Chongqie Courting Death Daily 410

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     Yin-Tang is very fast, and now he can benefit from the unintentional arrangement of Yu-the Empress Dowager, as if he got the most detailed list at Fat Mama at the moment, and he could not arrange it. Both the Yonghe Palace and the Jingren Palace are in existence, which makes his plan simple and smooth.
     In the cold palace for half an hour, in order not to attract the attention of others, Yin-Tang went out to the Qiankun Palace.
     Yifei sees Yin-Tang and is happy. She is very careful about her daughter-in-law, but she is really very concerned about her son. When she opened her mouth, she did not try her best.
     "This palace heard that you came over early, waited and waited, but what happened?" Yifei reached for his cup of tea and pushed the tea pot forward, he could not help but ask a sentence.
     Yin-Tang didn't want to mention the things in the cold palace. After all, according to his plan, after waiting for this, he was still ready to return Yu Pei to Wan-xi. He knew in his heart that after the incident, the forces in his hands would eventually be handed over to him, in order to reduce trouble and to avoid mutual suspicion.
     This force is in the hands of Wan-xi, but it is an invisible guarantee for them.
     "When I was in the Qing Family, the old 14th-blocked the 4th Prince, accused the 4th Prince of being unfilial, and the son had a few arguments with him. He felt a little bad, and he made a turn in the palace." Yin-Tang looks inadvertently I returned a sentence.
     Yifei didn't care too much. In this palace, there is still no one who dares to openly deal with Prince. Even if he is repeatedly confronted with the virtues of Defei , it is only a verbal flower. If it is not good, it will be a fine, or a life. It’s just that some things have actually ruined themselves even if they didn’t affect themselves.

     Speaking of embarrassment, it is inevitable that I will think of Defei , who has been fighting for nearly half a lifetime, even if the other side is no longer beautiful than before, but this does not mean that the other party is not threatening. In fact, Yifei can now pay more attention to the movement of Yonghe Palace than in the past. Not only because of Yin-Tang's request, but also she does not want to let the De-yi who are hard to be suppressed continue to climb again.
     "It is really funny to accuse the fourth child of being filial.
     The palace is afraid of being able to enjoy the old 14th-the blessing of the old 14th-the true 14th-there is no place to go. Something goes to the Yonghe Palace every day, no If you don’t enter the palace, you can go to the palace without going to the Yonghe Palace.
     This explains what it means, and it’s not important for the old 14th. Go. It’s the fourth, but it’s a pity.” Yifei words are not biased, and they are sensible. Basically, most of the people in the palace are thinking like this. It’s obvious that Defei  urgency is really There is no room left, not even afraid of others watching jokes.
     Yin-Tang took a sip of tea and scorned it.
     The evaluation of Yifei is undecidable. In fact, everyone knows this kind of thing, but it is only a matter of fact, it is put on the side. If Yin-Tang is different, maybe he is also like everyone else now, and he doesn't care about himself. He hangs high. It is a pity that he has already entered the game and has stood on this side, so he will not allow others to call his idea again.
     Yifei didn't even think about what Yin-Tang said to himself. He complained a few words and turned the topic to other things. Talking about the movements in the palace, everything is the same, no matter how small.
     Yin-Tang became more and more frowning, and Yifei began to say that he knew that there was nothing to pay attention to. On the other hand, there was a lot of movements in Defei , but it involved Huimin, which made him somewhat accident. Mentioning Hyelin, it is impossible to mention 1st-Prince. At present, the two sides are still in a state of cooperation. It is impossible to have problems, but now it has just started.
     "Mother, what is the purpose of Hui Min? Is she trying to please both ends or is there another picture?" Yin-Tang wrinkled his eyebrows and asked in a tone of incompatibility.
     When Yifei saw his appearance, he knew that he had misunderstood, and he explained with a voice: "It’s not that Hui Min has another picture, nor is she thinking about both sides, but what is the plan for Lao Ba. For the old eight, at most, it can only be a virtual and a snake, and you can't open it."
     Yin-Tang heard that some of the insatiable sighs, and then said: "Whether it is a virtual and a snake, or ulterior motives, my son only cares if she still wants Big Prince to be better. Some things go wrong. Opportunity. Mother, the son is going to sing a big play, and take advantage of this opportunity to test the true heart of these people."
     Yifei looked at Yun-Tang, who was strategizing, and sighed a little, not to say anything in her mouth. She still had some sighs in her heart. I am proud of my son's responsibilities, and I sigh that I am old. Although my mood is somewhat contradictory, she still knows what she wants to do.
     Lin-Chujiu is waiting for him, because Yifei and Yin-Tang can hear him clearly because he is close.
     These words are nothing to listen to, but he is inexplicably listening to a burst of blood, apparently the previous Yin-Tang's move in the cold palace made him affected.
     As long as I think that Yin-Tang will have a big move, Lin-Chujiu can't help but swallow, not to see that he is not affected on the surface, but he knows that this time is different from the previous ones. Although Lin-Chujiu is very curious about the meaning of the jade, but he knows that there is something about Your Highness, the nubi can't ask, otherwise he will reprimand and lose his life.
     Yin-Tang didn't notice the expression of Lin-Chujiu. He looked at Yifei face and thought of it. He shook his fist and reminded him: "As long as the mother-in-law is the same as usual, as for others, if it is really loyal. My son will not treat them badly, but if you have ulterior motives, then you can't blame your son's heart."
     "Whether it is good to be able to measure loyalty. After all, this person is unpredictable, and no one knows what the other person is thinking!" Yifei looked pale and apparently agreed with Yin-Tang's caution.
     The ever-changing people in this house can guarantee that the people around you will always stand on their side.
     This person, everyone has a weakness, just to see if it has been caught, is awkward, some things do not look too real, and occasionally test a lot, this heart is always more assured.
     Lin-Chujiu looked at the mother and son with a firm and slightly synchronized expression.
     They were sighing in their hearts.
     They were not mothers and sons.
     This thought, this consciousness, no one can catch up. It is no wonder that people are the Lord and he is a servant.
     Yin-Tang, their mother and son did not say too long, Yin-Tang counted himself to spend time in the palace, because he had been to the cold palace before, so he did not stay in the Qiankun Palace for too long, just stay After almost half an hour, I got up and took Lin-Chujiu out of the palace.
     On the side of the Qing Palace, Kangxi sat in a dragon chair without saying a word, and the whole body was full of low pressures that were not close to the living. Li Dequan and others swayed their heads and looked at them.
     They were always on the sidelines, cautiously, fearing that they would not be angered by Kangxi.
     "Li Dequan, you said that you are too soft-hearted, so that they can use the words of as a whisper again and again!" Kangxi suddenly Called and scared the palace people in the hall, including the named Li Dequan. Unconsciously shaking his body.
     Li Dequan stood beside him, his body squatting slightly, but he did not say anything, because he knew that Kangxi was not his answer.
     Kangxi did not want Li Dequan's answer. His mood at this time was very complicated. He was reluctant to give up his flesh.
     This is his son, who is a big blow to him, but he did not give them a chance, just take the fourth, they did not start the fourth, It is decided after constant observation and temptation, not biased, but the old 14th-he did not spend his mind, but this son does not take the right path, only wants to take shortcuts, plus heart-minded I am also impulsive, so how can I afford this big job.
     When I think of it, Kangxi can't help but feel a lot of emotions, but it is not so much that he blames his son's bad heart, it is better to say that he hates moral education. Treating children and teaching bad children, how can this result make Kangxi not think again?
     "Li Dequan... Forget it, this matter has to be prepared again. If you act rashly, it will cause a lot of speculation." Kangxi Called and then interrupted himself.
     As an emperor, he has to worry too much about things, and he can't easily shoot, otherwise he will be wrong, even if he is affected.
     The harem says that it has nothing to do with the previous Family. In fact, it is closely related and closely related. He wants to dispose of Defei , even if Desheng has no family to rely on, but she still has a son, and there are support ministers behind her son. When I want to settle things, I am afraid that it is not so easy.
     The chance of a problem between the four...
     Li Dequan stood by and listened to Kangxi silently, even though he had a slight thought in his heart, but Your Highness did not ask, and he did not say that this kind of thing was not a return twice.
     Although Kangxi is eager to settle this cut, he will not act recklessly. What is important now is the war in the northwest.
     This war has been dragged on for a long time. If you drag on it, it will make those who are already eager to move out of their claws. If it is normal, he is not afraid, but now is not a good time, so he has to stabilize first. Live the situation. It’s just this candidate. At the beginning, he is the 14th old-fashioned, but now it seems that the old ten and the old 13th are more suitable.
     Among his sons, riding the best, the most heroic is the boss, followed by the Old 9, all aspects are good, it is not a matter, no, it should be said that in addition to making money, other things he does not Heart, let's talk about the old ten, heroic is heroic, that is, the brain is stupid, will not turn, afraid to hold back, and the old thirteen, the strategy is good, riding is also good, is too benevolent, not decisive, and finally said The old 14th-, all aspects are still OK, but this is not the only way. To put it bluntly, the identity of the person to be dispatched is set to be expensive. He is old, and his peers are not absent, or the body is not working, and although his son is more, he has to use less and less.
     In addition, since I don’t worry about sending a single one, I will send two comprehensive ones, and complement each other can also become a big event. In his fancy candidate, the relationship between Lao Shi and Lao XIII is obviously more harmonious, and he is old and old. 13th-temper, not to make any moths.
     "Li Dequan, the rest of the folds have been moved over." Reaching his hand and pressing the eyebrows, Kangxi reached out and ordered the royal case, Yang Sheng commanded.
     His emperor sat high, and he must look far. Some things, although he is also involuntarily, but he should not do what he should do, even if he sometimes does something wrong, but he can not repent, otherwise it will only make things worse and worse. After all, the prestige of his emperor can not be damaged, or who else can serve him in the future.
     Li Dequan listened to Kangxi instructions and immediately moved. Whatever Kangxi thinks and decides, he only knows that he has to do what the Lord wants. As for whether it is right or wrong, it is not something he should consider.

     In the evening, after the sun slowly descended, the warmth of the sun was reduced, adding a bit of coolness in early spring.
     It’s said that the spring is lacking in autumn, and Wan-xi, who spent a few days sorting out the books, is lying on the beautiful couch at the moment, Ting-Rain is sitting in front of the couch, holding a beautiful woman in his hand. Hey, don’t give her a kick.
     The expressions of both the master and the servant seem quite comfortable. From time to time, Wan-xi will pick up two paragraphs that she thinks are not bad, and Ting-Rain discusses the Tucao. Ting-Rain does not see it. Content, always guessing wildly, even adding some content she thinks, and often Calling Wan-xi.
     When you come to me, the behavior is naive, but it does not prevent them from having fun.
     The content of the book is actually a thousand laws, not the rich Miss and the poor boy, the daughter of the big Young Master and the fallen County-Graduate. In short, the result is that the sparrow turns into a phoenix and turns into a flying branch.
     That being said, it does not prevent Wan-xi from using these things to pass the time. After all, life is alive. You should not only take care of those troubles, but should find some fun to make yourself more happy.
     Just as Wan-xi was able to see the momentum, suddenly I felt that Ting-Rain's action stopped. Although it didn't make much difference between the squat and the squat, the feeling of quietness made her a little difficult to concentrate and put down the block. In front of the book, Wan-xi is trying to speak, and she sees a face that looks like a smile and smiles at her Yin-Tang.
     "Ye! When did you come back, why didn't you say anything." Wan-xi exclaimed, and he couldn't help but sit up, but the action was too fast, almost fell off the couch, so Yin-Tang eyes fast, long When the arm stretched out, she took her to her arms.
     Yin-Tang took her to sit back again, and turned to look at Ting-Rain's eyes. Ting-Rain retired and the two of them were left in the room.
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi up and down, and she didn't see it when she saw her.
     The look on her face eased slightly. Reaching out and picking up a book, I swept my eyes and looked at her with a smile. He whispered: "Isn't that these stories are not new? How come you look?"
     Wan-xi subconsciously looked at the words in his hand, but it was really nothing new, but without looking at these things, she would feel a lot less fun.
     This year, it is not easy for a woman to go out, but she doesn't like to listen to the drama, and she doesn't like to go out to socialize. She can say that she is not interested in what she likes to do now. Instead of going out to fight with people, don't be a girl, she would rather hold this new idea, and this book is the same as Ting-Rain.
     "When I was busy with the books, the children had classes to go to, and the father was busy with government affairs every day. If he didn't like socializing, he could only pick what he could do." Wan-xi habitually pulled him.
     The big palm, the small hand holding his big palm, his face showing a few delicate expressions, listening to the tone is like complaining, but the high mouth of the mouth represents her mood is very good at this time.
     Yin-Tang looked at her sly look, and couldn't help but lick her eyes. Obviously, he was distressed by the days when Wan-xi was in the backyard. Concubine in the backyard was so angry that she was tired of him. He didn't like it.
     There were too many things in the house. She was too busy to ignore herself. He didn't like it. At this moment, she was too boring in the house, and he also felt bad.
     "When you handle the things in the palace, you will take you to Zhuangzi. As for the capital, it may not be possible in the near future." Yin-Tang's tone was a little bit sloppy, and his expression became a bit bleak. It was only this road that he chose. He had to keep going, and as his Di Fu-Jin, Wan-xi had to accompany him straight.
     Wan-xi expression was slightly embarrassing. Obviously, she did not expect that her words would cause Yin-Tang's embarrassment. She doesn't really think that there is anything wrong with such a day. Even compared to the last life, such a day is simply a luxury. She will complain, but she wants to spoil him and attract his attention. She does not want to make him feel I am guilty of her.
     "I said this is not to make my father feel embarrassed. I said that I want to let my grandfather stay with me in my spare time. If you are there, you don't want to go anywhere." Wan-xi The light flashed, and the small face was slightly smeared with a blush. It seems that even if the two are in the same place for many years, she can still talk about these numbness, she still feels uncomfortable.
     Yin-Tang is full of affection for her, and she is full of tenderness. He held her soft and lightly. Wan-xi looked at his awkward appearance, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter. Four eyes are opposite, Wan-xi leans back slightly in his arms, and Yin-Tang habitually takes her waist, and even the body automatically adjusts her movements so that she can rely more on her. Comfortable.
     Speaking of it, Yin-Tang went to Wan-xi, except for the beginning of the year, in the days after, he did not say that Wan-xi was obedient, but it was also a favorite.
     “Tricky words.” Yin-Tang reached out and touched her fleshy cheeks, pinched it with a little effort, and put down the silky scorpion.
     Wan-xi whispered softly, like a lazy cat, habitually squatting in the arms of Yin-Tang.
     "Yes, I’m going to see you in the palace today. You can’t think of how much the Empress Dowager left you. I thought that I’ve been running big enough for these years, but I don’t want to give this to the Empress Dowager. Surprise, I realized that I just glimpsed the tip of the iceberg.” Yin-Tang squinted her arm slightly tight, and the voice was alive.
     Wan-xi saw him like this, and he could not help but reach him to the beauty couch, and she lay on his lap and made enough room for him.
     "I can help my grandfather, to Yu-the Empress Dowager's mind, since I have received it, I will definitely help the Empress Dowager." Wan-xi whispered a sentence and looked up subconsciously. Looking at it, I saw Yin-Tang's gaze looking straight at her. Four eyes were opposite, and Wan-xi could not help but raise a pleasant smile.
     It’s really not easy for them to get to where they are today. In particular, Yin-Tang didn’t know how much to do in order to make her live well, and Wan-xi took a look at her eyes and remembered it. But he blamed himself for not being able to help him. After all, this battle of Di is fierce, and she is more aware than anyone else. Even if there are many deviations in this world, it means the war of the last world, and this world will not continue.
     "These things don't interfere, but there is something to help, don't forget to tell the Lord." Yin-Tang did not ask the Empress Dowager's wish what it was, just whispered to Wan-xi, when it was difficult. Don't die, she still has him behind her.
     Wan-xi nodded and said that she was not the kind of person who liked to be stubborn. It can be said that Wan-xi was raised and raised.
     The girl like her has not much opinion. What she sees and hears is too limited. If it is not too terrible in the past, she will not become this. It’s thorough, but she still a little woman who wants someone to rely on her.
     Outside the door, Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Rain Ting-Qin are kept outside, the three are acquaintances, plus the feelings of Yin-Tang and Wan-xi are good, come and go, three People have also accumulated some friendship. Without prejudice to Your Highness's orders, they will secretly exchange information with each other so as not to accidentally step on the thunder.
     Today's Lin-Chujiu is really too embarrassing, and his face is pale and white, as if he has been so frightened, he may faint at any time, and people unconsciously want to reach out and help him. .
     Lin-Chujiu looked at the curious Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin, and opened his mouth, but could not tell a word. He really doesn't know how to describe his current mood. Sometimes the truth breaks the most basic cognition of people, and it will bring about incomparable destruction. Lin-Chujiu took a nap with Yin-Tang today, and most of his so-called cognition was broken.
     Then he followed Yin-Tang and went to the present and became the dog.
     "General Manager, what's wrong with you? How is it like a frosted eggplant smashed." Ting-Rain greeted the little Maid next to him and gave him a cup of tea, though he spoke with a bit of fun.
     The meaning, but a slight concern in the tone.
     In the end, it is a bad thing.
     There are also a lot of friendships between coming and going. Naturally, I don’t want to see people who are familiar with three lengths and two shorts. And he really did something, and then you have to change your personal position next to Your Highness. Who knows how long it will take to get through the situation?
     "Master ! It’s still good to see you when you go out in the morning. Is it really embarrassing now? You don’t seem to have enough energy at this age!” Ting-Qin is not as active as Ting-Rain, but But when she speaks, she can definitely suffocate her.
     Lin-Chujiu took the tea from Little Maid and smacked it.
     The warm tea went down the throat and dispelled the exhaustion of his body, making him look two-pointed. Just listening to Ting-Qin, I couldn’t help but squint and whispered: “Is it easy to be at home? Your Highness has recently had a lot of things on hand, so let’s go, don’t say bitter hot meals, Even the hot tea didn't have to be drunk. When things were done, Your Highness was rushing to the house, and even if you were physically weak, could you still let Your Highness wait for you? No, so Even if the family only has the last breath, the family has to hold on. If you do, talk nonsense, first give the family a bit of food, let the family first pad, who knows if Your Highness is still late.
     Things to do!"
     Lin-Chujiu took a break, and all the openings were complaints. He bitterly faced his face, and the whole person leaned against the pillars next to him, and he looked like he was going to fall down at any time.
     Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin watched him look like he was lying on the ground at any time.
     The two reached out and helped, turning their heads to let the little Maid go to the kitchen to pick up the porridge and snacks. Let him pad. Pad, it can be regarded as the whole friendship.
     "General Manager, look at you like this, you know that Your Highness is a big move, but I don't know who is going to be unlucky!" Ting-Rain licks his mouth, gently presses his throat, his face is full of emotion .
     "Whoever is unlucky, as long as he is not unlucky, it will be done, and there are still few people who can die hard in this palace. Pack up one by one, so as not to be disgusting." Ting-Qin is a poison Things, but still very maintenance for Wan-xi.
     Lin-Chujiu, listening to the two of you, I said a word, although my heart sighs two Yatou keen perception, but there are some words he can't hear, even if Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin are not outsiders, So the two of them said that they would not answer again. When the little Maid would eat it, he would turn to the side hall, and fill the stomach with the air.
     Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin See Lin-Chujiu, don't care, don't care, after all, they don't really want to inquire about anything, mainly to make a fun. If you can listen to it, you can say more than two words. If you can't listen, then ignore it when you ignore it.
     This kind of action is almost a rule of survival that all servants know.

     In the evening, Yin-Tang rested quietly in Qing yi-Courtyard, and did not go to the study room in the middle of the incident.
     This made Lin-Chujiu, who had been abused into a dog, sighed that he had a chance to breathe.
     Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin looked at Lin-Chujiu expression of 'finally can rest', and his face was disliked.
     Lin-Chujiu doesn't care, he only knows that there is a chance to take a rest. After all, according to the current situation, who knows what kind of situation will be tomorrow, Your Highness has to play a lot of heart, and he follows Your It took a lot of effort behind Highness.
     Waiting for Wan-xi, there was no movement in their house, Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Rain, they changed their minds and they went to rest.
     In Qing yi-Courtyard, although Wan-xi did not explain it, Ting-Rain arranged a room for Lin-Chujiu. Although it was partial, it was closer to the main courtyard and it was a place for temporary rest. Not so much attention, but let Lin-Chujiu remember the grace of Wan-xi in his heart.
     This is also why Lin-Chujiu is always willing to help Wan-xi to say good things.
     Of course, the favor of Wan-xi is also a very important reason, but being favored does not mean that everyone is willing to get together. Before Wan-xi didn't enter the government, those who thought they were favored, Lin-Chujiu had a chance.
     Between this person, sometimes pay attention to fate, and sometimes pay attention to the true heart.
     In the palace, the main hall of Yonghe Palace, Defei  leaned on the bed, his brows were tightly picked up, his face was full of impatience, and An Mama stood next to him, holding scissors and cutting. Candle heart, looking at the candlelight in the room, my heart secretly sighed.
     "Niang-Niang, it's too late, let's rest early!" An Mama looked at Defei , whose face was getting worse and worse, and could not help but boldly persuade him.
     After the ban, the temper of Defei  was more impetuous than before.
     The slogan was faintly swayed with words, especially after 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince, the temper of Defei  appeared even more It’s hard to ponder.
     Recently, Defei  has been arguing about how to reinforce, according to An Mama, today's virtues, beauty is certainly not as good as those of the young palaces, and the feelings are consumed by this series of things, The rest can only rely on 14th-Prince, because 4th-Prince was separated by Defei  early, even though she regrets now, An Mama feels that there is not much success.
     This person is embarrassed, can bear again, can tolerate, it is also limited. From 4th-Prince, I will not enter Yonghe Palace, but I will only start outside, and An Mama will know that 4th-Prince Tongde mother-in-law is broken.
     These nubi felt sorry in their hearts, but Defei  himself did not realize that he had lost anything until now!
     Although Defei  was immersed in her own thoughts, she did not completely lose her vigilance. An Mama opened her mouth, and she came back to God. Her eyes unconsciously swept An Mama eyes, saw her face look worried, nodded subconsciously, and then lay back, she felt sleepy. .
     She thought that she was a four-in-one, and she could live up to the infinite scenery on the ground. But the truth is that she eventually fell from the clouds. Although she did not fall into the valley, she wanted to climb up unless she Old 14th-Sit on the chair, otherwise she is afraid that it will be difficult to climb the position, let alone the Empress Dowager.
     The lights in the temple suddenly darkened. Deok knew that this was because An Mama had extinguished a few lights. When the account was put down, the eyes were all black, and it was quiet and it was difficult to sleep peacefully.
     The more she thought about her, the clearer her mind was.
     The previous one was repeated in her mind and finally settled in the moment she became Defei.
     Yes, she couldn’t afford that kind of scenery. In the end, she still couldn’t accept the son of her son to sit on the throne, so she must regain Kangxi favor or trust.
     The way to get this cut is to think that she is a killer but not easy to move.
     Ah! I really didn't think that this would be overturned. After all, she couldn't talk to Tong-shi. Although she couldn't help her, she knew that the most embarrassing thing in Kangxi heart was Tong-shi. She is willing to pay for it, and her use is not good. Her situation will not be worse than it is now.
     "An Mama!" Defei  sat up and yelled at the outside.
     An Mama, who was originally handing over, heard the movement, and gestured to the jade that was preparing to hand over, and then walked inside the hall. When I lit the lamp, I saw Defei  sit up and couldn’t help but put the account on.
     “Niang-Niang, but want to drink water?” An Mama plunged up and asked softly.
     Defei  looked at An Mama and Shen Shen said for a moment: "Mama, let our people move, this palace wants to know the whereabouts of the emperor, especially when going to Jingren Palace."
     "Niang-Niang-" An Mama face was astonished, and I didn't think that Desheng suddenly had such a command.
     But Defei  didn't care what she was thinking, she decided to do what she wanted, and ten horses couldn't pull back, let alone An Mama nubi persuaded.
     "You don't have to persuade any more.
     This thing must be done in this house.
     The situation today is not a face to face, but it is also inseparable.
     The old 14th-the situation is worrying, this palace can't watch him lose, let alone let him Being fished by others, so this palace has to be re-purchased, so that the emperor remembers that he still has a 14th ".
     The slightly dim candlelight falls on Defei 's face, and the look on her face is awkward. I have to worry a little.
     An Mama looked at the scene and sighed in her heart and whispered: "Since Niang-Niang has already decided, the old nubi will do it tomorrow."
     At this time, most of the palace has already been keyed, and it is easy to go out. Even if there is anything to do, then we must be careful and careful. Even if Dehao orders, she will not be able to run out now.
     This matter will be handed over to you." Defei  confessed, the whole person lay back again, closing his eyes, not knowing if he had made a decision, she felt tired and wanted to rest. It is.
     An Mama no longer said more, reached out and put down the account, turned off the lights, and waited for the inside of the hall, the expression on his face quickly collapsed. She really didn't think that in the end they still came to this step.
      Niang-Niang may not have found it herself, but she knows that when the Emperor seals Niang-Niang for Defei, the cut is already over, and the 4th-Prince and Tong-Queen's old accounts are not fixed. It works. What's more, today's Niang-Niang is more critical to 4th-Prince, and these fall into the eyes of the emperor, how could it not work at all.
     Outside the temple, Yu Xi saw An Mama coming out, and immediately walked in front of An Mama in two steps, pressing the scorpion and whispering: "Mama, Niang-Niang, but what is the order?"
     When her voice just fell, An Mama shook her head subconsciously. "Nothing, you just have to be awake at night. Niang-Niang is going to start the night, and the rest is not what we can manage."
     Yu Xi heard the words and licked his lips. From the close-knit big palace girl of the four ancestors to the close-knit big palace girl of Defei , it seems that the change is not big, but the status is different. In addition, Defei  repeatedly fainted, causing the emperor to anger, every time he was punished, Defei  may not feel anything, but these palace people are not being held out, but who can step on both feet If there is not 4th-Prince who is expensive for Qinwang, those people are afraid to do more.
     As for 14th-Prince, it is really watching the scenery, but in fact it does not matter. For Defei , they are all perfunctory attitudes, not to mention the palace people.
     They are thankful for not asking them the troubles of these palace people. It is a pity that Dexie was confused with his eyes, and he was forced to drive 4th-Prince far away. As for the An Mama, I don’t have to think about it. Yu Xi also knows that Defei  must have moved his mind. It’s not tossing 4th-Prince, it’s bound to be whimsical.
     Compound pet?
     If he is still young, they must be full of hope, and even help her to make suggestions. But now the De-yi say really, no matter how good the words are, she can't use her. It is said that the milfs are barely. It seems that in recent years, Defei  is very old, and he is the oldest in the four miles. He is the oldest person in the Ming Family. He even has a son who has been banned, but the two are obviously better. So, in this case, how likely is it to be a De-yi pet?
     “Mama, Niang-Niang, but I want to...” Yu Xi finally couldn’t help but ask, just let An Mama hold her mouth just after opening.
     "Don't say it, Your Highness's decision is that we can be questioned as a nubi " An Mama whispered two sentences, then let go of the jade and pressed the scorpion to persuade: "Some things don't try. No one knows the result. Niang-Niang This mind is good, after all, people go to the heights."
     Yu Xi didn't move, and her looks seemed a bit sloppy. She wanted to come to her to behave too badly for Defei  actions, but Defei  was the Lord. She was a servant. Even if she knew that she couldn't, she could only nod her head and only follow her wishes. do.
     Early the next day, An Mama did not appear in the temple to serve the De-yi and Defei  seemed to know it. Yu Xi wanted to speak several times, but when she thought of An Mama warning last night, she would swallow it back to her mouth.
     And An Mama seems to be free from the day after the day. When there are few people in Yonghe Palace who can see her, it seems that most of the time she is not in the Yonghe Palace, even if she sees it, she is coming and going, such a move. Let the palaces of Yonghe Palace be inexplicably nervous, as if there were things that they didn’t know but made them feel uneasy.
     An Mama has no intention to pay attention to these. She travels all over the palace these days, collecting all kinds of news every day, until ten days later, she gets a message, it is the end of this East Benxi The day of walking.
     "Niang-Niang, listening to the news from the dark piles in Jingren Palace, the emperor will go to Jingren Palace tomorrow night, Li Dequan has informed the people in Jingren Palace to start packing things." An Mama stepped in a hurry Going in from outside the palace, I went to Defei  and whispered.
     "Finally let the palace wait, go to arrange a place, turn over in this game." Defei  heard that the palm of the hand was placed heavily on a few cases, the tone was heavy.

     The people of Yonghe Palace just had a movement, and Yin-Tang received the news here, just to avoid the snake, Yin-Tang did not take measures, but toss them. After all, to find out the wrong side of the other party, or even to go down the stone at the right time, then you have to let the other party do it, otherwise people do nothing, and he has any reason to say that people have made a mistake.
     Sure enough, the De-yi who never knew what to satisfy were finally taking the old road.
     This point is a big rush for Yin-Tang. He wants to be Dexie, who can't see the situation, or he has no chance to start.
     Wan-xi was directly with Wan-xi, not because she was entangled in Yin-Tang, but when she said that Yin-Tang would accompany her more, Yin-Tang moved the study directly. She is here, and every time he deals with government affairs, she plays with the chess pieces or looks at the words.
     The two people do not interfere with each other, but they can feel the existence of the other party at the moment of raising their heads. Just this way can make them feel at ease. As for the news of Defei , as long as Wan-xi ears are not stunned, it is naturally audible.
     Because of the power given by the Empress Dowager, Yin-Tang is more calm, and the news is much clearer and clearer than before. Yes, now Yin-Tang is more like a hunter hidden in the dark, patient, and calmly waiting for the prey to take the initiative.
     Wan-xi did not express any opinions on her. In her opinion, Defei  was raised by the days of this scenery. He forgot what was called Feng Shui, and also forgot that Kangxi attitude towards her was not as good as before. But she was soaked in the past, thinking that the first half of life will be smooth, and the latter half will be followed by Shutan. However, some things are not well-designed, but they are well-defined. In the case of Defei , the past is not good enough for her to face up to her failure and then blindfolded in an evasive way. But this is a good thing for them, after all, only then will they have the opportunity to start.
     Yin-Tang commanded Lin-Chujiu, looked at the stationery in his hand, snorted and slammed.
     Looking up at the moment, looking at Wan-xi, who was in a daze with a game, Yin-Tang couldn’t help but smack his mouth. He forgot to talk about his dissatisfaction with Defei . Wan-xi is also a People can count not only Wan-xi, but if Wan-xi is not alert, Yin-Tang trusts her again.
     They are afraid that it is difficult to maintain the current situation.
     She got up and walked up to her. She saw that she hadn’t returned to her for a long time. She couldn’t help but squeeze her cheeks more than before.
     The soft touch made him smile unconsciously. What did you think? Didn’t even find out when you came over?”
     Wan-xi was shocked by the voice of Yin-Tang. When he looked up, he looked at him with a big eye and looked at him. When he returned to God, he said: "Yes will only make fun of it, knowing that Why are you so mad, but you still have to do this."
     Yin-Tang is still a distressed woman, lest Wan-xi angry, he does not continue to trouble her, but pretending to be a casual smile: "Good, is the fault of the Lord, then now the Lord's Jiaojia may tell Master What is Jao-Jao thinking about?"
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang's handsome face in front of him, so he glared at him with an angry look, put down the game in his hand, twisted his body and said, "What else can you think of? What kind of method do you want to deal with in the end?"
     She originally wanted to wait to see the results, but Yin-Tang asked, she suddenly couldn't help it, the slender body leaned forward slightly, and her face looked at his sleeves.
     Yin-Tang originally wanted to be on the shelf, but it was so spoiled by Wan-xi, but he forgot the previous plan. "Look at it."
     "Every time I sell the Guanzi, I want to bite people." When Wan-xi said this, a pair of white jade-like hands had already pulled Yin-Tang's hand to the lips and bite the lower mouth. mouth.
     The pain from the hand made Yin-Tang frown and frowned. He looked down at Wan-xi, who rubbed his fingers with his teeth. Yin-Tang suddenly smiled and was "angry?"
     Wan-xi opened his hand and turned to look at the board. His face was 'I am angry,' and I saw Yin-Tang laughing. If it is a woman, he will definitely not be embarrassed, but for Wan-xi, whether she is really angry or pretending to be angry, he is reluctant to turn around and leave.
     Finally, the people were stunned. After Yin-Tang sat back at the desk, the folds on the table were just sent today.
     There were government affairs and business, and they were divided into two sides. It seemed to be unsociable. In fact, the two sides complement each other. . In recent years, although he has spent a lot of money on his side, he is mostly controlled by himself because of his ambiguous relationship.
     The relationship between people is said to be mutual, and I am willing to think about Yin-Tang. Yin-Tang is naturally willing to pay for him, and the original heart is only thinking about his own career, but from I haven't thought about how much money Yin-Tang spent in mind, and whether there will be pressure. He does not take Yin-Tang's contribution seriously, and for a long time, Yin-Tang will naturally feel disappointed. After all, no one is born to owe.
     This box Yin-Tang sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, and in the Yonghe Palace, An Mama comes back from the outside and looks at the De-yi sitting on the raft, and puts a few words to say that things have been done, just grab It’s good to live.
     Defei  nodded his face and then gestured that Yu Xi had already found out that she had not worn a light blue flag. When she changed it, it was no longer the elegant and elegant style of the past.
     The old state is heavier, but these words An Mama can't say that they can only try to modify this shortcoming from makeup and hairstyle. Fortunately, although Desheng is not in the past, the foundation is still there, and toss a lot. Although it is not as pitiful as it used to be, it has its own charm.
     An Mama looked at the dressed up Defei , and secretly comforted himself.
     The emperor was obsessed with the old feelings, and with the enthusiasm for Tong-Queen, even if Niang-Niang could not find it, presumably it would be a reprimand. However, there should be no such thing as a downgrade. Frowning slightly, she wants to think about it, but she has no bottom in her heart. After all, who can guess the righteousness of the heart, the Niang-Niang, which was known as the most famous emperor in the past, is not yet a kind of imprisoned by the emperor. Fall?
     Defei  did not notice this. After the dressing was finished, until the sky was slightly dim, she took the jade to the direction of Jingren Palace. She was thinking about how to win Kangxi goodwill, but did not notice that compared with the past, today's road is quite smooth, even obedient.
     "Niang-Niang, isn't the quietness of the nubi too much?" Yu Xi is still alert. In the past, they have to avoid many people on this road, but today the road has not encountered anyone.
     "Shut up! The emperor is going to Jingren Palace. Naturally, people have to open the way. If there is no other mind, who will block it on this road." Defei  was a little absent-minded and slandered, and the steps under his feet were faster. .
     Yu Xi sees Defei  saying this, and it is not good to refute again. After all, the emperor travels, and indeed some people open the way, but it is a bit confusing to say nothing. But looking at Defei 's eager appearance, she could only shut up, even though she still felt something wrong, but Your Highness did not listen, and her palace Lady could not force Your Highness to accept her opinion.
     In Jingren Palace, an old Mama listened to the eunuch's report, and she flashed a slap in the eye.
     Then she waved to indicate that the little eunuch had left, and as she slowly walked toward the main hall.
     When Defei  entered Jingren Palace, she saw her palace Lady in Jingren Palace hiding in the dark and gesturing at her. She nodded and then let Yu Xi hide. As for herself, she took a step. Going in the direction of the main hall of Jingren Palace.
     She has to be prepared before Kangxi comes over, not only her grievances, but also her sincerity towards Tong-shi. Regardless of her performance, what is her in the mouth of others, but in front of Kangxi she has to show her loyalty to Tong-shi, and the other is to reject the fourth because she is not willing, but she is Tong-shi promise.
     When I arrived at the main hall, Dexter, who was trying to open the door, heard a voice coming from the temple.
     The hand stopped in the air, and the whole person leaned forward slightly, leaning against the door, looking in the eyes, trying to see the inside. Who is the person who spoke, but did not expect that the door was not closed, and she was pushed too tight, so that the door was pushed open.
     The one in the temple cut into the eyes of Defei , including the person she wanted to sniff in the middle of the hall, staring at her with a look of resentment.
     "Yu Mama!" Defei  responded and looked at the people who were in the temple.
     The mistakes in his face were obviously not thought of as people who had disappeared for so many years, and suddenly they came out again.
     "Defei, no, it's Defei  Niang-Niang, it's really hard for Niang-Niang to remember the old nubi " Yu Mama looked at Defei  with a sneer, her expression cold, her voice resentful, and she couldn't wait to peel her cramps.
     The appearance makes it as tough as a De-yi and can't help but step back.
     When Defei  realized his actions, his heart was annoyed, but his face quickly recovered to the heights of his past. His tone was sharp and sharp: "Yu Mama wants to come here in the gutter for too long, and forget the rules in the palace. Even if it is not a blasphemy, this palace can afford the gift of your nubi "
      Yu Mama heard the words, laughed and laughed, but the body maintained the previous posture, and the face disdainfully said: "In this case, why did Deyang Niang-Niang not kneel down to the old nubi Your Highness, as the Queen, as Defei  Niang-Niang's old master, can you afford this?"
     "You-" Defei  did not think that Yu Mama would tie Tong-shi at this time. Although she came over to Tong-shi, she was forced to be forced to kneel down and it was two different things.
     "Why is the De-yi Nuang-Niang not so embarrassing, because the Your Highness of the old nubi will not let you use it again, or you have never put the old nubi Your Highness from the beginning to the end!" When Yu Mama said these words, the ears erected unconsciously. It seems that they are always paying attention to the movements outside the temple. At this time, the sound is high, obviously speaking to the people outside the door, and Defei  is not aware of it. To.

     When the night falls, the entire palace is immersed in the thick darkness, and the dark and heavy pieces make people feel uncomfortable, so that occasionally they can see a little light to alleviate the darkness of this piece.
     Kangxi walked on the channel of Yuhuayuan with a black big’servant. Li Dequan took the lantern and walked in front of the road.
     The lights in the lantern were very weak. Kangxi did not care at all.
     The pace was very fast and he walked straight ahead. It may be that people who don't want to be alarmed too much. Compared with the big team when they traveled on most days, Kangxi at this time only brought Li Dequan personally.
     Kangxi, who had something in his heart, didn't pay attention to other palaces. He didn't even stop at the footsteps. He stepped through the palaces one after another until the Jingren Palace appeared in front of him, which made him slow down.
     Although Li Dequan leads the way, but according to the speed of Kangxi, he not only has to keep up with the speed, but also has to ensure that there are no foreign objects under Kangxi. He is a small body, and there is no way to breathe. Of course, if you are breathing, you should do well.
     As a close-knit servant of Kangxi, Li Dequan knows more about Kangxi temper than others. Now Kangxi will come to Jingren Palace, which is also swayed by the struggle between the Princes. Not to mention who is right or wrong, it is said that Kangxi mood has been so large and recent that many people have smashed the board.
     But what about this? Your Highness is uncomfortable, but these nubi can't worry about Your Highness. It is natural to be punished.
     Because Kangxi did not intend to use the Court Minister during this trip, Li Dequan had asked the people to clear the scene beforehand, but the movement was not as obvious as it used to be, but there was still a warning to avoid or say that the harem wanted to compete for favor.
     In the palace, it is not allowed to worship. Even Kangxi can only go to the mausoleum or the temple to make a formal worship.
     Therefore, it is better to go to Jingren Palace than to say that Kangxi is worshipping. He came to reminisce about Tong-Queen while solving his inner troubles.
     In fact, Kangxi has been used to go to Jingren Palace in the mood when he was depressed. After all, some people will listen to it, and it will inevitably give birth to other minds. In Jingren Palace, Kangxi does not have to have pressure. If you want to say something, you can even relieve your inner boredom and anxiety. Many people in the palace don't know that Kangxi has such a habit. Only Defei  unconsciously discovered this secret, which made her profitable again.
     Standing in front of the gate of JingHong- Palace Zhu Hong-, Li Dequan went forward to call the door. Because he had said hello before, the door soon opened, and the two entered the Jingren Palace.
     This time Kangxi walked in front, and Li Dequan followed.
     Kangxi went straight to the main hall of Jingren Palace, and looked at the familiar scenery on the road.
     The footsteps could not help but slow down, and the mood slowly became calmer. Li Dequan took advantage of this scene, and he was behind the Kangxi section of interest. It was a position that did not bother to Kangxi, but could always respond to Kangxi call.
     When I arrived at the entrance of the main hall, I didn’t wait for Kangxi to raise my hand. I heard a loud voice inside the door. 'Why is the Nuang-Niang? Why is it because the old nubi Your Highness will not let you use it again, or you will start from scratch? At the end of the day, I have never put the old nubi Your Highness in my heart.' After stopping, Kangxi frowned and quietly stepped back two steps, so that he would not let himself hear the movements inside the door, and would not let people discover their existence.
     In the door, Defei  did not notice Kangxi outside the house. When the whole person faced Yu Mama who stepped on his head in the past, he could find a gentle atmosphere in the whole body, which made people take a sigh. Mad.
     "Why should I put it in my heart? Is it that her Tong-shi grabbed the son of the palace, and the palace would like to thank her again. Moreover, she is afraid that the fourth child will be out of his heart and prevent the palace from approaching the fourth. In front of the emperor, but a deputy commissioner to look for the whole look, to whom to see!" Defei  face resentful, his face is quite embarrassed, want to come to her heart for Tong-Queen is not only unwilling to compare, there is a Silk can't tell the unclear hate.
      Yu Mama looked at the devil who was mad, and sneered, continued to use words to stimulate her: "Nude-Niang you! Self-proclaimed climbed the emperor's bed, and then used a pair of deputy Chu Chu Poor gestures won the pity of the emperor, and this is what the Lord has done, but you should not stimulate her again when Niang-Niang is pregnant, and should not be repeated after Niang-Niang passed away. Toxic to 4th-Prince. Oh! Defei  Niang-Niang face calculations framed 4th-Prince , face in front of the emperor to play the mother, you are not too tired, but the old nubi Your Highness in the sky can not bear 4th Prince is repeatedly treated with your urgency."
     The voice is sorrowful and angry, and even if Kangxi can't see the scene inside, the picture of the deputy loyal servant can be portrayed in his mind. Although the voice of this old woman is somewhat familiar, Kangxi can't remember her identity. Maybe it's really too long. Too many faces are already in the long river of time. At this time, he can still feel that he has a silk. Familiarity is about to be served by Tong-Queen before, otherwise how can Kangxi be impressed.
     However, this is not the most important thing. Kangxi did not entangle this, but instead had an opinion on what she said. In the harem, the contradiction between the two, Kangxi generally knows, and he also allows there to fight between the two, or how he can balance the power of the harem.
     There is only one point. You can do anything between you. As long as you don’t involve the child, he doesn’t intervene. At that time, he had a lot of government affairs, and when he consolidated the imperial power, he did ignore a lot. Now I listen to this Yu Mama. In the words, his calm mood suddenly became no longer calm.
     "Treasure? This is your self-righteous idea! If the fourth child thinks that this palace is not good for him, why don't he go to the emperor! Well!" Defei  sneered, obviously it is quite a point to suppress this. Self-satisfied.
     "Shameless!" Yu Mama licked her face with disdain, then her voice was cold and cold: "Defei  Niang-Niang just knows that 4th-Prince filial, will be so unscrupulously harsh 4th-Prince, but Don't forget, 4th-Prince is the son of the emperor and the son of Niang-Niang. Wait until the emperor sees your true face and sees your ambitions. Sooner or later, for the sake of Niang-Niang and 4th Prince grievances punish you."
     Defei  looked at Yu Mama, who was extremely sad, and snorted, his face madly: "Hey! I want the emperor to be fair, and I don't see where your Your Highness is! The dead is still uneasy, it's hard to be her." I want to climb out of the mausoleum to tell the palace. Unfortunately, Yu Mama, you can't wait for the High Highness and the fourth-eyed wolf that the emperor gave you, because now you have to be convicted for the following!"
     "The old nubi has already guessed it. When you meet your old nubi you don't plan to go back alive!" Yu Mama sighed and seemed to confess, and the voice unconsciously descended, and the tone was calmer.
     "You understand it! This palace tells you that in the past, this palace can step on her Tong-shi, and now the palace can still step on her head to win a cut." Defei  ‘Yuyan with arrogance, when looking up, Looking at the picture of Tong-Queen hanging above, bursting into laughter.
     Kangxi outside the door, as long as he thought of the former he would use the cousin and the fourth child's embarrassment on Defei , he couldn't stand it anymore, violently reached for the door and strode in.
     The De-yi who is laughing is seemingly scared by the sudden appearance of Kangxi, laughing in the throat, coughing again and again, and Yu Mama lying next to him seems to have just returned to God, slamming Earth, tremble: "Old nubi ... the old nubi to the emperor please."
     "Chen...Chen Chen...Please give the emperor... please Ann!" Defei  looked at Kangxi with a trepidation, and his face looked uneasy, and it seemed that some of them were not coming back.
     "Please Ann! I am afraid that I can't stand you this gift. Today you dare to step on the head of the Queen. You can't step on the head of the donkey tomorrow!" Kangxi ochre cold, his heart rushing into a stock of killing, want to come He did not think that he had been cheated by such a woman who had not been on the table for so many years.
     "Chen Chen did not dare!" Defei  slammed to the ground, and the Calling sound could guess how calm she was at this time.
     Kangxi saw her appearance, not only did she not deflate, but on the contrary she felt that she was in a state of guilt, and her tone could not help but worse. "Don't dare! I feel that there is nothing in this world that you dare not."
     Kangxi eyes stared at Defei  tightly, as if she wanted to see her through, and did not allow her to hide.
     Defei  was stared at the scalp by Kangxi gaze, and his heart secretly blamed himself for why he had to compete with Yu Mama nubi at this time. It was obvious that she came over to replenish her, but at this moment she was hit by Kangxi. Even those words are still not her own tricks.
     "The emperor, the courtiers just can't stand the accusation of Yu Mama, they will talk nonsense, and please don't take it seriously!" Defei 's tone was anxious, and he looked at Kangxi with a sly expression, but he said all the responsibilities were pushed. Arrived on Yu Mama.
     Yu Mama, next to her, wiped the tears on her face with her sleeves, and looked at Kangxi with a trepidation. She didn’t interject, but she was honestly squatting, just squinting and blinking.
     The pain is all about how much she is eager to see Defei ’s end. For Dessert's planting, she did not explain all the sentences. It was the appearance of Kangxi master, but the balance of Kangxi heart was more biased towards her.
     Kangxi took advantage of Dexie eagerness to shirk his responsibility. He felt that the ugliness was unrecognizable and he could not bear to look straight. It can be said that Kangxi had favored Defei  in the past, and now he has a lot of disgusting morality. If it weren't for the birth of the De-yi Kangxi was afraid to give people medicine directly.
     "Yu Mama, what else do you want to say?" Kangxi turned his thumb on his thumb and turned his eyes from Defei  to her.
     The tone was careless and seemed to be casual.
      The expression on Yu Mama face was slightly stunned. After a while, only a face obeyed the tunnel: “The old nubi committed crimes, and the sins should die, not asking for emperor’s love, but seeking the emperor to be fair to 4th-Prince, let The old nubi Your Highness can rest in peace."
     Kangxi nodded. Obviously, compared to Dexter’s responsibilities, Yu Mama calm face is more sensible. Although Kangxi is not the kind of person who is used to being influenced by emotions, at this moment he has to say that Defei 's eating is too ugly, and the practice is too irritating.
     Before this, Kangxi could not only warn him once and for all, but now she still does not know how to repent, even the past who let him believe it is true, now it has become a fake, with Kangxi careful eyes, if it is so simple, let this matter pass Then he is not Kangxi.
     Defei  looked at Kangxi uneasy, and when he wanted to speak, he saw Kangxi suddenly turning his eyes to him, his lips and lips, and then looked at her indifferently: "Since Defei  does not regard the fourth as his own. Son, then you will be yours, and you will pass the Queen to the name of the Queen and completely fulfill you!"

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