I am Such a Woman 135

I am Such a Woman

   "Wangfei, Wangye is here."
   Shi-shi coughed, covering her mouth, "I see."
   When he entered the room with Qinwang, he saw that Shi Shi was pale, and he was about to turn to leave. He stopped and said, "Please Tai-yi, have you seen it?" When Fu Huang was buried, Shi Shi suddenly felt unwell and he had to send him Someone sent her back.
   It was getting late now, he hesitated for a while, but decided to come and see. Although Shi Shi doesn't agree with many methods now, after all, the two have shared the same bed for many years, and he can't see her as nothing.
   "'Qieshi has nothing to worry about, so too ... Wangye is worried." Shi-shi glanced at the cloak on his body, which she had never seen him pass through.
   "Nothing will be good." Quiet room, with stone and Qinwang shi already have nothing to say to the point. Qinwang and Qinwang knew that Shi Shi wanted to marry not him, but the Crown Prince, the future emperor. He is now the last generation of the Crown Prince, Wangye, who is dying under the management of the new dynasty, and he is not the man she wants.
   Shi Shi saw the Crown Prince with a cold attitude, and suddenly felt a bit wronged. After she married him, who wouldn't praise her for being dignified and virtuous, but now he has divorced from her. She is now exhausting her calculations and trying to figure out what?
   A couple of days a day, they have been married for so many years. Is this friendship gone?
   However, Shi Shi personality has always been stable, and despite her dissatisfaction in her heart, she will not speak these words in front of others.
   "Wangfei," a man rushed in in shock, not even standing in the corner of the room and Qinwang.
   "Wangfei, you let the young people buy, but did not buy."
   "What did you say ?!" Shi-shi stood up and walked in front of the subordinate, "Don't you say that you are foolproof?"
   "The store is too smart, and the subordinates did not expect it. What should we do now?" The subordinate kneeled on the ground, his face was even uglier than Shi Shi. This matter was revealed, and they would die.
   Shi shi loss to stand up straight, after a long while she remembered standing in the corner and Qinwang, opened his mouth to say anything, but it is really involved is very large, she kept her mouth shut.
   He and Qinwang saw from her face that something must have happened that he didn't know, and it was very serious. Thinking that Shi Shi might be carrying a bold act with his back, taking a deep breath with Qinwang, "What happened?"
   Wangye, I ... "Shi-shi shoulder trembled slightly, and she lowered her eyelids, afraid to look directly into Qinwang's eyes.
   "His Majesty has a life, Xuanhe Qinwang enters the palace."
   Upon hearing the news, Shi Shi was so frightened that she sits on the ground with her buttocks.
   "You tell me, what exactly did you do ?!" The Crown Prince grabbed her shoulders and stared sharply at Shi Shi, trying to get an answer from her.
   Shi-shi shook her head in horror and burst into tears.
   "With Qinwang," Wang De stepped into the room, ignoring Shi Shi, who was crying on the ground, and said with no expression, "His Majesty has a life, Xuan Wangye will enter the palace to see you immediately."
   He and Qinwang let go of Shi Shi, and got up and made a whole robe   :   "Chen led."
   In the Great Moon Palace, Ban-Hua asked the maid to comb her hair again, and determined that all the broken hair was hidden in it, and her mood changed from overcast to clear.
   "Niang-Niang, this flying fairy bun is beautifully combed," Ruyi held the mirror and let Ban-Hua look at the combed bun, "just like the fairy daughter on the mural."
   "Your mouth is still so sweet." Ban-Hua stood up, glanced at the red sky outside, and walked out of the inner hall to go to the Royal Garden.
   As soon as she stepped out of the temple door, she saw Wang De taking Qinwang and the direction of the Royal Study Room, frowned, and turned to the palace humane behind him, "You are waiting here, I'll see."
   "Niang-Niang," Ruyi said, "Aren't you going to visit the Royal Garden?"
   Ban-Hua glanced and smiled   :   "I'm going to live in this palace for decades, when can't I go to see it? Not to mention that it's late and I can't see anything when I go to the Royal Garden."
   If you can't stop the opinions, you can only retreat with ritual salute.
   He and Qinwang followed Wang De into the inner hall and saw Rong-Xia sitting in front of the royal case and approached him with respect and respect.
   If in the past, Rong-Xia had already spoken out of his courtesy, but today Rong-Xia did not speak, just watching him quietly, as if looking at him or measuring something.
   After a long period of silence in the room, Rong-Xia finally said, "Give me a seat."
   The layout of the Royal Study Room has not changed much, but every object in it has been newly replaced. For Qinwang, it is familiar and unfamiliar here. He arched at Rong-Xia, "I don't know why His Majesty summoned Weichen, why?"
   Rong-Xia put down the book in his hand, with a little gratitude on his face   :   "Wangye is deeply aware of righteousness, and is willing to give Zen to you, and I am very grateful. Since I ascended the throne, I dare not treat Wangye a little bit. The shortcomings are also asked by Wangye. "
   Qinwang and Qinwang felt that Rong-Xia was a bit wrong. He got up and gave Rong-Xia a gift   :   "Your Majesty is very good with Weichen, and Weichen has no complaints."
   "Since Wangye is not dissatisfied with Xun, why would you send someone to assassinate Xun's the Queen, and use the Queen as a bait to lure him?" Rong-Xia smashed the tea on the table. This is For the first time, he didn't have the image of jealousy. He had such a big temper in front of outsiders, "Even if you take your throne, you are very dissatisfied with him. You are the one who rushed, but you should not Start! "
   And Qinwang looked at Rong-Xia in amazement. What was going on, how about being assassinated?
   "Well, the Queen was assassinated ?!" and Qinwang were anxious, "How is the Queen now?"
   Rong-Xia glanced at him and smirked   :   "At this time, Wangye remembers the friendship between you and your siblings. This world, I have already been confined in my pocket. If it wasn't for my face, Why bother you with your life and promise you titles, and what do you people do about you? "
   Since accession to the throne, many former officials Rong Xia, although not reuse, but these people do not want to temper life. However, Rong-Xia did not expect that his temporary benevolence caused these people to become greedy and let them collude with the Crown Prince again, with the intention of murdering him to regain the throne.
   "Your Majesty, Wei Chen has no intention to do so," and Qinwang stood up. "The great cause has long since passed away, and Wei Chen also knows how to take the throne. Please Her Majesty tell Wei Chen, what is wrong with you?"
   This time he didn't call Ban-Hua the Queen anymore, but his childhood nickname, alas.
   In anxiety, no longer care about etiquette. I don’t understand with Qinwang. It was fine before obviously. Why did it take so many hours to happen such a big thing?
   "The Queen is okay," Rong-Xia didn't miss the slightest emotion on Qinwang's face. "Wangye said that this matter has nothing to do with you, but many of the assassins caught are your old part, and these people are loyal to you. Until now, they have determined that they are the King of Prince. If Wangye is not busy, go to Tian prison with him. "
   "Wei Chen is willing to go."
   The royal study room door opened, and Rong-Xia face changed slightly   :   "Well?"
   Seeing Ban-Hua with Qinwang and looking rosy, he didn't look like he was hurt, so he immediately relieved. He gave Ban-Hua a gift, "Wei Chen met the Queen Niang-Niang."
   "Wangye doesn't have to be polite," Ban-Hua smiled at him.
   Rong-Xia saw her smile as usual, thinking she hadn't heard what was in the study, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and Ban-Hua spoke.
   "I also want to go to see the prison, you take me with you."
   Rong-Xia   :   ...
   He turned to look at Du Jiu standing at the door, and Du Jiu shrank his head. the Queen Niang-Niang doesn't let him speak, how dare he make a noise? Your Majesty, you have to make every effort to please the Queen Niang-Niang. What can these bitter guards do?
   "I can't go?" Ban-Hua raised an eyebrow at Rong-Xia.
   "Okay, go together."
   Seeing how Qinwang got along with each other, Qinwang loosened his tight jaw.
   The prison is under the supervision of the Dali Temple and the people in the Criminal Department. The prisoners in it are all very important prisoners. The guards here are tightly guarded, and unless there is His Majesty's will, no relatives or friends of the prisoner can come to visit.
   Ban-Hua finds that the guards here are all serious, with a bit of fierce expression on his face, with the words "Do not enter idle people" written on his face.
   Even if the queen arrives, they are only saluting orderly, instead of rushing to the ground to please. When Ban-Hua entered, he looked back at the guards standing upright, shoulders wide and legs long.
   Rong-Xia noticed her little movement and squeezed her palms to keep her eyes from floating.
   Do these men look good on him?
   Ban-Hua blinked at him innocently, like you pinch what I do.
   Rong-Xia was irritated by this look, and squeezed her hands a few times before she could barely suppress the emotions in her heart.
   Down the stairs when, Rong Xia glanced Ban Hua behind ornate skirt, lifted her skirt pulled stoop, steps had to be completed, only then skirt down. He did it extremely naturally, but made the guard in the prison and Qinwang dumbfounded.
   "Wei Chen has seen His Majesty, seen the Queen Niang-Niang, and Qinwang." Liu Banshan greeted from the inside, and also noticed His Majesty's action of helping the Queen Niang-Niang to put on a skirt, but he concealed it. It was so good that no one could see his emotions.
   "No need to be polite," Rong-Xia said directly. "Where are those assassins detained?"
   Liu Banshan glanced at Qinwang and bowed down, "Please come with your Majesty."
   Your Majesty is willing to bring here with Qinwang, indicating that His Majesty still has a bit of room for Qinwang. If this matter has nothing to do with Qinwang, on the face of the Queen, Her Majesty should not be too embarrassed to be with Qinwang.
   At this time, the assassins detained in the prison had no plans to go out alive long ago, but when they saw that Qinwang was also brought in by the emperor, the expressions on the faces of several people changed. Liu Banshan noticed his expression, and his heart sank. It seemed that this matter was really related to Qinwang.
   "You guys ..." and Qinwang saw the assassins with shocked faces, "I didn't let you leave the capital and live a good life. Don't come back?"
   "With Qinwang, haven't you heard of what makes people die for wealth?" An assassin said. "What can you do with that silver for your brothers? Although the king is cruel, his shots are generous, silver, house and woman, The brothers are following him, so why should we listen to you and live a hard time in the backcountry? "
   "Since you have become the Wangye of the new dynasty, don't care about our brothers, and we don't want to follow you as a boneless master."
   He and Qinwang looked at the assassins pale, these people were the dead men who accompanied him from an early age, and talked about this, because he took an arrow in his back and raised him for more than a year before he eased the Yuanshen. Another one, because he broke his three toes and one arm, several others were loyal to him and could not wait for his life. How could these people do this for Jiang-Luo?
   Qinwang and Qinwang suddenly remembered Shi Shi reaction before entering the palace. He looked at these people for a while, before he said with a husky voice   :   "Is Shi Shi asking you to do it?"
   Several assassins changed their faces together, but the assassin who just spoke said again, "It's really interesting to be with Qinwang. You think Wangfei people are old and yellow, and she just took a break. How can you give her such a black pot? Anyway, it's a couple of nights. Well, you're too ruthless. "
   This assassin's words are burying Qinwang and Qinwang inside and out, but every sentence is cleaned up with Qinwang.
   Ban-Hua Even if I'm not interested in conspiracy calculations, I want to understand it now. Most of these assassins were convened by Shi Shi to borrow the name of his cousin. After the assassination incident was revealed, these loyal assassins who were loyal to his cousin died and did not want to affect him. All of them asserted that they were Jiang-Luo people. .
   Anyway, Jiang-Luo has done so many wicked things, and it's okay to take a bite out of it.
   What Ban-Hua can think of, Rong-Xia can even guess. He doesn't want to see this kind of affectionate scene between the master and the servant. He said directly, "With Qinwang, take you to see the King of Prince."
   Assassin thought Rong-Xia was trying to confront the two brothers of the Jiang family, and they were relieved.
   It seems that Emperor Cheng An really has some doubts about the King of Prince, so they can rest assured.
   Go to the place where the King of Prince is detained, and go to other prisons. Passing through the Tianzi No. 7 cell, Ban-Hua saw the middle-aged woman detained inside and stopped.
   This person is the oldest wife of Huanhua Pavilion and the owner of the killer building. After removing the Chinese clothes and golden sisters, she looks a lot older.
   The old Lady also saw Ban-Hua, and she looked away expressionlessly, and she was already aside from life and death.
   Ban-Hua chuckled and walked away. However, after hearing her chuckling, the old Lady turned her head and looked at it, only to see the back of Ban-Hua surrounded by the crowd.
   She thought of the evergreen king who was locked in more, and could not calm down.
   No matter how good-looking a man is, if he doesn’t wash or change his clothes for a long time, it is no different from the dirty lazy man on the street. The Evergreen King had Zhang Junxiu face, but what Ban-Hua sees now is just a man with a knotted hair and a dirty body.
   What kind of grace, nobleness, all turned into clouds of smoke.
   "King Evergreen," she stood outside the prison door, looking at the black hands of Changqing Wang, her voice calmed, "I have a doubt in my heart. I wonder if you can help me?"
   Rong-Xia and Qinwang stopped, Rong-Xia glanced at Ban-Hua and said nothing.
   It was about too long in the prison, and the evergreen king became sullen, and there was no love in the past. He glanced at Ban-Hua, his voice calmed, "Ask."
   "At that time, it would only say that the long lived mynah of the emperor. Was someone deliberately framing you or was you a play?
   "I didn't expect that Zhi-nu remembered this little thing, and I almost forgot it," Wang Changqing laughed proudly. "Born in the royal family, why should you be true or false? Show Zhi-nu still has It's a blessing to have a little heart. "
   He glanced darkly at Rong-Xia   :   "I just hope that the harem's long life will not bury your temperament and make you become pale and silent like those women."
   Rong-Xia frowned, not speaking.
   "Human, the rarest heart, the least valuable one is also a heart," Changqing Wang said with a low laugh, "I hope Zhi-nu will never regret in this life, and smile to the old."
   "Take your word," Ban-Hua nodded with a smile, "Cousin must be alive. This day prison is spacious and airy. You will get used to it if you live a few more years."
   The smile on King Evergreen's face froze. He stared at Ban-Hua with wide eyes, as if looking at a terrible monster.
   "I probably already know the answer to this question. My cousin doesn't need to answer it for me," Ban-Hua smiled, and the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were brilliant colors. "Please take a rest, and you won't have to worry about here." It's so good that the court battle plots. "
   Liu Banshan   :   No, he will not feel good.
   With Qinwang   :   The cousin's mouth is as usual ... has a character.
   Rong-Xia took Ban-Hua hand. He didn't say anything to justify or promise, but ignored all the eyes of everyone around him, firmly and firmly held Ban-Hua hand in his hand. Your palm.
   Liu Banshan touched his nose. This is the sky prison, the place where the repeat offenders are detained. As the empress, these two people cannot show the majesty of the queen in front of the repeat offender?
   Holding hands like this, sticky, just like playing out.
   Her Majesty has changed, and her Majesty is no longer calm. For a moment, Liu Banshan didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. When he followed His Majesty, His Majesty was still a weak champion, but the means of action were beyond anyone reach and attracted countless people.
   When he was young, he heard his mother mention that there is no perfect person in this world. If he does, this person must not live too happily.
   When he was young, he didn't understand. It wasn't until his Majesty invested in His Majesty that he could calmly arrange one event after another to understand His mother's meaning. His Majesty's calculations and plans are carried out step by step. In his eyes, anyone has anything in two categories. One is useful, the other is useless.
   The only accident was Jingting government.
   At that time, the Queen Niang-Niang was just a Town-Lady, but Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar, who was picked by Emperor Yunqing, was still on the court. How sharp is the literati mouth, the Queen Niang-Niang offends the literati, how can there be any good words for her?
   But at this time, His Majesty even stood up. Instead of speaking with the enemies, he helped the Queen Niang-Niang speak.
   At that time, he only thought that it was His Majesty's intention to make good Ban-jia, and knew that Emperor Yun Qing loved Ban-the Queen, and he would help Ban-the Queen to argue. Looking back now, I'm afraid His Majesty had a little bit of affection for Ban-the Queen at that time.
   Later, Du Jiu found out that Ban-jia had contact with the generals in private, and even the soldier of the Ministry of War Zhao Weishen often passed messages to Ban-jia. His Majesty was the captain of the spy agent of the Emperor Yun Qing but did not hand it over. It was pressed down.
   If Her Majesty handed the news over, even if 1st-Elder Princess had a way to clear Yun Qing's suspicion of Ban-jia, Ban-jia would not be promoted from Earl to Duke, and Ban-the Queen would not be possible. From Town-Lady to County Owner.
   He only helped Ban-jia when his Majesty intentionally wooed Ban-jia and used Ban-jia position in the generals, so he helped Ban-jia. It turns out that this is really what he thinks about. His Majesty not only did not use Ban-jia network of contacts, he even helped Ban-jia to clean things up. Even the suspicious Emperor Yun Qing couldn't see anything wrong.
   A ruthless person, once emotional, is that the old house is on fire and the old house is on fire. If you don’t destroy it, if you are willing to give it away, then you won’t be tempted.
   Your majesty has to calculate everything. The only thing in this life that has no calculations is probably the feeling of Ban-the Queen.
   Looking at the man and woman with hands clasped in front of him, Liu Banshan turned his head to look at Qinwang and saw that his expression was even more comfortable than himself.
   It is indeed the person who has been the Crown Prince, and this adaptability is better than him.
   The inner Tianlian room was locked with a heavy iron door. There were less than a large vent in the palm of the iron door. Looking out from the door, there was only a black hole. As soon as Qinwang's heart shuddered, was the second brother being held inside?
   The heavy iron door opened and blinked with Qinwang, and then I barely saw an iron cage in this Tongfang. There was a person sitting in the cage. This person was not moving. I didn't know if it was life or death.
   Liu Banyu lit two candlelights, and the light in the room turned on a bit.
   "Second Brother," and Qinwang saw the people in the cage, took a few steps forward, and suddenly he paused, looked back at Rong-Xia, and pushed behind Rong-Xia.
   But his small movement was discovered by Jiang-Luo in the cage. He grabbed the cage and looked at Qinwang with ecstasy   :   "Brother, brother, please take me away, please beg me go."
   "I really can't stay here for a moment, you take me away. I won't fight with you anymore, I won't fight with you anymore, save me."
   He and Qinwang saw that he was wearing clean clothes, and his face and hands were clean. He looked many times better than Changqing Wang who was shut out. The corners of his lips trembled, and he didn't open his mouth to plead with Jiang-Luo after all.
   Jiang-Luo Seeing that he and Qinwang did not speak, he desperately stretched his hands out of the cage. The man in his twenties was crying with embarrassment   :   "Brother, you can't ignore me, do you want me to die here?"
   "His Royal Highness, Wei Chen never abused you when he looked after you. If you misunderstood His Highness Qinwang, wouldn't you let Wei Chen confess death?" Liu Banshan came over with a lamp He looked at Jiang-Luo with a smile, and said, "Your Highness, please don't make a bad comment."
   Jiang-Luo trembled when he saw Liu Banshan. It was this dog thing, who kept him in a dark room all day, so that no one would talk to him or let him appear in this room. Every day, except for three meals a day and changing clothes, no one appears, and even if these people are present, they don’t even say a word.
   This method of not beating or scolding people is okay for a day or two. It has been known for a long time. This is the most painful torture. Sometimes Jiang-Luo even wondered whether he had ever been an emperor, whether he was really alive, what happened outside, or why the world was so quiet and so quiet that it made people want to go crazy.
   Liu Banshan used to be just a small official who he didn't see in his eyes, but he didn't expect that this gentle-looking man had this strange method of torture.
   So when he saw Qinwang, his tense mood finally collapsed, which was his only hope.
   He can't even see Ban-Hua and Rong-Xia, because he knows that his elder brother will tolerate him and will tolerate him, even if he does something wrong, as long as he asks, cry and cry, elder brother will Be soft-hearted.
   But he forgot that his elder brother is no longer the Crown Prince, and the world is not surnamed Jiang, even if Qinwang wants to save him, there is no way.
   He and Qinwang looked at the second brother who looked a little abnormal. His lips trembled for a long time, and he couldn't say a word of pleading.
   Those who died in the hands of the second brother had no chance to speak.
   He and Qinwang couldn't bear to look away, and he slowly said, "Second brother, this is your crime."
   "Are you even afraid of Rong-Xia?" Jiang-Luo lay in front of the door, hissing and exhausting. "If you don't even care about me, no one will care about me in this world."
   "You're so shameless," Ban-Hua stood in front of Qinwang. "I'm so sorry to do so many evil things. But when you see your cousin's soft heart, you will be petted and proud."
   Liu Banshan feels that the term petty and arrogant does not seem to be suitable for use here.
   "Ban-Hua ..." Jiang-Luo looked at Ban-Hua with a stunned expression, and suddenly burst out laughing wildly. "You will be with the County Owner and Rong-Xia, what will be the end? I am so miserable today, how many days can you get? "
   Ban-Hua smirked   :   "No matter how many days I can, at least now I am the Queen, and you are a prisoner. Instead of caring about me, think about your future days."
   "Yu Yu is a loved one, a companion and the one who cares the most," Rong-Xia walked to Ban-Hua, his eyes were as cold as winter, and it was so cold that it was cold from his bones. Wang, you haven’t been held here for too little time, otherwise it would not have been so nonsense. "
   Jiang-Luo remembered the days when he was being held in the prison, with fear in his eyes.
   Ban-Hua looked at Jiang-Luo calmly, and lowered his eyelids slightly.
   Rong-Xia stopped looking at him, and turned to look at He Qinwang   :   "With Qinwang, do you think He would believe the assassination of He, would he arrange it?"
   He and Qinwang looked at Jiang-Luo in jail, and half a while before they said, "Not him."
   "It seems ... Your Highness knows who the killer is?" Rong-Xia turned to look at Qinwang, as if he was just asking a very easy word.
   Silently with Qinwang   :   "Yes, I know."
   Ban-Hua looked at Qinwang in amazement. She always thought that the matter had nothing to do with Qinwang, but suddenly Qinwang said that he knew who the killer was, and in his temperament, he voluntarily confessed that he might be the real murderer.
   "Who?" Rong-Xia asked.
   Tianlao quiet for a long time, Ban Hua looked and Qinwang did not speak.
   "My Wangfei, Shi Suyue."
   And Qinwang House.
   Shi Shi changed into her most gorgeous robe, wearing a nine-phoenix jacket and sitting on the Tai Fae chair. The moment the Guards rushed in, she smiled.
   "Wangfei," Du Jiu stepped into the main Courtyard and looked at the woman sitting at the top. She was graceful and luxurious. Although she was not a beautiful woman, she had an attitude that was difficult for ordinary women. " , Arrest you in the palace. "
   "Shooting?" Shi Shi slowly stood up. "This palace has long expected that this day, how can the new emperor tolerate us old former dynasties, left and right is just a life, he Rong-Xia wants , Take it. "
   Du Jiu smiled slightly   :   "Wangfei has lost his mind, and Weichen asked Wangfei to assist in investigating the Queen Niang-Niang was attacked by assassins."
   Shi Shi face was pale, but the momentum on his mouth was not weak. "Your Majesty wants to do something, but it's just an order, why should he make any excuses. As a weak woman, this palace is only obedient."
   Du Jiu meaning outside of her words was that Her Majesty was embarrassing to face the old man. This kind of small means of a queen woman, he had seen a lot when he was an undercover agent, so he didn't take it seriously.
   He glanced at the surrounding people who did not dare to send a message to the people of Qinwang's house, and chuckled   :   "Wangfei, who is not a high woman in the harem, should not call this palace without permission, please Wangfei be careful."
   "Please also invite Wangfei to leave immediately."
   Shi Shi smirked and walked out the door.
   When she stepped out of the gate of Qinwang House, she stopped to look at Du Jiu   :   "Where is Wangye?"
   Du Jiu bowed down and saluted   :   "Please don't worry, Wangfei, and your highness Qinwang."
   Shi Shi frowned   :   "I didn't ask him if he was okay, I want to know him ..." She said without a word, after all.
   At this time, the sky was completely dark. Except for the two lanterns hanging in the palace, Shi-shi could not see the slightest light on the street. She glanced at the carriage in front of her, exquisite workmanship, and a phoenix carving on it.
   Holding the hand of the Shi-nu on the carriage, she looked back at the guards around the carriage. The faces of these people were all caught in the shadows, which made people feel cold for no reason.
   Outside Suzaku door, Shi Jin was stopped by the guard.
   "Master Shi, please come back. It's too late, Your Majesty won't see you." The guard did not dare to offend Shi Jin, but could only persuade him, "If you have something important, you will be willing to hand over the gift to Dayue Palace. But if you enter the palace at this time, I'm afraid it's a bit wrong. "
   "Please pass it on for you, Weichen is in a hurry!"
   The two guards glanced at each other and hesitated for a long time before they said helplessly   :   "You wait for a while and let someone tell you about it. As for the success or failure, the end will not guarantee it."
   "Two Thanks Generals!"
   "Dare not dare," the guard embarrassed, "We are just janitors. Why are we worthy to be called generals?
   "Wait, this is not Suzakumen," Shi-shi lifted the carriage curtain and glanced around. "This is Xuanwumen."
   Du Jiu ignored her and took him directly into the palace.
   In the main hall of the Great Moon Palace, Ban-Hua is sitting to the right of Rong-Xia, and Qinwang is sitting at the bottom, with a dull expression. When Du Jiu came in, he glanced behind Du Jiu.
   "His Majesty, Niang-Niang, and his relative Wangfei have brought it."
   Rong-Xia glanced at Qinwang in a cold tone. "With Qinwang, what can I say?"
   And Qinwang shook his head silently, and the whole man was very decadent.
   Shi Shi walked into the temple without saluting Rong-Xia and Ban-Hua, and did not look at Qinwang. She stood straight in the temple, watching Rong-Xia and Ban-Hua without hiding, her face There was a mocking smile on it, "You are sitting on it now, but you are more clever."
   "You are so strange. You don’t blame Jiang-Luo fish people. You don’t blame the Jiang family for making a mess of the whole world, but spreading all the resentment on us," Ban-Hua said, "The replacement of the Dynasty It is only natural that the emperor's throne of the Jiang family was also captured from the Sima family. "
   "Ban-Hua, you have the status today, but it's because you have a beautiful face," Shi Shi raised his chin. "You don't have to be sharp with me to show your identity as the Queen. There is no shortage in the harem. It is women, especially beautiful women, that you will have a frustrated day sooner or later. "
   "I have a good-looking face, what about eating your rice and drinking your water?" Ban-Hua stood up from the table and smiled. "In fact, I think your two Shijia sisters have a lot in common, For example, I can't always look at my face. "
   "But why do you look down on me again because I'm beautiful?" Ban-Hua laughed out loud. "If beauty makes you look down, then I'll make you look down on me for a lifetime. I just don't know if some people look down on me, Still envy me? "
   "Stop your mouth, you frivolous woman who only attracts men by their looks, how do you compare with me?" Shi Shi reached out to Ban-Hua. "Even if I die today, my injustice will be day by day. Look at you and see how long you can be proud. "
   Ban-Hua found that Shi Shi hated herself very much, or was extremely dissatisfied with her. She stepped down the stairs, twisted Shi-shi backhand, pointed at her hand, and easily pushed her away a few steps   :   "Wangfei is a well-known woman, how can you not know that it is impolite to point someone with your finger?"
   Shi Shi was in pain, holding back her hand and backing away. She looked at Ban-Hua with hate   :   "Ban-Hua, you endured the favor of the Chiang family, but gave the three-armed tiger amulet to Rong-Xia. You are worthy of Jiang Family ancestors and ancestors, do you have a face of Ning `` 1st-Elder Princess?
   She gave Rong-Xia the three-armed tiger charm?
   Ban-Hua raised her eyebrows, and she probably understood why Shi Shi could not wait for her to die, because in Shi Shi heart, it was she who gave the three-armed tiger amulet to Rong-Xia and helped Rong-Xia win over the general's heart, Jiang -Wang Dynasty will lose.
   "Dear Wangfei, there are some things you may not understand," Ban-Hua looked at Shi-shi with mercy. "The person who made you unable to be the Queen is not me, but the Jiang family. I can be the Queen because of mine. Her husband is emperor. However, without me, he could still be emperor. "
   "What the Chiang family lost ... is the people heart," Ban-Hua shook his head and sighed. "If you don't understand this, it's a good thing not to be the Queen."
   "You shut up, you shut up, everything is an excuse."
   Suddenly, Shi Shi poked out the golden hairpin between her hair and rushed towards Ban-Hua. Ban-Hua avoided it easily, reached out and knocked on Shi Shi wrist, Jin Ye fell in response, and Shi Shi was slammed to the ground by Ban-Hua.
   "I wouldn't hit a woman unless necessary." Ban-Hua cares about the folds on the sleeves of his shirt, his tone not fluctuating.
   "Well," Rong-Xia rushed to Ban-Hua, "you're fine."
   "I'm okay." Ban-Hua shook his head and saw that Qinwang also got up and came over to this side, and said, "This is a matter between our women. Don't you guys get in there, go back and sit tight."
   Rong Xia glanced lying on the floor of the stone shi, turned and sits back.
   Standing with Qinwang stiffly, he slowly turned his head and closed his eyes. He understands that you have always been tolerant of women, but this time, Su Yue completely offended her.
   "If you just want to kill me, I'll read that it's because your cousin sent his wife to spare you, this time to spare you," Ban-Hua squatted, pinching Shi-shi neck, forcing her to see Holding himself, "But if you want to count my man, then I will leave you unwilling."
   Shi Shi said with a ‘mute voice   :   "Even if you kill me, I will still be the last Crown Princess in my great cause, and my name will always be in history. Today, I lost my life in your hands, even after thousands of years, people in future generations You will also know that you are the Queen with blood on your hands. "
   "A person dies like a lamp, no matter how others say it in future generations," Ban-Hua looked at Shi Shi proud face, and couldn't help but slap a slap on her face, "You want Later fame, well, I'll make you perfect. "
   "Cousin," Ban-Hua looked expressionlessly at Qinwang and let go of Shi Shi neck. "Shi Shi private affiliation, after the assassination of the emperor, is not worthy of Wangfei. Today I will take the lead of your holiday. After she got her, let her be named. "
   "No, you can't do this!" Shi Shi didn't allow her identity to become noble anymore, and she knelt before Qinwang. "Wangye, we are married couples. You can't do this to me."
   Qinwang and Qinwang looked at Shi Shi who was scattered and thought about the second brother in the prison. When the second brother begged him, it seemed to be the same. He didn't really respect and respect his brother, but felt that he should plead for him and should be tolerant of him.
   Shi Shi is also the same, because he is married to him because he is the Crown Prince, she values the identity of the Crown Princess, not him.
   "Wangye, Wangye," Shi Shi grabbed Qinwang's robe, "Would you like to say something?"
   He and Qinwang bent down, took out a handkerchief, wiped away the tears on Shi-shi face, and then opened Shi-shi hand a little, "Shishi, how do I treat you these years?"
   Shi Shi looked at Qinwang in puzzlement, not knowing what to say.
   "I married you back then, because Fu Huang rewarded the two Concubine, I have always felt guilty for you, and even you gave them both a repellent, I always didn’t know or even went to see them," and Qinwang smiled wryly, "I don't know if it helped you or hurt you. You are dignified day by day. I even often wonder if I hurt you and made you unhappy in the East Palace."
   "I later learned that you don't even care what I think, you want a stable The Crown Princess, you want a bastard," and Qinwang pointed to his chest, "Su Yue, even if I am a royal man , I also have intentions. "
   Shi Suyue looked at Qinwang and asked for a while, "Since you are not with those Concubines, why do you let them get pregnant?"
   "Have you forgotten?" And Qinwang stood upright and took two steps back. "You arranged them in my room when I was drunk. Now I have only one daughter under my knee, and her biological mother was giving birth. She died of blood accident. Her death was accidental or artificial. I have never investigated it and I dare not investigate it. "
   "It's all my fault, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for them," and Qinwang closed his eyes, not staring at Shi Suyue eyes. "Su Yue, since you and I are ruthless, why should we force you?"
   "Speaking of it, you still have to call Ban-Hua heart, you have to rest me!" Shi Suyue looked at and hated Qinwang, "She is not your biological Mei-mei, but your cousin, why are you? To be so good to her ?! "
   Shaking his head with Qinwang   :   "Su Yue, you still don't understand. Some things are not measured by status benefits. Although I am indecisive and impatient, but if someone treats me real, I know."
   "For your Shi family, I've let you suffer once, and I won't let her feel wronged for the second time." He Qinwang opened his eyes, his attitude became extremely firm, "We have no objection."
   "Jiang Han, I hate you!" Shi Suyue eyes were red and frantic. "You put the throne in your hands and I calculated for you for so long, but you have to abandon me for others. You have no conscience."
   "Are you for me or for yourself?" And Qinwang sighed in disappointment and turned to the top Rong-Xia, "Your Majesty, the weak butler's butler has caused the Queen Niang-Niang to be almost in danger, Wei Chen is extremely ashamed. Now that the old thing is over, Wei Chen has invited His Majesty to allow Wei Chen to guard the royal tomb of the great cause and not to intervene in the affairs of the Middle Kingdom. "
   "Cousin ..." Ban-Hua face changed slightly. "How hard are you?"
   "Niang-Niang, I am not a person who is good at strategy. If I go to guard the emperor's mausoleum, I can be a little peaceful." He Qinwang gave a gift to Rong-Xia, "Please be with your Majesty and Niang-Niang. "
   Ban-Hua watched Rong-Xia and Qinwang without speaking.
   "Wangye, Wangye ..." Shi Suyue wanted to grab Qinwang's leg, but Qinwang stopped looking at her, turned around and exited the hall, disappearing into the night.
   "His Royal Highness!" Shi Suyue lay at the door, crying, "Qieshi was wrong, 'Qieshi was really wrong, don't you treat me like this ..."
   When an indecisive person no longer looks back, it means that his heart has already been broken, and his heart is dead.
   At this moment, a eunuch stood outside the hall and said, "His Majesty, Niang-Niang, Lord Shi asks for a meeting."
   "It's so late, what is he doing here?" Ban-Hua glanced at Shi Suyue and turned to Rong-Xia in a small whisper. "He came to court Shi Shi?"
   Rong-Xia took her hand and turned to the eunuch and said, "Xuan."
   Ban-Hua coughed, "Isn't it more troublesome to ask him here?"
   "Don't worry," Rong-Xia smiled gently at her. "Some things, it's better to deal with them earlier."
   As soon as Shi Jin entered the Great Moon Palace, he saw Shi Shi, who was crying on the ground, and jumped in his heart. He stepped forward and saluted Ban-Hua and Rong-Xia. "Wei Chen has seen His Majesty, and Niang- Niang. "
   "Master Shi doesn't have to be polite.
   "Wei Chen is guilty and dare not take a seat." Shi Jin sang a robe corner and bowed to Rong-Xia. "Please forgive me."
   "Oh?" Rong-Xia raised her eyebrows, poured a cup of tea for Ban-Hua, and turned to look at Shi Jin, "I don't know why Master Shi is guilty?"
   "My sister was so brave and dared to offend the Queen Niang-Niang. The ministers were terrified and came to ask for sin." Shi Jin worshiped again, but this time he worshiped Ban-Hua. "I beg Niang-Niang for punishment. "
   Shi Jin's forehead touched the cold ground, Shi Jin couldn't see the expression of Ban-Hua, and didn't look to see Ban-Hua.
   "Master Shi came to intercede for Shi Shi?" Ban-Hua looked at Shi Jin kneeling on the ground and turned to look at Shi Shi, "Shi Suyue, have you ever thought that if you fail, it will affect your family? In you In my mind, is the last position more important than the family? "
   Shi Shi shook his head sharply   :   "This is what I did, it has nothing to do with him, please ... Niang-Niang Mingjian."
   She didn't ask for Ban-Hua just now, but at this time, she finally asked for someone.
   "I knew it would happen today, why did you take the risk?" Ban-Hua waved his hand. "Shi Jin, you step down, it's not about you."
   "Niang-Niang ..."
   "You shut up," Shi Suyue didn't want Shi Jin to speak again. She looked at Ban-Hua, who was glamorous and not like a real person, and wiped away the tears on her face. "I was nine years old and the Crown Prince Beloved, everyone around me tells me that I am the Crown Princess and the Queen of the future. I was born to be the Queen's life. I hope every day, wait, wait, I want to put on a robe and a phoenix , Accept the worship of Command Madam. "
   "I was born to be the Queen," Shi Suyue looked at her very well-maintained arm, the light in her eyes dimmed a little, "I'm not reconciled."
   But at this time, when she saw that her brother would rather offend Rong-Xia for herself, she would also go to the court to intercede. She was unwilling and resentful in her heart, and seemed to be less surging. Your Majesty has spared others with the Queen. "
   Rong-Xia didn't answer, he was watching Ban-Hua.
   Ban-Hua understands that he wants to give her the right to decide this matter. She calmed down and called in Du Jiu who was outside   :   "Du Jiu, send someone to investigate the entire capital and search for the remaining sins of the former dynasty. You must not indiscriminately kill innocent people, but you must not let go of the perpetrators. "
   "Yes!" Du Jiu was horrified, the Queen Niang-Niang This is to thoroughly investigate the former dynasty. If you do not like the present, and you want to return to the former dynasty, you will not escape under this thorough investigation.
   the Queen Niang-Niang This time, I was really angry with Feng Yan, otherwise I wouldn't miss the old feelings so much.
   When he took the lead and stepped out of the Great Moon Palace, he couldn't help but stop when he thought of the words Jiang-Luo said in the prison. the Queen Niang-Niang was so angry only because Shi-shi sent someone to assassinate her, or was Qishi trying to plot her Majesty?
   Although His Majesty is indifferent, but at least he can see that His Majesty has the Queen Niang-Niang in his heart.
   It's the Queen Niang-Niang ...
   Seemingly innocent, simple-minded, doing things well. But if she was tempted, she discovered that she was an extremely complicated woman. Since childhood, Jin Yiyu Shi, the stars hold the moon, but have developed a martial art.
   Anyone who has practiced martial arts knows that those who cannot endure hardships cannot practice well, even if there is no more martial arts talent.
   However, although Niang-Niang Wen cannot write poems, it is not as illiterate as rumors. A martial arts makes many children feel ashamed. Although they are lazy and willful, they have never done more than one. Emperor Yunqing's bottom line.
   The more he thought about it, the more he was shocked, Du Jiu felt that Ban-Hua was inscrutable.
   "Shi Jin, take Shi Suyue away," Ban-Hua said slowly, "I leave her life to you."
   She lowered her eyelids, and the bottom of her eyes was cold.
   Rong-Xia index finger lightly rubbed a few times on the tea cup, turned his head and smiled at Ban-Hua to show his support for Ban-Hua decision.
   "Thank ... Your Majesty, thank the Queen Niang-Niang." Shi Jinchao nodded his head and turned to help Shi Suyue, "Go, come back with me."
   The emperor Shi Suyue performed a ritual after the dynasty and followed Shi Jin out of the Great Moon Palace.
   Xiangye Mansion has long since disappeared. The court where Shi Jin lives now was given to him by the court. Although he does not have the luxury of Xiangye Mansion, it can be regarded as having all the organs. He asked his servant to wait for Shi Suyue to change clothes, comb her hair, and said to Shi Suyue, "You have a good rest, and you can rest here in peace."
   "A Jin," Shi Suyue called Shi Jin, "A few years ago, my mother told me that you are a woman, who is she?"
   "She was already married as a woman, and I forgot her," Shi Jin looked at Shi Suyue calmly. "Why mention the past again?"
   "I know," Shi Suyue sits in front of the mirror and shook her hair into her hair. "At that time, she had a marriage contract with Xi Qilin, so you went to the border to avoid news about her."
   "It's a pity that everything can't be supported by people," Shi Suyue touched her hair and heard a louder voice outside, suddenly smiled, "three more."
   Shi Jin looked at her gorgeous Zhu Xi in her hair and couldn't help but say, "Retreat from the ring earlier, rest."
   "I know," put on some good fat between the lips, Shi Suyue asked, "Why did you come?"
   "I didn't save Fae Xian for the sake of the family," Shi Jin looked down, "I can't let this happen a second time."
   After hearing this, Shi Suyue laughed, with a little tear in her eyes, turned to look at Shi Jin   :   "A Jin, do I look good?"
   "good looking."
   "Ban-Hua, who looks good?"
   Shi Jin did not answer.
   "In your eyes, she is probably the most beautiful," Shi Suyue still just smiled, and painted her eyebrows with a beautiful color, "You go out, I should sleep."
   Shi Jin glanced at Shi Suyue, who was radiant in his eyes. "Have a good rest, don't think about the others."
   "I understand," Shi Suyue lowered Mei Dai and looked at Shi Jin gently. "It's cold at night, pay attention to your body."
   Shi Jin gave her a ritual salute, and retreated in silence.
   Watching Shi Jin leave, until the sound of his footsteps can no longer be heard, Shi Suyue painted a gorgeous peach flower in the eyebrows.
   She draws very seriously, and she is careful in every stroke, like doing the most important thing in life.
   She was dignified all her life, and before leaving, she also wanted to add a little color to herself.
   Maybe a long time ago ...
   She also envied Ban-Hua.
   "Niang-Niang, Shi-shi is gone."
   Ban-Hua stroked her eyebrows, she lowered her eyebrows, and sighed, "When did you not?" She was extremely disgusted with Shi Shi, because this woman, for the sake of her power, did not care about everything, and even wanted her man. Life. But she also felt that this woman was a bit pitiful. She was raised from a young age, and she didn't know whether she lived for her own sake or for the vanity cultivated by her parents.
   She knew that Shi Shi couldn't live. Even if she asked Shi Jin to take Shi Shi back, Shi Shi would have no choice but to die.
   If she doesn't die, she will always be a thorn in the royal family, and even if she is alive, she can only live a life of indifference, and may even affect Shi Jin's career. Only Shi Jin is left in the Shi family. She, a woman who values power, is reluctant to let Shi Jin be involved.
   "After the third change last night, I took the medicine and died." Ruyi took the comb and fixed her hair for Ban-Hua. "It was said that when it was discovered this morning, it was already out of breath."
   "I see." Ban-Hua opened the fat container, applied some fat to the fingertips, then clicked on the lips, closed her eyes, "Let them prepare their horses, and I'm going out of the house.
   The royal family gave Shi Jin a grace. Even if this grace committed suicide, Shi Jin could only be grateful.
   Ban-Hua stood up in front of the bronze mirror, changed her riding outfit under the maid's service, looked at this gorgeous and spacious room, and took a deep breath   :   "Go."
   Jingting Government House.
   Ban-Heng has just finished a set of boxing and kung fu, is lying at the table and humming and let the manservant press him on the shoulder, I heard that the next generation of Shang Shuling's gongzi Zhou Changxiao came, and said   :   "Let him Come straight in. "
   Zhou Changxiao came in and saw Ban-Heng lying on his back sweating at the table, drinking tea, and walking beside him   :   "What's going on with you in the last few days, and you haven't gone out to play with us, should you really want to read? He wanted to ask if the Queen Niang-Niang was injured, but seeing Ban-Heng so relaxed, he can be sure that the Queen should not be injured.
   Otherwise, with Ban-Heng temper, they would have jumped up and down, dragging them together to find a way to catch the killer.
   "Go ahead," Ban-Heng said sadly. "You won't understand my suffering."
   "I've been a grandfather of the state, so what are you suffering?" Zhou Changxiao rolled his eyes, "This is the idea of holding a baby doll and saying that you are poor, so that other people can hear you.
   "Do you think……"
   "Heir, the Queen Niang-Niang is here!"
   After hearing this, Ban-Heng jumped up from the stool and turned around and dragged a middle-aged man and said, "Jiang Shifu, I have really practiced well in the past few days. When my sister comes, you can tell the truth. Or my sister will hit me. "
   "Please be assured that Heir will tell you the truth."
   Zhou Changxiao was even more shocked than Ban-Heng, the Queen Niang-Niang ...... Out of the palace?
   Yesterday the entire capital city was turned over by His Majesty, and the whole city began to relieve the severe. How did the emperor let the Queen Niang-Niang come out? Is it because the murderer has been caught?
   I thought about a lot of things in my mind. When Zhou Changxiao saw Ban-Hua coming in, he still made a great gift.
   "Chang Xiao seems to be getting fat these days?" Ban-Hua looked at him carefully and sits down on the stool. Beautiful Fengmian glanced over Ban-Heng, and Ban-Heng came to her with a smile. "Sister, he eats and drinks all day, how can he not get fat."
   Ban-Hua reached out and touched Ban-Heng's arm, and nodded with satisfaction   :   "It seems that you have indeed practiced a few fists in the past few days." She got up and punched the middle-aged man. "Jiang Shifu, it's hard."
   "Niang-Niang is going to die." Jiang Shifu smiled and returned to Ban-Hua with a big gift, turned and retreated.
   Zhou Changxiao and Ban-Hua are still familiar, but in the past, Ban-Hua was only a noble woman from a noble background, which was the more prestigious one in their playboy group. When they talked to her, they didn't have much worries. Now The other party became the Queen, but he was a little uncomfortable.
   He was neither standing nor sitting for a while, Ban-Hua teased him as he was fat, and he responded with a smile, secretly regretting in his heart that he would come to Ban-jia today for a fun.
   "Chang Xiao, what are you standing for?" Ban-Hua laughed at Zhou Changxiao uncomfortable appearance, "You don't have to pretend to be in front of me. What you look like, I don't know "
   "Hey," Zhou Changxiao sits down next to Ban-Heng. "I heard that Niang-Niang was assassinated yesterday. We didn’t dare to discuss it at random. It is even more inconvenient to enter the palace. So I came here today and wanted to ask Aheng Did you get hurt? "
   Anyway, they are friends who have talked together and heard Quer together. Although the other party is now developed, their playboys are still a little worried.
   "Relax, if I have a problem, I can still go out of the house at this moment," Ban-Hua took a sip of tea, "I just came out of the palace with a little stuffiness."
   Zhou Changxiao suddenly showed a bright smile   :   "Niang-Niang, you are the phoenix's life style, blessed by the heavens, you must be killed and succeeded, good things continue."
   "I won't see you for a while, you can still meet each other," Ban-Hua put down the tea cup. "Why aren't father and mother in the house?"
   "They went to see and pray for blessings early this morning," Ban-Heng thought, "I'm afraid I won't be back in the evening."
   Yesterday she had an accident. Today, her father and mother went to Taoist temple to pray for blessings. She put down her cup with guilt, "I worried the second old man."
   "How can I blame you? All assassins are bad," Ban-Heng slaps the table and swears. "Your guards are not enough. If not, please adjust the guards in our house."
   Zhou Changxiao drew a corner of his mouth, and brought the guards he cultivated into the palace. This is because His Majesty is too good at Ban-jia. Do you trouble yourself? In fact, when he heard that His Majesty had taken the initiative to call the Queen's guards into the palace and protect the Queen, he was very surprised. Where is the harem, which is the palace of the emperor, and how can you let outsiders bring in generals? Are you not afraid of causing palace changes?
   You must know that Emperor Yun Qing died in the hands of his own son. With the lesson learned, His Majesty still treated Niang-Niang, Niang-Niang as a means of man training, but it was truly a must. No wonder the Mei-mei sisters in his family love to inquire about the Queen Niang-Niang with some hobbies and want to learn Xue Niang-Niang's husband control methods.
   How many people said that His Majesty's proposal to marry Niang-Niang was out of helplessness?
   In reality, it gave people a heavy slap. After the two became married, two days later it was said that Cheng Anhou bought another Fu-Le County Owner, and Cheng Anhou accompanied Fu-Le County Owner to his mother's house. In particular, Ban-jia was copied, and Cheng Anhou was not afraid of being affected. Rong Yang Ban-jia did not say, but he was more careful about the Fu-Le County Owner, which made countless women in Capital City envious.
   He is a man himself. If he wanted to treat a woman like this, he wouldn't be able to do it, and would not do it.
   "Since both parents are not at home, both of you will ride on horses to accompany me to go outside." Ban-Hua wiped the sweat from Ban-Heng's forehead with a parchment, "go and change clothes."
   Ban-Heng Le Didian run towards the house.
   After Ban-Heng left, Zhou Changxiao lowered her head honestly and did not dare to look at Ban-Hua face.
   "Wen Bi is okay?" Ban-Hua asked, Zhou Changbi, Zhou Changxiao sister, and she had a good relationship with Zhou Wenbi, so she wanted to ask more.
   "She everything is fine. I ordered a kiss with someone the other day. The wedding date is set for March next year. Please ..." Zhou Changxiao wanted to say that Ban-Hua would like to have a wedding drink, and thought of Ban-Hua. Identity, it’s not appropriate to come to his Mei-mei wedding reception, so I swallowed the following words, "At that time, I would like to invite Niang-Niang to give me a few good things, add makeup to her sister, and let her stay at her husband's house You can look a little more faceted. "
   "You can rest assured that good things are indispensable for your Mei-mei," Ban-Hua smiled. It seems that this turbulence has really changed a lot of these playboys. If in the past, I used Zhou Changxiao temperament to say what I wanted to say, but now I know how to swallow the inappropriate words.
   People always want to grow up. Even a playboy, they must grow from a frivolous playboy to a slightly more stable playboy.
   After a while Ban-Heng ran out   :   "Sister, I've changed."
   Ban-Hua pressed a fold on the lapel for him, and nodded with a smile.
   In the tea house and wine shop, the storyteller talked about the grudges and hatreds of the heroes and beauties, and loved and hated parted. Ban-Hua sits at the table, listening to the storyteller's impassioned tone to describe her beauty, and how powerful she was, killing ten people with one shot, and couldn't help laughing with a tea cup.
   Ban-Heng whispered to her   :   "Sister, cut ten enemies with one sword. How long is this knife?"
   "Three or forty feet?" Ban-Hua couldn't help but "I can't afford such a long sword."
   "The storytellers are most exaggerated," Zhou Changxiao said, "The only real thing is to describe your beauty and prestige in the army."
   Ban-Heng gave a scornful glance at Zhou Changxiao, who was not as good as half of his ability to smack his farts, and he was also embarrassed to show himself in front of him.
   "You Lao-tou-Er said so well that there is no reason. The Queen and His Majesty married together, and it was supposed to accompany him to the battlefield," said a man who looked somewhat shabby, "What heroes, what wise Shenwu, if she was really so powerful, she would have been abandoned by so many men? "
   This man took a few sips of wine, and his courage became bold. When he saw that he was exporting, the others were afraid to speak again, so he became even more proud. "I want to say that it's all because of our kindness and kindness and let her A woman had the opportunity to go to the battlefield, and she was made the Queen of the Palace. If I marry a woman who has been retired several times, I will never let her be the Queen. "
   "So people like you can only drink and drink with us here," Tang said sarcastically. "Even a daughter-zi can't marry, and I'm sorry to say ridiculous to us the Queen Niang-Niang. It's better to use yours Spread a few inches on the two-inch nails, what are you? "
   As soon as Tang Yan said this, everyone in the lobby laughed. Some people laughed at his poorness, some people laughed at his daughter-zi being unable to marry, but no one said that the Queen Niang-Niang was wronged several times.
   "What happened to Niang-Niang how many times we divorced, shows that these men are not worthy of her," a woman glanced at the man, "You are also worthy to talk about Niang-Niang, eh."
   I don’t know when to blow up a style that mimics the Queen Niang-Niang. The daughter’s family is proud of riding archery. Even if they don’t play poems and poems, they can straighten up, their Queen Niang- Even if Niang isn't good at poetry and painting, he can make a difference.
   Ban-Heng, who had just risen to anger, saw that the man who had uttered words in the lobby was surrounded by the anger of the crowd, and the anger that had just risen disappeared in silence, for a while, he could not laugh or cry.
   He turned to Ban-Hua and whispered, "Sister, I didn't expect you to be so appealing now."
   In fact, with so many daughters in the capital, not everyone can play chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy, but these people are highly respected nowadays. Those who don't have to stick their heads. Now they finally have a less mainstream The Queen. The opportunity to vent your emotions.
   It is not her who holds them, but themselves.
   Ban-Hua smiled   :   "Let's go, it doesn't make much sense to listen."
   As soon as she stood up, a man in a blue robe came in. Ban-Hua saw him and sits back again.
   "The Queen Niang-Niang was remarried, not because she was bad, but because she was so good that it made men feel embarrassed and afraid to be with her," Xi Qilin heard outside people talking about Ban-Hua gossip. He walked in, "Your Majesty was born with the Queen, and the dragon and the phoenix are alive. Other men in the world who are with Niang-Niang are an insult to her."
   The man was ridiculed by a group of people, and it was just a bad mood. Now when he saw a little white face, he also talked, and taunted, "What kind of person are you, and what are your fiances who do not deserve the Queen before they remarry, and you are not them, how do you know?"
   "Unfortunately, it is indeed the Queen Niang-Niang's fiancé," Xi Qilin said indifferently. "The Queen Niang-Niang looks like an immortal and has a noble background. He will deliberately remarry because of inferiority. You are so filthy People, I was not qualified to talk about the Queen Niang-Niang, but if I don’t make it clear today, there will still be people like you to discuss Niang-Niang in the future. It will not tarnish the reputation of Niang-Niang. "
   "From the beginning to the end, it's me who doesn't deserve Niang-" Xi Qilin lowered his eyelids, his expression bleak, "I won't have to talk about it in the future. If it causes trouble, it's my fault."
   Everyone did not expect that a gossip behind the scenes was heard by the parties. They have heard that the Queen Niang-Niang does have a fiance surname Xi, but they don’t know what the reason was for the divorce. Some people said that Xi gongzi suspected that Fu-Le County Owner was not elegant, so he eloped with others. It's also said that Ban-jia can't see Xi family enough, so he hates it everywhere.
   It now seems that the Queen is too good, so that the fiance consciously does not deserve her, only to find a reason to remarry, to preserve their weak faces.
   When people succeed, everything you've passed will be beautified by them and become a moving or inspirational story. In essence, this is the worship of the strong.
   Everyone at the scene automatically supplemented the Queen with many beautiful pictures, and finally stamped the Queen Niang-Niang’s life is too good, and most men are not worthy of it. Only the majesty of the wise and sacred Wuren Aihoude, and the Queen Queen Niang-Niang is born with a combination of eight characters to become the world's unparalleled husband and wife.
   Ban-Hua listened to the discussion below, expressionless.
   "He would stand up and admit this kind of shame," Ban-Heng smirked, "I thought his conscience had broken into the roots."
   Zhou Changxiao coughed, "A Heng, recently opened a new restaurant. Let's try it."
   He didn't dare to listen to the Queen Niang-Niang's past grudges and hates, he always felt it was not safe to listen too much.
   Ban-Hua smiled at him and nodded   :   "Let's go."
   She stood together, and the men and women in the private room upstairs all stood up because they were not guests, but Ban-Hua guards.
   After lunch, Ban-Hua is ready to return to the palace.
   Ban-Heng sent each other all the way, and kept coming out of Suzaku Gate before stopping.
   "Sister," Ban-Heng shoved a baggage to Ban-Hua, whispered, "This is what I specifically sought for you. Don't let your Majesty find it."
   Ban-Hua saw his mysterious look and took it with a smile   :   "Is there no contraband in the palace?"
   "You are my sister, will I pit you?" Ban-Heng sighed. "You have a straight temper and don't like to use your brain. The Maids around you are carefully selected by my mother. I can barely let it go. Attention. Now our family is having a good life. Don’t ask for benefits for the family. Anyway, I ’m not an official. It’s good now. Those in the playbook that are good for their parents are not A few have a good end, don't learn them. "
   "What do you look at at home all day," Ban-Hua reached out and nodded Ban-Heng's forehead. "Don't worry about this if you have a stupid mind, sister and I know."
   "If you really have something in mind, I'm relieved," Ban-Heng sighed. "I'm still those few words, don't feel wronged, don't worry about us, it can make our family suffer, there aren't a few."
   Ban-Hua saw Ban-Heng in a proud look and couldn't help laughing out, "Okay, I know."
   "Just know," Ban-Heng turned his head. "Okay, you go in, I should go back."
   Ban-Hua nodded. She turned her horse head, rode her horse slowly into the palace, and looked back to see Ban-Heng was still outside Suzaku gate, and stretched her neck to look at her. She chuckled and waved at Ban-Heng, before Ban-Heng rode away on a horse.
   Back at Otsuki Palace, Rong-Xia discussed the affairs with the minister in the front hall. She didn't bother, but opened the package that Ban-Heng gave her. There was a bookcase in the parcel, which was quite heavy.
   Is it a new textbook? There are now people in the palace who compile textbooks for her. Each of them is a master of compiling stories. Where can I buy books outside the palace?
   The lid was opened, and Ban-Hua held out a thick stack of books.
   "Clear the Queen Living Notes"?
   The Women of the Sima Family?
   The title of "Gentleman's Degree" is serious, and when you look inside, it is about the behavior of men when they are wrong.
   "The War in the Harem" is a book about how women in the harem seduce the emperor, and how those cruel women counted as Fang Queen.
   After turning all the books, Ban-Hua stroked the book cover and couldn't help laughing.
   "Niang-Niang," Chang "Mama whispered," There are books in it that may be facts. Although Heir has been a bit worried, these books are not all useless. "
   Ban-Hua put the book back in the box, shook her head with a smile, and didn't say much, just let Ruyi pick up the book.
   Shi Suyue suicide did not cause much sensation in Capital City. Her jade card was taken down, and even the regulations at the time of burial used only the grade of Town-Lady. This was the result of a kindness of Ban-Hua, otherwise she could only follow the specifications of ordinary women. Bury.
   Although no one was preached in the palace, as some people were liquidated in the previous dynasty, Shi Shi was abandoned by Qinwang, and finally committed suicide. People with a little brain can guess that Shi Shi may be involved in the assassination of the Queen relationship.
   Soon after Shi Shi burial, Qinwang and his family took care of their families to guard the tombs of the Prince of the great cause.
   The front side finally came to an end.
   In the Palace of Bejing, An-Le Princess listened to the report of his subordinates, and then smiled bitterly after a long time   :   "Rong-Xia, in the end, drove all of us from the former dynasty clean. Don’t talk about Shi-shi affairs After the mother said, I worry that her old man can't stand it. "
   "What happened?" Fuping the Empress Dowager came in and saw An-Le Princess looking pale and steady, "You say, I can stand it."
   "Mother," An-Le Princess did not expect that the Empress Dowager in Fuping would hear what she said, her face changed slightly, and for a moment she didn't know whether she should speak. "
   "If you have anything to say, I can't stand the change, and there nothing I can't stand." Fuping the Empress Dowager came to the table and sits down, with a firm and calm expression.
   "After the mother, Shi-shi is gone."
   Fuping the Empress Dowager's eyebrows moved   :   "She values power too much. If she can't get past this kaner, it will be a dead letter sooner or later." She sighed. "For your brother, let's go to the family of Jiang family. Liezong is guarding the tomb. In fact, this is also good, at least it will not cause the new emperor to suspicion and can save his life. "
   "Mother, Rong-Xia ... Is it Fu Huang's bloodline?" An-Le Princess remembered Ban-Hua once said that Rong-Xia was not an illegitimate child of Fu Huang, but Ban-Hua can even fight with the three army tigers To Rong-Xia, how dare she believe in Ban-Hua?
   She has been with Ban-Hua for so many years as a sisterhood, but Ban-Hua followed Rong-Xia to rebel and ruined the family’s foundation for hundreds of years. Now she doesn’t know how to hate Ban-Hua. Love more.
   "Where did you hear these nonsense," Fuping the Empress Dowager's face changed, "An-Le, Fu Huang and I have spoiled you for so many years, have you spoiled your mind?"
   An-Le Princess did not expect the Empress Dowager to be so angry that she bit her lip pale and said, "Mother, please tell me, at least let me know."
   "What's the matter, what's the matter?" The Empress Dowager smiled at the corner of his mouth, but the smile was unsmiling. "You ask me, who do I ask?"
   "Don't you even know?" An-Le Princess looked at the Empress Dowager in Fuping suspiciously, did the mother-zi not know, or didn't want to tell her?
   Back in her yard, An-Le Princess thought about it for a long time, summoned a maid, and handed her her waist card.
   "When you send someone to the palace, say that I want to see your Majesty."
   "Your Majesty?" The palace Lady thought she had heard it wrong, and asked again, "Is it Your Majesty?"
   "Yes, Your Majesty." An-Le Princess lowered her eyelids and looked at only 80% of the new dressing table, her eyes faded a little.
   In the Great Moon Palace, Ban-Hua lay on the bed and watched Rong-Xia with a smile, changing the dragon robe, sitting on the royal robe, and lying on the bed for another half an hour before getting up for breakfast. After using her meal, she suddenly remembered Yang-shi that Zhao Furen had mentioned to her, and said to Ruyi, "I didn’t say that Yang-shi wanted to see me a few days ago, I think it’s very suitable today. , Declare her into the palace. "
   "Is that the remarried Yang-shi?" Ruyi whispered.
   "It's not who else she is," Ban-Hua smirked. "I want to know, she asked me what I wanted to do."
   "It's nothing more than rapprochement, or come to ask His Majesty and Niang-Niang doesn't look into those past things," Ruyi smiled.
   "You're right," Ban-Hua smiled. "You can't do more than that."
   After Rong-Xia went down, he was about to go to the dormitory. Wang De said in his ear   :   "Your Majesty, An-Le Princess in front of you, please see me."
   "An-Le Princess?" Rong-Xia thought for a moment, "That Princess who has a relationship with you."
   "Since you have some friendship with You, what do you come to see You with?"
   "I don't know the slave, An-Le Princess said, she has something to tell her."
   Rong-Xia thought for a moment   :   "Xuan."
   "In addition, ask the Queen Niang-Niang to sit down for a while after the screen, and I can see her on my face, but I can't help but listen to what she wants to say."
   Wang De eyelids moved slightly and he bowed, "Slave understands."
   The author has something to say   :   Lobster   :   All misunderstandings come from self-righteousness.
   Ban-Hua was invited by Wang De to the front hall. She saw several front ladies standing in the front hall, raised her eyebrows slightly, and Rong-Xia usually did not like the housemaids in the front hall. Why would there be so many housemaids today?
   "Niang-Niang, please sit here." Wang De made a pleased gesture and motioned for Ban-Hua to sit behind the screen.
   "Your Majesty your family told me to listen to the corner again?" Ban-Hua lifted her skirt and stepped up the steps to sit around the screen. "Say, does anyone want to tell your Majesty a secret?"
   Wang De accompanied with a laugh   :   "Niang-Niang is really as good as God. Someone really wanted to see His Majesty. This person has some contact with Niang-Niang. His Majesty thinks and wants to go. It is not easy to refute this person's face, so let the slave Invite Niang-Niang. "
   "It still looks like an old man," Ban-Hua chuckled, and there was no joy in the laughter.
   Wang De secretly looked at the Queen's expression and found that there was not much emotion on the other side face, as if the old man could not affect her emotions. He bowed his head and set aside, the Queen Niang-Niang's mind was sometimes elusive.
   Just thinking, footsteps came from outside, and Wang De saluted Ban-Hua, bowed back to the screen.
   After Wang De left, the smile on Ban-Hua face disappeared a little, and then he smiled again, sitting in a chair in a more comfortable posture.
   "His Royal Highness Princess," Wang De stepped forward and offered a gift to An-Le Princess. "Please sit down a moment, Your Majesty will come later."
   An-Le Princess smirked   :   "You're a good dog."
   Wang De gave a ceremony with a smile, and couldn't pick out any mistakes in etiquette. An-Le Princess's complexion changed slightly, and I was afraid that this place was Rong-Xia place, and I didn't dare to say too much. But as a former Princess, she hated Wang De. Apparently the eunuch director of Fu Huang, but now shaking his tail to serve in front of the emperor of the new dynasty, all loyal masters and servants are completely disregarded.
   Her eyelids were slightly drooping, and she saw that Wang Dejiao had three fingers missing from the palm of her hand in front of her abdomen, and the anger in her heart had disappeared. These three fingers were said to have been injured by the second brother while he was protecting Fu Huang. Thinking of the second brother's doing, An-Le anger disappeared and he rubbed his forehead, "I shouldn't blame you."
   The smile on Wang De face remained unchanged   :   "His Royal Highness Many Thanks Princess is magnanimous."
   "Gonggong is polite," An-Le grinned, "I am now ..."
   She is just a former Princess, but the other side is the chief eunuch's eunuch. If she wants to make things difficult for her, she can only suffer. This Princess's name looks beautiful, but it's just beautiful.
   Wang Dechao An-Le arched   :   "His Royal Highness can think of it, you can make good with Niang-Niang. As long as Niang-Niang is present, who dares to blame you?"
   This is Wang De intention to remind An-Le Princess in the past of the relationship between the master and the servant. If the other party cannot understand it, he will have nothing to say. An-Le Princess has been loved and loved since she was young, and never encountered unpleasant things. The only Fu-ma that put her in the end ended up in a ruined home, and then she lived a luxurious life. People who have lived a long time in the past, sometimes don't understand the reality, and hope that Princess, who has a bit of friendship with Niang-Niang, will not commit such stupidity.
   An-Le Princess smiled bitterly and was about to say a few words, and the maids in front of the palace kneeled down. She was beating. Is Rong-Xia here?
   Uncomfortably stood up from the chair, she looked at the door, waited for a few moments, and Rong-Xia finally came in. The other party wore a black brocade with light cloud patterns embroidered on the robe, which looked elegant and noble.
   But this seemingly gentle man killed hundreds of people in one day. These people are all people who have been with the second brother and stained the blood of the people. The general praised him, saying that his killing was decisive, and there was a criminal of Mingjun. The reader respects him, saying that he has a kind heart and treats talented people is a rare benevolent Master.
   As if everyone had forgotten, he was originally only a Houye of the Jiang family, and even in the case of the Jiang family and the Crown Prince, the dragon robes built up a heart dynasty, and they also named this dynasty win.
   Win, win too.
   Obviously a man full of ambitions and calculations, why do these people admire him like crazy?
   An-Le had a lot of unwillingness in her heart, but in the face of Rong-Xia, she did not dare to show any emotion. She made a courteous manner   :   "Have seen Your Majesty."
   "Princess doesn't have to be so courteous, please sit down." Rong-Xia stepped to the top and sits down. "I don't know what Your Highness is doing today, why?"
   "The sinful woman wants to ask His Majesty a few questions," An-Le hesitated for a moment. "As long as you are willing to speak frankly, the sinful woman is willing to tell you the secret of the Queen Niang-Niang."
   "Oh?" Rong-Xia had a very complicated smile on her face. "Princess, please."
   "Two ... King Wang really made Fu Huang poison?"
   "Yes." Rong-Xia nodded. "The King of Prince really made people medicine for Emperor Yun Qing."
   An-Le face turned pale for a moment, tears ran down her cheeks, and she wiped back the tear marks with her back, "Your Majesty Many Thanks informed."
   "What else does Your Highness want to ask?" Rong-Xia looked sideways at the screen behind him, as if enjoying the cat play peony picture on the screen.
   "Your Majesty has the blood of the Chiang family?"
   "Princess, did you forget? Although the Mu-Grandmother was expelled from the royal family, it is also the blood of the Jiang family. In this way, it is naturally there," Rong-Xia raised her eyebrows and looked at An-Le, " How could His Royal Highness ask such questions? "
   "What I want to ask is ..." An-Le looked at Rong-Xia, "Do you have the blood of Fu Huang?"
   There was silence in the temple.
   "Well," Rong-Xia chuckled. "His Royal Highness, the rumors of ignorant people outside, don't take it seriously. Although you have a bit of the blood of the Jiang family, you are indeed the children of the Rong family. Such a misleading statement, Your Highness will not say it again in the future, lest the foolish take it seriously. "
   The last few minutes of blood on An-Le face dissipated, and she instantly lost her vitality, and it took her a while to return to her senses, "I ... I see."
   It turns out that Rong-Xia is really not the blood of the Jiang family. She can't even lie to herself. The Jiang family dynasty really did. She wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief and wiped away the last tear marks. "What's wrong with Your Majesty, just ask."
   "I don't have anything to ask," Rong-Xia laughed. "My Queen's the Queen is the most interesting book in the world, and I won't get bored when I read it every day. If she really has any secrets, It’s also a little bit of digging, which is also a little fun between husband and wife. Now that your Highness’s doubts have been resolved, please go back. "
   "I made fun of her a few years ago, saying that she likes beautiful men so much, and only marries you, because there is no better man in Capital City than you," An-Le looked a little hesitant and didn't know it was I miss the good times I had with Ban-Hua in the past, and I still miss myself who was stared by the stars, "At that time, I also said that you must be like a fairy Fae character, and she would not go for fun."
   Who would have thought that a joke she had made that year would come true.
   No one in Capital City is the first beautiful man, but he just wanted to marry Ban-Hua, who has a bad reputation.
   "Jomo this is fate," Rong-Xia smile was even heavier. "Heaven is destined to marry you, and I am very grateful." He raised his hand, "Wang De, send An-Le Princess go back."
   "Yes." Wang De was relieved. Fortunately, His Royal Highness didn't say what shouldn't be said, otherwise Niang-Niang after the screen heard it, it would be sad.
   "You love her so much," An-Le Princess stood up, her voice becoming a little weird. "Is she able to tolerate it, was there another man in her heart?"
   Rong-Xia eyelids trembled   :   "His Royal Highness, You and the Queen are in deep affection. Your Highness is so organized, what's the purpose?"
   "Affection between husband and wife?" An-Le Princess taunted, "It's just that you think you're right. Have you seen her third fiance, don't you think he looks like him?"
   To Rong-Xia, An-Le Princess still hated it. She wished that she would not live happily every day. She could not wait for her life to suppress the hate in her heart.
   "I didn't love you at all. She was willing to get engaged with Xi Qilin at that time because she liked him. Otherwise, how could it be possible to get engaged with Ban-jia the Di Daughter with Xi status?" An-Le mocked Looking at Rong-Xia, "Even if you are the first beautiful man in Capital City, it's amazing how amazing you are, and it's not you who make you tempted!"
   "Gibberish!" Wang De scolded An-Le Princess, "Niang-Niang's friendship with Her Majesty, how can you allow you to arrange it, and don't retreat quickly!"
   "At first I learned that Xi Qilin liked poetry, but I didn't know what means to use, and I found Xi Qilin, a rare lonely copy," An-Le Princess raised her chin, "This palace was her best Noble Misses close friend , How could she not know which man she was interested in? "
   "Rong-Xia, even if you get the world of my Jiang family, it's only your face that cares about you. When you are no longer young, she will naturally be able to admire other men for life. And you can’t get her heart! "
   "Do you think you will believe your challenge?" Rong-Xia looked at An-Le Princess calmly. "If you are your friend, why would you say these things in front of you? Have you thought about it? However, what kind of consequences will these words bring to You? "
   "People like you aren’t worthy of being your friend or calling her name," Rong-Xia stood up with a cold voice. "If I hear you call the Queen Niang-Niang's name in the future, Dingzhi You are guilty of royal disrespect. "
   An-Le was scared by Rong-Xia eyes, her brain was blank, and when she came out of the Great Moon Palace, she found that the back of her palms was cold.
   "His Royal Highness," Wang De stopped, whispering, "Please walk slowly."
   An-Le Princess looked at him and said, "May I see you ... the Queen?"
   "You want to see the Queen?"
   An-Le found Wang De expression a bit weird.
   "His Royal Highness, it's a bit unfortunate. Today Niang-Niang summoned Yang-shi, I'm afraid I don't have time to see you." Wang De made a gesture, "His Royal Highness, come again next time."
   "Yang-shi?" An-Le Princess saw a woman in the distance approaching this side. The person flinched, her eyes fluttered, and she looked very small. "Is she?"
   "Our palace knows." An-Le Princess didn't say anything else, and walked out of the realm of Otsuki Palace. Wang De looked at her back and turned back until she could no longer see it.
   Some sentiments can't help but pass away.
   The hall was very quiet, and Rong-Xia sits in front of the royal case without moving. Ban-Hua came out from behind the screen and saw a memorial in his hand, saying   :   "Do you have any questions?"
   Rong-Xia dropped the memorial and looked up at Ban-Hua. The look on her face was very natural, without surprise and anger, and even without the sadness of being arranged by her friends, she was still free and easy. He got up and took her into his arms. "Are you ... just looking at me?"
   "Why do you think so?" Ban-Hua patted his head comfortably. "I fancy you a lot, otherwise why would I marry you."
   "Of course," Ban-Hua leaned his head against his chest and blinked. "I never lie."
   Rong-Xia laughed and let go of Ban-Hua, staring at her eyes   :   "Hey, don't lie to me. I have few people in my life, and only you, If you lie to me, it is no different from your heart. "
   Ban-Hua put his hand on his chest and felt the sound of a beating heart, "I will let it stay in it."
   She lowered her head, and Rong-Xia couldn't see her eyes.
   "Niang-Niang, Yang-shi is here." Outside the hall, Ruyi voice opened cautiously.
   "I see," Ban-Hua pinched Rong-Xia chin, stomped and kissed him on the lips, "don't think about it, I didn't fall in love with other men before."
   Rong-Xia embraced her and kissed her heavily on her lips.
   "I believe you."
   After Ban-Hua left, Rong-Xia sits in front of the royal case for a long time without moving. He said that she hadn't fallen in love with other men before, he believed.
   Now ... does she love him?
   When Wang De saw the tea cup on the royal case fell to the ground, he bowed and said, "Your Majesty, are you okay?"
   "No problem," Rong-Xia said blankly. "People come in and clean up."
   Yang-shi was still in the house of Rong Jia Er, and often had the opportunity to enter the palace, even the Da Yue Gong also came. But at that time, the Otsuki Palace was gorgeous, but it was full of men's objects. However, when she came this time, she found that in addition to the gorgeousness of the old days, many other women's favorite things were added.
   Traces of women can be seen everywhere in this palace.
   "The Queen Niang-Niang is here."
   She knelt down and gave a big gift without even daring to lift her head. A gorgeous long skirt passed by her, and she changed her kneeling posture in the direction of the skirt.
   "Get up."
   The Queen's voice is nice and young. When she was at the Rong family, she remembered that Rong Erlang was an extremely cold child. I wondered what a strange woman Ban-the Queen was to make him so obsessed. Although she had the opportunity to enter the palace last time to attend the ceremony, but she was far away from the Queen, and she could only dimly see the outline of the other party.
   She stood up carefully, and after seeing the appearance of Ban-the Queen, she couldn't help taking a sigh of relief, a beautiful figure, like a storyteller with a seductive banshee in the mouth of Teacher Story, if the man fell in her hand , There is nowhere else to run.
   Rongjiro ... is such a woman?
   When she and Rongjia Dalang just married, Popo Lin-shi hadn't passed away. I still remember that the other party was a very fresh and elegant talented girl, who later became known as Young-Lady. I was afraid that it would be inferior. If not, it will not let the father-zi be so obsessed with her and marry her to withstand all pressure.
   Ban-the Queen and Popo Lin-shi, there is no similarity in the whole body, it is hard to imagine that the extraordinary appearance of Rong Erlang will fascinate such a woman who is completely opposite to Lin-shi. She didn't dare to look at it, and after Ban-Hua ‘Called, she bowed to the ground in an orderly manner, her hands cramped and she didn't know where to put them.
   "Listen to Zhao" Furen, do you want to see this palace? "Ban-Hua See Yang-shi It is not courageous, it is hard to imagine that such a woman would destroy her child and marry another when her husband is filial move.
   "The sinful woman Yang-shi came to ask Niang-Niang for her sin," Yang-shi knelt down again, "the sinful woman knew that her sin was deep, and she did not dare to forgive Her Majesty and Niang-Niang for forgiveness. Willing to apologize for death, but please His Majesty and Niang-Niang do not pursue others. "
   "Get up and talk," Ban-Hua knocked on the table. "What the palace wants you to do, Your Majesty has no plans to pursue it anymore. The palace and you have no half-point grievances, and will not deliberately make things difficult for you." "
   "Niang-Niang ..." Yang-shi looked at Ban-Hua gratefully, "Many Thanks Niang-Niang!"
   How can a woman with such a simple mind kill her child?
   "I see you as an honest person. How did you kill the child in the first place?"
   "Niang-Niang, that child ... wasn't lost by the sinful woman," Yang-shi said with red eyes, "After the sinful woman married Rong Dalang, he didn't like the sinful woman, not even Popo. I like me so much. Later Popo passed away, Dalang was so sad, and we were unable to have a child. Then two years after the father-zi died, there was a child in the womb's womb. How could he not be happy? "
   Yang-shi talked about how the child was gone, and said that he was forced to marry someone. When it comes to being forced to marry, her tone was numb and calm, without any anger or joy.
   Ban-Hua made up something more or less. For example, Lin-shi was dissatisfied with his daughter-zi, and Rong Dalang didn't think it was enough to abandon his wife. After Rang Dalang's illness, Yang-shi miscarriage, and her hastily remarried, in the eyes of others, she lost her child.
   From Yang-shi words, you can hear that Popo Lin-shi, who has never met her before, is a very difficult person. She suddenly thought that Rong-Xia had been on the throne for so long. In addition to following the rules to seal Lin-shi as super 1st-grade and set the country Furen, she never sealed any honorary title. Between him and Lin-shi The mother-child relationship does not seem to be too intense.
   Compared with Lin-shi, Rong-Xia has a lot of heart when chasing her dead father, not only superimposed several titles, but also promoted it as super Duke and the Crown Prince, if it is not reasonable, Rong- Xia is unlikely to pursue him as emperor.
   "Lin-shi ... Popo in my palace, will you stay with your Majesty?" Ban-Hua saw Yang-shi chuckle, and said, "You must tell this palace truthfully. If this palace finds you lying, Ben The palace will punish you. "
   "The guilty woman is afraid," Yang-shi said busyly. "Popo is a woman who loves flowers and loves the moon. She has a good relationship with her father-zi. When taking care of her Majesty, it is inevitable that ... it will inevitably be ignored. Most of the homework is managed by the father-zi, and the others are taken care of by the Maid manservant. Popo has a cold temper and does not care about these customs. However, she has extremely high requirements for her majesty and her husband, and has always requested them according to the Master's manner in the books. "
   Yang-shi is a woman with a soft personality and a submissive personality. Even if she thinks Popo Lin-shi is strange, she doesn't dare to say it in her mouth. She doesn't even dare to touch her uncle too much.
   After Lin-shi died of illness, she didn't feel sad, but she was happy.
   She knew she had a wrong idea, but she couldn't control it.
   "Our palace knows," Ban-Hua waved his hand. "You step back."
   "Many Thanks Niang-Niang, the sinful woman retired."
   Ban-Hua asked the storyteller and Wu Ji to relieve her boredom, but couldn't find any interest, and waved them back to the back. "Come, go and call Du Tong."
   Du Jiu has always been with Rong-Xia. What kind of life did Rong-Xia live as a kid? The most clear person should be Du Jiu.
   Du Jiu heard that the Queen Niang-Niang was looking for him, and then the Queen Niang-Niang was bored and wanted to go out of the palace. After arriving in the hall, he found that Niang-Niang looked a little unsightly, and went forward to salute, “Niang- Niang, but who upset you in the palace? "
   "I'm a little unhappy in my heart," Ban-Hua gave him a seat, "You tell me about your family's childhood, and relieve me of boredom."
   "At the end of the day, I am worried that you will be more bored after telling the story of the master," Du Jiu said honestly. "The life of the master was very boring, not as Niang-Niang you, um ... colorful."
   Ban-jia This young-Lady, Miss-has been a Miss who few people dare to provoke since childhood. I have never played anything, I have never seen anything. Nothing like his master, he will begin to endorse calligraphy at a young age, and he will shoot archery on horseback at an older age. The game is not over.
   "How tedious, tell me," Ban-Hua raised her cheeks with one hand. "I'm with your family and rarely hear him mentioning childhood matters. How can I not be curious."
   "After the master was three years old, he woke up at the hour, and after an hour of reading and writing, he went to Furen ..."
   "Last hour?" Ban-Hua looked at Du Jiu with surprise. "A three-year-old child got up at the last hour. Isn't this torture the child?"
   Du Jiugan laughed   :   "This is the rule set by Furen."
   "She asked the child to wake up at an instant, but she was not treated by the child after an hour. Isn't that being generous to others and being strict with others?" Ban-Hua rolled her eyes. "Poor your homeowner. Planting days. When I was three years old, I wouldn't get up until sleep. "
   The smile on Du Jiu face was about to hang on. How could he answer this?
   One is the mother-zi mother-zi, and the other is the woman most beloved by the child.
   "Then you tell me again, what funny thing happened to your family member when he was a kid, what did he want to do but didn't do, and when he grows up, he embarrassed to do it again?
   Du Jiu shook his head   :   "The master has been very self-disciplined since he was a child and has no special hobbies."
   "There is one interesting thing. When the master was eleven or twelve years old, he met a little Miss in the palace and was dragged by the little Miss to play on the ice ..." Du Jiu said in a tone, "But after Furen knew about this, The master was punished. "
   "Who fined it?"
   "What did you punish?"
   "Whip twenty, copy the house rules ten times." Du Jiu still remembers that the master was bleeding from the back when he was beaten. Less than a year after that, Furen died. Since then, he has never seen the master do anything like a child.
   The winter was so cold, the master was lying on the bed, and Tai-yi did not cry when he gave him medicine, but Houye had a fight with Furen because of this.
   When Ban-Hua heard this, she felt soaked in vinegar, punctured by needles, and sore and painful. She was silent for a long time and looked out the window. "This year's heavy snow, it is almost coming."
   Du Jiu looked at Ban-Hua in puzzlement, and nodded stupidly   :   "It should be."
   That night, it snowed in Capital City.
   Ban-Hua, dressed in fox fur, standing on the steps, watching the snow-capped world, turned to a guard and said, "Go tell Heir that the palace wants to go ice-skating, and let him find a good place. I will go to him tomorrow. "
   Ban-Hua smiled and turned to walk to the main hall.
   In the main hall, Rong-Xia listened to several close friends discussing the talented young people in Capital City.
   "Xi Qilin, the second son of Yuan Zhongping's uncle, also learned a little, but unfortunately hurt his eyes ..."
   "I don't need people who are bad."
   Zhou Bing-An slightly stunned, and then said   :   "Your Majesty's words are very bad, Wei Chen oversight." The author has something to say   :   Female partner   :   She only looks at your beautiful face.
   Male lead   :   I don’t listen, I don’t listen, you must be lying to me, she can’t treat me like that.
   "On the Actor's Script Series".
   "Zhou Lao is the humerus of the kingdom, and it is normal for the younger generation to not know much," Rong-Xia ticked off a few names on the list. Accept the talents of the world. "
   "His Majesty, Ming." Several courtiers saluted together. In recent years, many scholars have been persecuted because of the Jiang family's frustration. Today, Her Majesty Kai Enke, the happiest person must be Tianxia people. The only problem is that the notices are now posted all over the country. Some readers in remote places are afraid that they will be too late to reach the capital.
   Zhou Bingan raised this question, Rong-Xia said   :   "Since it is not a civil examination held in accordance with the rules, the time does not have to be restricted to the past, it is convenient to set the time to the end of April."
   "His Majesty Rende, for the sake of the people of the world, Weichen thanked His Majesty's grace for the students."
   "You look at it, you, Yao Peiji and Liu Banshan are responsible for this imperial examination." Rong-Xia has long been used to the behavior of these old foxes. He never took it seriously. "Liu Aiqing is still young It is still up to the two to decide on major issues. "
   After the new emperor held the first imperial examination, they were asked to take charge. This is a great face, and it also shows the new emperor's trust in them. Zhou Bingan and Yao Peiji were both smart people, knowing that His Majesty was interested in cultivating Liu Banshan, they promised at the moment, and exaggerated Liu Banshan by the way.
   Now that Liu Banshan has been standing for years, he has taken the post of Dali Temple Secretary, and there is much room for promotion in the future. Even for the sake of future generations, they do not want to offend this person.
   After these courtiers left, Rong-Xia looked down again to see the list presented to him by Zhou Bingan and others. Zhu Bi stopped for a long time on Xi Qilin's name, and eventually crossed out his name again.
   "Your Majesty, the Queen Niang-Niang is here."
   "Hurry up." Rong-Xia stood up and thought of greeting by the door, but looking down at the list, she took a memorial and changed it.
   "Rong-Xia." Ban-Hua came in, holding a plate of dim sum in his hand, some like the one that Rong-Xia had eaten at Ban-jia. It hasn't been eaten for too long, and the taste has been remembered It's not clear, just know that such a plate of dim sum is more valuable than such a plate of silver.
   "I brought this cook from my maid's house, you taste it." Ban-Hua put the plate on the table, twisted a piece and put it in Rong-Xia mouth, "Is it delicious?"
   Rong-Xia nodded.
   "You stay in the temple all day for business, don't let yourself get tired," Ban-Hua pressed him to a chair and sits on his shoulders.
   Rong-Xia grabbed her hand and reached out to take her into her arms. "Say, is there something wrong with going out?"
   "Ah?" Ban-Hua looked at Rong-Xia somehow, "Why should I go out and cause trouble?"
   Seeing her look blank and innocent, Rong-Xia fed a piece of snack to her mouth and said as he said, "The first few days of sunrise, you came back late, and you are so warm to me."
   "It's as if I'm not good at you on a most day. Ban-Hua eats snacks and bites hard at Rong-Xia fingertips. How can I know that Rong-Xia won't dodge, just smile and let her bite .
   "Are you stupid?" Ban-Hua saw his fingerprints on his fingertips, some distressed and guilty, "Isn't it snowing outside, I think you accompany me out of the palace to see the snow."
   "Tomorrow?" Rong-Xia thought about it. "Okay, I'll accompany you when I'm waiting."
   "That's it, you can't change your mouth," Ban-Hua kissed him on the cheek. "Good, keep criticizing your memorials, so I won't bother."
   "Wait a minute," Rong-Xia pulled her back and kissed her with two kisses on the corner of her lips. "You little unconscience, leave when you have achieved your goal, and sit here with me for a while."
   "Then you criticize the memorial, and I will accompany you." Ban-Hua wrapped around his neck and smiled, "If you let me wash and polish your pen, it's okay."
   "Well," Rong-Xia picked her up and put her on a cushioned chair. "Just sit here with me."
   He invited Wang De and asked him to get two copies of Ban-Hua favorite textbooks, and prepared her fruit and fruit snacks before sitting back to the royal case to do his own business. Although they have different personalities, they are inexplicably harmonious when they sit together.
   After a while, Rong-Xia saw Ban-Hua fall asleep beside the table, shook his head and chuckled, covered the big cock on Ban-Hua, hugged his back, and walked out of the Imperial Study Room. The eunuch palace girl who was waiting outside saw the situation and was busy holding an umbrella and holding a pot to cover the cold wind blowing from the outside for the empress.
   "His Majesty……"
   As soon as the female officer opened her mouth, she was frightened by the cold look of Rong-Xia. He glanced at the snow outside and speeded up and took Ban-Hua back to the apse.
   "Let's all step back," Rong-Xia sits beside the bed, watching Ban-Hua sleeping, and let everyone else in the room back out.
   The room was quiet, and Rong-Xia stared at Ban-Hua for a while. This face looked almost every day, but it didn't look too tired. Everyone in the world says that when parents look at their children, the more they look at them, the more they feel that their children are unmatched. But he is a concubine husband, why do you always look at her and feel that no woman in the world can compare with him?
   The more I look, the more I feel, that his Niangzi is better than anyone, his eyes are more god-like, his mouth is more moist, and his eyebrows are more beautiful than others. Even his angry look makes his heart soften.
   Can't say he treats Mi as his daughter?
   He laughed at himself. When he stepped out of the inner hall, he saw several palace ladies standing outside. He stopped and looked at one of them   :   "Your name is Ruyi?"
   "Slaves have thought about her."
   "You've been waiting around Niang-Niang?"
   "Back to your Majesty, when you were ten years old, you were serving by Niang-Niang, and you have been serving by Niang-Niang for ten years." Ruyi was somewhat surprised that Her Majesty never said anything to Maid beside Niang-Niang I don’t care what they are called. When Niang-Niang was there, Her Majesty could hardly see other women in her eyes. Today ... what happened?
   Ruyi felt a little uneasy, but didn't dare to show it, so she had to wait honestly for His Majesty to speak.
   Rong-Xia wanted to ask her about Xi and Xi Qilin, but he couldn't ask when he spoke, and his eyebrows moved slightly. "He knows, wait and serve."
   "Yes." If His Majesty didn't mean to keep asking, he bowed back aside.
   After Rong-Xia left, Yuzhu asked curiously, "Sister Ruyi, what's the matter with your Majesty?"
   "Your Majesty's thoughts, can you guess?" Ruyi glanced at her fiercely. "If your curious temper doesn't go down, it will have sent you to Duke House early, so as not to cause trouble to Niang-Niang. "
   Yuzhu face changed   :   "Sister Ruyi, I was wrong."
   If she was taught that she was being taught, her tone was a little bit better   :   "I am not strict with you, but my aunt is now your Majesty. As people around Niang-Niang, we should be more careful in words and deeds."
   Yuzhu nodded honestly, she dare not in the future.
   "Your Majesty," Wang De walked under an umbrella, "the old slave looked at your face and looked bad. Would you like to ask an imperial doctor to give you a pulse?"
   "No need," Rong-Xia shook her head and said to Wang De, "I'm fine."
   Wang De hesitated for a moment and then said, "Your Majesty, are you ... after listening to An-Le Princess, you are not very happy?"
   Rong-Xia stopped and glanced at Wang De.
   With this look, Wang De stared at the cold, handed the umbrella to the eunuch behind him, and knelt in the snow to plead guilty.
   "Get up, I haven't blame you," Rong-Xia put her hands behind her back and looked at the snow outside the gallery. "You have been in the palace for so many years. Is An-Le Princess's statement true or false? "
   "Niang-Niang was how old was she when he was engaged with Xi Erlang?" Wang De carefully looked at Rong-Xia face, and went on arrogantly, "Slave waited in the palace, although it was not called Know Niang-Niang, but Niang-Niang temper nubi still know. "
   Rong-Xia raised an eyebrow at him.
   "Love and hate are clear, and I will never injustice myself emotionally," Wang De bowed down in a ritual. "To say that Xi Erlang's collection of poems has been painstakingly sought, nubi are one hundred unbelievable, most It happened to be a copy, and nobody around them liked it, so I gave it to Xi Erlang. "
   "Gongzi Young-Lady who made good with Niang-Niang, but nobody likes these things."
   Rong-Xia expression was a bit subtle. He raised an eyebrow at Wang De   :   "Is it?"
   "If you are a slave, how can you know the feelings of your children?" Wang Degan laughed. "Just infer from what he saw and heard."
   "You're right, sending a collection of poems is nothing," Rong-Xia lifted her chin, and smiled under her eyes.
   At that time, I sent him so many rare and rare albums, but he was never reluctant. What's more, they were not fiancees at the time, and He was so generous to him. Xi Qilin has been a fiance for two years, but he has just got a collection of poems that he most dislikes.
   Back at the Royal Study Room, Rong-Xia made a comment next to Xi Qilin's name.
   Send it to Renzhizhou, Xizhou.
   Since there is some talent, and he does not want to see him, it is better to be like this.
   That night, Xi Qilin received the letter of appointment issued by the court, and looking at the big seal on it, he was a little bit surprised and inexplicable.
   Rong-Xia was willing to give him an official position, which was really beyond his expectation.
   Looking at the excited parents, Xi Qilin held all the speculations in his heart. He stepped out of the room and looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky. He had mixed feelings in his heart. He was not happy or sad.
   Maybe there are still unclear roads, this sense of loss, even he himself did not understand what it was for.
   Before noon, a carriage drove out of Suzaku Gate, and the carriages made a deep mark on the snow.
   The carriage passed all the way through the downtown area until the ice rink in the suburbs of Capital City stopped. This ice rink was built by a playboy in Capital City. When it’s winter, invite a few friends and beauties to play on the ice, or invite some ice-hungry masters to play some tricks for them to enjoy, which is also fun. .
   This playboy surnamed Qian has a high status in Capital City. Usually, such high-level playboys as Zhou Bingan and Ban-Heng usually do not take him to play with. So this time I heard that Ban-Heng, the grandfather of the country, wanted to borrow his ice rink. Qian gongzi was so happy that he didn't sleep all night, so that the family members took care of the ice rink several times overnight, Even if you throw a few horses on the ice, you can rest assured.
   Qian gongzi waited outside the ice rink early in the morning, and after the appearance of Ban-Heng, Zhou Changxiao and others, he was greeted with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. However, he soon found out that these high-ranking grandfathers did not immediately enter the field to play, but let a bunch of guards surround the ice rink tightly.
   These guards were tall and big, with swords on their belts, and their eyes were not angry, and they scared Qian gongzi voice.
   "You are not nervous," Zhou Changxiao patted him on the shoulder. "We have to wait for a nobleman to come, so it is inevitable that the guards will be stricter, and please ask Qian gongzi not to mind."
   "Don't mind, don't mind," Qian gongzi waved his hands and said, "Yes, it should." He glanced around, and according to this posture, even if there was a mosquito, he could not fly in. Who was the nobleman? With such a big size, even the grandeur of the state must be so careful.
   After about half an hour, the carriage stopped outside the ice rink for a year. Qian gongzi was about to come forward to say that this is a private land and no outsiders can stay. I saw class Guozhen trot greeted all the way, took out a woman in a big red jacket from the carriage, he accidentally saw the woman's face, the whole person stayed in place.
   After he returned to God, he discovered that this stunning woman also had an equally outstanding man beside him. He sighed with emotion, and the stunning beauty was indeed accompanied by Yu gongzi.
   Ban-Hua took Rong-Xia hand, turned his head and smiled and looked at Rong-Xia   :   "Will you play with me for a while?"
   Rong-Xia looked at the smooth ice surface, and looked at the smiling woman beside her, but she was a little lost. More than ten years ago, he also wanted to sneak on the ice to play. Just when a little Miss asked him to accompany him, he pushed the boat down the river.
   It was only after he walked a few steps on the ice surface that he was found by the palace man and returned home and received a penalty. Since then, he has never played on the ice surface again. Now Sui suddenly brought him here, and awakened his childhood memories.
   "I won't," Rong-Xia smiled gently at Ban-Hua, "I'm watching you right here?"
   "It's okay, and I'm here," Ban-Hua took off his big sister, put on ice skates, pointed to Du Jiu, "Du Jiu, change your shoes for the owner."
   "Subordinates ... this ..." Du Jiu looked at Rong-Xia and Ban-Hua, tangled.
   "No more," Rong-Xia smiled helplessly, "I'll do it myself."
   Ban-Heng handed over a pair of shoes and Rong-Xia with head and knee braces. Although these things are a bit bulky, they are very good protection for those who have never been on the ice. .
   "Let me take a look at you."
   Rong-Xia looked up, his eyes fell on Ban-Hua, and the whole person was almost frozen.
   Red plum on ice, demon girl in the snow.
   Rong-Xia looked at Ban-Hua stupidly, until Ban-Hua returned in a circle, and stopped in front of him, he hadn't recovered.
   "Why, stunned by my beauty?" Ban-Hua handed a fair and delicate hand to him, "Come, follow me."
   Du Jiu and other guards looked nervously at Rong-Xia, but they were afraid that the Queen Niang-Niang accidentally dropped his majesty. If other courtiers knew it, I would not know how much trouble it would cause.
   Rong-Xia handed it to Ban-Hua. The expected chicness was not seen, because he took a moment when he took the first step.
   "Be careful," Ban-Hua supported his waist. "Don't panic, step by step."
   "it is good."
   Rong-Xia smiled, and he followed Ban-Hua rubbing on the ice, sometimes they fell together, scaring Du Jiu and others into cold sweats, but they lay on the ice Haha laughed.
   Du Jiu looked at Her Majesty with some embarrassment. He almost never saw His Majesty's side. His Majesty is always omnipotent and calm.
   Like today, Niang-Niang can only take a few steps forward, and he looks like he has fallen on his feet, almost never seen.
   "Get up," Ban-Hua got up from the ice and dragged Rong-Xia hard. "You're so stupid. I learned to play ice when I was a few years old."
   "Well, our family is the smartest."
   "I love to hear these words," Ban-Hua cheeks were flushed, and the corners of her eyes were full of smiles. "But even if you are stupid, I don't want to abandon you. No matter how stupid your husband is, that's his own good."
   "Hmm ..." Rong-Xia took Ban-Hua hand and suddenly held her in her arms.
   The snowflakes fell, and the faint coolness suppressed the enthusiasm of Ban-Hua.
   "If the sky is not old, the feelings are endless," Rong-Xia hugged Ban-Hua more tightly, and did not let the snow fall on her. "Well, don't bear me."
   Ban-Hua heart trembled, she reached out and gently embraced Rong-Xia waist, and remained silent for a long time. When Rong-Xia thought she would not speak, she nodded softly, "OK."
   Next to the ice rink, Zhou Changxiao squatted on the ground, holding her chin to Ban-Heng, "Your Majesty and your sister, have been ... all the time?"
   Ban-Heng changed his ice skates and said to Zhou Changxiao, "What's wrong?"
   "No," Zhou Changxiao shook his head, "I just think ... it's fine."
   Ban-Heng gave a soft sigh and stood on the ice and said, "It's better to play with yourself if you want to see others." After that, he turned to look at his sister's place, and the two of them were released, and His Majesty still walked. He turned around and turned around, but his sister let go of her hand, slipping away beautifully like a flower.
   Ban-Heng looked away, and His Majesty fell in love with a woman like his sister, and he became obsessed with it.
   Throughout the afternoon, Rong-Xia barely learned not to fall on the ice, and knew nothing else.
   Ban-Hua sits in the carriage with him, lay in his arms and poked him in the chest   :   "Your majesty, when the ice was playing, it was so stupid."
   Rong-Xia held her tighter and smiled. "But I'm very happy today."
   He finally realized the feeling of being happy on the ice, and no one scolded him for being aggressive, indulging in fun, and having no manners. The woman next to him said that he was stupid, but every time he fell, she hurried over, like a child he didn't understand, and was protected by her pain.
   "Just be happy," Ban-Hua wrapped around his neck. "Every year and every season, I will secretly take you out to play. But I can’t do it because of slack government affairs. I don’t want to record my future history books. Time, say what a scourge I am. "
   "So what do you want to do?" Rong-Xia nodded her nose.
   "People in the next generation will certainly praise you as a prince, so how can I make a famous the Queen, such as the Queen most loved by the emperor, the most virtuous the Queen, or ... loved by the emperor for a lifetime, the emperor from The Queen of Fae wasn’t satisfied. ”Ban-Hua looked at Rong-Xia with a smile,“ I want to let future generations mention you and think of me. ”
   "Okay," Rong-Xia took her hand. "You are the only the Queen, the only woman I have ever loved, and the only woman. If I can’t do it in this life, I will not die. Jiangshan will be lost to my hands. "
   Ban-Hua closed her eyes and smiled   :   "I don't want Jiangshan to be lost in your hands, then the people will be bitter. If you break your vow ..." She slowly opened her eyes and stared at Rong-Xia eyes, "Just Let you live a long life, lonely for life, okay? "
   "it is good."
   Outside the carriage, Du Jiu pulled the big cock on his body, pretending that he hadn't heard the conversation in the carriage.
   Life alone is sometimes more painful than death.
   As an emperor, it is more difficult to obey such an oath than ordinary men. Your Majesty dare to make such an oath, is he confident in himself, or the Queen Niang-Niang, when the true feelings have reached this point?
   In the winter of the first year of Cheng-An, the courtier found that His Majesty's face was getting better day by day, and even his eyes were a little more alive. When the winter comes to spring, when the second year of Darenhood comes, some ministers suddenly play, saying that the Queen Niang-Niang and his Majesty have been married for almost three years and have no children. His Majesty should broaden the harem and spread the leaves in order to win the world.
   The Minister did not expect that after the words were released, His Majesty lost his temper and not only said that he was infatuated with women in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty, but also said that he could not even manage his family. , Directly ordered to remove his black hat.
   After the incident, the courtiers no longer dared to talk to His Majesty Tina Fae, and even those ministers who had the intention to send their daughters to the harem did not dare to raise it openly. If it is an ordinary woman, they can also insinuate that the Queen is a curse or something, but the class is different later. She fights with her Majesty, and fights with her Majesty for her blood, and is respected by her kinsmen. Say something.
   But as courtiers, they didn't want her Majesty to be the Queen, not their courtiers.
   The courtiers could not see the emperor beloved by Fae, nor the emperor valued the eunuchs. What they wanted to see most was that the emperor favored them most and valued them most. It would be more perfect if they won the reputation of a courtier.
   It's a pity that he has done something well. The world is well organized under his control. They want to find an excuse to say that his majesty is faint, and they will all be suspected of rebellion.
   Therefore, the emperor's mind is too clear, his ability is too good, and the courtiers are not so satisfied.
   Since the enactment of Kai Enke decree, Rong-Xia status among literati has become more and more high. As soon as the spring began, many candidates across the country arrived in Capital City.
   Some candidates come to Capital City for the first time and are very curious about the capital, so they often listen to some interesting gossips from the capital. For example, a certain minister wants to send his daughter to the palace, who knows that His Majesty is very disgusting.
   Another example is who wants to please the Grandma Master. As a result, Grandma Grandmother directly sent people out with gifts, and said that she was just a playboy and never intervened in court events.
   Another example is the Queen Niang-Niang is a very beautiful and powerful woman, martial arts can kill horses and kill enemies. Wen ... Although not very good at writing, but eloquence is very good. It is said that a foreign envoy mocked the winning man as too weak, and was turned from the head to the foot by the Queen Niang-Niang.
   "The Queen Niang-Niang said to the envoy, you can't even compare my martial arts with a woman, and you're ridiculous for my great win, Erlang? My errant Erlang can be a good man like you. Understand? The blind bears and tigers in the mountains are not only powerful, they can also eat people. Can I say that they are better than all men in the world? "
   The elders listened with great interest and urged the people to continue talking.
   "A few gongzi are here to participate in Enke?" The commoner took a sip of tea, glanced at a few lifters, and said slowly, "Our Majesty values the most talented people. Everybody is on the gold list, and high school is on top. "
   The children couldn't help feeling that it was the capital, and even ordinary people could speak so.
   Below the tea house, a carriage stopped slowly, and a hand like a jade lifted the curtain.
   The author has something to say   :      :   Love him and take him to play -

Continue ....

I am Such a Woman

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