Reborn Female General 01

Novels      »   Reborn Female General    »       Chapter 1 :  Female General   
       In the sixty-third year of the Great Wei Qingyuan, in March and March, the city was covered with fresh green cages in a layer of smog, which moistened a lot of land.
       In Xu-shi house in Capital City, the roof tiles were washed bright by rain, showing a layer of uniform luster. This is a half-moon tile transported from Yunzhou. It is said that there is moonlight on the roof like a firefly, and the firing process is complicated and the price is not simple. A roof full of tiles is common. For decades of hard work.
       However, the capital of Xu-shi, the capital city of silk, is spread all over the country. Master Xu is currently the Crown Prince of Crown Prince, and has a second son, Eldest-son Xu Zhiheng stands alone. He is a bachelor of Hanlin at a young age, and everyone praises him in Capital City. Xu Zhiheng also has a wife room. At the age of eighteen, he married Di-nu He-Yan, the general Hejia 2-Master. The Di-Eldest-son of Hejia Laozi family, He Rufei Nai, today's Majesty General Yufeng Feihong, is married one by one, one by one.
       "Fu-ren, what do you want?" Maid in a thin shirt handed a cup of hot tea, said crisply.
       "I'm going for a walk," He-Yan replied, sipping tea.
       "But it's raining outside ..."
       "Nothing, I'm holding an umbrella."
       Maid looked at the young woman in front of her. The Xu family was the first door of Shuxiang. The women were all elegantly dressed, and Xu-Big-Madam was the same, except that Bi Qing's feather satin shirt was worn on her. Stingy. In fact, Xu-Big-Madam looks very good, with clear features and brilliance, eyes like cleared lake water, clear and distant ... Unfortunately, it is a blind man.
       Xu-Big-Madam is not a natural blind man, but three months after marrying the Xu family, he suffered from a strange illness and had a high fever for two days and two nights. The Xu family repeatedly asked for the divine doctor, and they were still helpless. Later Xu-Big-Madam did not go out often. It is inconvenient for a blind man to go out.
       He-Yan walked to the gazebo in the courtyard pond.
       She married into the Xu family for one year, and was blind for three months. For the remaining nine months, she learned to live without eyes and adapted well. Only occasionally I miss the visible days. For example, now she can hear the sound of ripples when the rain falls and feel the red carp in the pond vying for food, but she can't see anything.
       Invisible spring light is good spring light, just like invisible people.
       It was probably too early to be blind, so that she couldn't even remember Xu Zhiheng's current appearance. What I can remember is Xu Zhiheng, who saw him at the age of fourteen. A young boy in Tsing Yi smiled at him and stretched out her hand. Now Xu Zhiheng will not reach out to her. Although he treats her mildly and courteously, but something faintly separated, He-Yan can feel it.
       But she won't say.
       When she was a young soldier for many years, she learned to deal with men as a man, but she did not know how to be a woman. So she can only watch Xu Zhiheng and Concubine He Shi tenderly, both sad and tired. I simply couldn't see it anymore, and even took these sad pictures with me, and got a lot of leisure.
       She sits quietly in the gazebo, and suddenly remembered the years of her youth and the days of joining the army. This is also the spring day, the rain is heavy, and she sits among the sergeants, smiles and drinks a bowl of spirits, feeling warm all over.
       This enthusiasm swept through her whole body in time, He-Yan held the railing, and a sweet urge came out of her throat, and "Yi" spit out blood.
       Someone footsteps slowly approached.
       He-Yan asked, "Little Butterfly?"
       Without answering, the footsteps stopped, He-Yan frowned slightly :   "He shi?"
       After a while, the woman's voice sounded, "Fu-ren has good ears."
       Her chest twitched with a wonderful feeling, and years of intuition made her subconsciously take a defensive posture. He Shi has always been mild and careless, never said a few words with her in the house, and suddenly came to such a proud tone, He-Yan was disturbed.
       But she is also very strange, she is not a competent mistress, and is more like a decoration in the government. He Shi could not stop her petting, and a blind man did not threaten He Shi. He Shi was unnecessary and had no reason to deal with her.
       "What is it?"
       He Wanru stroked the bun on the side of the stroke, which Xu Zhiheng sent her yesterday, and suddenly remembered that the person in front of him couldn't see it, and then he retreated with regret, saying :   "Fu-ren, you are pregnant."
       He-Yan stunned in place.
       "The doctor who checked your eyes a few days ago took your pulse. You are pregnant."
       He-Yan was overwhelmed and gave a touch of joy. She was about to speak, and heard He Shi sigh again :   "It's a pity".
       The smile on the corner of He-Yan's mouth disappeared, she asked, "What a pity?"
       "It's a pity this kid can't stay."
       He-Yan ‘Called :   "He shi, you are bold!"
       Her eyebrows are upright, her eyes are like a knife, but she is blind, but her look is attractive, and He Wan feels her hair rising instantly. But for a moment, she calmed down and said, "This is not what I said, General He."
       As soon as General He came out, He-Yan had a scalp and she asked, "What do you know?"
       "I know what I should know, and I know what I should not. General He, such a big secret, you say, Hejia and Xu family, how dare you tolerate you?"
       He-Yan was speechless.
       In the absence of General Feihong, a general, Hejia, like all the noble families of Dawei, was on the verge of decline. Nineteen years ago, Hejia gave birth at the same time, Hejia Big-Madam gave birth to He Rufei, Hejia 2-Madam gave birth to He-Yan.
       The title should fall on He Rufei, but He Rufei was frail, and the doctor asserted that he could not live for three years. He Rufei died, Hejia title was taken back, and the entire family really had nothing.
       The Hejia people discussed for a while and made a bold decision to let He-Yan replace He Rufei, who lied to claim He-Yan, and was born weak and sent to the temple for long-term care.
       He-Yan grew up under the identity of He Rufei. Although she was born in 2nd House, she grew up in a big room. She had been a boy since she was a child, and enjoyed practicing martial arts. When she was fourteen, she carried the name of the Fuyue Army with her family and gradually gained fame in the battle. Into the palace.
       It was at this time that He Rufei, who had been sent to the temple to "recuperate", returned.
       He Rufei did not die, and even lived to peace to eighteen. He looks agile and healthy. So everything returned to its original position.
       He Rufei met His Majesty and became General Feihong, He-Yan or He-Yan. Everything is not as difficult as imagined. In order to prevent today's situation, Hejia has long stipulated that He-Yan used to mask people, and no one has seen He Rufei appearance. And He-Yan, arranged by Hejia people, married to today’s Hanlin bachelor, young talented Xu Zhiheng.
       Xu Zhiheng is handsome and gentle, considerate and courteous, and his mother-zi is also generous, and never treats it harshly. For a woman, it is a perfect marriage. He-Yan thought so, until today. The warm mask was torn apart, and the bloody truth was more depressing than the hardest battle she had ever encountered on the battlefield.
       "The bowl of poisonous medicine that blinded you at the time, but the elders of your clan ordered it to be delivered. Only the dead will keep the secret, and you live-it is a big threat to them!"
       "When you took the medicine, 1st Shaoye looked at him in the next room."
       "You're dead. Hejia and Xu family can only breathe a sigh of relief. This is your fault."
       He-Yan laughed loudly.
       Blame her?
       Blame her?
       No wonder she should replace He Rufei identity for the sake of family? Blame her for obsessed with martial arts? Blame her for drinking blood on the battlefield and killing the enemy? Still blamed that she should not have kissed General Yufeng Feihong personally, so that He Rufei received her merits?
       Blame her, blame her for being a woman. Because she is a woman, she cannot use her name to make a great contribution. Because she is a woman, she deserves to be Hejia and sacrifice for Hejia men. After all, she overestimates Hejia humanity and underestimates Hejia selfishness.
       And Xu Zhiheng ... she should have been blind for a long time before she felt good.
       "What are you laughing at?" He Wanru frowned.
       "I laugh at you," He-Yan said in her direction, "I laugh at you ridiculously. I died because of a secret. Do you think you know the secret and are you still alive?"
       He Wanru smirked :   "Dead to the point of death, come back hard, come-"
       The guards that appeared quickly surrounded He-Yan.
       "Kill her!"
       Willow branches can become weapons. Soft and tough, like a woman's hand. It is clearly a fluttering branch of Yatou with a new bud on it, like a sword with flowers embroidered, and it can blow away the opponent's knife.
       He Wanru also heard the name of General Feihong. She knew that the woman was brave and warlike, unlike ordinary Miss, but only when she saw it with her own eyes did she know that the rumors were true.
       He-Yan is blind, but she can kick the guard in front of her with ten kicks, as if she is going to break through the siege of the dark house, and go home by horse, no one can stop it.
       However, she was like a wild goose with an arrow, falling from the air, and spewing blood splashed in the grass, like a little wildflower.
       That cup of tea ... the cup of tea that Kocho handed to her.
       She lost her eyesight, and now she lost all five senses, and became a real blind man, fighting for the beast.
       They were foolproof to kill her.
       "A bunch of idiots, now!" He Wanru said anxiously.
       He-Yan wanted to look up, "snap", there was a severe pain in the knee, and the person behind her was hit hard on her leg. Her legs were soft, and she was about to kneel, but the next moment, she was put on her back again. A punch.
       Her fists fell down, and she hit her like raindrops, all her internal organs hurting.
       They would not hurt her with a sword, and they would not leave evidence of evidence on her.
       Someone dragged her hair and dragged her to the pond, and her head was roughened. The cold water had no eyes, nose, mouth, or neck. He-Yan couldn't speak any more. Her body fell heavily, but she struggled to look upwards, and the water surface was getting farther and farther from her. The sky seemed to be daylight, and it seemed like she returned to her hometown in a flash. , Weeping in panic with He Shi.
       "Come here, Fu-ren drowns—"
       She wants to go home.
       And she was homeless.
       The rain on spring day seems to be endless, and the next one is non-stop.
       The room was very warm, the fire was burning, and the lid of the medicine pot boiled up by the water gas, and the sound of "gu gurgling" was clearly heard.
       The girl was sitting in front of the mirror, and a slightly pale face was displayed in the bronze mirror. She was long and thin, green and red, and her lips were like small water chestnuts, purring, beautiful and alienated. A pair of apricot eyes are black and moist, like a mountain stream where water mist will gather in the next moment, the clouds of smoke fade away, exposing magnificent gems. Xuefu Huajuan, Juanjuan 28, is a beautiful Miss, but it is just beautiful.
       Of course, she knows her beauty very well, so she is already filled with rouge and spice cream in front of the small dressing table. Fat powder lingered around, He-Yan shrugged his nose and couldn't help sneezing.
       The exhaled heat of the bronze mirror was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and even the face became unclear. He-Yan had a momentary hesitation, as if it was back to the time when the menswear was unloaded for the first time. Sitting in front of the mirror like this, looking at the woman in the mirror looks like herself, like another generation.
       She was drowned in the Xu family's pond by the men and horses he carried, but when she woke up, she became He-Yan. It is not Mei-mei, Feihong's general He Ruyan, Xu Zhiheng’s person He-Yan. But the owner of this run-down hut, the eldest daughter of He Sui, the captain of Jiupin Wusan City Gate School, He Sui.
       It's all He-Yan.
       "Yan Yan, why don't you say a word when you are awake?" Along with the outside voice, the curtain was lifted, and the figure rolled in with cold wind.
       It was a bearded middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, dark skin, and tall body, like an awkward and strong bear, with a slight smile to please. When he saw that there was no one in the room, he ‘called, "Ome, what about Ome?"
       "Qingmei went to pick up the herbs." He-Yan whispered softly.
       The man scratched his head and said, "Oh, Dad, let me down."
       The white porcelain medicine bowl is not as big as the man's palm, he also knows this, so he is extra careful, and the room is full of the bitter aroma of herbs. He-Yan looked at the plum blossom beside the medicine bowl, and his gaze moved to the man's face. This was He-Yan's father, Chengmen School Wei Hesui.
       The word father is strange to He-Yan.
       Her biological father should be Hejia 2-Lao-ye He Yuanliang, but because of her identity, she could only be called Uncle He Yuanliang. And her adoptive father, He Yuansheng, was actually her Dabo.
       The relationship between her adoptive father and her was not very friendly, and when she first proposed to learn martial arts, it even dropped to the freezing point. Only when she earned her merits and won the emperor's award did she become enthusiastic. In the past few years, although the big room did not have a short meal, she didn't know what she was thinking. He-Yan thought it was because he was not his biological father when he was young, but his father He Yuanliang treats her lightly. It was about when the daughter who was sent out spilled the water. If she didn't keep it with her, the relationship would fade.
       Therefore, the appearance of his father is not as clear in He-Yan's mind as that of her brother.
       He Sui had poured the medicine into a bowl in front of him, carefully removed a little bit of residue floating on the water, and then blew it gently before sending it to He-Yan, who was about to feed her.
       He-Yan took the medicine bowl and said, "I'll do it myself."
       The man withdrew his hand, and said, "Okay."
       The soup medicine sizzled hot, He-Yan looked hesitantly at the medicine bowl in front of her. She thought about what He Shi said before she died.
       "That bowl of poisonous medicinal herbs, but the elders of your clan sent them in person!"
       The elder in the clan is He Yuansheng? Or He Yuanliang? Or someone else? Xu Zhiheng is informed. What about other people?
       She thought of the hot tea that Kocho handed over the day she was drowned. Who knows if something is sent by someone else?
       He Sui saw that she was slow to drink, thinking she was suffering from medicine, and coaxed with a smile :   "Yan Yan is not afraid, it is not hard, just drink the medicine."
       He-Yan no longer hesitated, waited for He Sui to continue talking, put his lips to the bowl, and poured a bowl of medicine into his head.
       "Wait ..." He Sui was too late to speak. He-Yan had left the empty bowl on the table before he spit out the words left in his mouth :   "Hot ..."
       "No," He-Yan answered.
       He Sui didn't know what to say for a while. He slammed a few times and instructed softly :   "Then rest well in the room, don't run around, Dad went to the military field first." Take the empty bowl together. .
       There was He-Yan alone in the room. She was slightly relieved. In the end, she was not used to intimate communication with people, especially as a woman, or was such a pet that was raised and held in the palm of her hand. Girl.
       Xunzi Qingmei hasn't returned yet. Hesui doesn't have much money each month. Today, the captain of the city gate is just a martial arts officer. The people in this room are supported by He Sui silver. Even the sister-zi can only afford one, and the other silvers are probably He-Young-Lady rouge gouache stacked on the table.
       He-Yan stood up and walked to the door.
       This soft body, such as creamy white jade, fragrant and tender, is completely strange to her. Without strength, she cannot protect herself. If there is anything particularly good, her eyes are clean and bright, which can make her reappear for a long time There is no light in this world.
       With a bang, a sound of heavy objects falling behind him, He-Yan turned his head, and the teenager standing in front of her was unloading the wood and wood tied to her shoulders.
       The teenager is not very old, and similar to He-Yan, he is wearing a green cloth waistband and trousers of the same color, and white cloth strips are tied to his legs for the convenience of work. His skin color is dark, his eyebrows are similar to He-Yan, and he is clear and clear, but his chin is slightly narrower, and he looks firm and stubborn, arrogant.
       This is He Yunsheng, He-Big-Young-Lady's younger brother, He Sui youngest son.
       He-Yan was lying in bed the past few days, He Yun had been born several times, all came to send water to the stove, without saying a word to He-Yan. The relationship between the two of their sisters and brothers does not seem to be very good, but ... He-Yan looks at He Yunsheng's rough-fitting unfitting clothing, and then looks at the satin foundation skirt on his body. Surprised.
       In that Hejia, women are paving the way for men, and men are heaven and earth, as if they are the center of the world. However, it is different in this home. It seems that the biological little son seems to pick it up. Hejia eats and dresses tightly. He-Big-Young-Lady is alone. Why is this?
       He-Yan stood in front of He Yunsheng, without moving a step, He Yunsheng piled the wood under the eaves and started chopping wood.
       This family is really poor, the only one who is a Nubi is the sister-zi, while the biological son is doing the work of a manservant.
       In front of He-Yan was the woodpile. He Yunsheng split it twice, frowning slightly, "Excuse me, you're blocking me."
       Not even a "sister".
       He-Yan didn't move, neither gave way nor mocked him as usual. He Yunsheng couldn't help but raised his head, facing He-Yan's serious eyes.
       He-Yan said, "You can't chop firewood like this."

       Chapter 3 :  Let me show you   

       He Yunsheng frowned, and asked, "What did you say?"
       He-Yan didn't move, and repeated seriously :   "I said, you can't cut firewood like this."
       The teenager was impatient. "He-Yan, go back to the house if you are sick. Don't find fault here."
       "You can't cut it like this, it won't end in the dark." He-Yan didn't move.
       He Yunsheng seemed to have a sudden anger, and the axe slipped off his hands and slammed heavily on the bluestone slab, making a loud noise. He took a step forward, and said angrily, "If it wasn't for you to spend money because of your illness, Father wouldn't send away the servant. You also know that it's going to be dark. Don't point your fingers at the firewood before you cut it. Hey! "
       He-Yan's heart moved slightly. It turned out that there was a manservant in the family. It was just that the poor man had dismissed the manservant in order to see the doctor. Seeing his appearance, he also has a long history of grievances against this sister.
       Being poor also has the advantage of being poor. For example, there are no people in the yard. This embarrassing scene for the sister and brother will not be bumped into. If he changed to the former Hejia and Xu family, I am afraid that the lively Maid could form a soldier and horse team.
       He Yunsheng waited for He-Yan to jump and curse, but to his surprise, this time, instead of cursing, He-Yan bent down and picked up the one that was thrown to the ground by him. Axe.
       She fell from this heavy axe, and her slender wrists looked as if they could not stand up to tears.
       He-Yan looked at his hand and frowned slightly, unable to even lift the axe, which was far worse than she had been before.
       He Yunsheng froze, wondering, "What are you doing?"
       "I'll show you," He-Yan answered.
       When He Yunsheng heard it, he was even more angry, and said angrily, "Don't be fooled again, you ..."
       He didn't finish talking, and a "bang" interrupted his voice.
       He-Yan had picked up his axe and cut the firewood in front of him into two.
       "You see." She said, "It's very simple. You can't hold the front end of the axe, you have to hold the end of the axe handle, split along the lines of the wood, it will save a lot of effort."
       He Yunsheng looked at her blankly. After a while, the young boy's face turned red and his tone was almost out of anger. He pointed to He-Yan and said, "You, you, you really don't have intentions! You Hand ... Father will definitely scold me when he sees it! He-Yan, you are so deliberate and treacherous! "
       "Huh?" He-Yan was puzzled. The next moment, a panicked female voice rang :   "Miss, you're bleeding!"
       He-Yan looked down subconsciously, and the palm of his hand didn't know when the skin was worn. The blood was reflected in the palm, and it was clear that it was still moving.
       She just chopped a piece of wood while holding an axe, and then her hand was worn? How delicate is this body? From small to large, has He-Big-Young-Lady mentioned anything heavier? Is she made of cotton and tofu?
       He-Yan was lost in thought. Xunzi Qingmei had rushed over and pulled her into the room, and hurriedly said, "I have to wipe it with plaster first, I don't know if it will leave a scar ..."
       He Yunsheng glared at her with a grudge, and threw down a sentence :   "He-Yan, just do it, sooner or later, kill yourself." Then he turned and ran.
       He-Yan couldn't laugh or cry. In her last life, she lived till she married and got married, and she died till now. This is the first time someone has said that she "made".
       This feeling is very novel. In the minds of the soldiers, "work" is probably a very distant word.
       Qingmei put He-Yan's hand on her knee, took the tip of her finger and wiped the plaster on the palm of He-Yan, and then she cried, "If there is a scar, what can I do? I have to find a way It's good to remove scar cream. "
       "It's okay," He-Yan couldn't see Miss, shed tears, especially a beautiful Miss who was fifteen or sixteen years younger than her last life, and then relieved :   "Keep scars and scars, just fine."
       Qingmei opened her eyes wide, tears forgot to dry, staring at He-Yan couldn't speak.
       "What's wrong?" He-Yan asked.
       "No, nothing." Qingmei wiped her tears and stood up. "Miss, just be angry."
       The tone of the words ... He-Yan look at the fat powder jewelry in front of the dressing table, and I know something about it. The original He-Big-Young-Lady is very beautiful and particular about this delicate skin, which is supposed to be pampered, and it is a big deal if you usually break a hole.
       Did Heaven see that she had been too rough in her last life and had never experienced the feeling of being a daughter? Only in this life did she find such a delicate flower body.
       Qingmei asked, "Miss, Nubi, please pour you a cup of hot tea. It just rained outside and got cold."
       "Wait." He-Yan called her, "I remember one thing. Before I woke up, I don't remember some things ..." She looked at Qingmei. "How did I get sick?"
       At first there was a manservant in this home. Later, the manservant was sent to He-Yan to see a doctor. It was obvious that the disease was not born. But if there is a sudden illness, she doesn't feel any discomfort these days. Everyone in the room met her with a careful care and fear of something unexpected. He-Yan felt weird.
       Qingmei heard the words, panicked, grabbed He-Yan's hand, and almost shed tears again :   "Miss, you have been sad for Fan gongzi once, but you can't toss it again. You don’t even care for you Think for yourself, Lao-ye and Shaoye! "
       Van gongzi? the man?
       He-Yan asked, "Which fan gongzi?"
       "Miss, what do you mean by this ... Yes, Fan gongzi is so ruthless and not a good match, Miss, it is right to forget him. The nubi will no longer actively mention Fan gongzi, as long as Miss, good." After speaking, Ome wiped her eyes again.
       This little sister-zi was really crying too much. The recruits who just came in under her camp did not cry so much for the first time on the battlefield. I haven't asked a few words yet, the placket is already wet, so if I go on, I will be able to flood Jinshan without a stick of incense.
       "Okay." He-Yan said helplessly, "then not to mention, you go to change clothes first, your clothes are wet."
       Qing Mei stared at He-Yan with wide eyes and saw He-Yan looked calm and did not want to collapse. He hesitated for a while and said, "Then nubi , please change ... Miss, wait for nubi , nubi will come back immediately. "Then went back three steps.
       The room was quiet again.
       He-Yan reached out and spread his palms towards himself.
       Qingmei rubbed the plaster still standing on her hand, and she watched this delicate and tender hand come to mind. Women's strength was inherently weaker than men's. In order to practice their hand strength, He-Yan slipped out from the back door of the house every day when he was young, and climbed to the East Huangshan Mountain in Capital City to help the monk in the temple pick water and firewood. It’s also like to wear your hands like this. After the cocoons are gradually born, it will be fine. Then, the two buckets can be easily carried, and you can punch with stones hanging on your wrist.
       She is not clever, and can only use stupid methods. Over time, she also has the qualification to compete with men.
       But now, everything is back to the origin. Not to mention taking away what originally belonged to her, just this weak body cannot bear the thorny road she will take in the future.
       "Then practice it." He-Yan said to herself, "It was like before." This might be the test that God gave her as the price of her rebirth, but there was nothing terrible about it.
       But it's just coming back.

       Chapter 4 :  Uphill   

       The rain stopped the next day, and it was a fine sunny day. The bluestone in the yard was warmly drenched with lush green.
       When the chicken yelled a third time, He-Yan woke up. When Qingmei woke up, he found that He-Yan was not in bed, and was frightened. She went around and found He-Yan sitting on the stone in the yard. It was a sigh of relief on the pier.
       "Miss, why did you get up so early? Was the quilt thin and cold?" Qingmei asked.
       "Nothing, I can't sleep," He-Yan replied.
       She doesn't have the habit of being lazy. In the barracks, she can't relax every moment. Even at night, she must be on guard against raids by the enemy so that she can always be vigilant. Furthermore, she had to practice martial arts since she was a teenager, but she really heard the chicken dance. Later, when she married the Xu family, she still could not change her old habits and was ridiculed by people behind her, but after she was blind, she no longer got up so early, and there was no difference between day and night. Still awake when the chickens are humming, only to wait until everyone in the yard is up and then follow.
       Looks like he not so Jiji.
       "What about father?" She asked.
       "Lao-ye has already gone to school, and Shaoye has just got up, Miss, change your clothes to eat." Qingmei said, and then trot to the kitchen first.
       There is only one mule in the house, but there are many lives, and there are always people who are insufficient.
       When He-Yan arrived at the hall, He Yunsheng had sits down at the dinner table and started to eat.
       The teenager is still like yesterday, and the clothes he wears are like those of a trafficker. When I saw He-Yan, I just looked away and looked away, holding up the bowl and drinking porridge.
       Meals are simple congee and congee. Hejia is a family and can’t afford any delicate dishes. Even so, there is a plate of dim sum on the table. .
       He-Yan also followed up holding a bowl to drink porridge. She drank quickly, and Ome and He Yunsheng were slightly surprised. In the past, He-Yan picked and chose, and refused to eat well. A bowl of porridge came to the end, and he was reluctant to eat for a long time to finish. It was as crisp as today. After drinking the porridge, she did not immediately go to get the snacks in the plate-this was prepared by He Sui. Green plum would not eat, and He Yunsheng would not.
       He Yunsheng put the bowl on the table, stood up, He-Yan looked up and asked, "Where are you going?"
       He Yunsheng frowned :   "Why?" I was about to be impatient, and suddenly glanced at the traces of He-Yan's palm, his tone stopped.
       He thought He-Yan would sue to He Sui who came home yesterday. Who knows that the morning was calm and calm. It seems that He-Yan didn't provoke alienation, He Sui didn't know He-Yan was injured.
       The boy's tone eased a little :   "Climb firewood up the mountain."
       In He Yunsheng's mind, after listening to this sentence, He-Yan should leave with no interest, return to her house to play with her rouge gouache, and then carefully dress up and go shopping. Who knows He Yan's eyes brightened, and he said cheerfully, "Really? Me too."
       Before He Yunsheng said, Qingmei said first :   "Miss, what are you going to do? There are rains on the mountain, the road is not easy to walk, there are mud everywhere. What if I fall?"
       "Yes." There was a normal person in the house, He Yunsheng immediately answered, "Don't ask for trouble."
       Both thought He-Yan was a rage, but He-Yan turned to Qingmei and said, "My father is in the martial arts during the day, and he will go home at night. You have so much work to do, and you can’t follow me all the time. He Yunsheng. ”Her name was He Yunsheng, and He Yunsheng heard an excitement,“ If you don’t take me, I will go by myself. ”
       "Hey!" He Yun was anxious.
       "Is there a third person in this room who can control me?" She asked indifferently.
       He Yunsheng has nothing to say, let alone a third person, no one in this room can manage He-Yan temper. It is because of He Sui pampering that He-Yan would not listen to anyone words, except for that fan gongzi.
       "If you want to go, follow it." The boy angered :   "But if you fall in the middle and cry and want to go home, I won't send you back."
       He-Yan shrugged.
       He Yun left with anger, he wondered why he-Yan became more and more annoying when he was sick. If He-Yan in the past was a contrived Young-Lady temper, today He-Yan is a little bit more blatant and more difficult to deal with.
       She was indeed his wrongdoer!
       Longhuanfeng Mountain Road is rugged and the terrain is dangerous. Most of the poor people come here to cut firewood and collect medicine.
       An unknown wild flower grew on the side of the road, reflected in the grass. But after all, it is not the place where you can really enjoy the flowers. The stones you step on stick to the cliff, looking down, making your legs tremble.
       He Yunsheng walked this road numerous times, knowing that going up the mountain is not so easy. He waited to hear He-Yan's complaining and crying, but never heard He-Yan snoring from beginning to end.
       He Yunsheng couldn't help looking back, and was surprised to find that He-Yan hadn't left him much, almost standing by his side.
       how can that be?
       Men are still struggling to walk this way, not to mention He-Yan is still a delicate Young-Lady, who used to rub his knees after walking long distances. When has she been so physically fit?
       "What do you think I do?" He-Yan stared at him strangely. "Don't go on?"
       He Yunsheng said nothing and looked back, and continued to move forward.
       It must have been her clothes, and she would certainly not be able to hold on right away!
       He-Yan looked at his leg and sighed.
       The strength on this leg is really small. She and He Yunsheng walked this way, and they felt tired after a long absence. Looking at it like this, we still need to run in.
       "That's it." He Yunsheng stopped and removed the axe from his waist.
       There are a lot of miscellaneous trees here. He Yunsheng chose small and slender trees, which is easier to cut. He pointed to the stone beside He-Yan, "You sit here for a while, I have to chop an hour."
       "Is this right?" He-Yan nodded and took off the cloth bag on his body.
       He Yunsheng watched her draw an ax from the bag.
       "You ... what are you doing?" He Yunsheng's head fluttered, and he said nothing.
       He thought He-Yan was carrying a water bottle in the cloth bag she was carrying, but she installed an axe? She took an axe and walked so far and was not dropped by him. He Yunsheng suspected that he was dreaming.
       What happened next made He Yunsheng more sure that he was dreaming.
       He saw his lovely sister, He—Yan, who usually held a tea cup, would be too heavy. He—Yan won't hesitate to pick up the axe in front of him, cut it down, cut down a bunch of branches, and acted like a thousand times.
       She said, "I'll help you, soon."


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