Chongqie Courting Death Daily 570

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     Yin-Tang didn't take long after leaving 8th-Prince House, and there was a good side, Kangxi over there, and I received the news at the first time. However, the reaction of the two was very good. After seeing the fold, they silently pressed the fold.
     In the past, they have let Yin-Tang endure for the big picture. After waiting for so long, this reason is no longer applicable, and ( ) is rushing to calculate Yin-Tang, straight to him last.
     The silk resistance is all polished, and who can blame it.
     No matter what, Yin-Tang naturally does not take the initiative to publicize the purpose of going to 8th-Prince House, even when he is out of 8th-Prince House, he is ready to meet the rumors.
     He is fearless.
     ZHong-Yong Qinwang Fuli, Qing yi-Courtyard, at this time, the array of people turned over, Wan-xi was bothered by two sons, and Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin were helping. I can't help her much. After all, the two little guys are still not big. Plus, the bigger the more people, the better, and the longer they are, the better their energy, the more energy they have to cope with. Moreover, Wan-xi never copes with the child, so it takes more energy.
     However, Wan-xi is willing to be tired and willing to do so. To say that among her several children, these two small owes the most.
     The danger before is not mentioned, whether it is her or the child, I am afraid that it will not pass. It’s hard to get through. Because of the situation, she and Yin-Tang have more things on hand.
     The time spent with the two children is much less than that of other children, so that most of the time they were born. It is brought by milk Mama.
     Wan-xi is a rare stingy in Yin-Tang and children. In addition to having all women have exclusive desires, even more powerful than other women, she will not count the steps to make Yin Tang empties the woman in the backyard along her mind. As for the children, although she does not stop the care of the Mamas, she does not treat these people, but she will not let them cultivate the so-called 'mother and child'.
     Don't underestimate the position of the milk Mama. If you use it well, it can be a big deal. Just look at Kangxi milk Mama and the crown of the Crown Prince milk Mama.
     The use of this rare 'mother and child's feelings” not only benefits, but also supports a family. Do not look at their status and status is low, but in the end, people are still a step into the ranks of the world, even if it is only a family, it is also a family, how many people look cold, do not dare to offend.
     Of course, no matter whether the family's merits are unacceptable or can't be seen, people have real benefits, and there is a support for the emperor. Whoever accepts the family's merits is accepting or looking down.
     Wan-xi didn't want to alienate the children because of his time and worry.
     The two little guys were the last child of her and Yin-Tang. In that case, she couldn't give up. they. As for the care of their milk Mama, as long as she is loyal, she will not be ill-treated, but she will not give them the opportunity to report. After all, the people in this world who can truly do not act for fame and fortune are only a minority.
     "Funy, the energy of the two little Princes is better than the sky!" Ting-Rain stood by, looking at Wan-xi and Ping Mama, the two little Princes in their arms said only If they can understand themselves, they will sigh.
     Ting-Qin has always stabilized, never said Yes Highness right and wrong, everything is said to do less, but this time it is very agree with the nod, even she began to doubt that she promised Fujii to marry Is it wrong? Although Ting-Qin didn't bring her own children, she has seen many children, all kinds of tempers, all kinds of tempers, she really doubts whether she can still be like Ting-Bamboo aunts. After returning to the family, I will return to Fu-Jin.
     "Although the children are lively and active, the two little Princes seem to have more energy than the original Hong-min Prince." Ting-Qin looked at the face of Wan-xi laughing and laughing. I can't help but agree with the sentence.
     Wan-xi listened to the words of both of them, and his face could not help but reveal a smile. Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin are the people around her. Although it is not the longest time to stay with her, but it is the most experienced, Wan-xi wants to find a good home for them. It is a pity that the two people are tempted, and the relationship between Yin and Tang is unwilling. It’s hard to deal with it before, and Wan-xi will not let the children move their minds and even retreat because of this.
     "Every child is unique. Although the temperament is destined for the day, it can also be related to the people around them. It is related to the teaching of Amajien.
     This person is not born or bad. It is taught by others.
     There are many private books in the backyard.
     This Fu-Jin does not believe that you don’t know. As for the children, as long as you teach well, there will always be a lot of money.” Wan-xi said that these words are also to appease the two. .
     Because Ting-Bamboo, most of them are not married to the governor, they are married to the guards.
     The number of people who join Wan-xi is not too many, and they are added because Wan-xi does not want Ting-Bamboo.
     Their minds are added to their own body, otherwise this Qing yi-Courtyard really does not need other people.
     The Wan-xi person is old, and even the last cut of the world has passed, but the impact on her is straightforward. She is very sincere and even grateful to Ting-Bamboo, so she will be so careful in this life. Even after they got married in Ting-Bamboo, they don't forget to give them a reward at all times, knocking on their husband's house and letting them remember that Ting-Bamboo has a woman behind them.
     Fortunately, when Wan-xi gave Ting-Bamboo their choice, they used their hearts, so Ting-Bamboo, after they married a few days, had a good life, even though some of them still had a concubine, but they still had Can not shake Ting-Bamboo their status.
     "But even if you are a nubi you still want to go back to Fu-Jin." Ting-Qin knows better than anyone else.
     They can only rely on their own Highness without their parents. Otherwise, how can some women choose to comb themselves? Mama.
     They are all bitter people!
     If you can't guarantee your first half of life, you can only try to ensure that you can live a better life in the latter half of your life.
     "This is not anxious. As long as you want to come back, here is the place for you." Wan-xi smiled and patted Ting-Qin's hand, and wanted to say something, only to feel his clothes. Pulling and looking down, I saw the little son in his arms pulling his clothes and licking his little ass. He seemed to stand up, and he didn’t come to laugh.
      Hong-min They are all big, and after they have married each other, they have their own small family.
     The place where she can make a force is obviously less. It is the small corps in the arms, whether it is growing up or relying on it is obviously more than they come from, it is more able to distract her attention.
     "Emperor's little baby, this is to stand up! Is this anxious to learn to walk?" Wan-xi put his hand under his armpit, and forced the child to hug, perhaps eager to perform. It’s a relationship, the little guy is Yiyi, it’s infinitely cheerful.
     Ting-Qin is not the one who doesn't know how to be good. She sees Wan-xi for their consideration. Naturally, she won't say anything more. As for marriage, she believes that Fu-Jin will not arrange that. People give their own.
     Thinking of this, the uneasiness in her heart slowly began to dissipate.
     Ting-Rain's concerns about Ting-Qin are also agreed.
     The two of them are really Big Prince. Needless to say 2nd Prince, they are all the same.
     There is now a commitment from Wan-xi, and the two no longer have concerns. At the moment of looking up, seeing Yin-Tang slowly coming to this side, Ting-Rain could not help but whisper: "Fus, Fu-jin High, Your Highness is coming here."
     Wan-xi heard the words and looked up at her in the direction of her eyes. When she saw Lin-Tang with Lin-Chujiu and others, she couldn't help but stand up with her children. When Yin-Tang approached, she found that his lips were tight and the mood didn't seem to be good.
     When she sent Yin-Tang out today, he was still fine. During this time, she did not hear anything bad. Suddenly, Wan-xi thought of Yin-Tang before he spoke, and then he opened his mouth in a strange way, looking at Yin-Tang's eyes with a hint of surprise.
     Yin-Tang looked at the Wan-xi holding her child up, speeding up her steps, waiting in front of her, greet her with amazed eyes, he could not help but look up. He knew that there were things he could win over others, but he couldn't beat her.
     His charm has always been intelligent, but whenever he mentions something, she can subconsciously bring them together and analyze the most important information in the shortest possible time. Before he said that there must be a break in the cut, there must be a break, but there may be some differences in time.
     This may make people feel that he really does not mean, but his charm is never guessed wrong.
     "Don't be so anxious? You are all right now, I am here to accompany you and your children." Yin-Tang reached out and took the small meat dumplings in her arms, her eyes softly looking at her.
     Ping Mama looked at the tender Yin-Tang, and she was quite emotional.
     The outside world rumors that ZHong-Yong Qinwang means different, sinister and sinister, and everything will be reported, but who can think of it in the house, Yin-Tang seems to be at home compared to many people. He will not stick to the rules, put his ‘Madam and children on the shelf, and will not hinder the distance between the two. Even for these people, it is also a reward and punishment, although this penalty is a heavy penalty. When he is rewarded, he can't match anyone shot.
     Wan-xi took over the son of Ping Mama arms, looked up at the sky, and found that the weather was getting cloudy. Everyone had to rain at any time, and could not help but whispered: "Master, this weather is like It’s going to rain, let’s go back to the house and talk about it!”
     "Well." Yin-Tang looked at the sky and nodded at Wan-xi, and lifted his foot and went to the room.
     Lin-Chujiu, they looked at the Yin-Tang and Wan-xi who had entered the house before, and they did their own thing consciously.
     They didn’t because Yin-Tang didn’t open their mouth, they didn’t know that they should Do something!
     Wan-xi and Yin-Tang entered the interior, and they held a child and sat opposite. Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin cleverly sent tea and snacks and then went out of the inner room. If you look at it, you know that the two have something to say. If they still don’t look at it here, it’s not Looking for bitterness?
     When Ting-Rain retired, Wan-xi took a little effort and hugged the small meatballs in his arms. He looked at the Yin-Tang, who was smiling and gentle. Said: "Yes, is it a hand?"

     When Ting-Rain retired, Wan-xi took a little effort and hugged the small meatballs in his arms. He looked at the Yin-Tang, who was smiling and gentle. Said: "Yes, is it a hand?"
     Yin-Tang slowly sighed, and the gentle smile on his face showed a light look. He turned to look at Wan-xi, seeing her expression pale, no questioning, the tone is plain, it seems to be asking for an ordinary thing, the smile of the corner of the mouth can not help but deepen a bit. Since he dared to do it, he naturally dared to recognize it.
     The reason why he did not say it at the first time was just to see the reaction of Wan-xi.
     Obviously, the reaction of Wan-xi made him feel satisfied.
     In fact, from the 8th-Prince House, he knew that the person hiding in the dark would definitely send the message out at the first time. He clearly had the opportunity to be unconscious, but he didn't want to. Regardless of his face, he counts on him, and he owes him. He is rightly looking for something wrong, and the sneaky one is really shameful!
     The little-Brother, who was held in his arms by his parents, saw him talking from Ama Yu Niang, and he couldn’t help but talk about the little tender scorpion, and the small arms and calves followed. Yin-Tang is okay, after all, it is a man, and the strength is great. Wan-xi will not be finished. Because the son in his arms is so swaying, if she does not respond promptly, this small meat squad may fall down.
     "You are a little naughty, really fell, crying is still you." Wan-xi hugged his son, adjusted his sitting position, and waited for no more accidents, the moment of looking up will be in the upper eye Yin-Tang, full of smiles, suddenly whispered: "Is this a joke that you are watching? You have to know that your son really fell, and it hurts not only to be one."
     "Jao-Jao said this makes sense, hurts in the body, hurts in the parents." Yin-Tang just scared a jump, but seeing Wan-xi reacted quickly to resolve things, he naturally I am joking.
     The two younger sons are hard-won, although he does not lack children, but no one will be too much. Wan-xi hurts his body, and he does not intend to have another woman, so they can compare a lot of these two small meat dumplings to Hong-min.
     "Master  still hasn't answered the question of the whole body?" It is not so easy to be distracted by the fact that it is related to his own enemy.
     How does someone treat their enemies, Wan-xi is not clear, but for her, her thoughts have not changed, that is, she is not dead, she is uneasy.
     This person is too selfish, no matter what the starting point of his Di-? As far as his approach to doing things is, he is actually without principles. Otherwise, he will not easily abandon the people around him because of a little difficulty, and he will not repeatedly hit his mind to these son-in-law children.
     Some things, twice and twice can be said to be helpless, three times and four times can only prove that this person is really mean. Just like this kind of person, what he values ​​is always the result of the matter, and he will not worry about how many people injured his decision. Such a person made Wan-xi feel extremely dangerous. Even if she knew that he would not have a good end, she still hoped that he would get the punishment he deserved earlier.
     The reputation of '8th Prince' is too strong, even though this world has not been strong because of her relationship, but Wan-xi knows that as long as he does not die, someone will use this name to do things, and she I don't want Yin-Tang or myself and my child to be hurt, so I can confirm early and have the benefit of early confirmation.
     "Well. Before I went back to the government, I went to a 8th-Prince House. When the matter was over, my grandfather came back." Yin-Tang smiled at Wan-xi comfortably, holding the hand and holding it. Her softness.
     The expression on Wan-xi face was a bit complicated. When she didn't make it, she looked forward to it. It turned out that she was somewhat unbelievable. She thought that Kangxi was there, and she would not allow Yin-Tang to start. Now it seems that the series of actions of the shackles are not only a few of their mothers and sons, but also completely chilled Kangxi heart.
     Also, Yin-Tang, who is obviously capable and obedient, has made Kangxi feel close and dependent on it.
     The two relative ratios, twice and twice, are okay, and it is feared that Kangxi also feels that this ability can not hesitate Yin-Tang.
     "Master  means that this 8th-Prince just came back to the Lord? Then 8th-Prince House did not send someone to report the funeral?" Wan-xi suddenly remembered something, his eyes could not help but look at Yin-Tang, face There is still a trace of doubt.
     Yin-Tang hugged her son, and the whole body lay down slightly, and the slightest head could just see Wan-xi face and the expression on her face. When I think of him leaving 8th-Prince House, the calm and strange atmosphere in the house suddenly sneered: "The original man still didn't think it was going on. Now I listen to Jao-Jao, and I found out that the Lord is still small. I saw the 8th Prince!"
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang's son, who was yawning, and gave Yin-Tang a look.
     Then he called out Mama and took the two sons to rest. When everyone went out, Wan-xi did not stand on the shelf, and the whole body rolled in slightly and rolled directly into the arms of Yin-Tang.
     "What is the meaning of this man? Is it 8th-What did Prince do before he died?" Wan-xi delicate white hand pulled his big palm nervously, looking up at the moment, could not help but look From the expression of Yin-Tang, I seem to want to get an answer from him.
     Yin-Tang listened to her and sneaked a little, knowing that she was misunderstood. But he can understand, after all, what you can do, as a victim, will be prepared to be normal.
     "He did do something. But he did not do things to harm people, but to let the Lord let them go." When Yin-Tang said this, the expression on his face was full. Disdain, obviously ridiculous for the heart of this Small-One.
     He is a Qinwang, and is also the uncle of Hong-wang. Even if he doesn't deal with it, he won't be so unskilled about what he hasn't grown up yet! They all say that the Buddha is looking at people. Everyone is a Buddha, a ghost is a man, and everyone is a ghost. It seems now that you have never believed in anyone. In his eyes, all people are like him, only looking at interests, not feelings.
     Wan-xi sneaked a little, and when he was back, he smiled and said: "It’s all over the place. 8th-Prince is the one who thinks so much, but it’s the Hong-wang. Kind father."
     "I don't know if I don't care for my father, but I don't have that mind to care about my child. Of course, if he doesn't want to be right with the Lord, then he won't be soft." Yin-Tang is not just talking about it. Be aware that their next generation is indeed growing up. If they were not the first to cooperate with their sisters and colleagues, the son of Hong-Er, who is uncertain, will take the lead.
     Don't think that the people who are behind him are loyal to him. In fact, there are always only a small number of people who are truly loyal, and most of them start from the perspective of interests. As long as they can achieve the goal, in fact, they do not care who is pushed to the front? If you can help them fight for their interests, everyone will be the same.
     "Hong-wang's child seems to be somewhat over Conceived. It is not like 8th-Prince. If no one is arguing, it should be able to live through this life safely and securely." Wan-xi said that this is not a comfort. It’s purely telling the truth.
     Yin-Tang is also good, it doesn't matter, they can fight, they can fight, and even how to count on the enemy can not be overestimated, but there is a point they are the same, that is, short-term protection. Even if Hong-wang is not valued because of his Ama relationship, Wan-xi believes that they are not too narrow-minded to kill a few honest children.
     Yin-Tang's arm was slightly forced to hold Wan-xi into his arms, and the big palm habitually played with her little hand, and the look returned to the past. I think that the impact on him has long since disappeared, so even if he is dying now, it will be difficult for Yin-Tang to make a new wave.
     "Well. According to the 4th Prince temper, even Big Prince and 2nd Prince are willing to let go, these juniors, he naturally does not bother to deal with it. Moreover, do not look at the surface of the Qing Family, there are actually many problems. At least to achieve the ideal situation of 4th Prince, this time will definitely be difficult to achieve.
     The Lord wants to find a chance to bear the burden, but the burden on 4th Prince is too heavy, and the Lord can't bear it." Yin-Tang has its own Be careful not to worry, but his brother's feelings are also true.
     "If the Lord is not at ease, he will use more thoughts to help 4th Prince.
     There is a saying in the old saying, Brother are united, and the power is broken. You Prince Prince was originally a talented person, but the field that everyone is good at is not a In other words, if other people are also used like the Lord, they will pay for it, and they will pay for it. If they are 4th Prince, they will be able to make it easier. Da-Yi can also develop better." Wan-xi leans on Yin Tang's arms, the voice is light and light, almost whispering to himself, but the words are not unfounded.
     There is Ama, such as Kangxi, how Prince Prince will not be talented, just like Wan-xi said, but everyone is not good at everything. If it really allows them to develop their talents and specialties in various fields, it will not work well.
     Yin-Tang doesn't understand the meaning of Wan-xi, but these words can often be talked about by their idlers, but they can't be easily said in front of you. After all, everyone has their own position. It is not easy for them to come along this road.
     They want to say that they have completely put aside their prejudice. Yin-Tang can't do it himself, and how can he persuade him to do it.
     "Some things think that feels good, but it is not easy to do.
     This person is a selfish person, we can't ask everyone to be unselfish. After a few days, wait until the old eight things fade, 4th Prince The officially decreed Big Prince and 2nd Prince, so that the Imperial Father is satisfied, and the 4th Prince can also have a good reputation." Yin-Tang squeezed the hand of Wan-xi slightly, his eyes It seems a little distant, with a little thought on his face.
     "It’s just a novelty to go to the Courtyard. I really want to get the idea. I’m afraid that my eyes are smeared, I don’t know anything. But as long as it’s good for the Lord, I’m all right. Willing to accept." Wan-xi little face squinted on Yin-Tang's strong chest and smiled.
     Yin-Tang smiled with a good temper and whispered: "The outside is not a pampering thing, just as good as a good one, just like this with a straight man."
     Wan-xi smirked twice, his hands pressed slightly, licking Yin-Tang's neck, his face was slightly lifted, and he said softly: "As long as you have only one body in your eyes, you will be straight." Straight to accompany the Lord."
     Compared to Yin-Tang, she is obviously more greedy. She doesn't seem to have much, but in reality it is very rare in this era. If it weren't for Yin-Tang who had her in her heart and placed her in a very heavy position, she was afraid that it would be difficult to have a cut today.

     The death of theervant was exposed after five days, the reason is very simple violent.
     In fact, this news is not so uncomfortable. After all, I have been sick for a long time before, and the doctors say that it is detrimental to Shouyuan. Many people know that this disease is really not easy! Who will let the doctor speak and do things, and leave everything for three points!
     The medical doctors have always been based on warming, and it is not a last resort. It is because the Jedi will not take medicine.
     This is not because they are not good at medical treatment, but they are afraid of responsibility.
     Out of this kind of detrimental thing, the royal family is sure that it will not take responsibility on itself. In addition, the backyard of the harem is too much, and it is too sinister, even if it is disgusting, it is also No one wants to make everyone known. In this way, the royal doctor has become the best back pot candidate. Good governance is the duty, but it is not a cure.
     Since ancient times, there have been too many doctors who have lost their lives because of their anger. How can such a result make people do their wholeheartedly? After a long time, the royal doctors have also figured out a set of methods suitable for their survival. As long as they are not dead brains, no one will say things too clearly. As for treating diseases, they all say one and a half. half.
     The royal doctor said that it is okay, that is okay, the royal doctor said that it is seriously ill, then it may be unhelpful. If this is said to be detrimental to Shouyuan, it is definitely detrimental, but it is only how much damage can be seen. How long has it been?
     However, everyone believes that there is a well-informed person who knows the truth. It is a matter of heart. It is another matter to get it. In addition, Kangxi and Yongzheng did not say anything, and 8th-Prince House also taunted the result of violent temper, and they could come up with something to discuss. In this way, violent tempering becomes a definite fact.
     Everyone is dead, and naturally it is impossible to hold on to the past things. In addition, Kangxi personally sent Li Dequan to 8th-Prince House. He is just careful, and he has to give this Imperial Father a face, not to mention He didn't even think about a junior, so this time it was generous and directly sealed a bachelor to Hong-wang.
     When Yin-Tang received the news, he only slammed it and then returned to calm. He said that he would not think about the same thing with the juniors, and he would not say anything about the past, and he would have such a reaction just to be surprised by the arrangement. But think about Kangxi arrangement, what else does not understand!
     While the Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are not talking, but looking at their looks, it is not difficult to see that the changes in this series have made them somewhat unrequited.
     Oh, it’s so dead!
     This is really something that is beyond their intentions. After all, they still know what they are. So many Brother, no matter whether they rely on the forces there, at least have a bottom, and hey, although they account for the cheapness of Yin-Tang, but the bottom is the thinnest of all the Brother. Even so, he still stands out from this.
     From this point alone, we can see the ability of , even if some of his means are shameless, but Yin-Er have to admit that he is capable and capable.
     "9th Prince, what method did you use to get the old eight to go to death with willingness, and also got a reason for such a situation?" Yin-Er really couldn't help it. He felt that if he couldn't get the answer, it would be good. I can't sleep for a few days.
     "What can I do with him? His actions are on the bright side, and he is going to collect debts. It is a matter of course, and it is logical that he should not be allowed. Besides, what do you think he has to worry about? As long as he still If he has concerns, he will not dare to play any more." Yin-Tang took the fold and didn't lift his head, he said directly.
     For the two younger Brother, he is still very indulgent. After the succession of the throne, the status of the three of them has also undergone earth-shaking changes, and their respective wishes have been realized. It was only when Kangxi was in power that he left a lot of shortcomings. Even if Yin-Tang helped them fill it later, the total cost that could be spent was spent, and only a small part was retained.
      Intention to reform, Yin-Tang Although they support, but this kind of thing will be difficult to see for a while, and no one in the middle of the world is not everyone reform.
     There are reformers, and there are naturally old-fashioned factions. Even if it is the emperor, it is impossible to make a statement.
     "What concerns? Do he think that we will be like him, take the child-" Yin-Er returns to God, his face is angry, his eyes are round, and he can't wait to show his eyes, you know He is angry with this guess.
     Yu-Xiang is more acceptable than Yin-Er. After all, he sees him more clearly because he has no close relationship with him. Moreover, I can beat Wan-xi and Hong-min again and again. It is not surprising to think about others. It is just the thick person of Yin-Er, who will be prepared but not Will take the initiative to think of people like that.
     "10th-Brother, not everyone has principles and the bottom line. Lao Ba himself has moved to other people wives and children, and naturally feels that others will use this point to retaliate against him. 9th Prince shows his attitude to his life, He is unable to resolve such a situation, naturally he will want to prevent more. After all, no one in the 8th-Prince House can make a master for Hong-wang." Yu-Xiang holding a tea pot, looking at the gas Yin-Er, with a red face, explained without hesitation.
     He believes that he is no smarter than 4th Prince and 9th Prince, but some things have been seen through, and the fog that was originally in front of him is nothing.
     Yin-Er listened to his words, and some embarrassedly scratched the back of his head, snoring and snoring: "Who knows that the old guy is still dying to make such a move. But this 8th-Prince House really has nothing to manage. People, Hong-wang half size, it is reasonable to take over the position of the old eight, not to mention 4th Prince also sealed his position of Baylor. But this kid temper is too weak, if the old eight does not have an arrangement, he is afraid It’s hard to stand up, just like this, who wants to shoot!”
     Yin-Tang and Yu-Xiang listened to his words, and his face showed a few horrified expressions.
     The eyes of the two men subconsciously looked back and forth on him, seeing the Yin-Er deputy to blow the hair. Look, Yin-Tang couldn't help but preach and say: "10th Brother, this is not everyone ability to do things."
     "Yes, 10th-Brother, if everyone is upright, how can there be so many intrigues?" Yu-Xiang is very close to the sentence.
     Yin-Er is not really angry. Besides, he can hear those words about Yin-Tang and Yu-Xiang. After all, the royal child is innocent, and there is a bit of difference in his heart. Because of his mother's last words, he didn't think about what he had calculated in the past. He only thought that An An would live his life steadily. But he thought well, but things didn't develop as he thought. Moreover, this button can't watch the others take their current status.
     He was pushed to the front without choice, fortunately his choice was right. Although there were some twists and turns before, the 9th Prince took him to the right path.
     The Nikko Lulu family, although some of the behavior of the wall grass, can stand on his side in a big position, so after the succession, they are not bad for them. Although it has not been reused, it has not been reprimanded. Compared with other repelled families, I really don’t know how many times better.
     "Okay, OK, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with the Lord. Although he is the uncle of Hong-wang, but there is not so much feeling between him and Hong-wang, and then according to the old 8th-temper, since even his own death Can be used to please 9th Prince, then he must also leave Hong-wang a back road, after all, 9th Prince just shot him, and did not change the people in this 8th-Prince House." Yin-Er waved The whole person leaned on the back of the chair and put on a look like 'love can help'.
     When it comes to this, the 3rd Brother are not in the 8th-Prince House. To say this, the death of theervant can be easily removed, which saves them a lot of trouble. If this is not the case, I have always been careful how I am willing to seal Hong-wang Baylor, and how Yin-Tang is willing to accept this.
     To put it bluntly, this is a real fit, and as he has done in the past, he can always count the hearts of the people, but unfortunately he can't grasp the hearts of the people. Otherwise, whoever laughs at the end of the day may be who it is!
     Yin-Tang turned the subject and put all their energy into government affairs. Recently, in order to facilitate the implementation of the new policy, Yin-Tang has tried hard to deal with the ministers who have ulterior motives and always like to sing the opposite. I don't know if it is a sudden death that shocked them a lot. Anyway, compared with the previous ones, there are obviously fewer people who dare to resist fiercely.
     Yin-Tang vengeance, for those who are against him or count him, he will never be merciless. As long as there is an opportunity, no matter what the aspect, but he can grasp the handle or the opportunity, he will not easily let go, even if these people have already recognized it, he can not easily close.
     After dealing with these people for such a long time, he knew in his heart that they are nothing more than showing weakness. But once they let them catch the opportunity, they will definitely be more fierce than they are now, which is not what he wants to see.
     "The 10th Brother and the 13th Brother pay more attention to this.
     This is the first decision of the 4th Prince after the succession. Both good and bad must be implemented before they can see the effect.
     Those people are afraid of harming their own interests. Blocked three times and five times, don't give them a little color to look at, they are afraid to forget that this world is the surname of Aixinjue." Yin-Tang thinks of the family ministers who are like locusts, licking their eyes, Said the color ice cold.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang were opposite each other, and then the two men directed at Yin-Tang and nodded solemnly. For the decision Making of the embarrassment, although they are not clear about their intentions, they also know something about it. If they do not, the problem will never be solved, and even more serious.
     "9th Prince, don't worry! Whatever the decision of 4th Prince? Our Brother must support him." Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are unanimous.
     "You have a good number in your heart. After this incident, the Lord will ask the 4th Prince to lift the ban, knowing that if you don't communicate with the outside world, this business can only be confined to various places and cannot be developed." Yin-Tang I would like to say that other businesses are no more than the profits brought by this shipping servant. Instead of being exhausted, it is better to be bolder and focus on the most profitable projects.
     "Sea!" Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang listen to Yin-Tang, and they are bright. Everyone says that 9th Prince is not lacking in silver.
     This is the truth, but it is also a slang. To say that the two of them, along with Yin-Tang also made a lot of money, but now they are more and more children, all aspects of the use of money, they naturally want to follow Yan-Tang and earn a pen.
     "Yes, it's the sea!" Yin-Tang saw their look and they knew they were also moving.

     "Yes, it's the sea!" Yin-Tang saw their look and they knew they were also moving.
     In the case of shipping, Yin-Tang is the first person to contact and benefit. At the beginning, Yin-Tang had an interest in business, and all aspects were concerned. But before he was in charge of the government, what was the silver on his hand? Even if Yifei has behind-the-scenes support, it is not easy for him to want to make a solo move. Under such circumstances, Yin-Tang, who was looking for business opportunities, took up the idea of ​​shipping under the circumstance.
     The sea is profitable and not too risky.
     The risk is not small. Whenever there is a storm or something, all the cuts are not to be said, but you have to pay a pen to settle the house. It can be said that it is not worth the candle. On the contrary, as long as you avoid these, all the cuts are easy to say.
     Yin-Tang's luck is good. In the two years since the start of the investment, the second profit is not small, even if there are some minor problems, it can be solved smoothly.
     The profits brought by shipping have laid a solid foundation for the industries after him. Otherwise, relying on Yifei dowry, it is not enough for those who give him the benefits!
     After that, Yin-Tang used these earned money to start a business, not to mention that his industry is everywhere, but no one who is profitable is not interested in him. Waiting for a long time, Yin-Tang's industry will be much more, and the silver in hand is much more than the national treasury. Just this point, even if someone swears that he is competing with the people, he can talk about money, who dares to follow He is taller and lower.
     Later, Kangxi ordered the ban on the sea, and Yin-Tang's shipping business was also damaged, not because of external factors such as the storm, but as Prince. He could not blatantly confront Kangxi, the Imperial Father, so the shipping business suddenly shrank a lot. Because of the dowry of the former Tong-Queen, plus many years of operation, there was Yin-Tang help during the period, but there is no shortage of silver, and Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are lacking in silver. However, I am embarrassed to always take advantage of Yin-Tang, and I have withdrawn from this matter.
     The impact of this incident on the embarrassment is really small, especially after he became an emperor, the whole country is his, he naturally does not lack silver, but Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are not the same, The two of them could indeed get a lot of oil and water on the battlefield, but they had pity on the soldiers who were injured and died.
     They couldn't bear to suffer from their injuries and had no money to live.
     They died and the family did not take care of them.
     They gave all the soldiers who were wounded and wounded. Although this move has earned a good reputation for himself and her, they still have a family to raise! Now, listening to Yin-Tang has the meaning of reopening the shipping business.
     This is how they can be tempted by the lack of money.
     "9th Prince, Imperial Father said that the sea is forbidden, you advise 4th Prince to reopen the sea. If the Imperial Father knows, I am afraid to think more!" Yu-Xiang is a thoughtful one, he is not a brother.
     The smartest, but the most practical.
     In these years, he did not have his own thoughts, but he did not have such a big skill. Fortunately, a few Brother are good to him, and he is taking everything with him. He himself recognizes the gap between himself and others, and then he carefully closes it up. It’s just that the habit of loving and thinking about everything can’t be changed, but it also makes him do things better than others.
     "Imperial Father must be ventilated first, otherwise things will happen. I am afraid that many people will use this as a reason to listen to them, and even use it to pour dirty water on the head of 4th Prince. In order to make things go smoothly without getting in trouble, the Lord must go to Changchun Garden to take a nap. In addition, the forbidden sea was all annoyed by the missionary’s actions, and the years have passed. With new changes, the father is sensible, and if the Imperial Father hesitates, he will try to consider his proposal.” Yin-Tang thinks that this problem is not a day or two, though The silver is the thing that changes in quantity, but it is really necessary to build a prosperous world like you said, not to mention the entire treasury, it is to give all his money, it is difficult to achieve, so he has to fight the idea Go outside.
     Yin-Tang can do business regardless of the so-called 'famous', so that he can be seen that this person is not the kind of pedantic person, and he is diligent and eager to learn. For Western things, it has always been mastered by many people in Prince Prince. Most of them, so he firmly believes that there are also Shengshi Golds that they can't think of waiting for them to seek.
     Do business! I often come to know that the potential of this is big or small. After playing for so many years of shipping, Yin-Tang has no idea at all. It is not him.
     "9th Prince, you can say it! Is there anything wrong with this? Brother can help you, if there is, you say." Yin-Er is not resistant to those who bend, with Yin Tang They talked and always went straight.
     "10th-Brother is right. 9th Prince, this thing Brother both have to follow you, can't do nothing!" Yu-Xiang looked up at Yin-Tang, apparently he and Yin E, I also want to help. After all, this thing is really done, they also benefit.
     Yin-Tang looked at the two, and my thoughts turned around in my mind. I knew that the two didn’t want to sit down and enjoy the sigh.
     They sighed a bit: "Do not worry! This is really the time for you to help, the Lord will not Polite, after all, opening the sea is not just a business of shipping, there are other things."
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang looked at each other and suddenly thought that there was a hidden danger in the forbidden sea. In fact, even if it was forbidden in the sea, theseervants continued to harass some villages in the offshore, and there were many horrific incidents. Although the court sent troops to the earthquake, it was a pity that these people came and went in a hurry and it was hard to eliminate. If you really want to open the sea now, this problem will be solved first, otherwise this point will become the biggest obstacle.
     "9th Prince, if you want to train, my brother and 10th-Brother have not practiced the sailors, but everything has the first time. As long as they can help, it is okay for the younger brother to run for it." Yu Xiang is quite useful now, but he still wants to do a career in his own age. After all, the merits of the past will disappear with time. He does not want to be fixed, but he does not want to be born. In addition to the trip to the northwest, I was trapped in the four 9th Prince City, and I could not go anywhere.
     Yin-Tang thinks about the hidden dangers around the offshore cities and feels that it is necessary to put a bill on the matter. Although the harassment of slanders is only a small scope, it can take a long time, and it will inevitably raise the hearts of those people. According to the news he got, some villages have to be vigilant in order to survive and even be willing to be a squatter.
     The village is not a thing, what are the three villages in the two villages? When these villages have their own hearts, they are taking the opportunity to do something. When do they want to do something more? It’s hard to be afraid.
     "Well, this is a matter of writing a letter to 4th Prince and listening to the meaning of 4th Prince." Yin-Tang has a heart for it, but he can't take his own ideas. After all, it is different from the past, he is a Master, he is a minister. Everything still needs to be measured, and it can't be easily changed. Otherwise, it is really a disaster!
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang heard the words and couldn't help but nod. I knew how they would discuss it again. I didn't agree with it, so the three people talked for a while and then dispersed.
     Yin-Tang sent away two people and began to think about writing a fold. He thought that since some people in the village had begun to turn their backs, they had to pay attention to it and could not let it develop. Besides, he also wanted to give Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang have the opportunity to experience, after all, the military power is still more secure in the hands of their own people.
     On the other side, not only the national events, but also a variety of trivial matters that made him too confused. In addition, when Kangxi was in the position, he canceled the draft in the northwest because of the war in the northwest. Now he succeeds to the throne, and the ministers under the court will present the matter to the case. According to his own meaning, this show can be selected or not, but there are many young children in the family clan waiting to marry, there is no reason to deny, but do not like the feeling of being forced to make a decision, so even Knowing that this is a must, he is still dragging and not giving a reply.
     To put it bluntly, you must take the initiative, and the court officials can mention it, but the master must be his love for Xinjue Luo· .
     When I saw the Yin-Tang's ups and downs, my brows couldn't help but wrinkle tightly.
     This training is not a child's play, not even a half-time. When Kangxi was in office, he also sent people to practice the sailors, but the results were minimal. But when I looked at the things that Yin-Tang said on the book, I was also aware that this matter was imminent and could not be delayed.
     The people of Daqing lived unsteadily on the site of the Qing Family.
     They had to rely on helping the pirates to be the informants to keep their size.
     This kind of thing he could not bear. Looking at the book written by Yin-Tang, this matter can no longer be left in this way. It’s just that the officials in each sea area have to make another decision. After all, not everyone can give him peace of mind.
     Besides, this is a matter of shipping, and it is also a person who has tasted the sweetness. Although due to Tong-Queen's relationship, he started to be the richest of all Prince, but later, in order to win Di-, his silver is not enough, especially after the stick and the blood drop, if Not Yin-Tang idea to help, he may not have today.
     Although he will prevent Yin-Tang from time to time, he still trusts and even appreciates Yin-Tang most of the time. Otherwise, he could not directly delegate power to Yin-Tang. However, Yin-Tang did not disappoint him. His actions were based on his position for his sake. Even the mention of the training of the sailors and the opening of the sea was for his plans and ambitions.
     "Su Peisheng, you personally take a ZHong-Yong Qinwang House, please ZHong-Yong Qinwang into the palace, and say that there is something to be with him." After reading the fold in his hand, silent for a long time, he looked up. Said to Su Peisheng, who is next to him.
     "The nubi follow the purpose." Su Peisheng sneaked a sigh of relief, and after returning to the sky quickly, he made a ritual, and when he turned around, he decided to put ZHong-Yong Qinwang, not a home of Qinwang.
     The status is raised again.
     Others don't know, Su Peisheng, who is close to the waiter, knows that ZHong-Yong Qinwang's family has a position in the emperor's heart. It can be said that except for the emperor and the Prince, the most important thing for the emperor is this family, followed by Dun Qinwang and Yi Qinwang.
     This result is actually beyond his expectation. He originally thought that the emperor most valued the most long-time Yi Qinwang, but the result was ZHong-Yong Qinwang, which can be seen that ZHong-Yong Qinwang's ability can also see the emperor's heart.
     When he left the Yangxin Temple, Su Peisheng also called his own apprentice Xiao yinzi and whispered: "The clever point, if the emperor has instructions, it must be done. In addition, if there is a big palace Lady dare At this time, I am very clear-minded, and the emperor is interested. If it is not intended, remember to clean up."

     When he left the Yangxin Temple, Su Peisheng also called his own apprentice Xiao yinzi and whispered: "The clever point, if the emperor has instructions, it must be done. In addition, if there is a big palace Lady dare At this time, I am very clear-minded, and the emperor is interested. If it is not intended, remember to clean up."
     Since the emperor's succession to the throne, although a large number of people have been cleaned up in this palace, they are all distracting, and there is no relationship with the flying branches. It is said that this is still the old Liangzhu and Defei  gave the palace ladies extravagant hope, no matter what their final outcome, they may be born in a sorcerer's library, a palace woman can be sealed, what other people can't? With such an idea, those beautiful ladies are naturally eager to try, thinking about a favor, and then change the fate of themselves or the family.
     In the past, whether it was in the palaces or in the temple of the heart, there was a big heart, and I wanted to climb the bed with my own beauty. Unfortunately, it was no better than Kangxi. It was not the kind of person who would pity the jade, and there is still a point.
     The difference with Kangxi is that he is very disciplined, even in the case of women, it is also straightforward. If there is any rebellion, it is probably that the pet Li-shi has been rebellious because of Dexter’s reprimand.
     Defei  did not let him pet Li-shi, he not only spoiled, but also spoiled the light, so that everyone knows. As for the latter, I don’t like it.
     There are various reasons for this. It’s not his nubi who knows.
     However, these people have also been implicated in many of the palace ladies who climbed the bed. If they are good, they have not been able to get the benefits, but they have even beaten and even lost their lives. In this way, they are definitely not willing, so they will be tightly guarded, and that is also inevitable.
     "Shifu rest assured that the small ones are so good that people can stare at those people." Xiao Yinzi can be valued by Su Peisheng, certainly not a fool, and the intention of this is that he only needs to use his brain to know.
     "Okay, you have to spend a little more thoughts, and you have to go to the emperor to run poorly." Su Peisheng saw Xiao yin on his heart, and no longer delayed, taking people to go outside the palace.
     Yin-Tang still doesn't know that his appearance has already attracted a lot of attention. At this time, he is being pulled by Wan-xi to handle the letter sent by Zhuangzi.
     In fact, even Yin-Tang himself forgot that the women still lived on Zhuangzi. As long as they were willing to accept their hearts, this life is absolutely indispensable to them, but these women just like to die. In the past three or five times, I sent some letters from time to time. Yin-Tang had more things on hand, and Wan-xi did not want to pay attention to it. All of them were handled by Wang An.
     Originally thought that they would not pay attention to it, these people could not get a response. When they were long, they would stop by themselves. Who knows that they not only did not stop, but the more they became more and more happy.
     The former letter only said that it was a request for peace, a complaint, and the letter that was sent now. It was not sad or hurt the lungs. At the end, it was a serious illness and hoped to return to Capital City.
     "What do you think of this thing?" Wan-xi looked at the letters in his hand, and his mouth was unconsciously pumping.
     These people looked at who was a fool, and went back to Capital City to cure the disease. He really took himself seriously.
     "How about Jao-Jao? How is it? ‘Laozi is not a doctor, but they can't see them. Besides, there is no one around Zhuangzi who will cure the disease. Since it is a serious illness, it is well raised. It is not afraid to be sick even if it is so far away. Heavy!” Yin-Tang obviously didn’t take this seriously. If he was so easy to be soft, he would not be able to send them away.
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang without heart, and she can't help but feel a sigh of relief. She is afraid that Yin-Tang is soft, and she is afraid that the person who sent it will come back. In fact, this upcoming draft also made her slightly uneasy. I was afraid that someone would go to the government to save people. I was even more afraid that Yin-Tang would move other minds. After all, the world, but in the draft, there is no such thing in the house. Missing, and she no longer wants to look at him like a last life, to favor others.
     "Master  really don't care? They are all women of the Lord after all?" Wan-xi is soft and directly leans on Yin-Tang's arms, and some mouths are not authentic.
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi, who was not twisted in her arms. She flashed a smile in her eyes, and the arm placed at her waist was slightly weak.
     The distance between the two disappeared instantly, and they leaned tightly. From the beginning, she teased her with a slap in the face: "Is the boy's sweet and vinegar?"
     Wan-xi listened to Yin-Tang's words, not only did not get angry, but instead raised a brow, and asked him in a provocative way: "If you are jealous, how do you plan to deal with the whole body!"
     "Ye is going to put you on the spot." Yin-Tang turned over and placed her under her body, her fingers rubbing her delicate cheeks, and the moment of bowing just kissed her lips, lingering, and very loving.
     Wan-xi began to be smashed by Yin-Tang's sudden move. When he returned to God, he did not refuse Yin-Tang's closeness. On the contrary, he cooperated very well. After the women in the house were sent away, Wan-xi did not say anything about Yin-Tang, but he was very considerate. If she said that she would still use the small temper to refuse Yin-Tang's courtship, she would be quite cooperative after sending away those women. Even at some time, Yin-Tang temper will play some tricks to increase the relationship between the two.
     The two were in the house, and Lin-Chujiu, who heard the movement outside the house, quickly opened the people around him, so as not to disturb the interest of Your Highness. It’s a pity that he thought well, but things didn’t depend on what he meant. No, it’s less than half an hour. Someone came to report it, saying that it’s the Su Gonggong of the Yangxin Temple.
     The emperor has please. In the face of such a situation, Lin-Chujiu only felt that his skin was unconsciously stretched tightly.
     Yin-Tang, who was in the room, glared at Wan-xi, lying on the pit, her palms stroking her smooth back.
     The whole person seemed to be a lame tiger, and her face was satisfied. Just when Yin-Tang wanted to say something, he heard the voice of Lin-Chujiu from outside the house, saying that Su Gonggong, who is the Yangxin Temple, came. Yin-Tang frowned, and immediately thought of the memorial that he sent today, and he couldn't help but sit up.
     Wan-xi heard that Su Peisheng, who is the Yang Xin Dian, came, and took the clothes directly next to him.
     Then he got up and helped Yin-Tang take clean clothes and then went into the clean room. Put a bowl of clean water to wipe him.
     Yin-Tang cleaned up under Wan-xi service, then put on the clothes prepared by Wan-xi, and when he put on his boots and ready to go out, he turned his head and looked at Wan-xi: " I have something to discuss with 4th Prince, and I don’t have to wait for dinner."
     "Well, I remember to come back soon." Wan-xi didn't ask what it was, but whispered Yin-Tang back soon.
     "Yes." Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi soft and clever appearance, smiled and smacked on her slightly swollen red lips, and then turned and walked out.
     Wan-xi was stunned by Yin-Tang's move. When he returned to God and looked at the back of his departure, he smiled unconsciously.
     Yin-Tang didn't know that Wan-xi was laughing at him in the back. After he got out of Qing yi-Courtyard, he went straight to see Su Peisheng. After they took a photo, they immediately entered the palace. After all, there is nothing that is impossible to tell Su Peisheng directly, so to understand the intent of the shackles, Yin-Tang has to go to the palace to confirm.
     For the Yin-Tang road to enter the heart of the temple unimpeded, many people look in the eyes, even in mind, and then adjust the attitude towards Yin-Tang according to their own situation. Before they have the ability to be emperor-like like Yin-Tang, they have to bow their heads to please Yin-Tang who is capable of being valued by the emperor.
     "The younger brother asked the emperor to ask for security, and the emperor was auspicious." After Yin-Tang entered the Yangxin Temple, he directly asked the horseshoe sleeves to ask for peace. Nothing was arrogant and arrogant because of his emphasis on him. It’s just right to take the measure.
     “Let's flat.” I looked at Yin-Tang's eyes, and I saw a silky satisfaction in my eyes.
     Then I took the Yin-Tang's fold and walked with the Yin-Tang to the side of the East Warm Pavilion.
     The Yang Xin Dian is a place where the Shang Family is in charge of politics. It is not suitable for talking about things, and although I hope that Yin-Tang remembers his identity, he does not want to break this brotherhood, so in private. He will still draw closer to each other properly, after all, he did not want to be a real loner.
     The two men went to the East Warm Pavilion before, and Yin-Tang followed behind him. After waiting for the audience to sit down, the two were polite and a few words, and Yin-Tang sat down. After all, he came to the palace to talk about things, not to come here to play with the guests.
     "4th Prince called the younger brother into the palace, but for the sake of shipping?" Yin-Tang wants to show his closeness, he is also private, Yin-Er, they are called 4th Prince , not the emperor.
     "Yes, 9th Prince's brother has been seen seriously, and I have thought about it for a long time.
     The training of the military is imminent.
     The meaning of the choice of the person is to let the old ten and the old 13th try first, but these two The governor's candidate, I have to choose first, otherwise no one will fight the pioneer, this soldier does not practice." The fingers of the knuckles are gently tapping on the table, the expression on the face is a bit cold, but the words can be said After careful consideration.
     Yin-Tang took a little thought into his thoughts and understood his intentions. Indeed, if the Governors of the two countries are not right, even if the old ten and the old 13th have the ability, this soldier is afraid that he will not be able to practice. After all, this strong dragon can't hold back the snake. If the other party doesn't cooperate, let them have ambitions and it will be difficult in a short time.
     "4th Prince younger brother understands that it is not enough to just pick a Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. However, 4th Prince, have you forgotten that before you start, we have to ventilate with the Imperial Father?" Yin-Tang looked up He looked at him and whispered.
     Don't look at Kangxi already Zen position, but the dragon guard in his hand did not give it to him. It wouldn't be reassuring one day. Whoever made the Imperial Father have always been bias, I really want him to give him the dragon. People other than’servants are afraid that it will really cause an uproar.
     "Well? Well." 
            After the selection of the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, you will accompany you to a beautiful spring garden. Whether it is a matter of shipping or training, it is necessary to say anything as long as it is beneficial to Daqing, no matter how many obstacles. How many difficulties, you will face difficulties."
     Yin-Tang looked at the stern look, the first time, opened a cut, he felt that he was more suitable for the emperor than the other, not for the other, just because of his unwavering determination and this The strength of doing things for the people is enough to compare them all.
     “4th Prince rest assured that although his brother likes to be lazy, as long as 4th Prince can use his younger brother, the younger brother will go all out to share the worry for the 4th Prince.” Yin-Tang arched his hand and looked at him seriously. Road.


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