LJNFH 40-44

LJNFH - Little Jao-Niang Of The Farmer's House


 The other people in the 2nd room also understand that if this is not the case, Du family should have a movement now.
        Even if there are not enough people in the family, it is okay to hire someone to collect it. The big deal is the loss of money.
        Lu Guangzhi wiped a sweat and smiled ridiculously: "This marriage is a robbing of their own. If they dare to rob, they must bear the consequences. They also lost their family and did not marry the big sister, nor did they know that Xiao gu was in Dujia. What happened?” It’s obvious that he not concerned about Lu Guili, and it’s a schadenfreak.
        Mei eyes glanced at the man and was busy drinking: “What to say, don’t hurry to eat your meal.”
        Lu Guangzhi glanced at Lu Ming-hai and smiled awkwardly, bowing his head to the rice.
        In fact, everyone knows that Lu Guangzhi said that there is nothing wrong with it. It is only that Lu Ming-hai is there. Some thoughts are so obvious, even if it is obvious, it cannot be said. Fortunately, Lu Ming-hai face was only dark, and he did not say anything.
        For a time, everyone buried their heads and did not speak.
        Lu Jao-yue had a layer of anxiety in her heart.
        Because she only saw her mother is not a joke, but serious, but she does not want to marry now. The situation at home is not good, she still has too many things to do, how can she marry? Thinking about my age, I seem to understand why her mother said so, and for a moment her heart is entangled.
        Unconsciously, a voice rang in my mind -
        "...I can raise my family, I don’t have much money but I’m absolutely enough for you to spend, and it will be good for you. Jao-yue, you marry me, okay?...”
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but blush, how did she remember that he was coming?
        I was in a mess, and suddenly I heard someone calling myself: "Moon, what are you doing, staying up and picking up and rushing back. Go back and have a rest at home, don't come to us in the afternoon, and there is water in the jug. Even if it is not enough, I will let your brother go back."
        The person who speaks is Mei.
        She and Lu Ming-hai did not intend to go back at noon, ready to rest for a while, they would have to work in the fields. The autumn weather has always changed. When the grain in the field is collected one day earlier, it will be able to let go of the day.
        Lu Jao-yue hurriedly snorted and packed the dishes in a hurry, squatting back to the basket.
        In the afternoon, Lu Jao-yue sent water to the ground.
        After the water was delivered, she went back with an empty jug.
        I cleaned the house again, and I did the embroidering work for a while. When I watched the time, she began to cook dinner. When the dinner was done well, Lu Ming-hai and others who had been busy in the field for a day came back.
        Lu Jao-yue was already ready to take a bath of water. After several people washed each other, they changed their clothes before they came to the table to sit down.
        After dinner, Lu Jao-yue was packing up the table, and Qiao suddenly came.
        "2nd Brother, just finished eating."
        "Have he eaten three?"
        Qiao smiled. "I ate and ate. I came to see you and wanted to say something." Qiao also knew that the food was collected these days. Everyone was too tired, so he was too lazy to sell it.
        "What is it?" Mehs said: "He is three, sit."
        Qiao came to the edge of the squat and sat down. "I don't know if you heard about going to the house?"
        Seeing the two rooms and two of them revealing a faint color, she laughed and said: "It’s related to the Du family. It’s not that there have been no movements in those acres. It’s really hard to bear, so The gift went to the door to ask the Du family when to collect the food. The reason why did not call Hu, but Old Lu Han is afraid that the daughter-like can't open the face.
        Qiao snorted and said: "According to me, you just like to have some leisure. Anyway, you have already given Du family, what to do with him, you have to ask people to ask. This is not, then Du Duma Going to the door, just go."
        Mei subconsciously asked: “What is she doing?”
        Qiao sarcasm smirked, "Cry and pity, crying at home is not enough, let them help her family to collect the food."
        "Is it promised?"
        "I didn't agree with it. This is not. People are holding a little Miss who is guilty of Jingui. She said that she is in poor health. She has to take care of her in the day, and she has to eat eggs every day. I am stunned, she I didn’t know it earlier. People broke into the door and held things every day... But it’s not about us. I’m going to say a few words, but this du widow is also shameless. I haven’t seen it in the past. This is what the sister of the family is like." Qiao said that he was filled with indignation and his mouth was flying. It seemed to be very uncomfortable for the upper house.
        "That means that you promised?"
        Qiao nodded: "Mother can't hold it first, and there is no way to take the Duwi widow. The baby daughter is pinched in the hands of others and can only promise."
        For a time, everyone in the house did not speak, and I was not afraid of being dumbfounded by Du Widows.
        Lu Jao-yue, who was packing up the table, paused for a moment, and her mood was fluctuating.
        The same was true in the last life, but the two acres of land that his family gave her to dowry were not in their village, but in a nearby village, not far from Dujia Village. That is the case, Du widow did not go to the door to sell poor. My mother is a sincere temper, thinking that she is a relative, can help one is, opened this head, so that the two acres of land are family members to help clean up.
        For this matter, she also had a dispute with Du Widow, who was the first time in her life to be red-faced with others, or her own mother-like, and it was really anxious. But she won't bicker, where is Du widow's opponent, she was mad at her back after a few words.
        In the end, the mother advised her to come back, saying that something was wrong, the labor at home was superfluous, and the help of the lining was not a bad thing. Now the life of Du family is difficult. When the days are better, we will not have to help.
        In fact, she knew that her family was afraid of her embarrassment. She was afraid that she would be so timid when she was treated in a poor family. In addition, Du Lian personally came to pick her up, and in front of her family said that his mother is not sensible, do not care about her. Her mother-like also persuaded her in the middle. She thought that the day would always go on, and she could no longer give trouble to her family, and then went back to Du Lian.
        It turns out that she had to make this game, but she had to solve the fundamental problem, but let her family understand the facts -
        That is, your shu-daughter will not work, and which ‘Madam will not work. You Lu is your Lu family. When you enter the home of someone else, you must keep the rules of others.
        These words did not say clearly to the widow, but she and Du Lian did not act like this. Since then, almost no -mute widows have opened up, he asked his brother to help clean up the two acres of land, sowing, fertilizing, weeding, watering, without the need for Du family to spend any effort, there will be good food delivered to the hands .
        Until then, she understood the doorway of the head. The du widow was really a good abacus. She did not say the land of others. She played a few free labors in a play. The key is that she was still stupid on her set. But she couldn't do anything, she could only watch it with her eyes, and she wanted to give her family less trouble. She went to work in the field, but she was not used, but she was sick.
        This situation has been until the Du family later moved to the county, in order to raise money to sell the two acres of land, it is considered to be stopped. Obviously, he sold his dowry, he should be unhappy, but Lu Jao-yue at that time was relieved.
        Over there, Qiao continued: "I have nothing else to come today. I just want to let you know, I am afraid that there will be a help from us. You think about it, you can work in the lower house now." Only , 大哥, and Ren Xiao zi, although Li Zizi can also, in the end, the age is still too small. The six acres of land they had originally divided, these few people are enough to do, this is more than five acres out of thin air, if you do not find someone to help I am afraid that the food will not be collected."
        In the past, there were seventeen acres of land in the Lu family. There were six people who could work together in the three houses. Lu Guangli and Lu Guangzhi did not count them. They were not yet young, and the Darens at home were distressed by them. Do some light work. Sixteen people, seven acres of land, that is, the average person to work three acres of land. However, Lu Ming-chuan, Lu Ming-hai and Lu Yousu are a good hand in the field. One person can be used as two people, but he can also finish the work in the field.
        But now the family is divided, the two rooms and three rooms are divided into three acres, but the big house there is a total of eleven acres of land. The number of places has increased, but there are fewer people who can do the work. It is impossible to rely on the people in the above room.
        "In any case, you can't help you. You know that the 3rd person is slow and slow, and there are no extra people in the family. The work in the field depends on the two children. It is impossible to get out of the big room." Do things." Qiao Shi took the lead to show his attitude, followed by the intention: "The 2nd brother and the righteous boy are all good hands to work, I guess when you come over, you will be asked to help."
        When I finished, my eyes were fixed on the expression of the two rooms, and I wanted to hear what they meant.
        Mei glance at his own man and said to Qiao: “He three, don’t say your home, there are two people who can do the work, and the 2nd boy is still small. I don’t want to tired my son. The work in my home has not been finished yet, and there is nothing to do to help others to do things. Besides, I am not afraid of your jokes. You didn’t know what happened before, but you can’t do it. What kind of reason can the Du family be? The family is not so embarrassed, go to the pole to help!"
        Qiao smiled and stood up. "Two, you are not bad. You can talk about it when you go. Well, today is also busy for a day, everyone is too tired, I will go back first."
        Mei nodded and watched Qiao go out.
        When Qiao left the Courtyard, she turned to look at Lu Ming-hai. "He said, I said, you are not upset?"
        Lu Ming-hai smiled bitterly: "I can be upset, what you said is reasonable."
        This is true, although now the 2nd room and the upper house are a bit stiff, but the filial piety is a natural reason. If one day Old Lu Han really can't move, the 2nd room to help is also appropriate, but if you add a Du family, it will taste a little.
        We are filial sons and filial sons, but not the dutiful son of Du family, how can I help your family? ! In particular, there are things before, the people in the 2nd room will promise to help unless they have water in their heads.
        In fact, Qiao also knows that there will be no one to go to the 2nd room. But now the two families are separated, and they are not familiar with Hu and the old couple. They are also a united front, and they must be unified. Also avoid the 2nd room to agree, the three rooms do not agree, it seems that the three rooms are mean, making people laugh.
        Mei thought that Qiao worry is not superfluous, the family and the other side are like that, how the in-laws are so embarrassed to ask their own home to help the Du family. But this idea only lasted for one night, and it was broken the next day, because the person coming to the house called Lu Ming-hai.
        Lu Ming-hai intends to go alone, and Mei is afraid that he will suffer, and he will go with him. After going there, Old Lu Han’s face was not very good. It was unexpected that Mei would come over, but things were imminent. After the three-room couple came over, he still said things.
        "You also know the situation at home, so I would like to ask you to help out. But it is your sister and sister. Just see them poorly and help the top."
        Qiao raised his brow and said: "We also want to pity them, but who will pity us? Hey, look at the 3rd child-" She glared at Lu Ming-shan and asked him to turn a circle in front of Old Lu Han. "Let's have three rooms and a strong labor. There are so many jobs in the field, and I am doing it with him. You see him being sunburned."
        Lu Ming-shan's situation today does not seem to be very good. It was originally a handsome man. Now he is a lot of black, and he still has a lot of dandruff on his face, which is sunburned by the sun.
        In fact, a few men present at the scene are almost the same, face to the loess back to the sky is not a fake, a season of crops recovered, can be a few layers of skin.
        "It’s just a job in three acres of land. One person can finish it." Old Lu Han couldn’t help himself.
        Lu Ming-shan’s whole person is like an eggplant that has been dehydrated. “Hey, let me let go of it. You said that it’s a big brother, a 2nd brother, not me. The work of the three acres of land is fast. I am exhausted, let alone come to help."
        Old Lu Han couldn’t help but look at Lu Ming-hai body. In fact, he called the 2nd room and the three rooms today, that is, he and Lu Ming-hai father and son went. The two-room father and son are both good hands to work. One person can be used as two people. With their help, the grain in the field will definitely be collected.
        Lu Ming-hai has been hanging his eyes since he came in. Since he did not accept Old Lu Han’s eyes, he could not help but -call: “The 2nd child—”
        Mei Shi glanced at the father-like and said: "Hey, it is reasonable to say that the family has plenty of hands, but if you help Du, then forget it, the ruin of my Miss's pro, and let the family give him food." How awkward, the hot face on the pole is cold ass."
        Mei understanding is now, and you can’t come back with this uncle in-laws. You put your face in it, people don’t know how to play, you put on your face, and people pull their faces to ask for it. It’s better to pick the words directly and have a good time. Lest anyone say it, she is annoyed.
        Old Lu Han was a little embarrassed, and he couldn’t talk with his old face. Cui side couldn’t help but say: “The 2nd child, you will look at your sister’s share and help out.”
        Lu Ming-hai was silent and said: "After she did that, she was not my sister."
        "The 2nd child, how can you be so worried!" Cui began to cry. She has also been so embarrassed recently that the whole person is old enough and her hair is half white.
        Looking at such a mother, Lu Ming-hai couldn't bear it. He thought about it and said, "I can't help you anyway. If you help me, I will see my shi-nu without face. This is not necessarily a matter of help." Isn't that the Du family? Is there food in the ground? Please help, and work out, I don't believe no one is coming!"
        In fact, Old Lu Han did not think about this method. First, the manpower is not good. When the autumn harvest, I have to go to work in my own home. Who will come to help you.
        2ndly, the people in the village are distressed. The farmers are originally eating by farming. This is instinct. There is only a small amount of land. There is no more than one. You can do it yourself. If you go to the ground to collect food, you will get it. Jokes.
        In the 3rd place, Old Lu Han and Du Widow also had several conversations. I knew that this woman was difficult. He was unable to bear it for a while. At that time, he did not consider his own ability at the time. It. Now suddenly I have to ask someone to help, who is going to ask for this money? And at this time, please ask for help, no big price, I am afraid no one is coming.
        In particular, he still has a deeper concern in his heart. At this time, it is somewhat difficult to say in front of the human face.
        Old Lu Han is still silent, Qiao voice, she pushed Lu Ming-shan a hand, said: "Yang Niang, there are still more work in the field, we will not stay much. 2nd brother, you go?" It seems that the two are very smooth.
        "Hey, let's go, I said this way, you think about it."
        Said, Lu Ming-hai stood up and walked out of the room with his ‘Madam and the three-room couple.
        Old Lu Han took a few mouthfuls of dry smoke and looked at Lu Ming-chuan. "Boss, what do you think of this?"
        Lu Ming-chuan's eyebrows tightened and thought about it. He said, "Let's ask the 2nd person to ask people, and then use food instead of money."
        Old Lu Han stunned: "Your sister is also spending money at Du family. The food in this place is for people..."
        Lu Ming-chuan interrupted: "I estimate that it will give a 10% harvest. Someone will pick up the work, go to the Chengdu Academy, and go to the Chengdu Academy."
        "There is an estimated joke in the village." Old Lu Han couldn't help but talk.
        It is not that there will be people who laugh at the fact that the crop people originally relied on farming to eat, and they did not do it, and they said that it would be a joke.
        "Why do you say what to do? If you promised someone, now you know that it is difficult, anyway, that place is not a family, you do so much heart!" Lu Ming-chuan faintly with some impatience. Recently, he was also bored. Du family has come out again and again, and individuals have to be tempered.
        Old Lu Han’s face was unpredictable. I didn’t know what to think. He suddenly sighed and said, “Well, then please.”
        Hu side is not very good looking.
        She knows her sister, the money goes into her pocket, and let her take it out, which is harder than going to heaven. Now she has already regarded the food in the five acres of land as a sac in the bag. Suddenly, she will not be able to give up after she has lost one percent of her time.
        But Hu can't say the words that stop, unless she is willing to burden her man and son, this work can be done. She was reluctant to be tired of her man's son, and then challenged the old couple to call the two-bedroom and three-bedroom people. Unfortunately, the two-bedroom and three-bedroom houses did not meet at all. In particular, the 2nd room actually said such a way, and her plan could only be defeated.
        Up to now, Hu is not sure that the calculation of Xiao guzi marriage to Du family is right or wrong. Obviously, she thought well at the beginning, even if the Du family took the little sister to pick up the door, anyway, it is not a big house, can help, can not help, even if the three together.
        But now the two rooms and three rooms have been separated, and all these things have fallen on the big house.
        The 2nd room has less land, so most of the villages have their own land confiscated, and their land is collected.
        The next step is to dry the grain.
        At this time, the benefits of hands and feet are revealed. If others finish the project one step at a time, they can go to the wheat field to take up the local food. To know that the wheat field is so big, there are so many people who have to eat food, and it is not enough every year. And taking advantage of the sun, I quickly dried the grain, and I was not afraid of being rained.
        After the grain is dried, it is threshing and lifting.
        The threshing is carried out by using a stone roller and crushing it over the piled wheat until the wheat kernels and the straw are separated. In the field, the smashed wheat granules are raised with wooden rafts, and the wheat ears, shells and dust are blown off by the wind to separate the clean grains.
        This kind of work is boring and boring, and it has to be repeated over and over again to get out of the relatively clean grain.
        When everything is done, the food is bagged and shipped home. There is still a job to do, that is to take the straw home, pile it into grass, and then use it to cook.
        Lu land only grows wheat, so the work is relatively easy. Some other people, because of the soil quality of the land, also planted other crops, the relative work is much more complicated.
        On the other hand, Lu side also released news of asking people to collect food.
        For a time, the villagers who knew it were talking.
        When Lu Jia was separated, many people did not know the inside story. They only knew that they were separated. As for how to divide, everyone did not know. On most days, several families worked in the fields, and they were all together in the meantime. They could not see it for a while. Now that Lu family has asked people to collect food, everyone is inevitably surprised. In the past, the work in Lu land has never been lacked, and this year it has changed the charter.
        Immediately after a rumor came out, the people who spoke were not allowed to test. Anyway, most people in the village knew how the Lu family was divided. A son is only divided into three acres of land, because the old two with the big house, so the big house is six acres.
        Then someone asked, Lu land is more than this.
        Someone replied that it was a big deal for the little daughter of Lu family to be married and married to five acres of land.
        This time the entire Daxi village is boiling, giving a married Miss to marry five acres of land, is not a big hand? No wonder that the child in Dujia Village is willing to lick Lu Jia Er Shantou this sick scorpion! If I knew that Old Lu Han and the old couple were so willing, then at that time, Lu Guili would not fall to the point where no one would come to the door.
        For a time, all kinds of arguments were numerous, not only Lu family became famous, but Du family was also famous.
        Lu Jia is famous because Old Lu Han is willing to do so because he is stupid. In the eyes of the countryman, the daughter who marries is dowry, that is stupid behavior. Du family is famous because it is smart. If you don’t know how to be a sick person, you will get five acres of land out of thin air.
        Now, when Lu family goes out, there are some people who are inquiring about it and asking what? Naturally, I asked what the Lu family thought at the beginning. I gave the 2nd and 3rd places to the 2nd and 3rd, and gave them so many daughters. There is also an inquisition about Lu Lao Er Lu heart, and whether he has any thoughts on the matter. All in all, the countryman is such a bad taste, or it may be because there are few things that can be adjusted in the day, so a little bit of things are rumored.
        Including the Lujia two-bedroom masonry wall and the separation of the home, it was taken out and said again. I didn’t understand it at the time, and now I understand it. It’s because of this reason. Even Lu Gong’s smashing a man’s thing was taken out and made a pass.
        Different from last time, this time I believe that there are more people in the rumors. It is reasonable to say that the daughter of Lu 2nd room is quite compatible with Du child, but Lu Guili can’t stand dowry, five acres of land, whoever wants to change. How about a sick scorpion, who knows how long the sick scorpion can live!
        Some people even said that Old Lu Han really hurts his daughter. In order to support his daughter and granddaughter to grab a man, he actually took the family to the land of the younger generation and took it out!
        The people in the 2nd room were not harassed, because Lu Jao-yue was talked about behind the scenes and blushing with several families in the village. Old Lu Han was also very angry. He lived for a lifetime. He hasn’t been so ridiculed and talked about it. He complained over and over again at home. He shouldn’t have asked people to do work. Now it’s good, things are being smashed. Out.
        This is the deepest concern of Old Lu Han at the beginning, and now his proof is not unreasonable.

 It should have been a bumper harvest, but there was nothing in the 2nd room. It was obviously not a matter of my own. Now it is implicating Lu Jao-yue.
        Mei can't help but regret it. If I knew it was like this, I didn't have anything to help the upper house. But she also knew in her heart that this kind of thing couldn’t help, but the difference was only sooner or later.
        Originally intended to finish the food, I was ready to tell my daughter about the pro, and now I can only put it down for a while, and then wait until the wind calms down. Mei family did not have to squat at home, and Du Dulian, Hu Hu, and even Old Lu Han’s old couple were also beaten several times by her.
        Lu Ming-hai did not say a word, what can he say, things are like this, most of the responsibilities are on his mother and grandmother.
        At the same time, the family could not help but worry about Lu Jao-yue, for fear that she would not think about it. After all, a Eldest Miss’s family was said to be behind her, and she was not in her heart. I didn't think that Lu Jao-yue was not affected at all. Anyway, she went out less, and she couldn't see her eyes outside. She was doing housework at home every day, doing needlework, and she was sent out in one day.
        And she was relieved in her heart. For the time being, she didn't have to worry about her mother telling her about her.
        During this period, Han Jin went out to meet Lu Luyue twice to see him twice.
        Every time I negotiated Mei Zhuangyi business, Han Jin’s dream of Lu Jao-yue was inevitably a lot of business. He used to throw these things to Mei Zhuangyi to worry about it. Also began to inquire about some specific circumstances in this business. Even because of Lu Jao-yue man-made disasters, he also picked up the idea of ​​picking up a few people from his group of players. It’s just because Mei Zhuangyi hasn’t returned yet, but for the time being just think about it.
        And he is also learning to be smart now, and he is no longer forced to face his heart with Lu Jao-yue, but every time the two are separated, he will always give Lu Jao-yue some gadgets. Sometimes it's a puff, sometimes a small fan, something that my daughter likes.
        Every time, Lu Jao-yue made a heart-to-heart jump, but there was nothing to help.
        After the autumn harvest, the day is a day cold, and the entire Daxi village seems to be a lot of sorrow.
        After paying the tax, this year's work is done, just plow the ground deeply, and then recuperate and wait until next year.
        As time passed, Lu Jia was not easy to calm down the rumors, because one of the things happening on the Lujia house was beginning to spread.
        Things have to be asked from the five acres of land to help, Lu Jia topped the rumors outside, in the end is to find someone to help collect food. It’s just that the other party work is high, and it’s OK to use food as a wage, but it’s 20% of the harvest. Of course, these two kinds of food are not white, people not only help the harvest, but also help the threshing field, it can be regarded as a matter for the Lu family.
        The other party is a family in a neighboring village. There are fewer sons in the family, and the family is so poor that there are only people left. Nothing else, there are more men and more strength. I heard that Lu Jia invited people to help, and I found it myself.
        Old Lu Han was already stated by the rumors outside, and he was not too angry with this high-priced work. Originally, 10% of the food will be enough, but because of the rumors, Lu Jia has a reputation of 'rich, silly, and big-headed', and the other party will take the opportunity to raise the price.
        Old Lu Han was angry and did not agree.
        It is a pity that Tiangong is not beautiful, and suddenly it has changed. Although it is not raining, but for a few days of cloudy days, there is always worry that there will be sudden heavy rain, which will harm the food in the ground. In addition, the grain in the ground is indeed waiting for it. In desperation, Old Lu Han can only let Lu Ming-chuan go to the family. Fortunately, he responded quickly enough. He had just collected the grain in front and had a heavy rain in the back. He had to be thankful.
        In the end, when the matter was finished, Old Lu Han also relieved his heart and let the family inform the Du family to come and transport the food.
        Du widows soon came, but one thing happened when they were able to transport food.
        Du Widow felt that the number of food was wrong. She was also a family member, and she went to Lujiadi in advance to see it. There is a lot of food in her heart. But the food in front of us was a lot less. When I asked, I knew that Lu family was not enough, so I asked people to help with the harvest. Two percent of the food was given to people.
        Du Widow’s face changed on the spot, and she was crying and -calling at the Lu family. It was hard for Old Lu Han to give her the food she had given.
        Old Lu Han is also a person who has lived for most of his life. Wherever he has seen such a shameless woman, he will let the eldest son and two grandchildren drive out.
        Since it is too little, he did not give a grain of food. Originally, these foods were home. He saw Du pity, and with the scruples of his daughter, he only gritted his teeth and promised Du request. Who ever thought that the other side had so many moths, first let their own help to wait for the place, and then wanted to help their own food. It is equal to his Du family not only white five acres of land, but also white grain of five acres of land, this is not satisfied, what do you want? !
        Old Lu Han is not incompetent, and he is worried on the spot.
        If it is thought that Du widow was taken out, this is all over, and that’s really wrong.
        The forefoot will give people out, Old Lu Han will be on the door of the courtyard, and the widow of the hind foot will sit in front of Lujiamen and cry.
        While crying, he said that the Lu family was not kind, and they confessed to their families, saying that they trusted them, and they entrusted them to help them. Who had wanted to lose 20% of the food in a vacuum...
        Just a short while, the people in the whole village came to see the excitement.
        Lu Jiamen was surrounded by three floors and three floors, and some stood behind and could not see, they climbed to the tree.
        Du widow cried, patted her thighs, crying and tears snoring. Seeing that the nose was flowing down, she squeezed it in her hand, rubbed it on her clothes, and then continued to cry.
        Some people come to see the excitement, Du Widow does not have to continue to play a one-man show, naturally, there are people who care about asking her to be embarrassed, and people will reasonably say the last pass, making themselves the same as being bullied. But with a few words of effort, everyone understands the ins and outs of things.
        There are good people and Du widows who say that the Lu family does not have your food, and the food is used to ask people to help pay the artificial money.
        Du widow did not take the room, just crying louder, a bit of food.
        However, no one laughed at her to say that the people in the village depend on farming to eat food, and they all cherish the food. Not to mention, I went to 20% of the food at once, and he has to be distressed.
        Therefore, some people said that Old Lu Han was too provocative, and he said that this matter should also be discussed with his family, and it would not be like this. Some people say that it is not that their own food is not distressed, so it is so badly practiced, and it is no wonder that people will be so troubled. Of course, there are people who say that this place is the embarrassment given by the Lu family. Even if the food is scarce, then the rest is nothing but white. This is a reasonable person, but it is a pity that the exit is blocked.
        Some people have learned this humanity. The land is the ones Lu is willing to give. The Du family does not force them. Why don’t you say that the talents of Du Jia childlike children are smashing the sickness of Lu family, not because of the family situation? There is really no way. Since the land and the food have been given to others, that is the people, and how to deal with them should always say hello. This has nothing to do with human feelings and is related to right and wrong.
        It is quite reasonable to say this.
        All in all, there is a lot to say about what to say. In the end, people are accustomed to sympathizing with the weak, and Lu family has used a land to marry a daughter. It always makes people feel like a jealous feeling. Everyone has the idea of ​​wanting to read a joke, so the wind will fall down. It fell to the Duwi woman.
        Old Lu Han sat in the room, listening to the movement outside, and his hands were shaking.
        The side of Cui did not know what to do, straighten his tears.
        Hu sat in his house and didn't show up. From the father-like forced her husband to take her sister out, ignoring her dissuasion, she knew that things were bad. really!
        When Qiao sat in his room, he was happy to lick his mouth, and he was a shameless widow. Seeing Lu Jao-xing hanging her head and rubbing the table, she stood up and listened to her outside. She glanced at each other and said, "It’s such a mother-like, if you really marry, you will suffer! Your grandmother is eating that year. Such a loss, married a widowed son, was learned for a lifetime, went early. Your mother, although I am pointing at you on most days, but which shu-daughter does not work at home? You always return It’s a piece of meat that falls from me, and I won’t see you falling into the fire pit.”
        Lu family only knows that Qiao relationship with her family is not good. She never returns to her family. No one knows that there is such a thing, because Qiao never said it.
        Lu Jao-xing didn't talk, and her hand paused. Qiao was too lazy to take care of whether she had listened to it. She threw the seeds in her hand on the table, and when she got down, she pushed the door open and went out.
        Standing in the yard and looking around, it was quiet everywhere, and it seemed more noisy outside.
        She smiled sullenly, and pulled the clothes on her body, and then she sang her waist and said: "He is a big sister. After all, the du widow is your sister. It doesn't look good like this, or else you go out to persuade? Face, don't let your sister smash his face on the ground and step on it!"
        When Cui, who went to the house, heard this, he couldn’t help but say to Old Lu Han. “If I let the boss’s person go out and invite people in, let’s talk about it again. It’s not a problem to go on.”
        Old Lu Han was black and didn't speak.
        Since I didn't speak, I agreed.
        Cui began to pick up his clothes and wiped his tears and walked out of the house.
        "Boss ‘Madam’..."
        Cui had called several times, and Hu slammed the door and walked out.
        "You're going to call people in, don't make such a fuss, and then go on, the face of your family should be lost."
        Hu heart roared: I knew why now, why did she care for her when she was persuaded? The father-like also faintly blames himself! There is also the matter of asking people to work for food. She also mentioned it with her in-laws. Do you want to say hello to Du family first, but the father-like said no? Now that people are getting out of the door, it is this time that she knows her sister, and she will not give her face before.
        Unfortunately, this can't be said, Hu efforts to calm the grievances in his heart, only to Cui Shi said:
         "Mother, I am already suffering from the plywood, you and the public blame me, my sister also blames me, she again Which will listen to me."
        Cui Shi remembered that the man seemed to vent his anger and said a few words about his ‘Madam’. The old face said slightly: "You didn't blame you, but you know that you are embarrassed, you see..."
        Lu Ming-chuan's eyebrows tightened and said in the house: "You are going to invite the sisters. We are relatives after all, and then we will continue to do so, and the relatives will not have to do it later."
        Lu Guangren, the eldest son of Hu, also advised: "Mom, let's go see it."
        The man and the son all spoke, and Hu could only go out.
        Pushing open the door, there is a noisy vocal.
        Hu facial skin is stiff, with all sorts of gaze, leaning over to the Dudu widow.
        Although she persuaded Du widows in her mouth, she explained that she didn't mean to have a Du family. It was really the autumn harvest. After a few days, the weather was not good, and the matter would be done first. In fact, I stared at Du widow’s eyes and filled with warnings.
        Du widow has long been waiting for someone to step down on her own. Seeing that the big sister is so low in front of her, she can’t help but feel very refreshed. Once again, she feels that Lu Guili is not losing. By Hu strength to pull her, the man stood up and twitched in his mouth: “I thought that the Lu family should not be such an unreasonable person. Who would have liked to kiss me out, I still I wondered if Lu Jia wanted to leave the food of my family. It seems that it is not."
        Hu face was smiling, and his mouth said soft words: “How come, he is also anxious for the elderly, and you know that his old man has a bad temper.”
        The two sisters said that they were brought into the yard.
        Looking at the crowds outside the door, I can't help but pouting. This Lu family is too good. I thought it would be a little bit too late. So I know that this is all right? Some people are curious about how to solve this problem, but everyone has invited the Lu Family Eldest daughter-like to go in, and the courtyard door has been closed from inside, and everyone can only hope to sigh.
        Some people in the 2nd room came out to watch the fun.
        Lu Guangyi and Mei Shi, the two stood in a place far away from the crowd, far away.
        Since the building of the wall in the house, I have not hit the front. Because they are far from this side, they also listened to the outside world, and then came out to see what happened at the bottom. Unexpectedly, it was Du widow who was in front of the door. Seeing that everyone was scattered, Mei and Lu Guangyi also went home.
        Lu Guangxin had Yu Yu to the Meishi Said: "Mother, it’s OK, you didn’t rush to marry your sister, if not..."
        The words are not finished, but the meaning in the words is clear.
        Mei nodded and didn’t speak, but looking at her face would tell her that she thought so.
        After returning home, Lu Jao-yue curiously asked what happened to the house.
        She only heard the movement, and when she saw many people outside, she did not go out. She only knew that the widow was outside, but it was not clear.
        Mei did not marry her, and said things roughly, and he said: "I still have no money at the beginning, if not..." She looked at Lu Jao-yue and sighed: "It’s also mother and You didn't want to miss you, but fortunately, I didn't delay you."
        Lu Jao-yue does not want her mother to continue to entangle on this issue. The past is the past, not to mention who can know that Du family is such a family. Du widow was not like this in the early years. It’s also very kind in front of Lu relatives. Although it’s not good for her outside. In the end, a woman will be so hot and it is also forced by this world.
        This is the idea of ​​most people subconscious. For a widow, everyone may be disliked and disliked, but deep inside is still sympathetic, so I really don't blame her.
        That is, nowadays, things are like this. The outsiders only say that this du widow is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, but no one said that Du Lian is not good. In the hearts of all people, Du Lian is a promising candidate. He is a good candidate. If it is not, there will still be some people who talk about her sister-like and her robbing of her relatives. The word 'grab can be used to represent people hearts. The view on Du Lian - hot and very popular.
        "Well, mother, don't think too much, don't you have a daughter to marry? Now we should worry about the big brother's marriage, this is also coming soon, are we going to prepare to go to the house? ?"
        Mei daughter glanced at her daughter and said, “You still need to say that your mother is thinking about it for two days. Your brother wants to be a relative, and we have to add some things at home. It’s no problem for the two days. If you want to buy something, go to the town and go to the town."
        Lu Jao-yue nodded again and again, Lu Guangyi heard that he had to marry him, and he felt a little dazed. When they greeted each other, they hid outside and went to work.
        Lu Jao-yue yelled at the back of his eldest brother: "He is still shy."
        Mei smiled and patted her. "You are a bad Miss, laughing at what your brother is doing, and you have this day."
        Lu Jao-yue does not rely on Jao-Jao-: "Niang-"
        "Well, well, don't rush to your mother, and help the mother to think about what to do when she is old. It's too old to remember, so I don't have time to buy anything, but I have to run."
        As a result, both the mother and the daughter lowered their heads and whispered about what they were going to buy.
        Outside the door, Lu Guangyi, who is in the coffin, looked up at the house and sat on the raft, and looked at her mother and sister with a smile on her head and did not consciously reveal a smile.
        It’s good to be separated, and it will get better and better in the future.
        Yuntian Town, Baihe Academy.
        Du Lian heard that someone outside the Academy was looking for himself and went out of the school.
        He thought it was his mother, or his sister, who once thought it was a strange man. He was about twenty or thirty years old, dressed as a countryman, and Du Lian was somewhat confused. He didn't know this person.
        "you are-"
        "You are Du Jia Xiao Ji, I am the person of your Dujia Village. Your mother came back from the food in Daxi Village today. The road accidentally fell. I am afraid that the leg has broken. We have already made her take her. I went to the town medical hall, and you have to go over and see."
        Today, Niang is going to Lujia to transport food. Du Lian knows, so he did not doubt the words of this person. He let the other party wait a little, and he hurriedly turned back to go with Master After a short time, the person came out and let the other party lead him to the medical center.
        Along the way, he walked with this person and asked his mother about the specific situation.
        The man told him not to worry, that is, the leg broke, and nothing else did not matter.
        Du Lian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and he did not find that he was getting worse and worse with this person. Soon, the pedestrians around him were gone, and they came to a remote alley.
        He was puzzled and wanted to ask the other person, knowing that it was black.
        At this time, a few people rushed from the side, and came up with a burst of kicks and kicks for Du Lian. Du Lian wants to cry out, wants to struggle and is powerless, can only be a hard-won recipient.
        Between the pain, he felt a sharp pain in his arm and suddenly stated.
        "Warning, don't go to offend people who shouldn't offend, otherwise it won't be like this next time!"
        Throwing this sentence, the people will be scattered, leaving Du Lian alone lying on the ground, I do not know whether it is dead or alive.
        I don't know how long it took, and Du Lian was slowed down. He slowly got up from the ground and shook his hands to pull the sack around his head.
        He was half-stained with red and swollen eyes, looking around, no one around.
        Suddenly, he snorted and reached for the arm he was afraid to focus on. It was red and swollen and swollen.
        Is this, folded?
        Du Lian came to think more about who was the black hand to harm him, and quickly stood up and walked away.
        On the street opposite the alley, a carriage was parked.
        There was a driver on the carriage. The driver’s black shirt was cold and full of masculine face. Looking at some of the finely broken scars in the past, the body was tall and burly, and it was not easy to provoke at first glance.
        Therefore, the pedestrians did not dare to look at him more.
        Seeing that Du Lian’s land was rushing, the carriage door was suddenly pushed open, and the person who came out was Lu Guangzhi.
        "Into the uncle, really refreshing, seeing him is not good, I am happy." Lu Guangzhi smiled, changed the pure and harmless face at home. It is not that he has learned badly now, but after so many things, he is no longer the one who is smart and extreme, but has the rustic essence of the countryman.
        During the time when he came to the gambling house, he learned a lot in it. He learned to make himself, learned to meditate, learned to talk and talk, and he also learned the weak meat.
        Just like now, if he does not have the ability, I am afraid that I can only watch the big sister being bullied. Although Du Lian did not like it at the beginning, in the heart of Lu Guangzhi, his older sister was still hurt. Although his older sister did not say, but I can think of it, a good marriage was robbed, and the person who was robbed was still aunt. This is no more, this is the name of their little aunt, and dare to come to the home to harass his thin sister.
        In particular, there was a lot of discussion outside this time. This added to the anger of Lu Guangzhi heart. Sao Gu would forget it. He didn't look at his face. The culprits, Du Lian, did not want to let go.
        Now Lu Guangzhi has some small money in his hands, and he has met many people. He wants to find someone to teach Du Lian a meal. It is a pity that he has not found a suitable candidate in the gambling workshop. He was known by Han Jin. Han Jin took this matter and said that Mei Zhuangyi is not there. He naturally cannot sit and watch his shi-nu being bullied, no matter what he is looking for. Cheap.
        "Into the uncle, I see that his hand seems to have a problem, will not be a big deal?" It is said that this is the first time Lu Guangzhi has done this kind of thing, and it is somewhat embarrassing.
        Han Jin gave him a glance, and the wind was light and said: "His hands are folded."
        "Fold?" Lu Guangzhi was surprised.
        Han Jin nodded and did not think that he said: "You said that he wants to marry your sister. He also said that when he was admitted to the show, he would come to your house to raise a relative. Do you really have to wait for him to be admitted to the show, and then continue to harass Your sister?"
        Lu Guangzhi was shocked.
        After the shock, I fell into meditation.
        He is naturally not a child, and of course he can hear that he is uncle. A scholar is no better than a child, a person with a good name. A small child can make the locals look at each other, not to mention the show. Since Du Lian dared to say that in his sister's words, it must have been an idea in his heart. Let's not mention that his younger sister is still in Du family, and the mind inside is sinister.
        In particular, the Du widow is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Recently, Lu Guangzhi has a bottom. If you let Du Dunlian get into the show, who knows if he will continue to entangle his sister. A woman, unlike a man, can be ruined by a small matter. Once again, the last time, his eldest sister is finished.
        "But we can't stop him for a lifetime." He couldn't help but look at Han Jin. Obviously, there are some six gods without the Lord. In the end, it is still a little small, it is better to go through the vicissitudes of Han Jin.
        Han Jin smiled and said: "When your sister is married, let us ignore him." In fact, what he wants to say is to wait for Lu Jao-yue to marry him, but in the future, he will be here for a while. Certainly it is impossible to reveal his 'sinister mind.
        Lu Guangzhi thought for a moment and said: "If you enter the uncle, you still have an idea."
        "Let's go, I will send you home, lest you go back late, your sister is worried."

 Du widow triumphantly returned to the village with the food given by Lu.
        It was Lu Ming-chuan who helped her with the ox cart.
        This is very happy, but I know that the news of my son’s injury in the town is that the Du widow is panicked on the spot. When it was too late to ask the women what happened, Lu Ming-chuan sent her to the town with a ox cart. Although Lu Ming-chuan is increasingly not waiting to see this sister, it is his brother-like who has done something and has not said anything.
        As soon as I arrived at the medical center, I watched the son sitting in the nose with a swollen face and a white cloth on his hand. Du Widow fell on the spot. "What the hell is going on? Who is bullying you, my son, my mother went to find him desperately." Du widow thought that her son was bullied in the academy.
        Du Lian took the good one and took his mother, saying: "Mother, no one bullies me."
        "What the hell is going on?" Du widow stunned her face.
        Du Lian said this in a long way.
        After listening to it, Du Widow was inconspicuous, and even Lu Ming-chuan was also a cautious color.
        This is obviously a crime of offending someone, but Du Lian, a scholar, can offend someone, actually fell to be beaten, and even the hands are folded?
        For the time being, this matter is unclear. In particular, people in medical institutions are waiting for people to pay for medicine. Du widows can only pay for medicines first and bring people back to say them. When she waited until she paid the money, she hesitated. She looked at Lu Ming-chuan with a dilemma and said, "Sister, do you have money there? I am in a hurry, and the money I bring is not enough."
        In fact, it is not enough. When Du widow went out, she knew that her son was injured in the medical hall and brought all the money in the house. It is a pity that the money is not enough to pay for the drug, so I can only find a solution in Lu Ming-chuan.
        Lu Ming-chuan slightly hesitated, in the end, he still took out the money bag from his arms and asked how much worse.
        Du Lian's injury is not light, especially hurts his bones. If he manages his hand, he needs nearly one or two silver. There are only half of the -mute widows in the body. Lu Ming-chuan will add enough to the rest, but there are only a few articles left.
        Du widow did not have a charter at all, and she saw her brother-like busy, and gave her own medicine. It was a little overwhelming. "Thank you, brother-like, wait for me to go back, I will give you the money."
        Not much to say, the two men will help Du Lian to get on the oxcart, and they will drive out of Yuntian Town.
        When she arrived at the Du family, Lu Guili was crying and bursting into tears. Seeing Du Lian hurt like this, she almost didn't go over. It was another time that people were turned over and they were placed. Lu Ming-chuan was so busy with sweat, and he saw Du, and naturally he did not stay to eat. After waiting for Dujiacun, he only reacted, and the sister said that he would pay him back, but it seems to be busy.
        He didn't think much about it. After going back to Lu, his family saw him coming back so late, naturally he had to ask him what happened. Lu Ming-chuan said the matter roughly, and Lu family was amazed.
        At this time, Cui also refused to blame his family, but worried that his daughter would not be widowed, chasing his son to ask me carefully, knowing that Du Lian did not have a serious problem, then let go of his heart.
        At the same time, the Lu family also knows that Du Lian’s hand is hurt, and he feels a little sorry. You must know that Du Lian is going to end this year. This is an injury and how to get out.
        In the big dry country, the Courtyard trial is three years, sometimes three years and two games. This is not fixed. Du Lian did not meet the time last year, before going to the Courtyard to test, Du Widow was seriously ill, but could only miss that one. I thought about delaying for three years. I know that the province has changed to a new school administration. This year, I added one more, and I can’t help but let the children’s students like it. Du Lian was full of ambition and ready to go, with a view to glory, but he did not think he had encountered such a disaster.
        Old Lu Han repeatedly crippled and reluctantly said: "The 2nd Miss is a sinner!"
        I know that this is offending people, but what is the Wangye who is offended?
        The other party did not show up. Du Lian did not know the person who led him out. Although the other party said that he was a Dujia village person, he also knew that the other party could do such a thing. Naturally, this is also a lie. Can a scholar who can offend someone in the end, will encounter such a disaster?
        Everyone wants to understand.
        “How do you say Du?” Old Lu Han asked.
        Lu Ming-chuan shook his head. "They have no object of doubt. Du Lian said that he did not offend anyone in school."
        "Then the -mute loss is so eaten?" Cui was somewhat unwilling.
        "What can I do if I don't eat? There is Yuntian Town, but it is not our village, nor Dujiacun. Since the other party has plans to premeditate, it will lead people out and fight, certainly not a leisurely generation. Let me say, let My brother-like swallowed this breath, maybe the other party hit him, and the gas disappeared? I won’t find him again in the future.” Lu Ming-shan, standing on the side, interjected.
        Although Lu Ming-shan is a little lazy, in the end, he usually sells goods in the streets and towns, and he still has some insights.
        "Lian Er didn't take long to go out. In this case, the hand was injured. If the other party is not indifferent, no one believes. It is not the other person's talent, especially so." Hu Shidao.
        This is also very likely. It is necessary to know that the number of people admitted to each Courtyard trial is fixed. Maybe the other party thinks that Du Lian has blocked his own way.
        Lu family thought more and more that this possibility was the most. Old Lu Han said to Lu Ming-chuan: “Boss, you will go to Du family tomorrow, tell them about it, let Du Lian know what to expect, and beware of it.”
        How is the trouble, the family is the family, and the son-like is the son-like. In fact, Old Lu Han also pointed out that the son-like can be a scholar, and the show can be exempted from taxation. The Du family does not have a few acres of land. When the family Tianji is in the name of Du Lian, it can save a lot of taxes.
        This is the intention of Old Lu Han. The Lu family is also aware of this. Compared with being able to exempt from taxation, it is not a big deal to have a difficult family. This is why Old Lu Han is tolerating Du widows.
        Do not mention here, Du family, the family is also thinking about who is offended.
        Du Widow’s distressed son suffered, and the grievances in his heart were heavier. He tried to find out who had harmed his son. He asked Du Lian to seriously think about it and try to come up with an ugly idea.
        Du Lian is naturally not reconciled. He is more annoyed and resentful than anyone else. He must know that the doctor of the medical center said that his hand must be thought of at least for a few months, and his left hand was injured. Naturally, he could not participate in this year's Courtyard test.
        If I don’t go this year, I have to wait at least two years, how can he be willing. But what did he think, he couldn’t think of who he had offended. In school, he has always treated others with kindness, and he does not succumb to evil. In the village, he rarely goes out, and he often reads through closed doors.
        I can't think of it, I can't help but want to go to the Du widow. It is not a rare thing to know that the maiden has offended the man and retaliated against his son. As for Du Fuer, Du Fu is still small, Du Lian does not think she will cause any disaster.
        Du Widow’s face is guilty. To say that she has offended, it’s countless. Du Duwei does not feel that she is ignorant, she is not willing to accept the account. Unfortunately, there is a daughter who Miss her at the bottom. Du Fu finger is placed on Du Lian’s number. In the past year and a half, she has been arguing with her mother, and who is red-faced.
        Du Lian Yue listened to the darker face, could not help but replied: "Mother, if you don't want anything else, you must always care about your son's reputation."
        Du Widow’s old face is awkward and retorted: “The old Lady is clearer than you. I have always been a reasonable person in doing things. I never let people pick out what is wrong!”
        That's it, people will feel wronged, obviously you are not right, you are like a house to dig your family grave. Obviously, he suffered a loss at home and was accused by others. It is not that he will take the gas to your son. Dudu widow is a rural peasant woman after all, can make a big thing, left is your nose, my eyes, I picked the vegetables in your vegetable field, your chicken came to my house, I don’t recognize this. Little things. It’s really impossible to do it. The other side doesn’t have that power. It’s going to be in the town, and there are so many people who have found Du Dun’s anger.
        So isn’t it the sin of Du widow?
        Du Widow feels more and more confident and swears: "The black hand of the other party is obviously trying to stop you from going out this time. Son, mother feels sure that someone in your Academy is jealous of you, it will harm you."
        Du Lian also feels that this possibility is bigger, but who is it, he really does not know.
        The next day, Lu Ming-chuan came to the door and said the family guess with Du family.
        Du family also think so, but there is still no idea for the black hand behind the scenes. See Du Jiayun Yunbu, Xiao mei Lu Guili has been crying and annoying, Lu Ming-chuan could not help but say Lu Ming-shan said yesterday, but also to comfort each other's mind.
        Du Lian is a deep thought, but Du widow does not lead the other party feelings, and forgot how people helped themselves yesterday, how grateful they were at the time. His face is a sigh of relief for Lu Ming-chuan.
        Lu Guili also refused to cry, and rushed to the side of the field, saying that her mother-like was anxious, it was not intentional. Du Lian immediately stopped her mother's misconduct, Lu Ming-chuan did not turn face on the spot. That is the case, he can't stay any longer, find an excuse, and rush to leave.
        Du Lian also came to the present, only to find out that his mother is a human being, there is such a big problem, and he is sympathetic to Du Wei person.
        Du Wei widow’s face is only worthy of promise. As far as listening is not heard, then only God knows.
        There is a whistle in the story of Qiao, and the two-room people naturally know what happened to Du Lian.
        The family feels very happy, such people, such people, only to be taught this way to make people hate. Especially Mei, because of the recent rhetoric outside, I have long felt that Du Lian will be lighted, and I can't wait to slap him again to hate it.
        Although Lu Jao-yue was a little surprised, she felt very refreshed. After all, after going through all the life of the past, it is impossible to say no complaints. Just because of her heart, she chose to stay away from her life and chose to stay away. She might hear the bad news of the other party and make her feel very resentful.
        Although the family has different performances, it is with emotions, and Lu Guangzhi, who is the most intense character, is rare in this time. Lu Jao-yue, who has always known his brother's character, can't help but pay attention to him.
        After observing for two days, Lu Jao-yue privately asked Lu Guangzhi to ask. She remembered the last time the younger brother said that he would teach the aunt's meal, but he did not send his grievances to the aunt, but on Du Lian.
        Lu Guangzhi did not marry her.
        From an early age, the person who cares most about him at home is the eldest brother. The one who hurts the most is this sister who is only two years older than him. The two rooms and two couples naturally hurt Lu Guangzhi, but unfortunately there was a big son Lu Guangyi, and there was a premature and weak daughter Lu Jao-yue, who took most of their attention, and Lu Jao-yue got better, and the young son Goro Born, it was inevitable that some of the sons were neglected.
        When Lu Jao-yue was weak, she could not go out. She was only two years younger than her, Lu Guangzhi, and she became her playmate. So the two of them are close to each other and have little to say.
        "I have to thank Master Jin Shu, if not him, I can't do this."
        Lu Guangzhi said something about the future, and Han Jin was deliberately trying to discount Du Lian’s left hand, but he did not say it. In his heart, the big sister is purely kind, and this bad thing can't let her know.
        Lu Jao-yue was shocked on the spot. She never imagined that this was actually done by Han Jin.
        Her mood was complicated and her mind was in a mess. No wonder he asked her if Du Lian was entangled in her. It was still here. Was it at that time that he planned to teach Du Lian for himself and give her a gas?
        Thinking of this, Lu Jao-yue mood is more complicated, that is, he feels that he is too wide, and he wants him to do this, but more is a kind of joy, a kind of joy that she can't distinguish from herself.
        "Big sister, what's wrong with you?" Lu Guangzhi looked puzzledly at the red face and didn't know what big sister was thinking.
        Lu Jao-yue rushed back to God and said: "No, nothing, just a little surprised."
        Lu Guangzhi knows that the big sister is not courageous. She is afraid that she will be afraid of Han Jin’s heart. He explained to the other party: "Big sister, you can not misunderstand the uncle, he is not a bad person, people are also kind, thinking that Xiao Xiao is not at home, can not let you White is bullied."
        Seeing his sister did not speak, he said again: "You don't look at the uncle to do things in the gambling house. In fact, others are very good. I also went to the gambling house and listened to what others said." Lu Guangzhi slowly talked about it. After he went to the gambling house, he heard some things. "The gambler was quite messy earlier, and forced people to buy and sell women. They have never done anything. Since they entered the uncle, they took Hu Sanshu and they went to gamble. Fang, this kind of thing is less. Of course, this kind of thing can't be avoided. After all, gambling houses open the door to do business, people have to come in to gamble, you can't stop, gambling loses people to pay for it is not without, but The uncle does everything to leave a line, and only when he encounters a bad gambler who does not change his teachings will he ignore it."
        After that, Lu Guangzhi looked at his older sister with some hesitation and asked: "Big sister, can you understand?"
        Lu Jao-yue blinked.
        "After all, the uncle is not the owner of the gambling house. He also wants to rely on the gambling house to eat. Can you understand this?" Lu Guangzhi did not want the big sister to feel bad about Han Jin. After all, he could always admire the uncle and hope to become He is capable of having the ability to act as a person who can do things without fear.
        Lu Jao-yue has some: "Well, I understand what you mean. You don't just want to say that you are a good person. Although it looks like he is not a good person, he is actually very good."
        Lu Guangzhi nodded again and again: "Yes, that's it."
        Lu Jao-yue looked at her brother a little complicated. She could understand the meaning of Lu Guangzhi, but she did not want her to misunderstand Han Jin. I don't know if she is not the one she used to be, she may not be heavy, she will avoid the identity of Han Jin and his style of doing things, and stay away from it, even disgusting. But now she is, but it will not.
        Ok, good, bad, or something, she has nothing to do with her. She just needs to know that he is good to her, just fine.
        Good to her?
        The thought suddenly broke into my mind, and Lu Jao-yue heart could not help but be confused.
        On this day, Mei took Lu Jao-yue to the town and set up what to use when he was hired.
        The countryman does not pay much attention to these rules, but a decent banquet must have at least tea, rice, noodles, sugar, and fabrics for women's clothes. If the family is wealthy, add two more pieces of jewelry, which is the best.
        Rice noodles have the same white rice and white noodles, each ten pounds, then two pounds of tea and two pounds of white sugar, fine cotton cloth to buy two bright colors, for the woman to use for clothes. Jewelry, Mei originally did not intend to buy, the family silver money is limited, and the general family in the village hired, and rarely added jewelry. Still, at the suggestion of Lu Jao-yue, she was going to go to the silver building to see if she had the right one.
        Going to the silver building, the jewelry placed on the cabinet is different, everything is very beautiful. Especially those who have made gold jewelry, it looks like a bright gold, can really dazzle the eyes of flowers.
        Under the conditions of the 2nd room, it is naturally impossible to buy gold jewelry. The two did not look at it, but went to the counter where silver jewelry was placed.
        When the buddy saw the dress of the mother and the daughter, she did not degrade the two and enthusiastically introduced them to the two.
        "Mother, how do you look at the scorpion?" Lu Jao-yue saw the plum blossom scorpion at a glance, the simple style, only the maiden was plum-shaped, with fine tassels under it, with silver white The base color looks plain and chic.
        Mei Shi asked the guy to show it to her. After reading it, it was quite agreeable. When asked about the price, he had to have five or two silvers. He shook his head and said that it was too expensive.
        The guy advised: "This big sister, this price is not expensive, we are full of silver, but not those who are covered with silver, or else I will help you scale down to see if it is real material?"
        Mei also shook his head and pulled his daughter aside.
        "It's too expensive, but the family doesn't have that much money. The hiring money is 12 or two. The things that I bought only took three or two, and then I bought a donkey. It adds up to seventeen eight. Two is just going to hire. Still don't add money for the banquet, you have to add a few things in your brother's house, you have to spend money, which daughter-like will spend so much money."
        Lu Jao-yue could not help but persuaded: "Big brother has been in this life for a lifetime, and the family has been delayed for one year. The bride price is decent, and the big sister has a face." Seeing that Mei is still unwilling, she pulls the plum sleeves and squeaks. said:
         "I will buy this shi-zi. It is my gift to be a sister. I will give a big brother a gift. I have to hurt me since I was a child. I have to express my heart." Lu Jao-yue did not intend to let her. Buy, prepare to sell yourself to the big brother.
        Mei daughter glanced at her daughter and said, “How can I express my feelings? The house has been given up. I know that you are hurting your big brother, but this is too expensive, we can’t buy it, and we can’t buy it.”
        Seeing that she couldn’t convince her, Lu Jao- said with anger: "Let’s see what else?"
        "I can't say it. You don't have to say it. Let's talk about it first. Mother only wants to have two or two silver coins. Nothing is more. You don't have to worry about it. There is no big brother to get married, and my sister buys a gift." The truth."
        Lu Jao-yue nodded.
        The two went to the counter again.
        Although Mei speech has been evasive, the buddy has the heart to listen. Naturally, he listened to seven seven eight eight, and he did not introduce the two to the expensive ones. He only went to the cheap fingers and even the very considerate suggestions. Mei bought two kinds of silver, so even if they go to hire, it looks very decent.
        Some people are moving, and the countryman is willing to wear real money on his head. The ordinary scorpion is not wood, it is silver. It also looks like silver, but it doesn't contain much silver.
        "If not, let's pick two different things?" Originally, Mei thought was to buy two kinds of silver packets. I thought that my daughter was so generous and wanted to buy enough silver.
        Lu Jao-yue hesitated and nodded.
        Looking at her daughter's regretful eyes, Mei heart sighed.
        In fact, the daughter likes it, there is no money at home, so she has hardly added any jewelry to her daughter. The daughter's only few jewels were bought by her mother and her younger brother. This had to make Mei mother feel discouraged. But whoever told the family that the money was handed over to the public before, although some of them can fall, but for many years, raising a few children, seven or eight or eight, can not fall.
        Thinking about it, she gathered in the ear of Lu Jao-yue, whispered: "When you marry, the mother buys you, don't buy silver, buy the silver."
        Lu Jao-yue looked at her mother and couldn’t help but feel sad and moved.
        It is the mother who hurts her, but the sadness is that the family is too borrowed, but it is a silver scorpion, but it is difficult to achieve this. Looking at the mother's head and inserting the already darkened wooden raft, Lu Jao-yue is even more hot. She remembered that she also had a few silver jewels when she was a child, but I never saw it again.
        She took a deep breath and smiled and walked around to Meh, saying: "That won't let me buy it, mother, can I buy it for you?"
        Mei glimpse, said: “Mom is a lot older, and I still have a silver scorpion. It’s time to dress up. It’s your little Miss’s family, you need to dress up.” She thought her daughter was I didn't think about the plum blossom scorpion, but I didn't dare to buy it. She wanted to buy it for her daughter. I thought about the money in my hand, but hesitated.
        "If you don't, you can pick the same one. Buy a cheap one. When the family has money, the mother will buy the donkey for you, not waiting for you to marry."
        "I don't want to, don't waste money, my daughter won't let her buy it, wait for her daughter to marry someone, let her husband buy it. When he wants to buy it for her mother, it is to honor your old man."
        Mei Shi replied: "Not harmful, a Eldest Miss's family actually said this."
        Lu Jao-yue realized that he had said something, and he relied on the past with a sigh of relief. He said: "Mother, my daughter is not intentional."
        Mei eyes glanced at her again, but it was not really annoying.
        The guy took out a scorpion of silver and let the man pick it. Lu Jao-yue went to the counter to see the jewelry. She looked and looked at it, only to pick a silver plaque in the head of the word, just another guy in the store just sent a guest, -calling the other party to show it to her.
        The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. She looked at Mei eyes and saw that she was still concentrating on the selection of the scorpion. She quietly asked the price of the buddy and paid the money from the purse.
        Since then, all the money she earned from selling embroidery has been spent, and Lu Jao-yue pinched the purse of the pinch, and could not help but sigh that the silver is too good. I can think of this money for the big brother to spend for the family, a sense of satisfaction.
        She walked to the side of Mei, and Mei was still picking the style of the scorpion. When she saw her daughter, Mei said that she would pick the same thing. Suddenly she felt a heavy head. She reached out and touched it and found that it was a silver scorpion.
        Lu Jao-yue gave a playful hand to the stall, saying: "Mother, the money has already been paid, and people will not give back."
        "It’s a bit of money, it’s awkward!" It’s said that Mei eyes are hot, and the tears in his eyes are cleaned by the act of bringing the donkey to his head.
        "This is not allowed in the future!" she taught.
        Lu Jao-yue er, nodded, and looked extraordinarily docile.
        At the door, Han Jin has been standing there for a while, and he has witnessed the whole process.
        To be honest, sometimes he doesn't understand the thoughts of the big Miss and women, but he can understand the meaning of this mother and daughter.
        Mother and filial piety.
        Surprisingly warm.
        He seemed to think of something, sneered a little, and lifted his foot and stepped in.

"Guest, what do you need?" Seeing Han Jin coming in, the folks warmly greeted.
        Mei mother and daughter looked down at the side and found out that they were an acquaintance.
        "Go to the Brother, come buy things?"
        "Big sister, it's a coincidence! I have lived outside, and I have a long life lock here. Are you coming to buy something?"
        "This is not, the boss is going to be a relative, to set up something."
        Han Jin did not ask, just nodded. Lu Jao-yue had already hid behind Mei body. By the way Mei Shi blocked the look over there, he was hanging his head and didn't know what he was thinking.
        Han Jin’s gaze moved to the fabric on the counter, and the top was covered with a red cloth. It was obviously able to match the things that were used to get married. The tunnel: “I’m afraid I have to buy a lot of things, is the big brother? Come over, if not, wait for me to send you back."
        "How is this so?" Lu Ming-hai did not follow today. Mei thought that although there were many things bought today, it was not heavy. They could move both mother and daughter, and they planned to buy things and rent them. The ox cart helped send it home. "Nothing is embarrassing. Anyway, I have nothing to do."
        Said, Han Jin asked if those things were bought by Mei mother and daughter, they took things out and put them in the carriage.
        After Mei picking up the money, he took the daughter out of the silver building. When the two came out, Han Jin said that they would wait for a while, then he turned back into the silver building and said that he would get a long life lock.
        Han Jin came out very quickly and asked if there was something in Mei that he didn’t take it. He rushed to the store where the two people were storing things.
        Taking something, Mei thought of buying some condiments temporarily, the cooking of the home cooking was gone, and I needed to buy red paper to make a red seal. Han Jin did not have impatient, but was very patient and carrying the mother and daughter to run back and forth.
        During the period, Mei entered a store and Lu Jao-yue stayed in the car.
        Han Jin rushed to the side of the carriage and stopped. The carriage door was closed. He looked back and looked at the eyes of Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-yue didn't expect him to look back, his eyes shivering, and his subconscious mind lowered his head.
        Han Jin’s eyes lit up, and he reached out and took something from his arms and handed it to her eyes.
        "Hey, send you."
        It is a slender wooden scorpion.
        Lu Jao-yue glanced at him, biting his lower lip and shaking his head.
        Han Jin did not speak. He blinked at the store where Mei entered, and looked at whether there was anyone paying attention to it. Putting down the whip in his hand, he stuffed things into her hand.
        This is not the first time, every time Lu Jao-yue wants to avoid, but he seems to observe in advance, every time she is inevitable, can only take it.
        After stuffing things into her hands, Han Jin went back and sat up straight.
        "Open it and see if you like it?" He leaned back.
        Lu Jao- couldn't tell what the taste was in his heart, hesitated, and reached out to open the wooden raft.
        What appeared in front of her eyes was a silver scorpion, which was the silver scorpion of the plum tassel that she was looking at.
        How does he know?
        Lu Jao-yue was shocked and whispered: "I can't accept it, it's too expensive."
        Han Jin leaned on the carriage and turned his back to Lu Jao-yue. He looked at the pedestrians in a casual way, but his voice was also depressed: "You like it!"
        She really likes it, but she can't ask for him.
        "You are not saying that your husband will buy it in the future, but you are going to marry me, I will buy it for you in advance."
        In the crowded streets, the future mother-like is in the store next to it, so flirting with the shu-daughters, Han Jin always has a sense of tension. This kind of tension was that he had never had a single person and a dozen people in the same year.
        But he just wanted to do this.
        Clearly said that it is appropriate, can not be impatient, but every time I see her kind of person who wants to clarify with himself before the person, he always wants to tease her.
        Sitting in the car, Lu Jao-yue, his face was red.
        "Rogue!" She couldn't help but blame.
        Han Jin grinned and said: "I was originally a rogue, you know it!"
        Lu Jao-yue glared at his back with hatred. She had known that he was a bit of a rogue, and it was the first time he found him so rogue. She slammed the wooden scorpion and threw it on his back. "I don't want it."
        Han Jin is carrying his back and still looks calm. "You put it away, unless you want me to be in your hands in front of your mother."
        Lu Jao-yue went to the store with a subconscious mind.
        Over there, Mei is talking to the store and walking outside.
        Lu Jao-yue had no time to think about it, and quickly picked up the little scorpion and stuffed it into his sleeve. Although Han Jin was carrying her body, but she also felt her movements, she estimated that she had hidden things, and he got off the bus and greeted him.
        Returning Mei mother and daughter to Daxi Village, Han Jin did not stay much, and then returned to the county.
        Today, he had a life outside, and his sister had already said hello and asked him to go home to eat.
        When he arrived at Li, his brother-like Li Shui-cheng was absent, and his sister Han Lamei was cooking in the kitchen. Li Jia has a bought woman, who is usually responsible for doing chores at home, and will help Han Lamei bring the children. Li Jiaping was the Madam of the mother, because she knew that her brother was coming today, Han Lamei was the chef of the special, she knew that her brother liked to eat the dishes she made.
        "Sister, what about my brother-like?"
        Han Jin stood in front of the kitchen and rode his shi-zi Li Baozhu on his shoulder.
        Sao Baozhu is only two years old this year. It is like when he likes to play crazy. He knows you. When he sees Han Jin, he jumps on him. He knows that he will raise him high and put it on his shoulders, and he can not worry at all, how to play if he wants to play.
        As a result, he did as he wished to lift him up, put it on his shoulders, and let the little treasure column happy, and he was happy to cook in the kitchen.
        Han Lamei looked at the son who smiled and couldn't see his eyes. He shook his head with a smile and smiled. Han Lamei had five or five this year. It was the time when Fenghua was in full swing. A black hair was simply a unique one, fixed with a simple silver plaque, and the two scorpions were neatly combed to reveal a smooth and full forehead. She has white and rosy skin, slightly picking the willow eyebrows, seemingly fascinating Dan Fengyan, the bright red lips are full and full, let people look at the past, they know that it is a beautiful woman.
        Han Lamei is indeed a beautiful woman. He was famous in Hanjiazhuang. If not, he would not marry from a country and marry the head of a county governor.
        When Han Lamei was married, she was shocked by a group of people. No one thought that she would have been so creative. There are many envious people, but they can be tasted by the parties themselves.
        "Your brother-like is in the county, I told him to let him come back at noon." She looked at her son who was happy with her music. She laughed and said: "You stink, you will bully you, this time again. Pissing on your neck, mother is not your little ass."
        Sao Baozhu didn’t know what to listen to, and laughed even more happily.
        At this time, there was a sound of beatings in the room on the east side of the room. Han Lamei face was condensed and his brow was slightly wrinkled. Han Jin also frowned, looking at the other side, but did not say anything.
        The one named Lu Pozi has already washed the dishes and cut them, just waiting for Han Lamei to fry. Estimated that her husband is almost coming back soon, Han Lamei let his younger brother take his son to play in the yard, and he began to stir-fry.
        When there was still one dish left, the courtyard door was suddenly pushed open and walked into a middle-aged man with a normal face but a cold temperament. He wore a green shirt, black soap boots on his ankles, and a sabre in his waist. He just came out of the door.
        It is Han Jin’s brother-like Li Shuicheng.
        Seeing the little scorpion coming, Li Shuicheng nodded. "I am coming in, I am sitting in the room."
        Han Jin took advantage of the small shi-zi and followed Li Shuicheng into the hall.
        Li house is not big. It is a one-stop house. The front face is the upper house, the left and right are the east and west rooms, and the kitchen is next to the west. The Li family has a small population, and Lu Liuzi also has five people, and it is more than enough to live.
        The hall is arranged in the same way as the average person. There is a Zhongtang painting on the center wall. There are two circle chairs under the Zhongtang painting. The middle is the square tea table. The left and right sides are two circle chairs and black lacquered flowers. The left side is separated by Duobao Pavilion, followed by a large Eight Immortals table.
        Li Shuicheng and Han Jin spoke in the hall. On the other side, Lu Pozi had already brought the fried dishes up, and set the tableware, and took a jar of wine and put it on the table of the Eight Immortals. Han Lamei fry the last dish and went to wash the hand before entering the hall.
        "Don't delay, the leek is hot, hurry to eat. Lu Po, you go to Yaner to eat."
        Han Jin and Li Shuicheng came to the table and sat down. Lu Po ​​went to the East Chamber. There was another blow from the East Chamber. Li Shuicheng couldn’t help but blacken her face. She frowned: "Let's eat first, don't worry about her!" ”
        Han Lamei did not say anything, just let her husband and brother drink first, then he took the son over, looking for something he could eat on the table, put some in the bowl, and fed him with a spoon. After a while, Lu Po ​​came back, and she looked a little embarrassed. The clothes on her body were wet and the hair was a little messy.
        She whispered: "-Lao, the Miss said she is not hungry."
        Han Lamei sighed and said nothing. Let Lu Pozi go to the kitchen and take a plate. I put some of it in the dish on the table and put it on the plate, let Lu Pozi send it to Dongxiang. After letting Lu Po ​​go, she went to the kitchen to eat, and the kitchen gave her a meal.
        Lu Pozi went on with the food and food. After a while, I heard the cracking sound of the bowl that was thrown on the side of the East Chamber.
        Li Shuicheng patted the table and angered: "Since she is not willing to eat, she will not give her food."
        Han Lamei advised: "I have done it, how much more things are going." He also greeted his younger brother: "Drink vegetables, drink two more cups with your brother-like."
        From the beginning to the end, Han Jin was a calm and waveless appearance. When he heard his sister greet himself, he took up the glass and respected Li Shuicheng. Li Shuicheng is also not good at training his daughter in the small scorpion, and he drinks with him.
        Things are over for the time being.
        With a meal, Li Shuicheng said that there is still something in the door. He has to rush back. If it is not today that the little shi-zi came home, and his son was alive, Li Shuicheng might not be able to come back. It was said that he stayed with his sister at home and said that he would leave in the evening.
        Lu Pozi came up to clean up the table, and Han Lamei led her brother to the East House to speak. After Xiao baozhu was full, he would not stop using his small hand to rub his eyes. Han Lamei hugged him to sit on the donkey, patted him and slammed him to sleep.
        Han Jin’s long life lock from his arms was placed around his neck.
        "And spend money!"
        "Sister, this is not worth any money, it is the meaning. I am such a shi-zi, when you can't be stingy."
        This long-lived lock has the size of a child's palm, and the front is engraved with the words long-lived. After Han Lamei married Li Shuicheng, it was no longer the country unspeakable country bandit. The eyes were poisonous. Even if the eyes were swept up, I knew that this long-lived lock had spent at least a dozen of his brother’s silver.
        "Well, I know that if you come to the money now, you won't argue with you. Not the sister said you, you have to pay some money, and you will come back later."
        Han Jinyi, did not answer his sister positively, but said: "Sister, is that little Miss still like that?"
        He had long known that the daughter left behind by her brother-like had never dealt with her older sister, but because he had less time to come to Li, he was usually less common. As for the look of today, this is where it is not to deal with, clearly is the appearance of hatred.
        Han Lamei smiled and shunned the weight and said: "You have said that she has a little Miss, and my sister can still go to her with her. If you don't say her, tell your sister if you have a Miss you like, if there is If you are, the sister will help you to get along."
        Han Lamei has asked this question no less than dozens of times. She has been worried about her brother's life.
        Han Jin looked at his sister.
        It is said that it is a small Miss, but that Miss has already been fifteen years this year, and his sister is only twenty-five this year. At that time, he did not agree with his sister's marriage to Li Shuicheng. Although Li Shuicheng was not bad, he was older, he was nine years older than his sister, and he still had a nine-year-old daughter.
        After the mother is difficult.
        Although Han Jin did not give people a maiden, he saw how difficult it was for some of them to be women in Zhuangzi. I don’t mention other people, but his mother, it’s not very difficult. It’s not too heavy to be heavy on most days. I’m afraid that others will accuse myself of being bad for the children ahead.
        Therefore, even if Li Shuicheng was not bad in identity and had a tolerance, he would not want his sister to marry. But his sister insisted that he insisted that it was useless.
        I remember that the first day of his sister’s marriage, he took his hand and said that their Brother and sisters were in a difficult situation. But she always wanted to marry. Instead of being sold by the Han family, it’s better to pick one. marry. Since she is going to marry, she will marry him well and support him in the future.
        At that time, Han Jin was in a difficult situation. Han Jiazhuang did not have his position. He went to the town to discuss his life. Some people always passed his bad name, so that the Dong family did not dare to hire him. Helpless, he can only go to the yard to work hard to support himself, because only this kind of work, others do not care what kind of person he is.
        At that time, Han Jin was arrogant, sorrowful, and resentful, and was immersed in hate all day. After hearing the words of his sister, he suddenly woke up. Yes, what he is doing, knowing that things are not able to maneuver, knowing that Hanjiazhuang does not have his own place, he should put his eyes farther away, not just one. His sister made such sacrifices in order to change the situation of both the younger brother and the younger. Why is he still going to waste time there? He is a man, isn't he?
        When Han Lamei went out of the door, Han Jin turned his face and went to Wannian County. The first thing he did was the same work as when he was in Yuntian Town.
        As long as there are people, it has rivers and lakes. Wannian County is a large county in Dongchang Prefecture, and it is also located in the main road of transportation. There are many people from the south to the north, and it is also a rich county. This kind of place has its own rules in every corner, just like the group of people who work hard at the dock. Some people pull out to crowd out others, and let outsiders come to pick up the work at will. If you want to pick up a job, you can Join them and have to pay the money.
        On top of this group of people, there is also a group of people who have to pay for the protection of the people who work on their sites.
        The layers are laminated and layered.
        At that time, Han Jin, who came to see him at the beginning, had seen this happening. He was very convinced. He felt that he had to work hard with his labor. Because he was excluded from the crowd, he had to split his hard work.
        There is no shortage of thorns, and many thorns are being convinced for the first time.
        Of course there are exceptions, just like Hanjin. He is more and more dissatisfied, clearly that his brother-like is the head of the county governor, but he never thought about asking for the door. He knows that his sister is difficult. A country Miss is married to the county. It is also a mother. It is not difficult. He can't find trouble for his sister.
        In the first two months, when Han Jin was in the worst time, he often ate his stomach, and when he showed his face, he was chased. When I was injured the most, I almost didn't die when I was lying in a broken temple. In the 3rd month, he relied on his own strength to entangle a group of people who refused to accept the layers of bullying and circled their own territory.
        In this way step by step, Han Jin slowly has his own power. Everyone wants to eat. Han Jin can't do anything to bully the poor people to collect protection fees, but they can't let the Brother have no food to eat. So when they came to the Guangji gambling house, they promised to cooperate with each other.
        If a gambling house wants to stand in one place, it must be put in place in all aspects, and there must be filial piety in the county. In the same way, certain protection forces are also needed.
        And these, Han Jin can provide.
        In the past six years, the 2nd Brother and sisters, one from the hard work of eating hard, to the bright spot of the gambling workshop, actually occupied a certain share in the underground forces of Wannian County. The other is from a Miss in the country, to marry someone, to gain a foothold in a strange family, to learn to give people a mother.
        is it hard?
        It’s definitely hard, but people have to live.
        "You look at your sister doing this?" Han Lamei felt uncomfortable and said: "You can rest assured, don't worry about me, she can't give me any anger now."
        That she refers to Li Shuicheng’s daughter Li Yaner. When Han Lamei entered the door, Li Yaner was already nine years old. The nine-year-old child already knows a lot. She knows that this person is not her mother. She knows that her mother is a bad person, and she has done a good job with Han Lamei. . Han Lamei scruped Li Shuicheng and had a lot of boring losses in front of her.
        Seeing the younger brother's silence, Han Lamei couldn't help but say: "Your brother-like has a few things in mind. Now I know that I am facing me, plus I have a small treasure column. What are you worried about? Left but she will be in the past two years. Going out, I can't stand her for two years. If I don't look at other things, I always have to look at your brother-like. He has been nice to me in recent years."
        "Sister, if there is anything, you have to tell me, don't always be bored in my heart. I have some abilities now, I can protect you." When I knew that my eldest sister was pushed down by a small producer, Han Jin even wanted to pinch. The impulse of the Miss. In the end, the relationship is too complicated. His brother-like has always been good to his sister. Plus, the other party is just a little Miss in his teens. Han Jin can only silently endure it .
        Since that time, Han Jin has vowed to swear, he must protect his sister in the future.
        "Know, I know, your sister is not a child, but also need to worry about it? Everything and your brother-like!" Han Lamei smiled, but if you look carefully, you can see her faint and moist eyes. . "Well, don't talk about the sister's business, what do you think about it? You are not too young, you have to worry about a ‘Madam’, mother-" she paused and said: "She is also worried about you."
        Han Jin sneered at him. "She doesn't worry about me, what is the relationship? She is really worried about me, but it is more important than me."
        It is probably because of the mother's reasons. In the past two years, Han Lamei was not as radical as before, and she began to understand and understand her. The same is done for her mother, she is, her mother is also, although her mother did have such a mistake, after they died, they will raise their sisters and Brother.
        "You don't blame her, she is also difficult."
        Han Jin didn't want to talk to his sister about this problem, and he nodded.
        Han Lamei knew that her brother was perfunctory, but the knot was not solved in a day or two, and he also advised.
        "Well, don't say this, it's rare for you to come, I will pull you and say if there is anything. Old things are mentioned, you tell the truth to your sister, what do you think about getting married, is there any? Like the Miss?"
        Han Jin heard this and couldn't help but think of Lu Jao-yue.
        There are, but unfortunately, the Miss has not liked him.
        Taking advantage of his brother's expression, Han Lamei was pleasantly surprised: "Is there? Really? Tell me, which Miss is good, good and not good?"
        Han Jin laughed: "Big sister, there is still nothing in the eight characters. You are doing so much."
        Han Lamei took him. "You are my brother, I don't care about you, who cares? Tell me about it."
        Han Jin grind his sister, so he picked and said something to her sister.
        "As you said, this Miss is indeed a good Miss. What kind of day will bring me a look? Do you need to come to help you to get a kiss?" Han Lamei is obviously happy and incoherent.
        It is impossible to blame her for this. Instead, she and her brother have mentioned this many times in these years. He has never been in contact. It stands to reason that as a younger brother, there will be no Miss around, but unfortunately he is like an ascetic, never smeared, making Han Lamei wonder if his brother has broken sleeves, and often sees Mei Zhuangyi has no good looks. It is rare for the younger brother to take the initiative to like a Miss, but it is not to make her happy.
        "Sister, OK, I don't know what the Miss thinks, and you know my reputation..."
        For the rest, Han Jin did not say it, but how could Han Lamei not know what it means? To put it bluntly, it’s all the embarrassment that the Han family did. Thinking about it, I still wanted to persuade my brother and her mother to have a good mood.
        How to do? Is it true that the younger brother will fall to a Miss who does not have a good family?
        Where did Han Jin not understand what his sister was thinking, he comforted: "Sister, you can rest assured, give me some time, I will definitely bring her back to your brother-like."
        What can Han Lamei say? He can only nod.
        The 2nd Brother and sisters talked for a while, and Han Jin left. Han Lamei was supposed to keep him for dinner, but Han Jin refused.
        He didn't say to his sister that he wanted to change careers. After all, things haven't been done yet, and it's a bit early to say anything.
        At dinner, other people in the 2nd room found the abnormality of Mei.
        How could it not be found, silver is swaying on the head, and you can see it with a serious look.
        When Mei family saw their own family, they couldn’t hide their feelings in the joy of joy: “It’s bought by the moon. I said that I didn’t buy it, and I bought it secretly. It’s really bad.”
        "Niang-" Lu Jao-yue said helplessly: "You have to go to your hometown to hire it tomorrow, dressed up decently, and there is light on our family face. When my daughter is at home, I can't spend any money, just be The daughter honors you."
        White and tender, but also delicate and weak daughter, good character, people are filial and considerate, how can Mei heart blame. In fact, she is also very happy in her heart, that is, she is distressed with silver.
        Lu Ming-hai looked at his ‘Madam a little embarrassed and said: "His mother..."
        Mei didn't have to think about what the man was going to say, and he interrupted: "Okay, don't say this, eat."
        On the next day, the two-room couple took out the clothes they wore when they went to the relatives on most days, and deliberately packed up them. It seemed to be spiritual and decent. The two rooms and two couples are not bad, Mei charm still exists, not changing the youthfulness of the time, Lu Ming-hai tall and handsome, the two stood together, like a pair of monks, it is not like the villagers in the country.
        Lu Guangyi is wearing a new one. He has always changed his body into a thick cloth and put on the autumn shirt that Lu Jao-yue gave him. He was so good that he would become a handsome handsome guy immediately.
        The three took the gift for the family and went out.

The days are long set, and Lu Guangyi has been greeted in the past, so the family is also ready. At the sight of the Lu family, two people and three people came far away. The old man and the young man greeted him from the house, and the princes swayed in the house and hid in the back room.
        There are 2nd Brother, one younger brother, the older brother is called the big pillar, the 2nd brother is called the two pillars, and the younger brother is Sao Xiao zhu. Both the big pillars and the two pillars have been married, and the big pillars have children. I know that my family is on the door today, and everyone is clean and decent. The two children who ran wildly outside in the past have also been cleaned up, and they are very well-behaved behind their mothers.
        After a while, the two-room three-person followed the two old Brother, Mao and Mao, and the 2nd Brother of Guigui, entered the hall.
        The family family is not good. The family lives in an adobe house. There are a total of six rooms that house a full dozen people. However, most of the countrymen live here, and there is nothing to be discerning.
        The gift was brought to the table, the two rooms sat down and talked to the old couple. Lu Guangyi sat down at the head of the mother, sitting without squinting, the whole person looked very restrained and brought a little Less obvious excitement and shame.
        The older couples are older than the two-room couple, and no two are well-maintained. So it’s only a few years old next year, but it looks a lot older than the two. It’s not like a peer. However, the 2nd-bedroom people were not surprised. They have already seen it before. 2ndly, most of the countrymen are old-fashioned, because they have been working in the fields for many years.
        Although it was hired, no one has mentioned this.
        Although the rulers of the country are not very big, but generally this time is relatively gentle and pay attention to the face, naturally it will not be more than the face to see the number of gifts. It is also the number of the other person's character, and the gift of silver is long-term discussion, as for the other, the rules are placed there, I think people will not pay attention to the rules.
        Therefore, the two families are just like chatting in the usual chat, and they are planning to go to the hot spot before entering the topic.
        Lu person, Lu person, just married in the door last year. She didn’t know much about Xiao gu initial family. She also listened to the man some time ago, saying that Lu gift to Xiao guzi was nine or nine. Since she knew this, her heart has been thinking about it, for fear that the money fell into the big room.
        At this moment, she failed to enter the hall, and she stood in the yard and probed her inside. After watching it for a long time, I didn’t see it, so I turned and pulled the man.
        "Hey, do you say that Lu Jia brought the gift money over? Isn't it that his family is not well-off, it will drag on for a year, is there a year? And, is there really so much?"
        Some of the two pillars who hated the iron and looked at their own disappointing daughter-like, glanced at her and turned back to the house.
        Lu followed in and went to his house, and the voice of his speech was released.
        "What the hell are you talking about?" When Lu married the family, Lu family only gave two or two gifts, so the twelve silvers were very much in her eyes.
        It is also true. Generally, only wealthy rich households will give the woman so much money for dowry. If it is replaced by the current situation of the 2nd room, it will not give so much money. But at that time, the 2nd room had not been separated from the family. The Lu family was also a well-known rich household in Daxi Village. Together with the situation of the family at that time, the two rooms were specially designed to make so much money for the bride price. meaning.
        At that time, Mei heart was not so painful, but for the eldest son, he could only bite his teeth.
        Yan Erzhu did not breathe Lu sigh. "Can you have a bit of a good interest, isn’t the eyelids so light?"
        Lu turned his eyes and his thin lips were slightly stunned. "You have a good life. The eyelids are not too shallow. Didn't you tell me about this in the last few days? Not what you said, I can know this. ?!"
        The 2nd column kicked the shoes and squatted on the squats, lazy to care for her.
        Lu did not think that he was embarrassed, twisted his body and squatted on the window and looked out from the house. When I saw the little sister-like dog in the big room, when she took her sister to the room, she jerked up and went straight to the side to pick up the man.
        "You yelled at the dog's egg and went to the hall. You just went to see it and told you to let you stay in the house and don't come out. You yelled at you and you came out. She has something to do, how? If you don’t call her own man, you will know that you are called, and you don’t have a heart when you look at it.”
        Yan Erzhu did not speak with a sullen face. He called him named after his name. He could not come out and let Lu family see the joke.
        "You have to hurry, don't let the big house take advantage of it." Lu pushed him straight.
        Squatting on the 2nd column, pulling on the shoes, he said: "It’s your heart."
        Lu followed the trend: "I am going in with you?"
        The 2nd column tilted her and glanced at her: "If you go to help the big cook, you will know that you are stealing and slipping, and be careful to wait for you to say you!"
        He put the shoes on, and pulled the placket, and went to the main room.
        When I entered, the people in the room were still talking. On the other side of the table, the two children in the big room, the dog eggs and the sister grass, were kneeling at the table to touch the bride gift.
        Lu Jia brought a neatly tidy code on the table, covered with a layer of red cloth, making people wonder what is inside. It may be because the color of the fabric is bright and looks festive, and the children like it, they can't help but stretch out their hands to touch.
        Mei has already seen it, but she can't say anything. After all, she is a child. She is only a child who is naughty and does not take it seriously. She continues to talk to her old family. The 2nd column was also seen, but he saw that he did not see it, piled up and laughed and went down to his eldest brother. When the person just sat down, he heard a bang, and the things on the table were accidentally ripped off the floor by two children.
        "Oh, kids don't understand things, family is not strange!"
        With an apology, the doorstep quickly walked into a woman, the square face, tall, and it was the daughter-like of the big pillar.
        "I really don't obey, don't hurry out and play!" Mars took a look at the two children and went to clean up the things on the ground. The two children ran away.
        "Oh, I will help you." Lu, who had been stunned, also squeezed in and went over to help Ma fall to the ground.
        How could Mao inability to know the nature of the two daughter-likes, and secretly squinted at them, only to laugh at the two rooms and said: “The family is not strange.”
        The two rooms and two people did not think much, only when it was an accident. Although the dowry was swept down on the ground, it was somewhat unlucky. However, since the family does not feel anything, they naturally will not say anything. After all, things are brought to people.
        Markov, who was picking up something, hated his teeth and licked Lu eyes. Lu did not dare to show weakness and looked back. The two men glared at the things on the ground, grabbed them and robbed them, and Mei eyes looked at them strangely.
        When Mao looked at his mother's eyes, he felt that his old face was losing his face. He stood up and replied: "A little thing is not packed well, and I don't hurry to pack it out!"
        The squatting of the inner house was angry and annoyed, and I hated two scorpions in my heart, but I didn’t dare to go out. Today is her good day. The two of them made a joke like this in order to be careful.
        Mei is an interesting one. Although there are some strange daughter-likes, the performance of the two daughter-likes is that the Madam is someone else family, and she can't say anything. Oh, if you have nothing to do, you don’t notice anything.
        When Mao met her performance, she was relieved.
        After some gossip, the two families finally got to the point.
        Lu Ming-hai first expressed his apology for the marriage, and praised how Huigui was how to be virtuous (in fact, he has not seen it, it is some scenes), then Mei will cover the red seal of the gift. After handing over, Mao smiled and said two scenes and accepted the red seal. The two talents began to discuss the date of the marriage.
        In fact, the old Lady really appreciates Lu Ming-hai two couples. I feel that these two people are honest and sincere, and they can't help but sigh to give their daughter a good dear. Although it was a year of delay last year, but after all, people have difficulties, and now people are also coming to the promise, there is nothing to pick.
        When Lu Ming-hai asked him about his wedding date, he was hesitant because his mother-like was looking at him with a sigh of relief. The old man naturally understands what the mother-like wants, but he can't really tell. Mei is not a blind-eyed person. Naturally, he has come to see it. He thought that he was not an outsider. He asked if there was anything wrong with it.
        When she received a smile, Mao face smiled. She looked at Mei with some hesitation and said, “I’m telling you that you shouldn’t mention this thing—”
        Mei heart was tight, and he couldn’t help but wonder if there was anything wrong with his family. He had to recall the dowry and the words and deeds after coming home.
        He kept squinting, and Lu Guangyi, who was sitting on the sidelines listening to his parents and future parents, suddenly raised his head and stared at Mao.
        Mei remembered it again and felt that there was no place in his home that was not done properly. He showed a doubtful look and looked at Mao eyes.
        In fact, Mao is also an old-fashioned face, but for her daughter, she can not care so much. She did not face the question of returning to Mei, but said that she had a lot of children at home, and if a bowl of water was to be flat, she said: "You see two sons at home, and I am a mother-like." They are afraid that a bowl of water will be uneven, and the child will fall into grievances."
        The room was quiet, only the voice of Mao was -maiding.
        Mei is not a stupid person. Naturally, she understands the meaning of the other party. She did not intend to circle the circle. She asked: "What is the meaning of this pro-family?"
        Mao smiled and said: "Nothing, that is, some sighs in my heart. Think about it, this child is not born a big bit, to learn Yuyan, to walk, and become a Eldest Miss. I’m going to marry now, how can I be willing to be awkward.”
        Mei also has a daughter who can understand Mao mood. Not to mention Mao, every time she thinks her daughter will one day marry and leave herself, she will be in a bad mood. Thinking of this, she smiled and understood. Just when she let go of her mind and thought that she was thinking more, she suddenly listened to Mao words: "The family is a person who knows the truth, and the mother is also kind and kind. I must have a bowl of water between the children. Yes, huh?"
        At this time, if Mei voice could not be heard, she also lived for so many years. She immediately wanted to say something.
        At this time, I saw Lu Guangyi brush stand up and his face rose red.
        "Oh, look back, this family will not do it."
        A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone in the house stayed.
        "Boss, what are you talking about!" Mei Shi replied, and quickly pacified the two old couples: "My family, don't be surprised, this child is nonsense."
        Lu Guangyi lowered his head and did not look at other people. He just said: "Mother, I have no nonsense, this family will not do it!"
        The old man was annoyed and stood up: "What the hell are you talking about!"
        Lu Ming-hai quickly stood up to appease his family, and Lu Guangyi apologized.
        Lu Guangsu has come to be honest and honest, but he is also like a cow. No matter what he said, he just buried his head and said nothing.
        裴大柱裴二柱 also stood up and stared at him: Do you want to ruin your relatives? said the mouth, and the hand of the 2nd column was pushed over.
        Lu Guangyi was pushed back to the front, and then he raised his eyes and said: "You should be the one who wants to ruin the pro, I am sorry that the nobles, this dowry is not taken back, it is the right The compensation, compensation has delayed her for more than a year."
        The inside of the house, wow, wowed and ran out.
        She looked at Lu Guangyi with tears and cried: "Yi Ji, what the hell is this?"
        Lu Guangyi looked at her and said, "What's wrong? You should have a few in your heart."
        This is said to be a glimpse of people in the place, taking advantage of the gap, Lu Guangyi stepped forward to pull the parents, turned away and left.
        The old couple and the old-fashioned face changed dramatically, but Lu, standing next to him, still had some monks who couldn’t figure out what to do, and kept taking their eyes to marry their men.
        The 2nd room and the two people are looking at the great son, not only because Lu Guangyi is a person, but also because he is a good boy who is sensible and sensible.
        What happened today is a bit strange to the couple. It’s just not easy to ask questions on the road. You can only wait until you go back and say.
        Along the way, three people did not speak.
        At home, Lu Jao-yue looked at her ugly face with a puzzled look. How come you are so happy when you go out, but when you come back, it is like this. Can you say what is wrong with the big family?
        It’s just that this is not the time to ask questions. He will welcome the three people and stand by.
        "Boss, what are you talking about?"
        Mei is not angry. She knows that her son is not a targetless person. If nothing happened, his son will not behave this way today.
        "Mother, big brother, what happened?" Lu Jao-yue asked anxiously, looking back and forth at the faces of several people.
        Mei did not answer his daughter and still looked at his eldest son.
        Lu Guangyi face rose red, and from the family, he stayed in this state until he came home.
        He really has no face to see her sister!
        "Mother, don't ask, just be a son who is rarely willing to be willful. We don't do this kind of parenthood. As for the bride price, it is a compensation for the family." He was somewhat difficult.
        When Mei eyes saw this, she made a fire. She took a look at the table and replied: “If you say no, you won’t do it? What do you do with your family? And your sister, in order to make you a pro-sale I secretly embroidered at home without breaking my hand. You thought that the silver was good. If you slap the big cloth, you have to stab tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of needles. One needle is wrong. There is also a slap in the morning. What the hell is it?"
        Lu Guangyi raised his head and looked at his sister and his sister. Only he still said nothing, and he lowered his head and said: "Mother, you should be a son."
        Seeing that she was going to find a feather duster, Lu Jao-yue rushed forward to stop. You must know that this feather duster has always been the exclusive of the 2nd brother. The younger brother has also been married. The older brother and her are not once. Now she is going to take the feather duster to fight the big brother. It is obvious that she is discouraged.
        She was so anxious that her eyes turned around in her eyes, anxiously looking at her mother, and went to see her eldest brother.
        "Big brother, what happened in the end, you said it."
        Lu Ming-hai sighed aside and said: "Boss, you say, you and I believe that you are not the kind of irresponsible person."
        Lu Guangyi hesitated for a long time, only to say the reason for the difficulties.
        "You mean that you have already mentioned the change of house with you?" Mei Shi said.
        Lu Guangyi nodded and said: "She told me once, I didn't promise her. I know that when I came back, my sister said that I would change the house with me. I thought that since this house has been changed, there is nothing wrong with it. In a few days, she went to tell her about the date of her appointment. She did not mention it. Who would have thought that his family would put this matter on today and take it to you."
        On that day, in the face of Lu Guangyi change of house, Lu Guang’s heart was somewhat uncomfortable, but he could understand her situation, so she did not blame her. After returning, the younger sister offered to change the house. According to his usual character, Lu Guangyi would not agree. He thought that he had cried and told him about this, and then his sister was so determined that he agreed.
        In order to get married, my sister gave up even her own house, which made Lu Guangyi always worried about her sister. If he can't say good things, he can only decide in his heart, and he must be good to his sister in the future.
        Today, it is clearly the day when I went to hire myself. The other party did not mention this matter. I didn’t mention it later. I just rushed to mention this time. It is obvious that I want to take it.
        This is the most angry place of Lu Guangyi. It is unreasonable for him to marry a ‘Madam’, first to grievous sister, and then to grievance. When she saw her mother in the family, she was eager to have six gods and no one, and the other side had the meaning of sitting high in the Diaoyutai. The fire that Lu heart had been -calling for was soaring.
        He can't let his mother-like be inferior, can't! He doesn't owe anything to his family, so he doesn't need to whisper! Therefore, he only has to be sorry for it. Anyway, his family also dislikes his family bad family. Why bother each other?
        After listening to her son, Mei was silent. She dropped the feather duster and sat down on her ass.
        And Lu Jao-yue is even more suspicious, how happened this happened.
        She is not stupid. She understands her brother's thoughts. She can't help but hesitate whether she proposed to change the house. It is wrong. Otherwise, his older brother will not be so angry with her heart that he has turned against the heart.
        "Boss -" Mei has some hesitation.
        Lu Guangyi looked at his mother's eyes. "Mother, don't say it, my son has already thought about it. We won't do this family."
        Mei also couldn't tell the complex taste of his heart, but he still advised: "There is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking. It is the mother who wants to be bad at first. I am sorry for you. If you have to pay for two tiles in the morning, you will not As for..."
        Lu Guangyi interrupted his mother's words. "Mother, this has nothing to do with the house. If it is related to the house, the son will not say such a thing. The son just thinks -" He paused, lowered his eyes, and tried hard. : "I feel a little disgusting. I have refused this matter in advance. His family can come up with it at that time. It can be accomplished and cannot be accomplished. It can be taken out when the family is hired, especially I want to take such a gesture, I want to take advantage of my family. Mother, I didn’t understand it before, and now I understand that my ‘Madam can’t think too much, just like her aunt, because she thinking carefully and harming a family, now ......"
        For the rest, he didn't say anything more, but everyone understood what he meant.
        Lu Guangyi was scared by Hu.
        "Maybe this is not a noble idea, but her mother-like makes her own claim." Mei words are very pale.
        Lu Guangyi face was darkened and smiled bitterly: “Even if this is not her thought, she must know. I went to see her last time. She didn’t mention it when I mentioned it. Today, his family is doing this, she must be acquiescence. It is."
        In this case, Mei did not know what to say.
        "What about the family?"
        Lu Ming-hai suddenly said: "Oh, what should I do? What should I do? The boss does not say it. The dowry is left to his family. It is our sorry sister. This is not to say, since the boss decided, let the children Take your own ideas."
        "But what?" Lu Ming-hai looked at Mei eyes. "Do you want to return to your daughter-like? Even if the daughter-like is a good one, but his family is like that, the daughter-like is softer, and what will happen in the future?" The boss is the gateway to the family, and can't get back to the house. If you get like a big sister, then our family should be finished! Don't forget the old saying, pick your ‘Madam and be a good man, and your ‘Madam will not be a good man. !"
        The general thing in the family is that Meh is taking the idea, but since Lu Ming-hai took the board, Mei will not say anything.
        Later, Lu Guangyi returned to his house, and Lu Jao-yue returned to the house.
        Her mood is very complicated. Is it true that she will not marry her in this life?
        For a few days, the atmosphere in the 2nd house was not very good.
        Lu Guangzhi also knew what happened on that day. He was not as entangled as Lu Jao-yue. Instead, he said that it was quite good, and he would not have to come back like a big man and bully his sister. In his heart, he still felt that the big sister had vacated the house and was wronged. He can't blame his big brother, naturally angered to the other side of the family, coupled with the occurrence of Mao handling of Mei, but also made him feel bad about his family.
        Naturally, Lu Jao-yue said a few words, but he did not listen to it, then only God knows.
        However, it was quite strange on the other side of the house. It was not a little movement. It stands to reason that it is normal for her own Miss to be ruined, or to come to the door, or to come to resolve conflicts. Too quiet, but revealed a trace of abnormality.
        Lu Jao-yue sat on the raft, and there was a pair of embroidered embroidered on the embroidered stretcher. I thought about these things.
        At this time, the voice of her mother called her in the yard.
        "Moon, Guilai came to see you."
        Gui Yan?
        Lu Jao-yue quickly put down the embroidered stretcher in his hand, put on the shoes under the squat, and went out of the house, facing the laurels coming to the house.
        Gui Yan has a goose egg face and big eyes. If you don't look at the clothes that are full of patches, and the thin body and the yellow hair, it is also a beautiful Miss. At this time, her face was a little white, and there was a hint of anxiety in her eyes, so that Lu Jao-yue, who was full of smiles, was a glimpse.
        She greeted her and pulled Gui Yan into her house.
        "Gui, you are jealous?" They asked when they came to the edge of the squat.
        Gui Yan looked at Lu Jao-yue full-eyed eyes, and wowed out.

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