Ugly Biography 75

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »   Chapter 75     :     Storage          

       The next day, Ning-Er and the pillar took a scorpion dish to find the owner. The owner said   :   "My family has stored a lot of food. After ten days and a half, you will send three hundred pounds of food. Come on, right? If there are fresh fish, the pheasant will get more."
       "Oh, thank you." Ning-Er thanked and took three more medicines. This time, it’s really awkward, and the five Silver Taels have already spent two or two.
       Knowing this result, Chou-Gu immediately decided not to have heavy snow, and first dumped the dishes of the vegetable garden to the forest lodge.
       “Will these dishes go to the hut, will they freeze directly?” Ning-Er worried. He suffered from the lack of food, and he was afraid that these dishes would be wasted.
       "We have to cover more grass, it should not be bad." Chou-Gu does not matter. Even if it is broken, she recognizes it. Anyway, she doesn't want to sell some nasty people in vain. Some people have to get used to reaching out and will only bring more trouble to her in the future. During this time, she was really disgusted by Jiang Madam.
       "It can only be like this." Ning-Er said depressedly. He also couldn't think of any good way to come, especially the extra variety of his family's food, and he didn't sell it at all. Now the whole village has the most dishes.
       Originally, he was also prepared to make a fortune with Chou-Gu. Now he is good. I don't know if I can sell it in a while. I know that it is better to sell it at the same time as the villagers. As soon as he thought that he might lose a lot of money in vain, he would feel bad. It is not easy to make money now. He wants to take medicine, so that his family not only has no savings but also has to pay for it. If he goes on like this, he is afraid that the only ones will have to spend his time.
       "Oh, yes, since we are going to save the vegetables, let's take some of the food in our homes and save them in the past. Anyway, we have to take food every time in the past. It is better to bring more in the past." Chou-Gu thought about it again. Say.
       "Alright. Always eat what you want to use, and bring more points in the past." Ning-Er thought about it and agreed. It is true that every time they enter the mountain, the east takes a little bit of West and brings trouble. It is better to save something on the other side to facilitate themselves.
       So, after a day, Chou-Gu and Ning-Er brought a lot of things and went into the mountains again.
       The two brought about two hundred pounds of vegetables each other, and other things such as   :   grain, salt, pots, chili sauce, sour beans and so on. Ning-Er also brought a worn quilt. Chou-Gu also brought a pound of garlic, and even a lot of scallions were dug up. She was going to plant it directly there. In the future, whether it was cooking fish or stewing chicken, it was a bit more seasoning.
       Looking at the horses and scorpions of each house are full of things, Ning-Er said with a funny smile   :   "These things, I am afraid that we can eat a few people for a month."
       "Don't say it, we are like going to escape, everything is brought together. It can be spent outside." Chou-Gu also laughed.
       Because of the need to enter the mountain, Ning-Er deliberately wears a thick cotton cloak with a hat, which is quite good for warmth. Although the cloak is relatively old, the color is dark, but the texture is good, and the workmanship is also fine. At first glance, I know that he brought it from Capital City. Chou-Gu could not help but look at it.
       "What's the matter?" Ning-Er asked.
       He squatted around himself and found nothing wrong. This cloak is actually not his, it may have been used by the elders in his early years, and he is still a bit too big to wear. He walked through mainly to sleep multiple covers at night. In this weather, the woods in the cottage can be colder than the home.
       "I see your cloak. I have forgotten it. I should wear more." Chou-Gu smiled. She and Minger have no cloaks, cloaks and other equipment, even the headscarf is she looking for a piece of old coarse cloth, directly on the head to complete the matter. Minger is small, but there is still an old hat, which can barely be used.
       "Oh, this is what Aye wants me to wear out. In fact, I need to wear such a thick cloak at this time." Ning-Er is embarrassed to say. He is not very good, Master is afraid that he is freezing outside, so he has to wear this cloak.
       I haven't been here for a while, and the mountains are even more empty. Most of the trees are only bare branches, the leaves are falling, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of dead leaves, even those who are waisted. The deep weeds were also defeated, and under the attack of the wind and rain, they fell on the ground. The road is much better than usual.
       Without the obscuration of these leaves, the light in the mountains is better than the fall. The north wind blew the branches and hunted. Although there was the sun, it was not warm enough. The colder the day, the more slowly it is cooling. Although Chou-Gu and Minger both wore thick scorpions, the wind slammed into the neck, and the ice and ice went straight to the heart. Minger couldn't help but hold Chou-Gu to block the wind.
       “Is it cold?” Chou-Gu asked quickly.
       "I just feel that it is good to blow people." Minger answered.
       Chou-Gu regretted it and forgot to wear two scarves. However, there is really no fabric for the scarf in the family. In total, there are two large pieces of coarse cloth left. She still has to keep clothes for everyone next year. At this time, Ning-Er's cloak played a big role, and he wrapped him tightly and was not afraid of the wind.
       "If you can get the wool, it would be fine." Unconsciously, Chou-Gu actually said something.
       “What do you want wool to do?” Ning-Er asked curiously.
       "Wool can be used in a big way. It can be spun into a thread, weaving clothes and shawls, and it is very warm to wear in winter." Chou-Gu tells him that he should not understand this knowledge if he completely forgets his identity.
       "Can you see that someone has raised a sheep?" Ning-Er quietly began to smash the bottom of Chou-Gu.
       "Yeah, you have seen sheep farming before. I don't know if I can get a few sheep to come back?" Chou-Gu has a heart on the scarf, wool, sweater, and never thought about Ning-Er. In the set of her words.
       "I have seen it. I have also had goat milk." Ning-Er answered.
       "So, can you find a way to get a few sheep?" Chou-Gu asked with hope.
       "Not for the time being, no money." Ning-Er said funnyly.
       He was curious as to what Chou-Gu had in his mind. I have never seen a sheep in the local area, and Chou-Gu can actually think of using wool spinning. In fact, he knows that the herdsmen on the northern grasslands will spin the wool thread, and he has also seen advanced wool blankets and other things. It’s just that he has never been to the North to see this. Where did Chou-Gu know from? He dared to say that this small place, I am afraid that few people have seen sheep like this animal.
       "Oh, we still have to find a way to make money. Without silver, you can't think of it." Chou-Gu exclaimed.
       Ning-Er laughed at her old-fashioned look and pointed at her and said, "You, little age, where is the feeling."
       "No way, life is tough. I don't know when it is a head." Chou-Gu words are all right.
       It is even more irritating to Ning-Er, but also sad and guilty. It is true that their life is really difficult. Chou-Gu is going to be a family's livelihood at a young age. It is not difficult to blame. And he can't help, even he still needs Chou-Gu to help. In this way, the more he hated the person who had harmed his family, the overwhelming hatred instantly rushed out, making him almost bloody, and he was almost unable to control it.
       This kind of strong, suddenly hateful, hateful, Chou-Gu is very keenly felt. She couldn't help but look at Ning-Er, Ning-Er half-headed, she couldn't see his expression at all, but the chilly air emanating from him made her unable to fight a cold war.
       "What's the matter with you?" Chou-Gu worried.
       Ning-Er strongly suppressed his emotions and reluctantly said   :   "Nothing, just think of something, I feel uncomfortable."
       "You don't think too much. Isn't it a good idea to have a Master revenge for ten years? Now our days are slowly getting better. Maybe two or three years later, we can be a happy little landlord. Now, by the time, you have the ability to think about revenge." Chou-Gu quickly pleaded with him.
       She thinks that Ning-Er is really a poor person. It was originally a great gongzi Geer, but it turned out to be a family, and the body that was half-dead was sent to this poor place. In order to make a living, Ning-Er had to be with her, and went in and out of the mountain forest.
       "The Master revenge is not too late." Ning-Er repeatedly chewed this sentence, and then looked at the eyes of Chou-Gu, and suddenly he calmed down. Yes, the past, now squatting again What do you mean, you still have to be strong, and you have the hope of revenge. Therefore, the most important thing now is to make your life better.
       "Thank you." Ning-Er sincerely thanked Chou-Gu. He sincerely admired and thanked Chou-Gu, the little village girl, so a few words, let him be like a tidy, and understand what is most important in front of him.
       "Hey, there are pheasants." Suddenly Pillar  ‘Called, indicating that you should not talk.
       Ning-Er and Chou-Gu quickly shut up, and they saw three brightly colored pheasants looking for food in the dead grass not far away. This bright color adds a touch of magic to the ruined mountains.
       The pillar lifted the slingshot, and a round stone ejected like a shell. A pheasant fell down and the other two ‘Called and flew. However, their gorgeous colors are very impressive, and the wild grasses in the nearby forests have all fallen to the ground, where they can hide their traces. The pillar patted the horse, chased the past, and soon shot another two.
       Chou-Gu and Minger followed behind them and picked up three pheasants happily.
       "Today we stewed chicken soup." Chou-Gu smiled. Because I don’t know if I will go into the mountains again, the pheasants in my family are limited. Chou-Gu didn’t dare to let go. I only stewed half a chicken the next day, and added a bunch of vegetables in it, but I missed the pure chicken soup. .
       "Okay, okay. We can drink chicken soup." Minger cried happily. Although there are oily oysters every day, the taste of pure chicken soup is comparable to that of chicken soup with a lot of vegetables.
       The eyes of Pillar  are more happy and the eyes are smashed. Ning-Er was also infected by both of them. The cold face was softened and said with a smile   :   "Chou-Gu, we are cooking two chickens today, everyone eats well."
       "Oh. What is this? Let's get some fish. I have to cook a dish today." Chou-Gu laughed and rubbed his head. Food always makes people happy, she wants Ning-Er to be happy, not to remember some painful past. Otherwise, if he is sick and sick, if he is seriously ill because of his thoughts, he is annoying.

       Chapter 76     :     Happy          

       When I arrived at the Linzhong Hut, it was still early, and the big guy was busy moving all the dry wood that had been sun-dried around before, and started to store the cabbage radish. In order to better protect these dishes, Chou-Gu not only laid thick hay on the ground, but also covered several layers of hay, wrapped all the vegetables tightly, and stopped the four talents. .
       "Hey, let's get some more firewood, let the horse and the donkey have a place to stay in the wind." Chou-Gu looked at the two leisurely animals and asked.
       "Well, this is also simple. The firewood is more, we will get a few bundles back." Ning-Er thought about it and said.
       Now the ground is full of dead leaves, it is easy to collect a bunch of back. The four people worked together and didn't have to run far. They only worked in the vicinity for more than two quarters. They got more than ten bundles of firewood back, and placed them under the eaves of the wall roots. They sorted them out slightly and made a haystack. Look, there are places to rest at the two animals in the evening.
       According to Chou-Gu thought, it is necessary to make a simple shed for the animals, but none of them will have to give up. Fortunately, the weather has not yet reached the time of dripping into ice, and the animals will not be frozen to death.
       Ning-Er smiled and said   :   "Okay, that's it. If you have time, you have to find a way to build a horse shed. Go away, go get some fish. You don't mean to have a big meal tonight. ?"
       It’s rare to see Ning-Er’s so cute childish look, Chou-Gu couldn’t help but laugh, this guy looks really good. Several people stepped on the afterglow of the setting sun. In order to catch the big fish, they walked up and down the river with a mile and a long way. Only then did they choose a curved place full of water plants to start fishing. The stream formed a semi-circular small pool with water plants on it, and the water was quite deep. Chou-Gu estimates that there are more fish here.
       "I hope to get more big fish, too small fish is too much trouble." Chou-Gu sighed and directed the pillar to fish along the edge.
       Sure enough, Chou-Gu expectation, the pillars went up, and got the second treaty a pound of fish.
       "Oh, yes, yes. The place you chose is really right." Ning-Er smiled happily.
       A few people have been busy for a while, and they have gotten more than a dozen and a half pounds of fish. The five treats are a big fish, and there are many fish around three or two. Chou-Gu and Ning-Er are too small. And throw it back into the water. Not much longer, the water was turbid. Everyone fished and fished very hard, and they couldn’t care for it.
       Chou-Gu looked at the more and more fish in the bucket, very happy, and planned to stew a fish hot pot to eat.
       Suddenly Ning-Er stopped everyone from continuing to do so, keeping their eyes on the water and keeping everyone quiet.
       "What are you doing?" Chou-Gu asked in a small voice.
       "I just saw a big black shadow. I suspect it is a group fish." Ning-Er said while holding the water, the scorpion in his hand was tight.
       Chou-Gu quickly asked the pillars and Minger to come over and look for them. Several pairs of eyes were all on the surface of the water, for fear of revealing the traces of the group fish.
       "Oh, I saw it, fast, pillar." Or Ning-Er eyes pointed, the group fish floated on the water in front of the pillar.
       Pillar  was played very often this time, and immediately picked up Chou-Gu and threw it at the hand and went to the group. The movement was fast, and Chou-Gu didn't react, but actually caught it.
       "Haha, pillar, really." Chou-Gu excitedly gave a thumbs up at the pillar.
       This group of fish is bigger than the one that was caught last time, and it is estimated that it can sell a good price.
       "Hey, it’s a good luck today." Ning-Er was very happy, but I didn’t expect to get a big fish again. We must know that they are not fishing twice in the water of the stream. It is rare to see even a half-pound of fish. Today, not only is the fish bigger, but also a large group of fish, it is an unexpected surprise. It is.
       "Oh, this is good. Let's go back and celebrate today." Chou-Gu cried happily.
       Recently, they are really bad luck, oranges have not made any money, and things that want to sell vegetables and make money are basically ruined. It’s rare to be so lucky today, let alone she is happy. Ning-Er is very excited.
       On the return trip, everyone was in a good mood, and Chou-Gu was so happy to pick up the song. Minger and the pillars have to sneak in the sky to go hunting, and Chou-Gu and Ning-Er take the fish back to the pool where they usually use water to start collecting fish.
       "We kill a few big ones and kill some small ones." Chou-Gu said that he picked a few fish out.
       Ning-Er nodded and held a half-pound of fish. Now his level of killing fish is very high, and the movement is not slower than Chou-Gu. He looked at the fish in his hand, and was quickly removed from the scales. Then he was smashed and smashed. He couldn’t help but laugh a little. When he used to, he didn’t even see people killing people. Now he has done so much.
       Ning-Er specializes in big fish killing, Chou-Gu specializes in handling small fish, she is afraid that Ning-Er technology is not home, and the small fish's gallbladder is broken. If the fish gallbladder is broken, it will be very bitter and it will not be delicious.
       Wait until Ning-Er kills the fish, and Chou-Gu has several pieces that have not been processed.
       "I will go back first, take the dishes to wash." Ning-Er washed his hands and lifted a bucket of fish and left.
       When he returned, Chou-Gu had cleaned all the fish and was about to go back.
       "You washed the dishes and told Minger to go back with the pillars. The sky is getting dark." Chou-Gu quickly confessed to him.
       Ning-Er came to the Internet with a special message   :   "I know, you should cook first."
       If the two people talked like this, they must have thought that they were a pair of old wives.
       When Ning-Er came back with the pillars and Minger, Chou-Gu had already stewed the chicken soup in the pan.
       "Sister, we got a few pheasants and wild rabbits." Minger cried cheerfully.
       "Yeah, the harvest is good." Chou-Gu turned and looked at the pheasant wild rabbits that everyone was carrying. There is still a big winter to go through, the more these things are, the better.
       Ning-Er and the pillars smashed a few stones outside the house, and took a simple stove and sat on the other casserole to cook. Four people are cooking around the fire.
       Although Chou-Gu said that he had to make a big meal, the application here was simple. In the end, he only stewed a pot of chicken soup and made a radish-burning fish.
       The pure chicken soup is very delicious. Not only the Minger and the pillars are slamming their heads, but Chou-Gu himself feels that the soup tastes good. Ning-Er also drinks half a bowl more than usual, or if he still wants to Eat some fish, he can't wait to drink chicken soup directly and drink it.
       "Today's chicken soup is really delicious." Ning-Er put down the bowl and praised Chou-Gu.
       "Well, good, good." The pillar and Minger also nodded madly, echoing the praise of Ning-Er.
       “There is still a lot of chicken, the taste of the soup is even better.” Chou-Gu said with a smile. Usually they eat chicken and add a lot of vegetables to go in, eat not chicken, eat a little bit of oil. Today, I have stewed two chickens in one breath, and I haven’t added any food. It’s pure to drink chicken soup, so the taste is very delicious.
       "Yeah, where is the usual stew of chicken soup, two chickens we can eat for three or four days." Ning-Er also laughed.
       "Come, try this fish stewed today." Chou-Gu gave Ning-Er two small spoons of fish soup for him to taste.
       The fish she cooks today, add some radish slices and cook them together. The fish is put more, and a big spoon of chili sauce is added. The red and bright soup is dotted with white radish and green shallot seedlings. Very good. Smell spicy and fresh, the taste should be good.
       "It's delicious, sour and spicy. The taste of this fish soup is also very good. Chou-Gu, this cooking has improved more and more." Ning-Er strongly praised.
       "Hey, if there are more spices, I can make more dishes." Chou-Gu said proudly.
       “Where did you learn from this cooking?” Ning-Er pretended to ask casually.
       "I think about it, but who can teach it? But before Chunhua and her Madam also taught some of the most basic." Chou-Gu went out in front of a sentence, and then said that it was not appropriate. And I added a snake and added a sentence.
       It is true that the basic life skills of the original body are all taught by the Jiang family, but it is because of her own ability to make the dish so delicious. People who eat goods, love food, eat more, and slowly think about how to cook. After a few years, she also let her practice a good cooking.
       Ning-Er looked at her and didn't say much. But she knew very well that Jiang family could not have such a good cooking skill, and Chou-Gu himself was only ten years old. He didn't believe what she said. I figured it out myself. Chou-Gu knows too much, and her cognition of many things goes beyond the reach of her class. Such Chou-Gu makes Ning-Er full of curiosity and admiration.
       "I have to follow your studies. Otherwise, I can't eat anymore in the future." Ning-Er laughed.
       Master's cooking skills have improved slightly under the guidance of Ning-Er, but to be honest, it is really hard to eat. But most of the time, the Master does not allow Ning-Er to cook himself, he can only allow Ning-Er to point him at the side. Ning-Er As long as he wants to do it himself, he will be sad and sad, and he will not blame himself. I feel that I have not taken care of Ning-Er, I feel that Ning-Er is a good 1st Young Master, and it is too disappointing to be able to cook for myself.
       Although Ning-Er has already persuaded him many times, "I am not already a 1st Young Master, and you should not think about these things. Just treat me as an ordinary farmer."
       Ning-Er, the Master is even more sad, and Ning-Er doesn't dare to say too much. He can only go with him. However, Ning-Er learned a fur on Chou-Gu, and then went back and pointed out the Master. The dishes made by Master did taste better.
       Several people said while eating, all the pot of chicken soup and a pot of fish were eaten clean, and the pot of porridge was left without a bowl. This time, even the pillars can't hold on.
       “Sure enough, the food is eaten less.” Chou-Gu smiled and put the porridge that had not been eaten on the small table.
       "You don't look at how many chickens you eat. We just drink soup. The meat of two chickens is almost rounded up." Ning-Er funnyly pointed at the pile of chicken bones and fish bones of the pillars, saying . These things in front of the pillars are more than the sum of the three of them. And the pillar also ate a large bowl of thick porridge.
       "When the pillar is a long body, the amount of activity is large, and the amount of rice is normal." Chou-Gu laughed. If everyone can eat like a pillar, she really wants to worry. One of the pillars was worth the meal of her three brothers.
       "Well, the pillars and Minger went to the door for a few turns." Ning-Er told him that he was afraid that the pillars and Minger would eat too much food.
       "Don't engage in wild rabbits today?" Minger asked.
       "It's too cold, I'm afraid I can't see the wild rabbit. You both turn around at the door, don't run away. Oh, yes, just dig somewhere next to the house and plant the onions." Chou-Gu Give them a job. She handed over a handful of scallions to Minger and asked them to find a place to plant them. She plans to plant some basic dishes here, especially onions, garlic, and so on. You don't have to bring these things in the future.
       On this cold day, if they were not afraid of their food, Chou-Gu would not dare to ask them to go out, afraid of freezing. å·¥å…· shanghai is much lower in the sacred area.
       Minger had some regrets, but did not dare to defy the sister and Ning-Er's instructions, and the squatting and pillars were smashing the ground at the door and planting the onion.
       “It’s so cold, is it alive?” Ning-Er asked.
       "Should be able to live, I don't know, let's plant it first. Oh, yes, after you planted it, come in and get some ash to cover it."
       Chou-Gu ‘Called again. The charcoal ash produced by the cooking of their rice is not small. This stuff can fertilize the field and seems to be able to deworm. Thick layering on the onion seedlings can also play a role in keeping warm.
       Sure enough, Ning-Er asked   :   "What do you want to do?"
       "You haven't seen anyone else ash on the freshly cut leeks?" Chou-Gu asked.
       Ning-Er thought about it and nodded and said, "Is it difficult to make these ash or fertilizer?"
       "Yeah." Chou-Gu nodded and said.
       She is not very clear about how big the effect of the ash is, but they can really fatten the field. After the harvest of the crops from the modern to the end of autumn, people no longer take back straw, straw and other things, but set them on the ground directly. Because there are fewer people burning wood now, everyone is too lazy to get these woods back, and it is useless to get them back. Second, it is also because these grass ash is good for the land. If it is harmful, the farmers will not burn these things in the ground every year.
       Minger and the pillars planted the onion, and they curiously took three garlics to plant.
       "Hey, hey, let's open the garlic, you have to plant it one by one." Chou-Gu quickly called again.
       Ning-Er learned another trick. Like the pillars of Minger, he thought that the garlic was planted directly. However, this time he did not bother to ask why. It is really too naive to ask this question.
       The two kinds of garlic onions outside are so hot. Chou-Gu and Ning-Er don't care about them either. Just let them grow up, and got a lot of ash over the newly planted land.
       “Would you like to lay a layer of firewood on top?” Ning-Er asked again.
       Chou-Gu thought about it, or said   :   "Cover it."
       In fact, she does not know whether these onions and garlic can grow. Anyway, her impression is that the onion and garlic are both in the north and south, which proves that their cold tolerance should be very good. And she doesn't know how cold and cold the locals are. If it is about ten degrees below ten degrees, the onion and garlic should not freeze to death. Where she lived before, the coldest in winter is almost minus ten degrees. The cabbage, radish, spinach, scallions, garlic, etc. in the ground are not all directly in the ground, and they are not afraid of being covered by snow. freeze to death.
       Ning-Er moved two bales of hay and prepared to get himself and the place where the pillars slept.
       The dishes shipped today took up a place, and the floor tiles of Ning-Er and the pillars became more and more unplaced. He looked left and right and always felt that the discovered place was not enough.
       "Just lay it here." Chou-Gu pointed directly at the bed. Only this place has the largest empty position, but this way, it means that she and Minger have to go from Ning-Er's bed. In the morning, if she got up first, she had to cross the body of Ning-Er and the pillars.
       Ning-Er nodded and could only be laid down like this. He laid a thick layer of hay on the ground before laying a thick piece of cloth, and the bed was laid.
       "This is not good, it will be cold." Chou-Gu worried. Although the ground is very dry, but also thick grass, but no scorpion, she always worried that the ground is heavy and cold, will make Ning-Er frozen.
       "I'm not afraid, I brought a donkey," Ning-Er said, opening the look of a worn-out quilt, and for a long time, the inner layer of the quilt was actually sheepskin. Thick wool, warm when touched.
       "Wow, you still have wool scorpions." Chou-Gu joked. Sure enough, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, Ning-Er is poorer, and better than Chou-Gu equipment. Wool tweezers and thick cotton cloaks are unattainable to ordinary people.
       "Well, this is earlier." Ning-Er answered, this is the former Ning family rewarded to the pillars of the grandfather, Master is afraid that Ning-Er cold day will freeze outside, let him bring it over It is.
       After finishing the sleeping place, the water on the stove was also boiled. Chou-Gu called the pillar and Minger came in. Everyone washed their face and soaked their feet, and went to sleep.
       The glimmer of the fire warmed the hut, and everyone soon fell into a dream.

       Chapter 77     :     Gourmet          

       Ning-Er woke up in the morning when the first rays of sunlight came in through the door. He opened his eyes and opened the quilt with a light hand and got out of bed. The pillar is still asleep, completely unaffected by him.
       He slept very well last night, the floor was soft, the fire was still in the hut, and there was a pillar-shaped man-shaped stove, which didn't make him feel cold at all. The room was very warm, he quickly dressed and opened the door lightly.
       The door " ‘mute" opened, and the cold wind outside was all filled in, blowing Ning-Er to take a nap, and he quickly closed the door. Still can't help but sneeze.
       Just like this, the room seemed to be suddenly a few cold, Chou-Gu blinked and stretched two and said   :   "Are you up?"
       "Well, wake you up." Ning-Er is embarrassed to say.
       "It's time to get up." Chou-Gu took his big scorpion, took a picture, and woke him up.
       The pillars on the ground were also called by Ning-Er. The wind outside was very big, obviously colder than yesterday.
       "It’s really a cold day. I’m going to snow again, I’m afraid I won’t go out at all.” Ning-Er sighed, and the hot air spewed out quickly disappeared into the wind. The forest is obviously colder than the village.
       "Yeah, this time we got a lot of things to go home. I am afraid that there is no chance to come again this winter." Chou-Gu said. After the heavy snowfall, they will not be able to come here again.
       "Well, let's go out and turn." Ning-Er knows this truth better than her. His family is even poorer. He can't wait to eat breakfast, and he goes hunting with the pillars and Minger.
       Chou-Gu left alone in the hut to cook breakfast, breakfast is very simple, she cooked a pot of thick porridge, cut a bit of fat chicken fried a large pot of cabbage, and picked up two spoons of chili sauce, it was made Two dishes. Ning-Er and the pillar Minger turned around in a circle, and when they came back, they slid three fat rabbits.
       After having breakfast, everyone worked for about an hour and returned. Their harvest is quite good, eight pheasants, four fat rabbits, plus a large group of fish, and thirty pounds of fresh fish, even Chai Wo, they each brought two bundles back home. When it came, it was the same, and both animals were full of shackles.
       "Oh, actually, I should get more pheasants." Chou-Gu said with some regrets. These few of them are all sold, and they have not eaten.
       "We can get back on the way back." Ning-Er said that now the day is short, they have to go back earlier, otherwise he would like to stay an extra hour and engage a few more pheasants. However, the road to go back is still long. When you come, you can get the pheasant, and you can get it when you go back.
       Sure enough, not far away, everyone found a group of beautiful pheasants looking for food in the sun.
       The pillars rushed over, and they followed his back. Not long after, they got three pheasants. This way, all the way to hunting, then it was really full of return. Finally, they brought back fifteen pheasants and four wild rabbits.
       The two families left four pheasants, and the remaining seven pheasants and four wild rabbits were all sold out. Chou-Gu still did not go to the town, gave everything to Ning-Er, let his family take it out and sell it.
       "Why don't you go?" Ning-Er was surprised to ask, Chou-Gu had not been to the market for some time, and this time he did not go.
       "Hey, I am too lazy to go, others are staring at me. There is nothing to buy at home." Chou-Gu said muffled.
       She is now going to the market to sell things, the village is staring at her, and she has made a lot of money, making her a little scared. In fact, she really did not make much money, it is enough for a family to eat, do not look at her hand is still a little savings. In fact, this is completely saved from the teeth, even the oil is reluctant to buy.
       Most of the money earned during this time gave Ning-Er medicine. In fact, she understands that Ning-Er does not take medicine, and she is not likely to let her family have a good time. After all, what they have earned now is only to solve their eating problems, and the clothes have no money to add.
       And they are not living very well now, but they are full of food. Still can't talk about eating well and discovered it casually wherein. Because the food they buy is half-grain, even the white rice is not afraid to buy. If you want to make your life better, you have to increase your income by at least two times.
       Ning-Er nodded and sighed. He only hates what he can't help Chou-Gu now. He understands that Chou-Gu is a precautionary measure. She is afraid that she will earn more. The people in the village are even more embarrassed and even bad. At this time, his family is more powerful than the Chou-Gu family. After all, they have three men, and their status is superb. The Chou-Gu family has only three children. There is a mother who does not care about everything, and everything is pushed to Chou-Gu.
       People in Ningjia Village will naturally talk privately about how many Ningjia families have their homes, and how much money they have to exchange each time they go out? But no one dares to like the red fruit of Jiang Wucun, staring at the Chou-Gu home without any disguise. They still have some awe of the Ning family, even if they have any thoughts in their hearts, they dare not have any action on the Ning family. Besides, although the pillars are stupid, but the strength of the pillars, but scary, which dare to provoke him. That is, Aye is also an old Jianghu. It is not easy for the villagers to count on the Ning family.
       Although Ning-Er can be safe in Ningjia Village, he can't reach Jiang Wucun with his current situation and ability. Therefore, he can only pay attention to Chou-Gu from time to time. If Chou-Gu is really doing something, how much can he help her.
       "Then what are you going to bring back?" Ning-Er asked again.
       This time I got a lot of things. Just a group of fish is enough for him to take medicine. The remaining pheasant wild rabbits and fresh fish can also exchange about 400 yuan, enough to buy Chou-Gu home.
       "You help me with two or three pig hooves, and the pig's scalp is a few more. Right, buy some octagonal cinnamon, I want to eat braised pork." Chou-Gu thought about it and said.
       The last time I said that I had to eat the pork scalp meat, I have never had time to get it. Pig hooves, she plans to get back the marinated ham. Both of these are cheaper, much cheaper than fat. Especially the pig's scalp is very cheap, because very few people can make it delicious, and there is no oil, no hair, and it is troublesome to handle.
       "Yes, I remembered it. I will send it to you the day after tomorrow." Ning-Er said, and went back to Ningjia Village with the pillar.
       The next day Ning-Er and the pillars took things straight to the drugstore.
       The group fish he brought with him really surprised the owner. "Hey, I really got a big group of fish. At this time, it is a rarity." The owner laughed, he was very generous and had one or two hundred and three hundred. Money.
       He also accepted the fish and pheasant. Then, he gave Ning-Er a pulse and revised the prescription. He said   :   "The weather is cold. I will take a few more medicines back this time, so that it is not easy to get medicine after snowing."
       Ning-Er got one or two more silvers and sent them out. I was very reluctant to ask   :   "I don’t think there is any chance to go hunting in the mountains this winter. There is nothing good at home to change the money. How long do I have to eat this medicine? ?"
       "You don't always want to be reluctant to make money. The body is the most important thing. I have already changed the two drugs for you this time. It's a lot cheaper. This month, the medicine is finished, let's take a look. Yes, Chou- Why didn't Gu come?" asked the owner.
       I didn't even go to Chou-Gu twice, but he thought a little bit of the little Miss.
       "Hey, she was bullied in the village. Lazy to get out of the door." Ning-Er said with some anger.
       "Hey, Chou-Gu is not the owner who is easily bullied. What happened?" asked the owner.
       "She is awesome, she is also a child. Her family is sad." Ning-Er exclaimed. You have to say what happened specifically, and it is hard to say that except for the Jiang family. But everyone in the village is staring at you, as if you are always ready to rush to bite you, it feels really bad. Ning-Er did not know what to say, but only transferred the topic.
       The two wentssip for a while, and Ning-Er went to the tavern with the pillars. The owner of the tavern is also very happy to see them.
       Said   :   "Hey, I didn't expect you to get a live wild rabbit this day."
       "There are four of them, I am afraid that it is the last time this winter." Ning-Er said with some regrets. Obviously the business of the tavern is not bad recently, and if he can get more prey several times, he doesn't have to worry about it.
       "Also, the more chilly the sky. If the snow is heavy, it will not be easy to enter the mountain." The East also said.
       Pillar  stared at the freshly simmered meat of the house, and Ning-Er whispered in his ear and said, "Let's go buy the meat and let Chou-Gu eat it."
       Pillar  was no longer staring at the braised pork, and he followed him to the pork stall to buy meat.
       On the pork stalls, the good fat meat and pork belly were basically sold out. The remaining large pieces of lean meat, a few pig's hooves and pig's scalp and some 708 large intestines, pig hearts and so on.
       “Is this left in the pig's hooves and scalp? Is there still much?” Ning-Er asked.
       "No, three pig scalp, four hooves, are you all right?" The uncle who sold the meat quickly asked.
       "Well." Ning-Er nodded and said.
       The uncle who sold the meat saw a big customer and said   :   "If you want these things, don't you cut some meat? There is good meat."
       "No, just do it." Ning-Er shook his head and said. There are pheasants in the house to eat, as well as wild boar, where to give money and then buy pork to go back to eat. If Chou-Gu didn't want these things, he wouldn't come to the pork stalls at all.
       "Look at how much you buy, this pig's heart is cheaper for you, take a little more." The big meat uncle is trying to sell his own goods.
       Ning-Er thought about it and asked, "How cheap is it?"
       The uncle who took the meat directly took the whole pig's large intestine and two pig hearts, and cut a piece of meat about half a catty and put it together, saying   :   "You give fifteen dollars."
       Ning-Er seems to be on a cheaper basis. Just the pig heart and lean meat can be taken back to stew and drink.
       Uncle Ma Li helped him pack everything. Then Ning-Er went to buy the octagonal cinnamon, but was shocked by the price and spent twenty dollars before buying a small bag.
       Chou-Gu saw the half-scorpion pig's trotters, scalp, etc. that they sent, and they scared a big jump and said, "I have done so much? How did you get a pig's large intestine?"
       "It's cheap, just buy a little more. You will get this?" Ning-Er is not very embarrassed to ask. At that time, it was all cheap, and if Chou-Gu would not get into trouble.
       "Yes, this stuff is a good appetizer. It is very troublesome to wash." Chou-Gu laughed. There are many cooking methods in the modern pig large intestine, braised, marinated, and the taste is very good.
       "That's good, it's all half of the meat." Ning-Er laughed and said that the octagonal and cinnamon had spent twenty dollars and shocked Chou-Gu.
       "No wonder no one has gotten these things to eat." Chou-Gu said, without some big ingredients to drive the taste, this pig's large intestine should be delicious, not easy.
       "Hey, aren't you going to learn to cook? Today I will teach you how to get these things. In fact, these bargains are good or good." Chou-Gu smiled and called Ning-Er Give yourself a hand.
       The two in the stove, fired to start the barbecue scalp, the hair on the pig's hooves, and then scraped with a knife, the pig's scalp was directly soaked in the water, the pig's hooves were directly salted.
       Then, Chou-Gu taught Ning-Er how to clean the pig's large intestine.
       Ning-Er looked at the fat and greasy pig big intestines and did not dare to start. Chou-Gu cleaned up the appearance twice with warm water before he began to turn the pig's large intestine and wash it inside. At this time, you can smell a heavier smell. However, this year the pigs are vegetarian, all kinds of wild vegetables and weeds, and the intestines are clean.
       Because there is no vinegar at home, Chou-Gu has found a little wine, which is still not finished before the Wu hunter, and there is a little left.
       The turned pig's large intestine was washed with Chou-Gu for a while, then cleaned up several times, and the taste disappeared almost.
       It took the two people an hour to clean up the pig's large intestine and the pig's scalp pig's trotters.
       "You can get a pot. Today, my hand is full of oil." Chou-Gu said, stretching his hands with a greasy hand.
       It’s really time-consuming to do these things, and the hands have been soaked in the water, they are all wrinkled, and they have to be burned with hot water. The cold water is not only too cold, but also completely clean. The pig's large intestine is very fat, and it is covered with white silk oil. She cleaned it very carefully and tried to keep all the oil flowers. If it is a modern one, the pig eats all kinds of messy feed and drowning water, she will directly cut off the oil on the inner wall of the fat and throw it away.
       I burned a cauldron and put a small pot of water. Chou-Gu threw a large portion of the star anise and cinnamon, and left the rest. It was really reluctant to run out. Then, she took a bowl of homemade cardamom and soaked it, soaking out black water, which is similar to soy sauce. I poured the water into the pot and took a handful of dried chili, three spoons of salt, and a little bit of wine was thrown into the pot. Next, throw the pig's large intestine and pig's scalp meat into the pot and cook.
       "Well, we just have to wait for about two or three moments, it's almost the same." Chou-Gu said, wiped his hands, what should he do when he should do it.
       “It’s that simple?” Ning-Er asked some unbelievable. In addition to the cleaning costs, the cooking process is extremely simple.
       "Yeah, the braised meat is actually very simple, that is, we need more ingredients, soy sauce and vinegar. If we don't, we will replace it with soymeal and wine." Chou-Gu answered. In fact, in modern times, there are many shops selling pork meat. All the meats can be put together, and thousands of pieces, kelp, lotus roots, etc. can also be marinated together. The taste is very good. When I think of lotus root, she thinks about the water chestnut she planted. Unfortunately, although the water chestnut plant is alive, it grows very well, but it has no result. Made her white happy.
       Thinking of this, she quickly ran to take a pheasant and threw it into the pot.
       The water in the pot boiled, and it didn't take a long time to give off the smell of meat.
       "How? If you haven't eaten, you will smell the scent." Chou-Gu rushed Ning-Er proudly.
       Ning-Er nodded again and again, sincerely praised   :   "It is really fragrant. I did not expect these bargains, it is so attractive."
       Cooked for about a quarter of an hour, the kitchen has already exuded a very rich flavour of meat. Chou-Gu uncovers the lid of the pot and pokes the chicken with chopsticks. The chopsticks are easily inserted into the meat. She quickly puts the chicken. Fishing out.
       "Already cooked? Good incense." Minger and the pillars, the younger brothers smelled the scent and ran to the stove.
       "Chicken is cooked. You are a little bit late." Chou-Gu said, put the chicken on the chopping board, and cut the two chicken legs and chicken wings directly with the knife. The younger brother and the pillar got a chicken leg. Ning-Er and Minger got a chicken wing. Chou-Gu cuts a piece of chicken breast for himself. In a moment, there is only one shell left in a chicken.
       "It's delicious, it's so delicious." The people laughed and laughed.
       Chou-Gu thought about it, and cut a few chicken backs and meat on the chicken breasts, so that Minger gave them their mother. The rest of the chicken shell, she let several children go to eat. A chicken was cleaned up in a moment. The people still have obvious intentions, and they are all staring at the pot.
       Chou-Gu stopped the fire in the stove, let them slowly simmer in the pot for a while, began to cook the porridge, and also washed a large basket of cabbage, ready to let Ning-Er and the pillars eat at home.
       After half an hour, Chou-Gu meals were all cooked.
       There are only four dishes on the table, a bowl of sliced ​​pork scalp meat, a bowl of braised pork large intestine, plus a large bowl of fried Chinese cabbage, a small bowl of fried sour beans. The main thing is to eat meat. The porridge is very rare today. Everyone drinks directly in a bowl. No one even suspected that the porridge was too thin, and there was no more rice.
       "I didn't expect these bargains to be so delicious. It's no wonder that the pig's pork head is selling fast. If he sells this thing, I'm afraid it will make more money. Where did you learn it?" Ning-Er ate two halo, and laughed. This is the first time he has eaten this thing. He can't think of it. He smells something stinking and can actually make food.
       "It is estimated that not many people dare to eat it. And it is really troublesome to get clean, maybe he won't get it." Chou-Gu laughed, this stuff in the pig's large intestine, many people not only do not eat, see all I feel sick.
       "Yes. I have never seen anyone eat before. Next time I go, I will buy some more, cheaper, and the oil is still enough." Ning-Er nodded and said. He saw it just now, and after finishing these things, there was a layer of oil floating on the marinade. Chou-Gu told him that the marinade can still be used, and the layer of oil floating above can also be used for cooking, which is equivalent to using lard.
       "It's really oily, remember to buy some vinegar back next time." Chou-Gu reminded him. The wine at home has been used up. In fact, she has long wanted to buy vinegar and has been reluctant to make money.
       "Okay." Ning-Er nodded and said that he remembered.
       After eating, Ning-E took Chou-Gu to pack him the marinated vegetables and the already solidified marinade oil, and the pillars went home.
       Chou-Gu got another big rice dumpling and put some chopped pork scalp meat on the bread, and gave it to Minger to send him to Jiang Chunhua.
       "You are smart, don't let other people see it." Chou-Gu said. Today, I can no longer find an excuse to cut shoes. I can only sneak it directly.
       "Well, I know." Minger left the rice dumplings.
       Chou-Gu looked at his back and felt very uncomfortable. The result was that the clock came back soon.
       "So fast, have you given her?" Chou-Gu hurriedly asked.
       "Send. Did not let others see." Minger answered. It turned out that he was also lucky, just happened to meet Jiang Chunhua and went back to the thatched cottage. Minger rushed back to her and ran back.
       "Is she alright?" Chou-Gu asked again.
       Minger grabbed her hair and didn't know how to answer it. Anyway, he saw Jiang Chunhua walking around, but she was certainly not as healthy and energetic as she usually saw.
       Chou-Gu sighed and didn't ask any more. She guessed that Jiang Chunhua would definitely become weak. She can only hope that the family that Jiang Chunhua wants to marry can be better for her.

       Chapter 78     :     Igloo          

       It was changed again that night, and the north wind was blowing.
       When I got up the next morning, Chou-Gu opened the door and saw the white eyes full of snow. The snow was still boiling, and the villages in the distance near the mountains were all covered in the white snow.
       "Oh, it’s finally snowing." Chou-Gu sighed, lazily scooping up the scoop and bucket to get water.
       The small waterhole at the door of her house had underground spring water, and it was not frozen, and the water was still warm. She washed the water directly with the water every morning.
       This is also a little compensation for her. Otherwise, every day she is going to fight water, she has to worry about her for a long time.
       At breakfast, she cooked the porridge, and simmered two spoons of halogen oil to fry a pot of Chinese cabbage. The family had eaten, and Minger and the younger brother followed their mother to read and write. Chou-Gu herself is doing needlework alone. Without the help of Jiang Chunhua, she has been working on a pair of shoes for several days.
       Starting from this day, it means that winter has officially begun. The people in the village are basically not going out, and Chou-Gu has also started the real cat winter.
       Three of their sisters spent a lot of time on reading literacy. Although their mother is still very indifferent to the children, Chou-Gu still does not like this woman. However, the family is still getting along well. Although the days are poor, it is considered to be eating and drinking, and there is a warm house.
       During the period, Ning-Er and the pillars came to see them. Ning-Er also wrote a booklet to Chou-Gu, which basically introduced some common sense. And he also wrote two words posted to Minger and younger brothers to practice large characters.
       Chou-Gu, but I have turned this booklet over for half a day, and I don’t have much feeling in my heart. Ning-Er's pamphlet is actually very simple, but it is mentioned, the royal family of this Family, also wrote some customs and customs of Jingli, and some things that may be considered big events. In short, these seem to be of no use to Chou-Gu.
       She has now adapted to life here, although sometimes she misses modernity, and there is a TV with a network of mobile phones. But at this time it took a long time, she already understood that these are impossible. Therefore, she can calm down and live her own little life honestly.
       Perhaps, it is another kind of meaning that has broken the red dust. In short, her mood is very calm, not happy or worried. Or because she is still a child's body, it won't be able to eat and sleep like an Daren. She ate incense and slept to sleep. The days are very calm.
       The village is also peaceful, just as everyone started to eat and sleep, sleep and eat the same life. The Chou-Gu family is some distance away from the nearest Jiang family, and usually does not interact with everyone. In less than a month, her home seemed to be isolated from the world. The entire Jiangwu Village, except for the kittens who occasionally came to the door, the other people in the village, Chou-Gu had never seen it.
       The kitten is still young and doesn't know much about the gossip in the village. Chou-Gu doesn't ask him any more. There is nothing new in the village. He came here to learn a few words. Minger and the younger brother have a rare companion. When he comes, he will definitely teach him to read a few words. Chou-Gu doesn't care about them. Since Ming is willing to be a small teacher, let him be a good person. Rare children have something interesting to do.
       Looking at the three of them, squatting on the snow and writing with the big branches, Minger also guides the kittens from time to time, that is, the younger brother is on the side to join in the fun, Chou-Gu feels quite fun. Sometimes, Chou-Gu will also take them on the snow for a while, such as a snowman or something. But most of the time, they stayed in a warm home. Because it's really cold outside.
       On this day, the kitten and the Ning-Er column came over. When there were more people, they were very busy. They ran wildly on the snow outside. They also piled up a huge snowman in the snowballs. Looking at such a big snowman, Chou-Gu had a whim and decided to get a small igloo. She used to see such a big snow on TV, and people who have seen the extremely cold places on TV have lived directly in the igloo. She was thinking about it at that time, what is the feeling of living in the igloo?
       "Ning-Er, do you know how to build a wall?" Chou-Gu turned and asked to see the lively Ning-Er. He is afraid of being cold and weak, and he does not dare to stay in the snow for a long time. He did not participate in the activity of the snowman, and he stood on the dry ground at the door and watched the children play.
       "Walling the wall? What are you doing? I have seen how others build." Ning-Er looked at her inexplicably and said.
       "That's good, I just watched it, didn't move. Let's build an igloo?" Chou-Gu laughed.
       “What is the ice house?” Ning-Er is more curious.
       "Hey, hey, ask you, when the summer is hot in the capital, isn't there a lot of people putting ice in the house?" Chou-Gu asked him mysteriously.
       "Yeah, do you want to store ice cubes?" Ning-Er asked in surprise, his excitement and urgency in his tone, his eyes sparkling, as if he had seen another baby.
       "Hey, I don't know if I can succeed. It's an idea." Chou-Gu smiled.
       "If you have an idea, how do you say it?" Ning-Er hurriedly asked.
       Chou-Gu went into the house and went to find two pieces of wood. He experimented a little, and made a small pile of snow on the ground, and then made a large square with a strong pressure. Then scrape the bricks made of this snow with big planks and set them aside.
       "Let's do some snow bricks like this first."
       Ning-Er learned her appearance and took a piece of wood to start making snow bricks. Although his movements were slower, the finished products were better than Chou-Gu, and they were square.
       "Not bad, you did better than I did." Chou-Gu smiled.
       Ning-Er also came to the interest, and all the pillars and Minger were called over, and everyone made snow bricks on the snow. Soon the ground, more than ten pieces of snow bricks were piled up.
       "Tricks first try to build a wall to see if you can build a small igloo out." Some people made snow bricks, and Chou-Gu pulled Ning-Er to experiment on how to build a wall.
       “How big igloo do you want to build?” Ning-Er asked.
       "Don't be big, let's get in. Just try it first and see if you can cover a house with snow bricks." Chou-Gu answered. She still has to find a way to store ice, obviously it can't be stored directly at the gate. The weather will melt like a small ice igloo.
       "Well, can you look at this size?" Ning-Er said that he painted a square shape on the snow.
       "No, it can't be square, if it's round," Chou-Gu said. The Quartet's donkeys don't have pillars for support, the roofs have to be racked up, and it's troublesome. With their tempering nature, it's impossible to build a house. And what she wants is the Inuit's small igloo that looks like a yurt. The ice-filled house is a circle and a circle. The roof is completely made of snow, and the whole house will not use a piece of wood.
       "Why?" Ning-Er is puzzled. Everyone lives in a square, where is the round?
       Chou-Gu had to explain it to the pillars, the roof, and so on. Ning-Er thought for a while, then suddenly realized   :   "Oh, I understand, this is the same as the method of the well. You have to build up in a circle."
       Then, the two took the branches and drew a big circle on the ground, marking the scope of the house.
       "It's so big, you can build a wall, can you?" Chou-Gu is full of expectations.
       "Try it." Ning-Er answered, he didn't know if he could do it, and he didn't really move.
       So, two people began experimenting with how to make a circle first. The snow bricks are all square, Ning-Er tried several times, and the consumption and the number of snow bricks were large, so it was not easy to base a short arc. He was too fine to be fine, slow in movement, and used more snow bricks. Chou-Gu was inspired by his work.
       "Can't do it like you, it's too slow. Look at me." Chou-Gu said that he did it, and the piece of snow bricks was placed by the line drawn by the two people. It looked a bit. It's not regular, and it's not quite like a circle. However, Chou-Gu did not care at all, and then began to shove snow directly on the snow, pinching the snow mass, filling a group of snow bricks together, after her revision and repair, the original irregularity, immediately changed It’s more decent, and it’s obvious that it’s a round base.
       Ning-Er also understood that the snow could have allowed them to feel what they needed, and the snowballs and snow bricks would slowly blend together. No need to be as elaborate as he is.
       "Or your brain is more flexible." Ning-Er is embarrassed to laugh at himself. If he is allowed to engage in the law, he still doesn't know how long it will take to get the foundation together.
       With this base, the following is even easier. Just build it directly on the base.
       As a result, a certain height was built, and Chou-Gu and Ning-Er discovered that they did not leave the door.
       The two watched as they were all locked in, and laughed at the same time.
       "Would we have to build ourselves inside?" Chou-Gu laughed and tears fell. She thought of a joke and sewed her hand into the dress.
       Ning-Er also took a picture of his own head and smiled   :   "I am not afraid, I have to change it before I start to stay. This is quite a high threshold."
       "Well, yes. The door has to be small, too big to close." Chou-Gu nodded and said.
       Seeing that the hut had a prototype, the pillars did not make snow bricks, and all came round.
       "Hey, work hard, you look at it." Chou-Gu smiled. She and the Ning-Er icy house are becoming more and more skilled, and the snow bricks are not enough.
       "Are you building a house?" the kitten asked excitedly.
       "Yeah. You are going to get the snow bricks. We can play in this room when we are covered." Chou-Gu answered.
       "Great." The kitten jumped up happily.
       In the big winter, in addition to piles of snowmen, playing snowballs does not have much fun. Like a kitten, this half-size child who is usually used to running outside is also bored at home. It’s hard to have some new fun now, and it’s all about his enthusiasm.
       Looking at the room getting higher and higher, Ning-Er remembered another thing and quickly called out   :   "Hey, hey, didn't get the window."
       "What do you want to do with the window? There is a door that is breathable, and it is not a serious person." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Ning-Er blushes, he feels that he is a big fool, this is a playful house, why do you have to get serious windows.
       Under the concerted efforts of all of us, a small ice igloo with a diameter of more than one meter, a height of more than one meter, a narrow width and a narrow width will soon be completed. Set up the last two pieces of snow bricks, and block all the gaps with snow. The entire roof was closed. Chou-Gu and Ning-Er were completely like a room. There were walls and roofs on all sides. Although it was all snow, it was indeed a room. small house.
       In order to test the solidity of the cabin, Chou-Gu kicked a fist with a strong force, and Xi Yi kicked it, and the igloo was completely motionless. Obviously, the igloos of their group of people are still very solid. There are also five or six squares of space inside. The height is slightly higher than Ning-Er.
       Chou-Gu said something that he couldn't believe   :   "Ning-Er, we are still very good about this igloo. It really made us do it."
       "Yeah, that's great." Ning-Er said with a smile, his face filled with a proud smile. He did not expect that, in this playful way, they really built a small igloo out.
       A few small outside, it is called and jumped, excited around the igloo. Because of the roofing, Chou-Gu and Ning-Er were inside, they all handed snow bricks and snowballs outside, and they didn't know what it was like.
       "Come in." Chou-Gu ‘Called, and all the children excitedly rushed over to the door.
       The door is small, and a big man like a pillar is going to shrink in and crawl in. However, the space inside is still relatively large, and it can accommodate six of them, that is, the pillars should be lowered.
       "Oh, that's great. It's a house." The kitten was excited to touch it on the snow wall of the house. It was like a little monkey, and he just wanted to jump up and down. Their house is small, he and his brother, his brother and three people are huddled in a small house, the house is mostly squatting, and a large wooden box and a chair are placed on the ground, which is full, usually turn I feel that I am in trouble. Where can I stay in the house like this?
       "Can we move the table bench in?" Ming asked anxiously.
       “What are you moving in?” Chou-Gu asked curiously.
       "We can write big characters here." Minger answered.
       “Isn't it cold?” Ning-Er looked at the bare door and asked. The wind poured in from the door and it was very blowing.
       "Not afraid, you won't get a door." Chou-Gu thought about it and said. She got a bundle of firewood from the stove, and everyone tied a thick door with branches and grass, and placed the door directly, blocking the wind.
       "This is a lot better." Ning-Er laughed. Indeed, once the door was blocked, the wind could not enter. The room immediately felt warmer.
       “Can you roast the fire in the house?” the kitten asked suddenly and wonderingly.
       Chou-Gu and Ning-Er face each other and have no idea how to answer this question. In fact, the Inuit igloo can be used to cook and cook in the fire. However, their igloo is not expected to have this effect. It is really necessary to roast the fire in the house, only to fear that the igloo will be roasted.
       "It shouldn't work." The kitten answered himself. I finally built a small igloo. If it is grilled by fire, what else do you play?
       A few small busy people, got something into the small igloo to play.
       Ning-Er said to Chou-Gu   :   "You said that storing ice cubes is hard to save in this small igloo?"
       “How is it possible? It’s here, the weather is getting warmer and it’s getting lighter,” Chou-Gu said with distress.
       "I know it's not that simple." Ning-Er shook his head with a funny smile and felt like a fool.
       “Actually, I don’t know how to store ice cubes at all.” Chou-Gu is embarrassed to say. She knew that she needed ice to store ice, but they were not able to dig a big mantle, and they were not able to take a lot of ice in the river to transport it back for storage.
       “It’s okay, storing ice cubes requires a lot of labor, and it’s estimated that it’s not sold here.” Ning-Er comforted her. He also knows that storing ice is not that easy.
       "Also, I didn't feel the need to use ice in the summer." Chou-Gu regretted. The idea of ​​wanting to store ice cubes to make money can only be abandoned temporarily. Anyway, I am still very happy to play today.

       Chapter 79     :     Blessing          

       Chou-Gu After their ice house was covered, there was another heavy snow, and the heavy snow added a thick layer of snow to the ice house. When the children were playing in the ice house, they felt warmer inside.
       After playing the ice house for two days at the Chou-Gu home, the kitten also built an ice house behind his house. The child was actually very clever. With his brother and his brother, it took two days to build an ice house that was bigger than the ice houses of Chou-Gu and Ning-Er. A few brothers are very happy, his father and his mother also feel fun, but also followed the room into a circle.
       "This snow really can cover the house." Wang-Aunt said with surprise.
       "No, it's still well built. You said that if you cover it bigger, can you live?" said Dahe, in the ice house, he touched the west and touched it. The husband and wife looked like a stranger. The people in the village have been attracted.
       "Hey, this snow-covered room is quite interesting." Someone said.
       “Is this snow house able to live?” Someone raised a question.
       In short, everyone around the snow-covered house turned around and squeezed into the east and west, all of which were novel.
       “Chou-Gu, they said, people who live in a cold and cold place are the snow houses that live.” The kitten answered.
       "Really, how cold is it?" Someone asked with interest.
       The kitten shook his head, Chou-Gu just mentioned a few words. Everyone was thinking about how to cover the snow house quickly. I didn’t care how Chou-Gu knew about these things. Even Ning-Er just put this question in the bottom of my heart. Asked Chou-Gu.
       "Chou-Gu, this Yatou, has a strange thing in his head." Someone said.
       "You don't feel weird? Chou-Gu Father At the time, Chou-Gu kept his head down and didn't talk all day, like a sly little wife. The children in the village dared to bully her, how her her father No, she has not only become strong, but has become knowledgeable?" Finally, some people think that Chou-Gu has changed too much.
       Someone immediately added   :   "It's really like this, Chou-Gu has become a personal phenomenon. How did she know that she could use snow to build a house?"
       "Isn't it evil?" someone asked in a low voice. The words were blown by the cold wind, and everyone involuntarily fought a cold war. They only felt that a chilly wind made it from the beginning to the bottom.
       Everyone looked at each other and looked at the direction of Chou-Gu family with some fear. They took a step back and forth, just like Chou-Gu is really a monster.
       Dahe Uncle suddenly smiled a few times and said aloud   :   "What do you say? Chou-Gu is not following the little Young Master of Ningjia Village."
       "That is, the ice house is also covered by Ning-Er and Chou-Gu." The kitten testified.
       Chou-Gu is often with Ning-Er, hunting and selling food, the villagers are clear. The big river and the kittens say this, everyone feels reasonable, but some people are always uncomfortable.
       At this time, the village chief spoke. "The young Master of Ningjia Village, but from the capital, is still a County-Graduate. Chou-Gu can follow him, it is a blessing."
       "The head of the village chief, so to say, that Ning-County-Graduate is very insightful. These ideas from Chou-Gu are all told by Ning-County-Graduate?" The crowd immediately asked. Even the tone is involuntarily respectful.
       There are several villages nearby, all of which are poor. Basically, no one is going to school, let alone someone who participates in the imperial examination. County-Graduate is already a great character for them.
       Ning-Er, the boy, doesn't look big, the text is quiet, like a beautiful little Miss, I didn't expect it to be a County-Graduate public from the capital, everyone attention at all time in Ning-Er is on the body. At the same time, everyone also curious about Chou-Gu, only hate that they have no long eyes, how can they not communicate with Ning-County-Graduate.
       Ningjia Village has an official, and everyone in the nearby villages knows a little. Because of this, Ningjia Village is also the richest among the few villages nearby, and the number of people in Ningjia Village is still stained with the light of Ning-Er.
       It’s just that the people of Ning-Er and Ningjia Village are not intimate. They are not close relatives. They have been out for a long time, and they have passed three or four generations. Therefore, the benefits of the Ning-Er family to Ningjia Village were not great, and the entire Ningjia Village was not brought out. People in Ningjia Village therefore do not like to mention this in the villagers.
       The people in Jiang Wucun talked about Ning-Er up. This said   :   "Oh, no wonder, it turned out to be the idea of ​​County-Graduate."
       Someone immediately added   :   "No, what Chou-Gu was like, what is it like now? It can be seen that County-Graduate is a knowledgeable person."
       Even some people have already thought of Ning-County-Graduate, which is a good girl. I just want to pull Ning-Er to my home.
       "Okay, don't guess, don't make irresponsible remarks in Chou-Gu. Don't let Ning-County-Graduate get angry." The village chief said this, carrying his hand, leaving It is. He is completely convinced that Chou-Gu is now, that is what Ning-Er taught.
       He is the village head, of course, a little bit of a relationship, so he now knows the origins of Ning-Er. But it is also limited to knowing that Ning-Er is a County-Graduate from Jingli. As for what happened to Ning's family, even the village head of Ningjia Village was not clear. Of course, he was even more unclear. The village head of Ningjia Village only vaguely knew that Ningjia was in trouble.
       However, after Ning-Er returned to his hometown, the government did not control Ning-Er, and still retained Ning-Er's County-Graduate status. The village head of Ningjia Village understands that even if there is something wrong with Ningjia, there is no bad influence on Ningjia Village. As long as there is such a guarantee, other things, he will not care.
       After all, Ning-Er has a ancestral home in Ningjia Village, and he has settled back. Ningjia Village has his place. As for the thing that Ning-Er usually mixes with Chou-Gu, he doesn't care. He also understands that Ning-Er and Chou-Gu are adjacent to each other. It is also a good thing that two children can put hands on each other.
       Wu Hunter used to work in Ningjia Village before, and the village chief had a good impression of Wu Hunter. He will not reach out to Jiang Wucun to manage the Chou-Gu family, but Ning-Er can help Chou-Gu, he also agrees.
       Chou-Gu had a few sneezes at home, and she still didn't know that she was going to have a big deal. Fortunately, there is Ning-Er, the perfect humanoid weapon, to save her from this disaster.
       Then, the children in the village began to cover the ice house, and the children of every household wanted to have their own ice house. For a time, there were a lot of ice houses in Jiangwu Village, big and small, strange and strange.
       After a few days, Ning-Er and the pillars came again. After the two men went back, they also set up an ice room at their doorstep. It also attracted the children of Ningjia Village to learn, so when Ning-Er saw the ice house in Jiangwu Village, he said to Chou-Gu, "The village is the same, and there are many ice houses."
       “It’s a little fun, the kids are not learning.” Chou-Gu laughed. She knew that the children in the village were also funny when they were covering the ice house.
       Ning-Er is a County-Graduate thing, and it was quickly spread in Jiangwu Village. The kitten also told Chou-Gu to what happened on the day.
       Chou-Gu patted the chest and said   :   "It’s a good risk, and it’s almost like a monster in the evil spirits. Maybe it will be driven away from the village or even burned. Fortunately, there is Ning-Er.”
       But he asked   :   "Which one is saying that I am evil?"
       "Oh, that is, Madam with a small mud." The kitten thought about it before telling her.
       Chou-Gu found a circle in the impression, did not find out who this person is, it can be seen that this person is not a famous person in the village. But it doesn't matter. Now that Ning-Er is in the front, no one else will make any remarks to her. Anything else in the future, she can push to Ning-Er.
       Since I know that Ning-Er is County-Graduate, the kitten is more diligent when coming to Chou-Gu. He is also looking forward to Ning-Er to teach him more words. Although Minger is teaching him, Minger is a child after all, and he has just learned and can't teach much.
       Chou-Gu thought for a few days, got the idea and Ning-Er said, don't let him say that he missed his mouth, don't admit that many ideas are his own thoughts, and pushed her head up. So I said to Ning-Er   :   "People in the village know that you are County-Graduate, and all of them are envious of me."
       “What is enviable?” Ning-Er asked.
       "Because I have a month near the water, I am close to you." Chou-Gu came half-truth.
       Unexpectedly, this sentence made Ning-Er instantly stunned. He thought of his own home. In fact, it was because of the reason of the near-water platform that he was allowed to catch up with Prince. Finally, he was saved for a life.
       But on the other hand, his family's near-water building is actually the family that his aunt married, but in the end it hurts Ning's family. If you look at the two, if you don't have his cousin, he won't catch up with Prince, and he won't save his life. But if it's not because of his cousin, his family won't be guilty. How about this? Say? Sure enough, is it a blessing?
       "Hey, hello, what are you thinking?" Chou-Gu waited for a while and didn't see the echo, and asked quickly.
       Ning-Er was awakened by him, steady and steady, and arbitrarily yelled, and asked   :   "Do you know that you don't know, the next half of the month before the water tower?"
       This time, Chou-Gu can be asked. To be honest, she really doesn't know what the next sentence of this sentence is.
       Looking at Chou-Gu, looking at himself silly, Ning-Er said with a funny smile   :   "Look at what I am doing?"
       "You tell me the next sentence." Chou-Gu asked.
       “Sunrise flowers and trees are early spring.” Ning-Er.
       “Where is it?” Chou-Gu continued to ask.
       Then, Ning-Er told Fan Zhongyan and the story of the poet Su Lin. Chou-Gu listened with gusto, and Ning-Er was more and more unhappy. Later, there was no interest in talking about poetry.
       The kitten has been eavesdropping and actually listened to it. His eyes are full of worship, and his mind is full of Ning-County-Graduate. And when he got home, he carefully recalled the words of Ning-Er and Chou-Gu about poetry, and even wrote down the two poems they talked about. Later, he became more and more respectful to Ning-Er, and Ning-Er was still inexplicable.
       After receiving the shoes that Wang-Aunt gave to herself, Ning-Er was very surprised and didn't know what to say.
       "Do you try it, see if it fits?" Chou-Gu advised. Because she found that Ning-Er's shoes are very old, and Ning-Er has no extra money, Ning-Er has no extra money, and really needs to change shoes. A pair of coarse cloth shoes can't be worth a few dollars.
       Ning-Er put on new shoes, the size is actually quite suitable, a little bigger, this is even more surprising, and asked   :   "How does your mother know how big my feet are?"
       The kitten proudly said, "I told her. I wrote down your footprints on the snow."
       For a long time, the kitten actually compared the footprints of Ning-Er with his own clothes. Then his mother took the size of his painting back, put a circle, made the shoes, not just able to let Ning-Er wear, is it a little bigger?
       "Thank you. This is a lot of embarrassment." Ning-Er took the shoes, and I was very uncomfortable. What is the situation of the kitten family, he is very clear, this is the poorest family in Jiangwu Village.
       "My Father said that our family has also earned some money recently, and it is for you and Chou-Gu blessing." The kitten said quickly.
       "Okay, you will accept it." Chou-Gu smiled.
       Anyway, the kitten family has indeed benefited, and the kittens have come to come every day, and they have learned a lot. It’s really nothing to have a pair of shoes in his house. You know, the kittens will write a lot of words now. Although there is no pen paper, it is painted directly on the snow, but it will be read and written. The most important thing is that everyone knows that Ning-Er is a County-Graduate, and maybe there will be Ning-Er in the future.


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