LJNFH 50-54

LJNFH - Little Jao-Niang Of The Farmer's House


 Mei words are full of sarcasm.
        Hu face was completely frozen. This was the first time that the two-room couple had been in front of the human face so that they could not leave a face for themselves. For a time, she could not accept it.
        In fact, it is also imaginable. Others don’t care about you. It’s that people are generous and generous, but they also give each other a face, but you don’t want to face yourself. Others give you back face. It’s really a fool.
        Hu is Hu. In this case, he can laugh, but he smiles a little.
        "He is a 2nd uncle, and he said, "I don't understand this thing. I still don't listen to my older sister."
        Mei sneer: "I don't know if I don't understand it. I think you are quite eloquent."
        "If you don't understand, you can say less!" Lu Ming-chuan pulled Hu hand and stated, and went to persuade Lu Guifang: "Big sister, you don't have to worry about the 2nd child. This is obviously not possible. Don't say That is his 2nd brother's friend, not someone else, but people are also doing things for the gambling house, how could it be possible to get rid of this account."
        Old Lu Han couldn't help but look at Lu Guifang. Lu Guifang's crying face looked very stiff and with a hint of sorrow.
        "Isn't it? What can I do with my family? That's more than one hundred and two. The house in the house is not enough to sell..."
        This time, Lu Guifang really cried, not the taste of a play with the same as before.
        But you know more than one hundred and two, not a small number, and where to come, think that as long as Mei Zhuangyi greets, he will be free. Maybe she knows in her heart, but there is really no way to put all the hopes on it. Now that everyone is not optimistic about this practice, she is completely paralyzed, and there is no way.
        "What to do? What to do? Hey, mother, you can't leave me alone, help me think about it... Three days, others only gave three days, and if they don't pay for it after three days, they will be Guodong. Two hands..."
        Such Lu Guifang seems to be both hateful and pitiful.
        Old Lu Han is also heartbroken: "I have told you long ago that although the children are in the county, let your two people care more and care. You always say that Guodong is sensible and will not be blind. Now?"
        "I didn't think of it, I really didn't think that he actually went to gambling... It was all the country person, she was not used, the man took the silver at home to gamble, she didn't even know how to stop..."
        The Lu family did not agree with this. Who did not know that Zhao Guodong’s daughter-like was specially chosen by Lu Guifang. Lu Guifang’s character was strong, and he was afraid of marrying a daughter-like who was as strong as himself, and added a block of his own personality. That is Zhao Guodong said to the left, she did not dare to go to the right x-, but now it is blaming the daughter-like.
        Mei had been annoyed for a long time, and couldn’t help but slammed Lu Ming-hai with his elbow.
        Lu Ming-hai stood up and said: "Big sister, I can't do anything about it. You still have to go home and find a way."
        Cui couldn't help but say: "2nd 2nd, you see your big sister is sad enough, how do you still catch her?"
        Lu Ming-hai breathed a sigh of relief: "The big sister himself said that the family only gave three days, and now I don't go back and find a way. Is it really waiting for people to come to the door after three days?"
        Old Lu Han thought for a moment and said to Lu Ming-hai: "The 2nd child, if you don't want to talk to others, give your big sister a few hours of grace? These three days are not enough to make money."
        "Hey, I didn't say it earlier, my little shi-zi is not at home now, you let me go to talk to others."
        Old Lu Han’s face is a little embarrassing, but he still said: “In any case, Zhuang Yi is familiar with others. You are going to be close to the family with Zhuang Yi name. Maybe you can become it. You see your big sister, Zhao is not how much. The rich people have to get so much money at a time."
        "There is no money, is there a house and land?" Mei couldn't help it.
        Old Lu Han’s heart is annoyed. In the end, he knows that this is still asking for a daughter-like. He is pressing the temper: “The house is sold. Where do you let your big sister live? What is your life? 2nd, your older sister is on most days. Although the temper is a little harder, there is nothing to say to you, you can help."
        He did not dare to mention Mei, because he knew very well that Mei and his eldest daughter did not deal with it.
        Lu Ming-hai was silent, and for a while, he said: "I will try it, but I don't know if it is useful. In addition, you want to let others avoid the idea of ​​debt. I don't have this face, even if my little shi-zi is at home, he doesn't have this. Face. To know that this money is owed to people, it is not owed to Hanjin."
        "When you do, you say to others that you have more graces for a few days, so that your big sister can make a good fortune." Old Lu Han nodded.
        Lu Guifang still wants to say something, but Old Lu Han gestured his ‘Madam to pull away.
        A group of people left, leaving Lu Ming-hai very worried, where he went to find Han into, the last time people came to their own home, where to find where to go.
        Mei eyes narrowed his eyes. “It’s a matter of saying that you are not too shameful. I’m too shameful. A farmer’s family has a bad gambler.”
        Lu Ming-hai knew that his ‘Madam was not willing to take this matter herself, but after all, he was his big sister. Although the two were not awkward, they did not look at the truth. In particular, it is just to help the situation to give grace to some days. If it does not agree, it seems to be too cold-blooded.
        Mei also understands this truth, but it is hard to calm down.
        Afraid of the mother-like, Lu Jao-yue hurriedly said: "Looking for the uncle, I let the 2nd brother go, the last time Guili was, he was looking for it."
        When Lu Guangzhi came back in the evening, he told him about it. He did not refuse it, but he readily agreed.
        Mei suddenly reacted and asked him how he knew where to go to Hanjin.
        Lu Jao-yue younger brother suddenly became a stiff face, and found an excuse to listen to Xiao xi work in Guangji gambling. The two rooms and two couples also reacted at this time. Lu Guifang did not say that Zhao Guodong had lost money in the Guangji gambling house. They had forgotten this for a while.
        Did not mention, Han Jin came to the 2nd room home the next day.
        From the beginning of Hanjin’s entry, Lu Jao-yue began to hide from each other and did not dare to show up in front of him.
        Since the time of Gui Gui, she has never met Han Jin. He also passed his 2nd brother, but she did not agree.
        Not wanting to see, but after the day, she was always afraid of seeing him again.
        It is a pity that this is not to hide. If Han Jin wants to do something, he will always be able to do so.
        Lu Jao-yue was washing vegetables in the yard, and he saw Han Jin’s appearance as if nothing had happened. She wanted to walk away when she had a pot, and she was afraid of being discovered by her family. She could only continue to lie there with her back.
        Han Jin put on a breathable look in the yard and walked to a place three steps away from Lu Jao-yue. The two rooms kept him eating, and he naturally agreed. Because Han Jin was very happy to promise a grace period of one month, Lu Ming-hai went to the house to report, and Mei was cooking in the stove.
        "This unloading and killing work, you are quite skilled." Han Jin's tone can't hear any emotion.
        Lu Jao-yue was so stiff and hard, and for a long time, he made a small voice.
        "Into the uncle, I don't have..."
        "Then let me let Lu Guangzhi give you something to tell you, why don't you come out?"
        "You are not unloading and killing what is it? When you need me, you will come. If you don't need me, you will refuse to meet."
        "I do not have."
        "you have!"
        "I really don't!"
        "Your move shows that you are like this. Losing me was so happy that you accepted my heart. It turned out to be playing with me."
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but raise his head and wanted to say something, but suddenly he smiled at his eyes.
        "You are deliberate." This is not a question, but an affirmative sentence.
        Han Jin smiled and said: "Isn't that what I said?"
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but rub his fingers and said: "No." Suddenly thought of something, her tone hardened, "Who made you so right to me!"
        "How am I against you?"
        Lu Jao-yue realized that he was teasing himself again, and he was so angry that he lowered his head.
        "Jao- Yue, you know, I don't know, I miss you very much these days." A small voice suddenly came into the ear.
        Lu Jao-yue blushed a bit, and after a while, he whispered: "Then don't be like that in the future."
        "How am I?" Just Lu Jao-yue was going to be angry and angry, and Han Jin said: "Well, I will never be like that again, then will you see me later?"
        Lu Jao-yue thought about it, looked at the ripples in the basin, and nodded with a red face.
        "That's it, I will wait for you outside your village tomorrow."
        After that, Han Jin walked away.
        Leave Lu Jao-yue there for a long time.
        Because Hanjin has helped a lot of his own, the two-room couple are very grateful to him. When they are eating at noon, they always bring food to his bowl. Han Jin let them not be so polite, but they can turn the vegetables into the bowl.
        After a meal, the guests and the host were happy, Han Jin did not stay much, and soon left.
        However, the two rooms and two people are very unwilling to go, obviously people and their own homes are not very familiar, but every time they come to help their own.
        Lu Ming-hai said that after Mei Zhuangyi came back, he invited Hanjin to come to the house to eat, so thank you. Mei nodded and promised to calculate, and the day when Mei Zhuangyi said that he was coming back was very close.
        As soon as I entered 10 months, the day was getting colder every day. Every day I pushed the door open, I always felt that it was colder than yesterday.
        Early in the morning, Lu Jao-yue pushed open the door and saw the fog outside, and the sky was gloomy, as if it was going to snow.
        Lu Ming-hai got up early to make tofu, and when Mei breakfast was done in the stove, he ate at random and prepared to pick the pick, but was stopped by Lu Guangyi.
        "Oh, anyway, there is nothing to do now at home. Let me go today, you are resting at home."
        Lu Ming-hai did not refuse. He broke his leg in the early years. When it was going to be windy and rainy, it would be a pain. Lu Guangyi also knew this and only made a statement for him to sell tofu. At this time, Lu Guangyi generally worked outside, but this year the family was divided, and there was no pressure to make money together, so this year he did not plan to go out to work, stay at home to help share the work of the family.
        "Take the clothes on, take care of you on the road. If it is snowing, go back home. Don't delay it outside." According to the degree of his leg pain, Lu Ming-hai estimates that it is not today that it is going to snow, so it is only This accounted for the son.
        Lu Guangyi nodded and went out.
        When eating in the morning, Lu Jao-yue did not see Lu Guangzhi, and asked Wu Lang to know that Lu Guangzhi had been sleeping in the house. After finishing the tableware, Lu Jao-yue couldn’t help but go to the east and wake up Lu Guangzhi who was asleep. After I asked about it, Han Jin said to Lu Guangzhi yesterday that he had no way to pick him up today, so he didn’t have to go to the gambling house today.
        Lu Jao-yue listened, and immediately the face was a red, my heart secretly said, what is wrong, obviously is not doing business.
        Lu Ming-hai expectation was not wrong. After Lu Guangyi went away, it began to snow.
        At first it was just a small snowy grain, and when it was down, it became a heavy snow. When Goro ate breakfast, he ran out to find the little friends to play. When Mei Shi saw the snow, he went out to find him back.
        Lu Jao-yue sat in the house, and some were sitting in peace.
        It’s time to see it soon.
        She opened the door, flipped a folder and replaced it with a thick skirt, and hurriedly stepped out of the door. When I walked to the courtyard door, I suddenly met Mee who was pulling Goro back.
        Mei asked: "Where are you going?"
        Lu Jao-yue has already thought of the reason, and said: "I will go to the Guilin home to see."
        Mei frowning, his eyes being beaten up by the snow, "Under such a big snow, I still go to Guilu, so cold days, I am going to go into the house."
        Lu Jao-yue was helpless and could only return to the house with Mei.
        In the winter in the north, the heating of the country homes is entirely dependent on the fire and the brazier. Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangqin quickly, the caves in several houses were cleaned up early, and they only burned when it snowed. When I saw snow outside, Lu Ming-hai burned the bedroom-servant of the hall and burned a brazier. The brazier burned the charcoal that was burned during cooking on most days.
        Goro was detained by Mei and refused to go out. He was so bored that he went to the stove to find a few sweet potatoes and put the sweet potatoes on the iron shelf on the brazier. In the big winter, eat a hot and hot roasted sweet potato, and it can warm and dissolve.
        Lu Jao-yue heart is burning, but he can’t go out. Looking at the heavy snow outside, I don't know if he would be stupid and wait for her at the end of the village. She thought that he should not, but it is also clear that with his character, it will probably wait for it. It is inevitable that there will be some fear that he will be cold and cold, but he thinks that he will drive the carriage every time he comes, and this anxiety is lighter.
        The sweet potato is soon cooked, but the snow outside is still not small.
        Goro took a sweet potato and peeled it off. He was burnt and sucked. Lu Jao-yue stared at the roasted sweet potato in the brazier. After a move, she found a piece of rag and wrapped two roasted sweet potatoes from the shelf. On the way to Mei Shi said:
         "Mother, I still go to the Guilin family and give them Send a few sweet potatoes in the past. "Afraid of Mei not allowed, she said: "I am holding a paper umbrella, and then a thick braid, don't worry that I will catch cold."
        This time, Mei did not stop. She knew that Gui family had not much food. It looked like it was snowing again, and she might not have eaten up. He took two baked sweet potatoes and wrapped them up for her to let her go with them.
        "Come back soon, don't delay it for a long time. If there is no food at Gui home, you will go home and say, wait for your brother to come back, I will let him send some past. It is really pitiful, this weather is probably not good, Chen family Really rumored."
        Lu Jao-yue nodded, forcing her footsteps not to appear in a hurry, taking advantage of the hot sweet potato out of the hall.
        She first went back to her house and took a thick cotton jacket and put it on the door with an oil umbrella.
        Along the way, the snow is very big, even if Lu Jao-yue is wearing an umbrella, he is also beaten by the snow and can't see the road ahead. It’s hard to get to the end of the village. She didn’t see the familiar carriage, and she was so relaxed that she thought it would be better to go back.
        Just as she was ready to turn back, she was suddenly hugged from behind by a white shadow.
        "I thought you were not coming."
        The figure was cold and not very thick. When the person moved, the snow on his body fell. Lu Jao-yue discovered that this is a white figure. It is clear that he has been standing here for a long time, and his body has been covered with a thick layer of snow.
        "You didn't drive in? You are stupid, you are standing here under such a big snow." Lu Jao-yue hurried.
        "I am not waiting for you?"
        With an umbrella blocking, Han Jin waved the snow on his face, and patted the snow on his body, fearing that she would freeze her, but one hand still arrogantly wrapped around her waist.
        "My car was borrowed by someone else, so I didn't drive the car today," he said lightly.
        Lu Jao-yue looked up at him and saw that his face was a little reddish, his lips were white, and there were a lot of snow foam on his eyebrows and his head. She immediately became a hot man, and she refused to put his hand on his waist. He hammered his fist and rubbed his chest twice. "You are a fool, you are sick, see what you do!"
        "You are hurting me?"
        "I, I didn't have it, who hurts you." She lowered her eyes and said something a little uncomfortable.
        Han Jin smiled smugly and suddenly found himself borrowing the car today, which is a wise choice. He was standing alone here, and he still regretted borrowing the car. I know that it was unfortunate to encounter heavy snow.
        "You don't have to deny, I know that you are hurting me. Don't worry, I am physically strong."
        Lu Jao-yue was too lazy to care for him. He saw no signs of snow. He couldn’t help but rush. "This can be done. This snow is getting bigger and bigger. You still have to go home." Proper, such a big snow, he walked back on foot, still do not know what it would be like.
        In particular, he is dressed so thin.
        She couldn't help but -call: "You didn't say wearing thick clothes?"
        Han Jinxi did not care: "I didn't expect it to snow today."
        Also, she did not expect that it would snow today, including his embarrassment, which is only about estimating that it is not today or tomorrow will be a heavy snow.
        "If not, do you go to my house to avoid?"
        Han Jin raised an eyebrow. "How do you explain that you are with me?"
        This is a problem, Lu Jao-yue was embarrassed.
        Just when Han Jin couldn't bear to let her be so embarrassed and ready to agree to go to her house, anyway, excuses a lot, that is, this silly Miss would be stumped by such a small thing. Lu Jao-yue finally thought of a way. She took Hanjin’s hand and said, "Go, come with me."
        This is the first time Lu Jao-yue took the initiative to take Hanjin's hand, but he can be given to the X. Even if Lu Jao-yue pulled him to sell, he did not care, and he followed her.
        Lu Jao-yue did not go too far to the village, just took Hanjin seven turns and went around, and went to a run-down yard.
        The abandoned yard that Guiyu family now lives is very close to the end of the village. It is also because this place is some distance from the village and will be slowly abandoned. Lu Jao-yue is also really no way, think of Gui Yan yesterday said that her mother intends to bring their sisters back to their homes today, dare to bring Han Jin.
        Lu Jao-yue always came to help Guiyi family during this time, so I was very clear about the situation inside the house.
        It seems that there is a door in front of the courtyard, but the courtyard wall collapses half, so it is easy to come in from the side. The main house was cleaned up by Gui Gui Niang, and she lived alone, but the East Chamber was empty. The house didn't clean up, but now there is a place to block the snow, it's always good.
        The two smashed the snow on their bodies and walked into the East Chamber.
        Here, they are usually used as a place for things to be miscellaneous. There are few complete things in them. In the middle of the position, there is a wooden shelf with a few cymbals on it, which looks old. This is the old things given by the villagers. It is not considered that the situation of Guigui family is not enough. However, this year, I can't use it. I can use it next year. I can't live without it.
        A pile of firewood piled up against the corner of the wall, and a pile of wheat straw used to set fire, Lu Jao-yue recognized that the eldest brother picked it up for the family. There are still some bits and pieces that are ruined.
        Han Jin looked around and there was no stool in the room. His eyes swept to the pile of wheat straw in the corner. His eyes lit up and he pulled Lu Jao-yue to the front and let her sit on the straw.
        He himself kicked and kicked the dry grass scattered in the ground in front of him, and vacated an empty space, and took a few firewood and a straw in the firewood. He put the firewood into a cone shape, and then he took out the fire from his arms and burned the wheat straw as a fire primer before he was thrown under the firewood.
        The whole process is flowing, and it can be seen that it is a habit.
        The fire soon ignited, some smoke, but in this weather, it did not feel embarrassing, but it made people greedy this warmth. Han Jin lost a few firewoods into the fire and stopped when the fire burned.
        "Your shoes are wet, let's bake them."
        Lu Jao-yue discovered that her feet were a little cold. She forgot to wear wooden rafts.
        "I am not cold." She moved her feet with some anxiety.
        Han Jin did not speak, and he was sitting next to her. He was tall and big. He sat here and became more and more charming. I saw that he had rubbed his hands on the clothes, and he bent down to pick up Lu Jao-yue calf to help her fade shoes.
        "I am really not cold." Lu Jao-yue kicked his own foot and pushed him with his hand. Unfortunately, Han Jin’s strength was not something she could stop.
        The shoes on the left foot were removed, and the right foot did not escape the bad luck. It was just a blink of an eye. On Lu Jao-yue feet, there were only two poems that were pitiful on his feet. Han Jin’s big palm was a fishing trip. She took the foot socks on her feet and then put her feet on her legs.
        This angle is not close to the fire, which will make Lu Jao-yue feel warm and not too close to the fire.
        After that, he did not disregard, put Lu Jao-yue shoes on the side of the fire, and then picked up her foot socks and baked them.
        Lu Jao-yue was so shy that she couldn't afford it. Han Jin gave her a look and said, "Don't be afraid that I will see your feet. Anyway, you will marry me later."
        The shyness of being seen by the lotus feet has already offset any reaction of Lu Jao-yue, and the whole person is dull. After a while, I reacted: "You are returning my foot socks."
        "not return!"
        Lu Jao-yue kicked his foot and wanted to take the calf off his leg, but Han Jin pressed it with one hand.
        "Okay, it will be fine for a while, but you have been seen by me, but what is the relationship for a little while." He whispered.
        This is a rogue theory, but it makes a lot of sense. Anyway, Lu Jao-yue can't find any rebuttal. Seeing him so determined, he could only put his calf on his lap.
        Outside the snowy rustling sand, this room is leaking around, but Hanjin will choose the location, plus the fire, it is extremely warm.
        The orange glow is warm and comfortable.
        Han Jin’s hair was not photographed in time, and it turned into a snow drop.
        One drop, two drops.
        Lu Jao-yue looked at him with a little embarrassed look, and his eyes were a little hot.
        She is not a little Miss who doesn't understand anything. Instead, she has lived for two lifetimes and married. Therefore, Lu Jao-yue is very clear about the way men and women get along with each other. The male and female outside the female lord, the husband is the Madam, and the Madam must know how to obey. Even the most sweet moments of her and Du Lian's life, she has always washed her feet for Du Lian, but he never did it for himself.
        The woman’s foot is not so much a person to see, but rather a woman’s inferiority.
        But he doesn't seem to have the kind of scruples. He is very calm and casual. It is as if he is doing this for himself. It is not worth making a fuss, but it should be.
        A drop of snow dripped down Han Jin's thick eyebrows, and Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but reach out and wipe it. When he reached out, he reacted to what he had done. However, she did not withdraw her hand, but twitched and wiped the drop of snow with her fingertips.
        Her heart beat very quickly, and she felt that her behavior was too big. She just wanted to take back her hand, but she was caught by Han Jin.
        The big palm on her wrist was warm and dry, and Lu Jao-yue didn't react. Suddenly she felt a tumultuous turn, and the whole person fell into the other's arms.

        Lu Jao-yue raised her eyes and immediately confronted him.
        The man's eyes are calm and deep, like a lake that can't see the bottom, but there seems to be a faint glimpse of the inside, which makes it difficult to see whether the fire is reflected in the fire, or what.
        Lu Jao-yue ear trembled and looked down subconsciously, no longer dare to look at his face.
        Underneath is a man's strong thigh. He has a hand around his shoulder and leans over to look at himself. This position and this angle are very dangerous. Lu Jao-yue is subconsciously struggling. She tried to get up with her hard spine, but Han Jin extended a big palm, held her arm and held people firmly in her arms.
        Lu Jao-yue twisted a sweat and couldn't get rid of it. He couldn't help but shake his voice: "Into the uncle, you let me get up."
        Han Jin just said nothing, surrounded her arms and slowly lifted up, Lu Jao-yue felt wrong, busy with his hand against his chest. It is a pity that her strength is too small, and the other side is horrible. Until now, Lu Jao-yue clearly realized that Han Jin’s physique is not only manifested in the outside, but his strength is also amazing.
        She felt that she was getting closer and closer, and she could even feel the other's breathing. It was discovered that he was not so calm on the surface, because she could clearly feel that the other party had some rapid breathing.
        This kind of breathing made her feel a sense of involuntary tension. Lu Jao-yue pushed it down again, still couldn’t push it. Just when she wanted to say something, she suddenly felt that she was loosened. Han Jin took her chest. , said: "What is this?"
        Looking at the direction of the other person's eyes, Lu Jao-yue face was red, and she did not wait for her reaction. He listened to him and said, "How hot."
        She remembered that she had picked up a few roasted sweet potatoes in her arms and pushed him aloud. "Get up, be careful to crush the sweet potatoes."
        Such a good opportunity was interrupted by several roasted sweet potatoes. Han Jin was a bit uncomfortable in the heart. He still got up straight, but he still circled Lu Jao-yue in his arms.
        Lu Jao-yue heart was loose, sit up straight, pull out the sweet potato in his arms, open the cloth bag and look at it, but fortunately it is not crushed.
        She was blushing, didn't dare to look at Han Jin's look, took out one and asked, "It's still hot, do you eat?"
        "Give me something?"
        Is it important for him to be jealous? Is it important at this time? The most important thing is to finally divert his attention.
        Seeing Han Jin picking up a past, Lu Jao-yue breathed a sigh of relief.
        "You peeled the skin for me." Han Jin said. He moved his only empty hand and signaled that he could not do anything with one hand. Lu Jao-yue was somewhat reluctant. In the end, he was still afraid of his madness and his own cheapness. He picked up the sweet potato.
        Han Jin smiled and looked at her seriously to peel the soft sweet potato skin.
        Sweet potato is a red heart sweet potato. Every household in Daxi Village will plant some species every year. This kind of thing is real, and it can be planted by looking for a piece of land, and the yield is high. There is a point that is not good. People eat more heartburn, so most people don't plant much. They usually eat it when they are on most days. However, the children like this kind of food very much. In the winter, they are grilled on the fire, and they are relieved and relieved.
        This sweet potato was collected after the frosting, so it was very sweet, and the syrup was baked. Just peeling a little skin, it smelled sweet and tangy.
        "I didn't eat in the morning." Han Jin said.
        Lu Jao-yue subconsciously said: "There are several here, I will give you food. My mother will not let me out, I am excusing to send the baked sweet potato to GuiJao-." It is also explaining why she is late.
        She paused: "Why don't you have breakfast, not eating breakfast is bad for your body."
        Han Jin leaned back against the pile of wheat straw behind him and said lazily: "No habit."
        Doing their own trip, night crouching, especially the single men who are not married, how can there be that kung fu to eat breakfast. This time, if it was not for the purpose of picking up Lu Guangzhi, he also got up after three days of sleep. After waiting for it, he even ate it at lunch.
        Seeing her attitude is surprisingly good, Han Jin got insatiable and said: "I can't give up, you feed me."
        Lu Jao-yue stiffened. In the end, there was something before, and I didn’t feel how embarrassed it was. I took the sweet potato and went to his mouth. It is not difficult to say that it is still a bit strange. She didn't dare to look up at him and almost stuffed him in the nose. Or Han Jin snorted in protest, she just raised her head and fed him seriously.
        The sweet potato looks quite big, but Han Jin’s mouth is not small, especially he is hungry, and he has finished eating it in three. After eating, he did not let Lu Jao-yue strip him again, but he sat up straight and picked up the sweet potato on the side to peel off the skin.
        Lu Jao-yue let go of his heart, and saw that his arm was loosened, and he wanted to drill out from his arm. When I saw that the person had just moved, he was picked up again by him.
        "You just fed me, now it’s my turn to feed you."
        Lu Jao-yue stayed in her face until the sweet potato got to her lips and reacted.
        Seeing that he put his hands together, she opened her mouth subconsciously, fearing that he had slammed the sweet potato on her face. Han Jin was willing to smile, and the big palm carefully held a small sweet potato and fed her.
        Lu Jao-yue was not happy when he ate something. He was fed in his arms and was eating slowly.
        Han Jin snorted. "Your mouth is really small." I don't know if it is derogatory or derogatory.
        Upon hearing this, Lu Jao-yue subconsciously turned red on her face and turned her face away.
        "I don't eat."
        Han Jin stared at her red cheeks with a funny smile. "Is it angry?"
        Lu Jao-yue did not speak.
        "Don't you eat?" he asked again.
        She still didn't speak.
        "Don't eat, then I ate?"
        Said in his mouth, his hand was lifted, he threw the sweet potato, rubbed his hand on the rag of the sweet potato, and leaned over to hold her face, and smashed it.
        All the protests were blocked. His movements were too big and his strength was too strong. Just picking up the little mouth, he rudely put his tongue in his head.
        Lu Jao-yue licked his chest a few times, no one cares about her, and then she also refused to marry him, all between him and his mouth, his own taste, but also a sweet sweet potato.
        "It's sweet."
        Han Jin sighed and licked her red lips and kissed them.
        This sentence suddenly awakened Lu Jao-yue, she began to struggle hard, pushed him hard, and turned his face to the side.
        "Into the uncle, you can't do this. I knew you wanted to do this, I won't come to see you..." There was a cry in her voice.
        Han Jin’s action stopped and he stopped. He wiped his face with some defeat. “I’m not good, don’t cry, I’m not interested, it’s hard to stop.”
        Lu Jao-yue just ignored him, or shed tears.
        She is really stupid, knowing that he is not honest, likes to take advantage of her, or meet him every time. I knew that it was like this, she would let him freeze, but also be worried about him.
        "I really didn't mean it, Jao-yue." Seeing her still ignore him, just silently tears, Han Jin was very distressed, couldn't help but whispered: "I just can't help myself, you see me. A lot of ages, the Brother around me went to the flower building to find a flower Miss, and held the beauty of the Miss every day, holding the Eldest Miss wave, I have no Miss. So my beloved Miss is willing to let me I hugged, I just couldn’t help it."
        In order to get Lu Jao-yue understanding, but also to be able to come out with her in the future, Han Jin's old face is not intended.
        "The mouth is slippery! It is estimated that you have not gone to the flower building to find a flower Miss." Lu Jao-yue couldn't tell what kind of taste it was, and couldn't help but stab.
        "How is it possible? I have never been there, I swear." He raised his left hand and pointed his fingers.
        Lu Jao-yue didn't believe his face, but he couldn't help but believe.
        Seeing her soft attitude and down, Han Jin hit the snake and climbed, and put her in her arms.
        "I have seen you since I met you. I can't hold any more people in my heart. I only think about you every day, I miss you. I finally put it close to you, and I even want to take you back to be a ‘Madam’, how can I? Go to the flower building to find a Miss."
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but say: "When did you see me, why don't I know?"
        Han Jin patiently explained: "At that time, you still don't know me. I saw your mother taking you to buy things. Only then did you know that you are the shi-nu in Mei Zhuangyi mouth."
        Did he like her so early?
        The redness suddenly spread on Lu Jao-yue face. She couldn't help but look away. She didn't dare to go to see him again.
        Han Jin’s heart is dark and happy. It seems that the dog can deceive so many big Miss like him, and it is not unreasonable. He is just anxious to learn and sell now, and she will be irritated. It seems that I have to pay attention to observation in the future and learn more. Han Jin can't help but make up his mind, so he doesn't mention it.
        The room at this time was very quiet, and it was filled with an atmosphere that could not be said.
        Lu Jao-yue felt a little uncomfortable, and his eyes swept to his bare feet, and he couldn't help but move.
        "My shoes and socks should be baked, you let me down."
        At this moment, Han Jin did not dare to marry her, but she did not put her down, but took her shoes and socks and placed them in front of her.
        There is still some moistness, not as drenched as before.
        Lu Jao-yue hooked his body and put the foot socks on his feet. Seeing his eyes on his feet, he couldn't help but push him and let him go to the side.
        It was very easy to put on, and in the end, Lu Jao-yue was sweating, and he put on his shoes and socks. What she was about to say, suddenly there was a voice outside.
        "Mother, don't be sad..."
        It is Gui Gui.
        "I never thought that you wouldn't even let the door go, so we will drive them out. The family is like this, every family is like this, how can they get down to the heart with such a big snow." The voice of the mother is filled with mourning.
        "Okay, mother. Even if they don't recognize us, we are not hungry. Although the house is broken, it can also shelter from the wind and rain, and we are all smashed by clothes, afraid of anything."
        "You can't have much food at home..." If she doesn't, she won't be cheeky, and she will return to her family for help with her daughter. It is because I think it is going to change this day. I want to borrow some food from my family.
        "It’s okay, it’s not working. I’ll take care of Jao-yue family. After this year, let’s open some wasteland next year. I will go to the town to find some work and I will be able to return.”
        This time, Gui Honorable Concubine did not say that she would not let her daughter go to work in the town, because she also knows that the family has reached a dead end. She wiped the tears on her face and said, "When the mother goes with you."
        Gui Yan nodded and glanced at the face of Sao Yan, and could not help but hurriedly said: "Mother, don't delay, hurry in, I am afraid that the little bedroom-servant is frozen."
         Xiao yan was young, they didn't snow in the morning, so they didn't wear too thick, and the face was frozen.
        Gui Yan Niang also did not care much, said, holding her little daughter to go to the house, Gui Yan said to come to take firewood.
        All of this happened between the servants. Lu Jao-yue wanted to hide too late. She just got up from Han Jin’s leg and heard the door -calling and the strange eyes on the laurel.
        "Jao-yue, you..."
        Lu Jao-yue is crying, but this time is not anxious, she is busy explaining to Gui Yan: "You don't misunderstand, the snow outside is too big, he really has no place to hide snow, I brought him here. here."
        There was a urging voice from Guizheng in the main room. Gui Yan also refused to talk to Lu Jao-yue. When they looked at each other, they took a bundle of firewood and went to the main room.
        "What should I do? What should I do? What I say next, Guiyi will not believe."
        "Afraid of what, we have not done anything!" Han Jin is very open.
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but glance at him and said, "You have nothing, but I will have something. If this is known to my mother..."
        "Nothing, I am jealous of you!"
        Lu Jao-yue was blushed by this words, and wanted to say something, but she also knew that she should not be angry with him.
        But I can’t help it. If he didn’t force him to go out and see him, there would be no such thing as today. She wouldn’t bear to let him freeze and bring him to Gui house. If he doesn’t come here, he’ll not. Will be broken by Gui Gui, so still have to anger.
        "I blame you!"
        Lu Jao-yue is crying, and she really has no face. She has always been a Miss who has been inspected. She never touched a foreigner. Today, she actually let her friends meet with her and meet with others. I don’t know how Guiyi would think about her.
        "Okay, don't worry. We are not married to a man who is unmarried. I can't be big, I will take you back now, what are you afraid of?"
        "But you are my uncle, my mother will not agree with the trick." This is the most deep concern of Lu Jao-yue. She has always avoided Hanjin, not only because she does not want to marry, nor because In the last life, Du Lian was disappointed, and he was afraid of it. He knew that there were too many difficulties and obstacles between the two.
        Just by calling his uncle, he called her big brother, and she could kill her.
        Han Jin’s face could not help but be stiff. He certainly understood the relationship between the heads, but he was also unwilling to take care of it. She had never had a door to go to the door, and she could not find a chance to contact her. Not to mention that his reputation is too bad, even if the light is right to go to the door to raise relatives, it is estimated that Lu Jia two rooms will directly hit him.
        Therefore, he chose a shortcut, and by the relationship between Mei Zhuangyi and Lu Jia two rooms, he was close to her.
        Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It doesn't make sense that the good things under the sun make a person take up the light, so he chooses shortcuts and naturally faces the side effects of shortcuts.
        I understood the hardships in the heart, but he still calmed down: "Nothing, you shi-nu and you are there, I will solve it. Well, you don't think too much, now it is about how to put your good friend. I don’t care if I calm down, but I don’t want you to be scolded by your mother."
        "You can have this idea and show that you are not a bad person."
        Gui Yan walked in, she had already burned her bedroom-servantes, and her mother looked at Sao Yan, paying attention not to let her heat, only to take time to the East.
        "If I am a bad person, you will not stand here and talk to me now, but in Han’s home."
        Gui Yan’s face couldn’t help but feel stiff, but she still stood strong against the other’s gaze, pulling her friend behind her, and facing the man who was not an ordinary person.
        "But you are not a good person. If you are a good person, you will carry the family of Jao-yue, always meet with her privately? Jao-yue is simple, don't you know the truth of this. If you are seen, the reputation of Jao-yue will be It’s over.” Soon, she looked at Han Jin up and down with a questioning look: “Don't you just think about it, so you will meet with her unscrupulously?”
        It is undeniable that Gui Yan poked Han Jin into a kind of concealed mind. He had really thought about this for a long time. But he also knows that if he does not want to lose Mei Zhuangyi friend, he can't move this kind of mind. When faced with problems, people can't help but want to take shortcuts, so it is inevitable to think about it.
        However, Han Jin understands very well that some shortcuts can go, and some can't.
        In particular, she is such a good Miss, how can he use this despicable means. Therefore, he took painstaking care to protect her reputation, and sometimes she thought she was thinking badly, or forced to restrain herself, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble to her.
        He Hanjin is doing things, no matter what is right or wrong, but he is innocent.
        "Do you believe her?" He did not answer the words of Gui Yan, but looked at Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Jao-yue shook his head and shook his head, and said to Gui Yan: "Gui Wei, Jin Zishu is not such a person."
        Han Jin couldn't help but smile. The Miss he liked was worthy of his intentions.
        "I will go first and see you again tomorrow."
        "But it is still snowing outside."
        "No problem."
        Han Jinyi waved his hand in disbelief and did not walk the main entrance. He opened a broken window on the side of the room and turned it out.
        Lu Jao-yue didn't expect him to be like this. He was shocked and rushed to the window to see. This window is facing a collapsed wall, so you can go straight out. Soon, Han Jin’s figure disappeared into a white space.
        After Han Jin left, the house was still in silence, and there was only a sound of sparks from time to time in the fire.
        Lu Jao-yue turned back and sneaked a sneak peek at the face of Gui Yan. The little voice: "Gui Wei, Jin Zishu is not the kind of person you said."
        Gui Gui smiled, maybe I didn't know it before, but the attitude and look of that person has completely explained everything. She is a country Miss, and she has no knowledge, but she can understand what it means to be bright and upright, and that the person’s every move is so eloquent.
        In particular, this person did not say the wrong sentence. If he is a bad person, she will not stand here at this time. Strictly speaking, he is his own savior.
        "I don't care about this anyway, nor will you say to your mother. You can understand that you haven't married yet, and you must consider the consequences beforehand."
        Lu Jao-yue nodded again and again, "Gui Gui, you can rest assured, I will not be the kind of person who does not have discretion. We are not like a man, but if you go wrong, it will be wrong. But he-" she thinks of Hanjin , blushing a little, whispered: "But him, he is really not a bad person, at least he is very careful with me."
        Gui Yan likes to be a good person. Naturally, I can understand the meaning of my friend's words and the look on my face. I nodded helplessly. In fact, she also understands the nature of her friends, and will believe that the uncle is not a bad person. However, she did not relax her vigilance and was prepared to keep an eye on it. If anything is wrong, she will stop it immediately.
        The two said two gossips, and Lu Jao-yue suddenly remembered the sweet potato she brought and gave it to Gui.
        "There were four of them. In order to wait for me, he stood outside with the snow for a long time, and didn't use breakfast. Then I also ate one..." Then he said, and there was no voice, and his face was very blushing.
        There is an inexplicable sense of shame. This thing was originally brought to a friend, but it was eaten by them, or the kind of eating.
        Gui Yan joked: "You haven't married him yet, and you will know who you care about."
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but glance at her, but she was a little embarrassed.
        "Well, you tell me about things between you."
        When Lu Jao-yue thought about it, she began to talk slowly about what happened between her and Han Jin. Apart from the things about Mei Zhuangyi life and the fact that Han Jin twice took advantage of her, she almost spoke out.
        "As you said, he really treats you with your heart."
        Lu Jao-yue did not speak, but the look on her face has already explained everything.
        "Is it just that you and his affairs can lead the way? After all, you call him aunt."
        Originally, the look of shyness and sorrow turned into frustration. Lu Jao-yue squinted: "I know, so I have been avoiding him before." She looked at Gui Yan and hesitated: "He let I don't care, he will solve this problem, he has the ability, I believe him."
        "Don't forget what he did. When a close friend comes, you don't think there is anything, but if you are a son-like..."
        For the rest, Gui Yan did not say, Lu Jao-yue also understood the meaning. She explained: "He didn't plan to continue doing this business, and he is going to do business with my little sister. As for the reputation, those are just rumors..."
        The words that were said were all finished by Lu Jao-yue. Gui Yan is not good at saying anything, not a child. Since that Han Jin can think about things so comprehensively, it is not a matter of heart.
        In this way, the other side is not very good in name, but there seems to be no bad place.
        The two did not continue to say this, and Lu Jao-yue remembered what he had heard before, and couldn’t help but ask what happened to Gui.
        Gui Yan has not concealed. When he was the most embarrassed, he was spent with this good friend. What else can be hidden? So she took her mother to bring her sisters back to her family, but she was told by a few reluctances.
        Lu Jao-yue comforted: "I told my mother before I came out, saying that if there is no food in your family, you can borrow some of you."
        Gui Yan said with gratitude: "Thank you, Jao-yue. I will not be polite with you at this time. You can rest assured that this grain will definitely be returned."
        In fact, the reason why Lu Jao-yue would say that he borrowed it is to understand the goodness of his friends. If he said it, Guilu would definitely not want it. However, this grain two-bedroom person did not intend to come back, but Lu Jao-yue did not say it.
        Seeing the snow outside, there was no small sign. Lu Jao-yue did not wait any longer. When he said goodbye to Gui, he propped up the umbrella and went back.

 When Lu Jao-yue arrived home, Lu Guangyi had returned.
        He just came back, but fortunately he brought a coat, otherwise he still didn't know what it was like. However, one of the picks of tofu has not been sold, and Mei did not feel bad, but instead made a decision to make frozen tofu and keep it for himself.
        It can only be like this, who makes the weather unfortunate.
        Lu Jao-yue said that Gui Gui Niang’s return to her home was denied. Mei sighs and sighs, sighing that Gui Yan's two lives are bitter, but they are also understandable. After all, Lu Jia is also a family. If the attitude is soft, these people stick to it, whether it is accepted or not. Accepted?
        Accepted, there are so many people to eat, and no one is too affluent. In particular, Gui Honorable Concubine’s reputation is not good now, I am afraid that she will be tired of the family children. But I don't accept it - since I don't intend to accept it, it's better to break the other's thoughts at the beginning.
        It’s just that after all, it’s a brother-like who is close to the door. It’s too cold-blooded. And Guilu Niang is not the kind of person who is not interested. After knowing each other for so many years, Mei is quite clear about this.
        In the end, it was a matter of other people family. Mee was not good at saying anything. He just discussed it with Lu Ming-hai. When he planned to wait for the snow to stop, he would give some food to Gui family. He couldn't watch this family starve to death. During the period, the people of Chen’s family were stunned, and they did not mention it.
        The snow stopped intermittently for three days before it stopped.
        During this period, the family in the 2nd room did not go anywhere, and they were at home.
        Lu Jao-yue remembered the thin folder of Hanjin in the day, and remembered that no one usually made clothes for him, and he quietly hid in the house to make clothes for him. Fortunately, she just made a few cotton jackets for her family. Not only did the fabric have left, but cotton also had it, but it was just enough to make him a cotton coat.
        If you don't need embroidered clothes, it's actually quite simple to do. Plus Lu Jao-yue hand is fast, but it took only one and a half days to make the cotton coat.
        The outside is cold, but there is no wind, dry and cold.
        Early in the morning, Goro went out to throw a child, and he could hear the laughter of snowballing with a group of friends outside.
        Lu Guangzhi also went out, but Lu Jao-yue did not pay attention to it, but he did not come back.
        "what happened?"
        "Incoming son did not come today."
        Lu Jao-yue said: "The snow is so big in these two days, there is definitely a lot of snow on the road, and it is normal to not come."
        Lu Guangzhi nodded and said: "I think so too, so I will wait for a while, see no one, come back. Sister, I plan to follow up with my uncle, I will not go to the gambling house this year, and I will say next year. This day is colder than the day, we have a lot of snow here, I don't want to trouble me to pick me up."
        Lu Jao-yue sinks down and said: "Oh, you are the owner of this matter."
        On the other hand, Mei asked Lu Guangyi to send a bag of food to Gui Gui family. This is a couple of days of snow, and I don’t know how the mother and daughter got together. After thinking about it, she took a few sauerkraut from the tank and let Lu Guangshun take it. There is no food to eat in the winter, so every household will pick up many pickles in the summer and autumn for the winter. A few of the Guiyu Niang were rushed out of the clean body, naturally there is no pickles to eat.
        Lu Guangyi nodded and took a bundle of firewood from the firewood house. He then went back to his body and went to the Guilin home.
        When he arrived, Gui Yan was shoveling snow in the yard.
        The face was frozen red and red, shovel twice, stop and rub your hand.
        Seeing him coming, Gui Yan put down the raft in his hand and greeted him.
        "Large brother, how come you?"
        "My mother asked me to send some food to your home, and this firewood is also for you. This is a cold weather. It is not convenient for you to go out. If there is no firewood, come to the house and say, my family is more."
        Gui Yan was very moved. "Large brother, thank you, thank you Lu Erqi and Lu Ershu. You can rest assured that these foods will definitely be returned." The other people in the country give me something else, the food is given. It is generally necessary to return.
        Lu Guangyi snorted and glanced at the look on the other's face, swallowing the words that were not needed.
        He also knows from Sao and Gui, although although the other is a Miss's family, he usually does not deal with it very much, but from his sister's mouth, he can know what kind of character she is. Since she said that she would return it, he listened, lest she should not think about it.
        Lu Guangyi did not stay much. After handing over things to Guilu, he left.
        Gui Yan put things back and returned to the house.
        "Lu Jia two rooms are really good people. The general boy is also a good person. Your three sisters must remember the great grace of others. If they have the ability, they must return." Gui Yan Niang told the three daughters.
        The three sisters of Guiyu nodded, and Gui Honorable Concubine sighed again. "So good boy, the group of people who don't know what it is, so it ruined this good marriage."
        When I mentioned the marriage, I couldn’t help but think that my eldest daughter was not too young. The face of Gui Yan Niang’s face flashed a slap in the face and blasphemy. On the guilty road, “The Eldest Miss, all the mothers mistaken you, if it was the original It’s good to tell you a marriage as soon as possible.” Not until now, she and her leave the door, and her daughter’s reputation is broken, no one is coming to the door.
        "Mother, I didn't say it. I don't want to marry now. We don't even have enough stomachs yet. We still want to marry someone who doesn't marry. I will stay at home and give you the old age."
        "What to say, mother will never delay you. When the family is better, the mother will ask someone to tell you the pro. It is also a step slower in the year, otherwise if you talk to the Minghai, you will be given Generalized kid, now you still don't know what to enjoy." As a result, Gui Honorable Concubine suddenly flashed a glimmer of light, and could not help but say: "Eldest Miss, how do you think the general boy?"
        How could Gui Yan not see her mother's mind, suddenly blushing, and hurriedly said: "Mother, you stop, don't think about it again after this thought. If you want to break the friendship with Lu Jia 2nd room, Even if you think about it, it doesn't matter. What is the situation of the family, which one will marry a daughter-like, dragging a mother-like and two sisters. Even if you have this face, I don't have this face, so don't mention it later."
        Gui Yan Niang has some grievances, but also some embarrassment. In the end, it is her daughter, and it makes a lot of sense. She did not say anything.
        However, it was a slap in the face of Gui Yan. She knew that her mother was good for her, but she did not have this face. She sighed and said: "Mother, don't blame your daughter. Lu 2nd room has great grace for us. You can't think of it like this. You can't even think about it. Don't say anything about it. I don't want to be a pro." ”
        Gui Yan Niang nodded.
        For three days, Lu Guangzhi will go to the end of the village every morning, but Han Jin has not appeared.
        Lu Jao-yue also knows this, and my heart has been heavy. With Han Jin’s thoughtful temperament, if he does not come, he will arrange things well and will not disappear so unclearly.
        On this day, Lu Guangzhi was somewhat unbearable and planned to go to the county himself.
        One is to look at the situation, and the other is to have an explanation for the gambling side. Lu Jao-yue did not object, but he was wearing a thicker and early to go back early. In fact, she was also worried about Han Jin.
        It was not until the noon that Lu Guangzhi came back. After returning, he said to Lu Jao-yue that the reason why the uncle did not come in the past few days was because he was ill, and he was seriously ill. The man who had been iron-like was accidentally cold, and he could not be able to go down for several days. bed.
        Lu Jao-yue couldn’t help but be anxious, and her heart was burning.
        He must have gone back to the cold on that day, and he didn't know how. He was so strong, how could he just lie in bed? Worried in my heart, I can't help but ask a few more questions. After asking, she was out of the East, and Lu Guangzhi looked at his sister's back with a puzzled look.
        For an entire afternoon, Lu Jao-yue was unsettled, and Lu Guangzhi looked in his eyes and remembered it in his heart. In the evening, they used to take a meal. Everyone went back to the house to rest. Lu Guangzhi excused himself to help the eldest sister burn and came to Lu Jao-yue house.
        "Big sister, are you worried about entering the uncle?" Lu Guangzhi, who was kneeling in front of the cave, glanced at him and sat on the needlework, but he was the big sister who stopped for a while.
        Lu Jao-yue snorted and smiled in disguise. "I just want to see how my uncle looks very strong. How can I get sick in bed and can't get up."
        "It's not a fever, I heard Hu Sanshu say that because the body is strong and not often sick, it will be sick if it is sick. The uncle has been feverish for several days, and the medicine does not work, hot. I can't retreat." After that, Lu Guangzhi eyes fixed on the expression on his sister's face.
        It’s a pity that Lu Jao-yue didn’t find it all. When I heard that I didn’t use the medicine, I couldn’t help but panic. I shook my hand and the needle tip accidentally tied my finger. Her eyebrows scorned and put her fingertips on the mouth. Contains the inclusion.
        His sister started to learn needlework from the age of five. In addition to the first two years, Lu Guangzhi has not seen his sister doing needlework. He stood up and his expression was a little dignified: "Big sister, do you like to enter the uncle?"
        Lu Jao-yue expression suddenly became flustered. She was not a person who was good at disguise, so how could she get through Lu Guangzhi?
        Looking at her brother, Lu Jao-yue heartbeat was very fast, but let her confess her thoughts on her uncle mind as a younger brother. She also felt extremely shameful. She could only hang her head and not speak.
        The room was very quiet, and Lu Guangzhi did not speak. He seemed to be thinking about something. When Lu Jao-yue heart jumped to the eyes of the shu-born, he suddenly listened to Lu Guangzhi: “Sister, you have a good eye.”
        "Ah?" Lu Jao-yue was stunned, and she never thought that her brother would say so.
        "Into the uncle is good, enough man, and people have the responsibility. To tell the truth, big sister, I have been thinking about if you marry someone, you have to choose someone to be worthy of you. Now it seems that you and the child Uncle is quite worthy." Lu Guangzhi paused and said: "Just the only point, the reputation of Jin Shushu is not very good, it is estimated that the mother will not agree. As for the age, I think the older man knows It hurts people."
        Lu Jao-yue blushes like a fire, and whispered: "What did you say, 2nd brother."
        "What? Don't you think that my analysis makes sense. I have long felt that it is wrong. You and the uncles have met too often. Even if you ask Xiao Xiao , you will not see so many times. If he said that he was looking at Xiao lian’s face, he helped us to teach Du Lian and Dagu family. It’s a bit too diligent. I always feel that he is not □, but has a private complaint with these two people... ”
        In the following words, he was interrupted by Lu Jao-yue: "Teaching Du Lian and Dagu family? You mean the cousin of Guodong, but also the uncle?"
        Lu Guangzhi discovered that he had said that he had missed his mouth and quickly closed his mouth. He had already been heard by Lu Jao-yue, and he couldn’t help it.
        Lu Guangzhi can only confess: "Zhao Guodong's business is indeed made by the uncles, but Zhao Guodong's gambling and the money in the greed business are not instructed by the uncle. I saw Zhao Guodong gambling in the gambling workshop, afraid of being When he saw it, he wanted to avoid a few days first, so as not to have a life. If you know that Zhao Guodong is the son of aunt, then he will give Zhao Guodong a set... In fact, even if he does not do anything from the middle, Zhao Guodong will soon become like this. He was already greedy with a lot of money in the business, and he was stunned."
        Lu Jao-yue was silent, and he couldn’t tell what it was. He seemed to be able to unexpectedly make something that was moving and helpless.
        Seeing that the big sister did not speak, Lu Guangzhi hurriedly said: "Big sister, you should not be because of this, you are not planning to enter the uncle?"
        Lu Jao-yue was blushing and stated: "I am good with him, what is it for you!"
        Lu Guangzhi grinned and said: "It seems that the big sister is better than the uncle?"
        Lu Jao-yue discovered that the younger brother had said so much, that is, to swindle her words, suddenly annoyed. Let her rush to the younger brother, she can't do it, she can only sit there and -call.
        Lu Guangzhi also knows that he has a lot of words today. He is afraid of being blamed by his sister and wants to run away. But he knows that Lu Jao-yue is calling from behind.
        "So, he is really very ill?" Lu Jao-yue voice was small and hesitant.
        Lu Guangzhi stood in the footsteps and nodded. "But there should be nothing. Hu Sanshu, they are taking care of them. There are medical centers in the county. You don't have to worry about the big sister."
        Lu Jao-yue was a little embarrassed and hesitated, but still said: "I want to see him."
        Lu Guangzhi didn't expect the big sister to say this. He stunned and slammed his head: "I know that I can take you there, but I am afraid that you can't go out."
        Lu Jao-yue thought about it and said: "Nothing, when I told my mother that I went to Guilin."
        "That big sister, you can think about it, think about it, and the road is so far, there is no oxcart now, can you do it?"
        "Don't think, take me tomorrow."
        The next day, Lu Jao-yue found an excuse and went out with Lu Guangzhi.
        The snow is still not gone, so the road is very slippery, with snow and mud everywhere. Fortunately, Lu Jao-yue had been prepared to put on a pair of lambskin boots that she bought for her last year, so that she could keep warm and not afraid to get wet.
        The road was not good, and there were no pedestrians. Lu Guangzhi was afraid that the eldest sister would fall, so she was glaring at her all the way. When they went out, they went to the county until noon. Lu Guangzhi looked at the big sister with some worries and said: "Big sister, are you okay?"
        Lu Jao-yue wore a long-necked pimple with a purple-flanked purple-faced rind, and a cloak with a cotton-colored silk satin in the outside. This cloak of Lu Jao-yue will rarely be worn out. It will only be worn occasionally when he goes out to visit relatives in winter.
        At this time her cheeks were red and panting, obviously it was already very tired.
        "Nothing, hurry, let's go back soon." She wiped the sweat from her forehead.
        "Big sister, when we go back, we can talk to Hu Sanshu, let him find someone to help us. The oxcart can't go, but the carriage is fine. I came back last time and Hu Sanshu sent me back. You are hungry now. If we don't find a place to eat something, wait for it in the house, there will never be fire, but there is no meal for us to eat."
        Lu Jao-yue looked at the sky, not to mention that she was hungry at this time. I used a bowl of porridge before going out in the morning, and I have been hungry for a long time.
        "Then let's go eat something first."
        Lu Guangzhi walked with Lu Jao-yue on the road and walked around, and went to the front of a restaurant.
        This restaurant is not big, but the business seems to be good. There are five or six tables in the store. At this point, there are almost all guests, and there is still a blank space in the corner. Lu Guangzhi leads Lu Jao-yue to go there.
        "Sister, the food here is not bad, Dongzi brought me to eat once."
        The two just moved their stools and prepared to sit down. Suddenly they pulled out their personalities, pushed them apart, sat down on the stool, and greeted several people standing at the door: "There are still empty tables here."
        The few people are all short, and they are not badly dressed, but they don't look like good people. As they laughed, they shook their heads and shook their heads. At the same time, they tweeted: "Lu Wu, you are sharp-eyed."
        "That is, it is not awkward to grab a table with a Eldest Miss."
        "Oh, I didn't find this Eldest Miss looks pretty good."
        One of them pointed at Lu Jao-yue, and suddenly the eyes of those people came over.
        Lu Jao-yue has not seen this situation yet. He can only slightly open his body and pull the hood on his head. Lu Guangzhi eyes were stunned and he wanted to say something, but he was dragged by his sister. Lu Jao-yue shook his head and pulled him to go outside.
        But before I got to two steps, I was stopped by the man named Lu Wu.
        "This Miss, you are not deliberately grabbing your position. How do you like this, let's sit at a table, so that you don't delay your use of food, or delay our drinking?" Lu Wu said with a smile on his hippie eyes. The face of Jao-yue was drooping.
        As Lu Jao-yue thinks, these people are really not good people. They are famous in this street. It is uncommon for people to walk on the street. Unfortunately, this kind of person is also the most difficult, so no one dares to provoke. They will come to the restaurant in this street to eat and drink, but never pay. However, they don't dare to go to the big restaurants. There are people behind the big restaurants. It's not that they can't be fooled by the big guys, so they usually come to this store.
        When the owner of the store saw a few people coming in, he wanted to frown. If you didn’t have time to find your own, you would start playing with a Eldest Miss. The boss is also kind, seeing the dress of Lu Jao-yue brother and sister, knowing that they are the origin of the civilian family, and that they want to take care of their own business, and then they will encounter this kind of thing, and they will want to go to the front.
        He went up and made a sigh: "Your grandfather, it’s rare for you to come to the store. I don’t know what to eat. Today, there are fresh Jiangyan, just caught up, and now I’m still in the tank, otherwise I asked the cook to help you braised one, and then served with a few dishes. Would you have a good drink?"
        Lu Wu pushed the boss who had been over half a hundred years old and spit on the ground. He said, "Give me some things. Don't think that I don't know what you are doing with this old thing. I tell you, some. Things can be managed, and some things can't be touched."
        Seeing someone making trouble, the guests who are eating in the store have all got up and paid their bills.
        The boss looked at Lu Jao-yue brother and sister with a smile, and he could only do it. He opened the store on this street for decades, and he did not plan to leave. He still has to support his family. This group of rogues.
        Seeing the boss retreating with acquaintance, Lu Wu smiled proudly at Lu Jao-yue. "This Miss, I have asked for this meal today. If you don't give face, you can't."
        A few people standing on the side, grotesquely rushed to Lu Wu, he not only felt shame, but more arrogant, he wanted to go to Lu LuJao-'s hand.
        Just listening to the bang, the hand was opened.
        It is Lu Guangzhi.
        Lu Wuzhen’s big eyes and big eyes wanted to drink, but Lu Guangzhi first took the lead.
        "Oh, your dog's eyes, where are you mixed, is the South City Dexing Society, or the city north black tiger help? Or the pier over there? Do you know who we are? It is the person of Guangji gambling workshop Han Daoda, you If you don't want to see the sun of tomorrow, your hand will continue to move forward."
        For a time, everyone was stunned, including Lu Jao-yue.
        Lu Wu face is inconspicuous. “You said that you are the person of Guangji gambling house Han’s boss?”
        Lu Guangzhi nodded with an unpredictable attitude.
        Lu Wu had a cold sweat and couldn’t care for any Eldest Miss. He was busy making a sigh of relief: "I don’t want to see Xiao ye, we don’t know Taishan, we’ve collided with two. Let’s go, let’s go. ."
        Said, this group of people disappeared in a blink of an eye.
        Lu Jao-yue glanced at her younger brother, just in the eyes of Lu Guangzhi, she looked up and glanced at the boss and the man, and took the younger brother and quickly got out of the store.
        Lu Guangzhi carefully glanced at the big sister's face and said: "Big sister, I also listened to the uncle and Hu Sanshu talking to them on most days. Today, I am learning to use it and scare it."
        Lu Jao-yue glanced at him with a strange look and stopped. "What do you mean, you just said that, isn't it a lie?"
        Lu Guangzhi was crying and laughing. He thought that his sister was angry. He never thought she thought she was swindling.
        "Big sister, you don't know, for those noble people, it's all right, but for this group of people, the uncle is the grandfather. Only when I look at these people, I know that they are just a little mixed on the street. Son, it’s a cellar, I’m afraid they can’t even get along.”
        Lu Jao-yue looked unpredictable, and he was relieved. "I thought you deliberately pretended to be in a hurry. I was afraid that people would come over and turn around to find us trouble."
        Lu Guangzhi continued to cry and laugh. After a while, he said: "Go, let's change home."
        The two went to use the meal together before they went to Fengyuan Street.
        At this time, Fengyuan Street looks calm and ordinary, and Fengyuan Street in the evening is completely different. In fact, Lu Guangzhi is very fortunate. They arrived just before the afternoon. I want to know that there are many flower buildings in this street. Every afternoon, there are many flower Miss leaning against the window, or combing, or wearing makeup. In the past, people walked out and laughed and laughed.
        He had eaten this kind of loss at the beginning, and every time he passed by here, there would always be a flower Miss who saw his young face and tenderness. So that later, he never gambling in the afternoon.
        Lu Guangzhi did not want his eldest sister to see the filth here, and did not want it at all. Therefore, Lu Jao-yue was still looking around curiously, and he took her and hurried forward.
        Going to the back door of the gambling house, the door of the house is half open.
        No one in the yard is mostly in the house. Sure enough, when the two walked in, someone greeted him through the window.
        "Lu Xiao zi, come to the boss?"
        Lu Guangzhi nodded, and the man chilled a few words, then pulled Lu Jao-yue to the south. Then he greeted him through the window, his neck was almost broken, and he did not see the person who was next to Lu Guangzhi, only knowing that he was a Miss.
        Is it true that it is the Miss who made clothes for the boss in the legend?
        Han Jin has always been clean and self-satisfied. The people in the gambling house are easy to come, and there are several places in the hurdles. Therefore, it is inevitable that they will turn around when they earn money. But Han Jin has never touched this. He has hardly heard of any Miss who has anything to do with him. The only exception is that he has seen clothes that he did not buy outside in the past few days.
        Of course, there is a Miss who is guessing. I haven’t seen any movements in the back, so I put it down. Now it seems that it is not a legend.
        Lu Guangzhi did not know that he led his sister just past here, and there was a group of people who were not willing to talk about it.
        In the big winter, there is nothing to do. In addition to working, the cat sleeps in bed. It’s rare to come to something new. This group of boring men have come to the spirit.


 At the place where Han Jin lived, Hu 3rd was sitting in the hall.
        Seeing that Lu Guangzhi led a Miss, he first glimpsed, and then he reacted. This is probably the Miss that the boss likes. However, it can't be too obvious. In a hurry, the wise man said: "Chi-chi, look at the boss? Just come, help me, I go to the shack." A very anxious look.
        Clearly like a cat, I want to know that the Miss that the boss likes is long, but the hood on the other side can only see a white chin, but still resisted walking away.
        Lu Guangzhi was happy in his heart, so that he did not have to make an excuse to take Hu Sanshu away. In his heart, his sister and his uncle, he knows it will be fine, but outsiders are not easy to know. After all, this matter can be related to his sister's reputation.
        "Sister, go ahead. Don't delay too long, I am waiting for you outside."
        Lu Jao-yue nodded in a hurry, and refused to take care of the shame of the younger brother in the private meeting, pushed the door and went inside.
        The light in the room is a little dark, and it is so airtight that it can smell the sweat of a man. This kind of taste is not good to say, but Lu Jao-yue is a red face.
        Only then realized that this is where he lives.
        She looked around, this room is not large, facing the face of Zhang Baxian table, facing the window is two square chairs and spend a few. The innermost part is a canopy bed with a curtain on it. There are two charcoal pots in front of the bed. The charcoal is burnt inside. It is good to use charcoal, so there is no smoke and no smell of charcoal.
        The room was very warm, but because it was too warm, it made people feel very stuffy.
        "Into the uncle." Lu Jao-yue squinted and stated.
        There was no movement on the other side of the bed. Her heart was anxious and went over there.
        In the past, when I opened the curtain, I saw a man with a closed purpose lying on the bed. His face was thick and his nose was high. At this time, his narrow eyes were tightly closed, making his momentum seem weak. There was some swearing on the chin, and it seemed that I had not cleaned up for many days. At this time, the bronzed face had an abnormal blush, and the thick eyebrows were also wrinkled, and the breathing was very rapid.
        Lu Jao-yue could not help but reach out and touch his forehead, very hot.
        Her eyebrows were wrinkled more tightly. First, the cloak of her body was relieved and placed aside, and she turned to open the window. Did not dare to open all, only half opened for ventilation. Then she went out of the room and went outside to tell Lu Guangzhi, let him go to find a basin to play some water, and then take a cotton puff.
        Seeing that the big sister was full of dignity, Lu Guangzhi did not care much, and then turned and went out.
        Lu Guangzhi soon came back. When he saw the big sister’s worried face, he looked at the uncle in bed. He couldn’t help but ask: “Big sister, the water is coming, isn’t the child seriously ill?”
        Lu Jao-yue took the water basin from his brother's hand, soaked the cotton puff, and after it was half-dried, he took it over Hanjin's forehead.
        "Who is the person who cares for it? It’s really awkward! If people are feverish, it’s useless to drink medicine. It’s still cold and cool. It’s hard to burn inside. It’s covered with such a thick quilt, burning so many charcoal fires, connecting the wind. I don't know, I want to suffocate people."
        Lu Guangzhi has never seen such a big sister, and he said: "This room is a man. Even if you don't even wash clothes on most days, how can you take care of the patients? It is estimated that you don't understand."
        Lu Jao-yue also understands this truth, but looking at Han Jin, who is burned with red face and shortness of breath, inevitably angered. She couldn't imagine that if she didn't come today, he would continue to be so hot, what would it look like, even if he didn't even think about it.
        In the past, she changed Han Jin into a slap, and the whole talent calmed down. "Will the person come over, will I be somewhat inappropriate here?"
        At this time, Lu Guangzhi also realized that he was so hurried in the way that Hu Sanshu was so arbitrarily, in order to give them a place to move.
        "Hu Sanshu will not come back for a while, and the ordinary people will not come in."
        Lu Jao-yue immediately came to the meaning of his brother's words, and could not help but blush.
        "You go to find a thin quilt and cover it with such a thick quilt."
        Lu Guangzhi nodded and went to the casket to find the servant.
        When the quilt was found, the two partners gave Hanjin a bed quilt. Lu Jao-yue was ashamed of it. He only helped Lu Guangzhi to lay his hands, and the eyelids did not dare to carry it.
        After changing the quilt, she asked Lu Guangzhi to get some wine.
        After a short time, Lu Guangzhi took a jar of wine and came in.
        "The people in this house are all drinking, and there is no shortage of wine. Fortunately, this is the case, if not, go out and buy."
        "You rubbed the wine with him and wiped it with some strength. It is best to get reddish, and don't miss the limbs and upper body."
        "Sister, is this a fever when we were young, and how can we give them a fever?"
        Lu Jao-yue nodded and said: "You give him, I will go out and avoid."
        Lu Guangzhi did not say more, he was busy.
        After almost a quarter of an hour, Lu Guangzhi came out from the inside. He was full of wine and was tired and panting. During this period, Lu Jao-yue sat outside, always guilty, for fear that someone came in, she did not know how to explain her identity. As time passed, the yard had been quiet, and there seemed to be no other people, she just let go.
        "Are you done?" she asked.
        Lu Guangzhi said: "Don't say that the way of my mother is so good, I see the heat of my uncle, it seems to have retreated."
        Lu Jao-yue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. "That's good."
        She walked into the room and touched Han Jin’s forehead. It was so hot that it was not.
        Lu Guangzhi went to Hu 3rd and asked about the drug, Lu Jao-yue stayed and looked at Han Jin. She moved a stool to the bed, sat there, silently watching the man on the bed.
        Han Jin in the coma seems to feel comfortable, and the breathing is not as rapid.
        Lu Jao-yue has never seen such a weak, uncle, in her mind, the uncle has always been omnipotent, it seems that everything can hardly beat him. So when she saw Han Jin lying in bed, fragile as if she had broken a stamp, she panicked.
        She only knew that she was panicked, why she panicked, but she didn't have time to understand. At this time, quiet, she realized what she was panicking -
        She is afraid.
        She was afraid that she would finally be willing to face his feelings. She was willing to face up to her like him, but he had an accident.
        After all, he used to be in his life...
        Lu Jao-yue didn't dare to think about it anymore. He stood up and touched Hanjin's forehead with no confidence. He knew that his hand had just been put on, and it was turned upside down.
        Han Jin’s eyes are still closed. His consciousness seems to be unclear. He whispered something in his mouth and his face went to Lu Jao-yue neck.
        Lu Jao-yue struggled for a moment and wanted to push him, but he couldn’t push it. The stinging scorpion crossed her cheek and reached her neck, honing it back and forth.
        She couldn't help but spurt a sigh of relief.
        "Into the uncle..." she could not help but whisper.
        No one responded to her, and the hot breath was sprayed on her neck, and the whole person was boiling up. The person was pressed tightly underneath, feeling that the breath could not be fastened.
        "Into the uncle..."
        Lu Jao-yue pushed hard to push him and wanted to withdraw himself. After working hard for a long time, I didn’t see any results. I couldn’t help but see him, just to the other side burning eyes.
        "Are you awake?" Her eyebrows were slight.
        "I thought I was dreaming, how come you?"
        Upon hearing this, Lu Jao-yue, who still had some anger, was suddenly dissipated.
        "I heard my brother say that you are sick..." She blushed and rubbed her hand to push him.
        "You are worried about me." This is a positive sentence.
        Not waiting for Lu Jao-yue to respond, Han Jin turned over and the whole person faced up, letting Lu Jao-yue squat on him. She remembered it, but he couldn't move with an iron arm.
        It is obvious that he is in the midst of illness, and he is still weak and weak, but still has the power that she cannot resist.
        "Into the uncle, you let me get up first." She propped up and went to lick his arm.
        "I will feel bad this time. Let me hold it first."
        The man’s voice is a little hoarse, and it’s no longer magnetic. Not handsome but very man's face, pale and dry, Lu Jao-yue suddenly softened.
        She is helpless and has never seen anyone who is more skinned than him. If there is no one outside, looking at his sick part, it doesn't matter if she let him hug. It can be said that her brother will come in when she is, so she still insists on getting up.
        "You will let me get up, wait for my brother to come."
        Han Jin had to let go of his hand.
        It’s hard to get up, people are too tired, panting, cheeks are red like blood, if there are outsiders coming in to see, they may also think of anything. Fortunately, Lu Jao-yue got up quickly. When she got up, she heard a voice coming from the hall.
        "Sister, I have brought the medicine of the uncle to the end."
        It is Lu Guangzhi.
        Lu Jao-yue quickly touched the hair and finished the whole shirt before going to the door. Opening the door, Lu Guangzhi stood outside with a bowl.
        "Hu Sanshu went to give him a sputum medicine. This medicine has just been smashed. However, how can I give this medicine to him?" Lu Guangzhi had some headaches.
        Lu Jao-yue head was low and his voice was small. “Well, he woke up.”
        Lu Guangzhi glanced at his sister with a puzzled look, and his eyes flashed a touch of color. He did not go inside and stuffed the medicine bowl to his sister.
        "Sister, medicine for you, I am going to marry the cottage."
        Another urinary!
        Lu Jao-yue felt that she couldn't see anyone anymore, so she couldn't help but complain when she took the medicine. "I blame you, my face is almost lost."
        Although Han Jinren was lying in bed, he also heard the movement outside and naturally understood what she meant. It was only at this time that he was not suitable to make any comments, and he was lying in bed and was weak.
        Lu Jao-yue was annoyed for a while, and knew that the medicine was hot and could not be delayed. Then she went up to give the medicine to Hanjin and let him drink the medicine himself.
        Han Jin did not pick up, only said that he had no strength.
        Helpless, she can only sit on the edge of the bed to give him medicine.
        Han Jin looked at her sweet and welcoming, and the more she looked at it, the more she didn’t feel dizzy and weak. Drinking the medicine she was feeding in her mouth, holding her little white hand in her hand, don't mention how beautiful it is.
        In fact, when he first came, she woke up, but people were uncomfortable, and they couldn’t even open their eyes, but they knew everything that happened outside. Thinking of her temperament, she thought that she was taking care of him so carefully, and Han Jin’s heart was warm.
        After feeding a bowl of medicine, Lu Jao-yue proposed to leave, but unfortunately Han Jin did not want her to go, pulling her hand is not lost.
        "Well, I really have to go. My mother doesn't know that I am coming to the county. Maybe I am looking around for me."
        Han Jin also knows that it is not easy for her to come out, not to mention carrying her family. She can only promise to let her go, but with a request, let her kiss him.
        Lu Jao-yue stared at him, but he looked at his weak and weak look. He couldn't help but think of him standing in the snow and snow waiting for him that day, his body was covered with snow, and he didn't know how to take a shot, and he couldn't help but soften it.
        "Then you close your eyes first."
        "Good." Han Jin was very refreshing, and he really closed his eyes.
        Going to take the initiative to kiss a man is a huge challenge for Lu Jao-yue. She grinned and made a psychological preparation for half a day before she leaned forward.
        She squinted softly on his cheek, as light as a mosquito, just about to get up straight, he was surrounded by an iron arm, a thin lip moved over and kissed directly On her mouth.
        She snorted and couldn't speak again.
        Thinking and entanglement, I feel that the whole person seems to be swallowed as usual, and I can’t think of anything else in my mind.
        I don't know how long it took, Han Jin stopped. He snorted with a sigh of relief, blaming himself for not using it, and finally sent people who were thinking about it to his eyes. He was powerless and he was very painful.
        Seeing him, Lu Jao-yue couldn’t help but worry about it. He also refused to take advantage of him. He said: "The only ones I use are just the soil method, and the symptoms are not cured. Otherwise, you still have to find another doctor. Come check it out."
        Han Jin shook his head. "Nothing. It is estimated that these two days will be good. I have a feeling."
        "Is it really okay?"
        Han Jin nodded. "Reassured, I will not make fun of my body."
        "Then you remember that the quilt should not be too thick, you can put the charcoal pot in the room, but pay attention to ventilation. If the temperature comes up again, use the wine to cool down. Right, there are medicines to drink on time, drink some warm water, I have to remember to eat and eat lightly." Lu Jao-yue said.
        Han Jin was lying on the bed and nodded with a smile.
        "Then I am gone." Lu Jao-yue stood up.
        Han Jinyiyi refused to look at her. "I let Hu 3rd send you, this is the snow that has been going on for a few days. I am afraid that the road will not go well."
        Lu Jao-yue did not refuse, oh.
        After Lu Guangzhi came back from the huts, let him go to Hu 3rd who didn't know where to go. Han Jin and Hu 3rd confessed, and he went to the car. Later, Lu Jao-yue and Lu Guangzhi took the carriage and returned to Daxi Village.
        When I got off the bus, Lu Jao-yue blessed Hu Sanfu and thanked him. Until then, Hu Sancai saw the look of the Miss that the boss liked.
        People are beautiful, gentle, and acquainted. Hu 3rd beat the heart to be happy for the boss. For a moment, he forgot to say: "Don't thank you, this is what you should do."
        Lu Jao-yue face suddenly burst into red, but it was not good to blame. He could only hurry to him, and then turned and walked away, even Lu Guangzhi forgot to call.
        Hu 3rd found out that he had made a mistake and slammed his head.
        Lu Guangzhi also had some reactions and incompetence. For Hu 3rd said:
         "Three uncles, I am leaving."
        What is this generation?
        His name is Lu Guangzhi sister, and Lu Guangzhi calls him the three uncles. This younger brother is also called the old uncle. Mei Zhuangyi is the brother of the boss's life, but he plans to marry a shi-nu outside the house. How do you say this in the end?
        Hu 3rd thought for a long time and didn't think about it. He simply didn't want to, and threw this problem to the boss to go to a headache.
        After returning home, Mei did not doubt how her daughter went out for so long, and Lu Jao-yue just let go.
        There are few things that can pass the time in winter, and with the cold weather, everyone can go out without going out.
        During the leisure time of Qiao leisure on most days, I always like to go to the East House to find someone to talk to. If it is too cold, she will not go everywhere. I will come to the 2nd room to find Mei chat.
        In fact, she came to the 2nd room, not only because of the fire in the 2nd room, but also the house was very warm, and there was another thing, that is, the 2nd room was broadcasted to the house recently, and by the way, he laughed at Hu. She has always disliked Hu, and felt that Mei should be united with her own line. One person is more boring and boring, and the two people are more refreshed together.
        It turned out that the 2nd house here said that Zhao Jia was limited to a month's time. In the end, this cold winter gas could not be sold for a while, and Lu Guifang was very troublesome to raise money.
        In fact, Lu Guifang is not willing to sell a house to sell land to raise money. If you know that the house is sold, there is no place to live, the land is sold, and even the livelihood is gone. Lu Guifang thinks about it and plans to use the money to pay for the debt. Her daughter-like was taken back to her family by her, and they were allowed to go home to borrow money. The relatives of the Zhao family were also borrowed.
        Some people borrowed in the middle, and some people did not borrow. In short, Zhao family was very busy recently.
        In particular, the family of Zhao three-year-old daughter-like is not a good person. Lu Guifang took the daughter-like to let him go home to borrow money. In the eyes of the family, this is shameless and deceiving too much. On the same day, people took the trouble to Zhao Jiaxuan. For a time, the reputation of Zhao family fell to the bottom of Zhaojiatun.
        Everyone is a surname, and every family is climbing relatives. Zhao family borrowed money and borrowed it from their own homes. So everyone hated Zhao family. Zhao family is now in the village and almost everyone has avoided it. character of.
        Not to mention, the reason why Qiao knows this is because Lu Guifang has returned to her family.
        This time, when she came back, she was looking for her family to borrow money. The first thing that happened was Old Lu Han’s two couples. Unfortunately, the old couple, regardless of the money, could not help but fall into the big room.
        Hu, this person, don't look at everyone who smiles when she sees it on most days, but whoever wants to get money from her purse, it has to be quite capable.
        Hu way is deep, and Lu Guifang’s means are not bad.
        On these two days, the two men tore up, and the upper house was very lively recently, and Qiao didn’t have to watch the show.
        "2nd, I think your family has to be prepared, and you can't keep your grandmother coming to your house. One hundred and two silver, that's not a small amount." Qiao reminded.
        Mei glimpse, said: “The family can afford to borrow her.”
        "You know that your family has no money, but people don't know. It's not something that can be scraped. Is there any kid who is not married? Be careful of her idea of ​​being a pro-family."
        The 2nd room promised to give the family a gift of nine or nine, which Lu Jia knows. Suddenly, the two of them did not kiss each other. What happened in the end? Although everyone did not know, but since they were not married, the money must still be there. They don't know that the 2nd room didn't find the family to return to the dowry, including Qiao do not know, otherwise she would not come to mention this with Mei.
        Mei bitter smile: "He is three sorrows, and his family is really no money now. The money has been dowry for the family. The ruined family is not ruined, so the dowry is not coming back."
        Qiao face was amazed: “I don’t know if you don’t say this. I forgot to ask you. The Yiyi kid is jealous with the Miss of the family. The outsiders always say that you are a family member. More, suddenly, no Miss. But I know that the 2nd brother is not such a person. In the end, what happened in the middle? How did the bridegroom not come back? Is it because the family deliberately refused to give it? But if there is anything that needs to be in the first place, don't forget to call the 3rd child together. People are always better."
        Although Qiao person has such a problem, he has to say that she is very talkative and will be a man. Lu Guangyi has done something to ruin her relatives. Even Old Lu Han came to the door and asked a few words. Come. Although it seems that some people are a little weaker, but this embarrassing thing does not go to the bottom, but gives the party a sigh of relief. With the words of today, let Mei heart feel very comfortable.
        Therefore, Mei did not intend to marry her. He said that the family troubles were made out and said: “Whether these things are right or wrong, the maidens of the family are also pitiful, so there is no plan for the family. I would like to get back to those bridesmaids. The one who came to ruin the pro is ours. 2ndly, the reputation of the child is not good. Now it is out of this matter. Some money is all over the place. In the future, we will always find a good family."
        Qiao slaps a slap. "The 2nd brother is really righteous and righteous. I said that this is for no reason. How can I ruin my relatives? In fact, you don't even want to abandon me. When the righteous boy and the family decided to kiss, I Some people disagreed. The derogatory boy was originally a rescuer and a good deed. How did he lose himself? In particular, the maidens are not so outstanding talents. We have a little Miss with her, and it is a bit biased."
        Not to mention, this is indeed a fact. Lu Guangyi looks like a man, and he is capable and capable. He can have a lot of Miss who like him. Suddenly there was such a thing, Lu Guangyi and the Miss who was rescued by him set a kiss. When the news came out, the village did not know how many Miss were secretly sad.
        Mei smile smiled: “It’s also that the family was bad at first, and the marriage was set a bit more urgent. If you look at it again, there will not be so many things happening. But things are always gone, although some money is gone. In the end, I bought a peace of mind."
        Qiao face was unpredictable and hesitated. He said: "Two things, I don't know if I have something to say."
        "what's up?"
        "I think you'd better not talk to the righteous boy. I also heard people say that the family has found a door for the nobles, but this object is not a good object." See Mei eyes that are puzzled. She is mysterious and eloquent: "It is said to be a -widower, and there are two baby children in front. This is the mother of the Daren family."
        Some people have a worry, "There are those who are dowry, why not find such a person."
        Qiao grinned, revealing a look of a deep look: "So I said that you are doing things yourself, only to think of others. I have two sons, how many things do you think?" In the hands of the maiden, I heard it, but the -widower gave five or two silver gifts."
        Mei did not speak at all.
        Five or two silvers are not a small number. If the -widower is able to pay a large price for a ‘Madam’, it must be what the family wants. You must know that there are people like Old Lu Han in this world who have married their daughters at home. They also have daughters who change their dowry. Whoever marries is the best to marry.
        Mei mood is very complicated. She suddenly knows why Qiao said that this can’t be said to the eldest son. If the boss knows what he thinks, what will he think?
        Not to mention, Lu Guifang really like Qiao expected, came to the 2nd room to find Lu Ming-hai borrowed money.
        The reason why I don't find Mee is because I know that Mei will not borrow her.
        But she did not think about it. The silver in the 2nd room is the Meishi tube. Even if Lu Ming-hai promised to lend her money, she would have to pass the Mei. It may also be clear to her that it is precisely the idea of ​​taking the younger brother to suppress the brother-like, but who knows?
        However, the 2nd room can be loaned to her without money.
        Although the 2nd room is not stretched to the point, the dowry is left to the princes, and there is only silver left in the hand to sell food. These silvers will be used in the spring of next year, and they will be loaned to her.
        Lu Guifang did not believe that it was hard to find Lu Ming-hai to borrow money. How did Lu Ming-hai explain that she did not believe that the 2nd room would have no money, until she couldn’t help but say that she wanted to use Lu Guangcheng’s silver money first to use it, Lu Ming-hai knew her. What is the idea?
        Depressed, there is no way to say that Lu Ming-hai did not marry her. He left his family ruin and dowry to his family and said it.
        Lu Guifang does not believe, but now it is not something she believes or not.
        On this day, the two-room family was sitting around on the donkey, and suddenly a rush of door sounds.

 "Who is this?" Meh.
        Obviously, I can hear the eagerness of the filmmaker.
        Mei thought of the big aunt who had been entangled in these days, said to his eldest son: “Boss, you go and see, if you are aunt, tell her that you are absent.”
        Lu Ming-hai, who is not at home, is sitting on the maiden at this time, and he smiles at Mei. I can't blame him for being so pleased. In the past few days, my eldest sister came to the door every day. Don't say that the Madam is bothered, he is also annoyed. You can’t walk, you can’t beat it, you can’t avoid it.
        After a while, I did not see Lu Guangyi coming back.
        Goro squatted on the window and looked at him. He suddenly heard him say: "The woman of the family came here?" Before Goro had called 贵娥 for the future, now it is the woman, and has to say Children are also very fast.
        When I heard this, the two-room people looked at each other and couldn’t help but get up.
        Lu Guangyi opened the courtyard door and was on a strange and familiar face.
        After a while, I realized who the people are.
        He looked at the excited face with amazement. "How come you?"
        "Yi Ji..."
        He cried in vain, as if he had suffered a lot of grievances.
        Lu Guangyi looked silently and did not say anything. If he had been convinced before, he would have lost this qualification.
        Yan Honorable Noble cried a few times, and saw Lu Guangyi did not move, only to see him, "Yi Ji, do you not comfort me?"
        "Are you coming to my house?"
        Yan Honorable Noble looked at him with a strange expression on his face, and suddenly he cried a few times. "You really changed your mind!"
        Seeing her crying badly, Lu Guangyi sighed helplessly and explained: "The nobles, we have already withdrew, I have already, I am not qualified to comfort you. You will marry a good family in the future." I can't ruin your reputation."
        "But I don't want to retire! Yige, I only have you in my heart, don't want me, okay?"
        You are crying and heartbroken, and you want to fall. Helpless, Lu Guangyi can only stretch out one hand and smash her, she fell over the trend, Lu Guangyi rushed back to step back.
        "Yi Ji, are you so embarrassed? I know it is wrong, I know that I can't do it wrong? Can you forgive me? Can you not me? I only have you in my heart, only you!" Hey, crying hysterically stand up.
        Although it is winter, there are few pedestrians outside, so you can stand in front of the gate, and maybe you will be seen later. In order to consider the reputation of the other side, Lu Guangyi opened his side and let her advanced.
        Lu Guangyi looked at this seemingly funny Miss. She only saw her because she let her in. She liked it, and her heart was so sad. After all, in fact, he also liked her, but unfortunately everything could not help.
        Knowing that it is not helpful, Lu Guangyi does not want to continue this topic again. He asked: "What is your business today?"
       When she stepped forward, she grabbed Lu Guangyi sleeve and told him the innocence.
        You may be out of your heart, or you may be too flustered, so the words are very scattered, but Lu Guangyi still understands the ins and outs.
        The 2nd Brother of the family told Qi Honorable Noble a relative, the object was a -widower with two baby, who did not want to marry, but the protest was useless. The family at home saw her very tight. She was also empty today. Only ran out to find Lu Guangyi.
        "Yi Ji, I don't want to marry such a person. I only have you in my heart. You take me away, okay?"
        Lu Guangyi sighed and said: "Take you away?"
        , , , , , , ,
        "But my home is here..."
        "It doesn't matter. No one told me when I came out. Even if my brother knew that I was running with you, I couldn't find them. They also couldn't do it for us. Righteous, can you take me with me? I really Don't want to marry someone like that."
        "But my family is here. If you are a brother, they know that I took you to run. Have you ever thought about the consequences of my family?"
        If the family members are good at speaking and they are sympathetic to two small truths, it may be worth mentioning. Carefully help cover up, and when the two return, they will do the marriage for the two, and they will be able to cover up the past. But if it is not good to talk, Lu Guangyi will be a person who is abducted by a shu-daughter. When Lu Jia 2nd house will be lost, the following younger Brother will say that the shu-daughters will become a problem.
        Will the family be a good talker?
        Obviously not, I can take my sister to change my money. The 2nd Brother in the family are obviously not good at all.
        Lu Guangyi looked at him with a strange look. For a long time, he was only as a soft-skinned person. He did not have his own opinion. Now it seems that it is not just like this.
        A voice suddenly sounded behind the two.
        "Don't say anything, don't say it, this thing will stop, you should hurry back, lest your family can't find you."
        It is Mee.
        Mei is very angry, but he still forces himself to refrain from saying anything ugly. She didn't look at the Buddha face, she didn't want to be on the head, salting her son's wounds.
        The other people in the 2nd room also followed.
        Yan Honorable Noble was shocked and looked at the person she once thought would be her mother-like, "Lu Auntie." She looked awkward, and it was obvious that she was afraid of Mei.
        Mei helplessly sighed: "Shantou, you are going back soon, don't let the family worry."
        You are not afraid to lose the sleeves of Lu Guangyi.
        At this time, there was a noisy voice outside the door.
        The courtyard of the 2nd home was shot straight.
        "Open the door, open the door!" Someone stated.
        Hearing this voice, the face of your face was white.
        It is the sound of the 2nd column.
        It was Lu discovery that the younger son was missing.
        She didn't think much at the time, and thought that the little Miss was going to the huts.
        But when she was not seen, the 2nd class was still missing. She couldn’t help but feel a bad hunch in her heart. She found a circle around her home and found no one. She felt bad in her heart and rushed to find her man.
        裴二柱 is playing cards with people.
        Now it’s cold and there nothing to do, so generally at this time, many rural men don’t come together to drink a little wine cellar, or they play cards together in groups of three or five. Don't play big, it will cost dozens of dollars to win or lose.
        However, recently, the 2nd column has money, I really want to be shameful, so when someone calls him to play cards, he said in advance, today I want to play bigger. The people who come here are not afraid of him. This two-column has always been stinking. I often know how to play cards together, otherwise I will not go to the door to call him. Listen to him saying that other people did not hesitate and immediately agreed.
        A broken earthworm, surrounded by four or five men, played in full swing. The 2nd column obviously does not bear the reputation of his stench, and he played more than a dozen. He put all his money out, and he was so angry that he was mad and swearing straight out.
        However, everyone did not see it, someone came to the door to take the initiative to send money, what is so good.
        Lu found a few men who usually played cards, only to find it here, opened the curtains, people rushed in, and also refused to have people next to them, -calling at the man’s sleeves, called Xiao guzi ran, mostly unwilling Married to the -widower, so I sneaked away.
        He took a card and threw it on the raft. He jumped down and gave Lu a heart.
        "What about your mother, how do you see people?"
        He is not only angry with his ‘Madam’, she is not optimistic about her, but she is so angry that she is unobtrusive. Marry a person to a -widower, no one will say anything, anyway, his sister's reputation is poor, can tell people to sneak out, especially this 'stolen', they have to be imaginative.
        Sure enough, the people next to them put down the cards in their hands and asked what happened.
        He did not care about them, and asked Lu if he was looking for a place to look for. Lu replied that it was, after knowing that Xiao guzi had ran, she let other people in the family go to find it, and she was busy looking for a man. Before she came here, she heard her mother-like say that the place where the village can go is expensive. All over, no one found her.
        Yan Erzhu face was gloomy. He stood there and thought about it. He said to the people next to him: “You know that my sister was ruined by the Lu family in Daxi Village. The Miss’s head is a dead-hearted person. Kid. She has always been courageous and dared to run from home. It must be someone who gave her some ideas in the back."
        Obviously he has the meaning of misleading, and he just listened to the humanity: "Hurry and find it!"
        "Go, let's go with you, and we won't let the Lu family not accept it."
        This is the idea of ​​playing the 2nd column. Anyway, there is no face on his face, but he must always stand on the rational side. His sister, he knew, was a timid temper, so he didn't have to guess, he knew where she was going. However, there are other plans for the 2nd column, but it is not appropriate to say it now.
        I can't say more, and I asked these two friends to go to the village and call some people to go to Daxi Village.
        The village and the village are bullying. If only a few people go to this kind of thing, it is estimated that they have not been provoked, and they have been thrown out by people in the village. More people, not only can be courageous, but also deceit.
        On the other side, the 2nd column went home.
        The old man was sighing and sighing, and Mao eagerness to shed tears. The 2nd column would tell you about the possibility of going to Lu home. The two talents found that they were blind.
        The 2nd column pulled the big column to the side and said it for a while. After a while, when the 2nd Brother came out, they split up.
        I heard that I have to go to Lu dignitaries. I didn’t say anything about it. I couldn’t say anything about the two sons feelings.
        He persuaded a few words, but unfortunately, the two big Brother did not listen to it, and they insisted that Lu Jia kid had stolen his sister from home. Both Tian and Lu know the character of their own men, and naturally understand their plans, and they are accompanied by one side.
        Four mouths and one mouth, Mao ignorance in front of the two sons, and the old man was obviously defeated and could only give up.
        Not to mention, this group of people came to Daxi Village in a mighty way. When they first entered the village, they caught the attention of the villagers.
        At first glance, this kind of battle was a trouble, and some villagers came forward to stop these people.
        "Which village are you from, what are you doing?"
        The 2nd column is evil: "We are Xiao xi village, don't block the road, let's not come to your village to make trouble, it is to find someone."
        "The people in your village Lujia have turned my sister, we are coming to someone." Lou Dazhu called out.
        Once I heard this, the villagers who stopped the people were not good enough to stop, and they could only let it go.
        A group of people continued to walk forward, followed by a group of villagers in Daxi Village who heard the wind.
        When I got to the door, I didn’t say anything, and I started to slam the door.
        "Open the door, open the door!"
        Hearing this voice, Yan Guizhen’s face was pale. “It’s my brother...”
        The two-room people met for a while, and Lu Ming-hai stepped forward with a dignified color. He said, "Open the door, we haven’t done anything wrong."
        That is to say, after the door was opened, a group of people came in and scared the 2nd room.
        There are people outside the door, and the people brought by the Brother and sisters are full of the two-bedroom yard.
        Of course, there are also several villagers in Daxi Village who have a good relationship with Lujia Erfang. They are blocked from the inside, and they are afraid that the other side will be crowded. Lu Ming-hai family has been bullied.
        Looking at the
        "Well, I said that my sister is a timid person, no one gave her an idea. She would never dare to sneak out from home. Say, what do you want to do in Lujia? You are destroying your family, now turn me. My sister is still you!"
        The two-room family was mad at the words of this black and white.
        Mei on the spot replied: “Hey, I’m so embarrassed to turn your sister? It’s her own door.”
        "Oh! People are found in your home, is it because your family has turned my sister, and only you guys have a lot of heart. Anyway, with my eyes open, I saw my sister who should have been at home, now at your home. ."
        The villagers who have close ties with Lu Ming-hai advised: "If you haven't figured out, you will buckle up the big hat. The Minghai family are honest people, how can you turn your shi-nu."
        "That is, if you use the abduction, you will not be able to retreat, you will have to spend so much effort."
        The villagers in Daxi Village have been attached to it.
        During this time, many villagers came outside the courtyard, and there were any contradictions in the most days. Everyone did a good job in unanimity.
        : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
        Upon hearing this, the two-room family almost didn't blow up.
        Qiao had heard the movement long ago and ran out, squeezing out from the crowd into the yard.
        When she heard this, she slammed it: "What do you do? The legs are on your shi-nu own legs, and others can pull her down! You are stunned, you are squatting at home, a gift of dowry is not yet Satisfied, would you like to come again?"
        When I heard this, the people standing on the side were all face to face, especially the villagers in Daxi Village.
        Qiao directly said, "My 2nd brother is a benevolent person, a good person, too lazy to care about you, but you don't want to continue to lick your nose. How did the two family set up this marriage, you guys My family knows clearly that if my 2nd brother is not good at them, your shu-daughter should have gone to the river."
        "That is, people in the Minghai family are benevolent, replaced by others, who will die if you die."
        "It seems that this good person can't be, no one is grateful, and it has become a moth."
        There are villagers in Daxi Village.
        Qiao said again: "This is really what we do. It is why you, your family, know that we are here to give each other a face, so I won’t say much. I know that your family reputation is not good, afraid. She is not good to marry in the future. When I first sent it to your home, we didn’t have to pay for it. We didn’t say a good gift, and the gift money was nine or nine. We can be worthy of your family, so don’t be red. White teeth will go to the door to find out!"
        When I heard this, everyone was lost.
        Not to mention the villagers in Daxi Village did not know, and few villagers in Xiao xi Village knew this.
        When I heard people say this, they all looked at the 3rd Brother and sisters with their eyes.
        It turns out that there is a story here. If it is really said by others, the Lujia two rooms of the people can be regarded as the best.
        As a result, the villagers in Daxi Village, who had been in a hurry, came out and said, "You Xiao xi Village is coming to the village to find you? We are not a nobody in Daxi Village."
        The villagers of Xiao xi Village, who came with the 2nd Brother of the family, could not help but retreat. They said, "We are not looking for a servant. It is not the 2nd Brother who said that the Lu family had turned his shi-nu, so we came to Human."
        This kind of reason is also true. The general villages are doing this. They are afraid to go to other villages and be bullied, they will be called the villagers in the same village.
        The 2nd Brother of the family didn't expect it to be like this. According to their previous consultations, they couldn't help but say that they would buckle the big hats on the heads of the Lujia two-bedroom people. After that, they naturally let them open the conditions, and they will be willing to give up. . The family of Lujia 2nd room is kind and talkative, especially if they seem to care about their sisters. They are sure that they will not give them a chance to refute them. But I never thought that this halfway would kill a bit of gold, and when I came up, I wouldn’t care about spreading things out.
        It is only when Qiao sees this that he will be the first to win.
        She looked at Mei and anxiously crept: "Two sisters, I know what your family cares about, but the shi-nu of your own family is not distressed. You are still distressed! This group of people, it is a shameless to say it. ."
        The two-room couple can't help but look at the eldest son. If you retort, everyone will say that they will hesitate and tear it out. It is not only pitiful, but also the heart of the eldest son.
        When the family withdrew from the family, the son was sad, so the two-room couple would be Lu Guangyi himself, and did not go to the house to ask for a gift. What the son was thinking, they knew, and therefore let go of rumors and rumors, but never thought about what to explain.
        It is easy to explain, what can I do? I am afraid that it will be even more difficult to listen to on her bad reputation. By the time I am a son, I am afraid that I will live forever.
        Lu Guangyi smiled bitterly, and his heart was even more apologetic to his family. Just as he wanted to say something, he listened to the two pillars and stated: "You are, you said, is it that Lu Jia is a kid!"
        There was some reaction from 贵娥, and from her 2nd Brother rushing in with a group of villagers, she had some reaction, but it was even worse. She couldn't help but see her 2nd brother, and the things in her eyes made her heart.
        Everyone looked at her, and she couldn’t help but take a step back and step back. She was very confused and couldn’t help but look at Lu Guangyi.
        Lu Guangyi heart jumped, and he saw that he had nodded to his brother. After that, she rubbed her face with her hands and cried there.
        The 2nd column seems to catch something like a handle, and jumps: "You dare to say no, my sister has always been honest, she can not lie. Good you Lu Guangyi, you dare to bring a good woman!"
        This is a big crime, and no one dares to look for this crime on his own.
        The 2nd column was also forced to go to Liangshan. The situation of Fangcai was completely one-sided and fell to the Lu family. Including the people in their village, they also showed their disapproval. At that time, the heart of the 2nd column was cold. He knew very well that if this matter was done today, then their family would not stand in the village. Maybe they would be driven out of the village by the name of the village.
        Don't think that this kind of thing will not happen. There are so many people in Xiao xi Village. There are so many people in Daxi Village. Things have gone bad. It has risen to the situation between the two villages. I will know. If it is Xiao xi Village, the reputation of the village will be affirmed. When someone mentions Xiao xi Village, they will say how people in Xiao xi Village are shameless, greedy others, and they are also abducted by others. A shu-daughter.
        Outsiders can't talk to you about what family is doing, but only which village it is. If it isn't, every village will not pay attention to the village outside assessment.
        To know the reputation of a village is very important outside. If the men and women say that they are pro, the first thing the people ask is the reputation of the village. When I heard this reputation, who would dare to marry, or a Miss who dared to come out of this place, if it was this kind of thing in the next time, which one could not afford it.
        It is precisely because the nobles understand this truth that they will stand on their own brother's side. She can't turn a blind eye to the situation at home, or she will become a sinner at home.
        "Today, if you don't give us a confession, I will take you Lu Guangyi to see the official!"
        When I heard this, everyone was silent.
        Perhaps everyone understands that this is a Lu family, but since the Miss have come out to testify, this matter is not good for the man. If you go to the accused, it is a matter of accuracy. After all, no one knows what is going on inside. And if a Miss’s family dares to come out and testify, things will become true even if they are not true.
        The villagers in Xiao xi Village are twinkling, not to mention that the family understands the key to this. They also understand that since they have been shot by the 2nd Brother, they can only resist it. In this kind of big and big, no one dares to be confused. This is not only about a certain person, but about the whole village, so only let Lu family eat this squandering loss.
        The villagers in Xiao xi Village have been attached to each other, and they have been mixed for a while.
        The people on the side of Daxi Village also frequently turned their eyes to Lu Ming-hai and his father and son. Now everyone sees what the Brother want to do. This kind of greed for money, since you want money, just give him some money, and you don't have to go to the county to get it. Instead, you will fold in.
        After all, if you want to see the official, it is reasonable to have to fill the money. Reasonable, want to win, you have to spend money to buy and don't let the county magistrate biased towards each other. Unreasonable, afraid of being imprisoned, it is even more necessary to throw money inside. Isn't there an old saying, the door is open to the south, and there is no money to come in. Nowadays, as long as you dare to come in, it is reasonable to ignore the 50 boards.
        The two-room family also understands this truth, so they are also silent.
        Lu Guangyi face was bleak, and the meaning of jealousy was at this moment, reaching its peak. Why is he going to let her in? Why did he take her away without immediately? Why did he sympathize with her and bring so many things to his family?
        It’s just that at this time, it’s too late to say anything.
        Looking at the face of Lu Guangyi defeat, the 2nd column is more proud. "If you don't give it to your family, I will take you to the office and let you go to the prison to eat the rice!"
        At this time, a voice came from the crowd.
        "Who is going to see the official?" The voice was lazy, and after a long yawn, it seemed that there was still some waking up.
        I saw two people walking outside the courtyard. One was wearing a blue cotton gown, and the body was long and strong. The other one wore a gray robe. On the outside, there was a piece of suede. The whole person shrank into a ball. It seemed very Fear of cold appearance.

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