Chongqie Courting Death Daily 535

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     "Hey Qinwang has already decided that the Eight Lords will save the son of Jian-Qinwang, it will definitely be defensive. It is not easy to break through. If there is a place to see it strictly, then there must be a place where it is not strict. So, let's come.
     The sound of the East, distracting their attention, breaking their original arrangements, and then fishing in the water, maybe there is still a chance." Willow Dong Cheng gently squinted, talking unconsciously tightening the paper fan in his hand, the fundus It is a flash of silky haze.
     When I heard his words, I suddenly felt a sense of openness, and I had a lot of ideas in my mind.
     "Teacher is right, we can't go all the way to black, we have to find another way." One hand clenched his fist in the palm of the other hand, and the whole person came back and forth in the study several times back and forth.
     The face is excited.
     Others have always been the leader of Willow East. Even if there are a few who are not convinced, they dare not bounce at this time. After all, they simply can't think of a better way.
     The time of Willow East has become the focus of everyone. Compared to the past, Willow Dongcheng is not as proud as it used to be.
     The opposite expression is a bit dignified.
     As an aide, they all swear to die for the confidant, Willow Dongcheng is not, he was beaten by others, and he voted for nothing. After snoring helped him to avenge his enemies, he was able to help him with his advice. It was just that the beginning was very smooth. After that, I came from playing 9th Prince and other people who voted for Qinwang.
     They seemed to walk into a strange circle. It was said that everything was not going well.
     To be honest, Willow Dongcheng was persuaded to let him go back to the 9th Prince and the Ten Master. He also had this intention, but the former 8th Fu-Jin seemed to have taken the wrong medicine, and it was not 9th Fu-Jin's Wanyan-shi is right, for reasons he is not clear, nothing more than a sly, and ridiculously makes him speechless. But the fact is that just this act that they think is not important ruined all their arrangements. Even now that 8th Fu-Jin has gone, their situation here can no longer return to the previous grand occasion.
     Although this world is said to love Xinjue Luojia, Prince can be back and forth in large and small, no thirty or twenty, not counting the small ones behind, just in front of several Daren Prince, whether it is circled The ban is still standing at the peak, suddenly united in a single, although not yet force, but their current status is also at stake.
     "You, today, today, the Eight Lords asked the problem, and asked the gentlemen to think about solving the current problems." Willow Dongcheng bowed his hand to the people, whether it was true or false, the attitude still let Others have a good idea.
     "Also ask the princes to help the father." With the solution, you can't help but restore the calmness of the past, and there is a sense of spring breeze.
     There is indeed competition between several aides, whether benign or malicious, at least they will not show up in front of you.
     This night, the lights in the study room lit up for a night, and a few of the aides were really boring and thinking about others. It can be said that people in the government have been pulled out and sneaked around, but all those who are valued are circled.
     This is the son of Jian-Qinwang. Isn't it important for other people in Qinwang House?
     Due to the fact that the battle in the northwest has not yet been settled, this time, except for the rest of the time, the Family continues, and even if it is not sleeping all night, it is still time to go to the Changchun Garden, who will let him The generals in the northwest are in a position to win!
     When they arrived, whether they were the minister or the minister, they had already arrived, and he had just stood still. When he was too late to find Jian-Qinwang, he heard Li Dequan’s sharp voice, and the ministers continued. Line up the team and walk inside the hall.
     I was mixed in the crowd, but the look on my face was mixed with a trace of fatigue, but my eyes were surprisingly bright. During the period, the position of the generals in the northwest was still at the peak of the debate. Whether it is here, or on his side, it can be said that it is inseparable, * full of flavor. It seems that the next step, the two sides will fight you to die and live like me.
     Kangxi looked at him with a sigh of relief, and his face was calm and waveless. Looking at the eyes of the ministers of the Highness implied a bit of complexity. He knows that this matter will lead to the current situation, which is caused by his help in the back.
     This game, whether losing or winning, is aware of the official beginning of the new and old replacement. Although he may not have any good end in this eight sons, but this person will go to this step today, can not escape a greedy word.
     "The meaning of Ai Qing qing has already been understood.
     There has been a period of anxiety in the northwest war.
     The war has been tightened frequently, and I am worried. So I decided to make a choice today." Kangxi regained his eyes, looked ahead, and his voice was cold. And majestic.
     His voice just fell, and the whole hall suddenly quieted down. It seems that everyone did not think that Kangxi, who was hanging directly on them, would suddenly make such a decision. Time, not to mention them, that is, the ministers are also somewhat unrequited.
     When I returned to God, the neutral and loyal to Kangxi immediate righteousness, and then unbiasedly mentioned a few candidates, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are already listed, after all the last northwest war, they did play Well-known, other candidates have more or less merits. Although there are some people here, there are only one place that can be proposed.
     He is quiet, but the person who supports him is very timely to join the front, and the words of Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are spelled out during the talks. Every time I say a sentence, my hand is clenched, and Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang’s martial arts are placed, and they are earned from the northwest.
     They are not suitable. Is it suitable?
     Obviously only a little bit, who knows that Imperial Father suddenly sighed, obviously 4th Prince yesterday, the Old 9 they have not come, even since yesterday, since the early morning, Imperial Father has not seen anyone, how suddenly Changed attitude between? Is it something that he didn't know?
     At this moment, in the face of the established results, I only feel that the whole person is not good.
     Things seem to have returned to the previous situation.
     The opportunity is clearly placed in front of him. He will catch it when he sees it. He can change his mind in the middle, and he has to accept it.
     "Imperial Father said that the northwest war is anxious, the candidate has a good life in the town, and he has to understand the situation in the northwest.
     The tenth and thirteenth Brother were the imperial generals of the Imperial Father.
     This time the northwest again rebelled, there is When they get together, they will definitely be worried about the Imperial Father again." When I stepped forward, I handed a bow to Kangxi, and the voice was slightly cold.
     The words that were spoken were on his side, but the sentence It is impossible for people to refute.
     When it comes to this, all the courtiers of the Highness have a face, and Jian-Qinwang is a wall-viewer. Obviously, according to the previous requirements, no one will not contribute, and the typical rabbit does not shed the eagle. In addition, even I have to admit that I can't refute this, and there are not many people who support him.
     There are even fewer people who have outstanding ability. I really want to take people with Yin E They put them together, and he feels guilty, not to mention others.
     For a moment, I really regret it. I regret why I didn’t pay attention to Yin-Er. If I knew that he was a member of the team, he would not only use him as a gun.
     "Imperial Father, 4th Prince, although this makes sense, but I am a big country, talents are prepared, even though the 10th Brother and 13th Brother are very outstanding, but when they encounter opportunities, they should promote new talents." With a gentle smile, the whole looks polite, but the words that are said are a bit sharp, but the person who does not directly say that he is not using him is smuggling.
     Kangxi swept his eyes, and the disappointment in his eyes was even worse. If he could face his own failure, he would look at him more, and he would be stalking in such a direction. It is no wonder that the opportunity is in front of us, but it is finally cut off by the fourth. He blinked his eyes lightly, his eyes swept the Jian-Qinwang eyes standing on the other side, wondering if he would find a chance to point to Jian-Qinwang. After all, the relationship between the clan and the royal family is still harmonious. very important.
     Originally, he did not want Jian-Qinwang to have a son, but now it seems that Jian-Qinwang can be a good person, at least this can become his weakness, and the future will be of great help to master the clan. He did not do much entanglement in this matter, as for the follow-up to see his fourth skill.
     "It is indeed necessary to promote new people, but the war in the northwest is anxious and the damage is heavy. It is really not suitable for sending new people.
     The old ten and the old 13th understand the northwest region, and the soldiers also have a certain experience. After the past, they can be in the shortest time. Master the situation, just let him two!" Kangxi lightly stunned, and how little face of this sly, directly announced the results.
     Kangxi said that he had watched his eyes and saw that he could not return to God for a long time. He could not help but sigh. He and the fourth year of the entanglement he knows, they have some secrets in their hands, but he also understands that they have no power on hand, and that can go to the present. Of course, this is also the result of his laissez-faire, but now the result has caused the evil, but he can not solve this evil, and can only use his own methods to balance at an appropriate time.
     In general, Kangxi has his own selfishness, but he does not care completely about his son's life and death. It is only that people tend to favor themselves in their choices. If not, in the first place, they will not only be confined. Now, when he heard that he was willing to let them out, he had to rebel against the Zen.
     To put it bluntly, physical reasons are also one aspect.
     These things are also aspects.
     "Imperial Father-" looked at Li Dequan, who was preparing to make a decree. He didn't come to Call, but after he looked at Kangxi, he didn't know what to say. He could only tremble in Kangxi. Look down to the side.
     Li Dequan looked at this scene and quickly took out the imperial edicts that Kangxi had already prepared.
     This was originally doomed, and 8th-Prince is just to make himself more uncomfortable.
     When he saw the imperial edict, he understood that Kangxi had long planned, no matter what he had before, he was still on their side. For a time, the silky disappointment in their hearts was slowly dissipated under this sacred decree.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are afraid of being the most happy.
     They have been waiting for this imperial edict, and no matter how the and Yin-Tang guarantee, the sacred purpose is not down, they are always uneasy. Now that it’s good, it’s a foregone conclusion. As for what it’s like, they really don’t care.
     I am so happy that I don’t think that Kangxi attitude will be so determined. No, I look at the imperial edict. It seems that this time he is like a clown, and he entertained the public without knowing it. .

     After the next Family, the spirit of the original spirit was slightly more exciting. I thought that today I had to argue again. When he saved the son of Jian-Qinwang and added a fire, the northwest would eventually be as he wished.
     It is a pity that things are not as he wished. God even ignored his prayers. Even those who supported him, under the firm attitude of Kangxi, ignored his gaze and refused to argue with him. But things have come to this step, even if he has the ability, it is impossible to let Kangxi withdraw the sacred purpose. For Kangxi, he naturally does not dare to face hardships. Even if he is full of grief and indignation, he does not dare to give birth to any irresistible ideas. He can only give in, he can only find another way, find out a way to live for himself.
     Jian-Qinwang looked at the shackles of the lost soul, and wanted to say a few words before, but Kangxi attitude made him feel amazed. Although he is eager to love his son, he can't dare to slap the tiger's beard.
     The previous cuts were first tried and tested, and Kangxi permission was given.
     This was a bold act, helping to deal with Qin Wang and others. However, Kangxi now has a clear-cut attitude. He also determines that his son is not in his hands, and naturally he will not risk taking him off for him.
     Thinking of the news I got, Jian-Qinwang would like to have a close relationship with her, so I can see my son soon. After all, this is his only blood in this world. It’s a pity that he didn’t even give him a look. He walked with Yin-Tang and they walked away. He didn’t give him a chance.
     "4th Prince, Jian-Qinwang intends to move closer to us, why are you..." After leaving Changchunyuan, on the way back, Yu-Xiang, who was still talking about it, finally asked.
     "Old thirteen, now that the dust has settled, the person who asks for it is no longer the Lord. Jian-Qinwang has been targeted for whatever reason. It is also aimed at. Even if we can't turn faces with him, it can't be easily Let's let go, let's let people know that we are not bullied." Looking straight ahead, the voice is cold, the tone seems calm, but it is not difficult to hear a grievance.
     Although I have grievances, I don’t care about the overall situation. It’s just that Jian-Qinwang’s needles are too obvious. All the cuts are seen in the eyes. If he understands easily, who else will take him in the future? Put it in your eyes and put his words in your heart.
     "Old thirteen, 4th Prince, this is knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger. Jian-Qinwang Since we are moving on our side, we should put on the proper attitude here, and easily forgive, it is inevitable that people will be small. In addition, Jian Qinwang's attitude to this day is already clear. He looks at the eyes of Imperial Father, not the 4th Prince, not ours." Yin-Tang said these words, the ‘Yuyan is ironic, obviously very disdainful Jian-Qinwang See the behavior of the wind and the rudder.
     “Hey!” Yu-Xiang listened to Yin-Tang’s words and thought about it. I found out that this is really the case. I’ve been afraid that it’s because of the Imperial Father, Jian-Qinwang is so bold!
     "Old thirteen, don't worry about Jian-Qinwang now? You think about how long it took for the trip to the northwest, 4th Prince and 9th Prince have spent a lot of thoughts on them. Before Jian-Qinwang, I am willing to be good. Look up, I will know that his son is not in the hands of 8th Prince, but he did not, he just put it in this way, so he did not give him a warning, and he will do anything casually, he is like this, others are still There is no such thing!” Yin-Er pulled Yu-Xiang's arm, and his eyes were slightly reddish. Obviously, he was excited and exposed, and he was also dissatisfied with Jian-Qinwang.
     Because of the delay in the northwest, he did not say it, but his heart was very embarrassing. During this time, he was not eating well, and he could not sleep well.
     The whole person’s mental state was very bad, and his eyes were black and blue. It’s just watching Yin-Tang.
     They try their best to do things for them and don’t want to burden them.
     This suppresses the inner tyrannical factors.
     Yin-Er voice fell, and Yu-Xiang couldn’t help but close his mouth. Apparently he thought of his own time of suffering, and for a moment his heart was annoyed. If you have time to sympathize with others, why not look at how much you and your Brother have experienced during this time.
     "4th Prince, 9th Prince, sorry, this is something that my brother is not thinking about." Yu-Xiang looked up at Yin and Yin-Tang and apologized softly.
     Yin-Tang and Yu did not blame Yu-Xiang.
     They all understood that he was just anxious. He wanted to win over Jian-Qinwang and would not repeat this. However, he forgot some of the spectrum to be arrogant. After all, one of them is the future emperor, and the other three will become Qinwang with him in the future. Whoever is going to be there, you have to count it!
     "Okay, don't mention this again. You two will go back and prepare for the day, and you will set off on the day. Don't mix these things. You and your 9th Prince will handle everything well." I took a look at Yu-Xiang and saw that his face was relieved, and he no longer said more, just saying that they should do what they should do.
     The trip to the northwest, although they have experience, can be a matter of a few years ago, what is the appearance of it, have to go and say. I really hope that they will win again, but the premise is that they both have a good time. Now they can only tell him a few intimate words, only four of them, he does not want to lose.
     The change of identity has already made him feel too much, even if he wants to keep that kind of high, but never thought of becoming a true loner.
     Riding back to Capital City from Changchunyuan Road, Yi and Yin-Tang, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, each has its own things to do, especially hey, he is arranged. One cut, waiting for the door to go to the door, who knows that Imperial Father came this way, hard to destroy his plan, so that he was upset, but had to accept this fact.
     Of course, this thing is not a play. In order to prevent the dog from jumping into the wall, the secret guard in the house can not only be withdrawn, but also has to strengthen the defense. After all, whether the backyard is a ‘Madam or a child, he never thought about letting them go wrong.
     At this time, in the 8th-Prince House not far from each other, he was personally locked in the study from the back. Although he did not throw things or punish people as usual, but this repressed atmosphere made the whole 8th-Prince House people tremble with fear, even the words are soft and whispered, for fear that the sound is a little bigger, just It will provoke awkward anger.
     Lin Chengshou is outside the study room, but the atmosphere is not dare to come out, the whole person can not wait to shrink into a group. At this time, seeing Willow Dongcheng, who had rushed in, the whole person had met with relatives, and his face greeted him.
     "Herba?" Willow Dongcheng looked at the study 4th-the people who were waiting for Zhou, all of them were sighing, and when they looked at Lin Cheng’s charming look, they knew that the mood was not good.
     Also, they discussed the night, and finally caught a chance, but because of the sudden decision of the emperor, it became a bubble, and whoever changed it would feel desperate. But what about despair, it is necessary to go forward, after all, they have already retired.
     "Your Highness came back and locked himself in the study.
     The nubi couldn't get in, so that people invited Teacher to come." Lin Cheng smiled happily, and he made a statement.
      Willow Dongcheng heard the words, nodded, and thought for a moment, then went a few steps, went to the door of the study, raised his hand and tapped a few times, and said: "8th Prince, the nubi came in."
     After a long time no response, Willow Dongcheng did not dare to slack off, thought about it, could not help but reach out and push the door. When I walked into the house, I found that the windows inside were closed.
     The whole room looked a little dim. I closed the door with my backhand and went up a few steps before I saw the squatting sitting on the desk. At this time, he no longer had the temperament in his memory, but on the contrary it seemed extremely decadent.
     He looked up and saw Willow's eyes, but he didn't say a word. His eyes were straight, and it seemed that even the strength of the manager was gone, so he sat in the chair like this.
     "8th Prince, although some things are not inevitable, but you should be aware that things have inevitable changes. And from another perspective, this is not necessarily a bad thing.
     The emperor said that your father and son are sentimental, but in the eyes of the nubi The emperor still remembers you, otherwise he will not be in this section." Willow Dongcheng thought about the cause of Kangxi sudden decree on his way.
     To say that their actions are unknown, it is impossible.
     The secret guards in the hands of the emperor are worse, and they will be better than them. So there is only one reason.
     That is, the emperor defaults to the dark guards. amulet.
     Since the capture of Di-, whether it is the former 1st-Prince et al., or the current Qi-Qinwang, the two sides struggled, and each has its own losses, just big or small problems. Now that all the cuts have come to an end, it is obvious that this side has become a loser. If there is no point of self-defense, he will not be able to endure in the future.
     Knowing this, Willow Dongcheng can't walk or dare to go, because he knows that he can only keep this life if he stays with him. Otherwise, you don't need other people to do it, you can ask for his life alone.
     "You don't have to comfort Master.
     There is a reason for Imperial Father to act. He can't be for the Lord. I know that I am born low, and I know that I have a lot of places, but I am working hard and working hard." But the Imperial Father can't see it, and other people can't see it, but 4th Prince can be much better than the Lord, because he has a mother who is the Queen?" Hearing Willow Dongcheng, not only did he not feel The heart is comfortable, the opposite is resentful, and the violent factor that has been suppressed all the time is constantly probed, as if it will burst out at any time, so his tone is very cold. "If the original battle, the Imperial Father will be broken directly.
     The thoughts of the Lord, and the admission will not go to this step, but now all the cuts can't be returned, and he continues to ruin the arrangement of the Lord. If you say this is the Imperial Father's good for the Lord, I really hope that this kind of good can be less."
     Junjun minister, father and son. Listening to a simple sentence, but how many blood and tears there are only those who have experienced the sorrow and grief. But what about it? No one will pay attention to his sadness, and no one will feel his helplessness. He can only struggle to find a way out, but in this way, they still obstruct.
     When Willow Dongcheng heard the complaint from his mouth, the whole face was white. He really didn't think that there would be so many resentments in his heart. Turn around and look around, make sure no one is there. When he was close, he found that his legs were unconsciously squatting, but even so, he should persuade him to persuade him. "8th Prince, when things get to this point, it is when the emperor has helplessness. We are not as good as they are." Change direction and find a way out."

     "8th Prince, when things get to this point, it is when the emperor has helplessness, we are better off looking for a way out."
     When the words 're-find the road' were introduced into the ears of theervant, he could not help but laugh. I didn’t sleep at night and I had such a week of fighting. My body was really unsupported, but he knew that he had fallen down.
     This 8th-Prince House would also fall down, which was hard to support. just now.
     Maybe he also thought that he had to find a way out and he would not fall down, but the way out is so good.
     "Teacher, some things can't admit that you are too confident or stubborn, but now the behavior of Imperial Father may be good, but it breaks most of the life." Seeing Willow Dongcheng wants to open his mouth, he can't help but raise his hand. Interrupt him and continue: "Don't say 4th Prince, even if we are Brother, but there are too many things in between, it is impossible to do anything without a must, so between the Lord and them only I can't stop. If they don't know if they can deal with it, plus Jian-Qinwang, do you think that you can find a way out?"
     "This?" Willow Dongcheng was also blocked by the shackles. He really forgot about it. Now think about it, they are really four enemies!
     "Okay! Things have come to this step, and it’s bad to go bad." He sat up straight and talked with a little numbness and madness.
      Willow Dong Cheng Ning can be a big thunder, like the previous one, the book is so bad, at least that kind of sighs give the heart of the gas, and unlike now, everything is in the heart, seeing the human heart Can't guess what will happen next time.
     "8th Prince, as long as the emperor still wants to keep your temper life, then he must have a post-attack, so let's give up, it is better to see how the emperor is arranged." Willow Dongcheng's heart can be described as a hundred thousand Back, I was afraid of ignoring it, and I was afraid that he would not give up. It is really contradictory.
     Although there is no roar, no Calling, but the inner blame is really a lot of points. After saying those words, the suffocation in his heart is actually a little dissipated, but not so thorough. Although Willow's words are somewhat reasonable, but he does not believe so much, it may be in his opinion that if Kangxi has a feeling of father and son to him, these years will not force him to go to desperate.
      Willow Dong Cheng looked at this unintentional look and didn't know what to advise. He stood up and stood up. He subconsciously greeted him. Who knows that he did not wait for him to go forward, and he slammed straight to the other side, scared him to come forward quickly, "8th Prince, 8th Prince, What happened to you? Come and come to people-"
     Lin Cheng, outside the study, heard the ‘call of Willow Dongcheng, and immediately pushed in and waited for him to enter the house, looking at the pale, closed eyes, but also anxious. When the two of them settled down, they invited the doctor again. It was already half an hour later.
     However, over the past few hours, the news of ill ill has spread throughout the four 9th Prince City. It’s just that he is a real sick and sick disease that doesn’t attract attention. What really attracts attention is Yin-Er trip to the northwest, the zen meditation of Kangxi, and the succession of the shackles. If you said that Jian-Qinwang's help has attracted a lot of people attention, and even gave some people unnecessary hope, now for these people, the singular victory will make the cut a foregone conclusion. . Even if some people think more, they have to converge at this moment.
     In Junwang's house, Wan-xi was walked by Yin-Tang in the yard.
     The two men walked and talked, and the topic looked a bit complicated. Apart from the size of the government, there were also things on the court. . When they got the news of serious illness, they looked at each other and then smiled softly.
     It is not that they are gloating, but that this means, whether true or false, is easily misunderstood at this time. After all, this time before the loss to the shackles, but also offended Jian-Qinwang, the last moment is seriously ill, to make people do not associate.
     "Ye said 8th-Prince is this disease true or false?" Wan-xi held Yin-Tang's arm and asked curiously.
     "It should be true." Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi eyes and said: "Last night 8th Prince, but staying up all night, thinking about how to break through the 4th Prince Qinwang House, the son of Jian-Qinwang I snatched away. Today, the Imperial Father directly broke his thoughts, so it is not a big deal to fight the disease."
     In fact, my body is not good. I used to be sick with 8th Fu-Jin and Liangzhu, and he didn’t like the activities in the shooting. Everything had to be personally experienced. It’s a miracle that this body is not bad.
     However, Yin-Tang does not mean gloating, but it is inexplicably sad. Obviously, you don't have to make trouble to this point, but unfortunately you can't put a cut on this hand, and you just want to go forward. But this mountain can accommodate two tigers. What is the result? In fact, everyone has foreseen it, but they are not willing to face it directly.
     "If 8th-Prince illness is so good, maybe it will save a life." Wan-xi sighed, apparently thinking of the last 8th-Prince is also a loser, although she does not know His ending, but as far as his work is done, she really can't imagine his end.
     As long as you are a person who has been with you, you know that you can't see sand in your eyes. And everything is done in the opposite direction, the contradiction between the two is no longer a smile and enmity, then in the end it can only be a death.
     Of course, there are exceptions, such as squatting at this head, directly relapsed. Even if you hate again, it is impossible to directly ask for a life. After all, this emperor is more or less concerned with his own reputation, especially for those who have high demands on others.
     "8th Prince can't keep this life insurance. In fact, he is always in his own choice. He can't let go of the past scenery, refuses to face failure, and toss hard, not to mention 4th Prince, that is, he is also to him. I have endured the extreme.” Yin-Tang shook his head helplessly. He didn’t want to let go of his heart. Unfortunately, these people were born in the whirlpool of this battle, and everything was involuntarily.
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang's helpless look. He also knew that this person was born with a sense of love. Even if he did a lot of things that he was sorry for, he still wanted to leave a trail to others. It’s just that he thinks well, but the other party is not sure.
     "Master, this has all the causes and effects, 8th-Prince can't let go, it is the fate of man. In fact, in the dream of the whole body, 8th-Prince is also a loser, his failure is actually destined for a long time. It’s just that he doesn’t want to accept it.” Wan-xi lived for two, even if he didn’t understand politics, he could see more signs when he saw it.
     So many Princes are better than 8th-Prince, and they are not good at all, but they are not too bad, so how can they be willing to surrender to them, which is not so strong than them, is it just Just because he will be a good person, will he use others to fight for him?
     "Master ! Everything has cause and effect, and the father can't manage that much." Yin-Tang smiled and laughed, but *Wan-xi hand, took her to continue walking, as the outside harassed, he The tubes that can be managed are all in control.
     In the Changchun Garden, Kangxi got the news of serious illness, and his heart was a long sigh. However, at this point, he is more determined about the succession of the successor. Daqing does not need Prince with unwillingness. Daqing needs an emperor who can forge ahead. At this point, the fourth is obviously stronger than others, not to mention his heart and mind to accommodate his Brother.
     "The emperor, the nubi is damned!" Jian-Qinwang looked up and looked at Kangxi, who stared at himself for a long time. He was calm enough and could not stand the eyes of Kangxi, so he couldn’t help it. Recognize sin first.
     Kangxi heard the voice of Jian-Qinwang, and he couldn’t help but return to his breeze. His brows were slightly moving, but he did not see any waves on his face. His tone was even cold. "Love Qing has nothing to sin, this is all those who are not filial.
     The thing that came out. But since the matter is over, Ai Qing does not care about them any more. As for the son of Ai Qing , he has already let the fourth child find it, and will send him back to the government in the next day."
     "The nubi thanked the Lord Longen." Jian-Qinwang can't understand the meaning of Kangxi words, but even so, he can't disobey Kangxi meaning. After all, this son is finally looking back.
     Kangxi looked at the expression of Jian-Qinwang and nodded slightly. "Get up!"
     The son of Jian-Qinwang is the blood of the royal family. Since it was discovered, it is naturally to be found, but it is not his intention to arrange it in the future.
     "Xi Huang Shang." Jian-Qinwang learned that his son is about to return home, and the suffocation in his heart will be scattered.
     In order to appease Jian-Qinwang, Kangxi also has a concession. For example, if someone finds him back or remembers it in the ancestral spectrum, then it is a real royal man. Don’t think that the name of Jian-Qinwang’s son is true. It is a clan, and the rules are very cumbersome. Even if Jian-Qinwang is a clan, it is not easy to add people, but Kangxi agrees. Since Kangxi is willing to give in, naturally, it will not refute the face of Jian-Qinwang in this kind of thing, so the next thing seems very smooth, we can say that everyone is satisfied.
     Jian-Qinwang Now that he knows the purpose of Kangxi, it is naturally impossible to deal with it. After all, this disease is not known to others. His staring person is definitely clear. Ten thousand real hands, and accidentally asked for the other's life, he is afraid that it is not good to get away. Besides, he has offended the squad Qinwang, who is about to succeed in the game, but he is not the same as Qinwang.
     To put it bluntly, Jian-Qinwang is just closing his hand at the right time, that is, Kangxi, who is pleased, and can return to the game to continue watching the game.
     Take Di-this kind of thing, he does not participate, if not involved in the only blood, how he would marry this drowning. However, this is also the embarrassment he made himself. If there were no women who indulged in the backyard in the first place, maybe he would not get together in this farce because of his son. It is a pity that if there is a cut, all cuts are fatal, and there are reasons for it.
     Fortunately, he broke into this drowning water, and eventually he could retreat from the whole body. It was a great fortune in misfortune.

     After being called by Kangxi, the father and son stayed in Kangxi palace for more than two hours. Because Li Dequan was kept outside the door, no one knew what they said, and they didn’t know what it was. want? In short, three days later, Sui Pai sent Su Peisheng to personally send the son of Jian-Qinwang back to Jian-Qinwang.
     Jian-Qinwang has been rumored before the news of his son's floating folks. Except for insiders and related people, most of the people are unbelievable. After all, this Jian-Qinwang House is also the most lively. I really want to have a son, and the script for the child is not going to be so many years.
     Of course, this kind of thing, because of things that are not related to oneself, is true or false. In fact, there are not many people who really care about this matter. Plus, they subconsciously obstruct others to inquire, really know the news, or figure out The reason people are really just those of them, and others who know each other are only talking about laughter.
     Who knows that when they thought that this joke had passed, he suddenly sent the son of the so-called Jian-Qinwang back to Jian-Qinwang, and Jian-Qinwang personally met, even the next day. I prepared a gift and thanked my son for coming to the door.
     The implied deep meaning of this move made theervants who were seriously ill in bed, after receiving the news, could not help but have a sweet throat and spit out a mouthful of blood.
     "God is getting people, it's really open-minded! I thought I took the opportunity, I thought I had mastered the people heart. Now it seems that I really can't see through it myself... I cough..." The mouth is self-deprecating, but unfortunately, the words have not been spoken, so the coughed blood is stunned.
     Lin Cheng looked at the embarrassed embarrassed servant and carefully waited. He was kneeling beside him, leaning his hands on the pillow. "Your Highness, you still have to take care of yourself. Some things are no longer possible.
     Then, let's turn in the direction, let go of this, and seek other breakthroughs."
     Since this plan is no longer enough, then it is only persistent with it. Besides, Jian-Qinwang doesn't know what kind of revenge will happen after that. After all, Your Highness had to take his son to threaten to force him into this drowning. Now that the cut is over, the son of Jian-Qinwang has gone back, but there is nothing wrong with them.
     This account is really worth it.
     They don't seem to take a point, so the ending will definitely not be good.
     Lin Cheng’s words are a bit sloppy, but the facts and key points are generally pointed out. As for the final result, you have to look at your own choices.
     Now the whole person is not comfortable. He should have been directly recruited by the doctor, but he has a strong tone and refuses to compromise. It is better to say that he is not able to go with himself. If you are too confident or a little conceited, if you start to suffer setbacks, the subsequent mentality may be better. On the contrary, the beginning is too smooth, and you will not be able to withstand the blows later, especially when you are more than once. Heavy blows.
     At this time, the embarrassment belongs to the latter.
     The beginning is too smooth, so that he becomes too conceited.
     The failure of several consecutive times has caused him to think of himself because of other people reasons. It can be said that it is inevitable, and it is his own failure to lead the failure of the entire plan. Now that I don’t understand Kangxi pains and the sudden illness, this heart has become more tangled.
     "There are no other opportunities that are still unknown. I want to know that Jian-Qinwang can force the powerful 4th Prince under the coercion of the Lord.
     They have to regress, let alone be the Lord." Just think of your current situation, I couldn't help but sigh deeply. "If you are conceited again, you have to admit that you have to talk about strength. It is not only better than 4th Prince, but the Old 9, and he is far from being able to compare."
     He said that this is not an embarrassment, but a feeling from the heart. On the other side, he only knows that his strength is getting stronger and stronger, but it is Yin-Tang. When they first cooperated with each other, Yin-Tang's ability is obvious to all. And without him, he is also very difficult to get to today, even if he turned around in the middle, but he helped him to play the bottom but supported him to the present.
     Some things, the more I want to think, the more people feel regret, the past that was originally thrown into the annoyance, now it is floating in his mind, the thoughts that I want to suppress in the past, and now constantly from the bottom of my heart, Blocks can't stop.
     It wasn't that he was incompetent, but he forgot that his starting point was originally lower than that of others. When he had a grade, he thought about continuing to climb, but he forgot the results and cooperation. But now it’s too late to say anything. He doesn’t think Yin-Tang will go back unless he has the chips that he has to turn back.
     When I was thinking about it, I couldn’t help but think of Yin-Tang Di Fu-Jin Wanyan-shi, and I thought of Yin-Tang’s son Hong-min.
     To say that in the past, you will definitely feel that you are dealing with Yin-Tang, and that is really nowhere to start. But who can think of Yin-Tang, who used to be in the middle of the flowers, will have such an infatuated face today, no matter what makes today's cut, he is willing to help Wanyan-shi It is not difficult to see that he is really right about Wanyan-shi.
     Some people used to say that the first emperor was a kind of love, but he felt that it was just a means of the first emperor. Otherwise, an emperor, the ability is weaker, how can you not protect a woman, is it because of the high means of the Empress Dowager?
     Ha ha! If this is the case, it seems to him that the emperor could not abolish the Queen, and he has toss out so many things. To put it bluntly, the filial piety of the Queen is just the first chess piece of the emperor.
     They started to use well and confidently harvested them. After that, all the cuts were deviated. He could not turn things around and immersed himself in his own. In the midst of failure, the death of the Queen was made.
     Of course, he did not say that the Emperor had to confess the Queen to die, but that he was too concerned about his success or failure and the gains and losses, coupled with the depression and unhappiness, and all kinds of situations were added, which led to this cut. But the reason is that he didn't have the heart. If it's really on the heart, it should be like the Imperial Father. It's a way to protect Defei. No, it should be Defei , Qing yun straight, better than anyone, even if it is last. Lost the scale, but it can only end in his hand.
     The Yin-Tang road guardian, even holding it in the palm of his hand, is more attentive than the Imperial Father.
     “What is the situation in Qiyuanwang now?” He suddenly changed the topic and asked a question that was irrelevant.
     Lin Cheng slammed into a sigh, and returned to God after a while. Although he did not know what it was, he still honestly replied: " Qinwang House is guarded by strictness. If you want to forcibly break through, you may have a lot of casualties."
     "Forcibly breaking through? No, we are not going to break through Qinwang House, but ZHong-Yong Junwang House." I thought about Yin-Tang temper, although I know that this will make them stand on the opposite side, but he I don’t want to drag this broken body and live in it, so he wants to fight again and again. It’s just that he can’t be alone, but he still has the scenery; if he loses, he says nothing, directly The life is given to them, and they are not worthy of each other.
     "Breakthrough ZHong-Yong Junwang House! Your Highness, what does this mean? Do we want to start from ZHong-Yong Junwang?" Lin Cheng’s voice was a panic, and he did not seem to understand the meaning of .
     Lin Cheng did serve for many years, and he also had some understanding of the servants. However, he had to understand his mind, but he felt that the more he looked, the more confused he was, the more like now, the more often he couldn’t keep up with the rhythm. .
     "Yes! Even if there is no Jian-Qinwang son on the 4th Prince, it must be against the Lord's counterattack, so the defense will definitely not be weak. But the Old 9, the defense must be there, but it will not be like 4th Prince.
     There is a strictness there. If the grandfather took the opportunity to catch 9th Fu-Jin or Hong-min, the Old 9 would have to be loyal to Yu-4th Prince, and he had to compromise with his Di Fu-Jin and his son." The sound of cold and cold came one after another, and there was a fascinating tone in the tone.
      temper is among the people in the crowd, it is hard enough, whether it is for others or for himself, he is a person who can get his heart down, so he can be the Prince with the lowest identity and the least for others.
     The road has come to the present. It was only so good that he disguised it on most days, so many people thought he was well mastered.
     It seems that the embarrassing attitude made Lin Cheng not know how to persuade, so in the end he just closed his mouth and let him tell. When he was told, he felt that something was wrong, but he could only act according to his instructions.
     As nubi , they can only obey the orders of Your Highness, even if they know that such orders will go to nothing, they have to do it.
     Yin-Tang wouldn’t have thought that at this juncture, he would still hit his mind on Wan-xi, and now even if things in the northwest have been solved, but to be good, let Yin-Er and Yu Xiang goes to the northwest without any worries. He will not do less, but more and more.
     And Wan-xi has a big relationship with the stomach, most of the things in the house are gone.
     The visitor does not use Yin-Tang after the ten Fu-Jin, she did not intend to see other people herself, that is her amount. Niang, they just saw two sides, instead of seeing them as they used to.
     The current situation seems to be stable, but whether it is really stable, it is the Zen position and the new king's succession. If these two things are really done, they can be safe, and before that, they are good, Wan Xi family members have to be careful to prevent those who have ulterior motives from dragging them into the water.
     Wan-xi stayed in the house safely, and thought that this would avoid unnecessary troubles, but did not think that people were at home, and the disaster came from heaven. Who let them no one think of the 8th-Prince who is good at being steadfast, one day will lose patience, and it will be a cut, and it is possible to fight that silk!

     Although the winds of the outside world are very tight, many things are very depressing, but the life rhythm of Wan-xi is slower than that of ordinary people. It can be said that Yin-Tang has made her peace of mind to produce. many things. Obviously, when the troubles in the northwest were the most fierce, she could stay in the house safely, but who could have thought that when 8th-Prince was determined to make a result, she extended her hand to her and her. Child.
     Yin-Tang’s attitude toward jealousy is so intimidating that he never talks about it easily. Even when he mentions him with Wan-xi, his attitude is constantly changing, so he can see what he is doing. It is not only Yin-Tang’s feelings about his former Brother, but also Yin-Tang’s tolerance for blood.
     "Fu-Jin, Qinwang sent people to pick up Hong-hui Prince." Hearing the road, he ran over and talked a little bit of gasping. It is conceivable that the people sent by Qinwang came suddenly. .
     Wan-xi brows are slightly wrinkled, Hong-hui, they come to Junwang House to live, unless there is anything special, they are all sent back to Qinwang House, like this, suddenly sent people over The number of times is quite small, and even there are special reasons every time. What happened this time? Why did she not receive any news?
     “Is there any reason?” Wan-xi put down the tea pot with warm water in his hand and whispered a sentence. In her impression, even if he is suspicious, he is still a little careful, but he will not do such abrupt behavior without touching his interests.
     "The people who came here only said that the current situation has just stabilized, and there is still a lot of uncertainty, so Qinwang wants to bring Hong-hui 1st-Prince to the side." Listening to the breathless gas, I will hear the news. I will report it to Wan-xi.
     "The nubi met the general manager on the way, and they also inquired about the situation outside. I was afraid that there was any omission. But listening to the meaning of the general manager, there was nothing big happening in recent days, and it was incredible!" Hearing what he thought and what he thought, he hurriedly added.
     Her words not only did not let Wan-xi brow loose, but instead wrinkled more tightly.
     This time in the northwest, Jian-Qinwang entered the game. No matter what the reason, it should not be so calm afterwards. Even if it is a small fight, it has to express its dissatisfaction. It’s here, she Can you believe that Jian-Qinwang will take the initiative to reveal a cut because of serious illness? She gently rubbed her brow and looked at Ting-Rain subconsciously. She was also a face-thinking look, and she didn't have a sinking heart!
     "But, listen to the lotus, since Qinwang sent people to pick up Hong-hui them, you bring a few guards and send them back." Wan-xi waved his hand, his eyes flashed a deep thought, face But the style is calm, the tone of the speech is also very soft, just like a normal one, and has not been affected by this matter.
     After listening to the charge, I took a ritual to Wan-xi and walked out. After all, the people of Qinwang House and Hong-hui were waiting for them!
     Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin stood beside Wan-xi, watching Wan-xi have a lower abdomen, and his face looked calm, but his eyes were especially complicated. . It seems that they also feel that this thing is unusual for a stock, but Wan-xi does not have an opening, they can not say more, they can only wait so quietly.
     After a long time, Wan-xi looked up and swept Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin: "It would not be trivial to make 4th Prince so jealous. Don't look at 8th-Prince is seriously ill. However, some things will not end because of the seriousness of the disease. On the contrary, it may be because of the serious relationship between the illness, and the daring from the side, it is not good to jump over the wall."
     “Fu-Jin means that 8th-Prince wants to start with people in Qinwang House?” Ting-Rain tightened his eyebrows and asked indefinitely.
     "No, it may be like this, or it may not be like this. After all, it really counts, Qinwang House, ZHong-Yong Junwang House, even 10th-Prince and 13th-Prince, they are all roads, 8th Prince really wants to make a cut, we are afraid that it can be his goal." Wan-xi said these words, his face looked very bad, obviously this thing made her think of the bad things before.
     8th-Prince This person is like a disaster Concentrated area for Wan-xi. He is also a good person, and the person around him seems to be injured as long as he is related to him. So, no wonder she will think more.
     "Would you like to tell Your Highness, do more precautions?" Ting-Rain asked acutely.
     "Well. At night, when the Lord returns, this Fu-Jin will discuss with the Lord about this matter. Although this matter is not fixed as Fu-Jin thinks, there is nothing wrong with preventing it. After all, be careful to sail for thousands of years. 8th-Prince is difficult to judge with common sense." When Wan-xi said this, he only felt that the right eyelid jumped badly.
     At dinner, Wan-xi received a message from Yin-Tang saying that something was wrong, not going back to dinner, let her not wait, take a rest early. Wan-xi has something to worry about, but he doesn't think much about it. After all, Yin-Tang has a lot of things on hand, and every morning and evening, I haven't used Wan-xi for a few days. Fortunately, Hong-min, they all remember to come with her, otherwise Wan-xi temper, a long time, coupled with the relationship of pregnancy, may be cranky or maybe.
      Hong-min When they came over, their expressions were fine, but a few mouthfuls muttered Hong-hui.
     They walked too fast, so obviously they didn't want them to go so fast.
     Wan-xi also understands this. After all, Hong-hui, according to the past situation, they come to Junwang House, they will live for at least ten days and a half, and then five or six days.
     This time they only stayed for two days. Was picked up, not to mention a few children, is she not surprised at all?
     "Well, you 4th Uncle will send people to pick up Hong-hui.
     They must be arranged in such a way. After a while, a cut of dust can be settled, and the mother will let you Ama Hong-hui They went to Zhuangzi for a few days." Wan-xi looked at the children sitting on the table and pacified, and then gestured to Ting-Rain to serve.
     "Em, really?" A few younger faces stared at Wan-xi, obviously thinking about going out to play.
     "Of course. Now you Ama has a lot of things on hand. If you are busy with it, go out early and go home every morning. You must not be able to take care of you, so you are obedient, and wait until things are resolved. He will definitely meet your requirements." Wan-xi looked at the hot dishes on the table, and said one side to the children to hold the soup.
     When a few children listened to Wan-xi, they nodded again and again. Don’t look at them. In fact, they should understand that everyone knows, but because of the protection of Yin-Tang and Wan-xi, they are more than the royal family. Children live a real life, and even at some point they still retain the innocence of their own children, which is probably the most proud point of Wan-xi.
     The first thing that the people in the royal family face is survival. Because of this, they have to learn to be cruel to themselves and cruel to others. Wan-xi can change her own children, but she can't change others.
     Therefore, while protecting children, she also teaches them some means of self-protection.
     After all, it involves rights struggles, not only goodness, but also self-protection.
     After using the dinner, a few small ones got together and went to play. Wan-xi took Hong-min and Hong-zhao and said his fears and guesses. Although this matter has not been confirmed, but the possibility is quite large, so it is necessary to arrange for prevention. It is also important for Hong-min to be alert. After all, compared to Wan-xi, they are more likely to be deceived.
     "Em, let's rest assured! The son will take care of his brother Sao." Hong-min frowned, and the little boy had his own intentions. After all, he followed Yin-Tang, he was not only just If you study hard, you have to use tricks.
     They often care about Wan-xi and their actions. Although they don't involve innocent people, they also have ideas for themselves. After all, in such an environment, even if they are protected, they will conflict and communicate with many people. Don't think that the world of children is simple, sometimes the world of children is more complicated than Daren.
     "It’s good to have a bottom in your heart. Some people are easily forced into trouble when they are forced to a desperate situation.
     The opportunity they think is an indescribable injury to those who are counted by them. So I’m reminding you now, Nothing else, just to avoid this kind of injury happening to you again.” When Wan-xi said these words, the hand on the raised belly suddenly felt a trembling, she knew that this was the child in the belly. Interact with her.
     To be honest, there are so many excellent and filial children, Wan-xi is really proud.
      Hong-min and Hong-zhao thought about what happened in the palace and nodded heavily.
     They also don't want to hurt Wan-xi because of their own affairs. Don't look at how big they are, but deep down, they also want to protect the people they care about.
     In the evening, Hong-min, when they went back, Wan-xi asked Ting-Rain to call Wang An, and told him to send more people to protect several children, so as not to have anything to do, and there was no time to react. Although Wang An did not understand the intention of Wan-xi, but did not ask much, just followed her intention to strengthen the guards of several small Highness courtyards.
     When the dark man sneaked into Junwang, it was only a moment, and he found that the guards of Junwang House were much stricter than the previous investigations. However, they are still expected. After all, there is a previous experience in exploring Qinwang. Now they are more cautious than ever before.
     This is the main reason why Junwei in Junwang has not found them for the first time.
     After realizing the changes in the Junwang House, the dark ones were also very happy. Comparing the guards of Wan-xi and Hong-min in their courtyards, after a little analysis, they directly targeted the Wan-xi. Although it is more difficult to catch a pregnant woman than to catch a child, there are only a few chances. If they can catch people, the rest will be better. After all, the people in Junwang are more concerned about the safety of their own Highness than they are.
     Wan-xi has not noticed her danger, and she does not know that the people sent by her are approaching her. At this time, she is sitting on the donkey and reading the Book of Songs to the children in her stomach. Before I finished reading it, I heard a lot of noise. Just when she was going to let Ting-Rain go out to see it, the window next to her was knocked open. When she reacted, the cold blade was already on the shelf. On her neck, the cold and dangerous touch made Wan-xi scalp unconsciously numb.
     "Who are you!" Ting-Rain responded, and Ting-Qin stunned the black man who hijacked Wan-xi, his eyes blinking for a moment, for fear that Wan-xi had a flash.


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