Chongqie Courting Death Daily 600

Novels   »  Chongqie Courting Death Daily      »       END     

This is last release.  This is a long novel.  I also recommend the author's other works.  They are  shorter novels and enjoyable to read.

 + Epilogues

     After arriving at Zhuangzi, Wan-xi and Yin-Tang also lived in the main courtyard with the previous one. Hong-min, as they used to, lived in the courtyard that Wan-xi had arranged for them. As for the people they brought back, when they packed up, they all returned home.
     This Zhuangzi was owned by Yin-Tang very early.
     The Seto here has a good life because of Wan-xi relationship, and the children who follow them have become Hong-min people around them. Regardless of the status, anyway, this day is naturally more hopeful than before.
     When Wan-xi realized this change, he put the idea in mind with Yin-Tang, and then the Zhuangzi passed directly to the name of Hong-min. Don't look at this move, it is actually an opportunity for Yin-Tang to cultivate Hong-Er's own power. As for Hong-hui, the person who followed him still followed him.
     They didn't interfere, and they didn't want to use those people guys as a servant to push Hong-hui, who was already on their side.
     People! Some things can be done but they can't be said. Everyone has the bottom in their hearts. If they pull to the bright side, they will all become red fruits.
     The ending is definitely not satisfactory.
     Their current situation is the best, no matter what kind of interests will be involved or changed in the future, but as long as this is the case, they can be considered to be able to attack and retreat.
     Wan-xi naturally does not want the relationship between them to become like this. Instead of waiting for things to change, it is better to be prepared in advance.
     After a short break, Wan-xi asked about the situation of the next few children.
     They learned that they all went out, and they couldn't help but hold Yin-Tang's arm and asked to go out and walk.
     Don't look at Yin-Tang. He can be outside Wan-xi. He is straight and gentle. It can be said that he has never angered Wan-xi. What makes him angry is that someone hurts Wan-xi, not Wan-xi makes the temper, or asks for excessive demands. In fact, in his view, Wan-xi can ask that it is dependent on him, not unreasonable.
     "If you want to go out, go out and go!" Yin-Tang looked at her face with a look of affection, and could not help but hold her hand and nodded.
     In fact, he brought her here to make her happy. Don't just talk about going out with her, it's just the fire on the mountain, and he is afraid!
     Wan-xi heard the words and couldn't help but raise his head and smile at him. He said: "Since he promised, the next two days will not only be accompanied by walking around, but also like before. I used to hunt and play in the mountains."
     When she mentioned this, her face was filled with nostalgia and yearning for her.
     Thinking of these memories is the most beautiful thing in her memory for Wan-xi, otherwise she will not be obsessed.
     Yin-Tang nodded, took her hand and walked slowly along the path outside Zhuangzi: "How about Jao-Jao?"
     This Zhuangzi was originally Yin-Tang wanted to give Wan-xi, but it was not waiting for him to speak. She said the reason, Yin-Tang was hesitant, but considering Hong-hui and Hong-min The person finally accepted her request. Only a short time later, Yin-Tang passed the names of Wan-xi after the few Zhuangzis they had visited.
     He did not believe in his children, but his hegemony did not allow people, including children, to blend into them. Don't look at his growing age, but the care and possessiveness of Wan-xi is increasing day by day. He didn't worry about Wan-xi changing his mind. He only worried that if he had a day in front of her, it would make her not so happy.
     His words made Wan-xi footsteps in place, and the moment of turning his head, his slightly surprised eyes fell on his face. "Is it true?"
     "Master  is really true. Is it true that you will not be able to perfuse this little thing?" Yin-Tang smiled and squeezed the softness of his palm, and looked at her with a funny smile.
     Wan-xi licked his lips, took back his eyes, looked at the familiar green mountains and green waters, and whispered: "Yes naturally will not be perfunctory, but how can you be sure that you can accompany them directly?" If you have a sudden call to the palace, can you still not go to the palace?"
     In this sentence, Yin-Tang was on the spot, and when she returned to God, Yin-Tang couldn’t help but frown. "This is really not guaranteed, but according to my understanding of 4th Prince, if nothing is necessary. It is probably impossible for him to call the Lord into the palace at this time."
     "Master  can't be sure whether the emperor will call you into the palace. Is it so committed to being in the whole body, isn't he afraid that he will be angry because of his body?" Wan-xi blinked, his tone was calmer than before. Less, a smile on the bottom of my eyes, obviously taking the opportunity to make a small temper with Yin-Tang, I want him to marry himself.
     Yin-Tang may not be able to see it. He has a smile in his eyes. He holds her soft palm and exerts a slight force. He whispered softly: "If you can't do it, you will naturally be judged by Jiao Jiao in the future." ”
     “Is this true?” Wan-xi raised his eyebrows and looked at Yin-Tang’s eyes.
     The gaze was like a smile, like a soft hook, and his heart swayed. ripple.
     Although she is a little older than Yin-Tang, she is committed to maintenance. However, although this world has been better than the last world, it has suffered less than the last life. It can be said that her life, the opportunity and the danger are relative, the difference is that she has avoided, but each time there will be some problems left.
     To be honest, she can feel Yin-Tang for the past two years. No, it should be said that all kinds of actions in recent years have been considered from her perspective, even to ensure that she can live better. . But she didn't want it in her heart. She didn't mention whether she could live a long life. She said that the two worlds are human beings. She has to be a man from beginning to end. If he is gone, the world is for her. What else is worth her nostalgia for.
     Just like Yin-Tang's various spoils for her, if he is not in this world, Wan-xi feels that even if she has these children and wealth, she does not feel that there is anything worthy of nostalgia. After all, she can come back to this world again. Except for hate and unwillingness, maybe there is only this man who wants her to love and not dare to love. At this time, she loves the bone marrow but can't open it.
     "When did he lie to Jao-Jao." Yin-Tang looked at her happy appearance and suddenly felt that the busyness of the past was worthwhile, at least all that he paid could bring her and the children a sense of stability.
     "Since this is what I said? I have to plan well. Although it is not long, there are really many things I want to do." Wan-xi clenched the hand of Yin-Tang and said carefully. Her plan.
     The days in the capital are really too oppressive. Since Wan-xi so-called blessing reputation has spread more and more, she basically does not go out to socialize. As for the people who enter the government, except for Hong-hui and Hong-min They did a few games when they watched Fu-Jin, and then there was no movement. It's not that she doesn't like the excitement, but she doesn't like trouble.
     This kind of thing is not what she said, and the son-in-law of this backyard is easy to protect. It is really a problem to really keep it. She didn't intend to intervene in the backyard of others, and she didn't mean to add some messy names to her. So as long as she was troubled, she couldn't make it up, even if she doesn't need to be like the previous one.
     The world is so cautiously alive.
     Yin-Tang held her soft palms slightly and held her hand tightly in the palm of her hand.
     The two walked straight along the path, and the scenery beside them became more and more beautiful.
     In fact, this Zhuangzi has a relationship with Wan-xi, and Yin-Tang privately has spent a lot of thoughts on rectification. Although this is not the same as the royal garden, there is no such thing. taste.
     "Since there are so many things to do, it will start from this afternoon, whether it is going up the mountain or going down the river, but if you are charming, you will definitely accompany you." Yin-Tang thought about them during this time. Busy, could not help but sigh a long breath, "Gianjiao, wait until the emperor's New Deal is successful, the Lord will take you around to see the beauty that we have not seen."
     Yin-Tang likes to make money, although in Capital City it does not prevent him from making money, but for various reasons, there are some things that cannot be left open, especially Wan-xi, don’t think he doesn’t know the Queen. Looking for her, he didn't do it because the Queen was still interested, and didn't bother her, otherwise he wouldn't be so quiet, and the Queen couldn't sit on the Queen like this.
     But he doesn't do it, it doesn't mean he doesn't care. If he really needs his help around him, he has already asked to resign his current position and go to see his industry with Wan-xi. Be aware that you can be regarded as a 'God of Wealth', not only because he has money, but because he is very profitable. It can be said that in addition to the various taxes of the state treasury, he is involved in all who can make money. From here, it is not difficult to see how wide Yin-Tang's industry is and how many industries there are.
     "I don't worry, I will wait until the things on my hands are solved. I will go around and look around." Wan-xi smiled, obviously looking forward to the trip, but she didn't want to Because of myself, it is difficult for Yin-Tang.
     It is said that Yin-Tang’s status is indeed not low, and the rights in his hands are not too small. However, this situation is not good, at least Wan-xi knows clearly that the greater the rights in the hands, the worse their situation is, even if the current emperor has great trust in them, but who will say no better in the future ? Therefore, in the Wan-xi view, it is a good thing to be able to retreat quickly, but how to retreat, you have to find a good time, or a good method.
     Otherwise, it is a fake to return to the body.
     "Jao-Jao." In her words, Yin-Tang didn't know her mind. He knows better than anyone else that Wan-xi is not unwilling, but does not want him to be in danger. To this end, she would rather not go anywhere, or want him to be in the middle of it.
     "Master, you listen to me." Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang, who had a slightly embarrassed expression. He couldn't help but withdraw his hand, spread his arms, and plunged into his arms, his hands clenching tightly. His waist, his small face clung to his strong chest, and hurriedly said: "Although I really want to live a relaxed life, I want to walk around and see the scenery I have never seen before. But really If you want to let the Lord take risks, I would rather not want anything."
     It’s just a time to enjoy watching the scenery, and such a day is dispensable, and you can compare with him!
     At this moment, she suddenly felt that she was somewhat greedy. Being able to have a cut today is actually a gift from her, and she still has something to satisfy.
     "As long as you can keep up with the Lord, no matter where you are, it is all the same." Wan-xi face sighed twice in his arms, with a sigh in his voice.

     "As long as you can keep up with the Lord, no matter where you are, it is all the same." Wan-xi face sighed twice in his arms, with a sigh in his voice.
     Wan-xi temper is changeable, but in front of outsiders, she has always been gentle and restrained, and elegant and elegant. It seems that no matter what kind of things she encountered, she did not panic, but in front of him, spoiled and sold the temper, it was all-powerful, but often stood on the line just right. Sometimes, even Yin-Tang is wondering if Wan-xi knows what he is thinking? As long as he can guess her mind.
     Yin-Tang didn't care about the dream that Wan-xi said. In fact, what he really cares about is the safety of Wan-xi, not the news of how many prophets that dream can provide him.
     Yin-Tang reached out and hugged her, and her big palm gently stroked her hair. She said softly: "You can't let you suffer any grievances."
     In fact, Yin-Tang is really planning to take advantage of this time to take a good time with Wan-xi for two days, but no one thought that the second time at noon, he would lightly and simply bring a team of people directly. Zhuangzi. To be honest, this scene is not just to surprise others, Yin-Tang and Wan-xi are also very surprised.
     Although the situation is very favorable for them at this time, there are many people attentions in the draft, but this does not mean that they can sit back and relax. It can be said that the implementation of the New Deal is a long-term process, and all their previous actions have paved the way for this. Although there have been some achievements, but from the details of this matter, the road ahead is still growing!
     “4th Prince, what are you?” Yin-Tang slammed the ceremony and greeted the person in the room.
     This was asked out loud.
     Looking at the strange faces of Wan-xi, they reached for the tea pot and sipped a hot tea.
     They said, "Be busy for so long, I heard you come over to Zhuangzi, and I was quite heart-wrenching. A lot of state affairs, no points
     body. In addition, yesterday I received a message from Changchun Garden saying that the illness of Imperial Father has recurred. Now the royal doctor has passed, but the result is still waiting for the result..." Everyone understands what he means in his words.
     Yin-Tang and Wan-xi didn't think that it was because of this that Kangxi illness was indeed a problem. If he died, whether it was awkward, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, I am sure to come back.
     Then the problem is coming.
     They just got a foothold there. Now they suddenly pull out, who can guarantee that the scores they have just made are not destroyed.
     Officials over there don’t mention anything, they say that the Jingcheng dignitaries who are desperately trying to drill in the capital have such an opportunity. How can they let them go? Don’t say that their plans will have an impact, that is, the foundation that has just been laid. I am afraid I will not be able to keep it.
     "4th Prince, the weather is unpredictable, this thing, we are afraid of being powerless, what is the result, how do you look at the heavens?" Yin-Tang frowned, his fingers banged on the table, feeling a bit messy and complicated .
     For Kangxi, whether it is Yin or Yin-Tang, it is very emotional, even if Kangxi hurts their hearts again, they also hope that Kangxi can live well. However, they have done everything they have done, and even they are embarrassed or jealous of Kangxi feelings for the shackles, but they are finally allowed to enter and enter the Changchun Garden.
     It’s just that they didn’t even think that even if they did this, Kangxi body was still badly damaged. But what is the solution? Whether it is material or spiritual, what they can do has already been done. Can you look at it in the past? It is the will of Kangxi and the arrangement of heaven.
     "Hey thought so too." He put down the tea in his hand and continued to look at Yin-Tang. His face was a bitter smile: "But compared to , I think the Imperial Father would like to see 2nd Prince. Or Big Prince them."
     "4th Prince, don't say anything to your brother, oh-Brother, I'm afraid that the situation is similar." Yin-Tang waved his hand, smiled and said a word, the expression on his face is not like the past It’s so fierce, it’s not hard to see that Yin-Tang hasn’t been in the past and cares about Kangxi opinion of himself.
     What did their sons experience? After a long time, some things are slowly put down, such as their expectation of the father's love, or recognition.
     Looking at the Yin-Tang expression, what else do you understand?
     "It's worth it. I was originally planning to go to Changchun Garden. After all, Imperial Father is seriously ill. I shouldn't have only 2nd Prince with him. We have to go, so I beat you and come to relax.
     Then go." He said that this is not a complaint, but he is used to Kangxi biasity.
     There is no calm person around him. He is afraid of what happens when he arrives. He can't help but should not have it.
     From the time he chose to lift the ban, he thought that as long as Big Prince and 2nd Prince were not resentful, he would protect them all the time. But for various reasons, he couldn't give up on them. After all, he was more honored than his family, and he was finally safe from his brother. After all, the family's honours are all outsiders. If they let them get the chance, then he will become a real sinner. And if his Brother are not strong enough, the emperor will eventually fall into their hands. He can only say that he is God.
     To put it bluntly, this move is nothing more than hoping that something really happened.
     This Jiangshan ultimately belongs to them who love Xinjue Luojia.
     Wan-xi listened to their conversations in their ears, but they didn't put them in their hearts. She never looked at things in the hall, and she didn't intervene. So she would listen to them, but she wouldn't ask any questions. Seeing that the sky was already at noon, Wan-xi got up and took a moment, then took Ting-Rain to arrange lunch.
     I came suddenly, and I came to the main courtyard with Yin-Tang and Wan-xi. Hong-hui, they came to ask for peace, but because of the words, they talked to Yin-Tang. Let Su Peisheng stop them all.
     When Wan-xi came out, a few children stood outside and couldn't help but laugh. "Don't stand here. If there is anything, wait for lunch and say."
      Hong-hui and Hong-min They looked at the smile on Wan-xi face, and they didn't feel a sigh of relief in their hearts.
     They were afraid that there was something big about it. Now, look at the Wan-xi face. With a smile on them, they know that something is fixed, but things are not serious.
     "9th-Aunt, Imperial Father came here this time?" Hong-sheng did not have Hong-hui so calm, see Wan-xi, immediately put together, open his mouth and ask.
     "Whatever it is? You have to eat first, wait for the meal, and you will accompany your Imperial Father (4th Bo) and 9th Uncle (A Ma) to Changchun Garden, your emperor. Marfa body is not good.” Wan-xi reminded a few words and left with Ting-Rain.
     The things on this Zhuangzi must not be controlled by Wan-xi, but when the emperor came, her hostess had to pick up things and entertain people.
     Wan-xi is not like the Niang-Niang people in the harem. Everything depends on the preferences and habits of her. She arranges meals, all of which are versatile, and even take care of everyone preferences. Anyway, if you wear it, you will take care of it and you won’t be cold. Perhaps because of this, I feel that it is very easy. When I have lunch, I use a lot more than usual. I can see the joy of Su Peisheng’s face next to me, and I can’t wait for it every day.
     "When you look at the expression of Su Gonggong, you know that 4th Prince will not have a good meal on most days. Is this good for your body?" Wan-xi put Su Peisheng's expression in his eyes, and when it was finished, she was also in a timely manner. Advise the last two sentences.
     "This..." Sakamoto wanted to say that the government was busy, but he was full of care for Wan-xi. He suddenly felt that he had nothing to say, but he nodded subconsciously: "Hey, remember, in the future." Will eat on time."
     For Yu, now he is rich in the world, can you say what is there? But to be honest, he is not as rich as he imagined. When he was in the upper position, Kangxi regarded him as an heir and cultivated it in a variety of ways. It also made him feel a little bit of father and son. However, after he solved the ban on Big Prince and 2nd Prince, Kangxi attention was not placed on him. However, as he used to, he became dispensable, even if he has become an emperor; for the woman in the harem, he relies on them, they are all kind and sincere, and they have some sincerity; Yes, but because of the identity relationship, it is not as close as it used to be.
     This kind of jealousy is actually lonely, otherwise how could he be soft-hearted or even answered by Wan-xi.
     "Since 4th Prince promised, then, the whole body will be able to remind the grandfather to remind Su Gonggong, lest the 4th Prince be forgotten when he is busy." Wan-xi said this with a hint of tone. Hey, not only Yin-Tang, but even a few juniors can't help but snicker, but Su Peisheng, very seriously rushing to Wan-xi, even said that it is a good implementation.
     It’s quite embarrassing to be run by their group, but the heart is warm and hot. Obviously, he is very useful for Wan-xi concern, even his attitude towards Wan-xi.
     There was also a hint of connivance that he did not even notice.
     Yin-Tang sees all the cuts in his eyes, although he doesn't know why he is different from other people in Wan-xi, but he is still prejudiced as long as he does not involve men and women. I’m going to stare at it, after all, it’s also about my own belly.”
     Yin-Tang This voice with ridicule, the people present can't stop laughing. No one can compare with diligence.
     Look at them like this, some helplessly shook his head, the whole person only felt dumbfounded, but there was no blame. At this point, Su Peisheng has been surprisingly and surprisingly. Of course, at the same time, he has constantly elevated the status of the Yin-Tang couple. In fact, the Nuang-Niang of the harem may not have the attention of their husband and ‘Madam by Su Peisheng!
     After a short break, I took Yin-Tang and Hong-hui and they rushed to Changchun Garden. After all, Kangxi was in critical condition. If these children and grandchildren were not present, they would inevitably leave people with words, and they would not be in their hearts. I hope that Kangxi has something to do, so I look at it easily. In fact, it is very difficult to let go of it. Wan-xi just knows this point and does not delay their time. After lunch, when they take a break, they directly urge them to go on the road.
     Kangxi illness is wherever it is, whether it’s heavy or not, or if it’s not saved, it’s still there.

     In Changchun Garden, when they came over, they found that it was not only the hustle and bustle of Kangxi sleeping hall. Other Brother also rushed over. It seems that after the first time, it may not be too long. I don’t know too much about the situation, so I’m standing next to my mother, obviously going through the matter.
     As the most loyal son of Kangxi, he was definitely present at this time. According to the person who sent the news, he was just coming to the scene when Kangxi was sick, so he was most aware of it.
     They stared at them and took a slap in the face. Other servants and Princes also took the first two steps and asked.
     "2nd Prince, how is the Imperial Father doing now?" After wavering away from the rituals of the crowd, he took the first two steps and personally raised the shackles and whispered the situation of Kangxi.
     "The doctor said that the condition of Imperial Father is somewhat repetitive. It is not good enough to make a final decision. I have to wait any longer." When he said this, his brows were wrinkled tightly, and he was obviously accustomed to the way the doctors acted. I guess the situation in Kangxi is really not good.
     The doctors treat the disease, it is said to stay half and half. As in the current situation, they don’t want to get angry, but they have already reached this step.
     They have to do not get angry. What is the aftermath? After all, Kangxi condition has been set. Here it is.
     The rumored, the brow could not help but wrinkle more tightly. Although he had expected this situation before coming, but his face was really affected, his emotions were still somewhat affected. Taking a deep breath, looking up at the moment, looking at the imperial medical order that was preparing for the ceremony, he waved and said, "Immediately, let me talk about the condition of the Emperor."
     "Oh." The royal doctor ordered the words of the embarrassed, but still insisted on a ritual, but the etiquette simplified a lot.
     This trip is still necessary, otherwise, if you do something wrong, the move of the trend will sometimes become a terrible move, so even if you listen to it, you can’t really avoid it.
     This ceremony.
     "Tai Shanghuang's condition has stabilized, but the body of Taishang is afraid that it will not last for a long time." After the doctor ordered this, he directly fell down and his body even shivered.
     The expressions of Yan et al. were slightly embarrassed, and when they returned to God, others did not speak, and the embarrassed directly looked at the royal medical order.
     The tone condensed and asked: "How long does it take?"
     The royal doctor felt the coldness hidden in the swearing words. He couldn’t help but shudder, but still honestly replied: "If it is too strong, the survival will be strong, half a year or more, if the situation is too high, the situation will continue to deteriorate. If this is the case of this two months... please the emperor for forgiveness!"
     The Royal is not short of good medicine, and there is Yin-Tang, the god of wealth, Kangxi can use the medicine is basically the best, and Kangxi situation is not the worst, that is, there is hope, just I look at Kangxi himself.
     Yin-Tang stood next to him, his brows were slight, but he thought about the dream that Wan-xi had told him. He remembered that Wan-xi once said that the 4th Prince in the dream was in Kangxi VI. Ten years later, the 4th Prince was enthroned in advance. According to the truth, the Imperial Father should not be able to rest and recuperate.
     The body should not be like this, unless there is anything left in the Imperial Father's heart.
     Thinking of this, Yin-Tang's eyes couldn't help but look awkward, and the expression looked a bit deep.
     "Okay, let's go in!" He said, for a moment, he said.
     Yin-Tang and others did not speak anymore. Kangxi people are standing next to each other. Even if their identity is counted as a sly elder, they can talk about identity, not their own, who dares to really end up.
     The shelf of this elder.
     Into the inner hall, the first thing I saw was Kangxi lying on the bed. At this time, Kangxi had no previous domineering.
     The whole person looked very fragile, as if it would disappear at any time, people would not come to the meeting. tension.
     The expressions of Yan et al. also looked a little bad. Although they were psychologically prepared before coming in, they did not think that Kangxi situation would be so bad, and all the embarrassing people who came in began to shed tears.
     "When will Imperial Father wake up?" I ignored the embarrassment and asked for a royal order from the side.
     "This minister is not sure, mainly to see the effect of the drug. If it is good, it will wake up after an hour. If it is not good, it may be evening or tomorrow." When the doctor ordered this, the expression on his face It seems a bit uncertain.
     Listening to the words of the royal medical order, everyone understands that Kangxi disease is not without hope.
     The key is whether he can survive this pass.
     "Good waiter!" He waved his hand and glanced at the brethren who were here. He took the lead and went out.
     The Brother were not the eyesless generations, they followed behind him, and the elders and the juniors.
     They didn't move, obviously they also knew that the next words were not suitable for them.
     Everything has always been a fierce and violent act. At this time, Kangxi serious illness clearly dispelled the good news from them. According to the meaning of the Royal Medical Order, this situation is temporarily inaccurate, but the only thing that can be determined is that Kangxi body can support at least two to three months, and this time will be the most crucial time for their actions.
     That is to say, they don't have time to come slowly, they have to do it. Otherwise, within a month, those people will surely take the opportunity to make a comeback, and when they are willing to deal with these people, there is no such opportunity.
     The sages of the family have always been suppressed, not to kill them. In particular, they are not many people. For various reasons, even if they are damned, they can only use the means and choose to be tolerant. But this will not solve the problem after all, but now it is so determined to enact the New Deal, because the New Deal can fundamentally solve some problems that could not be solved before.
     Now the reason why the Brother come in to discuss this, is to protect their hearts, the second is to hope that they can do their best to support, the third is time is tight, can not tolerate a little mistake. He does not want his hesitation to affect the overall situation. After all, there are no more people on his hands who can really do the rain, so they can unite and unite.
     They are always family members, and they are cheaper than those with ulterior motives. Let the meat rot directly in the pot.
     When he and others listened to what they said, they suddenly felt different. Although the attitude of using it shows that he knows how to use it well, this person is inevitably will have his own thoughts.
     These people are superficially obedient, and it is impossible for them to believe in jealousy, so it will inevitably be reserved. At this time, the words of are very clear, and they are generous. In fact, they also give them the opportunity to express their loyalty. It is only how much this loyalty is to be expressed.
     They will certainly be guilty.
     They are all grown up in intrigues and tricks. No one is a simple generation. At most, whoever is dark enough, the means is enough, and more importantly, the power is big enough.
     Their power is definitely better than nothing, and it can't be underestimated.
     This is one of the reasons why we adopt the Huairou policy.
     Today, today, all the cuts are in front of them.
     They must not face them, and they must not escape.
     When they plan for such a long time, how can they allow the old efforts to turn into nothing? It is conceivable that they showdown at this time, not for anything else, but the attitude and determination of these people. After all, there are some things, and the time of laissez-faire is long, and the harm caused may also be caused.
     He is also forced to be incompetent, otherwise how could he force these Brother to showdown at this time, is he not sure that it will be tight? No, he knows. But he has no choice. Kangxi illness is here. If he continues to drag on, maybe all his plans in the future will only be planned, and then he will not be so easy. After all, those family honours are not vegetarian.
     Their strength is not small. Now they are suppressed. It’s just that the situation is not right. Plus, before they took Di, they consumed too much power, so that they have not yet Can come back to God.
     If they go back to God, or if these people have moved their minds and contacted others, how can they be imagined?
     "Imperial Father's body is afraid of bad bones.
     This time must be understood by all the Brother, and the things above the temple are already on the bright side, and I also show that as long as the Brother help each other.
     The power of the arm, you will never be ill-treated to the Brother." He said that this is an answer, after all, his plan can not wait.
     "The nubi are willing to work for the emperor."            Whether it is because you have mastered the overall situation, or for other reasons, in short, they do not hide a little thought like other Brother.
     To put it bluntly, they are more transparent than the few Brother who are thinking carefully, knowing that they will only make their position more embarrassing. It’s better to regret it than to regret it now. Don't look at them all without any movement, but actually look at the re-use, they are also hot. It’s just that they are not sure where they will be, so that they will always stay a few points when they start doing things.
     The effect is naturally not to be noticed wholeheartedly, but Does not mean that they do not want to be reused.
     Seeing them, they are all squatting. What other people have to think about, and naturally follow them. After all, their strength can be solid without these few.
     Looking at the Brother in a few rows, there is no smile on his face. In fact, the hesitation of others is actually an insult to him.
     Throughout the dynasties, he was able to lay down his preconceptions like him, leaving so many Brother to live, and even those who reused them were not many, but their actions were still stunned. But he did not show it. On the contrary, he personally helped to pick them up, and he already had a decision in his heart.
     Yin-Tang stood by and looked at the cut, but did not interject, and there was no reminder. In his opinion, the road is chosen by yourself. You don't believe in the emperor, and why should you believe in the emperor!
     Just as the atmosphere fell into a kind of inexplicable shackles, there was a clutter of footsteps, and then Li Dequan gasped and yelled in front of him: "Open the emperor, start you Wangye, The emperor is awake."
     The rumored words, the face could not help but flash a silky color, then step forward, and walked side by side: "Brother and Brother, first go together to see the situation of Imperial Father, others later Negotiation."

     When I took my Brother to the Kangxi Temple, I didn't see those shackles. When I saw Hong-hui, they knew that Kangxi was really awake. It’s just that they are really out of danger, or they are still awake, and they need to go to the certification themselves.
     When Kangxi saw and other sons, he couldn’t even show his face on his face. It’s really hurting Kangxi roots to come to this disease. Regardless of whether they are good or bad, from the perspective of their sons, it is natural that they do not want Kangxi to go this way.
     Said that the most ruthless emperor!
     In fact, as long as the benefits are properly distributed, this ruthlessness can also become affectionate. After all, the ordinary people family can make a difference between the old and the dead for a little bit of food. Moreover, this symbolizes the throne of the world.
     Compared to those who are still young and swaying Prince Prince, Prince Prince, who has experienced these experiences, is obviously better at understanding what is the time. After all, the ambitions of the past are now human beings, and many things, which are carved into the bone marrow, can be erased without a word.
     "Imperial Father, is it better?" He stood in the nearest place to Kangxi, and asked with a look of care.
     "Oh... it’s much better." Kangxi looked at the children and grandchildren in a row, and felt unhappy in his heart. He thought that it was the right choice to choose the fourth-place successor.
     In fact, Kangxi choice of successor is not without his own considerations. Don't say that he can't keep up with his 14th-child's sect. Even if he is very fond of the old 14th, he can't choose his successor.
     This is not to mention the oldest and the fourth, they said that the old eight Old 9 and the old ten, who is soft persimmon.
     They are all 14th-the first to enter the country, the hands are not thin, the ability is not to say that all aspects are stronger than the old 14th-, but not weaker than his old 14th-. Moreover, when it comes to ranking and identity, they are still Brother, so, why do they obey the old 14th-. Hard to achieve because he chose the old 14th-?
     No, this is of course impossible. Even if it is for stability, he will not be able to choose the old 14th-not to mention the old 14th-the heart is not to be overwhelmed, and can not accommodate people.
     Kangxi finally chose to be embarrassed, not only because of his ability, but also because of his maintenance of the Old 9 and other people, but also because he decided to lift the tolerance of the boss and the second child. It seems that he is still in the right place.
     "Imperial Father, do you want to drink some water first?" His eyes swept over some of Kangxi dry lips and reached out to pick up the tea from Li Dequan. He tried the temperature and then helped the person. Send the tea pot to his lips and whisper.
     Kangxi nodded and opened his mouth with a few mouthfuls of water.
     The warm water at the entrance made his dry throat soothing and the whole person had a silky spirit. After a long time, he retired, and he re-laid back. His eyes swept over the children and grandchildren in the room. He said, "Hey, it’s no big deal. What do you do, do it! I just hope that your brother can It’s good to watch each other."
     If it was before, according to Kangxi temper, no matter what you do, it is a direct command. He used the tone of caution as it is now. After all, Kangxi himself knows that he is already old, and that he can be a father rather than a father. After all, he is no longer a high emperor, even if he still has a trump card, it is not the key to decide.
     It is said that people will die and their words will be good. At this time, Kang Xigang struggled from the death line, first not to mention his mood, but the care of his son is true and true.
     When he and others listened to Kangxi words, they couldn’t help but have a sorrow. Regardless of what they thought in their hearts, at this time, Kangxi was seriously ill with their relationship, and they all unconsciously bowed their heads.
     "Imperial Father is relieved, the 4th Brother are very kind, and they will be kind to the children and other people." He looked at Kangxi and looked at his own eyes, his eyes were red, then he stepped forward and said, he said.
     He knew in his heart that it was very difficult for them to go to this step. Let's start with other thoughts. Don't say that Kangxi body is no longer working. Kangxi is healthy and afraid that it is difficult to stop the decision.
     "Old 4th-temper understand, not good words, but heavy feelings, old age, many things, even if they do not intervene, they understand, whether you are a brother or a younger brother, you have to remember you It’s just flesh and blood, other people say that it’s good to say, to put it bluntly, it’s just a matter of interest. I know that even if I have passed this pass, I’m afraid I can’t live for a long time, so I’ll leave you no matter what? I hope that your brother and brother, Christine, will be better than anything. You will die, and you will not be able to control it any more." Kangxi said this, and his tone was also helpless and stunned. Life and death, he also has the meaning of letting go.
     "Imperial Father forgives sin." When he saw it, he immediately fell down, and everyone behind him saw it, and who would dare to stand still.
     However, I have not made any promises. From here, I can see that he has arranged for these Brother, and this arrangement will not change because of Kangxi words. In this way, I don’t explain it. I just secretly show my attitude with action.
     Kangxi looked at his expression, and after a moment of indulgence, he sighed and finally chose to compromise. After all, this is no longer his world. Some things have not allowed him to be the master.
     Thinking of this, Kangxi couldn’t help but sigh with some sighs: "Okay, get up!"
     "Thank You Imperial Father." At the same time as he got up, his eyes faintly swept over the Brother behind him, and the expression on his face was quite intriguing.
     Originally, I thought that things would come to this place. Kangxi would definitely not stay with him any more. Even if there is any heart, I can’t talk to him any more, but I don’t want them to say a few words. Kangxi will make a statement. , and others retired. His move made everyone unconsciously squatted. After all, Kangxi biasity was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He suddenly changed, and no one would adapt to it.
     After they all left, they took the first two steps and stood on the bedside, waiting quietly for Kangxi to speak. He believes that he has done what he has done. He has no conscience, and naturally he is not afraid of Kangxi accountability.
     Kangxi sees a straight and respectful, and his heart is also a sense of emotion, he is indeed bias, but he is bias, he will still focus on the overall situation, after all, this Qing shan is hard-won, he can not let this Cut off on your own biasity. If this is the case, he would not decisively imprison him, but let him act, and even explain the throne to him.
     "Li Dequan, take things." Kangxi voice suddenly broke the silence.
     Li Dequan, who was waiting for him, listened to Kangxi instructions and immediately took a small rosewood box and stepped forward, raised his hands and handed it to the front of him, waiting for him to take it.
     "Imperial Father, this..." A sullen face, I don't seem to understand Kangxi intentions, and I didn't react.
     "The fourth year, you have done a very good job in the past two years. You will see all the cuts in your eyes. To be honest, these Brother are not sure to do this.
     This time the old disease relapses, it almost slows down. But now, since I woke up, I explained everything that was explained..." Kangxi words were not finished, and he was interrupted by a coughing sound. He waited until he finally eased. See you. I was worried, I couldn’t help but stretch my hand and said that I was fine and continued: "This is the token of Longwei, you will take it."
     He looked at the rosewood box in front of him, quite awkward. Obviously he did not think that Kangxi would eventually hand him the dragon. Although Longwei was originally handed over to the heirs in the dynasties, he felt that Kangxi would give him a guarantee, but now it seems that Kangxi is trying to be fair!
     There is a bitter smile in my heart, which seems to be behind the fair, to put it bluntly or to think about it.
     The things that originally belonged to the emperor came to other people, and the results were conceivable. However, even if there is a flaw in my heart, it will not be so difficult. After all, he still needs these Brother to help him to implement the New Deal!
     "Imperial Father, although the son will not reuse all the Brother, but the son promised to treat them kindly." He took over the small rosewood box in the hands of Li Dequan, and then seriously looked at Kangxi and gave him a guarantee.
     Kangxi didn't talk any more, just nodded, then he lie back, his eyes closed slightly, and he didn't know if he was really tired. He still got the answer he wanted and rested with confidence.
     He took a gift at Kangxi, then took the rosewood box and turned and walked outside.
     Out of the Changchun Garden, he did not rush to return to the palace, but returned to his village with Yin-Tang. Yin-Tang saw it and didn't ask much. Apparently he knew that after they left Kangxi dormitory, there were other things happening, and this thing disturbed the mind, otherwise he was determined to be determined. It is impossible for such a look to appear on the face.
     As for what is it? Yin-Tang can think of it with a little bit of brainstorming. It is nothing more than that power. Just let him not think that Kangxi biasity has not changed at all in this moment. At this moment, let’s not say that he is beginning to doubt whether Kangxi only his second child is his. Son, these people are actually just to make up the number.
     He was somewhat worried that Kangxi attitude would affect him. When he turned his head, he saw the thoughtful look. Yin-Tang suddenly had some luck and he had already let go of his attachment to Kangxi father.
     "4th Prince, some things are doomed to be not available, then we cherish what we have. After all, this person is paying attention to fate, maybe some of our Brother are actually not father-in-law!" Yin Tang said this, with a hint of self-deprecation and comfort in his tone.
     Hearing his words, he returned to God, then turned to look at him: "9th Prince brother sees it?"
     "What makes 4th Prince so lonely is the attitude of Imperial Father. In fact, my brother had the same idea as 4th Prince. I always wanted to get the recognition and favor of Imperial Father. Unfortunately, the eyes of Imperial Father can only be seen from beginning to end. Going to a 2nd Prince. After a long time, the younger brother gave up, because in addition to the father of Imperial Father, the younger brother also has 4th Prince, 10th Brother, 13th Brother and his ‘Madam and children." Yin-Tang mentioned Wan-xi them When the expression on the face is unconsciously softened a lot.
     Hearing his words, he lost his face, and when he returned to God, his face could not help but reveal a little smile. "9th Prince is right, some things can't be forced, although the Imperial Father is a straight-off 2nd Prince.
     This throne, and the dragon guard finally gave it to the end."

     When they returned to Zhuangzi, their moods have generally recovered. Whether they are resentful or unwilling or complicated, they are also calm at the moment.
     Since he became an emperor and chose to let them go, he would not be able to continue to make a fuss about it. Of course, if they are looking for a dead end, they will definitely not give them another chance, even if they are not allowed to do so.
     Wan-xi didn't know about the change. He just asked Kangxi condition and learned that Kangxi condition improved. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Yin-Tang Although they don't know much about their plans, they understand that if they encounter the national mourning at this time, they are afraid of being tired.
     Don't look at Kangxi illness.
     The emperor is still in their own Zhuangzi, but the show that he chose in this house is still in the election.
     The matter of the office is still being done, and there is no change.
     Wan-xi didn't really think about this draft. If it was for the son, she was afraid that she wouldn't pay attention to it. After all, her daughter didn't have to choose a show, and her brother's daughter had already married, and the rest of the family.
     The showgirl has little to do with her. Even if someone asks for help, she is only helping her in the palm of her hand. Others can't do anything about it.
     According to Hong-min, they are close to each other, and Yin-Tang is helping to deliver the message.
     Things should be handled very well. Unfortunately, some people will be wrong in the middle.
     That's right. Yin-Tang inquired about the unintentional election and conveyed the meaning of Wan-xi. It’s also refreshing and it’s straightforward.
     The key point is that when I explained this, I did not explain it. I just let Su Peisheng send the list to the past, including Wan-xi to Hong-hui.
      The Queen had some resistance to the draft. She was young and had no children. Naturally, she did not want newcomers to enter the palace to compete with her. But this draft has never been pushed by her, so even if she is not feeling well, the Queen is also spirited, thinking about getting ahead of time and then planning. I don't want to, she still didn't do anything, so I sent people the list.
     This operation is no one!
     If Wan-xi was there, she would have to explain it. Unfortunately, she was not there at the time, and Yu-the Queen subconsciously thought that the couples on the list that were sent were the defaults. Suddenly, all the negative emotions in her heart went to these beautiful Miss.
     Of course, according to the Queen's plan, the city will certainly not be directly hands-on. After all, in this palace, for these newcomers, the foundation is the same. Even if she is the Queen, there is no such thing as anyone. At most, she is in charge of the harem, and it is more convenient to act than these people.
     If it wasn't for Wan-xi to stare at these Miss early, maybe she hadn't seen the answer she wanted to see.
     These few young Yatou let the Queen ruin.
     Yin-Tang is not awkward, but when Wan-xi is there, his gaze must be placed on Wan-xi, so Wan-xi emotions are the first to be felt. Seeing that he had gone in, he couldn’t help but slow down. When she came to her side, she whispered, "What happened?"
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang asks, and when he breathes a sigh of relief, he tells him the news he got, and then he is even more inexplicable: "Is the Queen feeling that it is all over? Fangzi is wrong, is this the next time the draft is beaten?"
      The Queen is too awkward, but it is not for Wan-xi to think about it. After all, the ownership of these Miss has no effect on the Queen.
     Yin-Tang listened to Wan-xi, his face flashed a bit unpleasant, mastered her softness, and pinched it twice: "Do not worry! This is handed over to the Master, wait for the 4th Prince back. When I was in the palace, I would like to ask about it, and I will know the result when I come back at night."
     Wan-xi nodded, and did not continue to entangle because of this, and put it bluntly, she sometimes has some coolness. Don't look at her. I really like these Miss.
     The sons are also satisfied. I can't marry them in a day. She won't count people every day. After all, there are too many accidents in this world. No need to do anything. Just rushed to pay attention.
     "Yes, it’s good to be in the heart. After all, 4th Prince is hard to tell, Hong-min.
     They are also the time to get married, so this is still a lot of thoughts." Wan-xi eyes two People spend a lot of time outside, reminding them two sentences, and they are no longer turning around.
     Yin-Tang naturally couldn't let go, so he nodded at Wan-xi and then walked in. No one knows what the Brother had said in the study, only knowing that when they came out, Yin-Tang accompanied him back to Capital City.
     In the palace, the draft is still in progress, and the faces of the Miss are harmonious, but my heart is full of thoughts about how to stand out. Not everyone thinks about a peaceful life, and most people actually want a better life. Most of them can come in to participate in the draft, and most of them hold the idea of ​​flying in the sky. What's more, now that they are in their prime, even if they are later, they can't stop the showgirls themselves or the ambitions behind them.
     I obviously didn't think that the Queen would face each other on the back of the set, even if it was a Cannes, it would not allow the Queen to move this kind of mind and hands and feet, not to mention the fact that these Miss are still preparing for the children. Arranged candidates.
     The wrath of the Son of Heaven, the corpse of millions. Even if this matter is not a big deal, it is still sweeping the face, not to mention the people involved in this incident are precisely valued, so how can he not care, how can not be angry.
     Yin-Tang is on the sidelines, and the look of theervant is included in the eye, but the sentence is not persuaded. In his opinion, the Queen does need a lesson, whether this time or last time, or whether it is intentional or not.
     This is not a problem for Yin-Tang. What Yin-Tang really cares about is that she should not Wan-xi hands-on, just threats!
     Before the shackles, because of too many things on hand, Yin-Tang did not make a straight hand, and now she ran into it, he would naturally not be polite with her.
      The Queen didn't think that she would be deliberately poked out, and what made her feel unacceptable was that she would be completely wrong. Fortunately, she has not used killing tricks, otherwise the showgirl is really killed by her, and now she is standing in front of her, I am afraid to kill her!
     "The emperor, the courtiers are just a moment of confusion, please..." The Queen looked at the icy hustle and bustle around his body, his body could not help but shake, and the voice was even more with a tremolo.
     "The Queen, I think I can tolerate you, but you let me be disappointed again. Since you can't do anything that can't be done, then the harem will not be worried about the Queen." I don't want to say more, I don't want to listen to her explanation, so I won't wait for her to finish, he will interrupt her directly, and even directly determine her fate.
      The Queen was shocked by the words of the servant. When she opened her mouth, she expected that he would be angry, but did not expect him to be so angry, even accepting her palace right, "the emperor, the emperor, please listen The courtier explained, the emperor "
     Shantou did not go back. He was actually quite good at the Queen. Except for not giving her a child, other aspects were still tolerant, even if the Queen had tried to find Wan-xi. trouble. Wan-xi is noisy, he naturally did not pursue it. But this time, the Queen's move made him quite immersed in the sense of sight, and even made him feel a sense of disgust and arrogance.
     What he hates most is not the person who uses the heart, but the person who is arrogant and arrogant, so this time the Queen is self Made and self-sufficient.
     Although Yin-Tang did not follow the Kunning Palace, he secretly waited for the news. However, when he saw that he was coming back so quickly, he knew that the exhausted mind and body had not had so much patience to deal with the harem. Of course, his younger brother was even less likely to gesticulate at this time, so he persuaded him two words and then turned the subject.
     For them, unless they are women on the apex, others are not worthy of their thoughts. If they say that they are silver goods, no one owes anyone. After all, the women in this palace are not all reluctant. Most of them are voluntary, and they are still ambitious. Otherwise, how can this big palace not stop?
     "Old 9, Imperial Father is good and bad, no one can guarantee how long it will last, so our plan has to be advanced." In the end, it is the emperor who is self-disciplined. Pride, making such jokes, can be disposed of after the dismissal, after all, what is really important at the moment is not how to deal with the Queen, but to seize the time to let a dust settle.
     “4th Prince rest assured that the minister will speed up.” Yin-Tang nodded and said seriously.
     This cut is not a personal matter, they are also paying a lot. If you let me cut it, don't say it, Yin-Tang also accepts incompetence.
     The 2nd Brother stayed in the Yangxin Temple until dinner. When Yin-Tang wanted to go back, he couldn’t help but be left behind, so when they negotiated, they had already given the key. I just stayed in Yin-Tang for a night in the palace, and many people also saw Yin-Tang’s position in this heart.
     Yin-Tang does not care about this. He has a lot of calculations and calculations for his feelings. He always feels complicated but very real, and he is also divided in his heart, so he will not be entangled in this. On the contrary, he only cares about Wan-xi grievances. He clearly said that he was willing to accompany her for a few days, but he didn't want to be the first day. Not only did he leave, but he even took a few sons and took them away.
     However, if some things are not resolved, they will not be able to feel at ease, rather than hanging straight like this, it is better to solve it once and for all.
     Early the next day, Yin-Tang went directly to Zhuangzi after going out of the palace. After talking with Wan-xi, the two did not continue to delay, but packed up and returned directly to the government.
     Then Yin-Tang opened the pattern of early departure and late return. Wan-xi looked at it in the eyes, but did not say a word, because her heart is clearer than anyone else, their calm and detailed life is Need to pay, and Yin-Tang is so hard for them to live a good life.
     When the results of the draft came out, Wan-xi was not too surprised.
     The result was roughly the same as she thought. Only the Queen was seized, and it was really amazing for her to take care of her. Surprisingly surprised, the results are quite beneficial to her.



     The new emperor ascended the throne, regardless of the palace and the palace are waiting, the station team standing right or standing in the wrong position, now there is no effort to manage the results.
     The former is pondering what position he can get from the Dragon's merits, while the latter has to find ways to recover the defeat and win this line of life for himself and his family.
     Yin-Tang is the wrong standing station. He has always been proud, and he does not bow to people easily. Otherwise, he will not be misunderstood and obsessed with it for so many years. Now the relationship between them can be said to have reached a dead end, and there is no chance of easing. Yin-Tang can not be convinced, but you can't bear it. It can be said that the current situation is not allowed for him.
     "8th Prince, is this testament true or false? The Lord does not believe that the Imperial Father will change his mind at the last minute." Yin-Tang is really unacceptable for the current situation. He looks at the face and is silent. Oh, I can't believe a face.
     In the last years of Emperor Kangxi, it can be said that Kangxi most beloved son is not someone else. It’s the embarrassment, no matter what other people think, no matter what the meaning of Kangxi heart is, if none of Kangxi pets are in front of them, they are these people. How can I put all my hopes on the old 14th-this yellow mouth child.
     The look of the side looked a little violent, and the expression on his face did not look very good. Nowadays, wood has become a boat, and even if they have more doubts, they have to admit that the person sitting in that position is already Ai Xinjue Luo· !
     "Old 9! This is the end of the matter. You just can't change the fact that the day can't be changed. You can only say that 4th Prince is a good means, and you are prepared to do it in secret. If you don't accept it, you can't move.
     The only way is probably. It was the idea that he couldn’t move them, not the hat that was deducted under the impulse!” The look on his face was also ugly, and apparently the result was what he did not expect.
     Yin-Tang is obviously dismissive of the behavior of this kind of post-mortem, but he has to admit that when things get to this point, they have no choice. Seeing that the old ten evacuated their team and shrank their heads to their own little days, Yin-Tang was not angry in his heart, but instead secretly sighed. He is actually worried. He can not kill himself, but he never thought about pulling Yin-Er to death. All the previous things made him think that he had a way out with him, but he didn't want to work hard. He ignored the most important point Kangxi mind.
     "Even if we don't do anything, we will not be deceived with a hateful hate. If you don't get a hate, you can't go anywhere, so 8th Prince, this time, let's do it thoroughly, don't look back. I lost the opportunity and regretted that I didn’t have a good grasp at the beginning.” When Yin-Tang said this, his expression was a bit ugly, and it was obvious that he was dissatisfied with the actions before him.
     Seeing his words is clear and somewhat ugly, not angry. He has always looked at the interests. As long as he is good for himself, he will still do what he should do. He will still do it if he should not do it. It is only this kind of thing that he will not tell him.
     Without a clear answer from the grin, Yin-Tang's face could not help but be more ugly. Over the years, he has paid a lot but he can't change his heart. If it is not retreat, why did he go to this step today? It’s time for me to see this time. I’m still watching my own point and thinking about not letting go. When he feels disappointed, it will inevitably lead to a retreat.
     "Forget it, busy for such a day, my grandfather is tired, first go back to the government to rest, as for other things, wait two days to discuss it again!" After that, Yin-Tang is not waiting for the opening, it will come out The study room went to the outside of the house.
     In 9th-Prince House, Wan-xi stood in the small kitchen and personally stewed the nourishing ginseng soup. In the past, these things were handed over to the snow to do them, but these days, due to the death of the emperor and the succession of the new king, the government was busy forming a group. Finally, the end of the country’s mourning, she, who is not qualified to enter the palace, can’t do anything else. It’s still necessary to care about Yin-Tang who has not returned to China for several days.
     Wan-xi is gentle, never fights with others, and only wants to keep his own little days in his yard. Yin-Tang is very fond of her.
     There is no small kitchen in other yards. She has it here. It is not difficult to see that she has a slight position in the heart of Yin-Tang.
     "Miss, almost, you can make a pot!" Hearing the snow standing next to him, his eyes were almost the same, and he was busy reminding him.
     Wan-xi heard the words, grabbed the brocade next to him, gently put the soup inside, and put it to the side.
     The nose smelled the scent of the soup, and the corner of the mouth could not help but rise. Wipe the smile of satisfaction.
     She is just a little woman who is a husband and ‘Madam. She has no big ambitions. She only wants to harm her father and children through her own little days, even if she is not the only one.
     "Ting-Bamboo, send someone to inquire about it, can you return to the house?" Wan-xi looked at the soup next to him, wondering if Yin-Tang had not returned to the house or went to other sisters.
     The yard, she warmed the soup, and when he came, he could immediately drink it.
     "Yes, the nubi will go." Ting-Bamboo glared at the look of Wan-xi, and turned around and ran out.
     Wan-xi identity is indeed not high. From entering the government, it is just a small Shiqie. Even if he has two children, there is no change. But as for Yin-Tang's love for her, few people dare to make it difficult for her or the people in Hengyuan. In this way, Ting-Bamboo, they inquired about the news, have always been smooth, but this time is not waiting for Ting-Bamboo to inquire, halfway to see Yin-Tang with Lin-Chujiu to come here. Ting-Bamboo sees it, and can't take care of anything else.
     "Guo... aunt... Miss, Your Highness is coming here!" Ting-Bamboo ran back breathlessly, taking a few deep breaths, which was a statement.
     Wan-xi heard the words, the little face suddenly raised a bright smile, the whole person is like a quietly blooming flower, beautiful and dazzling. Wan-xi stretched out his hand and turned his head to Ting-Lan, who was next to him. "Quickly, prepare for it, the man will come soon."
     In the Hengyi Garden, there was a sudden burst of busyness. When Yin-Tang came over, watching the busy people, they just raised their eyebrows. In his eyes, Wan-xi is the woman who feels most comfortable and relaxed except his mother-in-law. He likes her tenderness and obedience, so most of the time he likes to stay in her Hengyuan Court. Today is also the same, he is in a bad mood, the first thought is not Fu-Jin Dong-shi, but her Wanyan · Wan-xi.
     When Wan-xi came to see Yin-Tang, he couldn't help but smile at him, and then took a dry Maid and asked him to come forward. "Hey (Sorry), please (Your Highness)!"
     "Get up!" Yin-Tang took the first two steps and reached for Wan-xi.
     Then they swayed at Lin-Chujiu and waved Wan-xi into the room. Lin-Chujiu saw it, and it was very eye-catching to evacuate the cadres, leaving only Ting-Bamboo.
     The two big Maids were standing outside with them.
     Into the inner room, Yin-Tang just sat down, then Wan-xi let go of his hand to the other side, and then brought a food box. Although he did not know what was inside, he did not hinder his mood.
     Thinking of Wan-xi concern for him, he suddenly felt warm in his heart for a few days.
     He tried his best to give his ‘Madam and children a good life, but there were not many people who really understood him. Fortunately, there is a woman around her, even if she is timid and weak, she is really using all her heart on him. In this backyard, so many wives and sisters do not involve competing pets. Who will notice his physical discomfort or good mood? There is only this silly woman in front of me, and I am only interested in him. When he thought of it, he couldn't help but sigh. Maybe he should make an arrangement. If he can't get what he wants, then at least he has to find a way to keep more than a hundred people in the house.
     "Master, you just stewed the ginseng soup, you take some rest, so it is easy to raise the spirit." Wan-xi took the soup out and put it on the Yin-Tang hand, whispered.
     "Exactly, I haven’t used any food for these few days. Before I went to a 8th Prince House, I originally planned to use some meals. In the end, I only talked about things, but I forgot about it. Now you say this, the Lord is It’s so hungry!” Yin-Tang’s face was a gentle smile, which was tantamount to his sultry appearance on most days.
     Wan-xi heard the words, and his heart was in a hurry. He lifted his foot and walked a few steps. He raised his voice and told Ting-Bamboo outside the door to prepare them for a simple and good meal. When I told him to go back and look at Yin-Tang, she couldn't help but blush. "I don't have any ambiguity, and I can do it for my grandfather!"
     Yin-Tang listened to her, and her heart was more pitiful.
     The moment she reached out, she pulled her into her arms, letting her sit on her lap, his chin leaning against her slender shoulders and lingering around her nose.
     The body fragrance that makes people feel relaxed, the whole person relaxes a lot, and the violentness before sweeping back to the house.
     "It's enough to be able to do these things.
     The Lord cares about your heart." Yin-Tang sneered twice, his palms licking her slender waist and her voice.
     Wan-xi has long been accustomed to the narrow behavior of Yin-Tang. In the past, he often used to tease her. Although she was somewhat immune, sometimes she would inevitably blush because of his actions and words. Fortunately, Ting-Bamboo, they came soon. When the meal was sent in, Wan-xi began to serve him for him.
     Yin-Tang is also really hungry.
     These days, whether it is because Imperial Father is in danger or because of the sudden upper position of theervant, it makes him feel anxious, and the whole person is in a state of violent temper. Now that the wood has become a boat, it is not allowed to accept it. So the emotions are relaxed. Whether it is tired or hungry, the body is protesting.
     At this time, it is a kind of comfort to drink a bowl of soup and eat a bowl of rice.
     "Master  first drink some soup." Wan-xi saw that he did not know where to start, and could not help but send the soup to his hand.
     "Well, my grandfather drinks soup first." Yin-Tang saw her send the soup to her hand and nodded.
     When he drank the ginseng soup, the whole person could not help but rush out of the heart, so that the somewhat stiff body instantly warmed up.
     The two men's eyes collided, and Wan-xi smiled at him softly, holding his chopsticks to help him cloth the dishes. In fact, she really wants to help him share something. Unfortunately, she is not only limited in ability, but her identity is also very low. What she can do is just that.
     Yin-Tang didn't know the thoughts in Wan-xi heart. He used his meal and filled his stomach. Although he didn't think about it, he liked her feeling of staying with her.

     Yin-Tang reached out and put Wan-xi in his arms, and the two lay quietly. Yin-Tang does not speak, Wan-xi does not say anything, but he looks like he is doing nothing, but his eyes are secretly looking at him from time to time.
     "Master  is very busy recently, can you pay more attention to your own body?" Wan-xi whispered a whisper, and his tone was full of care.
     Yin-Tang returned to God and paused the big palm with her little hand. He whispered: "There are many things in the past, and the situation is unstable. I am afraid that I will not go back to the backyard as usual. Come, you have to use more things, don't hold back everything, and let Ting-Bamboo send a letter to the front yard. As for the body of the Lord, there is count in the heart."
     "Master  has a big deal to be busy, I don't dare to trouble the Lord, and Fu-Jin, they are good, they don't have to remember." Wan-xi looks slightly, her body is stiff, she can feel it. Fu-Jin and the hostility of Shiqie in the backyard, but she thinks she is doing enough, I don't know why they are not satisfied?
     Yin-Tang If the next day is less to come to this backyard, Fu-Jin is afraid that they will have to resort to some means. What is wrong with her? But what about her three children and Ting-Bamboo?
     Yin-Tang licks the soft and weak Wan-xi, the big palm gently pinches her cheek, the whole person chuckles: "If you want to let the Lord not remember, you can remember to take good care of yourself, wait for the Lord to handle Finished things back!"
     In the last sentence, the speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested.
     In the evening, Yin-Tang stayed directly on the Wan-xi side, from the backyard to Fu-Jin Dong-shi, down to Zhaojia-shi and other Shiqie, and couldn't help but get up with the news. Grit your teeth. Yin-Tang went into the backyard after so many days, did not choose Fu-Jin Dong-shi, and did not choose her new favorite, but she chose her Wanyan-shi, which makes them hate!
     After Yin-Tang once again went to the busy business, the beginning began to include Dong-shi, the women in the backyard did not dare to easily reach out, just to make trouble for Wan-xi. Gradually they also felt that the situation outside had changed, and Yin-Tang became very busy. Not to mention the backyard, the number of times Yin-Tang came back from the government is getting less and less, even if it is not long, it will not be long, this will encourage the arrogance of these people.
     If they were afraid that Yin-Tang would come back to settle the account, then they are afraid that they are not moving fast enough to destroy the big enemy of Wanyan-shi. Wan-xi was originally not a strong fight. For many years, she moved the women in the backyard, but did not want to wait until Yin-Tang was busy.
     These people were completely unscrupulous in Dong-shi connivance, poisoning, framing, framed, and so on.
     Regardless of usefulness and uselessness, it is impossible for them to give her a chance to breathe. At the beginning, Wan-xi only thought that they were looking for shackles, and then they found that they had never been just these. What they wanted was always her life.
     It is clear that the new favorite of this backyard is not only her, but it seems that she is only the one who is really unlucky. Even if Yin-Tang is really good for her, it can't help Fu-Jin's help. She was eager to find Yin-Tang for help, but Fu-Jin had already guarded her from this point. For a time, she was called every day, not called the ground, and then pushed to the opposite side by the ‘Madam of the entire harem. Wan-xi original tenacity and temper temper was gradually exhausted by these people. When the people around me accidentally went on, she found that the concealed concessions were all wrong!
     When the beautiful face of Wan-xi was lying on the ground with a pair of hateful eyes, those who forced her to die were not as happy as they thought. A few timids fainted directly, and even more rushed out directly.
     Zhaojia-shi, who took the lead, was also shocked by this scene. She was full of hateful eyes and misery on Wan-xi, and her heart could not help but emerge a mysterious fear.
     The whole person inexplicably trembled, just like Wan-xi said that the words will come true sooner or later!
     "What are you doing? Just hurry up and make it into an accident. Otherwise, let the Lord know that you can get rid of it." Zhaojia-shi held the Maid beside him, and the sound was shaking. Speaking a little bit sharp, there is no past gentleness in front of everyone.
     When Dong-shi received the news, the whole person laughed wildly. She wanted the eyes of these fans, and the foxes who lost their hearts, all of them did not end well. Her Wanyan-shi, though obedient, took over the heart of the Lord, which is how she can continue!
     Originally, according to the meaning of Dong-shi, I wanted to deal with Wan-xi directly. If anyone knows that this person has not been sent out, Yin-Tang who has rushed back is blocked. .
     When Wan-xi death came to Yin-Tang’s ear, it was Yin-Tang who accompanied him to argue with him. According to the saying, no matter whether he wins or loses, he does not touch him very much. After all, Hey, they have been suppressing them from the beginning, and it’s not the case now. Nothing can’t be accepted. But when he heard the death of Wan-xi, he gave up a blood test when he came out of the temple.
     Yin-Tang, who was watching the vomiting blood, was also scared. He never thought that Yin-Tang would have such a big reaction, and his heart suddenly moved. After all, Yin-Tang's help to him has reached all the points. He understands but does not want to refuse!
     He reached out and held Yin-Tang's arm, worried about his face. "9th Prince, why bother? These things are slowly going on."
     Yin-Tang seems to have heard nothing, suddenly let the strength of the whole body push him away and rush forward.
     "9th Prince brother!" Looked at Yin-Tang, who was running far away, and subconsciously wanted to chase, but he didn't want Su Peisheng behind him to greet him. He said that there was a request from the emperor. No way, he had to turn around. Go back to the Yangxin Temple.
     Yin-Tang rushed back and rushed back, waiting for him to return to the house, hit her coffin. Looking up, such a coffin can only be used by the next person. How can she use these things?
     "All sent back to the Lord!" Several nubi carrying the coffin were soft and legs, looking at the angry Yin-Tang, they simply did not dare to let go.
     Yin-Tang simply ignored them and took the lead. However, a few steps, Dongshi and other people who received the news greeted them, and all of them cried, saying that they were wrong, they were not able to Take care of Wan-xi.
     Dong-shi Napai was dizzy, with a sinful and sad expression on her face, facing Yin-Tang: "Master, are all covered, Wanyan Mei-mei After being sick for so long, I didn’t know anything about it. I didn’t know the news until Mei-mei had an accident.
     Her voice just fell, Yin-Tang stopped her mind subconsciously, and Dong-shi was happy, and her eyes could not help but sweep Zhaojia-shi eyes not far away.
     Zhaojia-shi saw the situation, went up two steps, and gave a ceremony to Yin-Tang. Softly said: "Master, Wanyan Mei-mei. Now that he has gone, he will let her go with peace of mind. When I went to visit Wanyan Mei-mei, she waited for someone to let her see what she was after her death, saying that she was afraid of destroying her image in the heart of her. Pity Wanyan Mei-mei went early, thinking about following her heart and burying it early."
     Dong-shi looked at Yin-Tang's calmer face, and she couldn't help but feel a sigh of joy. She even flashed a smug look in her eyes. She knew that Ye would not be a squatting Shiqie. Hit her face. No, it’s just an excuse. Isn’t things obscured? Her Wanyan-shi is not reconciled, can she still climb up and ‘call?
     Yan-Tang, who was standing next to him, swept the eyes of Dong-shi and Zhaojia-shi coldly and ‘called coldly: "Follow her mind and bury it early, this is fresh, but it is fresh, but Lord does not accept!"
     Yin-Tang’s voice fell, and the Shiqie, who had previously thought about the performance of the past, was immediately stunned. I was afraid that I would do it for Yin-Tang. When they came out, they stood behind Dong-shi and immediately shrank their bodies and gave Yin-Tang a way.
     Dong-shi and Zhaojia-shi had a stiff face, and both of them had a horror in their eyes. Although Yin-Tang did not say how to deal with this matter, they actually felt a sense of killing from Yin-Tang! It seems that this thing can't be as simple as it was, but Yin-Tang's care for Wan-xi, they feel that it is a correct decision to get rid of her as soon as possible.
     Think of Curie, Yin-Tang sat in the hall, looking at the coffin in front of him, the look is inexplicably complicated, there is a feeling that it is too late to distinguish the true feelings of the heart, the uncomfortable emotions, even he himself does not know How to burst.
     At this time, the thoughts are cold and clear, and the familiar faces of the past have disappeared.
     The smell of incense is everywhere in the house, and some of them are pungent, but he has no intention to pick them up. Gazing at the sinister coffin, he began to imagine that she had suffered a cut.
     What kind of situation is it that makes her unable to ask for help? As for the reasons for the death of those people, he does not believe in words.
     The ‘Madam and ‘Madam in the government will have a doctor to help with the diagnosis every two days. Any situation will be treated promptly, unless someone will do the stalk from it, or else it will be an excuse to take it out after the victim.
     “Opening up!” Yin-Tang, who had been quiet for a long time, suddenly waved his hand, and Lin-Chujiu behind him immediately let a few small hands move.
     'Hey! The sound of the sound of the coffin being opened instantly sounded, and the sound was particularly clear in the hall where it seemed empty. When the coffin cover was opened, Yin-Tang was the one who saw the person lying inside.
     Wan-xi hands were placed on the lower abdomen, his face was pale as paper, and even a silky blue color. Her expression looked awkward, her eyes didn't seem to be closed, and the appearance was no longer beautiful, and people felt that there was a silky person.
     Yin-Tang saw her like this, and could not help but squat. In his impression, Wan-xi is always gentle and watery, understanding and giving him a sense of intimacy and belonging that he has died together, just like in this huge backyard, only she is, he is Can feel the warmth of home.
     This cut cut makes him feel at ease and feel attached. But now, she has died with such an expression of resentment, and she can't even close her eyes.
     In the end, when he didn't know what kind of things she had, she would push her to such a point.
     He reached out and gently helped her close her eyes.
     The eyes that were still half-baked suddenly closed.
     The Yin-Tang heart flashed a grief.
     The fourth old man stepped on the ground and forced them.
     The women in the backyard also forced him hard. Even the person who finally gave him a sense of belonging was forced to die. What kind of terrible he was. Is it difficult for him to fear that these people will not be good in the future?
     It’s a joke!
     Since they all want to put him and the person he cares about, he doesn't have to leave any face for these people. As for the children, according to the old 4th-temper, at most, they ignore it.
     They live well and not, I think those A woman can count more than him!

     He turned back to God's moment, raised his hand and gently held her soft and smooth hand, but replaced it with the stiff and cold at this time.
     The eyes swept slightly and noticed the cut of her tiger's mouth. It was obviously a cut of the dagger. He thought that he could not help but blink his eyes.
     They are all stupid, saying that she is sick? Now it seems that the facts are so different that I am afraid that there is no point on the side. She put her hand back in the place, slowly got up, and suddenly looked at the silk of her collar, and looked carefully, he found that her slender white neck had a silky scar. Even if the wound has been treated, but from the length of the wound, he can still see the problem, want to come this is the real reason for her departure!
     Yin-Tang has a deep breath and wants to suppress the anger of the heart, so many times, it seems that he hates to bite his teeth, and there is no feeling of letting go.
     "Lin-Chujiu, bring them to Hong-ding." Yin-Tang stood up and gave a loud voice.
     Lin-Chujiu rushed to Yin-Tang for a ceremony and then leaned out to go outside. Before leaving, he also ordered people who were waiting around Yin-Tang to stare more, so that Your Highness had other instructions.
     Wan-xi identity is only a Shiqie, but since she entered the government, she has been favored by Your Highness, so Lin-Chujiu, they dare not care for her, the three she gave birth to.
     The children were also very cared for, so he was very respectful in the past and did not neglect them because of the death of Wan-xi.
     At this time, Hong- Ding is only a teenager of ten years old. He said that Darenhood is also an Daren. He has grown up a lot with Yin-Tang on most days. At this time, he is crying when he is crying. come out.
     The person who obviously killed his mother was in this house. He couldn’t even see his mother’s last life. Two sisters, Big sister, married to Mongolia. Although 2nd sister married in Capital City, It is also impossible to come back from time to time. In the end, they did not see the last face of the 3rd sister.
     “Ama...” Hong- Ding took a ceremony at Yin-Tang and looked at Wan-xi lying in the coffin.
     The tears fell unconsciously.
     "Well, the man has tears and does not flick. Some things have passed. It is the death of your mother. It is Ama fault, but those who have harmed her, Ama has their own arrangements. Yin-Tang's voice was so cold that he reached out and waved at him, and his movements seemed to be extremely stiff.
     Hong- Ding slowly walked to the side of Yin-Tang.
     The slender body was straight and straight, and there was a shame in his eyes. Obviously he also wanted to do something for his mother. But there is no way to start.
     Yin-Tang doesn't say much, just let people re-arrange the hall. If Dong-shi just wants to quietly dispose of the death of Wan-xi, Yin-Tang is not as good as their intentions. He has to make a hot cut and let everyone The only woman who knows his heart is the Wanyan·Wan-xi.
     I have to say that this is a big irony until I lose him to find out who I am in my heart!
     "Lin-Chujiu, buried under the Side-Fujin grade. After a hundred years, if the father died, regardless of the way, the Lord would be buried beside her." Yin-Tang was silent for a long time before he gave a message to Lin-Chujiu. It’s just the last sentence, and it’s obviously meaningful.
     Hong- Ding heard the words, his eyes flashed involuntarily, and his mother always said that he should not fight. Ama would give him what he wanted, and he would have to rely on himself. He didn't have no idea in his heart, but he was not willing to make his mother angry for this kind of thing, but now he knows that no matter how he arranges Ama, everything will have him.
     But for Lin-Chujiu, the news is extremely shocking.
     According to the rules, Yin-Tang should be buried with Fu-Jin Dong-shi after his death, but now he does not want to, even say that he wants to be buried with Wan-xi, this is the first words. But looking at his expression, he knows that he is not a time to talk, but a conclusion that has been carefully thought out. As for the follow-up, it is his arrangement.
     Yin-Tang got up and took Hong- Ding to take a big step and went out to study. When he returned to the study, he gave Lin-Chujiu a series of orders.
     Then the whole 9th Prince Beizi was hung up. White, and this made Dong-shi and others instantly squint.
     They just want to let Wan-xi not want her to occupy the heart of Yin-Tang, but they don't want her death to make such a big move. Although Yin-Tang did not hold them accountable, they all felt that the entire house was filled with a repressed atmosphere, which made people breathless.
     In the days that followed, Yin-Tang didn't say anything, and didn't go in and out of the Forbidden City as before, but he had a grand and lively funeral for Wan-xi. Everyone who knows the whole city knows who the Yin-Tang woman is in the heart. Unfortunately, the beautiful woman has passed away, and no amount of guesses and rumors can be exchanged for that person.
     On the day of the funeral, Yin-Tang went in person. In fact, he privately found countless talented people, not for others. He just hoped that if this person could come back, he could see his heart as soon as possible instead of waiting. Lost to know who is his heart.
     Lin-Chujiu is next to Yin-Tang. When I look at Yin-Tang from Tanzhe Temple, I stand on the hillside and wonder what I am thinking? I couldn't help but sigh. Whether it was the death of the Emperor or the emperor, he did not see him out of control, but now he is not just out of control, but more desperate.
     Seeing that Yin-Tang was trembled, and the pair had to fall down, Lin-Chujiu did not dare to delay, and quickly rushed up, and he helped him with a sigh of relief. "Your Highness, Wanyan Your Highness is alive, and I don't want to see you ruin yourself. Besides, Wanyan Your Highness has already gone, even if you are sad, you have to think about Hong-ding Little Prince!"
     Yin-Tang listened to him mentioning Wan-xi and Hong- Ding, his heart was uncomfortable, his eyes were reddish, his nose was sore, and his heart inexplicably hated those who killed her. Cold voice: "Lin-Chujiu, let the dark Wei went to check, and the two months of the visit to the police to find out, the Lord is to see what the women in the backyard want to do!"
     "The nubi obey!" Lin-Chujiu looked at the original Yin-Tang, which suddenly became so ruined, and this was a sigh.
     Seeing that Yin-Tang is so sad, he is not good at mentioning anything else. Anyway, every time he enters the palace, the offender will always be his own Highness. Instead of continuing to do so, it is better to let his own High Highance avoid arousing suspicion.
     There was nothing in the original, but because of 8th-Prince, Your Highness will ignore the backyard because of his affairs, so that he has done this sad person now.
     Yin-Tang Road walked down the long ladder of Tanzhe Temple and walked step by step. But he found that every time he took a step, what came to his mind was the memories he and Wan-xi had walked through, even when he closed his eyes, the flashes of Wan-xi were seen in front of him.
     He used to like this pet, and even if he eventually returned to Wan-xi, he didn't think she was important. It may be that he feels that no matter what he does or how far he has gone, as long as he is willing to return, she will certainly wait in the same place and wait for him.
     But now whatever he does? She seems impossible to wait for him again!
     Starting from participating in the Di-, he always thought of catching a king of iron hats and going through an unscrupulous life. But after so many years have passed, the Di has also failed. Even 8th Prince has married a Qinwang title, and he is still a little Beizi, which has even provoked today’s disgust. Now she loses her, he seems to be true.
     There is nothing to worry about.
     He actually knows that 8th Prince is looking forward to him going back? However, he can no longer afford the spirit, even he is full of thoughts about Wan-xi, even want to avenge her. It is a pity that he can't do these things.
     The only thing that can comfort her in the Spirit of Heaven is probably to arrange their two women.
     When he came back from Tanzhe Temple, Yin-Tang fell ill. In the palace, the royal doctor was sent, and the cheap Qinwang also visited the house in person. Anyway, the disease did not improve until Lin-Chujiu handed the investigation result to him, and made it straight on the bed. Yin-Tang has come back to God.
     At this time, his face was white and scary, his lips were dry and there was no blood, and even he even trembled, but he went to the study.
     Yin-Tang thought that he was the most perfect preparation, but this thing told him that he was too kind, so that no matter whether he was a ‘Madam or a nubi in the backyard, he began to help him.
     The decision was made.
     "Lin-Chujiu, I have something to tell you to do." Yin-Tang sat on his desk and held his big palm on the table. His face was slightly red, but he could not see his real thoughts. .
     Lin-Chujiu played with Yin-Tang, and he was naturally the most loyal to him, so he opened his mouth and he directly slammed it down. He should say: "The nubi swear allegiance to Your Highness!"
     Yin-Tang breathed a few breaths and looked up at Lin-Chujiu. "Master 's situation is already a dilemma. Whether it's the emperor or the 8th Prince, it's not good. Especially On the other side of the emperor, he was offended by him. Now he is in the upper position. 8th Prince is not willing to admit defeat. He secretly ponders a lot of things. Even if he wants to quit, this head can’t go, so this is the Lord.
     The life is definitely not guaranteed, but Hong- Ding, you have to be optimistic about the Lord."
     "Your Highness!" Lin-Chujiu looked at Yin-Tang's eyes flashing a mortal color, a face of horror.
     He also had a certain understanding of the current situation, but it was such a difficult situation that he did not think of his own Your Highness. "Your Highness, since our situation has been so difficult, why is Qinhua better? Is Highness going out?"
     Yin-Tang heard the words and sneered. In the past, he did not want to face up. He only wanted to put on a hand. Now he is retreating.
     The only thing he can do is to save his children as much as possible. As for the backyard. Woman, he won't kill them, but he will make them live better than death.
     Today, the emperor’s vigilance against Yin-Tang is stronger than that of the leader. He learned that he had a funeral for Shiqie, and even made a serious illness, and he did not feel peace of mind. On the contrary, he was a straight person. People staring at 9th-Prince House seems to be afraid of what he has done by this head.
     It’s even more disturbing. In the old Iron Triangle, there is only one Yin-Tang left.
     The forces behind him are now okay. If he can’t do what they want, he afraid My life can't be saved. Now that Yin-Tang wants to take a hand, he can't allow it. After all, it has to rely on the money in his hands to do things!
     Yin-Tang is no matter what, he privately took out his private library and the money that can be drawn from the business, secretly arranged for the secret to transfer. Don't look at the rush of his arrangements. In fact, these things have to be completely transferred, and even the foundation for Hong- Ding needs a lot of time, so he has to prepare early.
     Yin-Tang is not the kind of person who acts recklessly. He has his own set of methods for doing things, otherwise he will not go beyond this leader to provoke the deep dislike of today's emperor.
     At this time, Yin-Tang is planning to think only for his children, then naturally it is impossible to hand all the cuts to the hands of the former.
     The more things on hand, the more Yin-Tang is not allowed to fall, but this time he is really hurt. After a quiet retreat, his body is much thinner and his spirit is no longer like the past.
     That's great.
     Dong-shi They were also shocked by the big jump.
     They hated Yin-Tang's concern for Wan-xi, but also feared that Yin-Tang would lose his life. After all, if there is no helm at the house, how can they provoke the burden of the government by relying on these women and the little Prince who has not grown up. For a moment, they also regretted, regretting that they still underestimated the position of Wan-xi in the heart of Yin-Tang, regretting that they did not get started early.
     Of course, this is just a matter of thinking. If you really want to talk about it, they are not under the eyes of Yin-Tang.
     When Yin-Tang reappears in people progress, whether it is Dong-shi or others, they can feel his change. In the past, he almost always treated himself as a matter of embarrassment. It can be said that he is not allowed to suffer a grievance. Now, no matter what it is, he seems to be unable to raise the so-called interest. Most of the time, facing others is a smile.
     I feel uncomfortable in my heart. After all, he is used to the maintenance and dedication of Yin-Tang, but for a while, Yin-Tang is no longer dominated by him, which makes him accept.
     Regardless of this, Yin-Tang lost the person who best gave him a sense of belonging. He felt confused all the time. In the past, he is now no longer in the past, he will stand as always. Hey, here, just because he has no way to go. In addition, he needs time to make arrangements for his son.
     He knows a little, but he doesn't want to lick this drowning, but he knows temper, so he knows well, no matter whether he is retiring or not, he will not end well in the future. After all, they do those things, want to forgive, fear is hard.
     To this end, Yin-Tang appeared when it appeared. When it should not appear, it began to teach a few sons with heart. No, instead of teaching a few sons with heart, it is better to say that he is cultivating the feelings of these Brother. As for the backyard, he didn't go all the time. Even if he went, he just sat down in Sisang and ignored other people.
     The more Yin-Tang is, the more uneasy they are, the more they feel uneasy, and sometimes they even wonder if their actions have already made Yin-Tang know. So that they are good at maintenance, they have been a lot in a few months, especially the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, as if they have increased several times in an instant.
     Lin-Chujiu What about the women in the backyard? As a person around Yin-Tang, he led a lot of things for Yin-Tang in private, not only paving the way for Hong-ding Little Prince, but also helping to arrange Wanyan Your Highness's family. Don't say that there is anything to be afraid of in this kind of thing. In short, the more he does these things, the more he feels scared. do not know why? He always felt that these things that Your Highness confessed were like confessing his own aftermath. It was like waiting for a cut to be arranged, and he was relieved.
     Such a thing, Lin-Chujiu does not dare to say anything even if he sees it? I have to remind the Hong- Ding Little Prince a few words, I hope he can properly persuade Your Highness, after all, people can not resurrect, this living person must still live well.
     Hong- Ding wants to understand Lin-Chujiu intentions. When Yin-Tang teaches him, he seriously persuaded him. His envy of Yin-Tang is no less than Wan-xi, so in the end, even the little man, he couldn't help but cry out.
     Yin-Tang’s words have not been made, and Hong- Ding’s filial piety can be felt, but some things are not his unwillingness, but his heart is not willing, so he can only be silent. And Hong- Ding did not know the truth, but thought that he is the default, this is considered to let go of his heart.
     However, after the teaching of Yin-Tang during this time, he also had his own cognition about the current situation.
     Those who would come across the difficulties, he secretly made some preparations. Just what will happen in the future? He is not sure now, but he can feel that his Ama seems to have prepared for him.
     Although it is speculation, Hong- Ding is very grateful for the arrangement of Ama, but he does not want to use his Ama temper to change the stability. And those Brother, they are quite old, they should be brotherly, but their mothers and his mothers have a lot of contradictions. Now his mother is killed by their mother, and he is not the most tolerant of them. Others feel that they can't do it. But he did not conceal Yin-Tang and told his thoughts to him.
     Yin-Tang does not blame Hong- Ding. If he doesn't care about his mother's death, he will feel cold. Now, although he will feel a little regret, he has arrangements for these sons, only if the death of Wan-xi is not involved, but he can't make them better when it comes to it. It is also his scale. .

      Past World Fan (4)

     Time flies very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Yongzhen-Tang can feel that their situation is getting more and more difficult. It seems that as long as they handle the matter, the emperor will find reasons to scold. Whether it is a real problem or a bone in the egg, as long as they can make them uncomfortable, the emperor will feel happy.
     Yin-Tang can feel that his temper is becoming more and more violent, and sometimes he can feel his discouragement. But how about this, he has not seen this in his eyes, but instead put more energy on his son. As for the women in the backyard, Yin-Tang clearly did not shoot, but in the dark, several Shiqie were seriously ill in bed, and had never appeared in humanity for a long time.
     Dong-shi is the hostess of the backyard. Even if Yin-Tang does not say hello to her, she can still get a lot of news after a long time.
      Willow-shi is the new favorite of Yin-Tang. She thought it would be the most able to transfer Yin-Tang's attention. Unfortunately, it is the latest illness, and Zhaojia-shi is the same person who can share the same with Wan-xi. She thought she had her in front, and this matter could not be counted on her head. In fact, it did not count on her head.
     The result was nothing more than Willow-shi was seriously ill in bed, Zhaojia-shi could not move, and then dragging was just a matter of recent time.
     Open the two people, the other people are dead or sick, Dong-shi is not concerned, because only two of them can be used as a shield, but both of them are sick, to say inside No tricks, who believes!
     No, just when she thought that things would end with time, or when it ended with the death of Willow-shi and Zhaojia-shi, Lin-Chujiu actually came to the main house and asked her to go through the study.
     Dong-shi time, this heart was shocked and happy, since the Wanyan-shi entered the government, she rarely got the favor of Yin-Tang. Even if I went to the study room to send some soup and water, I couldn’t see anyone. I was invited to the study room. She was a little embarrassed at the same time. She was more fortunate. Fortunately, she did not let her go because of her heart. Wanyan-shi Otherwise, she doesn't want to go to the study now, I am afraid that it is difficult to see a man. Now, no matter why the Lord cast her gaze on her, this is a good change for her.
     "Master, the body is important, this government is urgent, and there is no importance for one own body. Let the kitchen make a few side dishes, do you want to try it?" Dong-shi saw the study, watching the approval Yin-Tang, waited for a moment, seeing Yin-Tang's subsequent batches, she had to open her own, but with a smile on her face from beginning to end.
     After so many years of getting along, Dong-shi has learned to look at Yin-Tang's eyes, or to recognize his identity, even if he has no eyes. When she first came over, she still held her own identity and wanted Yin-Tang to marry her. As a result, Yin-Tang went to the backyard in the country, forcing her to surrender. After that, even if she learned to give in, but Yin-Tang did not have the patience to wait for her, and then she could not give birth to her son for Yin-Tang, which made her waist lower and lower, lower again. It can't be straightened.
     Yin-Tang looked up and glanced at her eyes coldly. She then took the chopsticks she had handed over and put a small dish into her mouth.
     Dong-shi seems to be inspired. I feel that Yin-Tang finally found her after she put her eyes on her. Between the time, Dong-shi could not help but forget the previous uneasiness and boldly joined together to Yin-Tang.
     “Fu-Jin has been working hard lately!” Yin-Tang gently raised his eyebrows and glanced at Dong-shi eyes, looking at her smug look, and could not help but flash a disgust.
     Unfortunately, Dong-shi did not find it. He thought that Yin-Tang said that this was to praise her.
     The smile on her face could not help but become more brilliant.
     The wrinkles were more obvious, but she did not find it.
     The path said: "It’s not hard to get involved. As long as you are good, it’s also a willingness to do more."
     Yin-Tang sneered, and when he reached out, he threw away the chopsticks in his hand and Called: "If you can go to death with Zhaojia-shi, you will have a better life than now!"
     His voice just fell, and the study room instantly fell into a dead silence. Dong-shi exclaimed, and even a suspicion in his eyes, doubting if he was wrong! However, Yin-Tang's expression showed a cut, which made Dong-shi entire face instantly pale, and even the whole person was unconsciously shaking.
     Yin-Tang does not care about this, and continues to say: "What you do, my grandfather knows clearly, the reason why they are not able to start with Zhaojia-shi, do not have any concerns, or have any friendship with you, But the Lord feels that he has lost a cut, and you are sure to be alive more than dead!"
     Yin-Tang's words are like swords, and each of them stabbed Dong-shi with blood. At this time, she remembered the uneasy feelings in her heart before, and could not help but cry out.
     "Master, what is wrong with you in the end, only to make you treat each other like this, but also ask the Lord to show it?" Dong-shi squatted on the ground, and his body fell on the ground, but it gave people a feeling of pity.
     "Where did you do it wrong? You have done something wrong! Since she is not in this world, then you are not worthy of living in the world, or living so comfortably." Yin-Tang sneered, said something Just like the frost, let Dong-shi be on the spot.
     Dong-shi may never have thought that the removal of Wan-xi will be devastating. If she had fortunately ruined Wan-xi before, then now she began to regret why she was so eager to get rid of her. However, people like her will never blame themselves.
     They will only push hatred and blame to others. At this time, Willow-shi and Zhaojia-shi, which were originally used as shields by Dong-shi, have become generations. Sin Lamb.
     "Okay! I want you to come here today to let you know, not only do you have to manage things in the future, but you are dead, and you are not qualified to be buried with your father." Yin-Tang Looking at the like-minded Dong-shi, suddenly lost the idea of ​​accounting with her, waved: "Lin-Chujiu, let people drag her out!"
     Lin-Chujiu looked at Yin-Tang's tired face, did not dare to neglect, greeted a few people, and directly dragged Dong-shi out. He doesn't care about Dong-shi, no matter whether she can step down or not, he only knows that his Highness is hurting his enemy, no need to give him any face, even if Dong-shi is nominally his Female Your Highness, but Your Highness does not admit that he is nominally who he should only hit his face when he hits his face.
     When Dong-shi returned to the main courtyard, Concubine in the entire backyard probably got the news. At this time, they no longer forced the Wan-xi, they were like a frightened bird, and they were in their own courtyard. It is easy to dare not take the lead, let alone petition.
     Yin-Tang does not care what these women in the backyard think? Since the death of Wan-xi, he has brought all the children to the front yard.
     The people arranged around him are very particular, and the education is also very underground. It can be said that he directly cut off between their mother and child, mother and daughter. Contact, and even there are arrangements in the dark. As long as his children are soft on these women, the people he arranges directly ask these women to temper their lives. Anyway, their lives and deaths are not worth mentioning in today's holy or any individual's eyes.
     Yin-Tang's approach has provoked the emperor and their concern, but in the end it was a matter in his house, neither of them intervened.
     These Shiqie natal family are even more unlikely to be noisy. It can be said that when the status is low, it means that they are not qualified to speak. Now it is.
     After that, the movement in the 9th-Prince backyard did not disappear until Yongzheng three years later, the backyard seemed to die every two months, which also made Dongshi, who had a good luck, greatly frightened. As for her family, she had a heart to intervene. Unfortunately, Yin-Tang did not care about it, which gave them a chance. Now, Yin-Tang is not allowed.
     They can't even enter the door of 9th-Prince House.
     But this is not the final outcome. Whether it is sitting on the throne or sitting on the throne, they will never be able to live in peace. If you can't help but be jealous of them before, then now he has more power, that is, when they want their lives.
     When you want to work hard and make troubles on the grounds of inheriting problems, Yin-Tang knows that their good days are running out. I can know that I will die, and even die not too decent. Yin-Tang does not feel scared or upset. On the contrary, she has a sense of relaxation that is about to be freed.
     Before the , Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y His children really have problems, he wants to follow the old 13th-temper, will definitely help.
     Yu-Xiang, although he was amazed by the practice of Yin-Tang, can still count this credit on Yin-Tang. After all, the news is really helpful for them.
     In the fourth year of Yongzheng, when Yin-Tang was implicated in being imprisoned, he walked very calmly, without any rebellion, and without any grievances and incomparable cooperation. Only Hong- Ding had a very sad cry.
     “ Ama –”
     "Go back! You should have known this for a long time. Ama is not here, you will live well." Yin-Tang said, shaking his head gently toward them, then turned and left.
     Hong- Ding looked at Yin-Tang's light back and cried even more sadly.
     They knew in their hearts that this trip alone, their father and son are afraid that there will be no more days to meet.
     A few months later, when Yin-Tang saw a bright Yu-Xiang where he was banned, he knew that the cut was over.
     "You are finally here!" Yin-Tang looked up at him, and the whole man sat cross-legged on the floor, his expression pale and calm.
     “9th Prince knows that I will come?” Yu-Xiang looked at Yin-Tang, which was still so light under the wolf, and his heart was slightly a little surprised, but more is an admiration.
     After receiving the news that Yin-Tang gave him, he made a lot of arrangements with the emperor. Although he still failed to prevent all the problems, he also blocked many problems. It’s just that this is too much trouble. Whether it’s the ancestry or the folks, it’s questioning the authenticity of the emperor’s successor.
     This point makes the emperor hate them, so that his pleading has not allowed Yin-Tang to survive.
     The permission allowed is probably that he will send him the last trip.
     "I am waiting for you. I am old.
     Thirteen, maybe you don't believe it. Master  is actually waiting for you to send the last trip." Yin-Tang reached out and looked at Yu-in a moment-Xiang, the whole person has a look of hope and joy, as if he is not going to die, but to catch up with anything good.
     "Oh..." Yu-Xiang slammed down and handed the porcelain bottle in his hand to him.
     Yin-Tang didn't say anything more, just calmly drank the poison in the porcelain bottle. Probably from the goodwill of Yu-Xiang, this medicine works very quickly. Yin-Tang didn't suffer too much pain. It was just the moment that closed his eyes. He seemed to see the familiar figure slowly toward him. Come along...


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