Chongqie Courting Death Daily 405

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     In the study room of Qinwang House, Yongzheng was sitting at the desk and approving the book. At this time, he was holding a copy of his hand, but he did not flip it for a long time. Su Peisheng, who was next to him, saw his move in the eye. In my heart, I quickly wonder why?
     Su Peisheng looked at the high-intensity of his body, and he couldn't help but sigh.
     The look of Your Highness, you know, there must be someone who is ignorant of death. Since the death of the Empress Dowager, the emperor was seriously ill, and the mood of Your Highness was in a state of eruption. It was easy to get rid of it. I didn’t see the "Jiji" that I thought I was so fond of. I was stunned by a dog. ?
     According to the nature of Your Highness, it is really cold-hearted, with awkward thoughts, privately, and on the bright side, it must be well-behaved, and the year "Jiji" is afraid of forgetting one own Identity. To be honest, the annual "Jiji" Ama, the brother's official position is good, regardless of the fact that the government should be a Side-Fujin. But this year, "Jiji" was like the wrong medicine. It was in the draft, and deliberately fell into the arms of Your Highness.
     Hey! The idea of ​​this idea, used on others, may be that the other party still has the heart of pity and jealousy, and directly accepts this beautiful grace. It is a pity that the person of Your Highness wants to face and care for the rules.

     This is not the case. Even if Deyang Niang-Niang makes a reasonable statement, it is not a small sedan to be carried into the house.
     It’s just a matter of turning a little bit to death, it’s not asking for fun!
     If you really want to die, you have to see if you have anyone 9th Fu-Jin's ability, you can get Junwangye only favor, not to be windy, rainy. It is a pity that there is no life in that heart. After all, his family, Your Highness, has always been a major event, and it seems that the woman’s personal feelings are less important.
     Just thinking, the corner of the corner of the eye swept outside and Xiao ke quietly leaned over, Su Peisheng did not dare to delay, walked away with a light hand.
     "Su Ye-Ye, 9th Prince is coming here." Everyone in Qinwang knows that no one should stop ZHong-Yong Junwang, otherwise it will delay the matter of Your Highness, it is not a A small life can be lost.
     Su Peisheng heard the words and immediately turned into a small run into the study. "Your Highness, 9th Prince is here."
     The hand holding the eclipse was slightly stunned, then nodded: "Welcome."
     In the past, the study was a forbidden place in the government. Unless it was allowed, few people could come in. It was the son-in-law of the house. No matter what was sent, it could only stop at the entrance of the Courtyard.
     The people outside the house, no matter who they are, have to wait, only Yin-Tang always goes straight in and out, never waits. It’s just that these nubi are afraid of mistakes, and they often report in advance.
     Following the embarrassment, Su Peisheng quickly greeted him and saw the rush of Yin-Tang when he arrived at the entrance of the study. Looking at the more urgent Yin-Tang than in the past, Su Peisheng did not dare to be scornful. After playing a thousand, he directly greeted people.
     Yin-Tang didn't take these things to heart, and the whole person had a feeling of absent-mindedness. After discussing with Wan-xi that day, he was always in his heart, but he only remembered a sentence in his mind. If he did not remove De-yi she would be the biggest obstacle and threat of 4th Prince in the future. If this is what others say, he will certainly sneer at it. After all, their strength is here, how can they not deal with an old witch, but this is what Wan-xi said, and he must not believe it.
     This is not, tangled for a few days, he still came, not to say that the whole test is always necessary, after all, as Wan-xi said, they can not wait until they lose the opportunity to regret.
     Into the study room, Yin-Tang did not speak before, he waved directly to Lin-Chujiu and Su Peisheng to stay outside, he himself strode inside, it seems that they do not want their third person to know the conversation.
     "4th Prince, my brother came here today. Is there something to ask for 4th Prince opinion?" Yin-Tang has never been a temper, and it has been too long in the house. Here, after seeing it, He is not tangled.
     He looked up and looked at Yin-Tang with a silky look, and inexplicably felt something was wrong. After playing their own happy knots, he was the first to see such a serious Yin-Tang. What he did in the past is a calm look, even if angry is not as forbearing as it is now, is it about His business.
     I still remember Yin-Tang how their younger Brother defended him.
     This kind of brotherhood always makes him feel, even fortunate that he did not miss this brotherhood because of his stubbornness.
     He is really too lonely, too eager for the care and warmth of others.
     He thought that when he got married, he could have a warm home. Unfortunately, Wulana-shi, this woman in the backyard, has its own thoughts. After a long time, he will understand it.
     The land is turned to the children. It is Yin-Tang's brotherhood, who came to the accident, but also let him cherish the most.
     Every time when they worked with Defei  and others for maintenance, his heart was warm. At that moment, he really understood that the mother-in-law said at the time that there was something wrong with it!
     "9th Prince, what makes you like this, but because my things make you embarrassed?" Look at Yin-Tang, unconsciously apologetic in the tone.
     "4th Prince, my brother doesn't let people come in, just want to tell you about Defei  Niang-Niang. You won't have forgotten that we should settle this matter soon! Now Deyang Niang-Niang has just lifted the ban, status Slightly embarrassing, whether for herself or for the old 14th-, will definitely want to please Imperial Father. And Imperial Father is saddened by the Empress Dowager, Defei  Niang-Niang seized the opportunity to ensure that Once upon a time, I was able to climb up with this passing person." When Yin-Tang said this, the disdain in that tone was really hidden.
     I heard the words, looked awkward, and recalled the experience of Defei . I didn’t think about it before, but I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. Now, with Yin-Tang’s mention, I suddenly found out that this person’s intention was something, and when I wanted to understand, he couldn’t help but look at Yin-Tang's eyes could not help but ask a question.
     Yin-Tang glared at the sudden pale face, and she couldn't bear it inexplicably, but he knew in his heart that this incident would only increase the indulgence of the 4th Prince to the old demon of Defei . What is the mother-in-law, what really cares is that 4th Prince is stupid, and people just treat it as a bargaining chip.
     "Since the 4th Prince has already guessed, why bother to escape? The younger brother wanted to leave a room for Defei  Niang-Niang, but some people didn't think so.
     They took advantage of it and blamed her for using it.
     The people are not enough, so 4th Prince, we can't make such a small fight, it's time to make a decision." Yin-Tang said that this is not a slap, but let him face the reality.
     The rumored that the moment of raising the hand was originally intended to put the pen in the hand down, but did not want to make the ink spill out of the ring because of the absent-minded relationship.
     Yin-Tang groaned, shook his head helplessly, turned and found the chair to sit down. Let him think about it himself, and he said that he used to be the one who used it, and then mentioned that Tong-Queen is more responsive.
     But, slowly, as long as he can figure it out, this thing can still be handled well. After all, he has already begun to layout after consulting with Wan-xi. He did not believe that the portraits and mourning halls of Tong-Queen were ruined, and the Imperial Father could still be like the present.
     He was thinking, suddenly heard the Calling voice, looked up and saw his face with a dignified expression, thinking that this incident had too much impact on him.
     "9th Prince, you said why she can be so guilty, obviously son, is still a son who is her stepping stone again, why she has no pity!" Long sighed, the whole person The spirit of the spirit seemed to be pulled away in an instant, and it looked a bit decadent.
     Yin-Tang glared at him like this, his tone was slightly impolite: "4th Prince, I want to say that this is still polite, think about Tong-Queen, even after passing, I will not be again by Defei  Niang Niang as a stepping stone?"
     "This " big eyes, sly expression, but it is difficult to accept this series of blows.
     Yin-Tang doesn't want to pick the bad things, but to really plan for it. After all, to sit in that position, some people can't be his obstacles. If they are so laissez-faire, they will be successful in the future. However, Defei  topped the name of a raw mother, how can they do it, Daqing can rule the world with filial piety.
     "4th Prince, if you don't believe, our Brother will bet on the board today?" Yin-Tang looked up and looked straight at him, and he could not allow him to escape.
     The            -Tang took the upper peak.
     The embarrassing mood was a little anxious, and he didn’t think that Defei  upper class had such a stupidity. In the past, Defei  always glared at his white-eyed wolf. He thought that he was facing the maiden maiden. Now it seems that she is not blaming him for being bad, but hating that he did not lie on the ground like a maiden maiden when she and the old 14th Stepping stones.
     "What are you gambling?"
     “Will the gambling  Niang-Niang go to Jingren Palace, and whether it will use Tong-Queen to pull up the impetuous heart of Imperial Father. Yin-Tang squinted and said Polite, the look on his face is 100% determined.
     He said that this is absolutely emboldened, because it is the most crucial step to deal with De-yi Defei  really changed his evil spirits and no longer used Tong-Queen, Yin-Tang would still be a part of his talents. Unfortunately, this person is embarrassed, and once he tastes the sweetness in something, he is reluctant to let go of this opportunity. . He sent people to stare at Yonghe Palace and Jingren Palace. How can I not know what I want to do? I am afraid that when Imperial Father is eager to go to Jingren Palace, it is time for Defei  to perform.
     Yin-Tang thought of this, the brow unconsciously wrinkled into a group, I thought it was ridiculous for the hesitation of the silk that I used to be. For the old demon, it is the direct death, but there is room for it. Her thoughts were messed up again.
     Yin-Tang waited quietly. When he thought that he would not answer, he couldn’t help but look up and stared at him.
     The voice asked coldly, “9th The Master will say these words, and I shouldn’t just talk about it. 9th Prince should have any plans!"
     "Yes, my brother is coming today to get 4th Prince words. Is this gambling still not bet?" Yin-Tang had no retreat to Captain's eyes and words.

     "Yes, my brother is coming today to get 4th Prince words. Is this gambling still not bet?" Yin-Tang had no retreat to Captain's eyes and words.
     "9th Prince, you have already seen the old man?" Looked at Yin-Tang, who did not give up, a bitter smile, he thought he had already put a cut, now think about it If he really puts it down a long time, he won’t be a big fan before, and he won’t hesitate now.
     Yin-Tang sits opposite the shackles. From now until now, it is stable and stable. It seems to be calm but not allowed. It can be said that he is not like the past, and he really does not give back. Regardless of how long he was silent, he waited like this, waiting for him to answer.
     "4th Prince, in this matter, not only the younger brother, but other people can see clearly. You know that there will be no turning, but you will be able to bear the temper. 4th Prince, have you ever thought about this? What do you miss and what kind of obstacles and threats will it cause you in the future?” Yin-Tang said, and the tone was unconsciously re-emphasized.
     He is not the one who doesn't know what to do. On the contrary, he is very concerned about Yin-Tang's brotherhood. Yin-Tang, who is very angry with Yin-Tang, what else does not understand, "9th Prince, 4th Prince understands what you mean, and the mother-in-law only has the old 14th even the future Ascend to that position, as long as she is still the mother, as long as she wants to protect the old 14th-, then the Lord must compromise, otherwise it is not filial, right?"
     When he said these words, the hand on the table unconsciously broke into a fist. Because of excessive force and the blue veins on the back of his hand, he could see the fact that he understood it, but he did not want to face it subconsciously.
     "Since the 4th Prince is clear, it should be planned long ago. Although the illness of Imperial Father is not too heavy, but who can guarantee what will happen later? If Defei  Niang-Niang is really turning over, then our previous efforts are not all in vain. But it was also scattered." Yin-Tang saw him willing to face, the original expressionless face slowly eased, he raised his hand and rubbed his temple, the tired look did not hide.
     In order not to leave unnecessary jealousy in his heart, he is also thinking hard. He can't blame the affection, he only blames Dexie for being too dead.
     "9th Prince, if you talk about this, 4th Prince will be sorry if you are still hesitating. We are betting on this game. 4th Prince knows that you must have another arrangement, just worry about 4th Prince. No hands-on, this is not the 4th Prince. So the next game, let's gamble, and the 9th Prince doesn't have to hesitate any more. Some things are time to end." Look at his tired look. I was also uncomfortable in my heart, thinking about the harshness of Dexter. In the end, he chose the brother who stood on his side, not the mother who used him to the extreme but still could not wait for him to die.
     At this moment, neither of them spoke again. It was only that night, Yin-Tang was drunk when he returned home, so that Wan-xi looked and shook his head.
     Qing yi-Courtyard, the candlelight is still the same, the candles in the room are all lit up, the light is not dim, maybe because Wan-xi hates the dim relationship in the house, and in the evening, Qing yi-Courtyard must be a The film is bright. Wan-xi sat in front of the bed and gently wiped the hands and feet with Yin-Tang with a wet pad. It’s impossible to get drunk like this, but it’s impossible for him to get up and wash, and she can’t trust other people to wait, it’s only her own service.
     However, she is willing to wait.
     Yes, for the man in front of her, she really cares about her heart. She does not say that she is willing to do anything for him. Besides, she does not want to arrange other women for him. She is really willing to do everything for him. After all, in Wan-xi view, no one can hold her on the palm of his hand like him.
     From entering the government to the present, Yin-Tang really spoiled her as much as she could. She looked at her, no matter what happened, so that she could walk up in front of others and walk every step. Maybe this man is not the best in the world, but it is the best for her. Wan-xi once asked Yin-Tang what she likes? Yin-Tang's answer is very succinct, saying that she saw her first eye and knew that she belonged to him.
     This is a lie, but Wan-xi was sweet at the time, and he was more happy than ever.
     "The liar said that he would not be drunk again, and he was drunk again." Wan-xi said awkwardly, and when he got up, he turned the water basin next to him and ordered the kitchen to be hangover. Soup, she carefully fed him to drink, seeing him sleep well, no longer uncomfortable, this wide-clothed clothes fell asleep beside him.
     Waiting for the sound of Wan-xi to gradually calm down, Yin-Tang, who thought he had been drunk, slowly opened his eyes and looked at his clear eyes.
     Then he watched him carefully.
     The move in it doesn’t look like it’s drunk. His lips moved a few times and seemed to say a word, as if nothing was said. After a while, he closed his eyes, and the two cuddled up and fell asleep.
     The next day, Wan-xi woke up from her sleep and saw Yin-Tang leaning on the bed reading a book.
     The face unconsciously raised a smug smile, and then the whole person squatted on him. Willing to get up.
     "What is this?" Yin-Tang looked at the Wan-xi who was on him, and asked with a smile.
     "It’s hard to wake up with a buddy, and naturally you have to take advantage of the opportunity to get closer to your next master." Wan-xi pretend to slap another leg on Yin-Tang, with a small face. It is full of pride.
     Yin-Tang looked at her childish appearance, only to think that he had not been with her for a long time.
     The more backward, the more nervous the situation, the more he helped the 4th Prince, and the things on hand were naturally quite a lot. Together with his own shop, he was too busy to give birth to three heads and six arms, and how could he sleep on the sun every day, let alone He still has to go up.
     Yesterday, I came back from Qiyun wang House. Although I drank a lot, my head was really dizzy, but his thoughts were sober, and she was clear about what she had done. Because of this, he only thought about spending more time with her today, but did not expect that his move would make her so happy.
     The big palm patted her back and watched her play and hang on her own. Yin-Tang did not push her, let her not say anything on her body, and her arms were still on her waist. She is a childish rogue.
     The two lay in bed for a long time, until Wan-xi couldn't stand the hungry, Yin-Tang followed her up and waited until they finished the grooming. It was almost noon, and the two went directly from the morning meal to the afternoon. Meal.
     "Master  went to 4th Prince House yesterday and said about Defei , 4th Prince agreed." Yin-Tang gave Wan-xi a side and told her why he was drinking yesterday.
     "No matter what the reason is, I just want to drink too much when I drink in the future. After all, this drink is too much to hurt." Wan-xi heard from Yin-Tang's words. I am very happy, I think I have agreed to their plans, but even so, she is still embarrassed.
     Don't think that a good news can divert her attention. Everything involves physical health. She is determined not to give in.
     Yin-Tang took advantage of her appearance and did not refute it. She just nodded. He tried to do this kind of thing. After all, sometimes he didn’t want to drink, he didn’t want to drink, he was happy and unhappy, sometimes there was a certain inevitability and contingency, but she thought about the grievance that she said last night, Yin Tang feels that he should pay attention to it. After all, according to Wan-xi temper, if he has anything, she will certainly be on the side, and he is not willing to be tired of her.
     "What is Jao-Jao saying, but the things in this palace, but the real thing is really to spend more thoughts. After all, it’s time to stop playing." Yin-Tang squinted and covered The chill that went to the bottom of my eyes was faint.
     Wan-xi didn't talk, just gave Yin-Tang a favorite dish. To deal with this kind of thing, to tell the truth, not only Yin-Tang thinks that she also thinks that the existence of this person is too unsightly. If they are not a ship, they may not care. How did she toss, but unfortunately they changed the route in this world, and it is impossible for her to add.
     The two used lunch, Wan-xi saw Yin-Tang not rushing to leave, then dragged his hand to walk in the yard, turned two laps, Lin-Chujiu came over and there was something wrong, Wan-xi Only release people.
     When the figure of Yin-Tang disappeared outside the door, Ting-Rain immediately came over and put the freshly brewed tea on Wan-xi, see Wan-xi face.
     The way of thinking, can not help but whispered: "If you want to know Fu-Jin, nubi can go and ask now."
     "No. I haven't said it, I don't want to worry about this Fu-jin. I have to say something about it before, so I have to say something about the palace." Wan-xi raised his hand and stopped Ting-Rain. Action, whispered.
     Ting-Rain heard the words and thought that Wan-xi words were quite reasonable. In fact, Your Highness did not have anything to do with Fu-Jin.
     The two trust each other and they have reached the point where others are pointing. Really someone wants to leave them, Ting-Rain wants to call each other the master of the master, because this achievement is really a mountain.
     "Fu-Jin, most of the things in the house are now taken over by Ping Mama. Several "Jiji" are mainly taken over by Mama, and nubi are holding them. Both Mamas have already started." Ting-Rain See Wan-xi didn't want to say these things, they turned the topic to Ping Mama, and they reported the situation to Wan-xi indirectly.
     "That's good." Wan-xi nodded and then ‘called: "The two Mamas are all true people. You should learn more. As for those who have thoughts, knock and beat, don't let What did they cause?"
     Ping Mama and Bean Mama have a very good impression of Wan-xi, and with the relationship of the Empress Dowager, Wan-xi has no defense against the two, and the up-and-coming is a heavy responsibility, while Ping Mama They obviously feel that Wan-xi trusts and values ​​them, so it is very serious to do things, but compared to the full commitment of Mama, Ping Mama looks like a calm face but hides a copy of Wan-X's review.
     Of course, Wan-xi doesn't know this. She chooses things to go with the flow. Even if she hates it, she doesn't rush to retaliate. It is easy to see that she is very patient when she is doing things, so even She found that Ping Mama was wrong, she wouldn't do anything about Ping Mama, and at most it was the idea to figure out her intentions, rather than indiscriminately moving people away from me.
     "The nubi knows." Feeling that Wan-xi pays attention to the two Mamas, Ting-Rain couldn't help but sigh and sigh that he didn't take Qiao in front of the two Mama, otherwise he really offended the two, she even In front of Fu-Jin, I will definitely have a face.

     Yin-Tang is not in, and Junwang is naturally the largest in Wan-xi. It was Wan-xi who didn't want to control it.
     The Shiqies in the backyard were noisy. Now she doesn't want to make these troubles. Naturally, I have to make these people honest.
      Willow-shi and Tong-shi have been making small moves all the time, but they haven’t actually done anything yet. If you want to come to the two, if you haven’t reached a consensus yet, or if the plan is not yet complete, if neither of them is, the worst is It is their plan that is going on. Wan-xi didn't have any special thoughts when he learned that Willow-shi and Tong-shi had joined forces.
     The only thought was that the two men wanted to die, so she gave them a trip. .
     Some hateful Wan-xi can be put down, but they are not allowed to be provocative. Willow-shi, since they don't know enough, then she doesn't have to grieve to move others. After all, according to her current status, there are not many people who can let her move.
     Kneeling, Wan-xi recruited Ping Mama. In addition to asking Ping Mama to stay in the house, most of them are trivial things in the house.
     The only thing that can be considered is Yin-Tang set up those shops in her name. Don't think that those who are against her are dead, she really is not accounting for it. In fact, Wan-xi careful eyes are still very good. Before she dared to tell the Empress Dowager that it was to deal with the Dong people, this is not a hole in the wind. In the end, she indirectly wanted the life of the Di Daughter of the Dong and Ezu tribes.
     The people appearances don’t care any more, and they know who they know.
     In order to be counted by the other party when they are not inadvertently, it is necessary to fight the other side without the power to fight back. Because of this idea, Wan-xi is directly resisting and suppressing the Dong and E people. Yin-Tang does not understand her intentions, but even if she is jealous, it helps her to get up. So in the past two years, the Dong people have gained very little business. In fact, it is quite unsatisfactory. It can be said that it is a reward.
     Ping Mama took the book and looked at the above.
     The face was a bit strange. Obviously, she did not expect that Wan-xi had already shot the Dong people when she did not know. She thought that Wan-xi would not easily take the shot even if she agreed to the Empress Dowager. Now think about it, it is her Heart-One heart.
     "Fus, this " Ping Mama looked up and looked at Wan-xi eyes full of puzzles.
     "This Fu-Jin knows that Mama is waiting, waiting to see when this Fu-Jin is going to the Dong family.
     The reason why Fu-jin is not explained is because this Fu-Jin has never stopped suppressing the Dong people. In the end, the Ezu family is a family of the family. Unless the emperor, it is difficult for others to take them off the dust in an instant, so this Fu-Jin chooses to proceed step by step, instead of slamming it at the beginning. Now these books are handed over to Mama, not temptation, but believe Mama ability." Wan-xi sounds soft, the tone is gentle, and the words are clearly explained. It can be seen that she is not a temporary intention.
     Ping Mama looked at the account book in her hand, and her face looked sly. She looked at the books in front of Wan-xi and knew that these businesses were definitely not small, otherwise they would let Dong people suffer. Reaching out to open the books and carefully reading the contents, she discovered that even if she had psychological preparation, she was shocked by the contents.
     9th Prince will make money, this is not to say that outside the palace, it is the whole four 9th Prince City knows. However, she did not know that the 9th Fu-Jin would also make money at the same time.
     This booth is paved, seemingly chaotic, but it is all involved, even complement each other, to say that this does not make money, then what else is Can make money.
     No wonder, 9th Fu-Jin will take over this burden. She thought she was trying to make the Empress Dowager feel more secure. Now it seems that she does have this strength, even if this strength is not enough to destroy Dong E, However, she believes that it will be a matter of time to shake the foundation of the Dong and E people in time.
     " Fu-Jin, the old nubi asked you to sin." Ping Mama said, and immediately fell down.
     "Mama, why are you doing this? Originally, this is not something that can be done overnight. Your heart is doubtful and normal. But now let's talk about it, then Mama will have to pay for it later. Some thoughts, after all, this huge Junwang House, I need my handling inside and outside, and there will inevitably be negligent when I am busy. I can only ask Mama to help me more." Wan-xi reaches out to help Ping Mama, said that she also patted the back of her hand to appease her emotions.
     Ping Mama looked at Wan-xi, who had never doubted himself from beginning to end, and couldn’t help but spur the impulse of 'dead as a confidant to die'. "The old nubi will do their best."
     Whether it's for the Empress Dowager or for the trust of Wan-xi, Ping Mama thinks she has no reason to refuse and slack off.
     Ting-Rain A few people are standing next to each other, and they are all aiming at each other. Obviously, they did not expect that Wan-xi would be so happy to hand over the shops under his name to Ping Mama. But after thinking about it, they will understand that those who can trust the Empress Dowager, who have no real ability, and such people, even if they have the Empress Dowager’s account, are not sure, they can use this move. Conquering each other, this is a cost-effective deal.
     Let people serve you! Telling the truth, arranging the truth, is better than using a lie to lie.
     Waiting for Ping Mama to go out with the ledger, Wan-xi leaned on the pillow, the whole person was lazy, and there was just the sweetness. Ting-Rain groaned and felt that he might have served a fake Fu-Jin, otherwise the change would be so great.
     “Fujin, why are you so eager to hand over this big thing to Ping Mama? Is it because someone is not doing well and makes Fu-Jin angry?” Ting-Rain’s mouth has always been faster than others, plus The inherent thoughts of the people, the change of the squad, or the sudden change of people, it is the person who led the errands made a mistake.
     Her voice just fell, and Ting-Qin next to them turned back and glared at her eyes. Ting-Rain was stunned by them, but she had already asked for the question.
     Wan-xi saw that they all looked at themselves, and they couldn’t help but look at Ting-Rain with a smile. "With or without mistakes, this matter will be handed over to Ping sooner or later." Mama hand.
     The situation of the present is not very good.
     There are so many people outside the house who want to count on us. If Fu-Jin doesn't want to lose sight of it, then he can only do so."
     Ting-Rain heard the news, only to find that he misunderstood the intention of Wan-xi, and some spit out his tongue. Fortunately, Wan-xi did not pursue it, otherwise she must be punished.
     "Well, Ping Mama, Bean Mama, are trustworthy people." Wan-xi believes in the Empress Dowager, if they have problems, the Empress Dowager will not send them to her. Around.
     This person is jealous! There are always a few people worthy of your trust.
     Wan-xi last time only underestimated the wolf ambition of others, instead of mistrusting the people around her, so this world gave her all the trust to her, sorry for her, she will try her best to go back.
     Qing yi-Courtyard's corner, Ping Mama looked at the rushing bean Mama, and the two looked at each other and walked in an inconspicuous corner.
     "How? But what is Fu-Jin telling you?" Bean Mama looked at the serious look of Ping Mama face, and the tone unconsciously became a little dignified.
     Ping Mama sees Mama face in a dignified look. She can't help but pull her hand. I look around and say: "Fujn asked me to go today. It is indeed something to tell me, but it is beyond your expectation. “
     "Oh? Is it that Fu-Jin has already started to deal with Dong people?" Bean Mama face was amazed.
     They are all people who have followed the Empress Dowager for many years.
     The empress Dowager's sufferings are all in their eyes. Naturally, people from Dong and Ezu also hate to bite their teeth. If the Empress Dowager is put down, they will naturally not think about it any more. Unfortunately, the Empress Dowager has not let go, then they naturally have to worry about Your Highness.
     Ping Mama thought that after they came over, they could hide the hidden defense of Wan-xi, and they couldn’t help but feel the cheeks fever. "It’s not a shot, but a straight blow to the Dong people." Ping Mama said that Wan-xi was looking for her past things. In the end, even she felt that their so-called hesitation was actually an insult to Wan-xi.
     In fact, before the dying of the Empress Dowager, they had been looking for two of them.
     The words were scared by Wan-xi because they helped her to punish the Dong and E people, so they temporarily changed their minds and changed the forces that were supposed to be dissolved.
     They were handed over to them and asked them to find the right time to hand over to Wan-xi, which was her last gift to her.
     Ping Mama and Bean Mama didn't want to hide the matter.
     They just worried that the human heart is changeable, so they want to observe the behavior of Wan-xi secretly. If she is honest and loyal, they will directly Something is given to her. If she is selfish and sullen, then they will ruin this thing, so as not to be left behind. But I don't want Wan-xi to have no doubt about them from beginning to end. I don't want to talk about their trust, but also entrust them with heavy responsibility.
     Bean Mama heard the words, only to realize that they made a very substantial mistake, that is, Wan-xi did not know what they had in their hands, but they violated the Empress Dowager's intentions, made their own claims, to Your Highness.
     The temptations, such taboos, should not have happened to them, but the death of the Empress Dowager and the current situation, making them cautious.
     Also, those who can make the Empress Dowager immersed in each other will be the kind of Small-One that only value interests.
     The two looked at each other, and Mama smirked, and his face was relieved: "Older sister, it seems that we are waiting for another trip and plead guilty to Fu-Jin."
     "Mei-mei said that this time we are wrong." Ping Mama nodded and her face was authentic.
     "If that's the case, then pack things up and hand them over to Fu-Jin! After all, this thing was originally the Empress Dowager to hand over to Fu-Jin. It shouldn't be a good thing to use. We should do it. How to complete the Empress Dowager's entrustment." Bean Mama sighed a bit, apparently quite a bit worried about their mistakes.
     Ping Mama sighed, obviously she was in the same mood as Mama, but fortunately they didn't do too much, otherwise what is the use of sin?

     Wu-xi, who was in a moment, sat in the inner room, and placed a book in the house with his hand.
     In the past, she was very busy with her. In fact, she had a lot of things on hand. Yin-Tang is distressed by her, and she has set up a lot of industries for her privately. Her mother-in-law thinks that she had been wronged in the first place, and she gave her a lot of things in private.
     These plus the size of the house are enough for Wan xi is busy. Later, Wan-xi and Yin-Tang were in the heart, and Yin-Tang’s business books would help her, so it’s no wonder that she is getting busy and getting more and more things on hand.
     She would choose to hand over the shop that Yin-Tang had set for her to Ping Mama for management.
     There is no reason for it. In addition to helping the Empress Dowager complete the last wish, the other is her own defense against Dong E. Some enemies can become incomprehensible as long as they involve human life.
     This point has gone from the previous world to the Dong-shi of this world. In short, there is only one between them, and no one is dead.
     After completing this account book, Wan-xi just wanted to take another book, and he heard a movement from the door.
     The brows were slightly wrinkled, and the moment of looking up, the eyes looked straight out of the door, although the people in the room of Qing yi-Courtyard knew that she was most jealous of others when she was looking at the accounts, but no one can guarantee that there would be no urgent matter.
     “ Fu-Jin, Ping Mama and Bean Mama are looking out the door.
     The expressions of the two are not good. What should be the case?” Ting-Rain bowed to Wan-xi. At the same time, I did not forget to describe the two Mama expressions.
     "Please ask two Mama to come in." Wan-xi looked at her like this, didn't want to say more, and sent her directly in a sentence.
     She only handed over her own private property to Ping Mama. According to reason, Ping Mama should now be in charge of accounting. How suddenly did she come up with Mama? Is it difficult to have something else? Or is it true that people around several children are not right?
     "The old nubi gave Fu-Jin peace, Fu-Jin auspicious." Ping Mama and Bean Mama entered the government for the first time to pay a tribute to Wan-xi, which also means their recognition of Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi returned to God and looked at the Ping Mama and Mama Mama, which stood straight below, and quickly said: "What are the two Mamas? Ting-Rain, I still don't support two Mama. ”
     "Yes." Ting-Rain responded with a voice. Immediately before reaching out, he reached out to help Ping Mama.
     They got up. Who knows that she reached out and let Ping Mama block her back. Some embarrassed, apparently did not think they would be such a reaction.
     Ping Mama doesn't care what kind of expression Ting-Rain is. Since they are coming to admit mistakes, they have to have an attitude. After all, Your Highness is always Your Highness, and nubi are always nubi .
     This rule cannot be broken.
     "The old nubi don't dare, the old nubi have the Empress Dowager, and Fu-Jin is also punished!" Ping Mama said, the bean Mama started with her, it seems that the two are determined to wait for Wan Xi has fallen.
     "Mama, what the hell are you talking about? This Fu-Jin doesn't understand what you are talking about right now. What makes this Fu-Jin start from, and where should it start?" Wan-xi opened his mouth with some helplessness. I whispered a few words, obviously she really didn't understand Ping Mama why they pleaded guilty.
     When the two entered the government, she did not pay attention to the two people movements because of the sick relationship. However, Ting-Rain will report to her in a word. Yes, she really didn't understand what the two Mama said, because in her opinion, the two acted in the same way, there is no more than the moment.
     " Fu-Jin, this is the Empress Dowager before the end of his death." Ping Mama took out the box and held it over his head. When Wan-xi took it, he continued: "The original nubi The government should pay Yu Fu-Jin, but in private, because he was worried that Fu-Jin would be willing to help the Empress Dowager to complete his last wish, he would hide it until Fu-Jin handed the books to the old nubi .
     The old nubi knew that Fu-Jin was not open. Hey, Fu-Jin is already planning.
     Wan-xi gently squinted his eyes, his eyes staring quietly at Ping Mama, and the look on his face did not feel angry because of Ping Mama words, but instead with a bit of calm. Ping Mama looked at such Wan-xi, and the shackles in my heart became deeper and deeper.
     "Fu-jin, this old nubi also agreed. To punish, please Fu-Jin to punish." Bean Mama looked at Wan-xi for a long time, could not help but say a sentence.
     Both of them subconsciously waited for Wan-xi verdict, and it can be said that Wan-xi at this time no matter how to punish them, they are all without complaints.
     "But, the two Mama are still getting up soon! You didn't believe me, it was human nature." Wan-xi sighed a little, and said that he reached out and helped the two.
     The more Wan-xi is, the more embarrassing Ping Mama and Bean Mama are. In the face of such Your Highness, they still have doubts, besides being distrustful of the old Your Highness, and disrespectful of the new Your Highness. .
     Looking at the box next to it, Wan-xi original calm eyes flashed. Sure enough, everyone who cares about her is always concerned about her, even for the last moment, she is thinking about her.
     " Fu-Jin ......" Ting-Rain looked at some of the sorrowful Wan-xi, could not help but sigh.
     "It's okay. Although there are some twists and turns in this matter, the Empress Dowager's care for this Fu-Jin can be received by Fu-Jin, and the rest is not important. As for the two Mama, if you feel that you are not willing to go, then you should be your own poor, The best thing is to do it.” Wan-xi smiled and then stopped the matter in a few words. For her, as long as she does not harm her interests and does not betray her, it is just a small mistake, which is worthy of being forgiven.
     In the meantime, the two Mamas did not have much contact with her. Even if she went to the palace to ask for security, it would take a long time to go back and go to work again, not every day. Moreover, even if she went, Ping Mama or Bean Mama, she did not always follow her, and she could understand her more than just a face-to-face. Now that the Empress Dowager is sent to her side, there will be doubts and precautions. It is also the human nature, that is, herself. In this case, we must hesitate and hesitate.
     Wan-xi waved her hand and waited for them to leave. She couldn’t help but sit back and hold the tea pot in her hands.
     The heat in the cup was unconsciously blurring her eyes. She didn’t rush to blow open, but she was so embarrassed.
     The place was in a daze, and when she returned to God, the tea in her hand had already cooled, and it was no longer hot.
     Put the samovar in the hand next to it, and Wan-xi eyelids swept gently, and saw the brocade box next to it.
     The brocade box is a good red sandalwood with a beautiful appearance and looks like a box for jewelry. Is this the love of the Empress Dowager, not given to her before, and then remembered, so finally let Ping Mama send them to give her a thought?
     Thinking this way, Wan-xi couldn't help but take the brocade box and gently open it. I thought it would be a piece of jewelry as I thought it would, but I didn't want to open it. It was a piece of jade and a letter. Looking at Yu Pei alone, she really thought it was a thought, but when she read the letter that Yu Pei pressed down, she realized that this is not an ordinary jade, but a symbol of identity.
     The content of the letter is very simple, mainly to tell her the purpose of this piece of jade. I don't know how to look at it. Wan-xi didn't think that the Empress Dowager would eventually hand over the forces in the palace to her. She thought that the Empress Dowager would hand it over to 5th-Prince or a Mongolian monk in the palace. I did not expect to eventually give her.
     It seems that the Empress Dowager really hated the bones of Dong and Ezu, and her trust and concern for her was beyond her imagination. Worth, the Empress Dowager has a heart, she naturally has to make good use of it, either for herself or for the Empress Dowager's last wish, she has to let those who have given them pain to feel the pain they have had.
     In the evening, when Yin-Tang came back, Wan-xi handed Yu Pei directly to Yin-Tang. She knew that he had recently put a lot of thought into the pit for the sake of the De-yi but the forces in this palace were intertwined. It's so complicated, it's not that they want to go to that force, but the gift of the Empress Dowager is really the time for them to send carbon in the snow.
     “Where is it?” Yin-Tang looked at the jade in his hand. He thought it was a gift from Wan-xi, but after carefully watching it, Yin-Tang found that it was different from the jade.
     There seems to be other intentions, and I can't help but ask a sentence.
     "The Empress Dowager gave it, but only got it today. I thought that my grandfather was worried about the things in the palace. I thought about giving this to the Master. After all, the things in the palace are still solved by the people in the palace. Suitable." Wan-xi  on the back of Yin-Tang, his chin leaned on his shoulder.
     Yin-Tang’s face flashed a bit of surprise, and then smiled and said: “It’s a good thing.
     The things in the palace make it the most suitable for the people in the palace. But the hand that I arranged in the palace is not enough. With this, I must have inserted the wings in this second time, and she can't fly out." I laughed and said, Yin-Tang was solved as soon as I thought of the De-yi and my heart was not so happy.
     Wan-xi glared at Yin-Tang's happy appearance, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but reveal a slight smile. She wanted to help Yin-Tang, but Yin-Tang could use her place. Too little, like now, she always feels sweet and has a kind of unspeakable happiness.
     "In this case, this jade is held by the lord. Anyway, this thing can't be used anymore. It's better to let it go. It's better to let the Lord take it to play its proper role." Wan-xi is very generous. Not because this is what the Empress Dowager gave, she would hide Yin-Tang, and even if she didn't use Yin-Tang, she would just say what she used.
     Yin-Tang heard Wan-xi say this, the whole person smashed, although he can see that this thing is not like a thing, but did not expect to involve such a large number of forces. It's no wonder that the former Imperial Father had to clean the harem again to ensure his power. He thought that the dust had settled, but he didn't want the Empress Dowager to have such a big card in his hand. What is even more incredible is that the card actually fell. In the hands of Wan-xi, it has to be said that stupid people are stupid.
     "Ye Jao-Jao is a blessing." Yin-Tang touched her hair, seemingly heavy-minded, but in fact there is something authentic.

     There is no blessing, Wan-xi does not know, but she can be sure that this is the world, and the people who care about her are really a lot.
     Wan-xi mouth reveals a few smiles, and the whole person sticks to Yin-Tang. I have to say that Yin-Tang whispers a few words, even if the meaning is not clear, it makes her feel very Comfortable.
     This man is not a very sultry man. He is more concerned with giving her the best cuts than the beautiful words. Just look at this Qing yi-Courtyard and know how much he cares about her.
     She put these things out, not to show off, but to make the man who is holding her more calm. Perhaps the power left by the Empress Dowager can make a big difference now or in the future, but for her, the bigger power is better than the people around me.
     The people in the yard are obviously aware that the two of Your Highness are still in a good mood. No matter what they are, at least the two people are smiling at this time, but they also let them relax a lot.
     On the following day, when Yin-Tang entered the palace, it was brought to the jade. Although he does not understand how big this power is and how extended it is, but Yin-Tang knows that if it is just ordinary power, the Empress Dowager will not carry people to Wan-xi, so the content inside is definitely not ordinary. Just don't know if the things inside can help him to drop the De-yi to the dust.
     Thinking of this, Yin-Tang's brow gently wrinkled, and he walked without hesitation. In my heart, I remembered the news about the De-yi that I had recently received. Although there is not much content, it is as much as he thinks. At this time, the De-yi are also good, the old 14th-or it is not satisfied with the current situation, and they naturally cannot afford to change this cut. .
     In the early days, the officials expressed their opinions. Yin-Tang had something in his heart and did not listen carefully. It was not until the time of the jump, the matter was brought to the northwest war, and Yin-Tang returned to God.
     For the war in the northwest, Yin-Tang has assertions in their hearts. Kangxi naturally has his own plans, and where they can control. If this kind of thing is not awkward, it may mean that he still has some chance of winning. After all, this time the Prince was sent to sit in order to appease the military, not for a certain human face. It is a pity that I don’t understand Kangxi mind, and because of their continuous connection with Yin-Tang, they are also too busy to worry about, and wherever they are.
     This is not, one jumped out, the whole face changed, and I thought that he would be impulsive, but did not expect him to be so impulsive, even did not discuss with him, he hurriedly shot.
     In the northwest, the ministers can say that these Princes can't say that because they are candidates, they can speak for themselves, they can fight for it, or they can have ulterior motives.
     This is the view of Kangxi.
                          After all, the war in the northwest has been so long, it is not suitable to continue to burn, so the people who are dispatched this time are the key. But for them, this is the best chance to increase their chips and strength. If they miss it, they will be afraid of winning in the future. Just look at the look of the sly, and unconsciously emerged a fire of namelessness.
     Sure enough, he should not indulge Dexter. If it is not Defei , they do not have to be self-defeating.
     They will not make their own claims. It can be said that this cut is due to the situation caused by Defei . But he can't take her anymore, even if they are defeated, they have to rely on Defei  to suppress embarrassment.
     The more you think, the more you feel wronged, but he also understands that he can only go forward if he is wronged, instead of half-way the burden. In fact, even if he wants to bear the burden, he can't lose it. Not only is he paying too much, but those who support him will not allow him to put aside so easily.
     "This matter has its own opinions." Kangxi short sentence interrupted the so-called struggle, so that the cut and returned to the original position, only a change, probably Kangxi dissatisfaction with the shackles Deeper layers.
     The ministers knew that Kangxi was not pleasant at this time, and naturally he did not dare to mention this matter again. He was awkward, turned around, and talked about other things, and it was given to a step.
     After the country, Yin-Tang did not go to the Qiankun Palace because of Yu Pei business. He only said that he had to go to Qiankun Palace.
     They didn’t think much, only thought that he was going to give Yifei peace.
     The two sentences are also ready to be scattered. It is a pity that they get along well here.
     The one who eats the head in front of Kangxi and sees them in such a harmonious manner, can't stand rushing up.
     "4th Prince, 9th Prince remember to ask the mother to ask for peace. I don't know if 4th Prince still remembers how long I have never seen the face of the mother-in-law!" When the mouth rushed out, the Darens in the surrounding area stopped.
     I looked at theervants stuck in front of them, and there was a chill in my eyes. "My father doesn't have to worry about your 14th-brother, but 14th-brother has been busy in recent times, and the tired mother-in-law is worried." ”
     For this virtue and harmony, the patience of theervant is diminishing. Now it can be said that it is all good. Otherwise, depending on the temper, it is absolutely impossible to agree that Yin-Tang will use Tong-Queen to break this paragraph. Mother and child.
     In fact, since the lifting of the ban by Defei , there has been no less tossing, and it has been hampered by the filial piety and Kangxi face, but he does not want this wave to rise again. He has not called for aggrieved, but he is First, take a nap and accuse him of not understanding filial piety.
     Anyone in this palace is qualified to blame him, and he is not qualified for virtue and deafness. Anyone who has a long-eyed eye can see his dedication, but they are all of them. Of course, he does not say anything about it, and he always complains that he has not cut blood and blood to achieve them.
     Yin-Tang squatted on this virtue that jumped up and down, and knew that he would have vented his dissatisfaction in the court. But what is he? Is it because he is a brother of 4th Prince? But his compatriot brother is always a knife and a gun to his elder brother. In this way, he still wants others to accept his own cuts with no flesh and blood. He is thinking too high.
     "Hey! 14th-brother is a boast-Brother! It is still reminding yourself! But I heard that 14th-brother has not gone to Yonghe Palace for some days, and 4th Prince is in the upper Family every time." Of course, this is not 4th Prince, I don’t want to see Defei  Niang-Niang, but De Niang-Niang refuses to summon, 4th Prince is filial, in order not to violate the meaning of Defei  Niang-Niang, only in Please check out the outside of the palace.
     This is a good idea. It is better than some." Yin-Tang's cheeks are not smiling at the sly, as if they are not afraid of being busy, and they add fire to the fire.
     "You-"                   Its really a brother-in-law! But 9th Prince can remember 8th Prince.
     The former 8th Prince is not bad for you, but now you can get to 8th Prince.
     Yin-Tang listened to these words, even the brows were not wrinkled, the mouth was even raised high, and the voice was even louder than before. "Whoever dares to say a word innocent, I don't know if those who point to the grandfather and grandfather may say a word to the Lord."
     Next to the Yin-Tang's gaze, slightly squatting down the eyelids, and then pulled a squat: "Old 14th-, here is the Qing Palace, not a troublesome place, and 9th Prince is also not a place to be sorry for the Lord. As for other things, let's discuss it before we do it."
     He said that these are not afraid, but that he did have a loss to Yin-Tang and Yin-Er. Moreover, what they should tangled now is not whether it is true filial piety or false righteousness. What they want to do is how to fight for it.
     The position of the generals of the northwest war, this matter can not be said, but it can not afford to wait.
     There are so many people on the other side of the crowd, and I know that there is no good result after the trouble. I swear that the sentence is 'Imperial is not filial,' and I will leave.
     Looking at the back of their departure, the thin lips smashed into a line, and the air Conditioning on the body was not to be put out.
     Yin-Tang, who is also ignorant of this unreasonable three-pointer, does not know what to persuade? Say filial piety! It’s all done, it’s hard to really put a life on it, it’s called filial piety! That's not the case. Some people never know what is contentment. What they see in their eyes is what others should pay, not what they should not think about.
     "4th Prince, don't care too much about this kind of thing. My brother is going to find a mother-in-law today, and then think of ways to set things up as soon as possible. When you and Defei  have no relationship, that is the time for us to start." Yin-Tang reached out and patted him on the shoulder. He gave a look to Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang. Seeing that the two would nod their heads, Yin-Tang no longer delayed and turned to the direction of Qiankun Palace. gone.
     Just when everyone thought that Yin-Tang would go to the Qiankun Palace, he turned to the direction of the cold palace. According to the letter, the joint person was in the cold palace. Every time Yin-Tang thinks about this, she feels that this method is very good. Compared with their big faintness in the city, this place that is directly under the eyelids but does not attract attention is the best place to do things.
     At the door of the cold palace, Yin-Tang eyes, Lin-Chujiu took the door a few steps. Just listening to the sound of a squabble inside the door, and then opening the door, I saw a fat Mama wearing a gray robes coming out, wearing a decent Lin-Chujiu, and then looking at Yin-Tang behind him. Suddenly put on a charming smile on the face, squatting, quite a kind of do not know what to do.
     "I still don't open the door to let Junwangye go in, delay Wangye business, and be careful of your life." Lin-Chujiu snorted and looked at the other party's sincere fear, and immediately opened the way for Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang looked at the fat Mama next to him, and his eyes flashed a little surprised, waiting for the cold palace, watching the scene of depression inside, faintly picking up the eyebrows, and closing the door of the cold palace, Yin Tang didn't delay, he took out Huai Yu Yu Pei directly, and the fat Mama of the face looked at Yu Pei, and immediately sighed and straightened down. "The nubi gave You Highness."
     Fat Mama reaction made Lin-Chujiu scared, but knowing that Yin-Tang had a deep meaning, he didn't say anything, but instead he stepped back and took two steps back to the side.
     "Get up! Master , there is something to tell you to do this time.
     The people in the palace are silent for too long, now it is time to move." Yin-Tang's face is unpredictable and makes fat Mama didn't dare to perfuse.
     Originally, I only told him to come to the cold palace to find people, but there are only fat Mama and a few rough in and out of this cold palace, but even so, fat Mama performance in the face of the new Your Highness is worthy of recognition. But the information provided by Fat Mama also makes Yin-Tang a bit snarl, and it can be said that this power is beyond his imagination.
     It is no wonder that the Horqin woman headed by the Empress Dowager was able to dominate the harem, and even the emperor had to compromise. Now it seems that they do have this capital. We must know that this force has been retained after being suppressed, but even if it can penetrate all parts of the palace and even occupy an important position, it is no wonder that the Emperor did not fight back.
     Fortunately, things finally arrived in their hands, as for Defei , still wash your neck and wait!
     In the Yonghe Palace, Defei , who was sitting on the raft and wondering how to replenish himself, suddenly shuddered, but then he licked his head and continued to ponder, and did not let go of his plans.


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