Chongqie Courting Death Daily 585

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     “4th Prince is right. We are all Brother. It’s the right thing for the group to create a great and prosperous life, instead of letting those who have ulterior motives provoke each other’s relationship. Moreover, Daqing seems to be solid and practical.
     There are endless problems. Besides our own Brother, who else can we believe? Is it difficult for those who use our Brother as tools for personal gain?" When Yin-Tang said this, although he exaggerated and confuses them, it is also Really want to give them a chance, after all, they are a family, and whoever they fall in this day is better than the one who is in the family.
     After saying this, Yin-Tang swept the eyes of everyone in the room and saw their slightly sloppy face.
     The corner of the mouth unconsciously hooked, and he knew that there was a common understanding between the Brother and the other Brother.
     "9th Prince brother said it well, and he is Prince Prince. No matter how the inside is contending, it is necessary to give the outside world to the outside world. In addition, the emperor is holy, and his heart is broad-minded. It is reasonable to use it." Former Chu Jun, this idea is probably the deepest, so when Yin-Tang said these words, the most impressed is probably him. Although his words are somewhat insincere, at least he still supports it.
     He and others have studied martial arts since childhood, and their minds and thoughts have changed greatly with time. However, the idea of ​​making a big event for the country has not changed. Even today, they are no longer as passionate as they used to be, but they still look forward to a good life. Just after experiencing various things, although it’s a good time to see the sky, it’s inevitable that there will be a feeling of being incompetent.
     Fortunately, Yu and Yin-Tang have already talked about these Brother for a few times.
     They have taboos and defenses, but they still hope that they can help. After all, these families are honored, no matter It was before the beginning of military work, or by the woman's superior position, after so many years of development, there is a certain scale. If you want to suppress them completely, it’s not a two-word thing, it’s not a half-time event, so if you want to deal with these people quickly, they have to unite with each other in addition to the forces at hand.
     The power of unity.
     "2nd Prince, this big Qing is the Jiangshan of our love of Xinjue Luo-shi people. No matter who we are sitting on, we are all looking forward to the goodness of the Qing Family. We can fight for it, but we can’t let it Others are cheaper." Yin-Tang does not let the opening, but also because of these words, it will inevitably give people a sense of showing off.
     Of course, if you change to him, it will inevitably be suspected of being on behalf of the mouth, but it is better than letting them speak better.
     When Yin-Tang saw it, he smiled and said: "Big Prince, 2nd Prince, you should understand that 4th Prince is now a royal family. But in the end, we are all Brother. In the past, let’s not mention who is right or wrong. Under such a situation, who can guarantee that he has no selfishness. Moreover, now that all the dust has settled, should we look forward, instead of tangling the past?"
     He and others also have their own plans.
     They naturally want to reuse them. As for rebellion, if they dare to do this kind of thing that shakes the country, the first one who does not let them go is Kangxi himself. When they get there, they will know what to end, so they don’t have to think about it, so they are honest and honest, and as they grow older, some of their unwilling thoughts have disappeared.
     Yin-Tang's words still let them get in the heart. After all, a Qinwang title looks great, but it is not hereditary. Who can guarantee that the descendants will be rich and wealthy? They are also children with children! When they were lifted on the same day, they were also grateful. After all, they were replaced by them.
     They were afraid that they could not do this. Now they are willing to reach out.
     They just need opportunities.
     Therefore, they hesitate and they all expressed their feelings. Your own loyalty.
     When I saw that these Brother were all soft, I couldn’t help but feel a sigh of relief. He is in power, but there are a lot of potential enemies. Plus, this series of new policies has only opened up. If you move one after another, there will be more and more opposition voices, so he must also unite forces and will be more and more.
     The forces are united in one place, in order to let go of their hands and feet.
     In Qing yi-Courtyard, although Wan-xi is the protagonist of today, as a hostess, she has a lot of things on hand. Fortunately, they had a friendship with ten Fu-Jin on the same day. What is happening now, they also It will help me in a timely manner, but it will also make her a lot easier. After all, she is not very fond of socializing, and there are still some gaps in communication compared with the ten Fu-Jin who often attend various banquets. Even if Big Fu-Jin didn't care about this, she didn't need to please anyone, but she wouldn't allow others to blame on Yin-Tang for her reasons, so she should pay attention to everyone in this aspect.
     Ting-Rain and others also understand the mind of Wan-xi, plus the instructions of Yin-Tang. It’s not just them who are personally here. Ping Mama is also among them, so the whole ZHong-Yong Prince House people come and go, but everything is rules.
      Big Fu-Jin, they naturally have a panoramic view, it is impossible to say that they have no idea in their hearts. It’s just that it’s not the same, even if their current status is not worse than Wan-xi, the potential cut is not what they can’t compare. Yin-Tang’s favor for Wan-xi is that everyone is better than nothing. Up.
     Wan-xi held the tea pot in both hands, and the eyes turned slightly, whispering and whispering to Di Fu-Jin. Because of the feast, and the hint of Yin-Tang, these Princes did not bring their own Di Fu-Jin with the so-called Side-Fujin and "Jiji". Although Wan-xi is a way to climb from the "Jiji" with a low status, this does not mean that she is willing to get along with everyone with a low starting point.
     Everyone fate is different, their identities are different, their choices are different, and sometimes there is a fate between them, and not everyone has a fate. Like Wan-xi, even if she is in the position of Fu-Jin, it does not mean that she has a good relationship with all Di Fu-Jin. In fact, most of them are just nodding, and they are not guilty of each other.
     However, this Prince Prince Di Fu-Jin is so good, let alone Big Fu-Jin and 2nd Fu-Jin, with their family members being banned for so many years, said 3rd Fu-Jin, 5th Fu-Jin, etc., whether they are favored at first or Unfavored, today they are no longer treating their own family like Wan-xi, and now they are more concerned about their son.
     It's not that they don't want to pay attention to their own family, but the women who are added in the backyard let them all die completely, so they would rather keep this respect than to be as noisy as they used to.
     Wan-xi sat next to him, and he spoke a few words from time to time, and he was able to understand their current situation from their conversations. It's just that this kind of thing is not suitable for her outsiders to intervene, and the situation in each house is a bit special, plus the two people temper more or less have some influence, others are really not open.
     Sometimes it has to be said that Prince Prince marriage is fundamentally a balanced means, and has nothing to do with happiness. Unless the exception, basically the people love Concubine. Some people may say that you are just a game, but how many years have you been deceived in your head in the past? Without him, it’s just that Concubine, who got the hearts of the people, chose them according to their own preferences and they got their minds.
     Compared to the individualism of Qing yi-Courtyard, the atmosphere of the front yard is more and more harmonious. If it was in the past, this is impossible, but now people situation and ideas have changed, and other nature has changed.
     Yin-Tang swept the eyes of the crowd and saw the look of sorrow.
     The Brother had been with each other for many years. He also knew temper feelings. When he saw such a faction, he knew his plan and said: "There are some People have a good idea, not only for the emperor, but also for us? It’s really daring!"
     Yin-Tang openings, Yu-Xiang, they immediately agreed, this is to put things against the honour of the family to the bright side.
     Many things, Yin-Tang is not bent on them. Whether it is before or after, they will always know them and let them have a heart. After all, their 4th Brother are the deepest.
     Those family honours have made a lot of troubles, not to mention and Yin-Tang, that is, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are also very intolerant to them. No one likes others to intervene in their own affairs, and the imperial power should be above the world, but now these families are developing and want to ride on the head of the royal family. It is no wonder that they cannot tolerate them.
     "4th Prince, these people have been arrogant for a long time. Even the rough temper of their younger brother can see their disrespect and endure.
     They are afraid that they should think that this Qing jiang Mountain belongs to them, not that we love new Feeling Luo family." Yin-Er is so thick, but the meaning is very shallow, especially the attitude of the family's honour, it is obvious that they do not put them in the eye.
     In the heart of Yin-Er, it is worthy of his protection to stand on the same line with him. As for those who disregard his feelings and positions, he must stand on his opposite side, he will feel sad, but It is not necessary to choose the same pollution.
     Over the years, Yin-Er has also been seen, and the various aspects of the button are seemingly united. In fact, there have been problems in the interior. At the beginning, he had a disagreement in supporting him and he was deliberate. He deliberately followed Yin-Tang. Unfortunately, his Mu-Uncle was not as good as his wish. He had to follow the old eight, and finally how?
     Nowadays, the old eight is already dusty, and the soil is returning to the earth, but they still don't give up, and they follow the whimsical guys to calculate 4th Prince and Big Prince. I want to come to them. I really think of these Princes as soft persimmons.
     Hey, he heard the words Yin-Er, and the brows wrinkled involuntarily. Don't look at their current desolate, but they are still arrogant in their bones.
     Their Brother kill each other is their own business, and no one else can dominate their destiny.
      temper is violent, although it has changed a lot for so many years, but this nature is so, it is impossible to become weak and weak without frustration. Since those people made up their minds to pick them up and kill each other, they would have to do the opposite, let them live in a hurry and let them talk, "4th Brother, Big Prince.
     This is the case in my life, even though my heart is still unwilling, but Big Prince still appreciates your tolerance and generosity, so as long as you believe in Big Prince, Big Prince is only for you."

      temper is violent, although it has changed a lot for so many years, but this nature is so, it is impossible to become weak and weak without frustration. Since those people made up their minds to pick them up and kill each other, they would have to do the opposite, let them live in a hurry and let them talk, "4th Brother, Big Prince.
     This is the case in my life, even though my heart is still unwilling, but Big Prince still appreciates your tolerance and generosity, so as long as you believe in Big Prince, Big Prince is only for you."
     After listening to this, I couldn't help but smash it. He and Yin-Tang took so much thought and wanted to get their loyalty. Although they had been overstated before, but not in front of him, he did not dare to respond. Because their Brother know more or less, depending on their arrogance, if you look down on you, it is really bowing.
     "Big Prince said that, although the younger brother is in the big treasure, but this Qing jiang Mountain is still we love Xinjue Luozu." When I said this, the look on the face was slightly Microsoft and a little, in the eyes Showing a serious look.
     He and he saw them, and their hearts were loose: "The nubi are willing to share the worry for the emperor."
     When I saw it, I was sighed with Yin-Tang.
     The family's honours are rooted too deeply.
     They want to move them to be sure that they will be sure to take the shots. Only those who will suffer losses will be them. He is adventurous, otherwise he will not commit to reform, but he is also old-fashioned because he will not easily choose to shoot for one thing. Otherwise, he will not go around for such a long time and will not shoot for those people.
     "Big Prince is right. 4th Brother, since you are willing to believe in these Brother, then we can't be blind." He looked at his eyes and looked at his eyes. I really lowered my head.
     For them, it is already an insurmountable mountain. What can they get if they don’t care about it? After so many years of transformation, the forces behind them have already spread almost the same. Even if those loyalists are still there, it is difficult to become a climate. Why do they have to find their own way.
     After the embarrassment, he and others also expressed their loyalty. After all, everyone is a smart person, talking to a smart person, and taking up.
     Although they all understand why they are so arranged, they also really appreciate the arrangement. Although they have not yet been reused, many of the news are well known, and the information revealed between the lines of Yin and Tang is nothing to explain their intention and determination.
     I watched the Brother who gave the answers, and when they were satisfied, when they mentioned those people, the killing in the tone was revealed. "In the past, since the past has passed, then our Brother will do it today." A cup. I believe that as long as our Brother are united, this Qing will surely usher in a prosperous age."
     The understanding of the people livelihood, in addition to the opening of Yin-Tang, can be said to be the most of the Prince, he was sent to the local disasters several times, personally visited, there is still a great understanding of the real people livelihood. When the people in the whole four 9th Prince City are immersed in the dream of the Heavenly Kingdom, he is actually more clear than others.
     There are many people who are not enough to eat rice in this vast country.
     This is not the case.
     The so-called flourishing in his heart.
     When the words are finished, Yin-Tang laughs: "Things are artificial, this is the main reason why our Brother get together."
     Several Brother said something again. When the feast was held, the men and women did not separate. It may be that Yin-Tang wants to take the opportunity to live, or want to show everyone the status of her in her heart. In short, in the pet. Wan-xi, in some cases, Yin-Tang is also considered to be mad.
     Fu-Jin looked at this scene, but his heart was sour, but there was no snoring on his mouth. Except for 3rd Fu-Jin, two words were smothered by Qinwang, and all the cuts were very harmonious.
     He sat on the top, with a smile in his eyes, but did not reveal Yin-Tang. He is not afraid of Yin-Tang pet Wan-xi, he is afraid that Yin-Tang has no concerns.
     This is just the right thing. As long as he has weakness, he does not have to worry that he will give birth to his heart. After all, the power is tempting, and no one can guarantee that he will never change.
     In the presence of Yin-Tang, a dog food was forcibly stuffed, and the wine table would not be too polite. Yin-Tang, even if there are a few Brother to help, it is difficult to escape; but Wan-xi, there are ten Fu-Jin, they help, it just means to drink a few cups, after all, women are very valued for their manners. Nothing is happening, they are basically impossible to lose their way.
     When the end of the banquet, most of the women are only slightly stunned, and most of the men are already drunk, and they are honest, and they are always arrogant or noisy. . Fortunately, they have Di Fu-Jin coming here, so this follow-up arrangement will not have to work with Wan-xi. At the end of the banquet, it is directly to find each mother and return to each other.
     Yin-Tang was drunk, and Wan-xi didn't let others help. Her own Yan-Tang road slowly went to Qing yi-Courtyard. On this road, Wan-xi used a lot of strength, Lin-Chujiu and others were also horrified at the side, but Yin-Tang did not wait for them, they could only look at Wan-xi He was taken back to Qing yi-Courtyard.
     When I arrived at Qing yi-Courtyard, I was reminded by Ting-Rain before, so Gao Mama had already prepared everything for hot water. Wan-xi saw a sigh of relief, and she was not the first to drink the Yin-Tang, so even if she was tired, she did not let others intervene.
     Yin-Tang's thoughts are still sober. Although he does not want Wan-xi to be too tired, he is still attached to her care and care for herself. Feeling her tenderness and patience to her, the negative emotions in his heart unconsciously dissipated a few points.
     Wan-xi helped Yin-Tang wipe the body, and changed into a bedclothes, which was sweating into the clean room, waiting for a sweat, wearing a thin bedclothes Out.
     The gauze above the bed only put down a layer, and faintly can see Yin-Tang lying on the edge of the bed. She picks up the gauze with her fingertips and looks at the Yin-Tang, which is so harmless in her sleep.
     The corner of the mouth unconsciously raised a smile. Just as she wanted to cross him and sleep in the bed, something suddenly caught her arm, and when she reacted, she saw Yin-Tang looking at her with a smile.
     Wan-xi was shocked by his actions. When she reacted, he had already put her in her arms.
     The big palm was to pick up her bedclothes and put the nephrite on her chest into the palm of her hand. She buried her head in his arms and noticed his intentions. He couldn’t help but tremble: "Don't..."
     "Don't?" Yin-Tang's face was a bit ugly.
     The lips slammed her lips hard, and the bottom and bottom of the hand, the palm of the hand was gradually exerting strength, which made her breath become somewhat unstable.
     "Ye Ming knows why!" Wan-xi took his neck and looked at his rogue and overbearing appearance.
     There was such an instant as if he had returned to the past, and he could not help but whispered: "Isn't you drunk? Isn't your body tired?" ”
     It’s been a busy day, she still good, but what about him? Not only must she arrange this birthday banquet for her, but also have to circumnavigate between Qinwang Junwang to help implement various things. Wan-xi is willing to be tired.
     She struggled twice, but she did not dare to use too much force, but this point of strength was overwhelmed by the enemy, and he was still panting with his chin.
     Yin-Tang has a hot temperature all over the place. Whenever it goes, Wan-xi is merged into a spring water, and it is difficult to raise the heart of rebellion.
     In recent years, whether it is Wan-xi body or Yin-Tang's hands are too busy, it has made Yin-Tang not have much time to accompany Wan-xi as before. However, the two young people loved each other, and Wan-xi refused to accept it. He had to follow his heart and let him do it.
     At this time, the family loyalists who were guarded by Yin-Tang were trying their best to send the family or their daughters to the houses of Qinwang and Junwang, whether they were to Laozi or their sons, as long as they could enter the government. Everything is good to discuss.
     They are not the first time to gather together in a discussion of things, from deciding to support the past to launch him, or as a road to the Royal, they are so concentrated in a discussion. It is not so much that they just caught up with Kangxi old kindness. It is better to say that Kangxi sees his reputation as more important than their calculations, so he has grown up their courage and raised their appetite.
     Nowadays all the problems are falling on them.
     They know that they can't change the status quo, they can only contain the other side, in case the other party does it. Of course, if you can provoke some waves and divert attention, they may not be able to take advantage of this crisis and seize the opportunity to get some benefits.
     It is a pity that they have the heart to provoke and contradict their contradictions.
     The other party does not cooperate at all. After spending so much thought, it still fails to achieve its goal. If it’s just two, it’s just that none of them have succeeded. It’s intriguing about what kind of deep meaning it contains.
     "Our actions have repeatedly angered today's sacredness. If we knew it would be like this, we should be more cautious in the first place, instead of being in a dilemma like this." The people present listened to him, sweating frequently, breathing.
     The sound also suddenly became rushed, and obviously they all did not want to bear the consequences of the defeat.
     Just because of their current situation, there is no way out, it means they can only move on. It’s just that the previous plans are empty, they have to come up with better solutions, otherwise they are afraid that they really have to go to a dead end.
     "Since the normal method of returning to normality does not achieve the goal, then use an abnormal method to achieve the goal. For the whole family, part of the sacrifice is still needed." One of the haze sounds suddenly sounded, and even if it is said, even some of you are present. Some people unconsciously shuddered.
     But it feels bad again, they have to admit that this is their last way out. Who will let the current Princes not be allowed to provoke and arbitrarily like them before!
     With the intention, these people actions are also rapid, even if they think their thoughts have been reduced, but the forces on their hands have not disappeared. On the contrary, they are hidden more secretly. It can be said that they are not easy to show up, and once they show up, it is the time of success.

     Sakamoto thought that as long as he ignored those who had ulterior motives, he would do his own thing with his heart. Who knows that one person is inadvertently involved in others.
     He thought that no matter whether he was a direct Qinwang or a mansion, he would not be able to enter and leave, but he forgot that those who belonged to these places.
     They were originally a family, that is, meritorious deeds, even if they are not the power of the family, but under the trees are good to enjoy the cold, there are always some people who are willing to be influenced by them.
     He didn't have time to enter the military department, but most of the people in the military department were sluts, and even if they had deep thoughts, they would not show their true colors. In this way, it is inevitable that people who have changed their minds and thought about doing things seriously will become the person to be counted.
     Waking up intoxicated, the greet him was actually blocked by a group of people in the inn's room, and then he didn't even figure out the passing of the incident.
     The girl who slept next to him hit the wall directly and died so badly. . However, he did not see a trace of pity from other people eyes, so if he still does not know that he has been counted, then he does not have to mix.
     Sit up and sneak up on the clothes, and the face looks indifferent, so that the 'family' who rushed in did not know how to react. If it weren't for the corpse of their Miss, they would have thought they were going wrong.
     "You ruined my daughter, and my face was indifferent. You have no fear, or you want to bully!" The older middle-aged man looked at this kind of embarrassment. Although he was a little jealous, he couldn’t help but follow the patriarch’s Acting to act. Anyway, it’s just the Shu Daughter. If she dies, she will die. If she can bring prosperity to her family, it is her blessing.
     He was frowned by his Calling voice, and then his face sneered: "What is your intention? The king knows clearly, but Benwang will not be as you wish, how can a good daughter appear here? When I waited for the place, I still said that there is no problem, and who believes!"
     In the face of these people, you are not afraid of it. He is indeed impulsive, and his temper is even more violent, but it does not mean that he is stupid, and he has not been counted by a woman before he has been banned. For such a thing, he will not know how to return to life.
     The middle-aged man who started to drink was stunned by the embarrassing attitude. When he reacted, he couldn’t help but sullenly said: "If you don’t want to recognize the account, it’s just a matter of rushing to the emperor.
     That’s why we are reasonable. “
     "If this is the case, let the king see if your theory can really be bigger than the sky." He looked at the stiff smile on his face and turned to look out the window.
     He never knew that the morning sun would be glaring, and his eyes had a feeling of shortness and shortness of breath.
     The Brother around him have repeatedly reminded him that he should not believe in others for the time being, but he recognizes that he has a set. What is the result? He thought he had conquered the other side, but he was put in the way at the most critical time.
     "In this case, ZhiQinwang is afraid that it is more worrying than us!" The other side laughed and Called, and the person behind him immediately raised the girl on the ground and made a noise.
     In places like inns, regardless of high-end or low-end, the flow of people is unlikely to be less, not to mention the fact that the other party is willing to make things big, and the chosen places must have been selected.
     This is not the case, only a few words, then watching the lively moments surrounded by three layers and three layers.
     Fortunately, people around you are responding in a timely manner, and arrangements are also considered appropriate. Otherwise, it is difficult to get out of this scene. Even so, things are still in the air.
     In the palace, Yongzheng and Yin-Tang discussed how to arrange the Brother and dispatched officials from all over the country. Outside the small eunuch hurriedly ran in and whispered a few words in Su Peisheng’s ear. Su Peisheng entered Inside the temple, I saw Yin-Tang, their eyes, and they were afraid to return to the shackles: "The emperor, Zhihuawang has an accident."
     Some people bluntly said that Qinwang was abandoned and forced to die.
     This kind of thing sounded like a problem, but it couldn’t hold things up! This is just a little bit of effort, not to mention the palace outside the palace, it really is to do the whole four 9th Prince City is full of straight Qinwang's pink gossip.
     In the Yangxin Temple, when he and Yin-Tang discussed the various arrangements, Su Peisheng was not far away. Naturally, he heard it clearly. He knew that he wanted to reuse the people like Qinwang, but he didn’t want to. In the effort of the children, some people have put their ideas on the body of Zhiwang, and this situation is not just a beginning.
     At this time, he lowered his head and said something, that is, he was shocked. Not only was the palaceman in the temple waiting to be scared, but Yin-Tang also stunned. After all, they reminded them that they should pay more attention, but they didn't want him to end up with the other side.
     A face stunned and stood up, apparently very annoyed about this matter, but this anger is directed at those people, but also against the sly, after all, they have been repeatedly reminded before.
     "Globe! You have a decision, they have made up their minds, taking advantage of this situation, it is ready to use whatever means, ready to pull people down!"         The tea pot on the table was poured over, and the tea inside was sprinkled.
     Yin-Tang does not feel angry. He has long expected that these people will use this kind of abuse after they have not responded.
     They thought they would use the secret piles and eyeliners of the government.
     The rough one is a joke.
     "4th Prince, this kind of thing is nothing more than a love affair. How can a good family's daughter appear in a place like an inn, and it is a poor skill to say that these people are wearing a trick to catch a dead cat. Big Prince temper does Reckless, but after this, he will never make the same mistake again, so even if he is sent to train, 4th Prince can be more assured." Yin-Tang smiles like a smile and raises the fallen tea.
     The action is slow and there is no way to see what he is upset about.
     Gossip side, his eyes flashed slightly, it seems to be the thought of practicing the water army, the anger in his eyes disappeared instantly. "9th Prince is right, let Big Prince go out and take a trip. It’s not bad. After all, it’s not enough to rely on individuals alone.”
     It is true that the suspicion is not serious, and it is true that it is true to do things, but the teachings of Kangxi in the following years are not ineffective. His personal ability can no longer care for all, and then there is the experience of the last years of Emperor Kangxi.
     The idea of ​​jealousy is no longer like that of the past.
     Then there is the help of Yin-Tang and others. He can now think better than before, but when he is careful He is still careful, and when he uses the person, he is as if he used to be, the suspect is not used, and the employer is not suspicious.
     I still know something about the temperament of and . He knew in his heart that people like them would either not bow their heads, and they would do things with care when they bow their heads. Otherwise, how can he accept them and how they would like to reuse them.
     "4th Prince, since you want to start reforms, it is not just the periphery that needs to be changed.
     The Forbidden City has to be cleaned up, otherwise the dirt will be hidden around, and what else can be done in other places?" Yin The moment when Tang looked up, it was just the same as his gaze. He did not hide his thoughts, and his eyes were full of ambitions.
     Suddenly, he reached out to take care of his robes, and he sat back again. Obviously, he realized that his actions were too excited, but those who provoked him would definitely return to his thoughts.
     Things are already getting bigger, so let them see you immediately!"
     Su Peisheng bent over and responded with a sigh of relief, then stepped back lightly.
     The four of their Brother met their eyes. Although they couldn’t understand the heart, they could hear the intent from their previous conversations, so the four people now have the same idea, even if Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang want to. Going to train, but they also know in their hearts that this water army must not practice, other soldiers can not be idle, they are not afraid to do nothing.
     Moreover, since these Brother decided to give up their prejudice, as long as there is no principle problem, there is still some trust between them. After all, depending on their identity, what kind of woman do you want, it is necessary to force a woman who does not know in the place of the inn!
     When they squatted into the palace, they looked at the calm and sly look, and they nodded secretly. Apparently, he was satisfied with the reaction, and the other side was crying, as if he had died in the middle age of the whole family. People, regardless of his identity, are really sensational. Just because he is the one sent by those people, he can't give them a good look.
     "The things have come and gone, I have heard of it, but the rumors of the affair have made the city full of wind and rain, and even the shame of the royal family, so big courage!" Big, repeated tossing a lot, but people can not tell who is wrong.
     In a moment, I understood the intent of the embarrassment. After all, I mentioned that he had to go to the military for training. He himself accepted such an arrangement. After all, if he did nothing, he did some work. Now my attitude is very clear, and he naturally has to cooperate, so when he listens to this, he immediately squats down and asks for sin: "Please sin for the emperor, all the nubi are reckless, drunk and commit the crime." Things, please also impose punishment on the emperor!"
     "It is indeed a punishment! In the end, how can this matter be self Contained? Straight Qinwang is acting recklessly. If you do, you will be sent to Guangdong to practice the water army.
     This soldier will not practice, you will not have to come back!" It’s cold, but you can listen carefully, but you’re thinking about it all the time. It’s arguably a bright drop, giving you the opportunity to take power.
     "The nubi follow the purpose, thank the emperor on the Long." A face solemnly grateful to the sly, the attitude of piety, so that the first one sitting on the top of the shackles.
     The middle-aged man who came in with the same one did not say a word, and squatted in the same place. He doesn't dare to talk about him. He is a good-natured eight-flag brother like him. It is not bad to have a mixed meal. Others don't give opportunities. Now that the family has given the opportunity, it has arranged such a dangerous thing for him.
     It seems that they are on the peak. If it is private, he will definitely benefit. When it comes to the emperor today, it will become a hot potato. Especially the attitude of the emperor is so obvious. Even if he is a blind man, he will hear the emperor. Straight Qinwang's maintenance. At this time, his heart was full of bitterness, but he could not find a chance to speak. He could only watch his advantage slowly and disappeared until it disappeared.
     "Okay, since it is a romantic affair, it must be the responsibility of both parties. If Big Prince feels embarrassed, he will appease the family of Miss, and it will be given to her." It’s time to decide.

     "Okay, since it is a romantic affair, it must be the responsibility of both parties. If Big Prince feels embarrassed, he will appease the family of Miss, and it will be given to her." It’s time to decide.
     The middle-aged man squatted, as if he had reacted to the side, took a piece of the side and wiped the side of the sweat: "The emperor... the emperor, the straight Qinwang forced the nubi daughter, and the nubi daughter died, how to expose this What?"
     His hand shook very badly, and the words he said were still trembling. What was unexpected was that he dismissed the arrangement of the emperor in public. However, the words have already been said, even if he is now facing an indifferent face, his heart is extremely regrettable, but now the only way out is to stick to the end.
     "In this case, you tell your daughter, everyone, why are you in a place like the inn? How did you get into the room of Qinwang? Finally, how did you die? Did Qinwang kill him?" When the problem is even, the tone is dull, but the gas field around the body makes the middle-aged man unable to breathe out.
     He would like to say that his daughter appeared in the inn is just a coincidence, it will appear in the straight Qinwang room is the direct Qinwang himself. But why is this death? To put it bluntly, no one gave the opportunity to speak directly to Qinwang.
     This person was looking for a short-sightedness.
     They just wanted to pour the dirty water on the maiden, and they had to look at the onlookers.
     At this time, the middle-aged man really regrets! Regrets did not make the plan more elaborate, regret not being able to handle things more properly. But what is the use of regret now? The important thing is how to implement this thing?
     "The emperor, the daughter of the nubi is not sensible, but it is also coincidence that it will appear in the inn. Who knows that it is only a little time for the heavens to be separated, and the emperor is the master of nubi y!" The middle-aged man is the fault of biting, as for The question of the question is quite general.
     In the face of such an answer, there is no anger between the demeanor, but it seems to be unusually calm. It seems that he has already said that he would say the same thing: "As you mean, your daughter is more than a straight Qinwang temper." Heavy, do you have to let straight Qinwang lose a life?"
     The middle-aged man looked at theervants in the gas field, his cheeks were red, and the whole person was shaking and sifting, but the words were not spoken.
     If it weren't for the reputation of deceiving a bully, he would definitely wave his hand and drag the man out. Such obvious calculations, there are still courage to yell with him, really when he is not tempered. And the people behind him, they did not grasp the handle of the other side, but their Brother scattered around, thinking about their own, and working hard is the biggest blow to them.
     Who can think of the old-fashioned people who have been fighting with the black-eyed eyes, and one day they can live in peace, even sincere cooperation!
     "The nubi don't dare!" Hesitated for a long time, the middle-aged man could not resist the pressure on his body, and eventually chose to swear.
     "Don't dare.
     This is a misunderstanding. I don't want to investigate the truth. It's because I know what is the truth." The middle-aged man below is more frightened at the same time.
     At this time, he began to blame the people who sent him. He thought it was a good thing. Who knows that taking a daughter doesn't say it, but also provoked the emperor's disgust and the sigh of Qinwang. No matter how the matter is finally calculated, they are unlikely to have the life of Qinwang. Besides, I really want to give him benefits. Why not let Zhiqin directly pick up his daughter?
     The more the middle-aged man thinks he is being counted, the more he shudders, and the various pictures of his own murder appear in his mind. His face is pale as paper, let alone continue to take it.
     This matter is awkward.
     There are still some worries about this person who will bite him. To be honest, it is a good opportunity for him to take this opportunity. As far as his current age is concerned, the battlefield is already somewhat reluctant, but he does not think that he is worse than others. Even if the Shuijun is something he has never touched, he believes that as long as he works hard, he will always make achievements. What's more, he also supported this matter. Yin-Tang also gave him a lot of information and information in private. Although he hasn't finished reading it yet, he knows that this is a must, and he must do his best.
     In addition, today's events also gave him an alarm, so that he had to pay attention to his own shortcomings. Although the reputation of this thing is not painful at all, it is useless, but sometimes it can ruin the individual, even a family.
     When I saw the movement of the middle-aged man, I knew that he had no tricks. He looked at Su Peisheng, who was next to him. "This is purely an accident, but the reason is correct. Zhijiang is still responsible... "His meaning is very clear, you can give some compensation to the situation, even rewarding something in his name, and then this is the end of the matter."
     The middle-aged man was in a mess at the moment, and he couldn’t think of a reason. Now, when he listens to the rewards, he can’t think too much, and this matter is revealed.
     Outside the palace, those people got the news, they all got angry, they planned for a long time, even accompanied by a Miss, not just for this little reward. But now whether it is the emperor or the bitter Lord, they all agree with this treatment.
     They can’t say if they jump up and down, and who will pay attention to it.
     On the top of the hall, many people took part in this book by secretly recording these people in the dark, and letting these people make trouble on the bright side, as for the folds, all pressed down. When they are sent to the school, they are more means, and that is beyond the reach of the whip.
     A few days later, when he received the sacred decree, he immediately set off to go to Guangdong and Guangxi to prepare for training. As for the family, the latter step was escorted by the people.
     The news came out, and many people who were unclear thought that they were embarrassed because of this incident, and they still had sympathy in their hearts. But there was such a savvy one, and they could guess a little bit with a little thought. But everyone is a smart person, even if you understand it will not deliberately clarify, but the weight of these people must be re-evaluated.
     Many people think that the ban on shackles and shackles is just for fame.
     The positions that the two had received in the past also made them think that their guess is all, so they are still respectful to them. Not as jealous as it used to be. But now there are those who are savvy, and they are all different.
     The reason why they do not stand in the name of the emperor's confidant is naturally their own ability. Regardless of the amount of power in your hands, it is most important to make the family sustainable.
     Before you leave, please ask your Brother to get together. On that day, whether it’s an invitation or a little Prince who joins in the fun, anyway, you can go there, it’s like a normal one. Party and farewell banquet, but only Yin-Tang, they know in their hearts, what have they discussed in private?
     Wan-xi is rumored about the outside, unless it is related to Yin-Tang or the people in the government, she will only use these things as anecdote to listen. It won't be true, just be entertaining yourself.
     Qing yi-Courtyard, Wan-xi listened to Ting-Bamboo When they talked about various rumors and gossips outside, they participated and there was time to go. In the past, these things were told by Ting-Rain, Yatou.
     Through her mouth, it would add a little bit of fun. However, a few days ago, she married two Yatou, Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin.
     They were unwilling before, she did not force people, but she would persuade a few words from the perspective of a woman. After all, this woman came to this world to take a step, but wherever possible, a child can also make her life a reality. More complete. Wan-xi regards Ting-Rain as their own, and naturally hopes that they will have a good life, so she can persuade when she can persuade.
     No, it was hard to persuade the two Yatou, she encountered this matter again, and delayed the marriage of the two. It’s natural to give two Yatou a chance to wait until she can make time. So, they are happy, the husband feels that there is light on her face, and she feels quite comforted in her heart.
     Today, a Ting-Bamboo took Ting-Rain's life to make her a bit stuffy, telling the outside rumors and gossip, things are clear, but Ting-Bamboo is so calm that it is so stable that The rumors and gossip she said were dry and inexplicably lost.
     When she returned to God, the look of Ting-Bamboo was awkward, and Wan-xi couldn't help but laugh. "Don't feel burdened, I still can't understand your temper."
     "The nubi naturally know this, but the nubi are somewhat annoyed that they can't make Fu-Jin happy." Ting-Bamboo is now the mother of three children, and the nature is no better than the little Maid.
     "No, this Fu-Jin is very happy." Wan-xi shook his head, his hands tightened subconsciously, and the heat from the palm of her hand made her unconsciously raise a smile. "Ting-Bamboo, you are you." No one can replace it. For this Fu-Jin, each of you is indispensable, so you have to face up to your own strengths, instead of taking your own shortcomings and comparing yourself with the advantages of others. “
     There are also many people around Wan-xi who come and go.
     The old Ting-Bamboo are already the most important people, but Wan-xi is not close, so they always have two to three. Will be guarded by Wan-xi, the rest is not something, is transferred to the children by Wan-xi.
     Ting-Bamboo has a low eyelid and a slim eyelash.
     The whole person looks extremely quiet, no, or bleak. But after hearing Wan-xi say these words, her whole person's look and spirit changed dramatically, her eyes sparkled, and the whole person seemed to be shining.
     Wan-xi pinched the lips and pressed the lips, whispering Ting-Bamboo: "Look at this time, the Lord should come back soon, you go to the small kitchen to see how the bird's nest is stewed?" I remember that when I came back, I immediately let them in."

     "Look at this time, the Lord should come back soon. You go to the small kitchen to see how the bird's nest is stewed. Remember that after the Lord came back, let them send in."
     Ting-Bamboo took a bow to Wan-xi and retired. After a while, he returned to Wan-xi and continued to guard her. At this time, Wan-xi is holding a book and watching it. From time to time, there will be a light laughter. Obviously, the content of this book is still in her mind.
     At this time, Ting-Lan came in from the outside, holding a tray in his hand, and there was a small snack like Wan-xi in the tray, waiting for her to put the snack on the small table next to Wan-xi. At the time, she whispered: "Fusong, the nubi just went to inquire about it.
     The matter of the direct Qinwang assignment has been fixed, and the family will follow the past, just a matter of the past."
     Next to Ting-Bamboo, after listening to this, there was no such thing as a superfluous expression.
     Wan-xi put down the book, and did not take the hand of the book and put a piece of snack into his mouth. It didn't seem to care about it, but when she lifted the book again, she whispered softly. Commanded: "Let people ask for inquiries, look at the straight Qinwang Fu-Jin when they leave, and then let people prepare some congratulations to send."
     Ting-Lan They all know Wan-xi temper, that is, they can't pay for it, and she has a relationship with Zhiwang Fu-Jin. Unless the other party invites, she will directly prepare some gifts.
     The past is a thing.
     In fact, the direct Qinwang Fu-Jin is more troublesome than the Wan-xi imagination. People don’t have any banquets to say goodbye. It’s just a return, expressing gratitude, direct and concise, but this will make Wan-xi The goodwill rises directly.
     When Yin-Tang came back, Wan-xi said this to Yin-Tang, and the Yin-Tang tea was sprayed directly. He only knows that he is very lazy, but he does not know that she can deepen her affection for people because of saving things.
     "Master , you are afraid of trouble, now it seems that you are enjoying yourself!" Yin-Tang reached out and squeezed her tender cheeks, laughing and joking.
     Wan-xi smiled twice and looked at Yin-Tang. "It’s natural to be troublesome. After all, things outside have little to do with them. I really want to get involved. I don’t know how many. Trouble!"
     When she said something, Yin-Tang laughed. When she spoke, he could probably guess what she would say?
     Sure enough, she opened her mouth and provoked Yin-Tang laughter.
     Yin-Tang never forces Wan-xi to do anything. In his opinion, since he is doing everything outside, he naturally does not need to grieve Wan-xi to go out to socialize. After all, Madam's diplomacy is a matter of intertwining various interests, and he has no longer needed this opportunity when he has reached this status.
     All said that the high-powered earthquake, Yin-Tang wants to make the emperor's jealousy besides being capable, and that is, he can't see his position, and he thinks that he has high merits and hard work, always thinking of a high person. Wait. In this way, there are more places to reach out, more things are contaminated, and the nets are getting bigger and bigger, so how can you be unscrupulous?
     Yin-Tang was able to go to this step. He almost forgot the measure before, but after he suddenly realized it, he tried to avoid his own power being too big. At least he had balanced and restrained him on the face, not to mention him. I, the emperor, will feel that he is measured.
     "You can rest assured that this outside thing is handled by you. You just have to do what you want to do, and you don't have to be reluctant. To Yu-Big Prince expatriate thing, it is just a matter of course, that is, to explain to everyone. It also allows Big Prince to leave the name." Yin-Tang remembered the beginning and end of the calculation, and secretly sneered, these people really treat them as fools!
     However, they thought they were in place, but they forgot that the person who played the chess piece also had his own temper. For example, hey, like the girl who was sacrificed by them.
     They want to take the girl's innocence to smash the dirty water, but forget that the girl's heart is also involved in life, so this beginning, the girl is self-defeating, refuting, plus the surrounding environment and various reasons, making them The arrangement became a mess. What makes people even more ridiculous is that these people don’t even see the real reason.
     They think that they have made a mistake. Even the ones they pick are also Ah-buckets that can’t afford things, so what can they do? thing?
     However, such a result is also foreseeable. He and his people in the house are selected by Kangxi and they are repeatedly selected. Not all of them are trustworthy, but they are mostly reliable.
     They want to insert people into them, fearing that they are not Easy to succeed. It may be like this, these people will make such jokes.
     Wan-xi thinks of the last generations of the world, recalling the scenes that I saw when I saw it. She felt that the time was not as happy as it is now, and the whole person was full of suffocation, especially him.
     The eyes are so cold that people dare not look at each other, and even inexplicably will give birth to a chill. Now, although he is like an ice cube, he will be air Conditioned from time to time, but his actions are not so chilly. It can be said that there is more than a trace of human feelings, and there are some things that are unclear.
     Also, if the situation of Ruo is still the same as the world, then his heart is also difficult to preserve, plus other things, the mind will change greatly. Whatever the last world? Wan-xi is glad that they are no longer enemies in this world.
     Before Yin-Tang once said that 'want to take it, it must be with it'.
     This is still in the ear, and they have not given much.
     Those people have jumped out and gave themselves a lot of attention. Yin-Tang did not appear on the surface, but in private, they even beat them, which damaged many of them.
     This is until they formally, not to mention how these families are in power, the next two generations, but they are afraid Let's go!
     Those people are afraid that they haven’t figured it yet.
     They have been in the game since they participated in the Di-, and from the moment they failed, they are no longer the players, but become the chessboards of others.
     The pieces in the middle of the game.
     "There is a guardian, and naturally I will not let myself be wronged again, but this is always a bully of the person who is a man, but the man is talking about it, what is the solution?" Wan-xi In the moment, when the eyes waved, her expression looked at Yin-Tang eyes slightly, seemingly complaining, but in fact it was spoiled.
     Yin-Tang listened to her, the laughter was even bigger, and she could even clearly hear from his laughter how happy he was at this time. Outside the door, Lin-Chujiu and others heard Yin-Tang's laughter and secretly let out a sigh of relief. Recently, because of the situation of Zhiwang, Your Highness has not been as open as it is now. Now, it is better to have Fu-Jin.
     "Ye delicate and natural, only the individual can bully." Yin-Tang pulled the person into his arms, his palms wrapped around her waist, his arms slightly forced, and she ran straight to the inner room. .
     Wan-xi was shocked by him, his hands licking his neck, his face panicked, and after his fiery gaze on her face, her face was reddish and she could not help but bury her face in his arms.
     On the second day of the pilgrimage, he suddenly ordered the other Brother to enter the six, which led to a stunned confession. It seemed that some of the true intentions were unclear, but he gave them the Princes. It is not difficult to see that he is not trying to marginalize them. On the contrary, it seems to give them opportunities to experience.
     This is the rhythm of reuse!
     The royal family is still very optimistic about this result. After all, they are more willing to see the royal family's prosperity, and this is exactly what they want, so in the subsequent reforms, even if they have opposition, they are no longer like the former. It’s so intense.
     This is not because they have concerns, but that if they can reuse their Brother, then the other children of the royal family must have arranged.
     They are not in the royal family, but they have little authority in their hands. According to the rules of hereditary, their titles will only become smaller and smaller, and they will not participate in the Di Going in, after all, this means that the individual's merits from the dragon's merits, the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.
     I will look at these changes in my eyes, and also pull some young and promising younger generations in a timely manner. In some respects, I am also an old-fashioned heart.
     On the other hand, after leaving the capital city, he went to Guangdong and Guangxi and was very motivated. But when he went there, he found that things were far more cruel than he thought, and the news that Yin-Tang gave him was true, but things were often more powerful than they thought. No way, you have to write a straight line and present these messages directly to you.
     I was shocked by this news. After that, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang went to the suburbs of Capital City to rectify the two sides. If there was resistance, they would be righteous.
     The Guangdong and Guangxi sides did not think that things would develop like this.
     They originally thought that they would smash and smash the water. Anyway, if they were greedy, they would not be able to open the dirty water of this body.
     It is a pity that they did not wait for them to take the shot, and they went straight to the fold, and the emperor quickly responded, even ordered Dunqin Qinwang and Yi Qinwang to personally supervise the matter. When they arrived, they led the troops into Guangdong and Guangxi, and they had no idea what they thought.
     In the prefecture of the two provinces, the prefects, the magistrates, and the counselors all sat in the house, all of them looked serious and thought that they were also scared by the news.
     "The emperor has ordered that Dun Qinwang and Yi Qinwang are leading the soldiers to come here. As for Qin@wang, at this time, they are sitting in the military camp. No matter whether he should not ask us, we can't move him, otherwise Zhulian 9th Prince The family became inevitable." A middle-aged counselor with a gray hair made an open mouth on the face of the person present.


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