Back 60s 305

       Lin Qing-He doesn't know his long-term plan.
       Today I made a lot of meat buns, cabbage and pork buns, pickled pork buns, and a steamed pork bun.
       Lin Qing-He told Zhou-Mother about the bun.
       "I have eaten the buns made by my uncle Zhang Qingbo, and the taste is really good. I thought, if they are willing, they will go there and open a bun shop." Lin Qing-He said.
       Want to introduce Zhou Xiaomei and Su Dalin to go to Beijing to open a bun shop, Lin Qing-He has never mentioned it to Zhou-Mother.
       So Zhou-Mother was very happy to hear that.
       In fact, she had no thoughts about it, just thinking that the old son opened the dumpling shop over there, but in the end this single-family, if there is nothing but anything, there is no help.
       Isn’t it just one tree?
       So I just want to introduce some people in the past, which also means supporting the scene.
       However, she didn't think about it. She introduced the past like Zhou-6-Nini, and the venue couldn't be supported. Maybe the effort to smash the venue would be one or two.
       But I don’t say anything. When I heard that I’d like to introduce my son-in-law to the past, Zhou-Mother just said, "Would you like to go over there?
       "On the level of the youngest uncle steamed buns, it's generally not going to be too bad. The point is how he manages it in the future. This shop is almost like a man. You have to see if you have that fortune." Lin Qing-He Said.
       Not all cooks can open a restaurant by themselves, and this can explain everything. Doing business is not a matter of words.
       "Going there, children's reading is a problem." Zhou-Mother added.
       "If I read, I still have a little human face and I can arrange it." Lin Qing-He said.
       Children's study is not a problem, the question is whether Su Dalin has the courage to give up the job with a low salary.
       This still requires some courage.
       Su Dalin's salary is now more than sixty, and Lin Qing-He is almost at this level. Although it will increase a little later in the year, after all, her qualifications are still shallow, and those with deep qualifications can earn more than 100 yuan.
       But in this kind of town, income like Su Dalin is indeed quite good.
       So in the end, does Su Dalin have the courage to abandon this job and go directly to Beijing City to start over again, this is indeed not a small decision.
       Although Lin Qing-He knew very well that she would never regret going to Beijing to develop Su Dalin, but she knew the future, but Su Dalin did not know.
       There is no way to demand people by her standards.
       But if Su Dalin and Zhou Xiaomei are going, then she will definitely help, find a shop and a house, and she will give them all.
       "Account is actually a problem. I don't live there for a long time. I will buy a house over there in the future. It is easy to settle down." Lin Qing-He said.
       It is not so easy to open an account at this time.
       It was because she received such a gold signboard from Peking University, so it seemed extremely easy. What else should I try?
       Even the youngest son of Ma Big Aunt, who has been tossing for a year this year, has not yet moved his account back.
       "Can't you help over there?" Zhou-Mother asked.
       "If I can help, I still use your mother to say specifically? I have a relationship with Xiaomei." Lin Qing-He laughed.
       Zhou-Mother is also clear, and just said: "It's okay if the hukou can't be moved temporarily, so you have to go there to see if you are suitable."
       If you don’t get used to it, it’s okay to come back here, and there won’t be a way out.
       Lin Qing-He just smiled.
       This is the 30th anniversary of the Chinese New Year. This year's reunion dinner was eaten by Lin Qing-He Zhou Qingbai and Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother.
       "Brother Dawa didn't come back, and his family was deserted a lot." Zhou-Mother said.
       "It's okay, but Father, Niang, are you good to discuss? Will you go with us in the future?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "I and your Father mean that we will go over in the summer." Zhou-Mother just heard it.
       "Otherwise when it's summer vacation?" Lin Qing-He glanced at Zhou Qingbai and said, "I will go around with Qingbai and take a look. When we're done shopping, we will drop by and pick you up at home? "
       "Where else do you want to go shopping during the summer vacation? Is business bad then?" Zhou-Mother said.
       "Reading 10 thousand volumes of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. I am now an English teacher at Peking University. My knowledge is indispensable. Let Qingbai walk around with me. I go out alone, and he is not worried." .
       "What about the dumpling shop?" Zhou-Mother asked.
       "Let Erwa look at them, and they are also doing Ye-Ye, so you can't be too busy." Lin Qing-He didn't care.
       The eldest son will be free next year, but isn't there a second son and a third son?
       The two skinned kids can also hold the scene. Zhou-Xuan at 1.78 meters and Zhou-Guilai at 1.77 meters are not vegetarian.
       Yangyang and 5-Nini also have to pass.
       Daren also has Pharaoh and Ma Big Aunt.
       And Zhou-2-Nini also wanted to take it with her after the year. Tonight, she went to Zhou 1st Sao to talk about it. Zhou 1st Sao should be quite like Zhou Yang said.
       What can happen if so many people are here?
       Zhou-Mother thought Zhou-2-Nini used to look at dumpling shops in the past, thinking that 2-Nini is so big, it should be no problem, so nodded and said nothing.
       After the family had dinner, Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai came over to the old Zhou house.
       Zhou Qingbai took Maotai to chatter with his three brothers. Lin Qing-He took two packets of toffee and gave the nephew niece a sweet mouth.
       Zhou-6-Nini asked for four, and still remembered, "4-Aunt, don't you have a red envelope? This year, Uncle Shui opened dumplings and made a fortune, but we have to send us a red envelope."
       "Sugar can't stop your mouth." Zhou-3-Sao said, and then greeted Lin Qing-He: "But I've been waiting for you from the end of the meal, come over and chatter with us, Uncle Si has eaten so much good food this year, so much fat. "
       "I'm estimated to be thirty pounds fat." Zhou 1st Sao said with a smile.
       The Zhou-6-Nini stubble was covered directly.
       "5-Nini didn't know whether she came back or not, I think she and Yangyang couldn't keep up, so they asked them to take a summer vacation next year. In the past, in the Beijing city, Erwa just finished the college entrance examination at that time and could give them two supplements. Make up lessons. "Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       "5-Nini came back and said, this girl is very happy, just don't know that the past is not troublesome?" Zhou-3-Sao said.
       "Yangyang is also thinking about the past, just go there, and living is a problem." Zhou 1st Sao also said.
       "The place there is a bit small, but it's okay to make a floor shop. On a hot day, it's much more comfortable to sleep with a straw mat in the hall." Lin Qing-He said.
       The second floor of the dumpling shop can sleep, there are also two rooms in the tube building.
       Even if 2-Nini, 5-Nini, and Yangyang are all gone, that is not a problem.
       At that time, she and her family will go out.
       Let the boys sleep in the Erwa house, and the girls used to sleep in their rooms. Specifically, let the children arrange for them.
       Zhou 1st Sao and Zhou-3-Sao heard this from her, and they knew that they really didn't mind the child disturbing in the past.
       With a smile on his face, he said: "Then let them know in the past."
       Zhou-6-Nini gave her mother a hard look.
       Zhou-2-Sao also said: "She 4-Aunt, isn't there anyone in the dumpling shop of Uncle Si?"
       "No shortage of people, next year I plan to let 2-Nini help in the past." Lin Qing-He said directly, laughing with Zhou 1st Sao: "Last time Yangyang and 5-Nini used to do their homework, I I told this to my mother, only to realize that 1st Sao, you are watching 2-Nini.
       "4-Aunt, I'm still young, I don't want to marry someone so early." Zhou-2-Nini said quickly.
       Her brother did come back and said that Zhou-2-Nini almost didn't think about it, so she told her mother that she wanted to go to Beijing to help her 4th Uncle 4-Aunt.
       She won't do anything else, but she will definitely work well when she goes there.
       And she also knows her 4th Uncle 4-Aunt very well, as long as she works hard, they will never treat her badly, Zhou-2-Nini is really very resistant to marrying so early.
       But her mother said it was not small, after all, her sister was married at the age of eighteen, and now the children are two years old.
       Zhou-2-Nini is at a loss.
       But before that, she could only be arranged by her mother.
       But after her brother came back to talk about this matter, she came to life immediately. She didn't want to marry, and she wanted to go to Beijing to help her 4th Uncle 4-Aunt.
       In the future, the wages must be sent to the home with a lot of penny!
       Zhou 1st Sao also felt that it would be better to let the second maiden go over Beijing, and that her fourth uncle 4-Aunt would take care of it, otherwise such a thing would not happen.
       So Zhou 1st Sao also has no problem.
       After coming back to work in Beijing, I can marry a better one, right?
       "Qing-He, 2-Nini, I don’t have a problem with this matter. You also know that this girl is neat, since the past, if she is disobedient, then if you are disobedient, then you can still curse, don’t be polite to her. "" Zhou 1st Sao said.
       "I will definitely not scold, I will greet a girl like this." Lin Qing-He smiled: "But 1st Sao, since you have no opinion, then I will take 2-Nini next year, my side If you want to pay for your meals and pay, you won’t have to say anything, and you will pay 2-Nini every month. "
       "What more wages, with her rising knowledge in the past, it would be good." Zhou 1st Sao hurriedly said.
       "There is no such reason." Lin Qing-He smiled.
       "She 4-Aunt, you just take 2-Nini in the past, 6-Nini can also help in the past." Zhou-2-Sao said.
       "2-Sao, it’s not what I said, 6-Nini is what kind of character, ask her other brothers and sisters in the yard to know, what did you do at home? The broom did not stand upright, everything was pushed to 3-Nini, do you ask her to help? Isn't this a joke? "Zhou-3-Sao said with a smile, which is also welcome.
       No way, some people have to pretend to sleep, and she doesn't mind reminding.
       Zhou-2-Sao froze.
       "2-Nini can't do anything else, but the work is still neat. If it wasn't my mother's house, it would be a little bit poor. When I heard 1st Sao wanted to find someone for 2-Nini, I wanted to be cheeky and 1st Sao said, but now it's just right, 2-Nini, your 4th uncle 4-Aunt was there in the past, but you have to work hard. In the future, see if there is a suitable person. Find someone there. "Zhou-3-Sao said with a smile.
       "Where can I find an object over there, people from Beijing, why would we want our country." Zhou 1st Sao shook his head with a smile.
       "Why doesn't it? I think 2-Nini is very good. The water and soil in the Beijing city support people. When I go there, I can definitely get a lot of white. Then I will pick you two beautiful clothes, that is a water spirit. Big girl, who doesn't like it after reading it? "Lin Qing-He smiled.
       "Family is not good enough." Zhou 1st Sao shook his head.
       She is still very self-knowing, as far as this condition of the family is concerned, where can she get a son-in-law on the other side of Beijing
       "If it's appropriate, why can't the family deserve it? Her fourth uncle is a Beijing hukou. 4-Aunt teaches a foreign language at Peking University. Her younger brother will go to the military school next year and have to go into the army. , Then what is appropriate? "Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou 1st Sao still smiled and shook his head.
       Lin Qing-He just looked at Zhou-2-Nini: "Don't care about your mother, your mother thinks of old antiques, we are women of the new era, we have to look forward."
       Zhou-2-Nini pursed her lips and smiled: "2-Sao, I don't mean that yet."
       "Well, take your time, don't worry." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       There, Zhou-6-Nini squeezed her mother's eyes and it was almost cramped. Seeing that her mother wasn't speaking, Zhou-6-Nini came by herself.
       "4-Aunt, don't you pull me out?" Zhou-6-Nini grieved.
       She couldn't see that she was fighting so hard. Zhou-2-Nini was about to marry someone. She had to ask her to go to Beijing!
       "How old are you, and it is important to help your mother do some housework." Lin Qing-He said.
       "I will do it, but my sister is too diligent, so she can't turn to me, 4-Aunt. If I go over Beijing, I will definitely not do worse than Sister 2-Nini." Zhou-6-Nini said.
       "But there is indeed no shortage of people." Lin Qing-He looked at her and said.
       Zhou-6-Nini pursed her lips and said, "4-Aunt, don't you like me?"
       What is there to please on you?
       Lin Qing-He smiled: "What do you say, every roast duck is a family, and they are all niece? Why don't you like it, but it's just that you are still small, please help your mother at home, you Father, Niang can contract a lot this year. "
       "2-Sao, you should talk about 6-Nini." Zhou-3-Sao said.
       Zhou-2-Sao glared at his second maiden, and said, "What are you talking about? There is no shortage of people in the shop. It will not be too late to find you if you are missing later."
       "There will be no shortage of people in the future, 6-Nini will take care of you around 2-Sao." Lin Qing-He said directly.
       She won't let Zhou-6-Nini pass by, don't even think about it.
       "4-Aunt, I know, you just look down on our 2nd House." Zhou-6-Nini eyes were red and he ran out after saying this.
       "2-Sao, if your girl is not easy to teach, I'm afraid I will discredit you in the future." Lin Qing-He glanced at the back of Zhou-6-Nini lightly and said directly to Zhou-2-Sao.
       "This dead girl!" Zhou-2-Sao also scolded and got up, saying, "I'll go back and teach her first."
       Then she went back first.
       Lin Qing-He doesn't even lift the eyelids.
       "Don't care about her." Zhou-3-Sao said.
       "6-Nini This girl is really crooked, even if it is 2-Nini, I can't go, but I have to stop her if I want to let her pass." Zhou 1st Sao told the truth.
       They are all their own niece. If they are good, who can stop them?
       Even if it is recommended to Zhou-2-Nini, but go, it is impossible to turn Zhou-6-Nini, there are 3-Nini and 4-Nini below.
       These are not so big as hers, and they will all work.
       Zhou-6-Nini What kind of niece would she do? Her 4th Uncle 4-Aunt is not easy to go out and develop outside. She had to help in the past, but there was no reason to help.
       Lin Qing-He said: "2-Sao doesn't seem very happy."
       "If you are not happy, you are not happy, what else can you do," Zhou-3-Sao said.
       Doesn't her daughter have any points in her heart? It's not happy not to take such a measure, and I don't think about who Xia Xia introduced in the furniture factory today.
       Zhou-2-Sao didn't come, and the three women chatted very happy.
       Zhou 1st Sao talked about doing business: "Last time I carried two chickens and waited for most of the day but I didn't sell them."
       Lin Qing-He was surprised: "How is this possible? Doesn't my brother collect a lot of time every time, don't you think he all sold out?"
       Zhou 1st Sao pursed his lips and said, "I don't know what happened."
       She didn't realize that she was too timid, she didn't even ask anyone else, she was dressed just as usual, and she carried the chicken to the door of the hospital. They didn't know it, and thought she was carrying the chicken to see relatives. .
       Who will come and ask?
       You have to drink two sentences yourself.
       Otherwise, don't be so timid.
       "However, since 3-Brother is collecting chickens, it is not bad to sell him. Although he has earned him some money, but he also saves time and can work in the field. I heard the mother said that you have contracted a lot of land this year." Lin Qing-He said.
       "This year is a lot of contracting, so I thought about whether I can harvest a year." Speaking of this, Zhou 1st Sao said with a smile.
       "This policy of packaged production to households is very rare, but is it necessary to work hard?" Zhou-3-Sao also said.
       The households are responsible for the production, and the collective is enough. The rest are all their own. Who can't be motivated? All are working hard to prepare for a big fight next year.
       Lin Qing-He is happy to chat with two women here.
       Zhou Qingbai was chatting with Zhou Big-Brother Zhou-2-brotherZhou-3-brother next door.
       There are not as many minds as women among men, and they are also brothers. A Father, Niang, the relationship is still very good. Over the years, several brothers in the old Zhou family have not blushed.
       I heard Zhou Qingbai said that the business in Beijing is very good, and Zhou Big-Brother is also relieved, saying: "The business can go well, I think Father and Niang are very worried about your side this year."
       "But how much can you earn by selling dumplings? Still have to consider doing something else." Zhou-2-brother said.
       "It's not so easy to do anything else. It's not easy to get there in Beijing. It's a little bit to earn a little." Zhou-3-brother said conservatively.
       "The days are still going to pass." Zhou Qingbai said: "Next summer, I plan to take Father, Niang to Beijing."
       This matter has to talk to his 3-brother brother.
       "Take Father, Niang past the Beijing city?" Zhou Big-Brother froze: "How does this make it."
       "Yeah, you have to rely on Erxi to raise yourselves there. Father, Niang is at home, and we can take care of it." Zhou-2-brother is also inexplicable, anyway, he doesn't think one How much can a dumpling shop make?
       "Father, Niang is at home, everything is fine, can you rest assured." Zhou-3-brother also puzzled.
       Zhou Qingbai said: "My shop business is okay, picking up Father, Niang has no problem in the past."
       "But Father, Niang has passed, and housing is a problem. Father, Niang is not used to climbing stairs, staying in that kind of tube house, and it's crowded too." Zhou-3-brother said.
       "I saw a house over there, with a yard, but the landlord couldn't rent it out. When Father, Niang passed, I was going to rent it. Father, Niang lived without problems." Erxi decision. "
       So Zhou Big-Brother is almost counted. The dumpling shop business seems to be ok, otherwise, where can the two old people go there to increase the burden?
       "How much can a bowl of dumplings make?" Zhou-2-brother asked straightforwardly.
       "I don't know, I earn a few cents in a bowl." Zhou Qingbai said.
       He been to someone else house, he guessed that people can earn more than eight points in a bowl, because no matter the filling or dumpling skin, it is not as good as his.
       "How many bowls can be sold that day?" Zhou-2-brother asked curiously.
       Zhou Big-Brother and Zhou-3-brother are curious.
       For his own brothers, Zhou Qingbai certainly wouldn’t mind saying it if he used to, but Lin Qing-He taught well.
       Do not suffer from unevenness, do you want to be a brother? If you think about it, don’t make the gap so large, otherwise the brothers will not be appropriate.
       Zhou Qingbai felt very reasonable.
       Otherwise, it will not be said that the shop is rented, not that he bought it with Erxi. Sometimes it is necessary to lie in good faith.
       "It's time and time, I'm not sure, there are always thirty or forty yuan a month." Zhou Qingbai said.
       This income is not too high, but it is not too low. The brothers believe it. After all, Lao-Si wants to take over the second elder, so it should always be able to support it. At that time, both sides have to endure hardship.
       But if you have this income for a month, then there is no problem.
       In Zhou-Big-Brother's fine life, they think that the income of thirty or forty yuan a month is indeed quite a lot.
       "The three elder brothers worked hard this year." Zhou Qingbai said: "In the future, the days will get better."
       Brothers are eating salted peanuts and drinking with a good wine Maotai, but it is also really refreshing.
       Come from more than seven o'clock, and chat until more than eleven o'clock, this is gone.
       When Zhou-2-brother came back, Zhou-2-Sao hadn't slept yet.
       Zhou-2-brother thought she was asleep, startled, and said, "You are still awake at this point?"
       "I'm so nervous." Zhou-2-Sao just waited for him to come back and said.
       "Now the policy is getting better and better. Chickens can be raised by themselves, ducks can also be raised by themselves, and pig farming is still not stopped, and the production has been delivered to the household. The day must be getting better and better. "Zhou-2-brother lay down and said comfortably.
       In his own words, he was really satisfied with the life right now, Lao-Si also revealed to them, let them rest assured, as long as they do not violate the law, there will be no problems.
       It can be said that the future is bright.
       "I'm not talking about those." Zhou-2-Sao just said.
       "So what are you talking about?" Zhou-2-brother wanted to sleep, but he said.
       "You said, 4th House, don't you look down on our 2nd House?" Zhou-2-Sao just said it. She thought about it all night tonight. What she really wanted was more embarrassing.
       Even at night, I couldn't sleep. I just waited for my man to come back and said.
       "How do you say that?" Zhou-2-brother froze for a moment, not knowing why.
       Zhou-2-Sao talked about what happened tonight: "I want 6-Nini to go, 6-Nini herself wants to go, but she doesn't let 4-Aunt, 2-Nini has nothing to say. , 1st Sao is looking for her mother-in-law's house. She wants to take her to Beijing! "
       He also said that he would give salary, give good-looking clothes, and wanted 2-Nini to find his wife house there.
       All these thoughts came to 2-Nini, but she 6-Nini said that she wanted to pass, but she didn't.
       When the second daughter came back to talk about it, she was not serious, but tonight, it also made her feel very unhappy.
       I waited for Zhou-2-brother for one night, didn't I just want to tell him about it?
       But obviously she still didn't know enough about her man.
       When Zhou-2-brother heard the words, he didn't have a good air: "Do you know that it's embarrassing? Do you want to let the lazy 6-Nini pass?"
       Compared with her mother-in-law who has no self-knowledge, Zhou-2-brother is very clear about what his two daughters are like.
       It can be said to be too lazy.
       From Zhou-2-brother's point of view, this girl would be finished after marrying out. Anyway, it wasn't her own family that was the scourge. Let someone else teach you to go. When you marry someone, you will naturally be sensible.
       So in the case of the five-star evaluation, Zhou-6-Nini, the girl in Zhou-2-brother, is a star in the sky, because it is her own daughter, otherwise a star is something else.
       And such a girl, would you like her to go to Beijing to help Lao-Si dumpling shop? Zhou-2-brother laughed.
       "She 4-Aunt won't let her see it in the past, who is 2-Nini, who is 6-Nini, it's not that I dislike my own girl, you say it to me, where is 6-Nini Compared with 2-Nini? "Zhou-2-brother said.
       Zhou-2-Sao hammered him angrily: "What do you say? 6-Nini, but your dear girl!"
       "My daughter-in-law is the same too. The dumpling shop in Lao-Si home is not easy. Now I need someone to help. Then I must find a clean one, like 6-Nini. She 4-Aunt promised me not to let her Go, don't help in the past, let 3-Nini go better than 6-Nini. "Zhou-2-brother said.
       Zhou-2-Sao said: "Then 4-Aunt didn't say to let 3-Nini pass."
       "Isn't there 2-Nini, 2-Nini Girl working one top two, where there are so many, where do you think that is." Zhou-2-brother said.
       Zhou-2-Sao was still angry: "I think she is like 4-Aunt, it just doesn't look like our family."
       "Come on, you have eaten the roast duck, and Xia Xia also arranged for you over there. Is everything going to follow you and holding you? Is that enough?" Zhou-2-brother said.
       In Zhou-2-brother's view, this mother-in-law is more troublesome.
       He thought that what happened was that Lao-Si looked down on him, and he dared because of this broken thing.
       Zhou-2-Sao said: "Xia Xia that you really have to thank the fourth uncle, but don't you want to let 6-Nini go over there, will you find someone in Beijing later?"
       "I said, why do you guys like to think too much?" Zhou-2-brother couldn't help it: "Just like 6-Nini, if you don't learn well, I'll think about whether I can be in our film Get married, eat what you don’t have, and you don’t have anything left to do. You still want her to go over to the Beijing city to find the object? Is your daughter inlaid with gold or Daiyu? Why don’t you just go to heaven? "
       Zhou-2-Sao was blocked for half a death, without a good air: "I have never seen you as a Father like this, so I don't expect my girl to be good!"
       "Yeah, if the girl can marry well, I'll stop marrying. I still have to be down-to-earth. Don't think about flying before you leave. How big a job can be." Zhou-2-brother Road .
       After talking, she ignored the mother-in-law and slept herself. She was really full and had nothing to do, so she was free.
       Zhou-2-Sao is still not good.
       Why is it that my daughter is unfortunate, and the second girl does not work very hard, but aren’t they all too diligent, and they have done everything, what else can they do?
       She looked at the second maiden like this, it should be a life of happiness, no need to work.
       Early the next morning, Zhou-2-Sao asked Zhou 1st Sao: "I went back yesterday, and I don't know where I said it. 2-Nini really wants to find someone in Beijing?"
       "That's what she said in 4-Aunt. Let's go to Beijing to find someone like our portal? 3-Nini, don't laugh." Zhou 1st Sao said indifferently.
       Zhou-2-brother just came out and heard this, then glanced at his mother-in-law.
       Look at 1st Sao what kind of consciousness, and what kind of consciousness does your own mother-in-law have?
       Zhou-2-Sao ignored the disdainful look of his man and said, "Is there really no shortage of people there? 6-Nini This girl is actually pretty good."
       "6-Nini is good, but 2-Nini is older there, and it is more calm, and the age is too young. People still have to talk about bullying children. When fighting in the past, some of the landlords were not because of Have you hired child labor? "Zhou 1st Sao said.
       "My family, what kind of child labor is hired, is to help." Zhou-2-Sao said.
       "You told me that it's useless. I still can't make a decision about her 4-Aunt?" Zhou 1st Sao was also impatient, said.
       "I said that you should go out and find someone to chatter." Zhou-2-brother listened on the side, but couldn't see any more, and said.
       Zhou-2-Sao can only go out with a lip.
       Zhou 1st Sao couldn't help looking at Zhou-2-brother and said, "Second Uncle, I have to tell you something about this. She asked Girl for help in 4-Aunt. In fact, I won't find anyone I have some comments, but her 4th Uncle 4-Aunt went there, it’s really not easy, she left her hometown, and there was no help around her. We’ve helped in the past, let alone help, but this Certainly can't help. "
       Zhou-2-brother was very respectful of this 1st Sao and nodded: "1st Sao said yes."
       "I heard from you Big-Brother yesterday, this summer, the fourth uncle is going to take Father, Niang. After that, he will definitely ask the four uncles to take care of them. We can’t reach them here, so I let 2-Nini used to think that if 2-Nini was free, her grandma used to clean and cook. "Zhou 1st Sao said.
       "1st Sao, let 2-Nini used to be very good. This girl is also my second uncle who looked up and grew up. Like her sister, she is very clever and literate. 6-Nini is just how big, and It’s too lazy to let her do the housework at home. ”Zhou-2-brother said.
       "Second Uncle, you don't have to blame me, I'm relieved, I just worry about 2-Sao going to my heart, and feel that 4-Aunt is partial to Big-House." Zhou 1st Sao said.
       Zhou-2-brother smiled and said: "No, no, what the family says is not biased."
       Zhou 1st Sao didn't say anything.
       As Big-Erxi, there are still some responsibilities, family and everything are good, but don’t make trouble to tell outsiders to read jokes.
       Lin Qing-He of the old Zhou family New Year's Day and early morning is not clear.
       At this moment, she and Zhou Qingbai haven't gotten up yet. Lin-3-Brother is posted individually. It usually arrives around ten o'clock.
       In this big winter, Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai came naturally and slept late.
       The husband and wife are still playing around in the bed, hehe hehe, there is no serious.
       With a smile in her eyes, Zhou Qingbai hugged herself and everything Erxi embraced her.
       "It's seven o'clock, it's time to get up." But Lin Qing-He is still a little self-knowledge. After all, it's the Chinese New Year, where can I sleep so late.
       At other times, you can rely on lazy sleep, this will be fine for a while.
       However, the husband and wife were still tossing around and didn't get up until 7:30.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother both slept in the next room, and both of them were chatting outside.
       "Get up? Go brush your teeth and prepare for dinner." Zhou-Mother said.
       I have been accustomed to it for so many years, and I don’t want to say anything more.
       Zhou-Mother is actually a distressed old son.
       In the past, struggling in Beijing, but it was not easy. I heard that the Lao-Si family had to prepare lessons every day until late, and Lao-Si would get up early in the morning to buy food and open shops.
       Why doesn't the old man feel distressed?
       So this is a rare time to sleep a little longer, then sleep more, it is still early, and no guests will come.
       It's not a problem if only neighbors are left and right.
       Zhou Qingbai and Lin Qing-He went to brush their teeth, brushing the bowl and coming together for breakfast.
       The family of Lin-3-Brother and Lin-3-Brother-came over exactly ten o'clock in the morning.
       Give the nephew niece sugar and dim sum and let them go out and play.
       Lin Qing-He Zhou Qingbai spoke to Lin-3-Brother Lin-3-Brother-'s family.
       After greeting Dao Xi, Lin-3-Brother-asked: "Sister 3-Aunt, do you think you can afford a small shop at home?"
       "Opening is affordable, but there are also some troubles. You have to be mentally prepared. After all, this neighbor is left and right. It is inevitable that some will have to take credit. If you don't give credit, you should always have a mind." Lin Qing-He Road.
       At this time, the shop is very profitable, and the business is not so bad.
       Lin-3-Brother-nodded at home, but she had never thought about the matter of credit. This time I heard that there are a few in my heart.
       "Last year's business, should I have a count?" Lin Qing-He asked Lin-3-Brother again and said.
       Lin-3-Brother smiled: "It's very profitable to do business."
       Don’t look like it’s like a small profit, but just accumulate a few things, and then just do it, it’s no less than other people wages, such as the income after entering the winter, one hundred dollars a month, compared to others’work, That's a lot more.
       "It's definitely profitable to do business, but such a business will be eliminated. The reason why you can do this now is because many people don't know the profit here. When you know it, you are not alone. A copy, and people see you are receiving it, do you believe it or not, will they learn from you next year? "Lin Qing-He said.
       This said Lin-3-Brother and Lin-3-Brother-'s family are stunned.
       Lin-3-Brother reacted calmly, saying: "I can do it, and others can do it."
       Lin-3-Brother-'s family is worried: "What can I do?"
       Seeing that the situation at home had improved, she did not want to let the family go back to what she used to be.
       Even now it is not so generous, but at least now, I am willing to scramble a few eggs every day, and occasionally, I can eat a meal.
       "Sister, do you have any suggestions?" Lin-3-Brother asked his sister.
       "Go to the city to open the shop." Lin Qing-He looked at his husband and wife.
       "Go to the city to open the shop?" Lin-3-Brother and Lin-3-Brother-'s family were stunned.
       "Right." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       "This ... where does it make us, the country people, where it is so easy to go to the city to open a shop." Lin-3-Brother was used to staying in the village, and he flinched.
       Even if some money is now made, but in the bones or ten or ten farmers, where is the change of concept so easy?
       "Isn't your brother-in-law also a countryman? Now I have moved to Beijing's hukou." Lin Qing-He said.
       "We are like this, where can you compare with Sister 3-Aunt." Lin-3-Brother-said.
       "So I won’t force you to go over there in the Beijing city, but in the city, I think you have to buy a shop to settle down, just because the shop is not too expensive in the future, if you want to buy it later, you don’t have to buy it. Affordable. "Lin Qing-He said.
       This is still in the early stage of opening. Many people are watching and watching, and they haven't gotten into the water yet, but people noses are very sensitive. Once the opportunity is discovered, it is difficult to want a well-positioned shop.
       "Sister, the shop is open, what are you going to buy?" Lin-3-Brother asked.
       "It's not easy. There is something to eat in our country. You sell it in the shop, then you won't have it? But I will work hard for you for the time being and wait for me to show you. If I can, I will It’s much more convenient to buy a motorcycle for you and come back. ”Lin Qing-He said.
       Lin-3-Brother swallowed and said, "Sister, I ... I haven't gotten too much money for the shop."
       Motorcycles, this is something that makes people look hot. He has seen people driving in the county town, which is particularly fast and majestic.
       But at a glance, I knew that it wasn't cheap, and where it is used.
       "The motorcycle will not be bought first. If you shop, I think it is a good time to buy now. How much money do you have? I will give you a reference." Lin Qing-He said.
       Lin-3-Brother actually made a lot of money this year, but because there is a new room for the children, there is not much left in the family of the couple.
       That's just over three hundred.
       "This money is definitely not enough to buy." Lin Qing-He looked at Zhou Qingbai.
       "Lend some to 3-Brother." Zhou Qingbai knew what Erxi meant and said.
       Lin Qing-He just looked at Lin-3-Brother and said, "Your brother-in-law said that I can borrow some of you. I can let you buy a shop anyway. Tomorrow my little aunt and uncle they will come back to be guests. a bit."
       "No, Sister, really, really going to open a shop in the city?" Lin-3-Brother was still a little uncertain.
       Even Lin-3-Brother-is the same.
       "Stupid? Silly? Your brother-in-law is willing to lend you such a sum of money to open a shop for you. Do you still want to collect chickens on our side all your life?" Lin Qing-He said: "Listen to the third sister. Did you lose? See if you dare to do it yourself. "
       Lin Qing-He is really looking forward to her 3-Brother being good, her 3-Brother like this is not the kind of forgotten, and she also hopes that her 3-Brother can live well in the future, not all of her life Below the township, the loess faces the sky.
       That's too hard.


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