Back 60s 345

       It can be said that by one own strength, the community is made sullen.
       But in this way, Zhang Meihe also went to Xu Big Aunt's Big-Erxi Li Cuifeng.
       I just wanted to go to the night shift or something, but Li Cuifeng was tired of killing her, how could you promise to let her pass?
       There are young guys on the night shift.
       Who knows whether she will blame other boys.
       So there is nothing to talk about.
       Lin Qing-He is not a saint who influences the world. She like Zhang Meihe, she will never sympathize, so after Li Cuifeng came to talk about it, she did not care.
       There was also Zhang Meilian, who was thinking about her Lao-Da, and lived in another community. She went out to work. I heard that it was for logistics, and I heard that I had changed two objects.
       Both subjects had taken back to her dormitory for the night before leaving the next day.
       Don't think that without supervised information technology underdeveloped in this era, you can cross the sky, impossible.
       If you don’t know, you don’t know what to do.
       Otherwise, even if there is not a small distance between a community, it will be picked up by nothing.
       In fact, Lin Qing-He has no interest in these, she doesn't like to inquire about other people news.
       But there is no way, Zhang Meilian is a little unconscious.
       I thought people didn't know about her, and when she met her occasionally, she smiled well.
       Why do you want to make this expression with her, don't you still think about her family Lao-Da, don't you still give up?
       So Lin Qing-He has no good impression on her. You have nothing to do with your boyfriend. This is why you are free and do what you love.
       But I don’t want to see you anymore. You still have to come up and paste the cold ass, as if I were bullying you, which is too much.
       So every time I see Zhang Meilian, Lin Qing-He looks very pale.
       Lin Qing-He came to the dumpling shop that day and saw Ma Big Aunt washing his dishes, his face was a little bad.
       "Ma Big Aunt, what's wrong? Is your body uncomfortable?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "No, it's fine." Ma Big Aunt smiled.
       Lin Qing-He said: "If anything is uncomfortable, tell Qingbai and give you a holiday."
       Ma Big Aunt nodded with a smile, and then continued to wash the dishes.
       Lin Qing-He looked at Zhou Qingbai. Zhou Qingbai didn't pay attention so much, and said, "Just sent a new letter from the postman, for you."
       Lin Qing-He remembered it as soon as he heard it, and quickly took the letter and said, "It must be Lili birth."
       Sure enough, Wang Li was born, and he had a good life to make a girl.
       The one in front is the son, this one is the girl.
       Lin Qing-He finished reading and smiled with Zhou Qingbai: "This time you can have a girl."
       Zhou Qingbai heard and smiled, and said, "What's the past?"
       "You don't need to be around, just give some small clothes in the past." Lin Qing-He said.
       Then I asked Xu Big Aunt to help me make some winter warm clothes, but then it was cold. There were some small clothes that were close-fitting, and there were cotton clothes or something, a total of a dozen.
       All these were sent to Wang Li.
       Wang Li man, Li Bochuan, received these clothes and smiled and brought them back to Wang Li.
       Wang Li couldn't help crying: "Qing-He too, where it takes so much to send over, the children will be good at a glance."
       It was said so, but I was very moved.
       At that time, she really wanted to kill this little girl, but she was persuaded by Qing-He. Now that she was born, she was very happy.
       It is perfect to have a son and a girl.
       "Our daughter-in-law was born in time. I heard the rumor that there will be family planning starting next year." Lin Qing-He said this when he wrote.
       There are indeed family planning campaigns in Beijing, but the intensity is not so great.
       It was really hard and strict, that was in 1982.
       However, Wang Li knew that Gui knew, but did not care much. After the child was born, she asked her man to ligate, and there could be no more accidents in the future!
       Besides Lin Lin-He.
       It was only a few days before I heard about Ma Big Aunt from Xu Big Aunt.
       Because she goes out early and returns late every day, and occasionally when she is free, she goes to see a movie with her family Qingbai or go to other places to see if there are any antiques to pick up.
       I really don't know about Ma Big Aunt.
       Ma Chengmin, son of Ma Big Aunt Ma Laozi, will lose his job.
       That job was originally against Ma Laozi. Because Ma Laozi gave his son a job, he rode a tricycle out to make money for others.
       It's not that there are always goods, but it's not enough to eat idle meals.
       Ma Chengmin’s job salary is forty yuan a month, Ma Big Aunt here is thirty yuan, plus Ma Laozi to pull goods, you can make about ten yuan a month Money subsidizes households.
       If the income of a family adds up in this way, it is not too small.
       But Ma Chengmin's factory was laid off, and he was laid off.
       Now even if it is in a state of unemployment.
       So these days Ma Big Aunt is also a little worried.
       The grandchildren in the family will soon go to kindergarten, when it is all money.
       Lin Qing-He told Zhou Qingbai about this when he went to bed that night.
       "Ma Chengmin graduated from high school, and his education level is not low. I have read his words and the pen is very hard. Do you want to put him in the warehouse?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       The warehouse is now managed by Xu Big Aunt and her Big-Erxi, but because they don't know the characters, Lin Qing-He has to do it himself.
       And there must be a professional management on the warehouse.
       "It's not bad to let him manage." Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       Ma Chengmin's character is still good, Zhou Qingbai is quite familiar with him, Ma Big Aunt is over there, Ma Chengmin will often pass by.
       "It's too busy just to manage the warehouse. How about you open another shop?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       Zhou Qingbai raised her eyebrows and looked at him Erxi: "Aren't you afraid of tired?"
       "What's so scary about it." Lin Qing-He didn't care, saying: "It's all hired to do it, and I'm not tired."
       Then she began to calculate the feasibility of the matter.
       Let Ma Chengmin manage the treasury, and she should manage it by herself, and she does not want to let the profits be given to the people under her hands, mainly to manage the accounts.
       Then let him take care of a shop. The clothing shop is basically stable. Zhou-2-Nini and Xu Shengmei are fully competent. Both of them are already familiar.
       She is planning to let Huzi set up a stall next year.
       But even now, let Huzi go with Ma Chengmin to take care of a men's clothing store.
       Lin Qing-He is also a hard worker. After she took her class the next day, she went to the Housing Authority.
       Lin Qing-He didn't want to drive the shop too far, it's better to be near the women's shop, this is the best.
       After all, there are only Zhou-2-Nini and Xu Shengmei Miss in the clothing store. The security of this time is not as good as that of later generations. Although there is generally nothing to do, you can take care of it if you have something.
       I don't know if she was lucky.
       Because just across the street from her shop, there is a shop.
       Moreover, this shop is the same as Zhou Qingbai dumpling shop, and there is a duplex on the second floor.
       "This shop costs five thousand dollars, and the seller said that one point can't be less." The staff of the Housing Management Bureau said.
       "Then will there be time for this? Take me to see it?" Lin Qing-He said.
       "OK." This staff member once received a packet of toffee from Lin Qing-He, and nodded when he heard the words.
       And if the shop sells, then she also has face, at this time there is nothing to be said, it is fixed salary.
       When I came over and looked at the shop, Lin Qing-He was satisfied.
       The duplex on the second floor can be used as a warehouse, but the area is very spacious.
       There is also a location, next to the road, diagonally opposite the women's clothing store, you can see the women's clothing store from the door.
       Lin Qing-He did not hesitate at all, and came over directly to complete the transfer procedure.
       "Doesn't you need to discuss with your husband?" The staff member said.
       "No, I have the final say at home." Lin Qing-He said.
       The staff smiled, and then gave it to the household, and Lin Qing-He took such a large amount of money out of the cloth bag, which is also amazing.
       Five thousand dollars, half a million households, I did not expect to take out so much money at once, this is really arrogant.
       After getting the deed and related documents, Lin Qing-He went out in a very good mood.
       The dumpling shop was only 3 thousand yuan, but it cost 5 thousand yuan, but Lin Qing-He didn't care.
       Now the market is not the same as two years ago. Not to mention, the floor area is also larger, and the second floor is not too expensive.
       When I came here to bite my ear with Zhou Qingbai, Zhou Qingbai was also crying and laughing.
       He didn't expect him to be so fast with Erxi. He decided only last night and bought it today.
       But just buy it and say, "Go tell Ma Big Aunt."
       Lin Qing-He nodded, and then told Ma Big Aunt who was doing the dishes to talk about her plan.
       Ma Big Aunt froze for a moment, and immediately said: "Isn't Xu Big Aunt over there? Is it suitable for Chengmin to use it?"
       "Appropriate." Lin Qing-He said.
       What Ma Chengmin managed in the past was actually the number of accounts, how many cloths were imported and how many garments were made.
       But Xu Big Aunt and her Big-Erxi Li Cuifeng are in charge of it, because the quality of the workers’clothing is not complete with the stitches.
       "I also rented a shop, and I plan to sell clothes, and sell men's clothing. At that time, Cheng Min and my nephew must be watching in that shop." Lin Qing-He said: "If you are paid, then follow Xu Big Aunt Like them, they are both considered management, 35 yuan a month. After all, he has a lot of things to do, but I have decided that I will raise my salary next year. "
       Ma Big Aunt happily doesn't work: "Yes, I will go back later, just tell him."
       "Then trouble Ma Big Aunt." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       "What's the trouble, Teacher Lin, I still want to thank you for this matter!" Ma Big Aunt looked at Lin Qing-He and was grateful.
       When the son's family returned to the city, she and her wife were happy, even if it took so much money to relocate the household registration.
       After all, there is a job that can be done safely and securely.
       But who knows, it was laid off.
       This is naturally a thunderbolt, and there is no salary for work, so she and her wife, although these days the son also went out with his dad to move people to make some money to make money, one day also earned twenty dollars, plus When she was paid, her life was actually going to go on.
       But where is this long-term solution?
       Ma Big Aunt was anxious for a while.
       But I didn't expect Lin Qing-He to arrange an errand for me. I still managed the warehouse and the shop. This was no better.
       After work this afternoon, Ma Big Aunt went home quickly.
       Ma Chengmin was sleeping in the house and had a job in the morning, but he and his dad were tired enough.
       "Chengmin, Chengmin, you get up, Mom tells you something." Ma Big Aunt said as soon as he came home.
       "Mom, Chengmin is tired." Huang Xiaoliu said.
       She still feels distressed about her man.
       "I know I'm tired, but this is a good thing." Ma Big Aunt said, and Ma Chengmin also got up while speaking.
       "Mom, you have a rest, too." Ma Chengmin got up and said.
       It's also hard to fuck, supporting the family life.
       "Chengmin, you have to listen to me to finish talking first." Ma Big Aunt said, and then repeated what Lin Qing-He told her.
       Ma Chengmin froze: "Really?"
       "Teacher Lin told me personally, where is the fake, I am a little worried, will you check the account, will you look at the shop?" Ma Big Aunt said.
       "I haven't managed it, but it shouldn't be difficult." Ma Chengmin said, as for looking at the shop, it should be easy.
       "Ms. Lin said that when you come back in the evening, you will be talking to you." Ma Big Aunt said.
       "OK!" Ma Chengmin also had hope in his heart.
       These days are really sad. Although it is not easy to go to work, it is better than doing nothing at home.
       Lin Qing-He will sleep on the second floor of the dumpling shop in the afternoon.
       There was a newly bought mat on the floor, so I hit the floor and didn't sleep niece bed with niece.
       When he woke up, Lin Qing-He went to class. Zhou Qingbai would also close the shop and go to sleep on his own.
       There is basically no business from 2 to 4 in the afternoon, he will close the door to sleep, or sleep, and then go to Beijing University to play basketball.
       In the past two years, this man is also quite able to live, and he does not forget to enjoy while making money.
       When Ma Big Aunt came to work in the afternoon, Ma Chengmin also followed, and he could not wait until evening, so he came first.
       Zhou Qingbai also told him about the decoration, these things are to be responsible for Ma Chengmin.
       There is also a small workshop, these are going to be busy.
       Ma Chengmin had to get off one by one. When it was almost time, he went to the kindergarten to pick up his son home. At this time, Lin Qing-He also came back from class.
       Seeing that he was there, he knew what he meant, so he took him over to the shop.
       By the way, Huzi shouted to the women's clothing store diagonally opposite.
       "Little bitch, do you want to open a shop again?" Huzi came over and dumbfounded.
       "What's another shop, I only have two of them." Lin Qing-He laughed.
       "Three, and the dumpling shop of Little Mu-Uncle." Huzi said.
       "Your little Mu-Uncle dumpling shop has nothing to do with me, his is his, mine is mine." Lin Qing-He said, and then he went back to preaching: "This shop, you will become a people with you in the future Uncle took care of it together, and what else to decorate in this shop, you also completed it with your Uncle Chengmin. "
       "OK, no problem." Huzi nodded directly.
       He also knew Ma Chengmin. After all, Huzi lived on the side of the Tongzi Building, and Ma Xiaodan would go to watch TV every night.
       So Lin Qing-He second clothing store was handed over to Ma Chengmin and Huzi to decorate. Those who can do it themselves can do it themselves. If they can't do it themselves, find someone to do it.
       At the same time, Lin Qing-He also ordered men's clothing.
       The cotton coats used for the warmth are handed over to the second-generation factory that Zhou Qingbai knew.
       The rich second generation who came out as his own boss is called Wang Yuan, and is a rich second generation with good character.
       "Master Lin, you are planning to open a men's clothing store." Wang Yuan said with a smile after reading the design of the cotton coat.
       He also knows that Lin Qing-He is a foreign language teacher at Peking University. He has to say that he still admires him.
       In addition, these design drawings are also very novel, but he has always been a dry women's clothing. He did a few things for his family and took them back, all of them liked it very much.
       There is no menswear, he wants it all.
       "It's just a small shop, you can't compare to your big factory." Lin Qing-He smiled.
       Wang Yuan said again: "How can I order less women's clothing now?"
       "Business is sluggish." Lin Qing-He said.
       I don't know if she opened a small workshop by herself.
       Wang Yuan smiled: "How can business be sluggish now, how easy is it to do? Your men's clothing store will certainly not be far behind when it opens."
       "When will these clothes come out?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "Half a month." Wang Yuandao said.
       Lin Qing-He nodded and signed a contract with him. Wang Yuan was convinced after signing the contract. This contract is really good.
       "Ms. Lin, you really do not plan to come to work in my factory? I might have to take the international route in the future. When that time comes, you must have talents like you. If you are willing to come to my factory, come over five days a month. What do you think about your salary of 200 yuan? "Wang Yuan looked at Lin Qing-He.
       This is not the first time he wants to dig Lin Qing-He over, but Lin Qing-He still refused, and said with a smile: "Boss Wang is too polite, because of your salary, will there be a lack of translation in the future."
       "So why don't you come?" Wang Yuan asked.
       He is only twenty-three years old, and he came out to do it alone this year, but obviously he is very smart and can handle things, so the garment factory has done a great job.
       And the ambitions are not small, no, they all have a view of taking the international route.
       Lin Qing-He knew that he really wanted to dig himself, so he said: "I am not here, I still prefer the life of Peking University, if the students under my hands have that meaning, I will introduce it to you?"
       "Okay!" Wang Yuan was also happy when he heard this, and said with a smile: "Then you will have to find a good one for me, even if you are not at your level, it can't be too much."
       He has Cousin-brother studying abroad, and seeing that the national conditions are better now, he came back this year.
       Just last month, he Cousin-brother came over and happened to meet Lin Qing-He. This fake foreign devil was attracted by Lin Qing-He temperament.
       He also spoke up in English, used to talking up abroad, and blurted out.
       I also wanted to remedy speaking in Chinese, and then listened to Lin Qing-He replying to him in English. Apart from the accident, Wang Yuan was shocked when he came and went.
       Afterwards, he heard that Cousin-brother said that the Peking University foreign language teacher was really powerful, and his pronunciation was not good enough, and it was very pure.
       After Wang Yuan Cousin-brother learned that Lin Qing-He three sons, the oldest, had graduated from college, let's not talk about how complicated the mood was.
       I thought I met true love, but I don't want it to be a mother. The child is so old!
       However, this does not affect Wang Yuan's appreciation of Lin Qing-He. When Lin Qing-He was given excellent conditions for her, Zhou Qingbai would also tell Zhou Qingbai when she came over and took it.
       Lin Qing-He still looks good on Wang Yuan.
       This young little boss has excellent communication skills, and people are also refreshing and not stingy. The most important thing is that people have a long-term vision and are not discreet.
       There is still a willingness to cooperate with such people.
       So, he sent men's cotton-padded clothes that could not be completed by the small workshop here to keep his factory busy.
       The fact that Lin Qing-He opened another clothing store soon spread around the house.
       "4-Aunt, you are too powerful." Zhou-2-Nini admired.
       "Very powerful." Xu Shengmei also nodded.
       Zhou-2-Nini and Huzi both started to go to night school now. Xu Shengmei said this when she came to watch TV with her grandma and grandpa.
       Zhou-Mother couldn't be surprised: "Your little -Sao has opened another shop?"
       Zhou-Father was also surprised, but he said nothing.
       "Little bitch said he would sell men's clothing." Xu Shengmei nodded.
       "Will this be too busy?" Zhou-Mother said.
       "Little bitch asked Huzi and another neighbor to watch." Xu Shengmei said, hesitating again, and said, "Grandma, my brother hasn't studied anymore this year. I don't know if I can come here to help?"
       Zhou-Mother understood it as soon as he heard it, and said, "You ask your little -Sao to go."
       Where did she do the master of 4-Erxi, and to be honest, she is also a bit fool.
       Because coming here, 4-Erxi has brought a lot of good things to come, TV radio fans, how are these luxury goods and her wife less?
       The neighbors on the left and right sides of the Beijing city were praised.
       But basically there is no place she can help, but the little son-in-law here, she will help sell the buns to collect the money, but the son is a little busy over there.
       Where did she dare to call the shots and tell someone to come?
       Xu Shengmei didn't dare to tell her little -Sao, but she knew very well that her little -Sao was not polite.
       Didn't see that before, 6-Nini was sent back by her directly?
       Su Dalin and Zhou Xiaomei were rarely close one day, and the family of six went to the movies.
       I came back at more than eight in the evening.
       Zhou Xiaomei also realized that her 4-Sao actually opened the third shop!
       In the evening of the next day, the shop showed Su Dalin himself, and Zhou Xiaomei brought two Su Ya and Su Tian sisters over.
       Lin Qing-He is writing copy on the second floor of Dumpling Shop. She has set up a writing desk for Zhou-2-Nini here, and she will come here often to write copy.

       Chapter 348 | Stall 

       Two little girls were left to play below, and Zhou Xiaomei came up to find her 4-Sao.
       "How come? Have you eaten yet?" Lin Qing-He said when she saw her.
       "I'll eat with you later." Zhou Xiaomei said outside.
       Lin Qing-He nodded and smiled, "How is the business?"
       Su Dalin and Zhou Xiaomei are also very hard-working couples. The bun shop is open from morning until dinner, and then it will be closed. It is almost 24/7 business.
       "Very good." Speaking of his own business, Zhou Xiaomei face was a smile.
       It's almost the end of October now, and it's almost the second month coming over. The first month earning more than one hundred is almost like giving her and her family Dalin a pill.
       That month's profit, that Zhou Xiaomei saw, the profit of this bun shop.
       Su Dalin is a hard worker. This month he has bought a tricycle. In the morning, he left the shop to Zhou Xiaomei to take care of it. Zhou-Mother, the mother-in-law, often comes to help.
       In his own words, he rode a tricycle to sell buns outside.
       Use a foam box, two clean cloths, and some greased paper with buns, then you can go into business.
       And the business is really good.
       Combined with the shop's business, this month has not yet reached the end, which has exceeded 200 yuan.
       Where can Zhou Xiaomei be unhappy?
       "Have a good job, and you won't be far behind." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       "4-Sao, Shengmei went to watch TV at home yesterday and said you opened another clothing store?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       "I'm just tossing around blindly." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       "What the hell are you doing, 4-Sao, how are you so powerful?" Zhou Xiaomei envied: "If I were like 4-Sao, you would be so good!"
       Her 4-Sao like this is a veritable new-age woman, there is nothing she can't, even stronger than men.
       She opened a dumpling shop in 4-Sao. She didn't know what business was in the dumpling shop, but it was the same as the bun shop.
       Even if it is worth a lot, it is more than two hundred dollars in income. Although it is a lot, it is absolutely impossible to compare with the clothing store.
       Zhou-2-Nini didn't say it, but Xu Shengmei said, often, the clothing store seems to earn two or three thousand yuan a month?
       Of course, there is still some capital here, but the profit will certainly not be so low.
       Otherwise, she can open one in 4-Sao from the beginning of the year.
       Zhou Xiaomei was right, the profit of the clothing store was indeed huge, so Lin Qing-He heard Ma Chengmin laid off and recruited him.
       As for the profit of the women's clothing store, because of the addition of a small workshop, no middlemen make the difference, and the profit has increased a lot.
       In many cases, the profit of the clothing store is nearly 3 thousand yuan.
       So adding a men's shop is fine, one shop on the left and the other is open, and two shops are also open.
       "4-Sao, what do you think I got some clothes from your small garment factory, and how about going to the square at night?" Zhou Xiaomei said.
       Lin Qing-He laughed: "What a small garment factory, that is a small workshop." And said: "You want to take it naturally, but can you get too busy?"
       Su Dalin had to get up so early in the morning. Although he could rest at noon, he was still tired. After a busy night, he had a good rest early.
       "That must be busy, how much money can a piece of clothing make?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       "A piece of clothing can cost you three cents a day, and can give you five sets a day." Lin Qing-He laughed when she saw that she was really interesting.
       A piece of clothing will cost three cents, which is not too much, but not too small, not to mention that all five are sold. If you can sell two or three pieces in one night, it is almost worth one month’s salary.
       "OK." Zhou Xiaomei didn't dislike it, so he responded.
       Counting days, how long has she not been working to make money?
       When I used to make money at work, I only had more than 20 yuan a month, not much, only half of Su Dalin.
       But even if there are only more than twenty, it is earned by myself, and I am very happy in my heart.
       Although it’s okay to be a housewife at home, Zhou Xiaomei is used to making money, and now he wants to do it alone.
       That day, I ate together at the dumpling shop. After eating, she took five clothes and went back to Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother to take care of it. Zhou Xiaomei took Su Dalin to the stall. .
       Just five clothes, but you can also set up a stand.
       Su Dalin doesn't have any opinions. Although the bun shop is very stable, it's not much worse, but he can earn as much as Erxi wants.
       It’s just five pieces of clothing. It’s a good time to sell business.
       Zhou Xiaomei found a place with a lot of people, and immediately shouted: "New clothes, new clothes that are directly taken from the manufacturer, are sold cheaply, and everyone who is interested can come and take a look."
       The five pieces of clothing are in five styles and colors, no matter the quality or style, it is very good.
       Someone came to see it soon, but it didn't have to buy it. It came and went, and the five pieces of clothing were finally sold.
       Five pieces of clothing cost five yuan, but Zhou Xiaomei is not happy.
       And this is less than an hour.
       "Dalin, the money here in Beijing is also too good to make!" Zhou Xiaomei was in a mood to fly.
       Su Dalin just smiled.
       But in my heart is unprecedented stability.
       When I first came, it was really uneasy, but the two months of coming to Beijing made him deeply realize that as long as he is not lazy, he can still make money and support his family.
       "I'm going to ask 4-Sao to see if I can get more clothes." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       She came to her 4-Sao the next day.
       Lin Qing-He understood this by seeing her, and it must have been sold out.
       "4-Sao, can you give me more clothes over there in your small factory? I want to get more." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       "I can't do it here, two shops." Lin Qing-He said: "But the clothes I got from the clothing factory, if you want, I can wholesale more for you, the profit can only give you two cents. "
       She took the goods back from the garment factory, and the profit was naturally high, but Lin Qing-He did not intend to give Zhou Xiaomei the profit according to this profit.
       Because she also wants to make money, every time she and Zhou Qingbai talked to Wang Yuan in the past, Wang Yuan's factory was also found after she exchanged several factories with Zhou Qingbai.
       Those factories before that were not good factories.
       The most important thing is that if these clothes are not wholesale to Zhou Xiaomei, her shop can also be eaten. The reason why they will wholesale to Zhou Xiaomei to let her eat some sweetness, it is all a good relationship between the two.
       Try another person? See if she makes a profit for wholesale.
       So don’t say she black, this is business, and it’s a mutually beneficial business. If she doesn’t give up so much profit, she won’t have any arrogant mentality.

       Chapter 349 | Time for 2 

       Zhou Xiaomei began her career as a stall organizer.
       She is content and happy. Not every day she sells all her clothes. Sometimes she sells more and sometimes sells less. She earns a few cents a piece and is happy.
       Huzi and Zhou-2-Nini go to supper every night.
       In comparison, Xu Shengmei had more leisure time, and came here every day to watch TV with her grandma and grandma.
       "Grandma, how much money did Auntie take the clothes to the stalls?" Xu Shengmei asked.
       "A dollar or so." Zhou-Mother heard the girl's words, too.
       I still think that 4-Erxi will really take care of Xiaomei, a little aunt, not much or not, even if you earn a dollar a day, you will have 30 yuan a month.
       This is also an income.
       "Grandma, can't I really let my brother come over, even if I don't go to the shop, it's good to sell clothes in the past, just like little Mu-aunt."
       Zhou-Mother just said: "Yes, it's good, but don't let your brother come over. Don't tell your grandma that you are going to ask your little -Sao." He also said: "Yes, 2-Nini and Huzi go Going to night school, Shengmei, why didn't you go? "
       "I don't know the word." Xu Shengmei said.
       "Then you ask 2-Nini, learn from her, your little bitch is very busy, but you have no time to teach you this, you can learn from 2-Nini Huzi, listen to your little bitch, you can't be wrong to learn well." Zhou-Mother said.
       "It's more learning!" Zhou-Father also nodded.
       Both of the two of them were led by Pharaoh to the University of Peking.
       For the two of them, the elders in the country, who can walk into this country best university school, the walk is floating.
       The old saying of Lao Wang was: "Knowledge changes destiny, we must study, progress, society is developing, and other things are not yet known, but what we have learned is our own, and we will not lose it for a lifetime."
       Zhou-Father and Zhou-Mother, who had been in the literacy class for a few days, thought deeply.
       I don’t understand, but what I’ve learned is my own. I can’t understand them anywhere in my life.
       So knowing that 4-Erxi arranged for grandchildren and granddaughter to go to night school, whether it is Zhou-Father or Zhou-Mother, I am very happy.
       Xu Shengmei said: "I know I have to learn, but I told my mother to be delayed. Huzi and Sister 2-Nini have both gone to school, and I can't understand now."
       "You can learn slowly if you learn slowly." Zhou-Mother said: "Your little -Sao has also been to literacy classes before. Do you see how powerful she is now? Go to a place like Peking University to teach."
       When she and her wife followed Pharaoh to Beijing University, she also went to the classroom to see 4-Erxi. She stood on the podium and spoke foreign languages.
       Zhou-Mother felt that he had never had such a long face in his life.
       "Grandma, you too look at me too much. For people like Xiaobit, how many of them can be out of it." Although Xu Shengmei was afraid of her little bitch, she had to admit that her little bitch was really a woman she had ever seen. , The most capable one.
       How about hiring workers in a small workshop, opening a garment factory, and teaching in Peking University, how many are used by one person?
       "It's also your blessing Mu-Uncle." Zhou-Mother smiled.
       Her old son is indeed a blessed person, married to Erxi like this, basically nothing to worry about.
       Xu Shengmei didn't want to say this, she still wanted to introduce her brother, as well as her Mei-mei, they also wanted to introduce it.
       After all, life is good here, and it is not comparable to the countryside.
       In addition, her mother is actually able to make clothes. She can help in the small workshop when she comes here.
       But these words can only be held in my heart, and I dare not say it.
       Less than nine o'clock, Zhou Xiaomei and Su Dalin came back.
       Zhou-Mother asked: "It's getting colder and colder behind, is the business difficult to do?"
       "4-Sao said she agreed to a batch of men's cotton-padded clothes, and the business should not be bad by then." Zhou Xiaomei said in a good mood.
       Sure enough, following her 4-Sao, that's right.
       Tonight's business is better and I have earned more than one piece.
       "Dalin, let's not go to the market tomorrow, take Father, Niang and go to the bathhouse to take a shower." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       "OK." Su Dalin nodded with a smile.
       "Little Mu-aunt, I will go with you and your grandma tomorrow?" Xu Shengmei said.
       "Okay, you come here to eat. We will pass by at six o'clock. You ask 4-Sao if she can go." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       Xu Shengmei nodded.
       Xu Shengmei often stays here to sleep. In a few rooms here, she sleeps alone in the study.
       I went back the next morning.
       In other words, there is only Zhou-2-Nini left in the dumpling shop, but Zhou-2-Nini is not afraid at all, and there is nothing to be afraid of. The door is firmly fixed.
       And to say a little embarrassingly, a sleep is more peaceful, even if Xu Shengmei has athlete foot, the key is that he doesn't like to wash his feet frequently, and he will yell and talk about dreams.
       Lin Qing-He men's clothing store was completely renovated in only three days. Although it took half a month to order a batch of goods with Wang Yuan, Lin Qing-He also went to get some in advance and opened the store.
       Subsequent shipments will continue.
       The business of men's clothing is not as good as that of women's clothing, but it's not bad. On the first day of opening, a brand was hung on the outside, and 13 cotton coats were sold. .
       This kind of business is pretty good, but if the business model is the same as the previous explosion of women's clothing, that is far from it.
       But it’s not a loss, just run it like that.
       Zhou Xiaomei knew that the cotton-padded clothes were coming, she also came over and took a few out to the stalls. She made a 4-Sao one for her fifty cents.
       It was sold until November when it entered the lunar calendar, and it snowed, so I stopped going to the stalls.
       At this time, the benefits of self-employment also came to light.
       Some of the snowing business has also been affected. Some of the shop business has dropped, but it is still possible.
       Lin Qing-He had a rare early class this afternoon, so he came to Zhou Qingbai: "Do you want to go to the bathhouse?"
       Zhou Qingbai glanced at Erxi himself, and saw her smile deep, and he also raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, said: "Wait for Lao-Er to leave class."
       Zhou-Xuan came over from class, Zhou Qingbai threw the work from this shop to him, and said that they would eat it at night.
       Then he went home with Erxi to get his clothes over to the bathhouse.
       After taking a bath, the two came over to eat roast duck in the restaurant and enjoyed their time together.
       "It's time to go home after eating and drinking." Lin Qing-He looked at Qingbai Road of her house.
       Zhou Qingbai nodded, settled the bill, and went home with him Erxi. The couple slept very early this night.
       It was Zhou-Kai Zhou-Guilai Huzi. A few Guanpuzi went home to watch TV and saw more than ten o'clock, and also saw Zhou Qingbai come out and pour water to transfer a cup of honey and take it back to the house.
       The three and a half children are unknown.


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