Ugly Biography 70

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »     Chapter 70     :     Heart tired          

       The next day, Chou-Gu was lazy and didn't want to move at all. She only slept more than usual during the week to get up. These two days really made her tired. She felt that her legs and arms were soaring, obviously showing excessive exertion. The most important thing is that she is not only tired, but even tired.
       Her days of using this body are not too short. After the initial hardships, the days are clearly better, and there are still better and better trends. But what happened in these two days still made her mood very low. There are too many small calculations in the village, and she is too much troubled. Whether it is the village head or the Jiang family, it is obvious that she is calculating her.
       Chou-Gu thought that she would take Jiang Chunhua to see a doctor. After going all day, Jiang Madam didn't even come to her house to see it, and she was angry. Jiang Madam knows that Chou-Gu mother will not cook, Minger and her younger brother are so small, but they are directly hungry for a day, it is too chilling. You know, when Wu hunters went out to hunt, she would come to visit Chou-Gu and her mother and son every day. If they were not good, they would let Da-nu  and Chunhua come over to see and even play with them.
       However, after Wu hunter left, the Jiang family basically did not go to the Wu family’s door. The only time I came over with Jiang Chunhua, I did some needlework for Chou-Gu. Fortunately, she did not expect the Jiang family early. In the past, she only thought that Jiang’s life was not easy. Now it seems that the Jiang family is also the same snobbery. Before the Wu hunter, they had to take the Wu hunter. Without the Wu Hunter, Jiang Madam was groaning in his mouth. The villagers could not remember the kindness of Wu Hunter. In fact, the most unrecognizable is herself.
       Chou-Gu then realized that her 10-year-old Miss Miss, if it was not the core of an Daren, could pick up this home, but I was afraid that I would have been left with bones.
       She struggled hard and struggled to survive, and did not expect anyone in the village to help herself. Because she is not a real child, she is an Daren. She understands very well that no one relies on her own reliability. So she gave up early to find Jiang and other people to help. However, everyone did not lend a helping hand, even if there is still a kind of pain to beat the dog, and she is the object of the village people can be bullied.
       Moreover, after she earned a small amount of money through her own efforts, she became the object of the village eyes. In the minds of some people, I don’t think she has worked hard and how hard it is to live. On the contrary, there will be a bad life for everyone. If your family’s life is good, there must be something wrong. It seems that the money she earned is the same for everyone.
       In the village today, because of the accident of Jiang Da-nu , it forced her to make a fool and even want her to pay. There is another person in the village of the next day who has something to do. She doesn't even have to think about it, she will find her again. Sometimes, human nature is so disgusting. If you have a grandson in front of a powerful person, you are going to bully someone who is weaker than yourself.
       This dark side of human nature, the oppressive Chou-Gu has an impulse to resist.
       However, how does she resist, where can one fight a village. At this time, how she wished she would grow up quickly, Minger and the younger brother can grow up quickly, only they are Darens, and the strength is strong enough, these talents dare not bully them.
       She once again felt that in this era, no father and no children of 'Grandfather, uncle and other relatives, want to survive, it is really difficult. In particular, she still has such a mother who does everything.
       "When the old capital has the ability, it will not give Jiang Wucun any benefit." Chou-Gu secretly groaned. These people gave her a feeling of being too bad.
       "Sister, are you not feeling well?" Ming asked carefully. Chou-Gu emotions affected him. In his cognition, he couldn't understand the mood of Chou-Gu. He only thought she was uncomfortable.
       Chou-Gu was afraid that he would follow fear and worry, and quickly packed up his emotions and smiled reluctantly   :   "It is very tired. It will be a good day."
       What happened in these two days, Minger and the younger brother are not very clear. Chou-Gu left home early in the morning and came back at night. They only thought she was going to make money. What happened in the middle of the night, they did not even know that the child was sinking and did not wake up at all.
       "You really are not sick?" Minger asked again without worry.
       Chou-Gu smiled and said   :   "It's really sick, it's tired."
       "Oh, then you have a good day off today, don't do anything." Minger said sensible. He was really scared. After the departure of his father, he deeply understood that this family could no longer afford any wind and rain.
       "Yes, I have to sleep well." Chou-Gu laughed, in fact, there is nothing to do at home.
       As a result, she has not yet lie down and the pillars are coming again.
       "Pillar, is there anything?" Chou-Gu sinks in his heart, fearing that Ning-Er is sick and sick. As the weather changes, people with weak health are most likely to get sick.
       “Young Master is for you.” Pillar  took out two sheets of paper. But only handed the paper that wrote one to Chou-Gu. The two who wrote it were taken back.
       It turned out that Ning-Er asked her what happened? When will you send the firewood to the drug store and when will you enter the mountain? Just two sentences, but only a dozen words. But Ning-Er's words are quite well written, that is, Chou-Gu, who doesn't understand the words, can see that Ning-Er's words are vigorous and powerful, and they are very powerful and completely weak with his weak image. Do not get along. Chou-Gu was amazed.
       Originally, according to the agreement of the two, Chou-Gu had to come with Chai yesterday, and sent him to the drugstore together, and sent ten pounds of oranges to the owner. But he did not wait for Chou-Gu. Instead, in the morning, when I met a kitten on the road, he knew that Chou-Gu went to the mountain one night to find Jiang Chunhua sister, and thought she was tired to rest.
       As a result, at night Ning-Er heard the people who went out to sell oranges in Ningjia Village, and talked about Chou-Gu riding a donkey and flying to the market to get sick. He asked Pillar  to find out what was going on.
       Chou-Gu suddenly felt that the heart was warm again. Ning-Er only asked her what happened, but from these plain words, she saw Ning-Er's love and concern for her. Fortunately, there is a Ning-Er who is sick with her, and the two help each other. Otherwise, she really doesn't know how long she can last?
       "We will go into the mountains tomorrow." Chou-Gu told the pillar. Too complicated, she was afraid that the pillar could not remember. In this sentence, the pillar really quickly understood, smiled and nodded, and wanted to play with the younger brother.
       "Hey, the pillar showed me the piece of paper too." Chou-Gu was very curious about the second note that the pillar had withdrawn.
       The pillar smiled and said   :   "No. Young Master said, if you are good, just look at this one. If you are not good, look at the second."
       Chou-Gu took a moment to understand what he meant. After a long time, Ning-Er was afraid that something happened to Chou-Gu family. She wrote two notes, one for her, and the other for her. She could probably guess one or two points. It is estimated that Ning-Er asked her if she had any need for help.
       Chou-Gu said that he had been stunned for a long time, and the pillars were unwilling, and they were still carrying their pockets. A pair of people are afraid that they will not be able to fulfill the tasks of Young Master. Chou-Gu was so funny that she couldn’t do it. She had to stop her hand, but her heart was like a cat’s paw, and she was curious.
       The pillar and Minger played for a while, Chou-Gu told him to go home and confessed   :   "Don't play on the road, we will go into the mountains to do something good tomorrow morning."
       This sentence was repeated three times, and Pillar  nodded and gestured to understand. His reaction is still a bit slow, and he is slower than the younger brother. But he still understands. It can be seen that slowly teaching him is still fruitful.
       On the second day on the mountain road, Chou-Gu told Ning-Er what happened in the past two days, and she helped the Jiang family sell 30 pounds of oranges to the East. Ning-Er looked at her sympathetically and didn't know what to say. The people in Jiangwu Village are more annoying than the people in Ningjia Village.
       "The village head of your village is really not very good." Ning-Er commented.
       "Take it, anyway, I remember. Hey, I regret now that the club will not want oranges in a short time," Chou-Gu said.
       "Nothing, we just eat a little more." Ning-Er did not agree.
       He did not blame Chou-Gu for his own claim, and consumed his five pounds. After three days, their family's oranges were really eaten by the family. This season, it is rare to eat some fresh fruits and vegetables. Don't say that the pillars love to eat, that is, the Master loves to eat. He is worried that people in Jiang Wucun will bully Chou-Gu. However, he himself is in Ningjia Village, but it is only a little better than Chou-Gu. I really don't know how to help Chou-Gu?
       “Oh, don’t know how much money those people sold?” Chou-Gu sneered.
       "Take him, anyway, even if you can't sell much money, you can always eat it. In the past two days, everyone in the village, like a market, went out early in the morning," Ning-Er said. He understands that there is nothing worthwhile for anything. The people in the two villages are all rushing to sell oranges, which will only make oranges cheaper or even sell.
       When passing by picking oranges, Chou-Gu suddenly said something unwilling   :   "Let's see if wild oranges are really one." She actually wants to see if those trees have been Man is in danger.
       "Okay. Maybe there is a leak." Ning-Er also agreed.
       As a result, both of them were dumbfounded when they saw the wild orange trees that were full of eyes and broken branches. These people in order to grab more oranges for themselves, I am afraid that almost all the trees have been pulled together. They broke a lot of branches directly, put them in their own scorpion, grabbed enough, then sat down and picked up the branches, and picked the oranges one by one. Therefore, almost all the trees were folded into polished rods.
       "These people are really, make the tree like this, do you want to eat oranges next year?" Chou-Gu ‘Called.
       Ning-Er, the amount of money, I really didn’t expect the villagers’ fighting power to be so embarrassing. Not only did the orange trees not look like they were, but even the entire mountain and grass weeds were not trampled. If they come again twice, I am afraid that they will all become a barren land.
       "Sure enough, they are all stupid." Chou-Gu sighed in his heart. This whole piece of natural environment has been destroyed. It’s like you go to the orchard to pick up the fruit, not only destroying the fruit trees, but also destroying other crops around the orchard. It is too savage.
       "I don't want to tell them when I know this." Ning-Er is also very angry. The villagers have made these trees half dead, and there are no oranges next year.
       The two only looked angry, but did not expect the pillar and Minger to find a pheasant, followed by chasing the past.
       "Oh..." Hearing the sound of the pillar, the two men rushed to find the sound and ran over.
       "Sister, sister, there are a few orange trees here." Minger ‘called excitedly. Looking down the direction of his fingers, not far from behind a few big trees, there is a golden wild orange.
       All four people were pleasantly surprised. They ran over in a hurry. Sure enough, there were wild orange trees here, and they were full of fruit, which was much less than the orange forest in front.
       “Try it, how is it?” Chou-Gu said that he took the lead and picked it up.
       "It's so sweet, it's all sweet." Everyone laughed together.
       "Great. Fortunately, they didn't come here, they also missed these trees." Ning-Er said with delight.
       "This time, let's not tell everyone," Chou-Gu said.
       Ning-Er nodded and said, "Would you like, let's go ahead and explore?"
       "Well," Chou-Gu also agreed, and now it is not much to go to the forest on the other side of the hut. It’s too far away, the second is cold, the fishing is freezing, and it’s not necessarily enough to sell. The pheasant wild rabbits also have some of them, basically enough to eat themselves. And for this time, the pillars have already been carried out by three pheasants. If there is gain in this side, there is no need to run so far.
       A large number of miscellaneous trees and weeds in the forest have been defeated, and several people carefully walk through the forest. Pillar  still plays one or two pheasants from time to time.

       Chapter 71     :     Missing          

       The four people did not know how long they had gone, until Ning-Er ‘called   :   "Hey, stop. Is there a group of bees?"
       Chou-Gu quickly asked   :   "Where, where?" The presence of a bee means that it is possible to find honey.
       "There, I saw it." Minger took Chou-Gu hand to the left and pointed to the past.
       "Go, let's see, if you find the honeycomb, you can get honey." Chou-Gu said happily.
       Four people followed the honey, and they quickly found the honeycomb, and there was more than one, with three cells.
       Because I have already done honey once, everyone is a skilled worker, and I have gotten a lot of honey without too much effort. The big cellar was quickly loaded with a small half barrel. Chou-Gu didn't expect that the cell here was bigger than the last one. She yelled and ‘called excitedly.
       Ning-Er is even more excited. The face is red, this time the honey is much more than last time. A Silver Taels income is counting on.
       Chou-Gu swept away the depressed feelings of the past few days, and the happy eyes were picked up. Honey is the most valuable thing they have ever got, and unlike the pheasant wild rabbit, it can't be sold. The owner of the pharmacy has long said that there is more or less honey.
       After the honeycomb was finished, Chou-Gu last piece of honeycomb directly licked a few small cells and distributed it to everyone. All four people are thrown directly into their mouths and chewed. The sweet honey is sweet and sweet, and everyone has a happy smile on their faces.
       "Oh, today is so lucky." Chou-Gu even ate two small pieces before he shut up.
       The pillar looked at the bucket with a squint. Minger was busy with the sensible and said to him   :   "You can't eat any more. These are going to sell the money to buy the Bun." The pillar heard the Bun, and then reluctantly looked at the honey from the bucket. Moved away. He also knows that honey is delicious and can't be full, but the girl can.
       Chou-Gu is still unfinished and wants to explore in front. It seems that there are still a lot of babies waiting for her to go.
       "Well, even if you can't get anything else, the pheasant can play a few more." Ning-Er looked up at the overcast sky and said. It seems that it will change again. It is estimated that it will rain even if it is not snowing. At least they can't enter the mountain for a few days.
       Minger and the pillars hunt in the front, Ning-Er and Chou-Gu are not idle, and some dry branches are cut in the back to cut some weeds, tied up, placed on the side of the road, and brought home when they go back.
       After about an hour, Ning-Er began to call the pillar and Minger. "Come back, don't run away."
       He and Chou-Gu had bundled six bundles of firewood, and soon the Ming and the pillars were back with half a scorpion pheasant. Now that the weather is cold and there is no need to catch it, the operation of the pillars will be more open and the harvest will be quite rich.
       "There is still." Minger said something unwilling. I don’t know how to do it today. There are so many pheasants here. He and the pillars did not know how excited they were.
       Ning-Er opposed, saying   :   "We are too far away, we can't go any further." This piece is all small hills, a small hill and a small hill, and it looks exactly the same. Shrubs. It seems that there is not much danger, but I really have to encounter a beast. How can they escape?
       "Yes, don't go any more. Today there are enough pheasants. We have to go back to pick oranges," Chou-Gu said.
       As soon as I heard the oranges, the pillars and Minger also gave up the pheasant.
       This went out, they not only got thirteen wild pheasants, but also got a large bucket of wild honey, and each family also picked a large wild orange. Finally, they brought back a few bundles of firewood. When it was dark, the party was full and returned home. At this time the sky began to float snow.
       "It’s finally snowing, we can’t go into the mountains anymore,” Ning-Er regretted.
       "Well, fortunately, I have more honey today. You have enough money to take medicine. Oranges have been around for a while, waiting for others to not sell, and the family is not stocked, and then sell one or two. At that time, the price should be more expensive. "Chou-Gu calculated.
       She believes that no one has more oranges than their two. Everyone is selling at a low price, and only paying a few dollars in the first hand is satisfied. Very few people think that when others don't sell, they will sell high prices.
       "Yes. We will rest at home for a few days." Ning-Er also laughed. Today, the two companies each picked nearly a hundred pounds of oranges and placed them at home. After ten days and a half, they sold them. Even if they sold less than fifteen dollars a catty, they could sell at least 13 yuan a pound. Unlike the villagers, seven or eight dollars a pound are being sold.
       "Yes, if there is no heavy snow tomorrow, I will send some firewood in the past. We have to send all the drugs to the past," Chou-Gu said.
       "Well, you will send it to the fork in the road tomorrow. I will let the pillar and Aye run. You should not go, take a rest at home." Ning-Er said. Anyway, just to send firewood, there is no need for so many people to go.
       "Okay, bring two pheasants, get some food in the past, and tell the owner, we have to rest for a while." Chou-Gu said that he yawned and stretched a few. Although she had a rest, her body has not recovered.
       "Yes. You should rest, there is nothing in the village, you don't care. Wherever you find a little Miss, it's just too utter. Isn't the young man in the village dead?" Ning-Er said indignantly. He thinks that the people in Jiang Wucun are bullying Chou-Gu without Father, and there are no young men at home.
       "I know, it's not a dead person, I don't care anymore," Chou-Gu said.
       In fact, she also knows that it is impossible to completely ignore it. Unless their family does not want to live in this village. However, she is not such a good bully, the next time I want her to shoot, but these two times are so simple. She should report the kindness of Jiang. After Jiang Madam said something, she would take the words to block the ginger Madam. As for other people, she has more to say.
       "I will send the pillars to see it in a few days. If anything, you will tell us. Although we are in Ningjiacun, we have three men in our family. Although weak and weak, old and old, there is still a little silly. But it’s still awesome to stand up,” Ning-Er added. He felt that Chou-Gu would keep in touch, otherwise he wouldn't know what to do in the whole winter.
       "I know." Chou-Gu smiled and nodded and said.
       At this time, she was somewhat envious of her family. They Wu family, if she and Minger change their status, the days will be better, the ten-year-old boy will also regard him as the family's main family. It is a pity that she is a girl, what can she do?
       In this ghost place, women are not counted. They always work the most at home, eat the least, wear the worst, and have the possibility to be beaten. It is even possible to sell girls like goods for a few Silver Taels.
       And even if a boy is stupid, he is more favored than a girl. It is a root of a family. As Ning-Er said, the three men in their family are not serious young Darens, but three men, you want to bully others, you must first measure your ability. This year, men are weaker and support the door. Women are not strong.
       "What are your plans for this winter?" Ning-Er asked again. He believes that Chou-Gu can't be like a villager, really at home for a winter.
       "I didn't expect it for a while. Oh, yes, honey will sell again after a few days, can't you? Do you still have money to take medicine?" Chou-Gu asked again.
       "Yeah, you don't care about me. I still have some money, and I have enough medicine." Ning-Er answered.
       When I entered the mountain several times, he also had some savings. He added some more money and was able to catch the medicine for ten days. Moreover, the next time the drug money can still count on the money of honey and orange. In this way, he has more money on hand, not afraid to spend the five Silver Taels.
       The next day, the snow was still small. Chou-Gu took a long morning to transport the firewood to the crossing, waiting for the pillars to help her take away. Then she went home herself. At night, the pillar and Ning-Er came over and gave her the donkey back and gave her the money.
       "Two pheasants for sixty dollars, we are equally divided, your family's firewood, a total of sixty dollars. Add up only ninety dollars, not enough for a hundred integers." Ning-Er somewhat embarrassed Say.
       "Thank you." Chou-Gu said thank you, accepted, although Qian less, but she is happy when there is savings.
       Next, Chou-Gu rested at home for three days, and all the honey was filtered. This time, the honey is more, and a jar that can hold ten pounds is loaded with more than half. She estimates that there are seven pounds. Up to eight pounds.
       Then she marinated some sour cabbage and radish. Fresh cabbage and radish in the vegetable garden, she left half, covered with a thick layer of high mast, and also covered with a few bundles of thatch as insulation. She did not dig the cabbage radish home and store it like other people in the village. She feels that her jaw is not as good as the one she grows in the ground.
       On the fifth day, Jiang Chunhua came over with the wind and snow. She came to Chou-Gu to do needlework, and took the last time to help Chou-Gu whole shoe.
       “Get so much?” Chou-Gu asked in surprise. There are more than ten pairs of weight here. The thing she gave should not be enough.
       "In any case, there is nothing to do in winter, do more, and wear it slowly. Besides, there are more family members, and one person can't get three pairs." Jiang Chunhua laughed. It turns out that Chou-Gu mother will make some shoes for her son and herself, but the whole soles of this sole work are still Jiang Chunhua and Jiang Madam to help her. Therefore, her mother took six pairs of shoes and walked away. Two pairs of her own, two sons and one pair. The rest are all Chou-Gu, a total of five pairs. It is available all year round.
       Jiang Chunhua face has been swollen, but there are some traces of bruising. It can be seen how much force Jiang Madam used in the slap. Although she is a woman, she is physically active all the year round, and her strength is not small. These days, Jiang Chunhua did not go out the door, and kept the whole shoe at home all day.
       Ginger Madam is fleeting with her guilt. She is paying attention to the foot of Jiang Da-nu  all day, and she feels that the orange is not sold, and she is troubled by her heart, regardless of Jiang Chunhua.
       The villagers also went out to sell vegetables and sell oranges, but no one in Jiang’s family could go out. Jiang Madam didn’t dare to go out. He was afraid that he would be older and he couldn’t walk so far. If she is reborn, there is really no way. To Jiang Chunhua to see a doctor, she used 30 pounds of oranges and more than 60 yuan. It really hurt her, making her more and more unwilling to see Jiang Chunhua.
       The two of them talked gossip while they were alive, and unwittingly said that Jiang Chunhua was beaten.
       “Why is your Madam doing this to you?” Chou-Gu asked.
       In her impression, Jiang Chunhua temper is very good, and people are very diligent. Jiang Madam has told her that she has done very well. It is Jiang Madam who marries her, and she can't talk back. Chou-Gu thinks that Jiang Madam is not because Jiang Da-nu  sprained his foot, and he was so angry that he smashed Jiang Chunhua. She is very skeptical that Jiang Da-nu  said something that is not heard.
       "Oh, it's just because I drank a bowl of chicken soup. It was the salted pheasant that you gave last time. Usually the family is a little delicious, it's Da-nu ." Jiang Chunhua said in an understatement.
       In fact, she also hated Madam too worried, she is about to marry Big-Miss, and she drank a few chicken soup for her, she licked her big ear scraper. Madam will usually marry her, but she hasn't really moved. In the past few years, when she was still young, Madam was anxious and just tapped on her. Even if it hurts, it hurts at that time. Unlike this time, I almost knocked her teeth off.
       At that time, Madam's face was completely deformed, as if she was drinking chicken soup, it was a matter of no reason. This ear scraper not only hits her face, but also her heart. She is completely disappointed with this home.
       "Isn't it? Is it that your family has always eaten well, have you eaten poorly?" Chou-Gu could not believe.
       Jiang Chunhua smiled a few times and said, "Hey, I am used to it."
       Chou-Gu can't understand at all. When Wu was in the early days, Jiang Jia didn't eat pheasant wild rabbits. As for? There is no shortage of this point. In her imagination, it is great that Jiang Da-nu eats most of it, and Jiang Chunhua eats less. Where did you think that because of a bowl of chicken soup, Jiang Madam could make Jiang Chunhua like this.
       In fact, what she did not expect is that the current Jiang family is no more than before. The Wu hunter is not here, not only affecting the life of the Wu family, but also affecting the Jiang family. The former Jiang family was really exposed to the great light of the Wu hunters. The Wu hunters worked hard to help them do more than half of them. The pheasant wild rabbits were given to them casually. They usually had zero mouths and clothes and cloths were given less.
       But now, Jiang Madam took all the money out of the house and gave him a kiss to Jiang Da-nu . The pheasant that they used to eat was also a rarity. Don't talk about other good things. Therefore, when I saw Chunhua actually dare to drink chicken soup, Jiang Madam’s anger turned straight to the head.
       She was angry not only because Jiang Chunhua drank chicken soup, but also said in the depths that she was still angry that Chou-Gu did not take more pheasant wild rabbits to the ginger family. So much now, Jiang Da-nu is hard to eat a meat.
       At this time, Chou-Gu was very lucky, she did not have to marry Jiang Da-nu . With such a family environment, how good is the Jiang Da-nu temper, how much can I take care of my wife? It is really debatable. She even suspects that Jiang Da-nu  will not take his wife at all. If he has two daughters, he is expected to beat his wife. And Jiang Madam is so strong temper, married to their daughter-in-law, I am afraid that the days are not good.
       However, this is not allowed. She knows that Jiang Da-nu  fiancée is a big beauty. If the big beauty has the means to hold the Jiang Da-nu, the Jiang family's days are even better. Chou-Gu thoughts have been sent out of the sky, and the unskilled needlework has become even more chaotic.
       Jiang Chunhua quickly said   :   "Chou-Gu, I am going out next year. You should also take care of these needlework."
       Chou-Gu was embarrassed to look at the work in her hands and said, "Hey, I can do this." If it wasn’t for the instinct of the original, it would not be possible for her to do this needlework. Come it out.
       Jiang Chunhua looked at her and sighed in her heart and said, "Do not live, do shoes, do some vests inside, do you have to learn, or who will help you?"
       As Jiang Chunhua said, Chou-Gu also understood. She was also very afraid that after Jiang Chunhua married, no one would help her, she put down her shoes and said, "Chunhua, can you help me cut the coat?"
       The last time I found Brie, she turned over two pieces of cloth, a flower and a coat, and she was going to give it to her in the wedding of Jiang Chunhua. Another element, she wants to make some small clothes for herself. This work, she had to learn first, Jiang Chunhua married, where she went to find someone to help, and said that it is also very shameful to go out, will be jokes.
       Jiang Chunhua naturally agreed, and carefully taught Chou-Gu how to cut. Chou-Gu studied very seriously, she was also smart, and Jiang Chunhua taught me carefully. One day, Chou-Gu actually learned how to cut.
       Jiang Chunhua was very satisfied and praised   :   "It's really good, Chou-Gu, if you study so seriously, this winter I can teach other things to you."
       Chou-Gu was overjoyed and thought that he was quite talented in needlework. As a result, when he was sewing clothes, Jiang Chunhua almost died. Chou-Gu, who is also very clever in cutting and cutting, is awkward when picking up the needle. The stitches are different in size and twisted. Some places use strong force, pull too tight, the cloth wrinkles, and some places It’s too loose, and the ugly ones are dying.
       "Chou-Gu, I said how do you get back and forth in this needlework?" Jiang Chunhua said. Others are learning more and more, Chou-Gu actually learns worse. As everyone knows, Chou-Gu has already changed the core, and several modern Big-Miss will take needlework. Chou-Gu still relies on the original ability of a single body to be able to sew it like this.
       "I haven't taken the needle for a long time." Chou-Gu found a reason for himself.
       However, after Jiang Chunhua staring at death, Chou-Gu finally stitched his own set of small clothes inside. Although the stitches were different in size, they were barely stitched, and they were worn inside. Also can't see. It’s the life of the sole, and Chou-Gu is still doing the same, because she has a big hand.
       After five days of continuous work, Chou-Gu not only sewed a small set of clothes for himself, but also got a pair of shoes and learned how to make shoes and uppers under the education of Jiang Chunhua. The quality is not said, but she finally learned a lot of needlework. In general, Chou-Gu was very satisfied with his needlework, and even poked several holes in his fingers. But Jiang Chunhua couldn’t do it for her.

       Chapter 72     :     Short-sighted          

       After three days of rain and snow, it was cloudy for two more days before the sun came out. Every household is busy washing clothes and drying quilts, and Jiang Chunhua is no exception. I have never been to Chou-Gu.
       Chou-Gu moved all the bedding that she and the two brothers slept to the sun, and went to the back of the garden to see the stilts she left. Some of them really grew, but most of them died. It is.
       Although her second Shi-zi Sorghum  was defeated in the first experiment. However, there are a few plants that are really flowering, but when the Sorghum  is not enough, the weather is too cold, and the Sorghum  stops growing, the little dry, and the use is also useful. No.
       No matter how many ways she thinks, these sorghums are now almost frozen. Only one green pole still stands in the cold wind, I believe that in a few days, it will be all orange.
       She simply cut all these green plants and used them to feed the scorpions. However, this also gave her some hope, at least, her method is feasible. That is, next year's Sorghum  should be planted earlier, and it should be collected early, so that the two scorpions can catch up with the good weather, smoothly blossom and bear fruit, and give her a little harvest.
       At noon, the pillars came.
       Chou-Gu asked   :   "What are you doing at home?"
       The pillar held his finger and said, "Young Master writes, I cut wood."
       Ningjia sold the firewood that was prepared early. During this time, he often smashed the firewood at home. All the mess was piled up in the backyard, and there was no time to manage it. These days, both of them, the grandson and the grandson, will do the work. Pick up the large pieces of wood and cut them into suitable lengths and keep them burning at night. Small branches and hay are taken to the stove for cooking.
       The pillars were playing at the Wu family for a while, so I went home.
       Chou-Gu took a small jar of salted radish that he had just made, and brought the soy sauce made by Ning's family earlier, brought him back, and told him   :   "Take it back and you can't open it immediately, then seven or eight. I can eat it in the day."
       She made the crispy radish, did not dry, cut into small strips of radish, slightly marinated and wrapped, then pressed under the stone, pressed out the water, and then directly mixed with chili sauce, stored in the altar. It can be taken out in seven or eight days, crisp and fresh, and it is much better than radish. Soy sauce has already been done, but it will take some time to add more flavor. The soy sauce she made, the longer it is stored, the more fragrant it tastes.
       In addition, Chou-Gu also took out the honey, let him take it back, and sent it to the drugstore to change the money tomorrow, and take the medicine to Ning-Er. Anyway, she is not going to go out for the time being. Her home preparations are basically ready, the weather is cold and the rain does not stop, there is no waterproof shoes, etc., the shoes are basically wet when going out, not only cold but also easy to freeze the feet. .
       The sun has been out for three days, and it feels warmer. In fact, the temperature is still falling. Obviously this is the real winter. There are many people in the village who go out to sell vegetables and sell firewood. Because of the rush of snow, many people have not had time to store the cabbage radish. Therefore, the cabbage radish in Jiangwu Village is very good to sell, and it has been robbed by others when it is back.
       Ginger Madam saw that everyone dishes were so popular, and they also took Jiang Chunhua to sell vegetables. She does not need Jiang Chunhua to sell at the market, mainly because Jiang Chunhua needs the labor force to help her back to the market.
       Jiang Chunhua can only carry the food on the market. She puts her face on the cloth, tightly reveals her eyes, and wears the most dilapidated clothes. She sat with her Madam and could not see that she was young. Big-Miss. It did not cause any gossip.
       But Jiang Madam also wants Jiang Chunhua to bring some oranges to the drug store to make more money back. There were many oranges in their homes, except that she took 30 pounds away from Chou-Gu. At these days, their family was only eating twenty pounds, leaving about one hundred and fifty pounds. The longer you put it, the more bad it is, and you can't take it out and sell it. It makes ginger Madam and Jiang Da-nu feel like a fire, it is uncomfortable.
       "You send this orange to the pharmacy and change some money back."
       Although the cabbage radish is popular at this time, the price is not higher than the price that Chou-Gu sold at the beginning, mainly relying on the volume. In fact, it is only four or five yuan a pound, which is two dollars higher than in previous years. The people of Jiangwu Village, although driven by Chou-Gu, planted more vegetables than in previous years, but they could not stand this way, selling thousands of pounds a day. They have to eat it themselves, and it only starts in the winter.
       "No, the owner of the drug shop said at the time, because I didn't have to pay him the money, he had to accept the orange. Now send it, others will definitely not want it." Jiang Chunhua said.
       The family's owner is the orange that is seen on the face of Chou-Gu. Where does she mean to go to Chou-Gu to owe a personal feeling, and it is really back, others are mostly not. Besides, her age-big Mid-Miss really has to go to the streets to do business, to go to her husband's house, what face is there. There is no way to bring food to the market, and how many excuses can be found.
       "You only have to go back to the market town, I sent it myself." Jiang Madam said disapprovingly. She also thought that Jiang Chunhua Big-Miss home, thin skin, sorry.
       "Which oranges in the village are sold to the pharmacy? Not all of them are sold at the market. Because I didn't pay for the silver, I took the oranges to the account. It was Chou-Gu, I said it for a long time, and helped. People have done a lot of work, others see her on the score of a small Miss, only to receive." Jiang Chunhua said annoyed.
       Jiang Madam ‘Called angrily   :   "Your less Chou-Gu, telling you to carry you back." She was upset when she heard the name of Chou-Gu, and her heart was very hot.
       In the past, Jiang Madam also dismissed Chou-Gu as ugly, and the temper was not pleasing, but at that time, the Wu hunter was in the Wu family, the Jiang family was almost dependent on the Wu family to survive, and their Jiang family could hold Chou again-Gu, let Chou-Gu go east to Chou-Gu and dare not go west. She agreed to let Da-nu  å¨¶Chou-Gu.
       Therefore, Wu Hunter is no longer, Da-nu  is not willing to slap Chou-Gu, she also feels that it is nothing to lose this door, only to make a big kiss for Da-nu .
       Otherwise, if Chou-Gu was found to be so capable, she would spend a lot of money to help Jiang Da-nu . When she thought of Chou-Gu not only did not spend money, but also brought a lot of income to the Jiang family, Da-nu  can also often eat pheasant wild rabbits, and there is a nameless fire in the heart. She even felt that many people had cheated on her.
       Jiang Chunhua can't help but can only carry it. But she made up her mind in her mind that she would not go to the drugstore, let her Madam go toss, and sell it without selling it is her Madam thing.
       Jiang Madam did this, but her heart was more and more dissatisfied with Jiang Chunhua. She felt that she didn't have to help her family to make money. It was completely a loss of money, which cost her more than 60 yuan. If she knew that Chunhua had hidden forty dollars, she was afraid that she would kill Jiang Chunhua.
       As a result, in the market town, Jiang Chunhua really refused to carry the orange back to the medicine shop. Jiang Madam couldn't help himself. He had to go out of his own way. As expected, Jiang Chunhua expected that the medicine shop would not want oranges.
       Jiang Madam said that he broke his mouth and pulled Chou-Gu.
       The East House was annoyed and said   :   "Your granddaughter came to me that day, it is already a half-dead person. I haven't seen a figure in your family. I spent a lot of effort to save her. She didn't have the money to get oranges. Account, that orange is not a good thing worth much, and there is no one to eat here."
       Said, the East asked people to take a few oranges from the field, more than a wild orange, the skin is clean and full, at first glance, know more than one level of wild orange.
       Jiang Madam still does not give up, but also wants to cry and cry, sell and sell miserable, forcing the owner to buy oranges. The East is almost mad at her, and she directly told her to drive her out. He was angry when he saw this old Pozi. That day, he asked Chou-Gu, naturally know that the old Pozi calculated Chou-Gu.
       Otherwise, who will ask for a 10-year-old Miss Head, isn't this hard to force others? And even the money is not given. If she really hurts her granddaughter, she should follow me and negotiate with him. But she pushed the 3-6 and threw everything to Chou-Gu, not the idea of ​​letting Chou-Gu pay. It’s really a shameless.
       Jiang Madam couldn't help but had to sell the oranges to the market, but everyone only bought cabbage radishes. The orange she brought was very difficult to sell. The rich people can't look up, they are going to buy big oranges from other places. Even if the poor want to eat, they can't afford it.
       Finally, she forced Jiang Chunhua and her to basically run the entire street all over, and then barely sold half of the oranges and sold them out. Thirty kilograms were exchanged for thirty dollars. The two men were not only tired of their legs, but also wasted more than one hour, so when they returned, they were still a few miles away from the village, and the days were completely dark. The two had to touch the black road.
       Jiang Madam scolded Jiang Chunhua all the way, and did not use ghosts to lose money. Jiang Chunhua has been numb. She only knows how to lift her feet. She is tired and hungry. She hasn’t eaten or eaten all day, and she has done a lot of physical work. When she got home, she had to drag on her body and cook. When she was eating, Madam only gave her half a bowl. She was too tired to say anything, and she fell asleep directly on her hungry stomach.
       So, after Jiang Chunhua was forced to carry a few days of cooking, the whole person was almost tired. Fortunately, it was raining again. Jiang Chunhua finally took a break, and she was not willing to stay at home, and went to the Chou-Gu home to do needlework.
       "What's the matter with you? Face is so bad, will it be ill?" Chou-Gu asked in surprise.
       She just did not see Jiang Chunhua in a few days, but Jiang Chunhua has changed the whole person, not only the face is yellow, but also a look of weakness.
       "I am not sick, I am tired. I go to sell vegetables every day, and I am hungry all day." Jiang Chunhua said with a smile.
       She is becoming less and less aware of how Madam and Da-nu  become like this. In the past, Madam was not as good as Da-nu  to her, but it was not bad. It would not be as full as it is now, and she would not let her have enough, and sometimes she would rather kill her.
       Ginger Madam had a fire in his heart, and he was in a hurry to get the money. The little silver on hand was basically spent, and Da-nu  had to spend a sum of money. She is so old, where is there any skill to make more money back, so that her hair has lost a lot.
       The most important thing is that in the past ten years, Wu Hunter has really helped the Jiang family too much, so that without the Wu Hunter, the Jiang family is even worse than the Chou-Gu family.
       In addition, Chou-Gu now has the ability to not only get the pheasant wild rabbit, but also come up with some new ideas from time to time, Chou-Gu earned the money, raising a home is no problem, so How many people envy and hate it. On the other hand, the Jiang family, the days are a lot worse. Not only did no one help to work, but also no meat to eat, Chou-Gu had no good things and would not think about their home, and Chou-Gu also gave the kitten a half pheasant from time to time. Make her angry and hate.
       Jiang Madam has too many negative emotions. The key is that he can't say it, and he has to be in his heart. Jiang Da-nu and his Madam are a virtue, even more selfish than his Madam, so Jiang Chunhua became the object of both of them.
       "I sold a dish, wouldn't I buy a Bun to eat?" Chou-Gu said.
       "Hey, don't mention it. The family wants to deposit money for Da-nu . You don't dare to spend a lot of money. Chou-Gu, how many dishes do you want to sell?" Jiang Chunhua asked. Every household in the village has basically sold more than half of the dishes. Selling the vegetables at hand is loose, and many of them have been cut back to eat these days.
       As soon as the cooking time is over, the village is full of meat. Cut a few slices of meat and stew a cabbage, or radish, which is more fragrant than white boiled. But Jiang Madam did not cut a bit of meat. Their grandparents and grandchildren went out all day, and they were hungry for a whole day. In fact, Jiang Madam will buy two hoes every day to take home to Jiang Da-nu, but she and Jiang Chunhua have no share.
       "We have to eat it ourselves." Chou-Gu woke up for a reason.
       In fact, she wants to wait to sell high prices, and now every family is going to sell, although it is popular, but the price will certainly not be high. When someone else family has no food to sell, she will sell the food again, so that she is fresh and sought-after.
       "My family also sold more than 300 kilograms of food." Jiang Chunhua sighed and said.
       Although she got more than one or two silver coins, the vegetables in her family have sold more than half of them. The rest is definitely not enough for his family to eat. But she can't stop Madam from thinking about making more money. Because her family's oranges didn't make money, Madam and Da-nu  were very dissatisfied, as if they were her fault.
       During this time at home, Jiang Chunhua days are not good.
       A few days ago, Jiang Wucun, Ningjia Village, although wild oranges were sold, but every household still exchanged back two or three hundred dollars. For everyone, it is not a small accident. After all, wild oranges are not hard to grow. The two brothers of Jiang Jiazu, the envious heart are hurting. There is another heavy gas to vent in Jiang Chunhua, and she still does not let her eat.
       “Three hundred kilograms? How many dishes do you have in your family?” Chou-Gu asked in surprise. Jiang's vegetable garden is very familiar to her, so big. There is a lot of money in her heart.
       "I have sold more than half of it. This winter, our family is not enough to eat." Jiang Chunhua said. Although there are some pickles, dried vegetables and other things in the house, fresh vegetables are the most important food for everyone in the winter. Which household in the village, in the winter is not the Dunton cabbage porridge, Dunton radish rice, but also can save a lot of food to eat in the spring.
       "Why do you want to sell so much?" Chou-Gu asked quickly. After asking her, she felt that she was too stupid, not for money.
       Sure enough, Jiang Chunhua smiled bitterly   :   "For the sake of money."
       “There are people in the village who don’t want to be like this. I would rather not eat it. I’m going to sell it out?” Chou-Gu heart sinks. If everyone else has no food, then there will be fresh in her garden. Isn't the dish a target?
       "Almost, anyway, in the village these days, like the New Year, every household is eating meat." Jiang Chunhua said with a sullen mood.
       Not only did their family have no meat to eat, she was still hungry all day long.

       Chapter 73     :     Farce          

       When Jiang Chunhua thought that other people had food and drink, he had to suffer from hungry, and he had no time to talk about it, and he was doing his work seriously. Both of them were silent. In the room, only Jiang Chunhua hand was passed through the cloth to make Zla voice.
       Chou-Gu squinted her eyes, her brain turned fast, and she had to hurry to think of a dish at home. Otherwise, when other people homes have no food to eat, there is still in her home, and there are people who can't help but steal food. Some people may come directly to them. Some people even think that you can't finish your family and give us something to eat.
       "Sister, I am hungry." The younger brother ran out and ‘called.
       It’s cold now, and the day is short. The Chou-Gu family did not make three meals. However, if she is hungry, she will still cook some soup or cook a little porridge, and the family will pad the stomach. Today their home is stewed pheasant winter melon soup. There are still two big winter melons left in the house. If you don't eat them, they should be broken. Today, they are especially stewed.
       These days, she is a pheasant divided into two halves, stewed half a day the next day.
       Chou-Gu returned to the world, took him to drink soup, and casually gave Jiang Chunhua a bowl.
       "I am not hungry." Jiang Chunhua swallowed, sorry to say. The more she now invents the white Chou-Gu. Chou-Gu is really better for her than her family, more like her family.
       "Drink, we all drink. You don't drink alone, how embarrassing. Besides, you are also helping me to do things." Chou-Gu advised.
       Jiang Chunhua not only helped her to make shoes, but also helped her to remove a few short old clothes and then change them. The new clothes made by the villagers to the children will leave two inches of space. They will grow up and wait for a year and a half.
       Jiang Chunhua took the bowl with a red face. She was half-starved during this time. Not to mention that she could eat it. A bowl of soup immediately felt that the whole person was comfortable.
       In this way, Jiang Chunhua came to Chou-Gu home for a few days of needlework, and every day they followed a bowl of chicken soup or gruel. After the nutrition came up, her face slowly became better. When I thought of it, after a few days, she knew that she must have eaten at the Chou-Gu home.
       No, I didn’t have dinner after Jiang Chunhua came home this evening.
       She looked at the clean pot and stared straight at her milky face and asked, "Madam, you have all eaten, are you not ready to give it to me?"
       "What to eat, such a cold day, do not have to work, eat so much to do the scorpion." Jiang Madam ‘called.
       "Wandering outside all day, I still want to eat?" Jiang Da-nu  added a cold sentence.
       Jiang Chunhua was furious and stared at him. "This home, I live the most, eat the worst, drink a few chicken soup, and I was almost killed by Madam. What do you want? The chicken is still Chou-gu gave it to me. When I ate the white food at home."
       Jiang Da-nu and Jiang Madam didn't expect Jiang Chunhua, who had always been docile, to fight back, and he was so angry that he was both a fight and a slap in the face of Jiang Chunhua. But this time, Jiang Madam was smart. He didn't have a big ear to beat Jiang Chunhua face, but he took a stick and slammed it on her. I couldn't wait to kill her.
       She hated Jiang Chunhua for eating meat and soup at Chou-Gu. She didn't think about Jiang Da-nu . She didn't save it and brought it back to Jiang Da-nu. And also hate Chou-Gu, no eyesight, not tied with Da-nu , please Da-nu , but with Ning-Er's weak scorpion. There are many pheasant wild rabbits in the family, preferring to give the kittens, not to her family. In short, the dissatisfaction is added together, so that she almost loses her sense and kills Jiang Chunhua almost.
       Still Jiang Da-nu is afraid of himself, and persuaded   :   "Madam, Madam don't fight, if you break it, you have to spend money to cure it."
       When he heard the silver, Jiang Madam woke up, but Jiang Chunhua had been crying and crying. The farce of the Jiang family was quickly spread in the village. Everyone is talking about why Jiang Madam wants to beat Jiang Chunhua?
       Someone puzzled and said   :   "That Yatou is an honest man. He works and spends his free time at home all day. Why does her Madam hit her with such awkward hand? They are all about the Big-Miss home, and they are not afraid to fight. If he dies, he has to pay for her husband."
       Someone sneered   :   "Ginger Madam has lost the watermelon in this sesame. Isn't her family unwilling to Chou-Gu? You can see if Chou-Gu now has a skill, a 10-year-old Miss Can afford a home. She is estimated to regret it."
       "No, people Chou-Gu can be worthy of their Jiang family. In the middle of the night to help find someone, they have to come back, the next day is not bright and bring the spring flowers to the town to get sick. If I am, then not Will manage their lives and deaths." Someone said.
       "That is, the last spring flower disease is like that, not Chou-Gu sent it, I heard that she only spent sixty dollars, but also want Chou-Gu posted medicine money." Someone broke the news.
       "Yeah, or Chou-Gu himself wants to sell the oranges with half a scorpion, only to have the money to give the spring flowers, or will the spring flowers be sold every day for a few days?"
       "I really shameless, and said that others can't remember the kindness of Wu hunters. Which one has the kindness of Wu hunters in her family." Everyone ‘called.
       "Okay, OK. In the future, this cannot be said outside. It is not something that gives us the warmth of Jiang Wucun. It has not broken the reputation of the village and broke the affair of the children." Stop everyone. To put it bluntly, there are some things that are not a problem with Jiang Madam. People in the village are not all playing their own little ninety-nine.
       After the village chief's daughter-in-law came home, she regretted giving the Jiang Da-nu the marriage. She saw it more clearly, and now Jiang Madam is afraid to pay a big price for Da-nu . After the Da-nu  wife entered the door, I was able to do it. If I have completely given Chou-Gu, I am afraid I still have trouble.
       "From tomorrow, I won't go to them any more. You have spare time and do a few more shoes for Da-nu ." After Jiang Madam finished, he gave Jiang Chunhua a ban.
       She felt that since Chou-Gu did not recognize her, Jiang Chunhua did not need to help Chou-Gu to do needlework. Everything Jiang Chunhua got at the Chou-Gu home, she thought it was the Jiang Da-nu. Since Jiang Da-nu  is not good, she does not allow Jiang Chunhua to help.
       Chou-Gu didn't know what happened to the Jiang family. The next day, Jiang Chunhua didn't come, she didn't care, because she was thinking of how to deal with the dishes in her home garden.
       Originally, she also pointed to these dishes and could help her make a small profit. But now I am afraid I can’t keep it.
       "Hey, it would be nice if you come over the pillars tomorrow." Chou-Gu thought this way, the pillars really came.
       She also brought twenty pounds of food to her family and told her that the honey money was given to Ning-Er.
       Honey can be much less money, Chou-Gu has a lot of heart, naturally know that these foods are only Ning-Er himself took out the money to buy.
       "Tomorrow, let him also come over." Chou-Gu and the pillar said. Too many words were given to Pillar , and he was afraid that he could not remember clearly. He could only call Ning-Er directly to discuss it.
       The next day, Ning-Er came from the appointment. After listening to Chou-Gu questions, he was also anxious. Because his family's dishes are the same as Chou-Gu, half of them stay in the garden, and half of them go down. Because of the bitterness of eating no food, his family's dishes are also much more special than others' homes. There is not much left in the garden.
       "The same is true of people in our village. Every day, people sell vegetables. I am afraid that they will sell their own food just like your village." Ning-Er smiled bitterly.
       He is even more troubled than Chou-Gu. He has eaten the dishes of the family in the village. When he has no food at other people homes, there are still people in his home. Can he not give back to others? So don't think about selling high prices to make money.
       "Hey, it’s really annoying. You said these people, why are you so blind? The wild orange forest is the same, and now even the vegetables grown in your own home are like this. It’s really awkward." Chou-Gu Say.
       She also thought about putting the dishes in the Ning family, and then selling them directly from the Ningjia to the market. After listening to Ning-Er, I know that this method will not work. If her family's food arrives at Ningjia, it is estimated that it is also cheaper in Ningjia Village, and it will bring trouble to Ning-Er.
       Ning-Er smiled bitterly   :   "This is no way. They just can see that they can sell money, and they sell it all at once. I guess, they have never eaten the bitterness of eating vegetables. what."
       Chou-Gu followed with a sneer   :   "I am afraid that this is nothing. I don't eat fresh vegetables in the winter. I am so bad that everyone is ruined. What I am most afraid of is that some people have gotten a lot of money and have not bought it. When the food comes back, when the green and yellow are not picked up, everyone has to be hungry."
       In the past, everyone did not eat food in winter. They had to eat a lot of food, just to save food and eat longer. Now that there are so many dishes missing, the gap in the food for every household is even bigger. If it is time, every household has no food to eat, and her family has a good day and dare not pass. Others are afraid to come directly to your home to ask for it.
       “Why don’t you eat fresh vegetables to ruin your mouth?” Ning-Er was the first to hear this statement, curiously asked.
       "Fresh vegetables are good for the human body. If you don't eat fresh vegetables for a long time, you can eat some pickles and pickles, your body will be bad, and you will love the rotten corners." Chou-Gu explained this to Ning-Er.
       She couldn't say that because of the lack of vitamins and other issues, she had to slap a reason to love her mouth. No one knows about vitamins, and everyone doesn't know how to eat too much salted food. Anyway, as long as you have to eat, where can you still care about these problems.
       As soon as I heard that I was in poor health, Ning-Er was even more troubled. At least he had to ensure that his family had enough fresh food to eat. Otherwise, like his sick scorpion, he must be sick immediately. But in this poor place, every family is poor, and there are not many foods to eat. Others have no family. If you have a family, it is really easy to have an accident. Unless your family has a very good position in the village, others will not dare to provoke you. Otherwise, it is easy for others to bully you.
       "At this time, is there any food that can be planted?" Ning-Er was a whimsy. The dish is sold, and if you want to make up the gap, you have to plant it again.
       Chou-Gu in the brain, the greenhouse vegetables flashed past, she blurted out   :   "Set up the greenhouse, grow vegetables."
       "Impossible, how much is the cost, I haven't seen too many people in Capital City, so few people can take such a big greenhouse." Ning-Er asked.
       Daguan aristocrats usually have a small greenhouse, but they have always raised some valuable flowers and trees. Only those who have the status of silver can plant vegetables in the greenhouse, and it will not be too big, because it is too expensive. Therefore, everyone in the winter has always relied on the mantle to store vegetables.
       Chou-Gu still regrets that the greenhouse is afraid of Ning-Er is asking what it is. I didn’t expect him to understand it. He just breathed a sigh of relief and was uncomfortable by his impossibility. Yes, building a greenhouse is indeed a big expense. Because you have to keep burning wood all day and night. Otherwise, how can it get warmer?
       But whether it is Jiang Wucun or Ningjia Village, not only sell the dishes, but also sell the firewood. And now it's so cold, how to build a greenhouse? The key is to overcome the technical problems in planting. It’s not that the greenhouse is warmed up. When the rapeseed is planted, can the vegetables grow well?
       "Then I can't do it anymore." Chou-Gu spread his hands and said nothing. This will not work, it will not work, really when she is a god. God also has to ask for it yourself, or where does God know what you lack?
       "You don't worry too much. I will go back and think slowly. I am not in a hurry for these few days. I have to wait for a few months to respond." Ning-Er comforted her.
       Nowadays, there are still dishes in the house, and there is more silver on hand. Maybe the situation is not as terrible as Chou-Gu said.

       Chapter 74     :     Analysis          

       For four consecutive days, Jiang Chunhua did not come to Chou-Gu to do needlework, and Chou-Gu finally felt that something was wrong. But she is not good at Jiang’s door. To be honest, she is very bad about Jiang Madam now. She hates patriarchal women and countless girls.
       More importantly, although Jiang Da-nu  said that the pro thing, it seems that it did not affect her. But she actually understands that everyone in the village knows that Jiang Da-nu  and Jiang Jia are abandoning her, and will rush to give Jiang Da-nu a relative. This kind of gossip, too much will pass a little to her ears.
       If she is like other girls, there are a few friends who can often play together, I am afraid to hear more gossip. Fortunately, her family is far from other people in the village. Otherwise, just listening to these gossips will affect her mood.
       Although she doesn't care about Jiang Da-nu , she is even glad that she has got rid of the Jiang family. Can't stand others think she is being dismissed. She didn't want her reputation to break down inadvertently. This year, the girl has a good reputation, but it is better than anything else.
       She was thinking about how to inquire about the Jiang family, the kitten came. The cabbage radish grown in his family this season is more than twice as long as in previous years. Therefore, the food they sold in the past few days was full of 500 pounds, plus some oranges, and added two Silver Taels. If you have silver at home, you will naturally spend some time out.
       Therefore, her mother was worried and bought a few pieces of coarse cloth to buy new clothes for her family. At the same time, Chou-Gu was given a pair of shoes, and the kitten was sent as a thank-you.
       "Oh, thank you Aunt." Chou-Gu said with surprise.
       She couldn't believe it. Wang-Aunt actually turned her temper and knew her to thank her. To be honest, her idea, the whole village are enjoying the benefits. But she was the first time she saw someone thanking her. A pair of shoes is really nothing, but it proves that people have this heart.
       "Hey, my mother is not a bad heart. It is really poor at home, no way." The kitten said with embarrassment.
       Since this time, the kitten family has really had a lot of light from Chou-Gu. Whether it is a small fish, a wild orange, or even so many dishes are stimulated by Chou-Gu. All in all, their family life is better, because Chou-Gu. Therefore, although Wang-Aunt was not willing, but under the persuasion of his sons and men, he still managed to make a pair of shoes for Chou-Gu.
       Because, their family really can't get anything to be a thank you. Although they have made a lot of money, there are so many things they have to add to their homes. Two Silver Taels are not enough. Wang-Aunt no longer likes Chou-Gu, and has to admit that his family has received the favor of Chou-Gu.
       Chou-Gu looked at the kittens who were obviously taller, and knew that their family's life was better. When they ate well, the children grew extraordinarily fast. Moreover, the face of the kitten, which was originally pale and yellow, became healthy, and the whole person seemed to have more spirit. She hopes that the people in the village will be rich, not to stare at others as they are now.
       "Do you sell a lot of food at home?"
       "Well, there are more than 500 pounds." The kitten said proudly. Their family's dishes are only the ones that have sold the most in the village. So I can save two Silver Taels. In the past few days, Father and his mother can laugh and laugh. Two Silver Taels, for the poor people who are not enough to eat, is really a huge sum.
       "Yeah, so many, do you still have food at home?" Chou-Gu asked with some concern.
       "Yeah, we only sold half of it. Our family planted more this year, except for the vegetable garden, and planted another piece in the other side." The kitten said.
       Their family had a long harvest of crops, and the empty space was empty. He thought that because he had less food in his family, he also asked for a month of food in the village. . Moreover, the sons grew up and chewed more and more. Nowadays, a meal can be put more than half a bowl of food last year. He also has to pay a lot of food supplements, otherwise the family will have to be hungry for a while. Therefore, they not only grow a lot of vegetables, but also pickled pickles during this time. The salt is used for a few pounds.
       “Other people in the village have a variety of dishes like you.” Chou-Gu asked. She knows that some people have more vegetables than they have in previous years. Just because she saw that she was selling vegetables and made money, everyone learned her.
       "Yes, everyone is all kinds." The kitten said with uncertainty. But there are many people who do not. Whether it is a variety of households, it is hard to say.
       Chou-Gu nodded and settled a lot. As long as everyone grows extra, it is normal to sell more. I am afraid that there will be less species and more sales, and my family will not have to eat.
       “Oh, yes, did you see her when you passed by Chunhua sister?” Chou-Gu introduced the topic to Jiang’s family.
       "No, Chunhua sister was killed by her Madam." The kitten said.
       Chou-Gu was sinking and asked   :   "Why is she Madam killing her for no reason?"
       "Not very clear, it seems that she is only taking care of her own food." The kitten answered.
       He also listened to his mother and said an ear. Everyone knows that Jiang Madam is taking Jiang Chunhua out of gas. It is not that Jiang Chunhua really did something that would not be reversed, and she would be beaten by her Madam. However, this is not easy to say, and Jiang Madam did say that Jiang Chunhua only cares about what he eats.
       Chou-Gu thought it would be clear. Jiang Madam thought that Jiang Chunhua had eaten good things outside and did not bring home to honor her and Da-nu . Thinking deeper, Jiang Madam hits Jiang Chunhua, and is also angry with Chou-Gu. He thinks that Chou-Gu did not send pheasants to their ginger family. I think Chou-Gu is not as good as before, thinking about Jiang home. But if she said it, she would have to be poked off the spine. She took a sigh of relief and always had to find a place to vent.
       "I am embarrassed, what is the nerve of this old Pozi?" Chou-Gu hated the secret of Jiang Madam in his heart. I think she is really not a thing.
       After the kitten left, Ning-Er and the pillar came to the door again.
       "Sorry, I didn't think of a good way. Let's talk to you again." Ning-Er said to Chou-Gu.
       "Forget it, we can only take care of our own home now. The villagers always have their own way of thinking." Chou-Gu said. Her current focus is mostly on Jiang's family. How can she not understand why Jiang Madam's temperament has changed dramatically. The previous Jiang Madam gave her a good impression. The original body also listened to Jiang Madam's words and was happy to be close to the Jiang family.
       "What do you want?" Ning-Er saw at a glance that Chou-Gu was absent-minded.
       "Hey, you said Jiang Madam, what's the matter? Well, I killed Chunhua sister. She used to be good to Chunhua sister." Chou-Gu exclaimed. In the memory of the original, Jiang Chunhua life in Jiang’s family is also good.
       "You tell me about her previous things?" Ning-Er was interested in asking. Anyway, idle is also idle, and he is also gossip.
       Chou-Gu told him something he knew. Of course, it was all superficial. For example, Jiang Madam was good for their Wu family. Jiang Chunhua made shoes for her and taught her. Do needlework. Another example is when the Wu hunter is at the time, he often helps the Jiang family to do heavy work, and often eats the pheasant wild rabbit ginger family, and so on. Finally, Chou-Gu also mentioned that Jiang Da-nu  spoke a beautiful 1st Daughter-in-law woman and spent five Silver Taels dowry.
       Ning-Er Q   :   "Is there a lot of five Silver Taels?"
       "A little bit more, Chunhua sister only got three Silver Taels's dowry. I heard that it is already good." Chou-Gu said rather than sure.
       Jiang Chunhua is in a distressed mood. From time to time, she will also show a few words in front of Chou-Gu. The dowry and the beautiful 1st Daughter-in-law are also things that Jiang Chunhua said. At that time, Chou-Gu listened, and felt that Jiang Da-nu  was a kid who didn’t look young and actually liked the older sister. It’s no wonder that he couldn’t get himself.
       "By your opinion, can one year's harvest of his family save the next Silver Taels?" Ning-Er asked again.
       "Where, what a joke, still save, I am afraid that I am not enough to eat." Chou-Gu quickly calculated in his heart, said. There is no one in the village, and the one who spends a year's expenses can still save the money. Most people are half-squatting, and they don’t have enough to get their stomachs first. Not to mention the Jiang family, who have less land and less labor.
       "I understand, under the help of your father, they can only save two Silver Taels. No one is helping now, the days are sad, and my heart is burning." Ning-Er smiled coldly and said.
       “Don't it be that my father still gave the money to their home?” Chou-Gu said with surprise.
       "You think, you all said that their family's life, you did a lot of Father, the pheasant wild rabbits are also taken to their homes. Right, Jiang Miss gives you needlework, your home has to give some benefits. If you add up, I think these are more than the income of their own home. Otherwise, a young widow with two young grandchildren can pull the child very well. Where can I save money? And, Jiang and his brothers are both very good. It is obvious that their family is still eating very well. These are all given by Father." Ning-Er analyzed her. .
       Even if the Wu hunter did not directly give the Yinzi Jiang family, but most of the Jiang family's expenses are Wu hunters out, this is not the equivalent of Wu hunter to give the silver to the Jiang family.
       Chou-Gu think about it and think that Ning-Er is right. Not to mention the above, it is Jiang Chunhua family of three wearing clothes, the fabric is basically given by Wu Hunter. Equivalent to the fact that the Jiang family has two incomes, one is the income of their own farming, and the other part of the farming is the Wu hunter. The other one is entirely given by the Wu Orchestra. A small part of it is the reward that Jiang Jia deserves. Most of them are the kindness that Wu Hunter returns to Jiang.
       It is precisely because of this that Wu Hunter not only raises one own family, but also raises one or two more people. It is no wonder that Wu hunters don't have much money, but I don't know how many times he spends a year on the Jiang family.
       Otherwise, the Jiang family can't save the two Silver Taels. You know, there are not many fields in the Jiang family, and there is not much labor. It is not relying on the Wu Hunter. They are afraid that they will not even have enough mouth to survive. It will be good to survive. It is not normal to owe money.
       "But these can't be the reason why she plays Chunhua sister?" Chou-Gu still couldn't understand Jiang Madam's brain circuit.
       "This old widow, who is the most disgusting person, is not good for her daughter-in-law. She must still blame Jiang Miss for not returning from your hands to the pheasant wild rabbit. Even just taking Jiang Miss gas." Ning -Er disgusted.
       "Why do you say that?" Chou-Gu asked.
       Ning-Er said something about her aunt's previous things. It turns out that her uncle is also the only child of the old widow who has grown up. When my aunt just married, she really ate no less. I heard that it is common to punish and punish, and it is not like taking a stick directly like Jiang Madam. After all, people are considered to be high-end families, and the method is more roundabout. It is how big Ning-Er cousin is, and her aunt will sometimes be punished by Old tai-tai, so that her son has to go to the mother to plead.
       "I have heard this, people say that they can't marry a widowed mother alone." Chou-Gu nodded and expressed his opinion. Indeed, in the modern marriage market, many people reject this one.
       Ning-Er looked at her in surprise and wanted to say something but couldn't say it. He didn't expect Chou-Gu to be so old and still understand these things. He pondered the language and said, "Chou-Gu, you are young, don't hang this in your mouth."
       “What?” Chou-Gu didn’t feel that he had said anything that should not be said.
       Ning-Er coughed and said, "Marrying people. It’s not what you should say to Miss."
       Chou-Gu suddenly realized that it was tweaked on the surface, pretending to be embarrassed and said   :   "I also listened to the big Aunts in the village." In my heart, I was mad at the feudal world.
       "Well, this kind of family is really not good. Jiang Madam is a typical person. You only see Jiang Da-nu. After the wife, their family will have trouble. You will be farther away from their home." Ning -Ere sure.
       Chou-Gu nodded and asked   :   "Do you think Jiang Madam will be angry with me?"
       Ning-Er nodded and said, "In the past, their family relied on you. Father had a good life. They are used to it. Now that you have the ability, you usually give the kitten a pheasant. It is estimated that she is very hateful. You may even think that you should also send some pheasant wild rabbits to them like you Father."
       "Hah, there are problems, they didn't do anything for me, why should I give them, my family is not a pheasant wild rabbit can not finish. The kitten is also helping me to work, in order to get one and a half "Chou-Gu sneered.
       To be honest, she really didn't think about Jiang Madam. She only thought that Jiang Madam is an age, and it is estimated that she is also in menopause. Coupled with poor family conditions, she will spend money on Jiang Da-nu, and she will have to hunger when she is married. She has no ability to earn. When several pressures are added together, it will burst out.
       But no matter what, she should not put her gas on Jiang Chunhua. At this time, she can only hope that Jiang Chunhua will harden herself, or the days of being bullied will be longer.
       "Actually, I really want to see Chunhua sister, but not good to her home?" Chou-Gu said. Jiang Chunhua was good for her. She didn't want to watch Jiang Chunhua be killed.
       "You don't know if you ask the kitten to run for a while." Ning-Er reminded her.
       "But what did he ask him to do? Have to find an excuse?" Chou-Gu asked.
       "Just let her cut a pattern for you?" Ning-Er casually suggested.
       "No, no, I will not embroider at all." Chou-Gu quickly opposed.
       "That's a cut-and-shoe look, is it OK?" Ning-Er asked again, and he saw a pair of shoes at Chou-Gu hand.
       "This can be." Chou-Gu approved this reason, it is she herself can not think of a reason.
       Then, after the kitten came, Chou-Gu gave him two pieces of rags that were old and not old, and then pinched a large rice ball and put a few pieces of meat into the kitten, and told him to go. Look at Jiang Chunhua. And let him send half a pheasant to the ginger family. Now that I know why Jiang Madam is playing Jiang Chunhua, it is to go to the shoes, or to get something, which is equivalent to exchange.
       Ginger Madam and Jiang Da-nu Coldly let the kitten into the house, look at the half pheasant and take him to the door of Jiang Chunhua. Jiang Chunhua hair was half lying on the bed, and she had not been to the ground for a few days. Jiang Madam really beat her up this time, she was completely dead, so she did not eat or drink for two days. Jiang Madam panicked and gave her a bowl of hot porridge before she was saved.
       Upon hearing Chou-Gu request, she struggled to make a cut for Chou-Gu. The kitten took the opportunity to stuff the rice ball for her.
       The kitten ran back to Chou-Gu house and patted his chest and said, "Oh, scared to death. Jiang Madam is terrible, Chunhua sister looks very bad."
       Jiang Chunhua was awkward, and his face was a little bit dying. Like a half-dead person, Jiang Madam glared at a pair of triangular eyes, a portrait, and he wanted to shave the kitten down. scared.
       "Chunhua sister is okay?" Chou-Gu is most concerned about the body of Jiang Chunhua.
       "I can't tell." The kitten took the head and said. Say she is not good, she can still get up and help cut shoes, say okay, really embarrassing.
       "Okay, it shouldn't matter. Otherwise, her family should have been panicked. In fact, you don't have to worry too much about her. After all, she is not too young, and she has not been in the Jiang family for a long time." Ning-Er advised Advise Chou-Gu.
       If Jiang Chunhua really has a big deal, Jiang will not be so quiet. Jiang Madam will not kill Jiang Chunhua again. To know such a big Miss, I have promised my husband, I really want to kill, and I have to pay for someone else. At this time, let Jiang Madam go to get three Silver Taels to pay back to Jiang Chunhua wife? Just look at this point, she will not really kill her granddaughter. Moreover, Jiang Chunhua got married for up to half a year, and Jiang Madam could not beat her anymore.
       Chou-Gu sighed, she couldn't help Jiang Chunhua how busy. Jiang family, she is not good, how can I manage the Jiang family. As long as Jiang Chunhua still has to live full-tailed, she is relieved. And on the fire of Jiang Madam, she will do nothing, I am afraid that Jiang Chunhua is even more sad. She can only hope that Jiang Chunhua is tougher, and it is better to get married and get out of this fire pit.
       After the kittens left, Ning-Er and Chou-Gu discussed it. I decided to go to the owner of the drugstore first. I still have a shortage of vegetables. If the owner wants it, regardless of the price, I will sell it first. . If the owner does not need it, he can only transport the vegetable garden to the forest house to store it. When you look at the situation, if you can sell it, you will pull it and sell it. If the villagers have no food to eat, it is estimated that these dishes will be pulled back and distributed to others.


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