Ugly Biography 25

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »   Chapter 25     :     Resting          

In the past month, the people in Jiangwu Village have rushed to the ground and concentrated on the harvest. Most of the people food has been taken back, and a few others have left their work, but they have not finished yet. Also done most of the time. It is also considered that everyone is lucky. Chou-Gu just stopped at home for a day, and the wind started this evening, bringing a heavy rain. Heavy rain also brought a touch of coolness, alleviating the heat of the past few days.
Minger looked at the rain outside happily and smiled. "It's raining, it's raining, it won't be so hot tomorrow."
The burning sun has been hanging for nearly a month, and everyone can be burned out. Especially the Chou-Gu family, surrounded by bare, not like other people homes in front of the house, but also planted some big trees. Their house has been built for more than a decade, and this soil is barren. Even if the Wu hunters dig a few trees and plant them, they grow very slowly and can't block much sunshine.
Therefore, from the rise to the fall of the sun, there is no time to follow the room of their home, and the entire outer wall is hot. If it weren't because the house was strong, the walls were thick, and the roof was higher than the rest of the village. I was afraid that the house would be as hot as a steamer.
Coupled with the countryside in the mountains, the temperature is high and the temperature is higher at night, and the temperature is much lower than the daytime. Otherwise, Chou-Gu doesn't know how to get through the hot days without fans and air conditioners.
These days are too hot. She took her two younger brothers to sleep on the bamboo bed in the small yard. The small yard in the open air has walls on all sides. It is safe and cooler than the room.
In the countryside, there is this advantage. Although it is hot in the daytime, there are many trees in the country, and the temperature is cool at night. In the middle of the night, there is still dew, so sleep in the middle of the night, the three brothers and sisters go back to the room to go to sleep. It is.
In fact, the people in the village are such hot days. Every household has some bamboo beds, and long wooden benches are used for cold. After taking a shower, the Darens and children have a windy place to find a windy place. They beat the big fan and fell asleep in a few moments. In the middle of the night, it was cool, and most people went back to the house to sleep.
Every day during the hottest day, Minger and the younger brother can only lie in the back door to sleep, there is a little wind blowing in the wind, it is the coolest place in the house. Whenever this time, their mother will come out of the room and huddle with the two sons. Although her room is the best room in the family, it is as hot as it is hot.
However, at night she still didn't dare to go to sleep in the yard. After all, Wu hunter is no longer there. At night, someone really wants to jump into the yard. There is no such thing as a neighbor, but there is nothing in the neighborhood. should.
So she would rather be hot and sleep in the room. However, I have been playing with a fan, and when I get to the middle of the night, the room is cool, and I can sleep well in Anan. Anyway, it was cool in the morning. She usually slept very late, and at this time, Minger had already poured water on the dishes in the vegetable garden with her younger brother.
It’s too hot, not watering, and those dishes have to be sunburned. Not good to serve these dishes, where is enough to eat. These days, everyone is busy with the work in the field. No one in the family can take care of the people in the vegetable garden. The dishes are mostly sunburned. Not only the Chou-Gu family's Minger and younger brothers are doing this work, but the children of other families also do some housework. The small Miss family, who is about seven years old, can even make a family meal and send it to the ground.
These days, Chou-Gu has not only seen it once, so a big child, carrying baskets and teapots to the parents to send food to the parents. In some homes, several children work together, and some children not only have to work, but also have to take care of their younger brother Sao. The children of the poor families started to work at a young age, especially during the busy season, everyone has a job to do, but no one is idle.
Therefore, Chou-Gu can't understand why Wu Hunter will let their mothers be so busy at home, and do not do anything. Even if you do some housework, it’s hard that people don’t even burn themselves. However, at the request of Chou-Gu, she finally began to wash her own clothes.
This woman can't even compare with Ming, Chou-Gu is busy, the work at home is basically dry, including washing the clothes of Chou-Gu 3rd sisters, cutting some grass back to eat for the donkey, still have to The tea was burned, the garden was watered, and the dishes to be cooked were washed clean at night. Just wait for Chou-Gu to come back and fry, and prepare for the family to eat dinner.
Minger will cook a meal, in fact, put some rice in the pot, add water and cook directly, usually boiled into a pot of semi-thick porridge. He didn't have the skill to make rice into rice. Chou-Gu was afraid that he was wasting food, and he gave him a standard, half a bowl of rice, half pot of water, would rather be thinner, and could not be cooked.
Minger cooked the rice, and cooled it aside. When Chou-Gu came back in the night, Minger quickly took the scorpion away, went to eat the grass he had cut back, and fed the water to the scorpion. This scorpion can be important, and everyone takes care of it with great care. At this time, Chou-Gu can directly fry two dishes, spend a moment to clock, the family can eat dinner. These things that Minger did not only save time, but also relieved Chou-Gu from some burden.
Looking at the rain, Chou-Gu only felt that the fatigue of the day had been solved.
"This rain is also a thirst for us, otherwise I will plan to water the Sorghum  tomorrow." Chou-Gu said happily. Half an acre of land, really watering, is also a tiring job. Coupled with the dry weather during this time, the small pool at the door has only a little water every day.
Every morning, Minger and their mother went to wash their clothes, and they had to run to the distance. It was Chou-Gu where they went to catch fish and wash their clothes. Because the water in the small pool in the doorway is enough for a family to eat and drink, and then two buckets of water to water the vegetable garden, it almost bottoms out. Fortunately, this part of the water is groundwater. There is a tiny spring that floods out of the water. It stays all night and has it the next morning.
The water in Xiao tan will be enough for their family to eat and drink. If it rains again, this water will not be enough for them to use. Therefore, if you want to water the Sorghum , it is necessary to take the water to wash the clothes, or go to the river to carry water. The distance is not too close, so their workload has increased. It’s raining now, so you don’t have to do this.
In these few days, Chou-Gu also saw the high-lying land of his family. Although Gaochun was fighting drought, she was afraid that Gaochun would die. She found that there are not many people who grow Sorghum  in the village. Even if there are species, they are also planted in a field that is not considered to be a serious field. Everyone seems to have no expectation of how much Sorghum  can be collected.
In fact, she knows that Gaochun is a good thing and is very suitable for the land here. She still remembers that when I was young, my friends would choose some tender sticks to eat as a snack, and chew a little bit of sweet juice, just like eating sugar cane.
The stilts of their homes, although only half a mus, were also improved by a basket of Wu hunters, but the Sorghum  was very good, the plants were thick, and the tassels were much more knotted.
Looking at these sorghums, Chou-Gu is desperately searching for information in her mind. She remembers modern, Sorghum  production is extremely high, and she can also harvest twice. It is a pity that her family did not grow Sorghum  in the countryside. Most of them were wheat and soybeans. She was not sure how the second harvest of Sorghum  was done.
The Sorghum  of this second harvest, she just saw it on TV, it was an agricultural promotion, a scientific farming program, she saw it inadvertently. It was only interesting at the time, and it was finished. Therefore, she knows that Sorghum  can be harvested twice. However, the modern Sorghum  variety is not the same as the Sorghum  variety at this time, and it has been improved for many generations. She doesn't know, that method can be successful here.
Therefore, she intends to explore the Sorghum  after she harvested it. If it succeeds, this half acre of high-lying land, the harvest can also increase by at least 30%. For their family, it is a big help. And if you can promote it, everyone days will be better.
Looking at these sorghums, Chou-Gu actually thinks that this is wheat or rice. In her time, pasta and rice were the staple foods. Although Sorghum  can be eaten, it is estimated that she will not be able to eat Sorghum  rice every day.
What she didn't know was that Gao Song was selected by Wu Org for a long time, because they could only grow high in this land. The land was too thin and difficult to water, and other grain crops were not easy to grow. Moreover, the high mast can be used as a firewood, and the tender leaves can also be fed to the scorpion. For their home, it is a breeze.

After two days of rain, I didn't have to go out to work. Chou-Gu took a good rest for two days. This period can make her tired, that is, the face is a layer of skin, the ugly level has leaped into two levels. Although she has not cared about her beauty and ugliness, but this skin is sunburned, I have to find some way to adjust. However, at home, there is nothing in this condition. Chou-Gu thought for a long time, and only thought of a way to put cucumber slices on the skin.
Regardless of whether it was useful or not, she made a few slices of gherkin, sneaked into the room, and covered her face with cucumber slices. She didn't dare to let her family see it because she didn't want to explain why she was doing this?
The heavy rain relieved the heat, and the room was much cooler, otherwise she couldn't stay in the house. In the past two days, in addition to making a mask for herself, she also learned a few words with Minger and practiced two large characters. The pen and ink paper at home is very poor, very difficult to control, but although the word is very ugly, after practicing a few times, this time she can finally write horizontally and vertically.
"Sister, the words you wrote are too ugly." Minger looked at her words and shook her head.
"I am good-looking?" The younger asked quickly.
"Yes, yes, you all write better than me. Anyway, I am a woman. I can recognize a few words. The words are not well written. It is not a bad thing. You both have to study hard and write the words well. "Chou-Gu is a little angry and angered to teach two younger brothers."
Ming-Er Chong Xiao di made a face, the two brothers secretly smiled, Chou-Gu "snapped", a rare leisure day, she did not want to read and write with the two fart children. It’s all about it, it’s not easy to install, it’s not an easy task.
On the third day, the sun came out again, but it was obviously a few degrees cooler than the previous period. The temperature is falling and the summer is over.
This morning, Chou-Gu found that the dishes and melons of the garden were much less. She looked at it quietly and saw a few footprints that did not belong to their family. I realized that someone had stolen it.
Originally, the township family, the neighboring folks just say a word, go to the garden to pick a few dishes, pick one or two melons to taste and not what.
But this way, I didn't ask for direct stealing, and I also took away a lot of behaviors at once, which still made Chou-Gu angry. You must know that there is no serious field in their home. In total, this vegetable garden and half acre of stilts. The whole village, their home is the most landless, and other people are not better than their home. Now they actually stole their home. Is this unclear bullying?
Moreover, the vegetable gardens of their homes not only have their own homes to eat, but also the Ning-Er family, who have to send some dishes from time to time. She went out to work early in the dark, and did not forget to confess that Minger watered every day, that is, she was afraid of the heat and drought, and the food was dead and she had no food. But now she has been stolen by others for a while, but she can’t be mad at her.
In the memory of Chou-Gu, the villagers of Jiangwu are still quite good. There are no skins and rogues in the village, and there are no thieves. However, there are a few people who are lazy to do, work and drag, such as Wang-Aunt, but Wang-Aunt also has to work, she is not doing very well, but still lazy. Then there are a few long tongues that like East Parents and Westerners. The villagers have had little troubles, but the real big things have never happened.
Looking at the whole village, it is only the mother of Chou-Gu family who does not work. In this case, someone actually stole the door, and Chou-Gu was very worried about the half-mu Sorghum  that was about to be harvested. This is the only income of their family.
The most important thing is that she is afraid that others have completely regarded their family as a fat sheep that can be easily bullied. You want to take a bite and come, he wants to take a bite. In the future, don't talk about the dishes in the garden, that is, the food at home, and others will steal. If she is not good, she will also stare at her Shi-zi, her house.
Moreover, they have no neighbors around the family, and they are nearly a mile away from the recent Jiang Madam family. When people choose a night, they can find a family of four, and they will not let the people in the village know.
Think about it, Chou-Gu can still sit still.
She has to talk to their mother to discuss, after all, their mother and daughter can make some use. Minger and the younger brother are still too small. I really want to have a bunch of thieves. It is impossible for the two children to catch the thief. And both of their mother and daughter, are not too small, do not say that they catch thieves, at least can also go to the village to help people.
When the whole village was dispatched, she did not believe that she could not catch the thief. Even if she could not catch it, at least she would have opened it. If there is a thief in the village, there will naturally be a village chief and some prestigious old people to deal with it. If the thief from the outside village, it can naturally be handed over to the government to deal with it.
Some dirty things, sneaky and private, some people even know that they will be in the same matter, high-hanging attitude, one eye closed, will not control. But if you spread it in front of everyone, and then climb a few more people, everyone will have to manage it. Therefore, this matter, she is determined to drag all the villagers into it. Otherwise, relying on their family of four, they can only be slaughtered.
"Niang, someone came to steal the dishes from the kitchen garden last night, and almost all the dishes and melons that I can eat are lighted up. It seems that others are the idea of ​​hitting our family. Maybe it will come over these days. I stole the half-acre Sorghum  of the family."
After listening to Chou-Gu, the woman frowned and asked for a moment   :   "What do you want?"
"I have to catch the thief, otherwise our family will not be peaceful. Sooner or later, this house has to be taken up by others. We are a few, and we are afraid that it will become the meat on the chopping board." Chou-Gu said.
This made a cold anger on the woman's usual expressionless face, and the good-looking brow instantly squatted together. Although it quickly disappeared, but for the Chou-Gu who has been staring at her, it is also clear. She understands that she succeeded in provoking the rebellious heart of the woman.
"Just with me and you, plus two of them, can you catch a thief?" The woman sorted out her emotions and asked coldly. She once again felt that she had no daughters who had been blindly seen. It was really not an ordinary person. Not only was she bold, she was quite tempted.
"In any case, we have to resist, otherwise, sit and wait to die? Or wait for others to sell us, our three brothers and sisters, young, not good-looking, sell to work hard, I am afraid It can also be worth one or twenty Silver Taels. As for you, it is hard to say."
In fact, she wants to say, "As far as you are concerned, if you sell it to the Fireworks Lane, you can still sell a big price."
These words, the woman has obviously already considered, and actually did not succeed in arousing the anger of the woman. Chou-Gu looked at her with disappointment. After a long time, the woman said   :   "In these few days, we can't sleep at night, take turns watching the vigil, and we must catch the thief. Don't even think about catching it. Let's stare first. On the last one, catch one. Just let Minger go to the village to rescue the soldiers. The bigger the noise, the better."
"How to catch, can you play a strong man?" Chou-Gu asked quickly. If this is a group of young men, they will not think about resisting and catching thieves. It is good to get out.
She knows that this woman is not too small. For example, a woman loves to be clean. Every day, the bath water is a large bucket. She can raise a bucket of water at the same time. It doesn't seem too hard at all. For example, she can easily carry a large basin of wet clothes. From these points of view, Chou-Gu thinks that she is not the kind of delicate, and everyone who has the power to bind the chicken. Or she is born with great strength. Either she is trained the day after tomorrow.
"If it is an ordinary farmer, I haven't put it in my eyes. If there are more people, I will have no choice." The woman's understatement made Chou-Gu heart big. She always feels that the woman will work hard, because the woman does not work, but does not go out, but the body is very good, obviously she also has daily sports, but Chou-Gu has not seen it.
"You and fellow, will you work hard?" Chou-Gu asked curiously.
The woman snorted, as if she looked down on the Wu Hunter, but said   :   "The effort to spend his time on the cat is also called Kung Fu? But it is a time to be an hunter in this backcountry."
But no matter how Chou-Gu asks, the woman refuses to say anything more. Chou-Gu has not asked Wu Wuhunhu what is the husband and wife?
"Okay, you have some ropes ready, and then prepare a few durable torches." The woman said that she entered the room and actually took out a pair of children to play. This stuff is a good thing that can make a lot of noise. When Wu Wuhun bought it back for the children to play, because she was too noisy, she closed it up.
Chou-Gu saw this thing, and the long past in memory came back. When I was a child, I had a happy event in the village. I must have this instrument. At that time, everyone called this thing a scorpion. The sound of the scorpion is very large and is perfect match with the drum.
With the support of the woman, Chou-Gu was very determined, began to prepare for homework, and seriously explained to Ming, "I wake up at night and wake up, I am afraid that someone will come to the house to steal things at night. We have to seize Thief."
"Sister, can we catch it?" Minger asked with fear.
"Yes, don't be afraid. When you get there, you will take this and run to the village. When you run and hit the donkey, you will cry out loud and wake up all the people in the village." Chou-Gu said Hand the donkey to him. As long as she can successfully bring the people in the village, she is not afraid.
Minger took the scorpion and slammed it twice. It made a loud noise, and the younger brother ran over and surprised that the children had to play with this thing.
"You whisper, you can't let others hear it." Chou-Gu wakes up the younger brother and can play softly.
The younger brother went to play with new toys. Chou-Gu also confessed to Minger. Although Ming knows to help the family, it is impossible for the seven-year-old child to say that he is not afraid.
"Minger, you are a man, a man must be brave. My mother and I are women, I have to count on you to protect this little man." Chou-Gu had to keep cheering for him, saying that he was dry. Finally, I finally calmed up the mood of Minger.

On this night, Chou-Gu was quietly squatting by the window. When the night was quiet, I saw three people sneaking around the bag and carrying the basket to her garden.
In the moonlight, she saw that it was just three children, but let her breathe a sigh of relief.
So, she gently knocked on her mother's door, and sure enough, the woman did not sleep, and immediately got up.
“Come on? How many people?” The woman’s short dress, a little nervous, asked in a low voice.
"It's just three little-haired children, definitely in the village." Chou-Gu also lowered his voice and told her.
The woman, like Chou-Gu, was obviously relieved. But the two mothers and daughters still act according to the original plan. They went to catch the thief and let Minger go to the village to call people.
Minger took the scorpion and quickly slipped out of the house and went to the village. Chou-Gu, the mother and the daughter, actually had some trouble. It is not easy for three children and two people to deal with it. Moreover, the biggest one is no less than Chou-Gu. Chou-Gu first shot to catch the smallest, her mother to catch the biggest, the middle one is almost to escape.
Because the children are small and flexible, the most important thing is that the Chou-Gu mother and the daughter are not afraid to go out and they are all in the village. They really broke the three children, and the original reason will become no. Rational.
Therefore, the three children squatting in the vegetable fields, plus they themselves are not only to steal food, but also to destroy, when picking vegetables, deliberately folded the good vegetable poles, branches and leaves The vines are also all over the floor. If you chase and escape, you will be able to destroy a good vegetable garden.
In the end, Chou-Gu, the mother and the daughter, really caught the three little thieves. Then, they tied up their flowers and tied them to the garden.
And went to the Ming Family in the village, all the way to the scorpion, but also all the way ‘calling. The movement caused by the quiet village in the night is not small. After a while, the whole village was brightly lit, and the Darens were all up.
Minger ran straight to the head of the village chief and ‘called   :   "The village head Dabo, the village chief Dabo, help." The child’s sharp and distorted voice, in the quiet little village, was far-reaching and shocking. The people almost scared to death.
"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Several gentlemen immediately ran over and asked loudly.
When Minger saw everyone coming out, he ran to the house and said, "There are a lot of thieves." He said this is unclear, but it brings infinite imagination.
Some people are worried that they are stealing his Shi-zi. Some people are worried that they are going to steal his family's Sorghum . Some people have never thought of it, just follow him. And there are even better people who think that someone is stealing the beauty of their family. Anyway, hula la, a group of people are holding wooden sticks, some holding hoes, some holding shovel, all followed him to home.
As a result, all the villagers ran to the door of his house, only to find that the door was swaying with two big torches, and Chou-Gu was waiting at the gate. Her mother changed her dress again, a white filial piety, holding a fan covering her face, staring coldly at the three little thieves in the garden.
“What happened?” the village chief asked in surprise.
"Excuse everyone. Today, everyone is coming because the thief has come." Chou-Gu said, and led everyone to the vegetable garden.
"The thief, have you caught it?" The village chief asked for a cold breath and couldn't believe it.
"Yes, they all caught it." Chou-Gu answered.
During the question and answer, everyone has followed Chou-Gu to the vegetable garden. Under the moonlight, her beautiful mother-in-law’s filial piety suddenly floated out like a ghost, scaring a few timid people on the spot. Cried   :   "There are ghosts, ghosts."
In a period of chaos, the village chief looked at the score, which is a ghost, obviously an individual.
"Shut up, this is Chou-Gu mother." The village chief ‘called, in fact, he was also scared to jump.
"They gave our home garden a scourge." Chou-Gu said, holding a torch and indicating that everyone would see the garden.
The bright torches made the whole garden clear, and the three little thieves were blocked, and the five flowers were tied and they struggled. However, the bags and bamboo baskets around them are clearly filled with dishes.
The original green and green, a very good vegetable field, all give people a bad look. The pepper stalks are basically broken, and the cucumbers and vines are all smashed, and the melons are the same. With the beans on the shelf, the loofA is even smashed by the shelves. The ground is full of trampled, boiled peppers, eggplant and so on.
You know, during this time, everyone only cares about the ground. The dishes in the kitchens of many families are dying. Now, when I see such a good vegetable field, I am being ruined.
"It’s too uncomfortable to squander people gardens like this. Which child is this, let him Father, Niang lose money.” Someone said with anger. Originally, Chou-Gu family had been married to a house, and this piece of food was left, and it was done in this way. This is not entirely bullying.
"That is, which one is not counting on the vegetable garden to live, the good vegetable garden, and this is all over. You must find them Father, Niang lose money."
"Hey, isn't this the three sons of Wang-Aunt?" someone called.
Wang-Aunt, who had long been found to be his own son, could hear these words and immediately cried out, "My son, where have you been hurt? You are dead Yatou, I am playing all my children." I was hurt, I am desperate with you." She rushed over like a shrew.
Everyone only felt that a white shadow flashed in front of him. The woman in white was faster than her. She grabbed her and held her neck in one hand. She snorted and said, "I still want to have a fight? Your thief son. , all can be good."
Wang-Aunt was pinched on her neck, and she struggled to struggle. Everyone looked at this scene with a stunned look. No one ever thought that Wu wife wife was so powerful.
Chou-Gu mother threw Wang-Aunt on the ground. She really only used one hand, and the other hand still covered her face with a fan.
Chou-Gu said   :   "Ginger Madam, Wu Aunt, Jiang Dabo. I went to sell vegetables and melons that day, you all saw it. My two hazelnuts and melons got a total of one hundred and ten A big buck, paying four taxes. There are still 106 big money left. You can go to the market and ask, many people have seen it. My garden is worth the money."
The person who was named, of course, remembered that Chou-Gu went to sell the food that day, but she was surprised at how much she sold so much. The average person went to sell 50 big money and felt very happy.
"On some worthless dishes and melons, which ones don't have, it's worth so much money, you want to swear." Wang-Aunt refused to fear, and immediately yelled. If you sell it for so much money, the dishes in this garden can't be worth two or three Silver Taels. However, after that, he was afraid to drill into the crowd.
"On the same day, we went to Ning-Er and Ningjia Village with the pillars. They can testify for me. You have lost my income in this family. Do you want to kill us? Not to see if my Father is gone, come. Bullying us." Chou-Gu also ‘called with a big cry.
Chou-Gu cried, Minger and the younger brother also burst into tears, and they ‘called at Dad. You know, this is exactly the month of July, during the Ghost Festival.
As they cried, a cool breeze smashed, and the goose bumps that immediately made everyone fear. They all think that this is really the return of Wu Hunter.
Everyone looked at the vegetable fields that were not the same, and they were full of contempt for Wang-Aunt. You said that your family is picking up a few dishes from others, and stealing a few melons is not a problem. Even if you know, you will only close your eyes, but you have to destroy all the gardens.
"No matter how much money you can sell, your family must pay for it. Such a large vegetable garden, all good for the scourge, what food they eat at home." The village chief annoyed.
The village chief understands that Chou-Gu has made such a big move and brought all the people in a village. It is definitely not wanting to let go. He was somewhat dissatisfied with Chou-Gu, but the family relied on this order. He thought that his family's vegetable garden was not well cared for by the Chou-Gu family, and he was very distressed.
At this time, it is the family who prepares pickles and simmered the sauce. This pepper has no stalks. What kind of hot sauce should I use this year? What can I do with Chou-Gu? Not to mention those melons and other dishes, no such dishes, what to take on the table.
Wang-Aunt is mixed in the crowd, and a strong sprinkle, saying that it is nothing but a vegetable garden, picking a few dishes. I have injured the three children of his family. Where is the folks in the village, it is entirely to treat their children as monks.
Chou-Gu was furious and said, "You want to eat, pick it up, and my family is not so small. I can't bear it. Why are you ruining my garden? You just want to make us better, it is intentional." Bullying us. Do you have such a person? Is it true that I will go to the village tomorrow and destroy all the vegetable gardens? It is not a problem."
When I heard that I was going to ruin everyone vegetable garden, the people who had only looked at the lively people did not do it, and they accused Wang-Aunt. She doesn't teach her children well. Her home garden is not easy to handle. Every day, you pick up the beans in your home. I will pick up a few eggplants in his garden tomorrow. There are not many families in the village. His family has not been visited. It takes a long time. Everyone is very annoyed with his behavior.
Although the things in the vegetable garden are not worth anything, everyone grows up on their own, they are lazy, they are not good at cooking gardens, and they are very annoying. The key is that when you pick vegetables, you pick vegetables, but you destroy all the vegetable gardens. This is not lazy, I want to eat, but my heart is bad.
Moreover, Chou-Gu deducted the thief's hat from the beginning. It’s said that the family is a thief, but it’s not a trivial matter. Coupled with Chou-Gu mother dress and the action just made, really frightened everyone. When she said nothing, she stood here, and everyone felt that the whole body was cold, and she always felt that the Wu Hunter was nearby.
Everyone has accused Wang-Aunt of both husband and wife, but there are also words in the language that blame Chou-Gu for making things big. I feel that it is just stealing two dishes. It will be a meal, and then the parents will be ordered to play a few meals.
Chou-Gu was originally planning to stand up and stand up. Where can I let them have this idea, and say out loud   :   "They can come to the kitchen of my home today, and the vegetable gardens of the whole village will go to the scourge tomorrow.  , is it necessary to raise a group of thieves in the village?"
Then she cried again   :   "I am tired and tired, working in the village like a scorpion every day, which ten-year-old child is so tired, just for a bite. Now you bully us like this. A woman, just want to force us to find me, Father." She cried and cried   :   Father, Father, you have to look at us in the village, or our family will be bullied and die.
When she cried, the two younger brothers cried together again. The crying of the three children, under the shadow of the moon in July, added a bit of misery, making everyone feel creepy and never dare to say anything. It is.
At this time, Chou-Gu mother opened her mouth. She said coldly   :   "The so-called hourly stealing needles, growing up stealing gold. Isn't it stealing food? Is it difficult to make a few thieves in the village? I have to blink one eye, or else you will lose a bag of food today, and tomorrow, he will lose two chickens at home, how can he live?"
Her hat can be bigger than Chou-Gu, and the family is poor. If there are still a few thieves staring at your house every day, the three melons and two dates can't be kept. How have you been through this day?
Everyone was actually stunned for a while, and no one dared to speak for a long time.
Without a response, the woman sneered a few times and went on to say   :   "After mentioning Jiang Wucun, people from Shili Baxiang know that Jiang Wucun is a thief's nest. I am afraid that I will not wait for the government to destroy the village, Jiang Wu The village destroyed itself. A thief's nest, the men of Jiang Wucun don't want to marry the daughter-in-law, and the girls don't want to marry."
Everyone followed her words and thought that they were so scared that they had a shock. This is really terrible, and it scares everyone.

The head of the village had originally wanted to be a co-ordinator, and this small event was turned into a small matter. At this time, I can't help again. It’s true that everyone just thought of it, but it’s just a few dishes, but I didn’t think that in the long run, the little things will become big events, and they will not be able to end the scene. The victims are the people in the village.
He first sternly smashed Wang-Aunt Dahe couples and said   :   "Dahe, your family has a thief, or you are leaving your family now, or you will be compensated for the Chou-Gu home. The loss, take care of them, and then ensure that the children are disciplined, and they will not be allowed to steal. Otherwise, Jiang Wu Village can not afford your family."
The thief is something that everyone can't bear. Moreover, the words of Chou-Gu mother are too terrible. What a thief's nest, the government is going to destroy the village, the man can't find a wife, and the girl can't marry. These words are all human life. Therefore, the words of the village chief have been endorsed by all.
"That is, Jiang Wucun can't make a thief." Everyone ‘called.
Wang-Aunt had to be sprinkled, but I didn’t dare to do it. She was afraid to step back a few steps.
Chou-Gu saw it clearly, and sneered in his heart   :   "If you do something bad, you want to run, but it is not so easy. Today, I have to make this thing clear." She is really angry now. It wasn't the words that her mother said, and she showed her hand again. The village head and the people in the village are also planning to let go of stealing food.
The accusations of the people, and the statement of the village chief, made Dahe, a man who was very honest and not talking, mad.
He is not only angry, but also wants to be more and more afraid. The more he wants to regret it, the more he has to hang over Wang-Aunt, the slap in the face of Wang-Aunt, and the few sticks to kill a few sticks. child.
While hitting and ‘calling   :   "I killed a few of your thieves. I told you not to learn."
No one else stopped him. Several children were sucked a few sticks without his mind. They couldn’t help but hurt, and they were frightened. They quickly said, "Yang is calling us."
A big river, subconsciously asked   :   "How does she teach you?"
"The food at home is not enough. Mother asked us to pick up some vegetables in Chou-Gu garden. I also said that there are more melons in her family. I picked them up and went back to eat. We picked them up. Mothers let us come today. I picked all the dishes and then ruined the garden of his family. Anyway, they didn’t have a Wu hunter at home, and they could bully if they wanted to bully.” The seven-year-old boy, who was actually ‘Calling, said to his mother. I learned all of them.
Chou-Gu heard this and immediately understood why Wang-Aunt did this. For a long time, Wang-Aunt was still angry at the big clothes that had not been robbed of her home last time, and she was angered by the fight. She asked the children to harm the garden of his family and avenge themselves.
"Everyone listens, is this what people say? How can we be bullied by a woman and a woman at home? You listen, are you jealous of them? They are going to break my family's way of life." Chou-Gu is busy Asked aloud.
In an instant, everyone was angry, and the spit of the stars almost drowned Wang-Aunt. For a long time, it was really not Chou-Gu buckled the big hat, saying that they are thieves, this can be worse than the thief. Everyone still thought that stealing food was nothing, but it was so irritating that it was so deliberate to harm other people gardens and to be justified.
The village chief even said bluntly   :   "Teach the child this way, the child will become bad sooner or later, and it will become a thief. Dahe, this woman is not a good thing, so please call two people to go to the maiden house. Jiang Wucun does not dare to be so bad. The heart of the wicked. No one is tired of the reputation of a village."
"Yes, that is. We have always been clear and white, but we can't let her break their reputation. After the children are talking about the pro." Everyone is attached, and must drive away Wang-Aunt.
Wang-Aunt was so scared that after the son said that. She is not a fool. If she can talk at home, she can't really make it, so everyone knows. She is not a good name, she is usually annoying, no one will sympathize with her and help her to say good things.
She hugged a few children, as if she had hugged the straw. The woman who was taken off, there is nothing to end with.
The river trembled and angered, kicking Wang-Aunt to the ground and slamming a few feet. Still yelling like crazy, killing three children.
The three children and Wang-Aunt all cried, and they ‘Called and never dared to say such things. Everyone just looked at them with cold eyes and no one spoke.
Dahe had a temper, but he calmed down and said, "You uncle Big-Aunt big Aunt, I really don't dare to want this wife. I must take her off, tie her up today, please everyone tomorrow morning. Help me to be a witness and bring me back to her house."
"No, don't take me off. You want me to die. I gave you five sons. You have to think about five sons. Poor my little five, still nursing." Wang-Aunt shivered and shook, hugged his feet and cried.
She cried and complained to the whole village. "The family is so poor. I have never had a full meal in these years. Who is not better than me. Poor my child, a good person will become a disabled person. It’s because of poverty.” These are the truths she said.
Their family's days are too bad, and their eldest son, who is 13 years old this year, should have been a lot of labor. But a disease, but let the child become a waste. And because of this, Wang-Aunt followed the two sons who were only one year old when they died. Everyone thought of this and they were sad for them.
Then, Wang-Aunt cried again to her three sons   :   "If I were taken by your Father, you have no reputation. You can have a good way out in this life. You can't find a wife in your life. You can only get together. I’m playing bachelor.”
She said this, everyone thought of it. There is a mother who has been mistaken for a big mistake. Such a child is also subject to discrimination and is despised.
Wang-Aunt said that while crying, begging for mercy, plus three crying sons, this scene is not worse than the scene of Chou-Gu brothers and three people crying, they are extremely poor. This is really a poor person and hateful.
Her three sons also understood that Father and the people in the village could not really send their mother away. Although this mother-in-law is lazy, the house is not well cleaned up, but she still cares about the children. It is not easy for the family to pull out the big children. She does not suffer much. And if there is no such mother, their family's days will only be worse.
The three sons and Wang-Aunt asked for mercy and crying, and asked everyone not to take a break from Wang-Aunt. Dahe thought that there was a young son who was breastfeeding at home, plus an old son who was sick and had no money, and was disabled. Then look at the woman who was already scared by the Daren. Think again, if you don't have this wife, this family will only be more difficult.
The big river, which was still very tough, spread out on the ground, and couldn’t help it anymore. It burst into tears like a child.
This time, everyone can't say anything. It is true that the situation of the Dahe family is also very bad. Otherwise, everyone will not endure what Wang-Aunt has to see when it comes to the bar. It is not a good thing to stop the temper.
The eldest son of his family was originally good, but it was a pity that he was sick and lost his family. He was still unhealed. He eventually became disabled and his legs were inconvenient and became a waste. Otherwise, he can do a lot of work now, and the days at home will be much better.
Everyone turned their eyes to Chou-Gu mother. I hope she can hold it high and gently put it down. Now everyone has forgotten the Chou-Gu family, and it is also a woman-in-law, as if the Chou-Gu family is much better than the Dahe family.
The woman glanced at everyone coldly and signaled Chou-Gu to handle these things. She is really too lazy to say anything more. When she encounters such a thing, she is clear and reasonable, and she cannot tell.
Chou-Gu knows that she can't count on her now, and quickly said loudly   :   "The village chief, how to deal with them, my family is not qualified to say anything. However, the loss of my vegetable garden can not be counted. Which do not know, my home Without my Father, there is no one-acre field. The family is pointing to the vegetable garden. I sold 110 yuan and melons last time."
Chou-Gu deliberately pointed out a hundred and ten big money, which is a big number for the villagers who are reluctant to spend money.
She doesn't want to be a Virgin, Wang-Aunt has a bad life, what does it have to do with her? It’s not her home. Why are you going to bully their home?
Besides, she made such a move, not only for the treatment of Wang-Aunt, but also for the villagers to understand that although their homes have no pillars, they are not free to take care of. Today, if she had let go of the Wang-Aunt family so easily, what happened to Minger, what should I do?
"There are a lot of people who have benefited from Wuhun in the village. There are several people who saved him. Now Wuhun is not there. They are a woman and a woman, they are very good at melon and vegetables, and they can sell some money. Come back, paste subsidies for chewing. This is a broken road, always give a statement." Jiang Madam finally spoke at this time.
When she was old, the young widowed her eldest son, and after her son’s person died, she brought her grandchildren. In this year, although there were widows who were remarried, but women like Jiang Madam, except for the monks such as Wang-Aunt, the whole village was very respectful to her. If it is in some places, she can go to court and give her a memorial. Speaking of it, it is also a good name in the village. Therefore, sometimes, she still listens to someone.
Ginger Madam opened this mouth, many people blush, not to mention that the family Wu hunters saved some people lives, and later, he also gave everyone a lot of help. Which one has not eaten the pheasant wild rabbit he gave, now it is good, these people do not remember the feelings, even to come to the calculation of children.
Jiang Madam looked at Chou-Gu alone in the face of a village, and remembered that his son and daughter-in-law died, and the difficulty of pulling two grandchildren alone.
If there is no Wu Hunter, she does not know if she can pull the big two children. It can be said that Wu Hunter is the best person in the village for Jiang. Now, she said two more words, and also returned this honor to Wu Hunter.

Everyone eyes are all on the family of the Dahe family. At this time, they can't say anything any more, and they want the Chou-Gu family not to pursue the case.
In the silent pressure of everyone, Dahe finally expressed his position and said   :   "Chou-Gu, I am sorry for your family. I must pay for this loss." He said that he had to go to his house to carry a bag of food.
In fact, some people with a bright mind have already understood why Wang-Aunt is fighting for Chou-Gu, one is for the last time to be beaten, and the other is for the time to grab things.
This Wang-Aunt was beaten last time and it was a lot better. But during this time, Wang-Aunt and several sons were dragged to the ground by the river, and one was not allowed to be lazy. The family, no matter how big or small, is busy in the field and is tired and half dead.
Although Chou-Gu went to several households to help, but Dahe had more food for his family, he had less work, and he was too poor to ask for help. He worked hard with the family to do it in the field. In previous years, although his family did not ask Wu Hunter to help, but saw it on the road, Wu Hunter will still help them to transport the two foods home, and the two can run for two days.
However, this year Chou-Gu is good, holding the donkey on the road and not giving him a trip. Therefore, Wang-Aunt had another layer of dissatisfaction. After a few dissatisfaction, she got the idea of ​​this black heart.
The village chief did not stop the behavior of the big river. He did not know how to compensate the loss of the Chou-Gu family. This measure was not good enough. Now Dahe opened his mouth and saved his trouble.
This bag of food, but the family members have two or three months, or even a small half a year of rations. Wang-Aunt and a few children, looking at a bag of food, crying distressed and afraid to cry.
These foods are definitely worth more than the Chou-Gu home gardens, and this time they can lose a lot. It was not cheap, but it lost a bag of food, and it was disgusting to the whole village. Everyone has a feeling of bad breath.
However, a bag of food, Chou-Gu did not dare to accept, she knows the importance of a bag of food for the Wang-Aunt family. But she made up her mind to let Wang-Aunt learn the lesson and remind the people in the village to let everyone know that their family is not good bullying. Therefore, compensation for her is definitely necessary.
Besides, the vegetable garden is almost destroyed, and it is also a big problem to eat without food. She can't go to the main point every day, and the Western family will come back to eat. She didn't want to be affected by the whole village because of this little thing.
Therefore, she took the opportunity to say to everyone   :   "I don't want this bag of food. Minger went to get the son and the basin, let's take a few liters of grain. The last time I brought the dish and the melon sold for one hundred and ten. A big sum of money, I will take this account now. However, my vegetable garden is definitely worth more than one hundred and ten big money, so in addition to the five liters of food, your family will also pay for the food I eat every day, one month. How about the deadline?"
I don’t want to eat so much food, I have to pay for food. Wang-Aunt hastened to ask for help. It’s the same as Dahe uncle, and I’m happy to take the food. Without a bag of food, they have to famine, and now they can get back more than half, not to mention taking the vegetables, that is, Chou-Gu asks for more, they agree.
Everyone looked at each other a few times, and they all felt that this idea was good. After all, the food households were not plentiful, but the dishes were eaten by everyone. In this way, everyone thinks that Chou-Gu is also a very generous person. Especially the bag of food, after measuring a few liters of grain, there is still a large bag. Wang-Aunt also refused to hold the body, and he did not let go of the grain bag. This is the lifeblood of his family. Without these foods, the family can get hungry for a long time.
"I am willing, I am willing to give you food every day for a month." Wang-Aunt ‘called.
"Dahe Uncle? Village chief Dabo, Wu Dabo, Jiang Da Ji, what do you think?" Chou-Gu asked a few people names and asked.
"Well, Dahejia pays for the food to Chou-Gu..." The village chief just promised.
Chou-Gu quickly said   :   "With a month as the deadline, no eggplant, pepper, beans, loofah, cucumber, small green vegetables, anything can be, send me five pounds a day, two or three will do."
She deliberately made it so clear that she knows that the garden of Wang-Aunt is basically the worst in the village. It is certainly impossible to give her so many dishes every day. At that time, Wang-Aunt just took something and counted it. It is not reasonable to say that it is not clear. She can't do this every day, go to the village to say.
"Yes. This request is not excessive. Five pounds of food, eat a day, not much." Several women said.
Sure enough, Wang-Aunt didn't dare to nod. Everyone looked at the big red face, and all of them thought about it all the time. Their vegetable garden, there are so many things, that is, their home is not enough to eat, where there may be five pounds of food to Chou-Gu every day. . I dare to agree to let them down first, but they want to get away with it. At that time, just send something, just say that you have sent the dish, Chou-Gu can't help.
Everyone talked again and said that Dahe felt that his face in this life had been lost. The family gardens of several relatives in Dahe still did a good job, but I hope that they will be able to supply Chou-Gu one month. Because Wang-Aunt often refers to the son picking vegetables in these vegetable gardens.
The village chief looked at Chou-Gu with a few words of appreciation, and said   :   "This Yatou really has a plan." Her statement is really a bloody knife. One month, every day, I have to eat a few dishes. It is a small matter. But in fact, in doing so, not only the benefits of their own homes have been guaranteed, but also the Wang-Aunt family.
The most important thing is that there is another advantage to doing this. It means that everyone in the village is taking care of Wang-Aunt. After that, Wang-Aunt will definitely not dare to do anything. One month, every day, I went to the East and asked for the Western family. But those who are a little self-respecting know that they have to do the garden next time. If you do this, you can twist the Wang-Aunt lazy temper.
The village chief listened to the opinions of the people. After waiting for the face of Dahe and Wang-Aunt to be lost, others could not give any good advice. Only then did they suggest   :   "We have a village, and we have no food at home." There are also quite a few. It’s not like this, everyone also helps Dahe family. Dahe, there is no food in your family, let your wife take these kids every day, and send food to each household in the village to Chou-Gu, one month, one day can't be broken. You can't just fool around. The whole village is watching."
A village, today you order a dish, tomorrow, his home to order, supply Chou-Gu home a month of food, still possible. Only now is the Wang-Aunt family to go to the dish to send, Chou-Gu does not exist in the village people feelings. The villagers also dismissed the face of the village chief. Besides, this makes Wang-Aunt hang out in the village every day, and it is very irritating to say good things to everyone, so everyone agrees.
Seeing everyone agrees to help their own family, Dahe quickly and gratefully said to everyone   :   "Thank you for the big guy. From today, everyone will help me to watch. If their mother and son reproduce something, we don't have to pity us. The hit will be hit, and the rush will drive away."
Then, he said to Chou-Gu   :   "Chou-Gu, you are a good boy, you don't have the skills to teach your wife and children. I can't help, the uncle has nothing to do, let them cut it for you." Let's take a few coffins."
At this moment, he seems to suddenly wake up and say something clearly, and the ordinary look of the squad can be heard by everyone.
"That is, you are a big man, the head of the family, you can teach the children well in the future. Don't let them have nothing to do, let alone cut wood, how much work can be done. Your family has more, although chewing Use more, but there are people who work hard." The village chief agreed.
"No, if your family and people are working diligently, life is so difficult." Some people also said.
Looking at everyone, I am so good, I look good, Chou-Gu is not good to say anything. After all, their family also has to live in this village, and there is no shortage of places to rely on everyone. Therefore, she followed the tone of the people, and also forgave the Wang-Aunt family, and sent away everyone.


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