Chongqie Courting Death Daily 490

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     Yin-Tang knows that the behind-the-scenes black hand behind Hui-Ru is De-Pinzhi. Although he did not do it, he paid close attention to the movement of Defei  and see if she still has interaction with other forces. If the person who cooperated with her is 8th-Prince, he will write a pen on his head again, and wait until the real liquidation, and then come back again.
     Of course, if it is not awkward, he will not feel disappointed. After all, it is not all of them who support them.
     Those who are neutral, opposed, and even have ulterior motives are quite a lot. Once they have had something different between them, their means may not be just bright, and collusion with the women in the harem or backyard is not a rare thing.
     I really want to say that the former Family harem is itself linked, just to restrain some people ambitions, draw a line in the middle, it seems to have no effect, but actually it is for those who want A warning from the people crossing the line. According to Yin-Tang's opinion, it is a warning, it is better to say that it is a crime of cybercrime, and it is better for those who have ulterior motives.
     From the study, Yin-Tang went to Qing yi-Courtyard with Lin-Chujiu and entered the inner room. He saw Wan-xi leaning on the pillow and watching the appearance of Taishan. Yin-Tang did not bother her, retired Lin-Chujiu and others, took off her own clothes and sat down beside her. Just as he hesitated to call her, her body rolled slightly and leaned directly beside him.
     Her delicate body stuck to his leg, and the temperature of each other passed over, inexplicably making people feel at ease. Yin-Tang chuckled and watched as she opened her eyes and raised her head and lay on his lap. He reached out and stroked her delicate cheeks and whispered: "Is there any troubles? Or is there anything I can't handle?"

     Wan-xi instinctively squatted twice on his leg, slightly turned over, and supported his body with both hands, and looked at him: "I’m a little bit troublesome. As for the things that can’t be dealt with? Now it’s not sure, wait for sure. Did you know if you can handle it?"
     Yin-Tang listened to her and said that she couldn’t help but laugh again. He held out his hands and held Wan-xi in his arms, letting her sit on her lap, and the distance between the two was close. Wan-xi body swayed and reached over Yin-Tang's neck, which balanced his body. At this time, the hands of Yin-Tang placed on her waist could not help but exert a slight force, which made the two people stick more closely.
     "Is it because Guolu Luo-shi? If it is her, let her go crazy, this woman is not smart enough but she likes to learn to die. It is true that she will not die if she does not die. Now she wants to make herself When he dies, the man will follow her. By the way, he will pick up the De-yi who always like to reach out to others." Yin-Tang thought of Hui-Ru and Defei , and they unconsciously Flashed a bit cold.
     These two people belong to Yin-Tang and need to be cleaned up.
     The existence of Hui-Ru is a kind of humiliating proof for him. If she is honest, it will take a long time, and the past cuts are even In the '3rd-Jiji' part, he will also reveal it. After all, according to his ability, the house really doesn't mind raising more people. Besides, Defei , again and again, provoking and calculating, Yin Tang Even if he is jealous of jealousy, he will not indulge her to hurt the person she cares about. After all, some people are too greedy, the more they have, the more they want.
     This point makes Hui-Ru and Defei  find common ground.
     "Master  means to give Dexter a hand by Guo Luo-shi? But she is a man in the house. Although she can't do it, she can't represent Junwang House, but 4th Prince, if they misunderstand, It may also affect the brotherhood between Lord and 4th Prince.” Wan-xi would say this, and I don’t want to pay for it before.
     That is a man who is destined to become an emperor. Such a man seems to be a heavy heart, but it is also cold. After all, the rule of the country is not to talk about it. Sometimes the knife on hand is more useful than words, so Wan-xi does not want it. One day, this knife is the opposite of Yin-Tang.
     After listening to her question, Yin-Tang’s hand paused, and the expression on his face looked a bit ugly. “This so-called brotherhood is not to be able to sustain it. Don’t say that 4th Prince has not yet The position is the successor. He can't ignore the thoughts of others. What's more, Shiqie can't represent the Lord."
     "Maybe the Lord is right. If we are a straightforward concession, wait until there is a day, 4th Prince needs us to give in, and when we can't give in, this contradiction is deeper than now." Wan-xi There is a slight smile on his face. Obviously, he has figured out the key points. After all, if you are directly paying, you will get the habits of the people you get, and the habits they should pay.
     They are not stupid, and they understand what it is to rise up. If it was said that the situation had been caused by the situation, so that they had to do so, now that the situation has been fixed, they naturally can no longer retreat because of the slightest storms.
     "Let's understand. To Yu-4th Prince, don't worry. After all, there are many enemies of Deok, and there is a connection between her and Guo Luo-shi. It is not unusual for them to become enemies. However, the results tend to be somewhat unexpected." Yin-Tang whispered, his voice was quite calm, and obviously these things were also considered in his heart.
     Wan-xi saw him so emboldened, with a bit of anger on his face, obviously want to understand the key. Yin-Tang looked at her delicate appearance, raised her lips and smiled back at her, her eyes were full of spoils, but she did not say it on her mouth, but let her spoil.
     "It’s too much to care about, Ide skill, this enemy is really a lot of heart. It’s not a surprise to be in the hands of someone who is not careful.” Wan-xi leans on Yin-Tang In the middle, the little hand poked his strong chest bit by bit, apparently quite agree with his statement.
     Defei 's ability to die in the Wan-xi view, it really can be ranked first in the harem, nothing to find things, something can make trouble, how such an individual may not have an enemy. Moreover, as for the birth of Defei , even if Kangxi can help her wash the white, it is only superficial. People don't accept her entry. What can Kangxi do? It is not a faint look, and does not make any expression.
     Yin-Tang reached out and pressed her into her arms, and Wan-xi was directly attached to his chest.
     The two people stayed intimately and quietly, and the atmosphere was entangled. Even Wan-xi could feel the strong and powerful heartbeat of Yin-Tang.
     Wan-xi likes this feeling very much.
     The heartbeat of ' , ' always makes her feel at ease, just as if he is there, everything can be solved easily.
     "As far as this is allowed, as far as I know, Guolu Luo-shi is afraid that it is also difficult to move Defei !" Wan-xi whispered.
     It’s not that she wants to look down on Hui-Ru, but she and Defei  are not a level of people. Even if they are suppressed by them, even a lot of forces are removed, but there are still three thousand nails in the ship. How can it even be connected? A small Shiqie can't handle it.
     "She can't move, but the Lord will push her, so all things can come to fruition." Yin-Tang is not concealing, just said his decision directly, anyway, this thing really needs to be done, eventually Also won the Wan-xi hostess.
     Wan-xi heard the words and nodded. Obviously, she knew in her heart that this kind of thing, as long as they don’t do it, they can force things on their heads. As for the identity of Hui-Ru, According to Yin-Tang, it is not representative of Junwang House. After all, it is clear to everyone that Yin-Tang has only favored Wan-xi for more than ten years.
     The Shiqie in the backyard is like a display. It seems that it is normal.
     Thanks to the indulgence and push of Yin-Tang and Wan-xi, the plan of Hui-Ru seems to be very smooth and smooth, but at this moment, Hui-Ru has not taken care of it. .
     This will be her last chance, even if she is not sure that she will drag the De-yi into the water, but she can feel her worthy. As for the women in the backyard, she has already prepared for it. When she is really pursued, she is not saying a word.
     They can't get rid of them, who can't be honest!
     All in all, she is also a slap in the face, but whoever pits her, she will have a pit before she dies. As for Wan-xi, the reason why she directly chooses to go to De-yi is not to pull her in. When Deshi is really dead, according to her arrangement, it will definitely involve Wan-xi. Even if the crime is not established, she certainly cannot enjoy any benefit.
     In this way, people who are sorry for her are not doing well. She is not satisfied with anything, and she feels satisfied.
     In the palace, Dezheng did not put the threat of Hui-Ru in his heart. In her opinion, there are not many people who can make her jealous. Except for the supreme power, the rest is the status, ability, and power that can suppress her. Nothing like Hui-Ru can be used. She didn't take it to her heart, and naturally she wouldn't have any vigilance about it.
     Under such circumstances, the manpower arranged by Yin-Tang gradually improved the plan of Hui-Ru, which seemed to be a sloppy cut, but hidden infinite murder. If Deke is cautious, maybe things can't be done smoothly, but it is because of her posture that she doesn't put a person in her eyes, and she is destined to end her.
     Maybe Defei  will not think of death. In the past, she used it in other ways, and one day she will be used by others.
     Recently, Kangxi has not been in the Family for three days because of the cold, and the Minister of the country and the harem have actually understood that the emperor who used to say that he is the old man is really old. Maybe it won't be long before, the first one will be replaced by someone else. Under such circumstances, many people began to switch to their camps.
     They did not say that they took advantage of the Dragon's merits, but they also had to gain a good impression so that the family or themselves could have a good development in the future.
     "The emperor, it's time to take medicine." Li Dequan carried the tray and presented the freshly fried medicine to Kangxi hand, whispering.
     Kangxi face was white and his left hand shivered slightly.
     The whole person would no longer have the scenery of the past, and he was thin and thin, and his eyes were concave. At this time, he coughed and looked at the fold in his hand. He heard Li Dequan’s voice and turned his head. His eyes fell on the bowl of the bitter medicinal juice.
     The brows unconsciously smashed into a group. Sighed a sigh, raised his hand to the medicine bowl, frowning and drinking the medicine.
     The bitterness of the medicinal juice made him cough a few times unconsciously. When he put down the medicine bowl, he picked up the tea at hand and licked his mouth.
     This is better.
     Li Dequan handed the tray to the little eunuch next to him and sent a handkerchief. When Kangxi stopped coughing, he stepped forward and said: "The emperor, the body is tight, or rest!"
     "Where is it!" Kangxi nodded and was thinking of getting up, but because of dizziness, the whole body unconsciously shook, and his hands unconsciously supported the royal case, and finally managed to stabilize the body.
     The action was scattered.
     "Emperor!" Li Dequan went up two steps and was trying to reach out to Kangxi, but he saw him stabilize his body, but his eyes were fixed on the copy of the royal case. His face became more and more ugly, even in his eyes. , looming can also see a silk killing. In the face of such a situation, Li Dequan suddenly did not dare to move. As for the content on the fold, he did not dare to peek. For fear of getting more and more, he directly lost his life.
     Just when he thought about whether he would pick up the other folds under the royal case, he suddenly heard Kangxi roaring with a kind of murderous voice: "Der, you don't know how to be awkward!"

     I don’t mention what Kangxi saw and how angry it was, but from all aspects of performance, Kangxi move was infuriating.
     This point is not difficult to see from Kangxi call to the doctor.
     To know that Kangxi wants to prevent his illness from leaking out, he only allows the royal medical order to prescribe medicine for himself, and the other is only a cold and overworked. It is not difficult to see from this that Kangxi is the kind of person who never shows weakness. At least in front of outsiders, he will always have a deputy emperor.
     But such an emperor was mad at the doctor, and if it wasn’t moving, how could there be such a reaction?
     Li Dequan was scared not to be too light. When he went to sort out the scattered pieces scattered by the imperial case, he saw the contents of the fold and the eyes twitched unconsciously. After smashing back to God, he sighed and sighed, and this De-yi singer really did not stop himself!
     Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Emperor's body is not as good as a day. He wants to persuade the emperor to take care of his body. However, there are so many nationalities, unless he is disregarded by ignorance, how can he leave the government. However, Kangxi body is really getting worse and worse. Not to mention those ministers, people like Li Dequan who are close to serve can be said to have deep experience, so Li Dequan wants to persuade and dare not persuade.
     After all, persuading an emperor to let go of his authority, how do you think it is killing!
     I have been in the palace for a long time, and all kinds of tricks in the palace have been seen by Li De, but these people usually don’t live long. After all, there are too many battles in the palace, they can save their lives, or they can High enough, or the family is deep enough, the last kind is that the emperor will not let you die.
     Obviously, De-yi is the last person.
     She may not be the best candidate, but it is the most knowledgeable existence. Otherwise, Kangxi temper will certainly not hold her so high. I must know that there is still a good crown in the palace. But now, Liangzhu has passed away, but Desheng is still alive. If she is not dead in the latter stage and can't see her status, maybe she is not a De-yi now, Defei, and maybe the Empress Dowager in the future. It is a pity that when some people die, they always forget that their patience is limited. Within the scope, they endure it, but the more they are, the more they can guarantee that they will continue.
     Li Dequan thought that the thoughts of Defei  had been forced to pass the idea of ​​Qinwang before, but now it is forcing the emperor to completely give up her.
     Speaking of giving up? In the palace, there is no family, no power, no protection from the emperor, which means that this person can't live for long.
     Outside the palace, the same anger was found in the cup. Although he now has nothing to do with De-yi he even has no yearning for her, but in the end is a biological mother, he can see her suffering, but can not see her to die, so three times and five times, even know the wrongs Yin-Tang, who has paid a lot of money for him, he has done the same. However, his heart is not understood.
     Before he saved his virtue, he really retired, not only his own grievances, but also Yin-Tang and his ‘Madam and children were also wronged. If he wants to stop, he may not be so embarrassed, but this time and again, even if he is overbearing, his face is thicker, and he can no longer let Yin-Tang retreat.
     "4th Prince, some words, the younger brother wants to say but does not know how to open it. Today, the younger brother also told you the truth." Yu-Xiang looked at the trepidation, but in my heart I can't afford a half-drink.
     In his view, Defei  and the old 14th-will fall to the end of today, have their own factors of death, but also conniving. If there wasn't a straightforward obedience to them, or if they didn't stop the 9th Prince from counterattacking, maybe they had been scared, not as they are now, and they used him to face him and use him.
     When I heard the words of Yu-Xiang, I couldn’t help but look up at him. I saw him sweeping away and laughing and laughing. I couldn’t help but frown. “Old thirteen, if you have anything, you can say it straight, I remember you before. not like this."
     "4th Prince, not the younger brother changed, but you have changed. After you have passed, our Brother have not asked you to ignore them, but they do not want you to continue to indulge them. If it is just a normal holiday, you will be from it. Adjustment, in fact, is not a big deal, but the De-yi are also good, the old 14th-whether, they are not the 9th Prince 9th-Sao life, it is a few zhi-zi life, this kind of thing tolerate The second time is just two times.
     The three times and four times is that the deception is too much.” Yu-Xiang will say these words at this time, and I don’t want this rare brother’s feeling to change because of this irrelevant person. .
     For the sake of virtue, they lost this hard-won brotherhood. In his opinion, it is really not worth it.
                        However, it is really because Dessert has made Yin-Tang and others leave.
     This is definitely not what you want to see. After all, because of the relationship between Wan and Xi, this world can really make him feel the affection. Brother.
     "4th Prince, just like your expression, even if you don't say it, your brother knows that you are still in a dilemma. But what is the use of your embarrassment? Deyang Niang-Niang is not a problem, she never put your The difficulty is in the eyes, not even hurting how much you have paid. If you are sure to protect her, it will not only hurt the hearts of the Brother, but also push the Brother out." If you are still arrogant, Yu-Xiang thinks that these 4th Brother may soon have only 2nd Brother.
     Among the 4th Brother, if Ruo and Yin-Tang fall out, he will definitely stand on the side, even if he does not agree with him. Yin-Er, no matter how good or bad, he knows that he will definitely stand on the side of Yin-Tang, even if they don't fight for you, but look at the good Brother in the past. It is definitely a blow to them.
     "Thirteen, some things are not 4th Prince want to be like this, but the blood of the heart... Hey, yes, these years have done enough. Last time the Old 9 said that the matter was revealed, if again I don’t want to stop it next time, but I want to stop it, but you are right, no one owes them, the Old 9, they should not be directly affected by this.” Long sighed, originally lifted The hand suddenly fell down, seemingly relieved, but also seems to be free.
     Yu-Xiang looked at his face with a sly look, but his heart was awkward, but he didn’t say anything again! Anyway, things have developed to this point, just let it go! If De luck is good enough to escape from the Imperial Father, then there is nothing to say. If you can't hide, it's a death that depends on your own creation.
     Of course, Yin-Tang and Wan-xi at this time don't know that Desheng's affairs have caused so many storms. After all, they have been deployed, and they haven't had time to shoot yet! Defei  has been rebellious and betrayed, and it has become a shame.
     The result is really embarrassing!
     However, Hui-Ru is quite active. Maybe it is really ready to go out, so it seems that there is no scruples. Although the work is urgent, the means is different from the former haze. It seems that she really intends to go to hell with those who have offended her.
     "Master, I have to say that this Guo Luo-shi plan is really perfect, not to mention Defei , and the people in this backyard have let her calculate, if the Lord and the body are not prepared, this The second time maybe made her hang up.” Wan-xi looked at the news brought by Yin-Tang, and the look on her face was quite helpless. Obviously, she did not expect the heart of Hui-Ru to be so big. A shot is all the people, she does not want to think that her life is enough to compensate others' lives.
     Yin-Tang listened to her complaints, could not help but laugh aloud, mastered her softness, pinched twice, whispered: "She is a wishful thinking, but it is impossible for her to achieve her.
     The women in the backyard are dead or alive.
     They are all made by themselves.
     They have nothing to do with the Lord. So their life and death have nothing to do with the Lord. But this virtue, I don’t know what the Imperial Father is!"
     Kangxi body is getting worse and worse. As the core figure of the Four Lords Party, Yin-Tang is still very clear about Kangxi physical condition. It is precisely because of this that he will suspend the plan against Defei  before, so as not to stimulate Kangxi. After all, Kangxi indulgence for Defei  is all in the eye, although they are not sure, but in terms of this connivance, It is easy for them to misunderstand Kangxi feelings for De-yi heard that Imperial Father called the royal doctor!" Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang's face, and can't help but remind her, but she still has a hint of heart.
     She thought that Kangxi temper would suppress even if she had love, but she didn't want to be really affectionate about him. Not to mention her cheap daughter-in-law, his son, grandson, he seems to be able to look at the wronged. Perhaps her thoughts are too biased. Perhaps Kangxi cares too much about them. Anyway, Defei  can influence Kangxi is an irrefutable fact.
     "It seems that the Imperial Father is aware of it, but I don't know if this time the Imperial Father is going to intervene." Yin-Tang frowned, but his mind quickly calculated that if Kangxi shot, he would What kind of means is used to punish De-yi this time Yin-Tang is impossible to let go of Defei  anyway. Even if she can't ask for her life, then she must let her stay on the bed, and then can't move her mind.
     "Master, if the Imperial Father wants to intervene, then we will take this matter full of 'transfer' by Guolu Luo-shi." The worst result is those that appeared in the Hui-Ru plan.
     The dark piles have to be abandoned. After all, as long as there is a trace of contact, it is enough to make their previous preparations completely.
     "That's right. It's OK to hand over the things to Guolu-shi, but theervants in the palace have to be swayed, and there are more people who can do it. Our people can save one." Yin Tang is not a fake, but for those who are loyal to him, he is also very affectionate and will not be easily abandoned.
     Wan-xi nodded, but did not say anything, because this is already the best result, after all, they have the ability and can not face the two generations of Prince at the same time.

     Kangxi illness has gradually worsened. When he was called to the dragon couch, he thought that Kangxi illness was due to the previous cold. He originally thought about persuading him to let Kangxi take good care of his body and talk about politics. Who knows that Kangxi illness will continue to increase, not because of others, it is precisely because of the De-yi who had a headache in the past few days.
     This kind of reason gave me a slight sigh, and looked a little surprised at Kangxi, who was pale and yellow, but she didn't know what to say. He hesitated for a moment and finally chose to plead guilty.
     He didn't want to take care of Deok's gossip anymore, and he didn't want to clean up her mess any more. He didn't want to be wronged because she let the people who really care about him be wrong, but when Kangxi mentioned these things to the face, he couldn't Do not bow, only because Defei  is his biological mother.
     "Please ask Imperial Father to punish!" He lowered his head, and suddenly he felt a little tired.
     Yes, he really feels tired.
     If Yu-Xiang had persuaded him before, he still had a thought to rebut the virtues, then at this moment, his feelings for her can be said to have been cleaned up. After all, Kangxi is more important to , and he can have it today. Its really not easy. Every step is very difficult, but everyone around him knows how to hurt him and help him.
     The birth mother of Defei  is dragging his hind legs everywhere, and he can't wait for him to die. How can this make him not chilling?
     "What sin you have! Senior, yelling, you want to let you know that some people are not worthy of your maintenance. De mad, she has forgotten the past, become crazy and unreasonable. Previously I thought, I thought that as long as she was slightly punished, she would understand convergence, but this is for her former woman, not her now.” Kangxi said, coughing twice, the whole person looked at her, but her eyes were As always, it is fierce. It’s just that when I mention Deok, my eyes are different from the past, but I’m really disliked.
     If Deok knows that this little trick will lose Kangxi and her friendship to her at the same time, will she regret it?
     "Imperial Father, you mean..." I was shocked, and when I looked up, I looked at Kangxi eyes with a bit of incomprehensible and strange. I obviously didn’t think he would persuade himself to let go, not like the previous one. He was asked to be filial.
     In fact, I will have a straightforward attitude, and there is also the reason for Kangxi. He asks to rule the world with filial piety. In some respects, he also asks his sons at this point. Even if he is really impatient with Defei , I have to think about his thoughts, and I have to ask for him again and again, so that he will become a habit.
     "De-yi has done it. Before the Old 9, because of his relationship with you, I have to endure it.
     This time, I don't want to talk again, you don't want to talk any more. If he starts, he can only say that he is a De-yi If you don't do it, you will remember the Old 9 and the old 9th Fu-Jin. You will take care of them in the future." Kangxi raised his hand and pressed down slightly, Calling at this dilemma.
     The mood is very complicated.
     It is natural to be filial to his son, but when this filial piety becomes suppressed by others, even by using his means, this becomes a problem.
     The sons who are going to become Prince should not have so many ties. If you know how to advance and retreat, it is not a problem. But the fact is that not everyone knows how to stop this reason. At this moment, Kangxi began to rejoice that he insisted on passing the fourth to the cousin, which is a limitation of Defei .
     "My son understands." He rushed to Kangxi for a ceremony, looking up at the moment, looking at Kangxi face, could not help but open his mouth and advised: "Imperial Father, dragon body is heavy."
     "Oh, understand." Kangxi nodded gently, not talking about his mouth, but his heart was still happy. After all, everyone wants his son to be filial, not a big one.
     In fact, I don’t know that Kangxi himself is already considering going to Changchunyuan to raise his illness. His body is not enough to support him and he has handled many national affairs as before. It can be said that Kangxi himself has such an idea and is forced by reality. After all, it is still very realistic that the power is not in the heart, and he is not allowed to face it.
     However, it is unrealistic to ask Kangxi to let go of his authority. After all, the difference between the right and the power is too big. It is not a two-word explanation. So, it is no wonder that Kangxi will be entangled.
     When I came out from the Kangxi Palace, my mood was incomparably complicated. It is a matter of his own letting go, and it is another matter for Kangxi to let him down. Before you know, he doesn't say that every step is done according to Kangxi intentions, but he does everything to get Kangxi approval.
     This point is beyond doubt.
     When Yu-Xiang let him give up, he still felt that the burden on his shoulders was so heavy that he looked down on him. Now when Kangxi, who asked for them directly, said this sentence, he only felt the whole People are free from the inside out.
     Really speaking, he has long had no feelings about Defei . It can be said that it is chilling. It is just a kind of responsibility that has been imposed on him that he has to compromise. After all, to be a qualified emperor, this reputation is also very important. Otherwise, why did Kangxi, the original Kangxi, arrange the life of the offended person to his son instead of ordering it himself.
     "From now on, the last silk connection between the Lord and the Yonghe Palace is broken!" Turning his head to look at the direction of the Yonghe Palace, a face with a few expressions reveals a relieved smile.
     Su Peisheng, standing behind him, looked at theervants in his eyes, and he felt a long sigh of relief. As a sly confidant, he naturally hopes that he will get better and better, instead of being shackled by Defei  and others. Now, Your Highness is completely free, as long as the emperor is not reluctant, and has already passed to Tong-Queen's Your Highness, even if he ignores Deok, who can say the last sentence is not, after all, it is the emperor what!
     Defei  did not know that his plan actually allowed Kangxi to give up on her directly to her, and even let her choose to give up her. If they can make such a choice earlier, maybe Defei  will not go to this step, but it is a foregone conclusion, and regret can not change the cut, not to mention that Defei  does not know these at the moment.
     Without the constraints of Kangxi, many people in the palace had new ideas after the trial. Compared with the past taboos, people who have noticed that the wrong person has started to play a small calculation. Don't look at the De-yi but now they are just awkward, but there are counts in the palace, such as the four, although there are exceptions (good as an exception is the fifth shi-zi, just a short head in front of the four), but can end It’s a minority, and the niche is even worse.
     There are also top and bottom points for the title and the title, not to mention the other. Whether it’s stepping on or pulling it down, for them, it’s not a good idea. Opportunity.
     Besides, Defei , it is not a good deal in itself. Before the people were still embarrassed, they thought about Qin Wang, who is already a 'quasi' heir.
     They still don’t want her to climb again, so they are holding the opportunity, who are willing to Let go.
     The dark tide surged, and when they saw it again, Defei  was already sick and fell in bed. At the beginning, they all thought that Yin-Tang was successful. Kangxi didn't move. It was obviously the default way of Yin-Tang's treatment. However, because of all the previous ones, it is inevitable that there are still some ideas. After all, as a straight The one who is modest, once the other party is no longer modest, if he has no idea, then it is not normal.
     Yu-Xiang was aware of the embarrassing emotional shift, and she was somewhat disappointed in her heart, and her mood changed. If he said that he only used as a brother to look at it, now he is really beginning to realize that is no longer just his brother, or a person who is about to become an emperor. His ideas can be influenced not only by others in the future. Temper life, and theirs. However, before this, Yu-Xiang was determined to resolve the knot with Yin-Tang, so I was very careful in investigating this matter.
     Just what Yu-Xiang didn't think was that his investigation had not yet produced results, and Yin-Tang had already noticed his thoughts. Although he did not understand his intentions, Yin-Tang subconsciously led Yu-Xiang to move in the direction he arranged. Of course, it is natural that he wants to let him check. After all, even if it is a brother, it is not something that can be forgiven. Yin-Tang's idea is naturally also realized from the awkward attitude, although some are chilling, but this is reality.
     The status of a person is determined, and Yin-Tang does not want to be an emperor, and he is destined to do whatever he wants. In the past, he felt that he was a brother. He should not play tricks. Now, when he is no longer a simple brother or an emperor, some of his minds must be played.
     This point is not difficult to see the result from the way Kangxi and his 2nd Brother get along.
     It is a brother, but you need to guard against each other.
     This is the royal family.
     When Yin-Tang erased all the traces of his shots, he put most of his mind into his own business. After all, compared to the intrigues in the court, the success of the business seems to make him more satisfied. If you say this, maybe others won't believe it, but for Yin-Tang, he really likes to be in the mall.
     In the evening, Yin-Tang, who handled the books, returned to Qing yi-Courtyard, just to see that the triplets were around the Wan-xi, as their youngest child, Yin-Tang or Wan-xi.
     They are all very pampered. After all, they can't guarantee that these three children will become their last children.
     Wan-xi has been cultivating the body in recent years.
     The doctors said that it was no problem last year, but Wan-xi did not get pregnant again. She actually lost some of her own. After all, they are more concerned about them. More children and more blessings, women can be born is a blessing, this can not be born ... no matter how you think it is not a good thing.
     Yin-Tang did not say anything, even repeatedly said that there are Hong-min they are enough, but Wan-xi is not straightforward in mind, after all, it is not a matter of life, can it be another thing? .

     Yin-Tang didn't know Wan-xi thoughts. If he knew that he would calmly appease her emotions, but Wan-xi never said it, and he thought he had expressed enough, but he did not expect it. Invisible has actually caused such an oolong.
     Stepping forward, looking at the Wan-xi playing with three children, his mouth unconsciously raised a faint smile, his eyes were very soft, and he reached for his robes and sat next to Wan-xi. Sit down, the three little guys went straight into his arms.
     The three little guys were well cared for, with the child's unique baby fat, soft and innocent, not to mention Yin-Tang, they are Hong-min.
     They also like to play with three little guys. At this time, the three little guys rushed to the Yin-Tang's arms, which made him very calm. After all, the children are more, and they are rushing to his arms. In order not to let them hurt, he naturally has to pay more attention.
     “ Ama, when are we going to Zhuangzi!” He held Yin-Tang’s arm and asked with a soft voice.
     In the past few years, Yin-Tang took Wan-xi every year to go to Zhuangzi to live on the small, the difference is only how many times and length of time. Of course, there are also people who change sometimes. After all, they don’t have time to go with them every time.
     Their 4th Brother have their own families and things to do, especially , as the future emperor, There will only be more and more things to do, so in recent years, they have rarely gone to Zhuangzi with them. However, Hong-hui is still as they used to be.
     "When you are busy with this time, Ama will take you there." Yin-Tang smiled with the eldest daughter in the triplets.
     Wan-xi listened to his words and couldn't help but pick a brow. She remembered that due to their promotion in the near future, the plan of Hui-Ru was really going well and the effect was huge. Defei  is now in bed because of the relationship between Miyajima and Hui-Ru, saying that it is ill, it is better to say that it is poisoning. After all, the De-yi used this method to remove those who are threatening her. Nowadays, people are using the same method to calculate but do not know, it is also a newspaper report. I just don't know if Defei  can still get help and retreat from others in the same way.
     "Is there time?" But I heard that there has been a lot of controversy in the recent courts. Some people even rumored that the Imperial Father is going to let the 4th Prince succeed in succession.
     These things have all come together, and I don’t think it’s too early. It’s good to make a promise.” Wan-xi flashed a strange look, then whispered.
     Yin-Tang looked at her face with a strange look, and could not help but frown. Obviously, he thought of the attitude of the past few days, and he felt incomprehensible. His dedication to jealousy is not a little less than the original confrontation, and even because of his future and overall situation, even his ‘Madam and children are counted and retired. Now he has not retired, and even pretending to retaliate has attracted his dissatisfaction.
     This result is really a model for the rise of Mienfu.
     "After De Sin fell, although I don't know why 4th Prince didn't investigate the matter, the attitude of 4th Prince was very chilling." The voice of theervant was very low, and the words were a little angry. the meaning of.
     Wan-xi looked up and saw his face look angry, with a little brainstorming, guess what happened! However, she was prepared at this point, but she did not feel so uncomfortable. Of course, this may also be because her woman has little contact with her peers.
     This is a shallow affair and naturally does not feel hurt. Just looking at the man in front of her eyes, she is also inexplicably uncomfortable here, could not help but raise a gentle smile, softly persuaded: "Master  is obviously in the same 4th Prince gas. Some things I really don't understand the body, but this person encounters certain things, but there is also a turning point. Since I know where the problem is, why not solve it, let it develop?"
     After listening to her advice, although the face was slightly relieved, but the heart of the heart can not be solved in two sentences, but in the end this mood is much better than before.
     "When I was chilling, I didn't explain it, but now the 13th brother is checking this matter. I want to come to him and I also noticed that 4th Prince has different attitudes before, and I will do these things. I have made some arrangements. Disposing Guolu Luo-shi, this matter will be settled." Yin-Tang thinks that this life is a fair, in fact, it is also very fair, in fact, he does not think that Desheng’s life is more precious than others, really Speaking of it, Desheng has nothing but luck, what else she has! Really talked about the origin, Guolu Luo-shi Shiqie origin is higher than her.
     Of course, Yin-Tang wouldn’t really say this kind of thing. After all, Desheng’s birth was worse, she also gave birth, even if she had already passed, but everyone knows that some thunder pools can’t be more, even if it’s Everything is well known.
     "It seems that the 13th lord has another idea about this matter, and 4th Prince is afraid of losing the heart." Wan-xi didn't live to the end of the last life, naturally I don't know the Yu of the last world. Although Xiang knew the difference between the emperor and his elder brother later than this world, in the end, he chose to stay away from jealousy, not to be a brother, but to be a monarch.
     "This is also a good thing.
     There is a difference between the emperor and the elder brother. If the elder is holding on to the previous one, it is still good, but the number of times is too high, and the deep feelings are also consumed. Instead of changing from a brother to an enemy, it is better to change your attitude when you notice that it is wrong.” Yin-Tang was a little impatient, and apparently dissatisfied with the development of the situation. But the more dissatisfied, the more dead this knot is, not at all like he said, it ended.
     Wan-xi perceives Yin-Tang's emotions and can't help but pick up her little daughter in her arms. She moved to Yin-Tang and moved her hair.
     The distance between the two was shortened a lot.
     There are only three little guys who are mischievous. Even if they want to do something, they have to converge at this time and have not taught the children.
     "What is the anti-righteous saying! Wait until the thirteenth Brother will 'clear' the matter and then hand it over to the 4th Prince.
     Then he will take a few children and go to Zhuangzi for a while, saying that it seems to be a long time. I have never been to Zhuangzi, and I don’t know if the cut in Zhuangzi is still the same as before.” The voice of Wan-xi seems to be a bit sloppy.
     There have been too many things happening recently, one after another. It is not bad to be able to keep yourself safe, but also talk about what is light.
     But then again, if they really want to go to Zhuangzi to live on a small living, they must first dispose of these women in the house. Otherwise, those women will have the ability to make troubles.
     They may not be able to live for a few days and have to come back to deal with the problem.
     "If you want to know the specific situation on Zhuangzi, then you will see it when you go to Yu-4th Prince and the woman in this backyard. You will definitely solve it before going to Zhuangzi." Yin-Tang The voice is low and the tone is firm. Obviously this time he really intends to solve all the problems, instead of letting those people trouble them again and again.
     He is a man who loves to be clear, as long as he does not force him, he will still give others a little bit of affection. Like the women in the backyard, whether they are waiting for him or not waiting for him, as long as they are nominally his woman, he should give a little bit of stingy. It can be said that these years, Shiqie in the backyard of Junwang House Compared with many of the Side-Fujin in the house, even Di Fu-Jin is still extravagant. Whoever makes Yin-Tang lack anything, is not lacking in silver!
     It is a pity that this person is born to be unsatisfied. With glory and wealth, he wants status, love and children. Yin-Tang does not give, they think about trying to calculate, and no matter how harmful people are, they want to achieve their goals. In doing so, it is no wonder that Yin-Tang will be determined to deal with them, after all, the side of the couch is tolerant of others sleeping.
     "I understand the meaning of the Lord, but some things are still good for the shots. Otherwise, the move of the Lord is afraid of causing many speculations, and at this point, at most, it is just a reputation for being arrogant." Wan-xi leaned on his shoulders, his hands gently holding her daughter's tender little hand and looking at the sweet smile on her face. She felt that if it was for them, this hand was full of blood and how!
     The emperor's royal, the monarch and the courtiers, the father is not the father, the son is not the child, and then talk about these between them and their wives. What is peacefully getting along with nothing is just a self-deception, the so-called mountain can not accommodate two tigers, she is also good, other women, who is willing to give the hand to all others.
     Yin-Tang is very useful for her concern, but she does not want her to suffer the slightest wrongs. He is not a 4th Prince. He thinks that the other side should be straightforward. He said that he wants to hold Wan-xi in his hand. He did, but he did it again and again. Let her hurt. Now, the dust has settled, and if he still makes her wronged, he is still a man!
     "No, this thing will be handled well. Don't forget that Guo Luo is a person of Guo Luo Luo family. She is not only Shiqie but also Zhi-nu of her mother.               There was a silky flash in my eyes.
     Don't look at him still respecting Yifei, but when it comes to the backyard, he is also a bit complaining about Yifei, just because he knows that Yifei is considering his problem from his perspective, he will be able to bear it, but Hui-Ru The thing is root*, and the igniting of this root* is what Hui-Ru has done over the years.
     The ear still echoed the man's whisper, although through the silk calculations, it made Wan-xi feel sweet. She has no intention of competing with Yifei. After all, they are both a mother and a ‘Madam.
     They are not positioned.
     This feeling is naturally different.
     There is no need to fight. But she thought so, Yifei didn't think so, so the contradiction between her and Yifei was all unilateral, and she just cooperated to pull away the distance instead of dying.
     "But Guo Luo-shi is the mother-in-law of the mother-in-law. Is this the act of the mother, isn't the mother's face stepped under the soles of the feet?" Wan-xi tone is gently rising, her voice is no longer like ten. When I was a few years old, it was soft and soft, but it was a bit more charming, and it made people feel itchy, like feathers.

     "But Guo Luo-shi is the mother-in-law of the mother-in-law. Is this the act of the mother, isn't the mother's face stepped under the soles of the feet?" Wan-xi tone is gently rising, her voice is no longer like ten. When I was a few years old, it was soft and soft, but it was a bit more charming, and it made people feel itchy, like feathers.
     Yin-Tang subconsciously looked at Wan-xi, seeing a layer of sorrow in her eyes, could not help but smile, reaching out to help her to make her daughter's messy long hair to the ear.
     The four eyes are opposite each other, and the affection is warm and heart-warming.
     The three little guys don't understand this affection. You Called that he Called, and directly ruined the two of them at all times, and couldn't afford any silk.
     The Yin-Tang secretly next time he talked to Wan-xi and decided not to let a few little guys beside him, otherwise the good atmosphere could not hold them up.
     "The mother-in-law doesn't have to worry too much. If you go over the mother-in-law to deal with Guo Luo-shi, then it is really a crime against the mother. After all, it is Guo Luo family, they certainly won't hope. Let's 'outsiders' intervene." When Yin-Tang said this, the corner of his mouth unconsciously raised a sarcasm, but unfortunately he did not wait for him to maintain this cold condition for the third second, and his son and daughter made a noise. Attracted.
     The so-called handsome but three seconds of this kind of thing, sometimes not only suitable for modern people, but also suitable for ancient milk dad.
     However, from the words of Yin-Tang, it is not difficult to hear that his relationship with Guo Luoluo seems to be not as good as imagined, otherwise he should not be in this tone, and will not use such a mocking gesture.
     Wan-xi understands that before Guoluolu family refused to leave the Eighth Party with Yin-Tang, and because of his relationship, he had made a lot of scorpions, and when he squatted, Yin Tang has been re-used by Kangxi, and this Guoluolu family has turned back to talk about the benefits of Yin-Tang. When it comes to cooperation, Yin-Tang can't have any connection with the wall as long as it is not stupid. As for the horses, they should really thank Yifei for being there. Otherwise, according to the means of Yin-Tang, how could they be better?
     what a pity! Yin-Tang sees again on Yifei face. All they can see is that Yin-Tang gives up their business. As for the reason, they can't admit that they are wrong, they only feel that It is someone who has no love.
     "In this case, Guo Luo-shi will leave it to the Lord to arrange. As for other people, according to the meaning of the whole body, it is still good to send away. After all, in this backyard, whether it is intentional or not, can provoke right and wrong.
     The people or the cause is too much." Wan-xi made such an arrangement, and finally put these women in a row, did not want to kill them all.
     Some things, even if she does too much, no one will accuse her of doing something wrong. After all, this backyard was originally a place to pay attention to the weak meat, she is also good, other people, nothing to do with the harmful heart, even if self-protection, There must also be strategies and means. Now she just sent the people away, and the conditions in the Zhuangzi that were picked out are all good. Even if there is something that people want to say, isn't there Yin-Tang in front?
     "No matter what the reason, dare to do it for you and the children, then it is destined not to stay." Yin-Tang's face is very indifferent, and the gentleness of Wan-xi is simply two people .
     Wan-xi heard the words, smiled, she liked Yin-Tang's hegemony, although sometimes it would make her angry, but most of the time it made her move very warm and heart-warming.
     “ Ama, walk, play, play!” Unlike Yu-Daren’s calmness and patience, the three little guys felt tired after playing in their parents’ arms for a while, and began to want toss. Going out, and still not let the milk Mama bring, just let Yin-Tang and Wan-xi bring.
     Wan-xi and Yin-Tang sit and talk, but it is just to discuss how to deal with the next thing. Since it has been discussed, it is not bad to go out with the children. After all, they are really too busy during this time, except for the daily dinner, they really do not accompany the children.
     Yin-Tang sees Wan-xi face, just thinking about it, he holds a woman and rushes to Wan-xi. "Since the time is still early, go out and play with them." Master ."
     Just as Wan-xi enjoyed their family fun, Yu-Xiang also successfully obtained the results of the survey. To be honest, looking at the results of the investigation, Yu-Xiang is not very happy.
      These days of awkwardness, even his onlookers can feel, not to mention the Yin-Tang as a party, every time he wants to say something to ease the relationship between the two, the start of Yin-Tang is Coordination, but twice, or that attitude, Yin-Tang will not go up together, and now it is such an embarrassing situation, he suddenly regretted to investigate this.
     Yu-Xiang frowned, holding the copy of the survey results in his hand, and looked back and forth several times, and finally decided to send this to Qimenwang. After all, if the women in the backyard really want to get out, it is not surprising that they have stirred up such a big storm. Whoever makes Deyang Niang-Niang have a lot of enemies, so many people acted, she won't win the bid.
     Every time he thinks about what De-yi has done for his mother, he has accepted this fact, but as long as he is exposed to something about her, he will show a sense of disgust from the bottom of his heart.
     "Go, go to Qinwang House." Yu-Xiang returned to God, and the voice of ' ' closed up and went out.
     On the road, I rode the horse to Qinwang House and looked at the horses and horses in front of the door. Yu-Xiang felt a sneer, but I also knew that this was reality. I think that when the 4th Prince has not yet taken the lead, this bus is the 8th-Prince House next door, not the current Qinwang House.
     "Hey, 13th Master, you are here!" The person in the porter saw Yu-Xiang, and immediately greeted him. His attitude was different from the coldness of those who had just come to see him.
     The whole face could not laugh. Flowers come.
     Yu-Xiang looked at the concierge in the face and didn't talk. It was just the close-servant who was rushing to the side and gave a look. He gave a reward and went straight to the study room.
     This treatment seems to be envied by people who are seeking to see outside the Qinwang House. I can't hate myself with Yu-Xiang. I can see Qinwang directly by lifting my legs.
     When Yu-Xiang went to the study, he was criticizing him. As a successor, Kangxi was very reassured to him. Many things would not be like him from the previous one. From this point of view, it is not difficult to see Kangxi intentions. It is because of this point that he is more careful than ever.
     "The 4th Prince! Defei  Niang-Niang's brother had checked the arbitrarily. Although the result was somewhat unexpected, you are absolutely wrong 9th Prince this time." When Yu-Xiang said this, he would The fold in the sleeve was taken out and placed in front of him.
     When I looked up, I watched the silk on the face of Yu-Xiang disapprove, and my heart was inexplicably somewhat guilty. He knows that the Old 9 has suffered a lot of grievances because of his relationship, and even almost lost his life several times. To be honest, he remembers their goodness in his heart, but this person is inevitably greedy. With the Old 9's previous humility, he always feels that the Old 9 should be like the former, straight Focusing on him, instead of changing his attitude suddenly like this, the feeling is like no longer paying attention to him, it is difficult for him to not mind.
     His mind has always been heavy. Although he doesn't like everything in his own thoughts, but at the point of feelings, he said that he is also neat and arrogant. He can be said that he is dragging the water, and he is also a little muddy, otherwise it will not be suddenly ill because of De-yi Cold down Yin-Tang, no, not so much cold, it is better to say that it is anger.
     "Wrong? Isn't this the Old 9 or 9th-Sao?" After all, it’s really hard to let people know that I’m going to count the lives of others. I am embarrassed to speak, not to mention the Wan-xi as the victim.
     Of course, I want to think so.
     This person is selfish, and he is no exception, otherwise he can't make trouble with Yin-Tang on this matter.
     "4th Prince still have to look at it yourself! According to the results of the investigation by the younger brother, 9th Prince just knew this, but because of the attitude of 4th Prince, 9th Prince did not speak. After all, Shiqie in his backyard. It seems that he has his responsibility for the cooperation with the De-yi It seems that he has his responsibility. 4th Prince cares, 9th Prince naturally does not explain.” Yu-Xiang’s words are like this, but my heart is dark. Deserved, it is clear that they are dead, but they are tired of their brotherhood.
     Looking at the smear of Yu-Xiang's mouth, I couldn't help but take the fold and take it. I opened it and saw it, the more I wrinkled it, the tighter it was. He knows that by virtue of virtue, he will definitely not just make a small fight. Now, look at her is a lot of means! Not only did it disturb the backyard of the people, but they also wanted the lives of others. So he didn’t let people resist, and he couldn’t help but blush.
     "Is it all right?" For Yu-Xiang, I never doubted it, but only when I was cautious, I asked again.
     "My Brother have confirmed it.
     The 9th Prince didn't know it at first. Now I know that I am going to hand over the person to Yifei Niang-Niang. After all, the Shiqie is Guolu Luojia, as for other Shiqie, since both children have been swayed, 9th Prince is afraid that they will not stay with them again.” Yu-Xiang walked aside and sat down on the chair closest to him, then It was only after talking about the movements he had discovered about the Yin-Tang backyard. In this case, let alone send a few women to Bezhuang, that is, all executed, and who dares to say a sentence is not.
     He nodded and apparently did not take Yin-Tang's handling of the backyard to the heart. After the answer was obtained, he inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Yin-Tang still sees him as he used to be, not as he thinks, and he is determined to be against him regardless of his ideas.
     But on the other side of Defei , he really didn't plan to manage it. Even if Yin-Tang didn't do anything to her, or if she hadn't had time to do it, but she was already punished, then it was revealed. .
     "In this case, the Lord will go to the 9th Prince brother to talk about it tomorrow." When he said this, his face rarely appeared a trace of sorrow.
     Yu-Xiang looked at the embarrassing look and said no more. He did this in order to understand the knot between the two. After all, their 4th Brother are really hard to come by. If it is really a servant for the evil people like De-yi it is not worth it.
     "Since the 4th Prince has plans, the younger brother is relieved. To be honest, my brother is really afraid that 4th Prince and 9th Prince will create a barrier between them and unnecessary things. It is really good to trust each other!" Yu-Xiang put on a sigh of relief and smiled.


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