with some pity   :   "Three army tiger charms have never been in my hands."
   "What did you say?" An-Le Princess looked pale, "This is impossible!"
   If the three-armed tiger amulet is not in the hands of Ban-Hua, then where did Rong-Xia get the tiger amulet? Without the three-armed tiger charm, how could Rong-Xia let Ban-Hua bring so many soldiers, and even bring guards into the palace?
   This, this is impossible!
   "If you have to find a reason, maybe he is so good to me, not because of the three army tiger charms, but because of my beauty," Ban-Hua touched his cheek. "After I am old and yellow, he will stay I may be aloof or maybe. "
   An-Le Princess shook her head wryly, then cried and laughed, which was a sign of stimulation.
   "His Royal Highness," Ban-Hua smile disappeared. "This is the last time I warn you, don't count my man again. I have a bad temper and I am short-guarded. What will happen, Your Highness? Yes, right? "
   An-Le Princess didn't speak.
   Ban-Hua held Ruyi hand and turned away.
   "Niang-Niang sets off and drives home."
   An-Le looked at Feng Jia away, shook his body, and sits on the ground.
   This sisterhood was destroyed by her after all.
   But hey, since you say that Rong-Xia is affectionate to you, so are you to him?
   After the hall test, Rong-Xia returned to the back hall and found that Ban-Hua was absent. "What about Niang-Niang?"
   "Her Majesty, Niang-Niang is out of the house," said a maid, "Niang-Niang said, please, Your Majesty, you will have dinner first, and she will come back later."
   Rong-Xia glanced at the maid, "Really?"
   "Naturally," the palace girl stood, her bowed, "but Her Majesty probably can't wait for Niang-Niang."
   A silver light flashed in her hand, and a dagger was hidden in her sleeve. She moved very fast, and Wang De, the closest to Rong-Xia, did not even react.
   Rong-Xia twisted and avoided, the maid's dagger only hurt his arm, and saw that she missed a shot. The maid took another sharp backhand, pierced the throat according to Rong-Xia, but was hit by the reaction Wang De Going up, the dagger stuck only down Rong-Xia shoulder.
   If the two hits failed, the palace maid never had a chance to move again, because Mi Wei arrived and kicked her to the corner with one kick.
   "Taiji Tai-yi!" Seeing that the blood on Rong-Xia was bleeding all over, Wang De face was scared. He covered Rong-Xia wound with a clean handkerchief, "Your Majesty, are you okay?" ?"
   "What's the matter," Rong-Xia said in pain, and stared blankly at the maid who was lying on the ground. "Guard her and find out who sent it."
   "Slave is the female officer around the Queen Niang-Niang, naturally sent by the Queen Niang-Niang," the palace girl laughed. "What good is it to sit on the throne, even the woman on your pillow? Can't wait for you to die immediately. "
   After saying this, the female officer suddenly spit out blood and fell to the ground with a soft face.
   The guards standing on the temple heard these words, all pale and pale, the Queen wanted to assassinate His Majesty? The secrets in this palace were heard by them, and they were afraid that only one would die today.
   Rong-Xia at this time lost too much blood and was dizzy. He glanced at the Guards standing in the hall and forced himself to calm down   :   "Du Jiu, take care of all these people, this maiden can't say a single word. Spread it out. "
   "Yes." Du Jiu gestured, and soon someone came up and detained the guards.
   "Before I woke up, the front harem listened to the Queen," Rong-Xia glanced indifferently. "If anyone is disrespectful to the Queen, Du Jiu, you just cut off his head."
   "Yes." Du Jiu nodded at a few big holes in Rong-Xia. "Your Majesty, rest assured, there is a minister waiting, no one can move the Queen Niang-Niang."
   Rong-Xia whispered   :   "You work, don't worry."
   Then, the darkness surrounded him.
   "Master Du, what can I do?" Wang De watched Rong-Xia was covered with blood, and his head was in a mess.
   "His Majesty has life, the former harem is controlled by the Queen Niang-Niang. Now naturally, the Queen Niang-Niang will be invited back first," Du Jiu said with a calm face, "come, please quickly ask the Queen Niang-Niang Go back to the palace. "
   In Fengjia, Ban-Hua drank Ruyi tea, and suddenly her heart was inexplicable, and she sits upright.
   "Niang-Niang, what's wrong with you?" Ruyi asked worriedly.
   "It's okay ..."
   "Niang-Niang! His Majesty was assassinated, Lord Du, please return to the palace quickly!"
   The tea cup in Ban-Hua hands fell in response. She was holding the car wall, and she couldn't breathe for a long time.
   The author has something to say   :   
   Since Xunchun was late for school, there is no need to sigh. The strong wind fell to the deep red, and the green leaves became full of branches. [This article is borrowed, non-original, the original is Du Mu "Sigh Flowers."
   The big moon palace is brightly lit, and Wang De looks out from time to time, and a lot of sweat comes out of his forehead.
   the Queen Niang-Why hasn't Niang come back?
   He was anxious in his heart. Hearing hurried footsteps from outside, he turned his head to meet him.
   "Wang De," Ban-Hua strode into the hall, "how is your Majesty?"
   Because she was in a hurry, her buns were a bit messy and she gasped when she spoke. Wang De trot all the way behind her. "The Royal Doctor is still treating her Majesty in the palace. The two places injured by the assassin are not fatal, so there is no danger to life."
   Walking through the outer hall, Ban-Hua saw Rong-Xia lying on the bed in the inner hall at a glance, anxious, raised his skirt and ran to the edge of the bed, reached out and stroked Rong-Xia cheek to make sure he was breathing. After the temperature was normal, I looked at the doctor with a calm face. "Can the wound be a big problem?"
   "Please Niang-Niang, rest assured, the assassin's ice blade is not poisoned, so after His Majesty wakes up, he only needs to heal well." The royal doctors answered honestly, dare not hide anything.
   "Wang De, tell me everything again." Ban-Hua looked at Rong-Xia pale face, his face became more ugly, "Assassin caught it."
   "Niang-Niang, the assassin has committed suicide. She is the maiden of your side, known as Yuzhu."
   "Yuzhu ..." Ban-Hua voice was a little hoarse, "Go on."
   Wang De elaborated Jingzi carefully, and Ban-Hua laughed mockingly   :   "She said I was the mastermind?"
   The inner hall was silent.
   "Your Majesty is alive, I am the Queen, Her Majesty is gone, what is this palace?" Ban-Hua smiled even colder, "Why do I kill Her Majesty?"
   In the way that she gets along with Rong-Xia, if she wants to kill Rong-Xia, there are more opportunities, how can she let a palace girl do it, even on the killing weapon, without any poison? Although she does not like to use her mind, it does not mean that she is stupid.
   "Niang-Niang," Du Jiu came in hastily, with a dignified expression, "More than 20 ministers outside the palace ‘called injustice, saying that Niang-Niang assassinated his Majesty, took control of the harem, and wanted to kill the chicken Sichen!" Before the hour, all the parties were detained in the palace, how did the news get out?
   "What is more than twenty courtiers, it is better to invite all the civil and military officials," Ban-Hua smirked. "If you want to be lively, just go live."
   "Niang-Niang!" Du Jiu looked at Ban-Hua in disbelief. What was she doing?
   "The palace looks at these men before them, and there are endless plots of conspiracy," Ban-Hua said with sarcasm. "Since they say I control the harem, I will let them see what it is to control the harem."
   "Subordinates are here."
   "Pass the order of the main palace, call the Cavalry Division, Infantry Division, and God Arrow Battalion outside the palace," Ban-Hua glanced back at the man lying in bed. "Since Her Majesty has not cleaned up the disobedient courtiers, , Then it's up to me. "
   "Niang-Niang, no!" Du Jiu saw Ban-Hua appearance and stopped her. "If you really do this, how should people in the world say you?"
   "It doesn't matter how they say it, as long as your family member doesn't really think I am a chicken chicken morning," Ban-Hua lowered her face. "If you wish, dress and dress my palace."
   The doctor nearby was so scared that the Queen was able to command all the troops in the capital. No wonder those ministers on the court would be afraid of the Queen.
   In the palace of diligence and administration, more than twenty courtiers stood together, both serious and angry. They came menacingly, their straight backbones preached their justice and hard work.
   "For the people of the world, the old minister never hesitated to die, only to plead after his sin."
   "The demon Queen is ambitious and sends someone to assassinate her Majesty and take control of the harem. What shall I do now?" A young official who didn't seem to be more than twenty years old stood up and said, "Are you allowed the demon to harm the country?
   "What's the matter with you, Darens?" An Daren dressed in a purple robe came in, and he glanced at the seemingly indignant courtiers. "It's late, why do you Darens come to this Qinzheng Temple?"
   "Liu Banshan!" The young official pointed at him. "You have secretly agreed with your demon Queen, and still have a face here?"
   "My official's loyalty to His Majesty, the heavens can be learned, Darens can unbutton their hats indiscriminately, but they can't bear it." Liu Banshan smirked. Among these people, I don't know how many stupid people were instigated by the people behind the scenes? Self-righteousness is, in fact, just that some people want to reach out to the harem.
   If the Queen is a slightly ordinary woman, or if Her Majesty has a little suspicion about the Queen, their trick will work.
   So these people still know the heart of the emperor.
   It is a pity that after class is not an ordinary woman, and His Majesty's trust in class-after-class, is also beyond the conjecture of these people. After class it was just a Town-Lady, she dared to slap Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar Lang in the street. Now that she is the Queen, don't you dare to move these impure courtiers?
   These idiots, Ban An An stayed in the harem for less than a year later, and they forgot about Ban-the spleen nature of the post was really looking for death.
   Liu Banshan was too lazy to talk to them about justice, but just said   :   "His Majesty has a life, and the former harem is controlled by the Queen. If the Darens continue to make trouble, my official can only deal with them for treason."
   "Master Liu mouth is good, and now the Queen is holding the harem. Your Majesty's decree is just your mouth," an Daren retorted, "unless he sees His Majesty's order, otherwise I will never compromise. "
   With a smirk, Liu Banshan smirked and moved to the side   :   "Follow you."
   The impassioned courtier was not expecting Liu Banshan's response. What did he mean by standing here?
   After a while, many officials came to the Qinzheng Hall, both civil and military officials. The officials who wanted to slay the demons were delighted and began to publicize the class-the conspiracy afterwards, but they moved a lot of people.
   It's just weird that none of the people being talked about ever played with Rong-Xia. The officials who played with Rong-Xia didn't say a word. There were a few grumpy military officers who even wanted to pinch. The fists stabbed the officials of the queen.
   Fortunately, it was blocked by the eyes of the people around him, otherwise the hall must be more lively.
   "The Queen Niang-Niang is here!"
   "The queen queen even dared to show up," an official looked angrily at the door of the temple. "The queen queen hasn't surrendered his majesty quickly."
   The ministers looked back and saw the Queen coming in wearing a robe and wearing a nine-phoenix crown. Even more frightening is that she was followed by dense soldiers, who surrounded the Qinzheng Hall imperviously, and even a cat and dog wouldn't even want to run out.
   "His Majesty is recovering, which of the rebels are making trouble here?" Ban-Hua stepped on Yujie and walked to the dragon's chair to stand. She looked down slightly at the people standing at her feet. At this time, there are people who have speculative quarrels about the murder of Her Majesty. It seems that the Darens know the harem very well. It is better to ask these well-known Darens to stand up and show the palace, so that the palace also See, see, the true face of you detectives. "
   The hall was silent, but no one dared to speak.
   "Why, isn't it busy right now?" Ban-Hua smirked, pointing at one of the Darens, "You, this palace remember that you are an official of Shishitai, right?"
   Seeing Ban-Hua pointing at himself, the prince of the royal history stood out, saying, "Xiaguan is the official of the Royal Shitai. What advice does the Queen Niang-Niang have?
   "What you are is also worthy of instruction from this palace," Ban-Hua smirked, turning his head and pointing at another official. "You, Zongzheng Siqing, Rong Shi Yuanzhi, only got the help of His Majesty's face. With a decent job, it's heartbreaking to join other people here and now. "
   "The Queen!" Zongzheng Siqing was an old man, a family member of the Rong family. He arched, "The Queen doesn't have to be so embarrassed and angry. Wei Chen is only worried about His Majesty, but cannot enter the palace, so he has to do this. The Queen does not You don’t need to be so angry to do treason. Just stay in your harem and wait for your Majesty to wake up.
   "Fart!" Ban-Huai rushed out of the team and punched him according to Zongzheng Siqing. "You, a far-off Lao-tou, really treat yourself as an emperor's relative and actually face the the Queen points her finger. "
   The words on Zongzheng Siqing's mouth were unpleasant, but he was afraid to do anything, or he did not expect anyone to do anything to him. He is an old man, and his seniority is still the uncle of Rong-Xia. Who dares to disrespect him?
   However, everything was unexpected, and he met Ban-Huai, who was confused.
   When Ban-Huai heard these people sip a queen, they couldn't help it. Now this dead Lao-tou dare to put on the spectrum of the royal elder in front of his daughter, where can he still stand? ?
   Relying on the old is great? !!
   The emperor was injured and unable to preside over the administration of the court. Will the Queen be held in the harem on the charge of murder? These people think so beautifully, don't assume he doesn't know what they are thinking.
   "Jingtinggong, what do you want to do? I'm your elder."
   "I'm still your father-zi!" Ban-Huai smirked, tossing this old man with a mouthful of tongues, pointing at the officials who called his daughter a queen of the demon. Daughter, I think the real murderer is you! "
   "Father!" Zongzheng Siqing's son was crying and making noises, "Your Majesty, come and see, the demon queen is about to kill our people."
   Ban-Hua watched him look good in singing, walked down the Jade steps, and looked at the face of this crying man. Ban-Hua is a man who has been on the battlefield. He has strong legs, and the man rolled out like a gourd in the blink of an eye.
   The ministers were dumbfounded, the Queen Niang-Niang, this is ...
   "Ugly-looking man, crying, this palace looked disgusted," Ban-Hua expression was completely cold, "Come here, detain all these troubled officials in the jail, wait until your Majesty wakes up, then go Interrogation. "
   Ban-Hua suspects that these officials are not so innocent.
   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, open your eyes and take a look. The demon Queen's mind is so bad that he can't die!" An elderly official suddenly stood up and bumped into the dragon pillar.
   Suddenly blood splattered, the official who hit the dragon column shook, and then fell down.
   A soldier stepped forward and sniffed   :   "Niang-Niang, alive."
   "Drag it down and let Tai-yi show it." Ban-Hua smirked. This was not a storyboard. He slammed on the pillar and died.
   "Who else is going to hit," Ban-Hua smirked, "Do not stop at this palace, you can hit it at will." If these people were not relatives of Rong-Xia, Ban-Hua temperament would have dragged on. Go out and hit dozens of boards.
   "Hit, hurry," a playboy Houye slumped his robe and sits down cross-legged. "Not hitting is not a loyal minister, we are still watching."
   "Yes, yes, the more you hit, the more you can show your anger," a certain general followed with a ‘call, "Relax, so many people look at it, and when you are dead and disabled, we will tell you how loyal you are."
   After being interrupted in this way, the courtier who had been so upset did not know what to do?
   curse? To be beaten.
   Hit the pillar? People say that you are free to bump into it, but with so many officials in the palace, most people are watching the lively, and no one is blocking it.
   "Hey, why not jump?" The playboy Houye sitting cross-legged on the ground was dissatisfied. "I don't think you are loyal ministers at all. You obviously want to take advantage of Her Majesty's injuries and deliberately bully the Queen a weak woman."
   "You guys are also men?"
   Is there a weak woman who kicks people out?
   When confronted with a rude and unreasonable playboy, the troubled courtiers were very frustrated by the County-Graduate encounter with the soldiers. In desperation, they could only ‘call the name of Rong-Xia, and each sentence was aggrieved for themselves.
   "Your Majesty is here!"
   This sentence is like a curse. It suppressed all the noise in the chapel, and even the playboys sitting on the ground watching the excitement climbed up from the ground.
   Ban-Hua looked out of the hall in surprise, Rong-Xia suffered two injuries. When she came out, he was still in a coma. How could he come over? She walked a few steps unconsciously, and saw Rong-Xia sitting on the steps, pale as paper, and even her lips were pink.
   She ran to Rong-Xia in three steps and two steps, and said calmly, "You are dead, and you have suffered such a serious injury. What do you run out of?"
   "Good, I'm okay." Rong-Xia asked the eunuch to put down Pai, and he gently held Ban-Hua hand. "It made you feel wronged."
   "Just a few idiots can make me feel wronged," Ban-Hua was close to him, so he could smell the bloody smell on him. It stands to reason that the wound can't smell bloody after being treated, but Rong-Xia rushing over from the Great Moon Palace will definitely involve the wound and let the blood leak out.
   Thinking of this, Ban-Hua sank her face, did he even think that she would take this opportunity to seize power in the palace, so she would rush over in the case of serious injuries?
   Rong-Xia held Ban-Hua hand without releasing, but he sits, Ban-Hua stood, and he didn't see Ban-Hua face.
   "Du Jiu," Rong-Xia voice was a bit weak. When he woke up, he heard that a minister was in trouble, and his temper was straight. He was worried that he would lose money in the hands of these old foxes and rushed over.
   "Weichen is here." Du Jiu glanced sympathetically at those troubled officials. Among them, several people were far-off members of the Rongshi tribe. Her Majesty gave them some idle duties for Lao-ye sake, but now they even scold the Queen Niang-Niang is a demon, and even cursed her not to die. How can Her Majesty endure them?
   "Put all those who are disrespectful to the Queen into jail," Rong-Xia voice was even lower, and he squeezed Ban-Hua hand tightly, so that he could barely make himself more conscious, "The person who cursed the Queen , Regarded as disrespectful to the royal family, first fifty rods, and then into the jail. "
   Fifty sticks, and life?
   The ministers were shocked. They saw that His Majesty had come to understand that these people had eaten the bear heart and leopard gall, and then took advantage of His Majesty's injury to tarnish the Queen's reputation.
   How can a Queen with stigma be worthy of being treated? At that time, some ambitious officials would have a reason to ask His Majesty Na Fae to involve the front and the harem.
   The wise courtier wanted to understand this, and took a cold breath in his heart. I was afraid that this assassination case involved a lot of people.
   "The injury of the uncle is not a big deal, but it also requires a few days of rest. If some Darens in the North Hann affairs can’t decide, you can ask the Queen,” Rong-Xia looked at Zhou Bingan and others, “The Queen’s life, then Is the same as . "
   "The minister waited."
   "Well," Rong-Xia ticked Ban-Hua finger, "accompany him to the palace."
   Ban-Hua shook back Rong-Xia hand until he got out of the gate of Qinzheng Temple, and never returned.
   He was seriously injured and hurried over just to support her?
   He knew she didn't handle the distant family of Rongshi family, so he would speak in person? From today onwards, who else in the upward direction doubts his affection for her, even because of today's affairs, she will have a right to speak in the upward direction.
   Rong-Xia, you are deliberately winning the world, why are you so defenseless?
   Reaching to the realm of the Great Moon Palace, Rong-Xia smiled banally at Ban-Hua and said, "Well, I'm a little sleepy, I want to sleep for a while."
   "Rong-Xia ?!"
   Ban-Hua watched Rong-Xia slowly closed her eyes, suddenly remembering the day that the Grandmother died, she also smiled and spoke to her, but the closed eyes never opened again.
   "Rong-Xia ?!" She looked pale, panting her chest and puffing, "Tai-yi, Tai-yi, quickly pass Tai-yi!"
   Rong-Xia was lifted onto the dragon bed, and the doctors said he had no worries about life, but just moved the wound to crack and caused a lot of blood.
   Ban-Hua stooped to pick up the robe on the ground, the tentacles were all cold blood. She stared at the man who was fainting on the bed, a sudden pain in her chest, and then she calmed down for a while.
   "Niang-Niang ......" Du Jiu looked back at Ban-Hua and stunned her, "Your Majesty will not be a big deal, please take care of the Phoenix."
   "I know," Ban-Hua lowered her eyelids. "This palace is very good."
   She didn't know, at this time her face was full of tears, her complexion was pale, how could it be all right.
   Du Jiu didn't dare to persuade him anymore. He was afraid that if he persuaded him again, the Queen Niang-Niang would cry. As a master's attendant, he rarely saw the Queen Niang-Niang cry, and never saw the Queen Niang-Niang.
   He didn't know what words to use to describe what Ban-Hua looks like now, but he could feel that the Queen Niang-Niang's affection to His Majesty would not be shallow.
   "Who did Yuzhu come and go with, did you find out?" Ban-Hua went to the edge of the bed and sits down, holding Rong-Xia hand gently.
   Seeing that Du Jiu was silent, she turned to look at him   :   "Why, what can't you open your teeth?"
   "Niang-Niang, it is ... An-Le Princess," Du Jiudao said, "One of the noodles that Yuzhu Miss and An-Le Princess have had a personal relationship. The subordinates suspect that An-Le Princess is about She threatened her with this face, and she answered. "
   "An-Le, a losing Princess, how did you pass the message to the palace?" Ban-Hua calmly surprised Du Jiu. "Officials of the side branch of the family? They can't see her lord favoring me the Queen alone." , I chose to cooperate with An-Le. It’s just that An-Le wants Rong-Xia life, and they want to press the name of the assassination on my head, so An-Le passes to Yuzhu The news was changed by them. "
   "Like ... letting Her Majesty be injured, but not fatal, and then charged me with assassination." Ban-Hua smirked, "It's a good show."
   "Niang-Niang, everything is just speculation, maybe ..." Du Jiu was speechless. "Perhaps the truth is not so."
   "I'm the one who hurt him." Ban-Hua gently stroked Rong-Xia pale lips. If she had touched him this way in the past, he would have taken the opportunity to hold her for favor, but today he can only lie Here, the lines are not moving.
   "Niang-Niang, what does this have to do with you?" Du Jiu knelt on one knee, "this has nothing to do with you."
   "If your Majesty wants to have a good name, you only need to leave the Crown Prince and the Empress Dowager temper, give them a false name, and then ban them in circles," Ban-Hua smiled wryly. "As for Those Princess the Shu-son temper lives, there is no relationship and no relationship. If it were not for me, why would your Majesty be so kind to the Chiang family. "
   "Niang-Niang, this is not to blame you, Your Majesty also treats the Empress Dowager's children before, because his emperor's family took care of him," Du Jiu was right, An Le Princess and Fuping the Empress Dowager can live well in other palaces, instead of being sent to Taoist temple. The Empress Dowager's family had taken care of her Majesty.
   "No matter what your Majesty has to do with them, let me be this wicked today," Ban-Hua touched his cheek, only to find all the cold tears on it, "Send Fuping the Empress Dowager to Qinwang Let her, along with Qinwang, guard the emperor's tomb for the Jiang family. "
   "So ... An-Le Princess?"
   "Because of his collusion with the harem, he murdered the emperor, but read about his relationship with Qinwang to save her from death, only to remove her Princess title, and send her to the ascetic view. If there is no order from the palace, her death cannot be seen. "Ban-Hua said indifferently." Let people present the decree now, without delay. "
   "Yes." Du Jiu ordered to step down.
   After Du Jiu left, Ban-Hua turned her head to look at Rong-Xia on the bed. After a long time, she sighed, "Who is more stupid between us?"
   The man on the bed did not respond, and only her undulating chest answered her.
   "Niang-Niang," Wang De came in holding the tray, "the medicine is fried."
   When Ban-Hua took the medicine bowl and wanted to feed Rong-Xia, she suddenly remembered that as long as she used medicine, Rong-Xia would taste it, and then tricked her into not suffering at all, after she drank it, Coaxed her again and again, as if she were a child.
   She lowered her head and took a sip of the medicine, which was bitter and astringent, which was harder than the medicine she took at that time.
   Raising the pillow, Ban-Hua took a sip of medicine into her mouth, and then crossed into Rong-Xia mouth. After a bowl of medicine was fed, Ban-Hua tongue was bitter and unconscious. She took tea and rinsed her mouth, and wiped the corners of her mouth. "Wang De, clean up the people in the harem, including those around this palace. "
   Wang De whispered, "Yes."
   "Stay back."
   Wang De bowed down, and when he reached the door of the temple, he accidentally looked up, only to see the Queen Niang-Niang gently lifted and covered the quilt.
   He stepped out of the hall and looked at the crescent moon in the sky. Tomorrow may be a sunny day.

   Chapter 142    :     End of text          

   There is a slight bitter taste in the mouth, as if the whole body spreads into a bitter taste.
   Rong-Xia opened his eyes and saw the sunlight coming in from the window. The whole palace seemed to be shrouded in light. He closed his eyes and closed his eyes before his eyes became clear.
   "Your Majesty, you finally woke up," Wang De saw with awakening at Rong-Xia, and was overjoyed, "Quickly pass on the doctor, Your Majesty is awake."
   There was a sound of footsteps from outside the hall, Rong-Xia glanced at the eunuch eunuch kneeling all over the hall, closed her eyes and whispered, "I want to gargle."
   After rinsing with clear tea, his mouth was not so uncomfortable. Rong-Xia eyes glanced around, "What about Niang-Niang?"
   "Niang-Niang stayed with you all night last night and stayed up all night. Early this morning, because of an incident between Master Zhou and Master Liu, Niang-Niang rushed over with a cup of strong tea." His Majesty Wang knew that Niang-Niang Niang's value, busy whispered and explained, "Niang-Niang explained before leaving, if you wake up, you must send someone to report her."
   "Niang-Niang, since he dealing with things, don't send someone to disturb for the time being," Rong-Xia leaned on his eunuch to sit up and wait for the imperial doctor to give him a medicine, and then said to Wang Dedao, "Go and call Zhao Zhong in."
   Wang De bowed down.
   Not long after Zhao Zhong rushed over, Rong-Xia let irrelevant people back down.
   "Your Majesty, how did you get hurt like this?" Zhao Zhong saw Rong-Xia face was pale, and knew that this wasn't a drama. "We have investigated before, this girl doesn't know how to marry, not from the childhood in the Queen Niang Niang is waiting. "
   An-Le Princess is involved with some officials in the court. Her Majesty has long been aware of it, but because the former Crown Prince Jiang Han “chanced” the throne to Her Majesty, Her Majesty must treat the royal family of the former dynasty before the people of the world.
   An-Le Princess's restlessness is tantamount to tying the rope around her neck, Zhao Zhong understands, and Her Majesty understands. The only thing Zhao Zhong didn't think of was that His Majesty had taken precautions early in the morning, why was he still so injured?
   One knife on the arm and one on the shoulder, but fortunately not fatal, but with so much blood, I don’t know how long it will take to get back to life.
   "I know," Rong-Xia covered her injured arm with an expressionless expression. "You don't need to mention this in the future, especially not in the Queen and the premise. I know."
   "Wei Chen didn't think enough," Zhao Zhong said busyly. "If the Queen Niang-Niang heard these words, she would only be more sad." The Queen Niang-Niang hurt her majesty, even if it happened It has nothing to do with the Queen Niang-Niang. The Queen Niang-Niang will not feel good. If he mentions it again, it will only make the Queen Niang-Niang more uncomfortable.
   "The old man from the front, it's time to clean up, no need to worry about it." Rong-Xia voice was cold, "I treat them kindly."
   "Your Majesty ..." Zhao Zhong hesitated, "Niang-Niang has ordered last night to investigate the old people of the former dynasty, but all suspicious people have entered the jail, and even the people around An-Le Princess have killed them. Kill, prisoner of prison, An-Le Princess was sent to the practice of ascetic practice, and could not be seen for life. "
   What the ascetic view is, outsiders don't know, they are clear. Some sins from the former dynasty Fae were sent here. I heard that it was harder than Leng Gong.
   Send An-Le Princess to the ascetic view, and I don’t know if it is the Queen Niang-Niang’s kindness or cruelty to An-Le.
   Hearing this, Rong-Xia smiled on his face, and the killing and coldness just disappeared. "Since the Queen Niang-Niang has ordered the phoenix, everything will follow the Queen Niang- What Niang means. "
   "Your Majesty, then you ..."
   "I want to heal, don't overwork."
   "Yes." Zhao Zhong thought after exiting Dayue Palace, and His Majesty called him, what was he trying to say?
   In the Imperial Study Room, Ban-Hua looked at the high pile of memorials, and could not hold his dignified smile on his face, and looked at Zhou Bing-An with a smile   :   "Master Zhou, all of this?"
   "Niang-Niang, please rest assured, some people ask for souvenirs, and Weichen has been selected." Zhou Bingan presented a list. "This is a list of souvenirs selected by Weichen."
   Ban-Hua took the list and glanced at it, then flipped through a number of memorials, "Sir, Zhou, where have you been in the disaster in the past few years, can you slow down recently?"
   "Please Niang-Niang, rest assured, Your Majesty has exempted these two severely taxed taxes for two years. Although the days are still a bit difficult, I don’t need to be hungry anymore." Zhou Bing-An looked respectful and gentle. You stand for the Changsheng brand, and pray that you and your Majesty will live healthily forever. "
   "Instead of asking us for thousands of years, it is better to pray for a big win, and the people will never suffer a major disaster," Ban-Hua smiled, she did not believe this. This palace will read to your Majesty. "
   "Your Majesty's injury is better?"
   Ban-Hua looked at the sunlight outside the door, his expression a little hesitant   :   "It should be unhindered."
   Zhou Bing-An and others saw the Queen inadvertently continue to talk, and got up and resigned.
   After they left, Ban-Hua let the guard walk away holding the memorial harem, and met Zhao Zhong halfway, she raised her eyebrows in surprise   :   "Master Zhao?"
   "The minister has seen the Queen Niang-Niang," Zhao Zhongxian is now impressed with Ban-Hua. Seeing Ban-Hua at first glance, he can't wait to make a big gift.
   "Why are you here, is your Majesty awake?"
   Zhao Zhongzheng wanted to say yes, when he saw a gust of wind passing by, and then looked up, where was the Queen Niang-Niang in front of him? Turning around, I only saw the back of the Queen Niang-Niang hurried away.
   "Rong-Xia?" Ban-Hua trot into the hall, and saw Rong-Xia sitting on the bed drinking porridge, stepping on his feet, half a moment before he said, "Are you awake?"
   Rong-Xia puts down the bowl with a smile   :   "Hey, I worry you."
   Ban-Hua stepped beside him and sits down, poking his face, "The next time you are so incapable, I will teach you hard."
   "How do you want to teach me?" Rong-Xia face looked terrified.
   "Huh," Ban-Hua couldn't say anything harsh when he saw him cooperate. She pointed to the souvenir placed on the table by the guard. "I have a headache looking at these things. I don’t care if they are important. I read the rest."
   "Okay." Rong-Xia knew that Ban-Hua was impatient to look at these, and nodded with a smile.
   "You use your meal first," Ban-Hua went to the case and glanced back at Rong-Xia. "With so much blood, I don't know when I can make it up."
   Rong-Xia didn't dare to talk back, but obediently let Ban-Hua complain.
   But soon Ban-Hua didn't talk anymore. She bowed her head and kept writing and drawing before the case. Although she was a little impatient, she was still patient.
   He looked at her back, and knew he had run out of bowls of porridge.
   After processing most of the memorials, Ban-Hua accompanies Rong-Xia to dine, but Rong-Xia uses a medicated diet that is suitable for wounds, while Ban-Hua eats delicate dishes. Ban-Hua also deliberately teased Rong-Xia so that he wanted to eat but couldn't.
   Wang De looked at Rong-Xia eyes, full of infinite sympathy.
   After lunch, Ban-Hua spoke with Rong-Xia for a while, and after seeing him fall asleep, he looked at the slightly uncomfortable Ruyi   :   "What happened?"
   "Niang-Niang, the Empress Dowager, Fuping, please."
   Ban-Hua pressed the corner for Rong-Xia, yawning with her mouth covered   :   "No."
   "Fuping the Empress Dowager said, I saw Niang-Niang this time, and since then, I will never disturb Niang-Niang's closeness," Ruyi lowered her head and whispered in Ban-Hua ear, " Fuping the Empress Dowager is kneeling outside Xuanwu Gate. "
   Compared to the Suzakumen and Baidoumen, Xuanwumen has not many people in and out. Fuping the Empress Dowager chose to kneel here, which is quite smart.
   Ban-Hua looked back at Rong-Xia on the bed, closed her eyes and said, "Go ask her to go back and say I don't want to see her."
   "Slaves understand."
   Outside the Xuanwu Gate, no officials passed by except the guards at the door. Fuping the Empress Dowager knelt in the sun, did not move more than half a minute, and did not cause anyone to watch.
   She knows that if she kneels at Suzakumen, she may be noticed by more people, but Ban-Hua temper has always been soft and not hard. If she really wants to do that, not only can she not soften Ban-Hua, but Make her even more dissatisfied.
   "The Empress Dowager," Ruyi stepped out of Xuanwumen, looked at the Empress Dowager, flushed, wondering how long he had been in the sun, bent his knees towards her, stood on her side, "Niang-Niang is alive, please Go back early and His Royal Highness Qinwang is waiting for you. "
   Fuping the Empress Dowager heard the words "and Qinwang", her shoulders trembled slightly, and she looked at Ruyi, "You Niang-Niang, don't you think you're in love at all?"
   "The Empress Dowager," Ruyi shook her head and sighed, "His Royal Highness Princess collusion with the courtier's harem, assassinating her Majesty, if not Her Majesty Hong Fuqitian, how can you still kneel here today? Niang-Niang love and hate temperer, I'm afraid you He and Qinwang are also going to be buried with Her Majesty. "
   Fuping the Empress Dowager looked pale   :   "But your Majesty ..."
   Isn't he okay?
   The Empress Dowager couldn't say that, and she knew better than anyone how much An-Le had committed. She did not expect that it was not Eldest-son Jiang Han who could not accept the price reduction dynasty, but Eldest-daughter An-Le.
   "But why is it the ascetic view?" Fuping looked at Ruyi in despair, "Why the ascetic view?"
   The Queen is a relative of the emperor, and will not understand what the ascetic view is, where is the quiet place of monasticism, and it is clearly a tortured hell.
   Ruyi wants to say that His Majesty is a man of Niang-Niang, An-Le Princess kills a man of Niang-Niang, how can Niang-Niang remain indifferent? But in the eyes of Fuping the Empress Dowager's collapsed eyes, she felt that it was futile to say more.
   Fuping the Empress Dowager shook his head wryly   :   "I won't leave, I won't leave."
   If she were gone, no one could plead for An-Le. "" Sister Ruyi, "a female officer in a blue dress stepped out and blessed Ruyi," said Niang-Niang, asking you to take Fuping the Empress Dowager to the side hall. "
   Ruyi glanced at the sun hanging in the sky, and slowly nodded.
   In the main hall of the Great Moon Palace, Ban-Hua took a sip of slightly cold tea, reached out and touched Rong-Xia lips, slightly chuckled his lips, smiled slightly, turned and walked out.
   Wang De stood beside him, until Ban-Hua figure completely disappeared behind the door of the temple, then he stood upright slowly.
   The man in the bed opened his eyes, listening to the silence in the room, and closed his eyes again.
   Ban-Hua looked at the Empress Dowager who came in behind Ruyi and raised his hand in a seated position. Fuping the Empress Dowager sits down in silence, and no one spoke for a long time.
   Fuping the Empress Dowager looked up at Ban-Hua, the other side could no longer see the mood.
   "Niang-Niang," Ban-Hua said suddenly, "Do you know why your Majesty gave you the word Fuping?"
   Fuping the Empress Dowager slowly shook his head.
   "Because I want you to be blessed and calm in your old age, I specifically asked your Majesty for these two words." Ban-Hua knew that the Empress Dowager was the most innocent victim of these conspiracy struggles. The man she married and murdered the loyal ministers, she did not know these, but treated the descendants of the loyal officials sincerely, such as their Ban-jia, such as Rong-Xia. Her son was indecisive and violent in temperament, neither of which she could control, because her husband who was emperor only needed one heir, so he intentionally neglected the education of the second son.
   She is of noble birth and has a lively personality. Although she has been worn away by her harem, Ban-Hua has to admit that she was the victim of this dynasty. She didn't want to hurt her, but everyone had a close relationship in her heart, and she was no exception.
   When learning the truth, Ban-Hua even wanted An-Le temper.
   "Niang-Niang, do you still want to plead for An-Le?" Ban-Hua looked cold, her eyes full of alienation.
   Fuping the Empress Dowager said in tears   :   "Niang-Niang, you remove the Princess title of An-Le, and let her go to the Taoist temple. I have no opinion, but ... why is the ascetic view? An-Le was a child Being spoiled to grow up, how can I survive when I get there? "
   "Niang-Niang, Rong-Xia are my husband." Ban-Hua throat was a bit uncomfortable. "An-Le had you and cousin wronged for her, and I had a family member who was wronged for me. No matter what kind of frustration she suffers, there will be someone who will help us and make us arrogant and willful. "
   "But Her Majesty's side ... only me," she trembled with her fingertips holding the cup. "If I even think about An-Le, who else really plans for him? Even if he is an emperor, even if he has Gully, he is still alone. "
   "The acquaintance of Rong's family calculated him with An-Le, and the courtiers were unconscious because of his injury, and they were busy calculating their own interests," Ban-Hua said, feeling uncomfortable in his heart, "I myself Man, I feel bad for myself. "
   Fuping the Empress Dowager opened his mouth, and tears flowed from his eyes. Ban-Hua reached the point where she didn't understand what she meant.
   "Niang-Niang is so ruthless?"
   "If Niang-Niang hates me, then I hate it, but the phoenix I issued will never change," Ban-Hua stood up. "Today's matter, your majestic Niang-Niang parents did not miss it. Well, I don’t miss the old feelings. Niang-Niang, please come back. "
   Looking at Ban-Hua, the Empress Dowager didn't know whether he hated or resentful, or had no emotions, but he was empty in his heart and couldn't find the real thing. The scenery of her life is half-life, and today is the situation, who should blame?
   Blame myself for not being soft-hearted and letting my parents take care of Rong-Xia?
   Blame His Majesty for being too gifted with Rong-Xia, who developed his ambitions?
   No, that's wrong.
   Blame Jiang's man for being faint and incompetent, do not read the old feelings, and do things such as mutilating loyalty, and finally end up in retribution.
   Shi Yiye also, who can she blame?
   "Niang-Niang, I understand," Fuping the Empress Dowager stood up, nodded slightly toward Ban-Hua, "quit."
   Ban-Hua tea-handling meal, the tea leaked out of the cup, and she stood up and gave a gift to the Empress Dowager in Fuping. This gift was exactly the same as when she was a County Owner, "Ban-Hua , Congratulations Niang-Niang. "
   Fuping the Empress Dowager accepted her gift and took two steps back   :   "Niang-Niang take care, leave."
   Ban-Hua stood still, until Fuping the Empress Dowager left, slowly regained her mind, put the cup back on the table, and gently wiped her hands. Her voice was hoarse   :   "Come."
   "Subordinates are here." Du Jiu, who was outside the door, came in.
   "Pass my order. Send troops to escort Fuping the Empress Dowager to Qinwang, and set off tomorrow. Be filial with Qinwang, reward three hundred guards, go to the guard of the tomb in the royal family of Jiang-shi and Qinwang and Fuping the Empress Dowager. If there is no order from your palace or His Majesty, you cannot let people in and out easily. "Ban-Hua closed her eyes." You send some reliable people, don't treat them slowly. "
   Du Jiu was struck by lightning, Niang-Niang. Is this to imprison the Crown Prince and the Empress Dowager?
   Three hundred guards ... so many people stood in front of the mausoleum, and Qinwang's life, I'm afraid they have no chance to come out again.
   He didn't know how Niang-Niang gave the order, his bowed hands, and even shivering.
   "What are you still thinking about?" Ban-Hua looked at him. "Isn't this palace useless to you?"
   "Subordinates ... take orders."
   When Du Jiu stood up, he found that the Queen Niang-Niang's complexion was ugly. He thought that the Queen Niang-Niang would take back the order, but until he went out of the palace, until he came to ride to Qinwang's residence and gave the order. People came to tell him that the Queen Niang-Niang had taken back the order.
   "Cherish decree," and Qinwang listened to the decree, his expression pale, "His Majesty Many Thanks and the Queen Niang-Niang."
   Seeing him like this, Du Jiu felt a bit of compassion   :   "Lingmei colluded with the front, assassinated her majesty, her majesty was seriously injured, and only woke up today, so Niang-Niang will be angry. Wait for Niang-Niang to be angry , Maybe not withdrawing the order. "
   "Many Thanks, Du Du is relieved," and Qinwang smirked, "Sister Mei made such a big mistake, Niang-Niang and His Majesty can spare me and wait for my life, Wei Chen is grateful, but how dare he complain."
   Du Jiu felt that he was also unlucky with Qinwang. He honestly gave up the throne and should have been raised by His Majesty. Who knew that there were always a bunch of people who jumped out and dragged his hind legs, first his original Furen, then his pro Mei-mei, this fate ...
   It's no use anymore, Du Jiubao fisted   :   "Wangye just wants to understand, he gone."
   "Sir Du, walk slowly." He and Qinwang smiled bitterly and sent Du Jiu out of the main door before spitting a blood on the door frame.
   "Wangye," his sole Concubine held him in amazement, "how are you doing?"
   Shake his head with Qinwang and wipe the blood off the corner of his mouth   :   "I'm fine."
   The setting sun shone in through the window, and Ban-Hua stood up from her chair. She twisted her stiff waist and walked out of the hall door. If her opinion came out, she could not help showing a little joy, "Niang-Niang."
   She was worried about what happened to Niang-Niang was alone, and now she saw someone finally showing up, so she dared to relax.
   The golden sunset sprinkled on Ban-Hua, and he whispered, "Niang-Niang, you look so good now."
   "Where is it good?" Ban-Hua smiled, a little blood on his pale face. "Don't I look good before?"
   "Niang-Niang looks good every day," Ruyi quickly explained, "nubi are the dumbest, Niang-Niang, don't you think you should abandon nubi ."
   "Well, I know your heart," Ban-Hua knocked on top of her head. "Let's go, go to the palace."
   "Wang De," Rong-Xia leaned on the bed and looked at the sunset outside the window. "It's almost time now?"
   "Look back, now is the moment."
   "The Queen Niang-How long has Niang been out?" Rong-Xia turned to look at him. "One hour or two hours?"
   "Your Majesty ... Niang-Niang has been out for two hours," Wang De thought of His Majesty's eyes a little strangely, lowering his head and not daring to look directly into his eyes.
   "I know."
   As I was talking, footsteps came from outside, and Ban-Hua walked in with a smile on her face, and saw Rong-Xia sitting on the bed, saying, "Why did you sit up again? Didn't the doctor say, You are badly hurt now, so don't sit for long. "
   "It's okay, I just lie too long," Rong-Xia lay down obediently, "Where have you been?"
   "It's not important to go out and meet someone," Ban-Hua reached out and touched his forehead. No fever, fine.
   "You only used porridge at noon, and you should be hungry now," she beckoned to a female officer, "present your medicated diet."
   Rong-Xia reached out from under the quilt and gently held Ban-Hua hand, "I'm not hungry yet."
   "I know the medicated diet doesn't taste good, but eat a bit," Ban-Hua bent over and kissed him gently on the cheek. "Good."
   Rong-Xia laughed. This is the one he used to coax her into him?
   Soon the hot medicated meal was served, and Ban-Hua looked at Rong-Xia with a smile   :   "Would you like me to feed you?"
   "Okay." Rong-Xia smiled at her, "I'm waiting for the Queen's intimate care."
   Ban-Hua   :   ...
   Her man's cheeks are getting thicker.
   Cook the porridge, blow cold, and feed it to Rong-Xia. The taste of the medicated diet is not good, but Rong-Xia eats very carefully, and every bite is not wasted.
   Soon after a bowl of porridge, Ban-Hua put down the bowl and said, "Okay, I'll use it after two hours. You shouldn't move now, I'm afraid I will accumulate too much."
   "Okay." Rong-Xia saw Ban-Hua a little uncomfortable, knowing that she had something she wanted to say to herself, so she suppressed the sorrow that swept up and asked by the bedside, "Well, what happened to you? "
   Ban-Hua wiped Rong-Xia face and hands with warm parcels, and handed the parcels to Wang De, who reached out his hand   :   "Fuping the Empress Dowager has just come."
   Rong-Xia lowered her head and looked at her fingers held by Ban-Hua   :   "Well."
   "She came to plead with An-Le." Ban-Hua bowed her head and played with Rong-Xia left index finger, as if it was something interesting.
   "An-Le Princess loves you like a sister, and is the uncle sister-zi of Fuping the Empress Dowager. If she pleads, give her a face," Rong-Xia lowered her eyelids and held Ban- Hua hand, holding her hand tightly, leaving no gaps, "I don't have a big problem with left and right, just stay for a few days. But this purpose can not be issued by you, I'm more appropriate. Wang De, go Xuan ... "
   "I didn't promise her," Ban-Hua shook her head. "It doesn't matter, is there such a big hole in my shoulder that it doesn't hurt?"
   Rong-Xia looked up, and the beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of tenderness, "I have a puppet beside me, and I don't feel pain."
   "Nonsense," Ban-Hua pinched his palm. "You don't hurt me, you don't see what your face looks like."
   Rong-Xia smiled and didn't speak.
   "I did one thing today, I don't know if it will cause you trouble." Ban-Hua Seeing Rong-Xia still just laughed and said, "I sent three hundred guards to Jiang Han and Fu Ping. the Empress Dowager is banned together. "
   The room was quiet.
   "Why" Rong-Xia voice is a little hoarse.
   "Because I protect myself," Ban-Hua reached out and nodded at Rong-Xia lips, and kissed gently at the corners of his lips. "No one can hurt the people I value and love."
   Rong-Xia eyelids trembled, and it took a while for him to smile.
   "You are my queen."
   Ban-Hua chuckled softly, she put her hand gently on the man's chest, her eyes were silky and lingering.
   "Do you remember a joke?"
   "Of course I remember."
   Today the last rays of the sunset sneaked into the windowsill, shining a golden light in the room.
   (End of text)

Continue ....

I am Such a Woman

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