LJNFH 20-24

LJNFH - Little Jao-Niang Of The Farmer's House


 Lu Ming-hai voice is very light.
        Lighter than cotton, it makes the atmosphere in the whole house stagnate.
        Aside from the heart, I was prepared to plan that if the man allowed me to let her go, she would be desperate with him, the tears that had just been collected, and the sighs flowed down again. Old Lu Han shook hands, the dry cigarette bag fell to the ground, and Cui finely shattered whine sounded. Hu heart sighed with relief and let go of his hand holding the man’s horn. Finally, did not let the man rush ahead.
        The three-bedroom people have two rooms who do not agree. It is not important that the big house agrees or not.
        Obviously Old Lu Han understood this truth. He snorted and his old face was full of pain: "That is your sister, you are letting her die."
        This is the first time Old Lu Han has been so painful in front of his son-like, even if it was the last time that everyone had to make up the money, Old Lu Han is also the face of a family member. It is so arrogant that it cannot be questioned. . Both Lu Ming-chuan and Lu Ming-hai were accustomed to filial piety. They couldn’t help but panic, and they were helpless.
        'Ploping', it was Lu Jao-yue who did not know when it rushed over and squatted on the ground.
        Her face is full of tears: "Yeah, I beg you, the big brother's marriage can't be delayed anymore..."
        Lu Jao-yue move was too abrupt, but no one could think about why she did this. However, it is obvious to the eye that Lu Ming-hai has gone back to her eyes because of her actions.
        Lu Guangzhi came over and pulled her, and when she saw that she couldn’t get up, she went down with her.
        Mei rushed over and squatted, and kept the two children behind him: “爹娘, don’t blame him, don’t blame two children, if you complain, blame me, my daughter-like is not sensible. I I can't stand it, I can't delay my son again!"
        Said that she is selfish, saying that she is ruthless, anyway, Lu Jao-yue has already thought about it, this time must not retreat. Maybe they will give up this time, and they can really get a little aunt's temporary stability. She understands the meaning of the milk, but it is to let it happen for a while, but just wait another year. Can not mention the big brother's marriage can not wait, who knows if the young aunt will not get sick next year? After all, in her impression, the little aunt who stayed in the western part of the house all the year round was always sick and sick, and the whole family was tossed.
        Just when she is selfish and ruthless, in short, can't let the big brother who has always been honest and honest suffer again.
        Qiao also squatted down and cried louder than anyone else: "Hey, I beg you and my mother, let me go, how are you? You not only have one shi-nu, but also so many sons and grandchildren, we can’t Just for her Lu Guili..."
        For a time, the room was full of crying.
        The big room two couples were completely stunned by the actions of the two-bedroom, three-bedroom and two-bedroom people, especially Hu, who was completely on the spot. However, she quickly reacted. Instead of coming back, she turned her head and took a step back.
        At this moment, a -calling voice sounded, the voice was too sharp, and all the people crying was suppressed.
        "Boss, 2nd, 3rd" -
        I saw Cui, who had been sitting there and didn’t talk, suddenly stood up and rushed to pull the hands of Lu Ming-chuan’s 3rd Brother. The old eyes were full of prayers.
        "Mother asks you, I want you to be the mother! You save the 2nd Miss, you save the 2nd Miss! She is your sister, is a piece of meat that fell from the mother! I was afraid that she could not live. She took her in her arms for a few months before she was raised. She was so small, she didn’t have two slaps, and you still remember it right? Boss, Guangli is only 14 this year. I have two years. The 2nd child, the mother knows that she should not say such a thing, but that is your sister... You can rest assured that Yier will wait for another year. After seeing the 2nd Miss, we will leave her alone. Now, let's save money for the righteous, and let him be a relative next year..."
        "Mother-" Mei couldn't help but stated, "You can't delay it at home, and there are months, and the moon should be married."
        Lu Jao-yue and Lu Guangzhi are also facing each other. Especially Lu Jao-yue, she has always been soft and supple, and at this time she can't help but rise up for a while.
        In fact, everyone knows that Cui words are very empty, and they have been in charge for more than ten years. How could it be irrelevant? If it doesn't matter, don't care now, why bother to cure the disease and leave it alone. Isn't that a superfluous addition?
        Cui ignorance: "Mother wants you, please you..."
        Seeing that none of the three sons spoke, Cui slammed down and rushed to the three sons.
        "Mother wants you, mother wants you..."
        "‘Madam ‘Madam’..." Old Lu Han squinted and cried.
        In the end, a few Lu Ming-chuan Brother still could not survive their own mother.
        Cui, who is a mother-like, is like that. What can I do as a son? Only honest and honest. Unfilial piety is a big crime, especially Lu Guili is a relative of several people, saying that he does not want to make money, but who can pass the hurdle.
        After the dust settled, the big house and the 2nd room will be handed over to the public. Hu did not think about it. Anyway, after Mei self-inflicted, he didn’t have a good face. He even had a gloomy face for a few days, and even Lu Ming-hai words were less.
        Not to mention the three rooms, although the three rooms and two children are self-interested, it is not a big sinister person. The big house and the 2nd room are all defeated, and they can’t hold on to their three rooms.
        Just out of the silver out of my heart is extremely wrong, Lu Ming-shan did not go to the ground for a few days, just picking his own goods to go out to earn money, the money earned is not paid to the public, and Qiao is even more Fell and beat at home, so that the whole house can not be clean.
        Lu Guili has also returned from the medical hall. She can't see anything from her appearance. It is still pale and quiet, quiet and silent. When she got home, she stayed in her own house. Cui was taken care of by her, and she did not dare to ask three daughter-like to help her.
        As for Old Lu Han, I don’t show up every day, I come back when it’s dark, and I’m throwing my mind into the ground. It was only a few days, and the whole person seemed to be like an old tree root exposed to the sun and exposed to the sun, dry and old.
        After a few days, after leaving the city in Lu Ming-hai, Mei went out quietly and came back very late. Lu Jao-yue asked her where she was going, she did not say.
        On this day, Mei family returned home with a rare smile on his face.
        Lu Jao-yue is doing embroidery work in the room.
        “Do not do some needlework, is your grandmother’s example not deep enough?”
        Lu Jao-yue had a good embroidered art, which was passed to her by her grandmother Lu.
        Lu is a southerner. In his early years, he worked as a embroidered mother in a large family, and had a skillful embroidered art. Later, because of some accidents, it fell to the north, and it was a coincidence that she married the old man.
        Lu Shi was embroidered for some years. When she was young, she had problems with dry eyes and dazzling eyes. So after she became a pro, Mei Laohan stopped her to let her move less. Later, when he gave birth to Mei, Lu wanted to teach this craft to his daughter. In their hometown, embroidered art is passed to the mother by the mother, and then passed on.
        I don’t know if Mei has no such talent at all, and he is anxious and has no patience. I only learned a little shallow with my mother, can make clothes to make clothes, but others are no longer learning.
        This matter was put on hold until Mei Shi gave birth to Lu Jao-yue.
        When Lu Jao-yue was a child, she lived in the Mei family for a long time. She grew up under the education of Lu. She also followed Lu gentleness and gentleness. It was not like a northern woman, but more like a southerner. What surprised Lu surprise was that her granddaughter completely inherited her talent in embroidery, so she taught her craft to her granddaughter without any reservation.
        This matter is not willing to fight together with Mei, because she knew that her mother’s eyes were not good because she was younger and embroidered. But she couldn't bear to let her mother down, she could only learn from her daughter. Just turned around, she gave her daughter a rule, can learn, but can not be too much, ordinary times can not move the needle thread, do not move the needle.
        Therefore, although Lu Jao-yue has a good embroidered work, it is rarely used at home on most days, except when she makes clothes for her family.
        "I give clothes to the 2nd brother, and the clothes of the boy don't need to be embroidered." Lu Jao-yue said. She put the things in her hand into the needlework, and put it in the cabinet, and then she came down. Seeing that Mei face was full of sweat, he took the pot and went out to fetch water.
        After Mei self-cleaning up, he sat down on the donkey. “Mother’s recent time has something to do, maybe not at home, you look at your two younger Brother at home.”
        Lu Jao-yue gave a slight glimpse, lowered his eyes and asked: "Mother, but what is it?"
        "Nothing, you don't care about Darens in your children's home."
        Lu Jao-yue licked her mouth and looked up at Mei.
        Mei daughter was stubborn and sighed and said: “Mother found a job in the town and can earn some money every day. You should not tell me about it.”
        Lu Jao-yue hand on the skirt was slightly tightened.
        A woman, or a woman who is a pro, can find something to do in the town? Left is just a lot of hard work to help people wash dishes and wash dishes.
        In the last generation, Lu Jao-yue moved to the county with the Du family. Because there was no money in the family, she had been cheeky and went out to work. But for half a month, she could not persist because it was too hard.
        She carefully pressed the whimper in her throat and asked, "Mother, what is it doing? Can it be hard?"
        Mei eyes looked at her daughter, and she didn’t care: “It’s not hard, it’s a friend who was not married when she was married. She helped a family to cook, and only made two meals a day. It’s a light save, it’s a delay. You can get back in the 2nd half. In short, you don’t want to talk to you about this. If he asks, you will say that I have something to go back to my family."
        Since the incident, Lu Ming-hai has become less and less at home. Usually he went out to sell tofu, usually it will come back at noon. If there is no work in the field, he will go out in the afternoon and come back when the sky is dark. Now Lu Ming-hai is almost greedy at the beginning of the morning, and he will not come back at noon.
        Of course, he also does the work in the field. He often gets up early in the morning, and then goes out after finishing the work together. During this time, Lu Jao-yue has been paying attention to her mother, and naturally knows this.
        She knows why she is like this, but she is just spending more money on the outside to sell more tofu, so I can give money to my brother. The same is true of her mother.
        In fact, Lu Jao-yue knows that her mother is cheating her, and it is only two meals a day to help a family. Generally, people who have money are buying people. If they can't afford to buy someone, they are also employed. So this is a lie that her mother made for her heart.
        But Lu Jao-yue couldn't bear to smash, she understood her mother's mind, so she could only nod on the face, but her heart secretly slammed her strength.
        Every day, Mei forefoot goes out, and Lu Jao-’s foot will put the embroidery work out and do it. It’s usually a whole day. It should be very tired, but she is full of energy.
        In this world, she must not let her fate repeat the same mistakes. She must not let Daxie suffer from ridicule and anger and anger to the big brother because of the marriage, which led to the two people who had good feelings, because of this matter.
        Thinking that the last generation was always full of inexplicably tired big brother, Lu Jao-yue wiped his eyes and buried his head.

 Since that day, Mei has also started to come out early and late.
        Occasionally Lu Ming-hai came back earlier without seeing his ‘Madam’, and had asked twice, and was perfunctored by Lu Jao-yue with an excuse given by Mei.
        Lu Ming-hai knew that his ‘Madam was still angry with her, but his mother was so eager to ask them, when the son refused. If you can't refuse it, you can only make a lot of money to make money. If he has no other skills, he will sell the tofu. If you run two miles, you can sell more tofu, and you can sell more tofu. To make a little money, the most important thing for the family is the strength.
        Lu Ming-hai was very tired, but he didn't find it himself. He went home every day and went to sleep and fell asleep. Therefore, he did not find the anomaly of his ‘Madam’.
        And Mei has been out for a few days, even if she came back with a relaxed dress, but Lu Jao-yue is still from the fatigue of her eyebrows occasionally, knowing that her mother's work is not easy.
        Her inner worry is anxious, but she can't do anything else, she can only take care of all the housework at home. Then, when the mother returns, give them a bowl of hot rice or prepare a bath.
        In addition to Lu Jao-yue, only Lu Guangzhi discovered some clues.
        On this day, after the two-room two went out, Lu Guangzhi came to Lu Jao-yue room.
        "What's wrong?" Lu Jao-yue looked up from her embroidered work and looked at her brother.
        Lu Guangzhi grinned and said: "Nothing, two dogs, they have to go up the mountain to cut wood, I will go with them."
        Lu Jao-yue put down the needle thread in his hand, and slightly smashed Lu Mei: "How to cut wood again, you have been going up the mountain to cut wood in the past few days. I think the firewood in the firewood room is almost full."
        Lu Guangzhi looked stiff and said: "Where there are more firewood, the two dogs called me, I went with them."
        Lu Jao-yue did not say anything else and nodded.
        Lu Guangzhi soon went out.
        Lu Jao-yue thought about it, changed his clothes, and quietly followed him and went out.
        Since she went to the county to do her work, the work of washing clothes at home was all packaged by Lu Jao-yue, so she was aware of the abnormalities of her 2nd brother. Lu Guangzhi did not know that the clothes he changed every day were very dirty, and the gray rushing, even if the wood was washed up, it would not be dirty.
        Far from seeing my brother out of the village, I turned to a dirt road.
        Lu Jao-yue took a look, this is the way to the town. She has a lot of inner feelings, but she doesn't care much about it. She bites her teeth and lifts her feet behind her.
        Just walked all the way.
        Lu Guangzhi was very alert, and Lu Jao-yue did not dare to approach it. It was only smothered, as long as it was not lost.
        From Daxi Village to Yuntian Town, if you walk, it will take almost half an hour.
        Lu Jao-yue has never walked this long way, and she is also holding on to her teeth. Her heart is like being fried in a frying pan, worrying and angry, and speculation in her mind. I clearly have an answer in my heart, but I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it.
        It was very hot, she was panting and sweating.
        Lu Guangzhi has gone a long way and can only see a black spot. Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but feel anxious and speeded up. He didn't notice the movement behind him.
        A carriage passed by her side and suddenly stopped not far from her. Lu Jao-yue didn't think much about it. He continued to move forward. When he passed the carriage, a voice stopped her.
        "You are Jao-yue?"
        Lu Jao-yue glanced and looked up at the man on the carriage.
        It is the person named Han Jin, a friend of Sao Yan.
        She has a slight eyebrow and looks at each other with a puzzled look.
        Han Jin’s face was slightly condensed, and the dark black ink flashed a touch of color. “I am a friend of your little sister.” It seems to remind her.
        Lu Jao-yue nodded but did not speak.
        She has not heard much, especially when she is in front of outsiders.
        Han Jin was frustrated and could not help but cough twice. "Where are you going, I will take you on a journey." The eyes were inadvertently swept over her.
        Today, she didn't have the brightest dress on that day. She wore a blue cotton trousers, which seemed to be used for work. She had a headscarf on her head. At first glance, it was very inconspicuous, but look back. You can see the inner glory.
        Her skin is very white, like the white of the finest white jade, with a gentle and transparent feeling. The thin eyebrows, the watery apricot eyes, the lips are as delicate as the petals, and people can't help but want to take a bite.
        Because he always went in and out of Fengyuan Street on most days, Han Jin had seen many women. Even the kiln sister saw him as physically strong, and he was not bad, and he also had some money in his pocket. He wanted to hook him up. Han Jin can not see one, he is too dirty! Especially after seeing her, he even missed those women.
        Lu Jao-yue hesitated and shook his head. "Thank you, don't have to be so troublesome."
        Her voice was soft, soft and soft, and the heart of Hanjin was tickle. Seeing that she refused herself, she couldn’t help but say hard: "No trouble, get on the bus."
        Lu Jao-yue stood still, how could this person not understand the words, did he not understand what he meant? How could a Eldest Miss's family go to a man's car, especially a car that is not very familiar.
        She didn't know how to go to this person and said, she could only silently bypass the carriage and hang her head and move on. But after a few steps, I heard a hoof sounding behind me, and the car crossed her and stopped in front of her.
        Lu Jao-yue frowned.
        Still not waiting for her to speak, she listened to the other side: "Get on the bus, just rely on your footsteps, and people will be lost soon."
        Lu Jao-yue discovered that he couldn’t see the black spot in the distance, and he was in a hurry.
        "I am a friend of you for many years, don't you have anything to worry about?"
        Helpless, Lu Jao-yue can only get on the carriage.
        The carriage is a bit high, only by the height of Lu Jao-yue, she can only go up with the climb. But this kind of behavior is very difficult for her, she has never done such indecent action.
        Looking at the tall rut, Lu Jao-yue stayed, and his face slowly rose red.
        Han Jin actually wanted to help the top leader. He visually examined her physique. He picked her up with one arm. But he was excited at this moment, but he had not lost his mind, so he could only press down his inner commotion, jumped from the carriage, took a horse stool and placed it in front of her.
        Lu Jao-yue spit out a sigh of relief, and some grateful looked at each other.
        After getting on the bus, Han Jin whip and the carriage ran forward.
        "Who is the person you are with?" he asked, seemingly.
        He actually observed her for a while. He was going to the county. When he passed by Zhao Jiaxuan, he did not know how to make a fool to the Daxi village. He thought, maybe he could meet her? Obviously knowing this is impossible, I still can't help but think so, and I did it. I know that she actually met her, and she saw that she seemed to be tracking people.
        Lu Jao-yue paused for a moment, whispered: "It is my brother."
        Because she had to look at people, Lu Jao-yue did not sit in the carriage, but sat on the other side of the squat. Han Jin is very considerate, and it is clear that the horse footsteps can already surpass the previous Lu Guangzhi, but still pull the stables, slow down the speed, just slowly and far behind.
        Han Jin nodded and didn't ask more.
        Lu Jao-yue thought that this person was actually full of interest. If he asked for the reason, she really didn't know how to deal with him.
        The car is very quiet, Han Jin wants to find something to say.
        But he has never been a man of many words. He didn’t know what to say for a while. He was too diligent to perform, afraid to scare her, let him say something like a broken woman, he can’t of.
        At this moment, a few people came far away, Han Jin frowned, slightly hesitated, said: "You enter the car."
        Lu Jao-yue, a glimpse, has not responded.
        Han Jin stiffened his face and tried not to show his frustration in his heart.
        "Someone came over and was seen seeing you sitting in my car, which would hinder your reputation."
        Lu Jao-yue face was red, and suddenly he understood, and quickly moved to the carriage. After entering, the curtain was lowered from the inside.
        "Don't worry, your brother, I will help you watch."
        The voice of the other party came in from the outside of the car. Lu Jao-yue couldn’t help but think that he really is not like the legend.
        Only this time, Lu Jao-yue saw that the other party is not a bad person. The bad guys will notice that she can't climb the car and take the initiative to help her put down the bench? The bad guys will know that there is clue inside, but there is not much to ask for it. The bad guys will be afraid of breaking her reputation and take the initiative to remind her to avoid it?
        Especially he is a friend of Xiao yan, so he should not be a bad person.
        At this time, Han Jin, who is not a 'bad guy', is running stiffly in front of the few people. I was very angry that these people didn't know how to play. Why didn't they appear late and didn't appear late? It happened at the moment and delayed his relationship with her.
        The carriage quickly ran over, and Lu Jao-yue did not come out again, but continued to stay in the carriage. Because it is already close to Yuntian Town, there are more and more people on the road.
        I don't know how long it has passed, and there is a voice coming from outside.
        Lu Jao-yue wanted to rush out, and quickly picked up the curtain, knowing that Han Jin, who was turning around and talking to her, was right.
        Both of them were not armed and almost hit each other.
        "Ah!" Lu Jao-yue was surprised.
        Han Jin hurriedly retracted his hand holding her arm. "Are you okay?"
        The distance between the two is very close, and they can even feel the sound of each other's breathing. Lu Jao-yue breathed a tight, busy back and back, his face rose red. The curled fingers clenched and the fingertips were hot, and she seemed to have touched him.
        It was only a moment of touch, and Lu Jao-yue felt the firm texture of the other's clothes, which was hard and different from the older Brother.
        Han Jin felt a little regretful. He didn't open his eyes and cleared his throat. "You don't rush out, do you know the way? A Eldest Miss's family, one person running outside is not safe. I am you. Sao Yan’s friend can’t watch it. This way, I’ll have nothing to do at the moment. Where are you going, I will send you.”
        Lu Jao-yue only hesitated and agreed.
        In fact, for now, she is still the best in the carriage. She was a little anxious at that time. She didn't want to follow it. It was only then that the town was too close to their village. Maybe she would meet one or two acquaintances. When she passed back, she was heard by her mother. She will not have to go out in the future.
        If I change to a previous one, I won’t go out without going out, but now I can’t do it. She still has a lot to do.
        "Or continue to follow?"
        Lu Jao-yue gave a low voice and said: "Thank you, enter the uncle."
        The reason why she called this is because I listened to Nu Da called him that day. He is a friend of Sao Yan. They are peers. She naturally wants to be a dear.
        And Han Jin, who was called "Elders" for no reason, his face was black for a moment. He wanted to say something and felt that he couldn't refute it. He could only revert to one sentence: "You don't have to be so polite." The heart is really blocked.
        How come you become an uncle?
        I thought about it for a while, and he was relieved.
        Uncle, uncle, who told him to be Mei Zhuangyi 'friend', who told him to use the name of others and the shi-nu of others. He was still thinking about how to dispel the alienation between the two, which would save trouble.
        Han Jin can only think so hard.

 Lu Guangzhi has always felt that his physical strength is not bad, but he has come to the town all the way, and he is also very tired.
        He didn't have time to rest and went to the destination. He spent a few days here, and worked for a few more days, naturally familiar with the place.
        Going around a few roads, I went to a car.
        There was a very empty space in front of the car and horses. At this time, a lot of trucks were parked. Some of them were cool people who were working hard and were unloading from the car.
        Lu Guangzhi walked up to the front and entered a shed built of felt. Inside, a middle-aged man frowned and waved his hand when he saw him.
        "How come your kid is here again today? Today is unloading food, your kid can't move."
        Lu Guangzhi stood still.
        The man sighed and said: "How did your child persuade not to listen? How old are you, and your body is not yet well, how can you do this physical work."
        There is a coolie who just came to the name and is preparing to go out and pick up the goods. He also kindly advised him: "You listen to Hu boss and go back for a few years."
        Lu Guangzhi still stood still and did not speak.
        Hu Laoda thick eyebrows are so tight that he can’t help but be a stubborn kid. “But it’s gone. Go, let’s go, don’t get tired. I will help you to remember more when you get there. You don’t have to be too desperate.”
        Someone is joking at the side: "Hu Boda, you also help us to remember more."
        "That is."
        Hu Lao Da stated: "Going to go, there are difficulties in the home of the children. When you are so old, you can do this kind of physical work. Is it difficult for your family? Give me a quick job to get out."
        A lot of hard work laughed and haha ​​went out.
        "Thank you, Hu."
        Hu Laoda sighed and said: "I don't know what is the difficulty in your family, but I advise you, you can't do this kind of work."
        Lu Guangzhi bowed to him and went out.
        A pack of food has a hundred pounds. Others can pick up two or three packs at a time, and they can get four or five packs. Lu Guangzhi can only take one pack at a time. Even this bag is a burden that cannot be afforded for him. He is supported by a lot of strength.
        After finishing this morning's work, you can get twenty pennies. This is still Hu pity for him, and he is counted according to his Daren labor. Lu Guangzhi is thinking, when can he earn this twenty-character money with his own strength, he does not want to owe people.
        The situation at home Lu Guangzhi is clear, the big brother wants to be a relative, the older sister has to marry, the original family silver is not enough, and the grandmother is going to go to see a doctor for a large part. These days, he went out early and went home late. His mother and a woman also went out to find a job. Lu Guangzhi felt that she was not too young, and it was also appropriate to share the burden with the family.
        It’s just that he is young and weak, and he has to take advantage of his family. Only the work here can be cheaper. Lu Guangzhi had been wandering around the town for a long time before he chose it.
        Lu Guangzhi just finished a package of goods and walked out. His shoulders and waist were sore and so painful that he tried not to think about it. At this time, a person suddenly rushed to him.
        He looked up and turned out to be his sister.
        Lu Jao-yue tears her eyes and looks at her brother, clutching his arm tightly, "Follow me!"
        Lu Guangzhi did not struggle. At this time, it was silly to struggle again. He went to the corner behind his sister and found a place to stand down.
        "When did you come here? How long have you been doing?"
        Lu Jao-yue hated herself, why did she discover so late, why not stop it when she first discovered it, but secretly guessed it in her heart. Her 2nd brother was so young, he was doing such a heavy job! Lu Jao-yue saw that the 2nd brother was carrying a pack of goods. The whole person was bent. She felt that she was about to collapse on the spot. I didn’t know how to run off the carriage.
        "Not long, sister." Lu Guangzhi still wants to laugh, but in his sister's tears, his heart hangs his head, "it will work for five days."
        "go home with me!"
        "I still have no money to work on, and if I can't do it at noon, I can't get the money today." Lu Guangzhi still can't bear the twenty yuan.
        "The money is gone!"
        "Don't you listen to me?" Lu Jao-yue shook his hand and shivered, angry and anxious.
        "Sister, you let me finish today and say..."
        Not far away, Han Jin, who has been watching this side, sighed and walked over. Without saying anything, he lifted Lu Guangzhi collar, like a chicken, and took him to the carriage.
        Not only Lu Guangzhi was shocked, but even Lu Jao-yue. She took a small step to run behind, Lu Guangzhi was thrown into the carriage, Han Jin dropped a sentence: "Listen to your sister."
        Lu Guangzhi slammed into the car and jumped up. The face was alert and suspicious, like a puppy dog. Anyway, let Han Jin see, he is this feeling.
        "Who are you? How are you with my sister? What are your attempts?"
        In Lu Guangzhi point of view, his sister is beautiful and has a good personality. Many people in the village secretly like his sister. It’s just that his mother has always managed his sister very strictly. His sister is also not able to go out of the door, so those people can’t find an opportunity to contact his sister. Could it be said that he came to work in the town for a few days, was this person smashed into the air? Lu Guangzhi thought for a long time, and did not figure out which person in the village was in front of him.
        I have to say that Lu Guangzhi is in the truth.
        It’s just that Han Jin will tell him that he really has an attempt, and certainly can’t.
        "I warn you, my sister is already a relative, you are farther away from my sister!"
        Lu Guangzhi saw that this person is not like a good person. Although he has not seen much, he still knows this. The feeling that this person gave him in front of him is not like a good class. What if his sister is so cheated?
        Lu Guangzhi said these words too quickly, so that Lu Jao-yue couldn’t stop it. When he reacted, he found out what his brother had said. She couldn’t help but get a cigarette on her head. However, Han Jin’s face was black and there was no him, because the phrase 'my sister is already a relative.'
        She said that she is kissed? With whom? When?
        Could it be said that when he didn't know, she had already been allowed to make a home, and she had asked a word from the past, and Mei Zhuangyi said that there was no.
        "2nd brother, what do you say, you misunderstood." Lu Jao-yue blushes and bursts away, explaining with incomprehensibility: "This is a friend of Xiao yan, not what you said, I am following behind. When you happened to meet the uncle, I asked him to marry me."
        Lu Guangzhi glanced at his sister with a puzzled look, and stunned the 'incoming son who was standing there with a black face. He said: "Really?"
        "Nature is true!" Lu Jao-yue lame: "And, whoever you said, who taught it..."
        Lu Guangzhi did not explain, he would not tell his sister that many people in the village liked her secretly, always turning around and looking for him to inquire about her, and his mother knew that he was light.
        Lu Jao-yue blushes and explains to Han Jin: "Incoming uncle, don't be surprised, my brother is young and not sensible."
        Han Jin gave her a look: "Nothing." After a pause, he said again: "You want to go back? Then I will send you." He was still thinking about her saying about her, but this kid said It must be true.
        With this in mind, Han Jin’s heart sank.
        Lu Jao-yue nodded and let his brother get on the bus. Lu Guangzhi stood still.
        "Do you still want to stay here?" Lu Jao-yue hurried.
        Lu Guangzhi eyebrows are stubborn, just don’t go: “The brother’s family...”
        Lu Jao-yue certainly knows why the 2nd brother came here to work, and said that it is the same idea as her mother. But this is where her brother is only 13 years old, so Lu Jao-yue will never condone him to stay here to work.
        "Big brother's marriage does not have to worry about you, you go home with me."
        Lu Guangzhi was rebellious, and he was slightly better at home. Lu Jao-yue forced him so much that he naturally refused. In the face of Han Jin, an outsider, he is also embarrassed to say his own dilemma, so the 2nd Brother and Brother will froze.
        Han Jin was anxious to find out what happened to her. She saw this stinky child squatting to do the work, and her sister came out to persuade him to tears in tears. "You don't want to earn money if you come to work, if you want to Earn money, I will help you find a job, not a heavy job, and earn more money."
        Lu Guangzhi looked at the other side with a puzzled look. He didn't believe it. Don't think that he hadn't looked for it. He had searched all over the town. There was no work that was not heavy and earned more money. He was a child.
        "Into the uncle, no need, you don't care about him, he is still young, the family will not let him out to work."
        "What work? Don't lie to me!"
        The two sounds almost sounded at the same time, and Han Jin’s mouth slid a little laugh, and the fish was hooked.
        In fact, he is also a smart move. Mei Zhuangyi is too smart. If he asks too much, he really can't grasp his mind. However, this kid can be used in front of him. Even if he is a monkey, he is just a little shi-zi who is only in his teens. Han Jin feels that he is not a problem to deal with him.
        With such a small fish in hand, I still have no chance to approach her in the future?
        Thinking about it, Han Jindao said: "Get on the bus first, it is not convenient to talk here."Liuxiangju is the largest restaurant in Yuntian Town.
        The three-storey building is located on the most prosperous street in Yuntian Town, so the passenger traffic on most days is also very great. At noon, the lobby is full of people.
        Fortunately, there is also an elegant room.
        Han Jin had an elegant room, and the 2nd Brother and sisters went upstairs.
        Originally Lu Jao-yue was planning to go home directly, but Han Jin said that he was busy doing things, even did not eat breakfast, this time is almost noon, want to eat lunch and then send two. Lu Jao-yue has always been the individual's temper, and she can't bear to refuse.
        Although Lu Guangzhi realized that something was wrong, but thought that the other party was a friend of Xiao yan, and the older sister called the other uncle, he did not think much more. His mind was all about Han Jinfang’s work, and he was not heavy and earning money. .
        Seeing this person familiarly took them into this restaurant, the store said that the lobby has no location, and it is a good place for a calm and convenient attitude. Although Lu Guangzhi is clever, but he has little knowledge, in his limited cognition, the person who is in front of him is more vocal than the younger man of the rich family. Especially full of momentum, very good, Lu Guangzhi came to the town to find a job, was to stay in the fragrance home, his intention is to be a 2nd in the running class, but unfortunately did not say anything, it was stunned Out.
        What did the man say about him? A small mud leg in the country, dare to come here, give me a little farther away!
        But at this time, this person was down-headed, and the attitude of the only ones who led them into the elegant room, did not find that one of them was just a few days ago, he had just passed through the small mud legs.
        Lu Guangzhi heart was so happy that he couldn’t help but see Han Jin’s pleasing eyes. He also thought that the other party would be a capable person and no longer doubted whether the other party had lied to him.

 When I arrived at the elegant room, Sao Er poured the tea to the three and asked what I needed.
        Han Jin had solved the problem of eating outside in the middle of the year. It was not the first time that he stayed in the fragrance. He took a few dishes and asked what Lu Jao-yue and Lu Guangzhi wanted to eat. The focus is still on Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-yue first politely said that he would go home and use it again. It is really impossible to make Hanjin. Lu Guangzhi naturally followed his sister, Han Jin was helpless, and he could only add two dishes at random.
        After Xiao ji went down, there were only three people left in the room. Lu Guangzhi asked about the work. Lu Jao-yue still has some unwillingness, but in the face of Han Jin, it is hard to say anything, and can only sit there silently.
        Han Jin indulged for a moment, some hesitated: "This work is really not tired, make more money, just do your age, just this place, not a good place."
        Lu Guangzhi has a glimpse.
        Han Jin did not continue to sell off: "Would you like to go to the gambling house? Responsible for running the hall and pouring tea, there is one or two silver coins every month. Of course, this is not the big money to come, some gamblers have won the silver, light There are more than one or two silver medals."
        Lu Guangzhi had heard the words of the gambling house, and the subconscious had to refuse. If you heard the one or two silvers behind, the heart began to hesitate.
        One or two silver, if he can do it for a few months, the eldest brother will be married at the end of the year. In particular, I have heard that there is more than one or two silvers in the light reward, and it makes his heart beat.
        The family really needs too much money, especially the younger brother. If he is delayed, he will not forget that the younger brother is also delayed.
        "I do!" He did not hesitate to answer.
        Lu Jao-yue stood up in surprise, "2nd brother!"
        Lu Guangzhi firmly looked at her sister: "Big sister, I will go to work for a few months, and my eldest brother will be married. Do you want your brother's marriage to be destroyed?"
        "You don't have to make money, you don't really need it. Big sister can do the embroidery work and sell it. It will soon be enough to make the big brother get married." In a hurry, Lu Jao-yue also refused to conceal and set his own I am going to say it.
        "Can you sell a few dollars for your embroidery work? And the mother won't let you do that, and give me the money to make it."
        Lu Jao-yue would like to say that her embroidery work can sell some money, but she knows that the 2nd brother will not believe it. In fact, she didn't believe it at the beginning of her life. They didn't have anyone doing the embroidery work to sell, but they only got a few words or dozens of money, and subsidized the daily household. She did better than they did, but she couldn’t sell much money.
        Lu Jao-yue last life was also forced to have no way to embroider things to change money. At that time, the Du family moved to the county for Du Lian's studies. She felt that she had dragged her family and refused to supplement her. Unfortunately, there is no money in the family, no money, and a few people have to eat, but she can only go out to work. Unfortunately, it was too hard. She only insisted on it for half a month, so she moved her mind and embroidered something to sell. I know that the price is not low. Since then, she has been doing embroidery work around the clock and earning money for Du Lian.
        In fact, the embroidery work of Lu Jao-yue was not very good. Although she followed her grandmother Lu, she had been studying for a few years, but her mother would not let her touch the needle thread, so she knows much, but she has less practice. The more I did later, the more skilled I was, the more money I had to sell the embroidered things. Du Lian also relied on the money she earned before she could go from Daxi Village to Wannian County to Dongchang House. Going to the capital.
        Originally, because I had gone to the old road of my grandmother’s eyes in my life, Lu Jao-yue did not plan to return to the old business in this life. But that day, she gave her a little Miss to make a silver knife to cure her disease, which made her feel a lot, so she moved this thought. .
        She not only wanted to give her big brother a money, but also wanted to send her younger brother to study. Since she had been able to pay so much for Du Lian, the wolf-hearted dog, in her life, why can't she do something for her family? After all, they are her relatives, this is what she owes to her family!
        Many memories of my life, Lu Jao-yue did not want to think or reluctant to recall, because it will make her painful. She vaguely remembered that the 2nd brother of the last generation had gone to the old road of the ancestors of the Lu family, and made a Zhuang Jiahan who relied on the heavens to eat, and then married his ‘Madam and gave birth. If there is no accident, I am afraid that it will be like that in my life. But something happened later, and Lu Jao-yue was distressed every time he thought about it.
        The Lu family has never been able to separate the family, so the family is getting poorer. Later, when it was the turn of the 2nd brother to become a relative, the family had been unable to get the money of the pro-family. There was no way to do so, and the daughter of the family who had very few gifts was hired. I don’t know, it’s like a person coming in.
        That is her 2nd brother, her 2nd brother of Zhilan Yushu. When she was a child, she always thought that the 2nd brother would not be an idler when he grew up, but he married such a rough woman.
        Lu Jao-yue did not return to her family for the whole number of times, but every time she went home, she could hear the 2nd brother-like bitter sarcasm that she came to the door to fight the autumn wind and the sound of the 2nd brother’s incompetence. She is angry and sad, but she is a married woman, and her family is such a family. If she is still not guilty, how can she manage these things.
        Later, in order to give her food, she had an accident, and hated her for her bones. In order to prevent her from being caught in the middle, she broke contact with her family. On the surface, in the back, she also had the news of stealing people secretly inquiring about her family, and then the news that her mother died and the 2nd brother disappeared was the one who helped her inquire about the news.
        The 2nd brother did not have any accidents, it was missing, and no one knew where he was going.
        Afterwards, Lu Jao-yue thought that the 2nd brother was generally disliked with the family. He hated the people and things of the family. So after he did not give the mother the responsibility of the endowment, he left and left far away.
        After being heard, Lu Jao-yue, who was hit hard, couldn’t support it anymore. He spit on the spot and his body was not good since then.
        Once upon a time, Lu Jao-yue faced the fate of the fate, she was a fate. She married Du Lian, she confessed, who told him to be her husband. Du widow is like her, she confesses, who is filial piety. The eldest brother went, and the mother-like also went. She also confessed to her life. Whoever called a good person did not live forever, and the evil was for thousands of years.
        In the last life, she confessed her life, but she didn't want to accept her life in this world. She felt that her family should not be like that.
        Therefore, I can't get married with Du family, so I can't delay my brother's affair, lest I should let Daxie complain about my family heart in the future, so Xiao yan's business can't fail, so the 2nd brother and the younger brother have to go to school...
        Lu Jao-yue always knew that she was not very smart. Her character was too soft, her courage was too small, and others were better for herself. She could not wait to give her heart to her. She is too simple, has no heart, and does not learn to judge people hearts...
        In the days when I came back, Lu Jao-yue was also annoyed when I was alone at night. She was too angry and too stupid. Later, she gradually became relieved. If she didn't understand, she would learn slowly. She couldn't eat hot tofu. Step by step, as long as she was firm enough, as long as she did, all of this could always change.
        You see, the family of Du family is not made?
        And now she has to do it -
        Make money and make a lot of money.
        "2nd brother, you can rest assured that the big sister will certainly be able to make a big money for the big brother." Lu Jao-yue could not prove immediately, can only say so stubbornly.
        Lu Guangzhi had some headaches. He missed the former slender older sister. When did his older sister become so stubborn? He didn't know that he only knew that making money should not be done by women.
        "Big sister, I know you can, but you are not afraid of the mother?" Lu Guangzhi lifted Mei.
        "Not afraid." She secretly did a good job. She was sneaking a man to do embroidery work in the house after she went out.
        Lu Guangzhi reluctantly said: "But I am the person in this family. I also want to contribute to the big brother."
        Lu Jao-yue is speechless.
        She is not a person who will be arrogant and will be arguing, so when the younger brother has come up with a very legitimate reason, she can't find a rebuttal to his words. Can she say that she will not let the 2nd brother contribute? That will definitely hurt the heart of the 2nd brother.
        Lu Guangzhi slammed the iron: "Big sister, you see that you secretly do needlework, I want to make money for the big brother. I am the 2nd child at home, and I am a male, I definitely want to. So you don't stop me, I don't tell my mother. You secretly do embroidered work to sell money, how?" Lu Guangzhi feels that this idea is very good, their Brother and sisters can cover each other.
        Lu Jao-yue is stunned.
        She was threatened by her brother.
        Han Jin, who was on the side, laughed and said that she was so cute with her eyes round. In order to achieve his goal, he decided to 'threaten her: "Jao- Yue, do you look down on people who are doing things in the gambling? Do you think I am a bad person?"
        Obviously it was a tough guy face, but Han Jin made a few points of grievance.
        Lu Jao-yue is at a loss: "I don't have a child, you are, you are a good person..."
        Han Jin, who is called 'good guy', is very comfortable in his heart, as if he had a cool shower in the summer.
        'Good man Han Jin said:
         "In this case, do you stop your brother from going to the gambling house to do things? Don't you worry about me? Since I brought it, you can rest assured that I will take care of him and will not let him get any Bad things."
        This is precisely the most worrying thing in Lu Jao-yue heart. The gambling has always been quite a lot. She is afraid that the 2nd brother can't stand the temptation and will learn badly in that place.
        Should she believe him?
        Lu Jao-yue looked at Han Jin.
        The other person's eyes are black and bright, and they are full of seriousness.
        This is not a 'good guy face, inexplicable, Lu Jao-yue suddenly remembered some of the experiences of her life. Her most profound understanding of her life is that her face is full of 'I am a good person', not necessarily Good person. In the same way, if the looks are not like good people, they are not necessarily bad people.
        Somehow, she felt that she could believe him.

 Lu Guangzhi went to the Guangji gambling house and felt that his world had opened a new door.
        It is full of people of all kinds, there are rich sons, there are soldiers and pawns, and there are also rogues. There is a lot of money, and there are also lost all the money that was thrown out by the gambling. If you win the silver, you will lose your mind, and you will lose the silver.
        Lu Guangzhi felt surprised, shocked and scared. In fact, he was not used to this environment at the beginning. He even wanted to go home and wanted to retreat. He felt that he could not do it here because it was too chaotic. I can think of the big brother who worked hard to earn money outside, and Lu Guangzhi hesitated in order to make a big money for the big brother to get out of the night, and to be a woman who is still working as a woman to make money.
        He is just making money, how can others do with him?
        He has been paying attention to his Han Jin, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Don't look at him in front of Lu sisters and Brother. In fact, he is quite afraid that this kid can't adapt to this smoky environment. After all, he can't even like it, let alone the kid who hasn't grown up yet.
        At this point, it seems that this kid is still a chest.
        In the next few days, Lu Guangzhi performance made Han Jin even surprised.
        Lu Guangzhi has a good appearance, a handsome eyebrow, a smart and clever man. He really has no knowledge, but he knows to go to observe and learn, plus he is the person brought in by Han Jin, and the people in the gambling are taking care of him. Not long after, he was mixed up here.
        In the gambling workshop, there is no need to have two qualities, especially the dry Lu Guangzhi, which is responsible for watching the gamblers see the tea. That is to make people want to be smart, and to have a look, know how to look at the six directions, and the right and left. The gambler won, knowing to go to the fun, the gambler lost, how far can he go.
        At first, Lu Guangzhi did not understand this. He also learned from other people who did the same work with him. By the way, if you do this kind of work, it’s not called running, but it’s called miscellaneous. Of course, it is not that individuals can let them entertain and entertain, but also pick people.
        Those who have dozens of copper plates in their purses, can they compare with the guests who have a lot of money? Can't! So if this job is done well, it’s true that Han Jin said that there are a lot of money for the day.
        On this day, Lu Guangzhi was responsible for greeting a rich man who won the money and rewarded him with a piece of money.
        This is the first time Lu Guangzhi has received so many rewards. He has been stunned in his hand, almost two or two, which makes him happy and excited.
        "Hey, I have a reward, it’s good!" someone snarled.
        Is an acquaintance, called Dongzi. It was Lu Guangzhi first friend after he came to the gambling house.
        There are many people doing mixed work in Guangji gambling, all of them are fine, the youngest of them, except Lu Guangzhi, this is called Dongzi. Dongzi is the shi-zi of Shantou, and Shantou is Han Jin’s men. So when Lu Guangzhi first came to the gambling house, he followed the Dongzi to learn how to greet gamblers.
        Dongzi is sixteen this year. He is three years older than Lu Guangzhi. He is very likable and has a sweet mouth. He also gets a lot of money on most days, so he is very generous on most days. I often buy some snacks, snacks or something, and Lu Guangzhi eats.
        Lu Guangzhi always eats people, and he wants to go back, but he has no money on his body, and he has come to the gambling area soon. He is stupid and has a handful of rewards. This time he got the reward, he wanted to go back. .
        "East son, you want to eat, I will buy it and eat it."
        Dongzi smiled and said casually: "Well, I just ate, I am not hungry."
        That is to say, Lu Guangzhi still took the time to go out and buy some food to come back. Like their half-aged kid, they don't eat sugar or fruit like a child. Lu Guangzhi bought a roast chicken and spent nearly a hundred dollars. He was so distressed that he licked his mouth.
        Can be distressed to distressed, or have to buy, the human condition is coming and going, the light can not enter, no one will deal with you in the future. In the days when I came to the gambling house, Lu Guangzhi learned a lot about doing things for people.
        Seeing that the business was light at this time, there were fewer gamblers coming in. The two-and-a-half-sized boys found a place to eat roast chicken.
        "I still want to buy something, thank you for entering the uncle." Lu Guangzhi said.
        He is really grateful to Han Jin, Lu Guangzhi is not stupid, after coming here, the gambling room is fascinating to him. He has something to understand, and there are always people who kindly come up to mention him. He is just a country boy who has just come out of the country. Can there be any other place to look at it? Needless to say, I must have read the face of my uncle.
        After Lu Guangzhi came here, he only knew the 'incoming son in the mouth of the big sister. It turned out to be the legendary Han Jin.
        The name of 'Han Jin', he has heard it, is not a good reputation. However, with a preconceived approach, Lu Guangzhi does not believe in the swearing of the gossip. In fact, seriously, the more Lu Guangzhi and Han Jin contact, the more admired and admired him.
        Dongzi licked the chicken bones and said: "I don't think you have enough money. I don't have the money to come, so it's easy to spend money. You don't have enough money to ask for a meal."
        Upon hearing this, Lu Guangzhi could not help but sigh with some anger.
        In fact, he also knows that this is a lot of money for him. For others, it is really nothing. When I was in the country in the past, a dozen yuan of money was a lot of money for him. When he came to the gambling house, he knew what it was called to spend money.
        "But you should not be discouraged. Since it is a thank you, it means a heart."
        "So what can I buy?"
        "Then I don't know." Dongzi lost his bones and rubbed his hand from his arms. "I don't think you need to go out of this way. You and Han Shu are friends. He will still I care about this with you? I will care about this with you, and Han Shu will not take your time to pick you up every day."
        This is exactly where Lu Guangzhi is most embarrassed. It is not easy for him to come to the county. However, there is a ox cart to sit, but the oxcart is too slow, and Hanjin has helped him solve this problem. Han Jin is going home every day. Hanjiazhuang is near Daxi Village, so when he comes every day, he will take Lu Guangzhi to the road.
        Once and twice, it’s no problem. Lu Guangzhi always feels that it’s not a problem. He can be rejected, and he can't say it. After all, he is in desperate need of this kind of money.
        Lu Guangzhi felt that he had to express his gratitude to Han Jin, no matter what the other party did not care, he had to do something.
        Lu Jao-yue was doing the embroidering work in his hand, and looked up at the window with a distraction.
        It was not early, and her mother was almost coming back soon, but the 2nd brother has not returned yet.
        She couldn't help but have some confusion, and she couldn't do it anymore. She simply collected things and cleaned up.
        Lu Guangzhi walked in with a light footstep, and Junxiu face smiled. When the younger brother came back, Lu Jao-yue could not help but breathe a sigh of relief and said: "How is it so late today?"
        Lu Guangzhi said: "I have a temporary incident, I have been delayed for a while, big sister, don't worry, I look at the time. Even if you are late, don't be afraid, you will tell my mother, I am at the 2nd dog's house."
        This is an excuse, but Lu Jao-yue is never used to lying, let alone lying to her mother, so it is best not to lie.
        Lu Guangzhi took out a packet of snacks from his arms and placed them on the table.
        "Sister, this is the snack I bought, you put it away, and I will eat it with Goro later."
        Lu Jao-yue smiled and said: "What? Is it worth the money today?"
        "It’s almost fifty words, and there a broken silver corner with two yuan.” Lu Guangzhi smiled and was very happy.
        Lu Jao-yue is again -calling and sighing, -calling that the place is easy to come, lamenting that she was quite unwilling to go to the place where the 2nd brother went.
        "You go there to work, the sister does not stop you, but you remember, you are not allowed to learn bad." This sentence, Lu Jao-yue will repeat every day, afraid that his brother learned bad. However, there is a helplessness to see, and Lu Jao-yue is not worried.
        Only a few times with Han Jin, Lu Jao-yue felt that he was a trustworthy person.
        It’s no problem to help her brother find a job. Every day, she is not too troublesome to take her brother to the county, and then send it back in the evening. And Lu Jao-yue also listened to Lu Guangzhi, in the gambling workshop, Han Jin took care of him and dialed.
        Lu Jao-yue feels that some of the grandeur is difficult, but at the same time, he is more grateful to him. I wanted to thank him, but for a moment, she did not know how to thank each other.
        "Sister, now I have a bit of money in my hand, I want to thank the next uncle, after all, people and us are not relatives, even if there is a relationship between Xiao yan, you can't be regarded as nothing. You How do you feel that you can get it?" I can imagine that the 2nd Brother and sisters thought of going there.
        Lu Jao-yue pondered for a while, and there was no good idea, and she could not help but look to her brother.
        "I was thinking about asking my uncle to eat a meal, but this silver in my hand can't be a good place in the restaurant in the county. Buy something for him, don't know what to buy. It's too expensive. We can't afford it, it's cheap, some can't take it..."
        When I saw the 2nd brother, Lu Jao-yue knew that he definitely had a plan in mind.
        Sure enough, Lu Guangzhi said: "I have inquired and listened in private. I haven’t had a ‘Madam in the uncle, and I don’t care about my usual clothes. I wear all my clothes all day long. I thought about it or let us send him clothes? That is to express our minds, but not too outrageous."
        After that, he looked at Lu Jao-yue with hope.
        He really wanted his sister, and his family had good craftsmanship for his sister's clothes. Although his mother could do it, but who asked him to go to the gambling house to work.
        Lu Jao-yue is very hesitant. She is so big. Besides making clothes for her family, she has not done it to outsiders. In the end, she has the experience of doing embroidery work for the rest of her life. She is not too particular about this.
        "Is this something that I can't take?"
        "How come? My sister is such a good craft..."
        Just then, there was a whistle of voice outside.
        It’s Mee back.
        "That sister, let's just say it, I will buy the money for the cloth!"
        Lu Jao-yue is trying to say something, Mei has already arrived at the door, and the 2nd Brother and sisters have exchanged a look and stopped.
        These days, Lu house is always shrouded in a smog.
        Cui looked anxious, but did not know how to persuade the old man. In recent days, the movements in the family have also been seen in her eyes. The three children fell into the fight in the day, not to beat the chicken or walk the dog. The two rooms and two couples returned early and late, and they were not at home. That is, the boss is normal, but the grandmother Hu person did not smile at seeing the old couple.
        Cui did not know what to say and could only remain silent.
        Old Lu Han saw his ‘Madam coming out of the west and looked up from the smog of smoke. "How is the 2nd Miss?"
        "It’s more spiritual than having the apricots to talk with them."
        Old Lu Han nodded and didn't talk anymore. It’s better, the home is like this. If it’s not good, he really doesn’t know what to do.
        Cui words and stops, I really don't want to tell the old man about what is hidden in my heart.
        Things have to start from the previous two days. This time, Cui has been sleeping in the little daughter's house, and she is afraid that she will get sick again. In the middle of the night before, Cui was awakened by the thirst, got up and drank water, and suddenly heard her daughter say a dream.
        If it is an ordinary dream, it will be related to Du Lian’s later generation.
        Cui more shocked, he didn’t fall asleep all night. The next day, after Lu Guili woke up, Cui couldn't help but ask her daughter.
        Lu Guili did not say it at first. Later, she was asked urgently, and she said that she had already been fascinated by Du Lian.
        Cui big sister.
        After that, she was full of heart. If she was not her, her daughter would not be such a body. If she was not such a body, her daughter would not suffer so much, and even people could not marry.
        Cui more and more heart-felt, can't help but cry with her daughter. After crying, Lu Guili said to Cui: "Mother, let me marry Du Lian, otherwise I will not be reconciled if I die."
        Cui heard this and cried again. She would like to tell her daughter that even if you are dead, you can't marry Du Lian, but she can't bear it.
        So she persuaded her daughter to persuade her.
        It is a pity that Lu Guili is like a konjac. If he pays attention, he will marry Du Lian and he will almost become ill.
        This is not, just in the head Lu Guili is asking for Cui.
        Lu Guili said very poorly, she said that she did not ask for anything in her life, she wanted to marry Du Lian. And Cui Shi really can't beat her, she can only promise to talk to Hu, let her explore the tone of the Du family.
        Is it just this matter to tell the old man?
        Cui was in a dilemma for a while, then went to sit down and talked with Old Lu Han.
        After listening to it, Old Lu Han fell into a long time of contemplation.
        "Old man, what can you do if you say this?"
        Old Lu Han knocked on the pot at the edge of the raft. What was unexpected was that he was very calm.
        "The 2nd Miss is making up his mind?"
        Cui words nodded and nodded: "2nd Miss, she..."
        "Let's go, let the boss's daughter-like worry more. If Du Jiazhen can promise, he will accompany the family field to the past five acres."
        Cui shocked: "The old man..."
        Old Lu Han sighed deeply: "Go."
        Cui heart rushed out of the door to the house.
        In the smoke, Old Lu Han’s turbid old eyes flashed and fainted.
        Hu days have been very bad.
        Since she told her sister the meaning of the 2nd room, she was anxious. It is also a resentment that she is not doing things badly, but also complaining that Lu Jia has misunderstood her own affairs, and threatened to let Hu borrow her money, otherwise she will make her count the shu-daughter public.
        Hu hated his teeth and itchy, but he couldn't make a name for himself. He could only borrow some money to give Du widows.
        On the Lu family side, both Mei and Qiao went to work, and all the work in the family was on her alone. The key Hu is still not to be done. Who told her that she is a big daughter-like who has always known her. Fortunately, there is also a daughter-like, Sao Hu, to help her, or Hu is really busy.
        It’s not a good day, no, no one has to add a block to myself. After listening to her mother-like, Hu was immediately annoyed. If the other party was her mother-like, she had to ridicule the other person.
        I really want to eat swan meat, a sick scorpion still wants her to be a child, it is a big face! !
        "Mother, you should not forget that Xiao gu and Lian Er are wrong." Hu is resistant to x-.
        Cui old face stunned, and Zhiwu said: "The family and the Du family are not considered to be serious relatives. The 2nd son of the old Litou family in our village is not the daughter of his sister-like. ”
        Hu didn't even know what to say. What is it with, she can make her face with her mother-like, and her personality can't be done, she can only suffocate.
        Cui seems to have not seen Hu reluctance, or he has seen it, deliberately pretending not to see.
        "Boss, this is a trouble for you. I know that this is a bit wrong, but I really can't make a 2nd Miss. She is not good, and she is in a hurry. You explore the tone of the Du family. They are willing to give a few acres of land to their homes."
        Hu is even more angry.
        Also dowry the field? This field is Lu family, and dowry to Lu Guili, then they will not be less divided after the big house. This Lu Guili thought that he was Lu Jao-yue, and that marrying a few acres of land would allow Du Jiaxuan to enter the door?
        Suddenly a thought flashed through her mind. Hu stunned, but did not get angry, but said: “Oh, my mother, I know, I will ask you for help. But if you can’t, you should never blame me. ."
        "No, how come, you can be very grateful to you if you can ask the mother."
        Cui face is a good smile, can do this for her daughter, it is really difficult for her.
        When Hu arrived at Du family, Du widow was standing in the yard of her little daughter Du Fuer.
        Du Fu children are very similar to Du Wei widow this year. They are all Lu Yemei, high cheekbones and thin lips. In the end, because she is young and cheap, her face is not as mean as the widow, but a few Miss are bright.
        Du Fu character is very hot, and her mouth is also very powerful. Du widows marry her, she is not willing to show weakness, one sentence and one sentence with her own mother. Hu stood in front of the Dujiayuan for a while, only to understand why the mother and daughter were quarreling.
        Originally from the time when the Hu and Du widow said the meaning of the Lu family, the -mute widow was anxious. One year is too long, she must be unable to wait, and she would like to find another way out.
        In fact, during the period of the marriage with the Lu family, the Duwi widow has not been idle. The condition of Lu Jao-yue is indeed not bad, and the son is also fancy, but Du Widow still feels that the son should be worthy of better. She not only screened at the home of those who wanted to make a marriage with Du, but also inquired about the good conditions of some nearby villages. They picked them up and picked them up. In addition to the Mojia in NiuJao- Village, there was no better than that of LujiaJao-. .
        Therefore, Du Widow stopped his mind and waited for Lu 2nd room.
        I know that suddenly there was an accident, and Lu 2nd room actually let Du family wait for a year. When the eldest sister came to tell her, Du widow didn’t say anything in her mouth. She couldn’t help but wonder if the big sister had moved her heart on her body. How could Lu 2nd room even the two acres of money could not be taken out, not the 2nd room she said Very rich, is there a more wealthy Mei family behind it?
        However, she must have said that she was not so stupid. She simply put the whole thing on Hu head and made some silver flowers from her.
        After Hu departure, Du widow planned to tell her son another door.
        However, Du Lian has always been a master. Du Widow does not dare to be the master. He asked his son beforehand and made plans. I know that Du Lian did not do it, but actually looked for Lu JiaJao-.
        Don't look at Du widow in the face of outsiders on most days, she has no way in front of Du Lian. She knows all kinds of advantages and disadvantages, but Du Lian insists that people can't believe in the world. Since Lu has difficulties at present, there will be nothing until next year.
        Du Widow’s heart was bitter, and no one complained. She complained that she had raised her son’s fireworks. There is something in the family, and she also said to her different sons that Du Lian naturally does not believe that the family has reached the point where it will not be opened.
        I couldn’t convince my son to change the door, and my family life could not be maintained. Du widow then put her mind on her daughter.
        Du Fu is not too small, but it is time to say goodbye.
        She is also an acute child. She just made up her mind and asked her to tell Du Fuer. The pro-matched matchmaker came to the Du family and listed several intentions. Du widow picked a man from Hanjiazhuang next door called Han Laoshi.
        This Han is honestly called Han Laoshi, not a nickname, but the name he gave him, because this child is a three-stick can not play a fart, the person is very boring. I never thought that Han grew up, and married my ‘Madam and set up a portal. I didn’t start to be 'honest'.
        In fact, this person has no major problems, just one, love to drink, drink and like to fight a ‘Madam’. The first one was married to the door for a few years, and the people were gone. At that time, the people in the village did not know, only when the little ‘Madam was in poor health. Later, after two years, Han Laoshi took another door and slowly spread the news about his ‘Madam’.
        It’s just that the daughter-like is the Madam of someone else family, and others can’t say anything. At most, when they meet, they say a few words. But Han honestly, you don’t look at his usual words. It’s a temper that doesn’t listen to people persuasion. The more people persuade, the more fierce he plays, and gradually no one dares to persuade.
        No, the 2nd one was gone, and the family began to give him another one.
        Some people say that since Han Laoshi likes to fight a daughter-like, how can anyone still marry him. Who told everyone that there is a good old man, good grandfather. Han’s grandfather is the patriarch of the Han family, and he is the Lizheng of Hanjiazhuang.
        The entire Zhuangzi of Hanjiazhuang is surnamed Han, and there are few surnames. This kind of surname Zhuangzi is united so badly. This is why Han Laozhen has killed two wives, and no one dares to find the root cause. .
        Du widows see China and South Korea honestly, not only because of the fact that the family and Laozi have the ability, but also the fancy of the Han family. The Han family said that as long as the person can marry, the Han family is willing to pay twenty-two silver for the bride price.
        Twenty two silver?
        It’s enough for Du widow’s family to use it for a few years. At least before Du Lian’s examination, Du family no longer has to worry about silver money.
        Du Widow, who was blinded by silver, decided to make a decision and married her daughter.
        Unfortunately, she thought very well, but unfortunately Du Fuer did not want to.
        Du Fuer was completely devoid of the widow's temperament. First, she was troubled by her mother. If she didn't listen, she threatened: "Do you want to sell me like a big sister? I want to marry, OK! My corpse is gone!"
        This is not the case. Du Widow’s eyes can’t be seen by her daughter.
        "Okay, there are still endless, not afraid of people laughing!"
        Hu squeezed around the Dujiamen to see the lively people and walked inside.
        Du widow reacted, and glanced at her daughter with hatred, and went to the front of the Courtyard to reach out.
        "Look at what, haven't you seen her mother's daughter?"
        When her mother’s daughter had actually seen it, but when her mother pushed her daughter into the fire pit, she never saw it.
        When Du had passed the eldest daughter earlier, the same person in the village did not think that Du Chunhua had a bad life. Others only used her as a life. Now it seems that this is a bitter life, clearly is the mother's own daughter.
        However, everyone can't say anything. After all, this is a family matter for others. At most, outsiders can only talk about a few words in the back.
        The people around the door were scattered by birds and beasts. Du widows slammed the door and turned back.
        "What are you doing?" Du Widow is in a very bad mood at this time, so it is not pleasing to see Hu, if it is not because the other party has delayed their own affairs, why should she now go to the point of selling her daughter.
        The daughter is also a piece of meat that fell from her body. I really thought she was willing? Still not a way!
        "What? I can't come?" Hu asked, and his face was a little bit funny.
        Du Widow snorted: "If you come to see a joke, go quickly, not because of you, why should I force me to be a child."
        Hu smiled, what theory is this person! However, she came here today, and naturally she didn’t want to talk to the other party before she started.
        "I am looking for you to have something, go into the house and say it." She said, she turned to look at the Du Fuer standing on the side, said: "Hey, don't be afraid, Dad must not let your mother marry you to that Han. Family."
        Du Fu eyes turned, and she smacked her face and cried: “Da, you still feel bad about me.”
        "Good boy, don't cry, wash your face quickly, I advise you."
        Du Fuer turned into the stove, and Hu and Du widow entered the hall.
        "What do you want to say?" Du widow is very confused. She still knows the character of this sister-like. Since she said that to her shi-zi, it must be something in her heart.
        Don't marry? Is there a turning point in the Lujia 2nd room?
        Thinking of this, Du widow's face could not help but light up.
        Hu snorted in his heart and glanced at the table: "Is there tea? Give me a cup of tea and go all the way, but I am thirsty."
        Du widow immediately wanted to turn her eyes, but unfortunately could not help.
        Du Jia certainly has tea. Du Lian is a fan of elegance. He has a lot of good friends, and occasionally he will come to Du family, so Du family has tea.
        "I still want to drink tea? Can't water be used?" Du widows have a distressed heart and snoring. This tea is not cheap. Even though he said this in his mouth, people still squatted and tossed to pour Hu tea.
        The tea came up and was brought in with a white porcelain cover bowl. This is also the Du widow prepared for Du Lian. Du Lian said that he was drinking tea with his classmates, so Du widow bought the tea set with his teeth and spent five hundred yuan.
        Hu took a tea bowl and took a few mouthfuls to stop the tea bowl: "Today I want to tell you about Lu side..."
        "There is a change of mind over there?" Du widow's eyes are brighter.
        Hu frowned, and paused: "It has nothing to do with the 2nd room, it is my mother-like..."
        Hu also did not cover up, and Lu Guili heart was pleasing to Du Lian, and Lu old couple wanted to say something to Du family.
        Du widow's reaction really did not come out of her expectation, immediately smashed up, while patting the thigh, while swearing: "I licked her dog's eyes, a sick scorpion, dare to hit my son's idea! Live her is a short life The dead, the dead, the alive, the shackles, the bad things that the twins did not support..."
        Seeing that my sister was so ugly, Hu disliked frown. In the early years, her sister was not like this. She didn’t know when she learned so rough.
        "I have done it, stop! I am here to help you solve problems, not to listen to you!" Hu Shidao.
        “Is it difficult to solve problems? What do you mean?”
        Hu clearing the scorpion: “My mother-like said, if Du family is willing to marry my little prince into the door, I am willing to give my little prince to marry five acres of fine land.”
        She raised a slap and shook in front of Du widow.
        Du widow suddenly took a look, and my heart quickly calculated.
        Five acres of fine land, about one acre of about two silver, five acres, then fifty-two. In particular, the value of the field is not measurable by silver. Du Widow is also born in the family, and the love of the family in the field, it is up to the old to the small, no one can run away.
        If you have silver, it doesn't mean you can have a field. If you have a field, you will have silver. Whenever you go out or plant your own, the days at home are better.
        Du Fu widow thinks more, five acres of land to get the hand, when the first sale of two acres for money, the remaining three acres to go out, when the time has money, the field has continued to have a profit.
        But then she reacted. The premise of wanting to get five acres of land is that Lu Guili, the sick man, entered the door.
        Her son is a baby in her heart, and she is inlaid with Phnom Penh. Du widows can't bear to be so bad about their sons.
        Since Hu can come, it is definitely a good thing. Her sister is not her opponent since she was a child, so she is very confident in persuading each other.
        Hu voice just happened to sound at this time: “You should know how much my little aunt is favored in Lu family. It’s not much more than my shi-nu Jao-yue. Her body is really bad, she can change her mind. I think, this is precisely her best place. Lian Er is my shi-zi, I am definitely pointing to him, saying something that should not be said, no one knows how long she can live, but the five acres of land is real Can fall in your hands."
        Hu tone is very indifferent, but Du widow can’t help but imagine.
        "...When the Lian Er has a good future, she will almost never do it. When it is time to hinder it, Lian Er can once again marry a house’Madam’, why not?"
        "But her body-" Du widow still hesitated: "Don't you say that her body has to be raised by medicine? You can't afford this big Buddha!"
        Hu person Wu person’s tone was loose, and she smiled and said: “Lu Jia knows Du Jia family. Do you think my in-laws will watch my daughter die? I am not afraid to tell you that the family has been in trouble some time ago. One, the in-laws took out thirty-two dollars to treat her, and the three rooms made a lot of noise."
        "Thirty-two silver-" Du widow excited her lips and shook. She has lived for so long, and she has never taken thirty-two dollars herself.
        Lu Guili is the heart of the Lu family and the old, naturally, will not sit and ignore the daughter, that is to say, the Du family can not go out to Lu Guili medicine. On the contrary, the Du family can get five acres of fine land. As for the question of raising Lu Guili, you don't have to mention it. Anyway, it is a lot of people eating, and it doesn't cost anything.
        At present, the two old couples can live for at least ten years. As long as there are these two old towns, there is no difference between the Lu family silver and the Du family. Today, I can take out thirty-two and give Lu Guili a cure. I can take fifty-two tomorrow. Anyway, Lu Guili is in their hands, and he is still ill, as long as she keeps her dead. Even if Lu and Lao die early, who knows that Lu Guili can live for a few years? As her sister said, the five acres of land can actually be placed in her hands.
        Du Widow’s heart pounded and she had a variety of thoughts in her mind.
        In the meantime, Hu voice came astoundingly.
        "Is this sale made?"
        "What you can do!"
        After Du widow’s answer, the whole person was sober, and it was sweating, not shocking or happy. She couldn't help but flash a thought in her mind and hurriedly asked, "What good can you get?"
        Her sister can never buy or sell at a loss. She is a grandmother of Lu family. Du family gets money from Lu family. It is equal to scraping oil from her. Can she be willing? !
        Hu naturally understands what his sister thinks, and smiles bitterly: "What good can I have? If my mother-like forced me, do you think I am willing to come? I know what you are thinking, I feel that I will not want to let Du from Lujia. I have silver on my body. I don’t want to, but the silver is spent on Lu Guili or on the Du family. There is no difference in my opinion. In this case, the money can be spent on Lian Er, and my heart is still comfortable. If the future is a good thing, let him remember my big love."
        Hu remarks were too frank, and Du widow could not refute. She yelled: “Lian Er naturally will not forget that your big sister is good to him.”
        "What about you seeing this?"
        Du Widow thought and thought again, Fang Yi bite his teeth: "Yes!"
        Hu farewell to Du widow and walked back all the way.
        People don't kill themselves, so don't blame her heart.
        Lu Guili has always been a heart disease of Hu. She thought about it many times if the younger son died, but Lu Guili body is not good, but her life has been very tenacious, so she can only watch the in-laws Lujia Money is spent on her body.
        It is no doubt to kill parents when they win money. Hu day looked at the man looking at his two sons, so hard to earn money, no less hateful teeth. But what can she do? She is the grandmother of Lu family. Her man is the eldest son of Lu family, so as long as Lu Guili lives for one day and the old couple live for one day, they will never be able to escape this burden.
        Hu is a smart person. When she realizes that she can't get rid of Lu Guili burden, she doesn't think about it anymore. What she is even more afraid of is that the two-bedroom and three-bedroom will be separated, because over time, everyone can no longer continue to endure this continuous squeeze, not only her, but also the two-bedroom and three-bedroom. If the three rooms are not in the past few years, they will not be so bad.
        If the Lu family once separated, the in-laws will definitely be unconstrained with the big house. The in-laws can't leave their daughters, so it is equal to Lu Guili negative burden on the big house.
        Hu can't let a man and two sons, and even his own grandson, be a personal life for Lu Guili. She has to share people. Therefore, if the whole Lu family does not want to divide the family, it is not Old Lu Han's old couple, but she is Hu.
        Hu is afraid, afraid that night can not be embarrassed.
        Therefore, she did not want to separate her family. The man thought she was sensible, saying that she knew the general body and said that she did not like the two younger siblings, and did not let him be in the middle of it.
        God knows how much Hu does not want to know this general!
        Three people and two people are lazy and don't want to be cheeky. Hu doesn't want to waste their thoughts on them, so they pay attention to the relatively good two rooms.
        As long as the two rooms are not separated, they will not be able to make a trip with the three rooms.
        This is why Hu thought that he would like to marry Lu Jao-yue to Du family is not good. As long as the two-room baby is in her own hands, she is afraid that they will not mention the separation.
        In this way, it is equivalent to tying the entire two rooms to the big house.
        Who would have thought that there would be so many accidents in this, first of all, the two rooms and two people let Du Jia wait for a year, then Lu Guili was ill, Lu Family Eldest had a trouble, and then her mother-like said that the younger sister had actually moved to her own children. thought.
        The sick scorpion actually wants to marry Lian Er?
        When Hu was shocked, he suddenly found that God seemed to open a new door for her.
        As long as she can marry Lu Guili, she will no longer be tired of Lu Jia and even the big house. When she is so, she must do so and do not want to separate.
        For a moment, Hu felt that the sky was blue, the trees were green, and the water was clear.
        As for what happened after Xiao guzi married Du, and what happened after the pro-sister was pitted by her, Hu was too lazy to think about it and didn't want to think about it.
        As long as she can send Lu Guili out of Lu, she feels that it is nothing to worry about.
        Unconsciously, Hu has returned to Daxi Village.
        Back home, her granddaughter Sao Nu Nu is playing with the chicken in the yard. Hu smiled lovingly and walked over.
        "Nu Nu, is it fun?"
        Sao Nu looked at her grandmother curiously, nodded, and took a small step and went to the chicken. It’s rare that Hu did not say anything about it today, but he smiled and stood there for a while, and didn’t know what he was thinking.
        Cui had long seen the daughter-like returning, and forced to sit in the room for a while before going out to the house.
        "Lao ‘Madam’, are you coming back?"
        Hu entered the East Chamber, and Cui followed the past.
        "What did you say?" Cui asked.
        Hu hesitated and said: "My sister said to think about it."
        Cui is somewhat disappointed. "It is also a good idea to consider it, after all, about the child's lifelong events."
        She fell into her thoughts and did not find the unusual smile on Hu face.
        When Lu Jao-yue was preparing to go out, she just met Cui from the upper house.
        Today, Cui face was hard to get up, and Lu Jao-yue looked at her with a puzzled look.
        "Moon, where is this going?"
        "Milk, I went to GuiJao- and sent her back to help her change the clothes." Lu Jao-yue frowned, his fingers unconsciously rubbing on the bag of his hand.
        Cui did not say anything else: "It’s not early, come back early."
        Lu Jao-yue nodded and the man went out.
        She carried the small bag in her hand and shunned the village people all the way to the end of the village.
        This place is relatively secret. In general, very few people in the village will go from here. Hanjin’s daily transfer to Lu Guangzhi is here.
        Lu Jao-yue stood for a while and saw a carriage coming far from here.
        When the carriage stopped, Lu Guangzhi fell from the car.
        "Sister, why are you here?" Followed him and saw the baggage in the hands of the eldest sister. The 2nd Brother and sisters exchanged a tacit look.
        Han Jin sat on the rut and held a whip with a psoriasis and looked at it. Still a black shirt, Lu Jao-yue hesitated at the same time, thinking that this is not a small clothes, seeing him several times, are wearing the same clothes.
        As everyone knows, Han Jin is a lazy and troublesome temper. No one at home makes clothes for him. So he went to the ready-to-wear shop and bought several pieces of the same clothes. The reason why black is chosen, but because the black is resistant to dirt, they do this line, and inevitably see blood occasionally, even if black is stained, it does not look obvious.
        Lu Jao-yue took a moment and walked lightly to the carriage.
        "Into the uncle..."
        In the day of the day, Lu Guangzhi entered the uncle and entered the uncle short cries. It is reasonable to say that Han Jin is already immune, but when she hears that she is also called, she feels a little worried.
        Fortunately, I was surprised to see her surprise again today. Han Jin did not have a black face, but was very calm: "Is there something?" In fact, his eyes have already seen her hand.
        Lu Jao-yue said, "Thank you for helping my brother find this job, and trouble you to take the road to pick him up..."
        "No problem, anyway, I want to go home, have a car, not something." He stunned and wrapped around Lu Jao-yue bag, his eyes flashed a touch of color.
        Lu Jao-yue held a baggage, and he hesitated to hand it over: "This is a piece of clothes that I personally made. Thank you for being so laborious and arrogant for my younger brother Zhang Luo, but also looking into the uncle you should not be disliked."
        Han Jin reached out and took a look at her. From his point of view, she could see her drooping eyebrows, petal-like lips, and white and soft neck. He couldn't help but look a little darker. He wanted to say something. Lu Guangzhi smiled and said, "Sister, don't worry, you won't be abandoning it." He went to Han Jin said:
         "Into the uncle, my sister." The needlework is very good and must be very good for you."
        Of course, Han Jin also knows that it is vaguely remembered that Mei Zhuangyi rushed to himself before he said that his shi-nu had grown up and would make clothes for him. At that time, let Han Jin go to see, did not see that the clothes can grow out of flowers, how Mei Zhuangyi is so happy.
        Later, I met her and went back to think about it. Once I thought about it, Han Jin would once again. Therefore, when Han Jin learned that Lu Guangzhi was secretly inquiring about what he liked, he deliberately told the kid that he had no clothes to take care of.
        Sure enough, this silly boy was fooled.
        Han Jin is not obvious, but I really want to open this bag and try it on the spot.
        "Thank you, thank you."
        "Not what." Lu Jao-yue face was red, and some embarrassedly waved his hand.
        "That's a child, let's go back first." Lu Guangzhi said.
        Han Jin looked at her with a look and nodded.

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