Back 60s 300

       "It's all done," Lao Wang replied quite energetically.
       Ma Big Aunt was very happy, because he was in a hurry to go back and cook for his wife, and he said, "I won't talk to you first."
       When I went home to cook, I said to my wife: "Look, I'm not wrong, how good is this? I'm just like this."
       Ma Laozi is also very emotional, this person is older, don't you just want the child to be around?
       In case you have something, you can take care of it.
       Isn't this the case for Pharaoh? Xiaokai was watching every day, and they ate there at night, and served tea and water with a squeak.
       Ma Laozi feels that it is really time for this dry deed to be recognized.
       People take care of themselves, right?
       Ma Big Aunt also talked about this with other old sisters, and all her old sisters said that they were right.
       "Who doesn't know that Pharaoh has a lot of money and there is a large yard for rent, people may not stare at it, those are." But there are also different voices, some people said so.
       I feel that the teacher Lin and his wife are really somber, this is obviously going to these things of Lao Wang.
       But more people are sensible.
       If we can take care of the elderly in this way, what can we do to the sons and grandchildren after 100 years?
       These things do not bring death to life, what is the purpose of keeping it?
       To use an old saying, an old man of this age is not afraid of what others are trying to do with him.
       In particular, Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai just wanted a relative in Beijing. They didn’t really worry about the money and real estate of Lao Wang.
       The two of them can earn themselves.
       Even if it is winter now, but because it has been in business for a year, Zhou Qingbai dumpling shop business is still very strong. After all, it has already gained a certain reputation.
       If you want to eat something else, you can go to other individual shops, but if you want to eat dumplings, the first one will think of him.
       Each month can have a profit of more than two hundred and nearly three hundred.
       Because of this considerable profit, Zhou Qingbai got up in the shop less than six o'clock every morning.
       But how much profit can be made in a year?
       In particular, the couple intends to take a trip south during the summer vacation.
       As for the winter vacation, then go shopping around the sea market, but it will definitely not be hard to earn.
       The income of the family can be said to be very rich, really not like those of the Lao Wang.
       Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai did not reply to these claims from outsiders, and did not care much.
       The days are as usual.
       In a flash, he entered the twelfth lunar month.
       The reason why the twelfth lunar month is called the lunar month is the season for making bacon and sausages.
       Sausage filling is too hard. Lin Qing-He is too lazy to pickle the meat and just bacon it.
       The dumpling shop hanging in Zhou Qingbai was hanging, because it looked delicious, so many customers asked how to sell this bacon?
       But bacon is really not going to be sold. After all, it is not much done. It is kept at home, and a dozen pounds of bacon is not eaten at all. It is impossible to sell it.
       At Laba Festival, Zhou Qingbai boiled a pot of Laba congee, and the whole family got up early to drink Laba congee.
       "Do you three stay here to do Ye-Ye with you for Chinese New Year, or return to our hometown for Chinese New Year?" Lin Qing-He asked the three sons.
       It's half a month away, so we have to book tickets in advance.
       "We stay here to do Ye-Ye for Chinese New Year. When you go back, just tell us and Grandpa that New Year is good." Zhou-Xuan said.
       Zhou-Guilai nodded, and Zhou-Kai, the Lao-Da, also felt that they could not be left to do Ye-Ye himself during the Chinese New Year, which was too lonely.
       "Okay, then you can stay here. I and your dad La Twenty will leave. If you want to open the shop, drive to Twenty-five, and the rest will take you to Ye-Ye to walk around. "Lin Qing-He said.
       "Yes." The three sons should all get off.
       Lin Qing-He was a bit melancholy: "Aren't you upset or not used to it?"
       "No." The three said honestly.
       After the devastation and blows by their parents, their three brothers are very independent and adaptable. After spending a year in Beijing, they are not used to it.
       Their parents came back after the New Year, and it was less than a month before and after.
       So by the time of La Twenty, Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai embarked on a return journey, whether they have money or no money, they always have to go home for the New Year.
       The children don't care about them, don't go back if you don't go back.
       Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai came to the sea market and walked around.
       Zhou Qingbai looked at her familiar way and asked, "I've been there a few times."
       "Two or three times." Lin Qing-He didn't pay attention, and just responded casually.
       Then the reaction came and looked at her family Qingbai, Zhou Qingbai gave her a glance, Gu Zi walked forward, obviously this one was angry.
       Lin Qing-He sighed softly, catching up and saying: "You have learned to cliché now, you are not honest."
       Especially if she is so unprepared for him, it is basically a set of standards.
       Zhou Qingbai looked at her, Lin Qing-He immediately raised her hand and surrendered: "I will take you everywhere I go, if you are not with me, I will definitely not make the decision without my own permission, otherwise you can do whatever you want! "
       Zhou Qingbai didn't keep his face down.
       I have to say that this year's sea market is much more prosperous and active than last year.
       Because Zhou Qingbai is here, Lin Qing-He is very convergent, only bought a few watches, two radios and two electric fans.
       Instead, she came over to the big mall, but she started to sweep up all kinds of new clothes.
       Zhou Qingbai, her own, Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother each has a cotton coat, and the Pharaoh also has three sons.
       However, she and Zhou Qingbai are the most, two sets of new clothes each.
       The rest are some other clothes, shoes, and belts. I took them back to Shen Yu.
       The couple rested only one day in the sea market, and they came back early the next morning.
       Lin Qing-He also gave these things to Shen Yu, one electric fan, two radios, and one Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother. They must be rare.
       Another one was taken in the dumpling shop, so that everyone could listen to the broadcast while eating dumplings.
       The electric fan is also kept.
       Everything else went away.
       Shen Yu was not happy, but this time Lin Qing-He brought back more things, especially a few pairs of leather shoes, but it was so expensive that she couldn't take out the money at once.
       "Give it half, and wait for us to leave in a few years, then come and give me the other half." Lin Qing-He said to her.
       "OK." Shen Yu was about to get off.
       Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai took the bicycle in the space and came to Zhou Xiaomei house. This bicycle was bought in the south this year.
       And for shipping back to Haishi, Lin Qing-He said that he was a poor ghost.
       Even if she saved a sum of money in her space, she was also a poor ghost.
       Whether she took advantage of this time to make more money, what can be done afterwards, after all, she does not have the ambition to conquer the stars and the sea.
       She thought about investing in more real estate, renting and retired in the future, taking her home to travel around the world, and going out to see the world outside, there is no other ambition.
       So she doesn’t make much money at this time, when will she earn more?
       The annual income of her family Qingbai reached more than 2 thousand this year. Although it is less than 3 thousand, it is definitely not a small amount.
       And she relies on holding a salary, although it is not low, but it is only more than 3 thousand when combined with Zhou Qingbai.
       Relying on these two incomes, she still can't afford the courtyard house she missed.
       So, speculation must do her.
       The couple came over to Zhou Xiaomei.
       Zhou Xiaomei is really lively at home now.
       The original room of more than 40 square meters was just the two of them. It was really spacious, but now there are four children, and it is not spacious.
       "4-brother 4-Sao!" Zhou Xiaomei was not happy.
       Su Cheng Su Xun they are also shouting little Mu-Uncle little bitch.
       "Be good, eat sugar." Lin Qing-He gave them a packet of toffee and said.
       "4-brother 4-Sao, just come back? Dawa They didn't come back?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.
       "We recognized a dry friend over there, and several of their brothers said they were too lonely to stay in Ye-Ye, so they all stayed there for the Chinese New Year this year." Lin Qing-He said.
       At this time, Su Dalin hadn't gotten off work, and it was just over three o'clock in the afternoon. It was still working time.
       "Acknowledged a fuck." Zhou Xiaomei nodded and asked her 4-brother: "4-brother, did you get used to it in Beijing?"
       "Habit." Zhou Qingbai said concisely.
       Lin Qing-He laughed and said, "Look at you 4-brother, you know."
       This year Zhou Qingbai is fatter than in previous years.
       After all, there is no need to work on the ground. Although you have to get up early every day, but now that you are in charge of the kitchen, Zhou Qingbai still inevitably grows meat.
       Especially on the belly, the fleshy, Lin Qing-He likes to touch.
       Although Zhou Qingbai will always be treated as this is to invite him.
       Zhou Xiaomei said with a smile: "4-brother is really fat a lot this year, how is the business there?"
       "Business is pretty good." Zhou Qingbai said.
       "Nothing is lower than my salary." Lin Qing-He added.
       Needless to say how much money is specific, this sentence is not lower than wages.
       "This year's Dalin factory is not very prosperous." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       "Do you want to go home during the New Year?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "Go back this year." Zhou Xiaomei said.
       "Sao, I'll give you the bottom line. I'll rely on my uncle skills in making buns. In the past, I opened a shop in Beijing. The business will not be worse. Others are not guaranteed. "Lin Qing-He said.
       "When Dalin comes back, I will tell Dalin." Zhou Xiaomei nodded, but she especially wanted to go to Beijing.
       Lin Qing-He didn't sit with Zhou Qingbai much, and did not stay for dinner. After a while, he left a Peking duck, and then went home by bike.

       Chapter 301 | Outbreak 

       The two of them were naturally onlookers when they returned home.
       After all, speaking of them, their family was the first to go out from the village. It was rare in the 1990s, let alone in the 1980s.
       Absolutely decent.
       So soon many relatives and friends came.
       Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai also entertained.
       After chatting for a while, the neighbors on the left only went back. Zhou 1st Sao They didn't leave.
       "As in previous years, one roast duck per family, 1st Sao, you take it back to add a dish." Lin Qing-He also took out a few packages of roast duck from the bag and said.
       "Where you can buy it every year." Zhou 1st Sao said a little embarrassedly.
       "Just a roast duck." Lin Qing-He gave her.
       Zhou-2-Sao and Zhou-3-Sao are also one each.
       Zhou-2-Sao asked: "I think the fourth uncle has grown a lot of meat this year. Is the business good at the dumpling shop over there in Beijing?"
       "Business is not bad." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       "Oh, that's really good, my mother is always worried at home." Zhou-2-Sao said.
       "But why haven't they returned this year Dawa?" Zhou-3-Sao said.
       "We recognized a dry relationship there, and the three skinned kids stayed there to accompany them to do Ye-Ye." Lin Qing-He also said.
       "Brother Dawa, they have the Ye-Ye from Beijing. Is this a Ye-Ye that doesn't want to be in the country?" Zhou-6-Nini asked with a smile.
       "You Girl, what do you say?" Zhou 1st Sao said directly.
       "6-Nini has grown up now, and his mouth is really getting more and more slick. The elders are talking, and you can intervene casually." Zhou-3-Sao also laughed.
       Zhou-2-Sao was so embarrassed that he glared at his daughter: "If you can't talk, just shut up and don't talk!"
       Zhou-6-Nini smiled indifferently: "I was just kidding."
       "This joke is not funny at all. The most important thing for people is not to forget their roots. No matter whether it is me or Qingbai, I teach Dawa how many brothers they are. The house I have in Beijing is Dawa who did Ye-Ye. He knew that the school lacked a house and could not arrange for me, and knew that I was in a hurry to pick up Qingbai, so he transferred his house to the school and the dumpling shop. That was also helped by him. He recognized this year. Dear relatives, he is alone, Dawa and their brothers want to stay, and I have no opinion with Qingbai. "Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       Some words can explain the origin of this dry relationship, and the most important thing is that there is no one on the side of the home, the Pharaoh, and the children stay there.
       Didn't they return?
       "It's good to stay there." Zhou-Father nodded.
       "1st Sao 2-Sao 3-Sao go back and prepare dinner, we have to prepare for dinner here, and I will not leave you anymore." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       "Okay." Zhou 1st Sao nodded, then left.
       Zhou-2-Sao called Zhou-6-Nini, and Zhou-3-Sao took Zhou-5-Nini, and they all went back.
       "Ma'am, 6-Nini Girl is getting more and more bitter now, and it's really unpleasant to speak." Lin Qing-He said to Zhou-Mother politely when the person left.
       Although her 4-Aunt has little credit for them, she brings gifts back every year, and if she can help, she will do her best.
       In Zhou-6-Nini view, it seems that she should be.
       "Don't take the words of 6-Nini this girl seriously," Zhou-Mother said, not worried about her granddaughter, and asked Zhou Qingbai: "Qingbai, how is the business at the dumpling shop?"
       I just said in front of the big guy that Zhou-Mother didn't take it seriously, it was just the talk.
       "Very good." Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       Lin Qing-He started to prepare dinner, it was simple.
       Zhou-Mother didn't believe it and said, "I haven't told the truth to Niang? Niang has saved a lot of money with you this year. After that, you will take it to Beijing to buy some learning materials for Dawa and his brother. "
       Zhou Qingbai couldn't help crying or laughing.
       Lin Qing-He heard this when he was busy in the kitchen.
       This is why her Popo can sometimes be unclear, but Lin Qing-He still has nothing to say.
       Because the old couple are indeed biased towards her home, biased towards her man and three sons, and she is considered a camp.
       So as long as she doesn’t make decisions for her and doesn’t interfere with her life, she won’t care about other small branches.
       It also said: "The business of Qingbai dumpling shop is indeed quite good, not worse than my salary. Father, Niang, you will prepare this year. Will you move to Beijing with us after the year?"
       The house with the yard is not good, it is always left, or you have to live in.
       "Move to Beijing after the year?" Zhou-Mother couldn't move.
       "There no stability there, even." Zhou-Father said.
       He didn’t think that the two of them could help the old son, so he shouldn’t be in trouble, and he wouldn’t say anything when he went there.
       "You Father is worried about going there, and won't say anything over there." Zhou-Mother said.
       "Our accent is actually very close to that of Beijing, and it can still be understood." Lin Qing-He said after hearing it.
       Although the words here are emphasized in the hometown, people who speak here can also understand five or six points in Beijing.
       "In the past, just learn to say something over there, and we show you a house with a yard, and we plan to rent it in a few years, and it will be five dollars a month. It is very spacious and went there. If you like it, you can ask Qingbai to open a vegetable garden for you, and then circle a chicken circle to raise chickens for you. If you don’t have anything to do, go out and go shopping. If you don’t know the way, call your three grandchildren and worry What? "Lin Qing-He said cheerfully.
       In these words, Zhou-Mother said that his heart couldn't move.
       "Rent for five yuan a month?" Zhou-Father frowned a little, which was too expensive.
       "Five dollars are not much. Qingbai dumpling shop still makes money. The rent is not a problem. The key is the two of you." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Go live there." Zhou Qingbai also said.
       "I'll talk about it in years." Zhou-Father said.
       Zhou-Mother was very emotional, but did not directly reverse the meaning of Zhou-Father, so he said roundly: "There are so many chickens and ducks in the family, do you want to sell them?"
       "Tomorrow Qingbai, you can bring some in the city and change hands." Lin Qing-He told Zhou Qingbai.
       The old couple still took it over to the Beijing city to get better. If there is something uncomfortable in the body, it is also convenient for taking care of.
       "That's just tomorrow, Dawa, his little Mu-Uncle is coming to collect the chickens. Qingbai, you go with his little Mu-Uncle." Zhou-Mother said after hearing the words.
       "3-Brother wants to come over to collect the chicken? What do you mean?" Lin Qing-He will serve the food on the table, unclearly.
       "You don't know yet, Dawa, he little Mu-Uncle, but he been very angry." Zhou-Mother said with a smile as she didn't know about Lin-3-Brother.

       Chapter 302 | Canteen 

       Then Lin Qing-He heard Zhou-Mother say it again.
       This year, hasn’t it been the case that household production has been achieved? The big guys are all doing their own thing and are not working together anymore.
       Although Lin-3-Brother has also contracted a lot, but someone as capable as him must have contracted a lot, but he just cut it in half.
       Only half of the original plan was contracted.
       Since the land has been planted with winter wheat, Lin-3-Brother has been completely focused on doing business here.
       Earlier, he collected eggs to sell and earned a little hard money, but after entering the winter, he would not accept eggs.
       Why? It's snowing and it's easy to slip. If there is a flicker, it's all up to him.
       No more eggs, so Lin-3-Brother transferred chickens.
       Carrying a title, riding a bicycle bought from his sister, walking around in the countryside, his profit is very good.
       More than a piece of chicken, he can almost make a dime to get to the city.
       And because of this, Lin-3-Brother is very motivated.
       You can collect a dozen chickens when you get down in a day, or five or six chickens when you are young. These are sent to the city, and all you earn is money.
       This is more than that, he also bought a lot of soybeans and mung beans from the villagers this year, and he specially kept soy sprouts and mung bean sprouts.
       This is also very profitable, and no one believes that when you speak out, this bean sprout is accumulated for a month, and you can make about 50 or 60 yuan.
       There are also gains from collecting chickens.
       It can be said that Lin-3-Brother really made a fortune since entering the winter this year.
       Of course, Lin Qing-He didn't know these things. She saw Lin-3-Brother the next day.
       At this time, Lin Qing-He is clear to make business or not to make money, but looking at Lin-3-Brother, it is absolutely impossible to see that this is a profitable one.
       He was still wearing a very worn jacket.
       He came here when he had collected the chickens. Today he collected a lot of chickens, and two chicken cages contained ten chickens.
       "Sister, brother-in-law." Lin-3-Brother was very happy.
       "How many years have you worn this jacket, and you haven't bought a new one?" Lin Qing-He couldn't help saying when she looked at her 3-Brother.
       "It doesn't matter what, it's enough to keep out the cold, you don't have to wear it well." Lin-3-Brother said with a smile.
       "It's all frozen." Lin Qing-He said to him.
       After pouring a pot of warm water and giving him a towel to wash his face, Lin-3-Brother knew that his sister cared about him, and he did so.
       After washing, Lin Qing-He dug a bit of cream for him and said, "I bought a lot of cream, and you take it back with this bottle, and wipe it every day when you go out, one year younger than me, see It is older than your brother-in-law. "
       Lin-3-Brother just smiled.
       "Okay, first take your brother-in-law to sell chickens and ducks, come back home and have lunch, and leave you a roast duck, you have to bring them back to nice." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Okay." Lin-3-Brother set off with his brother-in-law.
       At this time, it was La Twenty-six, and it was very close to the year. Whether it was Zhou Qingbai chicken or duck, Lin-3-Brother’s chicken and bean sprouts, they were very easy to sell.
       The two returned when it was noon.
       Lin Qing-He and Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother have finished eating, and gave them two chicken noodle soup to eat, let them have a full meal again.
       "Sister, your craftsmanship is also very good." Lin-3-Brother ate his stomach, satisfied.
       "Let you Erxi eat more snacks, but also make you delicious." Lin Qing-He said.
       After finishing, she sent Zhou Qingbai to wash, and she sits down and asked, "What did you figure it out?"
       Lin-3-Brother smiled and said, "I just try it out, but I didn't expect this to be the case in the city this year."
       "How does it feel now?" Lin Qing-He laughed.
       "Very good." Lin-3-Brother took it down seriously and said, "Sister, I plan to continue to work next year, and I plan to collect some fruits and vegetables under our mountain to sell in the past. Sister, do you think it will work?"
       "Yes, it must be OK, it is too tired." Lin Qing-He said.
       From here to the county side, even if you are riding a bicycle, it will take about two hours, and another car, fruits and vegetables will pass, and you will be exhausted.
       "I'm not afraid of being tired." Lin-3-Brother shook his head.
       What's so scary about being tired? What you're afraid of is that you haven't made any money yet. Just like before, you are half exhausted and can earn a few dollars?
       "You go back and forth to the county town like this, have you ever thought of opening a shop in the village?" Lin Qing-He didn't stop, she went back to the south to see if there was a motorcycle, if so, give her 3-Brother The car is back.
       Always go back and forth to the county town, exhausted by a bicycle.
       "Commissary?" Lin-3-Brother froze.
       "You go to the county town and find some sources, that is, the sour plum powder Tang monk meat and sugar that children eat now can be shipped back to sell, as well as soy sauce, vinegar, etc., you can also find Ask the locals, if you buy more, they will definitely be willing to give you a cheaper price. There must be some in the county, and you will make the difference. "Lin Qing-He said.
       "This is good." Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       Since he started his business, he realized that he can only earn a little bit of money, but he can't hold up a lot.
       If you accumulate less, you can earn a lot in one month.
       Lin-3-Brother is also a little emotional.
       After all, it is indeed very convenient for him to travel between the county and the town.
       "Isn't it embarrassing to sell things in the village?" Lin-3-Brother poked his head.
       "You'll be embarrassed if you can't Erxi, you just have to ship it back, others let you Erxi do it." Lin Qing-He didn't care.
       Erxi, her brother, is not a soft persimmon.
       "That line, I will talk to her when I go back." Lin-3-Brother nodded.
       "These two pairs of socks belonged to your brother-in-law, but he hadn't worn them, they were all brand new. You also brought them back to wear, and this pack of red dates was for the niece. I also brought you malted milk specially. You remember this bottle of cream, but don't save it. You have used this towel and brought it back. There is one roast duck, and yours is also one. "Lin Qing-He packed these things and asked Lin-3-Brother to take them back.
       Lin-3-Brother said helplessly: "Sister."
       "Take it back, don't tell me nothing." Lin Qing-He waved his hand and said, "Will you come over during the first day?"
       "I want it." Lin-3-Brother nodded.
       "Okay, come over and serve you good food." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       So Lin-3-Brother took these things and went home.
       "Sister 3-Aunt and 3-Aunt are back?" Seeing these things, Lin-3-Brother-asked no one who knew who gave it.
       "It's back." Lin-3-Brother nodded.
       "I'll make some food for you first." Lin-3-Brother-said when she didn't have time to clean up.
       It's not easy to distress yourself.
       Lin-3-Brother said: "No, my sister made chicken noodle soup for me and it was full. You gather things together and I will tell you something."
       Lin-3-Brother-'s family gathered things together.
       3-Sister Aunt really brought a lot of good things over.
       "Why are there towels and cream?" Lin-3-Brother-could not help.
       "I used to wash my face with my third sister." Lin-3-Brother said.
       "Exactly, your towel is not too bad." Lin-3-Brother-'s family laughed.
       After the things were gathered up, the children were given sugar and the couple returned to the room.
       This year Lin-3-Brother built another brick house dedicated to a few children, but now the couple has a separate room.
       Lin-3-Brother told his sister about opening a shop.
       On the way back, Lin-3-Brother thought for a long time, he felt that this small business could be done.
       It's not very convenient to bring something back to sell when you come back from the county seat. If you can do it, it will be a profit.
       "How much can we make in this country?" Lin-3-Brother-said.
       "It's always possible to make a few dollars a month." Lin-3-Brother said: "But if you don't want to do it, forget it."
       "How much can I have in a month?" Lin-3-Brother-'s house surprised.
       "That's there." Lin-3-Brother has been doing business for so long, after all, he still has a certain understanding of the profit of things. These few dollars are still said less.
       "That line, if I go to the ground, I will ask the girls to sell." Lin-3-Brother-said.
       She is not very free. After all, she has to go to the land. Although there is not enough land for contracting at home, she still has six acres of land, which also requires a lot of effort.
       Lin-3-Brother nodded and decided to try it out next year.
       "Sister 3-Aunt, did you say that you do so much business?" Lin-3-Brother-said busy again.
       This is the main point. It can be said that when she passed by her 3-Aunt at the beginning of this year, when she listened to her 3-Aunt, she was still a little uncertain, and she did not dare to let her man take the risk.
       But after this year, Lin-3-Brother-'s family really tasted sweet.
       This year alone, how much did her family save? Almost 600 yuan, especially in the past two months after the farming slack, each month has an income of about 100 yuan.
       How much is this money?
       Lin-3-Brother-'s family also very much hope to continue this way, but they don't want to let the sale stop.
       "My sister said no problem, next year I can also carry some fruits and vegetables to sell in the past." Lin-3-Brother nodded, then took two pairs of socks, and said: "You go and give me basin water, I wash Try it. "
       Lin-3-Brother-'s family smiled and got hot water and came to wash his feet. After washing his feet and cleaning them, they put on new socks. Lin-3-Brother looked satisfied.
       "Sister 3-Aunt really hurts you," Lin-3-Brother-said.
       I don’t forget to send a roast duck here every year. This is only available in Beijing. In addition, there are side dishes, such as toffee and red dates, especially the jar of malted milk Really rare.
       Lin-3-Brother smiled and said, "This year, my sister also passed the New Year."
       "I want it." Lin-3-Brother-nodded.
       Lin Qing-He is still talking to Zhou Qingbai: "Ken also made a lot of money this year, and this day is too fine to live."
       Zhou Qingbai said honestly: "It's almost the same."
       Except for his way of life that Erxi brought from later generations, the others are really not much different.
       But obviously, Zhou Qingbai likes his lifestyle and attitude like Erxi. Probably ... he was also cultivated by Erxi.
       Lin Qing-He said: "This time it's gone. I will bring him a jacket next time, and that one can keep out the cold."
       Although she wanted to say something to her brother Erxi, she thought about it.
       She doesn't want others to interfere with her life, and her brother Erxi won't be happy to give her advice, but she buys one for her brother, so there is nothing more to say.
       Does her own brother feel bad for herself?
       As for the nephew niece, it's not within her consideration. From generation to generation, if she sees something out of the ordinary, she will hurt her brother, and the others will be separated from her by one layer, and it is also on her brother Only to be nice to these nephew niece.
       Zhou Qingbai said: "3-Brother will have a good future."
       Lin Qing-He said: "He is now at the forefront of the times. I am worried that he has been walking in such a way as he always is."
       Just like her, she didn’t plan to settle down to the status quo. Didn’t she buy another shop in Beijing? In the past year, she planned to open a clothing shop.
       Specializes in selling that kind of ready-made clothes.
       "Let him pass the Beijing city?" Zhou Qingbai looked at himself Erxi Road.
       "His husband and wife are not very happy to go." Lin Qing-He shook his head and said: "But if you let them go to the county to open a shop, it would be nice."
       "You can talk to him when the first day comes, it will be cheaper to buy a shop later." Zhou Qingbai said.
       Lin Qing-He nodded.
       Lin-3-Brother is also going out every day to collect chickens. At the end of the year, the business is particularly good. Many people are willing to change some money. After all, Lin-3-Brother is quite neat. Money.
       Lin Qing-He and Zhou-Mother are making buns, and Zhou Yang and Zhou-5-Nini sisters and brothers come here to study.
       This year, both of them were in the first grade of high school, and they also passed the exam. Naturally, the results are not as good as those of Zhou-Kai Zhou-Xuan brothers, but they are not bad.
       However, the difficulty of high school subjects increased, and both of them learned very hard.
       Come here and learn while asking questions, that is not a problem.
       Zhou Qingbai went to the captain's house and sits down.
       "I don't know if I can get into college in the future." Zhou-Mother said.
       Zhou-5-Nini and Zhou Yang’s cousin and brother immediately felt pressured, and the two looked at each other and continued to focus on the question.
       "We probably don't have time to come back next summer. Will your sisters and brothers take a vacation over there? Or Erwa can make up for you." Lin Qing-He said.
       Next year, Erwa is about to take the university exam. As for Dawa, it is time to graduate, and I have to report to the military academy early. Almost no summer vacation.
       "Can I go there?" Zhou Yang and Zhou-5-Nini eyes light up.
       In places like Beijing, they must be longing for, how can they not want to go there?
       "Go and ask you Father, Niang, if they don't have any opinions, then I'll have no problem here, but it's over, but then study hard." Lin Qing-He said.
       Let their sisters and brothers have a long experience in the past, which is very good, the horizon is wide, the ideological realm will be improved, and the vision will be longer-term.
       "When I go back, I will go back and ask my mother." Zhou-5-Nini said immediately.
       "Me too." Zhou Yang also busy.
       "4-Aunt, the two of them pass by, and I want to go too." Zhou-6-Nini walked in from outside and said.
       The heart said that fortunately she was here, otherwise the eccentric 4-Aunt would only take care of the others, not her.
       Lin Qing-He is welcoming to this niece. He didn't even make a squeak at the door and said directly: "Yangyang and 5-Nini learned in the past, what did you do in the past."
       "Did my fourth uncle open a dumpling shop, I used to help in the dumpling shop, and my wife agreed to me." Zhou-6-Nini said.
       Lin Qing-He smiled when she heard the words and looked at Zhou-6-Nini: "Your uncle shop, you ask your wife what to do, your wife can never care about my family."
       I still want to use her to suppress, this thought is really not simple at all.
       Zhou-Mother also politely told Zhou-6-Nini: "When did I promise you?"
       "Daughter, didn't you say that I told my 4th Uncle 4-Aunt." Zhou-6-Nini is very thick-skinned, not embarrassed at all, said.
       "It's not an agreement to help you, you are playing tricks to steal the concept." Lin Qing-He glanced at her.
       "4-Aunt, you just let them go, you don't agree when I go, do you look down on our house?" Zhou-6-Nini said again.
       "Go and ask your mother to see if I look down on your house." Lin Qing-He was too lazy to tell her, "Yangyang and 5-Nini still have to learn, you go home."
       Lin Qing-He is not easy to know with the juniors below, but for Zhou-6-Nini, she really has no patience.
       Since childhood, she has a yin and yang strange and sharp teeth.
       I like to think about and compare everything.
       Zhou-6-Nini what else, naturally can only go home.
       As soon as she left, Zhou-Mother said: "Actually letting 6-Nini help Qingbai in the past is not bad. It's not difficult to wash dishes or something."
       Zhou-Mother did want this granddaughter to go, after all, it was his own.
       Lin Qing-He laughed: "You can get it, mother, if you introduce other people, I think it's okay. 2-Nini I plan to talk to 1st Sao this year and let her help me over there, Wages are calculated for one month. "
       "Are you going to call 2-Nini to help in the past?" Zhou-Mother just heard it.
       "No?" Lin Qing-He said.
       "My mother recently showed my second sister to others." Zhou Yang said.
       Zhou Yang and Zhou-2-Nini are both Zhou 1st Sao and Zhou Big-Brother.
       "How big is 2-Nini." Lin Qing-He froze.
       "Eighteen after the new year." Zhou Yang said.
       In rural areas, this age can indeed be married.
       Lin Qing-He said: "It's not the same time as before, and it's not too late to stay until twenty-two to get married. Wait for me to talk to 1st Sao."
       "Then 6-Nini?" Zhou-Mother asked.
       Lin Qing-He just said: "Mother, ask 5-Nini to see what character 6-Nini is."
       Zhou-5-Nini said frankly: "Don’t you just recommend people, 6-Nini is just doing nothing, she pushing all her family work to 3-Nini, and the family will leave her mouth after eating, I have never washed the dishes or mopped the floor, and have always spoken bad things behind my back.
       Zhou-Mother froze for a moment: "Isn't this a little old and ignorant?"
       "Isn't that always the case, the master who didn't help the soy sauce bottle down, let Sister 2-Nini pass, and let Sister 3-Nini pass, it's better than 6-Nini." Zhou-5-Nini said .
       "Oh, what about 3-Nini?" Zhou-Mother asked Lin Qing-He.
       "Mother, there is no shortage of people on my side, just let 2-Nini go." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       In fact, 2-Nini has read books for at least three years. Lin Qing-He has read the homework. In the past, these little Miss, like to come here to do their homework.
       The words are also well written, and accounting is not a problem at all.
       And 2-Nini is also smart. This kind of cleverness is that she can talk, and she also has a lot of weight. If she does not do what Lin Qing-He dare to say, she will not feel wronged or grieved.
       This is different from the Zhou-3-Nini and Zhou-6-Nini sisters.
       I don't know how Zhou-2-Sao was raised. Zhou-3-Nini developed a tempered temperament, and wouldn't say anything like holding it in my heart.
       When Lin Qing-He saw it, she only dared to say good encouragement. As for criticism, she was afraid to say it.
       Zhou-6-Nini, this is too active.
       A belly full of thoughts and thoughts brought to Beijing? I'm afraid I won't be able to return it to Zhou-2-Sao in the future.
       So Zhou-2-Sao of these two, she will not take it.
       "That's really rare. 3-Nini is a hard worker who can let her do the dishes." Zhou-Mother said so.
       Lin Qing-He continued to make buns without answering.
       As for Zhou-6-Nini, she complained to her mother as soon as she came home.
       "Mother, 4-Aunt, does she look down upon our family?" Zhou-6-Nini said as soon as she came home.
       "What are you talking about?" Zhou-2-Sao didn't have a good air.
       "Ma'am, you're afraid I don't know. When I passed there, I heard 4-Aunt. She said let Zhou Yang and Zhou-5-Nini pass the summer vacation next year. When I heard it, I said I wanted to go, but 4-Aunt does not agree! "Zhou-6-Nini said.
       "You have nothing to do in the Beijing city when you are idle." Zhou-2-Sao said: "Why don't you pay for the toll? I have no money to pay you the fare."
       "Mother, are you stupid?" Zhou-6-Nini finished and was pinched by Zhou-2-Sao.
       "If you say one more word, I won't pack you." Zhou-2-Sao said.
       Zhou-6-Nini just said: "Mother, Sister Shu dumpling shop must have a good business. You see how much he got fat this year? If I can go to his shop and help, I will find someone in Beijing." Ma'am, do you want a son-in-law over there in Beijing? "
       "You thought it was pretty." Zhou-2-Sao glanced at her daughter.
       "Ma'am, I'm not bad, and didn't my fourth uncle recognize a kin, when I was older, wouldn't you introduce me?" Zhou-6-Nini said.
       "Where can I see you from the other side of Beijing?" Zhou-2-Sao looked at her daughter and said.
       "Why don't you look down on me? I'll go to the shop of the fourth uncle, can the fourth uncle still pay me the salary, and the long time the shop of the fourth uncle can be opened, I can work for as long as there is wage income. Go? Besides, 4-Aunt teaches at Peking University, there are probably many people who want to get married when they go out. "Zhou-6-Nini said.
       I have to say that Zhou-2-Sao was moved.
       This daughter has always been clever. It would be nice if she had asked her 4th uncle 4-Aunt to help and get married in Beijing.
       She also has a relative in Beijing, which has a very long face.
       "Mother, what do you think?" Zhou-6-Nini looked at her mother like this, just said.
       "I'll find a time to talk to you 4-Aunt." Zhou-2-Sao said, and then said to the eldest daughter: "3-Nini, hurry up to make the noodles alive, the firewood outside hasn't been split yet, I will remember later Go split. "
       "Uh." Zhou-3-Nini lowered his head and responded.
       Originally it wasn't this dumb temper, Zhou-3-Nini became more and more silent in the past two or three years.
       Zhou-2-Sao saw the eldest daughter shook his head like this, and felt that he was not a clever man, but a second daughter-in-law. It was indeed an idea.


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