Chongqie Courting Death Daily 575

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     “4th Prince rest assured that although his brother likes to be lazy, as long as 4th Prince can use his younger brother, the younger brother will go all out to share the worry for the 4th Prince.” Yin-Tang arched his hand and looked at him seriously. Road.
     Looking at the expression on Yin-Tang's face, my heart couldn't help but rush into the warmth of the stock. Looking at Yin-Tang's eyes was also quite soft. He has no parents in this life, but he has a brotherhood. No matter what misunderstandings they have before, after so many years, the three who can support him directly are Yin-Tang.
     In the past, Imperial Father was proud of his brother's feelings, but he felt that whether it was Yu Qinwang or Gong Qinwang, he was respectful and fearful, but he was not close. And he and Yin-Tang, although they are obeying the rules, they still maintain a close relationship in private, which is his most proud point.
     "9th Prince brother, our Brother have not gathered for a long time, it is better to call the old ten and the old 13th blocks, let our 4th Brother gather together." Compared with the last generation of cold and oppressive, this world Theervants are obviously more silky, and they are more tolerant.
     "Okay! Before the old ten, they still said that 4th Prince was thinking about government affairs and throwing all of our younger Brother behind. Now that a 4th Prince is available, our Brother should be gathered together. "Yin-Tang smirked twice, with a slight tone of voice, with a bit of closeness and coziness.
     I thought about it and found that after I went to the throne, I was really busy with government affairs. Don’t say that my Brother were together. It was this harem that he didn’t go back a few times. He couldn’t help but laugh, whispered: “You don’t say, I really didn't find out, you said it now, I also feel that I really seem to be a little out of you."
     "4th Prince, in the words of Wan-xi, this thing can never be done. If you are straight, you are tired of your body, and you are not cheaper. You should not forget, Big Prince and The title of 2nd Prince has been drawn up, and the old eight is also dead. We will cash in on the promises sooner or later. If you are tired of yourself, you know that they will not move other thoughts." Yin-Tang sighs, brows Wei Wei, obviously does not agree with this way of doing things desperately.
     The biggest difference between Yin-Tang and Yu is that Yin-Tang dares to use people. He doesn't like everything, he is in his own hands, and then he is exhausted to death.
     After listening to his words, the brows could not help but wrinkle more tightly. If this is for the individual, he will doubt whether the other person has ulterior motives, but this is said from Yin-Tang's mouth, he is only Yin-Tang is concerned about his body. Not to mention that during this time, in order to stabilize this huge situation, it has not been a good rest for a long time. If there is no Yin-Tang to help them, he is afraid that it will be busier than now. Fortunately, now that the cut has stabilized, it is time for him to slow down. Otherwise, I really ruined my body. If Hong-hui is in the upper position, I am afraid it is difficult to shake his uncles.
     "9th Prince is justified, and he will pay more attention in the future." The stumbling of a stubborn opinion is a rare addition.
     "Forget it, in the words of Wan-xi, instead of persuading 4th Prince to pay attention, it is better to ask Su Peisheng to remind the 4th Prince of the errand, or else 4th Prince will forget the temper when doing this, this promise It’s really hard to believe.” Yin-Tang’s stunned moments brought them closer together, as if the diaphragm that had been created by the change of identity disappeared at this moment.
     He also likes Yin-Tang's concern for himself. Although he is awkward, he is also well-disciplined and suspicious, but he does not incite his heart, so he is basically very easy to get along with.
     "Well, change to the privilege of Su Peisheng, timely reminder to rest." At this time the atmosphere is still good, and he is not so particular about it.
     Then he asked Su Peisheng to send people to Yin-Er.
     Su Peisheng’s face is smiling and he is going to invite people. He is busy and busy, and he is more energetic than ever.
     They are not afraid of things as nubi , and they are afraid that Your Highness will not use them. Regardless of whether the words were true or not, this represents the trust that Your Highness trusts him. Of course, he is grateful to the promoter of Yin-Tang. He can be said that he is grateful for his benefit to his Highness. What's more, Yin-Tang is still so worthy of attention, and he is not allowed to pay attention to it.
     Yin-Tang didn't know this.
     The two men got together, put down the political affairs, talked about the children's interesting things, and the men's hearty laughs spread throughout the inner hall, seemingly because of the appearance of Yin-Tang. Indifference and seriousness also seem to open up.
     These news reached the harem, and although it did not cause any waves, it also caused many people to get rid of it. Especially the Queen, she is interested in the child, but she is nourished, she does not cooperate, she does not know whether this long-term nursed back has no effect, naturally it is impossible to find Wan-xi.
     Others are striving for favor, but they can't go to the harem.
     They are more beautiful and beautiful, and that doesn't work. Instead, some people stewed the soup and sent it to the Yangxin Temple, but they ignored it.
     These things went straight into the mouth of the eunuchs of Xiao yinzi.
     They didn’t see the little eunuchs in the Yangxin Temple in recent months.
     There is a layer of chin meat.
     However, this does not stop those enthusiasm, and said that the ignorant people are the happiest.
     These are the same, they think that they have sent things into the eyes of the emperor, so that they can stick to each other.
     The little eunuchs who can toss and make troubles raise their own bodies are worried about how to maintain their own body.
     Of course, this kind of thing can't affect Yin-Er, and ‘Brother is passed into the palace and goes directly to the Yangxin Temple. I heard that Yin-Tang is in their minds.
     They generally have a number in their hearts. When they arrive at Dongkang Pavilion, they hear the laughter of the two people.
     They all understand what kind of identity or attitude they should use. I have to deal with you.
     "4th Prince, 9th Prince, what are you talking about! So happy! Plus your Brother." Yin-Er snorted and entered the hall, but he was honestly yelling with Yu-Xiang. Asked about it.
     At this time, I was in a good mood. Seeing the actions of Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, I didn’t feel that I was offended. On the contrary, I felt that they were very close to themselves, and they were not very close to themselves. If there is a change, I will forget the brotherhood of the past.
     "There are two of you!" He waved his hand and motioned for them to sit down.
     Then he was so excited that he said: "But I heard that the old ten and the old 13th are privately complaining about the government and disregarding you.
     This is not , taking advantage of the Old 9 is also, call you to gather!"
     "4th Prince, my brother and the old 13 did not say anything wrong. You said that we haven’t had a drink for a long time. It’s rare to get up today. It’s just a matter of drinking, not being drunk, it’s just right, otherwise the younger brother will be here today. I don’t want to leave.” Yin-Er patted her thigh, her face looked sullen and ‘called.
     Hearing his words, he laughed loudly, and then he told Su Peisheng to make people drink and laughed and said: "When you say that you are gathering together, you are still coming, or you are really not drunk today. If you don't return, if you don't drink well, you will punish him!"
     "Good!" Yu-Xiang ‘called loudly and said that he must drink well, otherwise he would like Yin-Er and would not leave.
     It’s hard to have such interest, Yin-Tang, they are very cooperative, Su Peisheng naturally can not let their own High Highness disappoint, so those who want to come to inquire about the news are not destined to get what they want.
     Although many people sneer at the so-called brotherhood, they are envious of their hearts.
     They envy Yin-Tang and they can gain the trust and closeness of this emperor. Especially the family, they originally supported , and their attitude toward is not too close. It is not offensive to say no support. It is reasonable to say that their families will be reused after they are in the ranks. Unfortunately, they don’t have to worry about it. When they tried to suppress, they gave up all the opportunities on their own.
     After all, there are only a few outstanding people in power, and the ones that are in charge are Longkodo. Unfortunately, Longkodo is too mastery. For a Small Concubine, it is hard to abandon himself.
     The ‘Madam and sister of the backyard are even right. He has a bit of affection, and because of the things he did for the four children's Small Concubine, so no one will feel bad about him, but he just wants to get more things if he can.
     After waiting for the succession, the battle of the family was hard to stop. In order to ensure the scenery of the family, they put their ideas on the draft, hoping to compete in the harem through the friendship of the former Tong-Queen. Place of solitude.
     This is not, when the news of their drinking in the Yangxin Temple passed, not to mention that the whole family was smashed, and other family members who received the news were also stunned.
     They thought that Yin-Tang, a few of them could go to this step, is already the limit, and now they are too small to see their influence on the emperor.
     Today's emperor temper is no more than Kangxi emperor, early iron, late tolerance, it can be said that for the meritorious minister, Kangxi is still very conniving. Many times, knowing that they are wrong, he still chose to take it lightly. And it doesn't look like it. It doesn't take long for him to look at him. But from his means, it is not difficult to see that he is more realistic than the Kangxi of the previous period. Everything is the result, not how much they paid. To this end, it has deepened the determination of the larger family to go back.
     What kind of wind is best to blow?
     Nature is a pillow wind. Knowing that there are shortcuts and honestly walking the road, it is not honest, it is silly.
     Yin-Tang's idea is that they don't dare to play. Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang's idea is that they can't play. After all, it's obvious to Fu-Jin.
     The other two eyes are taking the route of the military commander.
     There are not many places to help, and there are wars.
     The two of them must not stay in the capital, so those who send more people are afraid that they will not work. Instead of this, it is better to focus on Hong-min and others who have just grown up.
     The Prince of the younger generation has more control than the Yin-Tang.
     It is said that Ai Xinjue Luojia specializes in love, whether it is the Emperor or ZHong-Yong Qinwang, it is a special situation, who can guarantee that their grandson (son) is not.
     Yin-Tang didn't know that just drinking a drink, so many people put their ideas on his son. But even if he knows, he won't care too much. After all, his son will finally see who is his own mind. Others want to insert a hand, and he still has to see if he wants to point this head.
     Nowadays, Yin-Tang is not the ordinary Prince who did not have the status of power. Now he has the status of power and does not say what he wants. He can still get the idea of ​​several children's marriages. After all, he is like him. From the beginning, I didn't plan to marry a large number of Jijies to go to Mongolia. Otherwise, why should they be so anxious to make money, train their troops, and develop their national strength? They don't want to lay the foundations early, and then directly shocked them with national strength.

     In the evening, Yin-Tang and others were carried back to their respective residences, and they couldn’t get anywhere.
     They were so drunk that even Yin-Tang didn’t know how they went back.
     Hey, these Your Highness can relax, and Su Peisheng, the former general manager, can't relax at this time. Your Highness will give him a cut, and trust him. If he can't even do this, he will be replaced by the former general manager.
     This is not. When Su Peisheng finds the trusted person and sends them back to the government before the key, they let the imperial court wait for the maid to serve, but they don’t want people to wait, they are drunk like this, naturally not There may be instructions, and he will not make his own claim at this time.
     The forces in the palace are mottled and complicated. Even if they have been cleaned, there are still many problems.
     They are not solved if they want to solve them. Together with those ambitious women, each seems to be an opportunity. In fact, this is the case. Opportunities are useful to others, but it is full of trouble for him.
     As a close-knit person around him, he is not the most understanding of the embarrassing, but he is also aware of his jealousy. Compared with other Your Highness, he doesn't care about the mistakes made by his neighbors. He can also accommodate his occasional mistakes, but there is one point that he can't overcome anyway. It is betrayal.
     Looking for a woman for Your Highness is nothing? The key is whether Your Highness has a willingness to do anything. If you are doing things beyond Your Highness, no matter whether it is good for Your Highness or not, it is no different from betrayal. He didn't want to know what he was doing, so after sending them away from Yin-Tang, he personally went to the vigil, so that he would not let those ambitious and daring palace ladies take the opportunity to climb the dragon bed.
     The maid who can wait in front of the imperial court is definitely a bit of a family background, but it also has a bit of beauty. Since I have tried everything to go to the emperor, I must have thoughts in my heart. It is a pity that the opportunity is close at hand, but there is a big eunuch in front of it. If you want to break through all the difficulties, your heart will be caught with the cat claws, and it will be uncomfortable.
     It’s hard to be uncomfortable.
     There are not many people who dare to make an idea at this time. After all, in this temple of raising the heart, Su Peisheng really has the right to dispose of them.
     They don’t want to take their own temper because of this impulse. Go in.
     Compared with the palace ladies who are not allowed in the palace, whether it is Dunqinwang, Yiqinwang, or ZHong-Yong Qinwang, there is not much trouble. After all, Su Peisheng is not stupid enough to send a few friends to Side-Fujin or "Jiji", and those who want to compete for Side-Fujin and "Jiji", but also know that they should not be the hostess Di Fu-Jin at this time. So, everyone has peace of mind, there is no dispute.
     Of course, what the other party thinks, no one cares if they want to come, because they never care about the mood of the opponent, but the mood of the person they care about and what they can get, or what they can master.
     Wan-xi is also in a different situation with ten Fu-Jin and 13th Fu-Jin. As the real hostess of ZHong-Yong Qinwang, she is very famous in the government, even though the ambitious Maid in the house is experiencing a After the series of changes, I did not dare to call my mind to Yin-Tang. However, this ZHong-Yong Qinwang House, in addition to the male owner of Yin-Tang, has a quietly growing Hong-min.
     They are worth noting. Don't think that when you are a few years old, you don't have any thoughts. In fact, the people who are looking for a wait for the royal clan are starting to look for a few years old. Wan-xi did not make this arrangement. It does not mean that the Maid in the house will not think differently. After all, not every Maid can accept its ordinary fate.
     However, Wan-xi knows his son's mind, but he does not arrange everything for him as before.
     This backyard will always have a shameful Maid, two or more, which can't be dealt with at all. With the words Yin-Tang said, Wan-xi also understands that she can't live forever. It is even more impossible for them to stay in front of their children, so that the people around them will check, except that they will not threaten their temper life, but others need to learn to handle it themselves. After all, she asked people to teach them to deal with the backyard. It was not just for good looks, but to make them not blinded by the women in the backyard, or to be bullied by other women in the future husband.
     This is not, since Wan-xi gradually recovered his mind and placed it on Yin-Tang's body, Hong-min's size Maid around them began to become stupid.
     The thing that Yin-Tang was sent back today is because there is no hidden relationship. I know from the top and bottom of the house, Hong-min, they went to Qing yi-Courtyard, after seeing Yin-Tang, just I was drunk and didn't ask much. I didn't stay in Qing yi-Courtyard for dinner, but I went back to my yard.
     In the past, Hong-min went to Qing yi-Courtyard every day for dinner, not only for meals but also for walking and chatting, so most of the time, when Hong-min returned to their yard, they washed up. It’s almost time to rest. Even if the minded Maid wants to climb the bed, he has to have a chance, and he has to be prepared. Otherwise, the result of climbing the bed is not a flying head, but a rod.
     Now, Hong-min is rare to go back to his yard early. I have the opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity and start to prepare in the dark. After all, there are not many opportunities, and the feeling of 1st-Prince seems to be good.
     The opportunity can be grasped as much as possible, otherwise there will be no chance to know when it will be next time!
      Hong-min doesn't know about this. At this time, he is a young man's heart. He is still in a state of ignorance for Miss, but because of the influence of Wan-xi, he has an idea for his future Di Fu-Jin, but Will not be accepted easily.
     There are a lot of Maids in his yard, and there are many good ones, but he never made an idea.
     He can be taught by Yin-Tang personally. He is definitely not a young kid who doesn't understand anything, but he is not a erotic person. Besides, he has the heart to avoid the battle in the backyard, and he will not easily break this aspect. Ring, so if Maid around him shows some clues in this respect, he doesn't need to speak Wan-xi, he chooses to open it first.
     It is a pity that his actions can't dispel the other's wild vision. On the contrary, let the other party have a lifelong obsession, and feel that as long as he gets his favorite, he will definitely get his heart.
     The most persistent one is probably Maid named Yuyan. She is the second-class Maid in the Hong-min yard. She is not only glamorous, but also very enchanting. In the Maid arranged by Wan-xi, it is not the most outstanding, but it is also very dazzling. After the previous one, such as Maid, had revealed her mind to let Hong-min be sent out, she put away her own thoughts and easily dared not reveal it. I am afraid that I will fall into the same fate if I am not careful.
     But this does not mean that she gave up. On the contrary, the more Hong-min performed well, the more she persisted, and even looked forward to Hong-min being able to favor her like Yin-Tang. After all, Wan-xi identity was not high in the past. Even if it was given to the government, it was a "Jiji". How much difference between "Jiji" and Shiqie?
     Let these Maids see that "Jiji" is not much different from Shiqie. It seems to be a step away, but it is not out of reach. Moreover, how many Maid have turned over bed climbing since ancient times? That is really much more. Don't look at it and listen to it, but you can really stand up to the heights. Who will care about what you are from? What you really care about is your identity. You have to be pampered!
     Jade smoke has lasted for so long, not because she didn't want it, but because she didn't have the right chance. Now, not only Fu-Jin has relaxed her vigilance, but today 1st-Prince came back early, and she even felt that her heart was happy with her or her night. If she didn’t know how to grasp it, she would wait for Fu-Jin to enter the door. Where is her day?
     She does not believe that there are really men in the world who don't steal. Moreover, 1st-Prince has obviously not touched a woman. When she tastes the taste of a woman, who can guarantee that he will not like it?
     Of course, jade smoke is not so stupid, and it is impossible to directly touch Hong-min's bed. She has been thinking about Hong-min, and it is enough to prepare. Take this estrus spice, although the drug is not big, but she only wants a buffer effect.
      Hong-min didn't know this. After washing, he read a book for a while until the usual rest time, which was ready to go to bed. Just not waiting for him to completely sleep, he felt a move from the side of his body and turned his head. Because of the relationship between the accounts, the light in the room seemed dim. Although he could not see the other person’s face, he could stick it up.
     This soft and delicate body judges men and women.
      Hong-min first smashed it, then realized that this was someone who was uneasy and wanted to climb his bed. At this moment, his heart was filled with a sense of nausea. When the whole person returned to God, he straightened his feet and took the man down. Suddenly, a burst of Calls, and then other vigils in the yard or heard the movements have come over.
     "What are you doing? Light up and grab the man! What is this! Take the warnings of the Lord as the wind!" Hong-min frowned, the whole person sat on the edge of the bed, handsome face The anger is angry, the voice is high, and the tone is cold.
     The next person who came over did not dare to be scornful. After burning the lights, watching the jade smoke that was vomiting blood, they knew in their hearts that the seemingly gentle 1st-Prince on most days is really dead.
     How long did it take before the past, and I don’t know if it was because 1st-Prince was just taking people away from the stick, and those minded Maids were not shocked, but instead they were playing their own Small idea. As far as today's events are concerned, if 1st-Prince is only disposed of as before, there will be more bed-climbing, without any reduction.
     Of course, this kind of thing can't be said clearly. After all, no one can guarantee that there will be no success. And when it really happens, people have to succeed, and the fear of being a mouthful is also alive.
     “Your Highness, how do you deal with this jade smoke?” I saw a jade smoke that was pressed to the ground, and was picked by Wan-xi and sent to help Hong-min’s Ting-Lan No, now I should call it Aunt Lan, and I whispered a sentence.
     This kind of thing is handled according to her method, that is, the direct stick. After all, 1st-Prince has a warning, ignoring the command of Your Highness, and at this time, it should play the role of killing chickens and monkeys. But she won't make a decision for Your Highness, and she won't go over the rules to teach Your Highness how to do things.
     The jade smoke that was pressed to the ground saw Hong-min not sounding, and there was a hope in the bottom of my heart. She struggled to get up, but the more she struggled, the more she pressed her, and she seemed afraid that she would break free. Like. No way, she can only ask for mercy on the ground: "1st-Prince is forgiving, nubi are just too much to love you, will do these wrong things, please also 1st-Prince to see in the nubi The Internet is open."
     Sitting on the bedside, Hong-min, who had a cold face, finally reacted.
     The eyes swept over the delicate and dirty face of the jade smoke, sneer aloud, and there was a trace of disgust on the face, and the voice was cold, and the words were: "Tow down, the stick!"

     Sitting on the bedside, Hong-min, who had a cold face, finally reacted.
     The eyes swept over the delicate and dirty face of the jade smoke, sneer aloud, and there was a trace of disgust on the face, and the voice was cold, and the words were: "Tow down, the stick!"
     The original Maid nubi who were still thinking about watching the show, listening to Hong-min’s orders, were first embarrassed, and then they snorted unconsciously. It seems that they did not expect to be kind to Hong-min.
     The command. Ting-Lan, who was waiting for him, quickly reacted and looked at the people who hadn't recovered. He said: "What are you doing! Did you hear the orders of Your Highness? !"
     The Maids who were careful with the jade smoke looked at the jade smoke that had been dragged out as a dead dog, and they were numb in their hearts.
     They all thought that 1st-Prince was generous. Before this incident, it was just to take people away, so the Maid who were careful in this thought were eager to try, thinking of the first woman to become 1st-Prince. Originally, because of the jade smoke, they were still unwilling, but now they are watching the end of the jade, but they are glad that they have not had time to act.
      Hong-min, regardless of this, his mood at this time is quite complicated. He originally thought that he was the one who was waiting around him. His feelings were all full of master servants, but what he did not think of was these. People simply did not cherish the opportunity he gave, but instead increased their efforts.
     "Aunt Lan, let everyone in the yard go to see the sentence!" Hong-min felt the unusual heat of the body, with the teaching of Yin-Tang, he knew in his heart what this kind of thing is? Don't think that the heir's teachings are only those written knowledge, positive, natural and negative, and sunny, naturally dark.
     If it is just a bed-climbing, Hong-min may just let people put dozens of boards and then throw out the jade smoke, but she dares to take medicine for him.
     This nature is different. Who can guarantee the next time she gives him the same? It is not a poison.
     I got up and went to the clean room. I used the cold water to clean the surface. After I felt that the hotness of my body had disappeared, Hong-min didn’t consciously let out a breath. He wanted to learn Ama Yuniang’s twins. I don't want to come up with the so-called Concubine. After all, people are skeptical, who can guarantee that these women will not fight you to death, and ultimately make a loss.
     When Ting-Lan came in again, Hong-min had already changed clothes and stood in front of her, and it seemed that she was waiting for her results. After Ting-Lan Ming Ming, he was busy making people clean up the Hong-min's bedroom. After the cuts were finished, the sky was already white.
      Hong-min just blinked a little, then got up and brushed, waited for Hong-zhao, they came over, and they used to go to the palace to go to class in the morning.
     When Wan-xi learned about the cause and effect of the incident, it was already after breakfast. Yin-Tang did not go to the country because of the drunken relationship of the previous day.
     The couple sat together and listened to this matter.
     They were all feelings.
     "It seems that the Lord is right. Hong-min.
     They are all big. It is indeed time to deal with the things in their yards." Wan-xi listened to the cause and effect of the whole thing, and still agreed with his son's handling.
     Ronghua is in front of you, and it is never just a jade smoke, so this kind of treatment is the best. If it is muddy, it will inevitably lead to other ideas. Of course, just the jade smoke can not end up with other people ambitions, at most, let these people be honest for a while.
     "Jao-Jao doesn't have to worry too much. Hong-min is personally educated. He knows when to do something! Otherwise, how can he provoke the burden of this ZHong-Yong Qinwang government in the future, how can he become another brother? Sister's dependence." Yin-Tang casually drank tea, his eyes flashed with satisfaction, but the face was calm.
     Looking at Yin-Tang's demeanor, Wan-xi Wan smiled, apparently seeing his satisfaction with Hong-min but did not want to admit it.
     This man is still awkward as in the past, but it is awkward and cute.
     "Yes, yes, the words of the Lord have always been right, but they can't bear to let go." Wan-xi said in his words, it is not clear, and even a big apricot has a silk worship.
     Yin-Tang touched the silk worship in the eyes of Wan-xi, and her heart was satisfied.
     The moment she reached out, she took her into her arms.
     The chin licked her neck and said: "Our sons are Very good, no matter how big or small, looking at the shrewd or stunned, in fact, there is a scale in my heart. As for a few daughters, the temper is good, but the fear is not so calm, so the talents around them are real Need to pay attention. Although they can stay in the capital in the future, but the days are their own, and you have to teach in this regard."
     Yin-Tang is still masculine. It is their way of life outside the male and female. Whenever he starts, he decides that his son should be educated by him, and the daughter should be educated by Wan-xi. In fact, he also said that he has never interfered with the practice of Wan-xi. Even if it was proposed by Wan-xi, he only arranged without interference.
     "Yes, don't worry, our daughters won't let our daughters suffer. Besides, who the daughters will marry in the future, it's not the Lord's own self-satisfaction. At that time, the female shi-nu is still looking at the lord's eyes. As for the whole body, Just prepare your dowry." Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang in a good mood and can't help but swear.
     Yin-Tang was ridiculed by Wan-xi, and did not care. On the contrary, it was very cooperative. Seeing that Wan-xi was stunned by him, his mood could not help but become more pleasant. Even after he thought that the things that had been waiting for the sea had ended, he took her and the children to Zhuangzi. After all, this was said for a long time, but it was not fulfilled.
     When the two men said something for a while, Yin-Tang suddenly remembered that he had chosen to ban the Big Prince and 2nd Prince yesterday, and whispered: "A few days later, 4th Prince will order Big. Prince and 4th Prince lifted the ban, then you personally took a nap and gave them something. After all, after many years, many things can't go back, let's release a goodwill, and it's a blessing for Big Prince and 4th Prince. 2nd Prince."
     Wan-xi listened to him and couldn't help but squat. She thought that even if it was to lift the ban, it was after this year. I didn't expect it to be half a year later. I decided to lift the ban on the former Junwang and the Crown Crown. In the end, the only remaining ones were only 14th-Prince, but according to what they did, it was difficult to see the sky.
     Whether this result is the strange 14th-Prince himself, or the wicked virtue, this is the benevolent seeing benevolence, the wise see wisdom.
     "The 4th Prince won't think much about it? After all, this 1st-Prince and the second Prince influence in the past is not small, as long as they are still alive, those who have ulterior motives can't beat their ideas." Wan-xi The opening of the ground is obviously afraid of their suspicions caused by their actions.
     Yin-Tang gently shook her hand, and the soft and smooth touch made him feel a lot of love. Knocking twice, noticing her uneasiness, he couldn't help but pick up his eyes and whispered: "Do not worry! The Lord will mention this at the appropriate time. If 4th Prince really cares, let's not do it, If you don't mind, it's a good idea to express your appease. After all, the Queen Niang-Niang now has a distance from the mother."
     The current Queen is still young and not very thoughtful. Although everyone is born, there are still many aspects that are lacking. If you want to hand over things to her, they have made arrangements in advance.
     This may be the case, Yin-Tang will subconsciously let Wan-xi deal with things when considering things. Fortunately, Wan-xi reminds him in time, otherwise he has developed the habit of helping to get the idea. Even if it is not a state affairs, it will cause unnecessary grievances in the heart.
     Yin-Tang took a deep breath, secretly guarded himself, and warned himself again and again, instead of subconsciously treating the embarrassing thing as his own thing, after all, involving the emperor, and then small things. It is also a big event, and no one can let others come to the idea.
     His index finger gently rubbed the skin on the back of her hand, and the next one and the next, seemed to be thinking about something, and it seemed that it was just a loss of God.
     "Ye? What happened to you?" Wan-xi suddenly called him a voice, his head turned, his eyes quietly watching him, as if waiting for him to return.
     Yin-Tang returned to God, seeing Wan-xi looking at himself with a worried look, unable to pinch the softness in his palm, the tone was steady and said: "Nothing.
     The Lord just suddenly realized his deficiencies."
     He said that this is true, because sometimes there are things because they are not aware of them, and eventually they will become disasters.
     "There are so many things on the hands of the Lord, and when it is inevitable that they will forget the shape, they will only be an outsider in the end. After all, they will be clearer than the Lord." When Wan-xi said this, the whole person leaned on Yin-Tang. In the arms, the heart of Meiyu also had more peace of mind because of his awakening.
     Yin-Tang squinted her arm slightly tightly, her eyes looked at her slyly, and finally she just bite her teeth and said: "As long as one of them can see clearly, this ZHong-Yong Qinwang House will be able to pass it safely and securely. I hope that after Hong-min, there will be a woman who looks like him with a delicate look.
     Wan-xi came to Yin-Tang and whispered, his words contained a hint of helplessness and luck. It is a blessing for him to come to her today’s testimony, but it can be considered a blow. After all, for Yin-Tang, he played the role of protector of this family, but now he made mistakes and did not know it. Now he is awakened. Although he accepts, he still feels some impact.
     For such a change, Wan-xi did not want to say more, and did not want to persuade, because she knew in her heart that until 1st-Prince and the second Prince were lifted, the situation was more stable but more complicated. After all, no one can guarantee that they and their sons will really be honest, plus those who are hiding in the dark and ignoring the world, the future will definitely be inevitable, so they want to be safe and secure. If you have your own life, be careful and be careful.
     "Yes, because that is our son." Wan-xi does not say anything else, but simply believes Yin-Tang and Hong-min's vision.
     "That's right, that's our son. It's born to ben't ordinary. Maybe he can't cross the Qinwang house, but he can be a little bit in the future." Yin-Tang chuckled and thought secretly. I think he should probably make some more preparations.
     In the next few days, Yin-Tang was more busy than in the past, but the mood has been more relaxed in the past. Probably because 1st-Prince and the second Prince were to be lifted and sealed as Qinwang, Kangxi did not have a hard time pointing to the maritime affairs. On the contrary, he also strongly supported it, so that he still thought about whether he wanted to think otherwise.
     The shackles of his method to solve this matter and Yin-Tang sighed and secretly smiled.
     Sure enough, for the Imperial Father, the son that most cares about him always has only the Crown Prince and 1st-Prince!

     When the official decree was given to the ban and the ban and sealed them as Qin and Qin, the whole capital could not help but boil. When Kangxi deliberately banned two people, everyone thought that their life might never come out again.
     Let’s not talk about Qinwang, let’s say that the Crown Prince current Qinwang , two wastes and two erections made many old schoolers refuse to give up after he was banned. Later, they made a lot of trouble.
     Things, if it is not Kangxi strong earthquake, it may cause something to come. Fortunately, the current is also Di-, and there is Kangxi in the back, this time and a half, even if those people play the small abacus, it depends on whether they have the opportunity to go out.
     Both Yan and Yi did not think that they would have a day to lift the ban.
     They cooperated with each other. In fact, they only held a glimmer of hope.
     They hoped that they would not die until they died. But who can think of the fourth child that they think is careful, but in the end, as they wished they solved their ban and even sealed their Qinwang position.
     Compared with the awkwardness in my heart, I feel more acceptable to this cut. After all, he used to be a successor to Kangxi mind, and at most it was a Qinwang. Now, when the time has passed, the dust will be settled, and the fourth can seal him Qinwang.
     The words have been treated as preferential treatments; as for the embarrassment, it was raised by Kangxi in the palm of his hand, even if he suffered a lot of crimes in the past two years, even in order to get rid of the fate of being banned, he chose to follow behind him. He stunned his head, and when he not done, he hopes that things will come true, but he a little overwhelmed.
     However, the sins suffered in these years are not unacceptable. Coupled with the fact that the situation has been fixed, he is unwilling to do so, but he does not want to do anything more.
     The former Crown Jiji Guaer Jiashi stood not far away, watching the squatting in front of the gate, the deputy, and could not help but sigh. In the past, she also said that it is not the fault of the people, but when things get to this point, they still cherish the cuts in front of them.
     Seeing that the original tall and straight body became awkward, she discovered that they were all old, and they quickly stepped forward.
     They shook a little trembling body and whispered: "Master, can get holy grace. Happy event, let’s pack up and give the emperor a thank you!”
     I heard her swearing identity, although I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, but the sins of so many years are not sinful. As for the ambitions of the past, after so many years, the time has already dried up these things. It’s net. Even if someone now says that he wants to support him, he is afraid that he will be powerless.
     After all, the age of the donkey is not small. It can be said that he has been the crown Prince for most of his life.
     The enjoyment has long been enjoyed. When he is lost, he will be offended. When the Shouyun cloud sees the moon, the thoughts in this heart will be less, otherwise he will not be able to cooperate with them, and it is even more impossible to persuade his son to put aside.
     "Master ! It is indeed time to give the emperor a gratitude, but also to give Imperial Father a gratitude!" I thought of Kangxi, I couldn't help but feel that my nose was sour, my heart was mixed, and there was a feeling that I couldn't tell.
     Guaer Jiashi looked at the original arrogance and became like this. It was a bleak heart, but there will be such a change. She can only say that she is making people, but she dares not blame anyone.
     Suddenly I felt a little cool, looked up and found that I didn’t know when it started, and there was a drizzle in the sky. Guaer Jiashi sighed a little, not to mention just a light rain, just a knife, they still have to go to Shane.
     The couple are walking on the road. Every way here, they are very familiar with each scene. For those who used to be the Crown Prince and the Crown Jiji, there is no place that makes them feel better than the palace. Familiar with it. It can be said that even if they have their eyes closed, they can come and go in this vast Forbidden City. But since then, there is no place in the Forbidden City, they are about to move to the newly built Qinwang House, where the cut is now or later belongs to them.
     On the way to the Temple of Nursing, when the encounter between the and the ,, the two sides look at each other, although they can not reach the point of smile and enmity, but they do not become like a group before they meet.
     They may never have thought about it, and one day they can do the same thing calmly – surrender to others. Obviously they are the ones who have been closest to that position, but they eventually lost to the other party but lost to themselves. Now when a dust settles, they can only do more to make their remaining life easier, but also to give their children a future.
     They are not young, and their bodies are no longer as healthy as they used to be. If you want to be more than enough, you can only be forced to go to the cusp of the wind. It’s better to take this opportunity to find some things for your children. welfare. After all, Qinwang, who is in power, and Qinwang, who is not in power, live in two kinds of life.
     They don't want their children to follow their own footsteps.
     In this life, they have no energy and ability to toss again, and they are still fortunate in the old 14th-in terms of the fact that they can be said to be very lucky, because people who have always been banned are really few like them. Can be released alive.
     It is necessary to know that the glory of the past can be restored. After that, they are chased after death. At that time, what is the use of them to bow again? Both and are undoubtedly smart, and they choose to bow at the most appropriate time.
     "Big Prince, don't come innocent!" He arched his hand and smiled and Called, but this was something he had never done before, but now he did.
     From this point alone, it is not difficult to see that is really changing, otherwise according to his original temper, he will only look at each other with that kind of proud eyes, instead of greet each other with a calm attitude. In fact, he also thought about what he would do if he could lift the ban. He thought that he would want to retaliate, but in the end it was going to be negative. Because he is surrounded by the world, can he even confirm if he can go out and do something?
     "The second brother is also." The once-infuriating scorpion has become silent at this time, and it will not be like the former, everything is impulsive, it is like a cannon that will be blown up at any time.
     He did temper grid impulse, otherwise it will not come to this day the fate! At first he thought he would win a battle, but he never saw the mind of Imperial Father. Speaking of him, hey, they are all the same, seemingly for themselves, in fact, it is just inadvertently become a chess piece in the hands of others!
     There will be such an ending, he really does not blame anyone! Because now this is already the best ending.
     When I walked into the Yang Xin Dian, I watched the sly, sitting on the back of the imperial case, and the calm face of the sly and sly was just a flash of complexity.
     Then I took the horseshoe sleeves and asked for the sorrow. At the moment they were kneeling, they put down their hearts and finally refused.
     Looking at the and below, the mood is complicated, but after experiencing so many things, the emperor has also had a period of time.
     This thought is not as good as it used to be, so its just a moment I will return to God.
     The attitude towards and is also incomparably harmonious, just as the battles of the past did not exist.
     "Big Prince, 2nd Prince, since all the cuts have passed, then we will get along well!" As a winner, although he has the qualification to show off, now he is not the former, he is more It is calm and steady. Although it is loved, it also looks at what it is.
     I didn’t think that you would be like this attitude.
     The time when the two people were hanging in the air slowly put them back. Although the cuts have not yet reached the expected results of their hearts, but the beginning is still good, at least on the surface, the fourth is really want to let them out.
     "The emperor is right." You still can't hang the word of the nubi so it is a bit awkward.
     There is not so much concern about his stumbling. His temperament has always been respected and strong. He can stand out among so many Brother and get approval from Kangxi.
     That is the ability, so he does not have so much. Concerns. His words may be a bit rude, but the content is involuntarily close to him.
     The 3rd Brother simply sneered a few words, and they didn't leave them any more.
     They rewarded a few things and gave them a few words.
     They asked them to go to Changchun Garden to see Kangxi, and they waved them to let them go.
     I am very busy and I don’t bother. After all, if you want a continued brother, you won’t be in a hurry. In the past, they didn’t see it. Today they need to pay, so they should be ready.
     In the Changchun Garden, Kangxi learned that after the ban on the ban and the ban, the morning meal not only drank a bowl of porridge, but even the spirit looked more exciting than in the past. From here, it is not difficult to see the status of in his heart. Of course, this is not to say that he is dissatisfied with his dissatisfaction. On the contrary, he is quite satisfied with his choice of embarrassment. After all, his diligence and generosity are generous, and his sons are all saved.
     Li Dequan, next to him, looked at Kangxi, who was so happy, and his heart was also a burst of emotion. Since moving into Changchun Garden, Kangxi body has been much better, but his spirit has been somewhat sluggish compared with the past. Until today, he realized that it is not a bad place, nor a life is not smooth, but he The heart has a concern.
     Now that Kangxi wish has been fulfilled, the mental state of the whole person will change, and it seems to be taken for granted. He wants to wait until tomorrow when Qinwang and Li Qinwang come over, the mood of Taishanghuang may become better.
     "Too Shanghuang, if you want to be a nubi you must first order the food room to prepare some straight Qinwang and Li Qinwang like to eat something, wait for the two Qinwang to come to Shane tomorrow, then accompany the emperor to eat, and continue the father and son?" Li Dequan Seeing Kangxi mood is good, and he has the idea of ​​making fun of it.
     The words he just said are just scratching the itch of Kangxi.
     Sure enough, Kangxi listened to his words and immediately came to the interest. It may have turned from a busy emperor to a leisurely Taishang Emperor, so that Kangxi always had a feeling of not being able to find a state, so he could not do anything to do anything. Come. It’s rare to have something that he is interested in and willing to use.
     This state has been found, and it is also very interesting.
     Li Dequan looked at Kangxi, who had a hard time, and couldn’t help but feel a sigh of relief. He is not afraid of Kangxi toss, and he is afraid that Kangxi will be silent!

     The ban on bans and shackles is the hottest news, but Wan-xi has no intention to pay attention to them. For her, let alone the shackles and shackles, that is, even a ban, or let her let go of their children to pay attention to them.
     Before the Hong-min yard crawling, she did not ask, it is the default Hong-min processing. But the default does not mean that she really does not care. After all, compared to the age of Hong-min, there are several sons under him, who are not too old, and who have nothing to do with men and women. Can't let people bring them out because of their negligence.
     When a boy reaches ten or two years old, whether it is Malang or her mother, she will be arranged for them. But Wan-xi knows a lot of things that I didn't know in the last world because of the relationship between living and living. So she also made a lot of changes in her children's education.
     However, her change does not mean that others will change.
     The things in the house are not allowed to be rumored. I don’t know if the eyeliner is clean enough. In addition to the eyes of the specific people, the things in the house are reasonable. It is said that it will not be rumored, but unfortunately this matter has really come out.
     This is not the day of the ban and the ban, no matter what kind of mentality Yifei has, anyway, people sent two palace ladies to say that it is to Hong-min who is the same as the face of her.
     Yifei Wan-xi is impossible to fight with her, but the people in this house have a way to deal with it. So, Wan-xi asked Ping Mama to pick them up, but they just didn't know who she was doing, and I found a reason to do it. It is said that she is angered, saying that she is deliberate or not. Anyway, she is not happy that someone interferes with her education of her children.
     In the evening, when Hong-min came over with a group of Sao, Wan-xi first let the two palace ladies come to see Hong-min, and then let Ting-Lan take it away. Anyway, according to her, she put her meaning in front of her own son, and the rest is even what his son is thinking.
     "Although this is your heart's thoughts, but according to your previous opinion on the mother, then you will be treated as Maid. If they have inappropriate places, how to punish them depends on you." Wan-xi stretched his hand and pressed the forehead, which was quite a sense of sorrow.
     It is said that this mother-in-law is a natural enemy. Even if Wan-xi and Yifei reach a consensus for a while, they will form a situation of peaceful coexistence, but they will come to the opposite side sooner or later, due to time and ideas. Every time she thinks about this, she can't help but expect Kangxi to live for a few more years.
     "The mother is relieved, and the son knows what to do." Hong-min looked at Wan-xi, a distressed look, and knew that Yifei move caused contradictions.
     However, as a younger generation, he can't do it. Although he is standing on his own mother's side, Yifei is his Malang. Some things he can refuse or perfunctory, but he can't talk to her. Like this time, he can't say that Yifei is wrong, but it doesn't really suit the heart but it is true.
     "You have a good number in your own heart. Some things are not forcing you, as long as you feel good, the mother will feel good, but the biggest hope of the mother is that you can be safe." Wan-xi listens outside The movement knows that Yin-Tang is back, laughing and swearing, then he got up and greeted him.
      Hong-min looked at the back of Wan-xi, and then looked at her and Ama, and decided to secretly.
     In the evening, Yin-Tang’s family gathered together for a meal, and they talked about the interesting things or troubles around them.
     They laughed and tried to find a way.
     This undoubtedly brought them closer to each other. Feelings also make them more close to each other.
     Different from Wan-xi warmth, the first day of the ban and the banquet are full of joy, but more sadness.
     After so many years have passed, it can be said that time has passed, time has made them lose a lot, and they have clearly seen their situation clearly.
     This evening, someone sleeps peacefully, and a night dreams; some people toss and turn, sleepless nights; more people have discussed the night's strategy in the study, thinking about taking the opportunity to get more benefits.
     It’s a normal situation for all beings, but it’s just that at this time, it’s impossible to make trouble at this festival. Moreover, the unsettled, when they saw Kangxi, the resentment buried in the heart, after a long period of fermentation, turned into a miss.
     At this time, Kangxi restored the image of the stalwart in their hearts, the white hair, the thin body, the slightly sloppy waist, and they all proved to them the fact that they were directly regarded as the gods of the Imperial Father. old.
     For a moment, both of them were full of anger and remorse. In fact, the gap between their father and son has always been a throne of the emperor. When this throne can no longer play the role of the past, the father and son naturally entered the honeymoon period. After all, in all of Prince, and are the two Princes who are most loved by Kangxi.
     After that, theervants and’servants were only a little bit different, and the more they went back, the more rare the father's love was. Until the end, they all grew up, and Kangxi could no longer be relieved. Kangxi paid attention. Placed on a few small Prince.
     The feelings of the royal family were originally weak, but no matter what the reason, at this moment, Kangxi, when they did not involve interests, really deserved the true feelings.
     "Imperial Father, all the children are not filial!" He and he walked to Kangxi in a few big steps, and their legs were kneeling straight on the ground. Although there was no scene of crying, it was really sad.
     "You can see that you are standing in front of you, and you are no regrets." Kangxi looked at his eldest son and second son, and he really felt happy.
     Sometimes, even if he is a noble man, in order to stabilize the situation, he has to bear the pain of doing something he does not want to do. At the beginning, whether it was awkward or awkward, the situation was full of ambition. If he was a private father, even if he had selfishness, he would not worry about hurting his life. However, those who urged them to go to this step, Kangxi has never let go, regardless of the mentality of those people, he only knows that these people have shaken the country and harmed their father and son. situation.
     "They are all sons who are not filial. After this time, the children will be rehabilitated. Please ask the Imperial Father to rest assured." He looked at the old-fashioned Kangxi, the old grievances of the past, not to mention the disappearance at the moment, but did not mention It is.
     Kangxi looked at the two sons who had been guaranteed so quickly, and couldn’t help but feel a sigh of relief.
     The fourth is already enthroned, and they have solved their ban more. He naturally does not want them to be enemies.
     The father and the son went to the inner temple with a chill, and the three sat on the raft.
     They were relatively speechless. After a long time, Kangxi took the initiative to talk about some things that happened in these years.
      and have actually inquired about the recent events that happened recently. When they were banned, many of the news were intermittent and it was not clear. When they come out, even if they don’t have to consider a few points for their children, they must figure out the current situation. Otherwise, they will take the initiative and offend those who should not be offended. Lose your temper life directly. It’s not that they are timid, but they don’t have any cards on hand.
     This person naturally has no previous enthusiasm.
     In addition, since the Old 9, the old ten and the old 13th sent people to send gifts, the other Prince and the ancestral halls have also sent gifts. Just because of this incident, we can see who is the person who is now in power.
     "The fourth is a person who can accommodate people. Since he puts you out, he will never care about the previous one. If you are old, there is no living. What you can do is just these, what will happen in the future? You and the fourth child are a kind of heart, he will not treat you badly." Kangxi said that although there is a meaning of knocking, but more for the sake of both of them.
     "Imperial Father is relieved! The son is a loser. Since he has already lost, it is impossible to squat on this matter. In addition, the fourth son of righteousness, the son can no longer give him a mess, as long as he still With his son, his son is willing to work for him." He said that this is not for the heart of An Kangxi, but that he has only such a choice.
     "The same is true for the children." He looked at the end of the watch, and he did not show it, and he promised Kangxi.
     Kangxi looked at the two sons who always liked to confront each other. My heart was not very tasteful. At first, he never thought that he would be abolished in a day, but he did not expect that they would be forced to choose themselves.
     The younger brother surrendered. Such a change is really helpless, but it has to be done.
     "I know that some things are still wronged by you, but the Qing Family is not, the fourth is not, so you are all good, you will be relieved." Kangxi wants only their attitude, the other he did not intend Go straight down.
     Now that the person sitting in the position of the emperor is no longer his, then he does not have to take care of it any more. Moreover, if Qilian does not manage this matter well, then he would rather change someone earlier.
     After saying these words, without Kangxi voice, he took the initiative to turn the subject. Kangxi was not reluctant, but many times he would leave the shackles and shackles without leaving any traces so that they could understand the situation as soon as possible and also be able to Get involved quickly. After all, as far as Kangxi is concerned, he does not want his son to be so insatiable.
     Li Dequan was outside the hall. He listened to laughter from time to time in the warm room. His nose could not help but be sour. He had not seen the emperor for so long. However, he also knows in his heart that this is just a matter of Qinwang or Qinwang. It’s better to come over with the emperor’s continuation of the father and son. It’s too many times. I’m afraid it will cause speculations.
     This point alone, whether it is too emperor or two, Qinwang, I am afraid that there are counts in my heart, even if I have the heart, I have to pull the distance to avoid unnecessary turmoil.
     On that day, Yan and Yi stayed in the Changchun Garden until the afternoon, and then they reluctantly bid farewell to Kangxi back to the capital. For example, Li Dequan thinks that the father and the son will meet again and say ten thousand words, but because of those who have ulterior motives, they have to pay attention to the size and distance to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.
     When they got the news, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. So many people stare, they are also afraid that Kangxi they forget the shape, after all, the identity of Yan and Yi is too sensitive, even if they are not intentional, but can not stand those who are worried!
      Past life outside (a)
     The new emperor ascended the throne, regardless of the palace and the palace are waiting, the station team standing right or standing in the wrong position, now there is no effort to manage the results.
     The former is pondering what position he can get from the Dragon's merits, while the latter has to find ways to recover the defeat and win this line of life for himself and his family.
     Yin-Tang is the wrong standing station. He has always been proud, and he does not bow to people easily. Otherwise, he will not be misunderstood and obsessed with it for so many years. Now the relationship between them can be said to have reached a dead end, and there is no chance of easing. Yin-Tang can not be convinced, but you can't bear it. It can be said that the current situation is not allowed for him.
     "8th Prince, is this testament true or false? The Lord does not believe that the Imperial Father will change his mind at the last minute." Yin-Tang is really unacceptable for the current situation. He looks at the face and is silent. Oh, I can't believe a face.
     In the last years of Emperor Kangxi, it can be said that Kangxi most beloved son is not someone else. It’s the embarrassment, no matter what other people think, no matter what the meaning of Kangxi heart is, if none of Kangxi pets are in front of them, they are these people. How can I put all my hopes on the old 14th-this yellow mouth child.
     The look of the side looked a little violent, and the expression on his face did not look very good. Nowadays, wood has become a boat, and even if they have more doubts, they have to admit that the person sitting in that position is already Ai Xinjue Luo· !
     "Old 9! This is the end of the matter. You just can't change the fact that the day can't be changed. You can only say that 4th Prince is a good means, and you are prepared to do it in secret. If you don't accept it, you can't move.
     The only way is probably. It was the idea that he couldn’t move them, not the hat that was deducted under the impulse!” The look on his face was also ugly, and apparently the result was what he did not expect.
     Yin-Tang is obviously dismissive of the behavior of this kind of post-mortem, but he has to admit that when things get to this point, they have no choice. Seeing that the old ten evacuated their team and shrank their heads to their own little days, Yin-Tang was not angry in his heart, but instead secretly sighed. He is actually worried. He can not kill himself, but he never thought about pulling Yin-Er to death. All the previous things made him think that he had a way out with him, but he didn't want to work hard. He ignored the most important point Kangxi mind.
     "Even if we don't do anything, we will not be deceived with a hateful hate. If you don't get a hate, you can't go anywhere, so 8th Prince, this time, let's do it thoroughly, don't look back. I lost the opportunity and regretted that I didn’t have a good grasp at the beginning.” When Yin-Tang said this, his expression was a bit ugly, and it was obvious that he was dissatisfied with the actions before him.
     Seeing his words is clear and somewhat ugly, not angry. He has always looked at the interests. As long as he is good for himself, he will still do what he should do. He will still do it if he should not do it. It is only this kind of thing that he will not tell him.
     Without a clear answer from the grin, Yin-Tang's face could not help but be more ugly. Over the years, he has paid a lot but he can't change his heart. If it is not retreat, why did he go to this step today? It’s time for me to see this time. I’m still watching my own point and thinking about not letting go. When he feels disappointed, it will inevitably lead to a retreat.
     "Forget it, busy for such a day, my grandfather is tired, first go back to the government to rest, as for other things, wait two days to discuss it again!" After that, Yin-Tang is not waiting for the opening, it will come out The study room went to the outside of the house.
     In 9th-Prince House, Wan-xi stood in the small kitchen and personally stewed the nourishing ginseng soup. In the past, these things were handed over to the snow to do them, but these days, due to the death of the emperor and the succession of the new king, the government was busy forming a group. Finally, the end of the country’s mourning, she, who is not qualified to enter the palace, can’t do anything else. It’s still necessary to care about Yin-Tang who has not returned to China for several days.
     Wan-xi is gentle, never fights with others, and only wants to keep his own little days in his yard. Yin-Tang is very fond of her.
     There is no small kitchen in other yards. She has it here. It is not difficult to see that she has a slight position in the heart of Yin-Tang.
     "Miss, almost, you can make a pot!" Hearing the snow standing next to him, his eyes were almost the same, and he was busy reminding him.
     Wan-xi heard the words, grabbed the brocade next to him, gently put the soup inside, and put it to the side.
     The nose smelled the scent of the soup, and the corner of the mouth could not help but rise. Wipe the smile of satisfaction.
     She is just a little woman who is a husband and ‘Madam. She has no big ambitions. She only wants to harm her father and children through her own little days, even if she is not the only one.
     "Ting-Bamboo, send someone to inquire about it, can you return to the house?" Wan-xi looked at the soup next to him, wondering if Yin-Tang had not returned to the house or went to other sisters.
     The yard, she warmed the soup, and when he came, he could immediately drink it.
     "Yes, the nubi will go." Ting-Bamboo glared at the look of Wan-xi, and turned around and ran out.
     Wan-xi identity is indeed not high. From entering the government, it is just a small Shiqie. Even if he has two children, there is no change. But as for Yin-Tang's love for her, few people dare to make it difficult for her or the people in Hengyuan. In this way, Ting-Bamboo, they inquired about the news, have always been smooth, but this time is not waiting for Ting-Bamboo to inquire, halfway to see Yin-Tang with Lin-Chujiu to come here. Ting-Bamboo sees it, and can't take care of anything else.
     "Guo... aunt... Miss, Your Highness is coming here!" Ting-Bamboo ran back breathlessly, taking a few deep breaths, which was a statement.
     Wan-xi heard the words, the little face suddenly raised a bright smile, the whole person is like a quietly blooming flower, beautiful and dazzling. Wan-xi stretched out his hand and turned his head to Ting-Lan, who was next to him. "Quickly, prepare for it, the man will come soon."
     In the Hengyi Garden, there was a sudden burst of busyness. When Yin-Tang came over, watching the busy people, they just raised their eyebrows. In his eyes, Wan-xi is the woman who feels most comfortable and relaxed except his mother-in-law. He likes her tenderness and obedience, so most of the time he likes to stay in her Hengyuan Court. Today is also the same, he is in a bad mood, the first thought is not Fu-Jin Dong-shi, but her Wanyan · Wan-xi.
     When Wan-xi came to see Yin-Tang, he couldn't help but smile at him, and then took a dry Maid and asked him to come forward. "Hey (Sorry), please (Your Highness)!"
     "Get up!" Yin-Tang took the first two steps and reached for Wan-xi.
     Then they swayed at Lin-Chujiu and waved Wan-xi into the room. Lin-Chujiu saw it, and it was very eye-catching to evacuate the cadres, leaving only Ting-Bamboo.
     The two big Maids were standing outside with them.
     Into the inner room, Yin-Tang just sat down, then Wan-xi let go of his hand to the other side, and then brought a food box. Although he did not know what was inside, he did not hinder his mood.
     Thinking of Wan-xi concern for him, he suddenly felt warm in his heart for a few days.
     He tried his best to give his ‘Madam and children a good life, but there were not many people who really understood him. Fortunately, there is a woman around her, even if she is timid and weak, she is really using all her heart on him. In this backyard, so many wives and sisters do not involve competing pets. Who will notice his physical discomfort or good mood? There is only this silly woman in front of me, and I am only interested in him. When he thought of it, he couldn't help but sigh. Maybe he should make an arrangement. If he can't get what he wants, then at least he has to find a way to keep more than a hundred people in the house.
     "Master, you just stewed the ginseng soup, you take some rest, so it is easy to raise the spirit." Wan-xi took the soup out and put it on the Yin-Tang hand, whispered.
     "Exactly, I haven’t used any food for these few days. Before I went to a 8th Prince House, I originally planned to use some meals. In the end, I only talked about things, but I forgot about it. Now you say this, the Lord is It’s so hungry!” Yin-Tang’s face was a gentle smile, which was tantamount to his sultry appearance on most days.
     Wan-xi heard the words, and his heart was in a hurry. He lifted his foot and walked a few steps. He raised his voice and told Ting-Bamboo outside the door to prepare them for a simple and good meal. When I told him to go back and look at Yin-Tang, she couldn't help but blush. "I don't have any ambiguity, and I can do it for my grandfather!"
     Yin-Tang listened to her, and her heart was more pitiful.
     The moment she reached out, she pulled her into her arms, letting her sit on her lap, his chin leaning against her slender shoulders and lingering around her nose.
     The body fragrance that makes people feel relaxed, the whole person relaxes a lot, and the violentness before sweeping back to the house.
     "It's enough to be able to do these things.
     The Lord cares about your heart." Yin-Tang sneered twice, his palms licking her slender waist and her voice.
     Wan-xi has long been accustomed to the narrow behavior of Yin-Tang. In the past, he often used to tease her. Although she was somewhat immune, sometimes she would inevitably blush because of his actions and words. Fortunately, Ting-Bamboo, they came soon. When the meal was sent in, Wan-xi began to serve him for him.
     Yin-Tang is also really hungry.
     These days, whether it is because Imperial Father is in danger or because of the sudden upper position of theervant, it makes him feel anxious, and the whole person is in a state of violent temper. Now that the wood has become a boat, it is not allowed to accept it. So the emotions are relaxed. Whether it is tired or hungry, the body is protesting.
     At this time, it is a kind of comfort to drink a bowl of soup and eat a bowl of rice.
     "Master  first drink some soup." Wan-xi saw that he did not know where to start, and could not help but send the soup to his hand.
     "Well, my grandfather drinks soup first." Yin-Tang saw her send the soup to her hand and nodded.
     When he drank the ginseng soup, the whole person could not help but rush out of the heart, so that the somewhat stiff body instantly warmed up.
     The two men's eyes collided, and Wan-xi smiled at him softly, holding his chopsticks to help him cloth the dishes. In fact, she really wants to help him share something. Unfortunately, she is not only limited in ability, but her identity is also very low. What she can do is just that.
     Yin-Tang didn't know the thoughts in Wan-xi heart. He used his meal and filled his stomach. Although he didn't think about it, he liked her feeling of staying with her.


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