Ugly Biography 20

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     » Chapter 20     :     Harvest          

Four people rode horses and donkeys, talking and laughing all the way, and unconsciously went to the foot of the mountain. Still as usual, the pillars go hunting first. Because the slingshot has not yet been cooked, the pillar still makes a bamboo gun. This is what he is familiar with, so he basically does not need Ning-Er, but Ning-Er is worried about him, and he is careful to follow him. This time, he still harvested three pheasants.
"It seems that with bamboo guns, the harvest is only three or four pheasants. It seems that we have to change the method." Ning-Er sighed a little.
“Is it better to use a slingshot?” Chou-Gu asked.
"I don't know, let's practice first. If you practice it, try again. Let's go to the trap and look at it." Ning-Er.
The traps they first dig in are still some inside the forest, very hidden, and relatively dangerous. After all, the chances of appearing in the depths of the mountains are higher. Several people walked carefully to the trap, and they saw that the branches and grasses on the top of the shop were overturned. Ning-Er and Chou-Gu were both excited. This is definitely a prey that falls into the trap, so I don't know what it is? But I don't see much movement.
"I'm afraid it's not dead." Ning-Er was worried that if they fell into a trap yesterday, they would come today. If it was broken, it would be a big loss.
"Oh, still alive, it is alive." Chou-Gu eyes pointed and saw branches moving.
A few people looked around and saw that the prey in the head was still not dead, but not far from death. The wild boar, which is the first half of the world, has long been unable to struggle. The belly was penetrated by sharp branches. However, it doesn't take long to fall because the blood is still fresh.
"Come on, get it up, we have to get out of here." Ning-Er smelled fresh blood and his face changed, letting everyone speed up the movement.
The pillars were so strong that one person picked up the wild boar and threw it up. Ning-Er threw a few grass into the basket, let the pillars put the wild boar into the basket, and then covered the grass and several people went back quickly. Even the trap scene was too late to deal with, for fear that the bloody gas brought a beast. Otherwise several people specify the finished egg.
Fortunately, four people riding horses and donkeys, the speed is still very fast, and soon ran to the side of the road.
Chou-Gu looked back at the distant forest and was quiet. Only then fell in love and said, "We still have to take the wild boar and take it back."
"Well, I have to deal with it. It’s not going to drop blood all the way." Ning-Er nodded.
However, this wild boar said that it is not big, and that it is not small, it will be dragged to the market town for sale, and it is estimated that it is not very good to sell. It’s been a big afternoon in the market town. I can’t sell it until I don’t know. If I can split a pound or two in the morning. But all left to eat, and some are reluctant. After all, a wild boar can be no more than three or two pheasants. Besides, they still have three pheasants.
Chou-Gu actually has the same concerns. I am afraid that I will be dragged to the market town, I will not be able to sell it, or even drive the night road. What is not a problem. The two discussed it and decided to divide the wild boar on the spot and put it back in the back. The three pheasants were brought back to Ningjia Village by Ning-Er, and the pillars were transferred to the village for a change, to see if they could change the food to go home. It is also a good idea to try the people consumption concept and level in the village, and even try the people in the village.
This wild boar is about seventy pounds. After the division, the family got about thirty pounds of meat including bones. The net meat is about twenty pounds. It's a bit more, it can only be marinated and eaten slowly. It will be endless for a while, but the weather is hot, even if it is salted, it is afraid of being broken. After all, salt is not a stolen thing, it is impossible to put too much. The salt is placed less and it is afraid of being broken. For a time, both of them were a little embarrassed.
In fact, the best way is to take some wild pork for food in the village. But there is a great downside to doing this. They are all four young people who are young and have no power in the village. If others are upset, seeing that they can hit the big wild boar, they can’t do it. Everything to take advantage of, and even want to take their family's things as existing. After all, this year, the young men in the village did not dare to go up the mountain. There are a few people who can deal with them, but more than enough.
It is not Chou-Gu and Ning-Er that thinks badly about people. It is really what they can't afford. Both of them wanted to quietly and quietly for two or three years. When they were older, they also grew stronger and stronger. They also stood firm in the village and dared to behave like a Wu hunter. Being bullied by others.
"It’s still marinated directly. Let’s eat it slowly. It’s not good for others to know. Fortunately, I bought salt back yesterday. Your home is not enough. If it’s not enough, I will send you a pound tomorrow.” Ning-Er said.
"It's not enough. How many of your family? To marinate these meats, you need to put more salt. I guess it will take two pounds to three pounds of salt," Chou-Gu said. She also reminded Ning-Er, don't put too much salt, and waste the meat.
"I bought ten pounds of salt yesterday, and there are almost seven pounds. Just let the pillar run again at night and give you a pound." Ning-Er answered.
"That's not necessary, my family still has a little left, plus the three pounds you brought in the morning is enough. After two days we have to go to the market town to buy salt to buy food." Chou-Gu said quickly.
"There is a decision like this. You are also careful, it is not good for others to know that we have got a wild boar." Ning-Er confessed.
"Well, I understand. When you go back, clean up the bamboo basket and take some weeds to cover up the meat." Chou-Gu also 叮嘱Ning-Er. Both have the same concerns. Now the neighborhood is poor, sometimes too poor, and people are not afraid of shame.
At Chou-Gu home, Chou-Gu took out the bones of the pig's feet and ribs first, and then smashed a few ribs and threw them into the pot to cook, and then began to deal with other meats. Today, I can finally eat a meal. Chou-Gu cut the other meat into small pieces and carefully wiped the salt all over again. Ning-Er is also learning at the side, ready to go back and follow Chou-Gu method.
"These bones are salty and salty. When you eat, put more water and stew. Add more melon, cucumber, radish and whatever. You don't need to put any salt." Chou-Gu reminded Ning-Er.
"Well, I know. Is the meat salted?" Ning-Er asked.
"Yes. The meat is too salty, and it is hard after drying. It gets soaked and wastes salt. And after a long time, it is very hard and can't bite," Chou-Gu said.
"What to do, I can't finish it at this time, and I have to eat slowly." Ning-Er worried.
Chou-Gu thought for a while and said   :   "There is a way to cut the meat into small pieces, pickle and marinate, then add the chili sauce, mix the ground rice noodles, and then seal the storage in the altar. It can be preserved for a long time. It will be bad."
This is called the rice bowl of rice noodles. This stuff was used when she was a child, but it was a rare taste for a villager. Her Madam has the best taste, and every year she wants to make it in the summer. It is until the afternoon that the pork is sold cheaply before she buys meat. Buy more at a time, the price is cheaper, get back and get two big jars, open it for a month, get it steamed, stir fry, it's very delicious, the meat inside is sour, Fat but not greasy, very much to eat.
At that time, there were no refrigerators in the countryside, so people with conditions would get some in the summer, and occasionally add dishes to the table. She remembered that at that time, the children were eating bowls and running in the village. If there were a few jars of rice noodles in the bowl, they would all drool.
It is a pity that she later learned to get it herself, but the taste is not as good as when she was a child. She carefully analyzed the reasons, about three points, one is that modern pigs are raised from concentrate, not as good as childhood pork. Second, when Madam was born, it was packed in a large earthen jar. The straw was tightly stuffed with a few straws. Finally, the jar was turned upside down and the mouth was placed down into the basin filled with water. Water is often changed. This is a crucial step, about the taste of rice noodles.
And when she arrived in the city, where to find straw to use. It is the kind of earthen jars that are hard to find, not to mention the rice noodles, which are much more meaty, rice noodles and peppers. But then she was alone, and she certainly couldn't make much more. Moreover, this kind of preserved food could not be eaten. But your little is a little bit, and it has no taste at all.
It's like cooking a big pot of rice, the same as cooking a small bowl of rice. Rice cooked a large pot of rice, the taste of the rice is particularly fragrant, far from the smell. Cook a little bit of rice, even the smell of a rice can not smell. So, she tried to feel a little worse when she tried it a few times. Now I can get it back.
"Too good, just like this. I bought a few jars back yesterday and it just came in handy." Ning-Er said happily.
"Well, I will give you the chili sauce. You put it first, it is too fresh. I will give you a small jar to get it back today. This is the stock of the old year. It tastes better. If you mix it in, don't be afraid too. It’s sour.” Chou-Gu said, moving his house chili sauce out and giving a small jar to Ning-Er, his home has to be used. It just happened to use up the inventory of most of the jars.
Chou-Gu also told Ning-Er how to make the rice noodles, Ning-Er, which is satisfied with going home. He also has to go home soon to deal with wild pork. He has to be hands-on, and he can't waste the pillars. Now when they cook, they have to personally give pointers to the Master. If the Master refused to let him do it, he would like to cook for himself. However, under his guidance, Master has improved the level of cooking.
Before leaving, Ning-Er thought about it and said, "We are afraid that we will have to go into the mountains after a few days. We have not been able to go recently."
"Well, I understand that tomorrow we will go to the market to buy some salt and rice. I and Minger are a little afraid of being bullied. Can you please help me with the pillars?" Chou-Gu asked.
"Yes. We will wait for you at the intersection tomorrow." Ning-Er agreed.
Chou-Gu didn't want to trouble Jiang Madam anymore, and it was the time when farming was busy. After buying rice and salt this time, she also planned to find some work in the village. Her Shi-zi is the best animal in the village.

Chou-Gu stewed a pot of ribs, and the family was full of oil. Everyone left a pile of bones in front of them.
"It's delicious." Minger is full of flesh and still does not forget to express his feelings.
"It's delicious. It's delicious." The same is true for the younger brother, and he pulled a rib of bone into his bowl.
"Well, let go of the belly." Chou-Gu smiled. She also ate a few pieces herself. It was rare to have a meal. She felt that this rib was exceptionally delicious. I couldn’t wait to even swallow my tongue. Go on.
"Can we still eat again tomorrow?" Minger asked.
"Of course. In the past few days, let go of the belly and eat meat, let everyone eat enough." Chou-Gu said.
Anyway, now there is more meat in the house, and I don’t want to eat more fresh food. She made most of the meat into a jar of rice noodles, but there was still some fresh left to eat. However, because of the hot weather, she also applied a thin layer of salt to the meat. It was placed directly in the yard at night. The temperature in the night was relatively low. There was some dew and cool breeze in the yard. It would not be bad for one night. As for the bones, she put some salt and put it directly. If she is not afraid of bad, she can keep it slowly.
"Great. There is meat to eat." The younger brother cheered loudly.
The younger brothers laughed while eating and eating the woman alone, chewing the ribs, listening to the laughter of the children, and the mood actually followed.
However, next, Chou-Gu was very serious about the two younger brothers, saying   :   "I tell you, don't tell others, our family has a lot of meat."
Minger’s eyes wide open, and she did not understand Chou-Gu, but the younger brother did not understand the direct question   :   “Why?”
"There are no meats in the village, so we have meat in our family. If everyone else comes to us, we will have no meat in the future." Chou-Gu said.
Although very few people come to see Ming and the younger brother to play, but she plans to find a job in the village during this time, and there are few people who can talk to others. If they say it, they will definitely get some trouble. The incident. Therefore, she had to be prepared in advance to remind the two children not to go out.
Minger understands it as soon as he hears it. Although the younger brother does not even understand it, he knows that if he goes out, he will have no meat to eat. He quickly said   :   "I don't say, don't say."
"Well, that's it. Don't say anything to anyone else. If someone asks about our family, you say, we are cutting wood every day." Chou-Gu was very satisfied, but he snorted.
Children are easy to be talked about, so she has to tell them first, don't tell others about their family. In this village, there is no Wu hunter in their home, everything must be careful, and can not expect others to help. After all, they are foreigners, and there are no relatives or even friends in the village. Unlike other people, there are also a few close relatives and friends.
It is the Jiang Madam family, and the power in the village is also very small, it is impossible to protect them. She is also embarrassed, and everything goes to trouble with FurMadam. Moreover, she didn't mean anything about Jiang Da-nu, and the child didn't like her very much.
If the two are too close, she relies on Jiang Madam for everything. She is also afraid of being overwhelmed and ‘Calling, and she is afraid that Jiang Da-nu  will think she wants to marry him. To be honest, Chou-Gu is not optimistic about his marriage. But no matter what, she still hopes to find someone who looks at each other. Therefore, at this time, she has to keep a distance from the Jiang family.
Their mother-in-law heard Chou-Gu confessing to the words of the two younger brothers, and frowned at some surprises. Although she doesn't care about things, she is not a fool. Naturally, she knows that without Wu Wu, she will not go out and work, and her family will definitely have a hard time. But never thought that Chou-Gu would be so careful.
"It seems that this family is difficult to stand in the village." She sighed, and the fragrant ribs were too much to eat.
She has no love for men and women in Wu, but even hates him, but she has also been married with him for ten years. Wu Hunter is so good to her, although she also has guilt and feels sorry for her, she has to double her good behavior. But she also understands that Wu Hunter is really good for her. It’s a pity that something happened and it’s never possible that it’s not happening.
She and Wu Hunter, this life is a shack. She can never fall in love with Wu Hunter, and will never regard him as the most important person in her life. The three children are totally a shame in her life. It is really that she is not willing to be a husband and wife with Wu Hunter, but there is no way to have to live like this.
She also thought that her life would be like this. But after she accepted this kind of life, Wu hunter was gone at a young age, and it was such a day that it became a luxury.
Chou-Gu is not aware of this woman's heart, she is in a good mood, with such meat, enough for them to eat for half a year. She doesn't have to worry anymore, she can't see a little oil. She is a little pity, so much meat can not get out and sold out for rice. You must know that their home is not only lacking in meat, but also lacking in rice. It’s not good to eat meat.
In this way, she decided to discuss it with Ning-Er tomorrow. In the current situation of this situation, even if they get large wild animals such as wild boars, they are not easy to pull out and sell them. Most of them can only keep themselves.
The best way, they still get more pheasant wild rabbits, or other kinds of inconspicuous things, it is better to deal with. It will not lead to paralysis of others, fearing that it will lead to trouble. Although the income is worse, it is more insurance. Money is irritating, and there are no pillars in the house. It is extremely inconvenient for them to have several children.
Lying on the shop, she thought for a while and didn't think of a good way to come, but fell asleep unconsciously.
In the morning, the horizon just showed a white line, Chou-Gu got up. She cut a large piece of meat and burned two stoves, and the stove was stuffy. A stove was cooking, she fry a large plate of green pepper slices, and stewed a slice of cucumber soup. If the remaining piece of meat is not used up, just fry it and put it aside, and stay until tomorrow.
The food was all done, and she went to call Minger to get up. The two sisters had enough to eat, and she picked up twenty more melons, picked all the melons that could be eaten in the field, and chose some fresh vegetables, and filled them with two scorpions. She plans to take these things out to sell. She doesn't know that these things are worthless. However, even if I can only change twenty or thirty big money, it can be regarded as an income. I can always buy two pounds of salt for my family to eat.
This kind of income is bright and straight, and there is no need to be afraid of people in the village. Because the villagers will also take some eggs and other things to sell from time to time, to increase the income of the family.
"Go to the mother to say, we went to buy food, the food is in the pot, the younger brother is still asleep." Chou-Gu let Minger go to give their mother a confession. They went out at the door, at least they had to come back in the evening, and they didn’t give up, fearing that the younger brother woke up and scared. The younger brother usually sleeps until dawn and wakes up. The child can sleep long enough to grow up. She won’t call the younger brother in advance.
Some of Ming's children couldn't open their hands, but they didn't dare not listen to their sister's words. They smashed them twice before they ran to their mother's door and ‘called Chou-Gu to tell him what he was going to say. After waiting for a while, the two of them heard their mother's voice and opened the door.
At this moment, although the day was still not bright, most of the people in the village got up and started to work. They also met Jiang Madam and went out to work with their grandchildren.
"What are you doing here?" Jiang Madam asked in surprise.
"Let's go buy some salt, there is no salt in the house. Take these things and sell them." Chou-Gu said, taking the melons and vegetables in the dumplings to Jiang Madam.
"The appearance is good, this melon can sell more money, see your luck, can't change three or fifty big money. You two should be careful, otherwise I will accompany you to run." Jiang Madam is worried Said. This child is a good one. Unfortunately, the age is too small. When the two children went, she was still worried that something would happen.
These side dishes are not worth the money, but melons can still be worth a few dollars. She often goes to sell eggs and sometimes sells some vegetables. If she is lucky, she will take the food that she has not taken, and the price can be higher. Otherwise, the market will be a few dishes, or even not sold at all. Therefore, the villagers do not like to sell vegetables, but more than just pick a few fresh goods, just try their luck.
"We went to Ning-Er and they agreed to go together," Chou-Gu explained.
"Oh, that's good. I'm afraid that both of you will go alone and be bullied by others. They are not afraid of being a companion." Jiang Madam sighed and took his granddaughter and Chou-Gu, and they separated. They are rushing to work in the fields.
A few people met along the way, Chou-Gu was very polite and greeted, and repeated the words with Jiang Madam. Most people are nodding their heads in a hurry, and they are rushing to work. For their behavior, everyone agrees. After all, their family has no serious income, and it takes a little bit of income to get some food. It is better than nothing.
The speed of riding a donkey was a lot faster. When Chou-Gu and Minger met Ning-Er at the intersection, the day was still not bright.
Ning-Er saw that they brought these things, and some regretted saying   :   "I knew that we also took two bundles of firewood to sell them, and we can have some income." They only have more firewood, they can take it out. Change money.
"To sell firewood, wait until winter to sell, the price is higher." Chou-Gu laughed, pointing them out to prepare from now on.
She had thought about selling firewood herself, but she and Minger were both small, and it was impossible to cut thick branches and sell no money. Ning-Er and the pillars are different. Recently, every time they go out, they will cut some thick branches. With the height and strength of the pillars, it is really easy to do this work. It was Chou-Gu and Minger who also touched his light. Every time they could bring some thick branches to go home. These good firewood, Chou-Gu is going to stay in the winter to burn.
"Well, let's prepare more now." Ning-Er nodded and agreed with Chou-Gu. The pillar next to it looked at the melon in Chou-Gu throat and swallowed.
Chou-Gu quickly took two melons and handed them to Ning-Er. Ning-Er refused to pick them up. He said to the pillar   :   "We can't eat today, this is to get the market town to sell."
"We don't eat." After Pillar  was finished, he quickly closed his mouth and shook his head.
Chou-Gu is not good enough to be reluctant, this is indeed what she took out to sell, and this thing may be sold at home. For a few days, she didn't dare to pick it up, just thinking that she could pick up more and sell it at a time. This time she almost picked up all the food in the field. This awkward melon is the most in these days. Not so much in the future. I can only own my own home. It is impossible to sell so far for three or five melons.
"After three days, there will be melons to eat." Chou-Gu said, indicating that Ning-Er will go home at the time. There aren't many that can be sold out, but every few days, my family can pick up three or four melons to eat.
"Okay. Pillars, after three days, we went to Mingle to eat melons." Ning-Er appease the pillars, and he had to go to Chou-Gu to get some vegetables to go home. Although there is meat, but no food is not enough. The vegetable seedlings he grows can be eaten, but the vegetables are not good to stew in the meat. He needs beans, cucumbers, melons and the like.
These things, Chou-Gu also reserved for him. Don't say anything else, the Chou-Gu vegetable garden is really good, and it's better than many people in the village. Every dish grows very well. Because Chou-Gu takes care of the garden very carefully, it is much more than everyone spends. Because she has no land in her family, she has time to take care of the vegetable garden.
The former Chou-Gu was very diligent and silent, only knowing how to work at home all day, and cleaning up the vegetable garden at home. Now that Chou-Gu is the core of an Daren, I know more about what I should do, and I wouldn’t be worse than the real little Miss.

Chou-Gu They went to the market town, although the time was a bit late, but there are still many small business hawkers selling. Chou-Gu luck is very good. She is in the kitchen of a wealthy family who is late. She wants more dishes. The foods of other people are the ones that are left over and not fresh. It’s the rest of the family, and she can’t keep her eyes on it.
Therefore, Chou-Gu two dumplings and melons are fresh and fresh. At first glance, they have just been taken from the ground, and they are particularly conspicuous in the market. The woman’s eyes lit up, rushed over and swept her eyes. She said with satisfaction   :   “Not bad, I’m all going to be cheaper.”
Chou-Gu has a heart, knowing that he has met a big customer, but deliberately said   :   "I just picked it in the ground early in the morning, my family is reluctant to eat, there is no salt at home, I have to change a few pounds. Come back home."
When she said that she gave Minger a look, she sneaked a sneak peek at Minger, and Minger quickly cried   :   "Sister, I am hungry."
When the woman heard it, she knew that it was a poor country, Yatou. She saw two children to sell vegetables and asked   :   "Your family."
"Where there are Darens, they are gone. Their melons are delicious, sweet and sweet, and they are full of water." Ning-Er is helping.
When the people around you heard it, they became more sympathetic to the two sisters. This is not a day for Father's children. The woman did not know what to think of, and did not bargain, and the vegetables brought by Chou-Gu were sold at a good price. I got a hundred and ten big money.
In fact, the most valuable is melon. Eggplant pepper, loofA beans, small green vegetables are not bad, but melon and pumpkin are not so good to sell, that melon is almost half-sell and half-send, because the whole is so big, only the big family needs a whole.
However, this season is just a busy farm. There are very few farmers who sell vegetables. No one competes with Chou-Gu. She is also a coincidence. The so-called things are rare, otherwise, these things are not worth much, just like the price that Jiang Madam gives, that is, thirty or fifty. This is twice the price.
The woman claimed to be Zhang-Aunt. She tasted the melon on the spot and was willing to pay a high price. The Chou-Gu family's melon was very good, fresh and good. It is just that Zhang-Aunt's main family especially likes to eat melon, so the price is high. Zhang-Aunt also asked   :   "Do you have this melon in your family? How much?"
Chou-Gu said something awkward   :   "Not much, it was originally kind of family's own food, and he couldn't bear to eat it. This is the most common, and it was sold."
The woman shook her head in regret, not to say more, but Chou-Gu had left her eyes, and said a few words about this Zhang-Aunt, she plans to sell a variety of melons next year. . This melon is worth more than vegetables and is good to sell.
When they collected the money, some people came to find them to collect the money. They used to sell things in the market town, and they had to pay the fees, just like the modern market management fees. However, this practice is very human. If you sell it, you will collect the money. Otherwise, everyone is poor, and you have not sold anything. Where can you pay?
Of course, this is the way to deal with Chou-Gu, their scattered small vendors in the countryside. The kind of fixed-point selling here is to collect money on time.
Chou-Gu handed over four big money, it is very distressing, and four big money can be exchanged for a pound of food. However, there are several fixed-point vendors telling her that these four moneys are not expensive. Chou-Gu took the opportunity to carefully inquire about how the market collects money, whether there are any special requirements, etc., to prepare for the next time.
With more than a hundred dollars, plus Chou-Gu also brought two hundred dollars, she went to buy seven pounds of salt. Ning-Er also bought three pounds of salt, and he felt that it was a trip, and he could not go home empty-handed. Then, Chou-Gu, under the reminder of Ning-Er, bought a little fragrant candle paper, and these things had to be prepared early. For the rest of the money, Chou-Gu left ten dollars to buy the Bun, and the rest of the money bought food. Ning-Er saw her buy a steamed bun and quickly bought five and pillars to eat.
Chou-Gu originally wanted to send two ‘maidens to him and the pillars to eat. This is not to be able to send a hand, but a little embarrassed and Minger each took the Bun and picked it up.
Ning-Er seems to have never found her like, and said, "Yes, I forgot to tell you in the morning. Yesterday, the three pheasants gave one to the village head, the other two, changed two. It is not bad to raise food."
"Well, and a price in our village. Does anyone say anything?" Chou-Gu asked.
"No, it may be because I sent one to the village chief." Ning-Er sarcastically said that if one was sent to the village chief, it would not be easy to change two liters of food.
The people in Ningjia Village always have a faint rejection of him. But he can be sure that the people in Ningjia Village are not aware of what happened to Ningjia in the capital. However, the village chief knew that he was still a County-Graduate, but he did not know that he could not be enshrined again.
He returned to Ningjia Village, and he was going to settle down. The village chief naturally knew that he was a County-Graduate. He only knew that he was a County-Graduate and he came back to his hometown. No one cares why he came back. This point makes him very relieved. No one talks about his family. It is also a good thing for him. Otherwise, if others regard him as an anti-thief, the days are even more difficult.
He thought about it carefully. Maybe it was Prince who had made a good deal with him or gave him a bit of a bit. Therefore, he still has to know the relationship between the village head and the villagers without knowing it.
"That's good, the power of the village chief is still quite big. You just came back, many things have to count on the village head." Chou-Gu nodded, and also agreed with Ning-Er's approach.
Ning-Er surprised to see Chou-Gu, did not expect a small village aunt, actually know these things.
Perceived the surprise of Ning-Er, Chou-Gu secretly confessed to himself, telling you to talk more, but his face said quietly   :   "You are like ours, we are in Jiangwu Village, we have to rely on the village head. It."
Ning-Er nodded, and put away the heart of surprise, but the surprise in my heart was even more prosperous. He understands that Chou-Gu is casual, but actually gives him an explanation. She saw his surprise.
"This little Miss is not simple." Ning-Er could not help but have an interest in Chou-Gu.
“Well, this time is when the farm is busy, I plan to take some of the scorpions of our family and find some work in the village. How much food will be returned to eat.” Chou-Gu also shifted the topic.
Ning-Er heard it, he didn't think about it. However, Chou-Gu has a scorpion who can find a job in the village. His family not only has a horse, but also a pillar, this strong man, can find a job more.
Therefore, Ning-Er quickly and carefully asked about the price of these activities. Chou-Gu had a few impressions in his heart, and told him what he knew.
Ning-Er was overjoyed, and even thanked him, saying   :   "Our family can also find some work, and can change some food and eat it."
"Well, I think so. I used to find these jobs every year. He went to the outer village. I heard that some villages have big families, so I have to ask some people to work." Chou-Gu Say.
Ning-Er is very happy. After returning to the post, the grandfather talked about it. Master also said   :   "Oh, I am going out with a pillar and a horse to find a job. Two people and one horse can earn three incomes."
Ning-Er didn't want him to work so hard, he said   :   "The pillars are afraid of people carrying work, you should not do it yourself, and make it clear to people that you have to carry the pillars, and you can't let others bully the pillars. It can't be counted as three copies, at most two and a half."
In fact, the Ning family suffers because the animals are definitely more than the people. However, under normal circumstances, everyone understands that it will give more. It depends on the character of the main family.
Master thought about it and thought it was more appropriate. After all, the pillars were long and big, but the head was still a child. He had to look at it, the pillars really had to be bullied, and they didn’t know if they had a dark loss. After all, the pillar is his only grandson, and he is worried that the pillar is tired.
Ning-Er sees him understand, and no longer says anything. He hopes that he can go out and do some work, but this is unlikely. At one time, his body was not very good. The weather was hot and he was doing heavy physical work. He was afraid that he would fall down and he would lose more. Second, the pillars of the grandfather can not let him to do this heavy physical activity.

When I bought the food at home, I saved the meat, and I had a job, Chou-Gu mood was much better. I began to set my heart and prepare for the job in the village. This is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated. Mainly the issue of compensation. So Chou-Gu wants to come and decide, I still have to go to the village chief's house to talk about.
After all, in the future to survive in the village, and the village head always have to deal with, she does not expect the village head to help her all things, but at the very least hope that the village head can be fair. Otherwise, it is not easy for them to be bullied by others.
So, after dinner, she cleaned up, and Minger said   :   "I want to go to the village chief's house and he will say something. You should take the younger brother to take a bath."
She still went to the village chief's house in advance, and went to the village head to talk about it. After all, it was about whether they could get some food in this season. She does not want to be bullied by others. Of course, she will not take advantage of the cheapness of others. Therefore, she hopes to be fair and bright. And I have to set the rules this year, and I am not afraid of it next year.
Minger nodded, and some worried about looking at Chou-Gu, did not quite understand what she was doing? However, after the Wu hunter was absent, the family’s affairs were always made by Chou-Gu. He didn’t know where to start, and then said that a seven-year-old doll could not consider too much.
The head of the village lives in the middle of the village. The room is similar to that of everyone. It is a wall made of mud and stone, covered with grass tops. However, his house seems to be bigger and better maintained. Unlike some people rooms, they are dumped, and they are exposed to the wind and rain. This also proves that the length of a village is still stronger than others. Of course, the village head is still very prestigious in the village.
The first time I saw Chou-Gu door to my home, the village chief's daughter-in-law almost couldn't believe her eyes.
“Big Aunt, is the village head at home?” Chou-Gu asked very politely.
"Yes, yes." The village chief said quickly.
Although she is very smart, she is actually a very kind middle-aged woman. Seeing Chou-Gu big Miss, she had to hold up a home. She also sympathized with Chou-Gu, and the people who were saved by Wu Hunter also had her youngest son. Therefore, she is quite enthusiastic about Chou-Gu.
"I came to the village chief Dabo to say something." Chou-Gu stood outside the door, indicating the intention. She did not enter the village chief's house, afraid that others would dislike her.
The village chief’s person rushed to the house and the village chief ‘Called.
The village chief’s person took a bench and placed it at the door. At this time, some people came to see the fun. After all, Chou-Gu came along and saw a lot of people. After dinner, everyone will gather together. Have a few chats.
The village chief sat down and asked, "What is it?"
"This is the case. My Father has been helping the villagers with the scorpion every year, and I have to change some food to go home. Now that my Father is gone, I can do the same. I am definitely not a big force for Father, but My Shi-zi is as capable as in previous years.” Chou-Gu finished, stopped for a while, looked at everyone, and was embarrassed to say   :   “If I don’t do some work, my family will have to break the grain.”
In this sentence, I heard the village chief’s husband and wife both jump. To be honest, Wu hunter has gone wrong. It’s been more than two months. Everyone cares about their own home. No one cares how the Chou-Gu family survives. However, several people in the Chou-Gu family did not have trouble finding the villagers, nor did they want others to eat. However, in any case, the only strong labor force of Wu Hunter was lost, and the remaining women and children of Wu family did survive.
Therefore, Chou-Gu words are exported, not to mention that the village chiefs are upset, that is, other villagers who are busy watching are also somewhat uncomfortable.
She just explained her purpose, but she still hopes that the village head can help make a decision. In this case, it is not easy for others to say anything.
The village chief looked at Chou-Gu with a few surprises, and said in his heart   :   "This little Miss is really a bad thing." But after thinking about it, the child does not make his own way, the family has to starve to death, and the heart is against Chou-Gu sympathy has increased several times. However, sympathy belongs to sympathy and work to work. Although he is the head of a village, he cannot be a family member in the village. How to say it, you have to be willing to do this.
"You are just a child. I have never worked in the past. I don't know. How many are willing to ask you?" The village chief threw the problem back.
"I didn't want to help people, just like you said, I won't do it. Plus, I am too young to do much work. But my Shi-zi can do it, and I used to do it. I have to look at the scorpion. I am now, just look at the scorpion, the scorpion is the most valuable thing in my family, I have to look at it. I can do it with the money of the scorpion. I don't want to work." Chou-Gu answered.
When Chou-Gu talked with the village head, they were surrounded by some people, and everyone naturally wanted to know Chou-Gu plan. After all, when the autumn harvest, the Tian Duo, the labor force is small, Tian Yuan's people have to ask Wu Hunter and his family's Shi-zi to help. This has become a practice, and everyone is still worried about this year.
A few family members have already joined together and talked about this, and others are planning to come to the village head to talk about it. They also want to work with the guise of the Chou-Gu family, and the money of the scorpion is the same as in previous years. There are some people who have played a small calculation. This year, no one looks at the scorpion, wants to take advantage of it, and make it more. You think, if you put a hundred and eighty pounds in your throat, you can pick one less.
However, Chou-Gu current proposal is to make some people think that this is a good statement. After all, the scorpion is a big animal, and it is also the only valuable thing of the Chou-Gu family. She wants to look at herself, of course, more secure.
“How do you feel?” asked the village chief.
Several honest people nodded immediately and said they accepted Chou-Gu statement. However, some people have a period of Ai Ai, it seems that they are not satisfied, but in front of everyone, it is not easy to say that they want to occupy the Chou-Gu family's cheap. Some things can be calculated privately, but they are spread out to say in front of everyone, but no one dares to do so.
"That is so decided. According to the algorithm of the previous year, the money of the scorpion will be given as usual. Chou-Gu himself takes the scorpion to work every day and takes it home at night." The village chief made a decision and everyone did not object again. .
Next, it is to decide which order to work first. This is coordinated by the village head. After all, some people have more fields, some have fewer fields, some are willing to pay more, and some are stingy.
Anyway, Chou-Gu doesn't talk, and when they decide, they will set the time for departure with the person who will use the scorpion tomorrow, and will go home.
When she left, everyone talked like a blasted pot.
"This child is really different." Someone said.
"No, I didn't see how she used to be so smart."
"There is a Wu hunter, she just does some housework at home, and does not come out to play with other children, where we know she is not smart." Some people said.
"That is, Wu hunter is more savvy and capable, his child, how can he go where?" Some people exclaimed.
"Also, I have never seen her a few times before. Who knows what kind of person she is." Someone echoed.
However, some people understand that the current Chou-Gu and the previous Chou-Gu ratio, the change is very different. However, when she thought of Wu death, she left her home and became strong and savvy. Otherwise, the family will have to wait to starve to death or be bullied by others.
"Forget it, forget it, go home and rest, and work tomorrow morning. Chou-Gu This child is a good boy." The village chief said that this is a summary of this matter. Everyone is not good to talk about again, and they are scattered.
The next day, Chou-Gu, every day, when it was not bright, she got up. She had to get the food first, and then she had enough to go out with her throat and go to work at someone else house. She does not have to exert too much power on her own, mainly watching the blind man, not letting others make a scorpion to death. Although the scorpion is full of strength, it cannot be exhausted. At the same time, she also cut some tender grass to feed the scorpion, from time to time to get some water to drink the scorpion, the weather is hot, let alone people have to rest, the scorpion also wants to rest.
Of course, she can help others to do some work, so the main family will take care of her meal, although it is also a lack of oil and salty rice, but at this time every household is still full of food. After all, people who work hard have to eat enough to work hard.
Because the fields in Jiangwu Village are scattered everywhere, the scattered and scattered pieces are not in pieces, so every household spends a long time on the road. At this time, the scorpion is a very important means of transportation. One day, half of the time is spent on the road. Therefore, the Chou-Gu family's Shi-zi market is very good.
This is also why the Wuhun households do not hunt during the busy season, and they are doing odd jobs. At this time, with the scorpion out to work, it is higher than hunting, and without danger, it can be familiar with the people of each village. Some friendships are slowly established.
In fact, Wu Hunter is a very profitable person, but unfortunately, he met such a woman. Otherwise, the woman will help him a little, and the family will be much better. Maybe he will buy two acres of land early, and the days will be booming. After all, Wu Hunter went alone to the mountain to hunt, not even a helper, the risk factor is still quite high.
When I was collecting food, I worked hard and everyone paid the food directly to Chou-Gu. So in just ten days of hard work, she received a few liters of grain and returned, and she was so happy that she would not go out to work with her every day.

"You are still young, take care of your younger brother at home. Learn a few words with your mother. When you are older, these jobs will have to be handed over to you sooner or later. What are you worried about?" Chou-Gu is again I am so happy that I am happy.
She is still young, she is going to work like this every day, and no one can say anything gossip. In the next three or four years, even the Miss Miss family, even if it is Big-Miss, can't go this way. The East House is going to the West. People will be gossip about others, and some people who are particular about it are embarrassed to ask her to work.
If the family is still so poor, then it must be supported by Minger. She is a girl. In ancient times, girls were not as comfortable and modern as they were. Some things must be done by men.
"Well." Minger nodded. How much he hoped he could grow up quickly, and the family would not have to rely on his sister.
"Well, show me the homework you wrote." Chou-Gu smiled. Recently, their mother began teaching two sons to read and read.
When Minger listened, he immediately took out the big characters he wrote.
Seeing the big characters written by Ming, Chou-Gu said that he is very satisfied. This child is not enlightenment. I have studied it for a while, so I have learned a lot of words and written like a decent. Less wind and bone. As for the younger brother, people began to learn, and the ugly words were normal. At first glance, the words that the child had just learned to write, but after all, it was enlightened.
"How do you read these words?" Chou-Gu deliberately pretended not to know.
Minger and the younger brother rushed to tell her, and she was still teaching her in the small Teacher. Chou-Gu also deliberately learned very seriously, and had to be serious, because she wrote the words really ugly, no way she was not used to using a brush. The words she wrote were very ridiculous, not as good as Ming’s.
When it comes to studying, when Chou-Gu and his mother said that the woman did not say anything, she agreed. The refreshing Chou-Gu is simply unbelievable. She thought that she had to pay a bit of tongue to convince the woman.
"Although I can teach them to read and write, it is impossible to learn something," said the mother.
Chou-Gu nodded and said, "As long as they let them know, they will write." She did not expect this woman to teach her brother to go to County-Graduate. She does not know how high the woman's cultural level is. Moreover, this woman does not care about them. Even if she is level higher, she can learn less and learn less.
As long as they can read and read literate, and then slowly find a way, not too old, even if there is money, then go to school to study, afraid not to read. Give them the foundation first. And she can follow her own studies, and she is not afraid of the topic of how she literate in the future.
For a person who has been a dozen or so students and has a very good grade, it is painful to be a illiterate person. And because of her work, she knows all the traditional characters and even writes some. Don't worry about seeing traditional characters, you won't know. In fact, she can teach two younger brothers herself, but she has to find a name. Otherwise, others still think she is a monster. Where can someone be born?
On a hot day, the sun is very sinister, working outside every day, even if Chou-Gu does not do heavy physical activity, but when it is not bright, it gets up, and it is very tiring to go home when it is dark. Every household is busy in the field, and it is hopeful in the beginning of the year. Everyone hopes to get the crops home soon. Otherwise, if it rains, it will be a big problem. Therefore, everyone does not dare to rest, it is the hottest time, but it is only the hottest time at noon, resting in the shadow of the field.
These days, Chou-Gu returns home, but when he says something to his brothers at dinner, he goes to take a bath and sleep. She is really tired. Although she does not work all day like other people, it is the light that follows and walks. It is also very tiring. After all, she is a 10-year-old body.
Chou-Gu even fears that he is too tired now and has an impact on physical development. But I am not busy and can't do it. Everyone is working like this. In fact, she can still sit on the ground and take a break. Others are really working, and when they are collecting, this is the most tiring. when.
Besides, she also has the opportunity to let the whole village watch her make some food back. With this bright opportunity, she must not give up, she must first save some food at home. Because she is really scared, she will be starved to death. She has now adapted to this body and identity, and she understands that she can no longer return to modern times. In order to survive here, she had to work so hard, who told her that she had not found any good money to make a door.
It is really because the family is poor and white, even if their mother can still get some jewelry for food, it is impossible to raise them completely, and even if they can grow up, can they still raise them for a lifetime? If there is such a silver, Wu Hunter will not buy a few acres of land long ago.
After working for twenty days, the work in the village was finished. Jiang Madam's family has been biting his teeth and has not come to call Chou-Gu. She has been working for other people, but everyone else has finished, she found that the ginger Madam family has not finished. She took the initiative to take the scorpion to help for two days. In any case, she is still very grateful to Jiang Madam for taking care of her, can help their home, she is also happy.
With the big labor force of Xunzi, Jiang Madam was relieved. She was really afraid that her grandson was too tired. Jiang Da-nu  was working hard all day. At noon, everyone would be at the edge of the field. Rest, some people can still take a nap. But Jiang Da-nu, but just a break, then went down again.
Even so, Jiang Chunhua needs to work every day. She can't watch her brother and Madam working day and night, resting at home. In fact, she is the youngest and strongest person in this family, and she is the most powerful. Jiang Chunhua is the happiest when Chou-Gu arrives. She really felt exhausted, and she was worried about her brother and Madam. The younger brother is not yet an Daren. Madam is old.
The arrival of Chou-Gu, although the Jiang family has reduced the amount of labor, so that they do not have to worry about it. But everyone is a little bit embarrassed. Therefore, when we were working, everyone was working hard, quiet, and never even said a gossip.
In the past season of this year, Wu Hunter first helped the Jiang family to finish their work before they went to other people homes. So at that time, Jiang Chunhua did not have to go to the ground, just doing housework at home, giving everyone tea to send meals. While Jiang Da-nu  and Jiang Madam are working in the field, Wu Hunter is a strong labor force, and with the help of the scorpion, this person can do much more than the Jiang family. At that time, Jiang Da-nu  can also be lazy. Unlike now, he is still lazy.
Jiang Chunhua looked at his brother's hard work, although he didn't even look at Chou-Gu, but his face was not happy. She knew that Da-nu  was very dissatisfied with Chou-Gu. Maybe he thought that Chou-Gu didn't come to work for his family first. Maybe he dismissed Chou-Gu without first going to Jiang Madam to discuss, or Yes, he thinks Chou-Gu is very shameful. Anyway, no matter what it is, it shows him, and the impression of Chou-Gu is getting worse.
Jiang Chunhua sighed and was not optimistic about the relationship between Chou-Gu and Da-nu . Chou-Gu is indeed ugly. I work outside this time every day. The face that Chou-Gu didn’t look good is more and more ugly. It’s not black, it’s rough, and the skin is rough. Very, the whole person is black and thin, and it is like a small Miss home.
In addition, Chou-Gu now has such a large burden. In order to support her family, she has taken the initiative to find a job. Every day, like a scorpion, it will work when it is not bright. This tiredness is not easy for a 10-year-old Miss. This shows that her family really has no hope. If you don't work, you have to go hungry.
After the work of the Jiang family, Jiang Madam also gave Chou-Gu some food as a reward. Chou-Gu was very generous, and there was no derogation. She knows that this relationship between his family and Jiang family has undergone a qualitative change.
In the past, although the Wu hunters also received remuneration, they sometimes sent some meat to their homes, and they had already reached the price of this food. To be honest, the food is just for the villagers. It means that he is the same for every job.
As for the prey that he privately gave to the Jiang family, others did not see it, even if he saw it, he could not say anything. Everyone has a good family and friends. If you have a good food at home, you will give it a taste for yourself. It is also commonplace.
After finishing the work, Chou-Gu was also tired of a layer of skin, only to hate to sleep for a few days. However, looking at the harvest, she is still very happy. Chou-Gu didn't want to go outside the village. When she was so big, she went to the town several times. Other villages knew Ningjia Village. Where can she go out and find a job? Moreover, she is tired too, and have to take a few days off. No longer, she is afraid that she will be too tired.


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