LJNFH 30-34

LJNFH - Little Jao-Niang Of The Farmer's House


 Lu Guangyi looked at her with a squint in her eyes. The subtle feelings of the past, the excitement of the temptation, seemed to be all gone. His brows are very tight, very tight, and he wants to say something, but he wants to stop.
        He calmed down for a while before he calmed himself down. He calmed down and said, "I am a big brother. I have to take care of the younger Brother and sisters below, so..."
        Yan Honorable Noble slammed his words, and the voice was faintly crying.
        "Well, Yi Ji, I know, I don't know anything, you just didn't say this."
        When she finished speaking, she turned to the front and ran to the front. After a while, she could not see the figure.
        This is in the land of the family, Lu Guangyi is not afraid of her lost, he stood for a while before going in the opposite direction.
        贵娥 ran back to the village all the way, and in front of the house, she took a deep breath and walked in.
        Her mother Mao was drying the vegetables in the yard, and when she came back, she asked, "Have you said that?"
        He did not speak, and he headed into the room with his head down.
        Mao took a look at his daughter's back, rubbed his hand on the apron, and followed him.
        You have buried yourself in the quilt, and you are not talking.
        Mao eyebrows: “Hey, I’m still with your mother?”
        Peigui E jerked from the kang sat up and stated: "I say, not to mention not mention that thing, I told you not let the righteous brother said ......" Then, people started to cry.
        Mao voice grew louder: “I can’t say it? I have never seen a son who lives in the earthen house and let a Miss live in a tile house. We didn’t say that they changed their house with his 2nd Brother. What did he say, disagree?"
        "What happened to the adobe house? Isn't our home just the adobe house we live in, how can we live in the adobe house?"
        "I said that your maiden is a brainless root string? Or?" Mao came to the squatting down, a pair of hate iron is not steel. "Not because the family is an adobe house, your mother wants to think Let you live in the big tile house. Lujia said that it is good, wait for the money to give you a tile house, but when is the money, when is the money, others do not know, we still don't know, Lu Jiake has a medicine jar Where."
        "Lu family has been separated," said Gui Gui.
        Mao glimpse, asked: “It’s separated, what is it?”
        Yan Guizhen told Lu Guangyi what she said, and she said it to Mao.
        When Mao expression was hi, he was very happy. After listening to it, he shot a palm: “This is a good point. Although it’s a little less, but he also said that he has a tofu craft, but he not afraid of no livelihood. Just this way, you have to fight more."
        Yan Guizhen looked at her with a puzzled look: "Why do you have to fight more?"
        "You think about it, Lu family is now only six people, only three acres of land, although there is a tofu technology support, in the end is not as good as before. And Lu Jiana two boys are not too young, two years later To get married, when you have to spend money, when do you think you can give you a house?"
        Mao speech was too urgent, and he swallowed and continued: “The time is definitely to let the 2nd child become a pro, then the problem will come. The 2nd child is now living in a tile house. After he became a relative, he started two adobe houses like you. Or just live in the room where he lives now. If he lives in the tile house where he lives now, you still live in the adobe room as your brother-like, do you think it looks good?"
        Mao took a sigh of relief and took the daughter's hand. He tried to persuade him: "It is not that the mother teaches you to fight with others, but the situation in our home. You also know that since you hit the incident, you are outside. I didn’t lift my head. I was thinking about waiting for you to become a relative, so I’m going to raise my eyebrows, and I know that I’ve been delayed for a year. Over the past few years, I’m not saying what you’re saying, you know what, It’s not that there is light on your face. You’re too good, you’ve been decent, and that’s like a slap in the face that once laughed at you.”
        "But on the side of Yi Ji, you also know his character..." 贵娥嗫嚅道.
        Mao has been indulging for a while: "Don't worry about this. They don't want to come to the house to pay after some time. I will come and tell my family."
        Lu Guangyi went back home with a complicated mood.
        I entered my house and found that something was wrong in the house. The house is still the house, the cover on the raft and the changes.
        Lu Guangyi fixed his eyes and saw that the cover was his sister.
        He frowned out of the door and went to the main room.
        "Mother, how is the little Miss's cover in my house?"
        Mei face was complicated and said: “Your sister is in the back room, you tell her.”
        As he said, Lu Jao-yue came out from the back room, smiled and took Lu Guang's arm and pulled him to the west. He told him that he was going to change the house.
        Lu Guangyi voice is very loud. Maybe it’s because he had told me about changing houses. He didn’t come back in his heart. When he came back, he saw his sister want to change houses with him. He didn’t control his emotions for a while. Seeing his sister looking at himself with amazement, he was busy slowing his face and said: "Moon, what house is not living, no reason to be a brother, but also to grab your house."
        Lu Jao-yue said with a smile: "How can I be robbed? It is my willingness. Big brother is a happy event, how can I let my brother and sister live in the adobe house, and my sister lives in the tile house. Not to mention the house of your brother. It’s a new house, and it’s two, and it’s cheap for me to be a sister.”
        The more the sister is understanding, the more complicated Lu Guang’s mood is. “He said, it’s cheaper for you to change the adobe house. You don’t think about it, you don’t agree.”
        Lu Jao-yue sighed and finally got the color.
        "Big Brother, I know that you are distressed by me, but you have to think about it for a shu-born. You have dragged on your family for a year, and you know how those people are talking about it. Over the past year, I have never seen my shi-zi at home. It’s easy. Now you are going to be a relative, and you have to be beautiful and decent. You want to think that when you come home, there are definitely a lot of people. When you see people living in a big tile house, let the newly-married you live in the adobe room. Can you have light? If you don't think about yourself, you should think about it."
        This is the reason, but because of what happened before, Lu Guangyi always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.
        "The situation at home is like this. Your older brother is also doing this. If she doesn't want to, then don't marry our family!"
        Listening to this tone, it seems that there is a bit of a pique.
        Lu Jao-yue studied the expression on his big brother's face and curiously asked: "Big brother, what? What happened?"
        Lu Geng suddenly paused and shook his head. "Nothing."
        Lu Jao-yue didn't believe it. He guessed: "Don't you say that you have mentioned this to you?"
        She knows that today big brother is going to see the big brother. It is not a secret at home. Coupled with the excitement of the big brother's decision to change the house, it is not difficult to guess. In fact, Lu Jao-yue has long had such concerns, and there will be a change of housing. She still remembers that she had been pushed up in the last few years because of the marriage, and she was resentful in her heart. It was always awkward with her older brother on most days.
        Once the human heart is born with a gap, it will make a lot of unnecessary contradictions. In this world, she only wants those bad things to not exist, giving the big brother a happy future.
        Lu Guangyi face was a little embarrassed and his voice was low: “Don’t care about her, she doesn’t know anything.”
        Then it is.
        Lu Jao-yue smiled and said with a pleasant smile: "Big brother, don't say this, it is normal for Daxie to make such a request. After all, the tile houses where our family live, it is unreasonable to live in the adobe house. If you live there. The adobe house, there is no such thing."
        She does not suffer from unequalness, she still knows this truth, especially at home, not only a big man, but also a younger brother. During the period of heavy work, Lu Jao-yue experienced a lot of things, so I learned a lot.
        "Well, big brother, don't try to compete with me. You hurt me when you were young. Just be my sister who is doing something for you. Your house is covered with your old mind." You don't know, I have been blind for a long time, let me give it to you." She pulled Lu Guangyi sleeves and shook it with a moment.
        This is not a vain word. When the two adobe houses were first opened, Lu Ming-hai was embarrassed and said that he wanted to go to the top. Lu Guanghui will be the craftsman of the masons. This room is his own wedding room, and he has used it in these two rooms.
        The same is the adobe house. The adobe used in these two houses is the best yellow mud selected by Lu Guangyi. The straw is smashed over and over again. After mixing evenly, it is made into the soil and placed under the sun. Sunburned out. When the soil embryos are well-tanned, and the mud is applied to the soil embryos, a total of five or six layers are added together. From the outside, it is not as smooth as the soil embryo. It is better to know where to go than the adobe houses that are shoddy and have very short roofs.
        When the house is built, the foundation and the corner of the wall are first stoned, and then the sticky glutinous rice syrup is used as the bonding material, and the block of the soil is hardened and the seam is tightly joined. The beam and the door and window are also the most selected. Good wood made. With so many processes, it is not bad compared to the average brick house. At least the thoughts in it are staggering.
        It's a pity that these outsiders don't know. It's just that they are just two adobe houses. I don't know if there are any squats in the adobe room.
        For the younger sister to say that this room is good, Lu Guangyi believes that if he said that he had been blind for a long time, he did not believe it. Who will leave the tile house and live in the adobe house.
        He smiled bitterly: "Little sister, brother understands your kindness, but brother can't change this house with you."
        "How can it be?" Lu Jao-yue said with arrogance: "Just say it, anyway, everything in my house has been moved to your side, leaving some big things left, brother, wait a minute." Give me a move, I will go and pick it up." Then he went out.
        Lu Guangyi stood in the room for a while and walked out. Mei is sitting on the raft to sort things out. She looked up at her eldest son and said, “It’s rare to have this thought, don’t yell at her.”
        After a pause, she said again: "You remember that your sister is good."
        Lu Guangyi did not speak, but solemnly nodded.
        In the evening, after Lu Guangzhi came back, he found that the big sister changed the house. At that time, he did not say anything, and when he was empty, he got into the house of Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-yue is packing things in the room.
        In fact, this house is really good. There is no rough wall in the general adobe room. It looks like a brick wall. The beam of the house is also high, and it is not obvious at all. When Lu Guangyi moved the furniture in Lu Jao-yue room, the original empty room was exceptionally different.
        "Big sister, is it because you are embarrassed at home?"
        Lu Guangzhi did not speculate that it was the reason of Big Brother. He knew the big brother's temper, and he also understood the big sister's temper. Suddenly changed the house, do not think, it must be what the family said, the big sister did not want to let the big brother caught in the middle of the dilemma, so I took the initiative to move here.
        "This man hasn't married yet, he is noisy, and she wants to do it?" Lu Guangzhi was quite angry.
        Lu Jao-yue frowned and stunned his younger brother and replied: "What are you talking about? That is what we are yelling, and there are still some children who are young and noble."
        Lu Guangzhi dismissed: "The young and the young are not used for such people. If you have not married, you will bully you. When she marries, it is not that you are crowded." No, I am going with my brother. Talk about it, this kind of woman can’t be home."
        Lu Jao-yue hurriedly grabbed him: "You stopped me, how is the temper more and more sorrowful, I said that it is difficult for me to be at home. When I come up, I will be indiscriminate." I have to change the house with my brother, it doesn't matter to the family."
        Lu Guangzhi does not believe.
        Lu Jao-yue can only give him an analysis of the benefits.
        After listening to it, Lu Guangzhi snorted: "Big sister, you are a good x-, the adobe house can't live? I remember that they lived in the adobe house, how come to the house to come to Jingui?!"
        Lu Jao-yue took a look at his younger brother. "You talk so badly, the older sister is going to be angry. I don't say it. I am willing to change the house with my brother. I don't want to be a big brother. I forced him to change with me. There is nothing in the relationship with the family."
        Lu Jao-yue was somewhat fortunate that he did not say to his brother that he was mentioning this matter with his older brother, but he would have to use the 2nd son’s temper.
        "Well, well, you don't think this room is very good. How much thought did you have in your big brother? You don't know?" Lu Jao-yue looked around with satisfaction. After her layout, the house was changed. If you like it, don’t be surprised.” After a pause, she said again: “And, after you’ve married, you will collect your temper, don’t look at the Buddha face, don’t let It’s hard to be in the middle of the big brother."
        Lu Jao-yue vaguely remembered that the 2nd brother of the last generation did not have much competition with the big brother. Because the big sister was dragged because of the marriage, the brother and the big brother were awkward. The big brother is not in the middle and is not right, it is very difficult, so this time Lu Jao-yue is ready to give the 2nd brother a tight line, lest he will be bad.
        Lu Guangzhi quietly for a while, then said: "Big sister, you are wronged. You can rest assured that I will make more money in the future, give the family a few more big houses, and then give you two to live, after you marry, the house will also give you Keep it."
        Lu Jao-yue laughed: "The line is OK, the big sister is waiting."
        In fact, she did not care, because she still wants to wait for enough money, send her brother to study. Although the younger brother is older, it should not be difficult if he has the heart.
        Lu Jao-yue woke up in the sound of the grinding wheel.
        She opened her eyes and found that the sky was still not bright.
        In the heart, she wore clothes and slammed it up, pushed open the door, and went out through the faint light outside.
        It’s her, Lu Ming-hai is grinding beans.
        There is a big stone mill in front of the house of the 2nd room. Every day, Lu Ming-hai will grind the beans with stone and then sell the tofu.
        It takes a lot of effort to make tofu, especially now that Lu Ming-hai is not only tofu, but also to work in his own home, so he will get up every day.
        Lu Ming-hai did not light, so with a faint light, Lu Jao-yue could only see a dark shadow moving.
        "Who?" The stone grinding sound came to an abrupt end.
        Immediately after Lu Ming-hai saw the people through the dim light, he could not help but wonder: "Moon, how come this time? But what awoke you?"
        "No, it is the daughter who can't sleep." Lu Jao-yue turned back and took the oil lamp and lit the back end.
        Under the dim light, Lu Ming-hai was barely shirtless, standing in front of the stone mill.
        The light was on, and he seemed to realize that he was a little indecent. He was busy going to pick up the clothes on the rope and put it on his body.
        "How come this time, but hungry?" he asked, walking to Lu Jao-yue with concern.
        Lu Jao-yue shook his head and carefully lifted the water in his eyes: "Hey, why are you getting up so early?"
        Lu Jao-yue knew that he had to do tofu every day, but the process was unknown. Every day she had to sleep until dawn, and naturally she didn’t know that when she was still in her dreams, she would get up and grind the beans. Made tofu. At this time, see Lu Ming-hai, what does she still have to understand?
        The ancients cloud, life is three hard, playing iron to support the ship to sell tofu.
        In the past, she used to have nothing to look like, she still said that the ancients boasted. At this time, it seems that it may not be hard, not hard, this weather, she still feels a little cold in her clothes, but she is still hot and shirtless. Full of sweat.
        Lu Jao-yue is a bitter nose, not only do the tofu every day, but also have to pick the tofu pick and run dozens of miles to sell everywhere, a little spare time, but also busy work.
        "Hey, now the family is also separated, you don't have to work so hard."
        Lu Ming-hai rushed his daughter into the house and smiled and said: "The moon knows that it hurts. You know, you go back to the house and go to sleep. It will be cool, and be careful."
        Helpless, Lu Jao-yue can only return to the house.
        In fact, she didn't know what she was thinking about. The silver of the big brother had not been enough. Although there was land there, it was the root of the countryman's life. If she could not sell it, she would not sell it. I want to make more money back.
        Thinking this way, the mood is even more difficult to calm down. She took the needlework from the cabinet by the light of the oil lamp, turned it over and took out a piece of embroidered cloth.
        The embroidered cloth is a good crepe, the moon white background, light and thin, is Lu Jao-yue removed from a skirt given by his grandmother Lu.
        This skirt is the clothes at the bottom of the pressure box of Lu. It is very well maintained. Every year, Lu will take it out to dry it, then put it in the cabinet. When Lu Qiaoyue was a child, she saw her grandmother holding this skirt more than once, and she seemed to be remembering something. Later, when Lu Jao-yue grew up, Lu gave her this dress. Lu Jao-yue is not required, but her grandmother said that something is wrong, clothes are always worn, and she only accepts it.
        Originally, Lu Jao-yue was reluctant to tear down the skirt, but she couldn’t find the right fabric, and she didn’t have the money to buy it. However, she was ingenious. Although she had removed a piece of lining from the skirt, she did not damage the body of the skirt. It could not be seen from the outside.
        I saw that this piece of embroidered cloth has been embroidered on the top of the embroidered cloth. The front side is a cat-like butterfly figure, which is reversed, and the other side is embroidered with a pattern of flowers.
        Lifelike, amazing.
        It is double-sided embroidery.
        This double-sided embroidery will be passed to Lu Jao-yue craft. In fact, if anyone has knowledgeable people, it is known that Lu Jao-yue uses authentic Su embroidery, which can be seen from patterns, colors and stitches.
        Embroidery of this double-sided embroidery is extremely troublesome and costly. It is necessary to concentrate on the front and back to ensure that both sides are not exposed, and that the cloth is neat and uniform.
        Lu Jao-yue of the previous generation understood this kind of embroidery, but the embroidery was not good. Later, it was because of the increasing amount of money spent on the back of the Du Lian Keke, she would work hard on it.
        Because ordinary embroidery can't sell for a good price, only this kind of embroidery that can be called a school can be sold at a big price. It’s a pity that embroidering this thing is a lot of effort. In the last generation, Lu Jao-yue embroidered day and night, but only a few embroidered pieces in one year. The price of selling is also more or less, small pieces, dozens of two, and large ones, one or two hundred can also be sold.
        Like this piece of double-sided embroidered fan in the hands of Lu Jao-yue, it is a small piece of embroidery. When she came, she didn't have much time and waited for the money. 2ndly, she didn't know if the big ones could be sold in the county. After all, this is not Dongchang House, nor is it the capital city. She is not sure if anyone who knows the goods can buy it.
        The hands of this double-sided embroidery were rubbed, and Lu Jao-yue heart finally calmed down.
        Soon, she has money, and she will not have to work so hard again.
        In the confusion, Lu Jao-yue fell into a dream again.
        When she woke up again, the sky was already bright, and Mei came over and told her to get up for breakfast.
        She hurriedly rushed up and washed her, and went to the main room. The rice was already on the table.
        Breakfast is hot soy milk and corn patties, and served with two dishes of oyster sauce fried vegetables. Soymilk was specially made when Lu Ming-hai made tofu in the morning. It was very fragrant and delicious. It was also good to drink without sugar.
        Lu Ming-hai, Lu Guangyi, Lu Guangzhi and younger brother Wu Lang have already sat down at the table, and Mei is giving a few people a soy milk. When it was the turn to give Lu Jao-yue a month, she deliberately added some sugar inside. This is the special treatment of Lu Jao-yue at home. There are a few men around the size who haven’t said anything. However, Lu Jao-yue feels embarrassed, and she is alone with her.
        Mei Shi did not agree, saying: "You are a shu-daughter, you can't be harsh on anyone."
        A few men and women nodded a little, and even the seven-year-old Goro was taken for granted.
        Lu Jao-yue was ashamed to get into the seams. In desperation, he could only force the bowl in front of Goro to come to himself, and then give the soy milk in his bowl to Goro.
        "Sister, I am a man, don't eat sugar." In fact, Goro wants to eat, how can a child not want to eat sugar.
        Lu Jao-yue is inexplicably somewhat bitter, and strongly supports: "My sister has grown up, so don't eat sugar, Goro is still small, give you food."
        "I have done it, it’s like I’m abusing you, come and come, everyone has it.” Meh took the jar of white sugar and added some to everyone bowl, even Lu Ming-hai bowl. Haven't let go of it.
        Lu Ming-hai looked at his ‘Madam and smiled slyly.
        The daughter-like has not looked at him for a long time, and it seems that she is not angry.
        Lu Jao-yue held the arm of Mei arm and said: "Mother is the best for us. How can we abuse us? It’s just that the daughter is such a big person, and I am interested in eating alone."
        "Oh, you are strange!" Meh snorted and laughed.

 Because everyone has something, so a meal is eaten in a hurry.
        After taking a meal, Lu Ming-hai took the tofu pick and went out. Lu Guangyi took the farmer to work in the field. Lu Jao-yue took over the work of washing the dishes from Mei hands, and then Mei rushed out.
        Seeing that my eldest brother is gone, Lu Guangzhi is also preparing to go out, but Lu Jao-yue suddenly stopped.
        The two went to whisper, and did not say a few words, a voice suddenly came from the side.
        "Big sister, what are you going to sell?"
        Lu Jao-yue was shocked. Lu Guangzhi reached out and pinched Wulang’s nose. "Well, your kid is listening to your brother and your sister."
        Goro looks innocent: "Where is it, whoever calls you sneaky, knows that there is a secret at first glance. Actually, I know what you want to do, you don't have to carry me exclusively." He looks like a little Daren.
        Lu Jao-yue curiously asked: "So you know what we want to do?"
        "Give me a big brother to make money and daughter-like. The 2nd brother is always not at home. Even if the older sister is at home, she will not leave the house when she is cooking. In fact, I also want to help, but unfortunately I can't do anything." The little face hangs down and the whole person is stunned.
        Lu Jao-yue was amazed at the younger brother's keen observation. She touched his head and comforted: "Well, you are still young, and you don't need to do anything at home. Just listen to it, remember to play outside. Don't run to the river."
        Goro nodded and nodded: "I know the big sister, the cows, they always call me to go to the river to bathe, I don't go."
        "That's right, big sister will wait for a trip, almost back at noon. If the big brother asks, you will say that I am going to find Gui."
        After explaining the Goro, Lu Jao-yue rushed back to the house to change his clothes, and used a piece of tea to put the pair of bread and put it in his arms.
        Going out and meeting with Lu Guangzhi, the two went to the end of the village together.
        Han Jin has been waiting for a while, this is a boring, and I have seen a shadow coming to this side, and my eyes are bright.
        Today, Lu Jao-yue is very brightly dressed. The crimson Xia Wei with a light blue dress, embroidered on the top and skirt, looks elegant and bright.
        Lu Jao-yue has a lot of good-looking clothes, some of which are given by the grandmother Lu, and some of which are made by Mei Zhuangyi from the county. Mei Zhuangyi has always been hurting Lu Jao-yue. When she was a child, she did not buy some food for her. When she grew up, she did not forget to buy something that Miss would like.
        These fabrics are all pink and bright, and people in the family can't wear them. Lu Jao-yue can only use it to make clothes for themselves. But she rarely wears it out. At home, you don't need to dress up deliberately. If you go out, you will dress too much. In places like the countryside, you will attract unnecessary attention and discussion. She has always been a quiet temper, naturally not likes to attract people attention, this kind of clothes will only occasionally wear when they walk relatives.
        Today, she also deliberately dressed up because she planned to go to the embroidered workshop to sell embroidery. Dressing up neatly and beautifully is better than dressing up a village Miss, so it's easy to get into the eye. To know that the embroidered square is a little bigger, it is all about watching people dress and dress. Lu Jao-yue also wants to sell the embroidery at a good price, naturally it is necessary to do enough.
        Han Jin was the first time he saw Lu Jao-yue dressed so beautifully that he couldn’t do anything other than just watching it.
        "Into the uncle, I want to go to the county, thinking that you have to pick up the 2nd brother, I want to take it by the way." In the near future, Lu Jao-yue said something.
        Han Jin did not want to be unwilling, and promised very refreshing.
        "That will trouble you."
        In fact, Lu Jao-yue would like to sit on the wind, in addition to just on the way, and she has something to do. She also thought about the news that she was looking for Han Jin to inquire about her business, but it was not able to ask her.
        "What kind of polite, get on the bus."
        This time, Han Jin did not let down the bench, and Lu Guangzhi took the lead. He took more cars in Hanjin, and he was more comfortable than sitting on his own.
        The carriage ran to the county.
        Han Jin seems to ask at random: "Are you going to the county?" This is naturally asked Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-yue, who was sitting in the car, did not hide: "I made a pair of embroidery and wanted to sell some silver."
        Han Jin knew this, and he nodded. At the same time, I thought about how to take Lu Guangzhi away, and then send her to sell embroidery. It is better to send her back. As for his own affairs, he was completely thrown behind his head.
        When I arrived in the county, Lu Guangzhi did not want to go to the embroidered work with the big sister. In his heart, the big sister rarely goes out, and the person is gentle, or he is better with him, lest he be bullied.
        Han Jin was interrupted when he knew that he had not yet exported.
        "You have to work, so let me send your sister to sell embroidery."
        His demeanor is very calm and casual, let alone Lu Guangzhi, even Lu Jao-yue did not think much, but also want to enter the uncle is really not like the legend outside, really a good person.
        Lu Guangzhi did not refuse. Instead, he thanked Han Jindao and said to Lu Jao-yue that if the embroidery could not sell the price, don't worry, he still earned money here. Obviously, it is still an unopened juvenile appearance. It is not like the brother of Lu Jao-yue, but like her brother.
        Lu Jao-yue was laughing and speechless, but she did not reject her brother's kindness.
        Because Lu Jao-yue is still in the car, Han Jin did not send Lu Guangzhi to the gambling house, but left the two streets to let him get off the bus. In his heart, such a place in Fengyuan Street, still do not let her get involved.
        After Lu Guangzhi got off the bus, he asked if Lu Jao-yue had decided where to sell the embroidery. If he didn't know the place, he could help find it.
        In fact, Lu Jao-yue has already had a goal in his heart, and this has to mention some things in his life. In the last generation, Lu Jao-yue relied on selling embroidery to maintain her family livelihood. Naturally, she was looking for a place to sell. She first tried to find a small embroidered workshop that was not too big. She felt confident and sold her own embroidery. Fairview Square'.
        Jinxiufang is one of the best embroidered workshops in Wannian County. Lu Jao-yue sold a lot of things in this embroidered workshop and also got a lot of money. Until Du Jia moved to Dongchang House, she broke the cooperation with Jinxiufang.
        It was only her last year that she sold double-sided embroidery, but it was after the arrival of Dongchang House. I don’t know that Jinxiufang could not accept such embroidery. With a bit of worry, Lu Jao-yue arrived at Jinxiufang.
        It is still the street, the face of the door, and the three characters of the 'Jinxiufang on the plaque, which is the same as the previous generation.
        Lu Jao-yue gave birth to a sense of guilt, until Han Jin on her side called her, she only came back to God.
        She was a little embarrassed to smile at Han Jin and said: "Into the uncle, you will send me here, and listen to the 2nd brother, you are busy on most days, you still have to go to your own business. Later Selling things, I can go back by car."
        "How can this be done? You are a Miss's family, and have never been to the county. If Zhuang Yi knows that I will leave you alone, I can't make a difference."
        Even the big Buddha, who was a small Buddha, was moved out. Lu Jao-yue can only compromise.
        The two entered the embroidery workshop together.
        This splendid workshop covers a large area. On the first floor, there are all kinds of cloths on the shelves. There are many small embroidered pieces such as purses, sachets and fan fans on the wall. They are beautiful and beautiful. On the other side of the wall is a lot of ready-to-wear, mainly women's clothes, each piece is very delicate and beautiful.
        At this time, there were two women in the store who were choosing the fabrics, and two people dressed in costumes greeted them.
        See no one came up to say hello, Lu Jao-yue can only stand there waiting.
        She was calm, but Han Jin felt that she was wronged, because he clearly saw that one of the guys looked up at them and turned his head disdainfully.
        In fact, how may Lu Jao-yue not notice the move of the buddy, but she is used to it, her embroidery can only be sold in the big embroidered square to get a good price, in front of the big embroidered square, an embroidered mother can only It is trivial. When she came to Jinxiufang to take care of her work, she didn't get cold eyes. Sometimes, the buddy was mad at the guests, and she deliberately vented on these embroidered mothers who had no power. Of course, they will not do too much things, but give them a cold eye, or let them dry.
        "That guy, you didn't see a guest coming, don't even say hello!" Han Jin raised his eyebrows and coldly.
        The man discovered that the woman was still following a man, a man, a man with a tall and strong face.
        But looking at the other person's body wearing and dressing, he couldn't help but feel a loose, revealing a trace of disdain.
        But it’s a market man!
        To do their own work, the most important thing is to distinguish the identity of the person. As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses to lean on the saddle. The clothes worn by a person can clearly express his identity and the money in the purse.
        Take the two people in front of you, the clothes worn by the two will not add up to two or two silver, can you compare with the two expensive people who might buy ten or two pieces of cloth in front of you? These guys who do the buddies, in addition to the fixed monthly wages, can also draw a certain percentage of 'hard money from their own business, so it is enough to say that it is enough for two people to go forward. Fun.
        Just in front of the guests, they are not good at doing too much. The two buddies exchanged one look at each other. After one fight, one of them was defeated. They could only come over with grievances. They didn't have a good air. "We don't have cheap clothes here. Are you sure you can afford it?"
        This is naked contempt.
        Han Jin immediately squeezed his fist.
        Don't look at him in the week before the group of hands is also brave and conscientious, but in fact it is just a -widower. Han Jin does not have low IQ, but he is despised in front of a woman, and he is still a Miss he likes. If he can calm down, he is a ghost.
        However, Lu Qiaoyue was caught in the sleeves.
        He stunned on the spot and looked down at the soft, delicate little hand that was holding his sleeve.
        This is the first time they have been in such close contact. He knows that she is so quiet that it is harder for her to make such a close action with a man than to kill her, but she did it to herself.
        For what reason, Han Jin’s full of ecstasy, his fists can not help but also loose.
        Lu Jao-yue didn't notice the strange thoughts of Han Jin. She looked at the guy with dissatisfaction and said aloud: "We know that the fabrics of Jinxiufang are not cheap, but how do you know that we can't buy them? Since we don’t buy it, we can’t buy it. Since it’s a business to open the door, the visitor is a guest. Is this shop doing business like this? It’s so negligent to the guests, I really doubt that you have something good here. thing."
        She deliberately raised the voice, and sure enough, the two women who were picking the cloth heard the movement.
        Followed, she did not go to see the ugly face of the guy, to Han Jin said:
         "Into the uncle, let's go, go to the Tianyi Pavilion to see, the guy over there is more than the knowledge of this family."
        The two went out of the door of the Splendid Square.
        In fact, if only Lu Jao-yue is alone, maybe she will endure. She has dealt with Jinxiufang in her life. She knows that there are some shops in this store that are bullying, but she is just an embroidered mother who sells her money by embroidery. Not counted, naturally can not care about these with the other side.
        Han Jin is present today. He is afraid that she will follow her when she suffers from the loss. She also sees her being treated with a cold reception. And the guy who seems to be talking to two people, in fact, the voice is rushed into the Han. After all, in the eyes of the other party, a man and a woman come to buy things, and naturally they are mainly those who save money.
        It is precisely because of this that Lu Jao-yue can't stand it. How does she care? But she can't be hurt and she is despised.
        "I don't even get tired of you, the guy in this store is too rude." She was a little sorry.
        Han Jin is still immersed in the close contact between the two, and Lu Jao-yue in a 'we', where to remember the angry. He smiled indifferently and said: "Nothing, that guy is owing to clean up."
        After talking about the exit, I realized what I said, and suddenly my face froze, carefully looking at Lu Jao-yue face with my eyes. I don't know if she would think that she is too rude, and she just wants to do it with people.
        In fact, Han Jin is not a person who likes to suffer from loss. He has always been used to it. Don't look at his cold face in front of outsiders. In fact, everyone who knows him knows his nature, bold, loyal, and arrogant. Dare to fight and fight, this is why the gambler's group of thugs are serving him. It is also because Lu Jao-yue is the first Miss he likes in his life, and he will be like this.
        Han Jin saw that Lu Jao-yue did not reveal any strange look, only to breathe a sigh of relief, and felt better in her heart.
        Don't look at the usual Han Jin's mouth, but in fact, he knows very well how outsiders see them. They have status and status, look down on them. Those who have no money and no power are superficially afraid of them. In fact, they also look down on them. .
        All in all, what they did in this line was the role of people, but Lu Jao-yue never looked at him from the beginning to the end.
        She is so weak, petite, timid...
        It stands to reason that she should be afraid of her own.
        But she has never been afraid of herself, or even misunderstood herself because of rumors outside, away from herself, and even feared herself. If Han Jin was previously because of Lu Jao-yue appearance, she fell in love with her. After she had contacted her several times, it was because of her inner, she was kind, grateful, gentle, and polite, but now she has more traits. That is to have their own insistence, not to be wealthy.
        Han Jin knows that Lu Jia is very short of money. She originally came to the embroidered workshop to sell embroidered products. She should be forbearing, but because the buddy was rude to him, she chose to turn and leave. Han Jin has never been treated like this other than his sister and his brother, so his heart is warm at this time.
        On the other hand, Lu Jao-yue thoughts are not as complicated as Han Jin. She did not hear what Han Jin said, but she did not care about this. She even said that she did not feel anything. Instead, she felt that Han Jin’s statement was more frank and what was said. It’s not like some people, on the face of a light wind, but in fact, a belly thief.
        In fact, some people refer to Du Lian, Lu Jao-yue is also the loss of the so-called scholars in the last life, only to know that on the surface is a Master, not necessarily a Master, but also on the surface is a villain, not necessarily a villain. Lu Jao-yue admits that she is not a smart person, so she does not like to deal with people who are too smart. The performance of Han Jin’s recklessness just made her feel like a red heart and no cover.
        "Then your embroidery is still sold? You only said what Tianyi Pavilion, if not, let's go there and see." When it comes to this 'we', Han Jin's mouth is hooked up.
        "Good." Lu Jao-yue nodded.
        So the two men got on the carriage again, and the two men who got on the carriage didn't see it. Only the two women who picked the fabrics in the Fairview Square came out, and they followed the two guys. The two guys seemed to be explaining something, but the two women shook their heads and left.
        The two buddies naturally saw Han Jin, who was on the carriage, and they were very upset. If they knew that the two were the main owners of the carriage, they would not speak so much, and they would not lose it if they lost it. A big business. Unfortunately, there is no regret in the world.
        Did not mention, Han Jin and Lu Jao-yue went to Tianyi Pavilion.
        Tianyi Pavilion is also an embroidered workshop, the scale is similar to Jinxiufang, just because Jinxiufang is the old shop of Wannian County, and Tianyi Pavilion has just entered Wannian County not long after, so the reputation of Tianyi Pavilion is not as big as that of Jinxiufang. . However, there are many kinds of fabrics in the Tianyi Pavilion. As long as you have silver, even if you have Jinjin, you can buy them. And the styles of the garments that are produced are relatively new, and the embroidery inside is also beautiful, so the business is very good, and there is no less business in the Jinxiufang.
        I have to say that Tianyi Pavilion can quickly seize the market in Wannian County, and it is not unreasonable to squeeze out a large part of the business of Jinxiufang. At least the folks in the store are very warm and thoughtful. Han Jin and Lu Jao-yue just walked in, and there was a neatly dressed green shirt buddy coming over.
        “What do guests need to buy?”
        Han Jin’s eyes on Lu Jao-yue inquiries, Lu Jao-yue stepped forward and whispered: “It’s like this. I made a pair of embroidered items at home. I want to ask if your store is collecting the finished products. ”
        The guy looked at her and said, "Let's do it, wait a minute, I will ask the shopkeeper. This kind of thing can't be done."
        In fact, the folks already have the answer in mind, they are naturally collected, just because their store first arrived, there is no enough embroidered mother in the local, so the clothing and embroidery in the store are from the shop in Tianyi Pavilion. Tune in. The shopkeeper naturally also intends to collect the local embroidered mother, but unfortunately Jinxiufang has always been different from the store, the other is the local old shop, the hands occupy the resources of most of the local embroidered mother, they temporarily can not grab each other, so The embroidery has not been received for the embroidery.
        The Shopkeeper came out very quickly. It was a woman who was about forty years old. She was dressed neatly and without losing the beauty of the atmosphere. Look at the looks, the other party is not pretty, but it gives people a very comfortable feeling.
        "My name is Xu, you can call me the Shopkeeper, are you going to sell embroidery? Can you show it first?"
        Lu Jao-yue did not have any unwillingness. He took out the embroidered piece from his arms.
        Xu eyebrows, a few unfortunately stunned.
        She listened to her buddy and said that there was a beautiful embroidered emperor to sell embroidery. She also thought that there was something good. Now I am afraid that she is thinking about this volume. At the same time, she couldn't help but laugh at herself. She was too busy to faint. She would like to think about whether there is anything. The embroidered mother who is a little better in the vicinity of Wannian County has been almost snatched by the Splendid Square. She should not hold it. Have this illusion. Inevitably, I have some thoughts on what I thought before I thought about it. How can she get a handful of embroidered embroidered from Jinxiufang.
        But then her gaze condensed, because Lu Jao-yue had opened her hand and took the embroidery inside.
        “Is this double-sided embroidery?”
        Xu can not help but flash a strange look in the eyes of the shopkeeper.
        In terms of her knowledge, it is not that I have never seen double-sided embroidery, including now there are no more than two in this store, but they are all transferred from the southern side of the store, as a treasure of the town shop. The most eye-catching place in the store.
        Not everyone didn't want to buy, but they were all rejected by her.
        To put it bluntly, she is just holding a maiden, and some of you don't have it to show that it is different from other embroidered workshops.
        But now there is a pair of double-sided embroidery appearing in front of her own eyes, or this embroidered embroidered in front of her eyes. I have to say that Xu Shopkeeper has some surprises.
        "Is this you embroidered?"
        Lu Jao-yue only slightly hesitated, and nodded. When she wants to come, this kind of thing is rare, but it is not rare.
        Xu shopkeeper can not help but look at her up and down, said: "Look at this method, the Miss should learn to embroider, the craft is really good. Is the Miss a southerner?"
        Lu Jao-yue smiled and smiled: "Thank you for the compliment of the Shopkeeper. I am not a southerner, but my grandmother is a southerner. I used to be an embroidered mother."
        "That's right, look at this stitch and color, the Miss's grandmother probably still inherits a large group of Su embroidery. As for which faction, although I am doing this, but not proficient, can not be seen."
        Lu Jao-yue does not know how to answer, can only laugh and not speak.
        Xu shopkeeper did not continue to sneak down, but quickly cut into the topic: "You have seen this embroidery, skillful, color and pattern are also very good. Just too small, may not be big The price. So, we have 22 silver coins in Tianyi Pavilion. Can you see this business?"
        Lu Jao-yue estimated it in her heart. Like this small embroidered piece, she almost sold this price in her life. Even the price of Tianyige is higher. This business is naturally done, her heart The expected price is almost fifteen to twenty-two.
        She nodded.
        Xu shopkeeper showed a smile, and said: "We haven't come to Wannian County for a long time. It is also a thirst for the Miss's embroidered embroidered emperor. In order to show sincerity, I will take the price up again. Cheng, if the Miss and the embroidered goods are sold in the future, as long as they are sold to our Tianyi Pavilion, they will follow this rule."
        This made Lu Jao-yue somewhat surprised. I didn't expect to sell it at a good price. The shopkeeper also frankly announced that he would add more money. However, she can still understand the other party ideas. The meaning of a good embroidered mother to the embroidered workshop is self-evident.
        Xu shopkeeper only looks at the other party expression, then they know that the other party understands what they mean, and they are more confident in the network.
        The two men chilled a few words, Xu shopkeeper will sell the silver of the embroidery to Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-yue is not the first time to sell embroidery. It is more expensive than the money. It’s just that the inexplicable mood is very good. It’s just ecstasy.
        Therefore, when she came out from the Tianyi Pavilion, the tears of the brush fell off.

 Han Jin was a little helpless. He was preparing to put down the horse stool. When he turned his head, he saw her tears and almost did not throw the horse stool in her hand.
        "Jao- Yue, what's wrong with you?"
        But the woman gave less money? Han Jin braved all kinds of dark thoughts and decided that if it was, he would take someone to pick up the other's shop. Although the other party store is a big force, Han Jin can’t take care of it at this time.
        "Nothing, I am inferior... I am fine, I am so happy..." Lu Jao-yue cried and laughed, and wiped her tears with her sleeves.
        Happy to cry?
        Han Jin really didn't know what it was like. He tried hard to remember the only two people in his life who could be counted as women, his mother and his sister. His mother would not say it, his sister never cried, I am afraid it could not be an example for reference.
        Lu Jao-yue didn't know what happened to him. He wanted to laugh, but it was tears.
        Is this the so-called happy cry?
        "Into the uncle, you don't know, I sold the money, my big brother can finally get married..."
        When I came back to life, no one knows what kind of pressure Lu Jao-yue is under, and blames the tragedy of her life. She always fears that even if she returns again, she will not do well, causing the tragedy to happen again. No one knows how hard it is when she says no to her mother. No one knows that she is not well at night, she is afraid that she can't do well, and let her family go the old way of life...
        It seems that when she faced Lu Guangzhi, she said that she was confident. She must be able to make money for her older brother. In fact, she has no bottom in her heart.
        She is a different kind, she is dead, but she is born again!
        No one knows, only she knows it! And no one can say it!
        So she is extremely uncertain about everything, the feeling of insecurity is too strong, and she is so strong that she is best at her, but she is still uncertain. Especially before the marriage of Du family, and the separation of family, she felt that she did not do anything, and the drama changed dramatically. This made her feel discouraged and frustrated, and there was an inexplicable fear.
        Until she will truly hold on to her more than 20 silver coins, she will have a sense of realism to control her own destiny.
        It doesn't matter, she can make money, she can make money to make the big brother get married, so that the 2nd brother does not need to marry the woman, so that parents do not have to be tired for their children for the day, tired of the body...
        So, she must do it, isn't she?
        Therefore, she is out of order.
        The grandmother taught her from a small age. The woman should not be so innocent. She cried out in front of a man's face, but Lu Jao-yue couldn't help it.
        She is too happy!
        Han Jin was informed of the real reason why she was so weeping, and a sense of compassion hit her heart.
        This is a kind and weak Miss. She is obviously thin, but she bears something that she should not bear. I am afraid that she saw her younger brother that day, obviously so young, but went out to work hard to make money, and it was a great blow to her.
        If not, why is it?
        The two people with different minds lingered on the street for a long time, until the pedestrians couldn’t help but look at them, they suddenly woke up.
        Lu Jao-yue sighed in her heart and slammed into the car.
        She actually did something like this!
        Han Jin, who concealed his cough twice, took the rut and drove the carriage away.
        When the carriage went to a place where there were few people, Han Jin whispered: "Since it is a happy thing, you should not cry. If your older brother knows that he has such a sister, I am afraid that he will be proud of you." ”
        Han Jin is not good at comforting people, so he feels that his words are pale and powerless, and he really cannot express his intentions at the moment.
        I was annoyed, and there was a soft voice inside: "Thank you, enter the uncle."
        Thank you, Han Jin can't understand the meaning. Only Lu Jao-yue understands why.
        "That is to say, you are carrying the embroidery work to sell the money, and also sold a lot of money, enough to give you a big brother to get married?"
        In the hall of the Lujia 2nd house, this is a scene of a three-chamber trial.
        Mei and Lu Ming-hai lived high and several sons stood by. Originally, Lu Jao-yue was also treated by the captain. When her mother packed her 2nd brother, she was sitting on the donkey. She advised her, and her brother advised him. Unfortunately, she lost this treatment at this time, but replaced Lu Guangzhi position.
        Lu Jao-yue, some reactions, but the family should not be very happy?
        In the mood of Lu Jao-yue ecstasy before, this ecstasy lasted for a whole day, and it was only after the family had been assembled at night that it broke out. She didn't even think about what her mother would hear after she heard it, and she said everything she had to sell her embroidery to make money.
        I know that her mother-like is completely unhappy, but she is angry and angry.
        Mei go to the feather duster placed on the cupboard, and found it in her hand that she was standing next to her daughter, not her thick and thick son. I want to let go of it, I feel that it is detrimental to my majesty, and I will not let go of it.
        At this time, Lu Ming-hai came out to solve the problem.
        "His mother, how big is it, you see you scared our daughters."
        Mei faintly put down the feather duster and sat back again, but his eyes were still strict.
        "You forgot how the mother explained you?"
        Lu Jao-yue, she naturally did not forget, her mother let her take good care of her eyes, can not move the needle line is best not to move, especially the complex embroidery work, it is best not to touch.
        Yes, isn't that meant to give a big brother a ‘Madam’?
        Mei Shi naturally understood her daughter's expression and said: "You forgot your grandmother's eyes is not good? When your grandmother wants to teach you double-sided embroidery, the mother is not willing. How to do this kind of thing It’s a waste of money, do you think that the mother doesn’t know?”
        Lu Jao-yue whispered: "The daughter will be careful, not letting her hurt her eyes."
        "You still said!"
        This is the first time that Mei has spoken to her daughter with such a harsh tone. Lu Jao-yue can't accept it for a while, and may feel a little wronged, obviously she is for her big brother, isn't she? Why is the mother like this?
        Can not help but tears in the eyes, she forced to let it fall.
        Lu Guangyi couldn’t help but say, "Mother-"
        Lu Ming-hai sighed and said: "Well, his mother, don't scare the child. Some things you never say, how the child will know your concerns."
        When I heard this, Mei reveals a faint color, and then she tells a story.
        The protagonist of the story is Lu Jao-yue grandmother, Lu.
        Lu is a southerner, born in an embroidered family. The women in the family are all embroidered for generations. They are all mother-likes, so they have been passed down. However, Lu life was not good. In his early years, he was also a spoiled family. Later he married a man, but unfortunately he was not a good person.
        Yes, Lu married once before marrying Mei Laohan.
        It is said that the family was also a rich household earlier, but it was a pity that the family was in the middle of the road. When Lu married into the door, the situation at home was already very bad. As a well-known embroidered mother, Lu, in the other side, is undoubtedly a lifeline straw rope. To know a good embroidered mother, one year is not afraid of hard work, not only to eat and drink, but also to squat a thin family business.
        If the family is not used, it can only rely on Lu embroidery to earn money to support the family.
        Lu work around the clock, tired and bent, tired of spending his eyes, but the other party is not only not grateful, but also took her money to pack the powder to raise the drama. After Lu knew it, he was very sad. Finally, one day he made up his mind and fled the home.
        We must know that in the place where Lu grew up from a young age, she was very particular about women's women's roads. Widows could no longer marry. The festival arches abounded. Women who broke the women's morality, except for the pigs, would not have any other end. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for a woman to want to be separated from her, not to mention that the other party has already regarded Lu as a cash cow, and how could she leave her ‘Madam’.
        So she can only escape.
        Lu mortal heart fled his hometown, and then fell to the north where the folk customs were relatively open. After a coincidence, he married the old man who had been playing bachelor, and then he took root in Lihualing. Unfortunately, she fell into the root of her illness in her early years, so Lu body has been bad.
        This incident Lu Ming-hai had long known that he was also heard from his ‘Madam’, so he could understand why his ‘Madam was so strict in her daughter's embroidery.
        After listening to this story, a room was shocked.
        "-Lao was not the embroidered mother of a big family before?" Lu Guangzhi muttered.
        Mei is not angry, saying: “Can this kind of thing come out and say?”
        The woman fled from the husband's family and married again, even in the north where the folk customs are relatively open, it is also shocking. Therefore, Lu will find such an excuse to cover up, but there are very few people who know this, and Mei Laohan and several children, even the two shi-zis of Mei are not known.
        "If you listen to it, you will forget it. No one is allowed to go out." Mei said again.
        Lu Guangyi is not stupid, and this kind of thing will naturally not go out and say no, nodded.
        Lu Jao-yue has not returned to God for a long time. Her life is similar to her grandmother's experience. Only her grandmother escaped. She was lucky to meet her grandfather. She was happy all her life, but she died in front of Du Hanlin's house.
        Therefore, the mother has not let her learn to embroider needles, in fact, not only to fear that her broken eyes, tired body, there is another reason?
        "Women's incompetence is a virtue. This sentence seems to be a reprimand of a woman. It can be seriously thought out. In fact, it is not unreasonable. This is a common man and a woman outside the world. It is a commonplace. Women have the ability to make money. Good things, but if you are not a bad person, it is a disaster. Your grandmother is lucky. Although he has suffered a lot on the road, there is nothing wrong with it. He fled to the north and met your grandfather. Otherwise, what kind of end do you think your grandmother will stay in that home?"
        Exhausted, tired eyes, and then a husband and another abandoned end.
        This is the end of her last life, Lu Jao-yue naturally remembers deeply.
        Lu Jao-yue fell into a long silence.
        She feels that things should not be like this. Is it the skill of exquisite craftsmanship, is it that her grandmother is her fault? No, she can only say that her grandmother and her last life have met people. Is it their fault that people are not good? No, it can only be said that this world is too mean to be a woman.
        And she is not for the sake of others, but for the big brother, for the family.
        If Lu Jao-yue of her last life, I am afraid I will listen to her mother's rhetoric. I can't say that her mother said it is wrong, but she is biased. I have experienced so many Lu Jao-yue, it is not the obedient Miss of the year. She has already learned the right and wrong and right and wrong in the situation of her last life, and she has learned to think for herself.
        Lu Jao-yue said his thoughts and said: "Mother and you have a big brother and two younger Brother, will harm me, will you regard me as a cash cow?"
        Mei did not speak.
        "So embroidering is not the fault of my grandmother. As long as we know how to protect ourselves, my daughter will learn from her grandmother's lesson and protect herself. You and my brother, brother and brother, will protect me, right?" ”
        "Of course." Lu Ming-hai nodded.
        Lu Guangyi and Lu Guangzhi also expressed the same. Even Wu Lang also waved a small fist to say who would bully the big sister. He must not be jealous.
        Mei was speechless and lost in thought.
        She used to say the same words to her, but she couldn’t listen to it, but she also said that her daughter had to say this, she had to think deeply.
        Lu Ming-hai also advised: "His mother, I have long felt that your idea is wrong, but you insist on it, I can't say anything. It is a good thing for her daughter to have craftsmanship. Why do you think things are so bad. ”
        Mei Shi did not speak, Lu Ming-hai also persuaded: "In fact, you think about it, this is not a good thing, at least our urgent needs are solved, and the land of the family is not sold."
        Mei eyes glanced at him: “A big big deal, let’s make our daughter worry about making money!”
        Lu Jao-yue did not agree with this statement, saying: "Mom, what do you say, isn't I not the person at home?"
        "Okay, I am not promising. You are not angry now." Lu Ming-hai smiled at Mei, and turned his face and said to Lu Jao-yue: "Moon, it is not a skill. Let you worry about your home."
        "Little Miss..." Lu Guangyi is also a face.
        Lu Jao-yue is very helpless: "Hey, you don't really sell tofu every day to earn money, you have to go to the field to do work. And big brother, every time you come back from work, you will always buy me a lot of things, is it? I am a sister, can't do something for you? Are we not a family?"
        Yes, we are a family.
        "So, as long as we work together, the days at home will definitely get better and better."
        Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangyi are not arrogant people, so they will soon be relieved. Of course, the two of them are determined to make efforts to make money and let the family live a good life, but they will not mention it for the time being. Mei seems to have put down his own prejudice. Occasionally seeing her daughter doing embroidery work in the house, she will not stop it, but she will not do it for too long. In order to not touch the nerve in her mother's mind, Lu Jao-yue is very restrained even if she is very eager to make money.
        As for Lu Guangzhi, after experiencing the scene of the 'three Courtyardes trial, I was completely afraid to tell my family about my work in the gambling house. Especially nowadays, the family also has the money to give the big brother a kiss, and the money he earns does not seem to matter.
        Just when this family worked together to think about their own days, suddenly there was an uninvited guest.
        This uninvited guest is Hu.
        When Hu came, the two-room family was eating.
        Seeing Hu coming in, Mei face was pulled down on the spot. There were no smiles on a few small faces. Only Lu Ming-hai stood up intricately and greeted her. However, it can be seen from his expression that in fact, he is also quite isolated from Hu.
        Hu didn't seem to feel that the two-room family was not waiting for her. He smiled and said: "All are eating. I have nothing else to come today. It is what my mother asked me to come. This is the case, Guili. The marriage period with Lian Er has already been fixed. Just this month, the 2nd day, the 2nd ‘Madam and his 2nd brother went over and wanted to discuss this matter."
        Mei bedroom-servant took the chopsticks on the table and sneered: "There is nothing to discuss, troubles and talks on the upper floor, and says that we are busy, it will not pass."
        Hu did not care about Mei, but looked at Lu Ming-hai.
        Lu Ming-hai sighed and said: "Da, the meaning of Molan is what I mean."
        Hu look is awkward. “So, then I will go back and talk to my mother.”
        After Hu departure, Mei made a fire.
        "What does she want to do? This person is so ruthless, or is it a fool at home? Things are like this, how come there is a face to tell us about the marriage of Lu Guili in the past! Discuss what kind of discussion, I am afraid to go to the house. It’s true that we want to let us make money."
        When Mei fire, other people generally did not dare to speak out, and only Lu Ming-hai and Lu Jao-yue dared to speak out and persuade a few words. However, Lu Jao-yue did not say anything very rarely at this time. He didn't know what he was thinking when he sat there.
        Lu Ming-hai was helpless and whispered his ‘Madam’, while a few of Lu Brother were completely absent. Mother is getting angry, she is licking her mother, if they can, they actually want to disappear.
        Lu Jao-yue has some doubts. According to the nature of her aunt, she generally does not do such a thankless thing. However, it was noticed that the house was called the past in the past, and she couldn’t use her personally. She just told me at home and someone came over.
        It can be said that the big aunt came.
        Can it be said that the aunt does not care about being treated coldly at home, or is she still not concerned about her relationship with her own, even if she tears her face?
        Lu Jao-yue always feels that it is not. The aunt has always been a person who pays great attention to her face, and she always feels that with the other person's temper, even if she and her own skin are torn, they will maintain a harmonious surface and will not take the initiative to anger their own. After all, it is obvious to the eye, and when the big aunt speaks, the mother is annoyed. In particular, there is also a big uncle who is sandwiched between them, and the big aunt should not be stiff with his own family.
        But in the end, why is the big aunt coming over, and Lu Jao-yue wants to understand, and she can only think about it.
        On the other side, Mei also took the board: "No one is allowed to go!"
        It seems that the words are spoken to Lu Brother in general, but in fact it is against Lu Ming-hai. Lu Ming-hai did not intend to go, naturally to appease his ‘Madam will not go.
        According to these, it doesn't matter how Lu Guili marriage seems to have nothing to do with the two-bedroom family. Every time the two-bedroom people came in and out from the gate, they all ignored the busy appearance of a happy event.
        After a few more days, Mei couldn't help it, let Lu Ming-hai and his boss Lu Guangyi open a back door from their own side.
        The 2nd-room house is behind the upper house, and behind the house is the vegetable plot, so open a door from the back and you can go straight out. Since then, when the two-bedroom people went out, they didn't even have to leave the door. It would be nice to walk the back door. In this way, what is moving in front of them, they do not need to know.
        On this day, Lu Jao-yue and Lu Guangzhi sent a letter to Han Jin, saying that he wanted to meet him and ask something. It was a great opportunity to sell embroidery, but it was a pity that Lu Jao-yue was sad and happy at the time. On the way back, he completely forgot about it. After the incident, she only remembered, but she could only help her brother to help me.
        Looking at his brother's confused face, Lu Jao-yue explained to him that he wanted to ask Sao Yan, and Lu Guangzhi did not doubt it.
        The next day, at the appointed time, Lu Jao-yue said to Mei that she went to the Guilin family to talk to her. She had to go out and Mei did not stop.
        Nowadays, Mei has not gone to work in the town. It is Lu Jao-yue who told her privately. She told Mei family that she didn’t have to worry about the money for the time being.
        In fact, Mei going out to work is also a last resort. It’s good to not do it. After all, the family stalls can’t be thrown at all. And if the man knows, he will blame himself, so Mei will not go again.
        At Mei home, Lu Jao-yue and Lu Guangzhi Brother and sisters are inconvenient to go out. In the end, Lu Guangzhi is a male baby. He used to be used outside on most days. He used various excuses to go out, but he also gave Mei past. .
        Lu Jao-yue naturally told her brother that he would not go to the gambling house any more. Anyway, the money of the big brother has already been married, but Lu Guangzhi did not agree. As he said, he does not want to stay at home for the rest of his life. It is good to see the world outside.
        Although Lu Jao-yue is worried in the heart, she is also very reassured if she looks at Han Jin.
        In the absence of Lu Jao-yue realization, she has already delivered more trust to Han Jin than she imagined. Therefore, she did not care about what kind of men and women, and directly asked her brother to give a message to Han Jin.
        She is inexplicably confident, and she will come when she enters.
        Sure enough, Han Jin should come.
        All the way to the end of the village, Han Jin's carriage has stopped there.
        When Lu Jao-yue had no time to talk to him, she got on the bus. The carriage went all the way and went to a remote place before she stopped.
        "Thank you, come in."
        Lu Jao-yue always felt that Han Jin was a person who was unexpectedly considerate and almost did not need her to speak. He knew the scruples in her heart. This feeling is very strange, just as the other party is worthy of trust.
        Han Jin just happened to be like this. He smiled indifferently and said: "My reputation is not good, but it can't hurt you."
        Lu Jao-yue wants to stop talking, and some want to ask the other person that he is not the legendary, why he will pass him into that way. But after all, this is the private matter of the other party, and she is not too much to ask.
        "What are you looking for?"
        Han Jin looked at her who stood in front of him a little shorter than him. From his direction, he could only see the black hair of the other side, and the looming pink ear. Inexplicable, he has some dry mouth, and his voice can't help but have some hoarseness.
        At this time, the two were on a hillside surrounded by a small forest. The carriage had been hit by Han Jin in a place not far from anyone. He deliberately let both of them get off the bus. He has had enough. Every time he talks to her, he is in the carriage. You can't see me. I can't see you.
        Lu Jao-yue only slightly paused, and said: "I want to ask about my business."
        Han Jinyang raised his eyebrows. "Is your mother asking you?"
        Although this is the case, but Han Jin’s knowledge of Mei, she can never come to someone who is not willing to let the outsider contact her daughter. Whatever she would ask, how could she pass her daughter.
        Sure enough, Lu Jao-yue shook her head and said: "I want to ask myself."
        Han Jin looked at her with amazement and said: "What do you want to know?"
        Lu Jao-yue licked her lips and said: "I want to know some things about Xiao yan's business." She paused, and apparently she still had some words.
        Han Jin was even more confused. He tried to say: "Are you worried that you will lose money when you are doing business?"
        Lu Jao-yue sneaked, then immediately nodded, pretending to say: "You also know that I am a small man, I am used to doing things, I am worried that he will not consider it, he will fold the cost, after all, he will be at home. Money is going to do business."
        Han Jin felt a little funny. She didn't know if she knew that she was lying, she was very cute, her eyes didn't dare to look at people, and her nose was still sweating.
        What purpose does she have? Han Jin has become curious.
        He blinked and said: "You will be worried that it is normal. After all, you have to invest a lot of money this time."
        "Yes, yes, so I will be a little worried about it, just want to ask."
        "This is ah..." Han Jin touched the cock on the chin and saw the different light: "I don't know about this thing. You know, I have more things on most days. You said that you have to do it. Business, I just want to get together. But don't worry, you are not a person without a discretion, I believe him."
        Lu Jao-yue can't help but wrinkle his face. This has nothing to do with discretion. It's about privacy. It's not something that can be avoided. It is a pity that she had no knowledge of Xiao yan’s business in her life. If she didn’t, she would not go to the Courtyard to ask him.

 "It seems that you are really worried."
        Lu Jao-yue nodded unconsciously.
        Suddenly I heard a chuckle and listened to Han Jin said:
         "So, before you go out, you have already started to open, but I don't know about it, but some people know some."
        "Who?" Lu Jao-yue suddenly raised her head.
        "It’s a friend of your little sister. I also know that you were the one who made the business and he took the road."
        "Well, can you help me with the inquisition?"
        "What are you asking?"
        Lu Jao-yue racked his brains and thought about what he should say. "I just want to ask about some specific regulations in this business..."
        What she thinks is actually very simple. If she wants to avoid the disaster, she must take precautions. When things are 'inquired', she can take the opportunity to mention the shortcomings and dangers of Xiao xi, and maybe she can dispel him. The mind of this business.
        And the reason why she wants to know the details inside is that she hopes to know more about it. If she says it, she can win the letter and not be too superficial. After all, Sao Sao can decide to do this business. It must have been well thought out. There is not enough reason to convince him. She really does not know that she can convince him.
        "This way, just the other person is not at home now, go out with your little sister."
        "Ah?" Lu Jao-yue was stunned first, then depressed.
        Why is it so unfortunate? That means that she has to wait for the little Miss to come back? But if Sao Sao couldn't help but throw in the money when she didn't know it, how should she stop it? I am afraid that when she says something, Sao Yan will not listen to it.
        "But what?"
        Han Jin’s eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth smirked: “But the man’s brother is at home, but he knows something. Otherwise, I will ask you for him?” He looked very thoughtful.
        Lu Jao-yue was hanged up by Han Jin, and he refused to cover himself at this moment. He said: "Then it is troublesome to enter the uncle."
        "No trouble."
        I am not in trouble, if not, why should he compile a younger brother, but why is she so concerned about this matter, is it really worried that Mei Zhuangyi will make a business discount?
        It stands to reason that this should not be something she is worried about, she can not worry about it.
        It’s just that Han Jin is too lazy to manage this at this time. All his attention at this time is on the matter of 'finally finding an excuse to ask her to come out to meet separately later'.
        Near the evening, Baihe Academy has been scattered.
        Du Lian packed up his books and prepared to go home.
        He and his husband have to go home to get married, and have been known by many of his classmates. The big furniture is a smile and a joy to him. Du Lian’s heart was pleasant, and he could not help but laugh with his classmates. A familiar Li surnamed the window, and said: “Seeing Du Xiandi face is pleasant, and the other party is also a beautiful Miss.”
        Du Lian didn't even smile, and thought of Lu Jao-yue in her heart, she couldn't help but add a bit of joy to her face.
        He and Lu JiaJao- have known each other since childhood, although they rarely talk, but they also understand each other's nature. She looks beautiful, gentle and virtuous, has got the hall, and got the kitchen. It is just like a beautiful flower. Although the identity is a little worse, Du Lian has never been a high-profile person. He himself is not a farmer. Naturally, there is nothing to dislike.
        In particular, Lu JiaJao- is still a beautiful Miss who has a number in the ten-country and eight-country. Du Lian is a young Miss, and naturally understands the truth of the book, such as Yan Ruyu. He does not have to go to the book to find it. Therefore, when his mother and him raised a relationship with the Lu family, Du Lian promised almost without any hesitation.
        Even Lu family asked him to wait another year, and his mother advised him to choose another match, and he did not agree. He must have been married in the past two years. His mother is too hard. He must marry a virtuous ‘Madam to come back for his mother. In the other two years, he will not have any further benefit in the imperial examinations. He is only a scholar. He wants to be a high-ranking woman. It is not necessary to think about it. Therefore, Lu JiaJao- is the most suitable and most suitable for him. The candidate.
        Du Lian did not doubt that he could not get a show. If he was not sick last year, he would have to be at home, and he was already a scholar.
        Seeing the joy of Du Lian’s face, what his classmates didn’t understand, they all laughed.
        Someone joked: "It seems that Du future ‘Madam room is bound to be a beautiful Miss. I don't know how beautiful Mei Niang is, so that Du Du, who is from the system, is so happy."
        Someone interjected: "Since Chen Xiandi is curious, when we go to have a drink, we can't see it."
        "You have to, you have to!"
        Everyone responded with a voice, and when Du Liancheng became a relative, he went to Dujia to drink wine. Du Lian naturally has nothing to do. There are so many classmates drinking his own wine, which is also a long-faced thing for him, so he promised it.
        After a few words with these people, Du Lian came out of the Academy.
        When he got back to his home in a oxcart, it was already a twilight.
        Du Widow is also ready to wait for him.
        When Du Lian returned home, she went to clean hands and went to change the clothes before she came to the dinner table.
        Picking up the bowl and eating, Du widows put a good dish in the Du Lian bowl, ignoring her daughter Du Fuer’s straightforward behavior.
        "Mother, I will have a classmate to drink wine on that day, and you have to have a better table to entertain them." With the meal, Du Lian put down the bowl and said to Du.
        Du Widow’s face was a bit difficult, and it was promised.
        Du Lian nodded to her mother and went back to the house. Before he went to sleep every day, he had to watch the book for a while before going to sleep.
        When Du Lian entered the East House, Du Widow and her daughter cleaned up the table.
        Du Fuer whispered: "Mom, I don't think you can tell this big brother, I don't know. I look at the big brother. He seems to value the Lu JiaJao- month."
        Du Widow rushed to make a snoring gesture and whispered: "You are afraid that your brother can't hear it? Is the sound a little bit dead?"
        Du Fuer turned his eyes and succumbed: "My voice is small enough."
        Du Widow gave her a look and warned: "You are not allowed to tell me anyway, if you are careful, I will marry you to Han."
        Du Fu child snorted and turned her head out of the bowl. Will take this threat to her!
        How could Du widow not know her son’s favorite Lu JiaJao- month, but her older sister came to tell her that she is now in a stalemate with Lu 2nd room, and it is good for the 2nd-bedroom people not to hate her now. Hu self-reported and complained, but Du widow did not pay attention to it. If she is serious about it, she will have no choice even if she is in her heart. Things have become a foregone conclusion. It is impossible for the 2nd house to marry her daughter. She is also reluctant to marry the five-acre land of Lu disease.
        But she tried her son several times and learned that it was not Lu JiaJao-. Therefore, the Du widow had no choice but to move that kind of mind.
        She can almost expect her son's reaction, but she has no choice but to hope that she will cry when she complains and can cover up the matter.
        Not a woman, the lights are the same, I hope my son can understand this truth.
        Du Widow looked at the East House with a big heart and sighed. Mind: Children, mother for you is also a broken heart, even the skin is not needed, you have to be eager to fight, when you want a woman will not.
        Cui finally decided to accompany Lu Guili with some dowry.
        If you don't say anything else, you always need some clothes. If you don't use anything after your daughter is married to Du, you can't wear old clothes. Ten miles and eight townships have the rules of dowry to make new clothes. If she does not do it for her daughter, she will attract jokes from outsiders.
        It’s a pity that the old couple have no money in their hands. It’s not much to do these things. A few silvers are also worth it. Helpless, Cui can only find his son and daughter-likes to find a way.
        On that day, Hu came to the 2nd room and said that the old couple called the 2nd room and the two in the past. In fact, it was to say that Lu Guili had set up a dowry. The 2nd room did not go, and the matter fell on the big house and the three-room head.
        Because the 2nd room is in front of it, it is normal to not come out. The old couple can't say anything except sigh. If you can't go out in the three rooms, you can't say it. However, this person of Qiao work can do it. He has to let his own money go out and give it back on the spot.
        Cui was not very angry, but fortunately there is a big room.
        Hu fall is not difficult for Cui, very refreshing to take out two or two silver, although two or two silver is not much, but it is more compact, it is enough.
        Don't ask the people in the 2nd room why they know this in detail. This is also due to the fact that Qiao leisure is always going to find Master Me. After the separation of the family, Qiao hot on the Mei Shi. Mee is now quite speechless about this embarrassment. You put on a cold face, she can't see it, and she did it again. Mei can't do it herself, so she can only accept the way that Qiao family came to the 2nd room from time to time, and occasionally listened to the gossip on the other side of the room. It is also a pleasure.
        As a result, some details of Lu Guili marriage were passed through the mouth of Qiao mouth and entered the ears of the 2nd room.
        It is reported that the Du family came to hire on the same day, and there is no silver in the red envelope of the package. The reason why it is so good is to show it to outsiders.
        In fact, I can imagine that I can imagine how the Du family could have money to give Lu Guili a gift.
        It is also said that the things that Du family came to hire on the same day were all paid for by Hu.
        Qiao also accidentally heard Hu and Du widows quarreling in private, only to know this. Qiao is very surprised. She knows that Du family is not good. I didn't expect it to be so bad. No wonder it would be because of the five mu of land.
        After knowing this secret, Qiao immediately told Mei.
        "2nd, you lost the time when you didn't go to her. If you marry the moon to the Du family, it is not a child." She naturally refers to Hu.
        Mei face is very unattractive. She is not a fool. This happens one after another. It really makes her not forgetting. When her daughter's marriage was deliberately designed by Hu, she wanted her daughter. Go to fill the hole in the Du family.
        After all, if her daughter went out to be an embroidered mother, it would not be a problem to support a family.
        The daughter has rarely gone out, and because she does not want her to move the needle, so very few people know that her daughter can do a good needlework, and only the family and her family know. Because her daughter is filial, she always likes to make clothes for her family when she has nothing to do. She has done several things for Hu aunt.
        The more she wanted to be more conspiring, she never thought that she would prevent her daughter from touching the needles, but she still couldn’t escape the calculations of others. The person who counted was actually the child and her aunt.
        Mei was not in the mood to talk to Qiao, and found an excuse to take her away.
        Qiao also fell in interest, and did not stay much.
        Lu Ming-hai is not at home, Mei has no people to discuss, can only bear the temper to think about things at home, the more I think, the more I think.
        All this, Lu Jao-yue did not know.
        She will now fix a time to do the embroidering work for a while, and not how long, half an hour in the morning, half an hour in the afternoon. In this way, her mother will not say anything when she sees it. Of course, she will also secretly do it. Fortunately, she and her eldest brother changed the house. Now she lives alone here, but she is not afraid that her mother will suddenly come in.
        On the other hand, Qiao returned to the front. When the man had not yet reached the door of the house, he saw his daughter Lu Jao-xing coming out of the house and going to the upper house.
        During this time, Lu Jao-xing went to the house very frequently.
        She played the guise of helping Lu Guili to make a dowry. The dowry cover and clothes were all made. Lu Guili was in poor health and Lu Jao-xing was active enough. Cui gave this to her. Therefore, she rarely appears in front of Qiao eyes recently.
        Qiao pick a feather eyebrow, called Lu Jao-xing.
        Lu Jao-xing saw her mother -calling herself, and her face could not help but stiffen.
        "Follow me into the house!" Qiao way.
        Lu Jao-xing was unwilling to follow her mother and entered the three-bedroom house.
        "Mother, what's the matter, I have to cover the little quilt."
        Qiao sneered, as if he didn't know his daughter, looked up and down her. Lu Jao-xing was stunned by Qiao heart and couldn’t help but shrink.
        "You can do it now, holding the room to threaten your mother!"
        Lu Jao-xing dropped her head and said, "How come, my daughter can't dare."
        Qiao sneered again and said: "You are born to me, I don't know what you are thinking about? I tell you, give me some convergence, don't think that others have not found your little tricks."
        Lu Jao-xing was shocked and said: "How do you say that daughter, my daughter did nothing."
        "Nothing is done? Nothing is done. How did you know that Du boy and the month are talking about the pro, and nothing has been done by you. How do you know that your sister is deliberately intercepted? You don't think you A little clever, I will treat everyone as a fool. Your ‘Madam is not a fool, but it is a concern, but you can’t get it out, and your 2nd and 2nd aunt are not fools, just disliked. When I am here, I am too lazy to go to the bottom."
        Upon hearing this, Lu Jao-xing suddenly got a cold sweat.
        Does her mother know what? How did she know? She believes that she is doing nothing but seamless.
        As everyone knows, Lu Guili does not have two doors at the door of the day. The only one who is close to her is Lu Jao-xing. It is self-evident from whom Lu Guili learned that Du Lian and Lu Jao-yue are denouncing.
        In addition, Lu Jao-xing went to the 2nd room on that day and was seen by Qiao. It was only that Qiao had never paid attention to this daughter, so she did not care for her. But then it happened, and Qiao couldn’t guess anything from it, and he lived for so many years.
        Because of these two things, Qiao will inevitably get up on Lu Jao-xing, and naturally found some abnormalities of her daughter.
        "You recently left me on the side of the three rooms, and ran to the room." Seeing what Lu Jao-xing wants to say, Qiao interrupted: "I don't want to investigate why you are doing these things. I don't want to investigate what you have done so recently on the side of the house. In short, if you don't want to be interrupted, you will give me the house in the house. As for the room, I will say it!"
        After that, Qiao went out. After a while, I heard the -call of Cui -calling on the other side of the room, and Qiao top bar.
        "...my own daughter, can't I tell her to do something? Mother, you treat your daughter as a baby, but when she is pouring water, she doesn't want to do some work for her family, and she will marry later. I am not losing big..."
        "...I am not you, for a daughter, to give the family a pit. Say it out and listen to it, give a married shu-daughter to marry five acres of land, give the son only three acres, and you can do it... ”
        In the three houses, Lu Jao-’s apricot stood there, and for a long time it was slow.
        Compared to her mother's words before, what makes her heart is the last words of her mother.
        Does her mother really know what she is thinking?
        There was another trouble in front of it. After half an afternoon, it was hard to stop for a while. When Lu Ming-shan sold the goods from the outside, the three rooms and two people were noisy again.
        Mei guessing is going to be done without guessing. It’s that Cui ate in front of Qiao death, but when the son came back, he complained to the 3rd.
        Lu Ming-shan is indeed a selfish person. In the end, he is a mother who raised his own mother. In order to give his mother a temper, she hit two slaps of Qiao. Qiao Shi has always been a master who is not willing to show weakness. Naturally, he will not lightly lure Lu Ming-shan, and the two will be upset.
        It’s just that she has no time to care about it. After taking a meal, the following small ones have each returned to the house to rest. Mei sat on the donkey and whispered to her husband.
        She told Lu Ming-hai about her own guess, and Lu Ming-hai listened for a long time after silence.
        "Don't think too much, don't you have a relationship with Du family? Let's pay attention to it later. As for Daxie-" he paused and said: "If you don't want to see her, don't come and go, But there is a big brother who is not doing too much."
        Mei Shi said:
         "You used to say that I like big fuss, this thing comes out, see what you say."
        Lu Ming-hai sighed and his eyes flashed. "It’s all poor."
        Meh snorted and did not speak.
        The heart has a feeling, Lu Ming-hai said: "When we ask the shu-daughter to pick someone else, use more thoughts and more inquiries. The most important thing is the character. If the character is not good, it can't be done."
        "Not only the character, but also have money!" Mei said suddenly.
        If you have money, you will not move her daughter’s bad idea. In the past, she and her husband had chosen people for their daughters. They always wanted to value their character. It is not important to have a family condition. As long as the young couple have the heart, they can always live a good life. Now it seems that if you think about a good day, you still have money behind it.
        Lu Ming-hai did not want his ‘Madam to think more and more, and couldn't help but persuade her: "Well, this is just your guess, and you don't have to think too much. When we pick someone up for our daughter, we will pay attention to it. Go early, rest early."
        On this day, Goro came back from the outside and was sweaty. Lu Jao-yue gave him water to wash his face.
        He washed his face with cold water and said with enthusiasm: "I have seen a lot of people coming in front of me, and -Lord and 3rd -Lord are also coming."
        The front naturally refers to the upper house, while the grandfather and the three grandfather's family refer to the 2nd Brother Old Lu Han and the 3rd Brother.
        Old Lu Han ranked 2nd, there is a big brother above, there is a younger brother below. Although there are few frequent contacts, if there is a happy event, the other two will come out to help.
        The weddings of the country people are all done in their own homes. Not only the men’s homes but also the women’s homes. I have to do it too. People who have money will marry their daughters. Please eat three days of water. Some small places like Daxi Village are mostly placed on a day, just on the day of marriage.
        Lu family here is naturally also to do, because they can not do it. Speaking of Lu Jia in Daxi Village, it’s also a good family. If you marry your daughter, you won’t be swaying, and you will be told.
        Therefore, the Lu family can only do it, and therefore, Hu face is not so good for a few days.
        It’s so good to be blamed. It takes a lot of money to run a water table, and the gift that comes back is just some vegetables grown by the countryman, or eggs or rulers. The loss is undoubted. Especially before the Du Fu widow came to Lu Jiayi, and took a lot of money from Hu.
        When I think of Hu, I hate it. She really owes this sister and a little Miss to her for the rest of her life. In order to make up for the two parents, how much money she put in before and after, these silvers are all her hard work, but not Floating in the big river.
        The key is that she still can't give it. Her sister said that it is very ruthless. Anyway, there is no money at home, and it is necessary to hire, and to send a gift, but also to have a water table. There is no money to do.
        If you can't do a marriage, Lu Guili can't marry Du. In order to marry Lu Guili, Hu organs are counted, and how could it be destroyed in this door.
        And Lu money to be released here, Hu can’t escape.
        When the family was separated, the old couple followed the big house, and Lu Guili naturally returned to the big house. 2nd, to be a married sister, Lu Ming-chuan, this big brother can not make money? The big house represents the face of Lu family in the village, so they don’t just get the money, they have to be decent.
        Therefore, the dowry silver, the silver of the two running water seats, the silver that was hired under the Du family, all had Hu shackles.
        Hu slap in the face, the key is that she can’t complain, and she has to laugh and squat out to be generous.
        The surface is generous, but the inner heart is actually roaring Hu, watching the silver in his purse a little less, and inevitably will blame the 2nd room.
        They all complained about the 2nd house. If they didn't suddenly let the Du family wait for a year, the marriage between the two families would not be delayed. The marriage was not delayed, and naturally there was no such thing as a little Miss. There is no such thing as a little Miss to marry. Although the family is still offering a big Buddha, it is provided by the three families. There will be no less money in the private house, and there will be many things behind it...
        Nowadays, Hu does not know that it is right or wrong to count the little Miss to marry. Can be right or wrong, she has to continue to do it, open the bow without turning back.
        But Hu is not going to make the people in the 2nd room easy. She is tired and tired here. She is also guilty of money. The people in the 2nd room have nothing to look like for their own little days. There is no such good thing under the sun!
        Therefore, when the big aunt who was so good at home came back, Hu immediately complained.

 At this time, the Lujia Yard is a lively scene. The day after tomorrow is the day when Lu Guili became a relative. Since the day is going to be a slap in the water, it is definitely necessary to prepare the things to be used in the day.
        Old Lu Han’s older brother, the three younger Brother, came to visit. The men helped to borrow tables and chairs from the benches and dishes, while the women helped to do some chores. Lu Da Shi Tian’s and his younger brother Roche also came to Lu Guili. Adding makeup, things are not worth the money, what is needed is a heart.
        My own sister will be married, and Lu Guifang will naturally return.
        She was returned by a person. The husband's family was busy with many people. She didn't bring her husband back. Only one person came back to give her a makeup.
        After returning, she first entered the house and talked to her mother. When the people who saw the uncle and the three uncles came, she came out of the house.
        At this time, Hu came over.
        She came to complain, and Hu complaints were extremely skillful. I knew that Daguzi would not wait for the 3rd ‘Madam’, Qiao, to talk about Qiao.
        Said that Qiao is lazy, although the family is divided into a family, she is a scorpion, and the younger brother does not come out to help. Then, 'Shundao raised the 2nd room, saying that after the two-bedroom person had been separated from home, he had never been to the upper house. He and his mother called several times and no one came.
        Lu Guifang is the eldest daughter of Old Lu Han and Cui, and the first child of the two. When they are young, they have the right to speak at home. The three younger Brother also respect her. Her husband's family is Zhao Jiaxuan's person, and it is also a relatively honest family. Because there is no mother-like above, she became a family when she married. At home, she is an eldest daughter. After she is married, she is a long-haired Miss. Therefore, she has a strong personality that Lu Guifang said.
        Listening to Hu saying that she was a little annoyed at the time, her face was pulled down and she went to the 2nd house.
        Compared with Qiao lazy, the 2nd child seems to be a bit too much. Even if he is divided, he never has such a clear reason. This is not filial!
        After Lu Guifang came back, she realized that her family had separated. When she was separated from such a big thing, she did not inform herself, she complained. Old Lu Han and Cui also know the daughter's temper, and they didn't elaborate on her. They only said that the trees were big and the children were big, and they were separated.
        Can be placed in the eyes of Lu Guifang, became a grievance. The three younger Brother have been clamoring all the time, but she knows that they can’t make any noise out of their character. If they don’t, they won’t make trouble for so many years, and they don’t make a result. At this time, some of the 'out of the box of the two-bedroom family became the chief culprit in her eyes.
        It must be that Mei trouble!
        If you say a few brother-like, Lu Guifang will not be pleasing to the eye, it will count Mei.
        When Lu Ming-hai said that he was a pro, Lu Guifang had already married. At that time, she heard that the family had set up Mei for Lu Ming-hai, and she was somewhat unwilling.
        She has heard of Mei family, and she has also heard of Mei Meimei Miss, Mei Molan's pungent temper, and she is famous in ten miles and eight townships. The maiden has money, the family is a butcher, the 2nd Brother are five big and three thick, and going out is scary. Coupled with his own temperament, Lu Guifang felt that the 2nd brother had married such a woman, and he would definitely be crushed by his ‘Madam in the future.
        Sure enough, after Mei marriage, Lu Ming-hai was obedient.
        Of course, this is the fact that Lu Guifang saw in his eyes. In fact, the two are very loving, Lu Ming-hai hurts his ‘Madam’, and she is mainly based on her.
        Can be placed in the eyes of Lu Guifang, it became Mei too strong, oppressing his man.
        For this reason, when she was not returning to her family, she was looking for Mei embarrassment.
        Mei is not a good person. You are obviously looking for trouble. How can I swallow it? In the past, this aunt had a lot of arguments, or later Mei mother, and Lu Guifang’s return to her family was not many, and the number of times was so many times. Lu Ming-hai also persuaded him, and the two talents were eliminated. Come down.
        That is the case, the relationship between the two has never been better.
        Therefore, Lu Guifang subconsciously blamed the behavior of the 2nd room on the head of Mei.
        Her 2nd brother's temper, she is clear, it is impossible to hurt her mother's heart.
        So, it must be that Mei.
        When Lu Guifang came, there were only two people in the 2nd room, Lu Jao-yue and Wulang.
        Goro just washed his face, and Lu Jao-yue was wiping the water drops on his neck.
        Lu Guifang came up with a lot of talks. The long story was a lot of talks. It’s generally how the number of Mei is wrong. How to pass the bad and evil, let Lu Jao-yue come back to her mother.
        Lu Jao-yue was counted as one and the other, and when I came back, I was a little annoyed.
        She doesn't like this aunt, she didn't like it since she was a child. It may be because Lu Guifang and Mei relationship is not good, so she is very unwilling to see a few children in the 2nd room. Every time I saw it, I didn’t say a smile. If there were any wrong things for a few children, she would not care about her identity and use the attitude of her elders to teach people a lesson.
        When Lu was a child, Lu Jao-yue was raised by his family. In the eyes of Lu Guifang, he became a 2nd-room family. He took a slap-up film as a baby egg, and did not take Lu Jao-yue to say things, so how can Lu Jao-yue like this? Aunt.
        "Dagu, you are an elder, you shouldn't say this as a shu-daughter, but you can't figure out the ins and outs of things. Don't you just blame the sinner?" Lu Jao-yue pressed the heart's annoyance.
        "That is, how can you say my mother!" Goro is also angry.
        Lu Guifang was stunned by the sisters and Brother, and suddenly annoyed.
        "Moon-headed, five-boys, is your mother teaching you to talk to your elders?"
        "How does my mother teach us, it is my mother's business, and it seems to have nothing to do with the aunt." Lu Jao-yue has always been a supple temper, and the words have always been gentle and soft, and it is rare to talk so horrible. Lu Guifang’s words are all picking up the thorns of Mei.
        She is not unusual in this kind of scene, because she was like this since she was a child. In the past, she saw that her aunt was embarrassed by her own mother. She never dared to say anything because she wanted to know how to be gracious and to love and be young. The other party is an elder, she can't be arrogant. Once she is detained, she is not respectful. I have experienced everything in my life, and there have been so many things happening again. She is no longer the same as Lu Jao-yue.
        Because she found that people temper is too soft and not good, they will suffer, and if they don't want to, they will say it instead of swallowing it. Because the swallowing of the air will not change the gratitude of the other party, but will be insured.
        Lu Guifang suddenly became angry and reached out and gave Lu Jao-yue a slap.
        Lu Jao-yue did not expect that Dagu would do it and be beaten.
        Wu Lang wowed out and wanted to rush to Lu Guifang.
        "You actually beat my sister..."
        Lu Jao-yue refused to take care of his face and grabbed Goro. Don't look at the aunt who can beat her. If Goro makes something to the aunt, then the reputation will be broken.
        Just then, a -calling voice stated.
        "Lu Guifang, do you dare to beat my daughter?"
        Mei picking vegetables in the backyard garden, I didn’t expect to come back and saw the aunt’s sister slap her daughter’s slap. The head was on the spot and the man rushed over.
        Mei character was pungent, his hands and feet were sharp, and he was burning in anger. Lu Guifang was not guarded, and she was caught in her hair. Mei Shi couldn’t help but say that she gave her a slap in the hand and stated: "You actually beat my daughter, I let you play! Let you fight!"
        Say, slap a slap, but a few slaps, Lu Guifang's face is red and swollen.
        Lu Guifang did not respond to the whole person, but he forgot to struggle.
        At this time, someone in front of him heard the movement and ran over to see what was going on.
        "Oh, what are you doing?"
        With a mess of voices, Old Lu Han and Cui, as well as a big family, the three-room family came. Together with Old Lu Han’s older brother, the 3rd Brother and two family members.
        "Gui Fang, Minghai daughter-like, you are doing this!"
        Old Lu Han’s Da Yutian’s anger was ruined and he hurriedly asked people to go forward.
        The two were pulled open, Mei breathless, and Lu Guifang was beaten. Soon, she reacted. When she realized what had happened, she wanted to go up and beat Mee.
        With so many people coming, how can I let the two continue to fight? Lu Guifang was dragged to death, and Cui appease his daughter, and asked what was going on.
        "What are you asking? You first ask her what Lu Guifang did, and one who is an elder who even beats her shi-nu! Lu Guifang, who gave you such a big face, let you hit my daughter!"
        The crowd found that Lu Qiaoyue, who was standing on the side and his face was red and swollen. That is why Lu Guifang is not doing it right. How can aunt be a child?
        How can Lu Guifang be tempted by this kind of suffocation, and naturally tells Lu Jao-yue about her disrespectfulness.
        It turned out that this is the maiden, but everyone always feels different, because Lu Jao-yue has always given the impression that he is a soft person, and he will not speak loudly.
        Qiao had always hated this big aunt, and finally found an opportunity to retaliate. He whispered: "His aunt, are you mistaken, the moon is not that kind of temper."
        The other people eyes are almost the same. Lu Guifang’s anger is ruined: “I will go and marry her a little Miss?”
        Cui daughter was beaten like this, and she had been so distressed that she had been -calling at the same time. While she was blaming her, she listened to her daughter’s story as Lu Jao-yue pick. "Moon, you give me a knee."
        "Mother, you let my daughter kneel indiscriminately, is there any reason to talk about it?" Mei anger.
        Cui did not look at Mei, and he stared at Lu Jao-yue: "You give me your knees!"
        Cui knew that the 2nd ‘Madam was a hard man and she did not intend to confront her. You hit my daughter, I will take your daughter to give my daughter a vent, this is what Cui thoughts are now.
        I know Lu Jao-yue said: "I am not jealous!"
        Cui did not expect that this granddaughter, who had always been so soft, would say so, and suddenly she stopped.
        After that, I was angry and angry.
        "You give me your knees!"
        "I don't care! Milk, you don't ask what the aunt did say, I must be sure that I am wrong?"
        "It was your fault, she is your elder."
        Lu Jao-yue was laughed at. She has always respected her grandmother because they are elders. Even if they do something, they should not be allowed to be ignorant. But she can't figure out what, an elder can press someone else life can't turn over? Therefore, her family should do their best for the elders. It is necessary to blame and refute, and it is necessary to end up with a ‘Madam and a spoiler.
        In fact, deep inside, Lu Jao-yue is blaming Old Lu Han and Cui, but this emotion has been kept in her heart. But today innocent disaster has made her want to stop pressing. And Lu Jao-yue also knows at this time that if she does not say one or two or three today, let herself stand on the side of reason, I am afraid that everyone will condemn her mother.
        The daughter didn't teach well. Naturally, it was the fault of her mother. How she didn't care, but she couldn't let her fall into such a name.
        In fact, she also knows why her grandmother must let her kneel down. Once she kneels down, she will be found guilty of her disrespect. Her mother will be labeled as a bad teacher. Once she landed on this name, although she was beaten by her aunt, she took advantage of it. Because others can only say that the mother is not right, only said that the mother has no tutor, teaches her daughter and has no tutor, and even the grandmother will be involved.
        This is the way the world is. When the daughter is wrong, her mother is wrong.
        How can Lu Jao-yue allow such a thing to happen!
        "Greeky is what we should do as a junior, but if it is the uncomfortableness of the elders, how do the younger people respect?"
        Old Lu Han couldn't help but frown. He was trying to interrupt his speech. He listened to a big story and was told by Lu Jao-yue.
        "After the aunt came, I couldn’t help but say how the mother was not, how to provoke the shackles and the family to be separated, and how to detain us from letting us go to Xiao lu for a happy event. Lord, milk, others are not Do you know that you don’t know the reason for the noisy separation? I don’t know if we are not going to go? If Xiao gu Ming knows that I am negotiating with Du Lian, I still force the milk to take my family, my family will such……"
        "Moon, don't stop me!" Old Lu Han stated and interrupted Lu Jao-yue words.
        That is the case, let the people on the side listen to a seven-eight-eight-eighth, the big house and the three-bedroom people are fine, they know these things, but Old Lu Han’s big brother and the 3rd Brother people don’t know, everyone The eyes suddenly became strange. No wonder the 2nd room will be silently separated, and it turned out that this happened.
        When the aunt’s robbing a shu-daughter?
        Looking at Lu Jao-yue, who was crying and crying, I couldn’t help but feel that the child was pitiful. I felt that Old Lu Han and Cui were too bad. It is said that Lu Guili is a master of the house, not the two of them should be a treasure, and the feelings between father and son have been ruined year after year, and now there is such a thing.
        Mei hand pulled her daughter behind her and sneered: “What do you stop? Is it wrong for me to say something wrong in the month, you are too deceiving!”
        Mei eyes were too sharp, and he couldn't help but step back.
        "You are deceiving too much, taking the tolerance of others as a shameless capital. When the aunt's robbing the shu-daughter's affair, when the grandparents want to let the shu-daughter's shi-nu give the aunt a dowry, this is no problem. Someone who came to the shit is not right. I just want to ask, what is wrong with us?"
        Cui couldn't help but say: "Hu you..."
        At this time, she suddenly saw that the 2nd child, Lu Ming-hai, was coming over here, and immediately saw the straw rope, and stated: "2nd 2nd, you still have to manage your ‘Madam’!"
        Mei stalked his neck: "What about me? Where can I say it wrong?"
        Lu Ming-hai just came back from the outside, it was a fog, and where did you know what was right?
        Qiao music is good to see Old Lu Han's old couple and Lu Guifang eating, and rushing to speak quickly and quickly, she said that she would talk to the 2nd room, and described Lu Jao-yue as extremely innocent, as she ran into the elders behavior. It has also been described as being forced to be rushed.
        After listening to Lu Ming-hai, he was shocked. He looked at the old man and Lu Guifang with a sad look.
        "Hey, mother, big sister, what do you want to do?!"
        "The 2nd child -"
        "I don't want to help the little Miss. It's my decision. If you have any opinions, you will come to me. I will be embarrassed by my daughter and daughter-like!"
        Lu Ming-hai tone was full of pain. He looked at Old Lu Han. “Hey, what did you say when I separated my family that day? Isn’t it clear enough? I’m not loyal to the filial piety, as for the other ones—” He sucks deeply With a sigh of relief, the voice was pressed in the scorpion: "Let's go, come here less, and after a while I will build the wall. If you have something, find someone to inform me. Remember, just inform me."
        "The 2nd child -"
        "And, there is a big sister. You are the one who is out of the house after all, and our family has already been separated. You will come to take care of my family business in the future."
        "2nd 2nd, your conscience was eaten by the dog? You actually said your big sister." Lu Guifang could not help but jump.
        Lu Ming-hai showed his expression of patience. He did not forget how the elder sister usually found his ‘Madam in the dark, just for the sake of home and everything, so he always played round in the middle. The patience is limited, especially today, Lu Guifang came out, she even beat her daughter.
        Looking at the daughter whose cheeks were red and swollen, and Lu Ming-hai couldn't stand it anymore, he snarled: "You give me a roll!"
        Lu Guifang still wants to say something, but was dragged by Lu shi-zi, Tian’s shi-zi, and then her two daughter-like and several women from Lu 3rd Brother family also came out to play round.
        "Well, well, don't say it, it's all in the air, and you can't tell for a moment."
        "It’s all gone, waiting for you in front, don’t delay the business.”
        Everyone is gone, only the 2nd room is left.
        Lu Jao- month to see their father looked bleak, could not help but go forward, he apologized and said: "Dad, all my fault, if I ......"
        Lu Ming-hai reluctantly smiled at his daughter and said: "There is nothing wrong with the moon, it is your grandmother, they are not right."
        Lu Jao-yue didn't expect her to do such a decisive decision. Even if she built the wall, she said it. This is a completely separate posture from that side. Here is the countryside. It is the place where the spit star can kill people. When the son’s and her mother are so determined, they will be accused, but she made such a decision for her.
        "Well, you don't think too much, I have planned to do this long ago, and now I don't have to make excuses."
        Lu Ming-hai thought that he was farther away than Lu Jao-yue. Xiao mei and Du Lian became relatives. Du Lian became the aunt of Lu Jiazheng’s eight classics. When the time comes, he will definitely come to the door. How is the daughter going to be? Although it is divided, it is inevitable that everyone will live in a yard and will inevitably see and meet.
        Originally Lu Ming-hai was secretly annoyed about this matter. It is impossible to move temporarily. The wall can be separated from the front. He can't do it for a while. This time, he is finally determined.
        Lu Jao-yue still wants to say something, interrupted by Mei.
        "Well, my mother will give you water, and quickly put a face on it, so that you can't see people. You are not a child, do something yourself, don't worry about Darens."
        Lu Jao-yue can only follow Mei into the house.
        When Lu Guangyi and Lu Guangzhi came back, they were shocked.
        Lu Guangyi performance is more subtle, but he has firmly confirmed the decision to build a wall, and Lu Guangzhi is more excited. He complained about Lu Shangfang and Dagu Luguifang. Or Lu Jao-yue even looked at him, he stopped.
        When I returned to the house at night, Lu Guangzhi touched Lu Jao-yue room.
        "Sister, I can't swallow this breath. Do you want to ask someone to teach you a big meal?"
        Lu Jao-yue yelled at him: "You stopped me, how did you go to the gambler for a long time, actually learned this? If you still do this later, the sister will not allow you to go again."
        Lu Guangzhi has some grievances: "Big sister, aunt, she is too much, often bullying her mother, and hit you again today."
        Lu Jao-yue sighed and said: "Well, the older sister knows that you are protecting the big sister, but the aunt is an elder, after all, even if you don’t look at the relatives, you always have to look at the blasphemy. If you let Hey, I know what he thinks in his heart. It was enough to be uncomfortable in his heart." After all, it was his family, so troubled, Lu Ming-hai felt uncomfortable in his heart, and he did not see anything for a whole night.
        "I know, big sister, you should be nonsense."
        Said in the mouth, in fact, Lu Guangzhi has not dispelled this thought in his heart, to know that his sister has not been beaten so big, the first time actually let the aunt to break the case.
        On the other side of the house, this happened, and Old Lu Han’s 2nd Brother could not stay.
        When he left, Lu shi-zi, Tian’s shi-zi, looked at the old couple and shook his head. Fortunately, today is a person who is a family, if not, I really don’t know what it will be. However, after all, she has been separated for decades, and she is also a grandparent, and she is not good at saying anything.
        The big room two people sent them out.
        Cui is applying Lu Guifang's face with cold water, and Lu Guifang is sore and grinning. He still asks: "Mother, is the moon Miss saying that it is true?"
        Cui did not know how to answer, but could only keep silent.
        When Lu Guifang saw this expression, what else did he not understand? Her face suddenly turned red and red, I didn't know what I thought of, suddenly stood up and said: "Well, you Hu, even pit me!"
        This move almost did not scare Cui from the shackles, and finally stabilized, she quickly asked: "What is going on, how to say the boss ‘Madam’."
        Old Lu Han, who is sitting in Shantou, did not speak, but it was almost the same.
        Lu Guifang said this before Hu words in front of her, and said: “She only speaks half a head. If it’s not because of her provocation, I’m going to find the trouble of Mee, there no This is today."
        Lu Guifang felt that she was dying. She was so big that she was the first to eat this kind of loss. She was a grandmother, and she was beaten by her brother-like. It’s not necessary to say that she hates Mei, and the 'culprit Hu Shi also let her anger.
        Cui face was amazed. In her heart, the daughter-like is not such a person.
        "Gui Fang, you will not be misunderstood, the boss is not such a man."
        What Lu Guifang was trying to say, Hu came in from the door and grievances: "Big sister, you misunderstood me, I didn't want to provoke anything."
        "Don't want to provoke, you only talk half-headed? See me to find Mee trouble, why don't you pull me?" With Lu Guifang's character, even if he is wrong, he will not think that he is wrong. Today is such a big ugly, naturally looking for someone to be responsible, making yourself look less embarrassing.
        Hu is even wronged, and he wants to stop and say: "Big sister, how do you tell me how to tell you, I was heard, and I said that I am behind the little Miss."
        Indeed, it is not a glorious thing.
        Although Old Lu Han and Cui did not speak, they knew that they agreed with Hu words. Five people in one room, three on the Hu family, Lu Guifang suddenly had a feeling, feeling like a joke.
        The key is that she still has no way to refute. Can she say that she is a soft-hearted person? She can say that she has already accumulated too much dissatisfaction with Mei in her heart, so when she sees the opportunity to step on the other side, she When I had no time to think about the cause of the incident, I rushed.
        It must not be, so she can only eat this -mute loss.

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