Separated Marriage 125

Novels    »  I Am Separated From This Marriage  »    Chapter 125 : The Rain Has Stopped.  
         When Yu Yan was out of the hospital,
         The rain stopped.
         The ground was wet with puddles of various sizes, green leaves dripping with drops of water, and the sky was white after clearing.
         Yu Yan stood in front of the eaves.
         Xiao Yun stood behind her.
         He wore simple, black shirt and trousers, which became darker in color due to the hug just now. His hair was also wet after the rain. Eye socket.
         This should be their first meeting after two years.
         Such a surprise and suddenness.
         "Let's go, I'll send you back."
         Said, Xiao Yun had passed her and stepped on the rain.
         Yu Yan glanced down and followed the steps.
         Yongjia is a small town, and it takes less than an hour to drive through the city.
         Yu Yan originally rented a house near the school for the convenience of work. It was not far from the hospital and it was only a ten-minute walk.
         Xiao Yun drove her back, and there seemed to be no one around him.
         Before getting in the car, he took a blanket from the trunk and threw it to her. Yu Yan wiped the water off her body.
         No way.
         Before long, the black car stopped downstairs.
         Yu Yan got out of the car holding a towel—it was wiped by her, either rain or blood.
         "Thank you."
         Xiao Yun quickly disappeared into her field of vision.
         She did not investigate why Xiao Yun came, and she came so promptly. Xiao Yun did not explain to her why he would come, and she could find her residence exactly.
         That's it. What's the difference between talking and not talking, asking and not asking?
         And the hug, the heartbeat that seemed to be agitating in the ear, all trembling and terrified breathing ...
         Where is it branded again ...

         Although Yu Huiyue was seriously injured, fortunately, she was rescued in time, and her life was not in danger.
         After school the next day, Yu Yan went to the hospital with her school colleagues to see, because I heard that Yu Huiyue would have to spend a lot of money for hospitalization. Several of their colleagues took some money together. Although it was only a small sum, it represented Be careful.
         Yu Huiyue husband is very grateful and thanks again and again.
         Yu Yan also saw their only ten-year-old child, took a leave to accompany him in the hospital, and her eyes were swollen like a walnut.
         Yu Huiyue husband said, "Fortunately, last night, an authoritative expert in internal medicine came overnight, and I heard that it is very famous internationally. He visited Huiyue and said that he could go to the city if he could More well-equipped hospitals for more sophisticated inspections and treatments. "
         A colleague said, "Go then, isn't it great?"
         "Well, I think so too. I asked Huiyue mother to take care of it. My mother stayed to take care of my son, but Huiyue worked there ..."
         Yu Yan said  :  "You can rest assured that I'm not in the old age, I will help her substitute. If there are overlapping class hours, I will adjust with other teachers, don't worry."
         He smiled and was grateful  :  "Well, that's good, that's good, it's really bothering you. I know that the teacher's profession is not good for delaying time, and students can't delay learning."
         "do not worry."
         When Yu Yan and others saw Yu Huiyue preparing to leave, the authoritative expert in Yu Huiyue husband's mouth also brought several doctors dressed in Bada.
         Suddenly Yu Yan saw that she felt a little familiar.
         Seems to have seen it? Where is it……
         She doesn't have such friends.
         She suddenly remembered!
         When Xiao Yun was stabbed in hospital, wasn't his attending physician the person in front of him?
         She glanced at the tag on his chest  :  Zhang Zhi.
         it's him.
         Yu Yan looked away and stood behind a colleague.
         Zhang Zhi didn't see her.
         Yu Yan and his father spoke on the phone at night.
         She said that she and Xiao Yun met, and her father was very surprised. Yongjia was not the place where Xiao Yun would appear. It was too small, and it was impossible to say anything about business.
         Is it a love story?
         Father Yu was a little worried. He didn't dare to guess whether Xiao Yun had made up his mind again after two years. Once he let Yu Yan leave because of guilt. Two years later, his feelings should fade, right?
         Yu Yan didn't mention Xiao Yun again, it seemed that she didn't care what Xiao Yun was going to do.
         Yu Yan said  :  "My colleague had a car accident and is now in a hospital."
         "Ah! Is that all right?"
         "Fortunately, treatment and cultivation are needed. Transfer to the hospital. The place is small and there are too few medical equipment."
         "Well, there are too many accidents in this world. Yu Yan, you should pay attention when you are outside, be careful when walking and crossing the road, especially on rainy days!"
         "Well, I know, but maybe it's been more busy recently. I'm going to help my colleagues in class."
         "Don't be too tired, you need to rest more, right?"
         Yu Yan nodded and said, "Well."
         When I arrived at the school the next day, Yu Yan heard that Yu Huiyue did not need to be transferred to the hospital. The hospital purchased a large number of medical equipment, which solved the need. After all, Yu Huiyue body is not suitable for bumpy movements, which is good news.
         Yu Yan also rejoiced. She hoped that Yu Huiyue would get better soon. She didn't want to see any misfortune and death around her.
         Shortly afterwards, they received news that Yu Huiyue injured spleen and left leg were basically stable after two operations, and people were awake, but they had to stay in bed and are now in hospital for observation.
         Because of this, Yu Yan went to the hospital again to see Yu Huiyue, and by the way told her everything was OK in the class, so she didn't worry. Not only that, because she knew that she was going to the hospital, the students in Yu Huiyue class also wrote and drew a lot of encouragement and brought her with her. ——They are planning to come together on Saturday.
         Yu Huiyue had seen those immature words, but could not hold back her eyes.
         I'm touched. I have experienced life and death.
         When Yu Yan left the hospital, she still met Zhang Zhi.
         Zhang Zhi obviously remembered her. His surprised expression and sudden realization let Yu Yan know that he remembered her.
         "Xiao ... Miss Yu, hello, long time no see."
         Yu Yanhan smiled and said, "It's been a long time, Doctor Zhang."
         "I didn't expect to see you here." Because of Xiao Yun's relationship, he has a deep memory of Yu Yan. "Oh, you are the patient's family?"
         "Yu and I are colleagues."
         "So, no wonder."
         Yu Yan said aloud, Zhang Zhi said  :  "Then I'll go and see you later."
         Yu Huiyue stayed in the hospital for more than two months before she was finally approved to be discharged. It happened that the school semester was about to end and she could go home to continue her recuperation. By the time the next semester begins, she should be fine.
         Since this time, Yu Yan has taken Chinese classes in four classes. The pressure can be imagined. Finally, after the semester ended, she was ill with glory. Her voice was gone, her whole body fluttered lightly, she had a fever after waking up for a day, and the whole person was groggy. She got up, took cold medicine, and slept again.
         Suddenly, she saw a familiar and strange man.
         She was blank  :  "Why are you here?" The voice was hoarse and weak.
         "You are sick, you have a fever, 38 degrees."
         "Take the medicine and sleep for a while."
         She took the medicine with Xiao Yun's hand and fell asleep again.
         She didn't have the energy to investigate the appearance of Xiao Yun. He had great powers. What's unexpected?
         Waking up the next day, Xiao Yun had already left, and she saw a glass of warm water on the nightstand.
         Two days later, she returned to City C on the phone of her mother.
         My mother was very dissatisfied with her wandering all day long. Of course, she was even more dissatisfied with the girl she was running all over the world. Compared with others, she is more concerned about the lifelong events of Yu Yan. Although she has been divorced once.
         When she entered the house, Yu Yan first saw not her parents, but a stack of photos—this was the right prospective son-in-law to hear about in the past two years. There are as many as ten people, showing their eagerness!
         Before Yu Yan put her luggage down, she stuffed the photo first. There was nothing the father could do about it. He also felt that it was time for Yu Yan to consider his own personal problems. After all, the past two years had passed and it was time to pass.
         Yu Yan was pulled to the sofa, saying in her mother's words  :  "You must pick one today, and go on a blind date tomorrow!"
         That posture, if Yu Yan refused, she might drive her out of the house.
         She pulled the photos, and her mother introduced them, who is who, how old, what, what is the annual salary, whether there are old mothers and young children in the family, and so on.
         She said  :  "See if you like it, but you can't see anything just by looking at the photos. You choose the one that fits your eyes first, and we will look at each other!"
         Yu Yan was really convinced.
         She looked at the pile of photos, pointed to a man with a flat head and a very teacher-like look, and said, "Hey!"
         "Okay! I like him too, named Liu Ping. He is a teacher like you! But he teaches math. Although he is one year younger than you, I heard the introducer say he doesn't care about age. to make."
         "He knows I'm divorced?"
         "... what's this, let's talk after we get along for a while."
         "Mom, haven't you thought the other person would mind if I had a marriage history? How embarrassing it would be then."
         "Oh, who said this as soon as he came up?"
         Yu Yan said  :  "A blind date is not a free love, is a blind date a condition of your own, the conditions of your home are spread out on the bright side for people to choose?"
         Mother Yu said  :  "I will arrange for you to meet first. If you think it is appropriate, let's talk. If you spread out everything as soon as you go up, how can this be done?"
         Yu Yan couldn't understand her mother, but her 'arbitrary behavior' in the past two years had made her extremely unhappy. If she refused to go on a blind date, she would be afraid of heart disease.
         "Well, if I say no, you can force me."
         "Okay." My mother was very happy. "I was just for you to see. If it doesn't fit, just change it!"
         They met at 2 pm the next day at a quieter tea shop.

         Chapter 126 : Liu Ping doesn't look any different from the photos,  

         It's just that, compared to the photo, he is more formal in a sturdy suit.
         It looks very decent and honest.
         When Yu Yan arrived, he was already one step ahead and ordered a cup of tea to drink.
         There was no one next to him, because she had seen the photos, and the sitting position was so prominent that she recognized him at a glance.
         She glanced at the time without being late.
         Stepped forward, Liu Ping also found her, stood up and said  :  "Miss Yu?"
         Yu Yan smiled and nodded  :  "Yes. Hello, Mr Liu."
         She saw the vaguely impatient and impatient wait in his eyes turned into satisfaction and surprise the moment she saw her.
         Liu Ping's first impression of Yu Yan is indeed very good. In recent years, PS and beauty technology have developed. He has dated many times. How big is the gap between a photo and a real person, he can imagine with closed eyes. He rarely sees a woman who is more comfortable than a photo looks.
         It is undoubtedly more favorable to hear my mother say that the other party is a teacher like him.
         "Miss Yu drink something?"
         "Lemonade is fine, thanks."
         Liu Ping called in the waiter and ordered another glass of lemonade.
         The waiter brought it up quickly, Yu Yan touched the tea cup, the water was hot.
         Liu Ping  :  "Miss Yu looks very young."
         Yu Yan smiled.
         "I heard that Miss Yu is also a teacher?"
         "Well, I teach Chinese. But not in City C, in a small town of my grandmother's house."
         This Liu Ping has also heard. I didn't feel anything before. Now I am a little disappointed. "Oh, did you ever think of returning to C to teach?"
         Yu Yan knew that Liu Ping might have ideas for further development.
         She smiled and said, "I haven't considered it for the time being. I want to bring this class of students to graduation."
         Liu Ping was a little more disappointed, but Yu Yan felt very good to him. He looked at her dress, which was a very conservative seven-point sleeve long skirt. The color was plain and quiet, without those impetuous air. She has a gentle and quiet personality, looks very good, and his temperament is also his favorite aroma of books, which again disappointed this. If we really talk about it, we will get back when we get married.
         Liu Ping followed and said, "Yeah, since I have been teaching for a long time, I can’t bear to have emotions."
         Yu Yan said.
         This topic has been exposed for the time being.
         Liu Ping also said, "I am like Miss Yu, who now teaches mathematics in a high school. There are occasional students to make up lessons on weekends, and there are also make up lessons in summer vacations. Work and life are very simple, and general recreational activities are also with friends and colleagues. "
         "Excuse me, I don't know, Miss Yu, what do you want from your future husband? My age and thoughts now I hope to get married."
         Listening only to these words, Yu Yan felt that Liu Ping was just like his looks, and he was a very honest person. If he could, he could not take a closer look.
         Yu Yanchi smiled with a smile on his lips  :  "Well, because there was a marriage, the view on marriage may be different from Mr Liu ..."
         Her words made Liu Ping's face show obvious mistakes and surprises, but in the end he was stable, only a moment, he adjusted and took a cup of tea and took a drink.
         After this, the topic between them is not as harmonious as before.
         Liu Ping was satisfied with her again, but she still cared about her marriage, and perhaps complained about not explaining the woman's situation when she was introduced.
         To be clear, the Liu family may not agree with the blind date.
         Even he would not agree.
         Yu Yan had long anticipated that she felt it from Liu Ping's initial transformation.
         She is not a person who wrongs her. If she conceals her situation from the beginning, and strives to optimize herself for the other side, even if she succeeds, she will be very tired and tiring, and will become the fuse of the fight afterwards. Or inferior to this.
         This is not what she wants. What about divorce?
         Is she inferior to others? Should it be looked down upon by gossip?
         She never looked down on herself, but instead treated her differently, and she didn't bother to follow her.
         In the end Liu Ping said that something was wrong.
         Yu Yan also had no intention of leaving, and paid for his cup of tea.
         Liu Ping busy said no.
         Yu Yan said  :  "Reactive power is not affected."
         Liu Ping was a little awkward, knowing that this was the last time he had met.
         Not to mention.
         Outside the gate, by the road.
         Yu Yan came by car. Liu Ping said that his car was driving for maintenance, and he was going back by bus.
         Of course it was impossible for Yu Yan to say goodbye to him.
         Liu Ping regrets that if Yu Yan has not divorced, he may really be able to settle with Yu Yan, and he feels good about her character and appearance. Unfortunately, divorced. He certainly won't agree.
         Just then, a black car stopped by the side of the road where they were standing.
         Liu Ping glanced at the car. He recognized it. He often heard new interns say what the big-name limited editions are. There are only nine cars in the world. It is likely that he can't afford a tire in his life. Just remember it. Conditional reflexes give way.
         The first person to get off was a man in a black suit. After he got out of the car, he opened the rear compartment door.
         ——A stranger who was not unfamiliar to him got out of the car.
         The man's momentum is too strong, so that he directly ignores that the other person is a famous person that is hard to see by ordinary people. The dark eyes looked at him, and made his spine cold.
         Liu Ping didn't chase the stars. Suddenly Xiao Yun's accident did not give him much surprise, only the accident.
         He wanted to see Yu Yan, and told her that they were quite lucky today. They could even meet the stars by just drinking a tea, but they saw that Yu Yan was not as excited and excited as those girls, but still calm and gentle.
         He couldn't help it any more.
         Xiao Yun came over.
         In Liu Ping's surprised eyes, he said to Yu Yan, "My mother heard that you are back. Let me pick you up and take a seat at home."
         Liu Ping's unexpected accident turned into a more shocked anger. He thought that Yu Yan had a boyfriend, why did he even go on a blind date? So all this, is it for him? The previous goodwill and pity disappeared for a moment, and there was still a little embarrassment to hurting self-esteem.
         Liu Ping looked good at first, but standing with Xiao Yun became a dull existence.
         Xiao Yun only won him with momentum.
         Yu Yan felt that this scene was definitely Xiao Yun's intention. What Xiao's mother wanted to see her was to pick her up, but an excuse.
         Although she hasn't disconnected from Xiao's mother in these two years, she occasionally talks on the phone.
         He wanted Liu Ping to retreat.
         Even if Liu Ping was embarrassed, he didn't want to show it, otherwise he would feel lost, "Miss Yu, your friend?"
         Yu Yan nodded  :  "Yes."
         Saying no at this time, then it's arrogant.
         This surprised Xiao Yun, but he instantly understood that Yu Yan was not satisfied with the blind date.
         He is also not satisfied. Liu Ping has average qualifications, average personality, and average family background.
         Xiao Yun smiled, with a gentle and arrogant attitude  :  "Mr Liu, hello."
         Liu Ping didn't say much  :  "Hello. Miss Yu, since you have something to do, I'll leave first."
         After saying goodbye to each other, Yu Yan saw the back of Liu Ping can't wait to leave, even a little faster.
         "This person can't do it." Xiao Yun said, "Liu Ping had a girlfriend who had been dating for six years, but she objected because her family was not good enough for her. Liu Ping also agreed to break up."
         Yu Yan glanced at Xiao Yun, oh.
         Xiao Yun thought she had listened, just about to feel relieved, but listened to Yu Yan and said, "It's better than some people getting married but not responsible for the marriage."
         He looked at Yu Yan and watched the car go away.
         Rubbed his forehead and chuckled.
         The result of a blind date, of course, was a failure.
         When Yu Yan returned home, she inevitably heard her mother's nagging. When she was about to arrange another blind date, Yu Yan said, "In fact, I just started talking well. If you get married, Liu Ping is very suitable for life. Candidate for husband. "
         "What about you then?"
         "Later I inadvertently said that I had a marriage and his attitude changed."
         Yu mother was a little bit angry  :  "Don't you say that it will make you meet for the first time? If you can have further ideas, it's not too late for you to talk!"
         "Like today?"
         "Mom, if you really miss me, consider it for me, don't conceal it. When I finally tell the other party about my situation, I don't want to see the wrong and disappointed expression. Why are they sorry for me? Ever married? Should I be looked down upon for this? "
         Yu mother-in-law, knowing that today made Yu Yan sad and angry, she said, "I'm doing this for your good ..."
         Yu Yan  :  "For my sake, don't let me look at that look, feel that attitude, and feel wronged. I'm not divorced, it's time to look at me, mom, if you all think of me like that, I It's better not to go. "
         Yu mother said several good words again and again, "Okay, I won't force you, will I? I won't force you for the time being, I will do what you think, right?"
         Yu Yan smiled, huh.
         The next day, she brought some gifts to the Xiao family to visit Xiao's father and mother.
         This is the first time in over two years since she left Xiao's family. Think about it. She hasn't seen Xiao's father Xiao's mother in two years, but just listened to the phone and said that they were all right.
         Only when I really saw it, did I realize that it was not as good as the words.
         Xiao's father looked older and thinner than two years, and Xiao's mother was the same. She had more wrinkles on her face, black hair mixed with white hair, and her energy didn't look as good as before.
         Sickness can really torture people.
         Her nose was slightly astringent, and she finally smiled, and gave the rose to Xiao's mother.

         Chapter 127 : The Xiao family hasn't changed much.  

         Father Xiao and Mother Xiao were very surprised at the arrival of Yu Yan,
         In particular, Xiao Xiao, pulling her to look around, looked at her again and again, how did she become more and more beautiful for a long time? Yu Yan busy said that she was old again.
         Mother Xiao said  :  "You are all old, so what have we become?"
         The aunt brought out the tea and said, "That is, I don't think Xiaoyan has changed at all, and she is just as beautiful as two years ago."
         Yu Yan touched her cheek and smiled.
         Xiao's father also looked very good.
         Mother Xiao asked Yu Yan's recent situation  :  "You haven't been wronged while working outside?"
         Yu Yan said, "No, my colleagues and neighbors are very good. Besides, I will fight back if I feel wronged. I am not stupid."
         Xiao's mother said  :  "I don't know you yet? You have a soft temper, and even if you have a small loss, you don't think it's okay. When this point is accumulated, others will think you are bullying.
         Father Xiao also said, "Don't be afraid."
         Yu Yan has been away for two years. Every time she talks to Xiao Mu, she tells her not to be wronged. If she is bullied, she will call back. No matter how bad it is, they will help! Yu Yan felt very emotional every time she heard it, but she would inevitably feel uncomfortable when she was seeking a job alone, but it could be ignored.
         The three of them were sitting in the back garden, surrounded by a small round table, with lush flower stands on their heads, green vines and purple flowers falling, and various flower pots on the flower stands next to it, everything was familiar and peaceful.
         Seems to be back.
         Mother Xiao trimmed the roses into a vase, and said with emotion, "You're gone, my vase is empty and useless."
         Xiao's father said  :  "Lying again, I remember that this vase has never been empty. This is especially reserved today." He told Yu Yan, "I know you are coming today, and you will be ready in advance."
         Some of Yan Yan's habits also made Xiao Father and Xiao Mother used to it.
         She stayed at noon and did not leave until the afternoon.
         Xiao Mother reluctantly, even when Father Xiao rarely showed some emotions, she could not help but reluctantly smiled. "Uncle and aunt rest assured that I will come to see you when I have time."
         Mother Xiao nodded again and again  :  "Okay, that's OK! You come here, I don't want to see Xiao Yun and let him not go home!"
         Yu Yan did not hold back a smile  :  "I feel like a bully."
         Xiao's mother also laughed, and the sentimental atmosphere dilutes a lot.
         Yu Yan left Xiao Zhai, and her smile faded.
         She thought about taking advantage of the Xiao family inattention before asking the aunt how their health was. The aunt said that it's getting worse and worse these days, the doctors have come more often and eat more than before. If you are too old, the damage you have suffered before becomes more and more obvious.
         I only hate that when there is no elixir in this world and money power cannot buy health, there is only helpless waiting.
         Because of the conversation that day, Mother Yu no longer held a blind date to go on a blind date, and she was finally quiet for two days.
         Not only was it visible, but I also saw Zhou Min and her two-year-old baby. Although she was a bit recognizable, she could also call her aunt under the instruction of Zhou Min.
         A small and tender meat dumpling, fat and chubby, with dark and bright eyes, as pure as an angel.
         Yu Yan found that she had no resistance to such a child and wanted to hold a kiss.
         "You love children so much, you should find a marriage soon!" Zhou Min has said this more than once.
         Yu Yan smiled  :  "Okay."
         "You should be okay every time, but you haven't watched you act. How about, didn't you hear that Aunt Yu was going to prepare a blind date for you last time? See someone?" Zhou Min asked.
         "Seeing it, nothing."
         "... Why, that man can't?"
         Yu Yan thought for a while  :  "Different avenues do not work together."
         Zhou Minxuan laughed  :  "What are you talking about? It's not the same thing!"
         "He hated me for marrying, and I hated him for marrying. Maybe ... right?"
         "..." Zhou Min was silent for a moment, fisting furiously, not knowing who she was scolding, maybe the man who disappointed the sullen man, or the person who disapproved of divorce. In short, she was flushed with anger.
         Yu Yan felt nothing. She didn't show anything in front of Liu Ping, and of course she didn't feel anything at the moment.
         There are all kinds of strange people in this world. Just talk when you can talk, and separate if you can't talk. It's so simple.
         She had thought it through.
         Zhou Min looked at Yu Yan with curiosity and said, "Sister Yu Yan, are you angry?"
         Yu Yan glanced at Zhou Min and chuckled  :  "Is it worth it?"
         "not worth it."
         "That's right."
         ...... Zhou Min found that this time seeing Yu Yan, she seemed to feel more floating.
         Forget it, instead of thinking about what Yu Yan really thought, she talked to her about Ling Lin's apology. On the first day, she heard that she had almost had a miscarriage because of Ling Lin. She almost did not get angry, especially after seeing how cute Xiaobao was, she knew that it was not an accident that she almost lost him. accept.
         But Ling Lin came to see her a few times, and once she happened to take Xiaobao to play downstairs. Ling Lin couldn't forget how she looked then, sorry, poor. She had all heard that Ling Lin had miscarried several times, her body was completely injured, and it was difficult to have a child.
         Take a look at Xiaobao, and look at Ling Lin again. She used to be aggressive and proud. At this moment, she is just a poor person who longs for children. She wouldn't be mad anymore. She barely forgave her, but she couldn't do it if she treated her with such good looks.
         I want to come with emotion.
         "Oh, this guy, really can't do bad things, otherwise who knows when this retribution will come?"
         Zhou Min said.
         Gloomy lips.
         Yu Yan teased the child for a while and accidentally received a call from Lingyang.
         She handed the child to Zhou Min and stood up to pick it up.
         Ling Yang asked her to meet her, and she thought about it. She would be free at noon the next day. Ling Yang had no opinion.
         In fact, the relationship between Yu Yan and Ling Yang is not much, and it is maintained under the frequency of being connected and knowing each other's recent situation.
         Since that night, he hasn't mentioned anything about affection and asked her anything, which makes Yu Yan feel relaxed and comfortable.
         Of course, it would be better if Lingyang had no other thoughts.
         She wants more friends.
         But after a long time, no matter how much thought it will fade.
         The place where Yu Yan and Ling Yang meet is special, in Wenshuyuan.
         They worshiped the bodhisattva next to each other, touched the blessing, lunch was fasting in the courtyard, and walked around the forest path in the courtyard for a while.
         Yu Yan said, "Why did you come here?"
         Ling Yang laughed  :  "I always wanted to come, I haven't had time."
         For two years, Lingyang looks more mature, deeper in outline, and elegant.
         Yu Yan said, "Understanding, you are very busy with your work."
         "Yu Yan, do you have anything to do?"
         "Want to do it?"
         Yu Yan thought for a while, and said, "Work, take a vacation and walk around. If you can, it is best to convince my parents to take them out." She smiled embarrassedly and asked Ling Yang "Do you think I'm very unproductive?"
         "No." He laughed. "That's a good idea, and I like it too."
         Ling Yang was detained in Ling for several years. Except for the day and night work, he succeeded time and time again, and he could hardly feel any happiness. Except for the moment.
         "I think, after a while, you may be just like you, go to the places you want to go, take a walk, taste the food from all over the place, and enjoy a comfortable life."
         Yu Yan said, "Are you going to take a long vacation for yourself?"
         He raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Is that right?"
         Yu Yan  :  "Yeah, people will be tired after working for so long. Sometimes I feel tired and annoying after working for a long time, but I don't want to do it, but I can't, I can only force myself to do it. "She laughed." But it was a few days off and I was bored again. "
         Ling Yang opened her mouth, wanted to say something, and swallowed it again.
         Wait, wait.
         He didn't want to feel wronged.
         Yu Yan thought that Ling Yang said she had time to take a vacation. She was taking a few days off after arranging her work, but she did not expect that she would see the news in the newspaper.
         Lingyang handed over the Ling family to Lingzhi, not 10%, but all.
         She was so surprised that she snored for a while.
         Just as she was stunned, she received a call from Lingyang. She picked it up and wondered what to say  :  "Lingyang?"
         "Come down, I'm downstairs in your house."
         She stopped talking and put down the unread newspaper and went downstairs.
         What does Yu mother call her to run behind? When she said something was wrong, she hurried to the door and ran away.
         She was actually worried. Did she worry about what Lexus did? So Lingyang had to ... if so, what should she say?
         Downstairs, she saw Ling Yang leaning on the front cover of the car and holding cigarettes with one hand, her black hair was blown gently.
         She ran hurriedly and had a slight sting.
         When Ling Yang saw her, she knew she might know, and said, "See?"
         Yu Yan nodded  :  "Yes."
         He said  :  "Lexus has performed very well in the past two years. Not only did he get a degree, he also worked very hard in the company. He is not stupid. He is fast and effective in learning and can now stand on his own."
         Yu Yan sounded.
         "Although the ability is still not enough, there are Ling Lin and Guo Hang, as well as those left by his father to help him, even if they will stumble and suffer, it is a good experience."
         Yu Yan was inexplicably sad  :  "What about you?"
         "Me? I might be a legend?"
         He was still joking.
         Yu Yan smiled with a lip.
         Didi Di——
         Ling Yang's phone rang and he turned off the phone.
         Yu Yan  :  "Don't answer?"
         "It's boring to talk about it."
         He shrugged and smiled.
         Yu Yan has always been familiar, natural, peaceful and gentle.

         Chapter 128 : Lexus stormed into Xiao Yun's office angrily—people outside could not stop him.  

         Assistant Chen also heard about the Ling family in the morning.
         It was just that he did not expect that the first thing Lexus did was to go directly to Xiao's to find Xiao Yun? The progress of Lexus in the past two years is obvious to all. He thought that Lexus was mature and stable. Why is it suddenly ... and what does this have to do with Xiao Yun?
         He and the people in the secretary office followed Lexus into the office. Seeing Xiao Yun seemed not surprised by the arrival of Lexus.
         Xiao Yun waved his hand and motioned them to go out first.
         He responded, took the man out, and closed the dark wooden door by the way.
         Although they are all very curious.
         For the first time, Lexus made such a big fire, or faced Xiao Yun.
         Even if he had been troubled at home or crazy before, he had never been so angry.
         He slapped his hands on the dark wood desk, and the pen holder and documents were swept away. "Xiao Yun! Why are you hiding me!"
         He has never been so angry, right. Rather than being angry, it is more pain.
         Facing the pain of the late truth.
         Xiao Yun had long thought of such a day. He looked at the nearly collapsed face of Lexus and said, "Your father has entrusted me many times, and I cannot refuse."
         "Then you can't tell me quietly ?!"
         "Then tell me first, what would you do if I told you something?"
         Lexus froze, he never thought about it, "I'm asking you!"
         Xiao Yun leaned back on the sofa, looked at Lexus lightly, and said, "Is he sniffing and disdain, or is this a joke to complement the acting?"
         "After all, I did not know in advance that Uncle Ling was seriously ill, and I thought he was trying to stimulate your study and hard work." Xiao Yunru said, "If you know this is false, based on your temper, What about you? Don’t answer me, just be clear. ”
         What will he do? What would he do ...
         Lexus suddenly pulled down his shoulders like a discouraged ball and lowered his head.
         Yeah, if he knew that the so-called family disputes and the robbing of property were fake, his father's neglect and abandonment was just a play, he would only dismiss it, become more arrogant, and even laugh at his father for being too funny; I won’t take it seriously, I won’t take it seriously, but will be more self-contained, eat, drink and have fun ...
         My father cares about him like this. Of course, he is even more fearless!
         Both father and Xiao Yun, they know him too well, know what kind of things his temper will do, and he knows his peace of mind. In half a day, I am afraid that the whole city will know Ling Cheng Ling Chengxing In order to motivate my son to go forward, I brought an illegitimate child back to play! So even if things go wrong after Ling Lin's sake, you must continue to open the bow without turning back.
         "In fact, sometimes I can't figure it out, and I'll complain. Our family is very good. My father suddenly took Lingyang back, cultivated him, and took care of him ... I think my father betrayed his mother and betrayed our family. , I was so crazy during that time, I didn't give him a good look, even Dad didn't want to call ... "
         Ling Zhi said  :  "Later he became ill and lay dead on the hospital bed waiting to die. I really realized that he was old and it was no longer I who depended on him, but when he needed to depend on us ... It just seems too late, I realized that I have never done anything for my father in the past 30 years, so even if he later handed over the company to Lingyang, I felt nothing, after all, in the end, he became me Father's dependence. "
         He wiped his face  :  "But now you tell me, my dad already had a plan, he was going to give Ling's back to me, and even the Yang Yang who had guns for me changed from a robber to a good guy? Is it all a play? Are they fake? "
         Xiao Yun just looked at him and said nothing. Lexus shouldn't need Xiao Yun to say anything. He just wanted to vent, the kind of unspeakable depression and pain. He couldn't even talk to his father in person any more, just with one look. Already.
         Unfortunately, it's late.
         Too late.
         He broke down and cried too much.
         When Ling Zhi finally walked out of Xiao Yun's office, she saw Ling Lin standing outside.
         Ling Lin's makeup was crying, and her clothes were a little messy and very embarrassed. She looked at Lexus in a loss, as if to confirm the truth of what she knew.
         Lexus rarely sees such a dysfunctional Ling Lin, not only Ling Ling, he is also.
         the truth?
         What is the truth?
         Ling Zhi and Ling Lin looked at each other silently, and no one ever spoke first, immersed in an indescribable stasis.
         What can words tell at this time? The truth is always cruel.
         Ling Lin smiled and passed out.
         In front of Ling Chengxing's tombstone.
         Yu Yan lowered the white chrysanthemum and bowed down.
         "During the last period, my father and I said that the most unexpected thing was Ling Lin's transformation. He thought that someone would compete to give her some experience. In order to support her brother, she would be more brave and firm. After all, she was too smooth. It’s a good thing for her to have not suffered since childhood and suffered setbacks. It’s a good thing for her to receive a setback. My father said that after his death, it’s very likely that Ling’s name would be changed and Ling Lin lost his wings. She must have been hit hard. Her character offended many people. "
         Ling Yang and Yu Yan said this, of course, Ling Yang didn't say, if Ling Zhi was still eating, drinking, having fun, he would drive him out of the Ling family; if he still died after two years, he would They sold donations in Ling's shares. In other words, the final result is determined by Lexus's decision.
         Father said  :  Instead of giving people extravagance and wasting life, give them to those who need them more.
         None of this happened.
         "Can't understand?" He asked Yu Yan.
         Yu Yan nodded hesitantly, "Isn't Mr Ling old afraid?"
         Everything was done so terribly. Even when he died, he never had fun with his children, nor did he see Lexus when he grew up. As far as she knew, he couldn't see what he wanted in the end.
         Ling Yang looked at the photos on the tablet and smiled  :  "He may be more afraid of a future in which he cannot see.
         Yu Yan thought that this was probably why she could tolerate her mother. Although she loved her in a way that was different from what she wanted.
         When leaving, step on the steps and walk down, looking at the tombstone, standing tall trees, silently guarding this sleeping place.
         "What about you?" Yu Yan asked Lingyang.
         "Well. What are you going to do in the future?" The company shares and powers have been handed over, and where do we go from here?
         Ling Yang gave Yu Yan a glance with a smile. "Probably ... you are idle! Didn't you say it last time? I want to go out and have fun with each other in the past two years. I have white hair!"
         Yu Yan smiled. She thought Lingyang would be lost for at least a while. After all, Ling Chengxing thought of everything for Ling Zhi. Ling Lin would definitely not be worse. What about Ling Yang?
         That Ling Lin's mouth, illegitimate child, wild seed ...
         I don't know what kind of mood Lexus and Ling Lin should have now? How to face this sudden truth.
         Will you regret it?
         The things of the Ling family have been talked about for a while, and even Yu Yan's family rarely mention it.
         Yu Yu and Yu Yu have seen Ling Chengxing, and have heard people talk about the family, inevitably booing.
         It's just that this kind of news fades away with time and as Lexus manages Ling's. Lingyang, a man who once stood in the mall, gradually faded out of people mouth after he had not appeared for a long time.
         Ling Lin has been lying in the hospital for some time. Since fainting at the entrance of Xiao Yun's office, her health has not been very good. Plus, it was only a few days ago that she had a small delivery and her body became worse.
         Guo Hang has been persuading her in front of Ling Lin's bed in the past few days, hoping that she would like to open up. Besides, father-in-law would definitely understand her.
         It's a pity these are useless, no matter what he said, she just didn't hear.
         He was helpless and powerless.
         Lexus also came to the hospital in the afternoon and listened to Guo Hang's narration, so he couldn't help worrying.
         He entered the ward, Ling Lin was sleeping with her eyes closed.
         Lexus said, "Sister, I know you haven't slept."
         Ling Lin's eyelashes trembled.
         Lexus said, "Don’t do this, brother-in-law is very worried about you. I know that I can’t accept the truth when I first learn it, and I am the same. Sometimes I think I really want to slap myself. But what can I do? Disappoint dad. "
         Ling Lin did not respond.
         Lexus also said, "In fact, I really want to say regrets. The last person to regret should be me. If I am a little bit motivated and obedient, I won't let my father come to this point. You don't have to ... , Hate me. "
         Ling Lin opened her eyes, her pale face made her look very weak, "You know, I ... I called him old and confused, hated him for betraying our mother, me, and you, betrayal of our home, and complained of him An illegitimate child is so caring ... I even did a lot of things to chill him! But in the end, it turned out to be fake ?! "
         Ling Lin gritted her teeth  :  "Why didn't he keep it from me? Can't he tell me in advance? Doesn't he believe me ?! I!"
         She was distressed and depressed, unable to resolve it.
         Lexus said  :  "You know that's not the case, sister, don't get horny!"
         Ling Lin raised her arm and rubbed her eyes. "You go, I want to be quiet."
         "Let's go!"
         Lexus said, "Sister, let's not let our father down."

         Chapter 129 : "Yuyan."  

         "Would you like to travel together?"
         Yu Yan froze.
         She turned to look at Lingyang standing in the bright sunshine,
         Like his name, he seems to make people feel warm.
         Yu Yan was very tangled and asked Coco to chat. She told her about Lingyang.
         Coco was excited for a while, "You mean Lingyang asked you to travel with you? Really?"
         "... This is a good thing, he after you! Did you promise?"
         Yu Yan shook her head and said, "No."
         Coco's sigh of disappointment and excitement suddenly fell to the trough  :  "Then you rejected it? Why, Lingyang is a good person, good temper, character, character, how good a person ... you won't let go Was it the previous thing? "She guessed that Yu Yan had not come out of the shadow before.
         Yu Yan smiled  :  "No. He asked me to consider answering him in two days, but ..."
         Thinking of the situation at the time, I don't know why, she didn't refuse directly. In the face of Ling Yang's expectant eyes, she couldn't bear to refuse him.
         He is a very good man, Yu Yan knows, and his role and courage is what she admires him most. In the same way, such a man is also the most responsible, and today she just values this most, but because of this, she is also the most jealous. If she can't respond to the same feelings, she can't accept it easily, and she can't live up to him.
         Coco knew that Yu Yan had concerns and advised  :  "Yu Yan, you hesitated, indicating that you are not so exclusive. In fact, you can try to accept. Lingyang is a good person, and you should be happy if you are together." At least Happier than before, she can be sure of this.
         Yu Yan nodded and said, "I know."
         "Then what are you still hesitating about? You don't like him? This relationship can be cultivated, and it doesn't let you be with him right away, try to look everywhere first!"
         "... how easy is it?"
         "Yes, you think too complicated, just give each other a chance. If it doesn't fit, then be friends. What's so difficult? If you try to accept Lingyang, if Lingyang treats you sincerely, if you still can't Together, Ling Yang will not resent you because of this. I think he should have no regrets. If he hasn't even tried it, he will have failed! "
         Yu Yan found that Coco was talking about these persuasive truths, but she couldn't refute them, she only said, "Okay, I see."
         "Don't just listen!"
         "Know, know."
         Coco hated looking at Yu Yan with iron and steel, knowing that her temperament is relatively real, and it would be difficult to really take that step to try, she can only talk about what she wants to say, as for what will happen in the end, Still have to look Yuyan.
         The two chatted for a while, then went shopping to buy clothes, and went home.
         At home, Yu Yan returned to the room to rest after dinner.
         Yu Yu stopped talking at the dinner table, but she didn't say anything. In the end, Yu Yu knocked on the door of her room to talk to her.
         He said let her go on a blind date, "This time it’s more reliable, it’s a relative of Grandma Liu family in our community. She knows the situation in our family, and your mother listened to everything you said at home. After that guy, he looks good and listens to Grandma Liu saying that he is also a very nice person ... So see? Would you like to see it, if you don't like it, we'll push it. "
         Yu Yan wanted to refuse, but saw her father's careful and eager look, looking at the wrinkles in his eyes and the white hair, and she refused to bend again, "Well, I'll see you, but the other me No guarantee. "
         Father Yu laughed instantly  :  "Okay, what's up? Just meet up, let's talk about the rest! The key is to see what you like."
         Yu Yan, nodded with a smile.
         Yu Yan  :  "Why didn't my mother come?"
         Father Yu said, "Your mother is afraid you're still angry, so he encouraged me to come." What he didn't say was that his wife was more worried that she went to Yu Yan and said that Yu Yan might refuse if she didn't want to, so she kept pushing him.
         "It was a bit angry at the time, but it's all right now, all right." Yu Yan said with a smile.
         "Don't, you're still angry, otherwise your mother will be upset again when she is happy."
         The next afternoon, Yu Yan met the relative of Grandma Liu in a tea restaurant near the community.
         It was Granny Liu who took her personally. When she arrived, she was shocked.
         Yu Yan never thought that this relative of Grandma Liu was actually Lingyang! No wonder when she asked her name, Grandma Liu knew it mysteriously ...
         This is really a bit awkward.
         Grandma Liu introduced them to each other and said, "I knew you before I heard you, so I won't say much about the others. If you talk, I'll go!"
         Lingyang got up and said goodbye, Yu Yan looked at Grandma Liu happily and left.
         After Grandma Liu left, Ling Yang smiled at Yu Yan.
         "Please sit down."
         Yu Yan sat down in front of Ling Yang. She didn't know what to say.
         Lingyang knew Yu Yan's taste, and called her a cup of milk tea and pastry. Then she said, "Are you surprised?"
         "Super unexpected!"
         "Remember when we met for the first time? Just on the horse outside the community. I went to see Grandma Liu. She was sick."
         Yu Yan still wondered  :  "You and Grandma Liu are relatives? Why haven't I heard of them before ..."
         "No." Ling Yang said  :  "Grandma Liu used to go to the orphanage. We met her there. She was very good to me. Over time, we became familiar. In my heart, I really treat her as a grandma."
         Yu Yan has not heard of this, but think of it as their fate, not a loved one or even a loved one.
         "Actually I thought you wouldn't come." Ling Yang said with a sigh.
         Yu Yan said aloud, look, this is embarrassing, she lowered her head and took a sip of coffee.
         Lingyang  :  "But I'm glad you came."
         Yu Yan  :  "... don't say anything."
         This blind date directly made Yu Yan stunned, and I don’t know if the family really didn’t know that the other party was Lingyang, otherwise how could the wind not leak?
         If she was told earlier that she was mentally prepared, she wouldn't be so surprised that she would almost lose her temper ...
         The glass window couldn't stop a person's figure, Xiao Yun sitting in the car could clearly see the gloomy face, and the man sitting opposite her, Ling Yang.
         Yu Yan's smile when facing Ling Yang gave him a sense of crisis.
         Maybe he shouldn't have been in touch with the Yu family in the past two years, only to send gifts to the New Year, otherwise there would be no personal support around him. But he really couldn't bear Yu Yan's being forced by Yu mother, and he couldn't bear her sadness.
         Love makes people cautious, look ahead, and that's true.
         He saw Yu Yan and Ling Yang having a good talk, and finally Ling Yang sent her downstairs.
         Can't be silent anymore.
         ... But when he was facing the gloom, he didn't know what to do, what should he do? How to do it? How can he make Yu Yan reconsider accepting him?
         He leaned back on the sofa with a headache.
         咚咚咚 ——
         The crisp sound on the window made him frown and open his eyes. The next moment, he sat up straight and shook the window.
         Yu Yan stood at the window with her hands around her chest and looked down at him, expressionless.
         ...... It was obvious that she was not here before. Why did the driver eat anything and didn't say hello, there was no sight at all! !!
         Xiao Yun's heart tightened at once-he knew that Yu Yan hated him most to follow her! Should she hate him more ...
         Rolling down the window, he immediately explained  :  "I didn't want to follow you!"
         Yu Yan  :  "What do you do?"
         "I'll just walk around ..."
         "Then you can be as casual as you want?"
         "Yeah, did you come back here?"
         Yu Yan asked  :  "Don't you know?"
         Xiao Yun  :  "..."
         He opened the door and got out of the car, compromising, "Well, I admit, I'm here to see you."
         "Oh, see you now, you can go."
         "... are you uncle or aunt?"
         "Thank you for your concern, all good. Goodbye."
         After that, she turned and left.
         "Wait." Xiao Yun followed, "Yu Yan, I just saw you and Lingyang ..."
         After all, he didn't suppress his curiosity.
         Yu Yan hummed and kept walking.
         "you and him……?"
         Xiao Yun's footsteps slowed down. He looked at the back of Yu Yan walking forward, only feeling that she seemed to be getting farther and farther away from him, and her heart became more barren.
         Yu Yan didn't know what Xiao Yun was thinking. She didn't look back until she reached the elevator door, and Xiao Yun suddenly ran over.
         He was serious, pulling her wrist very hard  :  "I don't believe it."
         Yu Yan smiled  :  "Why not believe it?"
         "You don't love him, I can see it. So don't try to lie to me, I'm not stupid."
         "What do you see? Do you think you know me well?"
         "Of course I know." He grinned and missed, "Because I know what it looks like when you love me."
         It's been a long time since Yu Yan had lost her breath. She thought that she had been able to stop her heart by practicing for two years, but Xiao Yun's words still easily shake her fortress everywhere!
         She pursed her lips and stepped on Xiao Yun's instep!
         She wore high heels, and this merciless kick directly made Xiao Yun cry, loosen her, bend over to hug her leg, and jumped in pain.
         She entered the elevator and closed the door.
         Xiao Yun gritted her teeth in pain, this woman was fierce, but really powerful!

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