LJNFH - Little Jao-Niang Of The Farmer's House


 After two more days at home, Lu Jao-yue really accepted the fact that he was born again.
        Such incredible things, even if it is relatives and relatives, she can not say, can only be buried deep in the heart, intends to hide for a lifetime.
        When a person is alone, Lu Jao-yue always can't help but think that the reason why she has such an adventure is that she is merciful to her life. In fact, after one death, Lu Jao-yue did not care about herself. She cares more about her family. As long as the family can be good, even if she is allowed to die thousands of times, I am willing to do so. This is the only thing that happened before Lu Jao-yue death.
        Therefore, she felt that it was imminent to push down the Du family. She would never marry Du Lian again. How can she stop it? She didn’t have any clue for a moment.
        However, she also knows that this is not a day or two to come to a conclusion, even if her mother agreed, the grandparents have to pass.
        So she still has time to think of a perfect way to stop this.
        It’s not that Lu Jao-yue was counted, but she wanted to let her go, but she was very clear about her concern for Du Lian. And it also involves the aunt, the mother and the mother are not so important to the aunt who is not as long as the mother, but because of the relationship of the uncle, she still respects the aunt.
        Because of the relationship between the aunt and the aunt, the Lu family was counted as watching Du Lian grow up, and he almost did not regard him as his own son. His evaluation was extremely high. In exchange for other people requests for such a singularity, she was already beaten by her sister-like, and she came to Du Lian. Her mother-like was only angry and even showed signs of consent.
        Especially those things have not happened yet. She has no reason to stand up and persuade her family not to get married with Du.
        Did she go and talk to her mother, Du Lian will be a negative heart, and the Duwi widow is not a good one. This Du family is to make her and her family a cash cow, and everything is just for continuing to study for Du Lian. Cocoa? Once they have gotten the momentum, will they be treated like them?
        I am afraid that her mother will think she is crazy!
        Lu Jao-yue smiled and stunned for a while before pushing the door to the upper house.
        At this time, it was early morning, the day was just dawning, the morning mist had not yet dispersed, and the air was filled with the infiltration of the human heart. Lu yard is very quiet, and everyone seems to have not yet got up.
        When Lu Jao-yue woke up, she found that she and her mother were not in the house. It was only after thinking that she was cooking in the 2nd room today, so she planned to go to the kitchen to help Mei.
        After the house of the 2nd room is located in the upper house, if you want to go to the kitchen, you must first bypass the upper house and then pass the west wing. When passing by the West Chamber, Lu Jao-Xingof the three rooms has also risen, standing in front of the three houses to wash their faces.
        Seeing Lu Jao-yue so early, Lu Jao-xing was slightly surprised. However, this was only a moment, and then she looked at Lu Jao-yue with a bad eye.
        Lu Jao-xing is the eldest daughter of the three-bedroom family. She is only one year younger than Lu Jao-yue. She and Lu Jao-yue are cousins ​​and grew up together, but the relationship between the two is not good.
        This is due to the special treatment of Lu Jao-yue in the 2nd room of Lujia.
        Lu Jao-yue was born early in the year. When I was a child, my body was weak, so my parents loved it. Not only Lu Ming-hai and Mei loved her, but several men in the 2nd room also barely held Lu Jao-yue in his hand. Lu Guangyi 3rd Brother were indoctrinated when they were young, and they should protect their sister (sister) in the future. Even Wu Lang, a seven-year-old boy, had something delicious and fun outside. The first one thought of her sister.
        Lu Jao-yue position in the 2nd room can be regarded as a star-studded moon!
        In contrast, Lu Jao-xing's treatment in the three rooms is a world apart.
        When it comes to the situation of Lu Jao-xing, it is a bit far.
        Lu Jao-xing-like, Qiao, had never been pregnant after she married Lu. All kinds of remedies have been eaten, and finally I have a baby, but I know that it is a daughter, this daughter is Lu Jao-xing.
        The disappointment of Qiao at the time was imaginable.
        After three years, she was so hard to have a baby. She thought that this fetus could have a son. The saying goes not that the result of flowering first, but I know that it is a daughter. This time I gave birth to Lu Jao-xing’s pro. Sister Lu Jao-wei.
        This time, Qiao can no longer be calm, we have a lot of sons, but she has only two daughters. All of this made her heart pressure, and ordinary people can say that she can think of whether the other party is ridiculing that she can not give birth to her son.
        Therefore, Qiao stay with Lu Jao- Xing’s sisters is not so good. They are angry outside or at home on most days, or if they have any anger in their hearts, they will vent their LuJao- apricots and sisters. Later, Qiao later gave birth to his youngest son, Lu Lang, and Lu Jao-xing’s sisters were even worse in the three rooms. Qiao thoughts were on the little son’s mind and turned a deaf ear to the two daughters.
        The two sisters of Lu Jao-xing are older than one year a year. It is reasonable to say that Qiao mother should teach the two daughters what some daughters should know. But Qiao did not have this conscious. Sometimes even the clothes of the two sisters were not taken care of, and the two sisters of Lu Jao-xing were still in the middle of the week, and there was no such thing as a little daughter.
        Still, Lu Jao-xing’s sisters had a scorpion on their heads, and the next mother-like, Cui, could no longer remain silent. Cui is an extremely enlightened old man. His children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Although they have no family at home, several sons have become relatives. In addition to some major events on most days, she rarely intervenes in various houses.
        And that Qiao has always been a careful eye. When Qiao had two daughters, he was anxious to have a son. Cui couldn't look down on her, and concealed her a few words. Who knows that she was dissatisfied with her failure to give birth to her son, so Cui has always been too lazy to take care of this daughter-like.
        But now it is no longer a problem, and Qiao negligence on the two daughters has already affected Lu face in the village, so she has repeatedly reprimanded Qiao and Lu Jao-’s sisters days. Gradually better.
        It can only be better than some, and it is incomparable with Lu Jao-yue.
        On the one hand, it is a thousand pets, and it is beautifully dressed by the mother-like on most days. Even the cousin who doesn’t play with her own face wash, while she is not loved by her mother, she doesn’t love her, she only needs to wash her diapers for her six or seven years old. The younger brother is a little older, and he has to take care of him. If he is not well cared for, his mother’s face will be a fight. How can Lu Jao-xing not hate in her heart!
        She is not afraid, she hates Lu Jao-yue.
        Because of the existence of Lu Jao-yue, it made her situation miserable. Especially this time Lu Jao-xing accidentally knew that Lu Jao-yue had to be with Du Lian, which made her hate Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-xing also likes Du Lian.
        Du Lian is different from other young francs in the village. Sven Junxiu is gentle and courteous. Lu Jao-xing still remembers that she was beaten by Qiao when she was a child. It was stopped by Du Lian who came to Lu home. From then on, she took care of Du Lian.
        Gradually, as the age grew, Lu Jao-xing gradually began to understand things, and this heart became the love between men and women.
        Lu Jao-xing couldn't figure out what it was. She had a good point in Lu Jao-yue. What good things are hers!
        Lu Jao-yue naturally felt the bad eyes of Lu Jao-xing.
        In exchange for the last life of myself, at most, I would think that the cousin had reprimanded at Sanchao and was in a bad mood. She can have her life experience, and how could she not see this gaze is wrong.
        This is just to anger, clearly is to hate.
        Lu Jao-yue was somewhat surprised. She had offended Lu Jao-xing in some place. She used this kind of look to see her.
        However, Lu Jao-yue, who has had a lifetime experience, is not as simple and good as she was in the past. Years of experience have taught her to hide her emotions. Therefore, even though she was suspicious in her heart, she did not say anything. She just looked at Lu Jao-xing and went over to her to go to the stove.
        Her thoughts are very good, but some people don't want her to do so.
        "The sun is coming out to the west today. How come you get up so early today, I remember that you have always slept in the sun." Lu Jao-XingYin Yang is strange.
        Lu Jao-yue heard this, a slight glimpse, and the corner of his mouth was embarrassed.
        Lu Jao-xing’s words are not false, but facts. When Lu Jao-yue was born, she was weak. Even more so, Mei was not milked. The foundation was weak, and I couldn't eat the milk of my mother. When I was a child, Lu Jao-yue was thin and poor.
        The two rooms and two people thought that this child was not big enough. I once thought that Lu Jao-yue was also tenacious. She even survived by eating rice cereal, so the two rooms and two people would urinate and look at Lu Jao-yue like her own eyes. . After that, Lu Jao-yue grew up slowly, and the body was the same as that of ordinary people. However, the two-room couple still used her as a bead to hurt her, and her homework did not let her do it. She gave her a small stove every other day. Make up the body. Lu family has always been hardworking, no one dares to sleep and sleep, but this Lu Jao-yue, the 2nd room and two people are not used to the three times.
        Because of this, Qiao didn't have to sneak at home, and his daughter didn't have to work. Although the Lu family women do not have to go to the ground, but the housework is quite a lot.
        The helpless two-bedroom people are guarding Lu Jao-yue. The Lu Jao-yue is doing a job. It’s not that Mei work, but Lu Brother are sharing. Even Lu Guangzhong, who is seven years old, knows that when he is playing, he will help his sister to return a basket of pig grass, so as not to be provoked by people in other houses in the house.
        In the last generation, Lu Jao-yue thoughts were simple, and she always enjoyed the care of her parents and Brother. After the experience of her life, how could she continue to 'satisfy'? She urgently needs to do something to make up for her owing to her family!
        Of course, all this must not be said with Lu Jao-xing.
        Lu Jao-yue doesn't really like this cousin.
        Without him, Lu Jao-Xingis always inexplicably hostile to her. In the previous life, Lu Jao-yue also tried to ease the relationship between the two, but she was not a good match for her. In order not to add trouble to her family, Lu Jao-yue gradually gave up the idea.
        Therefore, Lu Jao-yue, who was in the last life, was not very close to Lu Jao-xing, and she did not intend to be close to her in this life.
        Lu Jao-yue was trying to say something, so she sent the other person, and suddenly she heard a voice behind her.

 "My sister can't get up early, what kind of thing is off, have this time to gossip, don't hurry to look at Liulang, be careful to pick you up and marry you again!"
        The person who spoke was Lu Guangzhi.
        He is the younger brother of Lu Jao-yue. This year, he is two years younger than Lu Jao-.
        At this time, he wore a pair of dark blue coarse cloth, and the sleeves of the shirt rolled up slightly, revealing the slender and delicate white arm that is unique to his young age.
        Lu Guangzhi was born white, and like Lu Jao-yue with the white skin of Mei.
        This kind of white pheasant is rarely found in the country, and the sun is not black. Lu Guangzhi is among the same-aged teenagers. He is a tall figure, and he has a sword and a high-nose nose. Whoever sees it has to praise the child’s good looks.
        The appearance of several children in the 2nd room is not bad, and the male is the best in Lu Guangzhi. Seriously speaking, Lu Jao-yue and Lu Guangzhi are the most like in the 2nd room. Lu Jao-yue is slender and feminine, while Lu Guangzhi combines the two aesthetics of slender and masculine. I can imagine that he will grow up in the future and it will be a beautiful one. Young lang.
        Unfortunately, what is not in line with the appearance is the poor character of Lu Guangzhi.
        At least in the eyes of Lu Jao-xing, Lu Guangzhi is a bad one, and she often makes her hate her teeth, but she has nothing to do.
        Seeing the opposite of the head, Lu Jao-xing just raised a sense of happiness, but also disappeared in the future. What she wanted to say was a little jealous, and she could only glance at Lu Guangzhi with hatred.
        Because of Lu Jao-yue relationship, Lu Jao-xing is somewhat hostile to several children in the 2nd room. On most days, there are a few words that will be yin and yang. Lu is a younger than her, and she is a man. It is not good for her. The 3rd child, Lu Guangzhong, is still young. Even if she is bored, she does not know how to deal with this annoying cousin.
        Lu Guangzhi alone is half-sized. He said that he is sensible and can understand things. He said that he is not sensible and can not understand the age of the matter, so he usually does not give Lu Jao-xing a facelessness. Lu Jao-Xingis old, and she knows that she pays attention to her face. When she encounters such a person who is in a tit-for-tat relationship with her, she can only evade her.
        Lu Guangzhi did not agree, and looked back at the smile.
        Lu Jao-xing lost, biting her lower lip and turning into three houses.
        Lu Guangzhi smiled proudly at his sister: "This kind of person has to deal with this! Big sister, you don't care about her, yin and yang all day, as if everyone owes her. I have the ability to find three squats, rush to others to play cross-country What is the skill!"
        He said that he did not press the bass tone, and Lu Jao-yue looked at the direction of the three houses and quickly pulled him away.
        "If you say something, you don't know scruples. If you are heard by Sancha, you can find something for your mother!"
        Lu Jia has not yet separated, but the 2nd room and the three rooms are not awkward, but it is a small matter between women and children. The feelings of Lu Ming-hai and Lu Ming-shan Brother are not bad. Sanchao is always a temperamental temper. If this is heard by her, it is estimated that it will take a long time. Lu Jao-yue does not want to find trouble for her mother.
        Lu Guangzhi blinked and smiled awkwardly: "Reassured, Sancha can't get up so early." Qiao lazy, not sleeping until most days, will not get up before breakfast. It seems that Lu Guangzhi is not unmeasured, not as light as the surface.
        Lu Jao-yue shook his head in a smile and looked at his younger brother who was taller than himself: "Why are you getting up so early, why didn't you sleep more?"
        Said, the hand helped him to manage the messy clothes.
        "Big brother is not at home for a few days. I help my mother to pick up the water. When I have breakfast, I am going to go up the mountain and cut wood with the dog eggs." Lu Guangzhi said, but Lu Jao-yue was a hot eye. I almost didn't get wet.
        Although Lu woman does not have to go to the ground, there are quite a lot of work on most days. In addition to the housework of each house, the work in the public is equally distributed. Another cooking is to change the wheel, today is the 2nd room, tomorrow is the three rooms. When cooking, not only cooking, but also pig food, pig feeding, and cleaning the pigsty.
        Lu Jia raised three big fat pigs, and it is not an easy task to serve the three ancestors every day, not to mention feeding chickens, picking water, cutting wood, and going to the day to cook. It can be said that it is not a moment to be free.
        At this time, a daughter can reflect its usefulness, and can help her mother to share the work, but Lu Jao-yue never fulfilled her daughter's 'responsibility'.
        "Big sister, why did you get up so early, didn't sleep a little longer?" Lu Guangzhi asked curiously.
        Lu Jao-yue bowed his head and covered the wetness in his eyes. If nothing happened: "To get up early today, I want to help my mother to do something."
        Lu Guangzhi said with disapproval: "Is there anything I can do, picking water and chopping wood, and other mothers can do it. Sister, if you are in poor health, don't be tired, or go back to the house. Go ahead."
        Lu Jao-yue has some helplessness. She wants to say that her body is actually not weak, but she knows that her 2nd brother will not believe. This kind of words she has said many times, but unfortunately they have been ignored by the Brother and sisters.
        So she can only seem to be casual: "I can't sleep, and my mother talks."
        Lu Guangzhi did not think much, just did not trust the account: "That sister, go, don't be tired, I will pick the water first."
        Lu Jao-yue looked at the younger brother and took the sling bucket out of the courtyard door before turning into the stove.
        The smoke in the stove was full.
        Cooking like this seems simple, but in the summer, the most painful thing is cooking in the kitchen.
        There was no ventilation in the stove, cooking with a firewood stove, but it was only a moment of sweat, and a meal was done, it was like falling into a puddle.
        Mei was sweating at this time.
        She didn't have any hands, she had to burn fire, she had to cook, and she was tossing twice. If it wasn't for years, she had the experience of being a family meal, and I wouldn't be able to replace someone who had a bad hand.
        Today breakfast is porridge and corn patties. The dishes are the home-cooked miso and pickles, and the two fresh vegetables that have just been picked up this morning.
        The miso and the pickles are ready-made, and the rice in the pot has been potted, and a corn patties are placed next to the pot. At this moment, Meh is squatting in the gap, while watching the fire in the stove.
        Seeing Lu Jao-yue coming in, she was a little surprised, wiped a sweat and stood up: "Moon, how come so early, but hungry?"
        Said in her mouth, she had already rubbed her hand on the apron, went to the pot lid and wanted to see if the corn cake was cooked, so that her daughter would eat the mat first.
        The corn patties are still not cooked, and Mei heart can't help but be anxious. He said: "When you wait, my mother will use a small stove to steam the bowl of eggs."
        The stoves in the country are all three-hole, with a large stove on the left and right sides, with a small stove in the middle. The small stove head never burns fire, but the heat from the two large stoves is used to boil water. The ordinary three meals a day are cooked at home, and the hot water in the small stove can be kept all year round.
        It's okay to eat a small stove like a steamed bowl of egg yolk. It is only possible for Mei to see it. The water in the jar placed on the top of the stove has already boiled.
        "Chi, child, go to the room and take a few eggs, your sister is hungry, I will give you steamed eggs and eat."
        At this time, Lu Guangzhi has already started, and Mei thought has not changed his daughter’s thoughts, so he will be called a son.
        Lu Jao-yue was moved and anxious, busy: "Mother, don't -call, the 2nd brother took the water, I am not hungry, don't eat eggs."
        "So how did you get up so early?" Mei thought that his daughter was sick, and reached out to touch her daughter's forehead.
        Mei hand is very hot.
        Through the smoke in the stove, Lu Jao-yue looked at the face of the mother who was full of sweat, sobbing in the middle, unable to speak.
        If it is from the face, in fact, Lu Jao-yue is not like the daughter of Mei. Mei relatives, Mei Laohan, are the skeletons of typical northerners. They are tall and loud, and they are very popular. They are typical northern women’s character. And Lu Jao-yue is with the grandmother Lu, the typical appearance of a woman in the Jiangnan Water Village, petite head, white skin delicate skin, a small waist thin, like a weak willow wind, nowhere to make people three points pity.
        In fact, Lu Jao-yue is not bad after growing up, but from the 2nd room owner to a family of Mei family, almost all of them are when she is a porcelain doll. There are reasons for Lu Jao-yue grandmother Lu, Lu body has always been weak, Lu Jao-yue has followed Lu, and everyone is subconscious when she is also weak. In addition, Lu Jao-yue was in poor health when she was a child, which made the impression of her 'weakness'.
        So seriously, it’s not that Lu Jao-yue daughter is not filial. I don’t know how to be considerate of my parents hard work. I’m just being “weak” by my family, and I’m used to being 'bad’.
        Facts have proved that Lu Jao-yue is not weak, and she has been married to Du family in the past. In addition to the -mute widows in the first half of the year, she did not let her do things. After that, the work of the field and the housework at home were pressed against her.
        And she actually did a good job, and even took time to do needlework to supplement the home.
        Thinking of all this, Lu Jao-yue suddenly raised a sense of disgust on herself, and felt more awkward in her heart. She couldn’t help but say: “Mom, I am not uncomfortable, I am not sick, I just want to help you with your work.”
        Mei reaction did not come out as she expected, saying: “Just do some work, where you can use your help. Go back to the house and go to sleep more, wait for the meal to be called you.”
        Lu Jao-yue insisted not to go, Mei brow wrinkled.
        No, Lu Jao-yue can only explain bitterly: "Mother, my daughter is not too small. You can do nothing at home with you and you can't do things. If you marry later, you can't. Let your daughter give you help. If you start playing, you should practice your hands in advance."
        Mei hesitation was half-sounding, and he nodded.
        Lu Jao-yue said that there is nothing wrong with her. She can do everything in her family. If she goes to her husband's family, she can't do anything but she can't do it. This is also a problem that has always been worried in Mei heart.
        She knows that her daughter is good and she can understand her daughter well, but it does not mean that others can understand that a daughter-like who does not do housework is not going to see her husband.
        This is also why she and her husband agreed to the family of Du, even if Du asked for such a request, they still did not dispel the reason for the Du family. After all, the two families are relatives, and the Du family also knows about the daughter's situation. Naturally, there will be no disappointment, and the Duwi widow is guaranteed.
        Daxie Hu said that as long as the moon is married, Du Widow will treat her as a pro-daughter, and she will not let her do anything.
        This is a bit imaginary, but the two-room couple who hurt her daughter is taken seriously.
        So, poor parents in the world!
        At this time, Mei thought more, Zheng, and Du family to discuss the matter of the marriage, the month is known, but the daughter who gave birth to the variable but did not know. Suddenly, my daughter said that she would help with family matters. She also mentioned the words 'married people and 'training hands'. It seems that her daughter is already preparing for marriage in advance.
        The daughter was so obedient and sensible, how could Mei heart end let her down, especially before she could see that her daughter was at the heart of Du family.
        Nothing, but the left is not cheap, the things are for the daughter-like, and not for others, you don't have to hesitate.
        Here, Mei heart finally made a decision. Lu Jao-yue, who was helping her choose a dish, didn’t know her unintentional words. She actually misunderstood Mei heart and promoted her decision to agree with Du condition.
        If she knew it, she would have regretted what she said.

 Since the matter and the two rooms have been said, Hu has been staring at the movement of the 2nd room.
        Seeing the two rooms and two couples, they frowned and tightened these days. From time to time, they showed the color of contemplation, and Hu heart was clear. After all, this is not a trivial matter. It is normal to be hesitant. Hu person has never lacked patience.
        She is not in a hurry, but the Duwi widow who is waiting for the news at home is a little anxious. At this time, it was inconvenient to go to the door of the Lu family. There is no way, Du widow can only quietly drag people to send a letter to Hu.
        On the 2nd day, Hu came to Du.
        "This time you asked me to do something, there is still a stall in the house to be busy." Hu entered the house, he came to sit on the raft, his face is impatient.
        Du widow's age in her forties, long face, willow eyebrows, high cheekbones, thin lips, it is not a good look at first glance.
        She is indeed not a good person. If she is a good person, she will not protect her property after Du Xiucai has left, and will send her son to study. Du Widow is in Dujia Village, but it is notoriously hot.
        At this time, she sat on the side and lost her smile: "How is that going?" On the face, my heart is secretly swearing at Hu deliberately.
        Du Widow is too aware of the personality of her sister, not to look good in front of outsiders, but when she is facing her, it is the original shape. Maybe because the two are relatives and sisters, they are not too old. They are more energetic since they were young. Before Du, the widow was over the Hu family. Who told her to marry a show, but only Du Xiu was a Short-lived ghosts, Du widows have not enjoyed a few years of blessing, they become widows.
        Since then, Du Widow has lowered her head in front of Hu.
        It’s also because she doesn’t want to bow her head, and her days are hard, and she indispensable when she asks for Hu. And Hu face changed in front of Du widow, and inevitably he will be condescending.
        Don't look at your triumph at this time, wait for my family to have a good future, and some are when you come to me! This is the only motivation that can support Du widow’s bow in front of her sister.
        "What are you anxious, this is an urgent matter." Hu Shidao.
        Du Widow squinted and continued to lose smile: "How can you not be anxious, you don't know."
        Halfway through the words, the words are stopped, but Hu understanding is clear.
        With the sale of the last two acres of land in the family in order to treat Du widows last year, the day of Du family is getting worse every day. At the beginning of the year, Du widow went to the door to find Hu borrowed money. Hu borrowed her money, fearing that she couldn’t get it. If she didn’t borrow it, she wouldn’t say too much. In particular, this person also knows that people see the dishes, but in front of her men's face, Hu did not want to show some of the machine-machine fronts in front of her husband, so she borrowed her.
        I know that for the first time, there will be a 2nd time. Hu actually does not want to borrow money to give Du widow, but if she does not borrow, she is afraid that the former money will not be returned. Therefore, Du Widow said that he would like to tell his son a pro, Hu will inevitably hit the attention to the 2nd room, but also gave birth to the thoughts of the disaster.
        "You didn't borrow two money from me last month?" Hu looked at the other person annoyedly.
        Du Widow only can't see it. "You don't know, Lian Er is in the town with a lot of friends, and spends a lot of money. I am harsh on who I am, and I can't treat him harshly."
        After listening to this, Hu heart has a sense of disgust.
        It’s really the poor who still like to be blameless. It’s really harsh, and can’t be harsh on Du Lian. Otherwise, her big shi-nu Du Chunhua will not be married in that way.
        It is better to say that it is to marry.
        Even if Hu is a favorite, he is very dissatisfied with what this sister has done.
        "Which money is not floating in the big river. I borrowed your money, but I took your brother-like. I went out in a hurry today and didn't bring much money. This is some money, you should hold it first, let me say first. Now, you have to give me a lot of texts."
        Hu face was cold, and he took a dilapidated money bag from his arms and threw it on the table.
        The money bag is smashed, and there are patches on it. Hu clothes will not use such a sloppy purse. She is prepared in advance and knows that Du widow is not good at finding her. If I didn't think that the Du family and the 2nd-door family had become married, I would be able to return the money I had borrowed before. She would never throw money into this bottomless hole.
        Du widow took the purse on the table and nodded again and again: "You can rest assured that you will naturally return to you. You are not saying that Lu Jia is in the 2nd room and that Mei family is rich. When I am there, my ‘Madam’. When I entered the door, there was silver."
        Hu heart was even more disliked. He didn’t want to stay too much for a moment and stood up.
        "Then it is the first thing, I will go first."
        Du Widow hurriedly pulled her: "How is that going, you haven't said it yet."
        Hu took her down and stated: "I didn't say it, what are you worried about? This kind of thing can be decided in two days. You don't think that two acres of field are the same as wild vegetables. Can you dig it?"
        Du widow licked her mouth and saw what she wanted to say. Hu rushed to say: "You don't worry too much. I have a lot of things in this matter. The two rooms are still hesitating. I will go back and help you add fire. I don't think it will take long. There is good news."
        "What kind of fire?" Du widow asked.
        Hu took a look at her: "You didn't say Mo home in NiuJao- Village, would you like to get married with your family?"
        The Mo family in Niujia Village is a well-known rich household nearby. There are hundreds of acres of good land in the family, and there is only one woman in the family. If anyone marries the daughter of Mo, it is a golden doll. Mo Jia can see Du Lian, also shows that Du Lian is indeed a superior, but unfortunately Du Widow did not promise to get married with Mo family, without him, because Mo Jia wants to recruit a door-to-door son-like.
        Du, the widow, no matter how greedy for money, it is impossible to let her own seedlings go to be a female son-like. It is not to raise a son for others. She has worked hard for so many years and has not worked hard.
        "What does this matter have to do with that?"
        Therefore, there is a gap between this person and the IQ of the person. Hu mind is really not a -mute widow.
        "As the saying goes, there is a woman who asks for a job, and it is the same for men. If you don't give a little excitement, can you agree with the two rooms and two couples? Well, I won't tell you, I have to hurry home."
        After that, Hu door went out of the Du family.
        Du widow behind her, her face was unpredictable. For a long time, she took a sigh of relief: "Lu family is on you, it is really bad for eight generations!"
        After a few words in her mouth, she remembered the purse in her hand.
        Open the money bag and pour out the copper plate inside. Du widow counted and his face was even more ugly.
        "A dead trick! This is a call for Hanako!"
        When Hu returned to Lu, Lu Jao-yue was feeding chicken in the yard.
        She carried a small basin, and when she learned that Mei chicken was usually fed, her mouth stated, and the big cock led the hens to come near, and they caught them. A chicken food spilled out. In the past few days, Lu Jao-yue has helped Mie to do something she can, and now Mei is not detaining her, and she is not allowed to work.
        For a time, the yard was full of giggling sounds.
        "Moon, I am feeding chicken. Recently, I have become more and more diligent and sensible. The Miss is going to be like this." Hu smiled. When she faced Lu Jao-yue, she was always a kind and loving person. The look of the aunt.
        Lu Jao-yue glimpsed a little, convulsed the eyelashes and called the aunt.
        Hu walked over and took out a paper bag from his pocket and handed it to her.
        "Hey, the cakes bought by the aunts are taken back to the house to eat."
        Lu Jao-yue put down the chicken food bowl in his hand and rubbed his hand on the apron. "Auntie, still don't want it, you take it back to the little Miss to eat. I am not too small, how can I still be like a child?" Greedy." Sao Nu Nu is the daughter of Lu Guangren, the eldest son of the big house. Hu granddaughter, who is only two years old this year, is also the first child of the grandchildren.
        Hu smiled and put a paper bag into the hands of Lu Jao-yue.
        "Okay, if you grow up again, in the eyes of the aunt, it is still the little painful month. Come, hold, don't be polite with the aunt."
        Because of the two acres of land, Lu Jao-yue, although there is no conclusive evidence to prove what Hu has done in it, can face her, more or less in her heart, so that she can no longer be as Hu is intimate. It’s just that it’s not good to have a cold face in front of me, so it looks awkward.
        When people are stunned, they will feel a little restrained. Therefore, Lu Jao-yue holds the paper bag in his hand, and he does not take it.
        Hu looked at her questioningly: "Why, is it still polite with the aunt?"
        Lu Jao-yue shook his head and was about to say something. There was a voice coming from the side.
        "His aunt, you buy cakes, don't just think about Jao-yue, and Lu Liulang is still watching here, you can't say that you only bought one pack."
        It is the three-year-old Qiao of Lu Jao-yue.
        She has a goose egg face, apricot eyebrow eyebrows, looks good, but the look on the face destroys the beauty. At this time, she was holding the five-year-old Lu Lang, standing in front of the three houses and squinting and looking over here.
        "Six Lang, ask your aunt to eat pastries."
        In the mouth, Qiao put the six lang down, and Lu Lang really ran here, one bite, I want to eat cakes.
        The five-year-old male baby is the time when cats and dogs are tired. In particular, Lu Lang has always been used by Qiao to be overbearing. When Hu did not take the cake for himself, she held her leg and licked her clothes.
        Hu face is a bit ugly. She really bought a pack, and even her own Miss did not want to give it, she was ready to give Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-yue is not a shu-born, naturally seeing the embarrassment on Hu face. Originally, she didn't want this piece of cake. It was Hu strong pull for her. In this case, she simply gave Liulang. So he pulled Lu Lang over and bent down and said: "Six Lang, hey, no, this is for you."
        Lu Lang took over and did not say thank you to Lu Jao-yue. He ran to the leg of Qiao. He tore the paper bag and ate it with the pastry inside. Eaten and gorged, the slag of the pastry is full of faces.
        Here Lu Jao-yue stood up straight and smiled at Hu sly. "Since Lu Lang wants to eat, give him a meal. I am a sister, and I can't compete with my brother for food."
        Hu nodded and said nothing. She knew that Lu Jao-yue move was to solve her problem, and that Qiao is a shameless, and he did it in the face of the junior.
        Qiao was not shy at all, but he praised Lu Jao-yue: "It’s still a good month, and it’s not stingy to the younger brother, unlike some people-"
        She has a long tone and a taunting tone.
        Hu was too lazy to care for her, and turned away.
        The machine between the elders and the elders was not the same as Lu Jao-yue. When the aunt went away, she was busy picking up the chicken bowl and preparing to leave.
        I know that he was stopped by Qiao.
        She turned her head in confusion, and Qiao squeezing her eyes and whispered: “Three sluts are good for you since childhood, and you are not bad for 咱六郎, just a few words. Don’t look at some people who are kind, In fact, there are so many ghosts in my heart, and I believe in her.
        Lu Jao-yue gave a slight glimpse.
        Qiao thought she didn't understand, and said: "Nothing to be diligent, not ‘Minister is stolen. Her man has always been good to anyone, who is kind to anyone, but who has seen her really?" She raised her hand Lu Jao-yue made a gesture of licking his fingers. "It’s all fake, it’s mad! There are so many children at home, I bought a pack of cakes. If no one gave it, I gave it to you. Are you more than Sao Nu? Got her heart?"
        After the talk, Qiao did not even know if Lu Jao-yue understood it. He pulled it up with a scorpion: "Apricot, are you dead? Didn't see your brother's pastry scum paste a face..."

 I have to say that although this person is quite arrogant, this is still quite reasonable.
        Seriously think about it, Hu really stays in the 2nd room, and he has always been close to his enthusiasm. The same is true for the three rooms, but it always feels less.
        Since childhood, Hu likes to buy a little bit of money from Lu Jao-yue from time to time, and no one has given Lu Jao-yue. Especially in the recent period, this behavior is much more frequent.
        A lot of things can't stand the thoughts. Once you think about it, you will come up with a lot of things.
        Lu Jao-yue took the chicken bowl to the chicken nest and put it down. He used a basin to wash the water. He washed his hands and could still hear the sound of the previous three 婶 婶 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂.
        She is not a good person to say that she is not easy to say. Looking at her behavior in the most days, she always feels that she is an unclear person, and she is very arrogant, and there are too many people who don’t want to see her. It can be seen that she is doing today, and it makes people feel a little unclear.
        Lu Jao-yue remembered that she had said this to her in the past, but it was a pity that she did not listen to her heart at the time. Instead, she thought that Sancha was because she was not in harmony with her mother.
        Lu Jao-yue stood in the vegetable garden for a while, then poured the water from the basin into the vegetable field and turned to go to the three houses. When entering the house, I found that the aunt was sitting in the hall and talking to her mother. Lu Jao-yue licked his mouth and snorted, and he sat down next to Mei.
        In the past, with the character of Lu Jao-yue, she will be sensible to avoid, it is always bad for juniors to listen to their elders. Her younger grandmother taught her this way. But this time Lu Jao-yue didn't want to go, she wanted to know what the big aunt wanted to say to her.
        As soon as Lu Jao-yue came in, Hu and Mei voices stopped. At this time, when Lu Jao-yue sat down, the words naturally could not be said.
        The atmosphere was a little bit awkward. What Mei was trying to say to her daughter, Hu stood up and smiled at her: "He is 2nd, I am leaving. I told you about the things you said before, after all, I It is towards your own children."
        Mei brow was locked and nodded. "That's a big slap, you walk slowly."
        After Hu departure, Lu Jao-yue asked casually: “Mother, what did the aunt say to you?”
        Mei sorrow came over and looked at her daughter: “You, this child, what is this?” He folded the clothes that had just been recovered from the outside, and when he saw her, it was full of thoughts.
        Lu Jao-yue grinned and asked, "But what about the two acres of land?"
        Mei glimpse, stopped the action in his hand, looked up at his daughter with surprise.
        "Moon, how do you know?"
        Du family wants two acres of land, and Mei has been swaying over men, saying that she can’t tell her daughter, she afraid of her daughter’s troubles.
        "The daughter heard you and said this thing." Lu Jao-yue eyebrows drooped down, whispered.
        Mei Shi did not speak, Lu Jao-yue thought that her mother was angry, she overheard her parents, and hurriedly said: "The daughter also inadvertently heard. Mother, the family is not rich in money, the big brother has to be a pro, if not, the Du family The marriage was pushed."
        This is the first time Lu Jao-yue has disputed his marriage for the rest of his life.
        Like most Miss of the same age, she accepts the dogma of being married from the father at home. Although the country family is not strict with this requirement, the Miss who are usually in the middle of the family will not interject in their marriage. At most, when the mother asks if she is willing, if she is willing to talk, she will say something.爹娘的'.
        In fact, it is not because you are not willing. Since parents can ask their own daughters, they have already talked about things. Can you say that you are not willing? Even if you don't want to, the family will have countless rhetoric and reasons to convince you.
        In particular, Lu Jao-yue grew up in the education of her grandmother Lu, and Lu was a southerner. Southerners pay more attention to their daughters than the northerners, so they will have a gentle and supple personality. .
        It is also because of the experience of the previous life, Lu Jao-yue will have the courage to say this, but she has never changed her life.
        Sure enough, Mei was used to her daughter's obedience and did not listen to her words.
        "Don't worry about this, what do you do with the care of the children?"
        "Okay, you can rest assured that my mother will do it for you."
        Upon hearing this, Lu Jao-yue heart sank, and it seems that her mother had made up her mind.
        Her heart could not help but be anxious, busy: "Mother, I don't want to marry Du."
        When she said that she did not dare to go to see Mei, she knew that if she said this, her mother would reprimand her.
        Mei face was surprised: “What’s wrong? Didn’t you agree with this?”
        It is said that it was the beginning, not now! At the beginning, she did not expect that she would become like that. Her mother-like did not expect that if she had not experienced everything in her life, Lu Jao-yue would not say that she did not want to marry Du family. Unfortunately, this was not the beginning. .
        "All in all, I don't want to marry Du." Lu Jao-yue hung her head, whispering but stubbornly said.
        Mei understanding of her daughter’s personality did not make her words a joke. She thought that her daughter had always been soft and timid. She did not take the sternness of reprimanding her sons. Instead, she looked at her face and looked at her daughter seriously.
        "Then let's talk about it, why do you suddenly don't want to marry Du family?"
        Lu Jao-yue sighed and said: "There is no reason for the man to dowry the woman."
        Mei sighed and answered her daughter very seriously: "There is really no reason for the man to dowry the woman, but it is not because the family is not good. Last year, your cuckoo got sick and sold the last two acres of the house. I am afraid that the livelihood has become a problem now. Because of this, the mother has also been angry, and she feels that Du is too unreasonable. I can think about it. If you really marry to their home, the mother’s situation is It hurts how you will live in the future. Instead of subsidizing you, it is better to be generous before you become a relative, so that you can give you a longer face."
        It seems that Mei private is not without careful consideration. It is really good to do so, that is, to give her daughter a long face, but also to let Du family owe their own love, women dowry more, in the waist of the Madam can also be harder.
        Mei inside and outside thoughts were good. The only thing that was not considered was that Du mother and son were not good. Du Jia is a wolf cave, and Du Lian is not a good person. What kind of righteousness and affection are in front of the interests, they are not considered, and there is no benefit to benefit. Nothing is said about ungratefulness.
        "Kanadu is not a good person!" After the words came out, Lu Jao-yue reacted to what he said.
        Sure enough, Mei worriedly reached out and touched her daughter’s forehead: “Moon, what happened to you? How can you say such a thing, your Du Fu family is really poor, but it’s okay to follow the good guys, you should Wouldn't it be what the outsiders said?"
        Having said that, Mei frowned.
        In which village, there are some long-lost women who like to say that people are short-lived. Mei hate this set very much, so she has never been allowed to associate with such people. Of course, it is not unreasonable for Mei to ask this question. Lu Jia has a 'long tongue woman who likes to say that the long-term person is short. The man is Qiao. Therefore, Mei suspicion of Qiao thought that Jo said something to his daughter in the back.
        This person of Qiao personality has always harmed others, and I can’t see the big room and the 2nd room. Let Mei thought, she really did this kind of thing.
        "It won't be what you said to you?"
        Lu Jao-yue sighed and thought that her mother was really a god, how can she even know what Sancha and she had said. Then she reacted. Her mother misunderstood something. She said: "The three don't say anything to me. I listened to others."
        "What did others say?"
        Lu Jao-yue thought about it and said: "It is a sloppy person to say that Du Fuzi is very bad. Whoever marries her family is unlucky!" This is the story of Lu Jiayue marriage to Du family after listening to the outsiders. It’s a pity that she hadn’t heard this before she married.
        Unfortunately, Mei is even more misunderstood, and she is sure that this 'other is Qiao. Lu Jao-yue rarely went out on most days, and the rumors outside the rumors would not come to her ears, so that she could hear her, except for the family of Qiao.
        Mei efforts to suppress the anger in his heart, and make up his mind can not let go of Qiao. She has always valued her daughter's education, and how can she allow Qiao to use her rumors to smear her daughter's ears.
        "You Du Fuzi people are really amazing, but that is no way. A widow pulls three children, not too much to stand up to the portal. You used to be like this, you don't want to listen to that. 'Hey said.'
        Because of Hu relationship, Mei time to know Du widow is not short. She is watching the Duwi widows become a little bit like this. It is all about money.
        When Du Xiucai went there, Du neighbors had no idea of ​​playing Du property. Du widow couldn’t help but couldn’t help but ask Hu sister. At that time, Lu Ming-hai Brother did not have to support a few widows and widows, so Mei reason was very clear.
        It can be said that it is money, and Mei does not know that life will change things and will change some people.
        Mei picking out some of the things of the year, I want to dispel the thought in my daughter’s head that 'Du widow is not a good person', so that she can understand that the reason why Du Widow will become like this is forced by life. Her nature is good.
        And Lu Jao-yue desperate discovery, she could not convince her mother, she racked her brains and could not think of a reason to stand up to convince her mother.
        Can it be said that she must tell her family that she actually lived for two lifetimes? !
        Looking at her daughter's frustrated look, Mei thought to teach her a few words of thought, suddenly dispelled.
        She thought that her daughter was mostly afraid of her heart. She thought that when she married Lu Jia, she was so troubled, or that her mother repeatedly advised her that Lu 2nd child is a good one, and that your future days will definitely be harmonious and beautiful. Let her slowly dispel the embarrassment of her heart.
        Therefore, Mei mother was so strict in front of her children that she did not know how to express her motherly gentleness. It was rare to soften the tone and pull her daughter into her arms and learn to comfort her daughter.
        "Moon, don't think too much about it. Mother and you did not have the discretion of the Du family marriage. You are a sister of your aunt. You have been familiar with each other for many years. After you marry, Your Du Fuzi will definitely treat you not bad. She is awesome, but it is also an outsider, but not for you. And she is capable, and it is a good hand inside and outside. You don’t have to use it after you marry. As for Du Jianai, I believe that you also know his nature, gentle and courteous, and treat people with sincerity... Although Du is difficult now, but Du Dun has taken a test, Du life is better... ”

 In the evening, after washing a lot, the two rooms and two lie down on the donkey.
        Meh finally got to the air and told her husband what happened in the day.
        After listening to Lu Ming-hai, he fell into meditation.
        After a while, I said: "That is to say, the Mo family in NiuJao- Village also looks at the Du family boy? Isn't Mojia looking for a door-to-door son-like?"
        Mei Shi said:
         "I heard Daxie said, Mo Jia said, do not recruit Du Jia Xiao zi as a female son-like, as long as they become pro-, the two children gave birth to the first male to surname Mo."
        This is a good way. After all, compared with the door-to-door son-like, it is nothing more than letting the first male person surnamed Mo.
        "What does the Du family mean?"
        "Listen to Daxie, Du is still waiting for us here. After all, the two are relatives, and they all know the roots."
        Lu Ming-hai nodded. "This Du family is keeping its promise and has not been stunned by silver money."
        Mei also nodded and said: "So let this family do it! This way, the left and right have already decided, I will take time to return to my mother's house tomorrow."
        Lu Ming-hai stunned and responded with apologizing: "It's hard for you, and I don't have the skills."
        Mei don’t care: “What are you talking about? Let’s just don’t make it up for a while, and it’s not that we don’t.”
        Lu Ming-hai is not a temperamental temper. He said: "You explain the explanation with your mother, and the silver is back when we have it."
        Meh glanced at him: "This is still for you."
        After talking for a while, the two men turned off the lights.
        Early the next morning, Lu Ming-hai picked up the tofu pick and went out to sell the tofu.
        After breakfast, Mei and her mother-like Cui said that they had to go back to their parents. Cui did not say anything. Instead, Qiao, who listened to one ear, snorted: "The 2nd time back to her family is really diligent."
        Mei did not care about her, and Qiao was such a temper. If she was concerned with her, she would be mad. Cui also did not care about Qiao, but only told Mee earlier to return, so as not to catch up with the village cattle cart.
        While listening to Lu Jao-yue, she fell into meditation, and then did not know what she thought of, and proposed to go to the grandfather with Mei.
        The daughter did not go to her family for a while, and Mei did not refuse. Her mother-like has always had a painful month, so she should take her daughter back to visit the two old men.
        After returning to the house, Mei accounted for the 2nd son Lu Guangzhi and his youngest son, Wu Lang, and went out with his daughter.
        Goro was going to go out together, but Mei return to her family today is something to do, and she did not take him. Or Lu Jao-yue promised to bring him glutinous rice to eat, Lu Guangzhi said that he would take him to go up the mountain to play, he finally agreed.
        Meijia is located in Lihualing, about 40 to 50 miles away from Daxi Village. It takes half an hour to ride the cart. Daxi Village has an ox cart to Lihualing. It takes two yuan to sit once. Both Mei and Lu Jao-yue often went to Lihualing. The two went out of their homes. After a long walk, they stopped at the side of the road. It was only a short time ago that there was a oxcart at the end of the road.
        "Lu Jia Erzi, go back to my mother's house?"
        The cow slammed a whip and the oxcart stopped at the side of the road. There are not many people sitting in the oxcart today, only two people are sitting in the car.
        Mei smiled and nodded, and stated with the cow, and took his daughter to the cart.
        The two men sitting on the cart didn't know Mei, so she didn't talk after she got in the car. Lu Jao-yue was in a state of confusion at this moment. After getting on the bus, she was pretending to be a little sleepy. She was dozing off on Mee body, but she was thinking about her own thoughts.
        Yes, she knows why her mother suddenly returned to her family.
        She remembered that she should have been a big brother in her life, and she was already ready to hire her. I don't know why it was delayed for one year. Instead, she was a sister, and she was in front of her older brother.
        At this time, Lu Jao-yue was a real enlightenment. It seems that the two acres of land are making parents feel embarrassed. The family has not yet separated, and they have to pay the money to the public, two acres of fine land. Not a decimal, at least twenty-two dollars can be done. Presumably, the reason why the big brother was delayed for a year is because the silver is used on her.
        From now on, her mother's heart is also reluctant to succumb to the big brother. After all, the brother's affair has already been fixed, and the squatting has been delayed for one year, but this year is no longer a mistake. This is the intention of the mother to find her grandfather to find a way to borrow money, to see if they can both.
        Trying to remember the memories of the last life, Lu Jao-yue vaguely remembered that before her family had been detained, her mother also returned to her family, but it seems that she did not borrow money. Otherwise, her older brother would not be delayed.
        Could it be said that the older mother did not borrow money from her grandparents?
        What happened to the accident?
        Outside the grandmother and a few of our love for the mother, mother can not borrow money, then it must be what happened in the middle.
        Lu Jao-yue left and thought that she didn't think of a reason, but she also realized that this is a good opportunity.
        Mother really hurts her, but her brother is no less than her, and she certainly does not want to delay her older brother. If this time I couldn’t borrow money because of an accident, maybe she would knock the drums from the side and let the family push the Du family family away.
        Also, she can look for a small sister, Xiao Xiao is so smart, she will definitely help her.
        Thinking so, Lu Jao-yue fell asleep in a dream.
        In the confusion, she felt that the ox cart was moving forward and backward, and it seemed that she was on the car again. Her mother seemed to be talking to someone. I don't know how long it took, the oxcart suddenly stopped suddenly.
        When Lu Jao-yue opened her eyes, there was still some reaction, but she soon felt that the atmosphere was somewhat wrong.
        She looked sideways at the Meis sitting next to her, only to see her mother look very serious, holding her arm in her hand, it seems a bit restrained. Going to see aside, I don’t know when there are many people on the cart, there are men and women, old and young. There are two other people in their Daxi village, one is Guihuazi, and the other is Lu Erjia.
        The look of everyone in the car was very abnormal. It seemed to be a little nervous. The slightly low-pitched eyes were filled with fear, jealousy, and disgust and fear.
        Lu Jao-yue looked at the eyes of everyone and saw the man standing in front of the car.
        The man does not see how many years he is from the outside, but it can be seen that there is no more than thirty. The figure is very tall, and the man in the north is not low, but he seems to be half a head higher. The skin is black, the slender single eyelids, the tall nose and the thin lips. The scorpion meat, through the thick clothes, can see the muscles of the bulging sac.
        This is a man who looks like a handsome, but not ugly man. What is even more awkward is his imposing manner and his sense of oppression in his tall and strong body, like a hill.
        He looked cold and looked at people who were very uncomfortable to speak.
        Lu Jao-yue curiously blinked, is this talent causing the abnormality of the car?
        Who is he?
        Thinking about it, she seems to realize that she is staring at people, especially a man, and some are wrong. Hurry and squinted, and smashed to the side of Mei. Mei also felt her daughter's restraint, and her body subconsciously blocked her daughter, and her hand was appeased like a pat on her hand.
        The car is very quiet, but Nu Da seems to have been familiar with this person for a long time, and does not appear to be cautious.
        "Into the child, are you going to the town?"
        The man nodded and went to the car without saying anything.
        The oxcart is not big, the rear slab is deliberately lengthened, but only a dozen people can be seated. Nowadays, a lot of people have already sat, and there are only two vacancies left. The man sits in the car and squats in the place where he is sitting.
        Everyone, even if it is squeezing a point, and they are not willing to rely on the person too close.
        Lu Jao-yue feels a little crowded. She doesn't like to be too close to the unfamiliar people. At this time, she smells the scent of sweat from Lu Er's body, and suddenly has the urge to cover her nose.
        However, her nature is pure and kind. Even if she has lived a lifetime, she has experienced so much in her life and has not erased her nature. Therefore, she can't do this kind of untimely action, just a slight sideways face. I was afraid to bury my face on my mother's shoulder.
        Han Jin can't help but feel annoyed.
        He had seen her in the car, and he wanted to take a ride with the car. He had thought that he would be fooled by her.
        Is she so afraid of him?
        Thinking about it, Han Jin’s face couldn’t help but be colder. He went close to see some scarred scars and stretched tightly. His body was faintly suffocating. Let people who are sitting next to him think that he is offended, and people have gone aside.
        The cow was a big bang, the subconscious swayed the whip, and the oxcart stopped.
        I saw a figure jumping from the cart and throwing two copper plates on his hand.
        "Into the child, you are not sitting?" The cow was surprised.
        No one answered him, and the tall and strong figure quickly disappeared into the distance. Nu Da looked back and looked at the crowd, and sighed.
        "In fact, the entry is not a bad person."
        Unfortunately, his voice was too low, and the people in the car saw that the gods got out of the car and they talked about it. The noisy vocals drowned the sound of the big cow. Only Lu Jao-yue, sitting in the front of the car, seemed to hear something, but it was unfortunate that it was not clear, and soon her attention was also attracted by the argument.
        What people in the car are talking about is the 'into the child in the mouth of the cow, that is, the person who is the only one.
        This person is surnamed Han, and is a member of Hanjiazhuang.
        This Hanjin is famous in the ten miles and eight towns. Of course, this famous name is not a good name, but a bad reputation.
        It is reported that Han Jin is not a good person from a urinary. When he was a child, he stole the chicken and touched the dog. He became famous in Hanjiazhuang. When he grew up, he didn’t want to be a professional and a bunch of sluts and ransacks.
        In the country, it is extremely serious to say that a person is not doing business.
        It is not easy for a family to ask for a life, to earn their lives with the sky, to eat by the sky, and to eat and live in the fields. Not doing business is not only saying that this person is lazy, but also that this person is not down-to-earth, does not do business, and is an unbelievable person.
        An untrustworthy person, in a place like the country, no one deals with it.
        It is said that this Hanjin is doing things in the county gambling house. Where is the gambling house? That is where the serious people will not go. For the people of the village, if they mention the gambling house, it means that the family is broken, selling the land to sell the house, and some even selling the Miss, in general, it is not good.
        And this Hanjin is a person who does things for the gambling house, naturally it is not a good person.
        In particular, he is said to have seen not only a lot of blood in his hands, but also his life, only because the boss of the gambling house has a large backstage, so he is still safe and sound, if he kills him a hundred times, he also has to get it.
        These rumors are diverse, and as a result, the name of Han Jin has the effect of stopping children in the Ten Miles. Lu Jao-yue has heard the name of this person in his life, but he has never seen this person before. He never imagined that Han Jin was actually like this.
        Somehow, Lu Jao-yue always felt that these people in the car were somewhat untrue.
        Stealing the chicken and touching the dog?
        Will such a person be a person who steals chickens and dogs?
        I can't imagine it!

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