Chongqie Courting Death Daily 420

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     Qing yi-Courtyard, Wan-xi is sitting in the house like a person, holding a chess game with one hand, playing chess with one hand, doing his own thing directly, and not being affected by the outside world. Some things are actually figured out, and there is nothing wrong with it. In the past, Wan-xi may be affected as a result, but after understanding the facts, her heart slowly hardened.
     People! It is greedy, she is also the same. Resurrected the world, she got the last request and not the thing, but also got all the love of Yin-Tang, now let her let go, she can't bear it! Since she would not, she had to hold on to this cut, so those who wanted her to die, she could only send them to death.
     Ping Mama came in, looking at the face of the leisurely Wan-xi, the face was also soft and soft. Everything she has on hand has already started, and the plan for Wan-xi to fight against the Dong and E people is slowly getting to know, and it is precisely because of this that she is loyal to the woman who is not old and calm.
     "Funy, this month's book, the old nubi are all right, this... it's on fire..." Ping Mama looked through the window and Called at the smoke.
     Wan-xi turned to look at the rising smoke outside the window, slowly put down the game and the pieces in his hand, then got up and saw Ping Mama eyes: "Mama, it is better to take a look at the situation with this Fu-Jin. Let's go!"

     "Yes." Ping Mama Although he does not understand why Wan-xi is so calm, but think about the past Wan-xi actions, gently beheaded, followed behind her.
     Junwang House, no, it should be said that the prevention of fires in various prefectures is now the most important, but the fire will be quickly extinguished. After all, the current houses are mostly made of wood. When they are ignited, they will burn out if they are not saved in time.
     When Wan-xi rushed with Ping Mama and others, the people in the house had already started to fight the fire. It was just because the fire was too big. It was difficult to put out this time.
     The method is probably to prevent other courtyards from being implicated. As for the courtyard, if it is extinguished, it will be thrown away.
     "Burn, burn, burn, burn Wanyan-shi, that fox, burn her! Haha, burn her, no one will stop the Lord from petting me!" Not far from the yard, Willow-shi is like a devil All of a sudden, yelling around the house that was laughed, and the sound of the fire around the house, bursting into the sound, I thought that it would be a long time later, the house would collapse.
     Next to the little Maid, Maid looked at the mad Willow-shi, and he was pretending not to hear, and hurriedly took the bucket and continued to fight the fire. When he was close, he couldn’t consciously listen to her.
     The ground fell.
     Wan-xi looked at the fire, knowing that Tong-shi in the house was afraid of fleeing destiny, and Willow-shi, next to her, whether she was really crazy or fake, was discovered by her outside the house.
     There are tung oil and fires around, and no one else knows that she can't get rid of this thing, not to mention her mouth still Calling to burn her, then she wants to keep her fear and no one dares to agree.
     "Fu-Jin, this fire is afraid that it can't be controlled. Please ask Fu-Jin to stay away from it, so as not to hurt." Ting-Rain saw Wan-xi, first gave her a gift, then whispered softly.
     "No. How is the fire? Can anyone hurt?" Wan-xi swept his eyes like a backyard son-in-law who smelled the smell, and they were too lazy to care about their panic and ask the situation.
     Although she doesn't care about the lives of Tong-shi and Willow-shi, she doesn't want to be innocent. If she doesn't, she might just kill the Tong-shi who led the cut, and let the same calculated Willow. Shi. To know that Willow-shi is to her, it is really hateful, whether it is the last world or this world, as long as it involves Yin-Tang, no matter what position they are in, they will still meet.
     "Back to Fu-Jin, Tong-Miss didn't seem to come out of the house.
     The Maid in the yard was sent out beforehand.
     There was no casualties. In addition, it was Willow Miss. When she was on fire, she took tung oil and fire, just in the fire. At the entrance of the Courtyard, the arm was slightly burned." Ting-Rain skipped some facts and said the contradiction between Tong-shi and Willow-shi.
     The surrounding shi-nu heard aloud, and even a few people were amazed at the face. Some even sighed and did not accept their show before, or they really went to a block. Who knows if the next one was burned to death?
     "First shut down Willow-shi, and wait until the end of the matter to make a decision. As for Tong-shi, after the fire is extinguished, bury it by example!" When Wan-xi said these words, the tone was dull.
     There is no wave, so that the surrounding Shiqie does not consciously look at it.
     It’s not that Wan-xi is not doing well, but the calmness of Wan-xi makes them feel scared. Before, they always thought that Wan-xi would be based on the favor of the Lord today, but at this moment she looked at her things calmly and unaffected, no matter what thoughts in her heart, they were shocked at the moment. As for the death of Tong-shi, Willow-shi is mad, but for whatever reason, the two of them do it, but they are self-sufficient and not worthy of sympathy.
     "The nubi obeyed." Ting-Rain looked at the Wan-xi calmly responding, and he turned to be busy.
     Ting-Qin and ‘Laughs’ and others stood behind Wan-xi and left no matter if they were half-step, even though they all knew that no one dared to start Wan-xi in this backyard, but they must guard against it. Is shi and Willow-shi an example? Set fire to burn Fu-Jin? In the end, it’s really stupid to eat a bear, a leopard, and they won’t end up anyway.
      Willow-shi was extremely excited about the house that was splattered. Even though Maid pulled her hard, she ‘called according to her struggles. It seemed that she could achieve what she wanted. Ting-Rain frowned, and finally found two rough Pozi, who directly dragged her away.
     The fire was finally ruined, but the whole yard burned almost. After all, the house was wooden, it was flammable, plus tung oil, don't burn too fast.
     Wan-xi looked at the man, and then looked at the next person who cleaned up, unconsciously tightening the Jinpa in his hand, his mind was slightly messy, and he wanted to compare with the decisiveness of the order, how much her heart was in the face Still a little embarrassed, after all, it is also a life!
     "Wan-xi!" After exclaiming, I saw Yin-Tang gusts rushing in from the outside, hands clasped her into her arms.
     Everyone eyes are concentrated on the two people. Wan-xi is tightly held in his arms by Yin-Tang. He seems to have no idea that Yin-Tang will have this move. When she returns to God, she Unable to reach out and hug him, the familiar embrace instantly dispelled the darkness of her heart.
     "Wan-xi!" For a long time, Yin-Tang was open, and the voice was hoarse, which made people feel tremble.
     Yin-Tang's fingers caressed her face, and her fingertips rubbed her finger on the delicate skin. Seeing that Wan-xi is slightly different from the look of the other, the other is not different, and this is a long sigh of relief.
     "How can the fire be in the house? I heard that it is directed at you. What is going on?" Yin-Tang tried to calm down his emotional mood, but because he was too anxious to come back, the whole person still has Some have asthma.
     He originally handled the affairs in Tuen Mun. He suddenly heard Lin-Chujiu say that there was a fire in the house. At that moment, he only felt that his heart was splitting. He was afraid that Wan-xi had a long and two short, and the road was in a hurry. Go to the backyard. God knows the moment when Wan-xi was not seen in Qing yi-Courtyard, how fearful he was at the time. At this moment, he held her in her arms and wanted to integrate her into her bones and blood.
     Wan-xi looked up and looked at him fixedly. He saw him as rude, and his heart was warm, but he held his hands but refused to let go. "Master, it’s all right, as for the fire in the house. Waiting for the return of Qing yi-Courtyard, I will tell you in detail."
     Yin-Tang frowned and turned to look at the burnt-out courtyard. At this time, the body of Tong-shi was just lifted out, glaring at the distorted figure, and wanted to come to the fire. She woke up for a while, but she could not run out. However, just a single eye, Yin-Tang took back the line of sight and took the shoulder of Wan-xi and prepared to return to Qing yi-Courtyard.
     Concubine around looked at the scene, all holding his breath, looking straight at the two people who were in love with the show, and they were full of envy and jealousy. If they can, they can't wait to be replaced.
     But no matter what they think, they can't stop the two. When the two went far, the Shiqie, who was busy and busy with Pozi, refused to delay and turned to their respective courtyards.
     Back to Qing yi-Courtyard, Yin-Tang sat on the raft with Wan-xi, and the two did not rush to talk, so they quietly leaned on each other, and finally Wan-xi took the initiative to break.
     The silence of the room.
     Wan-xi didn't think about concealing Yin-Tang. In fact, if it wasn't for the recent success of Qinwang's succession, he had already noticed that it was impossible to wait until now, and Wan-xi himself never thought about it. I am busy with Yin-Tang in this kind of thing. In her opinion, some things will leave traces as long as they are done, even if the cleaning is clean, it is also traceable. Instead of confusing the couple because of this kind of thing, it is better to tell it at the beginning.
     "There is a lingering death." Yin-Tang bit his teeth, apparently did not expect that there is such a circumstance.
     Although Tong-shi and Willow-shi made this attempt, the ending was only to let them eat their own consequences, but their intentions made Yin-Tang extremely angry.
     The women in the backyard are not always fake, but there are few who dare to eat outside.
     Thus, for the death of Tong-shi, Yin-Tang only feels happy and does not feel sorry at all.
     "Don't be angry, it's not worth it for these people. In fact, Tong-shi and Willow-shi are just introductions. It's really abhorrent but it is the 14th the Lord who provokes Tong-shi. You are fighting for me. Everything depends on the ability, no matter who loses or wins, no one can tell why. But 14th-Ye move is a little over, and it will inevitably make people feel un shameful when they reach into the backyard.” Wan-xi leans on Yin-Tang shoulders, lightly closed his eyes, but his heart is a little scared, if the medicine of Tong-shi is used in Yin-Tang or children, then how should she deal with it.
      Willow-shi madness is not true, but it is also a bit of a point, otherwise she will not be provoked by Tong-shi, it is really carrying Tung oil to Qing yi-Courtyard. If Wan-xi was not prepared at the time, this fire really burned, and no one knows what the outcome will be. After all, even the loyal servant will have an instant panic, but the fire will not be because of your panic. Stop, but the more you burn, the faster.
     Wan-xi doesn't know how painful it is to be burned, but she can imagine that such a death would never be better. If not, how could she decisively throw Tong-shi into the house, and Willow-shi It is outside the house. After she learned about Tong-shi plan from the beginning, she did not intend to give her a living.
     "Master, is it all bad? This life is based on knowing a word, no more." Wan-xi said that his nose was sour, his eyes were red, and he looked at Yin-Tang.
     The eyes were a little worried, and the hand holding his sleeves slammed the ball slightly. It is conceivable that she was afraid of doing this kind of thing.

     "Master, is it all bad? This life is based on knowing a word, no more." Wan-xi said that his nose was sour, his eyes were red, and he looked at Yin-Tang.
     The eyes were a little worried, and the hand holding his sleeves slammed the ball slightly. It is conceivable that she was afraid of doing this kind of thing.
     "If you don't have it, you can't get it. It's better than two women who are ill Conceived." Yin-Tang held her delicate lower hand with one hand and looked at the eyes with tears, and couldn't help but comfort her. .
     Wan-xi heard the words, the tears in his eyes came out. Every time something goes wrong, but when it comes to human life, she seems to be cloudless and unaffected. In fact, she is still very scared. After all, how can people who can relive the world have no fear of life. It’s just that some hatred is not time to kill, it’s deep into the bone marrow. Moreover, those people who lived in the world, this world will only be more, not repentant.
     "Really? Sometimes I will be afraid when I am in my own heart. I am afraid that I will become timid and afraid that I will lose myself. Master, why these people can’t stop a little, everyone own life is not good. "Wan-xi casts into Yin-Tang's arms, his hands licking his neck, and his tone is full of grievances against these people.
     She wants to be a woman with clean hands, but she knows better in her heart that it means not only her own life, but also the people close to her, even all the people she cares about.
     "What is the point of interest, how to stop it. I don't believe that these women spend so much thinking that they are just Masters. To put it bluntly, status, identity, children and supreme power are the ultimate goals they pursue. Tong Shi dare to eat inside and outside, death is not enough, to Yu-Willow-shi, self-esteem is very high and stupid over the head, keep it is a scourge, or deal with it!" Yin-Tang glaring at her slightly trembling body, tone Gentle and firm, he did not think that Wan-xi still harbors such deep fears.
     "Is there any impact on the plan of the Lord now? The reason why I am so eager to do this is because Tong-shi is moving, and the second is worrying about 14th-they will secretly hit their minds. When Wan-xi said these words, the emotions that calmed down were inextricably excited.
     Although Yin-Tang now does not go to other people yards except her yard, there are exceptions. In addition, for the face of Shiqie in the backyard, they encounter halfway or occasionally send some soup and water, Yin-Tang will still make people pick up, although not all of them drink, but he was accidentally drunk that day, and how?
     She can't afford to gamble, so as long as she cares for someone she cares, she would rather have her hands covered with blood, and she wouldn't regret regretting why she wasn't decisive at the time.
     "Do not worry! If the plan of the Lord is affected so easily, then it is not worth the 4th Prince and the Lord spent so much thought. As for the old 14th-, since he dares to slap on the backyard of the Lord, even Let you put in danger, the man must have let the Lord not give him a chance." Yin-Tang squinted his eyes, convulsed the firmness and gloom of the fundus, and the tone was calm and authentic.
     Even if Wan-xi didn't say it, he didn't want to reveal the matter.
     They had been in a state of confrontation with them because of the succession and the northwest war. If the other party is coming brightly, he will not. Will secretly shoot the opponent, but unfortunately the old 14th-thousands should not reach out to his backyard.
     The next day, ZHong-Yong Junwang’s fire did not say that it was known to everyone, but everyone who knew it.
     There is no opinion in the palace, and the outside of the palace will not be self-seeking. After all, it is just a Shiqie, which is far from the wind and waves.
     For this matter, the shot was dissatisfied with the result, and the news was very dissatisfied when he saw the embarrassment of complaining. Dissatisfied with his own hands on Yin-Tang, if it is completed, he has nothing to say, but unfortunately busy live, and ended up with a death of Shiqie, this is not just a joke, even Yin-Tang They are alert in an instant, they want to shoot again, afraid that it is difficult to find a chance.
     "Why is this matter different from me? If you take such a fuss, it will only make us more passive." With a cold face, it is clear that he is equally dissatisfied with his own behavior.
     "8th Prince, do you think that you want this result? Lord doesn't want it, but he is only angry at the moment, why 4th Prince can become Di-, why 9th Prince is going to help 4th Prince, if he If we don’t change the camp, we’re certainly not so embarrassed now, and 4th Prince won’t turn into Di-.” He looked at his eyes with blushing eyes, obviously he gonna return all the mistakes. When I arrived at Yin-Tang, I felt that his departure made them fall into such a passive situation.
     I don’t know what Yin-Tang’s support means, but unfortunately he was too eager to achieve success, and the short-term success made him somewhat smug, so that he ignored the role of Yin-Tang, easily I chose to abandon him. Now, he, no, it should be said that he began to regret it a long time ago. He tried to get Yin-Tang’s understanding several times, but unfortunately he did it, but the other party did not forgive.
     "Improve the matter of Imperial Father, it will never change, so no matter how unhappy you are, you have to endure it. In addition, the Old 9 is by no means the kind of person who wants to swallow, we must guard against him. Shooting, especially in the northwest war, you angered him, he will not let us do what we want." It is difficult to converge a smile, look serious and serious.
     He doesn't want to be like this, but he is too self Conscious, always doing things first. If he doesn't look at him, he can get things done.
     "8th Prince, I have done it all, and I am still afraid that he will not succeed. Whether it is in the Ming or the dark, the Lord is waiting for them." He ‘called loudly, listening to the sound like an imposing manner, but looking at his expression, but actually There is a guilty conscience in the ground.
     "14th-brother, if you still want to go to the northwest, you can only converge on your behavior, otherwise you will do these things, and dare to guarantee that the Imperial Father will pick you up." This look, it is rare to put on his face.
     Looking at the strong face of the face, I couldn't help but tighten my thin lips.
     The look on my face was a bit cold, but I nodded.
     Seeing   compromise, his face improved a lot. After all, he did not expect to tear his face directly with him because of this, he eased the tone: "14th-brother, there are things we really have to endure, but the great cause If you get it, what is going on is not what you say!"
     "8th Prince makes sense. Is it Di-What is the difference? When 2nd Prince was still in the Palace Di-, what happened in the end? The two wastes were two, which also indirectly explained that the result is the most important. "There was a cold voice, and the look on the face was still a bit unsatisfactory.
     The tone was quite a bit aggressive, but the attitude towards you was quite good."
     I know that this is a no-brainer. It’s a reminder that it’s important to remember how they will guard against Yin-Tang’s counterattack.
     It’s awkward, there no such awareness at all. Don’t look at the Calling Calls in his mouth. In fact, he has no bottom in his heart, but when he sees a face that looks deep, he knows that it’s the burden that has been taken over. At that moment, he unconsciously let out a sigh of relief.
     He is not afraid of blame, he is afraid that he will not take this burden. To be honest, he also regrets, regretting how he did not directly let the medicine go to Yin-Tang.
     Of course, he thinks like this. If you want to do it, don't say that Tong-shi can't agree. Just say that there are so many people around Yin-Tang, you can get close to the problem, and let him succeed.
     In Junwang's house, Wan-xi did not rush to manage Willow-shi life and death, but let Ting-Rain rebuild the burned yard in the shortest possible time to eliminate the effects of this incident. .
     Although Wan-xi didn't know the details of the temple, he also heard about it.
     The ceremony of  Qinwang has been arranged. It can be said that there is nothing to change in this matter. In the jokes, everyone thinks that she should not lose Qinwang, the big backer. After all, the success of Beizi is not a Qinwang with real power. What's more, Qinwang is obviously worthy of the emperor's attention. people. In addition, it is the northwest war. Kangxi estimates that he wants to balance, or for other reasons, he has chosen a famous soldier to go to the northwest instead of picking who is in Prince.
     But everyone knows in their hearts that this war has to be crushed, Kangxi is old, and naturally it is impossible to make a trip. If you wait for someone to do the great things in the kingdom, you will definitely not do it. In the end, you can lift it out, that is, the few people behind it. Prince, it's no wonder that 14th-Prince jumped up and down to try to find this errand for himself. Unfortunately, he thought well, but this candidate is not necessarily only him. After all, among the Prince, the martial arts is good, the mind is good, and there is never only him.
     Yin-Tang is a fire in the house, can't hold others, can't hold Kangxi, but Kangxi doesn't want to manage such a small thing, so let it go. It was Yin-Tang's sudden confrontation with the captain. Although it was intriguing, there were some small disputes between Prince, which was within the tolerance of Kangxi.
     Can be repeated by Yin-Tang, but I don’t think so. Now he is very violent and wants to shoot. Yin-Tang is not a soft persimmon. It can be said to be very wrong. And the glimpse of the side, but did not extend the meaning of helping hands, as if to make up his mind to grind temper, a cold look, only when opening, probably to prevent him from impulsive .
     "Resist and bear, when will you endure!" When the action was blocked again, he couldn't help but snarl.
     He looked at him coldly and his voice was indifferent: "I will stand up to the high position and endure that you have the power to decide the life and death of these people."
     I heard the words, my face was awkward, and I looked at my face and regretted the original slap. He knows that with Yin-Tang temper, he will not be willing to give up after the accident. He is self-righteous and thinks that he will not take the initiative to take into account the views of Imperial Father. According to the current situation, Yin-Tang completely disregards the opinion of Imperial Father, and he is thinking of making him unlucky.
     He was unlucky, not only did his income and expenditure decrease, but even he himself was repeatedly blocked by Yin-Tang in front of the Qing Palace, but he could not find a reason for rebuttal.
     This has to be said to be a sad story.
     "8th Prince, you know that this point can't be done in a short time. Do you just watch your brother being bullied and not snoring." He stretched his hand and wiped his face. Obviously it was hard, he thought about it. Soft.

     "8th Prince, you know that this point can't be done in a short time. Do you just watch your brother being bullied and not snoring." He stretched his hand and wiped his face. Obviously it was hard, he thought about it. Soft.
      No, there are no sentences. Every time there is nothing wrong with it. If you are guilty, you will not remember it until you can pick it up. But what is the use of this? The guilty mistake has already been committed, and the offended person who should not offend has offended. Now that the sentence is wrong, he should clean up for him.
     I was sneer in my heart. Before that, he wanted to marry. He thought that if he had to work with him, he would get a cut, and he would try to hold him up, but he ignored the fact that such a goal can be achieved at some time, but there are some things. I will also lick my own feet, like now. It’s just that he packed up the mess and packed up enough. It’s time for the old 14th to suffer too much.
     "14th-, not 8th Prince does not help you, and 8th Prince has recently been divided
     Lack of skill! "I have figured out this, and I don't know how to refuse.
     Obviously, I didn’t think that I would suddenly turn my face to him. If you turn your face, it’s better to ignore the shackles of his majesty and let go.
     "8th Prince, you can think about it. If the younger brother is not good, 8th Prince can't get anything better?" The soft words can't be said, and theervants simply break the cans and fall, directly threatening the shackles.
     His face was a little surprised, and soon it became a reality. Although he was destined to stand on the opposite side of the 4th Prince, he was not sure that there was no way out. At most, he was the new emperor. In the lower position, the power in the hands is opened, and the end of the life is banned. If you are not good, you will lose this life.
     "Is it? 14th-brother since there is such confidence, I wish you an early dream!" The sneezing corner of the mouth sneered, apparently quite dissatisfied with the move.
     He admits that he is not sorry for his place, but he does not care about his brotherhood, but also digs the corner of the wall and benefits him. He will endure it if he is tolerant, but his tolerance does not mean that he can really bully. He is coming up.
     This time, I made up my mind to sharpen the temper. I also made up my mind to let him know how powerful it is. Otherwise, if he really got in the position in the future, he will stand on the palm of his hand.
     In the face of the strongness of the embarrassment, after the horror, he got up and walked away, and he did not stop him, let him go.
     When Yin-Tang received news of swearing and smashing his face, he didn't care. In his opinion, it is impossible to give up, because the fate of these Princes has become obvious, especially After the 3rd-Prince was sent to repair the book, all the cuts were basically clear.
     The little Prince underneath has not yet grown. Even if there is a big point, there is not enough power on hand. At this point, who can push him to the front, the only possibility is that he wants to grind the old 14th-temper, let him know how to advance and retreat.
     A smashing impulsive piece, when the gun is really good, but sometimes it is easy to bring disaster to yourself. According to the current situation, the old 14th, which was directly used as a gun, once again brought disaster to the servant.
     Of course, Yin-Tang will not stop his suppression because of their so-called contradictions. He doesn't do anything to the women and children in the backyard, but he won't let them enjoy a peaceful life.
     The woman he holds in his hand and the child in his arms have been threatened by the old 14th, so if he does not directly deal with the family, he will let them taste what is fear.
     "9th Prince, you might as well give the old 14th-a knife, lest he would jump up and down the disgusting person." Drinking wine, Yu-Xiang face sitting in the restaurant leisurely leaning against sitting, holding in his hand A jug of wine, looking at the downstairs, sullenly swearing at the swearing of the next person, the tone of play, a smile on the face.
     "The Imperial Father is there, you can't fight, you can't be jealous, you can't give him a knife with a knife.
     The only way is to let him run out." Yin-Tang sneered, apparently the recent move did not let He is really out of breath.
     Yin-Er next to the piece of meat caught in the mouth, chewed a few times and swallowed it, his mouth was shiny, but he did not care to drink a glass of wine: "Imperial Father always emphasizes brother and brother, Christine, But the old 14th-when the goods are respectful to us, this kid is very sullen, the surface is unreasonable, and in private, he always does something that can't get on the table. He didn't beat him for mercy. It is already watching.
     The face of Imperial Father is on, but he still dares to reach out to the backyard of 9th Prince, and is simply looking for death."
     For  , Yin-Er has never been seen, not to mention the hatred that has been formed between the two sides. It is said that today, the position of the general of the northwest war, how much he and the old 13th paid, and everyone who sees it In the eyes, there is an old 14th this is not long-eyed to stir up. If it is fair competition, he does not have such a big grievance, but this old 14th-method, how can it make him not bored.
     Yu-Xiang looked at Yin-Er, who was resentful. He agreed with him. He used to be a 13th-Prince House to become a concentration camp. Later, because of their account of 9th Prince, and because of all kinds of things broke his cognition, he began to face up to the situation in the house, and began to deal with those hidden dangers.
     This world is not that you are really reassured by others without ambition.
     The ordinary people still have a bit of wariness, not to mention those who were born in the royal family.
     "9th Prince! 8th Prince This is really old 14th-or just want to give him a lesson!" Yu-Xiang thought of the northwest, could not help but turn to look at Yin-Tang, want to get a mouth from him The exact answer.
     Yin-Tang toasted, sipped the wine in the glass, and smirked at the corner of his mouth. His tone was indifferent: "8th Prince, this person never does nothing, he invested too much in the old 14th-easy I will not let go, but now it will be like this, but it is the old 14th-I don’t know how to measure it. I think that 8th Prince is a man, and 8th Prince realizes this, naturally he has to give him some bitterness, but I don’t know if this is followed.
     There is nothing else we don't know. After all, the 8th Prince is getting more and more unpredictable!"
     He believes that he still knows a little about it, but now he really can't see him. He said that he gave up but he was still crouching, saying that he was crouching and seemed to be playing something unknown.
     The idea of ​​such a vague situation made him uneasy.
     "Forget it, don't think about it, don't think about it. Let's talk about 4th Prince first! This time, the Imperial Father has made a big effort, which means that he has regarded 4th Prince as the best candidate. , 8th Prince, they still want to fight for anything, 3rd Prince has been half-abandoned..." Yu-Xiang raised his eyebrows, turned his head and looked downstairs, just to the fire of the captain Eyes, I don’t know why, he suddenly laughed.
     Yin-Er face is inexplicable, Yin-Tang looked at him, turned to look at Lin-Chujiu next to him, and faintly said: "Open the door, let the old 14th come in."
     Lin-Chujiu face is inexplicable, but he still opened the door according to words. When the door opened and looked at the 14th-Prince rushing to the side, Lin-Chujiu was full of his own Your Highness. Admiration, this is all counted, no wonder 14th they are unlucky.
     "Hey, this is not the old 14th-? How come there is time to sit here!" Lin-Chujiu is too late to ask, Yin-Er has already opened, and the big step forward, did not put these on the table The person is in the eye.
     I looked at Yin-Er eyes gloomyly, and I glanced at Yin-Tang and Yu-Xiang. When I saw that they didn't even look up at him, they knew that they didn't see themselves. In the eyes, one time is not anger from the middle, long legs, sitting at the table, biting his teeth: "What? Isn't this a restaurant? Or is this the Lord?"
     "This is a restaurant, but I really don't welcome you here!" Yin-Tang sneered, and when he raised his hand, he poured another glass of wine.
     The eyes in his eyes did not hide, and his attitude was even more exclusive.
     "Yes! Old 14th-, I heard clearly, there is 9th Prince, no, there is no place to welcome you, the initiative to walk away, otherwise the man is hanging a sign, you can not enter the door! How!" Yin-Er looked at the look of the arrogant, looking at him with a bad face.
     Yin-Er Although his mind is simple, he knows in his heart that the dignity of the royal family cannot be destroyed, so even if he wants to lose his weight, he will step on the line, instead of letting the whole royal family become a joke in the eyes of others because of a few words. Otherwise, he should have said that the dog and the donkey are not allowed to enter.
     "You-" Looking at the sneer Yin-Er and the cold-eyed Yin-Tang and Yu-Xiang, I know that I am dying today.
     "What's wrong with him? Master , this is the truth. It's not like some Small-One. It doesn't win on the surface. In private, it takes the son-in-law to open the knife. If this kind of person does not work, it will not be valued." Yin-Er                    
     The suffocating eyes were blushing, and then look at Yin-Tang, their ridiculous gaze, suddenly raised their fists and rushed toward Yin-Er. Yin-Er was unguarded by his fists. Hit the face.
     "Ma egg, old 14th-, you are looking for death!" Yin-Er, these years, can be said to be outside the palace, even if Kangxi often rebuked him, but no one dared to do it with him, if he was injured, sure It’s made by oneself, it’s never played by others, and he dares to do it to him at this time. If he doesn’t beat him to find his teeth, who else will put him in the future.
     Yin-Tang looked at the two people who were smashing, and tightened the thin lips. Yu-Xiang, who was next to him, wanted to help, but was pulled by Yin-Tang. "Don't mix, this is old. Ten and the old 14th-things, winning and winning are personal disputes."
     Yu-Xiang heard the words, the helplessness of his face, how can he not know that if he blended in, there would be a reason for attacking, but he could not help, he felt that his heart was difficult, but fortunately Yin-Er It quickly took the upper hand and played without any help.
     "Old 14th-, why do you want to do it with your grandfather, you will be the two flowers, and dare to play Master, you will kill you!" Yin-Er will not look at the face of this arrogant son, the whole face It seems that he is the best in the world. Others should set off him and surrender to him. "Just these two, it’s no wonder that you have the means to do it. If you change it, you won’t! You will warn you, then you will dare to move those.
     The mind of the next work, the first result of you, and then go to the Imperial Father to sin!"
     He was beaten up and his face was swollen, and the whole person struggled fiercely. However, he had already used this strength to train Yin-Er, which is training every day. It is simply a banyan tree, not worth mentioning.
     "Let me go, or I will definitely define the Imperial Father, let him be the master of me." The mouth full of bloody’servants gasped and threatened.

     "Let me go, or I will definitely define the Imperial Father, let him be the master of me." The mouth full of bloody’servants gasped and threatened.
     Yin-Er listened to his words, and his face was impatiently slamming, and it was very disdainful to punch him on his face. "In addition to the complaint, what else would you do! Learn to play with the Miss." Art, it’s no wonder that even fights can only be attacked."
     Yin-Tang looked at theervant that was beaten into a pig's head and coughed twice, indicating that Yin-Er could. It’s not a big deal to bicker between the Brother. It’s really a good fight. It’s true that it’s right.
     "I will spare you today, and I will dare to do it with my grandfather next time.
     That's not the case. At least you have to interrupt your arm." Yin-Er got up and couldn't help but say a word.
     The so-called god fights, mortals suffer.
     This restaurant was originally opened by Yin-Tang. He took people to fight, the Shopkeeper and the second child did not dare to move, and even had to help stop those who watched the fun, otherwise it would be a mistake, it can only be Deserve, Prince Prince jokes are so beautiful.
     Yin-Tang looked at theervants that fell on the ground, and all of them were indifferent to him, and even looked at him like a wolf, and he was happy. Underarm
     At the moment of the body, Yin-Tang stared at him coldly. "14th-brother is really too careless. Even if you take a walk, you can hit yourself like this. How do you call this man? ”
     "You-" His eyes were full of grievances. Obviously, he did not think that Yin-Er had beaten him. Yin-Tang could pull out the reason for this walk to knock himself down!
     Ma eggs, people with brains know that no matter how people hit, it is impossible to have a swollen face like him, and the whole body hurts.
     "Well!" Yin E staring eyes looked a Yin Zhen eyes, his hands clenched into a fist, it looks like a look that is if you dared to touch, God would dare to continue to beat you, but under the dead hand, mercilessly beat you.
     "Come on you!"      But for Yin-Tang, their hatred is getting deeper and deeper.
     Yin-Tang They don't care what they think, they have long stood on the opposite side, hate, or deep hate, in fact, there is no difference. And today can give a lesson, Yin-Tang even if he did not personally shot, he was happy. Dare to reach out to his backyard, and take the person he cares about as a blind man, then don't blame him for not being sympathetic.
     The news of beatings has only been known for half an hour.
     There are a lot of handwriting and Yin-Tang’s relationship with the news. Otherwise, even if you want to use it, this Things need to be fermented, and it will take some time to brew.
     In the palace, when Kangxi Ting-Wenyin was beaten, the look did not change much. Even the Zhu pens that read the chapters did not stop. When Li Dequan thought that Kangxi would not speak out, Kangxi suddenly asked. Sentences.
     "Old 14th how is it now?" Kangxi inadvertently asked Li Dequan to return to God quickly.
     "Return to the emperor, 14th-Prince is all skin wounds." Li Dequan has already inquired about things clearly. His personal opinion is to live. As for Kangxi views, he does not guess, just wait for Kangxi himself.
     Kangxi heard the words and nodded. Obviously, I guessed this point long ago. It was awkward.
     The next words were full of emotion. "The old ten is also calm, knowing what is measured, but some people are straightforward."
     "The emperor forgives sin!" Li De listened all the way, the calf was soft, and he squatted unconsciously.
     Regardless of who is clever in the Kangxi dialect, this kind of mixed with anger is proof of something. Kangxi is already dissatisfied with some people, and it is only a matter of time to clean up them.
     Kangxi faintly looked at Li Dequan. After a while, his tone was plain and plain: "Get up! You are not talking about you. You are the one who has not yet understood the meaning of the present."
     He is tired of this!
     For his son, he really wants to be a good Ama, but unfortunately sitting in this position, some things are a last resort. But then again, if there is his Ama in his heart, then he should understand his mind. After all, there is only one place in this position. It is not the ability to see you not, but the willingness of him to be an Imperial Father.
     In a word, that is, he is willing to give it, you don't have to, you don't want to give it, that is to send it to you, you can't.
     It is a pity that some people just don't understand, even if he beats the hints three times and five times, even through some occasions, they are still clear. Now his body is getting worse and worse. Some things should be prepared in order to deal with the virtues. After the fourth child to the cousin, in addition to the name, just to give the cousin an account, a late explanation. .
     In his life, he owes a lot of people. Tong-Queen is one of them. It is also the one that reminds him the longest. He always thinks that he will owe a straight debt until he dies, but he does not want to make people. Under such a push, he finally chose the fourth, and even turned the fourth into her son.
     Maybe there is a sense of God in the midst of it, but now he is willing to move with this will.
     I didn't wait for Kangxi condolences and concerns, and I didn't wait until I was in his early days. Even Defei  was immersed in the slap in the face of being attacked. It can be said that people who would have been hurting him in the past, now There was no movement, which made him feel that his body was hurting.
     He is unmaintained!
     But even so, Yin-Tang did not stop, after all, he did not start from the court, not to Kangxi eyes, but from the business that he is most familiar with, so that the whole 14th-Prince House are overwhelmed. I heard that his move made the 14th-Prince backyard even more troublesome, especially the favored Side-Fujin, all of whom were forced by the butler to force Fu-Jin to step down and force him to change. I can't usually be pampered with them. At this time, I don't have any patience. Plus Fu-Jin Wanyan-shi family background is not weak, and I have to blame a few thunderous Calls. Come down.
     Wanyan women, nowadays, can't be compared to the past, because of Wan-xi relationship, it is a sought-after, rarely too bad. What's more, Wanyan-shi or Kangxi refers to Di Fu-Jin, and even if he is faint, he knows what the favored concubine means to him. What's more, Wanyan-shi housekeeping ability is still worthy of praise. At least for so many years, the backyard is making troubles, small things are constantly going on, and big things are rare. Just like this, you can't do it to Wan Yan-shi hands-on, so unfortunate nature is the one who picks things up.
     14th-Prince House made a group, Wan-xi was leisurely and very comfortable. Originally, she still thought that when the new yard was repaired, all the cuts were smoothed and then sent to Willow-shi on the road. She is so proud of her to force her to die. It is a pity that she wants to make people live for a while, but that person is thinking about death.
     If you can't go crazy, you can simply open the shelf and pretend to be too scared to escape. If such a technique is favored, it will be revealed if it is revealed. Unfortunately, this Willow-shi is not favored, and there is Wan-xi behind it, so she is simply escaping.
     Ting-Rain's most impatient is to deal with trivial things, and Ting-Qin knows this well, so the two divisions are clear. But in these two days, Ting-Qin feels cold and has a rest in the house. Although she has to use it, she can't afford things in this respect, and she doesn't want to trouble Ping Mama. In the end, she can only put it herself.
     Things have been picked up, but waiting for her is a fake mad Willow-shi.
     Tong-shi didn't take too much medicine for her. When she stopped, this person naturally became awake. Even if there were sequelae, it was not seen now. However, her virtues that she thought she was favored were really convincing.
     However, such a person can’t beat it, and it’s awkward. No, in a few days, Ting-Rain came to Will-shi to Call at Wan-xi every day. As far as her selfishness is concerned, I am still going to pack up these scourges! It’s useless, it’s a waste of rice, and it’s extremely boring.
     There must be a degree in narcissism. If you don’t have the look of honesty, don’t learn the fairy tales. Otherwise, you can only use it to make a joke.
     "Oh! Listen to what you mean, this Willow-shi is not less than Fu-Jin." Wan-xi picks up his eyebrows, and the lightness of the light, like a long time thought of this, completely do not care.
     On the same day, she did not expose the Willow-shi madness to sell the stupid that she would have such a move, the spoiled habits of the last world, the world’s food and clothing, plus some purposeful people to kill, this time Willow shi how could it be a hard time.
     This ten days is already her limit. If she doesn't make trouble, Wan-xi will worry that her city is too deep and it is not easy to deal with.
     "As Fu-Jin said, this Willow-shi was still quiet for the first few days, only crying hard, and the nubi let the doctor show her the burned place and took the medicine. A few days later Willow shi seems to think that this is a temptation, and the result of the temptation is that she has nothing to do, so the next day is not to accuse the food of not being refined enough to accuse Fu-Jin of being a guilty conscience, and imprisoning her." Ting-Rain's words are also straightforward.
     There is no trace of concealment, no oil and vinegar, just a little summary, and the general meaning is said.
     Wan-xi flashed a little bit of surprise, apparently did not think that the Willow-shi of the claws and dances had such a gentle time, to know that the last time, only the knife did not personally kill her! Also, although this world's Willow-shi is timid and disobedient to ethics, but there is no previous world scenery, how much is still a little taboo, not to mention her guilty of arson.
     Seeing Wan-xi was only slightly a little surprised. Ting-Rain couldn't help but wonder if his ability was backwards. He was so dizzy by a Shiqie, and his heart suddenly had an idea, and his eyes were even more With a few points of determination, I want to come to her. I feel that I am not strong enough to hone.
     "Do you have a guilty conscience? Ridiculous, if this Fu-Jin is really guilty, it should burn her directly that night. But now it is too good for you to serve, and her courage is also fat." Wan-xi body to the side With the arm leaning against the pillow, the tone is subtle.
     Wan-xi eyes are staring at Ting-Rain, and his mouth is not said. His eyes are very clear.
     That is, it is a sinner.
     Then there should be no good treatment. I want to be a person. When it comes to harsh rice, all that can be eaten in the mouth is saved by Ting-Bamboo. She can be offended, how can Willow-shi suffer, I really think that people will die, but this is not dead yet?
     "The nubi knows." Ting-Rain's face showed a clear look. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the arrogance of Yu-Willow-shi. Now he has the command of Wan-xi, she will naturally not She is merciful.
     When people are guilty of crimes, she should not be too proficient. In the past, when there were few people who could take shots, now that she has an opportunity, she naturally has to do a good job.

      Willow-shi was originally determined that Wan-xi should not be like her. She thought that Yin-Tang was defending her, and her arrogance was getting more and more arrogant. Even when she thought she could immediately lift this kind of imprisonment. In the state, all the cuts suddenly changed.
     The more she laughed, the more nobody ignored it. When I took a meal, I could only go hungry and sneaked over to the waiter.
     Then I wouldn’t care for her anymore.
     There was a sense of her self-destruction.
     This change made her feel flustered. Although she was confident that Yin-Tang would not abandon her, she did not have the confidence that Wan-xi would not take this opportunity to get rid of her.
     "Come, come, I want to see the Lord! I want to see the Lord!" Pat the door frame, at this time Willow-shi is like a beastly beast, as if he finally realized the danger of his body, anxious .
     The two thick guards outside the gatekeeper Pozi drank a small wine and ate the food that should have been sent to Willow-shi, which was very free and unaffected by it.
     Willow-shi in the door took a handful but no one responded.
     The moment of stopping the movement, there was obviously some mental paralysis. Sitting against the threshold and sitting on the ground, the emotion similar to waiting for death surrounded her tightly. Obviously, such treatment made her feel very excited.
     "Why don't you make a fuss? Is there something wrong?" Pozi, who was white in color, looked at the house with some worries and was worried about the truth.
     "You can't make trouble with her, but it's a death! You look at the burned Tong-Miss, people can still die in vain. If it is unknown, it will die if you die. Unfortunately, people don't swallow this.
     The tone, the family came to trouble. In such a scene, did not give a satisfactory answer, people can retreat?" The black face Pozi ' ' who was drinking a small wine, Called, stretched his hand and looked at the white face Pozi, indicating her Don't worry about it, by the way, let me know some of the messages she heard, so that she should not let her gossip.
     "According to your statement, Your Highness and Fu-Jin are definitely concessions?" Pozi face was amazed, and the voice did not consciously rise a bit.
     In the house, Willow-shi, who heard the movement, had already listened to the dialogue between the two people, and his face suddenly changed and his face was pale.
     Then the body subconsciously posted a sticker to the door, which is more like the outside face than the white face Pozi.
     Black face Pozi didn't know this. She drank a lot of wine, and the wine was overwhelmed. She couldn't help but be careful. She said: "No. You think that when you come home, you will be imposing, and you will not give up." How long have you left, and you have been so happy, not so stubborn, why? It must be Your Highness and Fu-Jin promised to give Tong-Miss a sigh!"
     "So what do you mean, Your Highness and Fu-Jin will take the knife in the house sooner or later?" The face of Pozi face was probably not thought of as a casual job, and he couldn’t help but endure it. Lived and opened the mouth and asked: "If this is the case, then we are not going to take her to a tight point, or something really happened, we are not going to be bad luck!"
     "What kind of mildew! Your Highness and Fu-Jin can't wait for her own point, you think! She dares to do anything like arson, even Calling to burn Fu-Jin, so wicked, but a little shame, I broke myself early. Who is like the one in the house, can toss hard, for fear that others will not remember her." Black face Pozi said can not help but sighed in the direction of the house, a face of disdain.
     White face Pozi obviously did not expect that there was such a thing hidden inside, could not help but widen his eyes, just thinking that there is such a deadly master in this house, to know who in the house does not know Fu-Jin is favored, how many people shoot horses Can't catch up, even a sentence must be punished, this is still burning the idea of ​​Fu-Jin, really do not die!
     "Listen to what you mean, this is not a long time in this house!" White face Pozi tone carefully.
     "It’s not that we can’t live for a long time, but it’s the nubi of Your Highness and Fu-Jin. But she not interested in temper, and she wants to come and live soon.” Black face Pozi is more than white face Pozi Be clear.
     The two said, and turned the topic, drinking while eating, but the attitude of Willow-shi in the house was completely changed. In the past, Willow-shi was noisy, and the two were still afraid of something. Now, Willow-shi dares to make trouble.
     They don't even wrinkle their brows.
     They are hungry for two, which is better than any other method.
     In the house, Willow-shi has a strange face. She is confident that Yin-Tang will remember her existence. She is confident that she will find a chance to be pampered, but the reality is that she can't guarantee whether she can live or not.
     The ending is that she did not think of it anyway.
     How could this be? How did that happen! ?
      Willow-shi asked herself countless times, but she didn't get the answer. Even after careful consideration, her conclusion was messy, because she couldn't remember how she got fire that night. Why did Tong-shi die in the house? At that time, she and Tong-shi had to go to Qing yi-Courtyard. Half-way Tong-shi excused that there was something to take, and she left first. Finally, she personally went forward, and then...nothing then...
     She only knew that when she woke up, her arm came up with a pain, then it was a fire, and then her mood was very exciting. She didn’t know why. In front of so many people, she gave her heart. ‘called out, when she realized that it was too late, she could only be crazy and self-protected.
     She tried several times and saw the big Maid around Fu-Jin. Although she was cold-faced, she still gave her what she wanted. At that time, she felt that the cut had passed, and all the deaths of Tong-shi were revealed. However, who knows that the good days have not passed two days, and the cut has changed, even the guardian Pozi dare to look at her face, let alone other.
     She didn't know if they said whether the things were true or not, but she knew clearly that she was afraid that she couldn't really get better.
     Wan-xi listened to Ting-Rain's report, and she was sneer in her heart. It was only two days before she was quiet. As for the feeling that she couldn't live all the time, she had to let Willow-shi taste it. After all, I didn't understand it. People who have passed will never know how much the feeling of anxiety is tormenting.
     "Continue to look at her, she cares what you say! This Fu-Jin is to let her forever." Wan-xi eyes narrow, his face could not help but come up with a trace.
     "Yes." Ting-Rain looked at such a Wan-xi, and couldn't help but secretly blame, and this is the case.
     She said before that Wan-xi seems to have a natural hostility to some people. Although the women in the backyard are born to be enemies, Wan-xi seems to have specific emotions for certain people, such as the late Dong shi , Zhaojia-shi and now Willow-shi are the most deeply touched to her. Others are hostile, but few are as intuitive as they are now.
     strange! It's really weird!
     However, she did not dare to inquire about the things of Your Highness, so she could only secretly put this doubt in her heart. Maybe one day, Wan-xi would like to say it, and she would get the answer. If it is Wan-xi, do not want to say, she will not deliberately pursue, only if these people are born and their own Your Highness is not right.
     Wan-xi looked at the back of Ting-Rain's departure, and the brow couldn't help but pick it up. Ting-Rain's doubts were in her eyes, but she didn't want to explain it. She slowly reached out and gently placed it on her slender white neck.
     There was a mouth that couldn't be closed, but she couldn't see it, but she could feel it straight.
     The feeling that the blood is slowly losing in my body is really terrible. Although this feeling is not engraved in her bones, it is hovering in her mind. Her heart is afraid, and she is afraid that some things will repeat the same mistakes. She looked at everything with care and caution, and of course looked at everyone in the last world who had harmed her. Because if she doesn't look at it, maybe there is a day when the eyes are closed, and then I can't open it anymore.
     Thinking of this, Wan-xi couldn't help but smack the lips and raise a smile. It turned out that she was not as strong as she thought, she also had a time of vulnerability, and the way to solve the fragility was to The world has hurt her, and this world wants to snatch her happy people and suppress it.
     "Fu-jin, nubi , three little Your Highness should be back, you want to see if you want to." Hearing the look of Wan-xi, who looked a little wrong, could not help but mention the triplets to divert her attention.
     "Alright, I don't know how they learned." Wan-xi left the sentence and got up and went out. Obviously, there are still some concerns about the three children who have just started.
     The triplets are the youngest and just enlightened. Wan-xi, although not worried about the poor people around them, is worried that the sudden change of lifestyle will make them unaccustomed. It’s just that she can’t change this kind of thing. She can only appease their emotions and encourage them to continue. After all, some things can only be based on the world, and the royal family seems to be stable, but no one knows the future. Can people trust them as they do now?
     When Wan-xi was in the past, the three little guys were sitting in the row and the milk Mamas were feeding the water and eating snacks. It seemed that they were not satisfied, which also caused Wan-xi to indirectly put a heart hanging in the air. .
     "Emperor." The group is leading the way, don't look at the steps is not stable, but this speed is faster than anyone else.
     "How can I not obey! The mother has taught you, this way has to go step by step, can not be like this, if the million mothers did not receive you, what should I do if I fell?" Wan-xi fast Step forward, holding his little body, then smiled and clicked on his nose, his face softly.
     The group was said to be a little embarrassed by Wan-xi. He couldn’t help but twist the little body of the meat to drill into her arms. Wan-xi was funny, but didn’t say anything more. Goodbye two daughters too. When I leaned over, I couldn’t help but reach out and put them in my arms.
     The three little guys were in the arms of Wan-xi, you came to me, and it was so unhappy, Wan-xi accompanied them for a while, then led the three little guys into the house. Routinely asked the three children's daily life, a few words, Wat-xi made people appreciate them.
     The so-called rewards and punishments are clear, this point is straightforward in her heart, after all, if you want to run the horse, you have to graze the horse, otherwise it will only be a chance to give others a hole.
     After the three little guys finished the snacks, Wan-xi took them back to Qing yi-Courtyard. By the way, they listened to them and asked them to go to Hong-min.
     They came straight after class.
     The children are big and have their own circles. Wan-xi does not detain them, and often encourages them to make friends. Don't look at them, they are still half-size children, but as long as they are recognized by Hong-min, they are all in front of Wan-xi, and such a circle, Wan-xi is happy to see Yes, after all, no one wants their children to become playboy Brother.
     Wan-xi over the side, looked at the sky outside, and looked at the triplets who had a good time on the raft, the mouth slightly raised, and then looked at Ting-Rain in a good mood: "Let the kitchen Prepare a few more dishes, I love to eat, Hong-min, they love to eat."


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