Ugly Biography 40

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »        Chapter 40     :     Convinced          

       The next day, the dishes sent by the kittens were exceptionally good, and it was a good sign to repay Chou-Gu. However, when he came, Chou-Gu and Minger had already entered the mountain with the pillar Ning-Er.
       The younger brother told him   :   "Sister is out."
       The kittens guessed that they might be going to get the pheasant, and some of them didn't go home. He knows that Chou-Gu can't take him into the mountains to get pheasants. After all, this is the cost of eating. This point, he did not figure out, in fact, Chou-Gu is willing to take him, but still not dare.
       When she was afraid of an accident, she was afraid that Dahe would find her to lose her son. The mountain is dangerous. No one can say that it will be wrong. Secondly, she still relies on the pillars to hunt, and to benefit from the side, it is even more embarrassing to bring another person.
       "What happened?" When he saw his unhappy home, his big brother just asked with amazement. When the younger brother went out, he was very happy. Where did he get angry?
       "Chou-Gu They have gone into the mountains." The kitten answered.
       Dagang smiled and immediately understood that his brother was lost. He advised   :   "Chou-Gu is a very good child. You see her a small Miss family, but one year and a half older than you. I know that raising a family. She is not simple."
       "Yes, she taught us how to eat small fish, and said that these small fish can take out and sell money." The kitten said.
       "Chou-Gu is a good boy. She doesn't hide, but she doesn't mean she has to tell you anything. Hunting is very dangerous. There may be beasts on the mountain. She certainly can't take you there, otherwise there is nothing." Things, Father, Niang still can't go to her house." Dagang said.
       The kitten thought about it and changed his mind immediately, but he was dissatisfied and said   :   "I have to follow her into the mountains. If something really happens, Father, Niang should not go to her trouble."
       "You have to let Father, Niang know, let the whole village understand." Dagang said.
       Although he is a disabled person, he has been doing his best to do more work at home. For example, when he is busy, he washes clothes at home and cooks younger brothers. In fact, a few younger brothers in the family are basically big. Therefore, several younger brothers are with him. It was his Father, Niang, who was very good to him. He always felt that he owed his son, which made him sick.
       In fact, he only has problems with his legs, and his hands are still fine. If Chou-Gu sees it, he will know that this is the consequence of polio. His legs are as small as a child. It is very difficult to walk. Of course, it is impossible to do heavy work. Such children are indeed a big blow in poor rural households.
       The kitten is almost nine years old, and it is really less than Chou-Gu. If you are a big brother, he still thinks about it and still understands it. Therefore, the unhappiness of Chou-Gu immediately disappeared.
       "Big brother, I am going to catch fish. In the evening, we will cook the fish soup again. You can also drink more dried fish."
       "Be careful, bring the puppy." Dagang said, calling the name of the puppy.
       Because Dagang had an accident, the second brother under him was gone because of no one, so Wang-Aunt and the Dahe couple gave the following sons, and the names were very embarrassing. They were all kittens and puppies. These names are children. The puppies are the younger brothers under the kittens. This year, there are more than seven years old, almost the same size as Ming. He is more flexible, but because he is still young, he has to listen to his brother's instructions.
       The puppy rushed to take the tool and the brother left.
       The two brothers sighed and caught a lot of fish. Then I picked up a larger number of better fish, got a big bucket and raised it in the clear water, and prepared to go with Chou-Gu to sell the fish the next day. Naturally, I also ate a delicious fish soup.
       Compared to the income of the two brothers, the income of the four brothers Chou-Gu is not very satisfactory.
       Pillar  only hit four pheasants, and two others were killed by his miss. Therefore, the only two of them can only go out and sell.
       No one of the mountain eggs was found, the traps remained intact, and there was no movement at all. Several people are like the eggplant that the frost has beaten, and I don’t know what to do. This is too far from the imagination. Originally, I got six at the last time. This time I should get two more, and I will not be able to get six. And this trap is exactly the same as a display. I don't know if the animals are savvy, but when they come, they still haven't come here.
       "Hey, are we going to go deeper into the mountains and dig a trap?" Ning-Er asked.
       "Let's do it," Chou-Gu said. If you come again, there are only three or two pheasants, and their dream of making money to support their families will be broken. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways to increase income. Chou-Gu has no plans to do any more business to sell live fish.
       Because she has to leave this to the kitten and want to conquer him, she has to give him benefits. And she also understands that the little fish can't really sell much money. She was able to get forty money last time, but because people think her things are better. Moreover, the first time I saw it, it was a rarity.
       Several people were busy and lived for a long time, pushed a few meters into the place, and dug a trap, hoping to hunt a big guy. Otherwise they will only be able to look at the pheasant dry. But the pheasant is obviously only getting harder and harder. Because the nearby pheasants are also limited, they often come to get it, for a long time, maybe they will be eaten by them. Even if they won't be hunted by them, they will learn to be smart in the future. Not like now, bamboo gun slings can get them.
       After doing a good job of the trap, Ning-Er looked at the four pheasants in the scorpion, and the look was obviously unhappy. Today, I am eager to make more pheasants, and I will sell them tomorrow.
       "Don't be like this, we should think that there are still two chickens to sell. Sixty big money, you can buy not much." Chou-Gu tried hard to advise Ning-Er.
       Although she is also very disappointed. But when I saw that the pillars had done something wrong, I was uneasy about Ning-Er, and I quickly comforted the pillars. "Do not fear the pillars, Ning-Er is not angry with you. Go home and eat well." Give you."
       Ning-Er came back and smiled, and said, "The pillar, I didn't have your gas. We have meat again today."
       The pillar was happy, and with a big mouth carrying the pheasant, I followed everyone back.
       In any case, there are two chickens to eat, Ning-Er and Chou-Gu have temporarily let go of their minds.
       Ning-Er often sees Chou-Gu roast chicken, and he has learned almost. This time, he didn’t want Chou-Gu to cook and bring him home. He went home directly and went home to study. Cooked, can't always be trouble Chou-Gu.
       "Bring these dishes back." Chou-Gu saw that the dishes in the basket were so good, and they took half of them to Ning-Er. These dishes are definitely more than five pounds, at least seven or eight pounds.
       Ning-Er accepted it and said, "I still go to sell pheasants tomorrow morning, right?"
       "Unfortunately, this time I didn't get big fish anymore. It's a little too little to sell two pheasants." Chou-Gu said with some worry.
       "Well." Ning-Er nodded and felt too little.
       Chou-Gu thought for a long time, there is really nothing at home to sell. The dishes in the vegetable garden are not enough to eat at home. When she thought about it, she planned to take out the dried fish from her home and try it out. If the sale is made, I can get more of it next time. If I can’t sell it, I will bring it back to myself. It is just a waste of effort.
       In addition, the most valuable thing in the family is the jar of chili rice noodles. This thing has already been marinated, but it has not been given up to eat it. But this thing, she did not intend to take it out. It may not be easy to sell at first, and the other is to have something to eat with oil and water.
       In the end, she turned around in the vegetable garden for a long time. In total, there were several gherkins that could be picked, and there were about two or three pounds of tender greens. The leek was estimated to be cut, and the rest were all piecemeal. It is impossible to get enough of a bowl of vegetables.
       "Forget it, forget it, bring the cucumbers and greens to the seedlings tomorrow, and you can sell five more dollars for five dollars." Chou-Gu made up his mind and his heart calmed down.
       At this time, the kitten came, and stuttered for a long time, only to explain the intention, tomorrow I want to follow her to sell small fish.
       "Yes. You have to get up early, wait for us at the intersection." Chou-Gu agreed, she did not expect that the kittens were so strong, they were already ready for the little fish.
       "Okay, ok, thank you." The kitten said thank you, and the happy ones are about to jump.
       Chou-Gu quickly said   :   "The ugly words are first mentioned. The little fish is not a hot commodity. If you can't sell it, or the price is low, don't be disappointed. It's impossible for you to sell forty. Big money."
       The kitten did not care, saying   :   "I know, my older brother said that you can change five big money, you can. He said that you are selling rarity, I will not be worth selling."
       The difference between forty big money and five big money is also fortunate that Da Gang told him in advance. Otherwise, he really can't accept it.
       Chou-Gu just let go of the heart, for fear that the kitten family will blame her, attracting people to sell small fish, but when they can only sell three or five dollars, it is not good. It was she who never thought about selling small fish often, selling forty dollars as she did before, completely because her little fish was a rarity. More is not worth it.
       "Hey, I didn't expect his big brother, his eyesight is so good." Chou-Gu sighed a pity. She looked for it in her head, but she did not find the disabled child. She only knew that the big brother of the kitten was sick and disabled. I didn't expect that his brain was so good.
       The kitten is now very convinced by Chou-Gu.
       Because, their family has tested the taste of grilled dried fish tonight. The half-fish that has been sun-dried for a day has already dried up.
       "Let's try it first. The small fish can be used for fishing, but the salt still needs to be bought back. If it is not good, it will not be marinated next time." Dagang looked at the half-small dried fish. Say.
       "I will come first." The kitten yelled, took a slightly larger fish, and grilled it on the red carbon fire that had been extinguished.
       In an instant, I smelled the smell of a fish, and there was a small noise of nourishing.
       "Chou-Gu really didn't tell the truth, this grilled fish is really fragrant." The kitten chewed the dried fish, and his heart was full of energy.
       No need to pay for oil, just baking, the family is hands-on, everyone holding the small fish is roasting, and when they are cooked, they will taste one first. Everyone says, "Don’t say it, this small fish is quite fragrant. And even the fish bones can be eaten directly."
       Most of the cooked dried fish are chewed directly, and the bones are swallowed together with the meat. No one is still spit.
       Eat a small dried fish, drink a few mouthfuls of porridge, the family has a special taste.

       Chapter 41     :     Reaction          

       The kitten looked at the family and ate the dried fish, and had a good time. He said smugly, "Is it delicious?"
       "It's delicious, where did you learn from it?" asked the big river.
       "Learning from Chou-Gu. She told me. She also told me that these little fish can be sold in the market town." The kitten said embarrassedly.
       This sentence made everyone all silent. Chou-Gu has become a pain point that their family can't say. It makes them feel ashamed and makes them feel hateful. If it wasn't for Chou-Gu, Wang-Aunt and the children wouldn't have to be stunned in the village. Every day they were caught and chanced to learn a lesson, and they didn't have to lose more than 30 kilograms of food. In short, Chou-Gu is now a taboo in their home, and everyone has replaced it directly with the family.
       But now, their family has the advantage of Chou-Gu. These small fish, small river ditch everywhere, the village people are not willing to eat, you can just eat at home. And they can still go out and sell the money back. The benefits of this kind of door-to-door, they can't believe it.
       "It's true, she sold it, half a bucket of live fish, and people gave forty big money." The kitten said.
       "Forty big money?" Dahe and Wang-Aunt ‘Called.
       "Yeah. To be alive." The kitten said again.
       "Fast, fast, all to catch fish, half a bucket of live can be exchanged for forty big money, let's get some more, one day can earn a hundred big money." Wang-Aunt excited just fine Like a pile of big money in front of you.
       "Mother, will you sell it? You don't listen to the wind or the rain. If you catch too much, you can't sell the money. This thing is just selling a rare one." Dagang poured a bucket of cold water on his mother. To be so good to sell, Chou-Gu still can't sell small fish every day. Then she does not have to worry about the family life.
       Although he did not go out, he also knew that Chou-Gu was working in the village with his Shi-zi every day during the harvest season. A 10-year-old Miss Miss, like an Daren, was greedy every day and was half dead. What is it, not for eating.
       Dagang is the most talkative person at home, Father, Niang, and his brothers, who listen to him. Because he is a disabled person, but he has always been working as a home, never slacking. So the family is very distressed by him.
       He, although he does not agree with some of his mother's practices, but because of himself, it is not easy to say what his mother, after all, the family is too poor, he dragged the family.
       However, he is the most savvy person in the family. This kitten is usually thanks to a few words from time to time, otherwise it will not be so easily taught by Chou-Gu.
       Wang-Aunt, this person, you have to say how vicious she is, and she has really not done anything big about killing and setting fire. But you have to say that she is a good person, she is not really. Perhaps the burden of life has turned her into a stupid poison. Although she is cheap everywhere, she loves to be lazy and short-sighted when she is working, but she still has a kind heart for the children.
       After listening to her son, she immediately asked   :   "Da Gang, what do you say?"
       "The kitten is still asking Chou-Gu, how is it sold? Also, it is impossible to grab business with her. You can go with her to sell small fish, but the price should listen to her. The most important thing is, Can not sell every day, go every other day, once also sell half a barrel. More than it is worthless. Otherwise, Chou-Gu still do not sell small fish every day." Dagang Shen a moment, said.
       "Well, let you say what you do." Dahe agreed. What the son said is very reasonable. He sometimes hates the injustice of the world, why does the most capable son become a disability. The whole family is the smartest, just since childhood.
       "Can't you sell more?" Wang-Aunt was unwilling to ask, it was really rare to find a chance to make money. She wouldn't want to sell a ten barrels and twenty barrels at once, and get one or two Silver Taels to go home.
       "Mother, you can't be too greedy. You buy it every day, no one buys it. You listen to me, and don't think about which one is cheaper in the future. It makes people in the village disgust, what else? The face is living here." Da Gang said seriously.
       This is the first time he used his ugly words to say that his mother, made Wang-Aunt not fit, but only burned like a face. It was said by others that she didn't feel much. The words of her son finally made her understand how arrogant she is now.
       "That is, you look at what you are doing, it is a good thing. Or listen to Dagang's words. You can earn dozens of big money in January, and there are many. You can buy ten pounds of food to eat back. You can also cut it occasionally. Half a catty of meat came back to eat." Dahe said, stunned his wife and glanced at her, for fear that she would cause trouble. This woman, in the recent period of time, is indeed a lot more honest, and he is working with him every day, not afraid to be lazy and have no time to go to life.
       "The kitten, look at your mother, don't let her cause trouble again." Dahe ordered his son to make him look at his wife. This unreliable woman is really a lesson. He didn't want to offend the villagers because of her, or lost the opportunity to make money.
       "Hey, the kitten, you just went to Chou-Gu, did she agree to take you to sell the fish?" Wang-Aunt asked.
       "Mother, Chou-Gu promised to take me to sell small fish, but she said, she can sell forty big money, I may only sell five big money." The kitten said.
       "What? How so little?" Wang-Aunt was furious.
       "Mother, what are you doing? Have the ability to sell small fish tomorrow. I think the kittens are going to sell small fish. It is good to be able to exchange five big money." Dagang said with a sigh, saying .
       The kitten is also very dissatisfied to look at his mother. Because Big Brother and Chou-Gu said the same thing, he went to sell small fish, and could not get another forty dollars. This kind of thing everywhere, where can be worth more money. He understands this truth, why do their mothers don't understand? For the first time, the kittens had doubts about their mother. At the same time, I understand that this mother is indeed somewhat unreliable.
       Seeing the deep meaning of the two sons' eyes, Wang-Aunt had a cold war and accepted her emotions. She knew that her two sons were dissatisfied with themselves.
       However, the temptation of her money still made her dissatisfied   :   "Why can she sell forty dollars, we can only get five dollars. Are not the same small fish?"
       "No, if you want to compare with her, just like her, raise a young man." The river angered.
       He just doesn't care about things, but he still understands things. People Chou-Gu are more capable, and they can support their families at a young age. Compared with Chou-Gu, this woman can't match a finger.
       Wang-Aunt saw that the man was angry and didn't dare to ‘Call. He was afraid that the big fist would fall on his body. Dagang secretly sighed, and slowly began to teach his mother and other younger brothers. He did not expect to talk about these things before, but he was only a 13-year-old child, and his fate was unfair to him. He was a disabled person who could not do farm work.
       Sometimes, he can't wait to die early. But now, finally, there is a chance to live a better life. He also wants to seize this opportunity. Otherwise, he has no hope of this life.
       “Chou-Gu sells a rarity. She sold it for a total time. Maybe someone gave her forty money when she saw her pity. Maybe her mouth would say that people think her little fish is exceptionally good. I would rather give more money. However, the small fish in our family is an ordinary small fish. How much can I sell? Otherwise, Chou-Gu does not sell small fish every day, forty dollars a day, all Can feed their family."
       In the words of Dagang, Wang-Aunt only listened to half of it, but the kitten seemed to understand.
       Dagang had to say   :   "Chou-Gu gave us this business, and it helped us. Second, she also knew that this business could not make much money. We can now exchange 10 yuan. Five dollars. When everyone goes to sell, they can't get back the three money."
       "Yes, there is no fish, no one can catch it. When we see that we have exchanged money, people will naturally learn to sell it. At that time, the streets are full of small fish, but also can be exchanged. What?” Dahe added another sentence and made a summary.
       Wang-Aunt This is how I understand it. Because I can't make much money, Chou-Gu will not do this business. However, they can still earn a few days of money, and how much is income.
       "Well, I know. I am not the opponent of Yatou. I will go around the next time I see her." Wang-Aunt said frustrated. She didn't have a good impression of Chou-Gu. I want her to thank Chou-Gu, which is very rare.
       "You still have to remember the kindness of others. Chou-Gu This is to learn to make money with a kitten." Dahe added a sentence.
       Dagang nodded and said to his younger brothers   :   "Yes, Chou-Gu brought a kitten. It is already her kindness to our family. The future creation depends on the kitten and us."
       The kitten nodded and said that he understood. He is now full of enthusiasm. Whether it is five yuan or ten dollars, it is a big income for him. Because he is so big, he hasn't eaten such a delicious fish soup, and he doesn't know that the dried fish can also eat. I don't even know, the little fish can also get out and exchange money. In fact, let alone him, there are very few people selling small fish in the whole market. The poor people feel that the little fish are not good and not worth the money.
       Even Chou-Gu himself was helpless, only brought half a bucket of small fish to sell, and did not think about selling small fish again. She is very clear that there are not many people who are willing to eat small fish, because it is too much trouble to get a small fish. You have to clean up two or three pounds of small fish. The time spent is not short, and the annoyance is annoying. And it takes a lot of time to make small fish into a dish.
       Therefore, she gave the business to the kitten to do it, one to help him, and the other to look at their family. If she is made to feel that this family is not helping, she will not bother to teach the kittens. If there is a rescue, she hopes to accept the kittens, and in the future there will be households in the village to help themselves.
       This family of kittens, if the life is a little better, will be a big family until their brothers are married and have children. After all, the five brothers, in this era where the son is more powerful, which son is more, is very speaking power.
       It is because of this, Wang-Aunt is so annoying in the village, everyone has to close one eye from time to time. Looking at the entire Jiang Wu Village, their family has the most sons. If you are not dead in the middle, you are six sons. Wang-Aunt is so alive, it can be a big credit.
       Chou-Gu wants to pass the kitten, so that this family can become their own help in the future. Even if you can't be a booster, you can't at least make them their own enemies.

       Chapter 42    :     Difficult to do          

       Seeing the kitten carrying a half-barrel of small fish behind Chou-Gu, Ning-Er took a moment, Chou-Gu quickly said   :   "He will catch small fish."
       Ning-Er nodded and immediately understood the black boy, which is the little guy that Chou-Gu wants to conquer. Although the kitten is not much smaller than Chou-Gu, but because of long-term malnutrition, the head is not big, except for a little higher than Minger, people are thinner than Ming, it looks like a Seven or eight-year-old child. No wonder Chou-Gu thought that he was almost as big as Ming, and that people were much smaller than her.
       Similarly, Chou-Gu deposited the donkey in Ningjia. Because the Master is going to work again today, Ning-Er can't ride on horseback. And she brought a kitten herself, just walk. Anyway, a few days ago, I have already passed.
       Although the kitten is thin, but the strength is not small, carrying his own half-barrel fish, walking quite stable. But after a while, he was tired, and his left hand changed his right hand and exchanged for it. Ning-Er then let the pillars help, after all, the kitten is a child, walking with half a bucket of fish is still very tired.
       "Thank you for Ning Big Brother. Big brother of the pillar." The kitten's mouth is quite sweet, and the big brother came to the big brother to go, and kept calling. At least he still knows grateful. This made Ning-Er think he was still saved.
       "You follow us on the market to sell things, but we must listen to our words, you can't sell them yourself, or you won't take you next time." Ning-Er said coldly.
       He looked very good, his voice was cold and clear, and the kitten saw such a clean young lang for the first time, plus he also had the temperament that the kitten could not express, so that the kitten could not dare to face him. After listening to his words, he subconsciously replied   :   "Okay. Ok."
       In fact, when he came, his brother had already confessed this sentence. At this time, he was forced by Ning-Er's pressure, and he was completely ignorant of his ability to think. He only knew that he had to obey.
       Ning-Er has a majesty that he can't feel at all. Don't look at the weakness of Ning-Er, but people have been in and out of the palace before. People who have seen the emperor have an imposing manner. Even at this moment, Chou-Gu felt that the surrounding air had become thinner.
       Fortunately, she already knew that Ning-Er is a person with a head, and Ning-Er has always been close to her, otherwise she will be involuntarily away from him.
       Seeing the kitten like this, Ning-Er nodded and took back his momentum. The pressure on the body suddenly became lighter. The kitten licked a long breath and touched a cold sweat. The heart was stunned and looked at Chou-Gu. Seeing that she had no feeling at all, she could not help but admire her.
       The kitten did not expect that Ning-Er was so terrible. When walking, he dared not approach him again, only following Chou-Gu and Minger.
       Chou-Gu looked back at him and said with a comfort in his tone   :   "To the market, you will follow me. You first see how I sell things, learn, and sell them later." She can't sell the kittens every time, but she is also afraid that the kittens will sell them in a mess.
       "Okay. Thank you very much." The kitten nodded and subconsciously approached Chou-Gu, a little further away from Ning-Er.
       The market is very lively, and the kittens are more honest when they enter a crowded place, followed closely by Chou-Gu. Chou-Gu also pulled Minger tightly, fearing that there were many people and shattered everyone. However, there is a big pillar in the front, and it is easy for everyone to find a place to set up a stall.
       Chou-Gu and Ning-Er are also well-versed, and they also greet the acquaintances around the stalls.
       "You have come to sell something again?" someone asked in a friendly smile.
       "Yeah, there is something to sell, or there is no money to buy food." Chou-Gu answered.
       During the question and answer, there were also guests coming over to ask for the price.
       "The pheasant has thirty dollars." Ning-Er answered the words of a guest.
       "It's too expensive, twenty-five dollars." The man was worth the price.
       Ning-Er shook his head and said, "No, thirty dollars is already very cheap. We have so many children, we can not catch a pheasant when we are busy for a day." Now he is already learning Chou very much-Gu words.
       Sure enough, someone next to them talked to them. "That is, a few children, it is not easy to do small business."
       The man still wants to counter-offer. The middle-aged man who bought their pheasant a few days ago squeezed over and said that the two pheasants themselves were all.
       "Old price, thirty-one," Ning-Er said.
       The middle-aged man did not counter-offer this time. He gave the money very refreshingly and took the pheasant away. The original counter-offer sometimes regretted that he didn't start, but Ning-Er, they had two pheasants in total, and he could only regret leaving.
       Chou-Gu thought, this person is a potential customer, he will buy it next time he sells pheasants.
       After selling the pheasant, Chou-Gu began to concentrate on selling the dried fish that she brought. This small dried fish, she did not know how to sell it, but she also had a reserve price, less than fifteen dollars. A pound, she does not sell. Someone asked the price and felt that the fifteen dollars were too expensive.
       "It’s just a small fish, it’s still so expensive.” Someone said with surprise.
       "It's a hot day, it's not a stinky fish." Some people say it is even harder to hear.
       Chou-Gu is so angry that he can't wait to drive the two men away, but he has to pretend to be angry and shy, saying   :   "A pound of small fish, you can get a few pounds of fresh fish to get out. It takes time and money. Salt, fifteen dollars is expensive. It is hot, we can't sell stinky fish, you smell it yourself, there is no smell."
       Said, Chou-Gu took a few small fish to see the people around.
       "My little fish is so clean that you can see it, there is something stinking."
       Those who have experience can see at a glance that this small fish is not dry and smelly. The two want to bargain, see everyone heard the words of Chou-Gu, and throw away the small fish caught in the hand and walked away.
       The kitten has been speechless by this battle. If someone else says this, he can't handle it.
       After smashing for a long time, finally someone knows the goods, saying that a small fish has gone, Chou-Gu did not say, or to find someone to borrow.
       After a while, someone came to ask the fresh little fish, and like the last time, I came up with three or five big money and picked some.
       Chou-Gu didn't agree, saying that he couldn't pick it up or buy it all. She does this, naturally she can't sell it all at once. The kitten was anxious to scratch his head, and he couldn’t figure out why someone bought it. Chou-Gu still refused to sell it. However, whenever he wanted to move a little, Ning-Er stared at him and frowned, and he didn't dare.
       Finally, the kitten's small fish only sold twenty big money, but for him, it was already a big surprise. In fact, his little fish is more than Chou-Gu, and bigger. But he also knows that most people only want to spend three or five dollars and pick a few big ones.
       However, with Chou-Gu method, it was sold out twice, once in half, and ten in big money. Simple and rude, but with more income.
       "You saw it. In fact, although the small fish can also sell the money, but there are not many people who want it, it is too troublesome. So I will not sell small fish this time." Chou-Gu said.
       The kitten nodded and was convinced by Chou-Gu. Because if you rely on him, I am sure that this small fish can only sell five to ten dollars.
       If he gives three moneys by others, he will pick up the big money in the bucket, and the rest will definitely be dying, and the smallest fish, who else?
       "You have to pay a big money to go out." Ning-Er reminded Chou-Gu. Although the two of them used to be taxed together, the kitten had to let him pay. This kind of rules must be booked first, so that you can't say anything afterwards.
       The kittens have already seen some people who sell things pay taxes. Naturally, they also know that this is the rules of the market. They have paid a big sum of money without saying anything, but they are very distressed.
       At this time, the big Aunt came again. "Hey, it’s selling out today."
       "I still have some dried fish, do you want it? It's fresh and clean." Chou-Gu quickly promoted her slow-moving fish.
       Big Aunt licked a small one and threw it directly into his mouth and chewed it. He nodded and said, "Yes, it tastes good. I want it."
       Said, she looked at Chou-Gu vegetable basket, the gherkin inside, very watery, so that she was very satisfied, but also took a straight up. She is completely eating fruit.
       Chou-Gu small fish and a little food, big Aunt paid twenty-five big money, Chou-Gu is already very satisfied.
       "The gherkins in your house taste good. It's rare to see such a tender cucumber at this time." Big Aunt said. This tender cucumber, a cold salad, is very good.
       "That is, at this time, the cucumbers of every household are about to be pulled, and there are not many cucumbers." Someone laughed.
       "This little Miss, always selling fresh goods." Someone said enviously. Otherwise, with such a la carte, where can get ten big money, the small dried fish will leave a pound.
       This time, the pheasant and Chou-Gu small fish and vegetables, a total of one hundred dollars, still Chou-Gu to pay taxes, a total of three. The two families still have 97 money left. In addition to still buying ten ‘maidens. Both Chou-Gu and Ning-Er chose to sell pork. The kitten had 19 dollars and bought five ‘maidens. The remaining nine money, he was originally planning to take home, see Chou-Gu to buy meat, he also took out eight big money, said   :   "Help me also buy half a catty. To fat ""
       I bought it by Chou-Gu alone. I can tell the price. She asked for two pounds and half of pork belly, a total of thirty-seven big money, and two pounds of lean meat, a total of twenty big money. This is the stall owner to see how much she bought, let the price. Otherwise, lean meat also has 11 big money and a pound, giving her less than two big money.
       Then, Chou-Gu wants to sell meat to her to divide the meat, and the three of them are good. The pork belly is divided into a pound, a pound, half a catty. The lean meat is divided into two halves, and she and Ning-Er are divided. Chou-Gu still has ten dollars left, and Ning-Er still has seventeen dollars left. Although there are very few, after all, there are spares, and the two are satisfied.
       The kitten carries half a catty of pork belly, and there are still two money left, and there are five big hoes. The heart is beautiful, the smile on the face is about to fall to the ground, and the footsteps are all floating.

       Chapter 43     :     Teaching Sun          

       On the return journey, everyone naturally ate the Bun to fill the hunger. The look of the kitten eating a steamed bun is very funny. He chewed it in a small mouthful, and he was afraid that he would eat it all at once. It took a long time for a taro to eat.
       After eating the steamed bun, Ning-Er seems to inadvertently ask the kitten   :   "Is it delicious?"
       "Of course it's delicious." The kitten was happy.
       He still has four hoes left, take home, Father, Niang, three brothers, each of which can be divided into half, to solve sputum, and there are half a catty of pork belly, so that they can eat several meals with meat. The dish is gone. And think about it later, every few days, you can have this harvest today, I don’t always eat meat and steamed bread. Therefore, the kitten is in a good mood, and it is not so afraid of Ning-Er.
       "You see, this little fish is very small in the small ditch. You haven't thought about changing it for money. If it wasn't for Chou-Gu, you can't get the steamed bread and meat now." Ning--Er said a word slowly.
       The kitten looked down for a moment and said, "I know, this is Chou-Gu is helping us." To be honest, he is very grateful to Chou-Gu, otherwise he went to get the Bun and the meat.
       Ning-Er nodded, no more to say, he just wanted the kitten to know that he was influenced by Chou-Gu. If this kid is not grateful, he will not help him any more.
       Chou-Gu naturally knows the heart of Ning-Er, she and Ning-Er are actually the same idea. She wants to help the kitten, but the condition is that the child knows gratitude and will not be envious. Otherwise, raising a big enemy is not to find a sin for yourself.
       "Kitten, how long do you think you can sell small fish?" Chou-Gu asked.
       The kitten didn't even think about it   :   "My older brother said, I can't sell it for a long time, afraid that others will follow it and sell it."
       Ning-Er and Chou-Gu both showed a surprised expression, but the kittens couldn't see it naturally. They didn't expect the kitten's brother to have already expected this result.
       "What are you going to do?" Ning-Er asked.
       The kitten thought for a long time, stirred up his brain, and did not know what else could be sold without cost. In the end, I only thought about the small fish that Chou-Gu sold, but I opened my mouth, but I was embarrassed to say it.
       Just like knowing his thoughts, Chou-Gu said   :   "You can also sell small fish, but other people will follow the trend to sell small fish. So, I will not sell small fish. Got it."
       Chou-Gu feels that selling small fish is not cost-effective. It is very time-consuming to clean up the little fish. It takes time and effort to make such a small business, and it doesn't make much money.
       The kitten looked at Chou-Gu and looked at Ning-Er a few times. Some worried, "What do you sell?"
       "We must be mainly pheasants, but pheasants are not available every day. It is good to have three or five baht a month." Ning-Er.
       Just like a small fish and a small dried fish, a kitten can come up with a maximum of three or five, which is worthless. The two of them reminded the kitten to hurry and can sell a few dollars to count a few dollars. After all, this is basically no business, and there will be a lot of people watching.
       The kittens understood the words of the two of them. After returning home, they started to work with his father and the puppies, the father and the son, to fish the little fish, and to raise a little fresher in the bucket, every morning. I mentioned the market to sell. The father and son went with them, and brought two barrels of small fish at a time.
       The remaining large number of small fish were dried by the Dagang and Wang-Aunt at home and then dried into small fish. The family is very busy.
       However, as expected, but after half a month, the number of people selling small fish in the market has increased.
       There are also several families in Jiangwu Village who are going to make this money. Several small rivers near the village are crowded every day. Everyone can see that Wang-Aunt can eat meat, which is not a business. Besides, the fish in the Xiao gou small ditch is a lord. You can fish for me, but I don’t know who is going. Therefore, almost all the villagers have been dispatched, and everyone wants to make some money.
       Jiang Da-nu is very angry after knowing that this business is done by Chou-Gu. This small business, he can do the same, but Chou-Gu did not mention it with him, let him miss this opportunity in vain.
       "What kind of gas do you have? What is the relationship with you?" Jiang Chunhua said uncomfortable.
       She is also very distressed by this small business that makes money, otherwise their family can earn some meat to eat back. If it weren't for the Jiang Da-nu, every time I met Chou-Gu, I didn't have a good face. Chou-Gu didn't come to the Jiang family now, and didn't say anything to them. If it was before, Chou-Gu would definitely tell them the house first.
       Jiang Da-nu face rose red, how can he not know what Sister meant, but he really didn't like Chou-Gu. The former Chou-Gu, even if it is ugly, it is still weak. It is an individual who can bully her. She only knows to bow her head all day, and he will come to see it. But there are Wu hunters, no one dares to bully her brazenly, and their family life is also good.
       He looked at the Wu Hunter's share, and he could barely see Chou-Gu as Mei-mei. He is also used to seeing her as a small follower and seeing with her own people. Anyway, the township family does not pay attention to the wife to look good, his family is so poor, he does not matter. It is only as he gets older, he is less interested in the appearance of Chou-Gu. Young people, which one doesn't love Miss.
       The most important thing is that after Wu death, Chou-Gu was not as good as he was before. This made him very angry. In the past, Chou-Gu took him seriously. If there is anything delicious, he will definitely think about him. If there is anything good, he will definitely come to tell him. But now, Chou-Gu doesn't even look at him at a glance, but he is so assertive. He hates Chou-Gu even more.
       Jiang Madam sighed, and although he had some thoughts on Chou-Gu, he was more angry with his grandson. She also saw that her grandson did not like Chou-Gu, and began to alienate Chou-Gu. She is afraid that everyone will pass on their affairs in the future, so that the grandson is not good to say pro.
       Although Wu Hunter was at the time, Chou-Gu and Da-nu  were good friends. However, Wu Hunter is no longer, Da-nu  does not like Chou-Gu, she is still thinking, but fortunately, it has not been fixed, not afraid of what others say, not to achieve it.
       In fact, she is also eager for Da-nu  to marry her wife and children, but Chou-Gu is still young and Da-nu  can't wait. In the past, there were Wu hunters to help, she still felt that it does not matter, wait two years to wait for two years. It can be different in the past.
       However, she still felt that she was a little sorry for Chou-Gu, and at the same time felt a pity. When Wu Hunter died, Chou-Gu was a big change. He became more assertive and capable. This grandson and daughter-in-law could enter the door. She felt that it was also the blessing of Jiang. But Da-nu  doesn't like Chou-Gu, and Chou-Gu is not as weak as Da-nu . This good relationship is no longer good. Therefore, she is also willing to let her grandson marry his happy Miss.
       But in any case, she thought of Wu kindness and felt sorry for Chou-Gu. As far as Chou-Gu current family is concerned, people are ugly, and there is no Da-nu  option. It is estimated that it is even harder to marry. Jiang Madam's mood is actually very complicated, but she never imagined that Da-nu  would actually be Chou-Gu gas because of the sale of small fish.
       "Da-nu , man is going to talk about conscience. Chou-Gu is not sorry for you. You don't like her, Madam didn't mention you and her again, but she is a smart boy, she knows to avoid it. Why she I have to do everything with you, and say to our family." Jiang Madam asked Jiang Da-nu .
       "Madam, but she has a good thing and doesn't want to go to our house. Haven't we helped her before?" Da-nu  said sulkingly.
       "Do you think Wu Hunter has not helped our family?" Jiang Madam asked seriously. This child is really spoiled by her, and she actually said such a thing. Just remembering your own efforts, I don’t remember the other people efforts.
       Jiang Da-nu opened his mouth and couldn't tell if Wu Hunter had not helped their family. Every year in the field, Wu Hunter helped them more than half, and often gave them wild food. How could he not know it? Otherwise, at that time, he would not agree to Chou-Gu by default.
       In fact, he doesn't like Chou-Gu at all, and he doesn't like it when he is young. However, in order to repay the kindness of Wu hunters, he is willing to dislike the Chou-Gu Niang who is not married.
       "Da-nu , you are the top pillar of our family. After that, Jiang will depend on you. I am older and still live for a few years? Your sister should be married in the next two years. What is it? You should think about it yourself." Jiang Madam saw that his grandson also knew the kindness of Wu Hunter, and he began to talk to him.
       She hopes that Da-nu  can treat Chou-Gu as Mei-mei. If Chou-Gu has something in the future, Da-nu  can help. Instead of being like this, I started to hate Chou-Gu. She lived to this age and experienced so many hardships. During this period, she reached out to help her most. To regret the marriage of Da-nu  and Chou-Gu, she never knew how to face Chou-Gu.
       “Madam, what are you talking about?” Jiang Chunhua and Jiang Da-nu  called at the same time. The two children are raised by Madam. How difficult is it? They also wish that Madam could live long and stay with them.
       "I am fifty and three this year. You see that there are a few people in the village who are so old and I am still holding a home. Later, this home should be for Da-nu . You have to Marry the sister's scenery, give myself a good wife, come back, and then regenerate a few baby, inherit the ginger family. Madam I am underground, will be happy." Jiang Madam said sadly.
       "As for our family, where are you going to marry a good wife?" Jiang Da-nu  hugged Madam and couldn't wait to cry. Otherwise, he would not have slammed Chou-Gu by default. Not because the family is poor, no family. But if the conditions are better, their family can't point to the Wu Hunter to help, but they have to slap Chou-Gu.
       "Although we are poor, but there are houses and land, and there is no debt to the bottom of the house, where can we not marry a daughter-in-law? It is said that you should also find a marriage at this age. I am still tough, fast. I ordered the grandmother and grandmother to enter the door. The task of my life was completed, and I will see your grandfather and Father, Niang later." Jiang Madam smiled.
       She also wished to hurry to place her grandson. As far as she is, it’s hard to say that she can live for a few years. If she dies, the grandson’s marriage should be handled by which one. Therefore, she wants to let Da-nu  get married soon. Now look at it first, next year to book a relative next year, you can marry your wife after fifteen, the age of this wife can be a little older than a year or two. She can hug her great grandson early.
       Jiang Chunhua is very clear about Bai-Madam. She also hopes that her brother will kiss her earlier, which is why she does not agree with Da-nu  Chou-Gu. Chou-Gu is too young, Danu-Deng can't afford it.
       "Madam, my bride price, you take it out and say it to your brother. Don't bother to give me any dowry. Anyway, the poor family can't put any dowry." Jiang Chunhua said. Only the younger brother became a family at an early date, and the Jiang family was there. She was emboldened in her husband's family. There is no Shi-nu and daughter-in-law who is mad at her husband’s family, and there is no one who supports her.
       Originally, Jiang Madam did not intend to use Jiang Chunhua dowry to say to Jiang Da-nu , but now that he is tight, he has to put on the idea of ​​this money. Fortunately, in the past two or three years, there was a little more savings in the family. She also praised a little something on her hand, so that she would not let Jiang Chunhua go out without a dowry. It's just impossible to look as good as before.
       "Da-nu , you are going to say pro, you will think more about things in the future, you have to be a man, you are a man." Jiang Madam added.
       "Know, Madam. You can rest assured." Jiang Da-nu  nodded, and the biggest stone on his heart finally moved away. He felt that the whole person was relaxed. The thing that has always been with Chou-Gu is the biggest pain in his heart.
       "In any case, Chou-Gu Father has helped us a lot. If there is anything in Chou-Gu in the future, you must reach out and help her. Do you know?" Jiang Madam once again married his grandchildren.
       "We understand. We all treat her as Mei-mei." Jiang Da-nu  said in unison with Jiang Chunhua.
       "That's fine." Jiang Madam smiled and went out to find a matchmaker to find Da-nu  family.

       Chapter 44     :     Happy          

       Chou-Gu naturally does not know what happened to Jiang. Just know that she doesn't care, she doesn't care about Jiang Da-nu , a dull farmer kid. Compared with Ning-Er, Jiang Da-nu  is too far away. For Chou-Gu, it is not sad to lose this marriage.
       She is even very happy, she is not willing to marry Jiang Da-nu . Maybe the previous Chou-Gu is very happy, but now she is the master, so it saves her to find a way to get rid of this default marriage.
       She has always been very busy, and will not waste time going to the village to listen to the door, listening to the East parents short home.
       During this time, they went into the mountains again, and they also got two pheasants. The two were not willing to eat, and they went out and sold them. This time Chou-Gu was too lazy to go to the town, let Ning-Er handle it by himself. Because she can't find anything, she can take it out and sell it. I ran for a while, but that didn’t mean that.
       Ning-Er was too lazy to go. In the end, the pillars were run, and the two pheasants were sold. They got sixty dollars and paid two taxes. Brought back ten hoes and a pound of pork belly. The next morning, Ning-Er and the pillar took five hoes and half a catty of meat to Chou-Gu.
       "There is a little money in total, but also special things for us." Chou-Gu said with embarrassment.
       In total, there are two pheasants, and she is also embarrassed to divide. What's more, although the pheasants did not get much during this time, the firewood they needed at home was not much. The thick branches of the roots are piled up in the yard, and it is enough to go out and sell it in the winter. If it depends on her and Ming, how can I get it. All have lost the pillars.
       "Hold it, we all said that it is our common income." Ning-Er insisted that anyway, he brought it to the Chou-Gu home, and certainly will not take it home again. And their family has already got a big head. Hit the prey, they have a big family, Chou-Gu home has a small head, they are also the default.
       Chou-Gu had to accept it and said   :   "The pheasant has become more and more difficult recently. Are we going to go further? Try another place?"
       "Well, I think so, wouldn't we have finished eating the nearby pheasants?" Ning-Er suspected. If so, they really have to change places, or what can they do in winter?
       So, this day, the four of them simply went straight to the place where they usually hunt and continued to move forward. Usually because of this place to find the prey, they did not go inside, because they are afraid to go too far, not enough time to return. And also afraid to enter the mountains, there will be large beasts, it is too dangerous. But now, no income is not enough. Everyone only comes to explore the road.
       In fact, Chou-Gu feels that there is more prey in the front. After all, Wu hunters often go into the mountains for a few days. It certainly won't be hunting in the place where they are mixed. The place where they stay is still too far on the edge of the forest. It is unlikely that there will be more wild animals.
       The more they go ahead, the more they have no way. The wild grass and bushes in the mountains and plains are not even in the foot. They had to walk, while holding a sickle, cutting a hatchet to open the road, they had to open the road, and there is a way to go next time, otherwise it will be like this, and it will be a waste of time. Anyway, these cut wild grasses, miscellaneous trees or something, can also be brought back to the firewood, it is to come back to play a firewood.
       "Be careful." Ning-Er took the horse, took the bamboo gun, and carefully watched it. The bamboo gun was smashed here, and there was a handful of it. He was afraid of any animal eating, and he was afraid of what a snake would have. Minger sat on the back of the donkey, and Chou-Gu didn't let him down. She and the pillars opened the road ahead.
       Suddenly, the child on the back of the donkey whispered, "Sister, sister..."
       “What?” Chou-Gu stopped the work in his hand and asked.
       She pulled Pillar  at the same time. Ning-Er also stopped. Everyone was quiet all the time, only to hear the sound of the chewing of the horse and the donkey.
       "What are you looking at?" Minger pointed to the left front and said.
       Both Ning-Er and Chou-Gu climbed up on the back of the animal, and the two looked at it carefully, as if it were a small house.
       "Is there still someone living here?" Chou-Gu asked questioningly.
       "Let's take a look at it, be careful, don't make a move," Ning-Er said. If someone really lives, maybe they don't welcome them. But maybe it is a very ordinary mountain people?
       Four people did not open the road, carefully riding the donkey and the horse, going to the left front.
       About an hour later, a simple house with a combination of stone and wood appeared not far away. The cabin was afraid of less than ten square feet and was situated on an open space. They were facing the back of the house, not seeing the door or seeing the window. Of course, I also saw a figure.
       The blind man suddenly got excited and rushed to the door, excited to call.
       “It may be where my Father settled when hunting,” Chou-Gu said.
       "Well, open the door and see." Ning-Er also saw it. Xunzi is obviously familiar with this place, proving that it has spent a lot of time here.
       The wooden door was very strong and there was a hoop on the door, but the door was tied with a rope and it was not locked. Chou-Gu untied the rope and pushed the door open.
       The sun shines into the house, and the furnishings inside are clear at a glance. Inside the small room, there is a simple bed covered with stones and wood hay on the corner, and there are also worn quilts.
       Because no one came to take care of it for a long time, there was a smell of mildew, and there was a fire in the other corner. There was a sand pot on it. Next to the ground is a small wooden barrel with a small tub and a larger earthenware pot. There is also a small table with three thick porcelain bowls and two small jars, a few chopsticks and a large wooden spoon.
       Chou-Gu walked in, picked up the quilt and other things on the bed, and saw the objects in the house at a glance. Because there are patches for her supplement.
       Looking at all of this, Minger is about to shed tears, and Chou-Gu is also sore.
       After a while, she said   :   "It seems that my father has lived here for a long time."
       The fireworks in this room are very heavy. At the location of the fire stove, there is a small window that is blocked. Chou-Gu walked over and opened the window. When the light passes through, you can clearly see that the whole piece has been blackened because of the long burning.
       “There should be water in the vicinity, and there should be a road to it,” Ning-Er said.
       "Well, let's turn around nearby," Chou-Gu said. The road they just came up was completely stepped on by them. It is obvious that Wu Hunter is not on the same road as they are.
       In fact, there is no need to guess, there is an obvious path on the left side of the house. However, because no one has been there for a while, the weeds are already drowning the trail.
       A few people followed this path, and after about two more hours, they saw a small pool, apparently the otter where the stream was gathered. The water was very clear and clean.
       A road that is almost deserted is hovering along the stream, and the twists and turns are hidden in the forest. It is obvious that the Wu Hunter is usually active along this stream.
       "Strange, how did my Father come over. Which way did he go? Why have we not seen where there is a road?" Chou-Gu asked again and again. The road they usually go hunting and walking is now really a road. But obviously it is not the same road as Wu Hunter.
       "Maybe it is from where it is." Ning-Er. It is all mountainous here, there are wild grasses everywhere, there are many trees, and many roads are normal. People who are not familiar with the road conditions are very easy to get lost. Therefore, they should not find the way Wu Wuhun entered the mountain. It has been spinning around the edge of the forest.
       "We can now go hunting along the path of my Father hunting, and the harvest should increase." Chou-Gu asked with some suspicion.
       Because they are limited in level, they may not be as good as Wu Hunter.
       "Well, it's not too early today. Should we go back? Let's come back sooner." Ning-Er reminded Chou-Gu that the weather is not too early.
       "Okay. Let's go back first, come back the next day." Chou-Gu agreed, let's take a day off and say.
       Going back to the hut, Chou-Gu wants to take the dirty quilt home and wash it, then bring it over. After that, they also have a place to rest and use.
       But when the quilt was rolled up, Ming did not pay attention and hit a piece of hard mud under the bed. The mud and the stones were originally combined with each other. At this moment, a large seam was revealed and a small bag fell out.
       "What is this? It won't be my Father's private money." Chou-Gu smiled and opened the small bag.
       In the layers of oil-paper parcels, there is a small jade and a small black shiny sign. There is also a woven string on the jade, and the color has been withdrawn. There is a very ordinary leather cord attached to the small sign.
       Yu Pei looked good is a good thing, Chou-Gu did not know the goods at all, but Ning-Er showed a surprised expression. Because this piece of jade is obviously worthy, the jade body is transparent, and it is also engraved with a lifelike plum. At first glance, you know that it is not a product. The little brand, however, is very simple. It is engraved with Ding XIII, three small characters, and a small sign that does not know what is hidden.
       "What is this?" Minger asked.
       Chou-Gu shook her head, she only thought that this might be the origin of the Wu Hunter couple. It is also possible that because of these two things, they have to live in this remote mountain village and live the most common days.
       “Is this beautiful little stone worth it?” Chou-Gu deliberately asked Ning-Er.
       Ning-Er only thought that she had never seen such a high-grade jadeite, and smiled   :   "This is a piece of jade, the value is very high. You still have to collect it, or you will take it back and ask your mother. This little brand, I I don't know what it is."
       "Hey, why didn't Father give us a few pieces of silver?" Chou-Gu groaned, wrapped the two things together, still stuffed them under the bed, and blocked the gap. She didn't dare to take it out, but if she got rid of her own trouble, she would be in trouble.
       "Sister, there are things, there are things." Suddenly, Minger ‘called.
       It turned out that the quilt was a roll, and there was a broken bag between the bedboards. Chou-Gu pulled out the purse and put all the broken pieces together. She didn't quite know how much money she had. Ning-Er counted it and said, "About ten or two."
       Ten Silver Taels, for him, is a big sum of money.
       " , I dare to say that Father really hides the money here. No wonder there is no money at home." Chou-Gu said with surprise.
       She has always suspected that Wu Hunter should not have a little money, but the family did not find a piece of broken silver. It turned out that Wu Hunter actually hid ten Silver Taels here. However, why he hides his money here instead of at home is really confusing.
       However, Chou-Gu estimates that it is not easy for him to save the ten Silver Taels, or that he wants to save a little more to do what he wants. Anyway, with these ten Silver Taels, Chou-Gu is in a very good mood. Twenty-two, enough for their family to eat for two or three years. This year, four Silver Taels, enough for their family to chew for a year.      


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