Chongqie Courting Death Daily 430

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     People encounters are always changing. Sometimes people will live very well, maybe they will get better and better, and they may lose everything between the evenings. Sometimes, some people may At the beginning of the birth, it was full of bumps.
     There was not even one thing that made him feel comfortable, but when he was desperate, maybe he could reverse his fate and let him have all the cuts he wanted to have.
     Defei  belongs to the former species and belongs to the latter species. Her days are good and better, and when she thinks she will continue to be good, she suddenly has nothing at all; her daughter-in-law is born.
     The family is not a common situation, but the encounter is not very good. When I first entered the court, I also suffered a lot. Even because of the appearance, I was isolated and attacked. Until she thought of climbing up to Kangxi bed, she got the love of Kangxi, her The fate has really changed, and it is not a fake to use a step by step, even surpassing the very expensive family to rise to four. So, who else dares to say that she is not doing well.
     In the past few years, many people outside the palace have used her as an example. Unfortunately, such glory has not continued. If Defei  knows how to converge, it is straightforward to follow the previous rules of conduct. Maybe it is still embarrassing to suffer from sin now, not her. It is a pity that sometimes people are too proud, it is easy to forget the prudence and persistence of the past, and then it becomes now, not only because she lost her son, but also lost the favor of Kangxi, so that the door is cold, compared to those who are favored Not as good as it is.

     In this palace, there is no shortage of people who hold high and low. In the past, De-yi was punished and cut off on the surface. Although some people will embarrass them, it is only a small part, even a measure, which will make them feel uncomfortable but not It will make them feel uncomfortable, and now when Kangxi wipes out all her possibilities, this is not only the one she has offended before, but also those who have the opportunity to seek benefits.
     In the Yonghe Palace, the whole group was smashed. An Mama hoped that 14th-Prince could enter the palace. Don't talk to him. As long as he can come, this child can temporarily hold on. After all, today, 14th-Prince, even if there is only one Beizi identity, it is also the son of the emperor, the son of Niang-Niang, as long as he is there, the little-small Small-One in the palace will be jealous. .
     But the news was sent, but the people did not appear straight, even if there were occasional news, it was a bit of excusing.
     This kind of transformation is like a slap in the face of the entire Yonghe Palace.
     This is the son of Niang-Niang who has been holding his hand for decades! Even if the lives of these nubi are not worth cherishing, then the life of Niang-Niang should always let him go! But the fact is that since the day of the ceremony, he chose to disappear directly when Niang-Niang needed him the most.
     busy? What are you busy with? There is nothing else that can be busy when I go to the palace to see my mother’s eyes.
     There is no such thing as an excuse.
     Everyone in the Yonghe Palace feels that this is a retribution, and God’s retribution to Defei ! To avenge her, she has no eyes, no cherish, and the eldest son who is filial is not cherished, but she loves the little son like a white-eyed wolf.
     An Mama didn't dare to tell Deshi the truth, but she could only see it. But Kadun couldn't see it. It was really impossible to sleep. She just remembered that she is no longer her son, but Tong. When the son of-shi, this heart is filled with resentment, hate can not bite a silver mouth. In the heart of her heart, she was Calling at the fire, and her mind was like a group of confused, cranky, emotionally more anxious.
     Often the day is still not bright, the lights in the Yonghe Palace have already been lit up. Obviously, Defei  can't sleep, and got up early. Several palace people who came to serve, including An Mama, were also tired.
     These days, Deok, regardless of the matter, both inside and outside need their management, plus Dessaults from time to time to toss, they are even more energetic, can not withstand such toss.
     I am also a tired face, even under the eyes, there is a group of black and blue, obviously this time is really torment, even the dark circles are out, the whole person is as old as ten years old, but still I don't know how to converge, I want to be alone.
     Deyu rest is not good anymore. At this time, no one cares anymore. After all, the emperor’s words say that there is nothing in the future. It’s only to find 14th-Prince, not 4th-Prince.
     If 14th-Prince is filial, Defei  can still have a dependence in the future. According to the current situation, 14th-Prince can receive Defei  in the future, which is Da Xiao . Others dare to expect.
     "14th-How is there over there? Sending a message to let him come over, there are some things in this palace to discuss with him." Defei  looked cold and his eyes narrowed slightly, and he only remembered the humiliation of the day. I hate to gnash my teeth.
     Kangxi, she did not dare to hate, nor dare to blame, then the rest is paralyzed. She was so hard at the time, and now she hates how hard it is. It is obvious that she is his biological mother, but he can watch the emperor break her back and deprive her of her scenery. Even when she was dragged down, she did not ask for a love.
     As for the fact that she did not plead for her, she was subconsciously ignored.
     “Niang-Niang, 14th-Prince has recently struggled for the position of the Northwestern leader.
     There is no time for him to enter the palace.” An Mama thought about it and put the news he received slightly into it.
     The body is only a little bit of her inquiry in her tone. It seems that she also wants to explore the attitude of the De-yi on this matter.
     Listening to her saying this, the jade and jade heart next to him also opened their mouths and echoed. Almost all of them are talking about the war in the northwest. If you say a word to me, you can make things clear.
     Defei  couldn't help but frown, and she blinked and said nothing. Her current brain is somewhat unclear. Many things can't be imagined in the same way as before. Even with this series of blows, the whole person has become somewhat screwed up. She understood the difficulties in her heart, but thought that he could not come straight, and felt very uncomfortable, it was awkward, and the look on his face seemed a bit ugly.
     "Is there no time for it? I am not arbitrarily looking for him in this palace.
     There is something to discuss with this palace! No, An Mama, and then 14th-to send a message, it is said that this palace must see him. "Der's returning to God, the tone is firm, the attitude is tough, and it seems that no one else can refuse."
     An Mama is on the face, but there is a bitter smile in my heart. If the person can invite them, they will have come so long. Why bother? However, in fact, 14th-Prince is not willing to come at all. It seems that it is more afraid of being implicated by De-yi than others.
     This is a chilling thing, but there is nothing to be done. In the end, it can only be watched in such a way. Don't anger them.
     Busy until noon, after a bad rest, Defei  fell asleep, An Mama and others dragged their tired body out of the hall. Now they are both physically and mentally exhausted, but even then, this thing is still Far from over.
     "Mama, what should we do next? Listen to Niang-Niang, you have to see 14th-Prince, but 14th-Prince has to do everything, it's coming early, he won't come to us..." Without a bottom, and worried about Defei 's anger, I had to find An Mama to find an idea.
     An Mama heard a sigh, and she even sighed. Even if she didn't dare to promise, the 14th-Prince is not the former 14th-Prince. Now the 14th-Prince is quick and quick. I simply can't listen to the advice of others.
     "This kind of thing can only be said to be a human being! 14th-Prince is not 4th-Prince, then temper is impossible to compromise for Niang-Niang, unless Niang-Niang can help 14th At the time of Prince." An Mama didn't want to hide in the eyes of Yu Xi and Yu Xin. After all, everyone knows this kind of thing, saying it or not, it is all the same.
     Yu Xi and Yu Xin looked at each other.
     The two men were dignified and their hearts were full of worries. How did they not know about this kind of thing, but they always hoped to get a solution.
     "Don't think about it.
     This thing goes with the flow! After all, it's Your Highness, we are nubi , and only Your Highness commands nubi . When is there a nubi who barely makes Your Highness." An Mama looks dignified, The tone is not too slow, but it is tragic with a stock.
     She knew in her heart that the life of the nubi never counted for Your Highness. Even if it was a confidant, it would be sacrificed to sacrifice. Especially in this chaotic period, the life of the nubi is even less fortune-telling. But what about them? Still not the same thing to accept.
     Yu Xi and Yu Xin listened to these words and secretly clenched their teeth. Since there is no choice, then you can only bite your teeth and go forward.
     The only hope is that Defei  should not send anger to them. It is necessary to know that there have been many deaths and injuries in the Yonghe Palace.
     An Mama Since this is said, Yu Xi and Yu Xin will send letters to 14th-Prince House in the same way as before, but this news has not yet been sent to 14th-Prince House, which is a direct reminder of Yonghegong. Ting-Rain has already known it first.
     For Ting-Rain, she is happy as long as she is not doing well. In Yonghe Palace, she is temporarily unable to do anything for Defei  himself, but if I look at the drama and add fire, it is still possible. After all, there have been too many things happening in the Yonghe Palace recently, and there are too many eyes, even in her heart.
     There is hate, but it can't add trouble to Your Highness. And as the De-yi are now rebellious, they will definitely not have any good endings. Now someone is staring at no way, but once everyone has left her behind, it is not just her who wants to deal with Defei .
     As long as she thinks about the future of Desheng, she can still step on her foot, and she feels that her spirit is great, and her days are particularly hopeful.

     Wan-xi sits on the fence and looks at the direction of the Forbidden City. His eyes are extremely complicated. It is reasonable to say that she has been born again for many years, and the things of the last life should be slowly forgotten along with the world. But the fact is that the longer the time, the clearer the memory of her last life, which has to be said to be a puzzling thing.
     She remembers that in 10 months, the dust in the northwest war will be settled, but I don't know if this world 14th-Prince has good luck in the last life.
     The last generation Yin-Tang and others stood behind the shackles, and then they turned their hopes on shackles because of the possibility of losing their succession. At that time, there were strong enemies on all sides, and the act was lower-key than it is now. No, it is more difficult than low-key. But if he has enough strength to confront them, he can't pretend to seek a breakthrough without asking the world.
     That's it, theervants at that time almost lost in their smashing, and 14th-Prince also successfully won the name and military power of General Fuyuan because of their victory. . If it weren't for the sudden cuts that happened too suddenly, who could prove that they could succeed in succession.
     But yes and no, this is already a matter of words, after all, anything can change. Just look at the ambiguity and embarrassment of this world, the heart can not be more than before, a rush, an impulse, there is no Yin-Tang this money bag to help spread the relationship, the people around you are far less reliable than the world it works. Otherwise, the means and the heart of the embarrassment, how can it go from bad to worse.
     "Fujian, nubi guarantee that there is nothing in the nubi . After all, there are more people staring at Defei .
     The nubi are afraid of their own impulses.
     They are not arranged to cause trouble, but they just stare. When this gust of wind has passed, we have revenge and resentment, and there are complaints and complaints." Ting-Rain smiled twice, although Wan-xi still did not speak, but she felt inexplicably guilty, this no, no Wan-xi asked, she said it all.
     Wan-xi looked at her faintly, and her mouth smiled a little. She whispered: "If you know the size, this Fu-jin will not ask more. You can do it yourself!" Ting-Rain, De-yi and De-yi are also the emperor's embarrassment, 4th Prince biological mother, she is worse, this life can not be ended in your hands, understand?"
     Wan-xi voice was a little low, with a few reminders, and obviously she didn't want Ting-Rain to be overwhelmed by hatred.
     Ting-Rain heard the words, his face was white, and he finally only bit his lower lip and did not speak. Obviously, she also understood in her heart that even if Defei  was lost again, her life would not allow her to be a nubi too much. It was not only to blame herself, but also to Fu-Jin. Although I felt uncomfortable in my heart, Ting-Rain understood that if she didn't follow the shortness of Your Highness, maybe she couldn't get a chance to step on this foot.
     Yin-Tang didn't know about these things. Recently, they secretly smashed the power of their shackles and smashed them, and solved their own difficulties. It can be said that since the 3rd-Prince was sent to Kangxi to repair the book, he lost his competitiveness, and after he got the remaining power of 1st-Prince, it can be said that it is soaring.
     Now their only enemy is the peace and harmony. As long as they can defeat them, they want to come to a big step. Only for the time being they can only do this. Whoever makes the present is Kangxi.
     When Yin-Tang came back, she looked at Wan-xi, who was rumbling on the book, and walked over, watching her turn over and over, her face boring, and could not help but raise a smile. Wan-xi puts the words in the hand to the side, raises the moment, and the line of sight meets, quite a kind of warm feeling.
     "Is there anyone who provokes you to be angry, or something can't be solved? Tell Yin to listen?" Yin-Tang sat next to Wan-xi, patted her hand on the back of the hand, and asked a sentence, his eyes could not help but fall. On her face.
     Wan-xi leaned slightly toward Yin-Tang and leaned against his arm. Wan-xi thought about the recent variety and could not help but say: "No one is irritated, there is nothing." Things can't be solved, and it's just a little emotional."
     “What do you feel?” Yin-Tang smiled a little in his eyes, then reached for a pillow, and leaned up slightly, waiting for her to look like.
     Wan-xi couldn't help but look at him.
     This man sometimes destroys the atmosphere than she does. It is obvious that he wants to marry her. How to open a mouth is no matter what happens, especially if you love to say no. Looks like it is really hateful!
     Still not waiting for her to condemn his behavior in his heart, he came to her side again, the two lying side by side on the raft, looking far away, like a neck, intimate.
     When Ting-Rain came in, he saw this scene, his face slightly showing a little disappointment, and then he slid out with a light hand, apparently did not want to bother them.
     Yin-Tang had already noticed the footsteps of Ting-Rain. She saw her halfway back and retired. She secretly praised her sentence, but she raised her brow in front of her and continued to wait for Wan-xi. Recently, the situation has become more and more tense, and with the relationship between the war in the northwest, he is obviously a little cold.
     With one hand on his head, Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi savvy appearance, and the smile on his lips became deeper and deeper. Don't look at the two people for many years, but the emotional point is not less than the newly married men and women. Even Yin-Tang's concern and attention to Wan-xi has been deep and difficult to remove over time.
     Wan-xi was stared at by Yin-Tang. It was really hidden. Although my heart was a little angry about Yin-Tang’s act of destroying the atmosphere, it was not a big deal, so it was just a shelf, and there was no such thing. And really anger with him.
     In maintaining their feelings, Wan-xi is not a smart and courageous person, but it is also dedicated and understanding. As far as the current situation is concerned, even if Yin-Tang does not speak, she knows that in order to win Kangxi, the part of the military power that she is going to allocate, they are good, 8th-Prince, etc., can be described as racking their brains.
     "A few days ago, 5th-Sao invited him to enjoy the flowers, but he took it away. He took Ting-Qin and listened to the lotus.
     The original body thought that the meeting would be left out in the past. Who knows this is coming to please The whole person has a wave of waves, and this treatment is different from the past.” Wan-xi has a few emotions in his tone.
     This kind of thing is how she is not clear, but for her party. Words, the contrast is strong, the feeling is not deep.
     Wan-xi does not like this kind of entertainment. If it is not because of 5th Fu-Jin, the compatriot Sao, she will definitely refuse to hesitate as before. It's not that she likes to take a shelf, but to live a life. She doesn't want to grieve herself or her own children, so most of the banquets she refused, because the comparison and targeting of the red fruit is more hurtful than the sword.
     In the last life, she was of low status. Although she did not participate in the number of times, she did not leave any good impressions. In this world, she is a high-sounding singer. It can be said that there are few people.
     The eye-catching people are taking advantage of Yin-Tang's current achievements.
     They don't have to think about them.
     They also know that if they come to the top, Yin-Tang Qinwang can't run anyway, and it can be higher than Wan-xi.
     There are still a few son-in-law. In this way, even if some women are embarrassed, it is not bad for her on the surface, but Wan-xi is not willing to play with those people who play the trick of imaginary and snake, which is far away. Only sometimes there are things that she can't hide if she wants to hide.
     It is said that there is no ploughing in the field of thin fields.
     Thin field is still the case, let alone Wan-xi they are still a hot stove.
     "Isn't it like the feeling that everyone is sought after?" Yin-Tang looked at her expression and couldn't help but ask a low voice. Obviously, she didn't think she was feeling this thing, time, face.
     The expression on the top is not a bit strange.
     "I don't like it. Instead of being killed by others, I want to get the favor of my grandfather." Wan-xi said to his face with a strange expression on his face.
     Everyone thoughts are different. If you are a former Wan-xi, you might like this feeling of being held, but with the last world’s tragic experience, Wan-xi knows better than everyone else. What is the convergence.
     Royal women look like scenery, seemingly noble, but on the contrary, their days are not good. If it is the favored or able to hold the backyard power, at the very least, it can guarantee that you can live a stable life, or vice versa, or be crushed to death, and finally forgotten in a corner.
     Don't look at the royal surface to pay attention to Di , actually paying attention to and not paying attention, and ultimately it is still the favor of men.
     Yin-Tang reached out and squeezed Wan-xi soft hand, and couldn't help but laugh, but he loved to listen to it. His woman should be held in her hand. As for the killing of those outsiders, Hold it, if you want to kill it, you have to see if they really have this strength.
     "If you don't like Jao-Jao, don't go without it, to Yu-5th-Sao, if you feel that you are not good, you can post 5th-Sao alone, please explain." Yin Tang knows that he is gaining power now, and those women have the instructions of their own men.
     This is the only way to make such a move. If one day he loses, they will definitely come out on the first time, so instead of letting I feel uncomfortable. It is better not to deal with it at the beginning. Anyway, he does not rely on the support of these wall grasses to win a cut.
     Wan-xi leaned on Yin-Tang's arms. She knew Yin-Tang's mind and knew that he was really disdainful to these people, but there is a saying that people are in Jianghu, and they are involuntarily. Don't look at how high they are now, but no one can guarantee the result, so some people can still sin without sin.
     As the old saying goes, multiple friends are always stronger than multiple enemies.
     "Master, although I don't like it, but I still have to go. After all, it is not worthwhile to make a deal. It is good to take advantage of the old ten Fu-Jin. Although it is a Mongolian, the temper is very hearty and she is accompanying. "Wan-xi has a slight relief in the tone. Apparently, she said that this is also based on the fact that it is really true for the ten Fu-Jin, otherwise she is temper, it is difficult for no reason. To boast of individuals.
     "Ye Jao-Jao should get the best cut, but you can't force it, others are even more impossible, so you don't need to force yourself. If you think who is good, more and more, as for the messy banquets. I want to go, I don’t want to go, I don’t have to worry about who face.” Yin-Tang nodded and reached for her and pulled her into her arms. He whispered: “You can fight for yourself if you want anything. You don’t have to be wronged. If a man can't protect his own woman, then his future is not necessarily bright. Even if he gets it, he will not be able to keep it."
     "Master  is naturally the best, and it is more self-willed than the imagination of the Lord, and certainly will not grieve." Wan-xi is attached to his arms, after all, she said that these are not intended to let Yin-Tang is difficult, but it is really a feeling of life.
     If she can't be born again, she will never know that power can change so much. Of course, she cares more about her happiness than power. Compared with those national events, she hopes that her family's little days will be happy.
     "That's good, the man who holds the palm of his hand, can't let others pick the thorn." Yin-Tang squinted, thinking of those who were still thinking carefully in the dark, feeling that it might be time to pack up and pack them.

     "That's good, the man who holds the palm of his hand, can't let others pick the thorn." Yin-Tang squinted, thinking of those who were still thinking carefully in the dark, feeling that it might be time to pack up and pack them.
     Yin-Tang's hegemony was carved into the bones. What he said in his mouth, what he thought in his heart. It’s just that so far, it seems that the dust will be settled, and it will be a foregone conclusion. In fact, it is a dark wave and a constant wave. If you don’t talk about jealousy and jealousy, you can say that they support or don’t support them. Who can still not think carefully.
                  Human relations are also coming and going. Yin-Tang, as a supporter of Yan, is itself the biggest god of wealth in the Qing Family.
     The most important thing is the silver. If such a person can see the silver that is greedy, he will act on it.
     The guidelines, such a person, those who have thoughts and deliberate abacus can not accept.
     In the eyes of many people, they need a benevolent and manipulable emperor, not an emperor like the predecessor of Kangxi. Obviously, does not meet their requirements, so they try to use their own small abacus as much as possible. After all, they are more in line with their requirements than , and  .
     Yin-Tang is not afraid to relax because of the current victory because he understands this point, because he knows clearly that even if they now occupy the victory, but they are accidentally, they may be turned over by others. Don't look at the contradictions between and  , but this is not the main problem.
     The main problem is Kangxi, who is more and more skeptical, and the courtiers who are playing with small abacus.
     Wan-xi turned over and the whole person rolled into Yin-Tang's arms. Yin-Tang caught her thin and thin waist from behind her, her brows wrinkled slightly, and some unhappy said: "How come again? Thin, but still like some meat on the Jao-Jao."
     "Do you really like to be fat? How do you remember that the first two days of the Lord also yelled at Wei Shi, saying that she can't look at this fat body, so that everyone in this backyard is because of this sentence.
     The words have been reduced, and the cost of the backyard has been reduced by half.” Wan-xi chuckled and thought about the Shiqie who were so soft and soft in the backyard that they couldn’t stop. Music.
     Although she did not deliberately reduce her own cost, but recently there are many chores, and Moya-qi that child seems to have something to worry about, which makes Wan-xi somewhat unhappy.
     She thinks that she likes '1st Jiji' and '3rd-Jiji'. Even in her heart, they are different from their own children.
     There is at least no difference in treatment. She dared to pat her chest to ensure that she was innocent of Yin-Tang's trust, but she did not want her own efforts to pay only because of the others' provocation.
     "They are thin and fat, and what are they?" Hey, they can't see them shaking in front of the Lord every day." Yin-Tang couldn't remember the Wei Shi who was drinking at the time. When he was upset, except Wan-xi and A few children, who can still get him a silky face, "As for Jao-Jao, Ye still likes you a little meat."
     "Master  said this, what can you say?" Wan-xi turned and put in Yin-Tang's arms and opened his mouth. She wanted to say '1st Jiji'.
     Thinking about it, she felt that the matter in this backyard was still solved by herself. After all, Yin-Tang has a lot of things, and she can't find him in big things, otherwise what is the use of her mistress?
     Yin-Tang laughed a few times, rubbing her arms around her, whispering: "No matter how others are? Lord, as long as you are stable."
     Yin-Tang's voice just fell, Wan-xi could not help but open his arms and hold his solid waist, but Yin-Tang smashed, seems to be shocked by her sudden action.
     I don’t look at their old wives for so many years. In fact, her temper is a bit awkward and more shy, but he just likes her shyness. No, maybe he doesn't like shame, just like the feeling she brings to him.
     Just when Yin-Tang was stunned, Wan-xi had sat up with one hand and then squatted on Yin-Tang with a smile on his face. She relies on him very much, and even if she knows his heart, she still wants to make sure.
     I have to say that Yin-Tang knows her, even if she doesn't say anything, he knows how to protect her heart. Maybe he didn't have a bit of patience with others, but for her, he used 200% patience.
     "The whole body has been busy recently. When you are busy with this battle, you will definitely grow your meat very quickly. When you are, you don't want to be fat." Wan-xi smiled and teased him.
     "Only when you are fierce and fierce, when you still have tossing you, unless..." Yin-Tang said, he couldn’t help but whisper to Wan-xi. , provoked Wan-xi face red ear.
     I have to say that the influence of Yin-Tang on Wan-xi is everywhere, even if time makes Wan-xi more and more mature, even the burden on the body is increasing, even if faced Kangxi, she can also calmly from the base, but Yin-Tang just said a few words, it provoked Wan-xi.
     The two people who haven’t been together for a long time are just quietly staying together. Even if they say that they are all irrelevant, the kind of pleasure that comes from the heart is nothing to replace.
     The time was slow and slow, and it was 10 months. During the period, a lot of things happened. Yin-Tang and they didn’t say that they would fight you and die, but they were also arrogant and nervous. A few days ago, the northwest war was in an axious state. Kangxi had made it clear that he would appoint a new leader to go to the northwest. For this reason, they are full of tricks, and Yin-Tang is fighting for them. More importantly, they show their attitude towards Kangxi.
     Kangxi had no less feelings because of the secretive care of 1st-Prince and the abolition of the Crown Prince. Kangxi had no less feelings and he was closer to him than he had before. Just being close to each other does not mean that Kangxi has no defense against him. In fact, Kangxi heart is against shackles, but at the same time he can’t help but test his inner thoughts.
     After all, Kangxi hopes that he will be tough and hope that he will be benevolent. After all, he does not want to abdicate himself. Apart from the sons who are standing beside him, the other sons can't keep their lives. As an emperor, Kangxi can be awkward, but he can, but as an Imperial Father, his feelings for his son are not deep, but one thing is certain, that is, he does not want his son to kill each other.
     "The fourth child, I am very happy that you are taking care of you and your sister.
     They are all your Brother. Even if you make a big mistake, you will not be guilty." Kangxi looked at the shackles below, after a moment of indulgence, Just whispered.
     His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, his face was calm, but his heart was slightly dissatisfied. He is also good for Yu-Big Prince, 2nd Prince, but they all have feelings. Although he can't guarantee that they will all regain their freedom, he is very careful in arranging this cut. Since Snoring and Hyelin have transferred all the powers in their hands, they have their own plans. In this case, Zheng Gong Di-for his successor Di natural There is a threat. After all, orthodox has always been highly regarded, and those court officials who have not stopped, if he can not fully control the power, then he can not step out of the Xian-An Palace.
     "Remember the Father Father's teachings. Although his son's temper is rigorous and sometimes he does not understand the flexibility, but his son understands that Big Prince and 2nd Prince are the Brother' sons. Even if something happens, the son can at least ensure their temper life." The look was right, and the look of the head looked at Kangxi, and the expression on his face looked very real, and he was barely reluctant.
     In fact, for , and   are more attractive than and , they do all kinds of things not only for him, but also for Yan-Tang.
     Those who are not two sentences can be smoothed out, so even if they don't immediately want their lives, they won't let them go.
     When I think of it, the moment when I hang my eyes, I hide the coldness of my eyes.
     Kangxi heard the words, nodded gently and nodded. He wanted this attitude. Some things he can manage naturally, but there are some things he can only beat from the side. After all, it is not easy to sit on this position. I can't ask every son to act according to his own instructions.
     This is the old eight and the old 14th-that makes him quite angry.
     The war in the northwest involves state affairs, not the bargaining chip of their struggle. It is the embarrassment, the old eight and the old 14th-the more fierce they fight, the less he will let them succeed. If he follows their minds, who else will keep the state in mind in the future.
     The so-called do not do something, this point can not grasp the degree, how can they sit in this position.
     Although Kangxi, who is high on the top, needs Lao Ba, they are mutually restrained during their unrequited period, but balance is a matter of fact, and national interests are another matter, but the two are more, Kangxi must not hesitate after the election.
     They are doing very well at this point, and they are too eager to seek success, but they ignore Kangxi request for them. Yes, this move made Kangxi have a decision in his heart, and he couldn’t help it. He wanted to see what kind of situation they could make, and who they were behind them.
     Previously, he and I also thought about multi-activity activities. It was a sub-support to get a point of support, but I forgot that the final result would be Kangxi decision, not the minister’s suggestion.
     During this time, Kangxi body is getting worse and worse, but the early Family has never been absent.
     This has caused a misunderstanding. Kangxi physical condition is good, and they still have a lot of time to fight for it.
     "You can remember what you are saying. After all, we love Xinjue Luo and don't kill my family." The original words are Ai Xinjue Luo, who is not killed. Now Kangxi has changed a little on this basis. Constrained, let him remember to give his Brother a life in the worst case.
     "Imperial Father learned that his son followed the Imperial Father's righteousness." I didn't want to, but I thought of their efforts, and after a moment of indulging, I handed a bow to Kangxi.
     Kangxi, who was directly focused on his emotions, did not feel angry because of his hesitation. On the contrary, he hesitated after hesitating. It’s just that the answer has made Kangxi confrontation a bit embarrassing. In fact, Kangxi has a sense of sorrow for him, but even so, he has to beat the beat.
     "The fourth, some things are not Imperial Father forcing you, but standing in this position, you have to learn to bow to reality." Kangxi face is very serious.

     When he came out of the Qing Palace, his mood was complicated and heavy. At this time, he could not understand the meaning of Kangxi words, but he knew that Kangxi last sentence was definitely not just to appease him.
     In the early morning of today, Kangxi left him alone and attracted attention.
     The father and son had talked for a long time, and now he came out from the Qing Palace, fearing that it has already provoked many people to listen to the content of their conversation!
     That's it, it's clear that unless Kangxi and he volunteer to speak, it is difficult for others to know what they are talking about.
     But it is not these that really cares about him, but the attitude of Kangxi. He could see that Kangxi face was not very good. He couldn't see it far away, but he was so close, how could he not see the blue and slightly pale face of Kangxi eyes.
     Waiting for Yin-Tang, they went back to the study room in their own house and said the situation of Kangxi in detail.
     They were still noisy, Yin-Er, and they all quieted down and looked at each other. He, the expression on his face is very strange.
     They had just started to go down, and they had seen Kangxi in the last Family. Looking at Kangxi full-fledged appearance, they thought that his illness had already been good, but now it seems that things are beyond their expectations.
     After careful consideration, they discovered that as long as Kangxi physical condition was involved, almost all the people in the palace deliberately avoided this problem, but did not expect that they would smash this window paper at this time, and it was still in such a sudden situation. under.
     Yu-Xiang, who is directly focused on training, and Yin-Er, who is heartless, have a look of darkness and unclearness.
     They look at the gaze with a trace of incredulity and endure. For a moment, I whispered, "4th Prince, you are not really right! Isn't the Imperial Father not good yet?"
     Yin-Tang looked at the two people who could not accept this fact.
     They couldn't help but sit next to each other and reached out and patted the table. "Imperial Father is not good after leaving the Royal Horse." Coupled with the battle between the Lord and the 8th Prince, the Imperial Father did not bother to balance the two sides."
     He is actually dissatisfied with Kangxi move to balance their powers, but this is not something he can change. After all, some things are ultimately what Kangxi means, not his. But there is a point that he can guarantee, that is, these people have never thought about harming Kangxi, or driving him down from this throne.
     They have just won the next emperor. No, maybe they are only competing and valued by Kangxi.
     Everyone heard the words, and my heart seemed very complicated. For Kangxi balanced means, they could understand but they could not accept it. Many things did not happen to them.
     They could all make a big slogan, but it really happened to them. It seemed to be full of long mouths. I can't tell you how much grievances you have.
     I looked at the expressions of a few Brother and knew the thoughts in their hearts. Although he was equally uncomfortable in his heart, it was impossible for them to choose.
     "Well, what is the meaning of Imperial Father? Let's not guess, I will call you all today to tell you that Imperial Father beats Master, so that we can ensure that these Brother win Di-failed and can keep one Life." He sighed heavily, his tone seemed a little dignified.
     He can understand Kangxi mood and intentions, but in the process of their struggle, the accumulated hatred is not a ban, it can make this smoke disappear.
     Yin-Tang was also amazed with a trace of his face. Apparently he did not think that Kangxi was so indulgent, but he still left a trail for them. It’s just that this road is more uncomfortable than death. “Imperial Father’s mind is good, but even if it is alive, it will be tortured.”
     Yu-Xiang's brows were very recommended for Yin-Tang, so he thought about him without thinking. "9th Prince is right, this kind of thing is ultimately too strong for Imperial Father. Now, 8th Prince and the old 14th-doing those things, want people to easily forgive, who can accept this."
     With the straightforward words of Yu-Xiang, they don’t consciously nod.
     The so-called brotherhood, it is the Brother who have friendship, become the enemy, what are they?
     This kind of thing is similar to hatred, and it is slowly accumulated.
     There is no love for no reason in this world. Of course, there is no hate for no reason. Different choices have created different situations. No one can blame anyone.
     However, Kangxi thoughts are still essential. After all, Kangxi has done more. In a certain way, he is still on their side, otherwise why should he ask for it.
     One day in 10 months, early in the morning, Kangxi officially made a decree.
     The Yin-Er of the Emperor was the general of Fuyuan, and the Yu-Xiang of the Emperor was the superintendent and entered Qing hai.
     The fate of Hanlin and Kedao officials.
     The Emperor's seven sons, Yu You, Emperor 9th Prince Zi-Tang, and Emperor Twelve, are divided into Zhenghuang, Zhengbai, Zhenglan Manghan and Sanqi.
     This purpose is like a thunderous blast and a sigh of relief for a long time.
     The result is too unexpected.
     They thought that this Fuyuan general would take 9th Prince, but he did not want this Fuyuan general to fail. I didn’t say it, even the affairs of Zhenghuang, Zhengbai and Zhenglan Manghan Sanqi did not fall on them. Such a change did not say that they were destined to fail, but they also played for a long time and could not restore their momentum. Even those who have been shaken now choose to leave them directly.
     Such changes, they hate, they hurt, but they can not be in the Kangxi life of the benefit of Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, or a sentence to explain the meaning of the Holy Spirit is enough for them.
     Yin-Tang looked at the sorrows and sorrows that he couldn’t bear, and felt very happy in his heart. He was standing on the top with a respectful expression on his face. He didn’t move, and there was a stock that made you feel like you’re surging. Dynamic posture.
     Standing in the back of the place, the squatting head was lowered, and the heads were low and the appearance of the eyes was not blind. But standing still not far from him, he still looked at him again and again, afraid that he would be impulsive and make irreparable moves.
     In fact, with such a result, even if they are unwilling, they can only choose to accept. After all, the Lord of the world today is not them, but the Kangxi who sits at the top. If he disagrees, they can only accept it if they do more.
     Kangxi sat on the top and looked at the people below, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but he quietly indicated that Li Dequan had retreated. Li Dequan saw Kangxi eyes and quickly stepped forward. He ‘called and yelled aloud, saying, 'Retreating to the country'. Everyone immediately went to pay homage. After Kangxi got up and left, he finally got up and retired.
     In the middle of the country, those who originally supported or deliberately turned to them, congratulated Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, and this one-on-one congratulations sounded awkwardly and frowned, waiting for him to violently When I was angry, I stood up and held his hand on his shoulder, whispering: "14th-brother, there is something we still discuss privately."
     He said, he went straight out when he was squatting, because he knew in his heart that if he let go now, they might not only be offended as old rivals, but also many ministers.
     Their current situation is not very good, and with so many ministers of the clan, they don't have to think about anything big, and they just announced that they would give up!
     He looked at the ugly face of Shangyu, his face was slightly stiff, he had suffered so much, and he had experienced so many things. How could he not know his strength is not as good Those who he thinks are his own power can't actually be used for him. All the thoughts are just his own speculations, which makes him feel unwilling but has to wake up.
     With this change today, he had to re-examine his power and his situation. Although some things can't be turned back, if he wants to take another step or maintain his own scenery, then he has to bow his head, because he thinks that he has taken away most of his power, in his view. It’s just his self-righteousness.
     If you have not already reached this step, you will not admit such failures and your own shortcomings.
     The only way is to show weakness.
     I don't know the thoughts in his heart, but I can't help but feel a sigh of relief when he sees him honestly leaving with himself. Today's cut is also a big blow to him. He thought he had figured out the thoughts of Imperial Father. Now it seems that he didn't even touch him. Even his self-righteous understanding was actually his own.
     The opinion has nothing to do with Kangxi thoughts.
     The two men came out of the dry palace and walked to a corner.
     They then let go of the arm that was caught and looked cold.
     They looked at him faintly.
     "8th Prince, now we have a chance to win?" The look on his face was a little bit sloppy, and the tone was full of unwillingness and anger.
     Looking at his expression, he smiled coldly and raised his voice slightly: "If 14th-brother says this in the temple, or if your expression is seen by Imperial Father, then we don't have to ask anything." Can you choose to give up directly?"
     I seem to have been suppressed a little embarrassed. If I listen to it, it seems even more uncomfortable. He wants to refute it, but he has to admit that the words of are really justified. "In 8th Prince words, the grandfather understood, but things are here.
     This step, what are we going to do? Its hard to watch, watching them call for rain.
     "What can I do if I can only look at it? Now they are in the scenery. We can't just press it and we can only choose to crouch! You will see their scenery, but you don't think about the reason for our failure. Just like this, you can keep your eyes closed. CHong-, it doesn't blame others for the scenery, let's go down. In short, today's things are all because we don't really understand the thoughts of Imperial Father. If we do this again in the future, we can kill ourselves without 4th Prince. Self!" He looked at him as he didn't care, and his face looked more and more severe.
     The rumored words could not help but chill out, although the attitude is still not good, but the expression on his face should be heard in the words of swearing.
     "Some things do not want to say more, but 14th-brother, small can not bear to chaos, we are in a dangerous situation, but it is not a point of hope." Some words say a long sentence.
     Although he did not refute, he knew that there was no room for manoeuvre in some things, such as these military powers. If they can get it, then it is a bargaining chip, and they will get even better.
     “8th Prince rest assured! The younger brother now wants to do nothing and does not have the ability to do it, so you don’t have to worry about your brother’s chaos.” When he said that he was a younger brother, it was soft.
     When I heard the words, my heart was relieved, and he was afraid that he could not convince him. Fortunately, he was as he wished.

     It was very exciting to get Kangxi appointment, Yin-Er or Yu-Xiang, especially Yin-Er. For many years, he thought that he was the author of the Imperial Father’s mouth. representative. Even if Yin-Tang made him and Yu-Xiang actively prepare, he just hoped, and did not feel that he could make a wish. He would stick to it just because it was 4th Prince, their heart, he I don't want to live up to it, but who can think of it, and finally this wish was reached.
     "13th Brother, this is not a dream! How can there be a feeling of unreality!" When a group of four people sat in the restaurant to celebrate, Yin-Er could not help but say a dream.
     Yin-Er tone seemed a bit cautious, and the look of the pair seemed to be awkward in the dream and Yin-Tang felt a bit sad.
     They used to look for Kangxi attention.
     They all thought that they could get his words to recognize and praise. Unfortunately, they have done countless things, whether it is good or bad. It seems that they have not been recognized by Kangxi or even Multiple points of attention.
     When they slowly began to despair and began to give up, who knows that turning around is actually a confession. Not only has the efforts in recent years been in vain, but even the praise of the heartfelt recognition has been obtained.
     This change has come too suddenly and too So fast, so that he could not believe it.
     "10th-Brother, this is true. You have to believe in the 4th Prince and 9th Prince abilities. You must also believe in the ability of yourself and your younger brother. Let's work so hard. It is this day, now it is realized, then let's make a decision. I have to do a good job for him, let everyone know that we are not just the flowers on the mouth, but the strength." Yu-Xiang patted Yin-Er shoulders vigorously, his face cheerful and authentic.
     Yan and Yin-Tang looked at each other with a smile on their faces. It seems that they are really happy for the two younger Brother. Also, they can fulfill their wishes and help them. Even if the current situation is very clear, as long as they are not wrong, this military power must be placed in their hands, but they have not thought of them, Yin-Er, they are going to be two years, and then come back later. Can't catch up with it, and later, I can't catch up with it.
     "Okay, come back to God! The sacred decree is already under, the two of you are ready, and after two more days, the army is going to open up, and you don't want you to be caught by the handle because you are obsessed with it." I don't want to let them white. Happy to be a field.
     Don't look like the people of heaven and the land are on their side, but as long as the old eight and the old 14th do not stop, those ulterior mobs and courtiers do not let go, then they will go straight.
     That night, not to mention Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, Yin-Tang and Yan were all drunk, and the four people were drunk in the study for a night. When I woke up the next morning, all of them were sore and sore, but even so, their mouths were slightly upturned.
     After a little washing, the Yin-Tang trio got up and said goodbye. Yesterday, I had a night. Although I was happy and happy, but I had trouble, the convergence still had to converge.
     The precaution should still be guarded. After all, this position was obtained. It does not mean that we can win the battle. Some things still have to be told by facts, otherwise they have reason to believe that they will think of taking this cut.
     From the Qinwang House, Yin-Tang went to Junwang House, Lin-Chujiu ran in the sprint, don't watch him go to Yin-Tang with so many places, and the number of horse riding is quite a lot, but This riding technique is really not very good, even if it is a horse, you can only look at the back of your own High Highness.
     In Junwang's house, because the Yin-Tang nights have not returned, the women who had been quiet have moved, and they seem to be skeptical that Yin-Tang has raised Outside Mistress outside, and her heart begins. Just want to move, I feel that I am also possible.
     If other women in the house hate their teeth for Yu-Outside Mistress, then they are looking forward to the development of their own family, as long as they can break the unique situation created by Wan-xi.
     There are even a few women who have no opinion.
     "Fu-Jin, I didn't return home last night, and I waited for someone to worry about it. I thought about coming over to ask Fu-Jin. If the Lord had already told me, Fu-Jin should be cranky and worrying about it. If there is anything, don't say Waiting for someone to help, at least Fu-Jin can also prepare early." In recent years, those who have been beaten have been silent, and Liujia-shi, who is always hiding behind others, is an uncharacteristic appearance.
     Wan-xi looked up at everyone in the room and saw their faces look nervous.
     They knew that there would be such a scene today.
     They all discussed it well. Otherwise, they would only pick up Wei Shi and others. Liujia-shi is willing to take the lead.
     Fortunately, Wan-xi had a long-term understanding of the means and ideas of these people, knowing that they ran this game just to determine the whereabouts of Yin-Tang yesterday. According to the reason that Wan-xi is not answering and no one can take her, but Wan-xi has obviously lost patience to the women in the backyard, so acting is more decisive than coming from the past, obviously not wanting to give them any more. hope.
     "Oh! This Fu-Jin doesn't know that you still manage it so wide, but you don't seem to really understand this Fu-Jin temper.
     This Fu-Jin person used to think that this woman is not easy, can spare people and spare people, But now, it’s been a long time, and it’s natural to distinguish it.” Wan-xi didn’t pick up Liujia-shi words, and his mouth was ridiculously ridiculed, and he slammed the crowd directly. However, it made everyone change their face for a moment.
     It seems that they are looking down on Wan-xi. If Wan-xi is really the kind of person who bullies, then this Fu-Jin position will not be able to sit down.
     At the beginning of her day, she left a line, but she did not want to be stared by Kangxi and Yifei, and eventually ended up with the former Big Fu-Jin.
     The royal family can not tolerate the only pet, even if it is a single pet, it is secret, as for the woman who was sent to the backyard, whether it is voluntary or helpless, stepping into here is her enemy, she can not be pitiful because of others I will push my man into the arms of others.
      Liujia-shi and others looked at the tough look of Wan-xi, and his face looked a bit ugly.
     They thought that Yin-Tang had not returned to the night, but there must be a new situation. Who knows their posture is put out and let Wan xi blocked it back. If it is a pool of stagnant water from beginning to end, maybe they will not move so many thoughts, but this is not the case.
     They have to be spoiled and tasted the taste of the scenery. Even if there is a knife and a gun in front, they will not want to try. test.
     If it is accidental, it will happen.
     Such scenery obviously made these people forget the end of Dong-shi and others, and all of them just rushed into the gap as soon as they saw a gap. As for the difficulties and dangers, they had already given the scenes of the scenery. Scattered.
     "Fudan's words are reasonable, but they are the same women, and they should be caring for them." It is natural to want to be pampered. Of course, this sentence Liujia-shi will not be stupid.
     "Is it? This Fu-Jin thinks that this care and do not want to be the meaning of the Lord, not your speculation and imagination.
     This Fu-Jin just said that in the past, Fu-Jin will keep hands and just don't want to pack too much mess, but once Someone went to the Leichi, and then he and Willow-shi made a companion on Huangquan Road." Wan-xi sneered, looking at Liujia-shi gaze unconsciously with a sigh of relief.
     Before, Wan-xi scared Willow-shi, let Willow-shi live in fear, no peace in one day, until she took her own belt and decided to settle in the room, this thing really came to a close .
     Originally, Wan-xi thought that she would feel happy about her. In fact, she did not feel happy, but she felt like a negative relief. Perhaps for Wan-xi, the people who harmed her in the last world are the burdens on her. Without repelling them, the resentment in her heart cannot be released; except for them, she feels relieved, but she also Some are hard to let go, after all, it is a living life.
     Ah! Such an idea may be somewhat fake, but Wan-xi is also a feeling of emotion, so that she passively accepts the harm given by others, she can not do.
      Liujia-shi and others looked at the Wan-xi, which was chilly and cold, and all had the feeling of scalp tingling. If the past scenery made their hearts unforgettable, then Willow-shi death was like hanging over their necks. A sword at the place, let them instantly return to God from their delusions.
     If the death of Tong-shi is caused by her conflict with Willow-shi, or just a simple accident, Willow-shi death, Wan-xi did not deliberately conceal, so they are in their hearts. It is clear that Willow-shi is not so much a self-determination as it is forced to die by Wan-xi. In the face of such shocks, they have to say that they are not affected, it is absolutely deceptive, but it can be said that it can repel their ambitions, that is also a lie.
     Human desire
     Hope is endless, before I tasted the sweetness, I was still rushing to rush forward. Now I have tasted the sweetness, and how can I easily give up the sweet fruit.
     "This..." Liujia-shi has a stiff face and a blank space in his head. He doesn't seem to know how to get back.
     Outside the door, Yin-Tang jumped from the horse and slammed the reins directly to the concierge. He hurriedly ran to Qing yi-Courtyard. He only celebrated with Yin-Er yesterday, but he forgot to inform Wan Xi, now, come back, why have to go and see her first, otherwise the Jiaoren who holds his hand in the palm of his hand really fires, and that is enough for him.
     When Yin-Tang stepped into Qing yi-Courtyard, he just heard the conversation between Liujia-shi and Wan-xi. According to the man who is not clear-headed, I am afraid that I really doubt the heart of Wan-xi. Unfortunately, Yin-Tang’s whole mind is on Wan-xi, not to mention that he only hears this point, that is to say again. Exaggerated, he will not be sure.
     Fu-Jin is right. If there is someone with ulterior motives in the backyard, it doesn't have to be too polite, especially if it is like the restlessness of Willow-shi, it is still handled as soon as possible, and it is also a shame to keep it." Yin Tang strode forward, and the whole person didn't even look down on his eyes. He went straight to Wan-xi and sat down.
     Wan-xi saw the moment of Yin-Tang, and the surprise in her eyes made her cheeks slightly redden, and the whole person looked more charming. She listened to Yin-Tang and said that the smile on her lips could not be more brilliant. It was because of his support that she could walk to the present step by step, without any burden and hesitation to deal with the Shiqie who did not put her in her eyes.
     "Since he is back, help him to listen to the opinions of the people in the backyard? How do you listen to them, as if you are not allowed to be pampered, and you want to raise two Outside Mistress outside?" "Wan-xi winks Yin-Tang eyes with a sigh of relief.
     The tone is angered with two points of grievances and anger. I want to be angry. Yu-Liujia-shi, they are not honest, and they are not satisfied with Yin-Tang. It's too popular.


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