Chongqie Courting Death Daily 460

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     "8th Prince is really confident, just hope that 8th Prince will not regret it in the future!" Then he hurried away.
     Looking at the back of his departure, he sighed a little, but did not think about retaining or compromising as before. Some things can be done twice and twice, and the number of times can be increased. Who can guarantee that they will stick to it.
     According to the current situation, if they work together, they will definitely be able to regain their success. Unfortunately, the old 14th-this guy has never had a so-called overall situation. What he can think of is always how much he can get. But there is such a good thing in this world, saying that there is no white lunch in the world, he wants to use him to occupy a big position, this is a straight and indulgent. Now that the general trend has gone, let alone the old 14th-that is, he should also make a plan for himself. After all, besides himself, there are others behind him.
     Don't look at Imperial Father, it seems to have reused him, but in fact, it is a thankless thing that can be handed to him. From here, it is not difficult to see the true intention of Imperial Father. He doesn't look like a servant. His eyes always only see the interest in front of him. He just looks far away to get the loyalty of others. Otherwise, he will dig over the corner of his wall three times and five times. How can he still keep it? The power of this fight.
     what a pity! These people have more power and strategy, and it is better than the decision of Imperial Father.
      4th Prince is a blessing, not only can the Old 9 help them, but also the recognition of Imperial Father, so the coveted thing, he or all other Brother have wanted to get, but unfortunately the Crown Prince, it seems that only he got it.
     Ah! In the end, it is the child that the Father Father has personally raised, and only he has personally taught him to get his approval. As for these people, they can’t say anything good, and they can’t say anything bad. In short, they can survive smoothly. In some ways, it is already a gift, but it is just that the heart is unwilling!
     All of them are sons.

     They used to be the Crown Prince Big Prince. Now they are 4th Prince 9th Prince.
     They can be divided into three or six 9th Princes.
     This allows them to complain, how can they not fight.
     The reason why Qi Fangcai did not break things up and tell him what to listen to, not that he is stingy, but that he is really dead-hearted, and he does not change his teachings, even in any case, he can’t help the mud on the wall.
     The ending can only be thrown to the side, this is not a rare thing. Gently squint and look at the fold in front of him, this is the one who wants to smash him and the 4th Prince fish. If it is the old 14th-not so unconventional, maybe he really wants to fight a fight, but now don't say that it is a fight, it is the whole body and the fear is that you have to look at the arrangement of Imperial Father. Ai Xinjue Luojia does not have the habit of killing children, but it is nothing new to kill each other between Brother. He does not think that after he has done so many things, 4th Prince will use him without any will.
     Since there is no retreat, he has to lay a path for himself. As for the embarrassment, he wants to use him as a forefoot, and that is no wonder his heart, take him as a shield.
     "Lin Cheng, let the old 14th-the people on the other side move first, point the Old 9 backyard, take advantage of the old 14th-and then the old 9th Fu-Jin or Hong-min, then the knot I can't solve it anymore. When the 4th Prince is good, the Old 9 will vent most of the negative emotions on the old 14th-and the Lord will definitely be hated, but it is not difficult to protect himself." Finger tapping the fold in front of him, the coldness in his eyes made Lin Cheng unconsciously bow his head.
     He didn't think about Lin Cheng's thoughts. He knew that at this time, every step of his life meant what the people of the entire Baylor House would end.
     Of course, it is impossible to know that these things are escaping from the Eight Baylor House. Since he had moved his mind and wanted to sit in that position, he could say that he was doing everything he could. Apart from himself, he could really sacrifice anything. If not, how can the De-yi who regards him as an eye be silenced.
     "Master ." 14th Fu-Jin saw theervant coming back from the outside and immediately greeted him.
     I didn't look at her eyes, I waved my hand at random, crossed her, sat straight up, and sat down on the chair. Next to Maid, the tea was very eye-catching and then retreated. I didn't scrutinize it. I took a sip of tea and scorned it.
     This turned to the 10th 4th Fu-Jin. "8th Prince is stunned with his grandfather. It seems that the recent move of Imperial Father has made him unconsciously retreat. It is."
     14th Fu-Jin looked at the indignant look, and his heart was very low, but he didn't know what to say. If the overall situation has been fixed, where should they go? You know that they are standing in Qimenwang and ZHong-Yong Junwang.
     They are not opposite each other for two days.
     They are doing those things. I am afraid that it is not easy to be forgiven!
     "Master, that's what you mean, what should we do now?" 14th Fu-Jin looked at him awkwardly, thinking that he would take an idea now.
     With a cold face and a hateful look at 14th Fu-Jin, he thought about the words he said when he left the Eight Baylor House, and his mind was alive again. Although he has not seen Defei  for a long time since he fought that, he knew in his heart that except for Defei  who did not want to see him, he was more guilty of not being able to see Defei .
     Don't look at his usual appearance on a regular basis. In fact, he is more guilty than anyone else. After all, how good De-yi is to him, people with long eyes can see it, and he is not allowed to argue. He knows directly that there are many people behind him who are jealous of him, but what about it, if he is successful, these people are not all about being honest.
     Those hypocritical people! When he is on the big post, he will definitely return all the points and grievances he has received.
     "Tomorrow, you will bring Hong-chun to the palace to please the mother!" Seeing the 10th 4th Fu-Jin, there was no movement, and he could not help but frown, and he said in an impatience. Obviously, he himself feels that it is not good to speak, it will be so concealed.
     14th Fu-Jin, though surprised, still nodded subconsciously. No matter what kind of situation they were in, she had to do what she wanted, instead of rejecting it when she felt that she could not. However, she still has to ask if she asks. After all, she does not ask clearly. If she has a deviation in her actions, she is still unlucky.
     When I saw her asking, I didn’t hide it. I told her about the intentions. After all, let the mother-in-law change her mind. Wanyan-shi and the children should play most of the role. At the very least, they should play a match. Role, he believes that as long as he is willing to bow, the mother should be willing to forgive him. After all, 4th Prince is no longer her son in name, so she can only rely on him only, so no matter what kind of contradiction between their mother and child, as long as he is willing to recover, the problem should be solved!
     "Do you understand the meaning of the Lord? 8th Prince is now not waiting for the shield in front of the master, then we have to think of other ways to collect news. Although the mother-in-law is no longer favored, but in the end is in the palace, just want to I am sure I can hear some news that we can't hear." This is to squeeze out the last value of Defei .
     The four 4th Fu-Jin next to it did not consciously shudder, a man who is like this to his mother, can you really rely on it? But can not rely on, she can not leave, because the royal woman is only dead, there is no way to leave.
     "Master 's meaning is clear." 14th Fu-Jin took a slap in the face, and then he pondered in the heart what to do tomorrow to enter the palace to do something to win the trust and understanding of De-yi can understand it. Master  doesn't believe that he is 8th Prince. He still can't lay a path for himself." Sneering, I really want to make a surprise at this moment, let all Everyone knows that he is not worse than his Brother, and even better than them, he is even better.
     God knows where the confidence of   comes from, and sees his confident look. I dont know what he thought he had done! In fact, it is actually better than doing things. He always thinks better.
     Such a move and such an idea, it is no wonder that hard work can not enter the eyes of Kangxi. And when the hustle and bustle were busy paving the way, the news made both of them frown.
     The Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, who were sent to the northwest, returned.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang took the soldiers to the northwest, and they went for two years. Because of the long time, and the return of the report, there was no victory or defeat. No one thought that they would come back so early. I thought that this war must be completely won, fearing that it would be four or five years. However, Wan-xi took it for granted. After all, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are not embarrassed.
     They are still thinking about finding a woman in a fight, and they are well known for this woman.
     The last generation of the world, Wan-xi did not want to comment on anything, after all, the situation of the two worlds has long been different, but what makes her feel amazed is that Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang can match this well, the effect Also people have to sigh!
     "Master, the 10th Brother and the 13th lords are afraid that they will soon be in Capital City!" Wan-xi put a piece of snack into his mouth, and when he chewed it, he turned to look at the side. Yin-Tang, asked softly.
     Yin-Tang heard the words, could not help but raised a brow, on the eyes of Wan-xi curious, gently’snap' a voice, smiled: "The old ten they just started soon, this road, a few More than a month, more than two months, and still in the absence of other people minds."
     "What do you mean? ‘Laozi said this, is there anyone who counts the tenth Brother and their ideas are not successful?" Wan-xi is really not understanding, this battle has been finished, can't it be halfway to grab the power?
     "It's really hard to say! Some people don't work hard. When they see others succeed, they feel that others have won their credit. Not to say what to do, it is okay to disgust and disgusting." Yin-Tang sneered Sound, thinking about the new news received before coming out of the study, the dawn is sharp and cold, like two sharp swords, like to stab him in that direction.
     He really looked down on the cheekyness of some people, his ability was not high, his ambition was not small, but it was a pity that Zhida was so sparse and quite capable of killing him. He played a good hand with a good hand. However, this is a good thing for them. 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince are more fierce, their advantage is greater, but some places have to be guarded, just like now, it’s worth it.
     The face looks honest, but the movements in private are more frequent.
     He couldn't understand their thoughts, but they knew that the two men would be uneasy, especially when they received the news that the old ten were returning to their triumph, they could be described as a tiger, and for them, it was a heavy blow. It wouldn’t be surprising to have a bad idea. What makes him feel astonished is that the two seem to have really split up?
     "This is the case, the Lord should have planned before, so many difficulties have come over, not to mention the time when the icing on the cake!" Wan-xi thought about these days, the ones that went to the house The post, the smile on the face is more and more obvious.

     "This is the case, the Lord should have long been planning to do so. So many predicaments have come over, not to mention the time when the icing on the cake!" Wan-xi thought about these days, the ones that went to the house The post, the smile on the face is more and more obvious.
     Yin-Tang heard the words, slightly stunned, and then thought of something like that, pulling her hand: "Gianjiao is right, since so many difficulties, we have come over, now these can give us how Besides, the 10th Brother and the thirteenth Brother are no longer Wu-Ah-Meng, and after so many, they should also grow up, if they wait for the Lord and 4th Prince to protect them in the wings. Underneath, even if it loses, it will not lose."
     Yin-Tang’s voice just fell, Wan-xi laughed and raised her hand to indicate Ting-Rain. When she sent two cups of hot tea, she couldn’t help but sigh, the heat of the entrance.
     The tea went straight down from the throat and suddenly the whole person became warm.
     She knows that Yin-Tang is a very sensible person.
     This point is not difficult to see from his actions and the education of several children. He uses his heart and does not say everything goes well, at least not. A mess. Seeing that they are going to happen, even 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince are still unsightly, but the overall situation is on their side, as long as there is no accident, presumably she is also good, Yin-Tang, they should be able to think Let it happen!
     "Master  is right to say, the tenth and the thirteenth are not children.
     They can win the battle in the northwest, they prove that they have grown into a man who can shoulder the heavy responsibility, whether it is 4th Prince or Master in the future, With their sharing, presumably can also be a little easier." Wan-xi holding a tea pot, a pair of eyes looking directly at Yin-Tang, eyes flow, affectionate.
     Yin-Tang looked calm, but she thought that Wan-xi was right. 4th Prince, he himself, it’s really tired in the past two years. Whether it’s Kangxi account, or the trouble they have provoked, or the trivialities of their own business, all kinds of things are really exhausting. Enough. What's more, Yin-Tang, in addition to this, has also provoked the size of Dun-Junwang and 13th-Prince House. Not to mention everything, but to ensure that the children of the two provinces do not have problems, to tell the truth, it is not a simple matter, if there is no Wan-xi to help out ideas, Yin-Tang is afraid It’s been a long time ago.
     The two said and turned the topic, talking about the current situation outside the government and some news that they received.
     They actually even forgot when they liked to get together in a message instead of talking like a book in the past, but this move is of great benefit to them.
     Wan-xi news is scattered and even messy, but Yin-Tang can always pick out its own usefulness; Yin-Tang's message is very accurate, telling Wan through his mouth-xi, it must be that he thinks it has an effect on her. Of course, if Wan-xi asks something else, he will not hide it, and he will even find a way to check all the details and tell her clearly.
     Because of this, Yin-Tang knows a lot about the backyard. From then on, it is even more considerate for Wan-xi. Sometimes when talking about things, it is inevitable that there will be some emotions, and the original will be The emphasis on orthodox is more on the rules. Before, there were some resistances to Fu-Jin. Now I am relieved. It’s just because Kangxi is suspicious. I have never spoken. I just secretly checked the information of the showgirl and wanted to push him to the satisfaction or suitable person when possible. In front of Kangxi. It has to be said that the world's caves are all learned, and human feelings are the articles. As long as they happen, they have their intentions. Even if they can't get through these messages, they can still do something in advance.
     In the palace, Kangxi looked at the new sent-in memorial, and his face was unconsciously a little gratified. I want to come to no matter how he toss these sons, from the heart, he still hopes that they can survive. It’s just that Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are worth the rest of the time.
     The 2nd Brother went to the northwest, and they walked down and supported each other. Everything has something to do, and it’s not just about getting things done.
     The goodwill of the generals is that the soldiers in the army are also very fond of them. With these two points alone, Kangxi had to re-examine the two sons.
     The old ten is also good, the old 13th is worth it. In the past, it was not reckless or impulsive, and there was no less worry for him. He thought that these two sons would only be rich and idle people in the future. It seems that his son is excellent, but he is not in the right position. To put it bluntly, Kangxi arrogant temper, he can marry his son, but he will not allow others to belittle them. Now that they have achieved results, Kangxi is also sighed at the same time, and he still sighs more about his vision and cultivation as an Imperial Father.
     "Li Dequan, let the Ministry of Rites prepare for preparation, and this time you have to meet them personally." Kangxi mouth, the entire palace, should not say that busy and busy inside and outside here are busy.
     I don't have to guess, Kangxi is definitely very convinced of the performance of Yin-Er and He, otherwise he can't make such an order. Although the Yin-Er ceremonies were not small, they were meant to motivate the morale of the army. Now that the war is over, Kangxi move means his attitude towards the matter and his attitude towards Yin-Er.
     For Yu and Yu, the news came too suddenly.
     They had no time to react. When they really reacted, they hurriedly called the staff to start negotiating.
     Hey, this is still good. After all, he has already decided that his own path is going there. Nowadays, it is just to discuss his own situation and protect his own power without touching them.
     There are more than a hundred people in this house. As for the squatting side, it will not work.
     Their power is originally strong, and it still occupies the general trend. If he wants to fish in troubled waters and develop his own power, he must first stir the water, but now he has not had time to smash the water.
     This shore has two characters comparable to the door god, which is how he started, and asked him to take something to get to other people.
     In this world, it is false to say that love is true. If you don’t talk about it, you can still see it. It’s just that he hasn’t opened his mouth yet. 4th Prince The situation on their side has changed again and again. If only two Junwang Princes support him, it’s not a big deal. If you have real power, he afraid it’s hard to get back. People are up.
     "14th Prince, we plan to change it. What do you think?" The curtain next to him saw his pale face sweating and could not help but whisper.
     A road rushed back from the outside, and the whole person was panicked and panicked. When he opened his mouth, he found that he was out of breath, and he was breathing for a quarter of an hour.
     The burning feeling in the chest was considered to be Soothed a lot. Just facing the face of the inquiries on the face of the aides, even if he is uncomfortable, he can only bite his head and say: "There is indeed a change. Now 10th-Brother and the 13- Prince return, the 4th Prince is worthy of the game, with them The status of 4th Prince will only be more stable. If we want to take advantage of it and even develop our forces, we can only avoid them and take it slowly."
     Losing the leadership of the embarrassment, everything must be done by yourself. Only then did he find that many things were not as simple as he imagined. Many trivial things were concentrated. He himself was not only busy, but even thought about it. Not good, it makes him feel very frustrated. To this end, he still has a lot of personal changes. After all, the world will not turn around him. He has not reached the point where people can make a life with a look or a sentence, so he has to change himself to meet the reality. .
     Like accepting the opinions of the aides, it is only the beginning. Frequently moving your mind, it is the main task to draw together the talents that can be drawn. After seeing the curtains, they squandered for a moment, and they offered advice, no matter how good or bad, always worthy of the money they spent on raising these people. It’s just that every time he thinks about his plan, he mostly failed.
     This is a sigh of relief.
     This tone was not good enough. He looked down at his hands and thought about the news he had heard before. He was constantly unwilling to appear in his heart. If the person who went to the northwest at that time was him, now that the people who are waiting for him to return to Capital City are him, how can he wait to see other people scenery like this. It was only at that time that he was too short-sighted, coupled with his selfishness and his inaction, which made him lose his chance, so that he can only avoid his edge.
     Fortunately, there is no such thing as drilling into a dead end. After all, things have passed for so long, and with the current situation being grim, he still cares about these things. When he turns his attention to several aides, he orders: "Now 10th-Brother, they are going back to Capital City soon.
     They are all on the outside of the palace. Let’s take this opportunity to start.
     9th Prince can be made. Just pay attention to the tail, after all, this thing really wants people to grasp the handle, the Lord is also not good to deal with. ”
     Although he is self-reliant, he is always in his heart and is moving in the direction he envisions.
     This is why he thought he could control the embarrassment before. It is a pity that there is an over-the-counter possessiveness in power. If not, how can you give up this younger brother who has been holding for many years.
     "14th-Yes rest assured, the nubi will definitely confirm again. As for the candidates, they still have 14th-the Lord takes the idea." The aides rushed to the ceremony and apparently, these people are very familiar with the love of the Lord. Urine, so when you meet the things you want to do, they know how to do it and ask him in advance.
     When I saw them on the road, the look on my face became softer. I was obviously very satisfied with their actions. I nodded and said, "Well, this matter will be arranged in advance."
     When the aides saw him nod, they knew that it was no longer necessary for them to take care of it. After all, they are just a staff, just to make an idea, just to exhort, regardless of the process and results of the matter. Anyway, even if they say it, they will not be obedient, so in order to avoid the situation of dissatisfaction and annoyance, they always choose to shut up when appropriate, even if this will make things fail.
     They can't speak.
     When he left the study, he began to arrange it.
     There is still no movement on the side of Defei . It is not difficult to hear from his mouth that Fuzhen has been loose. As long as he works hard, he believes that he and De-Pinzhi will be able to return to the past. But what he wanted was not these, but 10th-Brother, when they returned to Capital City, he arranged a good show.

     Time always lapses inadvertently, and there may be no attention on most days, but when it is noticed, time has passed quietly.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang thought about returning to Capital City from the moment the war ended, not because they were eager to show off their success, but to show their achievements to the people they thought were the most important. Go see it.
     This is a kind of respect and a recognition between loved ones and relatives.
     Unlike the and  , Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang see the Brother very seriously.
     The so-called confidantes die. Even if there is no brother relationship, they have to really treat the people who help them to fulfill their wishes, not to mention the situation.
     They are still Brother, Brother who grew up and cared for each other.
     "Old thirteen, how do you feel that the closer you are to the capital, the more panicked you are!" Yin-Er riding a horse, looking at more and more familiar scenery, Calling, quite a kind of closeness A sense of embarrassment.
     Yu-Xiang is not the same as Yin-Er. Although the 2nd Brother are practicing at the same time, the things they handle are completely different. Yin-Er temper is simple, everything goes straight, there are very few aspects that can be noticed, and he is not the same. He has to pay attention to the various situations around him, he has to take care of various relationships, and he has to guard against some people playing tricks in private. .
     So, if you come here, he will not grow up. What's more, he is a smart person. In the past, those who didn't adjust were just a layer of protection. More because he was lazy and didn't want to blend in. But now it’s not the same, whether it’s for himself or for the wishes of several Brother, he has to go all out to make things the best, so the experience of these years has made him a lot more stable. Impulsive as before.
     "10th-Brother panic! We are fighting and not fighting. If we don't see it for a few years, my brother is eager to see the heart. I can't immediately see the Imperial Father and tell them that we have not lived up to them. Expectation." Yu-Xiang As long as they think that they will soon see their family, this heart is extremely excited, and wherever they can count on others.
     "Alright! We are not a small harvester. Even if someone is not honest in the northwest, it is difficult to become a climate in a short time. It is not necessary to worry too much. It is 4th Prince.
     They are on the other side, although the trend is on the 4th Prince side, but 8th. Prince, they are not good to deal with, especially the old 14th-, like a crazy dog, who catches who bites, even the enemy and me are not divided, what is the size.
     The heart is really worried that he also used this opportunity What happened!" Yin-Er thought of the mess in the capital, and the good mood suddenly disappeared.
     Yu-Xiang sighed and looked at the direction of the city with a sigh of relief. He said: "10th-Brother is also reasonable, but there are some things that we can't reach, but it is necessary to prevent more points. After all, after all. From the letter sent by 4th Prince and 9th Prince, it is not difficult to see that the body of Imperial Father is not as good as a day, and the 4th Prince is worthy of the name of the Imperial Father, but the 8th Prince and the people behind them have certain ulterior motives. I won't give up this great opportunity." He turned his head and looked at Yin-Er eyes, and sighed again, but this time the tone inevitably became cold, "10th-Brother, these few 4th Prince and 9th Prince are not easy to help us stabilize. So when we come back, we have to help 4th Prince and 9th Prince to stabilize the situation. As for the ulterior motives, let’s kill one, and then kill a pair. What is his identity and what is the origin?"
     Yin-Er feels the murderousness of Yu-Xiang, not only does not feel flustered, but the excitement of the face.
     Those who are bloody on the knife mouth are used to the kind of wind and rain, but they will feel that the former one is too flat. However, he is not stupid. From those letters, it is not difficult to see that their good 8th Prince and 14th-brother are not dead. Even if they are both on the side, they are still very happy.
     No one wants to put their Brother to death, even if they are half-Brother, there is still a bit of incense, otherwise they will not take over the trust of 1st-Prince, and will not be tolerant to treat them at the time.
     The Crown Prince. Such a thing they just wanted to let them stop, it is okay to leave a life, but unfortunately this person is always unsatisfied, so no matter who they are today, they should not blame anyone.
     "13th younger Brother are relieved! Although he is not smart, he is not stupid. Some things are only in the right direction. Others just follow 4th Prince and 9th Prince. It is always true." Yin-Er laughs One voice, the right hand was pulling the reins, the left hand patted the head, and looked up at the gloomy sky in an instant, and sighed with Yu-Xiang.
     Yu-Xiang heard the words and nodded in a face.
     This matter has reached this point, and it has been impossible for them to say what happened. However, in addition to winning the battle, they also sold a lot of personal feelings in private, and gathered a lot of people. Some Imperial Father may have learned from the dark piles in the army, but most of them are afraid of not knowing.
     They are not willing to do this, but they don't leave a hand in everything, and then they will take what they can do to help 4th Prince.
     This road came, and because of their side by side, they learned more about the difficulties and sufferings of Yan and Yin.
     "10th-Brother is right, but there are definitely a lot of people who are going to talk about their return to Capital City. It’s better to have them in the last few days and nights, and they can’t catch them.” Yu-Xiang thought, the smile on the corner of the mouth could not help but Deeper.
     No, they are always counted.
     This time they take the initiative to calculate, as long as there is no ghost in their hearts, this is the most surprising thing, it has no effect, but if there is a ghost in the heart, or if you have other ideas, The plan of ruining is light, and if it is involved, it can only be said that it is not good fortune.
     Yu-Xiang didn't think that his sudden thoughts had collided with his plan, and he didn't even think that it was because of this coincidence that he almost wanted the life of Wan-xi.
     In the capital, everyone knows what the hostile parties are doing, and they are trying to find opportunities to win more benefits for themselves.
     Yin-Tang came from the door, and his face looked a bit gloomy. I thought that all kinds of actions during this time would have caused him a lot of burden. But these people can still cope with it, but for the recent inexplicable move, he did not feel that there is a kind of inexplicable uneasiness, but he really wants him to say a thing of four or five, he thinks When it comes to the mouth, it is difficult to speak.
     When he returned to the study, he sat down and listened to Lin-Chujiu and said Yin-Er, they sent a letter, and he was busy taking the letter.
     Yin-Tang opened the letter and looked at it carefully. I couldn’t help but feel a little worried. It is reasonable to say that Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang’s plan is nothing wrong. After all, this Jingli now seems to be the trend of the times. Surging. However, he knew in his heart that some things could not be avoided, even after the 4th Prince was in power.
     The world is full of goodwill, and the world is all good. For the sake of profit, even if you know that something will be done, you will not be able to stop the greedy heart.
     "Lin-Chujiu, find someone to send this letter to 4th Prince." After Yin-Tang burned the letter he saw, he wrote a letter to Yu, regardless of Yu-Xiang. Did they mention it on the other side, he should still do it, after all, he did not want to see the feelings between their Brother because of this little thing.
     Lin-Chujiu took the letter from Yin-Tang and carefully took a gift at Yin-Tang, then squatted and walked out.
     When I received a letter from Yin-Tang, he just read the letter sent by Yu-Xiang. Although both sides sent it, Yin-Tang’s all-round way of doing things is More satisfied, perhaps because of this relationship, he is now more dependent on him than in the past, instead of playing with Yu-Xiang behind him.
     This change does not mean that you don't pay much attention to Yu-Xiang. He just thinks that it is more appropriate to use the Yu-Xiang and Yin-Tang, which are more meticulous, not to mention Yu-Xiang. After the Northwest, he knew that Yu-Xiang had a heart and not a text he thought. It’s good now, and it’s best for their Brother to support each other and to get what they want.
     "Su Peisheng, you go out first." He raised his hand and waved, and Su Peisheng, who was waiting on the side, retired and then Called and Called.
     The eaves could not help but jump off a black man.
     "The nubi give you Your Highness." When the black man saw him, he immediately asked him.
     He raised his hand and then asked about the situation in the palace. Now only they are his opponents. Some things he has to understand, although there may be some places that can't figure out, but if you ask more questions, you can always find the wrong place.
     The black man obviously understands the instinct, so no matter what you ask, you know everything. It’s just that this doesn’t solve all the problems, but from the news he gave, it’s not hard to see the difference between and  , squatting, doing things steadily, and thinking about everything, its hard.
     Then I grabbed the handle, but I was embarrassed. When I looked at it and looked forward to it, I was still reckless. I really wanted to catch his little shi-zi. It was really a matter of grasping, but they were not willing to arrest it.
     Compared to the difficult to deal with, it is obviously not a big threat. At least for them, he is a person who can be distracted and distracted. If not, they will not be again and again. Tolerate him twice. Ok! Among them is the influence of Kangxi. After all, the person who is now the master of the house is not him. Some things have to look at Kangxi mind more than his mind. As for what Yu-Xiang said in the letter, he will return to Capital City a few days in advance, but he agrees.
        is so tossing, it must be a picture, whether it is for him and the Old 9 or for Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, they have to be guarded first, after all, this palace power disk The roots are staggered, and no one knows who is who, even the confidants around them, who can guarantee that these people are really only used for them.
     "Continue to stare, especially 14th-Prince, no matter who he touches or what special movements in his house, he will stare at the king." After listening to all the reports, he was stunned for a long time. Even if it didn't open up, the main attention was unexpectedly placed on the skeleton.
     However, because of this, we have avoided more losses. Unfortunately, sometimes the accidents come too suddenly. Not everyone can react. Like Wan-xi, because the reaction is too fast, others react. Too slow, it eventually caused an accident.

     When neither theervant nor theervant reacted, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang sneaked into Capital City just before the gate was about to close. As for the returning people, they stayed outside the city.
     Since Kangxi intends to greet them personally, they are quicker and slower. If they are slower, they will have to be fast. After all, the emperor is bigger than the sky.
     They are too courageous to dare to put Kangxi pigeons. However, because they are not very clear about the specific situation of the capital, it is only because they want to know the specific situation first, and they are ready to make plans.
     Yin-Tang was called by a letter to Qincheng, and Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, who were sitting in the study room, were also surprised. "4th Prince, how is this?" What happened?"
     "9th Prince, did your brother not send you a letter before? Let's go back to Capital City in advance, and discuss the countermeasures!" Yin-Er sees Yin-Tang, the whole person smashed the past, licking Yin-Tang Should not mention how intimate.
     The look on Yin-Tang’s face was slightly stunned, and then the face turned helplessly: “Someone found you went to Capital City?”
     "There should be no. I and the old 13th have done camouflage, plus the 4th Prince has been notified in advance, and the road has not caused any attention." Yin-Er scratched the back of his head, his face smirked.
     Yin-Tang stunned him like this, and no longer asked more, but turned his attention to Yu-Xiang, seeing him nod, this is more assured.
     Everywhere in the capital is the eyeliner. It is always true that everything is always careful. Otherwise, it will be smashed out. Although it is not a big sin, it is also disrespectful. In short, this kind of thing is best to avoid it.
     The 4th Brother have also disappeared for several years. It will inevitably be a little embarrassing to meet again. After a little chilling, Yin-Tang and Sui talked about the changes and current situation in Capital City in recent years so that they can understand in the shortest possible time. Changes in the capital.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang have received letters from Yin-Tang and Yu in the past few years, and the son-in-law of the two people have not sent them a letter.
     The vagueness between the lines can be seen a little. Clue, but do not want the battle between them has entered a fever. However, the only thing that makes them feel at ease is that Kangxi attitude seems to be more and more clear. If there is no accident, no one in these Brother can compete with 4th Prince. After all, the difference between Di is that they are anyway. Can't deny it.
     That night, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang stayed in the hustle and bustle of the house for the night, and they went straight out of Capital City the next morning. When they joined the big forces, they accelerated their speed to the capital.
     Two days later, when they stepped into the capital again, not only the people welcomed the road, but also the Emperor Kangxi personally went to the palace gate to meet, such a decent is not anyone can have. Looking at the whole ceremonies, we can see how much Kangxi pays attention to the war in the northwest, and how much change has been made to these two sons.
     He stayed with Kangxi, and he was a mover. He was quite a Shopkeeper, and he did not give up much more than the Crown Prince.
     The many Princes who stood on both sides also had different minds.
     In the crowd, I was cold-eyed and looked at this scenery that was not my own. My eyes finally fell on the shackles of the East. Taking advantage of him, he knew in his heart that he must have listened to his words, otherwise he should not be such an expression at this time.
     How strong is this person's jealousy, no one knows better than the one who has been with each other for many years. It is because of understanding that he will use his jealousy to make him a choice when he chooses to break up. After all, after so many years, he has smashed him so much that he was so badly wounded that he had to choose to give in. As a result of this, it is impossible to say that there is no guilt in his heart.
     I don’t know about this cut, but my heart is still watching the movement of Yin-Tang. After all, his plan was directed at him, even if he couldn't take him, but the people behind him were not sure.
     This kind of scene Wan-xi such a son-in-law is basically impossible, at most, waiting for news in the harem. At this time, Yifei was not in the mood to find Wan-xi. At this time, the same grandfather was sitting up, seemingly gossip, and in fact everyone mind was in front.
     The nature that supports you is looking forward to him, and if you have other plans in mind, I hope that things will not be so smooth.
     Wan-xi sat quietly next to her. She didn't like to be sociable, and there were few people who knew each other. Most of them were a face. However, the status of the shackles has become more and more stable. Yin-Tang has also been frequently used. Whether it is a singer or a sorcerer, facing Wan-xi, even if it is not done enough, it clearly shows the meaning.
     Tong-Guifei sat on the top of the head, with a gentle smile on his lips, and from time to time it was difficult to come up with a sly singer and a singer. After all, the situation has been fixed. No matter what thoughts she has in the past, she has to go through her sister Tong-Queen's name, and she has to support her wholeheartedly. Nothing else, just for them Tong-shi This pulse is not the past half-way.
     After playing Longkota and the four children, the family did not mention whether they could raise their heads.
     They said that this was a trouble. Not only did the family zhi-zi Zhi-nu have difficulties in marrying, but even the family was less majestic. In the past, who did not look at their eyes, but if it is not her Guifei is still there, afraid that even the perfunctory is not willing.
     The family sent people to say that Longkodo is already abolished. Instead of counting on him to cheer up, it is better to focus on the next generation.
     They are all courtiers of the emperor.
     They are doing everything they can now.
     They will not be ill-treated when they are in the fourth place.
     Thinking of this, Tong-Guifei could not help but turn his attention to Desheng who was sitting not far away. Looking at her honest appearance, my heart is also a squad. Who can think that Defei, who was the most favored in the past, will end up in this way, lose the position, lose the heart of the king, and the key is that the son of the fourth child is gone.
     That is the future king of the nail!
     However, if she is not confused, she has to fight with her sister , why should she fall into this field, even if she regrets, don’t say what he thinks, first they will not allow her again. Influence .
     As he said, a small eunuch Outside Mistressted and walked in, saying that it was Kangxi will, for Dun-Junwang and 13th-Prince, no, now it should be Yi Junwang to take the wind and wash the dust, with ZHong- Qing fun. Naturally, these jealousy and fate also participate.
     Tong-Guifei stood up with Mama hand and said a few words, he took the lead to go to the front hall. No one in Kangxi will will refute, and this will not be wrong. After all, Dun-Junwang and Yi Junwang are contributing to the country, and rewarding everything is all right.
     Defei  followed behind everyone, slightly lowered his head, making people unable to see the expression on her face, but her mood at this time is indeed extremely complicated.
     This person is embarrassed, it is easy to think back to the past, whether right or wrong, no need to say, they will ponder.
     The more she pondered, the more she regretted it. She clearly had a good hand. In the end, because of the embarrassment in her heart, she played the cards hard and hard, and she wanted to save and could not find it. opportunity.
     It was her old 14th who was holding her hand in her hand. She was disappointed or sad, but he was the meat that fell on her body. She can ignore it, but she can't really let him go. Now the oldest scenery, but unfortunately has nothing to do with her, but the old 14th-but not the same, that is her only hope, she can not know that he is in a difficult situation, not to help, not to mention the Old 9, not the fourth, even if it is defeated, at most it is being reprimanded. It is even worse than it is now.
     Thinking of her current situation, Dexie sneered, her Uya shi can go from the palace to the present day, ups and downs, there are scenery and suffering, others think she is disappointed, in fact she is just the old 14th The move seems a bit desperate. But this day is always going to be, she can be quiet, but not to be silent. After all, she still has a son, and a grandson, even if it is not for herself, for them, she also has to think that the emperor is still in place. Get a silk protection for yourself.
     But now it is just helping the old 14th sprinkle a bait, send some news, she still does not believe, this Old 9 is born with good luck, God is everything according to him, thinking about him.
     After the pedestrians stepped into the main hall, Kangxi was very happy to say a few words.
     The ministers of the ancestral chambers were long-lived, and no matter what other people think, the icing on the cake would not mind if they had a good time. After all, This hot stove burned a lot of people, there will always be a bit of incense, especially today's Qinwang they have become a climate, who will not touch their molds without long-sighted.
     When Kangxi finished, everyone sat down and sent a happy and happy look. Sitting on the top of Kangxi face, he happily touched the chin of his chin, and he was happy.
     Wan-xi sat down in the first place, gazing at the songs and dances in the temple, quite interested in the lack of appearance. She is a lively temper compared to her last life, and this world is more inclined to live quietly.
     “What's wrong?” Yin-Tang turned his head and watched Wan-xi squinting at his big eyes and staring straight ahead, so that he couldn't help but make him feel cute.
     "Nothing, I just feel that I am not used to it. It may be that I have not been in a communicative relationship for a long time. It seems that the whole body has not adapted to this lively environment." Wan-xi looks at Yin-Tang, and his mouth always carries A light smile, a fascinating smile.
     Yin-Tang listened to her saying that her face could not help but show a bit of smile, and her eyes were a bit more pampered. He likes Wan-xi feeling of relying on him wholeheartedly. In fact, as long as Wan-xi is willing to say, he will never reluctantly be her, and now it is the same.
     "If you feel bored, my grandfather will go out with you, saying that Hong-min should also have a class. When we pick up the children, we can go back to the house." Yin-Tang looked at the top. Kangxi, at this time Kangxi smiled, as if in the past, let him feel nostalgic, but when you look closely, you will find that Kangxi face is red, his eyes are not as sharp as before, he knows that he is getting drunk. Kangxi was drunk, and the banquet was about to be scattered. When they left the palace, it was just a matter of course.
     Wan-xi didn't notice this, but she noticed that he and Yin-Er, they all had restraint, but they couldn't stand many people. When they were really drunk, how did Yin-Tang care? After all, there are people in the dark who are staring at them in a dark place. If they are careless, they will be counted by the other side.
     That is not worth the loss!
     "Master, today's 10th Brother and 13th Brother are the protagonists. We can't go first in love. It's better to do this. Hong-min, they are picked up by the whole body. If the banquet is not over, let them first. Come and eat something, if it is just over, let's go out with the 4th Prince." Wan-xi has long been planning, but this is to be considered from the perspective of Yin-Tang.

     "Master, today's 10th Brother and 13th Brother are the protagonists, we can't go first in love.
     The mobile phone is not like this, Hong-min they are picked up by the whole body, waiting for the next banquet is not over, let They came to eat something first, and if it just happened, we would go out with the 4th Prince.” Wan-xi had a long-term plan, but this plan is to be considered from the perspective of Yin-Tang.
     When her voice just fell, Yin-Tang heard Yin-Er cry and looked up at them. He knew that Wan-xi decision was right. In this situation, he was afraid that it would be difficult to get away. , accompany her to pick up the child.
     Wan-xi looked at him in a dilemma, and did not want them to disappoint. He couldn’t help but patted his hand and said: "Master  is going to pass! Although this palace is not too familiar, there is Ting-Rain, they are around, what are you worried about!"
     Yin-Tang thought about it. On this occasion, no one should touch the head. After all, Kangxi is not muddy, and it is too hot.
     The means is also wrong with people. "Well, if there is anything, remember Send someone to tell the voice."
     Wan-xi nodded subconsciously, and watched Yin-Tang get up and join them, and inadvertently gaze, he could not help but nod. I sat for a while and saw no one in the hall paying attention to her.
     Then I got up and took Ting-Rain Ting-Qin.
     They started out and sneaked out of the hall.
     Sitting in his own position, his eyes glanced at Wan-xi, the back of their departure, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously raised a sneer. His left hand reached behind his back and swayed gently.
     Then he saw a palace Lady standing in the corner and went up and went out.
     The direction just happened to be with Wan-xi.
     Defei  held a glass of wine and said a few words when Kangxi was the best. When she saw Kangxi face and her face, she couldn’t help but feel relieved. As long as Kangxi still remembers the old feelings, she still has the hope of turning over. Although it is impossible to be like the previous one, at least she has to have a chance to get close to Kangxi.
     Defei  pride is not her appearance, but her heart.
     The previous ones are indeed too anxious, so that the traps of others are still not known, but at this time, the De-yi who have been silent for a while need to understand, and everyone can see clearly. As she thought she wouldn't get into the dead end, she thought it was not impossible. It’s just that she wants to have a higher and lower idea with Tong-shi than impossible.
     I think that you can't be a bit, you are a bit, but you can no longer be her son. Defei  feels that the whole throat unconsciously rushes out of the smell of rust. But how can this be? She can’t blame the emperor for injustice, and the fourth is not filial!
     Defei  was in a daze, heard the sound of the side, returned to God, remembered where he is now, and had to raise a smile of entertainment, and the servants of the same side to socialize. After all, between women, it seems that the gags are snoring, saying that they are climbing and not marginal, but if they really think about it, they can find something useful from them. When I think of it, Defei  will start to feel the spirit of Yifei, and once again show their slick face.
     Yifei looked at Defei 's sleek look, his face with a bit of dissatisfaction, and the angry mood became more and more obvious. Defei  obviously noticed Yifei face, but she didn't mind at all, and even did a lot of things to stimulate Yifei. Anyway, everyone knows that they don't deal with it, whether it is before or now.
     Wan-xi didn't know what was going on in the hall. She walked out of the hall and walked in the direction of the south study.
     The road, the rockery surround, the flowers and grass, all kinds of beautiful scenery, the end is dizzying. Unfortunately, Wan-xi didn't care about such beauty. When he walked around, he didn't squint. He was afraid that nothing was in his eyes. He only thought about a few children.
      Fu-Jin, this Highness doesn't talk, Ting-Rain, these nubi naturally bow their heads and don't dare to bother easily. After all, no one knows if Fu-Jin is thinking about anything, interrupting and breaking Fu-Jin's business. Whether it is intentional or not, it is not a beautiful thing.
     The pace of Wan-xi feet was second to last. She couldn't tell if she had eaten two glasses of wine, some heads, or others. In short, her heart beat so badly that it seems that something is going to happen, let her The mood is quite anxious. She is not an acute person, but for her own feelings, she has always been holding a kind of attitude that is credible and has no credibility.
     When I went to the South Study Room, Hong-min and Hong-zhao just finished class.
     The two of them came together with Hong-hui.
     The cousins ​​were talking and laughing.
     The atmosphere was quite good. I can see that they are on most days.
     The relationship is very good. Wan-xi looked at the Brother who were talking and laughing, and the smile of the corner of the mouth could not help but rise up.
     The original anxiety was calmed down at the moment.
     As long as the children are good, she is willing to be tired. In addition, she will be so cautious, and because her mind is closer to the old and new, the more people will be crazy. For the sake of profit, people will become like crazy dogs. Whoever catches who bites, thinks that they can kill a bloody road, but they don’t know that this is dying, the more fierce they are, the faster they die.
      Hong-min saw Wan-xi standing not far away, and his face could not help but raise a big smile. Hong-hui and Hong-sheng were very close to Wan-xi, Aunt, and they grew up beside her. Big, feelings are not like mother and child, but also like mother and child. Although it was separated by Wulana-shi selfishness for a while, but after Wura-Nala-shi fate, there was a sly permission, they and Yin-Tang and Wan-xi they Nature is also getting closer and closer.
     No, I saw Wan-xi, not just Hong-min, Hong-hui, they-Brother ran to Wan-xi with their legs.
     "Son ( ) please give it to my mother (9th-Aunt)."
     "Okay, it's quick and exempt!" Wan-xi reached out and helped Hong-hui, watching his handsome face with a faint blush, knowing that the child was shy again.
     In fact, she has a few sons temper, she prefers Hong-hui such a generous temper, such a person can think of it, can also accommodate people. And some of her children, not to say bad, but too true, easy to hurt themselves.
      Hong-hui They also didn't see Wan-xi for a while. Now, seeing it, it is inevitable to go to her with her thoughts. After Wan-xi sees this point, he will add more three minds to his speech. Can be all-inclusive, son zhi-zi who is not left out.
     Originally this road came, they are very happy, and it is also in line with today's atmosphere, but some people are not seeing others, always picking others when they are happy.
     As a mother, Wan-xi is unlikely to watch her son hurt, and as an elder, she has no reason to see her close-knit junior being injured and ignore it, or even stand on the sidelines.
     Things have come too suddenly. She didn't have much time to think about it, because the stairs of this corridor are not only long but also steep. I have to be careful during the week, let alone being pushed down.
     When I noticed that someone had reached out to push them, Wan-xi knew that they had counted again.
     There were not many people here, and they followed Ting-Rain. If they didn't hide in advance, how can they succeed? Regardless of the facts, Wan-xi instinctively stretched out the pushed Hong-min, then swung his body and held Hong-hui, which was also pushed down, and protected him with his body.
     Under the circumstance, she only felt that she was going to fall apart from the surface.
     She seems to have heard Calls and ‘calls, but the pain from the whole body is difficult for her to concentrate. Even if she has not had time to see if Hong-hui is safe, she feels the heat in her eyes.
     Then, before the eyes were black, I didn’t know anything.
      Hong-hui looked at the face full of bloody Wan-xi closed his eyes in front of his eyes, the moment, the overwhelming fear was deep fear, even beyond his knowledge of Wula Nala-shi When the death was over.
     Not far away, apart from Hong-min, and Ting-Rain and others, the cuts happen too fast, they have not even reacted, Wan-xi has been with Hong- hui Prince rolled down from the stairs.
     At this time Ting-Rain, they are anxious like hot pot ants, let the listener catch the person, and let the book hear Your Highness.
     This kind of thing, they know that they must die and have to send a message.


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