LJNFH 35-39

LJNFH - Little Jao-Niang Of The Farmer's House


 Lu Guifang always knew that this younger ‘Madam was a smart person, but her cleverness never had to be on her own, and she was always gentle and respectful, so Lu Guili did not feel that there was anything wrong with it.
        Let her think that it is a good thing to be smart, and that her younger brother is too honest and has a shrewd ‘Madam to help me.
        But this kind of cleverness is used on her, so she can't stand it!
        But after all, she is married to a woman, and she is not too stiff with her family. Especially now her family is separated, and her mother is following the big house. Lu Guifang will not easily offend Hu.
        However, she did not intend to let her go so easily, and sneered a little, said: "Yeah, how do I feel that you have arranged everything, just wait for me this fool to jump in. But who told me to hurt me My mother, my brother, so I lost this loss."
        After that, the people stood up and said to Cui and Old Lu Han: "My mother, I will go back first, and I will be like this. My daughter has no face to stay here."
        Cui has repeatedly persuaded her not to persuade.
        After Lu Guifang left, Old Lu Han and Cui and Lu Ming-chuan could not help but look forward to Hu.
        Hu face was wronged and he yelled: “The aunt is blaming me, and I blame my mouth for not making the door.
        It stands to reason that Cui or Lu Ming-chuan should speak out to persuade her to say two sentences, but no one is -calling, and everyone face is very complicated.
        Hu mistake is wrong in doing things, taking a step, and thinking about how to go in the next few steps. In terms of people, it is never easy to offend people. Such people seem to be sleek and sleek, but they give people a sense of distortion. After all, people are not perfect.
        In particular, no one is a fool. After going through a family exchange with Du, the whole thing can be done by Hu. Hu self-confessed flawless face has actually been cracked, but she still does not. I know it.
        And Lu Guifang’s words are like a heavy hammer on her face. The seeds of suspicion have been planted, and it is only time to take root and germinate.
        Lu Jao-yue face looked a little red at the time and it swollen at night.
        A large slap in the face of her cheeks, looking at the two-room family is both distressed and angry. Mei distressed, and cooked a few boiled eggs for her daughter, let her use to reduce swelling.
        I tried it for a long time, and the effect was not bad. At least the print faded.
        In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Lu Guili became a relative.
        On this day, the Lu family was very lively, and the people in the village and Lu family had a good relationship.
        From the morning, I began to swing the water table, and until the afternoon was close to the evening, the people who came to the Du family came.
        Du Jia used to welcome a car, Du Lian dressed in a red robe, full of smiles drove. There are quite a few of his classmates accompanying them. These scholars are dressed up in different ways and are very eye-catching among the rural people.
        The villagers who came to eat the water table were all looking at each other. They all said that Lu Guili was really a good life, and I don’t know what the future of this Du family would look at.
        After the family of the Du family welcoming team will be in red, the bride with the red hood will pick up, and Lu family will continue to pick it up again. Old Lu Han and Lu Ming-chuan’s father and son will stand up in red light and say hello. Everyone continues to eat the seats.
        Unlike the lively hustle and bustle in front, the 2nd room is quiet.
        Today Lu Ming-hai did not go out to sell tofu, Lu Guangyi did not go to the ground, including Lu Guangzhi did not go to the gambling house today, the family are carefully guarding Lu Jao-yue.
        At the beginning of Lu Jao-yue, there was still some fog, or Goro said that she missed her mouth, and she understood why.
        "Big brother said that let me not be in front of you in advance, I am afraid that you will be sad."
        It turned out that the family was worried that she still remembered that the affair was robbed. After all, Du Lian was a good candidate in the eyes of others.
        Throughout the day, Lu Jao-yue pretended to have nothing to do, until she had a meal at night, and she returned to her house before she finally breathed a sigh of relief.
        Obviously nothing happened, and she was so tempted by her family that she couldn’t help but wonder if she was really sad, but she didn’t realize it.
        Sitting alone on the donkey, looking at the moon outside by the window, Lu Jao-yue quietly thought about the matter between herself and Du Lian's life.
        In fact, if Lu Jao-yue has no feelings for Du Lian, it is all deceptive. When she first married Du Lian, they had a sweet and beautiful day. At that time, Du Lian treated her very well, and she was very busy in her studies. She always took time to accompany her. The thrush of the thrush, the red sleeves and the incense, these Lu Jao-yue have experienced, Du Leng even taught her literacy...
        So that the matter has been going on for a long time, Lu Jao-yue still vaguely remembers that sweet and happy self.
        Until the du widow finally began to show the original shape.
        In fact, Lu Jao-yue also admired Du widow. She was able to endure it for nearly a year. It was also the end. Seeing the true face of Du Widow, she understood some of the perverted thoughts of Du Widow on Du Lian.
        At first, it was only because her backing Meimei fell. Du widowed obstructed Du Lian’s face. She did not dare to do too much for her. She just began to learn to do housework. Gradually, she became more and more excessive, not only let her do housework, but also gave her the work in the field.
        She was afraid that she would look for Du Lian’s complaint, and even concealed her. She could not let Du Lian distracted, and she was so stupid that she swallowed down as she said, and she was afraid of dividing Du Lian’s heart and delaying his future. .
        After Du Lian took the test, and the situation at the other side of the house was getting worse and worse. The family was always rushing. When she and her mother came to give her something, she could see that she was coming. The more sly look. At this time, Du Widow was even more excessive. She was not allowed to share the same room with Du Lian. The beauty of her name was afraid of dividing his heart and hollowing out his body.
        She dared not say it in front of her son, and she beat her secretly, so that when Du Jia moved to the county, Lu Jao-yue and Du Lian lived separately.
        The feelings of the two people began to fade from that time. Du Lian became more and more busy and went home less and less. The tester and the test show are naturally incomprehensible. Du Lian began to go out to study with his classmates frequently, and frequently participated in some poetry meetings. Sometimes even if he went out, he would not come back for a month or two.
        In order to support the family family, she is too busy to be free, and she has no time to care about the exchange of feelings between husband and ‘Madam’. Later, Du Lian saw his eyes become more and more indifferent, and even faint with disgust. At first, Lu Jao-yue didn't understand why. Later, when she took a self-portrait, she discovered that the person in the mirror was no longer Lu Jao-yue.
        In the mirror, she is pale and dry, like a flower that has lost moisture.
        Lu Jao-yue spit out a breath, only to reach out and close the window, and then went down to turn off the lights before turning back to rest.
        In this world, that person has nothing to do with himself, and there is no relationship at all, so don't think about him.
        Lu Jao-Xingwas sitting in the room, until the drums and drums gradually faded away, and the heart fell silently.
        Sao Gu finally married Du Lian.
        She thought she couldn't stand it, and whoever thought it didn't seem like that.
        Qiao bedroom-servant pushed the door open and walked in.
        "Who is a crying face for everyone? Eat it outside, don't go out to eat!"
        Lu Jao-xing looked at her mother with some resentment. If it wasn't for her mother, she should be married now. But her mother saw her too tight, she could not do anything.
        "Don't look at your mother with that kind of look, you will be grateful to me in the future, so it's so bad that it is worth your time!"
        Lu Jao-xing has always been forbearing in front of Qiao, but this time she can't stand it. She stood up awkwardly and pointed at the scorpion: "Du Lian is not broken. He is talented. He will definitely be admitted to the show. Which of the ten generations can match him?!"
        With a look of 'you finally tell the truth', Qiao looked at his daughter and said, "I don't care if he is a broken family. I only know that you are my daughter. I can control you. Since you don't want to eat. Then eat it!"
        When she finished, she turned and went out and slammed the door.
        At this time, the Du family is as lively as the Lu family.
        Although the Du widow was a little worse, Du Lian had a good time, so almost everyone in the village came.
        The yard was full of seats, and even because the place was not enough, a few tables were placed outside the yard. The house Westinghouse was vacated and was placed on a table. Several of Dulian’s classmates were sitting here to eat wine.
        Du Lian is also there.
        He had a round of wine outside. At this time, he was already a little drunk. His classmates still drove him to drink. They all had four joys in life. Today is the biggest joy, so you must drink today. Not only to drink, but also to get drunk, is the best.
        Du Fuer went back and forth from the door several times to see the movement inside. First, Du Widow was distressed with alcohol, and 2ndly, Du Dun was drunk. The people who had eaten the wine outside were scattered, and the Westinghouse was drinking for a while before it stopped.
        Du Lian’s classmates stared at me, I stared at you, bid farewell to Du Lian, and at this time, Du Lian was drunk on the table.
        Du Widow and Du Fuer came in, and the two men took the lead to go to the East House.
        Lu Guili hooded his head and sat on the raft. In fact, she couldn't hold on, but the bride had to slap her head to kneel, so she could only force it.
        Suddenly heard a footstep, she could not help but feel a little nervous, and her heart pounded.
        Daddy, the eyes are bright, but a woman's face appears in front of her eyes.
        She fixed her eyes and saw that the person in front of her was her mother-like, Du Widow.
        "Mother..." Lu Guili stated a little.
        Du Widow’s person pulled her eyelids and stated, pointing to Du Lian, who was supported by Du Fu.
        "Give you a little helper to go, Lianer drunk."
        Lu Guili snorted and went down to pick up Du Lian. I know that Du Fu hand was loose, and she almost didn’t get taken down. Still, Du widow’s eyes were fast and she caught two people.
        "Go and go, go, drop your man, I see how you do it!" Turned his head and replied to Du Fuer: "Whoever makes you so fast, you see her thin, like a person can help ?"
        Some words were taken in, and Lu Guili was somewhat wronged. In the end, she also felt that she was wrong, so she did not say anything.
        Du Fuer is even more wronged. "Who knows that she is useless, even the individual can't help!"
        Du Widow yelled at her: "Give me shut up, wake up your brother, see how I can clean you up!"
        Du Fuer seemed to think of something and hurriedly stopped.
        She went to the Duwi widow to put Du Lian on the donkey, and then she went out first, and Du Widow looked at Lu Guili with a meaningful look.
        "Good to serve you man."
        Lu Guili face was red.
        The day before she married, her mother told her about the relationship between husband and ‘Madam’. Although she was ignorant, she understood what was going on.
        Just really want that? It is said that it seems to hurt very much...
        Du Widow quickly went out, Lu Guili stood in front of the shack, and looked at Du Lian, who was lying on the enamel. Hesitated for a while before reaching out to solve his clothes.
        Positive solution, suddenly the hand was caught.
        "Lu, Lu..."
        Lu Guili snorted with joy and leaned over.
        Du widow climbed in front of the door and listened for a long time, until she heard the movement inside, she straightened up.
        She licked her waist and stated: "A fox, not afraid to die!"
        When I thought about it, I was really afraid that Lu Guili would die on the donkey, so she stayed outside the door for one night.
        The next day, the sky was still not bright, and there was a muffled sound in the east house.
        Sitting on the stool, Du Fu, who stayed outside the door for a night, was shocked and almost fell to the ground.
        She hurriedly kicked the stool and opened the door and walked in. She saw Lu Guili face pale and quilt sitting on the raft, and her son fell to the ground.
        "Lian Er..." She rushed to Fu Dunlian, and yelled at Lu Guili: "You are a dead man, did not see your man fell to the ground!"
        Lu Guili was extremely exhausted at this time, his body hurt so badly, and his chest was very stuffy. When she heard this, she squatted to wear clothes and wanted to go down to Fu Dunlian. I don’t know if people are still up, and the legs are soft and fall on the shackles.
        Du Widow’s swearing was really useless, and Du Lian was supported from the ground and placed on the raft. Du Lian just slowed down and looked at Lu Guili with a strange look and asked her mother: "Who is this?"
        The person he is jealous of should be Lu Jao-yue, not this one -
        After looking at his eyes, Du Lian discovered that this person on the squat was Lu Guili, Lu JiaJao-'s little aunt.
        Du Lian saw Lu Guili, so she still had some impressions about her.
        But now it is not a question that has no impression but an impression, but why this person is on his own. Looking at the other side clothes is not complete, what else do not understand, Du Lian did not dare to believe: "Mother, what the hell is going on!?"
        Du Fuer heard the movement and looked inside to look inside.
        Du widow glared at her old face, sitting on the ground with her ass, and cried as she patted her legs.
        She was always familiar with this attitude. At the beginning, she relied on this hand, and the house and the land in the house were not taken up by the cousins ​​who were jealous of the children. Over the years, she has relied on this hand outside and has been invincible in the world, but this is the first time she has used this gesture to face her son.
        Du Lian then understood what happened.
        How can there be no money at home, how can he let him become a pro-object because of five acres of land, from Lu Jao-yue to Lu Guili, how come this way! ?
        Du Lian did not believe, but his mother cried like that, and he could not believe it.
        "...Children, my mother is afraid of dividing your heart. I don’t dare to tell you anything at home. But last year, my mother’s illness, I sold the last two acres of land in my house... every month. Bunch repair, pen money, and money for socializing with the window, these are all silver, but where can I get silver? Mother is really no way, don’t blame the mother..."
        Yes, in fact, there is no money at home. Du Lian still remembers the days when he was the hardest when he was a child. He just passed away. The uncles came to occupy his house and land. He was a woman and a woman, where he won these fierce relatives, and finally Several mothers and sons were rushed to a long-lost house in the village to live.
        Under the hunger and cold, he got a disease, and his illness was staggered. The family suddenly moved back to the original home from the broken house. After that, he realized what happened. His mother, who had always been warm and kind, had splashed her anger for the first time in her life. She took a rope and hanged in front of the house. The one who had always helped the money was not helping. Before I came out to help the family solve this problem.
        After that, the relatives came back twice, and each time they were driven away by his mother. During that time, his mother put the kitchen knife on her waist. When the relatives came to the door, they slashed the knife and went to hack the people. Those talents slowly dared not come to the door again.
        At that time, Du Lian had become sensible. He hated that he was too small and hated that he did not have the ability. When he was still there, even if he was just a scholar who couldn’t pick up his hand, those people would not dare to go to the door to bully.
        Because he is a scholar.
        It is the only show in Dujia Village.
        As long as he can be admitted to the show, he can set up a door for the family.
        Obviously, Du Lian and his mother are the same thoughts. Du widow is also trying to keep her son going to study.
        At first, Du Lian knew that the family was tough and very hard. In order to save money for his family, he did not write water on the table, or he wrote the branches on the ground. After going to the school, I didn't dare to take the oxcart because it cost money to ride the oxcart. The clothes that I usually wear are always sewn, sewn and supplemented, and he wears the worst in the whole school.
        When did it become?
        Oh, after he went to the town to study, the classmates in the town were so decent. He was not as good as people, and he couldn’t help but complain to his mother. Since then, his mother will no longer allow him to save money at home.
        His mother said that there is silver in the family, all for him to study, even if it is not enough, there is still a field at home.
        It is also really unavoidable. If he is not dressed well, the classmates will look down on him. He is too -calling in the day, and no one will meet him. When the holidays are over, I don’t give some gifts to my husband’s family. Where can I teach him carefully? So you can't save it, as long as he can get it, all the previous inputs can be recovered.
        Gradually, he was used to this way of doing things. Seeing that his mother never mentioned, he forgot that the family has always been unable to make ends meet.
        Until now, until now, at home for five acres of land, he was given a sick scorpion to enter the door, Du Lian really understands what kind of difficult situation the family has reached.
        But what can he say?
        Blame his mother why not tell him the real situation at home? In fact, when his mother was sick last year, the family sold the last two acres of land, but at the time he did not respond at all. Still blaming yourself? If it weren’t for him, the family would not be as good as it would be.
        Yes, I can only blame him, so he has nothing to complain about. After all, it was difficult to calm down. His dream of Yan Ruyu was finally broken. He was originally interested in Lu JiaJao-.
        Du Lian stepped out and Lu Guili wanted to stop, but Duan widow squinted.
        "You don't want to mess up, you should know how the family won you!"
        Lu Guili suddenly turned pale.
        With this sentence, Du Widow chased it out and forced Du Lian to go to Westinghouse.
        "Son, don't blame the mother, mother is also forced. Mother knows that you like Lu Jao-yue, you can rest assured that the mother must let you pick her up again, as long as you can get into the show, the mother will let you marry her."
        Du Lian looked at her mother and smiled sullenly: "How are you still jealous, how are you?!"
        "If you can be embarrassed, you can be awkward. That Lu Jao-'s shoulder can't be raised, and the country family will marry such a woman into the door, but if she marries her into the poor family, Lu Jia two rooms will not agree. That Lu Guili is not a long-lived one. As long as you are admitted to the show, then Lu Guili will be gone again. Let’s prepare a gift, and Lu 2nd house will definitely marry your daughter.”
        "Really! Don't forget that you are still in Lu family. If you have her help, this will definitely happen!" In fact, Du Widow's heart is also very low, but as long as it can comfort the son, it is true.
        Lu Guangzhi came back and said that Han Jin had heard some news and asked Lu Lujia to meet.
        Lu Jao-yue did not hesitate and promised to come down.
        The next day, still at the end of the village, or on the carriage, left the village, or that hill slope, Lu Jao-yue found that Han Jin's face was a bit strange.
        "Are you alright?" Han Jin asked with some hesitation.
        Lu Jao-yue did not understand, revealing doubtful eyes.
        Han Jin paused and said: "I heard what your 2nd brother said about your family that day."
        Lu Jao-yue glanced, oh.
        "Your aunt is a bit too much. I think your face is still a little red. Why didn't you go to the county to see the doctor?" Han Jin asked casually.
        Lu Jao-yue touched her face and said: "It's okay, thank you for your concern, and enter the uncle."
        How could it be okay? Han Jin looked at the white and soft face with some distressed feelings, and still had some red marks. It’s been a few days in the past, and there are red stamps. Needless to say, she must have suffered a big loss that day.
        On that day, Lu Guangzhi said that he would not be chaotic in front of his sister, but he still didn’t want to find a chance to teach him aunt. It’s a pity that with his current ability, he couldn’t do it at all, and he couldn’t help but think of finding a bad idea. After Han Jin listened, the surface was not obvious, but in fact, it was blown up. While committing to this matter, he was very worried about her, and she was afraid of her character.
        In these two days, all of her minds were all things that she was beaten, and my heart was burning and burning. I couldn’t help myself, and Lu Guangzhi would tell her to come out.
        Han Jin touched a small bottle from his arms and handed it to Lu Jao-yue.
        "This is the wound medicine I sold in the pharmacy. It is swollen and swollen. It is said that the effect is very good. You can try it."
        Lu Jao-yue was hesitant: "Into the uncle, my face is already good, I don't need to rub the medicine."
        Han Jin couldn't help but put the small bottle into her hand. "There is something bought anyway, you don't have to waste it."
        Between the movements, the two hands touched together, and Han Jin felt that the little hand suddenly shrank backwards. There was a hint of warmness in the abdomen, and he couldn't help but rub his fingers.
        Lu Jao-yue bowed his head and said: "Incoming uncle, thank you."
        Han Jin gave her a deep look and said: "You don't have to be so polite with me."
        Lu Jao-yue feels a little panic in his heart, and quickly stated: "Right, what did you hear from the uncle?"
        Han Jinyi.
        In fact, he came out about Lu LuJao- this month. It was not for business affairs. Instead, he listened to Lu Guangzhi story about what happened that day. He was very worried about her and wanted to see her. However, Han Jin is not without a charter. He is thinking about how to talk to her. He will see Lu Jao-yue hesitatingly looking at himself: "Incoming uncle, you should not have heard anything at all?"
        Looking at her big eyes, Han Jin suddenly was a bit -mute, and the pretending words could not be said.
        "I heard that you were embarrassed by your aunt, ‘Laughs ..."
        Han Jin really wants to punch himself, how can he tell the truth? Does she think that he is too abrupt, is a man who likes to sing a Eldest Miss?
        Lu Jao-yue is awkward, and his face is red.
        My heart was in a mess, and I wondered why he was so concerned about himself. After a while, he wanted to enter the uncle. It was because of the care of the little sister that she would be so worried about her, and her mind was very messy.
        "Into the uncle, I am fine, thank you, thank you for your concern." Her head hangs low, holding the small porcelain bottle tightly in her hand, whispered: "Into the uncle, if there is nothing, I I just want to go back first."
        In the last sentence, there was a tremor in the voice, and Han Jin looked at her intricately. "I will send you back."
        Lu Jao-yue was relieved. In fact, if she can do it, she does not want to let the other party send it, but she does not know what it is, and naturally refuses to go home.
        The two got on the carriage and didn't talk all the way.
        When they arrived at the place, Lu Jao-yue quickly jumped out of the carriage and didn't even say goodbye.
        Han Jin looked at the disappearing shadow in the distance and smiled and said: "Is it discovered?"
        It was discovered, because he was tired of being so obscured.
        Ps: Han Jinlu stuffing. See you tomorrow.

 When I got home, I couldn’t wait to tell her that she was coming back. Lu Jao-yue got into her house.
        Until now, her heart has jumped so badly.
        She didn't want to think too much, but she couldn't help it. She lived for two lifetimes. She had married many people in her life, so she understood Han Jin's mind almost instantly.
        Jin Zishu actually had that meaning to her!
        Recalling all the previous, Lu Jao-yue found that she was too slow, and there was a clue before, and she was dull and not found.
        How to do? How to do?
        He is a friend of Xiao yan, he wants to call his uncle, but he actually...
        "Moon, what are you doing?"
        When Mei sitting in the house, she saw her daughter rushing in from the outside. Without saying anything, people got into the house. Thinking that my daughter had just returned from the outside, I was a little worried.
        She pushed the door and came in, looking suspiciously at the flushed daughter: "Moon, are you okay?"
        Lu Jao-yue didn't dare to go see her mother. "No, nothing."
        "How is your face so red?"
        Lu Jao-yue sighed, only reacted, and wiped the sweat: "It’s too hot outside."
        "I don't say anything back, my mother thought you were wrong."
        "I am thirsty, eager to go back to the house to drink water." Said, Lu Jao-yue went to touch the teapot on the table, poured himself a glass of water to drink.
        "There are poisons on the sun these days, nothing to run outside. If you don't talk, you can call Gui Yan on your home. How can you always see you running to her house?"
        Lu Jao-yue is busy looking for an excuse: "Mother, Gui Yan wants to work at home, how can I go out at will."
        Mei sighed and said the same thing.
        The situation of Chen’s family is more chaotic than that of Lu family. Guilu milk is still unclear. Guixi younger brother and sister will not bring up the following. When he grows up, he has to help the family to work. How can he run out? play. Even if I have time, I dare not come out. I will see it by my grandmother Gui Gui.
        "You should be on your own heart, don't give trouble to people." The daughter always went to find Guilu, and she must delay her work. -Lao Guiyu is not good at the human face. After her daughter left, she must be sure. To tie the other side to eat and hang down.
        She nodded: "The daughter knows."
        After Mei went out, Lu Jao-yue took a sigh of relief.
        She went to the dressing table and sat down. She took a small porcelain bottle from her sleeve and looked at it. She opened the makeup and put it in. After thinking about it, I took it out again, went to open the cabinet, stuffed the bottle, and pressed it with clothes.
        She sat on the raft for a while, suddenly thought of something, and took the bronze mirror before the dressing table, and she saw a little red on her cheek.
        When I think of the waste he said, I went to the cabinet and took the small bottle out.
        I put it in my hand for a moment, and finally sighed deeply.
        How did things get like this?
        Early in the morning, Cui got up.
        After eating breakfast, she deliberately cleaned up herself, and rushed Old Lu Han to go, and the old couple waited in the house.
        During the period, she went out and watched it three times. She asked if Hu food was ready twice, because she was really flustered, and her heart was anxious. She also said that Old Lu Han had a few words, saying that he had clothes and let him change again. Old Lu Han saw that she was happy today, and she was too lazy to care about her, and she changed her clothes again.
        The new bridegroom has the rules of returning to the door in three dynasties. Today is the day when Lu Guili returns.
        Yesterday, Cui had ordered his grandmother Xiao hu to inform the three-bedroom people, so that they must come over today. The people in the 2nd room did not inform, and they all knew that they would not come.
        When it was almost time, Lu Guili and Du Lian’s figure appeared at the door of Lu home.
        Lu Guili was dressed in a peach-pink shirt with a shy expression. Du Lian’s hands were carrying a few things, and the two men came in and came in.
        Seeing this, Cui finally finally let go of his heart.
        Since she was married, she has been worried. Now, it seems that Du family does not seem to treat her badly. This way, Cui was relieved. She gratefully glanced at the grandmother Hu eyes. If it was not because of the boss’s person, this marriage could not be done.
        At this time, the men of Lu family also came, Lu Ming-shan also came, and several people and Du Lian spoke. Lu Ming-chuan asked the question of Du Lian’s academic studies. Although the shi-zi became a brother-like, Lu Ming-chuan still cares about Du Lian.
        Cui took his daughter into the back room.
        "Do you want to be good for you?"
        Lu Guili paused and nodded shyly.
        "If you are good to you, your mother will be relieved."
        In the hall, Old Lu Han looked at the beautiful son-like with satisfaction.
        Although there are too many unsatisfactory things in this family, it is now dusty. As long as Du Lian can be better than the 2nd Miss, it is an unexpected surprise for him.
        Old Lu Han looked at the lack of a room in the house, and he could not help but look down.
        After answering Lu Ming-chuan’s question, Du Lian seemed to ask at random: “How can I not see the 2nd brother’s family?” The 2nd brother naturally refers to Lu Ming-hai, Du Lian and Lu Guili have become married, originally called Lu Ming-hai 2nd uncle. Now changed the name.
        The room was quiet for a moment, Old Lu Han said: "They didn't come over, don't mention them."
        Hu rush to open the subject, and Du Lian did not ask questions.
        Lu Jao-yue got up today and went to the top of the day to get up.
        Last night, I turned around and turned to the middle of the night, until the outside was numb to sleep, and naturally it was late in the morning.
        Mei did not say that she, her daughter had a lot of obsessive things and knew how to help her family. Mei is also really grinding her daughter, so that she can help her work at home. Seeing her daughter getting up early and getting along with her every day, Mei eyes are also very distressed. Today, I saw Lu Jao-yue sleeping for a while. Not only did she not feel unhappy, but she was very happy. She repeatedly told Goro that he would not bother his sister.
        After Lu Jao-yue got up, she still felt that her brain was a little groggy. She took two faces with her hand and looked at the mirror before, but it was dark under the eyes.
        "You shouldn't be secretly doing embroidery work last night?" Mei fox suspected.
        "No mother, I don't know what's going on, I can't sleep on the squat until I sleep in the middle of the night." Lu Jao-yue subconsciously touched her eyes, now she doesn't remember her last night. What do you think, how can you sleep so late?
        Thinking of what day it was today, Mei face was stiff and she went to see her daughter’s face.
        "There is a hot meal for you in the pot. Go and eat." She did not tell the concerns of her heart.
        Lu Jao-yue nodded and went to the stove.
        Only when she was eating, she was too lazy to toss and ate in the kitchen.
        After eating, take out the bowl and wash it.
        Lujia does not have a well. On most days, the draught is picked in the well in the middle of the village. However, Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangyi are always diligent. The first thing they do every morning is to pick up the water tank at home. So, the family never lacks water to eat.
        Lu Jao-yue took some water with a scoop, put it in the basin, and then washed the dishes. I had a light breakfast, no oil, and I washed very well.
        She washed the dishes and dried her hands and stood up. When she just looked up, she saw a person standing in front of her.
        It is Du Lian.
        Du Lian never carefully looked at Lu Jao-yue after growing up.
        He does not understand the truth, he still understands. Especially when she grew up, he also grew up studying, busy with his studies, and occasionally came to Lu, but he could only take a look at it. Therefore, Du Lian has always known that Lu Jao-yue is beautiful, but in the end, there is no specific concept.
        This is the first time that Du Lian has been so close to Lu Jao-yue.
        He is a little shocked.
        White skin and delicate skin, black hair of the crow, petal-like lips and big eyes of water. Slim and delicate, like a weak willow wind, but also like a sea otter.
        It is not like a Miss in the country.
        Du Leng had this feeling earlier, which is why he did not contradict a country woman, and this feeling is even worse. Du Lian also had a few drinks with the classmates, but none of the Miss were more beautiful than Lu JiaJao-.
        Du Lian couldn't help but feel a distress, this person should have belonged to himself.
        If Du Leng had a slap in the face of his mother's words, but he didn't break it, he couldn't bear to hurt her mother's heart. Maybe there was a hint of hope in his heart, but that feeling was not strong. But at this time, he is really hopeful, and everything can come true. As long as he can be admitted to the show, he will be able to marry her.
        There was a sudden impulse in his heart, and he himself came because of impulsiveness. He wanted to know what kind of reaction would be after her marriage was robbed. On the two days at home, he remembered her more times than ever before, especially when he saw the sickly married ‘Madam’, he couldn’t help but think that she might be extremely sad, after all, nearby There is no better child in the village than him.
        Looking at the other side complex, shocked, faint and with a sad look, Du Lian misunderstood.
        He is excited and lovingly said: "Jao-yue, I blame me bad, hurt your heart. You will wait for me, I will marry you into the door." He thought, she would like to marry him, if Otherwise it is so.
        Lu Jao-yue, who was somewhat complicated, was stunned. What is this person talking about?
        "You can rest assured that I will come to marry you when I am admitted to the show."
        Look at her?
        If Lu Jiayue impression of Du Lian in his last life is that this is a smart person, then she is very skeptical that he is not in a problem with his head.
        Look at her? How are you? Did he still wake up dreaming?
        Sure enough, Du Lian is as selfish and stupid, arrogant and arrogant as he is hidden in the bones. Just because he is hidden by his modest Master, many people can't see his true face.
        What she was trying to say, she saw the excitement of the opposite side, and grabbed her hand. Lu Jao-yue immediately wanted to get rid of it, but unfortunately the other party caught too tightly.
        "You let me go!"
        "Jao-yue, you listen to me, I was forced to marry your little Miss..."
        "You don't care about my little Miss, what about me!"
        "Jao-yue, I thought that my jealous person is you, I don't know..."
        Just then, a sound blasted like a bang in the body of Du Lian.
        "You let go of my sister!"
        Immediately afterwards, Du Lian was kicked open and knocked down to the ground.
        It is Lu Guangyi.
        When Lu Guanggang came back from the ground, he saw someone entangled in his sister. He couldn’t wait to react, and people rushed up.
        "Hello, dare, who made you bully my sister?!"
        Du Lian is just a weak scholar. Lu Guangyi has been working outside the home all year round. He has a lot of strength. He smashed the other side and punched him. He shook his head a few times and was a little bit clearer.
        "Misundership, misunderstanding..."
        "Misundering your mother's egg!"
        Lu Guangsu has always been a good man, and this is his first time to swear. He pulled the younger sister behind him, and took the maiden on his side, and he smashed it.
        Du Lian was scared to the bottom of his mouth, and he did not care about the pain on his face. He even went to the side to hide.
        "I am Du Lian, I am not thin and she..."
        "Du Lian?" Lu Guangyi stopped his movements and turned to see his sister.
        Lu Jao-yue was touched by Du Lian, and it was as disgusting as eating a fly. She wiped her hand and accused him: "Brother, he runs inexplicably and wants to marry me and pull my hand."
        "I killed you this son!"
        Lu Guangyi said nothing, and picked up Shantou and went to Du Lian.
        Mei, who had been cleaning up the house in the east, heard the movement and ran out.
        "Boss, hey, what?"
        "Mother, this disciple bullies my sister!"
        When Mei listened, suddenly Lu Mei was erected and picked up the bedroom-servant and chased Du Lian.
        "Where is the little rabbit scorpion, actually ran to my house to bully my daughter..."
        When the people on the other side of the room heard the movement and ran over, Du Lian had been beaten up and swollen. Fortunately, Lu Jao-yue was afraid of a life, and she kept her brother, and did not let him go to the maiden, otherwise it would be worrying.
        Looking at Du Lian’s miserable feelings, Lu Guili cried out with a cry and ran to him to see his injury.
        Old Lu Han was so angry that his beard shook up: "What do you do with Mei? This is the Guili man, the grandfather of the family."
        "My aunt and his grandfather's legs, where came the little rabbit scorpion, went to the old mother's house to bully my daughter... Ah!" Mei quickly reacted. "He is Du Lian?"
        The responding Mei was even more angry, and he used to lick the bedroom-servantes in his hand.
        "Boss, give me a fight, kill this shameless rabbit scorpion! Killed, the old Lady gave him a life!" Mee was also confused, and took out the harsh words of the country.
        Lu Guangyi listened, and when he said nothing, he took the maiden and went up to shoot Du Lian.
        Lu Ming-chuan stepped forward and grabbed him. He hurriedly said: "Yi Xiao zi, what are you doing!" And he said to Mei Shi: "He is 2nd, what the hell is going on, how do you call and kill when you come up?" "Apparently, he did not hear the words of Mei.
        Mei anger was out of breath, pointing to Lu Ming-chuan: "Boss, you come to tell him!"
        Du Lian is the shi-zi of the big room. It is obvious that Mei is also blaming Lu Ming-chuan.
        Lu Guangyi did not delay, he told the scene he saw. I am afraid that people will not believe, and let Lu Jao-yue come forward to complete the whole thing.
        After listening to the ins and outs of the matter, Old Lu Han and Lu Ming-chuan looked awkward, and Cui did not dare to set the channel: "Impossible, it must be the moon and the head of Du Lian!"
        Qiao stated at the side: "Does anyone else want to marry him?"
        Hu, standing on the side, his face was dark and inexplicable.
        Mei Shi was laughed at by her mother-like, and she was too lazy to say to her. She ran to the side and picked up the broom standing in the corner of the wall. She said, "I will roll it for you. Our family does not welcome you, if it is Run the wrong place again, come to me one. I have seen nonsense, I have never seen humming nonsense, I am a long-term experience!"
        Although Mei name is not named, she is known to be in Cui. After all, it is his mother-like, and Mei can’t sway at the other’s nose. She is not afraid of anything, but she does not want to make men trapped in the middle.
        All the people were rushing and hurried away.
        Mei gas was thrown away by the broom in his hand, and said: "The 2nd child is really wrong. This Du family is not a good thing! I didn't think that this child is like this. How can it be like this now?"
        Lu Jao-yue also refused to think about the matter, and rushed forward to appease her mother.
        On the other side of the room, the faces of a house are not good.
        Lu Guili was still crying, and Du Lian was licking his face with a bruised face and a swearing slogan.
        Old Lu Han took a table and angered: "Du Lian, you come to tell me what this is all about!"
        Du Lian’s face under his finger was stiff and his tongue was unclear: “That is a misunderstanding, they are jealous of me.”
        Hu said on the side: "Hey, Lian Er is a daughter-like who plays big and big. He is not the one who will do such a thing."
        Du Lian nodded again and again, so the whole thing came out of his mouth and changed to another version.
        According to him, he went to the huts. He came out from the upper house and did indeed go to the shack of the huts.
        When you mention this huts, you have to say that Lu huts are behind the house, close to the vegetable fields. Going to the house from the upper house, you must pass by the 2nd house and walk to the vegetable land behind.
        Du Lian said that he went to the back of the shack, and he knew that he met Lu Jao-yue. Lu Jao-yue called him and asked him why his family had ruined his family. So he explained to her, the two were talking, and Lu Guangyi came. Lu Guangyi came up to say that he was going to beat him, and Lu Jao-yue also said that he was thin and thin, so things will develop into that.
        After the words are finished, everyone is amazed.
        According to Du Lian’s statement, it is indeed possible to win the letter, because Du Jiaben was in agreement with the 2nd house, but was temporarily replaced by Lu Guili. Lu Jao-yue lost this affair, and it would be normal to ask questions to retaliate.
        Old Lu Han and Cui face immediately eased, Lu Guili did not cry, but complained that the 2nd is too much, do not ask the indiscriminate hit. It is said that Lu Jao-yue is really awkward, knowing that Du Lian is her uncle.
        Some people don't believe that Hu is one, and Qiao is another.
        Of course, we can't say that everyone believes in Du Lian's rhetoric, but with this explanation, the face can look good, so as not to make trouble for the aunts, or the uncle thoughts about the shu-daughter, Not good to see.
        It is reasonable to say that the new grandfather and the new marrying mother are going back to the door to stay at home for a day, and it is good to go back before dusk. The Lulu family did not leave two more people. When they had lunch, they let the two go, and they didn’t even have dinner.
        After lunch, I went back to the house. Qiao told Lu Ming-shan: "This joke can be a big problem. It’s all like this. You want to cover your mother."
        Lu Ming-shan gave her a sip: "Give me less."
        Qiao flipped his eyes and didn't speak.
        I have been left in the house by Qiao. I didn’t even let her go to the room to eat Lu Jao-xing. After listening to her sister Lu Jao-zhen’s complete story, her face was very strange.
        When Lu Ming-hai came back at night, after listening to what happened today, his face was black and scary.
        As soon as he patted the table, he said: "When the wall is built, the boss will put things in his hands for two days. Let's build the walls first."
        "Yes, hey."
        It is said that it is a masonry wall, in fact, it will be so easy.
        First of all, the yard was not easy to divide. When the family was separated, Old Lu Han divided the house in the 2nd room into two rooms. The vegetable fields after the 2nd house were divided into two rooms and three rooms. The vegetable fields in front of the house were reserved for their own use. . And the huts of the Lu family are still in the vegetable garden of the two-bedroom and three-bedroom, and it is not easy to do it alone.
        There is also a wall to first hit the adobe, adobe can not be done in a day or two, and the adobe has to be exposed to the sun, dried to use. Let's not mention that this project is not big, it takes a long time.
        Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangyi father and son are not too troublesome. Since they have decided, they will do it. The huts were in the 2nd-room vegetable plot. He and the three-bedroom couple greeted each other and said that they would help the three houses to dig one in their vegetable fields. Anyway, after three rooms, they had to get fat, and the huts had to be built one. The 2nd room is shared.
        As for the upper house, Lu Ming-hai did not do too much, but he greeted his older brother Lu Ming-chuan in advance, saying that they would help them dig one in their vegetable fields. After all, the 2nd room occupied the huts of the family.
        Lu Ming-chuan did not embarrass him, he readily agreed, and helped Lu Ming-hai to work. He insisted that the 2nd brother should not do so absolutely, build a courtyard wall, so as not to hurt the heart of the mother. He did explain to Du Lian that day, and he explained that it was a misunderstanding.
        Lu Ming-hai is undecided, Lu Ming-chuan said more, he is just silent. I don’t mention it on the other side. As for Du Lian, Lu Ming-hai naturally believes in his son’s daughter, not the big brother who has heard the one-sided words.
        At the same time, Lu Ming-hai was a little alienated from his brother Lu Ming-chuan. Du Dun is the shi-zi of Hu family. The two have a constant relationship. Hu is in the middle. If the same thing happens in the future, the older brother will only believe. My ‘Madam is over there.
        Therefore, when people become pro, many things will change slowly. It is not about others, but people always have a distance. Compared with the Brother, it must be that their daughter-like wants to be more pro-friendly. After all, eating in a pot, sleeping on a bed, and raising children together, even going through a lifetime.
        Lu Ming-hai himself is this kind of mind, and naturally understands the idea of ​​Big Brother.
        If you don't mention these, Lu Jao-yue plan to build a wall at home is to agree with both hands. Du Jia side will definitely not be less, and it can be completely separated from the upper house. Naturally, it is good.
        But she also knows that playing adobe masonry walls is not a small project. After considering it again and again, she went to find Lu Ming-hai and said her own thoughts. Lu Jao-yue thinks that it is better to use bricks to build bricks. Bricks can be bought ready-made, saving time and effort. The only drawback is to spend money.
        I can think about it. If Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangyi both leave their hands, and they are busy building the wall, they must delay a lot of things. First of all, Lu Ming-hai tofu is not to be sold, and what to do in the fields. When you see it, you will soon enter the autumn. You will have to collect food immediately. The crops at this time are to be carefully watched. Lu Ming-hai is busy selling tofu. The work in the field is Lu Guanggan.
        Let's not mention this first. When it comes to collecting food, the whole family will go into battle, and the wall building will be delayed. After collecting the grain, we also need to thresh, raise the field, pay taxes, and when it is finished, the day is almost cold. When the weather is cold, the adobe can't be hit, which means that if the adobe is used to build the wall, this courtyard wall will not be built this year.
        Lu Ming-hai was also angry for a moment, only to set the wall of the courtyard, did not expect so much. At this time, listening to her daughter said that I found the difficulties.
        But if he used bricks to build a wall, he couldn't bear it. There was not much money at home. After collecting the food immediately, he had to give the boss a marriage, and the money at home was not enough.
        Lu Jao-yue knows her worries and says that she is coming out of the silver wall of the masonry wall.
        At that time, the pair of embroidered goods sold twenty-two silver. She was originally prepared to give her money to her mother, but her mother did not want it. Mei only took ten or two silver, saying that he was giving money to Lu Guangyi, and that the money he had to use when he was married was at home. As for the rest of the money, she let Lu Jao-yue close up and said that she was picked up as her dowry.
        Lu Jao-yue does not want to, she usually does not spend money, the reason why it costs so much effort to do embroidery to sell money, but also for the family. Ke Mei is very determined, Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangyi also think that this is quite right. In the thoughts of these two men, it is a man's business to support the family. How can the daughter (sister) come and ask them to do something.
        Especially Lu Guangyi, he felt that he was arrogant to his sister and he was determined not to let it go. Lu Jao-yue took the rest of the money in order not to let the big brother have a burden in his heart.
        She was prepared to find a chance to mention the Wulang and the 2nd brother to study, but the time is not coincidental. The general school students are all in the year, so the money is taken out for the time being, and it does not delay anything. When it is next year, she sells embroidery and can sell a lot of money. It is more than enough to send two younger Brother to study.
        In fact, Lu Jao-yue thinks more, she also wants to help the family to build a few tile houses, but the masonry wall is imminent, it can only be put down temporarily, and the house will be discussed next year.
        Ps: Actually, the Duwi widow is not worried about Du Lian. It is just that many widowed mothers have the exclusive desire of the eldest son. The son is his own. Now, some women are robbed. Naturally, the daughter-like does not. Good eye. Her daughter-like and her son are a little intimate, she can't understand, her daughter-like is doing some work for her son, and she can't look good with her eyes. This kind of mentality has different ways of expressing, and she can pay attention to her mother-like drama. Or a variety show like love defense. The most exaggerated thing I have ever seen is a variety show. My husband sleeps with my mother every night, so that my daughter-like can stay alone.
        The world is big, there is nothing strange, so remember, don't marry the widow mother with a big pacifier male. Such a man is either a surprisingly big manism (the fuck wants him to be meticulous, in his heart, of course, that woman should be like this). Either a mother-like (there is a dispute between the daughter-like and the mother-like, whether it is right or wrong, everything is wrong with you), or the mother-like thinks that the daughter-like is robbing her son, and the two are arguing every day →_→ See you tomorrow.

 Lu Ming-hai did not want to use his daughter's money, but Lu Jao-yue said that the courtyard wall is not allowed, maybe when Du Lian came to Lu. Lu Jao-yue is not afraid of Du Lian, she said so that she can answer her own money.
        Lu Ming-hai thinks about it too. If this kind of thing comes again, I am afraid that my daughter will not have to marry afterwards, and I promised to come down.
        When the charter is set, things will be easier. The father and the daughter first said this to the rest of the family. At the same time, they talked about the concerns and won the unanimous approval of others.
        Then Lu Ming-hai took the silver from his daughter and bought the bricks with the eldest son.
        When the two returned, the line followed three ox carts. Today is the first batch of bricks sent, and bricks will be sent behind.
        Daxi Village is such a big place, there is something moving in the village, naturally it is not the eyes of others. When I saw that Lu Jia Lao had shipped so many bricks back, I thought he was going to build a house and ran to see the excitement.
        On the other side of the house, I naturally saw the movement. Old Lu Han and others stood in the crowd, listening to Lu Ming-hai and watching the lively villagers chill.
        Hearing Lu Ming-hai said that the brick was used to build the courtyard wall, and the others did not understand the meaning of it for a while, and they were all distracted by such a large hand. We must know that in the village, the walls of ordinary people are all earthen walls, and the brick walls are used to build the walls of the house. Now Lu 2nd child also uses a brick wall, which is not a big deal.
        Lu Ming-hai can only explain with a bitter smile, saying that the time to hit the adobe can't catch up, so the blue brick is used.
        Others don’t believe it, but they can’t continue to pursue it. They can only pout and envy. Only the people on the side of the house understand what is going on, and the complex emotions in their hearts are not enough to express their words.
        The 2nd child wants to be separated from the family. In order to separate as soon as possible, he will not hesitate to spend a lot of money.
        Qiao envy is very uncomfortable. At this moment, he envied the room in the 2nd room. The room in the 2nd room is alone. The wall can be separated from the upper house, but they can't.
        Hu Shi thinks more, there are not a few bricks to be used for wall building, and there are many natural flowers. Where is the 2nd room from? She used her eyes to estimate the extent of the wall to be built in the next two rooms. It took about ten or two silver to do it. When the 2nd room said that there was no money, let Du family wait for a year, then she did not believe. At this point, it seems that the 2nd house does not want to be a pro with Du, not a problem with silver money.
        No matter where it comes from, Du family is a good family.
        Hu thoughts were too many, so that he didn’t sleep all night, and he could not help but raise a sigh of emotion.
        The next day, she inadvertently mentioned in front of Cui, saying that when she was separated, it was because of the 2nd room that the money in the house was hollowed out, and even the money for the boss Lu daughter-like was gone. Now, it seems that there is no money.
        Cui face was difficult to look at at the time, but she did not say anything. As for whether she said this with Old Lu Han, from the two-bedroom masonry wall, Old Lu Han did not reveal it at all.
        Of course, this is also the latter thing.
        At home, because the masonry walls are so busy, Lu Guangzhi is not good at home, so there is only one day in the gambling area.
        Fortunately, Han Jin supported him there, and no one said anything.
        On this day, Lu Guangzhi returned to Lu Jao-yue and said that Han Jin had heard some news and wanted to meet her.
        Lu Jao-yue was stunned at the time.
        With the things of the past few days, she couldn't believe that Han Jin had met her to make a small business trip, but if she didn't, she was hesitant.
        Lu Jao-yue couldn’t understand why she would hesitate in her heart. She blamed herself for being really worried about Xiao yan.
        Hesitated for a while, Lu Jao-yue still promised.
        This is the 2nd time that the two uncles and sisters met, and they all said that Sao Xiao zhi business was a bit curious.
        "Sister, how do you and Jin Zishu always say about Xiao Xiao , what happened to Xiao yan’s business?"
        Lu Jao-yue is inexplicably somewhat guilty. Perfunctor said to his younger brother: "Children's family, care about what to do." It may be that listening to Mei use of this tone is used to, and she is not afraid to use this tone to smother her brother.
        Lu Guangzhi showed his doubtful eyes.
        Lu Jao-yue explained this: "You also know that Sao Yan took the money from home for business. I was a little worried about him. When he entered the partnership with him, I asked him to inquire about something. You know the temper of Xiao yan, and you are used to it. The grandparents are older and we have to check for him."
        Lu Guangzhi knew that the big sister and the little sister would be small, but there was no doubt.
        On the next day, Lu Jao-yue walked to the end of the village in a mood.
        Sure enough, I saw Hanjin’s carriage in the old place, and I saw the man in the car. Lu Jao-yue heartbeat began to accelerate.
        "Into the uncle." When the man came to the front, she did not dare to look up.
        Han Jin glanced at her and said, "Get on the bus."
        Lu Jao-yue also knew that this was not the place to talk. When she got on the bus, the carriage quickly left here and ran to the distance.
        It was still the secluded and uninhabited hillside. The first two Lu Jao-yue and Han Jin met here, and they didn't feel anything. But this time, she felt inexplicably a little flustered.
        She didn't even have a car. When Han Jin stopped the car, she hurriedly asked: "Incoming uncle, what did you hear?"
        "You are very anxious?" Han Jin turned and asked.
        She is naturally anxious, but this must not be said to him. Lu Jao-yue can only smile and smile: "There is something in the house."
        Han Jin nodded, but just looked at Lu Jao-yue, did not speak.
        Lu Jao-yue was seen by him as a needle and felt to -call, but he couldn’t say anything about it, but he couldn’t say anything, and he thought that the other side was too much.
        Just when Lu Jao-yue was about to be anxious to cry out, Han Jin suddenly said: "I heard that Du Lian is entangled with you?"
        I heard, who is listening? Nature is self-evident.
        Lu Jao-yue can't wait to beat Lu Guangzhi at this moment, how can he not say anything at all, and say anything outside. But she also understands that her brother is not deliberately like this. He can only say that this person is too bad.
        Yes, bad.
        Lu Jao-yue used to think that Han Jin was a good person, but he tied the hat to his head.
        Her heart was in a mess, and she didn't know how to answer each other. She could only keep her head silent.
        It was very quiet all around, not even a trace of wind, and it was hot and stuffy.
        Neither of them spoke, and Lu Jao-yue could even hear each other's breathing.
        Her heart was a little anxious, and she retreated backwards. She didn't dare to look at each other. She used a crying voice to whisper: "If you don't have anything, I want to go back first." She really shouldn't. If you believe him, you should not come here!
        Daddy, a sigh sounded.
        Han Jin looked at her with a smug look. "I thought you understood my mind..." After a pause, he said again: "I like you very much, Jao-yue, I like it for a long time."
        Lu Jao-yue mind suddenly became blank, as if something had exploded inside.
        How can he do this? How can I say that? Only the disciples will do this.
        "What do you say, I don't understand..." She stuttered. "I want to go back. You will send me back." Seeing the other person not talking, no action, just staring at her, she is anxious They all cried out and stated: "Do you know me, I don’t know, he knows, he won’t spare you..."
        Han Jin still did not speak.
        Lu Jao-yue was even more anxious, muttering: "You will send me back soon, I will not have happened this time, so it will not damage your friend relationship with Xiao yan..."
        Although Han Jin came to the preparations to be smashed before, but in the end it was the first time to reveal his love for women. His heart was actually very nervous. Who ever thought that she was such a reaction, could not help but let him mouth There is a bit of bitterness in it, and some laugh. When she knew that she was threatening people, she was not scared at all, but she was guilty and guilty, making people feel like laughing and pity.
        Seeing her panic, Han Jin’s words can’t be said, and she can’t bear to scare her again. He said, “Don’t be afraid, I will send you back.”
        He shouldn't have rushed her.
        The carriage arrived at Daxi Village, the car had not stopped, and Lu Jao-yue jumped down the car. If Han Jin’s eye is not enough for her, she will definitely fall.
        Lu Jao-yue seemed to be shrunk like a hot, and got rid of Han Jinyu big palm on her elbow, and then the person who didn't have a head ran away.
        Han Jin behind him sighed silently, it seems that he has to continue to work hard.
        All the way back to the gambling house, Han Jin stopped the carriage and went in from the back door.
        At this time, there is no difference between the gambling and the past, and it is still so smoky and full of noise. A large group of people gathered around the table, hysterically -calling "big, big, small, small", it seems to be evil.
        Han Jin stood there for a while and went up to the 2nd floor.
        When I first went upstairs, I was stopped by Hu 3rd .
        "Into the brother, you said this is really a coincidence." He smiled and walked over and gestured to let Han Jin go with him.
        Han Jin made a questioning look.
        Hu 3rd brought Han Jin to a room. The location of this room is very good, and the whole floor can be seen from top to bottom.
        He pointed his finger at one of the tables on the first floor. The whole person was almost half-squatting on the table, his eyes were red, and he stared at the bedroom-servant. He stated at the big man, and the man who patted the table, smiled and said: "The man surnamed Zhao, called Zhao Guodong, are you clever?"
        The goal was too obvious. Han Jin looked at it in the past. He first saw it and then smiled. "It’s really a bit clever, but it saves a lot of things." Isn't it a coincidence? He was looking for the shackles of the Zhao family, and he knew that he was sent to the door.
        "It was discovered by Lu Guangzhi. I asked the old people about them. I heard them say that Zhao Guodong came here to gamble here for a while. Every time I came here, it was the number of recent visits. I have been losing more and more, every time I come. I have to lose a couple of dollars?"
        "Who are they doing their hands and feet?" Han Jin asked.
        Lao He is the 'press square in the gambling house, also known as the 'banker', who is a gambler. Each of these presses has a craft, not to let you win and win, let you lose and lose, at least no one can get good in their hands. In fact, it is also imaginable. If a gambler comes to win one, what does the gambling party eat?
        Hu 3rd shook his head, and some disdain: "There are small shrimps like this, and they don't need to let them shoot."
        Han Jin nodded and nodded. This is also the case, too little oil.
        "How? Do you want me to talk to the old man and give him a next set?"
        Han Jin looked at the man below and nodded. "When you talk to the old man, things are done. I invite him to drink."
        Hu 3rd made a clear gesture and asked: "What kind of standard do you do?"
        Han Jin thought for a moment: "Let's do it."
        As the saying goes, ten gambling and nine scams, gambling houses have their own rules of acting, so some people win, and some lose. Winning is generally a small head, but if you lose, it is likely to go bankrupt.
        Of course, if you encounter the right object, the gambling house does not mind the next set of pits, but generally it is aimed at the kind of 'field sheep', or has no background in itself. First, let you win a little, then let you lose two, tossing back and forth a few times, the average gambler will be red-eyed, this time there is no reason to speak, wait a few lose a fine, then there is a gambling The usury is going forward, and things that we don’t dare to do usually dare to do it.
        When I came back to God, I had already borrowed a lot of money, and then I naturally got a debt collection.
        The so-called "quantity" is the jargon used by the gamblers themselves. Generally speaking, the local people who understand the background of the other party will make you feel hurt, but it will not break the family.
        All in all, in a word, the person below can't fall well.
        Hu nodded and went on to arrange it.
        Recently, the two-room family is very busy.
        Such a large project of the masonry wall is naturally not completed by Lu Ming-hai and his father and son. Lu Ming-shan has always been a temper who likes to avoid laziness. Lu Ming-hai did not expect him to help himself. Lu Ming-chuan came to the upper house. In order not to delay the receipt of food, Lu Ming-hai invited several villagers who had handed him over to help.
        The township folks help to do the work, it is very rare to collect money, usually the rice, as long as the rice is full. Therefore, Mei and Lu Jao-yue are also very busy recently, they are busy cooking. A meal for more than a dozen people is not a simple job.
        "Hai Zige, you are strong enough!" A man dressed in a scorpion smeared a sweat on his head and reached for the wall behind him.
        "It's the same, bricks are just a matter of saving." Lu Ming-hai.
        Saving things is a matter of saving things, that is, spending money. Recently, no one has come to watch the wall of the Lujia two-bedroom building. They are all -calling. Naturally, some people also joked about how to build a good wall. Lu Ming-hai excuse is to divide up. After that, he still needs to raise some chickens and ducks at home. It is always cheaper to have walls.
        I believe that there are also those who don’t believe. Of course, the majority who do not believe this are the majority. So privately, there is no one to talk about Lu quiet separation.
        Now it seems that it is definitely what happened to Lu family, otherwise it would not be the case for Lu 2nd child. In addition, Old Lu Han's three younger Brother had a woman who didn't take the door and said something that she saw in the 2nd room that day. So recently, there was a lot of rhetoric about the Lu family.
        It’s just that aunt grabs a man. This kind of thing is always shocking. Plus, the old two of Lu old couples in the village are not bad, and they are not the kind of people who are unclear, so I believe that there are not many rumors. .
        In the end, people have a bad taste. Even if they don't believe it, they will not prevent someone from saying it privately. So the rumors about the various versions of the Lu family are circulating in the village. Only no one dares to mention it in person, plus the two-bedroom people have been busy, naturally do not know.
        "This wall is built up. You haven't had to worry about it for the last two decades."
        Most of the country homes use the walls of the adobe barriers. The soil walls are easy to use and can be done by themselves. But the only thing that is not good is that it is afraid of water. When it rains, it will pour down the muddy water along the wall. It will be repaired once in a year and a half, so as not to collapse, and the life of the earthen wall is only In two or three years, you will need to do it again. However, the brick wall does not have this problem, which is why the other party said this.
        Lu Ming-hai nodded again and again, although he was so distressed to spend money, but looking at this neatly flat wall, he was very happy.
        Over there, Mei is -calling for dinner.
        When Lu Ming-hai heard the -call, he stated: "Everyone should take a break before eating the food."
        Suddenly, several men have left their hands on their work, and went to the water tank to wash their hands and wash their faces. Some of them were tough, and they poured a bucket of water against themselves. After that, they wiped them with a piece of cloth placed on the side and walked to the table.
        On the dinner table, there are a few large pots of vegetables, which are well-prepared. The vegetarian dishes have their own kinds of spinach and cabbage, and the leeks are pork belly and a bowl of loofah scrambled eggs. The staple food is a two-in-one taro made of cornmeal and white noodles. One is as big as a man's fist, and it is full of pots.
        "My sea scorpion is a fragrant cooking, and the moon shi-nu is also a good hand on the stove." The person who spoke was Lu Dagui. He had a good relationship with Lu Ming-hai. The two also went closer, so they talked more casually.
        A few men on the side have joined together. In the past few days, they have helped in the Lujia 2nd house. They naturally know that the daily meals are made by Lu Ming-hai mother-like Mei and his daughter Lu Jao-yue.
        Not to mention, the same dishes, people do is incense. Going back naturally, I have to complain a few words about my own mother-like. It’s been a matter of counts and turns, saying that people in the Minghai family are willing to put oil on them. If your family dishes are willing to put oil, they will be so delicious.
        If you talk about this, you can't go down and talk about it. If you talk about it, you should have the ability to make money, so the woman's hand is loose. If you are someone skill, the old Lady will not be like this. if.
        Mei, who got a lot of praise, was not shy, but smiled heartily and said, "Let's eat more."
        Since it was a tribute, everyone picked up chopsticks and maidens and stood there around the table to eat.
        Lu Jao-yue had already avoided the house, and Mei greetings returned to the house. The men at home are eating outside with the working men, and the mother and the daughter are alone.
        "Mother, come and eat."
        Lu Jao-yue had already given Mei soup a bowl of soup, and she waited for her to come back to drink. Both of them were busy for a morning, especially Mei, almost a person who completed the task of cooking, naturally very tired. Lu Jao-yue is also tired, but she is much easier to do than Meh, just to help. But she can feel tired, let alone her mother.
        "I will go to the table outside, I will go to rest."
        "You go to sleep, mother is not tired."
        Lu Jao-yue did not agree with it, but she did not say anything, just prepared to wait for her and her mother to finish busy, and then go to nap. However, I can only sleep for half an hour, and I have to get up to prepare meals at night. It seems simple to cook, but it is not easy to cook a large group of people.
        "I heard you say that you can finish the work in two days. At that time, we can take a break." Mei eyes looked distressed, and the daughter who had recently lost her spirits. My daughter was spoiled from childhood, and I have been tired enough in recent days.
        "Mother, I am not tired."
        After the meal, Lu Jao-yue stood up and packed up the table, waiting for her and Mei to take out the bowl, and the outside people also ate. The sun was poisoned at noon, and the people who came to work all went home to rest. I stayed there for a while and continued.
        Lu Ming-hai and his father helped the Mei mother and daughter to clean up the table. Mei was cleaning the table. Lu Jao-yue and Lu Guangzhi put the dishes in a basin and carried them to the side to wash.
        "You haven't been there for a few days, is it okay?" There was a gambling house, and Lu Jao-yue saw that his brother had not been there for several days. A few days ago, he always separated for a day or two, and he would go to reveal the following. He must always be worth the one or two wages given by others.
        Lu Guangzhi didn't expect her sister to ask this. The action of drowning paused. "Nothing, there is a helper who talks, no one will say anything."
        When he mentioned Han Jin, Lu Jao-yue was somewhat silent, and naturally he did not continue to ask.
        When everything is done, everyone will go back to the house to rest.
        After another two days, the courtyard wall of the 2nd room was finally built.
        The height of one person's wall is rounded, and the room of the 2nd room is circled in the middle, including the vegetable field behind it. The reason why the vegetable plot will be circled is also for future consideration. As time goes by, there will be more and more people in the family, and it is natural to build a house. The housing of the 2nd room is limited, I am afraid that the vegetable land may also be used.
        By the way, I opened a door on the side. Some time ago, the two-bedroom people walked the simple door in the vegetable field. The road was not even flat. Since the wall was to be built this time, it was naturally opened with the door. A wooden-colored door was installed on the door frame, and it has since become a self-contained family.
        Looking out from the courtyard, the blue courtyard walls and the solid gates are quite a bit rich.
        On this day, the 2nd home came to the family.
        When Lu Jao-yue saw someone coming, it was a glimpse.
        At the same time, there are some hairpins, as well as Lu Guangzhi.
        "Into the Brother, how come this time, but what's the matter? Advanced to sit." Mei said with Han Jin, and called Lu Ming-hai: "When the family, the family came to the guests, you help first The car was pulled in, lest the small scorpion, which had a quail egg outside, stunned the horse."
        "Big sister, let me come by myself." Han Jindao.
        "You don't have to, you come in and sit down. I wanted to stay with you for the last time. Unfortunately, there are no men at home, some are inconvenient. Today, I am at home, staying at lunch at noon." Mei said warmly.
        "How is this so interesting?"
        "What's the embarrassment, last time thanks to your help, let's come back."
        "I also came to talk this time, and Zhuang Yi is back."
        "Really?" Mei was very happy. He led Han Jin to go to the house. "What did he say? Did you say that when you come back, you will tell me quickly."
        Soon the two entered the hall, leaving Lu Jao-yue and Lu Guangzhi to look at each other and still have some reaction.
        Lu Guangzhi breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought that I was coming to find me."
        Lu Jao-yue saw his brother and did not speak.
        When she saw Han Jin, she subconsciously had this idea. At this point, it seems that it is not.
        While Lu Jao-yue breathed a sigh of relief, her heart was also faintly worried. After that time, he asked his brother to send her two words, but she did not go out. What did he do today? Is there really news of a small embarrassment, or is it for something else?
        Lu Jao-yue was still hesitating. The sound of Mei crying her water was heard in the room. When she couldn’t think about it, she turned into the stove.
        Every summer, the 2nd-room people will drink a kind of herbal tea made from the fruit of the fruit, and put it in the earthen teapot. After drinking it, it will be very hot.
        Lu Jao-yue took a stone pottery bowl used by her family. After thinking about it, she changed the white porcelain bowl used by the guests at home, poured a bowl of herbal tea, and went to the main room.
        When he entered, Han Jin was talking to Mei.
        Mei seeing her daughter’s tea came, and she greeted Hanjin: “Into the Brother, come to drink tea. This is our own herbal tea, don’t give up.”
        Han Jinxi didn't care: "Big sister, I am also a country-born person. You can see it when you say so."
        Mei glimpse, but this is not the case. This Hanjin is also a native of the country, but his name is outside, and few people will think of it. In addition, every time Méz met him, he came and went in a hurry, driving in a carriage, and he did not regard him as the mud man in the village.
        "It’s also that I am too hospitable. If you drink tea, if it is not enough, I will let your big shi-nu give you more."

 Big shi-nu?
        Han Jin and Lu Jao-yue are both a glimpse.
        Han Jin smiled a bit, and Lu Jao-yue was cramped and uneasy, and also brought some embarrassment.
        She stood there, and she didn't dare to raise her head, and her ears were red.
        When Han Jin saw her, she couldn’t help but make a bit of teasing. After drinking the tea, she smiled at her with a bowl.
        "The big shi-nu, bother you."
        Lu Jao-yue was very annoyed in her heart. She saw that he didn’t mean anything, but in front of her mother, she didn’t dare to say anything. She just went up to pick up the bowl and quietly licked him. A glance.
        She turned and went out, and when she turned her back, she heard Han Jin say to her mother: "Big sister, this tea in your home is really refreshing. I have never had such a good tea before."
        Mei smiled: “It’s not a good thing. It’s what your big shi-nu got when he was a child. It’s rough, but it’s really refreshing, so I’m using it to cool the summer.”
        Han Jinrao looked at Lu Jao-yue back with a sigh of relief. He said: "When the moon was a child, there was still naughty time. I saw that she was very quiet and quiet. The big sister would teach her daughter, I can listen to Zhuang Yi more than once. How good is his shi-nu."
        Mei face is 'the best daughter of my daughter's face, saying: "When you are not so praised, she is a little like to praise his shi-nu in front of others."
        Upon hearing this conversation, Lu Jao-yue took a step and the people rushed out.
        When I come back, I can see the blush on my face, and I don’t know if I am angry or ashamed. She put the tea bowl on the table, but the man did not go out, but pretended to help the younger Brother to clean up the house and go to the east.
        Mei Zhuangyi did have news back. In fact, it was a peace report. The letter arrived yesterday. In the letter, he said that he came back about the beginning of 10 months.
        Mei Shi was very happy after listening, even the channel is safe.
        Lu Ming-hai brought Han Jin’s carriage into the yard and the people came in. Mei told him about it. Lu Ming-hai had heard of Han Jin’s name, but he heard his ‘Madam say that he was a friend of Xiao zizi, and he saw the other party special letter to his family, and that Hanjin gave it to his own family. He also listened to Mei, and he did not look at each other with a different look.
        After some conversation, see Han Jin speaks and retreats a bit, and is a bold temper, not like the legend outside, it is inevitably more close to the other side.
        After Lu Jao-yue heard the news of Sao Yan, he left. Parents are there, the nature of this evasion is still to avoid, but she is also very happy to hear the news of Xiao yi peace. At the same time, my heart is inevitably self-defeating, and people are obviously coming to believe in it, but she is thinking more.
        But soon she didn't think so, and Lu Jao-yue looked at people who shouldn't be here.
        "How did you appear here?"
        She was a little nervous, and she unconsciously tightened the freshly picked vegetables. Waiting for lunch, it is natural to prepare food in advance, so she will pick up the vegetables in the vegetable field after the house.
        "Are you afraid of me?"
        "This is not the place where you come. You should go quickly. If I am seen by my mother..." Lu Jao-yue was very anxious. She never imagined that he was so daring. He dared to come alone in his own home. Yourself.
        "You will not see it, she cooks in the kitchen."
        Han Jin still promised to stay and eat. He originally came here for this, and if not, he would not accidentally rush to this point.
        "What do you want to do, enter your uncle. You and I are so good, you can't do this..."
        "Can't you?" Han Jin asked.
        This is the first time that he has been so aggressive in front of Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-yue was speechless, and the white face was like a dyed color, and the whole became red.
        It is shameful and urgent.
        "I am your daughter!" she said during her period.
        However, Han Jin was blocked from being -mute. He looked at her with a deep look and shunned the weight: "I told your brother to pass you two words, you have not come out, I am in your village." Waiting for you for a long time."
        Lu Jao-yue heart is coming, is he coming? She clearly did not promise to see him.
        "I am not looking for you because of anything else, but what you asked me to inquire, there is news."
        Lu Jao-yue raised her head and raised her head, just to the dark eyes of the other party, she realized what she had done, and she turned her face away.
        "You didn't lie to me?" She whispered in her hand and whispered.
        "Is it in your heart, I am a person who likes to lie?"
        Naturally, she is not sure after the last incident. Lu Jao-yue did not know how to answer, but could not lie down and not speak.
        Han Jin did not speak.
        In the end, Lu Jao-yue took the lead and couldn’t help it. He whispered, "What did you hear?"
        "Do you want to know?" Han Jin paused. "So how come I come to you, don't you come out?"
        Lu Jao-yue is annoyed. How can this person be so rogue? Can she say that she is afraid that he will say something or not, will he not see him? It must not be, so she can only continue to be silent.
        Seeing her stubborn look, what Han Jin was trying to say, I heard the voice of Mei coming from the front: "Moon, is the dish picked?"
        Lu Jao-yue suddenly got a spirit and was busy: "Mother, okay,"
        As she said, she bent down and picked up the basket on the ground, and picked up a small maiden that was thrown aside. It ran like a gust of wind. During the period, I didn’t dare to look at Han Jin.
        When I went to the stove, Mei watched her panting and couldn’t help but say: “Fang Cainiang should go by herself. This time, the sun is big outside, and it’s basking.” At this time, Lu Jao-yue face was still very red.
        "It's okay, mother."
        She put down the basket in her hand, moved a small donkey, and sat down on the chopping board to choose a dish.
        Mee is on the chopping board, she is preparing a pancake for lunch at noon. The pancakes that Mei branded are very fragrant. After the noodles are cooked, they are opened with a rolling pin. The toppings are sprinkled with the seasonings, and they are put together in a ball. They are very thin. They are sprinkled with white sesame seeds and placed on the dumplings. Cooked.
        This is not complicated, but if you want to do a good job, there are a lot of doorways.
        First of all, it’s better to be reconciled. It’s too hard to be porcelain. The baked cake is too hard and not crisp enough. It’s too loose and it’s not good. It’s just right to be able to make the cakes crisp and delicious. In addition, the seasoning is also very important. The seasoning is the seasoning of the ordinary people, but if the taste is delicious, it is necessary to see the person who cooks the pancakes.
        Mei branded pancakes are notoriously delicious, and they can eat three of them without the taste of Lu Jao-yue. It’s just a fee, so Mei is rarely done. Today, when Han Jin came to the house, Mei plan was to show his hand.
        "How can it be okay, the Miss's family, it is always better to raise white spots."
        Just talking, I heard the voices of Lu Ming-hai and Han Jin outside. It turned out that Han Jinfang went to the back of the shack.
        Lu Jao-yue, who is head down, secretly bites his lip and snoring in his heart. He will swear, he obviously is not going to the huts.
        Goro just played back from the outside and saw the carriage stopped in the yard very surprised. He couldn't help but get close to see the big black horse. Han Jin saw this, went forward, talked to Goro, and took the horse to let him touch.
        The children all like this kind of thing. Goro smiles very happily, and listens to it, saying that this is a friend of Xiao yan. He stated at a uncle, and even hugged Hanjin to let him ride a horse.
        Hearing the excitement outside, Pozi. smiled and said: "It is a good temper to enter the Brother. It can be played with the children like Goro, but it is not as it is said outside."
        Lu Jao-yue lowered her head and the movement in her hand paused and did not speak.
        Lunch will be done soon.
        Today lunch is very rich, Mei intentionally killed a chicken, and let Lu Guangyi go to the village to buy two pounds of meat. Chicken stewed with mushrooms, streaky pork, kidney beans, loofah scrambled eggs, fried bitter gourd, and two leafy vegetables. Mei also took a pickled radish from the pickle jar and diced it with sesame oil, served with tomato egg soup and pancakes, and set a large table.
        Mei book was to take his daughter to eat in the kitchen. In the case of Han Jin’s repeated requests, he even said that if he didn’t dare to eat the meal, he would eat it with everyone.
        At the dinner table, Lu Jao-yue felt guilty. She always felt that Han Jin always looked at her intentionally or unintentionally. But whenever she is brave enough to marry him, she can only see his side face talking to her.
        Lu Jiayue had a lot of pressure on a meal. She couldn’t quite understand what Han Jin wanted to do. He said that he came to specialize in it. He was very bold and went to the vegetable field to question her, but if he said He came for himself, except in the vegetable field, he has not shown any clues.
        Lu Ming-hai was happy today, and deliberately took out a jar of wine that Mei Zhuangyi brought to his home for dinner. Most of the people in the country will drink two sputum, Lu Ming-hai is also the mouth, just because of the family, usually drink the inferior wine brewed by the family. The wine of the jar brought by Mei Zhuangyi, he has been reluctant to drink, only occasionally smashed, will only pour half a bowl to solve the problem. Today, I can take out the whole jar, and I can see that Han Jin is extremely eye-catching.
        The two men drank a bowl and a bowl. After Lu Guangyi accompanied a bowl of drink, he did not drink any more.
        After the rest of the people had finished eating, the two men were drinking on Xingtou. After a few words, Mei sang a little drink, and then went to the stove to make two more dishes and gave them two drinks.
        Until a jar of wine was finished, the two talents counted, Lu Ming-hai was already a little drunk at this time.
        "Into the Brother, stay at home for a while, this time outside the sun is poisonous, you may not be good to drive the car with the sun. Let's say we also drank a lot, I let his mother to clean up the room, you rest for a while go."
        Han Jin’s face was red and red, and he nodded.
        Mei is packing the table and let Lu Jao-yue go to clean up the room. I chose Lu Guang’s house, which was the place where Lu Jao-yue lived. After she went in, she used a feather duster to rub it, and wiped the mat with a semi-wet cotton pad before she went out and said that it was packed. .
        Lu Guangyi was afraid that Han Jin would not be safe. He helped him to send him into the house. After that, he went to the east and the younger Brother to stay in the same room, and Lu Jao-yue returned to the house.
        The scorpion stated vigorously on the treetops, and the leaves were faintly rolled up by the sun.
        Lu Jao-yue sat in his house and it was hot, so the windows of the house were open.
        The adobe house is not as cool as the brick house, and there is no wind today, so the house is very stuffy.
        Lu Jao-yue wanted to take a nap, and my heart was too chaotic. Plus the heat in the house, I didn’t want to sleep. I want to do the embroidering work for a while, but I can't help myself. I can only rely on the shackles.
        That is the case, but also a sweat.
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't stand it anymore, and she was going to use some water to wipe her body. The water tank was in the kitchen, she took the basin to the stove to fetch water, just turned the water and turned around, and saw a figure appear in front of herself.
        She was shocked and looked at Han Jin when she fixed her eyes.
        "what are you doing?"
        Han Jin’s face is red, full of alcohol, and his eyes are bright.
        He was tall and strong, and he stood in the stove, and suddenly the stove seemed to be forced. Lu Jao-yue felt a burst of pressure and couldn't help but step back and leaned back into the water tank.
        She smiled reluctantly, whispered: "Into the uncle, why didn't you rest in the house?"
        Han Jin still didn't speak, just spit with alcohol in his mouth.
        Just when Lu Jao-yue couldn’t help but want to say something more, he suddenly snorted and asked, "I will come out with you, why don’t you come out?"
        Continue the topic that was interrupted in the morning.
        The air was a little stagnant, and Lu Jao-yue was half-eyed and didn't know what to answer.
        "Don't you understand my mind?"
        Han Jin suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her hand, squirting with alcohol: "I was still in Taoyuan Town yesterday. I came back early in the morning and I received your news. I haven’t had time to rest and come to your house. I am so What is it for tossing, don’t you know?"
        Lu Jao-yue was in a mess, and slammed her hand, but Han Jin’s hand was too strong, and she could not afford it.
        "Into the uncle, you let go!" she said, shaking her voice.
        "I don't let go!" Han Jin did not know if the wine did not wake up, and continued to stubbornly: "Don't you understand my mind, I thought you can understand!"
        Lu Jao-yue lowered his head and stated in his voice: "Into the uncle, don't say it..."
        "Why don't you let me say? I just like you, I like to be frank! I have twenty-four in this year, I don't blame women, gambling, those guys have bad problems, I don't have one. Although it is now I am doing things in a gambling house, but I am not planning to do it for a lifetime, or I will not plan to do business with you. I can raise a family and earn less money, but it is definitely enough for you to spend, and it will be good for you. Jao-yue, You marry me, okay?"
        The feelings of the other party are too hot, mixed with heavy alcohol, rushing toward Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-yue has never met a man like Han Jin. He said that he is cold-faced. He treats people with enthusiasm and frankness. He said that he was deceitful. Afterwards, she thought about it. All he did was to marry her.
        Although she had been married to Du Lian in her life, she had been sweet for a while, but the feelings were closer to respecting each other. Du Lian also said that she was happy with her words, but that kind of heart made Lu Jao-yue think now. , always with a hypocritical holding and condescending.
        The man in front of him, Lu Jao-yue, did not doubt his words, because his face, his eyes, the smell of his body, telling himself that he likes himself.
        Just how long does this like last? One year, two years?
        "Jao-yue, what are you hiding? You are so afraid of me? You were not like this before!"
        Yeah, what is she hiding?
        In fact, Lu Jao-yue did not know that she was born again, she never thought about getting married. She has to do too much, she has to make up for her family, she hasn't done it yet, she has no time and no idea to marry someone. When she came to think, she actually wanted to stay at home for a lifetime.
        "Into the uncle, you are drunk..."
        "I didn't drink drunk and I knew it clearly..."
        "Sister, enter the uncle, what are you talking about?"
        Outside the door, Lu Guangzhi voice was heard.
        Lu Jao-yue was shocked and found that Han Jin still grabbed his hand and hurriedly slammed it twice.
        Han Jin still clung to her hand, seeing her tears in her eyes, a pitiful look, only to let go.
        "That, the uncle who woke up thirsty, came to the water to drink..."
        Lu Jao-yue turned around and paused. He walked away from Han Jin and pretended to take a bowl to give him tea. She stuffed the tea bowl to Han Jin and looked at him nervously, for fear that he would leak.
        Han Jin looked at Lu Jao-yue with a deep impression and turned to Lu Guangzhi: "I came to find water and just met your sister."
        "Then your sister, why didn't you rest in the house?"
        "I am? The room is stuffy and hot, I want to wash the water."
        Lu Guangzhi nodded and said: "Also, your house is very good in winter, but it is too hot in summer. I said it earlier, you should not change the house."
        Seeing the younger brother and wanting to revisit the old things, Lu Jao-yue quickly interrupted him: "Well, I am going back to the house. You will accompany your uncle to talk."
        When I finished, I quickly got out of the basin and went out.
        Lu Guangzhi looked at his sister's back with a puzzled look. He went to see the tea bowl, and there was a Han Jin who didn't drink a bite.
        "Into the uncle, you should not talk to my sister at home, I will see it by my mother, my sister will be miserable."
        Han Jin was careless: "I know, I still need you to say."
        Han Jin woke up after the 2nd half.
        At this point, the people in the 2nd room have already got up.
        Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangyi went down to the ground. Lu Guangzhi was not at home, and Mei and Lu Jao-yue were in the yard.
        Seeing Han Jin coming out of the house, Meh said hello: "Go into the Brother, wake up?"
        Han Jin smiled a little embarrassedly and said: "Big sister, I am sorry, I was drunk the first time I came home."
        Mei don’t care to smile: “How big is it, and it’s too big for me to be a master. I’m pulling you so much. You’re fine, is there anything uncomfortable?”
        Han Jin shook his head.
        "Leave at home to eat at night."
        Han Jin looked at Lu Jao-yue, who was carrying clothes in the yard, and said, "No, there are still things to do later."
        Mei did not leave him anymore, but said that he would come to the house to eat later.
        The two chilled a few words, Han Jin went to the carriage.
        When he walked to the door of the Courtyard, he suddenly thought of something like stopping. He took out a small box from the carriage and said to Mei Shi said:
         "Yes, Big Sister, Zhuang Yi gave Meng Yue something to come back."
        Mei glimpse, no doubt, said with a smile: “She is a little slut, she doesn’t forget to buy things for the month.” She is cutting vegetables in her hands, used to dry vegetables and eat in winter. I got a handful of juice and said to my daughter: "Moon, go and go."
        Lu Jao-yue snorted and rubbed his hand on the apron and walked over to Han Jin.
        Ming knows that this person is going to have a moth, and the key Lu Jao-yue can't come. Sure enough, Lu Jao-yue just came to the front, and listened to Han Jin with a very small voice: "I will come to you tomorrow afternoon and say that you are a little embarrassed."
        Lu Jao-yue did not dare to speak, only to protest with his eyes.
        If Han Jinshi is innocent, hand the box to her. "If you don't come, I will come to your house."
        Lu Jao-’s face was red, and Han Jin took the carriage out of the courtyard.
        "Moon, what did you bring back to you?" Over there, Mei asked while he was cutting vegetables.
        Lu Jao-yue rushed back to God and reached out to open the small wooden box that didn't look big.
        "It's rouge, mother."
        There is a box of rouge in a small wooden box, a smooth glazed small round box with a beautiful pattern printed on it, which is worth a lot of money.
        Mei smiled: “You’re a little boy temper, and I always like to buy you something messy.”
        Mei Zhuangyi likes to buy some gadgets for shi-nus. Sometimes it is a colorful windmill. Sometimes it is a porcelain doll or a pair of wood-carved puppies. Lu Jao-yue is a child. Of course, he will also give Lu Jao-yue some things that normal daughters would like, such as cloth, flower heads or earrings. If you see what you see, you will buy two, so Mei does not think Mei Zhuangyi is so In the faraway place, it is rare to give Lu Jao-yue a box of rouge.
        Lu Jao-yue heart is jumping.
        Is this really what Sao Sao bought for her?
        She is very suspicious.
        And tomorrow, she will not go?
        Lu Jao-yue still decided to take a trip, she was eager to know about the business of Xiao yan.
        Since she was born again, she always has a string that is tight, for fear of the tragedy of her life again. Now she has not been married to Du Lian, and her family has been separated. It is the source of the tragedy of the family. And Sao Yan’s business is now imminent.
        Going to the old place, I really got into the car and waited for her.
        She did not speak and he did not speak.
        Lu Jao-yue got on the bus and Han Jin left the car.
        It was the uninhabited hillside. When I arrived at the place, Lu Jao-yue did not get off the bus and asked: "What did you hear?"
        Han Jin was different from yesterday Meng Lang and his excitement. He barely hesitated, and he picked up some things he knew and said something.
        It turns out that Mei Zhuangyi reason for doing this business is purely an accident. Mei Zhuangyi has a wide range of exchanges, and there are a lot of real Brother, such as Han Jin, and of course, some friends of wine and meat.
        There were times when Mei Zhuangyi and several wine and meat friends were drinking together. When someone was drunk, they were stunned.
        This person is surnamed Yang Mingqingshan, but it is the three Shopkeepers of a business. Said to be the Shopkeeper, in fact, it is a errand, all year round with the business of the east of the South to the north to sell goods everywhere to sell.
        It stands to reason that this is a big errand, but it is a pity that the owner of the firm is a trick. The typical kind of temper who wants to run the horse and wants the horse not to eat grass, give less money, and will also be a person. Cow makes.
        Fortunately, people who work in business circles have another way to come, otherwise they will not do it.
        This Yang Qing shan smashed his own home, and he was puzzled to ask him that he was so crushed, why he continued to do so. Men are more concerned about their faces together. When this person is provoked by a few words, he will say something else about the money.
        The original business went to other places to sell goods, the accompanying people can bring the goods back in the team, because the vehicles are limited, there are not many things, but the oil is not bad. This person said that it is a good thing to boast, and how much profit is made by the dealers. The big dry country is rich in the south, the north is barren, and there are many things in the south that are not in the north. Can make big money.
        Naturally, someone asked him, if you make money like this, why don’t you do it yourself? This person is shy and shy, saying that the road is far away, and it is very hard, and that when he goes out, who knows what will happen, not that he can now take a trader’s money, and he can bring some goods back to sell money. Safe.
        At that time, people on the table were almost drunk. Everyone said that I was very mixed, and the topic was quickly opened. But Mei Zhuangyi was on the heart.
        Mei Zhuangyi did not say it on the surface. In fact, he always thought about his future life. He believed that he was not a student, so he had not gone to delay time after reading for a few years. Let him go back to the countryside to farm, he is not reconciled. As for his 2nd brother, I don’t have to mention it. In the past few years, Mei Zhuangyi has been wandering around in a seemingly idle way. In fact, he has been thinking about what he will do in the future. He has observed for a long time, and feels that being a businessman is the most suitable for himself. Although the status of merchants and merchants is lower, the merchants who are the most moisturized are businessmen.
        Money can make a ghost push, and a lot of money can make a ghost. Didn’t you see those who are officials who have changed their minds to scrape the people fats and anointings? If the money is not good, the risk of braving the head is to be done? !
        May let Mei Zhuangyi do a small business, he can not see, he has the blood of gamblers in his bones, feel that either do not do, do make big money.
        The words of Yang Qing shan undoubtedly opened a new door for him.

 If you want to do it, you must first ask for it.
        For many days, Mei Zhuangyi asked Yang Qing shan to drink alcohol every day. This wine is not good, and the amount of wine is very bad. One to two, Mei Zheyi also put a lot of words.
        However, Mei Zhuangyi did not rest assured that he had asked many people to inquire about the news. Later, when I saw no useful news, I decided to go out and see the situation. And Mei Zhuangyi went out this time, and went out with the business house where Yang Qing shan was. The business would naturally not be able to bring outsiders. Mei Zhuangyi also followed Yang Qing shan’s relationship and went to the South to visit relatives. Go together.
        So, Sao Yan’s trip out, security is definitely no problem?
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although she didn't say anything on her face yesterday, she was still very worried about the safety of Xiao yan. Now I heard that he is going out with a big business, at least for the time being, let her put her heart down.
        "You are not a child, you don't have to worry about him." Han Jin said quite a bit. Why didn't she care so much about him?
        Lu Jao-yue sighed in the heart, this is not related to children, but unfortunately she can not speak to him.
        Han Jin looked at her silent appearance, and she could not help but regret that she was rushing yesterday. He didn't intend to clarify his words at her house. But after drinking a little drink yesterday, she saw that she was avoiding her own viper, and she couldn't help but reveal her mind.
        At this time, she didn't dare to look at herself when she saw her. Han Jin was a bit frustrated.
        Is she really not waiting to see herself?
        "What else do you want to ask? Just ask, lest you always suspect that I am deliberate."
        Lu Jao-yue is somewhat surprised by the performance of Hanjin. She can't let go of such a good opportunity. He asked: "Into the uncle, you are doing business with my little sister this time, how much money to invest in?" "If I ask for an exit, she feels that this problem has gone too far."
        I know that Han Jin only stumbled, and said: "Five hundred and two." This is the approximate number of silver that he can get during this period of time.
        Lu Jao-yue was shocked, so much. I can think about it again. Since I want to be a trader, the cost is naturally not small. If the cost is small, then it is not called a dealer. It is called a hawker.
        "Then my little sister is also going to vote so much?"
        Han Jin nodded.
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but bite her lower lip.
        Five hundred and two silver? Although she does not know how much silver is in the grandfather's grandmother, there are absolutely no more than five hundred and two. It must be that the grandparents will take out all the private money in their hands, even the coffin. In fact, the grandfather did not have any private houses. When the Mei family was separated, the silver in the public was given to several sons. These private houses were married by the grandmother in the early years.
        Although Mei Laohan is a pity for her ‘Madam’, she is not willing to let her move needles, but Lu has been a embroidered mother for a lifetime, and where can I live. Stealing and doing it, for decades, has also left a lot of money. The reason why Lu Jao-yue knew this was that Lu told her when she was a child. Lu told her more than once that when she married, she would be given a rich dowry.
        No wonder the little ones in the last life will be ruined like that. How proud is Xiao yan, how much he wants to prove that he is not idle, no one knows better than Lu Jao-yue. He clearly wants to do everything well, but he has lost his parents coffins, and he is also disabled. I am afraid that these are great blows for him.
        At the same time, Lu Jao-yue suddenly remembered one thing.
        She vaguely remembers that the reason why she used to be decadent in her life is that he has a good brother who is desperate , and lost his life in order to save him. If it is not a disaster, he is not so simple. . She also listened to her mother's words, but she didn't even put it in her heart. At this time, it was like a blue sky on her head.
        A brother who is alive?
        Is it a child?
        "what happened to you?"
        Lu Jao-yue tried hard to press the panic in her heart and shook her head: "No, nothing." She did not dare to go to see Han Jin, afraid of what he saw from his expression.
        How could this seem to be nothing? Han Jin sighed in his heart and said: "I don't think you should doubt your ignorance. Since he decided to do this business, he must have done it after careful consideration. Don't you know your little character?"
        Others don't know, Han Jin knows how much thought and effort he has spent in this business. Otherwise, he will not decide to go to the south for the sake of defense. It seems that Mei Zhuangyi is used to this person. In fact, if he really wants to do something, he will be very cautious, and he will only start after he has prepared everything.
        Lu Jao-yue stunned.
        Yes, how could she not understand the character of Xiao yan, so she couldn’t stop this business. No one can stop what Xiao xi wants to do. -Lao and -Lao can’t, her mother can’t, let alone her. So is the result a foregone conclusion?
        She looked at Han Jin.
        Lu Jao-yue feelings about Han Jin are actually very complicated. On the one hand, she feels that the other side has helped herself a lot. Together with the time to sell the embroidery, he comforted himself, so I feel that this person can make himself feel trustworthy, but another On the one hand, they are deterred by the other's love.
        Since she was born again, she never thought about marrying someone. She has too many things to do. She has no time to think and she doesn't want to think about it. But the other party love made her have to face this problem, so she subconsciously avoided it. She even thought that it would be best not to see each other again, but he led him to meet him with a small affair. And now there is a serious problem in front of him, will he die?
        Lu Jao-yue hand under the sleeves could not help but tremble.
        At this time, she already has 80% of the grasp. The person who died in the last life for the sake of Xiao yan is the uncle. He and Xiao xi are good Brother, and this business is a partnership with Xiao xuan. It is not him, but who else?
        But can he really die?
        Lu Jao-yue suddenly had a feeling that she did not want to see her uncle.
        Not because he likes himself, but because he is a child.
        She didn't want to see her die like a big brother in her life, in a place she couldn't see. Lu Jao-yue died once, so she knows what it felt like before she died. It is so lonely and lonely, just like there is only one person left between heaven and earth. It is so weak, obviously not wanting to die, but has to face death.
        She took a deep breath and looked up, shaking her throat: "Into the uncle, can you do this business with Xiao yan?"
        Han Jinjian's eyebrows are twisted, which is obviously a misunderstanding.
        He is not too handsome, but it is definitely a very man's face. At this time, it is a bleak: "You don't want to see me so much, even if I am friends with you, you can't do it?"
        Lu Jao-yue shook her head in a hurry: "No, no, you misunderstood, I think you should not do this business."
        "Why?" Han Jin looked at her indefinitely.
        Lu Jao-yue does not speak, just head down.
        "You don't even say the reason, how can others promise you?"
        She bit her lower lip and hesitated for a long time. She said: "I know that after I have done this business, I will continue to make a dream..."
        "What dream?" Han Jin asked subconsciously.
        "I dreamed that Xiao yan would do this business, and then lose the money." This rhetoric was thought by Lu Jao-yue for a long time, but she has been hesitant to convince people. But she can't hesitate any more now, because hesitating, the loss may be a human life. She must convince her to enter the family, let him not do this business with Sao Yan, it is best that he and Sao Yan do not do the best.
        Han Jin twisted his eyebrows and said: "You are thinking about it, dreaming at night, you care too much about you."
        Lu Jao-yue also hopes that is the case, but the truth is not. She tried hard to think about what to say, in order to convince the other party, and not let the other side notice the abnormality.
        "Even if you have a dream of a day or night, you can't do the same dream in the same period of time. You don't know, that dream is too real. I dreamt that Xiao Xiao is doing business without paying for it. Not only that. The man was also seriously injured. After he was wounded, he took a leg. Since then, he has been devastated. Because he took the money from his family to do business, he lost so much, and his family was very troubled. My grandmother’s body is not good. I haven’t let go in a few years. My grandfather is also...”
        Having said that, Lu Jao-yue has returned to God with a slang.
        Unconsciously, she actually said so much. She couldn't help but see Han Jin's look. When she saw him in meditation, he sighed with relief. She really was for a long time.
        "What about me?" Han Jin suddenly said: "Since you dreamed of seeing you Xiao hua doing business, I must have been with him. He was seriously injured and disabled. Then what about me? ?"
        Lu Jao-yue subconsciously avoided the eyes of Han Jin.
        "My end is definitely not good. It is probably dead. This is why you stopped me from doing business with you. Are you dead?" Han Jin thought thoughtfully, he paused and continued. "This is why you are anxious to ask about your business. You are not worried that he will fold, but from the beginning to the end, he wants to stop him from doing this business?"
        All the doubts before, finally got the answer in a flash.
        "But since you have dreamed that you have lost your business, and you have lost such a tragic ending, why do you not know the specifics of his business, but also need to find me to inquire?" This is Han Jin has been I can't figure out anything.
        The words are said to be like this, Lu Jao-yue can no longer conceal, always find a reason to convince the other party, said: "My dream is very one-sided, and did not dream to do you die, because in the dream, this whole The thing is what my mother told me. I just listened to my mother and said that Xiao xi had a life-threatening brother who died to save him. This is also the real reason for the lack of after Xiao yi."
        Han Jin stunned and fell into a long-term meditation.
        Half-sounding, he looked up at Lu Jao-yue, and some hardships: "Maybe you really have a night of dreams."
        Lu Jao-yue did not speak, just looked at him.
        Han Jin smiled: "I didn't believe it, but if you listen to it, how can you believe it?"
        Lu Jao-yue heart is loose, and the letter is good, so she doesn’t have to think about how to convince him. With his help, it is easier to prevent Xiao Xiao from doing business.
        "Then you know why you have lost your blood for any reason, and you have been hurt by your legs?" Han Jin suddenly asked.
        She squatted and said: "I don't know, but I guess it is related to man-made disasters. You think that since it is a dealer, or if you want to return from the South, you will certainly not avoid the shortcomings of the road. On this road, thousand Shan Wanshui, who knows what will happen, I guess Sao Sao is basically to meet the robbers, will fall like that." This is Lu Jao-yue guess.
        Han Jin said with a sigh: "It makes sense for you to analyze this way."
        "When you enter the uncle, are you not doing business with me, can you help me to persuade him not to do it?"
        Han Jin glanced at her with amazement. "When did I say that I would not partner with you?"
        Lu Jao-yue was in a hurry and wanted to say something, interrupted by Han Jin.
        "It seems that what I said before, you are not in your heart, you are not a person who is easy to shake. And just give up the opportunity to make money with a dream of a meday, even if I don't do it." "The man has the nature of gambling in his bones. If he beats it, he will turn it upside down. It is an individual who will not give up."
        "This is not a memente." Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but say.
        "Well, just when it is not a meridian, then why not change your mind to think about it. Since you dreamed of a disaster, it may not be an impending tragedy, but the representative is an early warning, let us avoid it. After all, the only way to explain the dream you made, if not, why would you let this dream?"
        Lu Jao-yue stunned.
        I have to admit that Han Jin is indeed a smart person, and he will definitely give the opposite. Lu Jao-yue also discovered now that Jinshu wisdom is beyond his imagination. It is reasonable to say that they are all cowards, but he is not. This is why it is only why others can only be beaters, but he can The reason for hitting the hand.
        At the same time, through the inspiration of Han Jin, Lu Jao-yue could not help but imagine.
        She suddenly felt that she was too pessimistic in the past. Since God made her alive, there must be some truth. She can know that marrying Du Jia will make her miserable, knowing to avoid this disaster, then why can't Xiao Xiao be sad? Knowing that it is a man-made disaster, then to avoid man-made disasters, knowing that it may be unsafe on the road, then to avoid the evil.
        After all, this business is a very profitable business, no matter from which aspect, it is a pity to give up.
        But what should I do?
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but look up to see Han Jin. Han Jin saw her looking for help and couldn't help but feel happy. It was not the other, but she finally did not take an evasive attitude towards herself. After this time, Han Jin felt that she was still pushing her too fast. After all, she was only a young Miss. She was only fifteen years old, and she was courageous. His actions were so fierce. It is no wonder that she could not accept it. .
        At this time, Han Jin would inevitably blame Hu 3rd . Who told him that the savage woman was afraid of being wrapped up in Lang, I really said it.
        Thinking this way, he slowly said: "You don't worry too much. Since we already have the charter in our hearts, we will do it one by one. Let me do it. Left but you still have a small one. I will be back in a few months. Even if I come back, it will not happen overnight. Let us have time to come slowly."
        Lu Jao-yue thought about it and only nodded.
        Han Jin looked at the sky and said: "It is not too late, I will send you back."
        Lu Jao-yue only reacted to the sky is not too early, nodded busy.
        When the carriage went outside the village and Lu Jao-yue got off the bus, Han Jin suddenly said: "Is that rouge still like it?"
        She was shocked and saw that he did not return to the carriage and left.
        In a blink of an eye, it is time for the autumn harvest.
        Daxi Village belongs to the northerly zone, the climate is cold, and the crops are all cooked every year, so autumn is also the busiest time for the villagers in the vicinity.
        The first thing to collect is wheat. When the wheat is finished, it will be harvested with Liang, peanuts, alfalfa, corn and hazelnuts. This piece of Daxi Village does not grow rice. It may be because of the soil quality. The rice planted here is not good, and the harvest is small. After a long time, no one has planted rice.
        There are very few people who eat rice here. If you want to eat it, the rice shop in the town will sell it, but it is much more expensive than other foods. The staple food here is glutinous rice, glutinous rice (millet), medlar rice (similar to millet, larger than millet, commonly known as yellow rice), and cornmeal.
        As for the wheat, all households are planted, but the white noodles are fine grains, and the villagers are reluctant to eat by themselves. They are all kind of selling money and then exchanged for coarse grains. Or the coarse grains are eaten with fine grains, and the general family is slightly better, so they all eat.
        This year, because of the separation of the family, the work in the field did not work together, but each family received each other. Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangyi and his sons and sons were diligent. When they saw that time was almost there, they quickly went to the field to collect the wheat.
        The entire Daxi Village is a busy and busy scene.
        Lu Jia woman is not working in the field. At this time, she can’t be excused from it. She can’t do much. Help me to send some rice to send water. When I’m drying the food, I’m watching it, or the man is cutting wheat in front. Followed by the missing wheat ears, the wheat ears and the like.
        However, Mei distressed Lu Jao-yue, fearing that she was tanned, would not let Lu Jao-yue come to the ground to help. Helpless, Lu Jao-yue can only take care of doing housework at home and giving meals to her family.
        The more hot the day, the autumn tigers are arrogantly smashing the entire land.
        Lu Jao-yue wore long-sleeved trousers, a straw hat on her head, and a back basket with rice on her back, and walked to her own place.
        These days, the sun was good, everyone was rushing to recover the grain from the ground, and then they had a good threshing into the granary. To know that the face of the child is a child, it may change when you change your face. If it is the next heavy rain, the hard work of one year will be ruined.
        In addition to Lu Jao-yue and Goro, the family was busy in the field. Even Lu Guangzhi did not go to the gambling house recently, and stayed at home to help with the work.
        When I arrived at the ground, I saw that my 2nd brother, who was bent on the waist, was busy in the ground. Lu Jao-yue stated and several talents turned around to eat.
        Lu Jao-yue looked at the sputum and the big brother and the 2nd brother who had a distressed look on their face and handed the jug with the herbal tea.
        "Hey, mother, big brother, 2nd brother, drink some water."
        I also looked at the situation better than the three, but a lot of mothers out of thin air: "Mother, I will come to help in the afternoon."
        Mei took off the sweat towel wrapped around his head and wiped the sweat. "You have to work a lot, you still need to do it. You are not too young, this is going to say people, tanning." It’s not good.”
        This is because after the death of Lu Jao-yue and Du Lian’s marriage, Mei first time in the daughter’s story. Do not look at the surface of Mei face, in fact, her heart is also anxious, her daughter this year fifteen, next year, sixteen, the Miss in the country usually married at the age of sixteen, seven, so the daughter's marriage is imminent.
        For a while, she did not have any good candidates. She could only pay attention to some of the up-and-coming students in the village. She also planned to wait for this time to find a matchmaker to ask her to marry her daughter next year.
        All of this, Lu Jao-yue did not know, so she heard the words of Mei, just a glimpse, said: "Mother, daughter still does not want to marry."
        "The Miss's family, do not want to marry people want to do? You can rest assured that the mother must find you a better person than Du family."
        Mei accidentally said that he had missed his mouth. Lu Ming-hai quickly handed her a look and opened the subject.
        In fact, I don’t complain that Mei thought would be like this. This sentence has been lingering in her heart for a long time. Mei family has always been a strong temper, and how can she bear the fact that her daughter was robbed of marriage. The reason why I endure it is nothing more than looking at my husband's face. 2ndly, I am afraid that things will pass away and my daughter's reputation will be broken.
        In this world, when a woman is always to be mean, if the Miss’s family says that she has a scorpion, there are not many people who pick the man’s thorns. Most of them are accused by the woman.
        Obviously, Lu Guangyi also understands the scruples of her mother. She is afraid that her sister will think about it and she will not think about it. She will also follow Lu Ming-hai. A few people went to eat under the shade of the trees, talking and talking, and talking about the things in Lujiadi.
        This Lu family naturally refers not to the 2nd room, but to Old Lu Han.
        Seeing that the autumn was received, Old Lu Han and Lu Ming-chuan were not lazy, and they started to get busy early. Lu Ming-shan of the three rooms wants to be lazy, but Qiao is an affordable temper. Even if he is lazy, he can't forget it. When he receives the food, he can't delay it. Seeing that the house and the 2nd room are busy, he also drives the man to go down. Lu Ming-shan was tormented and complained, so I don’t have to elaborate.
        Only Old Lu Han was dowry to Lu Guili five-acre land. So far, no movement has been seen.
        Lu land is good, not only because the land is fertile, but also because these places are connected in one piece, so it is convenient to take care of, so the movements in the five acres of land, several people know.
        When you mention this, you have to talk about something that happened when you dowry the five acres of land.
        Because the wedding period has been caught up in some unfortunate circumstances, and there is a dowry land. Old Lu Han said it was easy at first. Afterwards, he remembered that the food in this place would soon be collected. He planned to wait for the crops to be collected and give the land to Du. But when this happened to the Du family, there was a hindrance. Du widow was not a fool. The reason why she set the wedding date to be urgent now is to go to the crops in the land.
        The crops in the five-acre land will have to be exchanged for much money, so she died and Bai Li forced Hu to say it from the middle. It was hard for Lu family to send the land before Lu Guili and Du Liancheng.
        There is no cheaper to take up the white, and now Du Widow also sees it clearly. The older sister just wants to get the bottomless little sister to get out of Lu. Since I want her family to accept it, I don’t have to pay a price. She didn't have much soft and hard, and she used to take Hu words. Hu intentions in his heart could only be held up by the nose.
        During the period, I did not know how Hu was trying to convince Old Lu Han and the old couple. In short, the old couple promised to send the land to the Du family, and they would not wait until the grain was collected and sent it again.
        It stands to reason that when this is the case, there should be nothing wrong with it, but there is a moth on the other side of the Du family. The land of Lujia is in Daxi Village, and the Du family is in Dujia Village. There is a short distance between them. Du family is not convenient to take care of this place. It happened that it was the time of the autumn harvest. The crops in the ground had to be carefully watched. Every day, the water was watered several times. Du, the widow was powerless, and then hit the Lu family idea.
        She personally went to the door to find Old Lu Han and the old couple said, and it is also a matter of reason and complaints. In short, I want to let Lu Jia help to wait for two days of crops. And in the words, Lu Guili can't do anything at home, and she has to wait on her own, how hard it is.
        The old couple looked at their daughter's sake and agreed to it with their noses.
        In the meantime, I have to do more work. I don’t have to mention it. When I see that I have to collect food, it should be that Du family is busy, but it’s not so much.
        "I see that Du family is relying on your grandfather. It is estimated that this food collection is also for them to help." Mei Shidao.

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