Back 60s 295

       Lin Qing-He did not interfere too much with the choices of the three sons. They were all brought up by her, but it’s not that she didn’t have an idea. Arrange your own way in the future.
       She can only provide a reference here.
       After breakfast, she was not interested in staying on to watch TV, leaving their three brothers came over to the dumpling shop.
       She didn't say how many brothers they are. After all, it's rare. After a few days, it's nothing rare.
       Zhou Qingbai here just happens to be relatively idle, but because the eldest son has created a precedent for selling raw dumplings, so ah, he is making dumplings with Ma Big Aunt.
       The old king is also there, Lin Qing-He said: "Uncle, did you sleep well last night."
       "It's cool." The old king nodded.
       I did sleep well last night and it was really comfortable to have an electric fan.
       "Let's do that." Lin Qing-He nodded with a smile, and said: "In the past two months, I also called Uncle you and Ma Big Aunt to be exhausted."
       "There is something here, there is a busy thing, I have been more energetic all day." Ma Big Aunt said with a smile.
       The old king talked about coming from the south.
       Lin Qing-He also talked about the situation in the south.
       Ma Big Aunt couldn't be surprised: "Is it so developed over there?"
       "Our side is not bad." Lin Qing-He said.
       Although it is not bad, it has to be said that on the current Beijing side, the supplies are still not as rich as those in the south.
       However, the development of Beijing City is not a joke at the moment, but it is also changing with each passing day.
       After a few years, that was another world.
       Lin Qing-He stayed at the dumpling shop for a while and came to the Housing Authority.
       What did you do? Naturally I bought the yard!
       See if anyone wants to sell the house yard and shop, she is willing to buy it here.
       Don't really say, someone is willing to sell.
       Lin Qing-He took out the bicycle bought in the south from the space, then rode and went home. Two small unwilling to walk, continued to watch TV and let them take Zhou-Kai to the shop, Lin Qing-He came to the Housing Management Bureau with Zhou Qingbai who was free.
       Bringing her family Qingbai, the husband and wife followed a person from the Housing Authority to see a shop.
       Not only this shop, but also a house, the house is of the kind with a small courtyard, but just entered the courtyard.
       The shop Lin Qing-He didn't buy it. Although she knew that the later generations were all worth money, she didn't need it everywhere. After all, the shop was really lonely.
       This house is not counted as a courtyard house. It does not count as soon as you enter the courtyard. It is just a house with a small courtyard.
       But the location is very good.
       Even at the market price of this meeting, but this courtyard is also asking for more than 7 thousand, which is not cheap at all.
       Attempt to bargain, but there is no price to bargain, this is the price.
       But Lin Qing-He also bought the house.
       She wrote the names of her and Zhou Qingbai.
       Needless to say, Lin Qing-He mood when this house certificate was obtained.
       "If there is a lively shop, call me again?" Lin Qing-He told the staff.
       "Yes, you keep one." The staff member saw her husband and wife knew that the family was rich and nodded.
       Lin Qing-He left him a phone call from the school office. Even if she was not there, other colleagues who received the call would tell her.
       After buying a house, Lin Qing-He was in a very good mood and went back with Zhou Qingbai.
       "Uncle Wang should have these doorways, why not just look for Uncle Wang." Zhou Qingbai asked.
       "Let's just come to the Housing Management Bureau and ask, don't trouble Uncle Wang, or you can't explain why we have so much money." Lin Qing-He said.
       She naturally took her consideration into consideration. It would not be easy for her to buy so much money to buy dumpling shops.
       Where is there so much money to buy other real estate?
       So forget it, and slowly look at buying it yourself, after all, don't worry.
       Zhou Qingbai nodded and said nothing.
       After the school started, Lin Qing-He went back to school, the children all took their classes seriously, and Zhou Qingbai continued to run his shop.
       Lin Qing-He thought that a few kids liked TV a few days ago, but apparently underestimated the rarity of this TV set.
       Fortunately, their academic performance has not deteriorated, otherwise they would like to watch TV.
       "After school, hurry and help your dad. Watch TV when you come back. Is it right? Believe it or not, I sold the TV set?" But Lin Qing-He was also kind of polite.
       Then several brothers were rushed to the dumpling shop to help.
       Lin Qing-He prepared lessons in the house for charging, and waited for dinner almost before preparing to come to the dumpling shop.
       "Aunt." She came across Zhang Meilian as soon as she came out, and Zhang Meilian called to her.
       "I don't dare to answer you if you call my aunt." Lin Qing-He said politely, but his face was light.
       "Aunt, can you let me enter the house to watch TV? I see Xiaoxuan they are watching, it's pretty good." Zhang Meilian said.
       Lin Qing-He didn’t know what she thought about her eldest son. She and her sister were blacklisted here and laughed: “That’s no way. If you’re a boy, you can definitely Go in, but you are a girl. They are all boys, but you can’t stay in a room. You’re so big, you have to marry someone. It’s bad reputation for you. ”
       After that, Lin Qing-He left.
       After she went downstairs, Zhang Erxi came out of the house and looked at Zhang Meilian: "Auntie, isn't it that I said, do you still have a hot face and a cold butt? She shows that she doesn't have a good impression of you , You simply listen to Sao and prepare to marry the one Sao introduced to you. "
       "Where is that man comparable to Zhou-Kai." Zhang Meilian said with her lips pursed.
       She had to go to the dumpling shop for help this summer, but there are Pharaoh and Ma Big Aunt over there, especially Ma Big Aunt.
       If she is over there, don't want to get a good sentence.
       So I didn’t pass, but I didn’t have a chance to contact Zhou-Kai in private.
       God knows how rare she is this big boy, and such a big boy does not understand anything, she will not be innocent and he will not say anything.
       After all, he hasn't tasted a woman's taste, let him taste it, where he has so much accounting.
       But she didn't give her any chance.
       "He is only sixteen now, and eighteen in two years. How old are you now, can you afford it? And I also heard that he is going to join the army." Zhang Erxi said.
       "If it's better to join the army, it would be much easier for me to visit him in the past." Zhang Meilian heard this, her eyes brightened and said: "For the time being, will you graduate next year?"
       "Graduated next year." Zhang Erxi said with a lip.
       "That's great." Zhang Meilian said.
       Zhang Erxi was ridiculous in his heart. The old Zhou family didn't mean that in that respect. Besides, if someone is a talented student, why would you want this?
       Zhang Erxi was eager to get married and stop eating at home, and turned to persuade her Popo.

       Chapter 296 | Gold Plated 

       Lin Qing-He, the old Zhang family idea, turned his head away.
       The three sons she raises are not stupid. They want to count her sons, not to mention the doors and the windows.
       Is it useful to be weak and weak?
       Although Lin Qing-He has always flattered the way of sons, the sons go by themselves, but she is definitely the reference of the sons.
       If she is dissatisfied, she will just say that she is not satisfied. If they want to marry, then she will not stop, and everyone will be fine afterwards.
       But it’s too early to say that, but it’s still small.
       Lin Qing-He came along and met Ma Big Aunt. Ma Big Aunt also came home from work.
       "Xiaokai asked me to come back and call you, don't read the book and forget the time." Ma Big Aunt smiled.
       "I'm hungry too." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       The two did not say much, Ma Big Aunt went back, and Lin Qing-He came.
       The whole family ate together for supper.
       "There is a fan missing here," Lin Qing-He said.
       This hot day, you can eat a sweat with a meal, but I didn't remember that I also needed an electric fan here.
       "Go and buy next time." Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       This hot day is indeed too hot. He is wearing dumplings under the vest. It is also hot. It really needs an electric fan to blow it cool.
       As for the guests who come to eat dumplings, this time the service is not so attentive, to blow the fan? nonexistent.
       "After eating, you two will clean up." Lin Qing-He told the three sons.
       Pharaoh didn’t come to eat today, he ate at school.
       After eating, she took Zhou Qingbai to ride a bicycle over the square to blow the evening breeze.
       "Look, when did we pick up Father, Niang?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "Look at it next year." Zhou Qingbai said.
       The dumpling shop has just opened this year. Although the business is not bad, it has not been completely stable, so don’t take it for the time being and wait until later.
       Lin Qing-He nodded, and then saw an acquaintance on the other side of the square. Wasn't it Chen Xue? She was hanging out with a man, which was obviously in love.
       Chen Xue also saw Lin Qing-He, but after a glance, she walked away with the man, Quan Dang did not see her.
       "Know?" Zhou Qingbai asked.
       "Before a dormitory, she moved out later." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai didn't ask much, he felt that the relationship should not be very good.
       Lin Qing-He said: "I don't have any prejudice against her. Everyone has a choice to be more conducive to their rights, but they can't hurt others."
       What Chen Xue did was to make herself better. In fact, this is understandable.
       However, Chen Xue behavior is generally the same as that of the original owner. This is called Lin Qing-He and it is really unacceptable.
       Abandoning a husband and abandoning a child is a bad character and a corrupt moral character. Even if such a person is outstanding and outstanding in other respects, then Lin Qing-He is not to be seen here.
       And Lin Qing-He estimated that Chen Xue would regret it in the future.
       Zhou Qingbai said aloud, and didn't talk about Chen Xue any more. He talked about Zhou-Kai graduation next year.
       "Uncle Wang said that when he graduated, he would go to the military academy for two years before letting the troops pass." Zhou Qingbai said.
       "I don't understand this. You can see which one is better, let him choose which one." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Uncle Wang's suggestion is good, let him go to the military academy to study for two more years, and he only came out in nineteen." Zhou Qingbai said.
       He came out of the army. In the army, the requirements for academic qualifications are not low, and Zhou Qingbai also knows that if he wants to go higher and farther, his academic qualifications are indispensable.
       After graduating from Peking University for another two years, the military school was gilded. This is definitely enough.
       Lin Qing-He said: "In the future, our dumpling shop will have to be left to Sanwa." Said the ideals of the three brothers.
       She knew the eldest son wanted to enter the army, he always thought so.
       The second son's desire to be a teacher makes her a little surprised. She thinks that the second son is actually more suitable for business, ghost spirit.
       However, it is not bad for the three sons to do business. After all, the stinky boy is so arrogant that he can talk to anyone, and his social skills can be learned without tutors.
       "Go for your own business, let's keep the old-age pension." Zhou Qingbai said without that intention.
       Lin Qing-He smiled and looked at him and said, "You still plan to sell dumplings for a lifetime? That's not okay. We will go out to swim in the summer and winter holidays every year. it is good."
       "Well." Zhou Qingbai brows were gentle, and he should be down.
       The couple went to buy ice cream again and they were very comfortable. They didn't go home until about nine o'clock.
       The brothers are watching TV, watching their husband and wife come back and say, "Is the date back?"
       "If you are envious, you can also find one." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Mom, did you agree to our early love?" Zhou-Xuan wondered.
       "Promise, my dad and I both want to hug grandchildren, please hurry up and give birth to us to have fun." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Big-Brother, it's up to you!" Zhou-Guilai said.
       Zhou-Kai was speechless and said, "If you don't consider personal problems before the age of twenty-five, you two can be early."
       "Twenty-five years old?" Zhou Qingbai glanced at him, obviously dissatisfied with his age.
       "That's too old. When Dad was 25, all three of us were born." Zhou-Xuan said.
       "Yes." Zhou-Guilai also nodded.
       Lin Qing-He brought out a plate of fruit and ate it. The family watched TV while eating and it was almost 9:30 before turning off the TV and going to bed.
       The day at home is very stable and stable.
       Lin Qing-He law of life is the same with Zhou Qingbai, and the three children have completely adapted to life in Beijing.
       On the old Zhou side.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother Zhou-6-Nini came to dinner on this day.
       "6-Nini is here, have you eaten it yet?" Zhou-Mother asked casually.
       "I haven't eaten yet." Zhou-6-Nini looked at the scrambled eggs on the table and said.
       Although the two of them were quantitative, they heard her eat before eating.
       "Yeah, my fourth uncle 4-Aunt. How are they doing in Beijing? The dumpling shop business must be good?" Zhou-6-Nini said.
       "A dumpling shop, it's not rare, how good is the business." Zhou-Mother said.
       "Grandpa, 4-Aunt 4-Aunt will not have a good life in Beijing, don't you care?" Zhou-6-Nini said.
       "What do you Girl say, your 4th uncle 4-Aunt is filial and filial, can I count with your grandfather?" Zhou-Mother was not happy to hear this and said.
       "Then did not return this summer vacation." Zhou-6-Nini said.
       "Where are the shops left empty? There is a lot of rent every month, and I don't know how, but I will come back after the New Year." Zhou-Mother was also worried, saying.
       "It will take a long time to wait for the New Year. Don't you want to see my 4th Uncle 4-Aunt in the past? You don't need a letter of introduction now, you can go anywhere, no matter what." Zhou-6-Nini said.
       "What are you talking about, where is the city of Beijing, you go when you say it?" Zhou-Father glanced at the granddaughter.
       "I'm not worried about watching my wife. If she wants to go, I can take her." Zhou-6-Nini said.
       "What did you go, you wouldn't say anything, you didn't know how to go there in the past." Zhou-Father said.
       Zhou-6-Nini heard the words and said, "What's the difficulty? Go there and go to the public security. Just take us to Peking University and let the radio call 4-Aunt, then that's not enough?"
       "Come on." Zhou-Father said: "Eat your meal."
       "Grandpa, I'm so big now, I can do everything. The fourth uncle opened the shop, and I want to help with the dishes." Zhou-6-Nini said.
       Zhou-Father didn't speak, but Zhou-Mother just moved: "Where would your mother agree?"
       "Why don't you agree, and my 4th Uncle 4-Aunt is not someone else. Can I help you in the past?" Zhou-6-Nini watched her be moved, immediately.
       "Wait until your 4th Uncle 4-Aunt comes back." Zhou-Mother said.
       Zhou-6-Nini was very happy. After eating, she ran away without helping her grandpa to clean up.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother did not care about her.
       The elder couple has a lot of things now. Zhou-Father has raised ducks. Ten ducks have been raised this year, and now they are laying eggs.
       Zhou-Mother raised more than a dozen chickens and said, "I don't have time to come back, or I won't have to sell these eggs at home, so I can let them take them to eat."
       "Tomorrow Dawa, his little Mu-Uncle is coming to collect eggs, but put it away." Zhou-Father said.
       "It's all set and won't fall." Zhou-Mother nodded.
       Lin-3-Brother is also a man who knows that his sister-in-law has chickens and ducks, so he came over here to help bring them to the city to sell.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother really like Lin-3-Brother.
       Lin-3-Brother was originally sold only by itself, but now it is developing and developing. Basically, a group of eggs or live chickens will be brought to the city for sale the next day.
       Zhou-Mother here, he will come here every few days. Others Lin-3-Brother have to pay a little hard money.
       For example, for three pounds of eggs, Lin-3-Brother will have to earn an egg hard money, which is naturally not much, so everyone is happy to sell him some money back, after all, save a lot of effort.
       Lin-3-Brother is now going to the county town the next day. Every time he goes to the county town, he will have a pole on his bicycle. There are two baskets on both sides of the pole, which are filled with eggs and paddy with rice bran. .
       If there are live chickens or ducks or the like, it is tied to the pole of the car, and you have to earn a little.
       In a month, he can earn nearly 20 yuan to subsidize his family, and also take his own eggs or live chickens to sell. After all, Linlin finally can earn about 30 yuan a month.
       Lin-3-Brother-I’m so happy to say nothing.
       Thirty yuan, which is quite a bit, even if people wages have increased in recent years, but thirty yuan is also a good standard.
       But even so, Lin-3-Brother did not dare to lose the work in the ground, and would go to the ground once the next day. In this way, life is quite good.
       Because Lin-3-Brother likes to listen to his sister.
       His family asked him to go and see more in the city, and he did the same. Then he really found out that there were really many more hawkers in the city, and many things could be sold.
       For example, every time he passed, he would let Erxi send a small bag of bean sprouts, which grew out of the draught and was also very easy to sell.
       Lin-3-Brother is doing this right now. He thought about waiting for his sister to come back for the New Year, and then ask his sister.
       Because he really found that it seems that doing business is much better than doing farm work.
       After all, he is doing so at home now, and he can earn 30 yuan a month. This is still because he didn't dare to get rid of his shirt and start working.
       After all, it was quite loud before, and I was a little worried about whether it would be repeated later.
       Even if it is bean sprouts, every time he sells a little, he dare not sell too much.
       Lin-3-Brother tasted some sweetness because he listened to his sister, but Zhou Big-Brother, Zhou-2-brother, and Zhou-3-brother were much more conservative in this matter.
       There is no such thing at all.
       At least so far, I haven't seen much action, but Zhou 1st Sao has tried to carry two chickens and sold them in the hospital, but because of the fear of shrinking, I was worried about this, and I was very unlucky and did not sell. Go out.
       Seeing her carry two chickens out and back, the other two do not need to know.
       If not, I didn't think about it.
       The next day Lin-3-Brother came over and brought two baskets, and two chickens were also tied to the pole, so they came to Zhou-Mother to collect the eggs.
       Came in the morning, and after about two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin-3-Brother came back.
       After calculating the money to Zhou-Mother, Zhou-Mother asked him to drink the brewed sugar water first.
       Lin-3-Brother didn't treat her politely and finished drinking and said, "Aunt, I'll go back first."
       "Go slowly." Zhou-Mother nodded with a smile.
       Lin-3-Brother took a bicycle and went back.
       When Zhou-Father came back to catch the ducks, Zhou-Mother said, "Dawa, his little Mu-Uncle is really good."
       If you don’t say it politely, it’s also a penny for her.
       Zhou-Father said: "Then you knew that this bike gave him the young Mu-Uncle and you were not happy."
       Zhou-Mother felt a little shameless after being said like this, "Then I didn't say anything."
       When she heard that, she was really reluctant. After all, she still has three sons, although she has one at home.
       But what's the big thing about a bicycle, how can it be too much?
       But then she also listened to the Lao-Da family back and said that she gave 50 yuan to buy, which was not indispensable.
       She was also fortunate that she hadn't said the Lao-Si family, otherwise she would have to be beaten.
       Now it seems that the bike changer to his young Mu-Uncle is also quite good.
       Zhou-Father didn't say, and retorted: "How much did you sell today."
       A catty egg has three hairs, and a duck egg is a little more expensive. I made almost five yuan today. Zhou-Mother is very satisfied.
       After all, the two of them have sons who raise them, but they are all saved. As the saying goes, there is money in their hands and they don’t panic, no matter who is the same.
       Zhou-Mother really saved a little this year.
       She thought that if the old son's shop did not make money, then she would send the money she saved. After all, the consumption in Beijing was very high, and the school supplies of the grandchildren also cost money.
       Even if the salary of the Lao-Si family is not low, but it is not necessarily enough to spend, she is still able to work, and she can’t keep the three grandchildren hungry?
       So Zhou-Mother is just like a hamster, but it is struggling to save money.

       Chapter 298 | Sick 

       The family on the Beijing side didn't know what the old man thought.
       The family lives very well.
       For example, on this day, Zhou-Kai took the money to pack a roast duck and returned, and the whole family ate roast duck together.
       After eating Lao Wang took the three of their brothers to hang out, Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai cleaned up, shut the shop, and the couple came out to step on the road.
       "You go buy ice cream, I promise I will not eat it." Lin Qing-He said.
       She came to Big-Mu-aunt mother, she still had the courage to say her own words. She came to Big-Mu-aunt mother and dared to eat one, but Zhou Qingbai refused to eat it.
       So even if she said not to eat, Zhou Qingbai did not buy it, but bought her an apple to eat.
       "After many years, we will be like this now. When the time comes, we will come out and relax every day." Lin Qing-He laughed.
       Zhou Qingbai said with a smile: "Bring your grandson."
       "Bring your grandson, just talk to them for fun. I will not bring it. I will take it by myself. When Erxi enters the door, I will explain it to her. I will ask a trustworthy babysitter to help. Just do it. "Lin Qing-He said.
       "Good." Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       This blink of an eye was in October, and just half a month ago, Lin Qing-He bought another shop after the last house with a yard.
       This shop is not large, it is only 50 or 60 square meters, and there is no duplex. There is a second floor where you can rest, unlike the dumpling shop.
       But because the location is quite good, it cost Lin Qing-He two thousand dollars. When I bought the dumpling shop before, it was only three thousand.
       But Lin Qing-He bought it with pride.
       However, Lin Qing-He was still thinking about it, and it was still the courtyard house. She didn’t dare to play that idea when she entered the hospital, but when you enter the hospital and enter the hospital, you can think about it.
       No one is selling.
       But don't worry, there will always be someone selling it, just wait.
       Lin Qing-He walked around with Zhou Qingbai and said, "Have you noticed any changes from the beginning of the year?"
       "More freedom." Zhou Qingbai said.
       When I first came at the beginning of the year, I felt there was still some restrained atmosphere, but this year, a lot of dresses appeared on the street.
       There are also some skirts made of fabrics imported from Ross, which are very fashionable and beautiful.
       Moreover, there are more than one or two wearing like this. From time to time on the street, you can always meet a few. At the beginning of the year, it was still very rare.
       It can be seen that this year's changes are really not small.
       Lin Qing-He smiled, they walked around in a circle, and then went home.
       Before the children came back, Lin Qing-He went into the house to scrub himself.
       "Waiting to move later, but only need to get a bathroom." Lin Qing-He said after scrubbing.
       "When did you have the kind of house you said?" Zhou Qingbai asked.
       Although the question is unclear, Lin Qing-He understands that her family Qingbai is talking about a commercial house.
       "This hasn't happened yet, it has to be slow." Lin Qing-He said.
       The husband and wife sits together and watched TV with a fan. It was not until eight o'clock that the Zhou-Kai brothers came back from outside.
       "Hurry to write your homework." Lin Qing-He sent out.
       The two little obediently went back home to do their homework. Zhou-Kai didn't need to, because they were both in college, and Lin Qing-He didn't care about him.
       "Mom, we are going to go shopping with Ye-Ye the day after tomorrow." Zhou-Kai said.
       "Is there any money?" Lin Qing-He nodded and asked.
       "Give me another ten dollars." Zhou-Kai said.
       Lin Qing-He just said, "Go get it with your dad."
       Watching TV, Zhou Qingbai said, "Go and get it in the cupboard yourself."
       The money in the house doesn't protect these children, but the children won't steal the money. After all, they basically have nothing to buy.
       And in advance, as long as it is not unreasonable, Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai, two advanced Father Mothers, will not stop.
       "It would be nice if our family had a refrigerator." Zhou-Kai said again.
       "You got it, a refrigerator is a few thousand dollars, which is more expensive than your dad's dumpling shop." Lin Qing-He didn't have a good air.
       She can buy TV fans, but she will never buy them like refrigerators.
       It is better to buy the house directly with that money.
       Zhou-Kai smiled.
       "I'll turn off the TV myself later." Lin Qing-He said at nine thirty.
       "I know." Zhou-Kai should get off.
       Then watching him Father, Niang went into the room to rest.
       Zhou Qingbai had to get up at 5:30 every morning, and naturally he had to go to bed early at night.
       However, before going to bed, Zhou Qingbai recorded the unrecorded accounts.
       Every day he has to keep accounts, and then he will settle the account thoroughly at the end of the month.
       Lin Qing-He agrees with his meticulous and serious attitude.
       "Make a good profit this year, and wait for the next Father, Niang to come over, and let them live in the house." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Just rent it." Zhou Qingbai said.
       He knew what he meant by Erxi, and wanted to have a plausible remark, but Zhou Qingbai felt that it was not necessary. He learned the dumpling shop and said that it was rented from the owner.
       But speaking of that, the house is still very suitable for Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother to live in, it is quite new, and they can be lived after they are cleaned up, and because they have a yard, they are also interested in opening a vegetable garden and then raising them in a circle A few chickens or something.
       Lin Qing-He also had no opinion, and when talking about Zhou Xiaomei: "I don't know if Xiaomei will come over."
       "It's coming, it's nice that our shop rented buns to him." Zhou Qingbai said.
       "We can't do that shop, and find another place for them." Lin Qing-He shook his head.
       The relationship with Zhou Xiaomei is good, but no matter how good it is, there is a limit. The shop Lin Qing-He is planning to keep a luxury store in the future.
       It's no problem to lend to Zhou Xiaomei first, but Zhou Xiaomei and Su Dalin are used to it? What if I want to buy?
       Will it be difficult to be a man by then?
       So Lin Qing-He didn't plan to rent his shop to Zhou Xiaomei. It would be helpful to look at other shops at that time. He would always help Zhou Xiaomei to find a good shop.
       Dear relatives, everyone should be clear, don’t leave pimples on each other’s heart, this is the best way to get along with relatives.
       "Okay." Zhou Qingbai didn't think about it that much, but Erxi said he wouldn't have an opinion.
       It was the Double Ninth Festival in a few days. This morning, Zhou Qingbai went to buy ingredients and accidentally grabbed an old Mother chicken. Erxi told him last night. Today, the Double Ninth Festival is to make up a whole family of chickens.
       Zhou Qingbai, who has taken on the responsibility of cooking at home, is a capable person, and now it's really everything.
       At noon, Lin Qing-He drank fragrant chicken broth, and there was a big chicken drumstick in the bowl. She was also polite.
       The other one was given to Pharaoh, but Pharaoh didn’t come to eat, Zhou-Kai gave him a food box.
       Since the recognition of the dear friend, Pharaoh often came here to eat. When he didn't come to eat, what good was he, and he didn't forget to send him a copy.
       But in the end, after getting into the winter, Pharaoh became ill.

       Chapter 299 | Care 

       Pharaoh was actually just coughing this day.
       However, Lin Qing-He also left a hand, so Zhou-Kai was called to sleep with Ye-Ye in the old room of the old king.
       Although it's only a single room, it's okay for Zhou-Kai to make a floor paving in the past. The quilt blankets are enough and I can't get cold.
       Lao Wang also said no, just a little cold, where is it necessary.
       But Lin Qing-He insisted that Zhou-Kai also said he had to keep it.
       No, it was only that night, at about eleven, the Pharaoh started burning.
       The old man was almost confused, or Zhou-Kai was keen, and when he heard his voice, he immediately got up, and his forehead was so hot.
       He helped the old man get up and drank water, and took the medicine left by his mother to him, and then gave him dry Ye-Ye to warm up. He also covered a quilt and brought it directly to the hospital. .
       At this time, the advantages of this boy size are reflected.
       Carrying him to Ye-Ye on the way to the hospital, he just gasped slightly, and the doctor couldn't help but boast about his good fitness.
       Then check the infusion for Pharaoh.
       I heard that I was given medicine for fever, but I did not continue to give medicine. After all, the situation of the elderly is quite stable.
       Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai didn't know it. It was the next morning when Zhou-Kai came over to cook the pork rib and lotus seed porridge.
       Zhou Qingbai used to cook pork ribs and lotus seed porridge. He went to open the shop first. Zhou-Kai took Zhou-Xuan and Zhou-Guilai. Of course, Lin Qing-He also came to see Lao Wang.
       The spirit of Lao Wang's whole person is languishing a lot, but obviously he is happy.
       "I'm going to class soon. I'm fine here. Now I've gone back. I could have gone back. Xiaokai had to tell me to look at the situation here again." Lao Wang said with a smile.
       "But if you can't go back like this, you have to observe." Lin Qing-He said.
       Then let him have breakfast.
       The family chatted with Pharaoh for a while, and waited for Pharaoh to eat before he packed up and went back.
       No way, those who go to school have to go to school, those who go to class have to go to class.
       "Is that your girl or Erxi just now?" Asked the patient next to him.
       "Erxi and my three grandchildren." Lao Wang said with a smile.
       "Then you are really blessed. Your grandson is really fortunate. He gave you back last night." The patient said.
       "It's just a little bit older, and I'm only sixteen." Lao Wang laughed: "This child is also filial. I said yesterday that I don't need him to sleep in me, but he has to insist on staying with me, and his parents let him Staying there, I am afraid of it when I think about it. "
       "People can get old when they are old, don't be brave. Fortunately, they came in time last night, otherwise you might not be so fast," he said.
       "That's true, I really have to get old in the future." The old king nodded. "But I'm much better now. I can't stay in the hospital anymore."
       "Wait, the children will be relieved," his patient said.
       Although the old saying is good, the illness is like a mountain sickness, and it is like pulling silk, but because Zhou-Kai was sent to the hospital last night and the cold medicine was fed in time, it is not too bad today.
       Although people have no energy, but Pharaoh can't stand the smell of disinfection in the hospital.
       Zhou-Kai had two classes this morning. After the class was over, he came over, and the old king said: "Clean up things, we are not in the hospital."
       "Yeah, stay here first. I'll ask the doctor before I talk." Zhou-Kai said that he didn't listen to him and poured him a glass of warm water.
       He went to the doctor, and the doctor said that he really didn't need to be in the hospital, so Zhou-Kai came back and said, "Then I will send you back."
       The old king nodded, then went back to his single room dormitory.
       After Zhou-Kai asked him to lie down on the bed, he bought some apples and came back, dried Ye-Ye and cut them, and said, "What are you going to eat this afternoon?"
       "The appetite is a bit weak, and there is nothing to eat." Lao Wang ate the apple and said.
       "Nothing you want to eat, then eat celery and pork dumplings," Zhou-Kai said.
       "OK, give me a copy at noon." Lao Wang nodded.
       "Last night, Grandpa, you can scare me to know if you don’t know. The whole person is confused, but my mom’s medicine is really very useful. From here, you have a lot of fever in the hospital."-Kai Road.
       "Where did you buy the medicine for your mother?" Lao Wang also found it very useful.
       "I don't know. She said she bought it in the south." Zhou-Kai said: "Will you eat another one?"
       "Don't eat, I will sleep." Lao Wang is still empty, said.
       Zhou-Kai nodded, he didn't leave, he was watching beside him, took a book and read it there.
       Lin Qing-He took a look at it after class, and when I really came back, I felt more at ease. Being able to leave the hospital shows that the situation is stable.
       Zhou-Kai came out lightly.
       "What happened to you doing Ye-Ye?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "The situation is very stable, no problem." Zhou-Kai said.
       Lin Qing-He said: "Is there any class in the afternoon?"
       "There is one key lesson, and it doesn't matter if you don't take the other." Zhou-Kai said.
       "That key lesson, you don't need to go to the other classes. Read by yourself. You have to keep Ye-Ye. You have to be guarded." Lin Qing-He said.
       In fact, Lao Wang can be arranged on the second floor of the dumpling shop, but people from the dumpling shop come and go. Some people like to joke when eating dumplings. There is no door on the second floor, and it is still noisy.
       So he is nourishing here.
       Zhou-Kai should be off.
       Pharaoh was sick for five days until the sixth day. When Pharaoh got up this morning, the whole person's mental state was different, and he was already well.
       "Grandpa, why did you get up so early?" Zhou-Kai, who was still playing the floor shop here, saw him wake up after running and said.
       He is already preparing for entering the military school next year, and getting up and running in the morning can be a long time ago.
       "The body is full of bones, and it will rust if you lie down again," the old king said in a happy mood.
       "Take it in the shop for breakfast." Zhou-Kai said.
       "Go." The old king nodded.
       When I was young and old, I came to the dumpling shop for breakfast. Lin Qing-He likes to sleep lazy in winter. The two small ones are about the same. I haven’t come yet. After all, they are only 6:40. It's almost seven o'clock.
       But Zhou Qingbai was already busy at six o'clock.
       This man of indifference always bears the responsibility of the family without complaint and obscurity.
       Today he cooked lily lotus ribs porridge, naturally made by Erxi, with a plate of pickled garlic and salted duck eggs, it is also particularly refreshing and delicious.
       "Ouch, how are you, Pharaoh?"
       Ma Big Aunt hasn't been to work yet, but this time she just bought the food and wants to go back. When she passed by, she saw that Pharaoh had moved her waist outside after breakfast and suddenly laughed.


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