Chongqie Courting Death Daily 580

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     Remember for seconds, to provide you with wonderful novel reading. In the court, in fact, when you intentionally let go and smash it out, no matter whether it is a family clan or a civil servant general, there are many people watching.
     But what deserves their attention is not the attitude of the civil servants of these family clan, but the practice of swearing at them. If they squat and slap them to Changchun Garden, regardless of whether they complain in front of Kangxi, then they will It is impossible to be the attitude of connivance now, but to find a way to deal with them.
     The matter is actually very simple. Now that the throne is sitting still, but it is not really stable, like the influence of the former and , it is not right or wrong. After all, Yan Hezhen was once the closest person to this position.
     The forces behind them did not stop because they were confined. After all, such a big force, as long as they have the heart, they cant beat them. idea.
     For these two forces, he not only had an idea, but also extended his hand, but according to the situation at the time, he could not allow him to choose, but only how much he got. Now he is enthroned as an emperor. Although the situation is relatively stable, he can't stand the storm. It is because of this that I know the choice of and , then I feel a relief.
     Compared with the past, since the shackles and shackles are released, it is naturally impossible to sit idle, so they will look at their choices by watching. Fortunately, he did not let him down. Otherwise, even if Kangxi is there, he will not let them go, and will not use them again.
     “How does 4th Prince plan to arrange Big Prince and 2nd Prince? According to their current situation, 4th Prince can't be idle.” Yin-Tang said this when he was discretionary, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang stood by but there was no sound.
     The two of them did not have a good impression of their 2nd Brother. Some of the former grievances have been a long time, but this must be. It is only because of Kangxi and the current situation that they are not good enough to talk about this kind of thing.
     I am also prepared to guard against them. It is only because of the situation and some previous commitments that I have to do it, but it is impossible for him to accept them completely.
     Recently, there have been a lot of things on hand, and Kangxi and their attitudes are not bad. He has put their arrangements on the sidelines for a while, thinking that they will wait until they are slow to deal with them, but obviously What is not what he wants?
     The identity of Yan and Yi is too sensitive.
     They just stand here and can attract everyone attention. To put it bluntly, all the people are waiting to see how to arrange them.
     He was once the Crown Prince, and he was the only Di except for theervants. His existence itself is not a kind of existence, and with the bias eye of Kangxi, it is difficult to think about it. Because of this, the attitude of jealousy is particularly cautious, otherwise he will not hesitate until now that he has not arranged the intentions of the two.
     Yin-Tang They naturally look at the cuts, but there are some things they can stand on the sidelines, but they can't be the masters of them.
     The only thing that can be done is to give some advice at the appropriate time.
     "The age of 4th Prince, Big Prince and 2nd Prince is not small, but the arrangement will definitely cause a lot of criticism.
     There are also some people who stare at Big Prince and 2nd Prince. After all, there is no 8th Prince, those People still have to pull out individuals to be a shield!" Yu-Xiang has opinions on these two people, but he still has to say that.
     As long as there is a silky interest in those family honours, it is impossible to give up the benefits.
     They Prince Prince looked at the noble, but for these people, it is just a tool for the benefit. If it is successful, these people will stand up; if they fail, these people will be too busy to hide next to them, and will not care about your life and death.
     "They want to pull the individual out.
     The shield is definitely, but this is not the way they are willing. Big Prince and 2nd Prince are not the oldest people who are not eager to make choices because they are eager to change, even though they are circled. I have been banned for many years, but they all know that they are clear about the ban. It is not fixed. Even if the Imperial Father is the master, it will not be all right, so they should be more anxious than us." Yin-Tang looked at his eyes. Seeing his brows wrinkled, without a word, he knew that he still had some struggles in his heart.
     In fact, he also finds it difficult to do such things. Since the emperor chose to lift the ban along with the wishes of Imperial Father, it is to express his generosity and benevolence. In the past, he can no longer care about it, so he must treat them kindly, not Cold and ignore them.
     "9th Prince's meaning, is it better to arrange Big Prince and 2nd Prince?" The heart is contradictory. He is a talented person, but he is worried about their ambitions. After all, They are all above his existence, which makes him have to care.
     "4th Prince, this point is not dare to specialize, but the power of Big Prince and 2nd Prince is worthy of recognition. If you are not sure whether they are loyal, then we can only watch it." Yin-Tang means very much. Simple, loyal to reuse, unfaithful to give a name to listen to is good, in fact, there is no real power position to pass the person.
     In fact, in so many of them, in Prince, it is only him, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, and other Princes. Although there are a few who have some real power, they are still worse than them. Less, more idle, such as Cheng Qinwang , from Kangxi let him write a book until now, this book is a book, it is not over. It is not their ability to taboo, but they don't want to start again. After all, Kangxi has been drawn outside the circle before Kangxi, and they can't take him into the circle.
      The feeling of this 3rd Prince is also contradictory. At the beginning, he and he were both the members of the Crown Prince. Although they have not cooperated, they have got along well, but they have left the Crown Prince. In the ranks, the self-built team, and the frequent stuns, not only did not help, but also put themselves in.
     Kangxi feared that several sons would kill each other, and he arranged several sons first.
     The idea was to save a few counts, but he didn’t want to surprise him. He didn’t take his brother’s knife after he was in the upper position. I also took the initiative to solve the ban on shackles and shackles.
     This is also the heart of Kangxi.
     Young and talented, full of talents, political talent can be said to be the most outstanding among the Princes, but the long period of the Crown Prince and the people behind him made him eager to make a decision, so that he made many wrong decisions. After that, it was broken and broken, and it was the point of being banned. Since then, although he has disappeared into the team that won Di-, his influence is still there, so it is necessary to stabilize him, otherwise he will not use such a headache.
     "9th Prince is very good at saying that Big Prince and 2nd Prince are performing very well now, but they are just now, no one can guarantee it in the future, so they can only watch while walking." With a sigh of relief, he is also extremely troublesome about this matter.
     It is also a good arrangement to say that if there is no war, the position in this army is illusory, and no one can say that it is not good, but it is awkward. It seems that it is appropriate to arrange it, but it is not Suitable.
     Yin-Tang looked up and looked at the eyes with a little bloodshot sputum. He knew that he had been going through all night long and dealing with government affairs. But he can't go anywhere, after all, it's impossible to be busy, they are good at themselves.
     "4th Prince has a plan in mind, but Big Prince and 2nd Prince still have to stare at it. After all, they can feel at ease, and they don't mean that their son can be safe." Yin-Tang said this is a reminder. I have to pay attention to Hong-sheng, the next generation that they have grown up.
     "Well. I am afraid that there is not so much energy in this matter, so this matter will be handed over to the tenth and thirteenth Brother. You will have more snacks." He stretched his hand and pressed the forehead with a slight pain.
     The tone was somewhat low. .
     For these 3rd Brother, he is still very trusting, although sometimes he will be alert to them, but this kind of alert is not just for them, so they still want to believe them.
     "Yes." Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang looked at each other and directly led their lives.
     When Yin-Tang came out of the palace and returned to Qing yi-Courtyard, he saw Wan-xi enjoying the scenery in the garden. It seems that he still served someone? He blinked at a distance, and she saw her frowning and talking to Ting-Rain.
     They took a few steps and couldn’t help but ask a question. "What are you talking about?"
     Wan-xi turned back and saw Yin-Tang coming far away, and could not help but get up and greet him. Still not waiting for her to reach out, Yin-Tang had already reached out and held her hand, then took her and walked slowly along the lake.
     Since the Concubine in the government has been sent away, the government has made no small changes, all according to the intention of Wan-xi, all aspects are based on her preference, a small part is Yin-Tang Or the opinions of the children. It is not difficult to see from this point that Yin-Tang's love for Wan-xi has reached a point.
     Wan-xi was pulled forward by him, and the breeze was slow, and the feeling of clear and refreshing was a new illusion.
     Yin-Tang's spirit is not too good. He has been busy with various government affairs for a few days, but he rarely comes with Wan-xi.
     The two have never talked about it. Now, see you, Yin-Tang. Only then did he find that he was eager to see her, even with her. He held the hand of Wan-xi, his fingertips were slightly forced, and he hooked in her hand, and there was no unmistakable thought in her eyes.
     Wan-xi was gently stroked across the palm of his index finger, and he felt a slap in the face. When he looked up, he looked at Yin-Tang’s eyes with a slight gaze, and he seemed to be angry and faint. Not Yin-Tang personal.
     Since the time of his ascent, Yin-Tang has less and less time with Wan-xi, and the promised trip to Zhuangzi has been pushed by the day. Although Wan-xi is somewhat lost, but more It is the body of the distressed Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang stared at Wan-xi with a burning gaze, and the enthusiasm for the Ting-Rain behind him did not consciously open the distance. Wan-xi saw him a few times. Unfortunately, Yin-Tang didn't care. Not only did it not converge, but the long arm slightly forced the Wan-xi to his arms.
     Wan-xi face was thin and thin, and the whole person leaned on Yin-Tang's arms. Although he was ashamed, he didn't want to push him away. He just bit his lip and whispered: " Before the return of Fang Caiye, Big Fu-Jin and 2nd Fu-Jin came to visit and stayed with them for a while.” Mobile users please read and read, and a better reading experience comes from.

     Remember for seconds, to provide you with wonderful novel reading. Wan-xi face was thin and thin, and the whole person leaned on Yin-Tang's arms. Although he was ashamed, he didn't want to push him away. He just bit his lip and whispered: " Before the return of Fang Caiye, Big Fu-Jin and 2nd Fu-Jin came to visit and stayed with them for a while."
     Listening to this, Yin-Tang’s face was immediately, and the thoughts in his heart were instantly crushed by him. Even his brows were unconsciously wrinkled. Obviously, he did not expect Wan before-xi guests will be theirs.
     Wan-xi looked at his expression and couldn't help but smile. Jiao said: "Ye Ri Li will definitely not pay attention to this backyard, but Big Fu-Jin and 2nd Fu-Jin have to do this, who will let the emperor to the present. Haven’t explicitly stated how to arrange straight Qinwang and rational Qinwang?”
     Yin-Tang smiled and swayed Wan-xi, pinching her palms and whispering softly: "This 4th Prince just talks about Big Prince and 2nd Prince, just Before they could determine their true intentions, 4th Prince could not give them power. In addition, the mind of 4th Prince, although he could guess a few points, would not easily reveal it."
     No matter what kind of mind and deafness he is, he can't help them. After all, the grievances of the year are put down, but they can't really live in peace.
     "Yes is a man, and I am interested in Sifang. I definitely don't understand the thoughts of this daughter's family. Big Fu-Jin and 2nd Fu-Jin have been with the two Qinwang for many years and have suffered a lot. It is hard to come out, and they are full of anxiety. After all, no one wants to go back in such a place." Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang's eyes and whispered softly.
     In the last world, she did not have the opportunity to see it with her own eyes, but she clearly knows that according to today's holy temper, it is impossible to be kind to help Yin-Tang who is right with him.
     Yin-Tang's long arm stalked her slender waist, listening to Wan-xi emotions, and my heart was not a taste. He knew in his heart that if he did not switch to the camp that year, he might not be as good as the old 14th. When it comes to the various things of the year, Yin-Tang will inevitably be somewhat embarrassed. If there is no change in the middle of the field, maybe he can't stand here now.
     "Reassured, the dear is acting, it will not let you and the children fall to the point of arbitrage. As for 1st-Sao and 2nd-Sao, if you come again, you can add two sentences, as long as they are really put down.
     The past obstinacy, loyal to the emperor, the emperor even if there are some concerns, but it will be reused for them." Yin-Tang a little bit of a sentence, it is considered to be their own heart.
     It’s already an old age. He doesn’t have to talk about those things anymore. Even if he gives them the opportunity, if they are still thinking about it, they will eventually ask themselves for their own suffering.
     "I understand it." Wan-xi nodded and said nothing about it.
     Nowadays, they are already the winners. When they are a little more generous, they are still a bit more generous.
     Yin-Tang saw her, her eyes turned slightly, and Wan-xi walked forward. Lin-Chujiu and others saw it, and she was far away from it. Yin-Tang looked at it. In the distance, whispered: "If you don't hold on to the past, you don't want to be dragged by them. After all, this person is hard to measure!"
     Wan-xi bit his lip and hung down his eyes. He smiled shallowly: "Master  is right.
     The past things don't have to be counted anymore. After all, many years have passed, but in the future, you have to look at each other." chosen."
     Yin-Tang sees Wan-xi with a gentle smile in his eyebrows, and he can't help but reveal a smile: "Yes, this choice means how the relationship between the Lord and them is changed? Of course, Imperial After this thing, Father is afraid that he will not intervene in government affairs in the future. For the 4th Prince, it has to be said that it is also a good thing."
     "Indeed, if Qinhua and Qin can choose the right one, it can save a lot of things." Yin-Tang looked at her and saw her smile and her eyebrows stretched out, and the eyes were full of brilliance. I couldn't help but bow my head and kissed her delicate cheeks. Wan-xi was hottened by the temperature on his lips and narrowed his neck.
     The moment he turned his head, he glared at him with an angry face, causing Yin-Tang to laugh. "If you want to take it first, you must first Jao-Jao, if you don’t try some things, no one knows what the result will be?”
     His tone was low and magnetic, and he said that in an instant, there was a little temptation in his eyes. Wan-xi couldn’t help but blush. He turned his head and looked at the back of his eyes. He saw that the person behind him did not look over. I couldn't help but smash his fists with a fist.
     The things between their Brother, Wan-xi, don't want to pay too much attention. Whether it is related to her, she will not interfere with Yin-Tang's choice. In fact, the Di-this is the case, the defeat of the king, there is no such thing as a feeling. It is a blessing to have such a harmonious situation. After all, not everyone who wins can win the defeat of the past.
     This year's momentum is good, whether it is the New Deal of the Emperor today, or other, the development is good, which makes Wan-xi feel inexplicably with some peace of mind.
     The nightmare that had originally harassed her, she had never dreamt again after she had successfully enthroned.
     Originally, she thought that she would not be able to go through this level. After all, she lived alive. Even if there is a similar track, many things have changed. Although she is clear, she is still afraid, until she has a dusty setting, she Only slowly settled down.
     Today's sacred seem to solve the ban of shackles and shackles for various reasons, but this timing is quite accurate.
     The time is stable, the second is to appease the people, and the third is to let those who are uneasy have a kind of luck, and all kinds of means go on, not only to gather people hearts, but also to lay a solid foundation for their own team.
     This is a wonderful move. In one aspect, he has the heart of Kangxi and the courtiers. In all respects, there is an opportunity to solve the problem completely. After all, if you are still alive, there will always be a day. It will become a threat, and it will be a good way to successfully conquer or solve it.
     A few days later, he immediately ordered the direct Qinwang to break into the Ministry of War, and Qin Wang broke into the Ministry of Rites.
     The position of both sides is not the best, but it is also a problem that people can't pick. After all, in some respects, is also considered a sinner, so this arrangement is already benevolent, that is, Kangxi can not pick up the problem. However, the knowledge here is not small, and there are many problems involved. It can be said that there are opportunities everywhere, and there are temptations everywhere. It is a choice of and . Going forward and taking a step, there will be some success in the future, and if you take the wrong step, you may lose your life and family temper.
     He is still a good person. He is a hot temper. Everything has one thing to say, two to say two. Even if he has been guilty for so many years, the temper has become somewhat silent, but in fact it is still quite the same; Hey, there are so many thoughts in my heart, but the Crown Jiji of the past has been persuading him, and there is no such thing as a provocation. Some things, even if he dares to think, they are afraid to do it. After all, for so many years.
     The impact of the ban is not to disappear after a month.
     "Master  never thought that he would sit up with you in this way!" He looked at the sly sitting opposite, and his tone was a little self-deprecating.
     The knuckles of the fingers were lightly tapped on the table, and the look on his face was very complicated. After listening to the words, he thought about it: "Don’t say Big Prince, you just never thought about yourself. I have such an encounter. But every cut has already happened. We can only try to accept it, instead of telling ourselves that there is still a chance."
     The fourth child is now treated with preferential treatment. It is true that they are afraid that it is difficult to achieve this. Although he still has doubts and suspicions about them, they can all understand, because changing their position in the fourth is not necessarily better than him.
     Ask yourself, if he is in the upper position, can he accommodate these Brother? The answer is obvious, he can't hold it. With such a thought, he generally understands why the Imperial Father will ban them in the name of disposition, and it is really a matter of keeping them.
     "That's the case, I thought that I could have a Qinwang title. I saw it on the Imperial Father. Who knows that at this age, the Lord actually has the opportunity to regain it.
     This makes him have to sigh the sentence "Old Four Renyi" "When I say this sentence, there is no negative emotion in the trip. On the contrary, it is not a grateful gratitude."
     I didn't refute it, just nodded lightly, and then pointed the table with my index finger: "That said, but I believe that there should be many people looking for Big Prince during this time!"
     There are a lot of people, but I don't want to fight any more, and I don't think I can compete for the fourth, so I honestly can't say that I can still save for my children's grandchildren in the future." I looked at my eyes and my eyes were strong.
     I remembered the days when I was banned. He also thought about ways to leave, but there are things that he can't do. Now he is hard to come out, but he has no ambitions. Now he is not the young man who floated in his mind, and with the remarks of Kangxi heart-breaking lungs, he has already let go, just because of the same experience, so I want to use this opportunity to make a point. Hey, this Big Prince, but he doesn't want him to be the same mind.
     "Big Prince decision is correct. If you want to come to the same mind, the Imperial Father's painstaking efforts will not be in vain." He suddenly reached out and took the tea in front of him and drank it.
     The rumored, suddenly laughed, and for a long time just converge on the smile of the mouth: "This is a joke that I have heard the best laugh, but the Lord agrees with what you said, Imperial Father is really painstaking for our Brother. ”
     This time can be seen again, and the ideas have changed not only those who wait and see, but also themselves.
     "Well, since we reach a consensus, we will do our own thing!" He nodded. He got his hands back behind him and slowly walked away with his steps. Mobile users please browse and read, and a better reading experience comes from.

     Remember for seconds, to provide you with wonderful novel reading. What I met when I met, and what they said when they met, was written on the desk of Yin-Tang, Yin-Er, and Yu-Xiang on the evening of the night, even the royal family. On the case.
     After reading this fold, it’s good to say that Yin-Tang should be put down, but after seeing the fold from the stick, it immediately called Yin-Tang, etc. People enter the palace to discuss matters.
     Hey, they all know that Kangxi actions have been frequent in recent times, and they intend to plan for them. Although they have a few Kangxi status, they can’t guarantee that they will still be stable as they are now. Timely response is a matter of course.
     It is not only that Kangxi is dismissed from the shackles, but also because they know the practical affairs, and there are also some ministers who support them. Regardless of the reasons for these people, the focus will not be relaxed. After all, if they really want to recover, then they want to suppress them, fearing that it is not so easy.
     Although Yu and Yu are now relying on the maintenance of Kangxi, they are also inseparable from the influence of the past. It is really necessary to move them without any reason. At that time, fear will cause unnecessary rebound, instead of now. All cuts are moving in the right direction.
     Now that the situation is stable, they don’t know what they think, but at least they are still loyal, and the more they do, the more they can’t move them. After all, it’s a big thing to deal with imperial power.
     In the Yang Xin Dian, Yin-Tang frowned and looked at theervant sitting on the top, and my heart was a long sigh. "Big Prince and 2nd Prince can show their attitude, whether it is true or not, most At least the attitude they expressed is good."
     After the war and the ban, whether it is Kangxi or the officials in the country, there are many people who are eager to move, and the opposite is true, but if they can be replaced, they will be replaced. His own man, he has just been in politics, in order to master the political affairs, naturally he has to cultivate his own team.
     Even if some people are temporarily unable to deal with them, at least he has to use their own power to shock them, so that they do not dare to have a reluctance. After listening to Yin-Tang's words, I thought about his intentions with a little thought.
     "Big Prince and 2nd Prince are still reassuring. I really don't worry about some people who jumped up and down in the sky.
     Their existence is getting more and more inconvenient." With his eyes open, there is a little cold between words. meaning.
     He said this, Yin-Tang showed a faint color on their faces, and obviously they all understood the choice of .
     "These people have indeed let go for too long. Before the younger Brother only dealt with some people, they didn't want to cause turmoil. By the way, they warned these people, but they didn't want these people to be more stubborn than the younger Brother." Yin-Tang's words are not Finished, but the meaning is more than the end.
     For the stubborns with ulterior motives, Yin-Tang really hates teeth. If it is not the identity of these people, he can't wait to solve them all at once, but he can't, but give them these people at the right time. It is still possible to apply eye drops. After all, he is dissatisfied with the effects of these people and the emperor's dissatisfaction with them.
     Don't look at these people who are still in a state of ignorance, but it takes a long time. When he is waiting, he can't hold them.
     Sure enough, after listening to the words of Yin-Tang, I frowned frowningly: "This is so?"
     Because of the fact that Yin-Tang had dealt with these things before, I didn't have much to do with it. I just asked the results according to the example. Now I listen to Yin-Tang and say that he can understand Yin-Tang like this.
     The reason for the disposition, but what he did not even think of was that those people were so daring, and they were not grateful for the benefits.
     "Since they don't know how to be grateful, then the 9th Prince Brother don't have to worry about it any more. If you don't believe that they are not there, then this country will not become a prosperous one." Hearing this, sneer, He is personally disliked with the ancestral merits of the locusts, and even he is committed to clearing it, otherwise he will not let Yin-Tang do it directly.
     Before enthroning, he was committed to eradicating all kinds of corruption. Unfortunately, Kangxi realized the problem, but still chose to be inclusive and indulgent. Fortunately, there was still Yin and Tang to help control, otherwise there would be not much money in the national treasury. In fact, this is the case.
     There is not much money left in the national treasury. After all, it is necessary to repair the disaster, and it will cost a lot of money.
     Today's situation looks good, but no one can guarantee that there will be no more places to spend money on this huge country. After all, whether it is water conservancy projects or disasters in various places, it happens from time to time, and they are not allowed to be cautious. .
     Obviously, their concerns are also for a reason. Although those people were thinking about their ideas, they still had some concerns about Yin-Tang, so they did not go into battle personally, but were prepared to make a fuss about the draft. Obviously they are using the woman to provoke things, and they then use this to promote the development of things.
     In this way, regardless of whether they are willing or not, as long as they have the other side way, they are not willing or not. Anyway, these people will never be embarrassed and stealing, they have to be rich and wealthy and the wind and the light.
     By the time of the Shang Family, when the ministers of the country began to slam the elections, there were not many people who began to mix, but most of the children of the clan and the children of the officials did have the need to marry. In the hall, most of the people began to express their opinions on the draft.
     The hand above the throne holds the arm of the dragon chair, and the hand is placed on the knee, the fingertips are slightly stunned, and the eyes are coldly watching the ministers who are generous in the draft, and they are in the air. sneer.
     What he hates most is the unwillingness to be a courtier.
     The mind is not on the right track. He stares at his harem and stares at the woman. It is obviously not a down-to-earth. To this end, I will take the lead in the heart to remember a few pens. As for the draft, he finally chose to agree.
     "...The matter of the draft, not to mention the far, is that a large number of clan children have grown up, and the ancestors have succeeded..." The patriarch’s words have not spoken yet, and they have heard a sudden sentence, "The matter of the draft." , to be held next year."
     In a sentence, I was blocked from the red ear, and I didn’t know if it was the rest. I didn’t finish it, or I couldn’t show my level because of my level.
     But the purpose has been reached, the feeling of this clan is not so important, because no one cares about his feelings, because they care about the next plan. After all, the draft is only the first step. It is the topic that can send this arranged girl to their destination. As for the show, the future fate.
     They don't care, because they have to be just a head start, not the happiness of these Miss.
     For those who are playing politics all day, the interests are the first. Others, whether they are relatives or relatives, can sacrifice at some point if they need it, because they have high-sounding reasons sacrifice a small part. Most of the preservation is not only known because of their greed.
     "Imperial means to hold a draft next year?" Jian-Qinwang standing in the forefront couldn't help but ask a question. After all, his son also reached the age of the ‘Madam, he had to care!
     "This year has passed, and there are a lot of things to deal with on hand, not so busy, so this draft is scheduled for next year. When Imperial Father was in office, he had canceled the draft for various reasons.                For those who are over the years, they can marry on their own." He is very aware of the plans of those people, so the moment of opening will disrupt their abacus.
     Due to the relationship between Kangxi Zen and the war in the northwest, the three-year general election has been cancelled several times. In addition, the relationship between the two has been delayed for a year, and the 16-year Old girl is afraid of many. And those who have the idea to add to their chaos have many years of showgirls in their homes.
     They wanted to use the draft to use the relationship to achieve the goal with these over-the-year showgirls. But now I have an opening, and their abacus can't be played. After all, I plan to do it better.
     The age of this girl is not something they can control. Although it is not a big problem in the past years, the emperor does not agree, nor do they have any The law, as for the right year, the number is not enough, how can they continue to waver.
     In an instant, the ministers who had the idea of ​​the middle school listened to this, and they all frowned.
     They wanted to refute their mouths, but they could not find a suitable reason. After all, the reason for the blasphemy is not perfect, but Also not good at picking.
     "The emperor’s concern is that although the draft is important, it is a trivial matter compared to the Jiangshan community.
     Therefore, it is simple to do, and it allows the showgirls to marry on their own for more than a year.
     This is a kind of favor for the showgirl and the eight-flag brother. "Yin-Tang came forward in time, and a few compliments from his mouth blocked the back of everyone."
     What he said is actually a few words, and his attitude is very indifferent. As usual, not slow or slow, but let those who have racked their brains do not know how to speak.
     Sitting on the top of the head, I put those people expressions into the eye, and when I showed a satisfactory look in my eyes, I also remembered that when I was in Yonghe Palace, they were always Yin-Tang and they helped him to get rid of it. Otherwise, His temperament, suffering from suffering and suffering is much more than now.
     At that time, he still had a silk attachment to Defei , thinking that as long as he filial piety, Defei  always felt impressed, but unfortunately he could not get a good face of Defei , even he The life is still a smile than the old 14th.
     It’s sad and ridiculous!
     He looked up at the courtiers under the temple and looked at Yin-Tang.
     Their eyes were warm, and when they swept to those people, their eyes were filled with coldness that was chilling.
     "Since all the people have no objections, then this is the case." He sneered aloud, his eyes showing a slight contempt, and the words were revealed.
     When everyone saw this, they knew that there was no room for further discussion.
     The only way to do this is to have time and find ways to use other methods to send people to the other's house. It’s just awkward, it’s awkward, I’m afraid it’s hard to get hooked. Mobile users please browse and read, and a better reading experience comes from.

     Seeing Yun Che saying that it is everywhere, and that there is a true spirit of the summer, it’s true that the gods and gods are shocked to the extreme, and they have to be inclined to believe.
     What is the concept of getting through all the entrances and accomplishing the gods? That is almost the ultimate qualification of all the mysterious people of Tian Xuan! The day after tomorrow, the entrance to the porch is extremely difficult. In a hundred years, the ten porch can be opened the day after tomorrow, and it can be called a peerless genius. And to get through all the porch... Even if it is the figure of the ice cloud and the seven cents, I never dared to think about it.
     The first ancestor of the Ice Cloud Fairy Palace, Mu Bingyun, innately opened the 10th 9th Prince porch, to the 270-year Old fairy dying, and only opened to the thirty-seventh porch after the day after tomorrow. Even so, the year was also the strongest of Cangfeng, even the sky.
     The ancestor of Jianshanzhuang will be defeated by her men.
     If they can truly achieve the spirit of the gods, their qualifications will directly exceed the ice cloud ancestor Mu Bingyun, and then the road to Xiu Xuan will no longer have a bottleneck. Perhaps in just a few years, they will be able to break through Wang Xuan... In the future, even There is the possibility of succession! It’s also very possible to cultivate a sacred magic that cannot be cultivated!
     The whole person is completely equivalent to the reincarnation, above the qualifications, not to mention the Cangfeng country, even the entire Tianxuan mainland, is the most top! Reach the ultimate realm that they never even thought about in the past!
     If Yun Che really does, then it is enough to make up for them... it is a million times make up! It is the reinvention of no discount!
     "The palace owner, let the disciples try first."
     In the current ice cloud and seven immortals, Murong Qianxue is the oldest, and her temper feelings are not as extreme as Chu Yueshen, but her face has always been hung in the indifference of ancient times. She put away the ice sword and took a cold chill in front of Yun Che. He looked at him coldly and coldly: "If you can really get through all the porch for me, and achieve the spirit of the gods, today's things will be written off. Not only will I not hate you, but I will remember that I am willing to repay my heart and I will repay in the future!"
     Yun Che nodded, looked up and down with Murman's eyes as calmly as possible, his mouth opened, his face flashed and tangled... It seemed to be hesitating.
     “Do you need a silver needle?” Xia Dianyue said.
     "Silver needle?" Miyazaki eyebrows are slightly moving: "If you have a silver needle, there will be in the snow palace. If you need something else to help, you can say it all."
     "No!" Yun said: "At that time, my mystery was only the beginning of the Xuanjing, I couldn't put enough mystery into the entrance, so I needed the silver needle to help. Now I don't need it. Just... …just……"
     Yunche throat was moving, and after making a big determination, he hesitated and said: “How big is this kind of thing, you should know, and it will be accompanied by a certain risk, if If you are not careful, you can not only open the entrance, but also let the porch be destroyed and permanently occluded.
     Therefore, the whole process, the place I started, must not be separated by clothes, so..."
     Having said that, Yun Che immediately saw the face of the Murong beauty in front of him anger, and he quickly said: "I have absolutely no meaning, this matter can be testified."
     Xia Tiyue did not hesitate to hesitate slowly: "Yes, the disciples can testify to the authority of the official road. When Yun Che opened all the entrances for the disciples, there is no clothing separated. But Murong Shibo does not need to Worry, just show your back."
     Yun Che quickly nodded, but my heart was silently smirking up...
     The porch is mainly through the purification power of Tianzhuzhu, what needs to be naked! At the beginning, he let Xia Tiyue naked, back, purely to take advantage of her!
     And this good habit, of course, must be passed down!
     I have to fight to kill before, now I want to get through your porch... How can I have such a cheap thing! Get through the porch can be ... the benefits are also to pay attention!
     Murong Qianxue and others were originally angry, thinking that Yun Che is trying to take advantage of them. In fact, this is the case. But with Xia Tiyue, plus Yun Che words sound very reasonable, they also Have to believe a few points. Murong Qianshui stared coldly at the cloud and said: "Well, I believe in you... but if you dare to have anything to do in the process, I will not let you go."
     "Know it." Yun Che weak road, and then whispered a sentence: "If I really want you to do it... you can't beat me."
     "You..." Murong Qian Xue Xue Yan was angry, but finally did not break out again, coldly Called: "Turn around."
     The clouds cleared his mouth and turned his body.
     "Reassure, since Yun Qing is so sure in the face of so many people, we will not deceive us, let alone the precedent of the moon..." Gong Yu Xian’s look is a little excited: "Thousands of snow, convergence anger, because If it is successful, it will be a change in your life."
     "Yes, the palace owner." Murong Qian Xue talked, is calm.
     "Cloud Che, if you do not separate the clothes, you are sure that there will be no irreparable risks such as porch damage during the process of the quatrains?" Miyazaki asked for Yun Che, cautiously.
     Yun Che did not hesitate to nod: "As long as the Xuanmai is normal, without discrimination, the disciples promise that there will be no risk. If you are separated, it is hard to say."
     "Good!" Gong Yixian nodded: "Thousands of snow, take off the snowsuit... Just face him, and we are on the side, you can rest assured... Let's get started."
     "Yes, the palace owner."
     Murong Qianxue turned to the body and untied the belt... Her snowsuit was wet by the water of the cold pool, which should have been close to the body, but because her skin was too smooth, even if it was soaked, it was still in the belt. After the opening, it slowly slides down along the shoulders of the fragrant shoulders, and it evokes incomparable water marks on the snow. Suddenly, the powdery light caused the white dazzling beauty of the jade back to be revealed without any cover.
     Murong Qianxue pulled up the hanging snowsuit to cover the chest... Actively exposed the body in front of a man, this is something she never thought of. Her chest was undulating several times before she became a heart under the heart of the ice. Like a water mirror, she closes her eyes and says: "Get started."
     "Cloud Che, start." Gong Yi Xian Dao, eyes fixed on Yun Che move, the look is filled with the expectations of the future. A quarter of an hour, the spirit of the heavens... If the clouds are really With such ability, and can be achieved for all Ice Cloud disciples, then she can not imagine the extent to which the future of Ice Cloud Palace will be brilliant! !
     Yunche turned and saw the jade back of Murong Qianxue naked.
     The waist was like a willow, and the curve was like a water. It was connected with a full-bodied buttock covered with snow, and the snow-like skin was pink and flawless. If you run on fat, you can think of the beautiful scenery in front of this jade body. Yun Che quietly swallowed a mouthful of water, but his expression was full of calmness. He sat down to the back of Murong Qianxue without a word, and pointed his finger on the jade back of Murong Qianxue...
     The moment when the fingertip touched the snow skin The body of Murong Qianxue trembled obviously, but it immediately returned to calmness, and Yun Che also put the whole palm on the trend...
     The latest chapter of the silky starry throne. At the same time, his palm's green light flashed slightly, and the purification power of Tianzhuzhu was released, and it was directly rushed to Yutanguan.
     Murong Qianxue suddenly felt that Yutanguan had a slight incitement, but before she could react, Yutanuan was completely open in a moment, and the cold and cold Xuanqi spontaneously rushed in the jade. Tan GuanzHong- jumped back and forth.
     Murong Qian Xue opened his eyes and unbelievably lost his voice: "Yu Tan Guan...Tong!!"
     "Really... is it true?"
     "It's true!" Murong Qian Xue Murong Qianxue can't suppress this moment's excitement: "Yu Tanguan is completely smooth, and there is no pain and discomfort."
     "Don't talk!" Yun Che suddenly said with a serious face: "Close your eyes, calm down, don't have any movements, and try not to let the Xuanqi have any instigation."
     If it is only, Murong Qianxue will listen to Yun Che words, and at this time, Yun Qing Calls, Murong Qianxue immediately sighs, gently breathing, not to mention reprimand, no dissatisfaction on his face.
     Miyazaki and other ice celestials also quickly put away their voices, no one dared to say a word, but their expressions are all excited and difficult to self... Even though there is a precedent of summer, they are still full of doubts. After all, it’s really a bit of a night to make the spirits of the gods, but now, just a little bit of time, actually directly opened a porch! !
     You must know that if Murong Qianxue wants to get through this porch, it will take at least ten years of hard work and countless precious medicinal herbs, plus enough luck!
     Their final suspicion of Yun Che was completely eliminated, and there was still anger and murder in the eyes...
     The rest, only extreme shock, and extreme expectation and joy. In particular, Gong Yixian, a hundred-year Old man, is also the body of the palace, still with ice heart, at this time the heart is crazy, how can not calm down.
     Followed by...
     Purple fan is off!
     Bai Mu is off!
     Tiankui is off!
     Qing yang is closed...
     The time has gradually passed for five minutes, and Murong Qianxue has been opened for ten consecutive entrances! The shock and excitement of Miyazaki and others have been strongly indescribable. Looking at Yun Che eyes, there is even a little hope of looking up to the gods!
     Every time you open a porch, the cloud is close to the palm of the hand, and the palm of your hand will go up and down. It will move for a long time, and it will continue to change various gestures. It looks extraordinarily complicated. In fact, Yun Che wants to get through which porch, just find the porch position, and then purify with the power of Tianzhuzhu, you can do it in a few moments, and don't say you have to touch the back, the clothes, or even the space. Can be easily done ... Yun Che through the porch of the time together is so many interest, as for the time outside ... then all are touch, hard touch!
     At the beginning, I opened the entrance for the summer. Although he looked at the eyes, but because of the silver needle used, all of them could not touch her skin, and this time it was different. He was in the palace and other glaciers. Under the gaze, I feel confident and strong, and of course, the heart of the straight touch is full of jade.
     There is no cheaper than the bastard!
     The ready Made beauty is not cheap! It is the bastard in the bastard!

     Wan-xi turned his head and his face was buried in his arms.
     The tight body was slowly relaxed. She looked at him with shame and glare, but he was holding her waist. She is not allowed to escape from her arms. Wan-xi had no way of overbearing him. He had to say: "The more he is, the more he is afraid of giving trouble to the Lord."
     Yin-Tang did not say anything, but according to Wan-xi understanding of him, he has always been thoughtful, thoughtful, and clear-cut, and she is really sincere, how to be willing to suffer her grievances. Sure enough, but in an instant, Yin-Tang made her tighter. "Ye said that you are not a burden, then it is even more troublesome. I am happy to spoil you, so anyone who dares You are not inferior in front of you, you are not welcome."
     Wan-xi listened, and couldn't help but jump, even if it wasn't the first time she heard him say it, but she still felt excited when he promised her.
     She is grateful to God!
     The experience of the last world has almost become her nightmare. If this world can get Yin-Tang's wholehearted love, she is afraid that it is very difficult to come out, let alone start a new life like this. Her lips moved and she was about to speak, but she seemed to think of something, squatting down, and then clenching her lips tightly, her eyes showing a moving touch.
     Suddenly listening to Yin-Tang once again promised that she only thought about the past, but forgot that the present and the future are the most important. After all, for her, the new life has already begun, and she has already escaped the previous life. Destiny, at this time, she really can be regarded as the 'big winner' in the mouth of others. It was only before those people were completely suppressed or destroyed that she promised Yin-Tang, but she still had to pay attention to her still stubbornly thinking about the attention.
     After all, since she was given to the Yin-Tang House, she hasn’t had a few days to have a birthday. Whether it is purely trying to find her troubles or relying on her to deal with Yin-Tang, anyway, various means are emerging endlessly, she can live to this day safely, in addition to the protection of Yin-Tang, it depends on its own ability and Luck, it can be said that her luck is a little worse, and the people who live here today are afraid that she is not her.
     Yin-Tang, their actions sounded a bit reckless at first, but they could be carefully scrutinized. It is inevitable that they have no reason. After all, those people means, abilities and powers are not small, and the attitude of ambiguity and ambiguity has to be repeated. Ok, otherwise it’s too late to find out that your concerns are right, it’s too late.
     Now they are letting those people go to action, and to put it bluntly, just to let those people make troubles, one is to find out the crimes to rule these people, and the other is to test the loyalty of and .
     The loyalty on the mouth is always unacceptable, and they will hesitate because they dont really believe in them. After all, their former identity or ability is jealous. No exception.
     The so-called human name, the shadow of the tree, want to truly believe in the individual, do not make any achievements, just put an attitude, say two sentences, it is difficult to let the servant believe in them from the heart, let alone the real The local committee has a heavy responsibility.
     This time, it is a test for them. It will pass. In the future, even if they will not reuse them, they will not idle them. If they pass, they will simply be re-encumbered or die.
     There are other options.
     The draft itself is a must-have thing.
     The beginning is just that you don't want to be forced to do things by others, and Yin-Tang doesn't want to be a wicked person, they will ignore it. Now they are taking advantage of the situation, but only to prove what they think. After all, there are some things that can be incomparable. Even if they are broad-minded, they can't be left laissez-faire, so those people are bound to be suppressed.
     In this draft, although the marriage of younger generations is the mainstay, no one can guarantee that the family behind the showgirls or the showgirls will not beat their ideas. After all, if you really say it, you can say that Yin-Tang's figure and appearance can attract a lot of people attention, not to mention that he still holds the real power and won the favor of today's holy.
     Don't think that the previous moves of Yin-Tang have blocked a lot of peach blossoms. In fact, compared with the power, what peach blossoms can't stop, and eliminate waves, there will be another wave coming up.
     The reason why these people are constantly moving forward is probably the prosperity and power of wealth.
     "Ye words are all in mind. If someone dares to cross the line, they will not give up." Wan-xi smiled lightly, and his soft grip in his palm slammed into a fist.
     When it comes to Yin-Tang, she will not give in at any time. Even the former Dong-shi, who died badly, has long been forgotten, but even if she dies, she will not let her stop. Between them, or buried in one.
     That is her obsession. In the last world, she made a plethora of enthusiasm, and she did not change her life. She used this method to save her life.
     "Reassured, this world, except you, no one can enter the eyes of the Lord, enter the heart of the Lord." Yin-Tang took care of the beautiful woman in the arms, slowly opening, he did not announce loudly, as if only for the sake of the statement fact.
     Choosing no draft has already had an impact on him. If there was a Kangxi and Yifei on his head, they would give it. He really refused, but now they are losing their hands, and now they are It is difficult for him to never be in such a small matter, so unless he is willing to do so, no one can put people into this ZHong-Yong Qinwang House to block the heart of Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi birth soon, Yin-Tang has ordered people to prepare, because Wan-xi does not like the relationship of entertainment, Yin-Tang is not prepared to hold a grand banquet, just invited the relationship The close Brother are full of excitement.
     When they first took Di-, these Brother did not bother to make a difference, and the relationship became careful and cautious, so that everyone was alienated.
     This time Yin-Tang held a family feast through the Wan-xi birthday, one to celebrate, and the other to create a good reputation for the .
     Those people did not slander in private, and if there were no Kangxi zens in front, and after the ban and squatting, the reputation of the present is afraid to ruin the street. As for what they said, the Brother and sisters who killed the Brother and sisters, to be honest, the old eight is really not bad for him. Even the people reported that they are violent.
     They insist on being imposed on the head. He has no way to stop it. Can find a way to name him.
     I am also looking forward to this dinner hosted by Yin-Tang. With so many Brother, since he can use the Brother who participated in the Di-, those who are honestly not involved, he naturally can’t Treated badly, after all, this reputation is not obvious, but sometimes it is very important. He can't follow the 'hearted people' intention, so he still supports Yin-Tang's arrangement.
     One day after half a month, the sky was clear and clear, and there was a slight breeze. I didn’t want to attract too many people attention and disguised myself. I went to ZHong-Yong Qinwang House privately. When he arrived, there were already a lot of people coming.
     The boss, the second child, the third child, and so on, sat together, and it seemed that the tea had changed.
     He and others saw the shackles of the disguise, and they had a new understanding of the position of Yin-Tang in the heart of this emperor. Although when they were young, they all struggled like black-eyed eyes, but now they don’t say they are old, but they are not young. Together with their different experiences, the past impetuous hearts began to slowly and slowly. Precipitated.
     I looked at the Brother who were on the same line, and although there was a sense of superiority in my heart, it was more of a silent sigh. After all, the thoughts and thoughts of this person change with time, identity and place, and will not change.
     The former eagerness to win the victory, how to think about the true meaning of this lonely man, wait until the real emperor, he knows that standing in such a position, can be a big blessing with two people. Fortunately, the Old 9, the old ten and the old 13th are really loyal to him, and everything is for his sake. As for other Brother, even if he can't do this, he hopes that they can stand on his side.
     However, now I look at the big-headed Big Prince and 2nd Prince who are always on the face of a sincere and fearful look, and I can't help but have a bitter smile. He wants to defeat these people, but he doesn't want to keep everyone away from his life.
     "Big Prince, 2nd Prince, Brother, today is also a family feast. Everyone relaxes. After all, although they are monarchs, they are also Brother." He personally helped and squatted, and said softly. .
     Although he and he are not arrogant because of these words, they can feel that they are still kind to them.
     This is not to say that they refuse to seduce, this act.
     He waited for the first time, and although his attitude seemed to be somewhat cautious, it was obvious that they were still jealous of this brother who had become the emperor. Although they are not bad for them after they ascended the throne, but they are not reused, it is inevitable that there will be a reluctance in their hearts. After all, no one will admit that they are worse than other Brother.
     Yin-Tang as the owner, naturally it is necessary to entertain everyone, but feel their sudden change of attitude, he still blinked involuntarily, his eyes flashed a playful look.
     For these Brother, Yin-Tang doesn't want to say how deep their feelings are with them, but if there is no guilt, it is okay to give them a chance to share the burden of them.
     The burden on them is indeed a bit too heavy. Coupled with the fact that those people are stirring up the wind and stirring the rain, they naturally can't admit defeat. Otherwise, Yin-Tang is willing to let go of the must-have and pull them to do things.
     Hey, they don't know Yin-Tang's intentions, but they are still willing to make Yin-Tang to release their goodwill. After all, this head is high and there are also low days.
     Those who have not experienced the ban will never know how desperate people are in such days. Before they dared to think that they still have a day to come out, they will have unwillingness and ambition in their hearts, but more More is to think of the body to protect the body.
     “4th Prince is right. We are all Brother. It’s the right thing for the group to create a great and prosperous life, instead of letting those who have ulterior motives provoke each other’s relationship. Moreover, Daqing seems to be solid and practical.
     There are endless problems. Besides our own Brother, who else can we believe? Is it difficult for those who use our Brother as tools for personal gain?" When Yin-Tang said this, although he exaggerated and confuses them, it is also Really want to give them a chance, after all, they are a family, and whoever they fall in this day is better than the one who is in the family.


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