Chongqie Courting Death Daily 450

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     Regardless of whether Wan-xi is a closed-door thank you, the storm will never stop until the Fu-Jin has not been determined, because the interests involved can always lead people to follow suit.
     Yin-Tang is not too concerned about this kind of thing. He is committed to collecting enough information and then giving his own opinions. As for the final result, he still sees his choice. After all, is the party, but because of the relationship between identity and influence, he has to give up his preferences and choose the most suitable person to occupy this position. Since I have already figured it out, I will not continue to entangle this matter. After going through so many things, he can't be knocked down by others because of this incident. What's more, for the current embarrassment, he is just a heart, not a disappointment.
     Yin-Tang, who got the answer, was really relieved. After all, he didn't want to be the one who broke up the marriage of others, especially the marriage or his brother. Fortunately, I am as strong as I have always been. When he is about to stop, he makes his own decision. As for his sweetheart, can he say that the candidate is beyond his expectations?
     Those women in the backyard, Yin-Tang, who is a brother, naturally cannot be too concerned, but because of the relationship between several children, he still remembers a few. Beautiful, delicate, dignified... All kinds of similar things don't really have much to do with him, but he can still see the beauty and ugliness. Before Wan-xi mentioned those Side-Fujin and "Jiji" on 4th Prince House. When the reviews are sharp, there is no place to offend people. At that time, he thought that 4th Prince would choose the year shi as Wan-xi guessed, but he didn't want to make the 4th Prince heart beat.

     Very surprising but reasonable choice, year shi, he is too weak, even a woman who is not well taken care of by her body, where to have energy to please men!
     When Wan-xi heard the words of Yin-Tang, he felt that he was speechless!
     In the last year, she was the only one who was envious of the woman in the backyard. She was no exception, but she didn’t have to envy anyone in this life, but the backyard of 4th Prince changed a lot. Originally, she thought that she would eventually have a head-on shi. She seemed to have a competitive heart, but she did not have the corresponding ability. Instead, she was a martial mart. She also figured out a woman in her last life. Even if she was silent, she could at least make 4th Prince a smash. From this point of view, Wu Shi is actually very capable.
     "Not all women are as lucky as they are. 4th Prince, the situation is not the same, can only say that Wu Shi is smart enough, but the timing is not right." Wan-xi said this because she felt A man who is as awkward as a donkey can easily want to stay away from a woman, because some people feel that they can't compensate, and the only choice is to stay away.
     Of course, the idea of ​​Wan-xi is also taken for granted. After all, it is not her man. Her understanding seems to be somewhat superficial. But what Wan-xi didn't think of was that the simpler the more it was, the closer it was to the truth, the idea that she was on the surface.
     Since then, Wu Shi seems to be so cold as the Wan-xi guess, so the result is that Yin-Tang ate a tank of vinegar, yelling and saying that Wan-xi Not enough to care for him, and finally physically rude her from head to toe, let Wan-xi blame the man to pick up, unlucky are women.
     Say how she knows that she guessed it, she guessed it directly! To tell the truth, she still has such a slight apology to Wu Shi. If it is not her crow's mouth, maybe her good days will not end so soon! Well, maybe!
     Yin-Tang does not say anything, but it is easy to see from his eyes that he likes Wan-xi answer very much. For a man, the biggest pleasure is nothing more than to pamper your own woman.
     "Master, I saw the Imperial Father in the palace a few days ago.
     The face of Imperial Father seemed to be worse than before." The two men were noisy for a while, and Wan-xi seemed to suddenly think of something. I couldn't help but turn around and ask Yin-Tang.
     From her voice, it is not difficult to hear a trace of worry. After all, the success or failure of the final is still Kangxi meaning. Even if they now have the upper hand, Wan-xi knows that if they do not do well, Kangxi does not need to speak directly.
     The purpose of the Tao can make them so hard to prepare for a long time.
     Yin-Tang heard that his face suddenly became a little bad. After all, as a son, Yin-Tang is still very affectionate to Kangxi, otherwise he will not worry about it.
     "Imperial Father's body is indeed a day is not a good day, but the idea of ​​the Imperial Father is that I don't want to know. I want to come to the Imperial Father and think that it is not the time. According to the Lord, I hope that the Imperial Father can give it to himself. Leave more time to raise your body.” When Yin-Tang said this, the hidden concerns in his tone were unobstructed. But he knows the power of this thing, not that he can put it down when he puts it down.
     The king of the country!
     Whether it is its own sense of responsibility or the heart's reluctance to power, for various reasons, Kangxi may sit in that position until he can't continue to sit down.
     "I feel that the Imperial Father has other plans in mind. If it is not determined, according to the Imperial Father temper, I am afraid that I will not hand over the burden to the 4th Prince as I do now! To put it bluntly, the Imperial Father is still inspecting. 4th Prince, qualified 4th Prince, and a good ‘Madam who can help him, I want to come to the Imperial Father will be more peace of mind." Wan-xi voice is very soft, but the smile on his face is light but with a stock Confidence, what is said is obviously not a random guess, but a conclusion that is combined with her observations and thoughts.
     "I hope so." Yin-Tang listened to her words, and her attitude was more and more gentle. She wanted to see Kangxi body continue to deteriorate compared to her eyes. He hoped that Kangxi would live well.
     Sometimes the feelings between their father and son are not clearly expressed in words. After all, in the royal family, they have to carry too many things, so that the feelings are not as pure as the family. It can be said that the royal family has no affection, and that it is forced to choose when there is no choice. It is not really a feeling of no trace.
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang not speaking, and does not mention this matter. He continues to talk about the things in the house. Obviously she does not want him to be unhappy about this.
     On the surface, Yin-Tang talked about other topics along Wan-xi, but in my heart, I wondered if I should find a chance to persuade Kangxi. After all, it’s obvious that he can already provoke heavy burdens. . To know that during the period of Imperial Father's reign, I don't mention it in the early period. I would say that in the middle and late period, if he does not take over the household, the national treasury is afraid of being empty. In other respects, 4th Prince is doing his best, maybe not perfect, but also in the middle of the law. It will not become a paradox of interest.
     In the palace, Yin-Tang first looked for Yifei to understand the current situation of Kangxi, and also talked about his own views. Originally he wanted to find a chance to speak for himself, but Yifei stopped him at this time.
     "Old 9, there are some things you can manage, and there are some things you can't manage. You and the fourth are now successors with real power. If you open your mouth, if the emperor doesn't think much, he can think for a while." This will not be of any benefit to you and the fourth. On the contrary, it will become an unnecessary threat." Yifei frowned, holding the samovar in his hands, his expression a little dignified.
     Yifei understanding of Kangxi is far better than Yin-Tang. For Su Yi suspiciousness, she has a personal experience and knows how to deal with it is the best way.
     This kind of thing works well, it’s good for the emperor himself, Yin-Tang, it’s good, but if it’s not working well, or someone provocation, don’t say that the previous ones have been paid, at least There will be a lot of losses, even the original gas is badly hurt.
     This situation is not what Yifei is willing to see.
     However, she herself can first test the mind of Kangxi. If Kangxi does have the heart to hand over the responsibility to the fourth in advance, they are all happy. If they don't want to, they will not move, what to do.
     "Okay! This palace knows your filial piety.
     This thing is to let the palace explore the emperor's mind first. After all, you and the old five are not interested in the emperor, and this palace has no past ambitions. Presumably, there will be no more Prince." Think." Yifei whispered, naturally taking things to himself.
     Yin-Tang looked at Yifei, who was thinking about himself.
     The voice was mixed with a few words: "Mother, this is easy to say, but people who can actually make Imperial Father not doubt are not."
     "Since you understand in your heart, you should also know that it is better for you to go through this palace. If the emperor misunderstands your intentions, then it is really a bad thing, so you don't have to argue about this matter.
     This palace will be on time. "Yifei said this sentence, he could not help but raise his hand and waved, and said: "Well, this palace is also tired, you will choose to retire! If there is a result, the palace will send people to inform your."
     Yifei got off the order and went straight into the inner hall. She did not give Yin-Tang an opportunity to oppose it. Obviously she was determined to take this matter on her own.
     Yin-Tang sat in the same place and looked at the back of Yifei departure.
     The expression on her face was even more embarrassing. Apparently, he also understood the dilemma that Yifei would face after taking over the matter. Sitting quietly for a long time, when Yin-Tang stood up and was about to leave, he made up his mind and decided to give Yifei the best life in the future.
     After Yifei took over the matter, he did not rush to go to Kangxi to join in the fun, but to collect some news from Kangxi, and to judge Kangxi physical condition and mood, and then choose the most suitable time to act.
     It is not difficult to see from these actions that this is the real Yifei. What is straightforward is nothing more than her protective color. Wisdom and cautiousness is her essence. If not, what did she become the fourth one? Why do you occupy Kangxi favor? Why did you give birth to three sons?
     To get this, luck is one aspect, family support is another aspect, and her ingenuity and mentality are also essential. If she does not know how to calculate, and does not know how to use her own advantages, she will stand out from the battle with the 3 thousand-year Old. Is it only beautiful? Of course not, if only with these nothing, she will not be able to go today, and she will not laugh as much as she thinks.
     For the son, but also for herself, she must take this risk!
     “Qi Mama, let the kitchen prepare the ingredients, and the palace will prepare the jasper for the emperor.” Yifei gave his voice, and he had already chosen the opportunity and made up his mind.
     In a sense, this jade jade is not only an advantage of Yifei, but also a good memory between her and Kangxi. Using this to explore the road can at least improve Kangxi tolerance for her. After all, her move is even more extreme, and that is because she cares about his body!

     In the royal study room, Kangxi still faces a large number of memorials. Every day, regardless of his physical condition, he should still do it. However, during this time, he also began to intentionally pass on some of the ways to teach the monarchy. Compared to the system of the Crown Prince, it can only be counted.
     This is not because Kangxi does not care, but the situation is not the same, the situation is not the same, he is not a newborn calf, do not understand anything, and Kangxi will teach the way of the king by means of dialing, there is also a The heart of the test.
     Although he is the most suitable candidate at present, but Kangxi still has something to do, he can't let the inheritance of Daqing be in his own hands.
     "Emperor, Yifei Niang-Niang asked for it." Li Dequan walked lightly to Kangxi and whispered.
     "Yifei? What did she do?" Kangxi took the hand of the fold and paused. Obviously, Yifei would come over at this time. After all, four, no, it’s three, he went very little, even if he goes. It’s just sitting, even eating less, so talk about staying.
     During this time, due to the physical relationship, he appeared on the surface as if he had called in the past, but the low-ranking nobles promised that it would be easier to operate and would not be discovered. On the other side of the three sides, he seems to have not passed for a long time. Yifei came over this time, fearing that he was eager to find out.
     Whether it is, if he always avoids it, he will only make more people suspicious. After all, his movements are not small during this time, but the movement outside is even bigger. Everyone stared at him with a pair of eyes, but he knew that he couldn't avoid it, because he knew very well that when he avoided it, he would cause a lot of speculation, which would continue to be turbulent and cause more right and wrong.
     The old and new replacements are the norm, but for Kangxi himself who is about to be replaced, this feeling is extremely complicated. He wants to be an emperor of the ages. He wants to arrange all the cuts, leaving no regrets. However, he knew better in his heart that some things could not be arranged, and he could not stop it.
     From the moment he indulged his sons to fight, the cut of the cut has long since deviated from his expectations. He thought that he would be the best successor, but in the end the son was destroyed by battle and pressure. However, it is the fourth child. From the beginning of the obscurity to the current edge, the cut will only show that the human heart can not grasp this thing.
     He thought that balance can work, but the result of balance is that the boss and the second child are all banned.
     The third child is almost the same as the hair, and it is forcibly exited.
     The old five and the old seven seem to be retreating, but those who are afraid of not being chaotic The ministers are, how can they really let them stand by, as for the fourth and the old eight, he thinks well, mutual restraint, but in the end is a brother.
     Li Dequan did not know the thoughts of Kangxi heart and honestly replied: "Yifei Niang-Niang has prepared your jasper, saying that it is to supplement the emperor."
     "Go and ask Yifei to come in!" Kangxi nodded faintly, and the deputy just returned to God, calm and calm.
     At this time, Kangxi converges on his own emotions, calmly put the pens and folds in his hands, and waits for the appearance of Yifei. Obviously, he does not want to be seen at this time. Even if this person is the shi-zi that he is placed in the scope of trust, he is better guarded than anyone else.
     When Yifei came in, she felt that it was not right. She had been with Kangxi for so many years. She still knows a little about Kangxi. Don't look at Kangxi mouth and smile, but inexplicably she feels a danger. If she used to, she must have retired, but now she must go forward.
     "Chen Chen gave the emperor peace, the emperor Wanfu Jinan." Yifei stood in the middle of the study and bowed to Kangxi.
     "Body." Kangxi looked at Yifei well Maintained but no longer young face, and couldn't help but flash a sigh of emotion. It was because of this silky feeling that his whole body converges unconsciously.
     Yifei As long as he is in front of Kangxi, it has always been the appearance of unspoken laughter, and it is also the same at this time. After she got up, she took the food box from An Mama and took out the soup she had prepared so far and put it in front of Kangxi.
     "The emperor still has to take the body as the most important thing. When I heard that the emperor was near loss of appetite, I made this jade, and the emperor used it more." Yifei chuckled, but his hands did not stop to take the jasper in the food box. Come out and slowly put it in front of Kangxi. Her white painted porcelain enamel on her nails is particularly eye-catching, and it makes people unconsciously add a little appetite.
     Kangxi nodded and reached out to open the soup. He was the first to smell the familiar fragrance. He knew that this was Yifei own soup. He looked up and looked at Yifei, who was standing next to him. He seemed to think of something. He reached out and took Yifei back, then picked up the spoon and started to drink soup.
     Yifei looked at the scene and felt a slight sigh of relief. Kangxi can drink soup like this, which shows that he still has a bit of connivance for her. Otherwise, according to Kangxi temper, she will definitely let her leave first, instead of defaulting her to stay, not to be in her presence. Drink this bowl of soup. Her brows were lightly picked, and she was hesitant with a hint of heart. She looked at the man who was no longer young in front of her eyes.
     "It's still this taste!" Kangxi said with a sigh of relief, the warm soup made him feel a little bit more comfortable in the stomach.
     "If the emperor likes it, he will do it for you every day. He only hopes that the emperor can be good. He used to go hunting and go to play like he used to. It’s been a long time since the emperor has been walking for a long time.
     The emperor has spare time, remember to take the court to look around.” Yifei whispered, the words in the words of the past nostalgia, I think that for Kangxi, she is not a trace of feelings.
     This person is jealous! The Calling in the mouth is so powerful that it has been a long time, and how could it be that there is no feeling of silk. I want to know that Yifei and Kangxi are also people who have had three children and are close to each other. Although they are involved in too many things, even if they count each other, they are in their hearts. Clearly, this person is also indispensable to himself.
     "Since Ai Dai said it, I will go to Changchun Garden in a few days! I am also old, this energy is not as good as a day, it is time to recuperate!" Kangxi voice is very soft, with a tone With a helplessness, a pair of compromises to reality.
     Kangxi expression was calm, and the broad palm was not as smooth as before. It was covered with blue veins and age spots. It can be seen that his body is indeed worse than before.
     Yifei eyes slowly moved away from Kangxi and eventually landed on the ground, with a touch of gentleness and distress in the light. She always thought that she could do something for her son, including dealing with Kangxi. Who let her son have only her mother, and Kangxi has a lot of women. But at the moment, Yifei didn't feel the heartache of this man unconsciously, but as long as she thought of Kangxi new darling, her distressed moment disappeared.
     Don't look at Kangxi deputy calmness. In fact, his eyes did not move away from Yifei, so her expression and reaction were included in his eyes. Seeing the tenderness and tenderness in her eyes, the heart is moving, the heart of the heart that has long since disappeared, and this moment has risen again.
     "The emperor can think like this. When the courtiers always think about leisure, whether it is the emperor or the whole body, they can spend more time. During this time, Hong-min, they rarely enter the palace, and the courtiers The palace was also unconsciously cold. "Yifei saw the smear of Kangxi eyes, and could not help but turn the subject to a few children.
     When it comes to children, Yifei is full of dissatisfaction. She doesn't like Wan-xi, not because of anything else, just because Yin-Tang sees Wan-xi too heavy, so she has the feeling of losing her son. . But she alienated Wan-xi, but she would not recognize that Wan-xi alienated her, and that feeling would make her feel negligent. Moreover, Hong-min, these grandchildren, she still likes it very much. Even if she can't compare with her son, she still has a weight, but I don't know when it will take a few children to come to Qiankun Palace. Is this just a coincidence?
     Kangxi looked at her face with a feeling of emotion, could not help but think of Hong-min injured. At that time, the Old 9 took the old 14th-a good meal. Although he asked about the situation, the point of the royal doctor’s bend was clear to him, that is to say, the injury was light or heavy. Can only believe in one and a half. Hong-min The child was a good one. He didn't see him when he was at the palace. He wanted to hurt him. When he thought of it, Kangxi dissatisfaction with him could not help but deepen.
     "After a while, the time will be good. Wait until the Old 9 enters the palace, I have to ask, and then let people send some supplements in the past, and wait for it to be raised, this house must be able to live a few minutes." Kangxi whispered .
     "The emperor said that although the courtier sent a lot of supplements in the past, but this is not good in the end, the courtiers have no bottom, ask the Old 9, they are mostly perfunctory, and they are also afraid of the court. Worried." Yifei didn't think that Kangxi paid much attention to Hong-min. It seems that it is not only the sly Di-, but also Hong-min.
     Although she is proud of her grandson's arrogance, she only thinks that there is a Wan-xi between them, and this mood is not good.
     "Love knows well. Old 9, they are all filial, and they are very comforted." Kangxi said that this is a serious statement, he wants to filial piety for his children and grandchildren, he does not doubt, even deep thought Of course.
     "The emperor said that it was the courtier." Yifei took advantage of Kangxi expression and began to naturally turn the topic to the election of Fu-Jin. She did not perform well in government affairs, but it involved In the backyard, asking a few words is not the more extreme.
     Kangxi heard that there was no dissatisfaction in Yifei words. It was only that between the mother-in-law and the past that he had always been irrelevant. Moreover, Kangxi himself was very satisfied with Wan-xi. Not to mention the power of Wan-xi rescue, it is said that the performance of Wan-xi in the past is still very satisfying to Kangxi. In addition, even if you don't look at your face, just look at the face of the Empress Dowager, Kangxi will not be a daughter-in-law.
     "You are also helping to see Di Fu-Jin. If you have the right one, you can mention it. You can't look at the old four people." When Kangxi said this, he really didn't have the same Fu-Jin. In my heart, maybe I really forgot, maybe he had already given up because of his disappointment.
     For his sons, Kangxi always strives for fairness, at least in words, he is fair, but this is a clear way to open a son, but it is the first real return. It can be seen from this that Kangxi is really disappointed with Yu, not forgiven afterwards.
     "The emperor said that the fourth child does need a good help." Although Yifei did not achieve the goal, but from Kangxi words, she can also guess a general, that is, Kangxi did not change the heart, what is done All are to make the fourth is better.
     Kangxi gently raised his lips: "If the old four can also have a Fu-Jin like the old 9th Fu-Jin, he doesn't have to worry about him all the time. Unfortunately, the women in his house can't afford this responsibility."
     Yifei was caught up in the wrong place. She was dissatisfied with Wan-xi, and Kangxi directly praised Wan-xi. Is this not a face to face her face?

     Wan-xi doesn't know if Yifei is being beaten by Kangxi, and her heart is not stuffed. Is she busy now?
     Before facing the various movements in the backyard, she just made a few beats and did not take any drastic measures. After all, before some things happened, she would only take unnecessary gossip.
     Don't look at Yin-Tang.
     They are now special scenery, but the various hidden dangers behind the scenery can not be ignored. Wan-xi could not ruin Yin-Tang's long-term layout because of the embarrassment of the time.
     If the woman in this backyard honestly passed her own life, she would not be able to see them all the time. After all, she would mind if she did not want to have a temper. Re-live the world, other Wan-xi may not have learned, but she can still do it with respect to life, so she will not push the other side to the desperate situation, but the other party will start With her temper's life, it would be no wonder that she is not sympathetic.
     In the past few years, the change of Wan-xi is actually not big. In addition to the love of Yin-Tang, the child and the mature heart, she knows how to cherish what she has. Of course, this does not mean that Wan-xi will not run wild on this road. On the contrary, when it comes to death, no one can be as familiar as Wan-xi.
     When others die, it is to make themselves die, and Wan-xi is to die, that is, to make others die, and sometimes, when she succumbs, she can directly kill others, not Stay after suffering.
     But such shock does not make everyone understand how to converge, let alone know what is afraid, as Wan-xi said, as long as there is a little bit of interest, even if the wind goes, the fire is smashing, they also Do not hesitate. Otherwise, the women in the backyard come and go, obviously there is someone who is self-restraint, but this person has not been reduced, and one, one, the radish, but let Wan-xi feel There is no such thing as the end of the day.
     When Ting-Rain said that the Shiqies in the backyard came over to ask for peace, not only Wan-xi, but also Yin-Tang, who had not left yet, was obviously stunned. For Wan-xi, the Shiqie of the backyard, Yin-Tang looked straight into the eyes, and even someone kept telling her outside, but Yin-Tang never said Wan on this matter-xi sentence. Looking at his appearance, the discerning eye knows that he is biased toward Wan-xi, and it is easy not to let Wan-xi be happy for others.
     "Is this Fu-Jin not saying that they are not seen for the time being? Didn't you inform them that you don't have to come over this time?" Wan-xi still has a few light smiles on his face, and the words on his mouth seem to be inadvertent. In fact, in the eyes, I did not consciously take a cold heart.
     Although Yin-Tang did not notice the coldness in the eyes of Wan-xi, she could feel the temperament of her body changed obviously.
     The faintness was not obvious but it was obviously reluctant to feel. It is a close person, and you will be able to detect it. How can Yin-Tang, a pillow person, not notice it?
     " Fu-Jin, the nubi has already been notified, but Guo Luo Luo Miss said that he has never seen Fu-Jin for a few days. If you don't come in, they are hard to rest assured." Ting-Rain is obviously helpless and wants to come to her. I didn’t think that the old Lady in the backyard in the past would suddenly make trouble today.
     Wan-xi eyes are cold and my heart is dark.
     These people will persist in this way. Isn't it just that as long as Yin-Tang is here, isn't she trying to give her eye medicine by chance? She didn't mind before, it doesn't mean that they will do it now.
     This person is jealous! Sometimes I still know that I have enough points, and always treat others' kindness as a connivance to their capital, and then they should be unlucky.
     Yin-Tang didn't think much about it. Wan-xi didn't want to see the woman in the backyard.
     Then don't see it, it's not a daily sentence, nor is it a life that has to be repeated again and again.
     This is not a problem for him, but he will be distressed by the women who have long been marginalized by him! He raised his hand at Ting-Rain and saw her go up two steps. He couldn't help but say: "Since they want to come in, let them come in! Master  wants to see, what are they doing? I’m sure to see you Di Fu-Jin.”
     When Yin-Tang said this, the tone was obviously malicious.
     Wan-xi heard the words, obviously stunned, she did not seem to think that such a small thing will also cause Yin-Tang's attention, glaring at the expression of his face and the tone of his voice, his face could not help but flash a silk Lost. When I came back, the smile on her lips couldn't help but get deeper. Looking at Yin-Tang's eyes, there were a few smiles. When the eyes waved, I couldn't help but reveal a bit of charm.
     As Fu-Jin, Wan-xi naturally does not have to personally welcome, plus the relationship between Yin-Tang, the two pose leisurely, do not put the outside Shiqie in the eyes, everything is ready, only Waiting for these people to sing the east wind of the good show.
     Yin-Tang saw Wan-xi disapproving appearance, and the corner of his mouth could not help but bend upwards. When she grasped her little hand and touched her eyes, the big palm still squeezed her palm unconsciously. .
     The two were similarly laughing, and they seemed to have a heart and soul.
     They released their hands at the moment when Guo Luo-shi and others entered the hall.
     "Hey, please, please! To Fu-jin Fuan!" Guo Luo, who walked in from the outside, and other people, appeared in the middle of the hall, and all the beautiful people stood in the direction of Yin-Tang and Wan-xi took a ceremony, the voice was soft and twirling, and it was nice.
     Yin-Tang's gaze swept through their bodies. It may have been too long to face their relationship.
     The faces of these people have become strange to Yin-Tang. Most of them can be impressed.
     They are all recent mistakes or things that have been done in the past to make Yin-Tang unable to let go. Otherwise, if you are a state-of-the-art government or a government, you will not be impressed.
     Wan-xi looked at the exquisite cleaning of these bodies, and suddenly he understood that they dared to come in, and that was also prepared. Look at them, and if you don’t care, who can believe. Everyone has to say that people are not as good as flowers, but they are all working hard.
     "Excuse me!" Yin-Tang waved his hand and his voice was indifferent.
     "Xi Ye." The beauty of the country and the corresponding sound, if not Wan-xi is still there, these people are afraid that all the land must show the charm, in order to pity.
     In the face of different expressions of Shiqie, Yin-Tang does not squint, obviously there is no game that is interested in who is playing with whom they are determined. Besides, he will agree that these people come in. For Deco is not to take their favor, but to beat them and let them stay honestly, otherwise it is to stabilize the situation, or to let these people recognize the facts, anyway, Yin-Tang is not prepared to condone them anymore.
     If you are clever, as long as you know how to converge, it is certainly not a problem to be safe in your life. If you don't know how to converge, Yin-Tang will not leave any room for these people as in the past. Some things have been repeated twice, and it’s no problem, but three times, four times, who has this patience to accompany them.
     "Master  is really a blessing. If you are on the most days, you can make two points on the top, but as long as you are in the Lord, the only two points in this body will become useless again!" Concubine hasn't settled yet. Wan-xi has moved slightly to Yin-Tang.
     The small face is full of grievances, and even the tone is very resentful.
     Yin-Tang brows his head and subconsciously turns his head and looks at the past. He sees the appearance of Wan-xi grievances, and his heart dissatisfaction with these Shiqie can't help but score two points. Originally, he only wanted to beat it.
     The thoughts changed in an instant, carefully pondering a few points, and finally decided to sacrifice these Shiqie to Bojia people to laugh.
     "If they don't even worry about Fu-Jin's orders, they want to come to this Junwang House and they can't accommodate their big Buddhas." Yin-Tang snorted and turned to look at Guolu Luo-shi and others. Like a skate, the ice was cold and biting, and the Shiqie, who had just gotten his buttocks, immediately got up and stunned.
     Wan-xi couldn't help but Call at Hui-Ru, who was glaring at Yin-Tang, and couldn't help but sneer.
     That room Liujia-shi was unable to fight, and finally honest, this room is a small and straightforward Hui-Ru catching the opportunity to think about performance and to seek favor. But she didn't want to think about it. Yin-Tang couldn't tolerate the woman who used the medicine to harm his 'missing'. She could spare her life.
     Thanks to her surname Guolu Luo-shi, instead of her place. Let Yin-Tang look at the eye.
     Yin-Tang is not the kind of cold-blooded person. He is careful, but he still has some indulgence about how much he has to follow his own woman. Otherwise, this backyard can't afford so many winds and waves. But he did not realize that his kindness and affection, only contributed to the arrogance of these women, did not let them know what is grateful.
     Of course, this kind of thing Wan-xi as the victim, sees the clearest, but she does not want Yin-Tang to see this point. Because she knows better than anyone else, if she clearly expressed this meaning to Yin-Tang, she might be able to exchange Yin-Tang's support, but she could not solve the problem fundamentally, maybe even because of her, Yin Tang will also offend a lot of people, and even lead to a back-country woman collective counterattack. Although she is not afraid of these people, she knows that too much trouble will only let others use her excuse to attack Yin-Tang.
     This is not what she wants. What she needs is that when she is suitable, Yin-Tang personally sends these women out of the house, whether they are sent to Zhuangzi or take a head to ban them in Bezhuang, anyway. It is impossible for her to let these people shake straight in front of her eyes.
     To know that this woman's mind is the most difficult to guess, if there is no contrast, it may still be balanced. It is a pity that she has contrasts in this house.
     These women are reconciled, and they are not likely to remain sensible. It is even more impossible to count the days and days in the past. And she wants to achieve this goal, obviously not easy, otherwise she will not hold back for so long, and will not endure the grievances in her heart, and slowly plan.
     “Fu-jin, and others have always respected Fu-Jin most, and how dare to disrespect Fu-Jin. I also hope that Fu-Jin will look at the loyalty of and others, and help the and others to say a few good words. Wan-xi is returning to the gods.
     This person who has been squatting underneath has already been opened. If you don't have to look at it, you know that Guolu Luo-shi is in the forefront.
     Wan-xi looked at the past subconsciously, looking straight at the front-facing Hui-Ru. I don't know if someone is pointing behind or Hui-Ru is really eating a long, wise, four-faced relative, the face is not exposed to provocation, on the contrary, the face looks respectful, this is to let Wan-xi I couldn’t help but pick a brow and feel quite fresh.
     As a thornhead, Hui-Ru has been repeatedly shot as a gun. After losing '3rd-Jiji', it has been silent for so long, and suddenly it has taken another look. Not only has the mind changed, but even the means has become high-end.
     This is not to be ignored by Wan-xi.
     "Guo Luo-Mei-mei will speak, but this is the most respectful and loyal.
     This Fu-Jin can't be afraid.
     This Fu-Jin has said that you are going back, but where are you now? Some things don't open your mouth. To the advantage, some things are in front of me. I have to look at it before I open it. Otherwise, I have a joke. Even Fu-Jin feels that it can’t be revealed.” Wan-xi whispered, although there was no big thunder, angry Hu Ru, but did not give her a good face! After all, this hand has already reached out, and a little effort will bring down her face. If she is beaten and put it up, it is not an accident, call it!

     "Guo Luo-Mei-mei will speak, but this is the most respectful and loyal.
     This Fu-Jin can't be afraid.
     This Fu-Jin has said that you are going back, but where are you now? Some things don't open your mouth. To the advantage, some things are in front of me. I have to look at it before I open it. Otherwise, I have a joke. Even Fu-Jin feels that it can’t be revealed.” Wan-xi whispered, although there was no big thunder, angry Hu Ru, but did not give her a good face! After all, this hand has already reached out, and a little effort will bring down her face. If she is beaten and put it up, it is not an accident, call it!
     Wan-xi face did not change from beginning to end. It was plain and faint, and the vice-account was not related to himself. However, if it was said, it would make Hui-Ru feel very unhappy. She originally wanted to say that the Wan-xi was dragged into the water. After all, Wan-xi was favored. As everyone knows, if she does not pull her down, let alone replace it, she just wants to drink soup, but also depends on whether others are willing to give it!
     She had had enough of such a day, but all the cuts were as her mother said, and she could only bear it.
     The so-called bearer head on the last knife, not hanging beams and thorns, and can understand the pain of this cone. It’s just that her calculations were like a fist hitting the cotton. It didn’t work at all, but instead dug herself into a pit.
     "Fu-Jin is heavy, and he and so on have only been seen for too long, and the yearning for the heart, coupled with the urgency, is impulsive, and hopes that Fu-Jin will not care." Hui-Ru directed at Wan xi made a big gift, the whole person was so eager to see, and looked good, but the Shiqie behind the Hui-Ru, it seems to be a deep feeling, all with a face to say Looking at Yin-Tang in the rest area, the look of resentment looked like Wan-xi felt that they were not guilty, but themselves.
     After all, since she entered the government, she has changed a little before, but then it is a proper singularity.
     This is obvious to everyone. If it isn't for Yin-Tang to arrange a cut, just rely on this point, let alone Yifei has opinions on her, afraid that Kangxi will not leave her temper. Fortunately, all cuts tend to be stable, so Wan-xi status is stable, but they can easily be called.
     Wan-xi slowly swept everyone eyes, and there was no special expression on his face. Even his expression did not change his points. Just staring at Hui-Ru quietly, seems to be waiting for her to continue to perform.
     The attitude of Wan-xi falls in the eyes of Yin-Tang, and there are naturally some points in mind.
     Hui-Ru performances are really wonderful, and other Shiqie are just right, I don't know if they have rehearsed in private! This kind of intention is only to give her an eye, Wan-xi could not help but laugh out, she swept the eyes of the women, and finally fell on Hui-Ru, with a bit of mockery on her face. I thought she was promoted. Now it seems that in addition to the means of the 9th Prince stream and the minds of the next three streams, there is no such thing as a countertop.
     The past is, and it is now.
     "Is it heavy? But this Fu-Jin feels that you are forcing the position of this Fu-Jin. What kind of heart is yearning, in a hurry, are you saying that because of the relationship of this Fu-jin, is it that you have left you cold?" Wan xi then talked about things, and pushed things to a big step. Anyway, watching the fun is not too big. Since she is already standing on the opposite side of her Fu-Jin, can she still pay attention to let them continue to linger?
     Wan-xi voice just fell, and Yin-Tang unconsciously frowned. He does things by his own preference, even though Wan-xi has a certain influence on him, but he will make such a decision not because of Wan-xi, but because he wants to be with Wan-xi. Start.
     In these years, Wan-xi is actually enough for the women in the backyard. It can be said that as long as they are not thinking about calculating her temper life and several children, Wan-xi will open a face, even if he comes out, no matter What kind of decision did she make, she never questioned, she didn’t even say a bad sentence, but now... When Yin-Tang’s eyes swept over a calm-looking Wan-xi, look down and look slim. Hui-Ru and other people in the neck, Yin-Tang did not have a sense of disgust in their hearts.
     They are all women, but they are doing things, only for themselves, but they are standing in his perspective from beginning to end. For his sake, this kind of contrast also wants a kind of treatment, really ridiculous!
     Unfortunately, Wan-xi noticed the emotional changes of Yin-Tang. Others have worked hard and tried hard to discredit Wan-xi.
     "Fu-Jin etc. doesn't mean this. Hey, I just hope that I can see more of my face, and I don't have any other ideas. I also want Fujii to understand." It's not Hui-Ru, but squatting. Next to it, some Wei Wei who can't hold their own thoughts.
      After Liujia-shi silence, Wei Shi, who used to be shot by her, has a bit of a heart, but she can't hold her breath. Clearly, Hui-Ru hasn't pulled her yet, and she has already jumped out of her own. It really makes people have nothing to say.
     "This Fu-Jin can manage a lot of things in the house, but the Lord's business, this Fu-Jin will never intervene, unless the Lord has commanded. Since Mei-mei is so kind, it is better to ask the Lord himself." Wan When xi said this, the light could not help but darken, her mouth smiled and tried to restrain the inner feelings of her heart.
     She knew in her heart that these women would never be satisfied. When I can't see it, I think I can see each other. When I see it, I think I can have a night. If I have a night, I will think more about my love.
     Then I will be a child, a place, and a total.
     The same goes, there will be no time to stop. But how can she stop them?
     No, she can't stop these people because the person who made the decision is not her.
     "Master, since all of you Mei-mei are waiting for the decision of the Lord, then you have to open your mouth, otherwise you will be surrounded by this Qing yi-Courtyard, I am afraid that it is rare." Wan-xi whispered, turned his head Looking at Yin-Tang in an instant, the face is a bit helpless.
     Through the opening of Wan-xi, Hui-Ru and others who are kneeling below can't help but turn their eyes to Yin-Tang. Yin-Tang glared at his eyes, his eyes were cold, his eyes swept the eyes of Hui-Ru and others underneath, whispered: "Oh? I really want to see how they make Qing yi-Courtyard not allowed." peaceful?"
     Yin-Tang's tone did not change much, but listen carefully, vaguely can tell that his mood at this time is not good, and even faintly can feel a sigh of anger.
     The smile on Wan-xi face remained the same, and a pair of small hands played the big palm of Yin-Tang.
     The unscrupulous move saw the eyes of Hui-Ru and others unconsciously flashing, obviously they were Wan-xi is not a real concept. After all, the so-called single pets are all heard by them.
     They have never felt the tacit understanding and trust between the two.
     If they don't see it, they can still deceive themselves.
     They are different because of the original reason. But at this moment, looking at the anger of Yin-Tang, let Wan-xi approach and not anger her, they are in Wan-xi in Yin-Tang's position in the heart can not help but have the most direct and true impression.
     Oh! It turned out that when a man held a woman in his hand, it was such a picture!
     "Don't dare!" Hui-Ru looked at this scene, and the heart was constantly stunned.
     The feeling of seeing his own hopes shattered was too strong, as if she was watching her own heart.
     The eyes were broken into pieces.
     Wan-xi looked at Hui-Ru and others who were reluctant, and looked different, but did not speak because she knew in her heart that if she spoke, it must be an attacking ‘Yuyan, and these dialects would be difficult to cover.
     The most real thoughts in her heart, so these words made a turn in her mouth and swallowed back.
     Then just looking at Yin-Tang, waiting for him to clean up the mess.
     "Don't dare! The Lord really didn't notice it. On the contrary, the Lord thought that the Lord and Fu-Jin were too indulgent, and they would let you move these thoughts that should not be moved." When Yin-Tang said this, Did not withdraw their own hands, on the contrary, the big palm turned slightly, the Wan-xi softness was held in the palm of his hand, his eyes glanced at her eyes, criticized in a word.
     Wan-xi heard the words and laughed out loudly. She knew that sometimes it was a dispute, and the last world was too thorough in the body, and this world is also in her. Sometimes, she is really curious about how high Yin-Tang is tolerant to her, so she often changes her way to death to test Yin-Tang's bottom line, but she did not do it. Little things, Yin-Tang seems to be unaffected by a single point, looking at her, petting her, letting her act, but not a little angry.
     This result made her somewhat frustrated, but she was not determined to provoke Yin-Tang to be angry. What she did was to say that she was just a small woman’s mind and wanted a real home, not the other. A woman has a home.
     "Don't dare! Also ask the Lord and Fu-Jin for forgiveness." Wei-shi is so acidic, but there is no such obedience as Hui-Ru, and Hui-Ru is just trying to take advantage of the opportunity. At this time, Yin-Tang changed his face, and Wei Shi, who had not much enthusiasm, was afraid.
     It can be said that there is no Liujia-shi in the side, and she is really unbearable at this time, obviously not overwhelmed by the imagination of Hui-Ru.
     Wan-xi took a cold-eyed attitude towards these people behaviors. It seems that after thoroughly understanding the faces of these women, she did not have any hope for them, so once they had the movement, she took the first The move is certainly not a solution, but a hurricane, making things even more serious.
     Since she couldn't test the Yin-Tang's bottom line herself, she simply let the woman in the backyard go to temptation. No matter what, I always polished Yin-Tang's patience.
     "I know that I am guilty. I always hate people who have never changed. I don't think that if you don't do it, you are indulging you. It's really annoyed, but it's not a board." Yin-Tang is cold. Face, eyes sweeping underneath, and the look of several people into the eyes, obviously very dissatisfied with their performance, but more is to follow the words of Wan-xi.
     Compared with these people, Yin-Tang naturally cares about Wan-xi, Wan-xi rejects them like this, Yin-Tang naturally can't have a good face, let alone today is not Wan-xi provokes He is awkward, talking and doing things. He instinctively chooses to maintain Wan-xi instead of Hui-Ru.
     Wan-xi looked down and saw that Hui-Ru was slightly shivering, and his mood suddenly improved. Hui-Ru has problems. She is not the first day to know. To be honest, if it is not because of '3rd-Jiji', she can't live today. However, the road to death can still survive today, and it must be said that it is also a kind of skill and luck. It was only this time that she was obviously smarter. If she didn't have her in Yin-Tang, she wouldn't bleed today, and she would have to let Yin-Tang feel awkward.
     "Master  means the meaning of this Fu-Jin, this backyard should have the rules of the backyard, and Mei-mei is still good at keeping the rules. After all, this irregularity often does not have any good end." Wan-xi light Speaking with a smile, but the words are unconsciously chilling.
     Hui-Ru looked up at the moment, touched Wan-xi cold eyes, and felt awkward in his heart. He couldn't help but wonder if he was still impulsive today. If he had to endure for a while, find another time. , will the situation not be the same?
     Hui-Ru has been so quiet for so long that it is definitely not a headless rush, and there must be a plan. Unfortunately, the teacher is not good, the situation does not seem to be as good as she imagined, but there is a point she has to admit, the position of Wan-xi in the heart of Yin-Tang is indeed unshakable.

     Yin-Tang does not exclude Wan-xi, but it is quite agreeable. After all, if there is no rule in this house, let alone Wan-xi, it is his Your Highness, and it is hard to shake the scene.
     Wan-xi saw that Yin-Tang didn't open his mouth. He couldn't help but scratch his palm with his fingers. He whispered, "Master, what else can you tell? If it doesn't, then it's gone! There are still a lot of things to do here, so don't leave Mei-meis?"
     Yin-Tang heard that it was very refreshing and nodded.
     The moment he raised his hand, he waved gently. "There is a lot of business in Fu-Jin. You have nothing to do to disturb her. You can handle it yourself!"
     "Yes, I quit!" The Hui-Ru, who was below, got up and bowed to the two people sitting at the top, and then slowly retired.
     The expressions on their faces are different, and it is obvious that the inner emotions are not as calm as the surface.
     They followed the troubles, so that they could get more benefits for themselves. Who knows that the benefits were not obtained, but they were remembered by Yin-Tang and Wan-xi. Who can not hate this change? Of course, they can't hate Wan-xi and Yin-Tang.
     They only hate Hui-Ru plans are not comprehensive, and they are tired of them.
     Since Wan-xi entered the government, the feeling of giving people is not the kind of bully. No matter whether Yin-Tang is maintained in any way, at least they seem to be active or passive with her, no matter anyway. Good end. In addition, Wan-xi is not a sociable person. Although these people have their ideas, they rarely have the first hand information. Most of what they can find are described by the side of the population. It depends on how reliable they choose. Anyway, Wan-xi is impossible to admit.
     Yin-Tang looked at the backs of these people, sitting in the chair without moving, looking at Wan-xi dull eyes when he turned his head, could not help but ask: "Jao-Jao, still angry with them?"
     Wan-xi heard the words, could not help but slightly stunned, apparently did not expect Yin-Tang still tangled her previous words. She slowly turned her head and looked at him seriously. She looked at her eyes and touched the worry of Yin-Tang's eyes. Wan-xi suddenly laughed. "Master , this is what you said, even though it is not I like them for three days, a five-day move, but it is not for their influence."
     Her person is actually very selfish at some time. For those who don't care, she rarely takes the initiative to pay attention. Unless it is right, it is easy to turn around and forget.
     This is the case now, although her heartfelt dissatisfaction with Hui-Ru has been around for a long time, but it has been for a long time, and will not be awkward with Yin-Tang at this time.
     "Jao-Jao can think so." Yin-Tang sees Wan-xi face is not a stubborn, knowing that her words are not a polite word. But the calmer she is, the more uncomfortable he feels in his heart, as if something has been ignored by him, he realized but could not think of it.
     "Master  don't have to worry about being in the whole world.
     There is never a perfect thing in the world.
     These people in the backyard are all like this.
     They have long been used to it. Maybe sometimes they feel troubled and even suffer because of them." Unnecessary dangers, but their existence is not determined by the Lord and the whole body. Since it is not what we can solve, it can only be seen." When Wan-xi said this, there is obviously something to be said. It means the feeling, but it doesn't catch the true meaning of her words.
     Yin-Tang's possessiveness to Wan-xi is too deep. He may have the carelessness of men, but he is definitely not stupid. If there is not much thought, this matter will pass in the past. Now that he has noticed, he must be pondering.
     Wan-xi didn't look at Yin-Tang's look, seeing his face with a thoughtful look, and his eyes flashed a smile. She was afraid that Yin-Tang did not notice her grievances and could notice the best. Her patience with these women in the backyard is getting worse and worse. It’s hard to be peaceful for a while. She still thinks that she can go straight like this, but they always have to face her. If it was in the past, Wan-xi might have patience, but as time went closer and closer to her last days, her emotions seemed to be a lot more urgent, and things were more crisp than before. A little bit of drag and drop.
     Yin-Tang did not open again, and the moment he got up, he immediately whispered a few words, and this came out of Qing yi-Courtyard and went outside the house. Not long after Yin-Tang went, Wan-xi went to the study room, and she said that something is not just a slap. Outside the Fuli House, there are indeed a lot of things to be dealt with by her. In addition, Yin-Tang gave her a dowry shop after Ping Mama took over, and expanded two in a short time, and the business is still very good, from here. It is not difficult to see the power of Ping Mama.
     For the silver money, Wan-xi has already valued her age. Now she has nothing but a complete home. It is only what makes her feel a little unstable, except for these women, which are from the palace.
     Threat. Every time I think about those in the palace, the smile on the face of Wan-xi does not consciously converge. It is not that she does not want to get along well with her, but there is always someone in the palace who can't accommodate her.
     Sitting at the desk and looking at the books stacked in two rows, Wan-xi sighed a little, then picked up the top of the book and began to look at it seriously.
     These things, the people below do a good job, she has to personally check. Otherwise, the time is long.
     The people below are not moving their minds, they are perfunctory, and they are no longer serious.
     Human desire
     Hope will only be more and more, she used to be not the same, I thought this life is far from cut, but found that fate is irresistible. When she walked to the present step by step, she collapsed one enemy after another, and she discovered that she had hatred. Besides the children, in addition to the feelings of Yin-Tang, she still wanted to let him be alone.
     This time, Hui-Ru made a noise, and Wan-xi was not surprised. After all, it made people stare for so long. She knew that this situation would happen sooner or later, but she probably did not think of her-Ru will be in this unexpected situation. Although there was a moment of surprise, but Wan-xi, who had experienced too many things, did not say that he had gone through a lot of battles, but he did not let Hui-Ru little tricks scare him.
     In this incident, Wan-xi is not for anything else. It only looks at the attitude of Yin-Tang. Although it is somewhat unsatisfactory, it can make the women in the backyard uneasy. Only when they panic can she find the opportunity.
     Yin-Tang didn't know this. After leaving from Qing yi-Courtyard, his brain was running at a rapid speed, thinking about what was overlooked. It’s a pity that he thought about it all day and didn’t think about it. He started to wonder if he had arranged too many things for him, and he was too tired to concentrate. Yin-Tang listened to what he said, and he also had a feeling of ridiculousness. He just cares too much about Wan-xi, not really troubled.
     Returning to the house in the evening, it is rare to stop Yin-Tang who likes to wrap Wan-xi. In the evening, the two lay side by side in bed, and no one spoke at all. Today's things are actually very common.
     They haven't happened before, but the results have been somewhat unsatisfactory. I always feel that something has been ignored.
     This point seems to be a barrier between them, which makes him feel the bottom of his heart. Unconsciously, there was a bit of inexplicable anxiety and boredom.
     Wan-xi looked over at him and saw Yin-Tang's appearance.
     The bottom of my heart could not help but produce a strange feeling. how to say? Some are fortunate and somewhat embarrassed. Fortunately, she also felt tired at this time, really did not have the strength to accompany him. She is afraid that refusal will make him feel awkward, but fortunately he does not mean this.
     The embarrassing thing is that this is a very good opportunity for confession, but she can't be honest about it.
     "Golden, are you happy these years?" Yin-Tang's voice rang in her ear, with a hint of emotion in her tone.
     "Happiness. Although I have experienced a lot of things in these years, I am really happy when I am in the middle of my life. Maybe sometimes I will be sad and sad, even there will be complaints, but there are grandfathers and children. It’s just a moment, I don’t want to hide it.” Wan-xi sighed slightly, then whispered.
     She has been really good in these years. Compared to her life, she has experienced a lot of dangers in this world, but this is still a paradise. After all, she really got a lot more than lost. Don't dare to face up to the things you put in front of yourself like the last world, let alone have it.
     "Happiness is good. But I hope that if you have something to say, especially the grievances in your heart, you don't want people who are in your hands to be wronged." Yin-Tang thinks that Wan-xi has to suffer The grievances that seem to have seemed to have a relationship with him.
     Long sighed, Yin-Tang reached out and held her into her arms.
     This kind of close hug made him discover that Wan-xi, who had originally raised some meat, didn’t know when it was, and the flesh disappeared.
     The guilt of my heart could not help but deepen.
     Wan-xi leaned in his arms, his face scorned his strong chest, and the words came to his lips, but she didn't know what to say. Some things can only be done in a natural way, not because she forced him to do it. Otherwise, it will take a long time, and this person will inevitably have complaints, and she does not want them to end up like this.
     "I know that there is so much helplessness in my heart, whether it is internal or external, sometimes it can't be changed by my grandfather. But my mind and body are clear, my father has done a good job. It's just something, it's hard. I have to avoid it, so I don’t have to worry too much, and I believe that the time is right, and things will naturally be solved.” Wan-xi sounds with a little comfort, from which it is easy to see her plans for her. Very confident.
     Although Yin-Tang couldn't see the expression on Wan-xi face, but felt warm in her mouth, it can be seen from here that he didn't pay much attention to Wan-xi because of time. On the contrary, it gets deeper and deeper with time.
     "Yes, all the problems will be solved." Yin-Tang took her slender waist and thought about Kangxi recent move, whispering softly.
     Although Wan-xi felt that Yin-Tang's tone was a bit weird, he did not continue to ask. As far as the current situation is concerned, their actions are all purposeful, and they can’t move softly. Wan-xi just understands that they don’t immediately start, but wait for Hui-Ru to make a big one.
     The movement of the point, the last block to clean up.
     Even if you can't get rid of the women in the backyard, at least they won't let them continue.
     There are so-called newcomers.
     There may be empty places in other houses, and Junwang House has never seen her.
     Their habitat.
     "Don't worry about the whole body, wait until the cut is dusty, the lord is good, and the whole body will not be a headache for this little thing." When Wan-xi said this, she licked her mouth.
     The smile of the split, obviously she had long been planning, just waiting for those in the backyard to vote for the net.


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