Chongqie Courting Death Daily 440

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     "Master, this is always a battle between the backyard and the backyard. If you take the shot, it will not only be a gossip, but the Imperial Father will not be easy to explain, so this matter will eventually be done."
     Wan-xi voice just fell, Yin-Tang unconsciously wrinkled his thick eyebrows. He did hesitate. If he didn’t care about Kangxi and Yu, he could now order him to arrange it at 14th Prince House dark pile idea has to be awkward. But he can't, the so-called pull and move the whole body, some things are not his own decision.
     "Although it is a matter of the backyard, Hong-min is also the son of Ye. You can't do it in private. If you don't do anything on the bright side, you will be suspicious." Yin-Tang sneered, left hand Unconsciously smashed into a fist, heavily squatting on a side table, so that the tea pots and other things placed on the table could not help but shake.
     Wan-xi sees the appearance of Yin-Tang's eyes, knowing that this matter has a great influence on him. He can escape the robbery, not because he has any skills, but because he is the son of Kangxi. My brother. If not, then let him jump up and down to this time.
     To be honest, I can go to this step, whether it is the last world or this world is a puzzling thing, even though Kangxi son mostly has two brushes, but the heart is not good, Not a few, I am one of them. He can have this cut today, not to mention luck, but it is also different. He himself has no special talents, overall mediocrity, behavior and selfishness. If there are no current restrictions, so many Princes will not be able to show their appearance anyway.

     "In this case, then the second master will give a head to the whole body, so that the body will also give 14th-Prince an unforgettable memory." Wan-xi smiled and held Yin-Tang's hand. Different from the gentleness of the past, at the moment, she is surrounded by a cold and cold.
     What irony, my children almost lost their lives, but as parents they can not help them to justice! Although Wan-xi never took the initiative to calculate people, but it is no longer like the previous world, everything is retreating and forbearing, although she is still guarding her own bottom line, but she insists that people do not commit me, I am not guilty, If a person commits me, he will return it a hundred times.
     Since the 14th-Prince couple took her son's life improperly, she would cut back a hundred times. Hong-min was full of bruises and broke his arm. Hong-zhao was only a small bruise, but she was also amazed that she could not have two children’s lives.
     They learned some lessons and let the 14th-Prince couple taste the broken arm.
     Yin-Tang looked at the cold and perseverance in Wan-xi eyes. After a moment of indulging, he raised a sneer and smiled: "Okay! Then let's take the lead and help you open the way. Even when you don't care, even if you don't care, even Really playing off, and asking them whose life, the Lord can help you back, after all, when this accident falls on who is on the head, that is what God said!"
     Yin-Tang is such a person who must report and protect short-term. Don't say that he had been jealous of him before, but now it is just to deepen the contradiction. According to the temper of Yin-Tang before, this tone will certainly not endure, but now it is stuck in a critical period, he just wants to do it and has to do it again and again.
     There was a moment when Yin-Tang even began to regret why he was involved in this Di-. According to his ability, even if he does nothing, he will get a Qinwang in the future. Now, whether it is for the sake of the future or for the future, he has paid too much and has wronged the women and children who hold the palm of his hand.
     I am embarrassed to start this time, from the child's side. Fortunately, now the children are lucky enough, they also have vigilance, do not say that they take the lead, but also have precautions, if he wants to shoot again, afraid that it will not be as good luck as this time. But no one of them thinks that it should end like this.
     Others take their children improperly, but they all become treasures.
     "Tomorrow, the Lord will give Hong-min and Hong-zhao a vacation. Before the matter is over, the children will not enter the palace. Some people don’t beat him, he won’t I remember what the lesson is." Yin-Tang grinds his teeth, his fists are tight, and people believe that if he dares to appear in front of him, he must send a big fist to his face.
     "Good." Wan-xi nodded. He agreed with Yin-Tang's arrangement. Apparently, she also thought that the two children were injured like this. It is really not suitable for going to the palace again.
     The next day, after the early morning, Yin-Tang looked at the ministers who sneaked into the ground and sneered at the corners of their mouths.
     They strode forward and punched their faces at the door of the Qing Palace. Waiting for everyone to react, the fists hit the other side of the body, it is really a fist to the flesh, playing that called a reality.
     I lost my heart for a moment, and when I was pulled back to God by Yu-Xiang, my heart suddenly felt a bit mixed. Yesterday, he received the news. It is reasonable that he should persuade Yin-Tang to endure the cut for the big picture. After all, it is not easy for them to go to this step. If it is because of an impulse, all the cuts will become Bubble, that nobody wants to see. However, when the night was quiet, I thought of what Yin-Tang had paid for him. He was a brother, and his heart was sour.
     The result of this sleepless night was that he gave the initiative to Yin-Tang himself to decide. .
     "4th Prince!" Yu-Xiang can't help but feel a little anxious. Here, you can do the Qing Palace. It's really noisy. If they are reasonable, they will suffer.
     "Thirteen, the Old 9 is angry, he did not move the old 14th-it is already concession, we can't let him even have a tone in his heart." Pulling the hand of Yu-Xiang The face of the face is long and authentic.
     Yu-Xiang heard a little bit of disappointment. Although he did not see the scene of yesterday, he thought that Hong-min had lost his life, and his heart was also shameless, just calm down, he thought More is still the big picture. Right now, Yin-Tang has obviously chosen to give in. If he still blocks, he does have a bad way.
     In front of the main hall of the Qing Palace, Yin-Tang was the first to press theervant, and he was desperately Calling. What hurts and hits, no politeness, but the fists of Yin-Tang’s sudden fists are a bit Calling, etc. When I reacted and wanted to fight back, I couldn’t get away with it.
     Don't think that Yin-Tang doesn't practice riding like Yin-Er. It doesn't work. If it was in the last world, he didn't control his weight. Now he can be awkward, but this world has Wan-xi next to it. Take care of the tube, Yin-Tang's body is straightforward, and there is no tendency to be blessed.
     This fist is also well practiced.
     Seeing that Yan was beaten by Yin-Tang, the courtiers outside the main hall wanted to watch the excitement, but they knew in their hearts that this excitement could not be seen casually. Look at Prince Prince jokes. If you don't mention the emperor, you can say that there are a few people standing there.
     There is definitely a place in the place that will definitely be in the big position. If they don't care, if they care, they have a few heads. Send forward.
     No, not a while, the original dry palace, the next one went clean, leaving only Yin-Tang a few of them, only the one standing on the side of this side was also Yin-Er Stop by.
     "Old 14th-, dared to touch God's son, God must not only beat you, but also let know what the real surprise!" Yin Tang stood up the moment, suddenly forced his left leg, a kick erupted in the Yin On the arm of his arm, ' ', no need to think, I know that my arm was kicked off.
     Look at the Calling Calls, his face is also very ugly, "9th Prince brother, too much?"
     "Yes? When someone asked for Hong-wang temper, I hope that 8th Prince can still say the same sentence as it is now. "It doesn't matter." With a squint, Yin-Tang looked up and sneered. Ramp.
     The look on his face suddenly slammed, and looking at Yin-Tang's eyes could not help but bring a jealousy. Hong-wang is his only son. He doesn't know if he is destined to have only one son. Even if he does not have 8th Fu-Jin in the backyard, he also has a lot of newcomers to enter the government, but none of them can give birth to a child. Under such circumstances, if someone dares to move Hong-wang, he is afraid to fight with each other, so when Yin-Tang slams on Hong-wang, he suddenly does not know how to refute it.
     "What's wrong? 8th Prince Didn't just have a face to say that my brother had passed away? Now I am hesitant about my son. It seems that in the heart of 8th Prince, the younger brother's son can be counted!" Yin-Tang Twilight icy cold, looking at the gaze of the eyes is very bad.
     At this time, Yin-Tang couldn’t say a word. He is not a person inside or outside. He said that he can’t do it. He said that he can’t do it. He can only linger on the mourning. Quickly leave the scene, why not find fault. Can he find it? When he got the news yesterday, he knew that it was going to be bad. Originally, he also wanted to remind Yan to take care of Yin-Tang's revenge, but did not want Yin-Tang to take such a direct way to solve this problem.
     unwise! It’s too bad!
     However, since Yin-Tang has played the old 14th-self-handedly, this matter is a thing of the past, and he only needs to appease him. After all, depending on their current situation, crouching is the best choice.
     The act of losing something like yesterday will only make their situation more passive.
     Yin-Tang is not aware of the thoughts in my heart. If I know, I will definitely say that he thinks things too simple! He has to retreat because of the current situation, but whoever says that women can't be careful can't avenge.
     On the side of the royal study, Kangxi listened to Li Dequan's report, but nodded faintly, and did not say anything, and did not deliberately blame Yin-Tang, which is the default way of solving this problem.
     In fact, just retiring, Kangxi learned that Yin-Tang was punching, but his reaction was as light as it is now. Yesterday's thing Kangxi already knew, he was waiting to see Yin-Tang's reaction. He wants the scene of his brother and sister, Christine. Unfortunately, there is a chair under him.
     They are destined not to get along well.
     They just shot the Brother and they didn’t want to see them. It is precisely because of this that Kangxi will be allowed to leave Yin-Tang.
     I can't always let a side suffer, the old 14th really needs a lesson, and the Brother contest, lose can think of a way, but can not start to the child, this is taboo.
     "The emperor, this thing..." Li Dequan looked at Kangxi silent voice and could not help but Call.
     "So far." Kangxi picked up a memorial next to him and said a faint sentence. Obviously, he was standing on Yin-Tang's side for this matter.
     "Yes." Li Dequan rushed to Kangxi for a ceremony, stepping back a few steps, waiting to beside him, his face looked calm, but his eyes looked a bit complicated.

     Yin-Tang’s snoring in front of the Qing Palace was not heard for a while.
     The palace and the palace were wide-eyed and staring. What kind of reaction did Kangxi think?
     It’s a pity that they waited and waited. Kangxi reaction was nothing.
     The shackles of a single arm were also a stunned face. He thought he had broken his arm. Kangxi would look at his injured part anyway. Punish Yin-Tang. Who knows that he waits for the left, waits for the right, and does not see the movement. At this moment, he had to believe that he was really true. Imperial Father was very dissatisfied with his calculations yesterday.
     In fact, he did not regret yesterday's arrangement.
     The only thing that made him feel annoyed was that he was not prepared enough. If he succeeded in the life of Hong-min, don't say that he only broke his arm, that is, two pieces are broken. He also thinks value.
     The key is that they didn't want Hong-min's life.
     The other side was just an arm. Yin-Tang not only broke his arm, but even beat him for three days and could not get out of bed. It has not been exhausted until now.
     Every time I think about this, I hate to gnash my teeth, but what can he do? The current situation for him is that it is not smooth in all aspects.
     He can secretly calculate Yin-Tang, they can share their faces, but they have to admit that their concerns are justified. As long as people with long eyes can see that they are standing on the top now, it can be said that everything is a good thing. If there is no good opportunity, they may only watch the other person sit on the throne.
     Of course, this does not mean that they are going to give up. Sitting on the throne does not mean that you can sit on the throne. Many things happen with many accidents. For example, this time, he really can steal chicken without eroding the rice. . However, this does not mean that he will die, and he has paid so much. Even if he wants to turn back, it is very difficult.
     The so-called Ning is a chicken head, not a phoenix tail. When I walked to this step, I didn’t want to ask for anything from their side!
     It’s just that he still has some peace of mind in his heart. Although Yin-Tang interrupted his arm in front of everyone, in private, who can guarantee that he will not do anything to his sons. Don't look at selfishness and impulsiveness. For your mother, you can also throw aside and throw aside, but for his son, he still cares.
     In order to prevent Yin-Tang from secretly working on his sons, it was a rare trip to arrange a few sons around him. Sometimes he neglected himself, so he also followed the meaning of Yin-Tang and Wan-xi. .
     With the injury of theervants, the whole capital seems to have calmed down, but before everyone can really calm down, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang will take the soldiers to the northwest. For this matter, Kangxi himself attaches great importance to it, and he attaches importance to it. Who else dares not pay attention to this palace? Yes, this travel scene, Wan-xi, even if you don't look at it, knows that it will be more grand than the last one.
     In fact, the whole scene is as grand as Wan-xi thinks, not to mention the shackles of straight teeth, that is, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang as parties, if they are not psychologically prepared I am afraid that it is difficult to hold back my excitement.
     In the past, they performed well and it was difficult to get praise from others because there were even better Brother in front of them. Although they can think of it in their hearts, they still feel sorry, but at the moment, they are willing to reach it. In addition to satisfying the heart, they are grateful to Yan and Yin.
     Yin-Tang and Yan are standing not far away, looking at the serious Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, both of them are very emotional inside. As Brother, they are still very emotional about the two younger Brother. Whether they are in the past or the present, they have contact and they are put into the heart. Naturally, they can't be treated as they used to.
     This life can not only be that they feel satisfied, but also the people around them feel happy or true.
     Yin-Er followed Yin-Tang, Yu-Xiang followed, and all aspects have been paid. No matter what they do, these two younger Brother have never retreated. So, how can they have the heart to let their hearts regret? !
     "4th Prince! Thank you for your brother. If you are not you, the old ten and the old 13th are afraid that there will be no today." Yin-Tang said this truth, even though he first realized the inner thoughts of the two people. But the most powerful ones are still embarrassing.
     "9th Prince's words are not right.
     Thanks, you should also thank you for your brother. Whether it is Yin-Er or they are Brother, they owe you and Sao a lot. Especially this time, Hong-min And Hong-zhao, even if nothing happens, the thrills of this are not enough for outsiders. But for the brother, you have suffered a lot of grievances." This is true, a few Brother, he The most owed is the 9th Prince who only took part in this halfway.
     Yin-Tang looked at his eyes and saw his face stunned. He couldn’t help but smile: "4th Prince, some Brother really have to kneel down for the big picture. Some of the grievances are indeed biting their teeth, but as long as they If you have the opportunity, your brother will fight back, so 4th Prince really doesn't have to guilty about it."
     Yin-Tang will not tell him that this time the event is not just to interrupt the old 14th-all the arms, the good play is still behind! If you look at him so small, you can only say that they still don't know him very much. After all, they can be called 'Viper 9th Prince'. From here, it is not difficult to see that Yin-Tang is still very sharp. . Otherwise, there are so many Princes, people are not sages, they are the king of the king, why only he is called a 'venomous snake', without him, as long as the heart is enough.
     "4th Prince, some things are not your fault, nor the brother's fault. Only some people are too ignorant of the rules.
     This has caused irreparable mistakes. Although the younger brother has endured this cut for the overall situation, it does not mean this cut. It’s easy to go, and 4th Prince, don’t look at Wan-xi too low. When a mother is hurt, what can be done!” Yin-Tang has something to say. Looking at you, the smile on your mouth is somewhat intriguing.
     His face was slightly stunned. For Wan-xi, his impression was very good. He even had a silky fantasies about his mother. It can be said that Wan-xi gave him a long time but he pursued it.
     The most perfect answer, and at this moment Yin-Tang's words are like a sharp arrow in his heart, let him suddenly remember that Wan-xi is the most recognized image of his mother in his heart.
     “Is 9th-Sao going to take it out in person?” I asked Yin-Tang with some uncertainty.
     "Yes. Hong-min is no longer a life, Hong-zhao if there is no Hong-min protection, fear of death or disability. Brother can not do this, does not mean that she can not do it, after all. It’s not surprising that it’s a battle in the backyard. After all, the old 14th-you didn’t take it out personally, and the ones that came out were all straight out of 10th-Sao and two zhi-zi.” Yin-Tang is awkward and obviously doesn't look like what you are doing.
     A face is silent. Obviously, his actions against him are too invisible. If you are really fighting with him, whether it is death or alive, it is all your own skill.
     There is nothing to complain about. . But when it comes to family, how much people feel embarrassed, Jianghu people still know that sin is not as good as family, let alone they are just different political views.
     At the moment of the head, he looked at Kangxi not far away.
     The dragon chair under him was still dazzling, but the idea that they originally wanted to board this throne has changed. From the beginning, I wanted to realize my ambitions and fight for Kangxi gaze. Until now, for the sake of power, no one can say that they are wrong, but all the changes can't escape from creation.
     "This thing has been thought of by the brother. Since I didn't intend to control it at the beginning, I still don't care for my brother. If something is done, it should pay for it. It can't be because he is a brother." It should be different." This time, I really let go.
     For this brotherhood, he did not let Yin-Tang suffer aggrieved, but the intimate relationship could not stop. What's more, for ,   occupies only the advantage of blood. Others, telling the truth is really nothing.
     Yin-Tang listened to the words, the smile of the corner of the mouth became a lot deeper, he knew that the heart can always be exchanged for the heart, what about the Brother, they do not account for half of the blood? Based on what is old 14th-you can do whatever you want with more than half of the blood.
     “4th Prince rest assured that although his younger brother is a little embarrassed, he always has a life for him.” Yin-Tang said this, his mouth was faintly smiling, but his eyes flashed quickly.
     The silk is cold and cold.
     It wasn't that Yin-Tang suddenly became more generous, but when he saw the sullen face, he suddenly felt that it was better to torture people than to die.
     The blunt knife cuts the flesh and sees who is more embarrassed. On the heart, Yin-Tang does not think that he is worse than others, and as far as his means are concerned, as long as they win Di-victory, the future can be imagined.
     However, I don’t know what Yin-Tang really thinks. I only think that he still chooses to give in. He has a lot of emotions in his heart, so that afterwards, for Wan-xi they take action on them. It’s a cold-eyed look. After all, it’s about picking things up, wrongly swearing at them, not Wan-xi and others who are passively counterattacking. Yin-Tang didn't respond to seeing him here, thinking that he was the default. He didn't want to keep his hands for a while, but he really turned 14th-Prince House upside down.
     This result has to be said to be a beautiful misunderstanding, but in any case, both sides are very satisfied with this, and even because of this silk satisfaction, the inner gratitude is guaranteed, which also makes the relationship between them more solid. .
     In the field, when Yin-Er took over the soldier from Li Dequan, the whole person seemed to mature in an instant. It made people feel inexplicably reliable. It was the Kangxi who was sitting in the middle because of this scene. Nodded. Before that, he was worried that the reckless temper of Yin-Er could not shake people.
     This added an old thirteen. Now it seems that the son who has always been smashing in this memory has grown up.
     Can't tell what the taste is, but Kangxi is really relieved, but at the same time, when the heart is comforting, there will inevitably be a feeling of sorrow and a slight loss of slippery.
     The sons are growing up, and he is old. Some things, even if he wants to be in his own hands as in the past, is beginning to feel powerless. If this is not the case, how can he give up such an opportunity to send his son to battle with the North and the South?
     Yin-Er They don't know the thoughts of Kangxi heart. At this moment, they are ambitious and formally with a good expectation. Regardless of whether there is disappointment in the heart, the idea that they want to make a contribution is never shaken.
     Hey and Yin-Tang didn’t say anything, just watching Yin-Er quietly, they left, but when they turned away, they knew in their hearts that the opening of the army did not mean the end of the battle, but meant The battle began again. After all, the reserve military needs, such as grain and grass, will become Yin-Er weakness, and they can't let these block their footsteps.

     After the army’s departure, the capital became calmer. Yin-Tang’s life seemed to have calmed down a lot. It’s like Hong-min’s injuries have not happened at all, and Kangxi feels satisfied. Also let a straight-forward squatting person unconsciously unloaded the anti-heart. At this time, Shi 4th Fu-Jin Wanyan-shi came out of the palace and suddenly encountered a crazy horse. Because he was unprepared, he fell out of the carriage and broke his leg.
     This incident happened too suddenly, but no one doubted that Wan-xi was on them. After all, since the fight was beaten, Yin-Tang had no other moves, and today’s things happened so suddenly and hard. If you pull them up, you have to come up with evidence. Just rely on this red-mouthed white tooth to buckle your head, and you have to see if others are willing to pick it up.
     14th Fu-Jin didn't think much about it. After all, it was only her time to enter the palace today. It was not arranged long ago, so she didn't think much about her heart. It was only when she was unlucky, she really encountered a crazy horse.
     Theervants who can still stay at home to repair their wounds have their eyebrows bent, and they have a thoughtful look, which leads to the 10th Fu-Jin side.
     "Master, what's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong with this thing?" 14th Fu-Jin hurts his back and sweats coldly, but in the face of shackles, 14th Fu-Jin is uncomfortable and wants to The best face is presented to him.
     He snorted and Called. "Of course there is something wrong. Others may think that this happened to happen, but he thinks this is 9th Prince revenge!"
     Although the speculation is true, even if it is really not what Yin-Tang did, he would think so. He is narrow-minded, temperamental, and dark-minded. He subconsciously denies all others' goodness. Naturally, he thinks how to think about others and how to think about others.
     "But it was only a temporary rush to enter the palace today. It was not an early arrangement. Can this Junwang House still send people to stare at it all day long?" 14th Fu-Jin chuckled twice, apparently feeling that this conclusion is not very good. It is acceptable.
     He sneered twice, and he never heard the advice of others, and this time is no exception. So 14th Fu-Jin spoke, he didn't listen to all the sentences. On the contrary, they were more prepared for Yin-Tang, and they wondered if they would strengthen the protection of the next few sons.
     As for Yin-Tang, he did not believe it now. He felt that when Yin-Tang hit him, he said all the words just to let him relax his vigilance and get started. Even he feels that Yin-Tang must have other arrangements in the dark, but I don’t know who these arrangements are for? If he is still Wanyan-shi, he is not afraid, afraid that he is afraid of himself. Because of this, he felt even more uneasy.
     14th Fu-Jin Think about the recent things, there is nothing wrong with it. But 14th Fu-Jin knows in his heart that this cannot be said in a sly face. For so many years, she still knows a little about her husband. If he knows that he has determined it, he still persuaded him to end up. It is her bad luck. It is the little goblin in the backyard.
     Anyway, their contradiction with ZHong-Yong Junwang House has long been irreconcilable. Some things she said or not, the ending will not change, and she is more hopeful than the name of this 10th Fu-Jin. I can be the Queen.
     The outside world did not pay much attention to the injury of the 10th Fu-Jin.
     There was not even a single flaw in the palace. It has to be said that the 14th-Prince House people are not very likely to be seen in one aspect. Especially after Dessert’s silence, the whole 14th-Prince House in the palace has rarely taken the lead.
     When I received the news, my brows wrinkled involuntarily, and my heart was slightly confused, but it was revealed. As far as his understanding of Yin-Tang is concerned, Yin-Tang will not be able to personally work on a woman. Such a handwriting is by no means his. I really want to say that this is an accident, and he feels that there is such a violation.
     Yes, is it a violation? But what is the violation? He couldn't think of it at this time, but he felt that something was wrong.
     "Your Highness, 14th-Prince came over." Lin Cheng, who was waiting at the door of the study, carefully took the first steps after receiving the news from Xiao yan, and whispered his voice.
     The back of the hand behind him unconsciously shook his grip. After a moment, he let go of his hand and said faintly: "Please come in!"
     When the squatting arms appeared in front of the shackles, it was a sneak peek at the corners of the eyes. It has become so tossing, and he feels tired when he admire. How did he blink his eyes and felt that he was in control!
     "8th Prince, this time, the younger brother thinks that it is not easy to think about it. After thinking about it, I still want to find 8th Prince to ask for an idea." When I entered the study room, I consciously found a place to sit down. Home is the same.
     If it is not clear that this is his 8th-Prince House, he must think that he has gone to the wrong place, to 14th-Prince House!
     With his hands on his back, standing in a place not far from the hustle and bustle, the expression on his face was thoughtfully thought out. Obviously, he still had a place to think about it, so he did not refute the words, but he There are still some people who don’t believe that Yin-Tang will do this to make themselves unable to get down. However, some can't describe him with common sense. After all, if you involve a child, you can understand it without letting go. After all, this matter is placed on him, and even if he is put on the surface, he will certainly not be relieved.
     He turned to look at the side of the servant, seeing his face is not pleasant, could not help but shake his head. No matter what kind of situation this incident happened, it was all he himself provoked.
     The Old 9 is a loyalty to the loyalty, but it is absolutely not good to bully. In the past, he did have a lot of tolerance for him because of his previous sentiments, but he also saw that Wanyan-shi and Zizi were the soft ribs of the Old 9, and they were also anti-scale, and they must die.
     I don't know what to say when I think about it. For the authority in his hands, in order to win the Di victory, he did not choose the means, but he is at most to use the hands of other women to disturb the whole situation, did not take his own Di Fu-Jin and his son as a blind man. Every time I think about what I am doing, I don’t just ask myself one by one. Is such cooperation really reliable? However, some things have come to this step, and I am afraid that he will not be allowed to regret it.
     "Whether this is the Old 9, we must first have evidence to open this mouth, otherwise it will be on our side whether it is right or wrong." Act like impulsively before, because his patience is reaching the limit.
     Some things can be tolerated, but no one will endure forever. Even if he has endured for decades, no one has ever touched his bottom line, but he is not the same. He It’s just like trying to challenge someone bottom line, and grinding others’ patience.
     "This still needs some evidence. During this time, the only one has a contradiction with the Old 9. Isn't he who he will be? Master  still thought about how he changed his temper. Sure enough, this arm lost his arm. It’s a complete shield. His real purpose is that he hasn’t shown it yet.” He bit his teeth, and his mouth seems to be coming out from the depths of his throat, with the grief of a stock.
     "14th-brother, there is a saying that 8th Prince did not say that 9th Prince brother is fierce and fierce, but he is not inferior to the point of being followed by a woman in the house. Although this matter is still doubtful But the person who said that he is the man is him, 8th Prince can't believe it." The meaning of this sentence is very clear. Yin-Tang swears that he does not deny it, but to say that he is inferior, he can't confess.
     "What does the 8th Prince mean?" The rumored, the expression was stiff, and the heart was holding a smoldering fire but could not be made.
     What is the mean method? It’s hard to be Old 9 is not inferior, is he only inferior? At this moment, he began to wonder if he still remembers which side he is standing on.
     I don't want to say anything so ugly. In fact, when he receives the news, he will check it out. Although the result has not yet come out, but with his understanding of Yin-Tang, this is definitely not his shot.
     "14th-brother, 8th Prince doesn't have any special meaning, but 8th Prince hopes that you don't make your own claims, let alone act. You should know this time, you are not only annoying 9th Prince, you still I’m annoyed with the Imperial Father. It’s not a big deal for us to fight for death, but don’t involve the son-in-law and the son-in-law.
     This is the default. Don’t say that you don’t know.” The tone is a bit heavy, obviously he is warning that you should not act rashly. .
     I looked at my face with a stern expression, and I felt a sigh of relief, but I didn’t dare to turn my face. It is necessary to know that Deok’s actions as if he were completely silent have not been a blow to him. Although he regrets, he knows that this matter really wants to be saved. I am afraid that it is not an overnight event, so if he is to fall over again, Don't talk about it, even if you can't guarantee your own safety, you feel a little overhang.
     If you can't be angry, you can only resist it, and who knows if there is any follow-up, even if he doesn't want to, he has to let him help him to give it to the top. Otherwise, he will look like this now. It is appropriate to suffer losses.
     "Well, even if this is the fault of my brother, but the Old 9 is not interrupting my hand. If he doesn't want to forget about it, then he will get up! What is it like now? 8th Prince won't want to watch his brother's family die! "I don't see it hard, I am soft, and look at him. I want to help him clean up the mess."
     His brow furrowed more and more tightly, and he knew that something was too late to be taken, but he and he were already the grasshoppers on the ropes, and they couldn’t do everything. So this loss he not only has to eat, but also has to laugh and finish eating, and then put the stalls up.
     "Okay, this one will wait until the results come out! I am still saying that if you act rashly, then don't blame me for being unrequited. Ugly, let's talk about it first.
     The current situation is already very unfavorable. We have lost again and again. It’s no longer 4th Prince opponents. If you act like this blindly, then I’ll tell you something more, and this last chance is also ruined by you.” The tone is quite heavy.
     The words are like a sharp knife, so I feel that my face hurts.
     I looked at some shackles, and my heart was slightly confused. Although I didn't want to admit it, but he knew clearly, now they really can't stand the toss, especially Kangxi attitude, the cold is a bit too much, and they look at them. His eyes are getting colder and colder, and then he is afraid of it. He is afraid that the day he will be enthroned is the time of his death.
     "8th Prince rest assured! As long as this is the case, the younger brother promises to listen to you in the future, and never give up." The eyes turned a circle, and they served soft, but they did not slap the chest and loyalty.

     In the face of such unreliable partners, he is also ‘mute to eat Huang Lian, and he can’t say anything.
     Although he has already promised to help the situation, but some things are not what he promised, he will be able to do it immediately. After all, his opponent is not a fool. He has done the matter and put the evidence on the face to him. Moreover, things are not Yin-Tang's success, and even if you look straight on Yin-Tang, it is in vain.
     After all, in this matter, Yin-Tang really did not reach out, all the cuts were from the hands of Wan-xi, even Wan-xi used people to turn a few turns, If you want to find out with Yin-Tang, no, it should be said that it is related to ZHong-Yong Junwang House. It really takes a lot of effort. Otherwise, in addition to being dirty, this head can’t really be planted in Yin-Tang. Going up the head.
     Kangxi is placed in the eyeliner and the dark pile of the government. It can be detected naturally after a long time.
     The reason why he does not move is that he wants to do what they want by the black light and pass the message they want to pass. As this time, Wan-xi and Yin-Tang, since discussing the 14th-Prince House unforgettable lessons, it is impossible for the two to start when Kangxi is still staring at them.
     This is not, after a while, when all the winds and waves have subsided, and then a little bit of a scorpion, it can only be called bad luck.
     The weather was fine and the breeze was here, and even the coldness in the air made Wan-xi feel comfortable, especially when Ting-Rain came over and told her that the mission was completed, Wan-xi mood was even more Well, the lunch specially added a few dishes to the kitchen, and even the people who prepared the wine.
     It is important to know that Wan-xi rarely drinks alcohol, and sometimes it will prevent Yin-Tang from drinking less. Now she not only takes the wine, but also wants to drink a cup with Yin-Tang.
     It turned out that being a bad person is also a very happy thing.
     This world, not patience can be exchanged for respect, sometimes fists are more respectful than words and patience.
     Whether it is the last world or this world, Wan-xi is guarding his own bottom line. Everyone can leave a room for others to do things. Unless they are forced to do nothing, this will definitely counterattack and break the road of the other side. It is said that people have anti-scales, they must die, and they involve themselves. Wan-xi will not put people in the dead as long as they are not forced to the one, but if she moves her child, she will not be able to control it. too much.
     This time, it is really 14th Fu-Jin life, if she does not catch the carriage door in time, this time even if it does not fall, it must be kicked to death by the horse. But things can't be counted like this. All the arms and legs are trying to calm down. It's so easy. When they started to ask her children for their lives, it didn't hesitate. So, why should she be soft to them, and why should they leave room for them?
     The backyard is sinister, not a man or a woman, or a child, a bad life, a bad luck, it can only be a dead end.   and Wanyan-shi Since even their own children can use it, then this child is certainly not important to them. If they have already given birth, they will not say it. As for the future, Wan-xi has no intention to let There are still children born in 14th-Prince House. Anyway, it is sin. It is not even more troublesome to eliminate sin from the source.
     What is the leafy? Sons prosper? That can be any family, that is, it can't be 14th-Prince House.
     When Yin-Tang came over from the study, he was covered with a deep purple scorpion. When he arrived at the door, Lin-Chujiu was taken off. Compared with the gorgeousness of the past, Yin-Tang was wearing a fuchsia uniform.
     This color not only did not take away his grace, but on the contrary made him look more handsome and even more faintly more stable. .
     Wan-xi didn't get up to meet him, but smiled and picked up the jug and filled the two glasses, and it seemed that he couldn't wait to share the good news with him.
     When Yin-Tang came in, she noticed the smile on Wan-xi face. Although she got the news before, she just didn't think she would be so happy. Anyway, let's not say that Wan-xi really has a set. If it wasn't for his prior knowledge, I would have to take a lot of effort to find it. After all, he didn't even think that Wan-xi would actually This way to deal with the 10th Fu-Jin, not to mention the singer who always put his gaze on him.
     “Is it so happy?” Yin-Tang looked at her like this, couldn’t help but feel funny, striding to sit next to her, raising her hand and holding a glass of wine, sipping a mouthful, the mouthful of mellow made him somewhat tight The nerves are slightly relaxed.
     Wan-xi once again filled Yin-Tang with wine, waited to put down the jug in his hand, raised the reddish lips, and suddenly two shallow pear vortexes appeared on the cheeks, sweet as if infiltration Enter the heart.
     The white and delicate hands cling to the wine glasses, the faint scent of the wine is overflowing, and she does not have the slightest drink to make her feel slightly guilty. Yin-Tang is about to talk to Wan-xi, and see Wan-xi action.
     There is an indescribable elegance. I couldn’t help but see the idiot. Wan-xi snorted, and the pungency that was different from the scent of the wine made her frown slightly. When she turned her head, she saw Yin-Tang’s look, and she thought that she had just drank. In the act, the eyebrows could not help but flash a slap in the face, and said: "In the eyes of the whole body, as long as it is possible to do it, it is worthwhile to protect the Lord and the children."
     Yin-Tang put down the glass in his hand, his face was slightly stiff, but looking at Wan-xi eyes was as soft as dripping water.
     The moment of raising her hand gently touched her soft cheeks, and the warm touch from the fingertips made him quite in love.
     "It’s all right, it’s not that you should be so tired.” Yin-Tang frowned, and he was more and more embarrassed when he got the news.
     "What do you mean by this? I like this feeling of doing something for my grandfather and the children. Although I would rather do nothing, as long as you are good, but some things will not be as I wish." The second thing is just the beginning, and I won’t stop here. After all, they have to be Hong-min their lives, and they are just doing it to make them suffer.” Wan-xi voice There was a resentful resentment in her voice. Her voice just fell, and the glass that was originally held in her hand could not help but put it in her lips and drunk the wine inside.
     Yin-Tang looked at the anger and resentment in Wan-xi eyes. She did not comfort herself. Instead, she patted her back in a soothing manner and then picked up the jug to help her pour. Although he did not want to see her tired, compared to this, he is even more reluctant to see her hiding things. He would rather have someone else feel sad, and he doesn't want her to be unhappy. It is awkward, and the newspaper still only pays interest, and the principal will help him to come back soon.
     "If you feel uncomfortable in your heart, then spread out the gas. Don't say that you are more careful than what you imagined, that is, it is not at all careful, and there is still a lord behind you to help you clean up. It will be at the end of the year, Hong- Min They don’t go back to the palace this year. If you study, there is also a Teacher in the house. In the coming year, the grandfather will arrange things and then go to the palace to study.
     The Imperial Father is older and the heart becomes softer. He couldn't see the blood, then the man would keep the person first. As for the account between us and the old 14th-they will come back sooner or later." Yin-Tang sneered, apparently In his opinion, Wan-xi move and the next move are just out of the air.
     Wan-xi nodded, and the expression on his face was full of understanding of what Yin-Tang did, in case he didn't believe it, she couldn't help but raise her voice: "I believe in this! The thing is 4th-Sao and both children are just accomplices.
     The real culprit is 14th-Ye. Since 14th-Yu is not valued to children, then 14th-Prince House will not have new life again. Good children."
     Her voice just fell, Yin-Tang's face could not help but reveal a trace of sorrow, apparently he did not think that Wan-xi would put his idea on it. In the backyard, he did not intervene. After that, he was completely isolated for Wan-xi. For a long time, he forgot that the means in this backyard were not much better than the court.
     If you don’t mention these medicines, you can say that the calculations between women are really not to be seen. Men are not necessarily compared to women.
     This point is based on the information of the courts of the courts that he has mastered. It is not difficult to see that this woman's ingenuity has never been lower than that of men, and sometimes even worse.
     The battle between them is always supported by status, power, silver and courtiers. It is said to be a face-to-face game, and the struggle between women is often based on small blogs and low status. Even if it is to be a family temper, it is not without.
     Therefore, compared with their simple and rude, women in the backyard are better at killing people invisible, and even taking away the most important things of the other person without even knowing.
     Yin-Tang’s brow slightly wrinkled, and his face showed a deep thought. After a moment, he said: “Good idea! His son is a son, and his son can only be more refined than his son. Expensive. He is so unscrupulous, afraid that he is young and has not thought about the consequences, so it is not impossible to break his back!"
     Yin-Tang’s words are completely considered from the perspective of Wan-xi, as long as she is happy, let alone just kneel down.
     The medicine is to kill his life, and he has no sorrow and hesitation. After all, the contradiction between them has long been irreconcilable. In particular, he still wants to work on his son. He can't vent his anger, and he can't help but stop his woman.
     Wan-xi saw that he did not hesitate, the smile on his face could not help but deepen, she wanted to be his support, as for other people to see, she really did not care.
     "As long as I don't mind, I will let my hands and feet go. I say that women are awkward women. After this time, as long as 14th-Sao is honest, she is no longer looking for her. As for 14th Prince, The newspaper still reported a small report, and the small injury and pain would not be saved anyway!" When Wan-xi said this, there was a hint of coldness in his tone, apparently just under it.
     The medicine does not make the anger in Wan-xi heart disappear.
     She hung her eyes and covered her eyes, and when she looked up, she had a soft smile on her face. Her eyes fell on Yin-Tang’s face, and the eyes were cold before the eyes were gone. It has to be softened.
     Doesn't the world say that women's hearts are under the sea? Since it can't be guessed, then don't guess, because she finds that a woman with a secret can see a woman more than her eyes. It is more attractive to a man's gaze. It is like her in the last world and her in this world. However, there is a fundamental difference.
     It may be really happy, or it may be really interesting. In the past, Wan-xi, who was drinking Yin-Tang, was drunk soon after noon. Yin-Tang did not stop her. On the contrary, she was very happy to accompany her.
     The two of you had a cup of me and it was a great drink. I don't know if Yin-Tang is drinking alcohol, or I want to accompany her to drink. Anyway, when he puts down the glass, his thoughts are still clear, but the whole person's actions are not listening to the command. Finally, he called Lin Chujiu and Ting-Rain and others, this took him and Wan-xi into the inner room to rest.

     When Wan-xi wakes up again, the sun has already gone down, and there is a voice coming from outside the house. Wan-xi listens to the sounds of several children, and can't help but Call, see Ting Rain, they came in with toiletries.
     "But Hong-min, are they coming?" Wan-xi stood up, and they were dressed by Ting-Rain, and they asked.
     Ting-Rain, they walked on the floor and waited for Wan-xi to dress.
     They whispered back and said: "Yes. Several small Your Highness got up after class, I heard that Fu-Jin is still resting, Hong- min Prince will play with a few "Jiji" Prince!"
     Wan-xi looked at the clothes on her body and sat in front of the dressing table in front of the dressing table. Ting-Qin helped the dressing and looked at herself in the mirror.
     The cheeks were reddish and I saw that I just fell asleep. I thought that I also drank a lot of Yin-Tang at noon, I couldn't help but ask: "What about you?"
     "When you come back to Fu-Jin, Your Highness went to the study room before the time, saying that he would come over during the dinner.
     The nubi would like to come over later." Ting-Rain handed the screw to Wan xi hands, wait for her to wipe the face, took it and put it in the basin, this is back.
     Wan-xi heard that her face was slightly hot. When she learned that her plan was successful, she was really happy. She only felt that she could protect Yin-Tang and a few children in addition to protecting herself. She feels that she has to pay more. In short, her mood at the time was extremely complicated, but now think about it, and occasionally drunk on the field, there is nothing wrong with it, at least that moment she really forgot the sorrow.
     Ting-Rain didn't know the idea of ​​Wan-xi, his hands were busy, and his mouth didn't stop for a moment, saying that Yin-Tang got up and told them not to quarrel with Wan-xi, and said Yin-Tang When I was drunk, I remember that people were prepared to sober up the soup and feed her. It made the Wan-xi mouth more and more curved.
     The whole person didn't just look good, obviously it was very good.
     When Wan-xi was finished, when I came out from the inner room, I saw Yin-Tang holding a little daughter and talking to a few children on the donkey. From their words, it is not difficult to hear Yin-Tang asking them. In daily life, I care about the psychology of a few little guys, so that they can provoke their relationship with ulterior motives where they don't notice. Some things can't be ignored. If you wait until something happens, you can't wait for the child to stay in your heart.
      '1st Jiji' and '3rd-Jiji' are good children, plus Wan-xi pays attention to their education, and the people who arrange the waiters around them are also picking the rules and rules, and To prevent these people from being distracted, Wan-xi is often not a good candidate. In the dark, Ting-Rain is also sent to pay more attention. If the child has problems with her, she can help solve it, but if someone makes waves, then she is not a good calculation.
     "Master ." Wan-xi Called and yelled at Yin-Tang. When he nodded, he sat down on his knees.
     A few children see Wan-xi, immediately rushing to Wan-xi, regardless of the standard of action, anyway, people will unconsciously raise a smirk.
     "Is the head still hurting?" Yin-Tang took Wan-xi hand and looked at his face with a soft face leaning against him. Yin-Tang's heart could not help but soften and looked at her. His eyes are also more gentle.
     "It doesn't hurt." Wan-xi shook his head slightly, thinking of Ting-Rain saying something, Wan-xi was sweet, if not a few children still, she was afraid to make it The little temper went into the arms of Yin-Tang.
     Don't look at the couples of Wan-xi and Yin-Tang for so many years, the feelings between the two are not lost because of time. On the contrary, they are more and more sweet and deep, and they are more than the newly married Yaner. . It can be said that Yin-Tang is really holding Wan-xi in the palm of his hand. No matter how she died, Yin-Tang followed her and never became angry.
     The feeling is like deliberately wanting Spoiled her, spoiled the heavens and the earth only he can tolerate her cut.
     "It’s not painful. I just asked, it’s said that the dinner is ready. Since you are already up, let them prepare the meal! They just said that they are hungry, if they are not stopped, At this moment, I was afraid that I would have a snack." Yin-Tang put a group of arms in his arms and reached out to call Lin-Chujiu, let him tell others to prepare meals.
     After Lin-Chujiu took the lead, Wan-xi got up with Yin-Tang and took a few children out of the room and walked to the hall.
     At dinner, Yin-Tang and Wan-xi didn't talk about anything.
     The topics all revolved around a few children. Listening to them said that the daily little things, whether happy or unhappy, Wan-xi is I am very glad that they can tell their own troubles to themselves. Every time she sees the child's pure and totally trusting eyes, she always feels that the cuts she has made before are worthwhile.
     When Wan-xi gaze fell on the side of '3rd-Jiji', he suddenly thought of Hui-Ru. It’s really not a duty person. Don’t look down on this time, just give it. She has a chance, she will still come out, this point can be seen from the person she repeatedly wants to buy "3rd-Jiji".
     If Hui-Ru simply wants to follow the '3rd-Jiji' mother-in-law, Wan-xi can't stop it. After all, mother-daughter nature, but Hui-Ru is a bad idea. If not Wan-xi picks up all of them, '3rd-Jiji' is afraid that it is difficult to maintain the pure temper as it is now.
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi, who shook her head from time to time. She saw the expression on her face unpredictable, but she did not say it on her mouth, but she wrote it down. After the dinner, even if the children were big, Wan-xi still had two families in the yard. I want to come to this habit, not to be a child, I am afraid that it will not be lifted!
     The eyes were deep at night, and the weather was getting colder and colder. Yin-Tang sent people back. Turning around and holding Wan-xi hand, I felt that the softness in my hand was a bit cold. He couldn't help but use his strength to wrap her hand in his palm.
     "When I was eating dinner, my grandfather saw that your face was not good, but what was wrong, or what did the woman in the backyard have?" Yin-Tang took her hand and sat down on her knees, seeing her low.
     The appearance of the eyebrows, the bottom of my heart could not help but soften, could not help but take her into her arms, palms on her back, slowly rubbing, the voice is soft and soft, but full of care for her.
     Wan-xi licked his neck, his face was buried in his neck, and he licked it gently. Her heart became sweet and soft because of his care. She didn't want to say this to Yin-Tang, but since he asked her, she didn't want to stare at him. In this world, she can lie to everyone, but she does not want to lie to him, because this world is only a rare heart. If she gets it, she must take good care of it instead of arbitrarily consuming this sincerity.
     When Wan-xi returned to God, seeing Yin-Tang's face looking at himself gently, he could not help but say: "14th-Prince really cares about his son at this time, and a few sons put a lot of people around him. It is a pity that the goal of the whole body is not aimed at the children, so there is no disobedience. On the contrary, this backyard has not been said before. Recently, I heard that Guolu Luo-shi is moving frequently, and it is buying straight. Ning Chu-Kee people, these formerly don't care, because she is the birth mother of Ning Chu-Kee, and the second is because Ning Chu-Kee is still small, some things still do not understand, said also Bai said that what I should do is to manage the people around her. But now Ning Chu-Kee is big, many things are in a state of ignorance, it is when there is a kind of learning, I am not afraid of her close to her mother. However, I am afraid that Guolu Luo-shi has ulterior motives."
     Wan-xi once said that for the children in the house, she may not be as good as herself, but she will do the same. It is also the same now, she respects each child's choice, but does not want to carry a black pot that does not belong to her. Guolu Luo-shi is obviously another picture, how could she give her a chance. Only some things are not suitable for quietly, but it is not suitable for her to take the idea alone. Even if Yifei has long since ignored, she can't casually dispose of Guolu Luo-shi privately.
     "Ning Chu-Kee people are dealing with it? This backyard thing should be handled by you, but if you feel it is tricky, then send someone to stare at her, wait until she does something that should not be done, then Let her dispose of it!” Yin-Tang’s face was a little disapproving. It’s obvious that he never really put Hui-Ru in his heart, and he repeatedly endured it. It’s just Yifei face.
     "The mother-in-law can be there..." Wan-xi swallowed a bit of uncomfortable breathing. Obviously, she really didn't have any hope for the relationship between her and her.
     Some people have a relationship, and some people have no fate even if they come together, such as Yifei and Wan-xi, obviously start to be good, but after no matter how Wan-xi does, Yifei is not satisfied, and Wan xi I don't want to grieve myself anymore, so that the relationship between the two goes further and further. However, Yin-Tang did not care about this at all, and did not force Wan-xi, so the relationship between them was so stiff. I just don't know if the new emperor will be enthroned in the future. If Yifei does not choose 5th-Prince House, then to this 9th-Prince House, how should they get along?
     "No need! A Shiqie, no need to do this." Yin-Tang is just a name, so that Yifei can answer it one day.
     For the women in the backyard, Yin-Tang has adopted a laissez-faire attitude.
     There is no such thing as willingness or reluctance, and there is no such thing as careless. After all, except for a Wan-xi, no one is what he wants. But Kangxi, no, it should be said that the royal rules give this cut.
     "But she is the mother of Ning Chu-Kee. If she is disposed of, she will inevitably be in the future..." There is already a Moya-qi, and Wan-xi does not want to take another Ning Chu-Kee.
     Some things can be avoided, she can handle the woman in the backyard, but can not handle a few children, simply these 2nd Miss are going to marry in the future, whether it is staying in Capital City or marrying other places, she tried to be theirs Seeking a good home, as for others, see if they believe her Di-mother and Yin-Tang Ama.
     "There is nothing to worry about. Since she is looking for death, she will be able to complete her directly." Yin-Tang flashed a cold heart, apparently he had no patience for the woman in the backyard.
     Wan-xi sees the attitude of Yin-Tang, and her heart is slightly relieved.
     The reason why she acts like this is that Yin-Tang will endure for Hui-Ru and others for Yifei. Fortunately, it is not only her who lost patience with these women, but Yin-Tang himself.
     Relying on Yin-Tang's arms, Wan-xi did not say anything, but his heart sighed deeply.
     The more she came to the end, the more uneasy her heart was.
     The change in this world was too much. Even she was not sure whether the final result was as she thought, plus 14th-Prince to Hong-min Hands-on, forced Wan-xi attitude to be tough.
     "Master, this thing in the northwest, the situation is not clear, the things of the Courtyard, I don't understand, but the body of Imperial Father seems to be getting worse and worse, I am afraid..." The last 8th-Prince Can climb to that position, but as long as I think that Yin-Tang is getting busy, Wan-xi knows that relative to the last world, this world is more disadvantageous for 8th-Prince, so smart he will definitely not Hard hit, then the final result is definitely crouching, seeking the opportunity, when everyone feels that the dust has settled, smashing a knife.
     "Don't be afraid, Lord understands what you mean, and the Lord is also straightforward to stare at 8th Prince." Yin-Tang has been with Auntie for so many years, how could he not understand his thoughts.
     There are only a few things, when they are not really in the Lord, it is very difficult to do something for others! You must know that even if you sit in that position, there is no name that is justified. If you want to move and swear, don’t say the people behind them, that is, people on their side are afraid that some people will oppose it!


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