Ugly Biography 50

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »    Chapter 50     :     Seeking medical attention          

       "I don't know if the pharmacy here is big, will people refuse to accept this thing?" Ning-Er said as he walked. He regretted that he had not sold the group fish at the market. Maybe someone wants it? He did not see anyone buying a group fish at the market.
       "I don't know if I try." Chou-Gu didn't think so.
       In her mind, this group of fish is delivered to the door, it can not be sold, brought back to stew and eat, it is to make up for everyone. As for the weak figure of Ning-Er, if you make more supplements, your body will be strong.
       As a result, the owner of the pharmacy saw the group of fish that they brought with a smile on his face. He said, "You are really a coincidence. Give you a Silver Taels and fifty big money. I want this group of fish."
       "Give me more, we are also the first time to catch such a big group of fish, or caught in the mountains, it is very difficult to get." Chou-Gu quickly talked about the price. Although the price has exceeded their expectations, but people are so refreshing, it is estimated that this group of fish is really valuable. She is completely conditional and she is going to increase her price.
       "That is, the mountains are clean and very few people go, otherwise we can't get such a big fish." Ning-Er also said.
       The East looked at them and looked at the Minger and the younger brother behind them and the pillars. The three of them are playing in a whisper and it looks very happy.
       When I saw the pillar, the eyes of the East House changed and asked   :   "What is this big man?"
       "When I was a child, I burned my brain. The family is poor and there is no money to cure." Ning-Er.
       The Dong family sighed and added one or two hundred big sums. He said, "This price is already fair. If you don't believe it, you can go to another house to ask. I am also looking for this thing, or at most one Silver Taels. Plus fifty dollars."
       “Thank you.” Chou-Gu will receive it when he is ready. She has 50 big money, she is very satisfied.
       The Dongjia paid the money and let the pillar come over. He gave him the pulse and shook his head and said, "Oh, it can only be like this. But he is physically strong, and as long as someone is pointing at it, this day will be a good day."
       Ning-Er did not expect that a small drugstore in this small place seemed to have a good medical skill. He quickly said   :   "You also show me that I am weak, when I am not sick, I can see if I can nurse."
       The East House saw early that he was in poor health, but he was not as noticeable as the pillars, and there was nothing wrong with the East. Now seeing his own request, the owner pointed to the table and chairs next to him and said, "Sit down."
       Then, he took Ning-Er's wrist and began a serious diagnosis. Both hands were diagnosed, and some questions were asked carefully. After a while, he said, "I really need to take some medicine for a while. You are a big symptom. I have a serious illness, I have not cured it, and I have not nursed it. It has been dragged over. The loss of the body is too much, and the mentality is too heavy. This is not a day or two. ""
       Chou-Gu scared a big jump and quickly came over and said, "You give me some medicine. Can he eat something in this body, make up for it?"
       The East nodded and carefully considered it for a while before writing a prescription.
       Ning-Er took over the recipe and looked at it carefully. I was quite convinced by this host. He knows a little about pharmacology. If you have a big family, you should ask for a safe pulse from time to time. He used to be with Prince, and he just listened to Tai-yi hanging medical bag. He learned some medical knowledge. Moreover, his unlucky cousin has a sick father, and it is common to ask for medicine. The uncle prescription, he did not know how much to see.
       Seeing Ning-Er in the East, I saw that the prescription was carefully observed. He knew that he definitely knew some pharmacology. He smiled and asked   :   "Little Geer, you should know this body yourself. This medicine still needs to eat more."
       "Yeah." Ning-Er nodded and felt very uncomfortable.
       "This medicine for supplementing the body is very expensive. My prescription, a Silver Taels can catch three doses of medicine. Usually, if you can catch a group of fish, you can eat it yourself. Also, you can make up your body. In addition, you usually drink more chicken soup and drink it. If you eat well, your body will naturally get better. Again, you have to relax your mind, little age, why? So much. Otherwise, if you drag on it, it will not be one or two Silver Taels in the future." The owner said seriously.
       This little Geer is not very old, and his heart is still so heavy. It is obvious that the family is not good, plus a brother who burned his brain, a Silver Taels medicine, it is estimated that it can not be eaten several times. I can only make up for it by myself.
       As a result, a Silver Taels was not hot enough, and was taken back by the East, and replaced with a three-pack of Ning-Er.
       Seeing that Ning-Er and Chou-Gu are all looking at the Silver Taels, the owner smiled and said   :   "Don't reluctantly, this recipe must be eaten for at least two months before it can work. That group of fish, you guys I can catch it again. If I can get it of the same size, I will have it. If you have a pound or so, you will eat it yourself. If you are too big, you can't eat it."
       "Thank you." Ning-Er smiled, thinking about where to catch it next time. Such a big group of fish is incomprehensible.
       "Right, are you collecting fish and grass here?" Chou-Gu asked.
       "Receipt is the harvest, but the fish is not worth the money. It costs only ten yuan for a pound. And it needs good quality."
       "We have a lot of fish and weeds on the other side. I usually dig back to make tea and drink it. Next time, I will bring you a little bit to show you." Chou-Gu said excitedly.
       "Yes, but I don't have much. This is not worth the money. Many people will dig it by themselves," said the owner.
       It was not worth the money, and there was not much. Chou-Gu was very disappointed. It seems that this road will not work. However, there are still quite a lot of Chinese herbal medicines. She quickly searched for Chinese herbal medicines she knew in her mind. Suddenly she remembered that the summer was noisy.
       "Oh, do you want to lick, pinellia, scorpion, chrysanthemum, thatch root?"
       Ning-Er Although she already knows that Chou-Gu is very different, she can say that she has so many medicinal herbs in one breath. The same is true of the pharmacy's owner. I can't help but see this black and ugly little Miss.
       "Little Miss, you know a lot of herbs." Dongjia smiled.
       "This is the most common thing. Like my mother, I like to drink chrysanthemum tea. It is a bit sweet and can go to the fire. Every day, the house will have some preparations. The thatched root is more common. We have to dig when we have nothing to do. Come out and chew it. In the summer, we also cook some thatched root water to drink tea. Sometimes the throat is uncomfortable, just drink the fish and herbal tea."
       These are commonplace in modern times, and it is basically common sense. It is that the young leaves are often used as food. There are many herbal teas in Guangdong, and the roots are widely used in herbal tea. Chou-Gu had never had such herbal teas, drinks, etc., so she said it was the head. I don't want to, the owner and Ning-Er are very surprised.
       Dong Ai also came to the interest and explained to them casually, saying   :   "These are pharmacological. The roots of the thatch have the effect of thirst, stop bleeding and diuresis. Although it is a common thing, it is a very useful herb. Say, use more. It's really a medicinal material that you can see at hand. You can take some and sell it to me."
       "Okay, okay." Chou-Gu surprises and can't wait to jump. These things are inexhaustible. If you can make money from them, you don't need to go to work tired and tired.
       However, the owner said   :   "You have to say a few things, but the price is different. For example, the thatched root is very cheap. In the summer, the chrysanthemums and the scorpions are dried, and there is no mold. The chrysanthemums are made of flower bags and unbloomed, and the clams are large and complete. And these things may be a little more expensive. In fact, these are not worth much."
       As Chou-Gu said, these are ordinary things, and naturally they are not worth any money. It is he who often picks up medicines. These most common things can be seen everywhere, and you can dig some back at any time. It is really nothing.
       "Okay, I understand. When I get it, I will come back to you next time. He will have to find a prescription for him to take medicine later." Chou-Gu laughed. Ning-Er This medicine took a Silver Taels, and this recipe has to eat for two months. I don't want to make more money. What should I do?
       "Yes. I am waiting for you. This little brother, you must not take your body seriously." When he left the house, the owner slammed Ning-Er. I am afraid that he is too expensive and willing to spend money.
       Ning-Er I don't understand, my body is well raised. It’s just that he has no money at hand. In this small place, he doesn’t know where to find a good doctor. He has been dragging. Now that this family can give him a prescription, he still has to find a way to eat it. After all, the body is his own, and if you don't raise it, you don't have to think about it.
       Out of the pharmacy, Ning-Er and Chou-Gu have calculated the account. Today's income is very good. Not only the salt, but also the Sorghum  has coarse grains, leaving 478 yuan.
       After counting the money, Chou-Gu himself was a little surprised. "Wow, Silver Taels is almost half." This income is very high.
       "Hey, if you don't take medicine, you have one and a half silver." Ning-Er smiled bitterly.
       "Not afraid, the body is the most important. We will go back for a day or two. Run another ten miles, one and a half Silver Taels, you can get five Silver Taels, basically enough for you to take medicine." Chou- Gu quickly counted in my heart, satisfied.
       Ning-Er is in good health and can take the pillars out to hunt and give them more help. Now, her family and Ning-Er are basically dependent on each other, so she doesn't care that Ning-Er spends most of her money, only hope that his body will get better soon.
       Today's money, Chou-Gu wants to give Ning-Er.
       "How can I do it, give it to me, what do you eat." Ning-Er said, instead, he gave the money to Chou-Gu, and he would not want it.
       He felt that he had spent the big head of Silver Taels, and the rest would be Chou-Gu.
       Chou-Gu refused to ask, she also understood that if there was a pillar and Ning-Er, she and Minger would not dare to enter the mountain, they dared to enter the mountain, relying on their current skills, a chicken Rabbits are also hard to get.
       The last two men pushed for a long time, Ning-Er reluctantly received a hundred dollars, two pounds of salt and eight ‘maidens. The rest will be given to Chou-Gu.
       "I am very satisfied. If you are not following you, where do I go to get so much money, and there is chicken and rabbit meat at home." Chou-Gu laughed. It’s just three hundred and seventy-eight dollars. It’s almost 80 kilograms for the coarse grains. It’s enough for them to eat for two months.
       "Today I am taking advantage of it. I am really embarrassed." Ning-Er blushes, my heart secretly, I must make more more next time, and give more to Chou-Gu.

       Chapter 51     :     Come to          

       "Then we have a day at home, and then come into the mountains the day after tomorrow." When the breakup, Ning-Er 叮嘱Chou-Gu.
       "Okay. I know. I will have a good day off at home tomorrow." Chou-Gu is in a very good mood, has money in his hands, has food at home, and has a good income. She no longer has to worry about her life.
       Today, because of riding a donkey, they went home earlier than before. The sun was still slanting on the horizon, and many people in the village were still working in the field. Although most of the crops have been harvested, every household has some crops such as soybeans, sesame seeds and other mature crops. These days are the time to harvest.
       Along the way, Chou-Gu saw the villagers who picked up the yellow beans. She had no land and no soybeans. But every year, I have to change some soybeans to make sauce. Therefore, she plans to use a pheasant or a rabbit to find a replacement for ten pounds of soybeans next time.
       Just thinking like this, Father, who met the kitten, took a bunch of soybeans.
       "Chou-Gu, give you a few beans. Take it back and cook it, taste it fresh." The river stopped and took a soy bean out of the load. Recently, Chou-Gu light has been improved, and his family life has improved a lot. He is grateful to Chou-Gu.
       “Thank you for your compliment.” Chou-Gu thanked and took the beans.
       Dahe beans grow well, and each pole is covered with bean clips. Although there is only one, it can also pick two or three pounds of beans. At this time, the beans are not completely old. After they have been hit, they have to be sun-dried for a few days. After drying, they can be stored. It is just that it is cooked, and it is delicious. It would be even better if you used to grind the soymilk. You don't need to soak it.
       Back home, Chou-Gu began preparing for dinner. Minger and the younger brother were playing with the beans at the gate.
       Jiang Chunhua came with a half basket of red pepper and some vegetables.
       "Minger, your sister?" asked Jiang Chunhua.
       After the accident of Wu Hunter, she was the first time to go to the Wu family's door, and this house was clean and tidy as usual. Nothing was revealed because of the lack of Wu Hunter. They were all picked up by Chou-Gu. There are only one. The two younger brothers of Chou-Gu, who have also risen a bit, have not become pale and thin at all. It can be seen that their family's life is not bad. And all this is because Chou-Gu is in control.
       "Sister is burning fire." Minger answered.
       Jiang Chunhua came to the stove with the basket, and Chou-Gu greeted him.
       "Chou-Gu, cooking. These peppers give you a dipping sauce." Jiang Chunhua said.
       Chou-Gu vegetable garden gave the kittens several evils to their brothers. She knew very well that Chou-Gu didn't have chili sauce. In the first half of the month, they had already picked up the chili sauce. Now that there is extra red pepper, they are sent to Chou-Gu.
       "Thank you, Chunhua sister." Chou-Gu took the pepper, but gave her half a bowl of fried pheasant to her. Chou-Gu is cooking, but I haven't had time to stew the pheasant. Yesterday I just fry it and put it back.
       "I don't want to, you can eat it yourself." Jiang Chunhua refused to ask, he would leave the basket.
       "Hey, hey, spring flower sister, you hold it. I went into the mountain yesterday, this time is not bad. I also sold a pheasant and a wild rabbit today." Chou-Gu said, while loading the mountain The chicken bowl is placed in her basket.
       She didn't want to take advantage of Jiang's family, and last time she had already gone to the Jiang family's vegetable garden to pick up the beans, and said that Jiang Chunhua came to pick her own home. But then her family's vegetable garden didn't even have enough food to eat, and this bean corner was still returned to the ginger family.
       The two pushed and pulled for a while, Jiang Chunhua had to take over the pheasant under the insistence of Chou-Gu.
       "Hey, is your family still making soy sauce this year?" asked Jiang Chunhua.
       "Yes, do you have extra soy beans in your family? Give me ten pounds." Chou-Gu said.
       "Good. These two days are being collected, and I will bring it to you after drying." Jiang Chunhua finished, but did not leave.
       Chou-Gu knows that she may have something to say to herself, she said, "I want to go to the vegetable garden to cut some leeks. I also smashed a nest of mountain eggs yesterday. Today I just fry it and eat it. broken."
       "Hey, this harvest is really good." Jiang Chunhua chatted with her into the vegetable garden.
       Chou-Gu cut the leek and smiled   :   "Yes, I will go again the day after tomorrow, I hope I can get two pheasants."
       Jiang Chunhua didn’t even hear what Chou-Gu said. She looked at Chou-Gu lush vegetable garden and couldn’t believe it. Chou-Gu vegetable garden was plagued by a few brothers, and everyone in the village knew it, so she would come to send red pepper.
       Where to think, but more than two months, Chou-Gu vegetable garden has been full of crops. Those eggplants, cucumbers, and pepper seedlings are all blooming. There are also two green cabbage seedlings that grow very lush. That early radish seedlings began to grow radishes. Obviously, these dishes replanted by Chou-Gu have grown very well.
       "You are very good at these dishes." Jiang Chunhua has a clear compliment in his tone. She really admire Chou-Gu, a small age to hold a home, even the vegetable garden is also so good.
       "That is, I spent a lot of effort." Chou-Gu smiled and said with a smile.
       The family’s hopes, don’t you have to worry about it? She also counted on picking some fresh vegetables for sale in the early winter and late winter. At that time, other people homes do not have these fresh dishes, and her dishes can be sold for a good price.
       "You are more and more capable." Jiang Chunhua praised her sincerely.
       "Oh." Chou-Gu smiled, it is not good to pick up this statement, not that she should be able to do it, but there is no way. If you can't do it, you can only go hungry, so it makes sense to say that the environment makes people.
       “My Madam said that he is getting older and wants to let Da-nu  become a relative soon. He is now telling Da-nu  that he will be set up by the year. It will be a year or two.” Jiang Chunhua period is good. After a while, I just said it.
       After she finished, she didn't dare to look at Chou-Gu face. After all, this thing is not done by Jiang, so Jiang Madam has no face to say this to Chou-Gu, and he handed the task to Jiang Chunhua. She didn't want to come, but it was impossible to let Jiang Da-nu  say it.
       “Congratulations, congratulations.” Chou-Gu was not angry at all, and even smiled and gave her a joy.
       Jiang Da-nu That kid, she really doesn't know much. Anyway, after she took over the body, she didn't deal with Da-nu . Jiang Da-nu For her, it is just a villager.
       Jiang Chunhua looked at Chou-Gu carefully and saw that her face was very sincere. She knew that she really didn't care about it. However, Jiang Chunhua did not feel relaxed because of this, but it was even heavier. The Da-nu  is still as if Chou-Gu is not married, and for a long time, Chou-Gu does not care.
       This kind of cognition makes Jiang Chunhua feel very embarrassed and has a faint sense of loss. Only at this moment, she still doesn't understand why she wants to lose. After waiting for many years, she understands what Jiang’s family missed.
       "I am going home, waiting for the soybeans to be dried and sent to you." Jiang Chunhua is not good to say anything, but has to be depressed and go home.
       Jiang Madam was very worried and asked   :   "What happened? What did Chou-Gu say?"
       "She said congratulations." Jiang Chunhua answered. Jiang Madam breathed a sigh of relief, and Jiang Da-nu  suddenly became annoyed. He didn't know what he was for, and he was very unhappy.
       "She really didn't say anything?" Jiang Da-nu  asked quietly.
       "Yeah, don't think Chou-Gu wants to marry you. People don't care about you." Jiang Chunhua was angry, and he stabbed his brother.
       "Shut up, what are you talking about?" Jiang Madam was furious and drank his granddaughter.
       "What's wrong with me, I'm just telling the truth. You don't have a long-sighted look. People Chou-Gu didn't want to take a look at our home, and people can live their lives." Jiang Chunhua couldn't help but pick it up.
       "You are so sorry for your family, you are not thinking about getting married to a good family right away. Don't forget, you haven't gone out yet." Jiang Da-nu  is angry and stabbed the sister.
       Jiang Chunhua face changed, pointing to Jiang Da-nu  and said, “I want to chase me out of the house. It’s not your turn to be the master. Ok, very good, I will only be my own family in the future. People. It won't drag you down."
       Jiang Madam was mad at their sisters and brothers, stroking his chest and licking his lips and said, "What are you doing? If you haven’t married yet, you can’t recognize your mother’s family. If a sister is not married, she will look for her. To a good family. Are you a brother and sister, is it an enemy?"
       The two brothers were angry and didn't ignore Jiang Madam. Jiang Madam was so angry that he had a chest pain. For a long time, he hated and said   :   "I really didn't teach you."
       Er child wife died, she raised two children by herself, and she really had some love, and she only wanted to protect them. I forgot, it’s not a good thing.
       "Everyone said, playing constant blood and loved ones, you are good, a total of two brothers and sisters, but also like each other, you want to mad at me?" Jiang Madam pointed at two children Road.
       Jiang Chunhua looked at Madam's already white hair and dry body. Wherever he said that he was angry, he was mad at his brother and refused to admit that he was wrong. If it weren't for Jiang Da-nu, she wouldn't say that. Her younger brother, although working hard and filial to Madam, is also good for her sister. But recently, I don't know how, she thinks that Jiang Da-nu  has changed, no longer the old fool.
       "Spring flowers, you are a sister, you can't stay in Jiang's home for many more days. Don't say this to Da-nu , the man's face is awkward. Da-nu  is the top pillar of the ginger family, he will soon book a kiss. It is an Daren who has booked a pro. This family is his father in the future. Don't be jealous of him like a child."
       Jiang Madam learned that Jiang Chunhua came. In her mind, Jiang Da-nu  is the root of Jiang family, the person of Jiang family. Although she is also good for her granddaughter, she will sacrifice her granddaughter for her grandson. Therefore, even if she is jealous, she will first marry her granddaughter.
       Jiang Chunhua looked up at Madam with a look of disbelief. Jiang Madam picked up Jiang Da-nu as if he didn't see it. "Da-nu , you are an Daren right now, and you will be your own master. It’s just the brains. It’s your sister, don’t say she not out yet, it’s not good to marry, you should give her a support.”
       Jiang Da-nu In fact, after saying such words, there is some guilty conscience. He is not so bad. The only sister, sister and sister are still there. Now listening to Madam's words, he quickly said   :   "Madam, don't fire. Where can I say that I don't support her? She is married by Jiang, and there is nothing about Jiang who can care for her."
       Seeing the grandson still have a sister, Jiang Madam put down his heart, and licked Jiang Chunhua. "You listen, you listen, your brother still has you. You don't want to think about it all day."
       "Yes, I know." Jiang Chunhua ‘Called, and his mood was very bad.
       Madam values ​​her grandson, she always knows, knowing when she is young. For example, the wild animals sent by Wu Hunter, each time Da-nu  eats more than half, she and Madam taste a few mouthfuls. But that is her younger brother, the only male root in the family. She also knows to love him. As long as Da-nu  is there, she and Madam will not become a household, and some will support.
       But now, she really doesn't know if Da-nu  will help her in the future. If one day, when she needs her family, will Da-nu  say that the daughter who married her daughter has poured out the water, and she doesn’t care about her?

       Chapter 52     :     Helper          

       Jiang Chunhua and Jiang Da-nu  had a few quarrels, and Madam had a lesson, and he was wronged. He was unhappy and went to the kitchen to cook dinner.
       Chou-Gu gave a bowl of fried pheasant, she added two bowls of water, added some melon pieces into the stew, I don't know if it was overdone, or anger. The dish in the pot was just cooked, and she ate a few pieces of chicken in the stove. These meaty dishes are usually Jiang Da-nu. She and Madam can only taste the trim.
       Although the days of the Jiang family were not good, but because of the help of the Wu Hunter, the Jiang Da-nu was very strong. The main reason is that he eats well and compares with the young lang in the village, and he grows the strongest. And the Jiang family has a good foundation. Jiang Chunhua and Jiang Da-nu  have a good reputation. They are more and more outstanding in the village. What others don't know, he thought that his family's conditions were exceptionally good.
       Therefore, when Jiang Chunhua said that he was a pro, he also booked a good relationship. The girls of the rural households are Zhou Zheng, the body is good, and the people are diligent. The family is not the kind of daughter who wants to make a big gift. It is very popular to talk about it. Therefore, Jiang Chunhua also got the dowry of three Silver Taels, which is very high.
       At the beginning, Jiang Madam wanted to leave the three Silver Taels to Jiang Chunhua, but now Jiang Da-nu  has to rush to say that he has to use the three Silver Taels. Jiang Da-nu says that pro is not an easy task. In addition, his family asked for an early date, and a suitable girl is not easy to find.
       It is not easy for a township family to raise a daughter. They usually have to stay at home for two years and make some contributions to the family before they can marry. Therefore, girls are usually 13-year-olds, and they are married, 16 or 7 or even 18 years old. There are very few people who marry at the age of fifteen.
       Jiang Da-nu If you want to get married soon, you can only choose a girl who is two or three years older than him. But the girls of fifteen or six years old have not said that they are pro-, and that they want to have a good condition in all aspects, and there are very few.
       Jiang Madam asked the village chief's daughter-in-law to give Da-nu  a pro, the village chief daughter-in-law is a famous half-matching agent in several nearby villages. She is not a full-time dry matchmaker, but she has taken the red line for many people. Still very satisfied. The main reason is that she has many relatives, and she is only visiting relatives and friends during the year, and will also travel to several nearby villages. After a long time, naturally you know which village has a family to say.
       At first she only matched her relatives. After taking the red line several times, her reputation went out. Therefore, Jiang Madam will find her. The ‘Miss said that the relatives are more reliable, and because they are relatives and friends, she does not follow the rules to give the matchmaker money. Everyone is free to give something, even count.
       Jiang Madam said the requirements of his family. The village chief’s daughter-in-law gave her a choice.
       Both girls have some shortcomings, one, because they look good and look good, and their value is somewhat high. The other one, ordered a relative, not long ago the man died of an emergency.
       Jiang Madam is actually dissatisfied with these two people. It looks good, but he wants to rely on a face and ask for more gifts. Such a family is not a good family. If you have booked a dear man, you will have a name.
       But she also knows that Jiang Da-nu  can't say anything good now. In the end, she had to go to see each other. I wanted to see the woman's personal conditions first, and I had to let Jiang Da-nu  look at herself.
       Jiang Da-nu decisively chose the beautiful Miss, which was born at the end of the year, is almost sixteen years old, because the family has always wanted to change the high price, usually also raised her. She is not only fine and tender, but also looks good on her face. Her body is even more bumpy and not like a daughter of an ordinary farmer. Sure enough, it is enough money, it is very attractive.
       The woman is three years older than Jiang Da-nu , but both sides are very satisfied when they look at each other. Jiang Da-nu looked at the big beauty, and the woman originally thought that he was a black and thin malnourished little man. He did not expect to be a strong Zhou Zheng.
       Ginger Madam has been acquainted with Wu hunters in the past few years, and he has praised a little family. Together with Jiang Chunhua three or two dowry, he spent five Silver Taels to make a reservation for Jiang Da-nu . Of course, this is also achieved by bargaining. Miss Jiayuan wants a gift for eight Silver Taels.
       The village chief’s person saw Jiang Madam's hiring of silver for five or two. She was really surprised. She thought that Jiang would be able to get three Silver Taels at most, and she was also prepared to persuade them to choose the Miss who had booked a relative. The Miss family was anxious to marry Miss, a Silver Taels can be hired, and the Miss is also very positive, and all the work can be done.
       If she chooses her, she will choose this Miss. But Jiang Da-nu  obviously likes the beautiful Miss, and Jiang Madam is happy to take the money. What else can she say? It’s just that there is some instability in my heart, and I don’t know what I am worried about?
       The two sides also agreed to the second year and become a pro at the end of the year. At that time, Miss was a 17-year-old. Jiang Da-nu was born in February, and it was fourteen years old in February. At the end of the year, it is also fifteen years old. It is an Daren who can kiss.
       Chou-Gu knows that Jiang Da-nu  wants to order a relative from Jiang Chunhua mouth, and he has not taken it at all. No one in her family manages her relatives, and the family is as usual, and the cognac will dry up. It was Jiang's Da-nu , after a fight with Jiang Chunhua, was a little unhappy for a few days. He didn't know why when he heard that Chou-Gu didn't care about himself, he would be angry and lost, but his mood was not good.
       Jiang Chunhua took advantage of his brother's bear-like appearance, and his heart burst into anger. This guy loves beauty. In the future, he really wants to find a beautiful wife. The wife will look good and look good. She likes to work in heaven. This home is finished. Although she doesn't quite agree with Da-nu  Chou-Gu, she doesn't think Da-nu  has a good beauty.
       For example, Chou-Gu mother is a good example. The people in the village don’t say anything, Wu hunter is too petite and beautiful, and makes a home not like home. Otherwise, Chou-Gu sisters are not so bitter now.
       After all, Jiang’s family is so poor that he can get a good wife. Poor family daughter-in-law, the most important thing is to be able to live and work, where there are too many other requirements.
       After a day at home, Chou-Gu went to the mountain with Minger and pillar Ning-Er. Now all her thoughts are on making money, just want to get a few more pheasants and wild rabbits. Where can she manage the ginger? Da-nu  is not angry.
       In the evening, when I heard that my brother had to go into the mountains again, the younger brother was crying.
       Chou-Gu advised   :   "You have to stay at home, we go hunting, the mountain is very dangerous, can't take care of you. You are waiting for us at home, I will take you to the streets to buy good food."
       "No, I am going." The younger brother has a temper. He is afraid of being alone with a mother. Mother did not speak all day, and ignored him. And I don't know how to wash him or sleep with him. He is even more afraid that his brother will never go back and leave him.
       "No. If we take you there, we can't do anything. It will be hungry in the next day," Chou-Gu said.
       "No. I don't." The younger brother just bite a "no" word and let go, let Chou-Gu say that he did a good job and refused.
       "How can you not obey your child? I can't help it." Chou-Gu is about to cry. Usually the child is very good at talking, but at this time she is married to her.
       At this time, the kitten came and gave the Chou-Gu home a bag of beans.
       "Give it to your home, use it for sauces."
       It turned out that when Dagang knew that Chou-Gu had no beans to make the sauce, he discussed it with his father and decided to send some beans to Chou-Gu. Their family can only afford a lift.
       Chou-Gu does not lack beans. But I am embarrassed not to accept, people minds. She has already said good things to Jiang Chunhua, and she exchanged ten pounds of beans with her family. Ten pounds of beans are enough for her to make a jar of soy sauce.
       But when she saw the kitten, she fell her mind.
       "Kit, don't you want to come to my house, stay with my brother for one night and two days. We have to go hunting in the mountains. After returning, I will give you a pheasant."
       When the kitten listened to the pheasant, he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, okay."
       Chou-Gu turned to the younger brother and said, "I let the kitten come to play with you, and sleep with you at night. You don't cry anymore, okay?"
       The kitten was very clever and immediately said, "I am going to play with you, it is very fun." After that, he still took him out to catch the little girl.
       "Can he do it?" Ming asked a little worried.
       "How can it not? He can do it very much." Chou-Gu smiled.
       The kitten often runs outside with two younger brothers. For the little boy, he still has a set. Just like Ming, he used to be happy to play with Da-nu . Only when Da-nu  came over to take him, he would bring the younger brother to play together. But Da-nu  has never come to bring the two brothers to play after the death of the Wu Hunter. Therefore, the younger brother is very short of playmates, curious to keep up with the kittens.
       No, not much longer, the kitten took the younger brother and caught two little sisters. The younger brother ‘called excitedly   :   "Sister, I want a small jar." They have to put the little sister up.
       Chou-Gu found a small jar for them, let them put on a small donkey, and asked the younger brother   :   "Let the kitten accompany you, can you?"
       The younger brother had fun, and someone was accompanying himself. He no longer clashed with Chou-Gu. He looked at her and looked at the kitten again. He nodded and agreed. However, he also said   :   "I want to go to the episode."
       "Good." Chou-Gu agreed quickly. As long as she rides her donkey, she can bring the younger brother up. If she walks, she can't guarantee it.
       "Kitten, you will come to my house tomorrow morning. I will eat at my house during the day, sleep with my younger brother at night, and help him wash it. Don't go to bed without washing. We will be back the next night." Chou -Gu confess to the kitten.
       "Okay. I know." The kitten agreed very refreshingly.
       Finally caught the younger brother, Chou-Gu sighed with a sigh of relief, just now she was almost collapsed by the younger brother.
       Not to mention that she is relieved, that is, their mother is also relieved. She really wouldn't take care of her children, and she didn't take care of them at all. She had to take care of herself. Of course, this is mainly because she has no feelings for the children.
       Chou-Gu just understands this, and there is no way to ask this mother to take good care of her younger brother. She can only look for help from outsiders. However, she is also very dissatisfied with this woman. When she is in a bad mood, she hates that she does not have this woman at home.

       Chapter 53     :     Questions          

       The next morning, the kitten really came very early. Chou-Gu is still cooking breakfast, and the children are not up.
       "So early, you can come over later," Chou-Gu said with surprise.
       "I got up early, I came over first." The kitten smiled and still had a cucumber in his mouth. His breakfast is this cucumber. Can get a pheasant, this temptation is too big for him, definitely have to come early.
       “Do you cook rice?” Chou-Gu asked. There is a more kitten to eat, and she does not know that the food she prepared is enough.
       "Only cook porridge." The kitten answered.
       "That's good. I have prepared some meals. If it is not enough, when you kneel down tomorrow, you will take this bowl of rice and two beans, and add a pot of porridge to add." Chou-Gu said, went to install a bowl The brown rice was placed in the kitchen cabinet, and a bowl of sour beans was fried and left for them.
       "Okay." The kitten agreed.
       After a while, Ning-Er came. Chou-Gu confessed to the kitten, and hurried away with the bright child.
       "You leave him at home to take care of it?" Ning-Er was very surprised to ask.
       Although the kitten is also smart and capable, after all, it is a child, let him take care of a child and a family, can he do it? And the kitten's mother is so bad, I really have something to do, but it is a big trouble.
       "Yeah. My mother does not matter, no matter what life will not do, leaving the younger brother at home, almost scared. This time let the kitten take care of it, or how?" Chou-Gu helpless Say. In the case of such a mother, there is no way.
       Ning-Er raised an eyebrow and really wanted to ask, what happened to your mother? But this is really hard to ask for, but I have to be awkward.
       However, there is a child in the family, and it really needs someone to take care of it. Otherwise, Chou-Gu is not at ease outside.
       In the end, Ning-Er had to say   :   "Hey, I just hope to get something more this time."
       "Yeah. The weather is getting colder. I have to keep up with the weather and save more." Chou-Gu also said.
       "Well, it’s hard to go out when it’s cold.” Ning-Er said anxiously.
       He thought that if you don't take medicine to pay for it, you don't have to worry about it. The Silver Taels, which was originally sold as a group fish, is basically enough for the chewing and spending of his family years ago. Then he can get one and a half and two seeds for the next year, but he can get it right now. Two or two are afraid of not enough.
       "Right, have you taken the medicine? You have to stay outside for a night." Chou-Gu asked.
       "Bring it, bring it."
       Ning-Er with a good soup, directly in the small medicine pot. On this road, the pillars carefully carried the scorpion, for fear of knocking over his medicine. As soon as he arrived at the hut, Chou-Gu quickly gave him the medicine.
       "You have to drink the medicine quickly."
       "Well, thank you." Ning-Er took the medicine, frowned, dried up in one breath, and then quickly drank two white waters to dilute the taste of the mouth.
       After eating, the four people quickly went out to work, and they went to work.
       "Today may have to go a little farther to get the pheasant." Chou-Gu looked at the road they had cleaned up, and without the dense weeds as a cover, it was unlikely to hide the small animals.
       "Well, go faster, the pheasant in the vicinity is afraid of the nest," Ning-Er laughed.
       Where did he think that he had just fallen, Pillar  suddenly raised the slingshot, and in the "giggle" cry, the two pheasants fell.
       "Haha, you are wrong." Chou-Gu smiled happily and ran back and squatted back.
       "This place is really a good place." Ning-Er immediately changed his mind. To get the pheasant so easily, he doesn't have to worry about silver.
       The autumn forest is indeed a good time. The place where they walked was not only full of all kinds of weeds, but also a cluster here, where a cluster of wild chrysanthemums and wild scorpions, golden wild chrysanthemums and red scorpions added to it. Beautiful colors, red and yellow intersect, very dazzling.
       "You two pick chrysanthemums and scorpions here," Chou-Gu said. She asked Ming and Ning-Er to pick wild chrysanthemums, and she and her pillars were looking for prey.
       Ning-Er nodded, but these wild chrysanthemums and wild donkeys are worth more than pheasants. Besides, he is weak, and his children are young, and neither of them can run a long way to do their physical work. The work of picking and drying is also appropriate.
       "The wild chrysanthemums should not be completely flowered, but they must be picked up. The scorpions are reddish, but they should not be cooked. Be careful, don't be stabbed." Chou-Gu is not at ease Give a sentence and go.
       "What do you know about the package?" Ning-Er asked with a funny smile.
       Chou-Gu This Yatou actually said such a literary word, it is better to say that it is blooming, not open, and more easy to understand. However, from the point that Chou-Gu unintentionally said, Ning-Er knows that Chou-Gu will never be like her own, but only know a few words.
       Ning-Er and Minger stayed nearby to pick wild chrysanthemums and scorpions. After a while, they did not see Chou-Gu and the pillars. Ning-Er picking flowers while pretending to be a chatter, ask some questions such as, how many books do you have? Your mother is very good at learning? Your sister has read a few books. She likes to read books, and so on.
       "My mother loves to read books." When Minger finished thinking and thought about it, he said, "My sister will learn."
       Their mother does not work, and it is very boring to be idle, so Wu Hunter will buy her a book of miscellaneous seven-eight pulls and give her time. Occasionally, his mother will read a few poems or something. And now his mother is still teaching him and the younger brother to read the word. He simply couldn’t understand how high the family’s knowledge was?
       Ning-Er knows that nothing can be asked, smiles, and opens the subject.
       Chou-Gu and the pillars did not run too far, and they encountered a group of pheasants. The pillars now have a high level of hunting, and the slingshot is constantly pulled, and the pheasant falls to the ground one by one. The frightened pheasant went to the forest and the two followed the pheasant to the depths of the forest. Not long after, they discovered an obvious artificially developed road.
       "The trees are being cut down." Chou-Gu was surprised to see the stumps that appeared from time to time. It was obvious that there were traces of the knife and axe, but they were all old. And those trees that were cut down were not taken away, but they fell directly nearby, and some were completely corrupted. They were covered with wild mushrooms. Unfortunately, Chou-Gu didn’t know if they were poisonous and non-toxic. I dare not pick.
       "The road in the forest is difficult for me to develop by Father, in order to facilitate his hunting?" Chou-Gu thought this way, and the pillars slowly walked along this road.
       Along the way, I was able to find the pheasant, and the pillars did not stop. Unconsciously, the two went very far.
       It was not until Chou-Gu returned to God that he ‘called   :   "The pillars, stop, stop."
       The pillar stood and looked back at Chou-Gu.
       "We ran too far. It was dangerous. Let's go back," Chou-Gu explained. There are not many pheasants in her Shi-zi, and it is not necessary to run deeper.
       When the two returned, Ning-Er and Minger had already picked up a lot of wild chrysanthemums and wild donkeys.
       "You can go back, and the harvest is good today," Chou-Gu said.
       "We still pick it up. If you don't pick it up, you have to drop it." Ning-Er said reluctantly. This is all silver, eat the medicine, and more and more feel that you have to earn more money, or a Silver Taels three doses, not much to earn some money back, can not afford.
       Chou-Gu looked at the sky and felt that it was still early, and he also took a small basket to pick up the dice.
       The pillars only dare to pick wild chrysanthemums. He is big and big, and his strength is big. He can't do this by picking up the scorpion.
       The four men worked for about half an hour, and when they saw the sky darkening, they took it back.
       "Hey, keep quiet on the road, maybe you can get wild rabbits. Pillars, you pay attention." Ning-Er reminds everyone.
       Sure enough, there were six wild rabbits on the road. Two of them were shot by bamboo guns, just for dinner, they were disposed of directly at the stream, and Chou-Gu said   :   "Tonight, roast wild rabbits."
       "Okay, okay. The last roast pheasant was so delicious." Ning-Er laughed.
       Minger and the pillars are more happy to laugh.
       Have had a hearty dinner and take a break for a while.
       Chou-Gu said   :   "I went to the pole to find the wild rabbit. You both cleaned up the scorpions and chrysanthemums in the room and spread them out."
       Ning-Er quickly asked   :   "How do you dry it? Can you take it out tomorrow morning?"
       "I can't do it. If the scorpion is left like this, it will break down. The scorpion can't be placed directly in the sun. It should be placed in a ventilated place and dried before going to the sun. These wild chrysanthemums are all packed together in the scorpion. The temperature is high and it will break down," Chou-Gu explained. This is also because she has seen this knowledge, otherwise she will have the same idea as Ning-Er, and stay until tomorrow. Therefore, when she came today, she also brought three sun seats and two big sisters.
       Ning-Er stunned   :   "It turned out to be like this. I thought that the drying mats you brought are all used tomorrow. OK, I know, you go out and be careful. Can't stay too long, safety One."
       Chou-Gu nodded and said, "I know, we won't stay for a long time."
       Minger and Ning-Er work in the house, the pillars and Chou-Gu go to the wild rabbit.
       They carefully spread the picked scorpions and dried them on the drying table. The wild chrysanthemums were all poured out and placed in the squats. While drying, the two men lost some of the grass that had been broken, and those that were inadvertently picked up. This is also a small job, both of them are doing very seriously.
       "Is this all your Father, Niang Courtyard your sister?" Ning-Er came up with the words of Ming.
       "I don't know." Minger answered. He was a young man. When Wu was in the early days, he was a happy little child. He had food and play. He didn’t have to worry about anything. Where did he know if Chou-Gu had done this before?
       His answer, but more and more let Ning-Er suspect Chou-Gu, if it is often done, Minger is a young age, there should be some memory. But he did not know at all, this only shows that Chou-Gu is lying. Their family did not have any soaked chrysanthemum tea. But where did she know about this? This makes Ning-Er feel even more strange.
       Chou-Gu seems to have a very big role in this knowledge. The last time Chou-Gu talked about Houttuynia, he didn't feel much. After all, some experienced old farmers in the country will know which wild vegetables can be eaten, some ordinary diseases, and they can also take some herbs for treatment.
       But now Chou-Gu approach, but completely completely like the behavior of the bubble medicine. It is as if Chou-Gu knows the herbs and pharmacology, and also knows how to make herbs.
       Ning-Er is very clear that every drugstore will have its own dedicated master of foaming pharmaceutical materials, and each has its own method of non-transmission. Therefore, even if some medicinal herbs are everywhere, and no one has seen them brewed, they will be sold. Most of them will pick fresh ones for sale. The price can be low, and even some pharmacies simply don’t. Receive fresh.
       Therefore, some common, ordinary cheap herbs, no one is specifically for picking. It's because they don't make it at all, fresh ones can't sell money, and they can't sell.
       If Chou-Gu is a medicine that he learned from his parents, why should Wu hunter not do this job, and hunt it. After all, doing this line, no danger of hunting. And it is also possible that income is higher and more stable.
       And Ning-Er came out to hunt from this time, and found the place where they arrived. There is basically no large beast. It is not easy to raise a family by the pheasant wild rabbit. After all, these things are not expensive, and they are not necessarily sold in large quantities.
       But this question, Ning-Er can only be buried in the heart for the time being.

       Chapter 54     :     Honey          

       This evening, Chou-Gu and the pillar got twelve wild rabbits, and the harvest was very good.
       The next day, Chou-Gu took Ning-Er to the road they walked yesterday, and Ning-Er also agreed with the concept of Chou-Gu. It may be that these trees were cut by Wu Hunter. After all, he often comes and goes, not picking up a road, it is really inconvenient.
       "My Father must have gone farther to get the big guy," Chou-Gu said suspiciously.
       "Well. But we can't go deeper, just get some pheasant wild rabbits," Ning-Er said. Now they have limited ability, and it is impossible to go further into the deep forests of the mountains.
       Chou-Gu nodded, she also agreed with this concept, after all, there is a fighting power on the pillars, but he is mentally retarded, at most, the IQ of a six-seven-year-old child. It is unlikely that you want to protect the pillars. Only when she or her children are older and the value of force rises to a certain extent, can they go deeper.
       "Forget it, we can pick some wild chrysanthemums and wild scorpions to sell them in addition to the pheasant wild rabbits. If you go early, you can dig more hout grass, thatch roots or something."
       "Hey, hello, there is a honeycomb." Ning-Er suddenly yelled.
       "Where, where, I look." Chou-Gu ran over with surprise.
       "Look, it's just in this stone and mud crack, it must be great. Be careful, don't get caught," Ning-Er said. There are many wild chrysanthemums here, and honey nests are normal. He found them yesterday.
       "Hey, wild honey, this is a good thing." Chou-Gu said with delight.
       Upon hearing the honey, Ning-Er hurriedly asked   :   "How do you get honey?" He also knows that honey is a good thing, and the price is not low.
       "I won't pick it up," Chou-Gu said, knowing that the swarm is actually dangerous.
       This wild honey, no matter in which era, is a good thing. She wants it very much, but she is a little scared. Because she has eaten, they are all bought back. How to pick, she only saw some on the TV books, did not automatically handle. This is still some time when she worships a colleague and promotes the wild honey in her hometown every day. The man got a video telling everyone that the wild honey he sold was authentic and said how much less honey the honeycomb is.
       Looking at Chou-Gu, I was so anxious to turn around. Ning-Er suddenly flashed a flash of light and said, "You must first try to drive the bee away, and then look at how to collect honey." It was awkward to be beaten by the bee. It hurts and itches.
       He said this, it reminded Chou-Gu, "Yes, the most oh. First ignited the smoke, drove the bees away, and then took the honeycomb." She remembered the video she had seen, collecting honey. The movement of the person.
       "You and Minger go back and put two large bowls in small buckets. Then bring the cloth towel to wash your face." Chou-Gu said to Ning-Er. They came out to work and didn't bring a container of honey.
       Chou-Gu and the pillars stayed in place, engaged in a pile of half-green weeds and branches, and made some fine grass ropes, and then began to arm themselves. Fortunately, the weather is cold, everyone is still quite thick, Chou-Gu took off his coat, bandaging down from the neck, trying to completely wrap himself up, not letting the bee have a chance to find himself.
       After a while, Ning-Er and Minger came over, and everyone took the donkey and the horse to the distance. Then, the four people helped each other and quickly armed themselves. The face was covered with a cloth towel, and only the eyes were exposed. Like a masked guest, the skin that was exposed to the hands and neck was also completely wrapped.
       "Haha, it’s funny." Minger pointed at everyone, and the pillars were laughing and joking.
       It was Ning-Er and Chou-Gu who looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.
       "We made it like this, just like the bad guys who went to the wind and night to commit crimes." Chou-Gu laughed.
       "Well, why don't you say that we are like a group of knights?" Ning-Er asked, the two drove the Minger and the pillars away, and then lit the grass heap, and soon the smoke was burning.
       "Cough, cough. Smoked to death, how long do you have to wait?" Chou-Gu asked as he coughed.
       The answer to her is Ning-Er's coughing sounds one after another, Ning-Er is even less understanding than her. After a while, the two talents walked cautiously. The bees that came out came out, and probably did not come out, but the hole was quiet.
       Two and a half hangs the honey collector, fought for a while in the hole, and finally dug a small hole.
       "Wow, a big honeycomb." Chou-Gu cried in surprise when he saw the honeycomb inside. There are still many bees on the hole and on the honeycomb, but they will not cause harm to them.
       “Do you want to get it directly?” Ning-Er asked.
       "Almost." Chou-Gu recalled the video material he had seen in his head, and directly got a piece of honeycomb, and honey immediately flowed out.
       "Oh, really, there is honey, there is honey." Ning-Er ‘Called in surprise, and put the big bowl together.
       Chou-Gu put the honeycomb in the handle into the bowl and went to get a big piece of honeycomb.
       "Okay, you plug the hole again, just leave a small mouth." Chou-Gu commanded Ning-Er.
       “Is there still?” Ning-Er asked curiously.
       "You have to leave some bees, we can come back next year." Chou-Gu answered.
       She took out two large pieces of honey and had already gotten nearly two-thirds of the honeycomb, so I had to leave some points for them. She hopes that this group of bees will continue to thrive here, and will be able to collect honey again next time. She does not know whether this practice is completely correct. Can this group of bees survive? But there is always hope.
       "Oh, that's great, so we will always have honey." Ning-Er said happily.
       "Well, there is hope." Chou-Gu laughed.
       "Let's go, let's find them." Ning-Er said, leaving the bucket of two honey nests.
       "Is it really honey?" Ming asked curiously.
       "Well, look." Ning-Er refers to the bucket. The two cells inside have been pinched by Chou-Gu, and no more honey has flowed out.
       "Can you eat?" Minger asked again. The children can't resist the attraction of sweets. He and the pillars are licking their bright eyes, just can't wait to have a taste.
       "You taste it with your fingers. You can't eat it now, wait until the evening and I will get it and eat it again," Chou-Gu said.
       Ning-Er, Minger, the pillars, three people in turn, tasted a bit of honey with a finger, and ‘called   :   "It's so sweet."
       "Yes, honey is very sweet. And this honeycomb can be eaten." Chou-Gu laughed.
       This time, I don’t want to explain the children and the pillars. Even Ning-Er is stunned. He thought that as long as the honey inside is OK.
       "How do you eat, will it be delicious?" everyone asked.
       "Okay, okay, work, I will tell you back at night. Anyway, I can't run anymore." Chou-Gu buried a suspense for everyone and took the pillar to hunt.
       Ning-Er and Minger continue to work on picking.
       During the day, the pillars hit ten pheasants, Chou-Gu was on the side of the pheasant, and they were doing the picking work.
       Until the sun turned west, Chou-Gu called   :   "Go, go home."
       Ning-Er slammed his waist and smiled   :   "I can finally rest. I am exhausted."
       He is a person who hasn't worked hard, and he is not as short as Ming's. He often bends when picking, and he has been working for two hours. This waist is almost exhausted.
       "Back pain." Chou-Gu looked at him and understood. It’s really a pain in my waist.
       "Yes, I have to take a small bench next time. It might be better to sit down," Ning-Er said.
       Go back to the forest hut. Ning-Er and Minger continue to spread the hazelnuts picked today to dry on the sunbath, and collect the wild chrysanthemums that are basking outside. Chou-Gu cleaned his hands first, and divided a few small pieces of honeycomb down. Four people chewed one piece.
       The honey-filled honeycomb is in the mouth, and the sweetness is crazy in the entrance tongue. The long-lost sweetness makes Chou-Gu happy to narrow his eyes. Honey has a faint scent of medicine, sweet and fragrant, very delicious.
       After sucking up the honey, Chou-Gu tells everyone that they can chew and eat the honeycomb.
       "This is very good for the human body. It is very good. After chewing, the remaining slag and Ning-Er are both spit out, afraid that they can't be digested. The pillars are swallowed and swallowed, and it is harmless." Chou -Gu herself spit it out, she was afraid she couldn't digest it.
       "Chou-Gu, you know so much." Ning-Er exclaimed. He only knows that honey can be eaten and is good for the human body. But Chou-Gu actually knows that the honeycomb can be eaten, which makes her look more and more eye-catching. He doesn't know where Chou-Gu knows this knowledge, and don't ask. The curiosity in my heart is almost coming out, and I ran to ask Chou-Gu, making him tickle.
       "Why, do you still want to eat?" Chou-Gu felt his burning gaze and knew that he had just said more. But she can't explain why she understands this and can only find an excuse.
       "No. I still have to change some money," Ning-Er said. His face is red, and it is too embarrassing to be regarded as a delicious child by others.
       "Well, this thing I brought back, I still have to get it out of honey. When I get it, I can bring it to sell. Otherwise I will take it out directly, I don't know if the drug shop will not accept it." Chou-Gu said .
       "Yes. These scorpions are placed here in the shade. Chrysanthemums and you take half of them back to the sun." Chou-Gu said, Ma Li things are packed up, and the journey home.
       When I got home, it was already in the evening, and the sky was going to be dark. The kitten took the younger brother to drink porridge in the house.
       Chou-Gu took a small, dead pheasant directly to the kitten and said, "Kit, thank you. Go home. Go tonight. You have to get this pheasant out. ""
       The kitten took over the pheasant and was very happy to say   :   "Chou-Gu sister, your younger brother did not cry, played very well. He slept well at night."
       "Well, the kitten is well cared for. I will call you again next time." Chou-Gu smiled.
       She also saw it, the younger brother is really good, not crying like she saw her last time. People are happy to eat porridge, and the kittens are talking and laughing. It can be seen that the kitten cares for the younger brother and is really sincere.
       I got Chou-Gu letter, the kitten was very happy, and ran the pheasant.
       This time they brought back twelve wild rabbits and fifteen pheasants. Two of the rabbits were seriously injured and five pheasants were equally alive. Ning-Er and Chou-Gu each divided a rabbit and two pheasants to eat at home. More of a small pheasant, given to the kitten, became a reward for taking care of the younger brother.
       Similarly, the live pheasant rabbit Chou-Gu only left one to be ready to sell tomorrow. Everything else took the pillars and Ning-Er away. She didn't dare to stay too much, afraid to attract people eyes. Even the wild chrysanthemums, she did not let the kittens see.


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