Back 60s 340

       Lin Qing-He smiled at her like this and said, "Big Aunt, you are a manager. I will pay you 35 yuan a month, and the other person's salary is 30 yuan a month. The salary remuneration is not too high, but I also hope that the people under my hand will be able to afford this salary, and if they do well in the future, it will definitely increase, and it cannot be constant. "
       "You can rest assured that this salary is not low, and there is no disadvantage to others." Xu Big Aunt said quickly.
       At this time, the wage level is generally not high, even if it is the Beijing city, but the gap between the rich and the poor in the country is not so big at this time, such as the job that Ma Laozi gave his son Ma Chengmin, only 40 for a month. Bucks.
       Originally Lin Qing-He intended to set a higher height for the small workshop, but he had to take into account the others under his hands. This year's Ma Big Aunt salary is only 30 yuan.
       Moreover, the difference between the salary of the neighbors is too big, which is not good.
       So it's set at 30 yuan, and they will be raised together later.
       He also told Xu Big-Aunt about the time to go to work, and then it made her go to find someone, the time was not so urgent, the small workshop was officially opened the day after tomorrow.
       Enough for Xu Big Aunt to find someone.
       After finishing these things, Lin Qing-He bought a few ice cream bars and came to the clothing store to eat with Xu Shengmei and Zhou-2-Nini.
       "Shengmei, did you read the book well?" Lin Qing-He asked Xu Shengmei.
       Xu Shengmei was embarrassed and said, "Little bitch, I can't learn."
       Lin Qing-He didn't say anything, Zhou-Big-Aunt didn't read to Xu Shengmei, this girl, so basically Xu Shengmei could not recognize a few words.
       So she let Xu Shengmei follow 2-Nini to learn and recognize words, and there is room for improvement in the future.
       But she didn’t want to learn herself, Lin Lin-He didn’t say anything, so she looked at Huzi and Zhou-2-Nini: “You two have started this quarter this year, but you have to go to night school.”
       "Sister 2-Nini, even if I want it?" Huzi said with a piggyback.
       "Both of you are required. 2-Nini enrolls in accounting, and you also enroll in one." Lin Qing-He said.
       One duck is put, two ducks are put, she will naturally let them both learn.
       "I'm not as smart as Sister 2-Nini, I'm afraid I don't understand." Huzi scratched his head.
       "Do you want to develop? Do you want to stay in Beijing in the future?" Lin Qing-He said to him, "Do you think this kind of place in Beijing will be able to withstand the culture you have now? Don't study hard for progress, sooner or later You have to be eliminated and go back to your hometown. "
       How terrible the capital city of later generations is for all to see, not a place to believe in tears.
       Even if it takes advantage now, it can only be improved.
       Huzi sighed and said, "Then I will read it."
       "You have to read it when you go. This is my sponsorship for your tuition fee. I have a point of arrogance." Lin Qing-He learned a lesson: "Now I hate it. You will know the benefits later."
       After learning accounting, even if you don’t do accounting, people will become smarter and more careful, which will be good for the future.
       Xu Shengmei pursed her lips and said, "Little bitch, what should I learn?"
       Lin Qing-He just looked at her: "You don't know any words, what can you learn?"
       Although Huzi and 2-Nini have only read a few grades, Lin Qing-He consciously nurtured them, but now they know a lot of words, and they have no basic knowledge, but in the past, they have not been discredited.
       She will open a small stove here, which can always be learned.
       But Xu Shengmei, the niece, doesn't know one big character, how to learn?
       "If you want to learn, you can read words with 2-Nini. Wait until you can write and read words, and then let you go." Lin Qing-He said.
       Xu Shengmei sighed softly.
       She didn't really want to study and study, but she watched her cousin and cousin grow up, and she was the only one.
       So he nodded.
       Lin Qing-He didn't say anything. If they were willing to learn by themselves, then she definitely supported progress, but if she didn't want to learn, she wouldn't be able to press it.
       To my three sons, that would definitely be welcome, but these nieces and nieces are separated by a layer and cannot be generalized.
       School is about to start in a week.
       Zhou-2-Nini and Huzi are a little nervous. After all, this is Beijing, and the night school in Beijing is always exciting and uneasy.
       As for Xu Shengmei, Lin Qing-He saw that she was not really a learner. Both Huzi and 2-Nini began to read books seriously. Huzi people who couldn’t sit still tried hard to sit down and read books, but she had dinner after work and helped After 2-Nini packed up her chopsticks, she went past her grandma's yard.
       What are you doing? Naturally watching TV.
       Lin Qing-He didn't stop either. After all, she finished her job, and she didn't even learn the rest.
       Lin Qing-He small workshop was opened without the knowledge of Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother and others.
       Handed over to the management of Xu Big Aunt, she and Zhou Qingbai were responsible for accepting the final ready-made clothes. Because it was her own small workshop, Lin Qing-He also took out some new clothes from the south.
       Let Xu Big Aunt and nine other skilled workers follow suit.
       Zhou Yang and Zhou-5-Nini are about to go back that day. Lin Qing-He gave them a radio and several English audio tapes.
       "You take it home, you can listen and read more every time you recite it," Lin Qing-He said.
       As for the others, the handwriting and copywriting that Zhou-Xuan left during the college entrance examination, both of them were taken back, because Lin Qing-He did not plan to go back to the Chinese New Year this year, and this time next year, Zhou Yang and 5-Nini is all about college entrance examination.
       I also brought them some food, and then sent them into the station.
       A few days later Lin Qing-He started school and received a phone call from their office.
       Zhou 1st Sao said on the phone, "Whereever such a valuable radio is, they will be given to them."
       "Let them both listen and read more, study hard, and wait until the college entrance examination is finished next year, and then they can come to Beijing to take a holiday here." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       He reported the safety of Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother again, and then hung up.
       Lin Qing-He is grateful for the cultivation of the next generation of the old Zhou family. Zhou 1st Sao and Zhou-3-Sao are both grateful.
       It's Zhou-2-Sao. Since I saw the radio that Zhou Yang and Zhou-5-Nini got back, it's basically no part of her family. Some noses are not noses, eyes, or eyes.
       Zhou-2-brother said to her that night: "What's the matter with you like this all the time? What happened to 1st Sao and 3-Sao offended you?"
       Both live here, and Zhou-2-brother will be embarrassed to die.
       Erxi had a face on his own. 1st Sao and 3-Sao didn't offend her. Isn't it to embarrass everyone?
       Zhou-2-Sao has been holding back since Zhou Yang and 5-Nini returned.
       When he was asked about it, she couldn't help but say: "I told you before that you still don't believe it, 4th House looks down on us 2nd House, now you can see it!"
       "Why are you saying this again?" Zhou-2-brother frowned.
       This is what he dislikes most. Does Lao-Si look down on him? Can he not count in his heart? Who is not the same as the brothers?
       And he also put 500 yuan in Big-Brother. If he needs it, he can go to get it urgently. What can I look down on?
       And what kind of temper is Lao-Si, he is very clear, let alone his brother, even if the outsiders are poor, he will not look down on others.
       He is a bit of a mistress who often says something like this from time to time.
       Zhou-2-Sao didn’t know that his men thought of themselves as being abandoning himself, Gu Zi said: "I can’t say that, does that radio have any share in our family? Big-House and 3rd House, who are good with her, have it! "
       I heard Zhou-2-brother here to understand why she was so unhappy.
       "You'd better not ask me to hear you like this in the future, otherwise you go back to your mother's house, and my old Zhou family can't afford you Erxi." Zhou-2-brother used this cold look for the first time Look at yourself Erxi.
       Even in the past, Zhou-2-brother was not so disappointed with Erxi, but this time he was really disappointed!
       4-Sao sent a radio, what did that do? That’s for 5-Nini and Yang Yang to listen to English. If his girl and son have books, wouldn’t it work? Which one is partial?
       However, because of his family, Erxi refused to read, so Xia Xia went to read for a few years, and no one had read it.
       What English do you listen to?
       And because of this, Erxi could be like this, and he said that he looked down on 2nd House.
       "I came back last time, 1st Sao 3-Sao has some milk powder and toffee over there, and our family is the same, 1st Sao and 3-Sao still go to sit at home, you haven’t even passed one step For your consideration, do you still have everything you want? "Zhou-2-brother asked.
       "That's the radio!" Zhou-2-Sao gritted his teeth.
       "It's my nephew who uses this radio to kiss my niece!" Zhou-2-brother sneered: "I don't laugh with you, if you try to challenge the relationship between our old Zhou brothers, you give me Go back to your old Chen's house, we can divorce! "
       "You ... are you going to divorce me?" Zhou-2-Sao was stunned: "We have so many children, you still have to divorce me?"
       "If you don't want to divorce, you can settle down. There is no big storm in Lao Zhou house, everything is going well, don't worry about it!" Zhou-2-brother said.
       Zhou-2-Sao cried, turned around and started crying.
       Zhou-2-brother was also upset, and it was really annoying to the mother-in-law, and she just put on her clothes and went swimming in the river.
       Zhou-3-brother just came back from swimming outside and saw him saying: "2-brother, you still go swimming at this time."
       "Well, go cool and cool." Zhou-2-brother finished, and left.
       When Zhou-3-brother came back, he told Zhou-3-Sao about this: "I think 2-brother, like, 9/9 is arguing with 2-Sao."
       "Noisy, noisy, it is also idle and want to toss." Zhou-3-Sao pouted.
       "It's all a family, don't worry about that much." Zhou-3-brother said.
       "If I care about it, this family will be noisy all day long." Zhou-3-Sao grunted.
       Zhou-3-brother didn't say anything. I also thought that 2-Sao was not ridiculous. He always liked to care about it. He also knew that it must be because 4-Sao gave the radio that she didn't have any points, but this is for listening English, Yangyang and 5-Nini English are both shortcomings, do you have to listen more?
       What's so good about this?
       "Erxi, I plan to borrow some money from Father, Niang." Zhou-3-brother whispered after being silent for a while.
       "Really want to go to town to do it?" Zhou-3-Sao heard the words and said quickly.
       "Uh." Zhou-3-brother answered.
       Here at home 2-Sao looks like this, so there must be something wrong with everyone staying, he Erxi is not tolerable.
       Moreover, Zhou-3-brother had that idea in mind.
       I just didn't dare to say it.
       "Our family is two hundred, and the five hundred dollars left by Qingbai. I can go to Big-Brother for an average of three hundred. Father and Niang are probably going to pick up three hundred with them." Zhou-3-brother said.
       "Is the shop in the city so expensive?" Zhou-3-Sao couldn't help it.
       "Not cheap." Zhou-3-brother shook his head.
       "It doesn't matter if it's not cheap, you can always try to see it." Zhou-3-Sao didn't want to live here, otherwise she would fight with 2nd House completely torn face sooner or later, it was too ugly Too.
       After the husband and wife had this thought, then naturally began to act.
       Zhou-3-brother just waited for Lin-3-Brother to come to Zhou Dong to collect eggs and asked him about the shop in the city.
       "My original 680 was sold out quickly, so I picked a bargain, but other shops are not so cheap. If you want, I can ask you." Lin-3-Brother said.
       "That would trouble you." Zhou-3-brother nodded.
       Lin-3-Brother also asked for help. On another street that was about 20 minutes walk from his shop, there was a shop that said he wanted to sell it.
       The price is 700 yuan, and it's just a shop. It can't live with people, but it is much smaller than the one where Lin-3-Brother is located.
       But the price is literally 700 yuan, and a penny is not given.
       However, this shop is really good, but Lin-3-Brother not only looks at this shop, he also went around the other shops, and from this point of view, I think the first shop is the best and most cost-effective.
       So I greeted Zhou-3-brother and came to see: "I think this shop is very good, the place is a bit small, and can't live, but this is the cheapest, there is a place to live, more than 800 It’s almost nine hundred dollars, not cost-effective. "
       Zhou-3-brother followed the bike and came to see.
       The shop is really not big, but the location is really good, right on the street, in all directions, if you are doing business or buying and selling, it will not be much worse.
       "This shop is really good." Zhou-3-brother said.
       "What's the place to live?" Lin-3-Brother looked at him.
       "I just go to live with my brother-in-law." Zhou-3-brother said.
       Lin-3-Brother nodded. He also knew that Su Dalin's family had moved to Beijing. It was not easy for him to open the mouth. Seeing Zhou-3-brother knew what he was saying, he didn't say anything.
       Lin Qing-He learned that Zhou-3-brother went to the city to buy a shop to open a shop, it was already October National Day.
       Zhou-3-brother called 5-Nini and wrote to me.
       There are many pages of letters written by Lin-3-Brother for help, and Zhou-3-brother is taught some tips for doing business.
       Zhou-3-brother has stabilized.
       As for Zhou-3-Sao, I haven't passed through the city yet. When the autumn harvest is finished this year, the family will probably move in.
       But from the letter, Zhou-3-brother obviously really want to try to do business.

       Chapter 342 | Sky Price 

       Zhou-Father and Zhou-Mother are naturally happy.
       Zhou-Mother also asked: "I don't know if I can do it?"
       Lin Qing-He left her alone, and Zhou Xiaomei took the words and said, "As long as you do it well, you can certainly do it. 4-Sao, 3-Brother, can you do it well?"
       If this was a month ago, where did Zhou Xiaomei have such confidence to say such things?
       But for more than a month, Zhou Xiaomei has really felt a little emboldened.
       On the third day, Su Dalin's bun shop opened. Although the business was not so hot, it was not bad.
       Every day, I worked diligently and diligently, and in October this month, after throwing away the capital, the bun shop made almost 130 yuan.
       This is not too much, but it is definitely a lot, and it is worth the salary of two months when Su Dalin was in the county.
       The couple heart finally settled down.
       Although making steamed buns is more tiring, it is necessary to get up and meet at midnight, but Su Dalin is very enthusiastic.
       Zhou Xiaomei lazy man slept until more than five o'clock, almost six o'clock, this was the past to help.
       But let's not talk about it. On this income, it is also called Zhou Xiaomei to see the profit of doing business.
       So she thinks that if her 3-brother goes to the city to open a shop, it will definitely not be much worse.
       "It's really thanks to Dawa that he is young Mu-Uncle." Zhou-Mother was very pleased and a little embarrassed, and said to Lin Qing-He: "Just doing the same business, I don't know if I will steal Dawa. Little Mu-Uncle business? "
       "Then 3-brother 3-Sao can only grab it. 3-Brother is very good at doing business." Lin Qing-He just raised his eyebrows.
       Zhou-Mother is just a choke.
       Zhou Xiaomei laughed out: "You don't care about it, mother. If you don't go to the city to buy a shop, it will cost a lot of money. 3-brother has so much money?"
       "This time when you go back, before leaving, you 4-Sao gave me five hundred dollars and let me stay in Big-Brother. What business they want to do is short of capital. You can use Big-Brother for temporary use." Zhou Qingbai said.
       "Lao-Si family has a heart." It is Zhou-Father, and his eyes on Lin Qing-He are all praised.
       This old saying is true, it is necessary to marry an Erxi who has the ability to come back, it is really three generations of Wang, Zhou-Father thinks that this saying is really right.
       Zhou-Mother was also not moved, looking at Erxi Jr.
       Lin Qing-He coughed dryly and glanced at his man. Really, it still has to be humane for her.
       "It's all a family. I naturally hope that everyone is good. In the future, when we are old, it will be the world of these young people, Dawa, and everyone will take care of each other." Lin Qing-He will also Said.
       "It's also a relief to think of your mother like this." Zhou-Mother said.
       "I'm so happy when you are happy, mother." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou-Mother gave her a sneer, Lin Qing-He and Zhou-Mother, Popo, had a bit of an aura, and her intimate eyes almost saw no goose bumps.
       Let's forget it, don't come here.
       "Sister-in-law, the shop business is quite stable now. Do you plan to buy a tricycle by yourself and show Xiaomei the shop? Are you going to sell it outside?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "Yes ... there is this ... this plan." Su Dalin nodded.
       "4-Sao, is the taste of our bun a little less now?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       At present, there are three types of buns: mushroom buns, cabbage buns, and cabbage buns.
       Lin Qing-He also said: "The taste is really a bit less, do you have any taste to increase?"
       "I plan to add another pickle bun." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       "Carrots cut into shreds can also be made into buns, and egg buns are also good." Lin Qing-He also said.
       "Both ... try ... try to do it." Su Dalin nodded.
       "Do you want to make so many kinds of buns?" Zhou-Mother asked.
       "To ... want." Su Dalin said.
       If you want the bun shop business to last for a long time, it is natural to make more tricks, some people want to eat this kind, some people want to eat that kind, always have to make more flavors, not just one .
       "You don't understand, don't talk," Zhou Xiaomei said, and then asked her 4-Sao: "4-Sao, Dalin also wants to add a soy milk, what do you think?"
       "If you get too busy, it must be excellent, and selling soybean milk is also an income." Lin Qing-He applauded.
       She felt that it was true that Zhou Xiaomei had referenced Su Dalin to the reference. Look, how good are these men?
       "It's going to be very busy, so don't be lazy, get up and help Dalin." Zhou-Mother said his daughter.
       "I'm not going to look after the children." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       "Less excuses, Chengcheng and Xunxun both have to go to school. Yaya and Tiantian have me and your Father watching. What else can you do? You can't let Dalin do everything in the shop. Remember to help tomorrow morning." Mother said.
       "I ... I'm busy ... I'm too busy." Su Dalin said.
       Zhou Xiaomei sighed: "Forget it, I'll get up with you in the future." Let her Dalin get up and work on her own, and she couldn't bear it.
       Lin Qing-He smiled and said nothing about this topic.
       Just said: "Now shop or something, haven't bought it yet, Xiaomei, you can work hard, listen to mother."
       "The shop here doesn't know how much it will cost?" Zhou-Mother asked.
       Lin Qing-He looked at Zhou Qingbai, and Zhou Qingbai said: "The owner of Dalin's bun shop is not happy to sell."
       He asked about it, but the landlord is not very short of money. The rent is rented, but not sold.
       "In this case, if you want that shop, it must be a lot more expensive, of course, you can change it." Lin Qing-He said.
       It’s just like doing business. If you change the shop, it’s very lossy and popular, unless you are relatively close, you can see it when you come over.
       Otherwise, the popularity of the previous business must be greatly damaged.
       "That's a lot of money?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       "I guess it's four or five thousand." Zhou Qingbai said.
       His dumpling shop is a duplex, with two floors up and down, but Erxi spent 3 thousand yuan to buy it, because people want to sell it, and it is also the market two years ago.
       Nowadays, with the rapid changes, Su Dalin's bun shop is not big, but it is not cheaper, especially when people don't necessarily want to sell it.
       Naturally, this can only raise the price a little, but it will not raise too much, there is no need to kill others, the big deal is to try again.
       But the price of four or five thousand came out, Su Dalin and Zhou Xiaomei were stunned.
       Not to mention Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother.
       "That chicken coop-sized shop needs four or five thousand dollars?" Zhou-Mother was dumbfounded by the "sky price".

       Chapter 343 | Call 

       Such a price is a veritable "sky price".
       After all, on the county side, how much is the Lin-3-Brother shop? Zhou-3-brother bought the latter, how much is it?
       But in the end, the capital city is the capital city, even if this time has just advocated letting some people get rich first, and then drive the people who are not rich later, the gap between rich and poor is not big, but some differences are really born.
       The shop here is that price.
       "It should be necessary." Zhou Qingbai said honestly. What he didn't say is that if people really don't lack money, they might not sell it. They only looked at themselves Mei-mei and said: "Make money with Dalin, even if this is not bought , You have to buy another one. "
       According to his Erxi, if you don’t buy it in recent years, it will become more and more expensive in the future, especially the real sky-high housing prices in later generations. In Zhou Qingbai view, this has to be done to buy and sell, so that it can be afforded A shop, a house?
       So it is recommended that his brother Mei-mei make money quickly.
       "4-brother, are you going to buy with 4-Sao?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       "Naturally, it's planned. When you have money, buy the dumpling shop in Qingbai." Lin Qing-He said without blinking.
       The profit of the dumpling shop is not very clear to outsiders. The business in the clothing shop is very good. Usually, the account is 2-Nini, but the daily amount is large, but the cost has not been deducted. It’s unclear how much you earn.
       "Then we will work hard to see if we can buy one!" Zhou Xiaomei said seriously.
       "It's too expensive, or wait and see later, if it's cheaper?" Zhou-Mother said.
       "It will only get more expensive in the future." Zhou Qingbai shook his head.
       After sitting there for a while, Zhou Qingbai and Su Dalin went to the bathhouse to take a shower.
       Lin Qing-He asked Zhou Xiaomei whether to go with Zhou-Mother. Zhou-Mother said no, and she went with Zhou Xiaomei.
       Zhou Xiaomei first rubbed her back with 4-Sao, then Lin Qing-He rubbed her back again.
       "4-Sao, is there any good way to transfer our hukou?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       After she came to live here, she really liked it, and even the shop planned to buy it, so it is certainly needless to say where it will develop in the future.
       So I want to solve the problem of household registration.
       "It's not easy." Lin Qing-He shook his head.
       Regardless of whether to postpone future generations or now, it is not easy to move the account.
       "Let's do this first. Children shouldn't have problems with reading. Other things won't hinder." Lin Qing-He said: "If there is news, I will notify you as soon as possible."
       Ma Big Aunt and Ma Laozi are all frustrating to get Ma Chengmin back. She listened to Ma Big Aunt and spent more than two thousand dollars to make the account successful What was moved back was almost the entire savings of the two of them in their lifetime.
       But now that it has moved back, the money is worth the money.
       But Lin Qing-He did not want Zhou Xiaomei to spend so much money to move this account.
       What can't you do with this money, I'll talk about it later.
       Zhou Xiaomei naturally believed in her 4-Sao, saying: "Fortunately, there are 4-Sao, you are here, otherwise our couple would not dare to come over."
       "Now work harder and work hard with Xiaogu Zhang, and you will not be far behind." Lin Qing-He said.
       It's so easy to leave the hometown and the nobles to leave the hometown.
       But now is a good time. Later generations will call this time an era of gold everywhere. In this era of traveling, even if you only open a bun shop, but transfer the earned money to real estate, you don’t have to worry about it in the future. of.
       "Well, I will do well with Dalin." Zhou Xiaomei nodded.
       After taking a bath in comfort, Zhou Qingbai and Su Dalin were waiting outside. Zhou Xiaomei and Su Dalin went back. Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai also came home with Zhou Qingbai carrying a clothes bag.
       "Lao-Da, stinky boy, wrote a letter back in so long." Lin Qing-He complained to Zhou Qingbai on the way home.
       After arriving at the military academy, he sent a letter of security to return, and then it has been several months, and there is no news.
       "It's strict over there, and nothing is easy to have no news." Zhou Qingbai was gone.
       Lin Qing-He also knows, but that is the stinky boy he raised himself, even if he is very confident in him, but the mother is worried.
       Don't look at her being smart, why don't you worry.
       But now this time period, there are still a lot of undercover and the like, so the military school is particularly severe.
       So forget it.
       However, I don’t know if Mother and I both have a good heart. When Lin Qing-He just started class the next day, he heard a colleague answer the phone and called her to answer the phone in the past.
       Lin Qing-He was sprayed on the face when he heard that he was a stink boy. "You are a mixed boy, do you finally know that a phone call is coming? Do you know how long you haven't contacted your family? I don’t know if your grandmother is worried about you, do you still have a home in your heart? Wings are hardened, do you want to fly?
       Zhou-Kai didn't say anything, so he was spurted by his tough mother.
       A few students on the side couldn't help laughing.
       Was kicked by Zhou-Kai, and then his face was wiped away, helplessly said: "Mom, there are classmates next to it."
       "Humph!" Lin Qing-He just hummed and said, "How are you doing there?"
       "Everything is fine here, mom, don't worry. Grandpa, have they all passed Beijing?" Zhou-Kai asked.
       "All here, your little uncle family is also here, when are you on vacation?" Lin Qing-He said.
       "Does mom miss me?" Zhou-Kai grinned.
       "You are a stink boy." Lin Qing-He laughed and scolded, but I really missed this stink boy, probably still not used to this separation.
       "We haven't had a holiday, let's rest for a long time today, and then we have time to call you mom." Zhou-Kai said.
       "Is the training so strict?" Lin Qing-He couldn't help it.
       "It's okay, not too harsh, I can bear it." Zhou-Kai said.
       "Can you pick up the postal courier over there?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "Yes." Zhou-Kai nodded.
       Lin Qing-He said: "I will send you something in the past few days, you remember to sign for it."
       Nagging and talking about many other flowers, so he hung up the phone reluctantly.
       The older female teacher next to him also naturally knew Zhou-Kai. It was previously announced to the whole school that Lin Qing-He was a fucking thing. It was hard to imagine.
       He smiled and said, "Is the child worried?"
       "I didn't feel it when I was by my side. It took me a few months to go to the military academy. Except for one that reported safety, I didn't make a phone call until today." Lin Qing-He said with emotion.
       "This child is also a good boy, and there is no need to worry about it." The female teacher is also a mother. The child didn't pass the exam. When studying abroad, he felt empathy and comforted.

       Chapter 344 | Prosperity 

       Although it was just a phone call, people could not come back, but Lin Qing-He was still comforting.
       After returning home after class, she gave the son the spicy dried fish that had begun to taste delicious.
       Not only spicy dried fish, but because of luck, some people are selling beef, Lin Qing-He made some spiced beef jerky.
       In addition, there are shoes and clothes.
       Although he knew he might not be able to wear it and had to wear a school uniform, Lin Qing-He prepared two new casual clothes.
       These things were prepared for a week before they were delivered.
       Zhou Qingbai saw Erxi several times.
       Lin Qing-He asked: "What's the matter?"
       "I haven't seen you do it for me before." Zhou Qingbai glanced at her.
       Lin Qing-He froze for a moment, then looked at his little jealous little son's jealousy and suddenly smiled, Zhou Qingbai looked away.
       "I thought of it all of a sudden. Look at our house, there are still a lot left. Those are for me. You can go to Uncle Wang, Father or Dalin at night and have a drink "" Lin Qing-He said immediately.
       "Those are left for me?" Zhou Qingbai glanced at her.
       "That must be reserved for you, or for whom else can I stay, and I don't carry any other people with them." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai was satisfied, and then went home with him Erxi.
       The express delivery at this time was very slow.
       That is to say, those made by Lin Qing-He are dry goods, and they are not afraid to leave them, or else they will change their taste.
       When I arrived at Zhou-Kai School, it was eight days later, and it was quick.
       After the things were delivered, Zhou-Kai happened to be eating with two classmates and came over to take the package.
       Take it back to the dormitory and see that it is dried fish and beef jerky, but he envied his old friend.
       "Your mother is too good, I sent you so much to eat."
       "There are two pairs of clothes and two pairs of shoes."
       "This jerky is really delicious, spicy."
       "This dried fish is more fragrant and spicy!"
       Zhou-Kai let them eat it, and compared the clothes by themselves, and found that the clothes that his mother sent him were completely suitable.
       But if Lin Qing-He sees his elder son, he will definitely be surprised.
       Not as black as a piece of black charcoal, the temperament of the whole person has also changed greatly, agile like a cheetah.
       The clothes could not be put on for the time being, Zhou-Kai was put away, and the two pairs of shoes could not be put on, but they were all fucking intentions. He put them all in the cabinet.
       Only then came to eat dried beef and dried fish.
       "Dried beef jerky made by my mother, isn't it delicious?" Zhou-Kai accepted the jerky beef jerky and raised his eyebrows.
       "Delicious and delicious!"
       Zhou-Kai asked them to continue to eat and asked, "When will the holiday be next?"
       "How can there be a holiday at this time, but at the end of the year, there should be ten days of vacation." Su You said.
       Zhou-Kai is also looking forward to the New Year, and he misses his family too.
       Not to mention that he is so good in the military school, how difficult the training can be completed perfectly, but still a little homesick.
       Lin Qing-He has been producing long-sleeved autumn clothes recently.
       The small workshop is really small, only ten sewing machines, but after opening, Lin Qing-He has come up with a two-shift system.
       One class is Xu Big Aunt. Their class is responsible for the daytime, and the other class is the evening class.
       From Xu Big Aunt, after they got off work, they started to work, until midnight, and what Lin Qing-He requested was still young and could not find a job.
       Xu Big Aunt's Big-Erxi Li Cuifeng is the administrator of that night class.
       The salary system is the same, but because it is night work, when the dumpling shop is closed at 9 o'clock, Zhou Qingbai will give a dumpling to eat for supper in the past.
       Can also be regarded as a subsidy.
       The two shifts are made, even if there are fewer sewing machines, but they make up for it.
       Because the clothes are made wholeheartedly, the work efficiency naturally goes without saying.
       Even if it is Xu Big Aunt, there is no trifle at home, it is also very fast.
       After all, the patterns are all ready, and whatever is cut is also good.
       Lin Qing-He is also not stingy. When it was hot, he brought a watermelon to eat from time to time. Occasionally, Zhou Qingbai was also asked to cook a pot of green bean soup called Zhou-Guilai.
       It can be said that busy is a bit busy, but the treatment is absolutely not bad, and because Lin Qing-He can take care of many things, it is also very heart-warming.
       Occasionally, I will buy a few packs of toffee and share it.
       It's not that the workers are greedy for this, but this kind attitude is really comfortable.
       There is also a working environment.
       A large warehouse, with ten sewing machines in it, is very spacious, and cloth and clothing are piled up elsewhere.
       The ten people are all old acquaintances, and all of them are of good character, basically nothing bad.
       You can chat while making clothes, and it's too late to go back to cook when time is up.
       As for the monthly salary, it is paid on the last day of the month, which is particularly punctual.
       Lin Qing-He came over that day, and he brought a tomato with a net bag.
       One person distributes two or three, and it tastes sour and sweet, which is also very good.
       "Let's work hard this year, and I will raise the salary for everyone next year." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       "Wage increase? Why is this so funny." Xu Big Aunt said with a smile.
       Since having a job, Xu Big Aunt is like Ma Big Aunt over the dumpling shop. The whole person seems to have given off the second spring, and the spirit is very good every day.
       "Yes, I am very satisfied with everyone work attitude and must raise wages." Lin Qing-He said.
       She also promised to do so this year, next year, when the time rises to 40 yuan a month.
       This increase is a rise of ten dollars, but the big guys are not happy.
       Lin Qing-He Now in this small workshop, the neighbors on the left and right are basically spread all over. No one knows the other side of the building.
       Everyone knows that Master Lin has opened a small workshop by himself, and there are more than twenty workers under his hands.
       Because of this, Zhang Erxi of the old Zhang family next door even looked at Lin Qing-He with a thick face and said that he wanted to recommend himself to work there.
       However, Lin Qing-He was refused, saying directly that Xu Big Aunt was in charge there. She didn't care, and the number was already full.
       Moreover, I was not polite to Lin Qing-He, my old Zhang family.
       Remembering her man remembering her son again, what is she doing politely?
       Not only Zhang Erxi, but also Zhang Meihe.
       After moving out of the house, the man started a skin and flesh business, and it spread all over the tube house. Occasionally, the couple at home closed the door to quarrel.
       The reason is that the man in the family took the money to go to Zhang Meihe for recreation.


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