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       "She Father, why don't you listen to Sister 3-Aunt." Lin-3-Brother-'s, pursed his lips, said with determination in his eyes.
       Everyone else may hang her home, but Sister 3-Aunt alone will definitely not, so I hope her home is good.
       If the shop is not good, how could Sister 3-Aunt contribute so much?
       And the money is given to the second borrower to buy a shop, which is really rare.
       "You're not as courageous as your Erxi." Lin Qing-He glanced at his brother and said, "It's not that you are going to open a shop right now. That shop will be bought after the new year. I'm going to the tenth year this year. Before I left, I went with you to the city with your brother-in-law and bought you the shop. "
       No way, her brother grew up in the country all his life. It is not easy to ask him to take that step. It is possible to go back at any time. She must help him.
       "Okay." Lin-3-Brother hesitated for a moment, and then he made up his mind and nodded vigorously.
       "You nod this head today, and you will be happy in the future." Lin Qing-He comforted.
       "Listen to your sister." Zhou Qingbai said.
       Lin-3-Brother nodded.
       "Before you buy, you two should go back and think about it. Do you want to do it? Although I strongly recommend you to open one, it will not be much worse in the future, but you are not forced to do this." Lin Qing-He also said .
       My younger brother wants to help, but the choice really falls on him.
       After all, she said this.
       Lin-3-Brother and Lin-3-Brother-'s two families went back. Naturally, they had a good discussion. After all, this is really not a trivial matter.
       In the afternoon when Lin-3-Brother and Lin-3-Brother-walked away, Zhou-Mother said to Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai: "In the future Dawa, his little Mu-Uncle will go to the city to open a shop?"
       "I don't know what they decided." Lin Qing-He said.
       "If you open the shop, it's a family all going to the city? What are the activities in the field." Zhou-Mother asked.
       "If you open a house, you must live there. Find a bigger one. It's better to have a backyard. You can live open. As for the land at home, it's so simple. Transfer it to other people. , The harvest will give you some money or food. "Lin Qing-He said.
       As long as her brother wants to go to the city, the rest is not a problem.
       "I don't know if you Big-Brother, can they go to the city to open a shop?" Zhou-Mother asked Zhou Qingbai.
       Zhou Qingbai glanced at Erxi and said, "You have to go to Big-Brother and ask them."
       "Yeah, I have to ask myself this kind of thing. I asked my brother to discuss with my brother Erxi, and this must be based on the fact that my brother would listen to me to do this last year. Want Qingbai to find Big-Brother 1st Sao in the past and they said, let them plant other land and go directly to the city to open a shop? ”Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou-Mother said sorrowfully: "I don't think you want him to let Mu-Uncle pass by so much, just thinking ..."
       "This is no problem, if Big-Brother 1st Sao they want to go to the city to buy a shop to open a shop, if there is no money, I and Qingbai can borrow some." Lin Qing-He still left face, so said.
       "Where there is so much money to borrow, just let them figure out the way." Zhou-Mother shook his head.
       Lin Qing-He had no interest in talking about this with her and went back to the house to read.
       Zhou-Mother whispered to his son: "Are you Erxi upset?"
       "No, I'm not happy." Zhou Qingbai is still clear to Erxi, and will not be unhappy about this matter, but Zhou Qingbai also said the truth: "Yesterday I asked Big-Brother them, they all said they want to farm, not to open What shop, mother, if you want to say it, say it yourself. "
       Zhou-Mother naturally hopes that the other three sons are good, so he really asked.
       But Zhou Big-Brother Zhou-2-brother and Zhou-3-brother are not thinking about that aspect.
       All of them have contracted production, and they are all ready to start doing special jobs in spring.
       Zhou-Mother was told by Zhou-Father when he came back.
       Zhou-Mother whispered: "I looked at Dawa and Lao-Si, it means that it's really good to open a shop. Isn't this thinking, let them try it?"
       "Try what? Try not to work well? Now that the year is good, as long as you work hard, where can you go?" Zhou-Father didn't have a good air.
       "I also know ..."
       Zhou-Mother was interrupted by Zhou-Father before he finished speaking: "You know what, the Lao-Si family helped her brother, but Xiaomei will have to help him in the future, so don't worry about me No, otherwise you will be staying with me at home this summer, don’t mess up over there. "
       "I didn't want to add chaos. Didn't I just think about it? They didn't want to do it, but I can force them to do it?" Zhou-Mother said.
       Zhou-Mother actually has very little relationship with his siblings.
       But this person is almost like this.
       I have no relationship with my brothers and sisters, but I ask my children to have a good relationship and pull each other to take care of each other.
       "Let's think about the missing ones, they are all old, and they have lived in a few years, don't care about them, they are all the masters of their own, who still listens to you." Zhou-Father said.
       Zhou-Mother said: "I've done you Lao-tou, I said you know you have to say it several times."
       "Lao-Si family is not angry?" Zhou-Mother whispered again.
       In fact, Zhou-Mother is a little afraid of this little Erxi. After all, Lin Qing-He has never been a foolish filial piety. She can get back on the spot if she doesn’t listen to her, but whether she is Popo or not.
       "What's so irritating, do you just take that weight when you are Dawa." Zhou-Father rolled his eyes.
       Compared to his wife, Zhou-Father's scales are clearly set.
       The book reading is so high, the children teach so well, can you still care about these with your wife, the general care is given on the spot, but will not stay overnight.
       Lin Qing-He is naturally not at ease, indeed reading his foreign language books and courses.
       Zhou Qingbai went out to sit with some friends and family.
       Lin Qing-He watched it for more than an hour and then came out to cook. Zhou-Mother said diligently: "It's also tiring to read a book. I eat buns at night, and the mother will do it."
       "That line, mother, you steamed the buns. I used to sit at Zhou Dong's house." Lin Qing-He said with a smile in his heart.
       "Come back early, don't sit too long." Zhou-Mother relieved and nodded.
       Lin Qing-He brought a pack of toffee and came to Zhou Dong and Cai Bamei house.
       Zhou Dong and Cai Bamei have already given birth to two, the first is a boy, the second is a girl, and now there is a third in Cai Bamei belly.
       It must be said that this speed is also extremely fast.
       Not to mention Zhou Dong, Zhou Xi, who was married last year, this year's belly is also big, and it is about to give birth, this blink of an eye, the brother and sister are both to be Father Mother.
       Also called quite emotional.
       Zhou Dong's kid is almost Lin Qing-He big, what character Lin Qing-He knows clearly, can be a neighbor.
       So Lin Qing-He came over, it was somewhat interesting. I wanted to ask him if he had that interest and tried to do business.
       If you want, you can also have a relationship with Lin-3-Brother, right?
       "The family also raised a lot of chickens this year, and it would be nice to call Xiao Shuzi over to collect them." Zhou Dong laughed.
       He is responsible for the work in the field, and he has contracted a lot this year, and Erxi has raised a lot of chickens, laid eggs, or sold livelihoods, which can make money to subsidize his family.
       It can be said that life is good, it is still very good.
       "Why don't you simply expand the scale to raise?" Lin Qing-He said: "Is there still a piece of land behind your backyard? You contract with the village and then surround it, where you can raise a hundred chickens. Keep two more dogs to guard against. Erxi is also at home with children to raise chickens, and it will not be overwhelmed. "
       I have to say that Zhou Dong really hurts Erxi. He didn't need Cai Bamei to work on the ground, he did all the work in the ground.
       Cai Bamei is staying at home, but although she is honest, she is also very good at life.
       Not only does the family keep a lot of chickens, but there are almost twenty chickens. There is definitely a lot of chickens. In addition to this, a piglet is raised, and it will be an income next year.
       Really a very capable Erxi.
       "The land behind the backyard." Zhou Dong was shocked.
       "Go to contract with the village and see if you can buy it in the future. If you can buy it, buy it." Lin Qing-He said.
       I can't buy it now, I can only contract, but in the future, it will definitely not be a problem.
       "Aunt said, it's not bad." Cai Bamei straightened her stomach, her eyes brightened.
       "Okay?" Lin Qing-He smiled: "Buy some bricks back, enclose a yard, and raise two dogs, also in the village, close to your mother's side, who doesn't have long eyes, dare to come and wanton It came when I shouted, not worried at all. "
       "But Erxi belly is now big." Zhou Dong looked at Erxi belly.
       "When my child is born this year and confinement, I can raise it." Cai Bamei said seriously.
       She really felt okay because she was too busy.
       "However, if there are too many chickens, it is necessary to do a good job of sanitation. Hospital disinfection water can be used. Otherwise, lime powder will be used. If the sanitation is done well, it will not be easy to cause problems." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Aunt said yes." Cai Bamei nodded.
       "As for the channels for selling chickens, then you go to my brother and talk about it. You will discuss the price yourself. I don't understand this, so I won't mix it up with you." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       Cai Bamei and Zhou Dong also dealt with Lin-3-Brother last year, and sold more than ten chickens to Lin-3-Brother, because the price can be higher because there are so many. That’s pretty good.
       Lin Qing-He left, and Zhou Dong discussed this with Cai Bamei.
       "But raising so many, won't it be good?" Zhou Dong hesitated.
       "If it is not good, Aunt will not come over and tell us this, Aunt still takes care of you." Cai Bamei said with a smile.
       Then the toffee was taken apart and divided into two pieces for the son and the girl.
       In fact, Cai Bamei also wanted to raise more herself, but she did not dare to mention it because of rigor.
       But since Aunt Qing-He came to talk about it, you don’t have to worry about it, you will definitely not turn it back.
       "After that year, I went to the village party secretary to contract the land behind us?" Zhou Dong heard Erxi words, and said Yan Yan said.
       "Contract." Cai Bamei nodded.
       She is about to give birth in four months, and she can start work after it is over.
       Can't you always let your man be so tired to support the family? She can also help.
       Lin Qing-He talked to Zhou-Mother about Zhou Dong and Zhou Xi brothers and sisters when they came home.
       "Both brothers and sisters have a good life. When they were young, they were a bit bitter, but now they are bitter and then sweet." Zhou-Mother said.
       Zhou Dong married Cai Bamei. What can Lao Cai family do to help? Who dares to look down on the village?
       Now the two of them have a son and a girl, with another belly in their stomachs, and their lives are booming.
       Zhou Xi married the village. Although in the end of the village, it is also a family with good customs. This year, they also contracted a lot of land. Zhou Xi man is the old son of the family and is a small worker.
       Just follow people out to build a house, the monthly money is almost the same as the work in other cities, and this guy is also a pain to Erxi, no need to go west, just work at home.
       Life is also good.
       Life was not easy when I was a kid, but now I just grow up.
       Lin Qing-He nodded, and didn't say much.
       When Zhou Qingbai came back, the family had dinner.
       The steamed buns are served with soup.
       Lin Qing-He continued reading after eating, and Zhou Qingbai chopped firewood in the yard.
       Zhou-Mother Zhou-Father went out to chatter with people, after all, it was the first day of the Chinese New Year.
       "Several Pi kid didn't come back, the family is really a bit deserted." Zhou Qingbai approved the firewood back to the house, Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai thought she was bored and said: "Tomorrow Xiaomei and they will come."
       Lin Qing-He smiled and said: "There is a word in the later generations called the empty nest old man, which is almost our generation, Qingbai, we can not be the empty nest old man in the future."
       "Inappropriate." Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       Now make a good profit, and later take him Erxi to travel around the mountains and rivers, not boring.
       In fact, Zhou Qingbai doesn't feel much about the days to come. He thinks that the best days are those with Erxi beside him and those with Erxi there. In fact, there is no difference.
       But he didn't care, but he had to let Erxi live the life she thought.
       Lin Qing-He stopped reading, let him sit on the kang, she fell in his arms, the couple said their own words.
       On the New Year's Day, I was going to sit in the old Zhou house, but because Zhou-2-Sao is such a person, Lin Qing-He was not interested in passing, and stayed with Zhou Qingbai.
       "I almost forgot." Lin Qing-He suddenly remembered that he took the semiconductor out of space. This was originally intended for Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother, but he forgot to take it out when he came back. "
       "Just forget to put it in the bag." Zhou Qingbai said, not caring.
       Lin Qing-He nodded, and then asked Zhou Qingbai to search for a radio to listen to it, Zhou Qingbai debugged it, and the couple began to listen to the radio.
       Waiting for more than eight o'clock, Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother came back from the outside and saw a semiconductor in the hall, and the eyes of the two elderly people were bright.
       However, both the old son shut the door and turned on the lights, so they didn't even ask until the next day.

       Chapter 312 | Decision 

       Zhou Qingbai got up first the next day. Lin Qing-He continued to sleep when he got up.
       He was tossed last night, and this time he was still sleeping in the bed.
       Zhou-Mother whispered: "Qingbai, who owns this semiconductor?"
       "Erxi bought it for you and Father, but I forgot to put it in the bag, and I remembered it last night." Zhou Qingbai said, saying.
       "Which ... where do we spend the money for us?" Zhou-Mother said with embarrassment when she was so happy.
       What is semiconductor at this time, rare thing.
       "It's not easy to live there, what do you do with this money?" Zhou-Father said with his hands on his back.
       He naturally feels rare in semiconductors, but compared to rare semiconductors, he still feels that it is better to live with money.
       After all, it is not necessary to buy.
       "It's okay, it doesn't cost much. Just buy it and use it." Zhou Qingbai said.
       Then let him Father, Niang want to eat.
       Zhou-Mother said: "You Erxi haven't woken up yet."
       "Wait in the pot and wait until she wakes up and let her eat." Zhou Qingbai said.
       Last night on New Year's Day, he indulged himself once. Last night, when Father and Niang came back, they didn't sleep yet.
       Stopped and rested, until I slept more than eleven o'clock, it was really tired of him Erxi, not so fast.
       "Isn't the body uncomfortable?" Zhou-Mother cared.
       "It's okay, it's just a lot of studying." Zhou Qingbai said calmly.
       "When I'm with you Father, I'll buy more pig brains for you Erxi and Dawa. They stew Angelica." Zhou-Mother said.
       Zhou Qingbai nodded, and they ate first.
       After eating, Zhou Qingbai did not go out, and went into the house to read the newspaper.
       Lin Qing-He only got up at about half past eight, and saw Zhou Qingbai reading the newspaper beside him, saying, "What time is it?"
       "At half past eight." Zhou Qingbai said, "Get up to eat?"
       "I want to sleep again." Lin Qing-He said lazily.
       It seems that since she came, she has never slept again? In the past, she basically had to sleep until twelve o'clock.
       This habit is really good now.
       "Sleep, Xiaomei came and I called you." Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       Lin Qing-He thinks it's okay, get up and wash and go to the kitchen pot to eat.
       Zhou Xiaomei and Su Dalin came the earliest, and they arrived at ten o'clock. They brought the youngest girl with them. The three big ones in the front didn't bring them. They sent them to stay with Mu-Uncle.
       Just go back in the evening and go home.
       "Ma'am, your little granddaughter took out, and these three packets of sugar were sent to my 3-Sao, one packet at a time." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       "Where can I buy sugar?" Zhou-Mother said.
       "I bought it and bought it, and it didn't matter." Zhou Xiaomei didn't care: "Yes, what about my Father?"
       "I took the semiconductor out and haven't returned yet." Zhou-Mother grinned angrily.
       That's bad Lao-tou said that it costs money, and you don't need to buy this semiconductor. In fact, you don't like it. I heard that it was bought by the Lao-Si family for them. He asked the old son to teach him how to use it, and then carried it. Go out and go.
       I haven't returned yet.
       "Buy semiconductors?" Zhou Xiaomei wondered.
       "You bought it from 4-Sao." Zhou-Mother laughed.
       "Mother, there is Erxi like 4-Sao, but you have been lucky in your life, a few people from a top family." Zhou Xiaomei said with a smile.
       "Just you are the poorest." Lin Qing-He laughed and scolded.
       "You sit down first, and I take the little boy and go out for a walk." Zhou-Mother said.
       She took her little granddaughter out, and took the toffee to the other 3rd House, which is also a meaning.
       "Why didn't Chengcheng bring them over?" Lin Qing-He said to Zhou Xiaomei.
       "Too lazy, don't want to ride an extra bike, let them pass by their Mu-Uncle over there." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       No one can sit on a bicycle.
       Lin Qing-He smiled and said to Su Dalin: "Is the work of the uncle Zhang still stable?"
       "No ... not very stable ... stable." Su Dalin shook his head.
       Since last year, the situation in the factory has been more general. Although Su Dalin stuttered, he knew a lot.
       He estimated that the factory might close down in the future, although it should not be so fast.
       "Not very stable, but want to retreat early." Lin Qing-He said: "Did you want to try it over Beijing?"
       "Four ... How about 4-brother's shop ... how?" Su Dalin looked at Zhou Qingbai.
       "Good." Zhou Qingbai said: "It's not easy to do here, you can go there."
       "If you want to go in the past, you can talk ahead of time. You can find a business shop and a living house." Lin Qing-He said: "Yes, the living house doesn't need to be found. I and Qingbai Find a place for Father and Niang. It’s spacious. The rent is the same for both left and right. You just go to live with Father and Niang. "
       "This ... how is this ... sorry." Su Dalin said embarrassedly.
       "I'm sorry, if you don't live in the past, we will take Father and Niang, and that's the same price. It's no different if you lived in the past. Then I'll show you Qingpai again. Is there a shop nearby, and if so, it would be better. "Lin Qing-He said.
       She was still some distance from the dumpling shop that Zhou Qingbai bought the house with a yard. It took about 40 minutes to walk, but it was not close at all.
       Usually take into account that Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother is also a bit far away.
       Therefore, Lin Qing-He thinks that it is best to let Zhou Xiaomei family live there.
       It’s not easy to lend her the shop, she has to keep it open, but she lives in no problem. After you buy a house and move out, it’s no problem.
       "4-Sao, when do you and 4-brother plan to take Father, Niang over?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       "Summer vacation this year." Lin Qing-He said.
       "So fast?" Zhou Xiaomei was surprised.
       Lin Qing-He smiled and watched the couple say: "I work stably there, and your 4-brother's income is also stable. There will be no problem taking over this year."
       "4-Sao, I have discussed with Dalin, will we also move in this year?" Zhou Xiaomei pursed her lips and said.
       "Of course it is possible to think about it." Lin Qing-He looked at them and said: "They will not be a problem studying in Chengcheng. I will deal with this matter for you, but I feel very reliable in business matters. The craftsmanship is good, but specific, you have to try it yourself. "
       "Wait ... wait for Father, Niang to pass ... In the past, we will ... again ... together ... go together." Su Dalin nodded.
       "That line, when the time comes, you will pack the things, and we will come to pick up Father, Niang, and we will help you pick some past." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.

       Chapter 313 | Xu Shengmei 

       Now that the decision is over, it is natural to shop.
       "I will show you the shop over there. If there is a suitable one, I will set it for you. It is fine to pay the rent for a few months in advance, but I think the best one is to buy it directly." Lin Qing-He said.
       "4-Sao, did you buy the shop yourself or rent it?" Zhou Xiaomei whispered.
       Lin Qing-He smiled and looked at her and Su Dalin: "I tell you, don't say anything to you, that shop, I bought it with you 4-brother and sold iron."
       "Really you bought it?" Zhou Xiaomei surprised.
       Su Dalin was not surprised, after all, his hukou has been moved to Beijing, and he will definitely stay in Beijing in the future. It is also necessary to buy a shop over there to operate well.
       "Well." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       "A lot of money?" Zhou Xiaomei couldn't help it.
       "More than three thousand." Lin Qing-He said.
       "So expensive?" Zhou Xiaomei froze for a long time. Over the years, she and Su Dalin also had small savings. The family can have almost 3 thousand yuan. This is definitely a huge sum of money, but I did not expect that there is a shop in Beijing. So much.
       "Our shop is a duplex, there is a second floor above that can be used by people. You have a place to live. You can rent a small one. The bun shop does not need to be big. People can eat it on the road." Lin Qing-He said: "But I still think it's better. If there is no duplex, two thousand dollars can be down."
       "Let's rent it first." Zhou Xiaomei shook his head.
       Lin Qing-He didn't persuade much, and when he saw the profit, he wanted to buy it.
       "Oh, 3-Brother is going to buy a shop in the city. Did you introduce it?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       After all, their husband and wife both live in the city and are relatively familiar.
       "Little Mu-Uncle, is he going to open a shop in the city?" Zhou Xiaomei was surprised.
       "Yeah, I plan to open one this year." Lin Qing-He nodded: "I wanted to say that if you don't go to Beijing, you want to open one too."
       "But what are you selling?" Zhou Xiaomei couldn't help it.
       "Our country, as long as it can be eaten, why not sell it?" Lin Qing-He said.
       "I ... I went to ... find my -Sao to ask ... ask." Su Dalin said.
       He really didn't know much about these, but what his -Sao said, it must be known, after all, the news is more informed.
       "Then trouble your uncle," Lin Qing-He nodded.
       "4-Sao, is it so good to open a shop now?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       "I don't know what to say, it is always a hot industry in the next few years." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       The stalls in the early 1980s were very popular. After the mid-1980s, it was the time for self-employed people. It can continue until the 1990s. Now we open a shop. By the way, how could the business be so bad?
       At eleven o'clock, Zhou-Big-Aunt and Zhou-Big-Aunt, as well as Zhou-2-Aunt and Zhou-2-Aunt, came.
       Zhou-Big-Aunt also brought a 17-year-old three-year-old daughter, called Xu Shengmei, who did look good.
       It’s just that the courage is too small to dare to look at people. Those eyes are walking around, and their eyes are dodge, even if they are strange, but such a big Miss, come to Mu-Uncle house, there are What's so scary?
       "Shengmei, come on, let's eat sugar." But it wasn't her daughter-in-law, Lin Qing-He was just entertaining, but she didn't dare to say anything and gave her two pieces of sugar to eat.
       "Thank you little -Sao." Xu Shengmei said shyly.
       "Qing-He, I heard that Qingbai Dumpling Shop's business is good. My girl at home is a neat man. I thought it would be okay to be idle at home. Would you like to take her over to Beijing to help?" Zhou-Big-Aunt said: "You don't have to give Qian , let this Girl help in the past."
       Lin Qing-He just glanced at Xu Shengmei, Xu Shengmei face was red, but Na didn't say why.
       But don't really say, there is a difference in the Lin Qing-He shop. There must always be two guards in the clothing shop, but one is not enough.
       Lin Qing-He had originally planned to go over to the Beijing city and find another one, but in the end it was his niece, Lin Qing-He was also willing to promote it.
       "Shengmei is a bit shy, and I worry that she can't entertain guests." Lin Qing-He just laughed.
       "It doesn't matter if you can't entertain, just let her wash the dishes like 2-Nini." Zhou-Big-Aunt said.
       On the side of Lao Zhou house, I obviously heard Zhou 1st Sao say it.
       Zhou 1st Sao saw that she had brought Xu Shengmei over, wouldn't she know what she meant? Naturally, she wanted to say something.
       Lin Qing-He didn't talk about selling clothes, even now I think it's working in a dumpling shop.
       However, Lin Qing-He did not plan to say that when he went to Beijing, he would naturally know.
       "Shengmei Literacy?" Lin Qing-He asked again.
       "No ... no." Xu Shengmei face turned red.
       Not all those who are mothers are like Zhou 1st Sao Zhou-3-Sao, willing to let their girls go to school.
       Of course, under her rendering, Lin-3-Brother and Lin-3-Brother-'s family are willing to let girls read, even if they can't read for a few years, but it is also good not to be illiterate.
       "No conversation, when the salary is less than 2-Nini, don't be surprised. 2-Nini is reading and literacy, and then you have to keep an account of things, and things are much more than you." Lin Qing-He He said straightforwardly.
       "Where will this happen, you are willing to take her there, it's all good, it's okay if you don't want money." Zhou-Big-Aunt said quickly.
       Lin Qing-He smiled and said: "If you don't want money, it will definitely not work, and the salary should be given to Shengmei, but Shengmei courage must be big. Big-Miss, of course, looks so beautiful a little."
       Xu Shengmei pursed her lips and raised her face: "Little bitch, I ... I will do it well."
       Lin Qing-He nodded: "If you don't understand anything, just ask me."
       Zhou-2-Aunt was a little embarrassed and said: "Qing-He, do you need male boys over there?"
       Lin Qing-He smiled at the words and said, "Miss, 2-Aunt, which one do you plan to recommend to me?"
       My nephew nephew niece or something, as long as it is good, Lin Qing-He is willing to promote and take out.
       If you go out at this time, as long as you don't go the wrong way, you won't be far behind.
       "What do you think about Huzi in my house?" Zhou-2-Aunt didn't expect her to agree, she quickly said.
       Zhou-2-Aunt didn't have this plan originally. I didn't know that there were no people. I also felt that male boys were clumsy. What could they do?
       So no one brought them.
       But this time it was a little emotional.
       Huzi in her mouth is her three sons, ranking third in the family, the largest is the son, Lao-Er is the girl, this Huzi ranks third, this year is also 17 years old, born the same year as Xu Shengmei, one month younger than Xu Shengmei That's it.
       "That boy is bigger than his brother, and he is not too weak. He can't do fine work, but he can do some chores nearby," Zhou-2-Aunt said.
       Lin Qing-He was also impressed. Huzi, his nephew, once brought a basket of fish over, which he caught himself, and then sent it over here.
       At the time, he was only thirteen years old. This blink of an eye has passed four years, but his size is indeed not small.
       Lin Qing-He doesn't mind bringing more people in the past.
       Because the place is spacious enough, and there are multiple meals, but in the past, there are many things that can be done.
       For example, let Zhou-2-Nini and Xu Shengmei look at the shop, if Huzi is a boy, he can let him go out to set up a stall, but it will not waste labor at all.
       "If you are free for the past two days, come over and sit on my side, and I invite him to eat sugar." Lin Qing-He didn't give a clear message yet, so I have to take a look first.
       "Okay, I will let him come tomorrow." Zhou-2-Aunt is happily not.
       The children did not come back this year, and they have a lot of places at home. They also ate here at noon.
       After eating Zhou-Big-Aunt Zhou-2-Aunt, I sits for a while and passed the old Zhou house.
       The two sisters and the brother-in-law were gone, and Zhou Xiaomei couldn't help asking: "4-Sao, do you need so many people for the dumpling shop?"
       "Neither went to the dumpling shop. I plan to take the sample to the garment factory this year and let the garment factory make some new clothes for me. Then I will open a clothing shop." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Xiaomei was surprised: "4-Sao, do you want to open a clothing store yourself?" She 4-Sao is too powerful too!
       "Your 4-brother is making progress now, I can't always lag behind him, otherwise I will easily call Bai Fumei from the other side of the capital city, then what can I do? I have to make a living myself." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai looked helpless.
       Zhou Xiaomei and Su Dalin both laughed.
       "Qingbai, what do you do that is not right for you Erxi?" Zhou-Mother's face changed, he said quickly.
       "Mother, no." Zhou Qingbai said helplessly.
       "No, it's just being remembered. You're gone, but you'll have a long snack. You'll almost miss Erxi and the three grandchildren." Lin Qing-He told Zhou-Mother this way.
       Bluff Zhou-Mother, and asked quickly: "What's the matter?"
       "Erxi." Zhou Qingbai couldn't help but look at himself Erxi.
       Lin Qing-He gave him a blank look and said, "That one called Zhang Meihe, do you think I forgot? All went to your store to find you, if I just happened to transfer to the course and bumped into the front, hum! "
       Turning over old accounts is what women do best, and she is naturally no exception.
       Zhou Xiaomei and Su Dalin were both stunned, and Zhou-Mother was so anxious to beat her son: "You ... are you going to be mad at you? You good Erxi and the child, you are not guarding, you ... you still……"
       "Mother, you calm down." Lin Qing-He said that he didn't want to be beaten by his man. He took Zhou-Mother back and said, "That thing has passed, the woman has already married, I Just tell your mother, if Qingbai dares to do something that doesn’t suit me, then I won’t forgive him. There is no turning back here. There are also three sons. Don’t want anything, just change my surname to Lin. "
       Zhou-Mother comforted and comforted: "Miss Dawa, don't be angry, Qingbai what kind of temperament, we all know that he must not dare to do something sorry for you, otherwise I will not spare him the first one!"
       Lin Qing-He said: "Today I take care of Sister Big-Aunt and Sister 2-Aunt, let Shengmei and Huzi pass, 2-Sao mentioned that let 6-Nini I did not agree in the past, I don’t know if I will excellent."
       "What's the matter, you can just do it by yourself, who can say it." Zhou-Mother said busy.
       "2-Sao still wants 6-Nini Girl to pass by?" Zhou Xiaomei froze for a moment, then rolled her eyes directly: "Isn't 2-Sao face too big, what is 6-Nini virtue? Last time I ran myself I went to the city and ate two meals at my place. After eating, I ran straight away! "
       It doesn't matter if you don't help with washing dishes or cleaning the floor, but that attitude, Zhou Xiaomei is not tolerable, and Zhou-6-Nini has passed a few times behind. Zhou Xiaomei directly let go, even leaving no meal.
       Doesn't she have to treat her like an aunt when she on her nose? Who is a fool?
       "1st Sao and 3-Sao are not recommended to let 6-Nini pass." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       "It's all over there. 1st Sao 3-Sao can't be wrong. Don't you disturb me, don't you know? 4-Sao, filial Erxi, you will be guaranteed for the rest of your life, if you give If I find something for myself, then I will not agree. "Zhou Xiaomei said to her mother.
       What kind of temper she is, she is very clear.
       Zhou-Mother was embarrassed, Lin Qing-He took the words and said, "My mother still thinks very much about me. I will go over there in the future, but my mother wants to raise two more chickens. I prefer to eat the chickens you raise, stewed. Soup thief. "
       "That must be no problem." Zhou-Mother said quickly.
       "Is the place big enough?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       "It's enough, there still a lot of land. If you want to eat, you can grow your own and you can raise chickens." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       "By mother, Dalin and I have decided that you will go with Father this summer vacation, and then we will live with you and Father." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       "Really decided?" Zhou-Mother was also very happy, said.
       "Well, it's decided." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       "Okay, okay, in the past, there is a lot of people to take care of." Zhou-Mother satisfied.
       Zhou Xiaomei and Su Dalin didn't go back to the city until three o'clock. Su Dalin couldn't deny his mother's enthusiasm and took a chicken back.
       At night, Zhou 1st Sao and Zhou-3-Sao came over to sit at home.
       Zhou-2-Sao didn’t come, and thought she knew that this made her angry today, but Lin Qing-He didn’t care either.
       In her own store, who is she to call, not to call, even Zhou-Mother's opening of Popo is useless, let alone just a suave.
       "Why didn't 2-Sao come?" But Lin Qing-He asked a meaning.
       "The smiles on his face are reluctant today." Zhou 1st Sao said helplessly.
       "Who is used to her, your shop, who you want to call, whoever you call, don't care about her." Zhou-3-Sao is neat.
       Lin Qing-He also said: "It's all a family, can I still look forward to my own family? In the future, it will be the world of these young people, and they will be able to take care of each other in the future. I only heard Xiaomei say today, that Girl often hangs out in the city. In the past, she used to throw away her chopsticks when she ate. "
       It’s not that Zhou-6-Nini is gossiping, it’s really that Girl is too ridiculous, Zhou-2-Sao also has a pretty good face of her daughter, Lin Qing-He is also polite with her, who hasn’t gotten tempered yet ?


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