Ugly Biography 45

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »       Chapter 45     :     Buying Tian          

       “Chou-Gu, how are you going to spend this money?” Ning-Er asked. He mainly thinks about the two acres of land he bought. The main family still has three acres to sell. If Chou-Gu wants to buy a field, he will buy all three acres and the two families will be companions.
       "I don't know ten Silver Taels, can you buy two acres of land? My family doesn't have to go hunting like this, it won't work." Chou-Gu said that she also hopes to buy two acres of land, even though she is alone. Kind, it is estimated that it is exhausting and tired, but it is better to have a relatively stable income, no longer have to worry about starvation.
       "Exactly, my family did not buy two acres of land, that field has a total of five acres, and the remaining three acres of homes also want to sell. At first he wanted to sell it to me, I don't have much money. Otherwise, You buy it. That is the field is thin, the output is not high," Ning-Er said.
       “Is it only three or two acres?” Chou-Gu asked with surprise, so cheap.
       "It's very cheap, but it's thin. The output is low and far-reaching," Ning-Er explained.
       "Well, anyway, just for Silver Taels, you can buy three acres of land, as long as you receive three or four hundred kilograms of grain a year, we will collect some prey to sell, and one year of chewing will be enough." Chou-Gu agreed It is. She also wants to be close to the Ning-Er family's field and can help each other.
       So she bought three acres of land next to the Ning-Er field and spent nine Silver Taels.
       Looking at the silver that is still not in the palm of your hand, there is only one or two left, and Chou-Gu is very distressed. However, the family finally has a field, and the family's life has some protection. Chou-Gu mood is quite good. Otherwise, when she is desperately trying to make money to buy a field, I don’t know what time it is?
       Doing a good job of these things, the weather has become a lot colder. In the autumn of the small village, the temperature suddenly drops by more than ten degrees. Early in the morning, Chou-Gu felt a little cold even though he had already added a jacket.
       However, when the sun comes out, the temperature will warm up a lot, and the cold is morning and night.
       During this time, the kittens were doing small fish business, and they really made a little money. The life at home was much better. Basically, they cut half a catty of meat back every three days. There is also a little money left on hand. However, this business has basically done its head. Because not only the people in Jiangwu Village sell small fish and small fish, the people in the outer village have followed suit. The business of the kitten family has fallen from a thousand dollars, from thirty dollars a day to thirty dollars, to twenty dollars, and finally only sold five big dollars today.
       The father and son are both dejected and go home with the bucket. The five big money are really worth the two fathers and sons running. The fresh little fish are completely giving people, they have got five big money, or they have exhausted their tongues and basically stuffed them to others. Two or three pounds of small fish are brought back directly.
       At the same time, Jiang Da-nu  wants to say something about his family, and soon spread it in the village. Some people also said in the dark that Jiang Madam is not kind, every day, others do not remember the kindness of Wu Hunter, and they are doing too much. At the beginning of Da-nu  and Chou-Gu, those who did not know. Now that Wu hunter is gone, Jiang’s family will regret it.
       But some people said   :   "Don't say it, Chou-Gu and Da-nu  haven't made a decision. It's just a matter of jokes, how can it be taken seriously."
       "That is, Da-nu  is a single seedling, and there is no Father, Niang Laozi, he Madam must be to find him a big Lady, Chou-Gu is not suitable for age." The village chief said.
       Her words are reasonable and reasonable, even if some people know that Jiang Madam was actually happy Da-nu  å¨¶Chou-Gu, it is not good to say anything. Anyway, this matter is not about everyone. Chou-Gu and Da-nu  have not been fixed. Da-nu  wants to blame others, Chou-Gu has no reason to look for something in Jiang. It is this that makes people feel a little bit guilty.
       "This is reasonable. Let's not mention this again. I won't be able to get married after Da-nu . These words are passed to the ears of the new wife. It is not good for the young couple to engage in contradictions. Again, for Chou-Gu is not good. Chou-Gu This child is not easy, can't because of this thing broke her reputation." There are gentle people to remind everyone.
       Everyone nodded and talked about the little fish. Most of the people in Jiang Wucun still sold a few small fish, no matter how much they earned, but they always earned. It’s just that the small fish business can’t be done anymore. Everyone is calling a pity, and they feel that they have not thought of this small business earlier.
       "Hey, I don't know what else to do, I can get it out and sell it. It's good to change the money for ten dollars." Someone sighed.
       "Yes. The kittens earned the most in their home. That family, even the lazy woman of Wang-Aunt is not idle." Someone said enviously.
       "They also earned a few hundred dollars at least." Some people said slyly.
       "So much money?" Some people don't believe it.
       "Did you not see it? During their time at home, they often cut meat back and eat it. That meat is fragrant, and we smell our mouth." The neighbor who lives in the kitten family said.
       "Hey, let's think about it again, get something to sell, don't say that the meat is back and eaten. It's good to change a pound and a half pound of salt."
       A group of women, Dong Yizui, talked about gossip, finished their work, and dispersed their fields, and went home.
       The kittens and fathers and sons who are not happy to go home, dragged the sinking footsteps into the house.
       "You don't have to go tomorrow. You don't have to make any small fish. The rest of us have enough to eat in the winter." Dagang said calmly. He guessed the ending. Anyway, they asked Chou-Gu blessing, and they had already made a profit.
       At home, about ten pounds of small fish have been saved. Anyway, their family has already earned more than one hundred big money. And I have eaten meat and steamed bread several times. These incomes have long since surpassed the food that was paid to Chou-Gu.
       Wang-Aunt said with distress   :   "Do not sell, where to find money." These days, their family's life is good, and the two small children are obviously fat and spirited. It is she who has the oil and water in her stomach and has the strength to work.
       "We have to think about other ways to make money. It's not good, just go to the firewood. Now it's more to save, and in the winter, there will be firewood." Dagang said.
       Although he can't go out to play firewood, he can sort out the firewood at home, make a bundle of bundles, and then pick them up and sell them by Father. In the past, the big river also went to sell firewood, but as soon as the end of the autumn, the number of people who fired firewood increased, it was rare to hit the firewood. So now you have to start to save the wood, smash the thick branches back, dry them, and sell the good prices in the winter.
       “Every year, Father also sells firewood and can get a few dollars.” Wang-Aunt said dissatisfied.
       Because the big river does not have good wood every year, the firewood that is hit is not very good, and the sun is not too dry. Obviously, it is also sold without bidding. Originally, firewood was not worth the money. It was only a big sum of money for one hundred pounds. Those who are more energetic can also pick up one hundred and fifty pounds to sell, and take so far, just for ten to fifteen big money, and there are not many people who are willing to do it.
       The river can only get eight or nine big money. It’s good to take a trip and get four or five dollars, and you can’t go every day, because you’re too far away from the market, you have to go to chop firewood. It’s good to go to the 3rd and 5th. Of course, it is impossible to make more money to go home. It is not bad to be able to change one or two pounds of salt at home.
       "Well, I will start cutting wood tomorrow, and cut some more." Dahe agreed with his son. Anyway, he still has the strength and ability to do it. He can sell Shiyan diesel in a month. One hundred dollars. Now that I have saved the firewood, I will sell it later. I don’t have to go to the firewood to sell it, saving time and effort, and definitely earning more money than in previous years.
       As long as he thinks that he has saved more than one hundred big money at home, he will be motivated. During this time, I sold small fish and small dried fish, and I was loose on hand. I cut half a catty of meat back every few days and I also tasted the steamed buns. The family eats well, the body is strong, and the work has strength.
       The kitten also went to the firewood with his father and gave him a helper. His Father cut down the thick branches, and he cut the twigs on the big branches and sunk them aside. When the sun was almost dry, they were taken back. Dagang just sunk the firewood at home, cut it into small pieces and bundle it. Wait for the big river to pick and sell.
       The kitten went to work for three days. Wang-Aunt was finally embarrassed to be idle at home, and took the pole to pick up the wood. Otherwise, when the big river picks up at home, it has to pick a few squats and it is very tiring.
       Seeing that the daughter-in-law finally knew that she was actively working, the river was not tired.
       The couple picked up three loads each and took home the three-day river and the chopped wood. As for the rough estimate, there are also seven or eight hundred pounds. After doing two or three more, his family has enough firewood to pick it up and sell it.
       During this period, Chou-Gu and Ning-Er entered the two mountains again, still wandering around where they usually hunt, not running far. They also hunted a few pheasants. I took it out and sold it. The family got a big 50 yuan and bought a little meat back.
       "This income is not bad. Save a few more times, I will be satisfied with a surplus of Silver Taels." Ning-Er laughed. His demands are not high, there are food and drink, and there is a little more money.
       "What you want to be beautiful, a surplus of Silver Taels. According to the current income, you have to do another 20 times." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Ning-Er also counted and said   :   "You can calculate this arithmetic really fast, twenty times is too long. Maybe it will snow, we can't hunt."
       "Yes. So we will go into the mountains again next time. Follow my way to Father to get more things back, maybe two or three times, you can save a Silver Taels." Chou-Gu said with great heart.
       "Well, do you have to spend the night in the mountains?" Ning-Er asked.
       If you want to stay overnight, you should be more prepared. Otherwise, it will not work as usual.
       "Yes. So far. It must have been a night." This time, even Chou-Gu is also guilty. If she and Minger have to stay outside for two days and one night, they must say well to their mother in advance, let her bring the younger brother.
       Needless to say, Chou-Gu has this worry, even Ning-Er has to convince the Master to promise him and the pillars to go deep into the mountains. Master does not agree, it is also no good.

       Chapter 46     :     Informed          

       Ning-Er came home and said to Master, and the Master was shocked and disapproved. "How can it be done? The mountain is dangerous. You usually play on the edge of the mountain. It is good to get two or three pheasants. Now, we have no shortage of food to go to that point, we can't take it to fight."
       "You said that I am going to die. It is not so dangerous. Besides, although the family is not running out of water, it is going to be in the winter. As long as it snows, we will not be able to enter the mountain. At that time, I thought It’s impossible to get something to sell. Can the food at home be held in the spring?” Ning-Er asked.
       Master can not have this number, just do not want Ning-Er to go to risk.
       Ning-Er also knows the Bai-Master's worry, but he can't let the Master take the pillars and let himself be at home. To put it bluntly, this home is his home, it is he who comes to worry about these things. Master should have enjoyed some leisure time. Not for him, the Master has long gone to his own little days with a pillar.
       He also understands that the Master spends his life savings on him. Otherwise, the Master took his savings, took a grandson who could work, and then spent some money to find a capable wife for the pillars. The family can also have a normal day.
       He hopes that he can play a role as a family member and take care of this old man. Otherwise, what is the use of him to live? He did not know that Master had often gone out to work during this time and left the pillars and horses to him. It’s not enough to give the family some food to return.
       But now is not the time to grab, the Master goes out to do the work, tired and small income. Ning-Er wants to say that he will not let him go, and he can't say it. Master also thinks that he can do more with his own work. He can't do it any day, and he can't rely on Ning-Er himself. And there is a pillar that needs people to take care of, and he wants to ease the burden on Ning-Er.
       Ning-Er said that the Master finally agreed. He still thought that he would follow, but the horse could not ride three people. He had to listen to Ning-Er and stay at home.
       "You will put a hundred hearts. I will take care of myself and the pillars. I can't let you no one finish, otherwise I can't close my eyes when I die." Ning-Er half-jokingly said half-heartedly.
       "I am embarrassed, don't say, children's family. What are you talking about?" Master roared.
       "Okay, okay, I am at ease with my work. I am most afraid of death. I have to live a long time, give my family a few big fat boys." Ning-Er laughed and laughed.
       Master only laughed. As long as Ning-Er has this heart, it will not be easy.
       On the Chou-Gu side, it is very smooth. She said this to her mother. Although the woman is very reluctant, she only has to agree. Because Chou-Gu said   :   "If you don't go out, you won't be hungry in winter."
       "But I won't cook. What should I do for dinner?" the woman asked.
       Chou-Gu is black-faced and can't wait to marry her, but she can only comfort her and say, "Nothing, I cook two more meals, you just have to heat up."
       "Oh." The woman should say it, and she doesn't know if it will be hot. In the end, Chou-Gu also taught the younger brother and told him how to make a fire. She is afraid that the woman will not even be this.
       Fortunately, the younger brother also followed her in the kitchen, this work will have already done.
       "Mother, use this steamer, put the food directly in, put half a pot of water in the pot, the water is open, after a while the food is hot. You can turn off the fire." Chou-Gu said the demonstration to the younger brother and them Mother looked at it.
       She is afraid that this mother will heat the food directly in the pot, and will burn all the good food and can't eat it. Because she really saw such a person, some people have this ability to make a kitchen like a fire scene.
       “The house usually closes the door, especially at night.” Chou-Gu did not rest assured. She is afraid that they are not at home, but also have a bad heart. During this time, because of the sale of small fish, the people in the village are floating again. It's hard to guarantee that no one thinks she has made a lot of money.
       "Well." The woman faintly responded and ignored them.
       She is not worried about someone doing bad things. Anyway, in this village, it is best for her to work alone. Although her few moves are really nothing, but playing three or four stupid farmer Han is still no problem.
       Chou-Gu thinks again that this woman seems to be a trainer, and she can lift Wang-Aunt with one hand, and she is relieved. She suspects that she is strong and is inherited from this mother.
       "Hey, if she can work, it is definitely better than the pillar." Chou-Gu sighed in his heart. It’s too wasteful to have such a good workforce and not to do anything. Otherwise, she will not be able to get tired of her work here, and she will make more money to come back.
       Finally, she can only persuade herself to open some. Anyway, I can live now, if I really let myself live, I will not be able to do it, I will be flustered, I will be controlled by others, and I will think about it. Now there are many things, and she has no time to hurt the autumn and sadness, and wants to go home.
       Settled in the house, the day before this morning was not bright, Ning-Er and the pillar came to Chou-Gu.
       "So early, have you had dinner?" Chou-Gu asked in surprise.
       "Eat a bit. I brought some more." Ning-Er said, referring to the back of the pillar. Because they didn't taste too early, they both only ate a little and brought more meals.
       They brought two scorpions, some food in a scorpion, thick clothes, tarpaulin poncho and so on.
       "Well, I am also preparing to leave." Chou-Gu nodded, let Minger go to talk to their mother, they are leaving.
       The woman came out and waited for them to leave, and came to close the door. Early in the morning, no one else got up, and she had to go to sleep again.
       This is the first time Ning-Er has seen Chou-Gu mother, and she almost surprised him.
       He never thought of it anyway, Chou-Gu mother is such a good young woman. Although he has long known from some gossips that Chou-Gu mother is a different beauty, but the charm is still beyond his expectations.
       He used to go to the palace and saw more beautiful people. But the woman in front of her eyes is very smart, her skin is white, her lips are not red and not red. Not only is she beautiful, but her style is not like an ordinary peasant woman. She was dressed ordinary, and she did not see any ornaments, but she could not hide the moving temperament, but her expression was very cold. Even if she saw two strange men at home, she didn't have any expression.
       In fact, she has already seen Ning-Er and the pillars. These two people frequently appear at home. How can she never see it? It’s just that I haven’t met it in person.
       Her eyes swept Ning-Er and the pillars indifferently, and Ning-Er greeted her with respect and respect.
       “Aunt is good.”
       The woman just nodded and did not say anything. When they left the door, the woman slammed the door.
       Out of the way, Ning-Er carefully asked Chou-Gu, "your mother, it was too much of my surprise."
       "It's so beautiful." Chou-Gu said in disapproval. The first time she saw this woman, she was amazing. But now I have seen more and I am used to it.
       Sometimes, she also regrets how this body has not inherited the beauty of the woman, not only that, but also has a black mark on the black face. It’s completely wasted such a good resource. In fact, Ming and the younger five senses are also good, they are all big-eyed. Moreover, Minger and the younger brothers are like Wu hunters. Although they are not as good as their mothers, they are also considered to be medium-sized.
       Throughout the family, Chou-Gu, the only daughter, was the ugliest and ugly to a certain level. She was born not like Father and not like mother, if not Jiang Madam personally looked at Chou-Gu in women's life, everyone can't believe that Chou-Gu is the child of these two. Chou-Gu is also very helpless. Long ugly, I am not really willing.
       "Well, it is no worse than Niang-Niang in the palace." Ning-Er answered.
       "You have been to the palace, will not be a prince who was taken out?" Chou-Gu question blurted out.
       Ning-Er actually regretted after saying Niang-Niang, mainly because the impulse was too big and it was lost. Now I was asked by Chou-Gu, and I felt funny. "No, I am just an ordinary official, but I can barely be regarded as a companion to Prince. So I have seen the palace and I have seen a lot of Niang-Niang. In fact, it is the palace Lady in the palace, but also the big beauty."
       Chou-Gu couldn’t help but gossip, and asked, "Oh, how can you fall to the present level?"
       Although she had thought about a lot of dog blood bridges before, I never thought that Ning-Er was so big that she could enter and leave the palace. When she was accompanied by Prince, she was sure to see the emperor. Such a person, the future looks like, how can it be so lonely?
       "Oh, it’s a long story. In a nutshell, my family was implicated by the anti-thief. Although it was innocent, the family was completely guilty. The emperor couldn’t bear to kill me, and I sent it back." Ning--Er said faintly.
       Chou-Gu took a moment and once again felt the charm of Ning-Er, and sure enough, this guy is very talented, otherwise the emperor will not bear to kill him. Just thinking that Ning's family was implicated by the anti-thief, she sighed for Ning-Er. Out of such a thing, Ning-Er's career is of course broken, and even possible to be affected by future generations.
       "Oh, this is too bad. You want to open some more, and live your own life." Chou-Gu can only comfort him.
       Ning-Er nodded and said with a smile   :   "I have been dead for a long time, and I still can't think of it. I thought I was the one who died in prison."
       "The so-called good death is better than living. There is hope in life, and the day will be better one day." Chou-Gu pity comforted him.
       She did not expect that the origins of Ning-Er were so complicated, so pitiful, watching the whole family go to death, and they almost finished. From a high-top, bright future gongzi, it is not easy to get a normal heart. Ning-Er can still maintain a normal heart. It is not easy.
       Unconsciously, Chou-Gu was more distressed by Ning-Er. Ning-Er is still a half-child, but has experienced the most impermanent pain in so many worlds. By contrast, Chou-Gu feels that his life is already enjoying himself.
       "Okay, don't say these things. Let's go." Ning-Er smiled, and these things have become a thing of the past. He doesn't want to recall anymore. What he has to do now is to live well and try to make himself happy and happy.

       Chapter 47     :     Welfare          

       This time, several people went straight to the hut.
       Open the door and a few entered the house. Start preparing for lunch and rest at the same time.
       The pillars and Ning-Er, Minger three went to chopping wood and fetching water. Chou-Gu stayed to clean the house and burned the fire.
       Both have cooked meals and only need to be hot to eat.
       After a while, the three people came back. Ning-Er licked two casseroles that had been cleaned, and the clean bowl of chopsticks and spoons were held. Pillar  was carrying a bucket of water and holding a large bundle of firewood in one hand. .
       Chou-Gu took the casserole and hit the water to sit on the fire. She directly poured the rice she brought into the wok and boiled it into a semi-dried porridge. Then use another small casserole to boil water. When she was cooking, Ming and Ning-Er pillars went back and smashed firewood back.
       The dishes don't need heat, they are hot porridge, each person has a bowl and they eat it.
       Chou-Gu took a little bitch of melon with meat and a bowl of fried sour beans. Plus a few cucumbers and a packet of salt.
       Ning-Er's dish is also very simple. A scorpion also uses meat-burned beans, but he also brought a few packets of eggplant and half a catty of pepper.
       After dinner, everyone is ready to go. The food and the cold clothes that were brought before were placed in the hut, and they were lightly loaded.
       This time, the weapon was much more, because Chou-Gu also took the slingshot because of the preparation for the big one. During this time, she also took the time to practice, hoping to hit one or two pheasants. Pillar  was holding a slingshot and a bamboo gun. Ning-Er also took a few bamboo guns. He didn't have to hunt, but he had to help the pillars with weapons. It is impossible for the pillar to hold the slingshot at the same time, the slingshot can't be beaten, and then the bamboo gun is used. Only Ning-Er can guide and help on one side to share the two weapons, hoping to gain more.
       Because it was the first time to go deep into the forest, several people were very careful and did not dare to go fast. On the road, the roads have to be cleaned up. Although the Wu hunters used to go, but no one left for a few months, the weeds were mad, and the original path was already overwhelmed.
       "These grasses are piled up together, and when they are dried, they get to the hut." Chou-Gu cut the grass while letting Ning-Er and Minger hold her and the grass cut by the pillars. Hay is also useful. It can be used as a firewood, a bed, or even a roof.
       Because the roadblocks have to be cleared all the way, the four people can’t walk too fast. The depth of the grass here is almost over their waist. If there is not a horse and a donkey, it seems that there is no one at all.
       Chou-Gu cut and cut, and suddenly found two nests of eggs in the grass, she was surprised to ‘Call, "Hey, hey, there are eggs."
       "Where, where, I am coming." Minger ran over excitedly.
       "So many, there will not be many mountains nearby?" Ning-Er asked excitedly.
       As he said, a group of pheasants were shocked to smash out from the wormwood in the river.
       "Pillar, fast hands." Ning-Er quickly cried.
       The pillars have been trained by Ning-Er and they are ready to see the pheasant. When everyone did not respond, they saw a few dull sounds, and the ‘Calls of several pheasants came to an abrupt end, and they fell into the grass and did not move.
       "Call on." The pillar ‘Called cheerfully.
       Ning-Er rushed past the pheasant, and a total of three fat pheasants were stunned by the slingshot of the pillar.
       This unexpected harvest made everyone feel very excited. Next, when mowing, several people were quieter and more careful, hoping to get some pheasants again.
       Sure enough, not long after the forest recovered, they found a group of pheasants. The pillars are now very sensitive to pheasants. They don’t need Ning-Er to call them. He directly lifts the bow and shoots three small ones. stone. The three pheasants fell and the other scared to escape. Ning-Er quickly let the pillars work with bamboo guns. Although the pheasant was already flying, the speed and strength of the pillars were very fast. Two bamboo guns flew out and killed two pheasants.
       Chou-Gu Although she was already prepared this time, she also pulled the slingshot at the moment of Pillar  movement, but she found nothing. The pheasant in action could not be beaten at all. She sighed heavily and could only go to the pheasant that was hunted by the pillars.
       This time, the pillars got back five pheasants. The three fainted and could be sold out. The two were obviously unable to live, and they could only eat in their dishes.
       "Yes, good. There are so many pheasants here, we are resting here, waiting for the forest to be quiet, and then act." Ning-Er praised the pillar and comforted Chou-Gu.
       Two pheasants who bleed, Chou-Gu simply gave them blood, let them die, and then cleaned the blood, so as not to leave a bloody smell to attract the beasts who eat meat.
       "We have chicken to eat this evening." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Pillar  opened his mouth and smiled very happy.
       Minger turned around and saw a nest of mountain eggs, and he was equally happy to blink his eyes.
       "Great. This time the egg is much better, enough for us to eat." Chou-Gu also praised him.
       "It’s not too early, it’s not bad today. Let’s go back,” Ning-Er said.
       Chou-Gu agreed, and the group returned along the same way, only halfway through, and the sky was dark, and several people accelerated their pace.
       嘘 Suddenly Chou-Gu found two rabbits and quickly let everyone stop.
       Ning-Er whispered a few words in the ear of Pillar , Pillar  pulled up the slingshot, very beautiful stunned two rabbits.
       "Wow, a fat rabbit." Minger cheered and picked up a rabbit and threw it into the scorpion.
       "No hurry, the rabbit will bite and tie them up." Ning-Er laughed.
       "Yeah, oh, wait until the next night, don't run them, the rabbit will punch holes, and you can break the rope." Chou-Gu said quickly.
       Several people tied up the two rabbits and tied them up with their mouths, for fear that they would run away. This is the first time I have caught a rabbit, and four people are very excited.
       Everyone handled the two pheasants at the edge of the otter and returned to the lodge. The last glimmer of the sun disappeared. The forest had already started the wind, and the temperature suddenly fell down, very cold.
       Everyone was sitting next to the fire in the room and cooking on fire.
       Two pheasants, Chou-Gu put a salt on the branch, slowly roast it on the branch, and the other one directly smashed it into the casserole and boiled it.
       "We can have a big meal this evening." Ning-Er laughed.
       "Well, um." Minger and the pillars drooled, and looked at the roast chicken in Chou-Gu hands for a while, and then looked at the chicken soup in the pot. The two movements of the gods synchronized, and Ning-Er provoked almost laughed.
       "Today's good harvest, six pheasants, two wild rabbits, and so many mountain eggs." Ning-Er was very happy watching the prey. This is the most harvested time in their history, and it is not wrong.
       "Yeah, the place we used to hunt is too bad. It is only when we come here to have more gains." Chou-Gu spoke and directed Ning-Er to put wood in the stove.
       "I hope that I can make another ten pheasants tomorrow, and we will be worth it." Ning-Er said with a desired tone.
       "Well, even if you can't get it so much, you can do more than three or five." Chou-Gu is also looking forward to it.
       After a while, the roast chicken in Chou-Gu hands began to smell, and the oil on the chicken skin made a "snap" sound, which led everyone to swallow the mouth.
       "Sister, did you roast?" Minger asked anxiously.
       "I'll be fine right away, let's have enough for you today." Chou-Gu smiled and quickly turned the roast chicken in his hand.
       The chicken soup cooked on the other side of the stove also rang in the winter and winter, and the flavor of the chicken soup also came out.
       "Put the chicken soup down and cook the rice." Chou-Gu gave a cry, Ning-Er quickly took the coarse cloth and began to put the chicken soup pot down, and took another casserole to cook.
       The rice was cooked, but it was hot and hot, so the chicken in the hands of Chou-Gu was baked, and the rice in the pot could be eaten.
       The grilled chicken was cut into several large pieces by Chou-Gu, and the four people couldn’t take it hot.
       "Good seven, it's too good." Minger ‘Called and ‘Called.
       Chou-Gu squinted and enjoyed the pure roast chicken. Although it only wiped some salt, there was no more seasoning, but the taste of the grilled chicken was surprisingly good. The four people did not spend much time and they finished the chicken. The pillars and Minger still had their fingers clean and it was clear that everyone was not satisfied.
       "Okay, eat first, then continue to stew the chicken soup, and then we will drink a bowl of chicken soup." Chou-Gu smiled and shook his head. This group of people, like the ones that were released from hungry, one or two Squinting at the chicken soup.
       Finally, not only did everyone eat their own meals, but they also ate the chicken soup in this pot.
       "You guys walked a few laps at the door, eating too much meat, afraid of not being able to get rid of it." Chou-Gu laughed and told Ning-Er and Minger, these two guys, I am afraid I will eat more today.
       Pillar  looked at the two of them stroking their stomachs, smirking, and followed the door. The three men did not dare to go far, and they circled on the open space at the door.
       Chou-Gu washes the pot and bowl in the house, then washes it with water, but the water in the bucket has already bottomed out.
       She had to ‘Call at the door. "Hey, can you go to the bucket of water?"
       "Well," Ning-Er responded with a pillar and a bright boy to touch the black to fetch water.
       "You are careful." Chou-Gu yelled at the back, it was very dark outside, and be careful when walking.
       After waiting for a while, I didn’t see the three of them coming back. Chou-Gu was secretly worried, for fear that they would do something. After all, this is in the inaccessible mountain forest. Just as she couldn’t help but want to go out and look for them, she heard the cheerful call of Ming.
       "Sister, sister. We caught the rabbit."
       It turned out that they went out to fetch water through the faint starlight, and they actually met the wild rabbit that came out for food at night. Under the cover of the night, the rabbits came out to find food, and the slingshot of the pillar was carried with him. This way down, he actually gave him three fat rabbits, all of which were alive, bigger than the two heads that were made during the day. .
       "Oh, that's great. You are too capable of the pillars." Chou-Gu couldn't help but praise the pillars. With this light, I didn't expect the pillar to hit the rabbit.
       "It's better for us to go out and go around in the evening, maybe we can get the rabbit. This rabbit has always been out in the evening and at night, but it doesn't come out during the day." Ning-Er proposed.
       “Is it safe?” Chou-Gu worried question.
       "It shouldn't matter, we don't go far anyway. I haven't encountered any beasts during the day, and it should be less at night," Ning-Er said.
       "Let's go, if you catch more wild rabbits, we can go home early tomorrow." Chou-Gu agreed with Ning-Er's suggestion.
       This evening, they got six wild rabbits, two of them were killed by bamboo, and the rest were live rabbits with slingshots. Such a big gain made both Ning-Er and Chou-Gu excited.
       "Great. I didn't expect the wild rabbit to catch more than the pheasant." Everyone looked at the wild rabbit in the scorpion and was so excited that they didn't sleep.

       Chapter 48     :     Exchange          

       In the early morning, Chou-Gu woke up in the roar of the birds. When she got out of bed, Ning-Er was woken up by her, and the two of them went to the otter to fetch water and wash.
       "Hey, look fast, what's in the water?" Suddenly Ning-Er pointed to the lurking shadow under the big stone at the water's edge, whispering.
       Chou-Gu came over and looked at it and found that it was only a great group fish. This is a good thing. She doesn't care about anything. She takes a basket of her hands and fishes it into the water. When she looks up, it is really a group fish.
       “Isn't this only Wang Ba?” Ning-Er laughed.
       "That is, this stuff can make up, and it is estimated that you can change some money when you go out and sell it," Chou-Gu said.
       "Yes, this armor is a drug. Let's find a drugstore and try it out. Maybe it's more than a few dollars in the market." Ning-Er proposed.
       "Okay, okay." Chou-Gu is not happy, I feel that today is really good.
       Chou-Gu took the group fish back to cook the breakfast, Ning-Er was idle around, watching the fish swimming in the water, could not help but itch. He ran back and took a small donkey out and fished at the stream. Unexpectedly, a scorpion went down and even fished a lot of fish and shrimp.
       "Chou-Gu, there are so many fish and shrimps in the stream. I just took a lot of it and I have to do so much. Do you want to eat?"
       Chou-Gu looked at the fish scorpion in his hand and couldn't believe it. "So many, okay, eat fish this morning."
       Chou-Gu followed him back to the water, and two people began to clean the fish and shrimp. Too small was thrown directly into the water, provoking a bigger kill, killing a pile of about three pounds and spending it. A lot of time, the two stopped, and the other fish and shrimp were poured into the water and released. I don't have time to do this today, just take a bit of it.
       Because there is no iron pan, fried fish can not work well, Chou-Gu is busy for a long time, and finally can only cook a pot of fish soup. In addition to the salt, there is no green onion. She simply pours the sour beans into some to cook with the fish. Unexpectedly, the fish soup cooked in this way tastes good.
       In the scent of the fish soup, Ming and Pillars finally woke up.
       "Good fragrance, good fragrance." Minger did not even open his eyes, it was called open.
       "Get up, eat," Chou-Gu called.
       As soon as I heard the food, Minger and the pillars were immediately awake, and they quickly got up and were rushed to the water by Ning-Er to wash.
       After eating breakfast, the four people went out to hunt again. The main target during the day was the pheasant. After getting five live pheasants and shooting two pheasants, Ning-Er said   :   "Oh, today, We have to go back. We have to go back, or we will go home in the night."
       Going back to the hut, several people packed up all the prey, and the dead chicken and rabbit just got a chicken and a rabbit. There are nine living rabbits and eleven live pheasants. There are more than 50 mountain eggs in total, and the two are equally divided.
       “Can a rabbit always sell forty dollars?” Ning-Er asked.
       The wild rabbit is bigger than the pheasant, and he thinks it should be more expensive. Chou-Gu didn't know too well, he said, "I don't know, let's order this price first. Then look at it again, if everyone is too expensive, then cheaper, if you feel cheap Now, raise the price again next time."
       "Also." Ning-Er nodded in agreement.
       Back home, it is already in the evening, the sun sets, and the sky is red.
       Seeing that my brother came back, the younger brother cheered and ‘called   :   "Sister, brother. You are back."
       "Well, we have gotten a lot of good things." Chou-Gu laughed.
       When they heard her, they were relieved, for fear that the two children went out for two days and nights, and returned empty-handed. It was only two days and one night, but she took care of her younger son and was already very annoyed. Because she wouldn't cook, she wouldn't take care of her children, her brother and sister were not at home, and the younger brother was entangled in her, making her almost big.
       On this day, their family's dinner was very rich. Chou-Gu got a pot of braised rabbit meat and fried a large plate of leeks and fried mountain eggs. The remaining pheasant is cooked and left, and you will have to eat it tomorrow.
       After dinner, Chou-Gu told her that she would go out early in the morning and go to the market to sell her prey. In fact, most of the prey brought the pillars and Ning-Er to their homes, but Chou-Gu himself also left a pheasant and a rabbit, mainly afraid of meeting the people in the village when they went out tomorrow. Also depends on what she is going to sell.
       Now the people in the village are staring at her very tightly, and everyone feels that if she can sell something, she will certainly be able to sell the money. Pheasants and wild rabbits, others can only hope to sigh.
       "Sister, brother, I have to go." The younger brother cried.
       These two days and nights, leaving him alone with his mother, scared him. Their mother has not taken the child, and the temper is strange, and usually does not get close to the child. The younger brother followed her and was frightened, for fear of annoying her. I am afraid that my brother will not come back, don't want him.
       Chou-Gu looked at the child's fear, and some regretted that he did not comfort him in advance, and threw him to the incompetent Qihua Niang.
       "Well, I will take you to the market tomorrow morning."
       "Great, great." The younger brother finally broke his nose and laughed, no longer pulling her clothes and crying.
       "Well, Minger took him to sleep, rest early, and get up early tomorrow." Chou-Gu yawned and said.
       She was also exhausted, ran so far, and did not sleep well in the hut. A group of four people, just a small bed, she and Minger are both crowded, lying on the ground with a Ning-Er and pillars. In the mountains, you have to say that it is quiet and quiet, mainly because there is no feeling of human activity.
       However, the sound of the wind, from time to time, the sounds of various night action objects are also very scary. If there was a pillar and Ning-Er was around, she would not dare to stay there with Ming and Qing .
       But the two of them are more, the house is so small, everyone is crowded together, she feels that Pillar  is too loud, and she feels that Ning-Er is also sleeping on the ground, not very good, in short, she almost did not sleep that night. Passed.
       Going back to my own home, and tired and causing Chou-Gu to fall asleep with a pillow, and still overslept in the morning. I was so anxious that she didn't even have time to get the food. She only took a pot of rice and was holding the cucumber. The fried chicken that was fried last night was too late to be stewed. I had to confess to her mother   :   "I didn't have time to get the vegetables, wait for me to come back later. I cooked two eggs for you."
       The woman frowned and her face was very dissatisfied, but Chou-Gu didn't know her and she was stunned. She pulled up Ming and her brother and hurriedly went out on the donkey.
       The younger brother didn't wake up at all, and didn't even eat breakfast. She brought two boiled eggs in her arms. Even so, she was almost half an hour later than the sunrise. This is not a big deal. She was already very anxious. The people in the village along the way, this person took her and asked, and then stopped and asked, asked Dong to ask the West, and delayed her time.
       As she waited for her to reach the meeting point, Ning-Er and the pillars waited anxiously, and heard the slamming footsteps of the scorpion, and hurriedly greeted them.
       "You are coming late today. Is there anything?"
       Chou-Gu is a little late today, and can't wait for her, Ning-Er intends to go with the pillars first.
       "Yeah, my younger brother has to follow, and it took a little time." Chou-Gu explained that she was embarrassed to say that she was sleeping late.
       Ning-Er has long seen the younger brother who is still sleeping in her arms, and nodded. Fortunately, they are going to ride horses today. If you walk and bring a younger brother, it is definitely a burden. Maybe you have to carry him back. But if it is really a walk, Chou-Gu does not dare to bring a younger brother. If she is allowed to walk with her children, she will not be able to carry much. In fact, even Minger followed the road so far, and he had to rest a few times on the road.
       “There are a lot of things today, we are afraid to act separately,” Chou-Gu said.
       “What are your plans?” Ning-Er asked.
       "Today's pheasants and wild rabbits are a bit more. They are completely sold on the market. They are not necessarily sold out. It is better to take two chickens and two rabbits, go to the grocery store, talk to the owner, see Can you change some salt directly. In addition, go talk with the seller of steamed bread, and change some hoes directly." Chou-Gu answered.
       Ning-Er surprised to see Chou-Gu a few eyes. The idea of ​​Chou-Gu is really good. They deliberately rode out today, thinking that it takes a long time to sell things, and Tate early go a little. He only thought of spending more time, and did not expect Chou-Gu to be even better. Anyway, they sold the pheasant wild rabbits to buy salt and steamed bread, and went straight to save the time.
       "This method is good, but maybe someone will pay you a little price."
       "Let a little price be fine, we still have to agree with one or two dollars?" Chou-Gu laughed.
       Ning-Er nodded. There are so many things today. Some people still have a little price, and he can accept it.
       The two said that they had done this. When they arrived at the market, they first helped the pillars and Ning-Er to find a booth. Chou-Gu took the Minger and the younger brother to change things.
       A little Miss, with two younger brothers, will say that the addition is also a regular customer. Everyone agreed to change things with Chou-Gu.
       The owner of the grocery store asked for two wild rabbits and gave Chou-Gu four pounds of salt and five pounds of coarse grains. It’s just eighty dollars. The price of wild rabbits is forty dollars, which seems to be more appropriate.
       In fact, the club still earned a little price difference. Two wild rabbits, he changed hands to get at least eighty-five dollars, and the coarse grain he counted four yuan a pound for Chou-Gu. But in fact, at this time, twenty big money, you can buy six pounds of coarse grains. Therefore, he counted more than ten big money in and out of him.
       As long as there is a pheasant on the stall, they are purely ready to eat. They can barely afford a pheasant, and the two can't afford it.
       A pheasant changed fifteen hoes, and Chou-Gu took another chicken and walked into a rice shop.

       Chapter 49     :     Smart          

       “What is the point of a small Miss?” The owner of the food shop warmly greeted.
       "East, I have a live pheasant, can you exchange some coarse grains with you?" Chou-Gu asked when he opened the door.
       The host family took a moment and smiled. "I don't accept pheasants here. Go to other shops and ask."
       Chou-Gu has already turned around in the street, and her feet are tired. The saliva is also dry. In order to convince the owner of the stall and the grocery store, she said a few cars. Especially the Shantou stalls, people are also small business, to be honest, certainly not 30 yuan to buy food.
       People completely look at what she would say, and with the child's pity, plus it is indeed a repeat customer, only reluctantly agree. Otherwise, others really don't want her a pheasant. Thirty dollars, for ordinary people, really do not want to spend.
       Chou-Gu was directly rejected by the grain shop owner, and it is hard to say more. He had to take the brightest and the younger brother to find another.
       "I have a lot of trouble." Chou-Gu said apologizing, not very good.
       I don't want to, the owner added a sentence when she went out   :   "You can go to the tavern in front to ask."
       "Okay, thank you very much." Chou-Gu got up again and walked forward.
       At this time, the tavern actually has no guests to patronize, and it is generally not until the noon that there will be guests. After all, no one comes to drink early in the morning. In addition to selling wine, this tavern also sells some dishes, such as braised pork, such as peanut peas. Some guests are drinking and eating directly here, and some guests have bought wine and took them away. So the shop was not too big, only two tables were placed, but it was clean and tidy.
       Chou-Gu stood at the door and ‘called   :   "Dongjia, do you want a pheasant, a lively fat pheasant? Just flush the wine."
       When I heard Chou-Gu words, the busy Dongjia smiled and said   :   "The roast chicken is the next dish, I am afraid that no one can afford it in this small shop."
       He is here for ordinary consumption. The braised pork is all the pork scalp, the pig meat and other cheap meat, and even the dog meat, etc., are not good meat. Most of the people who come to spend are ordinary people, even some hard-working footers, and several can afford to eat roast chicken.
       The counter-report of the East family made Chou-Gu unable to answer the words. She didn't think about this person at all. Just like Hyundai, buying halogen dishes will sell roast chicken.
       Just a guest came over and smiled and said   :   "Do you not eat it yourself? I saw you have a roast chicken leg in the first few days."
       "That is, you can also eat it yourself. My pheasant is fat and big, I just caught it yesterday." Chou-Gu quickly took a sentence.
       The guest hit a pot of wine and asked for a steamed pork scalp and left.
       The owner was free to talk to Chou-Gu and said, "How much money do you have for this pheasant?"
       "Thirty dollars." Chou-Gu answered.
       "The price is reasonable, but I really don't want it." The owner is like playing Chou-Gu.
       Chou-Gu was a little angry, and wanted to turn around and just walked in. Just came in again with a guest. He saw Chou-Gu pheasant at a glance and smiled and said   :   “Hey, do you want to have a chicken today? Is there a halogen? Rabbit meat?"
       "Do you want to roast chicken? Wild rabbit I haven't seen it for a long time." The owner changed his name and asked his guests.
       Chou-Gu immediately intervened, and said loudly   :   "I have wild rabbits."
       "Hey, you have wild rabbits, how many?" The owner turned to look at her, and asked with interest.
       He rarely sells braised chicken. It is really expensive for people who eat braised chicken. However, there are many people who like braised rabbit meat, because his secret braised rabbit meat is particularly good. Among them is the one in front of you, half a time each time.
       "My companion is selling at the market. He brought nine. I don't know how many are there?" Chou-Gu answered, only hate to take the rabbit that Ning-Er is selling.
       "Nine, there are not many. You are going to buy a few back. I am waiting for your halogen rabbit to drink." The guest urged. I haven't eaten rabbit meat for a while, and he misses it.
       "Cheng. How much money does your rabbit have?" The owner turned to Chou-Gu.
       "Forty-two." Chou-Gu secretly added the price of two dollars.
       "Go and pick a few to pick me up, I want to be fatter. Don't try to fool me with small ones." Dongjia smiled.
       "Well, you wait." After that, Chou-Gu ran with his pheasant and turned.
       "Hey, wait, this pheasant is going to be, and you don't want to go and wait for it to die." The owner called out, counting thirty dollars from the purse.
       Chou-Gu was happy to open the flower, took the money and took two younger brothers to run. I was afraid that the business that I had to fly would fly. She ran over in this tone, and the younger brother was almost out of breath. It is Chou-Gu himself who is also panting.
       "What are you running, what happened?" Ning-Er scared her and almost cried.
       "Someone wants a rabbit, how many are left?" Chou-Gu gasped and asked.
       "There are six left, and there are still six pheasants." Ning-Er is embarrassed to say that he saw that Chou-Gu has no chickens and rabbits on hand, knowing that she has changed out and stays with herself. It took so long to sell a rabbit and three pheasants.
       “Is it easy to sell rabbits?” Chou-Gu asked in surprise. She went so long, Ning-Er actually only bought a rabbit to go out.
       "Well." Ning-Er nodded.
       "Give me the rabbit and give me a pheasant. I took it. There is a tavern waiting for a rabbit. I want to buy forty-two." Chou-Gu whispered in his ear and said.
       Ning-Er was overjoyed, and quickly put the rabbit on her, and left the younger brother and Minger to accompany her to sell the pheasant and let the pillar accompany her. Minger's younger brother, these two children have already turned around with Chou-Gu, and they were rushed by Chou-Gu, and they were all tired. I can't get up from Ning-Er.
       Chou-Gu ran back to the tavern with a pillar carrying a scorpion.
       "East, let's come." Chou-Gu said to let the pillars take the scorpion down.
       "Hey, it’s pretty fast." The family smiled and began to look at the wild rabbit in the donkey.
       After reading it, he said   :   "The six rabbits are of different sizes. This big value is forty-two. This small is not worth it."
       "Small is forty-one, this pheasant you want altogether. A chicken is not good for roast chicken." Chou-Gu laughed.
       The East turned to look at the pillars, but saw the pillars eating their fingers, their eyes staring at the chopping board, the pig meat that had been marinated, and swallowing the saliva. How can a big, tall boy like a child still eat his fingers?
       The owner was surprised to see Pillar  and looked at Chou-Gu and said, "Who did this get?"
       "It is him." Chou-Gu answered.
       "It's really him." The owner couldn't believe it. Because he has found that Pillar  is not normal.
       "Well, it is him. Although he is not very clear, he is like a child. But his strength is great, his eyes are accurate. He used a slingshot to fight the rabbit." Chou-Gu answered, also pointed to Pillar  waist. a large slingshot.
       "Hey, what about the slingshot?" The Dong family was shocked. I didn't expect the child to be hunting with a slingshot. This is not an ordinary person.
       "Yeah. If he had been sick when he was a child, his brain burned out. It would not be like a child now. He went to fight rabbits, it was for people to bring. It was not the time to hit, this time. It was also good luck, only to get these things." Chou-Gu played a bitter card. No way, since others asked Pillar , she had to explain the explanation.
       The East looked at them two people, one girl was black and ugly, a boy grew up with a big man, just with two small ones, these two families may be saddened by the days.
       "Do you two are neighbors? Can you give him the master? Do you want to call his family?" asked the owner.
       "We are folks, I can be his master, usually come together to sell things. If you let him sell, how to do it? People rely on this income to live." Chou-Gu answered.
       "Oh, I have all these. I can also come to sell it later, but I won't have to do so much next time. I have to have two rabbits at a time. Chickens occasionally take one. I am here." Good to sell," said the owner.
       "Well, thank you very much. Forty-two big rabbits four, forty-one rabbits two, pheasant thirty. A total of two hundred and seventy-eight dollars." Chou-Gu said On the side of the calculation, the total price will be reported.
       The owner was still taking the abacus, and she heard her say the result. She couldn’t believe it and looked at her. She pulled a few abacus and it was 278 yuan. I couldn’t help but curiously said   :   How do you count, so fast?"
       "Oh, get used to it, my heart is counting." Chou-Gu smiled.
       Although the owner was very surprised, he did not ask more questions and gave them the money. Chou-Gu took the money and pulled the pillar. The pillar looked at the braised pork in three steps and looked back.
       Chou-Gu was so funny and sad, and he turned back eight big money and said to the owner   :   "Give me eight pieces of pork, let him solve the problem."
       The East also felt funny, took her eight dollars, chose the most fat place to cut a small piece of braised pork, and quickly cut it into a thin piece of meat on the chopping board, wrapped it on a dry lotus leaf and handed it to her. . This piece of meat is obviously more than eight dollars.
       Chou-Gu thanked and handed the lotus leaf to the pillar and said, "Thank you for your family."
       The pillar also followed her and said   :   "Thank you for the family." Then he happily pinched a piece of meat into his mouth.
       "Good seven." He said while eating, he also took a piece to eat Chou-Gu.
       Chou-Gu had to eat a piece too. I didn't expect the halogen scalp that she would never have eaten before. The taste was very good. It's no wonder that the business of the East is good, and it turns out that this craft is not bad either. Seeing that the pillars were eating hard, she planned to buy two pig's head meats later, and went back to eat them.
       This stuff is definitely cheaper than the pork belly, and there is no meat, but it is light. It is not easy to clean it. It is estimated that this kind of small wine shop has bought it and cooked it for the guests.
       The pillars were not all eaten. They didn't eat about five slices. They still returned the lotus leaf bag to Chou-Gu, indicating that they had already eaten.
       Chou-Gu smiled and said, "The pillars, let's go buy the meat later, go back and do it, let you eat a big bowl."
       Pillar  nodded and was very happy. The two returned to the market, and the Ning-Er pheasant was not sold out yet, leaving three.
       "I am still not as good as you, for a long time, there are still three pheasants not sold, and they are all picked up the small ones." Ning-Er said with some annoyance.
       "Not afraid, these three we will drop the price a little, a cheap two money, and deal with it." Chou-Gu said. They have to go to the pharmacy to sell the group fish, and can't waste too much time here.
       "I have already lowered the price of two dollars." Ning-Er answered.
       "Is there anyone who used to buy pheasants before? Did the big Aunt see it?" Chou-Gu asked.
       "The man bought two, the first thing he bought. The big Aunt didn't see it, wasn't it so early. Or many people, didn't see it?" Ning-Er said. They are not fixed booths. They are coming earlier today, there are many people, and it is very possible that people are not crowded into them.
       "It’s almost the same point. We used to come. Although it’s late, but it’s been so long today, should she come?” Chou-Gu is not sure, I hope Big Aunt will put these three Only the pheasants bought them, they went to sell the group fish, and then they could go home.
       Suddenly, in the crowd, I saw a woman who was like Aunt. "Where is that?"
       Chou-Gu was overjoyed and hurriedly ran in the direction of his hand. She found the big Aunt, she was picking vegetables.
       "Big Aunt." Chou-Gu pulled her. The big Aunt looked up and saw her. After a moment, she smiled and said   :   "Hey, come and sell things today, what are the rare things."
       "There are three pheasants, come over and see." Chou-Gu said to help her lift the basket on the ground.
       Big Aunt asked these three pheasants, and regrettably said   :   "Let me leave two wild rabbits next time. Yes, if you have fresh cucumber eggplant, please give me some. Recently, this dish is old. It’s not good.”
       "There is a rabbit next time, I will send you directly to the door." Chou-Gu said.
       "Well, if you can't find me in the market, go straight to the house." Big Aunt agreed.
       When I saw Chou-Gu, I found a long-time customer, and Ning-Er couldn’t help but sigh. “Chou-Gu is really smart. I can’t compare with her in this respect.”
       Packing up the good things, Chou-Gu paid six taxes, usually two or three. Today, I went to six. Chou-Gu was very distressed and lost a money.
       Ning-Er advised   :   "There are many things brought today, and more points are normal."
       "Well, I know, I just can't bear it." Chou-Gu is like a miser, and puts other money in his arms.
       "Let's go, sell the group fish, we go home to buy some food." Ning-Er laughed.


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