Chongqie Courting Death Daily 590

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     "The emperor has ordered that Dun Qinwang and Yi Qinwang are leading the soldiers to come here. As for Qin@wang, at this time, they are sitting in the military camp. No matter whether he should not ask us, we can't move him, otherwise Zhulian 9th Prince The family became inevitable." A middle-aged counselor with a gray hair made an open mouth on the face of the person present.
     Nowadays, they are also in a dilemma. Some people with a little brain can come out. Today, the Holy One is afraid to completely rectify the coastal areas and even have the meaning of reopening the sea ban.
     This is fortunate and unfortunate.
     When Emperor Kangxi ordered the ban on the sea, he did not know how many people lost his money. As long as there were interests, there would always be people taking risks.
     Therefore, the business in the coastal areas was straightforward, but they were more careful than the former Guangming. In addition, they have responded to this embarrassing thing, but no one has thought that this group of people will have such courage and have so many devastating things. And they are afraid that their political achievements will be affected. Although they will deal with them, they can choose to hide more.
     Of course, the surrounding garrisons will even take the civilians’ heads to take advantage of the military.
     They are clear in their hearts, but they can only choose officials and officials. It was only in the past two years that the new emperor was enthroned and officials everywhere were mobilized. Although they did not move, the subordinates of the boss also changed a lot of people, so that they did not dare to act rashly in the past two years.
     "This is the case, but there are some things that we can hide without moving, especially in the villages along the coast. It is not easy to cover up. It is not easy to completely cover up, and according to the official, Zhiwang is Investigate the matter." Zhixian looked at the prefect of the top of the first look, ugly reminded.
     He said that these things are clear to everyone, and they have also done the corresponding measures, but these are not insurance. After all, there are always people who are not afraid of death.
     When the prefects heard the words of the magistrate, they were sinking in their hearts. After a little thought, they said: "Some people seem to have closed their mouths. In private, they are always pondering something that should not be pondered, in order to avoid them from giving us trouble! ”
     When he said these words, his eyes flashed a sinister sputum, and the face was even more with a smashing boat.
     The candlelight in the house is very bright. Although it doesn't make people feel dazzling, they can see the furnishings in this room through this silky light.
     The pieces are worthless, which is not much compared to the capital of Qinwang. From here, you can see how many lives and blood are in the hands of these people.
     When the magistrate heard the plan of the prefect, he knew that the big event was not good. Although he knows that it has been easy to get away for so many years, no one wants to give up the wealth that they have. But if they really want to do this, if they fail, they will not even be able to escape the 9th Prince family.
     He slammed his mouth and made a deep breath, and said: "Daren, Zhiqinwang is afraid to wait for our action! We are a hands-on, this is a ready Made handle to the hands of others! ”
     The prefects heard the words, and they couldn't help but wrinkle their deep eyebrows.
     They said with resentment: "How can the officials not know about this, but if we don't do anything, can you think that we can escape this robbery?"
     They have been entangled here for many years. From the beginning, they want to make some political achievements and come together with local wealthy merchants. It’s just a short two years. After all, people like them are either next to the family. Branches are either cold-headed children.
     They don’t have much background and relationship. If they want to be in the first place, they can only be self-motivated. It’s just that this cut will cause ills and dangers, and they are just too risky.
     If it weren't for the new emperor's accession to the throne, they would not be able to make the money, walk the doorway, and they might have already moved elsewhere before the direct Qinwang was dispatched. But now that everything is too late, they can't sit still, they can only try the so-called wealthy and demanding, like they used to participate in this water.
     The county’s words were spoken, and the rest of the people stared at the prefects.
     The prefects slowly picked up a tea from the side and took a look at the tea.
     Then they looked up and said: “Things are in front of you, you can say In the rich and the dangerous, I want to sum up everything, what you thought before, but now it should still be like the past."
     When the magistrates and others listened to the prefects, they all lowered their heads and did not speak.
     They were obviously dissatisfied with the arrangements of the prefects. However, the government did not seem to see their dissatisfaction, laughing: "Don't If you are the official, you are perfunctory, nowadays, Zhiminwang is also good, and you are still on the road, QinQinwang and Yiqinwang. As long as the emperor wants to go deeper, no matter where we go, this fire is going to burn us. On the body, but we are not the ones who take the big head.
     The official will send a letter to the people on the top to see what they say, and you have to arrange for yourself to make the way, at least to keep the blood."
     He turned his head to look at the candlelight not far away, and his face was absolutely determined. It was obvious that he said these words not just to appease him, but to appease himself.
     These people, the higher the official position, the greater the responsibility to bear. As for the people on the top, it is not the family, it is the honour, the benefit is the most, there are not many people who can really be in the first place, so it’s really something, being taken The only thing that comes to the top tank is them.
     After the prefects finished these words, they seemed to fall into their own thoughts without speaking out. Although other people are dissatisfied, they have to admit that although the prefects are higher than them, they are actually just like them, and they have no autonomy!
     On the other side, he got the news from the dark guard and sneered. He has been here for only half a month, and it has provoked the successive conclusions of officials, local families and wealthy businessmen. If this is the case, he will not be in the heart because his identity is enough for others to do this. However, the meanings revealed by these people words make people feel that they do not have any deep meaning.
     To this end, he disguised himself to visit several villages along the coast.
     The situation was more serious than the Old 9, but it made him feel angry.
     The people of Daqing, if they want to live, they have to please the embarrassment that has been raging, which makes them feel embarrassed.
     This is the case, these officials, local families and wealthy businessmen are still rich and helpless.
     During the visit, he met many people. For the fishermen who complained and wanted to complain, he not only gave protection, but also wanted them to help pull out the black sheep. After all, he did not rely on it. Qinwang also cannot handle local officials at will.
     But no one thought of doing these things in the dark, and the prefects and others were throwing themselves into the net in this unclear situation, so that they caught it.
     The prefects have sent a lot of people, a dozen people, even if they are not masters of martial arts, they can deal with civilians more than enough. If there is no ambush in advance, let alone these people can hardly escape the robbery, fearing that this small fishing village will also be destroyed.
     The people in the military camp directly arrested these people. When they left, they not only provoked the fishermen of the villages to watch, but also told those who used them for the sake of the blasphemy. Outsiders are arrogant about Daqing, but if there is any misconduct, Daqing will definitely pursue it.
     This kind of scene really surprised many people. Even the villagers who are willing to be dog-legged, the thoughts in their hearts are inexplicably complicated. After all, the government is really willing to protect them, and why they are eyeing their enemies. After all, they are also forced to help, and they are just to survive.
     "Wangye, these people are not ambiguous, they are better than swearing, and they are not arrogant, and their hearts are hot.
     The grass people on behalf of Haisheng Village ask Wangye to severely punish these thieves, and everyone is fair." A young man standing next to him is named Jiang Dashun. It is the son of the village head of Haisheng Village. It should be a good thing to do. It’s a pity that his grandfather refused to do the things that were against his heart, and he was arrested in prison by the count of the county’s enemies. in.
     And Jiang Dashun escaped from the robbery with his brother because of his relationship with the sea, but his brother and his death were too much of a blow to their family. His milk and his mother were so depressed and ended. Scattered. In this way, they are often found by the government. If they are not the help of the villagers, their 2nd Brother are afraid that they will not live today.
     From the moment his mother died, Jiang Dashun thought about revenge. Unfortunately, his ability was small, and those officials who were officials were so protected that he not only failed to revenge, but also became worse and worse. Just when he wanted to give up, he met Straight Qinwang. Although he does not believe in each other as much as he does on the surface, but only his current actions, let him understand that as long as everything persists, the most effective time is to keep the clouds open.
     Looking at the appearance of Jiang Dashun’s heart and sorrow, he ‘called: "Everyone can rest assured that the king has given the emperor a discount.
     The emperor has ordered a thorough investigation of this matter, and even ordered the king to personally train the water army to remove the shackles. And everyone is too peaceful."
     His age is not light, his body is still tall and strong, coupled with the lingering suffocation of the past on the battlefield, it seems that he is extraordinarily powerful, but also very convincing. So, in a few words, there are quite a few fishermen who came to watch. After all, everyone wants to live a better life. If they risk their lives and go out to sea, the hard-earned money they earn is for those thieves who are willing to work hard.
     Now, the emperor sent people over, if they really want to solve this problem for them, they are naturally welcome. But they have not yet been resolved.
     They can only look on the sidelines. Let’s take a look at the trend. After all, there are those who used to be fools of them, causing many people to die.
     I didn't even think about it, I got the trust of everyone. So after making some arrangements, he took the thieves back to the barracks. After all, if you do not interrogate, the evidence will not appear in front of him.
     When these people were taken away, they made troubles like a street tour.
     They didn’t want to know if they knew it. Now that the news came, they were shocked in an instant, but they were asked to send people to the military camp to rescue or destroy the mouth.
     They did not dare. After all, their number of people and the number in the military camp were completely incomparable.
     To say that they dare to do something sneaky, but let them be a bright and straightforward confrontation with them, they do not dare, after all, the chips of both sides are completely inconsistent, even if they have the heart, they can not afford the other party's revenge.
     The county magistrate became a group. He hurriedly asked to see the prefect, but he just wanted to seek peace of mind.
     The prefect of the prefect is also a mess. He did not expect that Qinwang had arranged for it. He was waiting for them here. Now their people have been arrested. It is impossible to save them. It is not easy to kill them. Yes, he hopes that those people will settle themselves. After all, their family is still in their hands. "Now we have no way, we can only do those people who are smart and look for themselves!"

     The prefect of the prefect is also a mess. He did not expect that Qinwang had arranged for it. He was waiting for them here. Now their people have been arrested. It is impossible to save them. It is not easy to kill them. Yes, he hopes that those people will settle themselves. After all, their family is still in their hands. "Now we have no way, we can only do those people who are smart and look for themselves!"
     After he finished this sentence, he couldn’t help but watch the eye of the magistrate who was eager to turn around.
     The intention was very simple, and he was too lazy to explain.
     Zhixian can sit in this position for so many years, and he doesn't have no brain at all. He sees that the prefect is not talking. He wants to remind him of two sentences, but he doesn't want to look up at the moment on his face. In an instant, he seems to think of something. Like, suddenly shut up and say nothing.
     Some things have a tacit understanding. Sometimes, the subordinates give the boss a black pot. In order to hope that they can take care of their own family, after all, where are their abilities, they want to take care of their own family and solve problems. It's too difficult, they can't do it at all, otherwise they are willing to give up their temper life easily.
     Zhixian knows that it is just a matter of increasing troubles and perfunctory words, and it is also a direct return to the government. Although it is too late to arrange the rear road now, there is still a big difference between the arrangement and the non-arrangement. And he just wants to leave a blood for himself, as long as it is not so conspicuous, this thing should not be difficult to complete.
     In fact, it’s not just him who has this kind of idea. Don’t talk about them, even the people on the top are not sure, what can they do? They don't know how to deal with them today, but they have a book in their hearts.
     They do those things, even they can't admit it.
     They really have to find out who can escape.
     The prefects looked at the back of Zhixian, and did not stop. He turned into the backyard. His sons were not too old. If he really couldn’t escape, the boss and the second child were afraid to follow his footsteps. A few younger sons are still young, and even if they can escape the robbery, the future will certainly not be very good. He didn't dare to leave them with those things he was greedy, but he could make a part of it when he earned money in the past few years, but at this time, he had to be careful to avoid being used by people. Lines, give them a pot.
     The person on the top has been in contact for a long time, and the other party is too lazy to do it now, so they can guess their incompetence.
     In the capital, a series of orders disrupted the calculations of many people.
     Those who wanted to live in the backyard, after they were released, those people wanted to start with them, but they Early prevention, but did not let them succeed.
     The reforms led by the shackles have been led by and without the knowledge of many people, and they have been implemented in secret. Although it is impossible for these things to be effective in a short period of time, it is unexpected to wait until all these things are properly arranged.
     Yin-Tang still didn't move, like sitting in the capital in the same way as before. It was not the same as his Brother and sisters joined in.
     The 2nd Brother were after the birthday feast of Wan-xi. I talked about it separately. Because he was raised by the Empress Dowager himself, he was assigned to Di earlier. Although he had a talent study, he couldn’t say that it was smooth, let alone Chinese, so he was very Earlier, I chose to avoid Di-, so Kangxi was tolerant of him, and he was also generous to him. Now that Yin-Tang is helping, he is also among the many Brother. After all, the development is good.
     Contrast  he lived straight and stable, compared to other Prince who was affected and unpopular, he was too rich to be a straightforward one, only to make him feel not good, probably Yin Tang, this younger brother, always makes him feel worried!
     Fortunately, Yin-Tang did not choose the wrong person as he thought, and went the wrong way. Otherwise, he should now appease his mother-in-law instead of creating a flourishing world with him.
     Don't think that Princes like them are not favored, they don't have capital. In fact, they have withdrawn from the war prematurely, and they have come into contact with the political situation as early as possible. Many things they have handled more perfect than Yin-Tang.
     Wan-xi as a woman, naturally it is impossible for them to intervene in politics like Yin-Tang. What she can do is to live her own life and let Yin-Tang have no worries. Obviously, at this time, she couldn’t help Yin-Tang at all, and she didn’t like socializing. In the end, she could only focus on Hong-hui and Hong-min. .
      Hong-hui, as the eldest son of Yu, his marriage is definitely an idea, and in the early two years, Hong-hui has a waiter, who is personally selected, conditions Nature is good, but it is not Hong-hui own preference, so this time through Yin-Tang, let her help pick a Side-Fujin.
     After Wan-xi knew about this, he thought that since he had to help Hong-hui pick it, he also looked at his two sons. Anyway, Hong-min and Hong-zhao are not too young. However, she does not agree to let them approach the female color too early, but she also hopes that they will become a family.
     Yin-Tang does not care about this kind of thing. He wants to manage the most. After Wan-xi and several children decide the candidates, they will help to see the background of the other family and the character of the candidate. People like them originally lived in conspiracy and tricks, and choosing a ‘Madam is especially important, otherwise they will not be able to control the backyard, which is also the beginning of disaster.
     The showgirl is a woman of the emperor before she has a clear name. It is easy to be tempted.
     The reason why Wan-xi will be selected is also approved by , otherwise it is impossible for her temper to do this kind of thing.
      Hong-hui and Hong-min They did not think that Aunt Niang (Aunt Niang) told them to come to ask what kind of Miss they like, which is how they are so okay to answer?
     "9th-Aunt, this is what you look at." Hong-hui has long known about people, but in front of Wan-xi is still a big boy.
     "Yes! Mother, you look at picking one, the son and Hong-hui Brother believe in your vision." Hong-min had talked with Wan-xi before, he felt that he should Say it all, the rest depends on the opportunity and fate.
     In the three-year general elections, there are many women in the show. No one knows who will meet anyone. Even if the emperor gives grace, they must pay attention to the measure. You can't forget because the emperor gave grace. After all, who can guarantee that he has moved his mind, and others will not be tempted?
     Wan-xi nodded, but the smile in his eyes converges a bit. He looks at them seriously: "Men's three wives are the norm, but a woman has only one choice. You have chosen her.
     Then you have to be kind to them. After all, people are not cats and dogs. Just give them something to eat."
     When she said this, Wan-xi look was quite serious. Her eyes were sharper than before, and even with a bit of aggressive look.
      Hong-hui and Hong-min, they all squatted. Obviously, they didn't think that Wan-xi said that these would be such an attitude. For a time, both of them couldn't help but wait for them to return to God.
     They all Involuntarily put down the snacks in his hands, seriously sitting down, his face is a bit more serious, less a little perfunctory.
     "9th-Aunt." Hong-hui They Called involuntarily.
     Wan-xi realized that he was in a state of sorrow. He couldn’t help but sigh. "Well, some things are basically benevolent, wise men see wisdom.
     This woman has real and false, and there are generous and generous, just you." The score is clear what is true and what is covered with real skin."
     She does not want to influence their judgments with their own thoughts, but she will remind me of this reminder, because sometimes it is a big disaster to look down on a woman.
     Thinking of this, she could not help but pull out the former Longkodo.
     Although Longkedo himself is not much better, but he was deceived by a woman to this point, and it hurt so many people, he is not bad luck.
      Hong-hui and Hong-min They also heard about Longkodo, even if they were still small at the time, but this kind of thing, but when they are related to them, they will definitely remember, especially Wan-xi In order to protect them, they are also injured, which makes them not remember.
     "Em, this kind of thing, you teach Hong-hui Brother, there are more and more people around him, and you will definitely encounter these problems in the future." Hong-min, the more I listen, the more I find a person who agrees. Ok, too many people, he is also afraid of troubles.
     Wan-xi was stunned by his lack of brains, but the meaning of Hong-min was clear. But on the Hong-hui side, she can only be reminded that it is impossible to teach herself. After all, the only one who can really afford the name of teaching is the emperor.
     “What do you say?” Wan-xi slammed the Hong-min sentence, then licked the Hong-zhao eyes of the trick, and reached for the hand of Hong-hui, pulling him to sit next to him, whispering : "Hui Er, although the man is interested in Sifang, but this backyard thing, you have to be sure, 9th-Aunt don't want to say too much, but only one point you have to remember, that is the woman in the backyard no matter what Struggle, as long as you don't hurt your son, you will close your eyes and let them go! The folks have a saying that is not rough not a fool or a ‘mute.
     "9th-Aunt." Hong-hui felt the kindness of Wan-xi, and she knew that she said these words were from his perspective.
     Don't look at him, he has no refuge for his mother, but the Imperial Father is very caring for him. 9th-uncle they care very much about him. It may be such a relationship.
     There are many people in private who provoke their relationship. He always said that his mother was 9th-uncle 9th-Aunt and they were killed. But he knew in his heart that the death of her mother was actually more self-destructive.
     "Well, as long as you can understand the meaning of 9th-Aunt, 9th-Aunt will treat you as your own child, so you don't want to take more detours. As for the other, 9th-Aunt believes Your Imperial Father must have taught you, so no matter what the future, as long as you are a useful person, what kind of status is not important." Wan-xi looked at his slightly red eyes, a face of seriousness.

     "Well, as long as you can understand the meaning of 9th-Aunt, 9th-Aunt will treat you as your own child, so you don't want to take more detours. As for the other, 9th-Aunt believes Your Imperial Father must have taught you, so no matter what the future, as long as you are a useful person, what kind of status is not important." Wan-xi looked at his slightly red eyes, a face of seriousness.
     Her look looked a little dignified, but Hong-hui face smiled and said: "9th-Aunt rest assured, Hui heart is also counted."
     He followed the side of Ama, and he also saw a lot of sinister private in the backyard, and most of the means were used on children. As he used to be, even if he had a mother-in-law, he almost lost his life several times. If there is no 9th-Aunt to help, he is afraid that he will not live now.
     Thinking of it, he could not help but reveal a few white teeth, and once again promised: "9th-Aunt, Hui will protect his children."
     Although the people around him have not yet had children for him, he knows clearly that children who are not protected by their parents cannot thrive.
     This point has been understood long before.
     Wan-xi saw him again and again, licked his lips, didn't talk any more, just reached out and patted his hand, and there were counts of his problems.
     Nowadays, Little Prince has grown up. It doesn't take long for the emperor to ascend the throne, but this has won the Di already has a sign. It was only because of the abilities of the Prince and Yin-Tang Brother that they did not make trouble. In private, how many people are wooing them, others don't know, Wan-xi still knows more.
     However, this set of tricks Wan-xi is not prepared to let his sons blend in too early. From the Kangxi period to the present, there is a reason that they should be able to understand even if they are stupid, that is, rather than calculating by themselves, it is not as good as Try to please the one sitting on the throne, because getting his approval is the most important.
     Just like the two Princes now, it’s good to start doing it, but unfortunately he lost his sense of proportion, and he was too convinced of the people around him, so that he was blinded and provocative, so I don’t know why. When I came, I was late, and he wanted to save but had no chance. He could only passively fall into the mud until he was beaten out.
     This kind of thing has been a lot of dynasties. It can be said that it was established as the Crown Prince too early, and few of them have a good end.
     Even so, the Crown Prince position is still embarrassing, and even pays for it. As for those who have lost their lives, no matter whether they are innocent or not, they are involved in this circle, or directly and indirectly. When it comes to the glory that it brings, the follow-up is already what it should be.
     Her reminder at this time is just to do her part, and the rest is not what she should manage.
     "Well, these things are finished, then let's talk about the purpose of calling you today!" Wan-xi pulled the topic back to the topic, and saw a few little guys turned their faces and couldn't help laughing. I have to be more open-minded. "It’s all big guys. What's the embarrassment? This is your life big thing. If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, don't be reluctant. After all, it's a comfortable time, only your own. know."
     For the juniors, Wan-xi is still very patient, just watching a few small guys are red-faced, she began to Wan-xi doubt whether she is too open, so that the speech is more and more explicit .
     Waiting for Hong-hui, they twisted and said what they wanted, and Wan-xi let them go. I don't know if she asked too thoroughly, so that Hong-hui did not come over for dinner.
     Late at night, Wan-xi was lying next to Yin-Tang after washing, talking about today's things, the tone is full of doubts.
     Yin-Tang was amused, and I couldn’t help but think of the first time I saw Wan-xi when I was young. It’s obvious that so many showgirls are shocked and stunned. He just remembers her voice in his mind, and even knows how to move her without knowing it. .
     His gaze fell on her open red lips. At this time, her fat powder was not applied, and the corners of her eyes would appear fine lines on her face, but this cut was especially noticeable in his eyes. moving.
     Wan-xi didn't notice Yin-Tang's eyes and actions. She said what happened today. She thought about letting Yin-Tang help her see what was going on? Who knows how to look up, he kissed, she subconsciously wants to reach out, but let his hand block, so that she can not resist, but let him ask.
     He bit her lip, the light is dull, looking at her eyes with a silky desire
     Wang, looking at the shape, the body slightly moved backwards, his eyes on his burning eyes, his face slightly warm, "Master, now I am telling you something!"
     Her tone was a little bit squeaky, her lips became slightly red and swollen because of his kiss, and the color on her lips changed from a light pink powder to a blush. It looked like Yin-Tang was burning and forced to force. Remove your gaze.
     "You can't choose Di Fu-Jin for Hong-hui.
     This Side-Fujin chooses what he likes. Others will have to rely on his own grasp." Yin-Tang doesn't want to let Wan-xi participate too much here. Come, there are some things to do with a snack, too much to intervene, first mention the idea of ​​Hong-hui, say that the emperor over there, who can guarantee that he is satisfied.
     Although Wan-xi did not think deeply, she still understood the intention he wanted to express. After all, he understood her and she knew him.
     "Yes, don't worry! It's all right to say it.
     The rest is like what you said. Look at Hong-hui." Wan-xi smiled softly and leaned toward him. In my arms, I moved.
     "Do not worry! Hong-hui looks at the honesty, but it is also a heart. 4th Prince Although the Crown Prince is not sealed, but he knows that he is satisfied with Hong-hui, as long as Hong-hui Not confused, it will definitely not be good in the future.” Yin-Tang said that this is not unfounded. After all, these Princes, who care most about Kangxi thoughts, are not others, but now they are sitting on the throne.
     Kangxi emphasized the bloodline Di , whether he is looking at it or really thinking about it, anyway, such thoughts have a great influence on their sons, and in order to maintain the rule, they have to continue to follow this. Go down.
     "There is not much to ask about things in the Courtyard. As for what to do in the future? It is also an opportunity to make things happen, and some things can be changed without us intervening, so it is better to wait and see how much change." Wan-xi tone is faint, obviously this kind of thing she thinks more clearly than others.
     Yin-Tang turned to look at Wan-xi, and looked at her for a long while, and suddenly laughed out loudly: "Jiao Jiao is right, Master  is still worried that mentioning this matter will make you feel no I am happy, but I didn’t think that my dear friend would think more than anyone else."
     Wan-xi listened to him saying that his face was slightly reddish, but his body was in his arms. "I don't want to be open, I am just satisfied with what I am getting now."
     "But whatever you want, you will give it to you." Yin-Tang looked at her as pure as a baby, and felt inexplicably awkward. He seemed to give her a lot, but actually let her endure.
     The grievances are more.
     She looked up at Yin-Tang, and her big black-and-white eyes were full of attachments. She reflected Yin-Tang's figure. She whispered: "Yes, there are enough to give up, and then, I am only looking forward to being able to grow up with my grandfather, and the rest is not important for the whole body."
     Yes. What she wants has already been obtained. Regardless of the previous world, what she wants in this world has already been obtained. As for those who have harmed her, she thinks that she has already received the punishment.
     "We are husband and ‘Madam, naturally we must be old-fashioned." Yin-Tang is firmly in tone.
     They have long since surpassed the feelings of a couple, they live and die, and each other can support each other until today, she will not know his mind.
     Wan-xi lowered his eyes and listened to his words. His heart was very happy, but his eyes were somewhat comfortable. "Master  is right, we are husband and ‘Madam..."
     If she doesn't even understand this point, it doesn't deserve Yin-Tang to make an exception for her again and again, and pay for him again and again.
     "The things in the middle of the world are changing rapidly.
     They are not Prince.
     They are all right people. I know that some things are starting to be God. I am Yu-4th Prince. As for how to look at Hong-min Their own choice." Yin-Tang holds the palm of the Wan-xi big hand and seems to be explaining his own thoughts, as if to show his final attitude.
     Wan-xi nodded slightly in his arms, then he whispered: "The night is deep, and the Lord will rest early!"
     Although the topic was raised first, she could not continue on this topic. For her, the most painful thing is not the future, but the choices now. Some things are clear to everyone, but they are impossible to accept in an instant, and everyone has their own ideas and their own choices. She can't care for so many people, only hope that life can be calmer and less twists and turns.
     Yin-Tang seems to understand the thoughts in her heart, and it also goes with her. Anyway, these things are not transferred by their will. It is enough to remind each other. Others say no more.
     After that day, Wan-xi apparently found that Yin-Tang’s time to go home was fixed, but it was obviously more dignified and eager than before. She doesn't want people to inquire about the beginnings and ends of things, but from the things that Yin-Tang mentioned, she can probably guess what happened.
     Since the war, the reform of the suffrage has become the first major issue.
     This is not to say that Kangxi did not do well before, but that Kangxi was in his later years. He was too valued for fame and fortune. He had more indulgences in the family and the ministers. In addition, he was lucky to go around the country every year, and he agreed that the treasury was empty, and he was particularly severely punished for corruption. If it weren't for them, they would hold it behind, and the result would definitely be another look. For example, theervant is simply an empty shell, not only did not get it, but also have to put their own private library into it.
     Although the current situation is better than expected, but there are still many problems. Otherwise, I will not ponder this matter if I don’t have a high position, and Yin-Tang will not because of this prejudice. All the Princes have been pulled up, and they will not be busy with the daily activities on this day. Even the hot springs will be pushed back.
     "Fu-Jin, can you ask a nubi to ask?" Ting-Bamboo looked at Wan-xi, who had been silent for a long time, and couldn't help but ask a sentence.

     "Fu-Jin, can you ask a nubi to ask?" Ting-Bamboo looked at Wan-xi, who had been silent for a long time, and couldn't help but ask a sentence.
     Wan-xi eyes flashed, and for a moment, he finally shook his head and said: "No, he is going to work for the emperor, naturally he has to spend more thoughts.
     This Fu-jin just do what he should do, don't give it to him.
     They just have trouble."
     Although she was very concerned about this matter, she was also curious, but she also understood that Yin-Tang would not want her to involve it. Other things may not matter, but this is a big event in the country. In many cases, the scope is beyond their imagination. Yin-Tang does not mention it. It is definitely not wanting her to be someone else goal.
     Reforming things has always been difficult, and it has paid a huge price for it. Even the home is not a minority. Wan-xi knows that Yin-Tang can tolerate so much, certainly because this road is not good, or they are temper, how are they willing to bow at this time? How can I easily reuse ?
     Don't say anything about Brother? Don't say anything about flesh and blood?
     The original’servants are still not Brother, not all the flesh and blood, but finally? To put it bluntly, the situation is not the same, the purpose is not the same, and the choice is not the same.
     This person is too selfish and determined. He often does not care about things. Many things he thinks too much. He always feels that others should pay for him, but he forgets, but everyone has selfishness.
     Saying that you have to take his ‘Madam and temper life, but also thinking that he does not mind, is this not too ridiculous? It’s just that you think so, and that’s what you do.
     People like Yin-Tang, even if they are more serious, how can he swallow this tone, and how to be willing to look at his ‘Madam and children again and again, even lost his life.
     Although they are also opponents, they are even enemies.
     They have to say that they are at most suppressing them.
     They are not involved in their wives or children. Otherwise, Yin-Tang is willing to help them and let them see the sky again. I really thought that the use of Kangxi Zen and the cooperation of Hui and others would allow them to nod and answer them.
     Don't dream!
     Throughout the ages, but whoever does not have the upper Di-, who can live to the end safely.
     Orthodox Di is not just a sentence, it means another force, but also means instability and twists and turns.
     Since the Qing Family entered the customs, the status of the royal family has not been as solid as they think. Many times they need to do to appease the subjects of the world, instead of suppressing them.
     This point Kangxi is more understandable than Shunzhi, so Kangxi people are relishing his political achievements, and Shunzhi people can only spread the so-called 'true love' and various love affairs.
     Nowadays, he is more secure than Kangxi, and his temperament is more tenacious. Even if he is too iron-blooded, he has to say that only such a monarch can lay a solid foundation for the Qing Family.
     Ting-Bamboo See Wan-xi turned to look at the scenery outside the gallery, seeing the outside sun shining, Lu-Willow shady, she could not help but Called again: "Fusong, today's weather is still good, not as good as nubi Go with you to the garden!"
     Wan-xi thought about it and found that she was really busy lately. After all, she can collect news from her showgirl. She can inquire through the incense and participate in a flower banquet, but this kind of thing is not her thought, others Will cooperate. Her current identity is here, but if there is a point change, it will cause others to think more, especially when the draft is just around the corner. When she moves, people may misunderstand her intentions.
     She can choose privately for Hong-hui, and can also use her son to make small benefits, but if it is too brazen, it will inevitably give people the idea of ​​ZHong-Yong Qinwang. She is not willing to provoke such right and wrong, and is not willing to trouble Yin-Tang at this time, so she has a lot of measures, but the progress is somewhat unsatisfactory.
     Thinking of this, Wan-xi eyes looked at the distance in a complicated way, faintly said: "Well, then go for a walk!"
     Ting-Bamboo See Wan-xi promised, set the first two steps, and told others to prepare. After all, Wan-xi look of the past two days is quite a bit out of the situation, which makes them slightly worried, but it is not easy to ask. Now that Wan-xi is willing to go out and let go, this shows that she is in a good mood.
     Although Wan-xi didn't let them inquire about the news, there was still discussion between the next people. After all, the recent events are not small, and the various movements are not small. For a while, for a while, it’s a lot of trouble. It’s so lively, they don’t know if they don’t know. I’m afraid that Wan-xi asks, they should ask if they shouldn’t ask.
     "I often worry about it. What kind of influence or harm will the outside disturbances bring to the Lord and Hong-min? But I know clearly that these things are not something I can intervene." Wan-xi holds Ting-Bamboo hand, muttered to himself.
     She knows better than anyone else. Some things can't be changed by her intervention, and the convenience brought by her life has long since disappeared. Now she is like everyone else, the future is full of mystery to her, and all the answers need her to explore.
     Ting-Bamboo helped Wan-xi, listening to her quietly, not interjecting. Because she knew clearly, what Wan-xi needed was not her comfort and comfort, she had to be a quiet listener.
     Wan-xi stood by the lake, his eyes quietly watching the lotus leaf, and the moment of reaching for the hand, holding the railing beside the lake, slightly tilting his head, a few hairs falling down, it seemed that her eyebrows were more delicate. .
     Wan-xi may not be the kind of determined person, but it is not a person without any ambition, so she will feel confused, will feel worried, but will not lose herself.
     "Ting-Bamboo, the Qing Family will become better and better in the hands of the emperor and the emperor." When Wan-xi said this, his lips were smiling and the arc was deep. But did not let people see her deep meaning.
     Ting-Bamboo nodded and did not notice Wan-xi strong smile and deep meaning in her eyes. She only changed when Wan-xi was looking forward to a cut, so she could only agree.
     In the days that followed, the coastal areas were moving frequently, and the city was also in full swing.
     The embarrassing arrangement obviously touched the interests of some family honours, and it was only natural that they would be resisted by them. However, the actions of these people have obviously touched the interests of the country. In fact, they are even more afraid that their actions will be turned over.
     As a result, the family comrades began to lobbied on the shackles, hoping that he could give up the coastal training and investigate various matters, but he did not eat them.
     "Theervants repeatedly harassed the coastal people, and even slaughtered the people of Daqing, so that the people had to be their spies in order to live.
     The nubi thought that this matter should be investigated and even cleaned up." Needless to say, Yin-Tang will speak. Put all the reasons in those people mouths back.
     It is clear that in the autumn, the heat of summer has already dissipated, but at this time many ministers standing in the center of the heart are full of cold sweats, and even a little horror in their eyes. It is obvious that Yin-Tang said these words to them. For example, like a sword, they stab their blood, but they don't care about it.
     They just want to hide these wounds instead of letting them use these wounds to investigate the cause.
     Recently, all kinds of actions have been recurring for many family honours. No one has thought that will suddenly stop looking at the coastal areas. When it comes to rich taxes and internal issues, the first thing they think of is the rich land of Jiangnan. Before Kangxi liquidation, the investigations before the squadrons had caused many people to secretly take over their hands, leaving only some of the forces to stay there. But who knows that they have moved to the place, and they have followed the transfer, which is undoubtedly a major blow to them.
     If you look at the arrangement for many years, you have to make it empty.
     They can be said that they can’t be smashed for a few nights.
     They can all be said to be a tormented person, especially those who are against them, all of them are thin and do things. It’s not as arrogant as it used to be, or even faintly admit defeat.
     "ZHong-Yong Qinwang means that nubi and other people understand, but the emperor's first base Dabao, there are still many things that have not been used. For example, this Jiangnan and other places should be used first. As for the two places, you can take a step back. Handling." The other party looked at Yin-Tang's eyes, stepped forward, and arched his hand to the ramp that sat on the top.
     I looked at each other coldly and coldly, and I couldn’t look straight into my eyes: "Whether it’s Jiangnan or Guangdong and Guangxi, you’ll be cleaned up.
     Those corrupt officials who are like locusts will not let go!”
     Yin-Tang looked at the unconsciously loosened neck and so on. He put their expressions in the eye, and they burst into laughter, but they didn't sneer or roar like they used to.
     He knows better than anyone else in his heart, but he wants to keep his power and use time to clean up witnesses and evidence that can prove their crimes. It is a pity that today's holy is not the Imperial Father who wants to be holy, so they can only wait for themselves to be liquidated.
     I ignored the lobbying of those people, and pointed fingers at the officials standing on the hall.
     They said coldly: "Whether you used to be, you only know that you want to return to the world!"
     When everyone was shackled, they were speechless and speechless.
     They couldn’t say a word again, because they knew better than anyone else.
     Their efforts were afraid of being ruined. Every effort was destined to be unsuccessful.
     Sure enough, until the next Family, no one else can really say a word in front of him, but at this moment, they clearly understand that this ceremonial hall is no longer the place where they can call for the rain.
     However, if these people fall to such a point, they will definitely not go back. Without saying anything, they made up their minds to erase the most important evidence before they were exposed. In this way, even if they lose the control of these places, they can retain the main forces, in order to return to the future.
     As a result of this, as early as they expected, these people were insidious and deceitful.
     Their actions were afraid to let them see the clues, but only because their tails had not been cleaned up, and all of them converge. , became cautious.
     However, they decided to have their own power.
     The court did not dare to do this to them easily. Even if they converge, they still dare to follow them.
     They don’t know that they have already made arrangements first, just wait.
     They are self-investing in the net.
     In fact, the imperial court did not dare to do it easily. After all, a large number of family honours meant that the situation was turbulent.
     This is also true for the newly appointed servant. It is indeed not a good choice. But they all underestimated the temper and looked at Yin-Tang's ability.
     Now, one order, Yin-Tang, these Brother are scattered everywhere, to get things done, and these are always the same as the family that they are right, seemingly still, in fact, their forces are again Differentiation, even when they are not aware of it, is dealt with and replaced.

     In the coastal area, after the convergence of Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, the 3rd Brother did not rush to continue, but each of them gathered together their own evidence and some information, and then arranged.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang have traveled long distances on their roads, their faces are slightly tired, and they are very excited in spirit.
     This has a lot to do with the two northwest battles. After all, the northwestern cut is a kind of exercise for them, and today they are not as confused as they used to be, their eyes are bright and their purpose is very clear.
     This time to the coastal training, was originally their task, but later changed a lot, and eventually became Big Prince first, they went afterwards.
     On this road, they explored a lot of things and learned a lot of facts, only to find that things are more complicated than they think. In this way, the little bit of loss in the heart of this moment has long since disappeared.
     Their abilities are clear to themselves.
     They are two people alone, and they don't think they can handle these things properly. After all, this matter involves a wide range of things. Even if all of this matter is ascertained, they are not all moving. However, after this incident, the family clan, the honourable minister will be honest, because the evidence is enough to let them all go to a dead end.
      They didnt think that these people were going to kill them. For them, they always emphasized 'Manchu family in their mouths. In fact, they are mainly based on Manchu, otherwise those who are behind Prince, How could Kangxi let go? Nothing is that the number of people is too small. Even if they use Han Chinese, they will not give them full trust.
     This is the biggest key.
     This time, the squad will hand over the tasks to the Brother, just to ensure that 10 thousand, because the forces are staggered, all parties will have scruples, and when they wait until later, in order to ensure their main forces, all parties will let go.
     The forces gave them the opportunity to concentrate on power, and in the future, who would dare to confront him.
     "Big Prince, this time our 3rd Brother are doing this together, no matter what happened in the past, this time Brother and the two have the right to cooperate with you!" Yin-Er has the least mind, all the way to think about what to say, and experienced this After a lot of things, he couldn't change his nature, but he was a little more calm and steady. He also had more rules than before.
     He is proud, but not stupid. Some have suffered losses, he will be careful.
      For Yin-Er, there are not many contacts between these Brother. He is much older than them.
     These younger Brother have not yet grown up, and he has already fought together. At that time, his temperament was only awkward in his eyes. How could he notice them, not to mention Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, who only followed the old eight and the old four.
     Now, looking back, he found that his vision was indeed not as good as human beings, and he was deliberately decentralized. He himself was consciously inconvenienced, and he was more convinced of the shackles, thus sending Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, the attitude is not bad.
     In fact, when they got Yin-Er news, they also thought about the intention of sending them both.
     Their brother's Chinese Wu Neng will not be nobody. On the martial arts wisdom, not mentioning the second child, let's say that the fifth child, don't look at his filthy nature, usually don't take the risk, don't speak Chinese, that is, Manchu said it, but Wisdom strategy is really good, after all, they are as proud as their Imperial Father, even if they have been removed from the heirs, they will not be allowed to develop in the direction of playboy.
     He did not send the old five, but sent the old ten and the old thirteen. Although they performed well in the northwest war, this also means that the royal family is not. If you don't trust him, you don't have to give him power, but you can trust him.
     This arrangement has a little deep meaning.
     He thought for a long time, and he didn't have a complete answer in his heart, so when he faced them with Yin-Er, he smiled and was kind. Before he met, he ordered people to dine, then he personally took the two people into the house: "10th Brother, 13th Brother, you are a servant, and Big Prince should let you rest first, but things are urgent, we can only talk while eating."
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang heard the words, their eyes flashed slightly, and although they still had a silky defense against them, they knew in their hearts that since they accepted him, they had to unite Things are going well, so there is nothing to resist the arrangement of the two.
     "What did Big Prince say, let's do it." Yu-Xiang inadvertently pulled Yin-Er hand, Yin-Er smirked at the smirk: "When I was out, 4th Prince I was called to the palace, and I told him at the time. When I got here, I listened to Big Prince."
     When I blinked, my heart was somewhat uncertain, but he knew in his heart that Yin-Er would be equivalent to the emperor's preposition. This is the power to give him power directly, and to act with him arbitrarily.
     He turned his head and looked at the old ten and the old 13th with a smile on his face.
     The two were respectful, and they all made people pick the mistakes, but he felt that they had underestimated them.
     As the saying goes: Shishi is three days, when you look at it. Moreover, their Brother have not only seen each other for three days, so many years have passed, he does not say that the white hair is green, but it is no longer the one that was in the mood of the year.
     When I thought of it, I smiled and smiled: "Well, no matter what, let's talk and eat while we are talking."
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang looked at each other with a good eye, and then they started the temporary house where he lived.
     The weather in Guangdong and Guangxi is not as clear as the four seasons in Capital City.
     The climate is a bit sultry, making Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang quite unsuitable.
     The taste of the food is light and faint. However, the three people minds are not on these things, just drinking two cups, this topic is directly transferred to the topic.
     I didn’t think about it, but I gave him the opportunity, but he couldn’t be as self-righteous as he used to be, especially after staying here for such a long time.
     The forces, even if he wants to do it, he can't afford such a big responsibility. He thinks a bit, but he is somewhat grateful for the arrangement.
     A straight Qinwang may not be able to stop the anger of those clan family, but the three Qinwang, that foot represents the real intention of the emperor, then submit the evidence, let those people have thousands of means, for all reasons, it is difficult to dare Can't rebel?
     In the blink of an eye, there was a little bit of a sense of color, and my thoughts turned around in my mind, and then a bold thought emerged in his mind, lingering.
     These people dare to embezzle, dare to take civilians to the military, and dare to join hands with their colleagues. I don’t know that Imperial Father is old.
     This person is soft and the means are not as hard as before. But they forgot that the Imperial Father will not sit in that position forever, and the new emperor will not let them be as locusts as they used to, so they don’t know how to stop, they will force them. I have to stop, and I don’t even dare to give birth to the idea that I shouldn’t have.
     Once upon a time, these Prince Prince, for the throne, had to rely on them and even let them. But now the emperor has not even said that he has even enshrined the military power.
     The authority in his hands can only be compared to the original Imperial Father. So, knowing that they are locusts, who will continue to indulge?
     Although the two continents are not rich places like Jiangnan, but it is really here, I found that there is no difference between Jiangnan and other places, and even because of the trade relationship, it is more lively and rich. He almost wants to understand the choice and teaching of’servants.
     In fact, he used to make a lot of money in the sea, but he did not take these tasks into his heart, so he missed a lot of things.
     Thinking of this, I looked up at Yin-Er, and they saw that they didn't drink much.
     The rice was almost eaten. He got up and took Yin-Er and went directly to the study.
     For those potential enemies, they can't let go, otherwise they will be hard to get the approval of the people, and it is even more impossible to take root here. In this way, although the training of the military, although not difficult, but also has no small impact, he does not want to lose this opportunity that is hard to come by.
     He may not be the opponent of these local officials, but he will not easily admit defeat.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang looked at such awkward guilt, and they couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief.
     They are afraid of having two hearts. After all, this task will not be consumed and delayed.
     They will fight every time, and all the preparations in the early stage will be wasted.
     Thinking of this, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang couldn’t help but feel more concentrated. Whether they don't understand or are useful ideas, they don't want to talk about it.
     This is to make you feel at ease.
     After several discussions, the three men arranged the soldiers and the people they brought, and even the officials and the wealthy merchants of the family turned over and developed a strategy to deal with them.
     "Big Prince, the follow-up arrangement of these officials and wealthy businessmen is the key. It is easier to catch these people and ask them to think about it. As for the follow-up, 4th Prince didn't want to kill them anyway, so we should sell them personally. Yes, after all, to really master the depth, you have to help these local snakes." Yu-Xian g indulged for a moment, this is said.
     One of them listened to him and couldn't help but nod. Apparently he also recognized Yu-Xiang's opinion, otherwise he would not arrange people to monitor those people early.
     "13th younger Brother said that only the people on Big Prince are mostly scattered. Now look for evidence.
     This matter will be taken over by you and the tenth brother. Once you find the entrance, don’t let us run this. Hey." Bite biting his teeth, looking at Yin-Er, they took the initiative to give up the power, in order to better accomplish this task.
     It is said that he is the last person stationed here.
     These things are done well.
     The person who really benefits is him, so he has to be more willing, otherwise he will do the things that the emperor confessed, and then he is afraid that he will really be idle. It is.
     He didn't dare to think about the result anymore. As long as he thought of the days of being banned, the layer of goose bumps on his back would not consciously stand up, and the desperate and burning of hopes would make him It was a chill in the spirit.
     "Big Prince? What's wrong with you?" Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang looked at the sudden change of face, and did not understand why he suddenly changed his face, even the frontal angle was revealing a layer of fine The cold sweat, this called out his voice.
     When I came back, my face became more firm, and then I looked at Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, who were next to me. "I'm fine.
     This is what we said, as long as our Brother are united." Working together, I believe that I will be able to get these people."favored concubine


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