Ugly Biography 10

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »  Chapter 10     :     Worry          

After eating a full-fledged meat dish, the two younger brothers slept very well at night. Chou-Gu is still thinking about how to get more benefits from Ning-Er. Because Ning-Er is a very good person at first glance, this is an opportunity, she decided to take good care of it. Of course, she is not the advantage of white, she will try her best to return Ning-Er.
At present, she and Ning-Er have something in common, and they can help each other to make a profit. She believes that Ning-Er is not doing well in Ningjia Village, and she hopes that someone can help him. Therefore, it is necessary for the two to form an alliance and help each other.
She didn't have a good impression of Jiang Wucun's people, and she didn't expect everyone to help them. It is really the resentment left by the original Lord that the original Lord is very disliked by Jiang Wucun. Because many people see her, they only laugh at it, and even fight. This child is also suffering a lot. Will be so dissatisfied with the people in Jiang Wucun. As a result, she has disappeared, and she has left this deep disappointment to Chou-Gu.
The next morning, Chou-Gu went to the river to wash the sheets and found that the water was rising. The turbid water was carrying a bunch of messy things and rolling in from the upstream. For example, half of the large tree poles, all kinds of domestic garbage, and so on, apparently flooded upstream.
Chou-Gu felt that the water was dirty and wanted to turn around. She washed the sheets at home, but found several clusters of green and green plants. At first she thought that the plants didn't care. When she was close, she found out that it was A cluster of wild water chestnuts. She was like the discovery of the New World. She was so excited that she picked them up and brought them back. They were put in the small river ditch. She hopes to eat Ueno horns one day.
For her mother who was born in the countryside, when she was a child, she did not have to do the work of picking up the wild water chestnuts. It was often a bunch of wild water horn plants that came ashore and then sat on the shore and picked the water chestnuts. I picked the water chestnuts and threw those plants back into the water. Sometimes I just randomly threw them into other nearby water rafts without wild water chestnuts.
After a while, I found that some of them were thrown away by myself. They actually rooted in the new leeches and quickly opened them. The water was already covered. It is a pity that after the hometown developed and the water was polluted, the wilderness was never seen again.
Sure enough, in a few days, those small river ditches were covered with wild water chestnuts, and they were crowded. When they were turned over, they were full of small fruits. Although these small fruits are small, they are delicious, and they can be eaten raw or fried. The most important thing is that you can dry it into powder, store it, and eat it slowly. Water chestnut powder, lotus root powder, and lotus root powder are all transparent and delicious.
"What is this small thing?" Ming asked curiously.
"Good food. Come and taste it." Chou-Gu picked a few old and not tender, peeled the skin and tasted it, it really is the taste in memory. After Ming’s taste, I was very happy to say   :   “It’s really delicious, and it’s sweet and tender.”
"Yeah. When the water chestnut is old, it can be dried and ground into powder and put in the winter," Chou-Gu said.
"Really, it’s great, we all have it. When there is no food in winter, it won’t be hungry.” Ming said excitedly.
When the food at home is tense, he understands very well. Otherwise, Chou-Gu will not want to take him to the mountains every day. It is not to find more prey, but to change into food for winter.
When it comes to the water chestnut powder, Chou-Gu misses the old home very much. The wild lotus roots are also everywhere, and the wild water chestnut symbiosis is in the countless Xiao he Xiao gou small pool around the village. The naughty little boys in the village, when they get to the summer, touch the water, and dive under the water to twitch the belt. Everything is eaten as a dish. Just stir it up, it’s a plate of fresh and delicious. Seasonal vegetables.
It is a pity that the wild lotus root and the wild water chestnut disappeared later. Although a few years later people began to plant water chestnuts and lotus roots, the taste of domestic and wild is not the same. She always feels that the wild is especially delicious.
However, now that I found the wild water chestnut, Chou-Gu is in a very good mood. Anyway, it adds some food to the family. As for the current situation of their home, getting ten pounds of grain is a big harvest.
Thinking of the food, Chou-Gu remembered the only idlers in the family, and the three of their sisters were the mothers. Speaking of it, the food that everyone eats is exchanged for her pair of bracelets. Chou-Gu estimates that the remaining silver on hand can be exchanged for about 200 kilograms of grain, that is, saving Eat it, their family can barely survive this year.
But this is still calculated according to the current situation. It is summer, and there are many kinds of vegetables. Every day, she deliberately gets more vegetables, in order to reduce the consumption of food. In the winter, besides cabbage is the radish, the weather is getting colder, and it is impossible to go out and find something to add, the consumption of food will definitely be faster. Anyway, she did not intend, like some people in the village, as soon as winter, the family was half-starved and did not eat enough.
She can't live this kind of day. If you don't eat well, you still have to be hungry every day. She is better off with her eyes closed, maybe she can go back to modern times. Although she is not worthy of nostalgia for modern life, at least in modern times she does not have to be hungry, and her living standards are much higher than now.
"Hey, Minger, have you ever seen what the mother has worn?" Chou-Gu said that he had a few strokes on his head. If the woman still has something to offer, she doesn't have to worry about the family starving all day.
"What?" Minger is still young, and does not quite understand the sister's question. The last time the bracelet was given to the woman, Minger did not see it.
"Things that can be exchanged for silver." Chou-Gu said with a funny and sullen look. She did not expect that Minger could not understand her words.
Minger shook his head, Chou-Gu had to give up, but he was thinking that the Father did not give the silver to the woman's hand?
She didn't even think about it, but with the old ghost and the wife who loved her wife, the woman should have silver on her hand. However, the last time the woman gave her a pair of bracelets and did not give money, which is very strange. But turning around and thinking about it, the virtue that the woman does not care about everything, I am afraid that the man did not think about giving the money to her.

Ning-Er and Pillar  took Chou-Gu chicken stewed beans and returned home, eating their family of three, so that he almost swallowed his tongue. This is the three of them who have eaten the best meal in the past few months. Even Ning-Er, who has always had a bad taste, has eaten a lot.
"Two Master, the place where you got the food, it tastes so good." asked the pillar.
"It was the little Miss that we met on the road called Chou-Gu. She did it. Today I went out with the pillars, met Chou-Gu and her brother Minger, and we went to the foot of the mountain. I got three pheasants. It was actually made by the pillars. They also wanted pheasants. I took a pheasant and exchanged with her. She cooked it for us and gave some vegetables," Ning-Er explained. .
"It turned out to be her. I heard that the child is doing anything at home. This cooking technique is quite good. The chicken stewed today is delicious."
"Well, their family has beaten her, she is gone, and her days are sad. Otherwise, she can't take her seven-year-old brother and want to go to the mountains to find food. Fortunately, I met me and the pillars. We didn't dare to go into the mountains. At the foot of the mountain, we found three pheasants. We will go again if we change our eyes. We will eat them later." Ning-Er laughed.
The pillar sighed and looked at him with pity   :   "Two Master, you should go out and turn around. It is good for you to turn around. It is good for you to raise your body. It is dangerous in the mountains. Say that the wolf and the tiger that eat people are poisonous insects and snakes that can kill people. You should not go in the future."
"I know, I don't dare to go into the mountains, it's at the foot of the mountain, plus Chou-Gu. They are companions. The children are playing with them as the hunter's Father. They know how to go. Don't worry too much. Don't worry too much. Now I have left this house, how long does it take for Silver Taels to spend? I don't want to find a way to live, can we wait for the three to starve?" -Er said.
He specifically told the Master, Chou-Gu, they used to the mountain, no danger, but to comfort him. Because he knows that if he does not take a pole to hunt, the family will be broken sooner or later.
In Ningjia Village, others gave them some vegetables, which is the love of others. It is impossible to find someone to ask for food, so he plans to raise the pillars, become a qualified hunter, and then hunt some wild animals to collect the grain and return to the town. It is enough to feed their family of three, and they don't expect to make more money.
"Oh..." The pillars can only sigh, and Ning-Er is very real. Without silver, if you don’t want to make a living, you can only starve to death.
"Okay, don't worry too much. I will be careful, I will help you with the pillars. I will leave you two relatives now, and the pillars will be quite my brothers." Ning-Er Said again.
"Hey, two Masters, I am worried about the pillars, I feel that the second master is wronged." Pillar Aye said.
If the pillars are small, they will listen to the words of the second master. If there is no two masters, the pillars will have died. It is a pity that if the pillar does not burn out the brain, it can now be a strong labor force. If you go out and find some work, you can also give the family some food to eat.
The pillar is only two years older than Erye. When he was young, he was born strong and grew up with Erye. At the age of five, Ning Jia began to cultivate the pillars, and wanted him to be the guardian of the second master. The pillars did not live up to everyone expectations. At the age of ten, they were already very good at work, but many children had acne that year, and the second master came over, that is, the pillar almost died.
Ningjia spent a lot of money, even asking for the palace, looking for Tai-yi to save him, but the child's brain was burnt. Since then, the pillars are like a fool. Everyone doesn't play with him. They all dislike him. Only the second master still regards him as his partner. He often teaches him. Otherwise, the situation of the pillar is only worse than it is now. Also devoured to the careful teaching of Erye, although the pillars are not flexible, they do not cause trouble, they are very obedient and their hands are not completely forgotten. With this in mind, the Master can't care about Ning-Er.
"I have any wrongs, I have so many people up and down, I am living alone. I am still wronged, I am now, I want to live well." Ning-Er smiled, but in my heart He was sore and painful, remembered his white-haired grand grandmother, his parents in the prime of life, the young Shi-zi, and so on. They are all dead, and he is left alone. If there is no careful care of the pillars, he and I are afraid that they will not survive.
"Hey..." Master sighed again and again, I really don't know what to say. He knows that there are only six or two silvers on hand, and at most it is to smash this year and to cut off grain next year.
"You don't sigh. The days are always over. Chou-Gu, the child, with two younger brothers, the family is worse than us. People are still working hard," Ning-Er said.
He really admired Chou-Gu, and he packed the house neatly and cleanly. There is still firewood everywhere in the house. Obviously, although the age is small, the burden is heavy, but they are working hard to make good living. He can't match it, is this little Miss?
"No. Three-year-old children, it is not easy to live," Master also sighed.
"Well, I said it to them. After three days, I went to find them to hunt together. By the way, I returned this scorpion. Yes, she gave a little vegetable seed, saying that although it is not the season, these seeds are sown. It is still possible to grow into a vegetable seedling. We can have our own home-grown vegetables for a month." Ning-Er remembered the two small packets of rapeseed Chou-Gu, and quickly took it out.
Although the Master will not farm, but he has come to the village for a month, he has learned to do some simple farm work, and he has carefully taken home with others and knows the common sense of farming.
He took the rapeseed and smiled. "This is good. The child can really have a heart. Let's grow the vegetables ourselves, and we won't have to eat any vegetables in the future."
Although people from Ningjia Village sent some vegetables to them from time to time, no one told them to order their own vegetables. Some people even wished they had to pay for food in the village. But they are so nervous at hand, where to dare to buy food. So when others give food, they will continue, others will not give, say three, and they will not hear.
In fact, Ningjia Village is bigger than Jiangwu Village, and they have three more of them. Now it is a season of more vegetables. Today, your family gives half a basket of vegetables. Tomorrow, his family gives half a basket of vegetables, which is enough for the three people to eat. It doesn't matter how big the people in Ningjia Village are, nor how much it is cheap. However, the village head and the old family of Ningjia Village did not order this. There are several people in the village who have a good heart and will send some dishes from time to time. But most people don't have this mood.
Ning-Er They are three, and I am too embarrassed to find someone else food. Their home is also like the Chou-Gu family, far from the villagers. The Chou-Gu family lives in the innermost, but their family lives outside the village. When they came home as a foreigner, they set up a grass shed about one mile from the village and stayed there. The current house is still built on the old foundation.
Ning-Er also asked Chou-Gu at the time, how to grow these dishes, Chou-Gu told him very succinctly   :   "Flip the ground and level it. Sprinkle the rapeseed and sprinkle it. Point water, it will be born every three or five days, and it is not difficult to pour some water from time to time. You look at the weather yourself, water it too much, right, it will be poured in the morning, don't wait for the big noon. Pouring, it will burn."
A family of three people from Ning's family, they started to grow vegetables together.
There is an open space behind their house. There are also two shovel in the house, two sickles, two chopping knives, and even some basic pots and pans, tables and stools and other daily items, which are estimated to be left over from the house. Otherwise, after they come, they have to buy these things and they are not cheap.
They used two handles to dig the ground. By the pillar as the main force, anyway, he has strength.
Ning-Er and Master were doing demonstrations on one side, and the pillars learned how they looked, and soon they dug about two points.
The three men were busy working for an hour, leveling the ground, sprinkling the rapeseed, and pouring the water. Because Chou-Gu said that as long as a little bit of rapeseed can be, you can divide it several times. Therefore, Ning-Er carefully removed the remaining rapeseed.
After cooking, Ning-Er remembered another important thing. Later, they had to live here and they had to farm like others.
"Let's go out and find out how to buy the fields here. We have more than six or two silver coins. If three Silver Taels can buy an acre field, we will buy two acres first, and we must start to learn to farm." The acre of land can solve the food for three of us for half a year. The rest will be replenished with wild objects to supplement it. Otherwise, it is not necessarily able to raise three of us by hunting."
"Okay. I went out to see it. But I have to buy all the land. We don't even have the money to buy the seeds. Do you have to keep some money on hand?" Master asked again.
"The money of the seeds, we have to earn ourselves." Ning-Er answered.
If there are more silver, he thinks that they have three people, at least they have to buy four acres of land, and the food they receive is enough for one year. But it is too poor. The people in Ningjia Village thought that he was a little bit of silver to defend himself. Certainly no one would have thought that he was only six or two in total.
With this in mind, Ning-Er felt that he should not have been sick for so long, and that the money was in jeopardy. If there are twenty-two left, their days will be very good.
"Two Masters, the three fields of Silver Taels, I am afraid that it is a thin field. Can you raise three or two hundred kilograms of food?" Master said.
"Well, no matter what, we have to learn to farm and plan slowly later," Ning-Er said.
This is also the thought that he saw the half-acre of Gaotian in the back of Chou-Gu. It was also a thin field, or Wu Hunter was picked up by a pile of mud, but he looked at those sorghums that were still very good.
It’s thin field, so I can use it for a test. Really got a good field, he is afraid that he will be wasted. And Liangtian, certainly more than three or five acres, can not afford.

On the third day, Chou-Gu was ready early, and the younger brother still went to meet Ning-Er a few days ago, and it was not long before they saw them.
This time Ning-Er got some preparations, with a sickle and a hatchet. He wants to learn Chou-Gu, once, even if there is no prey, firewood must play a thought back. Their homes will also lack firewood.
This time, I also recognized Chou-Gu, the younger brother, and laughed at the distance, calling Minger.
Minger responded loudly. The two were like friends, very enthusiastic, and both Chou-Gu and Ning-Er were both funny.
The four people still walked on the old road. It was only a few days of work. The weeds grew wildly. At that time, a small road cleared by Chou-Gu was almost drowned.
Four people, this time simply spent some energy and cleaned up the road, so as not to have to come to work next time.
Ning-Er's mowing action is very awkward. He hasn't done it before, and even Minger is better than him, making him feel embarrassed. Fortunately, this is not a lot of high-level work, he quickly learned, just cut for a while, then panted.
"Forget it, you still have to rest, this is alive, we will finish it soon." Chou-Gu couldn't bear to see this pale boy, so tired.
Ning-Er had a thin sweat on his face, showing a flush, and embarrassed to say   :   "I am too broken, I don't know how long it will be good."
His body was damaged, plus he was deep and heavy. If he wanted to open it now, it might affect the number of lives.
"Slow down, you take a walk every day, walk a few laps, exercise your body, and work again," Chou-Gu said. As for his broken body, I still want to work, I am afraid that I can't do it, I can only walk fast.
There is basically no one here, the pheasant is similar to wild animals, and with the last experience, the pillar got four pheasants this time, and everyone also found a nest of wild eggs.
Both the pillars and the bright children are full of red faces and are very happy. They felt that the harvest was great. But Ning-Er frowned, and her heart was disappointed. Because the four chickens are enough for the two of them to eat, there is no extra money to get out for food. Not to mention the dozen eggs. In addition to eating by themselves, others will not want it.
"Pillars, let's find it again and see if we can get back more," Ning-Er said.
The smile on the face of Pillar  solidified, and he looked at Ning-Er with some confusion. He thought that if he had eaten, he could go back to the Chou-Gu home and let her eat well.
Chou-Gu also nodded and said, "Well, look again. If you have a few more, you can change some other things." She guessed that Ning-Er is also poor. They are not hunting purely for eating game.
"Yeah, our family has no food and no money. If we can't get some prey to change food, we have to go hungry," Ning-Er said.
Originally, he would not speak out in front of outsiders. But in front of Chou-Gu, he felt that there was no need to squat. Because he knew from Chou-Gu expression, she guessed that she had no money at home, very poor.
Chou-Gu sighed in his heart, did not expect Ning-Er family to reach such a level, said   :   "Like our family."
"Yeah, both of us are poor." Ning-Er sighed, and did not expect that one day, these words can only be said to a small village.
A few turned for a while, the pillar went to touch a few bird's nests, and some small bird eggs came back. Of course, this is also a harvest. The things that can be eaten are good for everyone. However, this is totally unsuccessful.
“What to do?” Ning-Er said distressedly.
Chou-Gu didn't even know what to do. It was just a big move, and it was impossible to find a pheasant nearby. But it is really less to get the prey.
"Like this, take three to get some food first, you can also deal with ten days and a half. The other one eats. Come back tomorrow." Chou-Gu made a suggestion.
Three pheasants, about fifty or sixty big money, the price of coarse grains here is cheap, four to five big money a pound, forty big money can be returned for ten pounds and eight pounds of coarse grains, enough for a family of three to eat for a few days. .
Ning-Er calculated it in his heart and asked   :   "Chou-Gu, do you know how much food a pheasant can change?"
"The coarse grain can be changed about a litre. We changed it in the village." Chou-Gu answered.
In fact, Wu Hunter has not changed so much in the village, at most it is a flat rise, the actual rise is also the size, full one liter of rice is about four pounds. Flat, even shallower, there is no such thing as a flat rise, but at most three pounds and a half.
The people in the village have to be a little cheaper. If it is converted into pounds, about the people in the village account for a pound to half a catty. And a liter is only four pounds in total, and many people are not using rice to change, taking beans, it is even more worthless. So Chou-Gu Father said that people in the village like to take advantage of it.
"Then please help me to take these three pheasants for food. Three liters can almost be used. The remaining chicken is still the old rules. You help to burn it. Let's take half and half for you. Eat, and the other half of the eggs are given to you. There will be more pheasants in the future, and more points will be given to you." Ning-Er said apologetically. He originally wanted to give Chou-Gu a pheasant, but they had to eat it themselves, and they could only be divided into half.
"Oh. Let's go back first." Chou-Gu agreed.
Just as she can explore the price. She had to set the rules for the people in the village first, not as cheap as the Wu Hunter. After all, unlike today, those people will not necessarily be willing to take advantage of a child's cheaper.
However, Chou-Gu is still very savvy to pull Jiang Madam, the first time, still have someone to support. Jiang Madam widowed the eldest son, it is already very difficult, and then her son's daughter-in-law died, she also brought her grandson, so her temper is very hot and strong. No one in the village dared to provoke her.
Sure enough, in the eyes of Jiang Madam, even if you want to take advantage of the cheaper, I am embarrassed. The foods that are taken out are all rice and Sorghum . They are no longer soy, peas, etc., and they are all well-regulated. Giving a full rise is a full rise.
Jiang Madam also said   :   "Poor children, there is no food at home, and it is hard to get a few pheasants, and they are reluctant to eat. God knows that the children are more meaty."
In this way, some people can't hang on their faces. Yes, no one knows that Wu hunter is gone, and no one at home is working. However, the three children, but did not find the trouble in the village, but also self-supporting, let alone look at the Wushun households so often good for everyone love. Just look at the shares of the same village, everyone should also help.
So, some people take three or two eggs, she took half a bowl of beans and other things to Chou-Gu, of course, some people like nothing, quickly walked away.
Chou-Gu took the benefits of others, but also recorded these people. After the good, I will return to others. In this difficult time, people who can reach out to help you, of course, have to remember this kindness.
Three chickens circled in the village, and they recovered three liters of coarse grains and ten eggs. Chou-Gu took out three eggs and thanked Jiang Madam.
Jiang Madam pushed and said, "Hey, take it back and eat it yourself. Our family raises chickens and eats eggs." Where does she mean to Chou-Gu, it is because her family is so poor, otherwise How many points also scored food for their sisters and several people to eat.
She is still worried, what should I do this autumn harvest? In the past years, Wu Hunter helped, and all of them were harvested in a few days. They also helped his family to pull back home. Jiangjia is only two acres of paddy fields, three acres of dry land only, paddy fields are considered good fields, the output is also higher, but pay taxes. Dry fields are thin fields with low harvests and relatively few taxes.
However, every household has other taxes, although the Jiang family has not yet paid the Daren tax, but they still have to pay taxes, which means that no matter how many mouths a family has, they have to pay an account. Tax money.
It is the Chou-Gu family. This year, I have to pay this account tax. Although they have no Daren men and no labor, they are a group of children. However, if they have this account, they will have to pay taxes. Only in this case, this tax is paid very little.
But in fact, all the fields are taxed, and the rest of the family, except for the seed, is basically not enough for a family to chew for a year. The people in Tianduo are only able to eat for a month or two. Most people can eat eight and a half in a year. Some people, even in a year, except for the food and the New Year, can eat a few full meals, the other time is half-starved.
Therefore, this village is a poor person. When farming is idle, people who are diligent will buy firewood to buy, or go out to fish, and find ways to supplement their homes. If you don't want to be able to play grass shoes and straw ropes, you can also change some small money, or you can do some gadgets with good craftsmanship, women's homes can do some small embroidery, and so on. So at the end of the year, I have not seen anyone hanging out. Because being idle means hungry.
Like Wu Hunter’s way of letting go of the belly, it’s the only one in the village, so people will be jealous and like to take advantage of their home. Wu Hunter also knows this situation, and can only let everyone take advantage of this.
Seeing the food that Chou-Gu took back, Ning-Er was relieved and could change to food. Three liters was enough for their family to eat for a few days. However, those eggs and piecemeal food were given to Chou-Gu by others. Chou-Gu also said it, Ning-Er quickly said   :   "This is what you got, we can't. We have these foods. It is also your help to change, I will give you a little."
So, Ning-Er poured another bowl of food to Chou-Gu. Chou-Gu accepted it, but when she divided the eggs and the eggs, she didn't want it. She said, "The people in the village gave me ten eggs. We have eggs to eat, and you take them back to eat."
Then, Chou-Gu began to clean up the remaining chicken. This chicken is the fattest of the four chickens. Even so, but because there is only one chicken, the oil is not enough last time, and she is not very interested in getting some oil. However, this time she went to pick a big winter melon and came back to stew the chicken.
Although there are many dishes in their homes, but they are also beans, she also plans to dry some beans and soak some sour beans, so I haven't picked beans for these days. This winter melon is a big one, with six or seven pounds. Because there is no oil in the house, she is too lazy to pick melons and eat them.
This time, she cut her heart halfway and put it in the chicken and stewed it. Although there are fewer chickens, you can also add a large pot of winter melon. The two families can also eat some meat.
The chicken is stewed, and the melon has been stewed for a long time. The big pot tastes good. Chou-Gu still gave a large part to Ning-Er, and found a few pieces of chicken to put in.
Ning-Er refused, insisted on sharing with her, saying   :   "This time the chicken is already less, all for us, what else do you eat. I love to eat melon, give us some winter melon."
Chou-Gu knows his kindness, but he can't take it too cheaply. So he put two pieces of chicken back in the pot and added a spatula to the melon.
Ning-Er is very embarrassed and said   :   "After two days, I will give you a chicken next time." Not that he is stingy, there is no extra money for Chou-Gu, the family really wants to break the grain. .
Originally, the pillar was to buy silver for the grain, but because Ning-Er wants to buy the field, the Master also feels that there is no land, and the six or two silvers, the family of three, can still support up to one year. At that time, there was no money for the land, and the family could not starve to death. So the Master also agreed to buy the field first, three people to work, and how many harvests.
Ning-Er is a County-Graduate. Although he can't take the exam again, he didn't marry his County-Graduate name, so Ning's family does not have to pay taxes.
Otherwise, Ning-Er has to die. Their family is three Ding, (he is still not a Ding for the time being), but the two sons of the pillars can be counted as Ding, although they are the next person of Ning-Er, really have to count. They love whether it is a household tax or a human tax, or a servitude tax is more than others. Fortunately, there is the name of County-Graduate, there is no need to pay these taxes.

Ning-Er and the pillars are good harvests today, in addition to bringing back three liters of grain, some eggs, plus a big winter melon that Chou-Gu gave him, and a simmered dish.
Master is very happy and said   :   "Thank God, so go out and get back some food, we don't have to be afraid of being starved to death."
Ning-Er nodded with a smile and said   :   "The pillars are still very capable. I got four chickens today. I took three to Chou-Gu and asked her to help us change some food in Jiangwu Village. The remaining chicken, let her stew, and split it into half."
"Yes. This child is really capable, go hunting next time, and then send something to them." Pillar Aye said.
"Well, I know. She also sent us a big winter melon and some peppers today. We have a dish to eat tomorrow." Ning-Er added.
The family always lacks vegetables from time to time. A big winter melon can be eaten for two days.
"Hey, thank you very much. Her kitchen is very good?" Master asked again.
"Well, it's very good. Listen to her. It's all done by her alone. When, the vegetable gardens of our family can be like their home, just fill in the dishes that can't be eaten." Ning--Er envious said.
"It’s a very capable little Miss. Let’s learn more with her.” Master praised.
Ning-Er nodded, ate a meal, took a break, and remembered what Chou-Gu said, taking a walk and doing a good job. He set a plan for himself and started to go every morning and night. This body is going to be strong and strong. There will be a field next year, and there will be more work in the family. He can also go down to the pillars to give the grandsons and grandsons a handle. Otherwise, he is a big man, and he completely counts on the care of the pillars, the grandson and the grandson. Right now, he is no longer an official son, just an ordinary citizen.
Master went out for a few days, and finally bought two acres of thin fields at a price of 321 acres, not far from their home. Others want to sell because they are too far away from home, usually spend a lot of time on the road. It’s not worthwhile, the land is a total of five acres, and others are not allowed to sell them to Ningjia. But Ning's family has no money and can't buy it.
In fact, the family's five-acre field has been trying to sell, that is, no one buys it. After all, it is far from the village, and there is not so much strength to run back and forth. Plus, even if it is three or two acres of land, no one in the village can buy five acres in one go, five acres is also fifteen Silver Taels. Now, the richest people in the village do not necessarily have fifteen Silver Taels deposits.
For the majority of people, fifteen and two are huge sums. The village can store three or five Silver Taels, which are considered to be wealthy people.
"We really only need two acres, you know, we will not farm, we have to learn now. We will follow you to learn next year, and then buy the remaining three acres in the next year." Master said. He did not say that he had no money, and he would not believe it if he said this. Although the reality is like this.
The family thinks that this is also the reason, and they agree.
"Two Master, now the family has left this big money, if the seeds can't be bought yet. What should I do?" Master asked.
"Don't be afraid, take it slowly. Today we will exchange three liters of grain. After two days, maybe we can change more. After a long time, we can always accumulate some money." Ning-Er laughs. .
Master sees Ning-Er, and it doesn't matter. He lived so old, and the number of times he really became a master of the family was very poor. As a family, all the major events in his life were basically the masters given to him by his master. Therefore, he never thought about it. Ning-Er, the little master, can earn more money. How should he live in the future? Anyway, this home is dominated by Ning-Er.
Ning-Er thought about it carefully. He bought a field. In addition to having to give some life to his family, there is also a very important role to let Ningjiacun people know that although they are big households, they also I have to work in the same place, and everyone. He has to slowly integrate into everyone life.
Now, their family of three, the status in the village is actually very embarrassing, the people in the village do not deal with them. Everyone has a gap with them. They feel that they must have silver. Some people even think that they don’t have to work, and they can eat well. Some people have privately guessed that the family members have committed crimes and returned to their hometowns to avoid disasters. In either case, everyone has a strong defense mentality for them.
At this time, if he went out and said that his family had no Silver Taels, no one would believe it, and even others would guess. If there is anything, ask the villagers' heads, and people will not reach out to help him. However, he also farmed in the same field. After a long time, the people in the village will slowly accept that they are the same as themselves. There are always more, but it is believed that his family is slightly better than his own family.
Ning-Er does not want to be in this place, it is a special existence. He hopes to get here quickly, to learn farming with the villagers, to integrate himself into Ningjia Village in daily life, and to let Ningjiacun people regard their family as their own. Only when you become a person, what will happen in the future, people in Ningjia Village will help them. Now, the people in Ningjia Village actually exclude their family of three. Their situation in Ningjia Village is worse than that of Chou-Gu sisters in Jiangwu Village.
When you are not strong, you have to integrate yourself into the village and become a member of the village.
Not only does Ning-Er have this idea, but Chou-Gu also has this idea. Only the villagers regard you as a member of the village. If there is anything, everyone will reach out and help you, instead of seeing that they have not seen it, or even took the opportunity to step on it.
No, Chou-Gu went to Jiang Madam's house today.
"Chou-Gu is coming, is there anything?" Jiang Chunhua asked.
Only she was alone at home, and Jiang Madam went to work in the ground with Jiang Da-nu. Jiang Jie is coming back to cook. She is Big-Miss. Although she works in the fields every day, she still has some breaks during her free time. The main thing is that she can't be too dark, and the skin is too rough. After she marries, she is laughed at by people.
Miss of the rural households, although not valued, like a boy as a labor force, but at the right age, the Miss family will raise at home, raising the dough to be white and tender, so that the family can see the daughter-in-law who came back. It is a decent thing to raise white and tender. Prove that the family is very important to this daughter's family. In this way, the daughter will not be bullied by others in her family.
"Chunhua sister, do you have a lot of beans in your family, is it tender?" Chou-Gu asked.
"Yes, more, you have to pick it yourself." Chunhua smiled.
"Then I will be welcome. I want to take advantage of the good weather and dry some beans. We have less in our own garden. In a few days, if you are drying, go to my house." Chou-Gu is very generous. Explain the intention.
"Well, I know, you can pick it up." The spring flower should be in the mouth, and the work on hand is not dry. She is also a capable Miss. In the past, many of the heavy work in the family relied on Wu Hunter to help. Madam basically did not need to go to the ground, but now, Madam has been working in the field for a long time, so she has to come back to rest.
Chou-Gu picked a small basket of tender beans, and before returning home, he confessed to Jiang Chunhua. "A few days you go to my house to pick it up."
She does not want to be cheaper than the ginger family. In fact, this kind of thing has been done in previous years. After all, no one can plant too many beans. If you want to drink more at one time, you will go to the neighbors to pick up the family. Others do the same. No one likes to sunbathe today, and to shine a little tomorrow. It is a one-time sun, and some people even pick a few.
"Know it." Jiang Chunhua smiled and looked up at Chou-Gu.
Chou-Gu smiled at her, took the basket and went home.
Jiang Chunhua looked at the back of Chou-Gu, and later discovered the change of Chou-Gu. This little Miss, who came to their home before, was against the head, a look of awkwardness, and did not dare to speak loudly. This time, not only did the voice become louder, but the appearance was much more generous. I also know a few words about her gossip.
She has some doubts about Chou-Gu changes, but Chou-Gu change is also a good thing, and she is not in her heart. After all, everyone likes to see a lively and lovely little Miss, not a deadly ugly child.
To be honest, she doesn't like Chou-Gu as her brother-in-law, because the previous Chou-Gu is really too cute, and the name Chou-Gu is too worthy of its name. Former Chou-Gu, no one really likes her. She is also afraid that Da-nu  doesn't like Chou-Gu. Later, the young couple are not close, and the family is not harmonious. However, Madam's decision is also very correct, the family is poor, need the help of Wu Hunter. Counting it out, Chou-Gu is really a good Da-nu  Miss. Therefore, she did not object. But now, she doesn't know if the relatives who haven't said it can count.

Chou-Gu doesn't know Jiang Chunhua thoughts. She is now only ten years old, and it is still too early to consider her. In fact, she never thought about marrying people. It was really a bad condition. The family was poor and ugly, dragging two younger brothers, and who can marry? She didn't think about Jiang Da-nu , although the two were the same.
But she knows the previous plans of Jiang and Wu Hunter, and now avoids meeting privately with Jiang Da-nu , and usually try not to trouble the Jiang family. If it is not because Jiang Wucun really does not have a second family to go with her, this time she went to pick the beans and she did not want to go to the Jiang family. Therefore, she intends to slowly pick a few families to start to associate. Living in a village, there must be a few people who have made good friends, otherwise there is nothing, and no one is helping.
When I got home, Chou-Gu took the beans that had been picked up by Ming and the beans that I had just picked up from the ginger family. After picking them up, I started to boil the hot beans. Hot beans, directly on the rope, hanging one by one. After two or three days of drying, you can dry out. These dried and dried beans are left in the winter to be eaten with meat. It is very fragrant.
There is no meat at home, and you can add dishes to the table. After all, in the winter, in addition to cabbage is a radish, eating every day is very tired. And in their homes, there are a lot of dried beans in the sun every year, because there is no end to the meat to cook the beans.
In fact, it is impossible to have so much meat this year. Chou-Gu is much more prepared this time, and is prepared to give some to the Ning-Er family. The Ning-Er family certainly can't have these things, so she has a lot of small dishes at this time. In addition to the sun, she left some of the tenderest beans and made a little jar of sour beans.
To be honest, she likes to eat sour beans instead of eating dried beans. Especially when I think that there is no meat to stew, the dried beans are completely uneaten, and it is better to directly soak the bean beans. The use of capers is even bigger, and it is an excellent side dish for taking it. Because she got more sour beans and divided them into two small jars, one for Ning-Er and one for her family.
After handling the beans, she started to pepper. There are not many red peppers, so I took a basket and took a small jar. This is also what she is going to give to Ning-Er. They have their own home, a variety of pickles, and small dishes. The Ning-Er family has nothing.
After eating the chicken from Ning-Er, she always hopes to give something more to their home. In addition, she also hopes that Ning-Er can also train Ming or her to hunt.
Ning-Er's life is very difficult. Even if she doesn't say it, she can guess that Ning's family is definitely something, or Ning-Er is the hard-working baby. Her brain made up a housework drama and guessed the tragic experience of Ning-Er. Otherwise, it is impossible for a family like Ningjia to let a master live this kind of poverty, but these speculations are totally wrong.
Chou-Gu took out all the empty jars of the family and washed them out and sank them in the yard. These are all used to pickle pickles and other things. Everyone in the country, at the end of the year, basically rely on these things on the table. Nowadays, there are many vegetables, and every household will have a lot of pickles, pickles and so on.
When I thought of home, there was no delicious dish. Chou-Gu took some cucumbers and returned them as pickled cucumbers. These cucumbers must be washed and cut into small pieces, marinated, and then pressed to dry water. After a couple of days, you can mix the homemade sauce and take it out. This is a small dish that she is very good at modern. Unfortunately, this kind of sauce can't be found now. There is no such thing as white sugar, sesame, sesame oil and other high-grade things in the house. Apart from pepper, it is salt and onion and garlic. I am afraid that I will have a discount. Fortunately, everyone taste is not picking now, and some can eat well.
" Big sister, what do you do with these cucumbers?" Ming asked in surprise. The previous Chou-Gu did not make this side dish, and Ming did not eat it.
"Do a little bit of cucumber to eat." Chou-Gu answered.
“It’s delicious?” the younger brother asked.
The child is thinking about eating all day long. It is really a life that is worse than a hunter. In the past, Wu hunters would go to a market town every few days. In addition to changing some food and other necessary things, I would buy some candy snacks from time to time for the children to eat. Moreover, at that time, the life at home was well-opened, and there was oil and water in the bowl of the meal, but it was not as painful as using a drop of oil for cooking.
Chou-Gu looked at the younger brother with a sad heart. She really couldn't get some good things for everyone to eat. She also licked her own meat.
" Big sister, let's get some fish?" Minger asked. The boiled dish every day, there is no oil and water, which can be eaten.
"Okay." Chou-Gu packed up his work, and Minger took the younger brother and took the donkey out.
It was the first time to take the younger brother out of the house. The younger brother was very excited. Although he was very embarrassed to stay at home every day, he was more happy to follow. Along the way, his mouth did not stop, and he was so embarrassed that he asked the East to ask the West, and Chou-Gu was almost unable to cope.
Finally arrived at the destination, Chou-Gu quickly interrupted the younger brother's words and said   :   "Hurry, it is time, it is here. Let's catch the fish."
The younger brother was really transferred to the interest, followed by the brother-in-law who was busy at the water's edge. I don't know if it was a few days without a fish, or it was a good luck today. Once I went down, I got four or five small palm fish. .
"Oh, oh, a lot of fish." The younger brother ‘called excitedly.
As a result, Minger's harvest is more, in addition to small fish, there are many small shrimps, the younger brother is the first time to see so many lively shrimps, even more excited.
However, after fishing three, I got a half-headed fish, and Chou-Gu didn't plan to get too much. It was enough to eat a meal. Three people cleaned the fish by the water and went home for dinner.
A pot of fish added some pepper and eggplant, still stewed a large pot, and put all the last bit of oil down.
When I was eating, everyone was very satisfied. Chou-Gu specially fed a few shrimps to the younger brother. This thing is calcium supplement. The younger brother does not like to eat. Because of the hard, Chou-Gu quickly said   :   After a few, I swallow it. This can grow taller."
When Minger heard it, he quickly added two shrimps to his bowl and said, "Then I have to eat more, hurry up and go, I can go hunting. Like the pillar brother, I play a few pheasants at once. Eat one for another."
When it comes to hunting, Chou-Gu remembers that Ning-Er hasn't come over for a few days, and I also want him to come soon. In any case, Ning-Er will come over and the house will be able to add some oil.
"Oh, I will count on you." Chou-Gu smiled. If Ming is so powerful, she doesn't have to worry about it.
Suddenly, their mother opened her mouth and asked, "Is the silver spent on that day?"
"No, you can buy dozens of pounds of food to eat." Chou-Gu answered. Where does she dare to spend all her time, and the family points to this silver to live.
"Then go buy some oil," the woman said.
"But how expensive the oil is, a pound of oil can change a few pounds of food." Chou-Gu said.
"When you don't get to the bottom of the mountain, go back and buy some oil tomorrow." The woman said hard. She followed the boiled greens of the meal, the boiled cucumbers of the next meal, had already eaten and spit, but they didn't eat it, and they were hungry. So she asked Chou-Gu to open a little better life, at least to make the dishes a bit oily.
Chou-Gu also knows that this is not the case, but as a modern person who lives independently as a small person, the savings have become a habit in the bones, and there is no money in his hands. Therefore, it is impossible for her to spend all her money, and she must save a little.
"Then you give something more," Chou-Gu said quickly.
"Hey, how much do you think he bought me gold and silver jewelry?" The woman angered.
Although she still has a few pieces on hand, but she took it all out, she still relies on what is in this family. She can see now that Chou-Gu doesn't take her seriously, she can still raise her, but it is because of this family's meal, or by her jewelry.
"Then you know, Father is gone. There is no entry in the family, a family of four waiting to eat, it is not bad to starve, but also want to eat well, is it possible?" Chou-Gu coldly asked.
The silver that is left on hand, the food that can be bought, can last up to this year. She also counted on the half-acre Sorghum  at home to pay more, and to supplement it, otherwise it might be hungry in winter.
"Is there still silver?" The woman said with confidence.
"Hey, just a little, you still want to buy oil, I don't even want to buy more salt, I am not afraid that everyone will starve to death..." Chou-Gu suddenly broke out, roaring, excited to wait for it to rush Hit this mother.
She did not like this woman very much. As a mother, she was the only Daren in the family, and she was too selfish. She completely pushed her responsibility to her head regardless of her family. If this mother sample can come out and do some work, how can the family day not be like now. Although there is actually not much work to do now, at least it is a bit of a gesture. She is good, throwing this house to a child's head, no matter what, no matter what, no matter what, hungry to eat, but also want to eat better, who?
The woman stared at her for a long while, and she went back to the room with anger.
The two younger brothers watched the mother and the sister have a fight, and they almost cried. After the woman returned to the house, Minger took a courage to pull a Chou-Gu and said, "Sister, don't be angry. We will go hunting tomorrow, maybe we can get something back."
Although he is not very old, he also understands that the family is really poor. If he does not go out to find food, he will have to go hungry.
The mother and the daughter had a fight, and the mood of Chou-Gu actually improved a little. She really wanted to find a reason to marry this woman. Today, she finally found the opportunity and took the opportunity to attack. Otherwise, she has to die.


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